Friday, November 18,1994

Page 1

Friday, November 18,1994


Volume 17, Number 18


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The UW Student Newspaper Campus Centre, Room 140 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl


888-4048 Friday November 18, 1994 Volume 17, Number 18 ISSN



seeks gender-neutral degree titles

by James Russell Imprint staff ooking forward to your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree? One graduate student at Concordia wasn’t. In 1990, Carolyn Gammon refused to accept her Master’s degree, asking instead for a “MisT

though perhaps producing results a little more quickly, as Concordia only came out with their final results a few months



Magisteriate are the titles to replace Bachelor and Master. A Doctorate will still be called a

tress of Arts” degree, claiming Cover photo by Pat Merlihan

Editorial Board Editor in chief Assistant Editor

Sandy Atwal Jeff Warner

News Editor

James Russell


Assistant Arts Editor Arts Assistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant

Kieran Green Pat Merlihan Greg Krafchick T.J. Behe Mark Morrison vacant vacant Patti Lenard Scott Wahl


Arts,” said Gammon. The university refused her, but formed a committee to look into the matter of gender-neutral titles. Now, Julie Cole, Vice President University Affairs, wants to see a similar thing happen here,

Staff Laurie Tigert-Durnas Marea Willis Vivian Tambeau

4dvettisinglProduction Office Assistant General Manager idvertising Assistant Proofreaders

Ari Katz Andrea Schmidt David Bauer Jeff Zavitz Another guy


Board of Directors President

Jeff Zavitz James Russell Jeff Warner Jamie Bennet Pat Merlihan

Vice President

SecreataryJrreasurer Directors-at-Large


Peter Brown,


Bycrs, Heather Calder, Jodi Carbert, Jeff Couckuyt, Jennifer Epps, Natalie Gillis, Alexander Havrlant,Bemard Kearney, Al Kelly, Sarah Kydd, Adam Lee, Glenn Mackinnon, Mike McKay, Ministry ofHealth,Joanne Murray,Kim Moser, National Safety Council,Pete Nesbitt, Johanna Neufeld, Jay Nolan, OUSA, Sameh E. Rehan, Christopher Robinson, Kathleen Ryan, Geoff Sowrey, Pat Spacek, Kelly Spencer, Cliff Tao, UW News Bureau, Rob Vickers, Oliver Whimbey, Stephen Yonge, and the millions of others who make Imprint possible. We love you all. Imprint is the offficial student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a men&r of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA.) Imprint is published every Friday during the fall and winter terms and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. Imprint


ESSN0706-7380. Mail

should be addressed to Imptint, Campus Centre, Room 140, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G 1. Our fax number is 884-7800. Electronic mail should be addressed to imprint @watserv 1 Imprint: The Voice of Reason.

“Current women

by Jeff Imprint

degree nomenclature were not accepted into

reflects a time in which the world of academia.”

Centre. doctorate.


As of June 1994, degrees at Concordia will now be offered with the traditional titles, or the two new ones they have come up with.

Students at Concordia can ask to receive their degrees in either the traditional pr new nomenclature, and past graduates will be able to request that their

fo the Hong Kong Students

White B

Contribution List Natalie

that a Bachelor’s degree was inherently sexist. “I was essentially doing the lesbian poetic tradition and studying Sappho and Rosetti and all these great women writers. And it just seemed totally ironic that get to the end of such a study and come up with a Muster of

Warner staff

y their own admission, “they’re not that good.” What matters, however, is not ability: skin colour and height determines who can play in a basketball tournament. And that, according to the sports director for the Hong Kong Students’ Association, is just too bad. Although it only started last Friday, the association’s basketball tournament ran into controversy almost immediately. Jason Truong was told that Friday that his team, ‘The Untouchables,” was not allowed to have nonAsians. Truong had three white students in a team of ten; the rest were oriental. Jimmie Liu, the association’s sports director, called Truong claiming that there were complaints from other teams about white players being an unfair advantage,and he asked Truong to remove them from the roster. Truong claims that he had asked Liu specifically before the tournament if whites were allowed to play, and had received a positive answer. Liu initially denied ever allowing non-Asians to play, although he acknowl-

degree be re-issued with the new titles. In five years, this policy will be reviewed. Concordia’s committee explained the lengthy delay by stating the necessity to look into the legal and historical implications of such a change. The current terms have been in use for several centuries. Julie Cole believes that the time for such a change at Waterloo is now. “New gender-neutral degree titles seem reasonable and appropriate at this university. Current degree nomenclaturereflects a time in which women were no,t accepted into the world of academia.” She has sent out information on what happened at Concordia to many groups on campus, including the Ethics Committee, the Office of Human Rights and the Women’s She is seeking comments or criticism from anyone interested in the matter, and can be reached in the Federation of Students Office in the Campus Centre, at extension 3780, or at fcdvpua@watservl .


Men Can’t Jump edges that he “didn’t say that before the tournament started.Later, after meeting with Truong on Wednesday, he claimed that Truong had misrepresented the height of his play-

white or black” according to Truong. Liu complained that white players dominated the game, making it unfair. He rejetted Truong’s offer to make


to break






ers, and that was the main issue. He told Imprint that he had no problemwith”Westemers”playing, as long as they were under six feet tall. after The However, Untouchables’ first two games on Sunday, both victories, Liu told Truolig anyone could play

“as long as [they


are] not pure


player in question, Derrick Maat, a guard. Another white student, Dave Sharron, played in the team’s game on Monday. The team won, but Sharron himself and Truong both deny Sharron was good enough to have had any improper influence. Liu


called Truong again, but the two failed to agree on what should be done. At the next game, on Tuesday, Liu informed Truong that the team would not be allowed to be in the playoffs because of the white players. According to Truong, his entire team defended Sharron’s participation. The other two whites were not at the games either Monday or Tuesday. The president of the Hong Kong Student Association, Kelvin Lai, defended Liu’s actions, claiming that “white players are probably big guys,” and that the association “wanted [the tournament] for Asian size.” He stressedthat the key issue was the relative size of the players, and was surprised that whites might have been allowed to play at all, Liu denies the tournament was ever open to whites, and said he “clearly stated that the games are clearly for . . . [the association’s] members.” “ I didn’t say anything wrong to [Truong],” he continued, and said that hey tried repeatedly to explain the situation to him. “I don’t have any problems [with whi te players],” but three other teams complained about unfairness in whites playing





claimed that he did not want to ban anyone from the tournament, and offered to hold an open one in the . continued

on page 4



465 Phillip

Friday, November 18, 1994

St., #2,(atAlbert)




35,743 Students Hit Bv Cars




by Jeff Imprint

Zavitz staff

0, the government coffers are a little empty. No money for the unemployed or the overcclr~catcd. Budget cuts a plenty. But wait, what’s this....‘? The Ministry ofTransportation in Ontario (MTO) is looking to build a $90 million cxprcssway between Kitchenerand Gucl‘ph. Nice trade off. WC can’t afford to go to school but we get plenty of short-term construction jobs to help fill the void. Is this freeway a student issue? Yes, I think so. Skewed priorities betray an incoherent vision that allow govcrnmcnts to make decisions witI]out examining their context. Don’t be misled, this freeway will cost you over $200 a year. That is a student issue. Now I don’t mean to imply that anyone is going to show up at your door to collect a $200 levy or anything quite that obvious. What I’m trying to point out is that by failing to object to government wastefulncss we lose an opportunity to redirect these funds into our bcsiegcd social programs. As our education system is attacked, WC have one less defcnsc. The figures are actually quite disturbing. The MT0 justifies the need for this freeway by saying that the existing highway seven has a daily one-way vehicular capacity 01‘20,000 cm. They also claim that on commuting days, the highway currently handles about 600 too many cars. However, this is sotncwhat misleading. What is really important is how many cars are on the road at peak times. The MT0 says that the maximum hourly rate for a two-lane highway is 1400 cars. IVesently, the peak hourly rate hits a maxitnutn level of 1232 for a fifteen minute period between 7:30 and 7:45 am. By 8:50, this rate falls off to about 900. These figuresare similar to the slightly less intense cvcning rush, and outside of these two bursts usage remains around 500 cars an hour. At no point does the highway come close to the maximum hourly rate.


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Now consider this. The MT0 states that highway seven carries 15 1,200 too many cars over the 252 commuting days that exist each year. The annual interest on $90 million dollars at eight per cent a year (a conservative figure) is $7.2 million. Divide this by the 35,743 full time students at Waterloo, Laurier and Guelph and you get a final total of $201.44 per student. Our government could invest $200 towards each of our educations every year, or build a road to handIe the overflow of 600 cars a day. This doesn’t include the cost of salting, snow removal, lighting, grass cutting, periodic maintenance or any costs in excess of the initial government estimate. Nor does it include the social costsofdisplaced residences and businesses, lost agricultural land and extensive environmental damage. All ofthis to get

This freeway will cost you over $200 a year commuters to Guetph two minutes yuicker. (Actually, predicted time savings is less than two minutes.) Here is another way to look at the problem. Take $7.2 million in annual interest and divide it by the 15 1,200 trips that are made in cxcess ofthe ministry’s annual guidclines. What you get is an obscene $47.62 per trip. Lets make this thing a toll highway. Think about it. It would be cheaper to pay 600 commuters $12,000 a year each to stay home. So why doesn’t the MT0 increase highway seven to four lanes‘? They have already established that this option would be $30 million cheaper and result in much less environmental degradation. Unfortunately, the MT0 predicts that in twenty years a four lane highway

would be insufficient. Funny, but when the Kitchener to Guelph freeway was first proposed in the early 1970’s, highway seven handled about 20,000 one-way car trips a day. In the last twenty years, usage has not increased. Now the ministry claims that in twenty years we will need infrastructure to handie 48,000 one-way trips between K/W and Guelph daily. This implicitly conceals a prediction that the population of Waterloo Region will increase to about one million people over this period. When the MT0 first planned this freeway they predicted a regional population in 1992 of 600,000. Whoops! (Our current population is under 400,000.) What is happening in our back yard is criminal. The govcrnmcnt is using inflated estimates and very sclcctive statistics to justify the construction of a $90 million freeway while simultaneously raping our sociaf programs to help corral our run-away debt. What the MT0 fails to fact is that “ifyou build it,theywill come.” If capacity increases, use increases. It doesn’t matter how many times they widen the 40 1; its always packed. Many studies reinforce the point. Rcalising this, could there be any connection between the announcement that tens of millions of dollars would be spent on highway construction in the Cambridge area and the confirmation that came from Toyota on the following day that it would double production at their Cambridge facility? Call me a cynic. Rcgardlcss, it is important that we as students learn to place attacks on our education system in context. Funding cutsare not inevitable dccisions based on a necessary tightening of purse strings. Investment in education is both a net social good and an important stimulus to our economy. Cuts to education funding therefore are indicative of a devaluation of the social good. Education facts cuts because our govcmmcn t expects students to rol I over and play dead. They say that current funding levels arc simply impossible to sustain. I, for one, say “hit the highway.”

Hong Kong Students Assoc. Backs Down continued


page 3

winter term. He also said that he apologized to Sharron for bannmg liim, but will not back down from ._49’ decision. \ ‘1 ‘The decision was not one of rbcc, he claimed, saying that it was only the complaints from the other teams that led him to his decision. Sharron does not accept the apology. He is upset that he helped to p;~y for the team’s $20 registration fee, and a further $11 for an optional team shirt+ “What good is It havtng a team shirt if we’re uot allowed to play?” he demanded, noting that he was p taking his complaint to the Federation of Students. A ftcr Wednesday, however,

the situation changed. Tnrong was informed by Liu that his team, ineluding Sharron, would be allowed


denied ever allowing non-Asians to play. to the playoffs, as long as Maat did not join them. The reason, according to Liu, was Maat’s height, not

his race. Liu insists that hc had originally made height, not race, the problem with non-Asian players such as Maat. Maat has agreed to not participate in the remaining games for the sake of hi5. tcqm c . “I’m the tallest guy there by a couple of inches,” he noted, and said that although “it’s kinda a bummor for me,” he feels this is the easiest solution. “The coordinator [Liu] doesn’t seem like a bad guy,” he commented. Sharron does not feel the same way. *‘They’re

ganizers] scandal”

[the tournament


trying to get out of the by Jetting him play, he claims. “It seems like they’re just making up rules as they go just to get Derrick out.”


The Crying by James


Town Game



ear ye! Hear ye! If you haven’t heard, the Hi ederation of Students has come up with a new way to spread news of Federation events. It’s the Town Criers, and you can see them throughout the campus. The idea originally came from Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia. Christine Dewhurst, Vicepresident, Operations and Finance picked it up at a conference. Right now, there’s two criers. Their job is to go around to certain high density areas almost and yell out announcements for all to hear. Hari, the female crier, never planned on this happening. She just walked into the Fed office one day to volunteer, and was told a Town Crier was what they needed. “I’m used to yelling, so I said I’li do it.” However, there was more to the job than she thought. “I thought they meant only within the campus centre, I didn’t realize they meant throughout the whole campus.” The Feds were having some


Friday, November l&1994


South Campus Hall Grand Opening

trouble finding people willing to take the job. When asked if there were many other applicants, Hari rep1 ied, “For this?” But the program has been a great success, and there is already another town crier lined up for next term. The costume consists of a pirates hat, a trenchcoat, a Federation of Students T-shirt, knickers and black tights. They cover the villages, the Davis Centrc, outside the Engineering Lecture Hall, Modem Languages and the Campus Centrc, They try to make their announcements at busy times, such as 11:ZO and 12:20, when people are moving to and from class. Doing the villagcs at - _dinner__ time, - they____“stand on top of the table and yell.” Despite the fact that it looks like so much fin, the Town Crier runs some risks in the course of fblfilling their duties. Rumour has it that when Brad started to bang his drum just after Bob Rae made his presentation of $25 million to the university, the premier’s body guards almost shot him.

The Premier’s bodyguards shut him.



in South



by Kieran Green Imprint staff


he new and improved South Campus hall opened to much fuss and fanfare this past Wednesday. As students and South Campus Hall tenants looked on, President James Downey congratulated all on the achievement. He pointed out that it took four years to reach this point. Downey descirbed the Marked contrast between the old building and the new. “We’ve gained a new building,” Downey joked, ‘land lost an opportunity to establish a wind-tunnel research centre.” Downey took shots at what he called “the dumb pillar” style of architecture, and even referred to the old South Campus Hall as “a black hole.” After Downey’s speech, the people who helped bring about the renovations gathered to cut the official ribbon. Cupcakes had been arranged on a table to spell out “SCH”, and all present were invited to take one. Throughout the ceremony, the Warrior’s Band provided mostly on-key musical entertainment.

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Friday, November 18, 1994


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ave you ever wondered why the Dana Porter library has those people who sit at the door and check your bags? Laurier has an automated security system. So does the library at Guelph. In fact, even the library at St. Jerome’s has one. G a r y Draper, Li brarian at St. Jerome’s explained the decision to have such a system installed in their library recently, calling it “a good investment” and saying that the dePut the money “made &ion scnsc .” However, he pointed out that at St. Jerome’s, they have a small staff, and in some situations, find it difficult to have people near the doors at all times, a situation that is much different at Dana Porter. There are also some minor problems with such a system, such as when somebody comes through with a movie from a video store and

agencies $13,000

Comite Intercultural des femmes de Peel-Dufferin A weekend conference and workshops to create a permanent work-

This prugram targets women of color, women refugees, immigrant wumen and lesbians. ing group to promote the health of Haitian women (Creole and French speakers) in greater Toronto. Strategies on self-help, nutrition, sexuality, stress and holistic approaches to health will be developed.$15,000 Sapinayka A two day retreat for lesbians of colour. The group will identify and document their specific health needs and the effects of marginalization of lesbians of colour within health


by James Russell Imprint staff




hat do you do when money’s tight? The government of Ontario has decided to spend over one million dollars “To help women overcome discrimination in the health system.” But not just any women. This program targets women of colour, women refugees, immigrant women and lesbians. Why do these women get funding over others? “Women of colour and immigrant and refugee women in Ontario must often cope with racial discrimination on top of sex bias,” says the document faxed to Imprint, from the Ministry of Health. The budget for this program was increased to $1.1 million this year. Last year, $8 13,000 was spent on 5 1 successful applicants out of the 150+ who applied. A brief description of some of the successful programs includes:


hes are kmed up lights are turned down LOTS OF PRIZES

14 Princess

of Health


McMaster University Faculty of health Sciences Two forums and follow-up f&us groups for working-class African and Asian women in the service, clerical and manufacturing sectors will identify issues arising from balancing workplace and family responsibilities. The focus groups will help mobilize participants to make individua! and collect i \.e changes in their conditions. $18,01)0 National Union of Eritreatr Women of Canada Inc. Services for Eritrean women in. five cities: seminars and workshops on HIV/AIDS, an orientation kit on health services and nutrition and an action plan to address their overall health needs. To empower them to break away from oppressive taboos and begin practising self-care and safe sex. $14,000 Elspeth Hayworth Centre for Women Intensive outreach to South Asian, Vietnamese, Cambodian and Ghanian women living in the JaneFinch area of Toronto, workshops on health issues, a cultural health fair and development of a women’s health booklet in seven languages. $70,000

the Books

sets it off. Nonetheless, Draper was happy with the fact that “somebody who wants to steal a book has to try a lot harder.” The actual system cost St. Jerome’s $12,000, and another $68,000 was spent to treat the 40,000

in the bag

and lesbian organizations.

no one gets


books. Mike Ridley, the acting University Librarian discussed the situation at Dana Porter with Imprint. “We have considered it [a security system] a number of times over the years,” says Ridley. “The typical reason we have not done it is simply cost.” Placing the metallic strips in every book would be the major

expense, according to Ridley, noting that Dana Porter has “somewhere in the neighbourhood of I .3 million titles,” which works out to “over 2 million volumes.” Additional expenses would be the detection system and a “mechanism to desensitize the books,” says Ridley, who adds that security systems are “not foolproof,” Last year, Dana Porter had its budget cut by three percent. “We’ve been experiencing budget cuts for the last number ofyears ,” points out Ridley. Ridley also recounts the manybenefitsof having personel at the doors. “We use those staff at those points for They other reasons.” provide security at night, and some of them are responsible for opening and closing the library. The door monitors are paid between $8.15 and $10,40 an hour. “The studies we’ve done suggest that it is still less expensive to go the route that we’re going now,” says Ridley. “And we feel that the loss rate is not significant.”


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Friday, November 18, 1994

by Adam Federation researcher



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Lee of Students

Well, the job of Academic Rcsk?archer is certainly not an insipid task. You might think that scrummaging through old archives and historical documents might be dull, however, when it’s the history of the Federation of Students that you are researching, the task becomes an enjoyable discovery of humorous anecdotes and hints of scandal :.. This week, however, I thought I would enlighten you with some of the original Federation of Students’ clubs that are no longer in existcncc. Glee Club (1964-65) -“The Glee club’s plans will include the opcrctta, seasonal music, and also surious music during the second term. A performance of Schubert’s Mass has been considcrod”. It appears that all the Gleeful members of the Conrad Grebel Choir have certainly maintained and perfected this society!

Student Wives Club ( 1964-65) - If knitting and needlepoint just won’t suffice, come on out for a quilting bee, or one of the many lectures on making your husband happy Well, times have ccttainly changed as the now defunct Student Wives Club has made way for the Gender Issues Commission. Laureate SocietyPossibly a precursor to the Women’s CcntrcThis club is open to all undcrgraduate women on campus. Its purpose

is to promote uhity and friendship among the women students of various faculties and colleges. Dance Band/Football Band Some of the members of the footbail band will probably form part of the dance band. This band plays modern big-band arrangcmcnts. Trumpets, trombones, saxes, etc... -Obviously this band evolved into our very own Warrior Band that we are so proud of today. As our clubs have changed, evidently, so has our sense of style.

Library just Dendy from

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UW News

Toronto Historical Board and later taught at both the University of he University of Waterloo Toronto and the University of WaLibrary will host the open terloo’s School of Architecture in ing of the William Dendy the mid- 1980s. The major focus of Collection on Friday (Nov. 18) at his research and publishing activi4:30 p.m. On disties centred play will be some around Toronto. of the 3,500 books, He was author of 38,000 slides and Dendy has been Lost Toronto


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~~~~~~d~~~~~~~ described as one ’ronto 1976) andToObserved jlt;Xaq);h$:: %te%-,:ha; kesf C~WU&J’s torian. ing, when the Dendy, who died in 1993 at the ELI E$f age of45, has been Memorial Fund describedas one of will be anCanada’s most nounced, will be knowledgeable UW president and committed arJames Downey and Larry chitectural scholars. Richards, professor ofarchitecture. The display is open for public Educated at the University of viewing on the second floor of the Toronto, Cambridge University and Dana Porter Library from next TuesColumbia University, Dendy day until the end of the year. worked early in his career with the


knowledgeable architectural scholars

UW studentsreceive scholarships Also




UW News


he federal government has awarded Canada Scholarships to 177 University of Waterloo students this year. The prestigious awards, worth $2,500 annually for up to four years, will go to 64 students in the faculty of engineering, 65 in mathematics and 48 in science. The scholarship program, set up in 1988, is designed to encourage enrolment in the sciences, math and engineering, especially by women students. These disciplines are considered vital to Canada’s fi&xe economic prosperity.



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UW News

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the rear of the present building. The present building, Canada’s only english-language school of Optometry is presently overcrowded, not originally being designed for the levels of research currently being conducted there. It houses the Centre for Sight Enhancement, and the Centre for Contact Lens Research, the largest of its kind in North America. It also serves approximately 30,000 patients a year. “We’re thrilled that the expansion is proceeding,” says Prof. Jacob Sivak, Director of the school. “There’s been a real need for additional space since 1987. Raising this much money through the days of the recession is a remarkable


he Optometry Department is in the money. After receiving $1,234,000 from the government under the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works program, the school has now managed to come up with $2 million more. The additional money has come from bequests, pledges, gifts from alumni and donations from corporations. Also donating money are the Ontario Association ofOptometrists and the College of Optometrists of

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indication of confidence in the school.” The school has previously received industry support including $100,000 from K-W Optical Ltd. and affiliated companies last year that allowed improvements at the on-campus clinic. This allowed the clinic to buy new equipment and make renovations to better serve the public. The clinic performs regular eye examinations and provides a great variety of specialized eye care services. It is fully integrated with the teaching and research activities of the school of optometry, and has on-site spectacle fabrication, dispensing as well as contact lens facilities.

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No one except his nephew Lem Motlow, who was sworn to silence. You see, Mr. Jack was bound for St. Louis and the World’s Fair. where his whiskey could be judged against the world’s Finest. As it happened, Jack Daniel returned to Lynchburg with a lot less secrecy and a gold medal in his hand. A sip, WC believe, will confirm the Fair’s


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10 IMPRINT, Friday, November Forget KensC -.I

The Honest






Ed Mirvish

The Imprint

because I thought it was a bargain, which it was. I was committed to keeping it for five years, and at the end of five years, if 3couldn’t make it work as a theatre, I could do what I wanted with the property. At the end of the fifth year, it was breaking even, and more importantly, I developed an affection for the theatre. So it’s 32 years now that we have had the RoyaI Alexandra theatre. It’s a high risk business, and very aggravating sometimes, although I was complaining for 20 years what an aggravating business it was, and then twelve years ago I bought the Old Vie theatre in London, England. The Old Vie was built in 1818. So we’ve had that for twelve years, and I hadn’t seen it when I bought it, The reason I bought it was because different actors who played our theatre, the Royal Alexander, such as Sir John Gielgud, Peter O’Toole, Sir Michael Redgrave, Sir Ralph Richardson, they’d be telling me about their early days of training at the Old Vie. So, when I heard it was up for bids, I put in an offer and wi th my rotten luck, I outbid Andrew Lloyd Webber. And, when I went over to pay them, I found out a big six storey building next door goes with the theatre, it was build in 1952, the Old Vie annex.


by Sandy Atwal Imprint staff


onest Ed Mirvish has b’een one of Toronto’s most visible personalities for many years now. From humble beginnings, Honest Ed has now come to own the large bargain store on the corner of Bathurst and Bloor as well as several of the largest theatrcs in Toronto. Born in Virginia, Edward Mirvish moved with his family to Washington DC. when he was two years old. He lived in the nation’s capi to1 until he was nine, and for the past 7 1 ycnrs, Ed Mirvish has lived in Toronto. Mirvish had very littlc formal education. When hc was fifteen years old, he dropped out of his third year of high school and started his career in the business world. His mother, now a widow with two children, ncedcd the young Ed’s help, so Mirvish started working in tllc grocery store that his father had left behind. Although most pcoplc know Honest Ed from his large bargain shopping centre, Ed Mirvish is also a sinccrc patron of the arts. In addition to owning the Princess of Wales Thcutrc and the Royal Alexandra Thcatrc, Mirvish, along with his son David, also owns the Old Vie thcatrc in London, England, and has devoted a small section of Toronto adjoining Honest Ed’s to small independent artists. Imprint had a chance to talk with Ed Mirvish last week about his various busincsscs, and the path to his success. Tell me about your early years. you get into the retail business?


The Princess of Wales theatre was predominantly the workofyour son, isn’t that correct?

did See him,

The first place I worked was a grocery store. The grocery store was the store that when my dad died he left and it was always in a state of bankruptcy bccausc it was the depression years and he gave credit to the customers and they couldn’t pay. Before I got married, I went to work for a chain store, Howard Food Markets and I worked there for two years. But when I got married, I started with $214 where Honest Ed’s is today. ’ I rcntcd a little store there. I cashed my wife’s insurance policy, rented a store for $55 a month, right where Honest Ed’s is today. That was 53 years ago. Thcrc’s a sign in the corner window that says the original store was smaller than this window, but it’s grown so much over the years. When

did you buy the whole


I bought the whole block maybe a year after it. The dentist who owned it died and left it to the University of Toronto and the Univcrsity of Toronto wanted $25,000 for the whole frontage and they took $5,000 down, and all of a sudden I was a landlord. I had seven tenants including a dentist, a shoe repair, a milliner and a beauty parlous. It had no depth, just I4 feet depth, but it had’1 25 feet frontage. So did you buy the whole block or just slowly, store by store?

impressive that you decided to keep on going. Most people are happy with OFming one store for their entire life. That’s

a lot of people



heal him!

things in different ways. I think it says a lot for the country you live in that you have an opportunity to do this. There are many places in the world no matter how hard you try you can’t get ahead, so I think the opportunities are here. One of the books that was written about me was called Business is People, and the basic philosophy was to keep things simple because I did have limited training, and to go against the trend and full7 a need. I think so many people, they see something works for somebody and they go and they imitate. But I think you have to bc creative, and there’s always needs and the thing is to fill the need, and the need at this particular time may not be

ple have the opportunity to express themselves in their own individual creative way with no interference. And it’s nominal rent. So the result is a very interesting area. What artists are working

do you find there now?



Well, we’re open to everybody. My wife has her sculpture studio there, she started at the beginning, she has one whole house. Our son had his art gallery on Markham street, The David Mirvish Art Gallery, Now he’s a collector and lends his art to museums. So the art gallery is now an art book store, David Mirvish Books on Art.

One of the books that was written about me was called Business is People, and the basic philosophy was to keep things simple because I did have limited training, and to go against the trend and fulfzl a need.

at one time,

We didn’t buy it in its entirety, we just kept buying houses down Markham Street until WC bought seven or eight houses, and then we bought on the other side of the lean over to Bathurst St. So now the stores arc connected by a tunnel and a bridge.

I think

feel him,

have done these

the same as it was ten years ago or ten years down the road.

The other stores are just a lot of creative people, designers, sculptors and restaurants.

So you’ve you own?

So tell me about The Princess of Wales theatre. How did you go from owning a bargain store to moving into the world of

got the big store,

WC hold




else do

then we have


street adjoining Honest Ed’s which is Mirvish Village. Now that is a street where different artisans and crcativc pcoplc live in 200 studios, artists’ studios. No big business is allowed in Mirvish Village, only small, indepcndent, crcativc businesses, where the peo-


Yes. He was mainly responsible for the design of that theatre and for the last seven or eight years, David is responsible for all three theatres, and the productions that go in them. For 23 years I was buying and selling the shows like any other product, from Broadway or London’s west end, but the last seven or eight years we’ve been producing our own shows because we thought the quality of the road shows was deteriorating, for whatever reason, whether it’s the economics of the theatre, or the star system where stars do not want to commit themselves to go on the road for two or three years, they would rather be free if a film comes up because it’s more lucrative and less demanding. So you own some businesses that on the surface seem that they would be very vulnerable to the recession. Has it affected you all that much? Well, there’s no question about it, the economy’s not the way it was in the early eighties. So, 10 percent of the people aren’t working, 90 percent are. But the world doesn’t come to an end. Another thing, I think the companies that suffer a great deal are the ones that have accounts receivable. Ourretail business, the restaurant, and the theatres are all cash businesses. How many Toronto?


do you



Well, we own the buildings along King Street that accommodate our restaurants. We have Ed’s Warehouse Restaurant, and Ed’s Seafood Restaurant and Ed’s Italian Restaurant and Most Wonourable Ed’s Chinese Restaurant and Qld Ed’s Restaurant. Have you ever been to any of our Restaurants? Ummm,


You should Are they

go to them!

any good?


Well now, 32 years ago they were going to tear down the Royal Alexandra Theatre and make a parking lot. Now I didn’t know anything about the thcatre, so I bought it. I didn’t buy it for altruistic reasons, I bought it

world! Next bY*

Are they good? They’re the best in the We have 2600 seats in our restaurants. time I’m in Toronto,

I’ll try and drop


to page 11



of the Nerds

UW UW News


vs. the World


contest rule prevents one university from sending two teams to the finals, so “A’ team will not go on to the finals on March 1 in Nashville,

aterloo’s geeks emerge triumphant once again. For yet another year, a University of Waterloo computer pfogram&ng team has advanced to the finals in the Association for Computer Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest. And last year, Waterloo won it all. In 767 minutes, Waterloo ‘B’ team members Zygo HlaxeT1, Phillip Chong and Nikita Borisov ComPletCd sCVeI1 of the What the judges didn’t know was that eight programming probguys arc naked from the waist down. lems given to them. Borisov and Blaxell are ComTennessee. putcr Science majors, while Chong Overall, the two teams beat 76 is in Computer Engineering. others from all over eastern Canada Waterloo’s ‘A’ team, consistand the United States in the Easting of Ka-Ping Yet, Brad Bart and Central Regionals. Clayton Grassick, took second The only other team to solve place. completing seven problems seven problems was Case Western in 859 minutes. Unfortunately, a Reserve University of Cleveland,

Big Deal UW News



n November 14, Can& 156,000 professional cngi nccrs achieved Canadawide mobility through an agrccmcnt which was signed by the twelve member associations of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE). “Canadian engineers needed to do this,” said CCPE President Dr. Garland Laliberte, P.Eng.,“Thc way the world does business is chang-


the other


we have,

if you come to Toronto, we have Ed’s Theatre and Museum of the Absurd, the Unusual and the Ridiculous. It’s the only museum in the world where everything is for sale, from five cents to $95,000.



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for Engineers ing and globalization must begin at hornc.” With this agreement a profes(;ior,al engineer who is a member in good standing (and has been for at least five years) with any of the ten provincial and two territorial regulatory associations will be recognized by all. This will facilitate the mobility of engineers and will allow the supply of talent and expertise to go where the demand is with greater ease.

Honest continued from page 10 Gee, it’s a landmark, And, also, we’ve just moved the Toronto Press Club into our premises, into Old Ed’s restaurant. Now, the Press Club has been inbusinessforovcrahundrcdycars, but every five years they go broke, now they can’t go broke. I moved them into my place, they have the bar, they have the billiard table, the lounge, everything and wi thno rent, no expenses. And people still say to me, “Ed, it’ll never work, they’re a bunch of drunks, they’ll smash your lights, they’ll break your windows..” and I say good, that’s the kind of people I like. Now the to press club used to have 13 memberships. At one time, it was just a men’s press club, now they allow women in, in fact they have a woman president right now, They use to have 13 different memberships, up to $350 a year membership. Now they have one membership, $50 a year and if you’re a student studying journalism, it’s $20 a year.

Ohio, coming in third. They, not Waterloo’s ‘A’ team, will go on to the world finals. Teams solving six problems include Michigan State University of Lansing, Queen’s, CarnegieMellon of Pittsburgh, Indiana’s University of Notre Dame and U of T. In all, five of the top nine places went to Canadian universities. A year ago, the team of Seiji Ando, Ian Goldberg and Ka-Ping Yee won the world finals in Phoenix, .4rizona. This year, Goldberg coached these the teams for the regionals, with great success. “It will be very difficult to beat last years results,” says Prof. Jo Ebergen of UW’s department of Computer Science, who also was the director of the regional contest this year. “I don’t think anyone has won two times in a row.”


Friday, November l&1994


Ed what

costs 95,000

cont’d dollars?

You know, you’re the exception to the rule. Usually all the men want to know what’s five cents. What’s $95,000? We have cloisonne vases, ten, eleven feet high, and a small piece of cloisonne is vet-y expensive. We have old music boxes, sefs from shows we put on. You should come to TOronto, there’s a lot ofstuffgoing on. You should see Miss Saigon and Crazy for You. I’ve seen Miss

“Within a few years, Canadian professional engineers will have similar access to all of North America,” added Laliberte, referring to the NAFTA clause which stipulates that within a set timeframe, professional engineers from Canada, the U.S. and Mexico must reach an agreement on mobility. Prof. Fahidy, of UW’s Engineering Department says that such an agreement is “overdue.” He also adds that it is “very good news.”


Well, the main things are the three latest things we’ve been working on, the Princess of Wales Theatre, the Toronto Press Club, and the Thea&e Museum, that’s what we’re working on now. Is there anything want to work on?


StudentsSave Bigtime!


No, well I don’t plan too much. I don’t make plans. Usually what we do evolves or develops, so the main thing is to make the things we have work, because we have about 1,500 employees. How do you want member you?


else that

to rc-


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NO. Oh, it’s fantastic. Is it better

. .

than Miss


. . -Gershwin music, beautiful costumes, big sets it’s a fantastic show. But next time you come up, you should come to the restaurants. You don’t have to eat there, just walk through. So that’s the lionest Ed now, tell me what you’re going to be doing in the future.

Well someone once asked me, “Ed, what do you want on your tombstone?” I said “I don’t like cemeteries altogether.” What I’d like is a throne set up in the middle of Honest Ed’s, and then have somebody sitting on it, and I’d be cremated and my ashes would be in an hour glass and the guy sitting in the middle of Honest Ed’s would be turning the hourglass up and down and they would be pointing to the ashes and they’d be saying “There’s Ed, he’s still running.” That’s the way I want to be remembered.




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Friday, November 18, 1994

Thinking About Drinking and Driving? Think Again to society billion.That’s

from the National Safety Council special to Imprint hinking about drinking and driving? Think again. 1 That is the theme for this year’sNational Safe Driving Week, taking place from December 1st to 7th. In 1992, 3,600 people died in traffic accidents in Canada. Alcohoi contributed to 1,800 of those. Also, another 60,000 injuries occurred because of impaired driving. This has resulted in a total cost


estimated at $20 just for one year.

Alcohol contributed to deaths in I992

Consequences of drinking and. driving include: -You may injure or kill your-

self or others, including family members or friends. -You can go to jail. The maximum sentence for killing someone while driving under the influence is 14 years. -a criminal record for the rest of your life. -court costs up to $10,000. -a fine of $ I ,OOO-$2,000 -your car insurance can double, and family members insurance may also increase. -insurance companies will not compensate you for your damages. -license suspension for a minimum of three months, likely 1 year.

Hev Mediators

Solve by Glenn Mackinnon special to Imprint

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he Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance @USA) re leased the report of its meeting with Lloyd Axworthy. Axworthy is the Minister of Human Resources and Development. He has proposed a plan that would see $2.6 billion in federal transfer payment for post-secondary education phased out by 199697. However, he has also said that he would like to use some of the money to establish a fund now that could be used as a base for a federal student loan program. He has also agreed that OUSA would be involved in the development of such a program. The program focuses on income-contingent loans.


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you! trivial for our service. We are here to help you! Many conflicts result from a lack of communication or a misunderstanding. There may be an underlying issue

that is at the root of your problem. If you are unaware of it, it may fester and grow into a much larger, perhaps overwhelming situation. We’re here to help you communicate your feelings to those with whom you are having difficulties. If either the relationship or the issues are important to you, then you should consider mediation as an alternate method of finding solutions to your problems. The Service. Campus Mediation is a free and confidential service of the federation of students. Members of Campus Mediation are volunteers, we do not get paid for what we do. We are required to sign confidentiality forms to ensure your privacy. Our service is currently listed under the peer counselling heading of P.A.L.S, We can be reached any time by leaving a message on our answering machine at 885 - 12 I 1 ext. 2306.

Reports The students informed Axworthy of the problems with current student aid, pointing out that even now, the real cost of liv-

Thegovernment’s own research shows that education is key tu creating

ing is not adequately some of the neediest not being targeted.

met. Also, students are

“Income-contingent loans are potentially a more equitable and effective way to help students meet expenses,” said Erik Poltanen, the Vice-president of University Affairs at Brock University. Students also raised concerns about declining funding for research. Axworthy agreed that students should not be subsidizing research, and promised to look into including funding for overhead in federal research grants. FinaIly, the students stressed the link beteween education and a sound economy. “The government’s own research shows that education is key to reducing dependency and creating prosperity,” said Ralph Spoltore, President of Wilfrid Laurier Student Union. UnderfUnding education for defki t reduction is simply counterproductive.



Nhowlton Knowlton The Imprint


Nash Interview

What you’re doing is trying to provide ways to get people to be interested in, and enlightened by, current affairs and issues, and there are all kinds of ways of doing it. I stop short at the comic book ways ofthe entertainment shows masquerading as news, but I don’t think Larry King is that kind of a show. I don’t think it’s the wave of the future, or that all programs will be like that. I think that the newscast will remain the basic text for finding out what’s happening, plus documentaries of one kind or another. Barbara Frum had discussions with people not dissimilar to the kind of thing Larry King has. What I think is important, and it’s just my own nature and style, but I think what’s important in interviewing is the person you’re interviewing. 1 don’t think I as a reporter should be, in fact I musn’t be, the centre point of what’s important. What’s important is what you, the person I’m interviewing, thinks and says. You’re not there to be a star in yourself and I hate the idea of reporters being stars. It happens and it’s inevitable because of the profile you get from being on television. 1 sort of cringe, but I think there are some advantages to it.

by Sandy Atwal Imprint St-


rom 1979 to 1989, Knowlton Nash was one of the most popular faces on Canadian television. As the host of CBC’s The National, Nash was the face that millions of Canadians associated with #their nightly news. Recently, Nash published a history of the CBC, The Micvaphone Wars where he describes the story of one of Canada’s oldest institutions. From Wayne and Shuster’s early radio days to Friday Night! with Ralph Bcvmurgi, Nash’s new book gives Canadians an inside look at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. While on tour supporting his latest book, Imprint had a chance to talk with Mr. Nash about his new book, the current state of journalism and what the future holds for him.

Knowtton Nash: Peter wrote a letter, that’s right, complaining about the comments that .lohn Crisp0 made in Maclean’s in connectin with his feeling that the CBC news was putting opinion into some of its newscasts, and Peter was objecting to that statement and noting that John Crisp0 had never been down to the newsroom and ncvcr seen the process. Do you think the CBC into it’s reporting?

In terms of less than professional journalism, do you think that there’s a place for something like Frank? Oh sure, sure. I think I’d like to see Frank Magazine more like Private Eye in England -- a little more sophisticated in its writing. I think we have to be big enough to be able to make fun of ourselves and take the mickey out ofthe establishment. Just as in the book I reflected the warts of the CBC as well as the beauty marks and T think an organization has to be big enough to say ‘wc’rc not perfect, we make mistakes, we have triumphs, but we have failures as well.’

does put opinion

No, no I don’t To a certain


it has to.

Well, no it doesn’t as a general rule and when it does creep in it’s a mistake and should bc corrcctcd. I agree totally that it is roprchcnsiblc when opinion creeps into a news story and it should be edited out or the journalist should bc reprimanded, but I don’t think it happens all that often. What far?

has been the reaction

to the book

On the topic of Frank you think of Michael


You mentioned during your lecture that you let Peter Mansbridge have your job. So it’s true that you stepped down to let him stay in Canada? Yeah, yeah. I was going to step down




not make

a pun

on “Nash

a couple of years anyway because I wanted to be able to sit back and do some ‘long term’ work if you wiil -- documentary work and other things rather than the daily rush -- I’d been doing that for ten years. All I did was basically accelerate my departure by a couple of years because I thought it was important that Peter stay here, and I knew that he was probably going to go, but he was reluctant to do it because he worried about his career and his roots are in Canada and he’s a strong nationalist. I guess I was just trying to exploit that sensitivity and say ‘look, do my job.’ What


of job do you think

the Slash.”

Peter Jennings is at ABC, and I think Peter, who was a CBC reporter/ journalist is indeed the best on-air anchor person in the United States today. He’s far and away better than Rather or Brokaw, I think, and 1 think it’s because of his training, his background, and his sensitivity. Interestingly enough, his father Charles


You mentioned doing some long term work, what’s in the future for Knowlton Nash?

What do you think of the Larry King approach? Do you think it’s something that the CBC should be investigating?

For me? Finishing thing. I suppose I’ll do don’t know what about. already asking me to another one.

Well, I don’t mind the Larry King approach, I think it’s pretty good. The approaches that I do mind are those shows that are basically entertainment masquerading as news. Such as A Current

What do you think of Peter Jennings, a Canadian who did go down to the United States.


Jennings, was the first news anchor person in Canada. He was on CBC radio anchoring the radio news in the late 193Os, so like father, like son.

he’s done?

I think he’s done a very good job, I think he’s done a terrific job. He’s particularly good, I think, on live events, live coverage. He’s very good I think, and CBS got the worst of the deal when he didn’t go down, because I think he would have quite possibly replaced Dan Rather by now.

Magazine, Coren?

You know, this is a terrible confession, but it was only in a relatively recent period of time that he really ever swam into my purview. For some reason or another, I’ve obviously failed to notice very much, so I haven’t seen very much of him. 1 saw him the other night at a scrabble match that we had in Toronto, though and he’s pretty damn good.


Pretty good reaction, I must say. I’ve heard from just about every president that’s alive except GerardVellieux. I haven’t heard directly from him. All of the reactions, particularly Tony Manera’s have been interesting bccausc he said he thought these problems wcrc unique to him, and now he realizes that all the prcsidcnts have had problems not dissimilar to what he has, so it’s been a bit of a rcvclation for him. The reaction has been very good inside the CBC. I haven’t talked to Patrick Watson, but he’s talked to Peter Gzwoski and Peter Gzowski told me that he thought that Peter was unhappy because he felt that he had done more. I think hc was unhappy at some of the things that Gerard Vellicux may have said about him. I think he felt that he was underappreciated in terms of trying to do things. What I was trying to do was reflect what other people were saying about him as well as about Vcllieux as well as about everybody. You go around and ask ten or twenty or thirty people about one particular subject or one particular individual and then you go around and get a consensus of feeling and that’s what’s reflected.


Friday, November l&l994


. .?

Yeah, those kinds of things that I think are the equivalent of the supermarket junk tabloids such as the National Enquirer. In a sense, some of that [Larry King] sort of thing is done on CBC Newsworld, to a degree, with the Claire Hoy, Judy Rebick Face-OSf program on Newsworld, some of that style. . . Well I’m a William F. Buckley that show’s a rip off of his show, say I like it at all. Oh yeah?




fan, and so I can’t


and ex-

periment and try a whole bunch of things. Some of them work, and some of them don’t work, so T don’t see anything wrong with that. If something works, I don’t see anything wrong with trying to copy it. If it doesn’t work, for God’s sake don’t copy it.

my book tour is one another book, but 1 The publishers are think about writing

Did you enjoy writing enjoy the act of writing?



do you

Oh I love writing. Writing books is wonderful. It’s not like writing for television or radio. You can use semi-colons when you’re writing for print, you can use parentheses; you can be subtle and do all kinds of things that you can’t do when you’re writing for radio or television. So I enjoyed it a lot. I think I’ll do some speeches and lectures. Actually, in the immediate future, I’ve got to go and testify before the parliamentary committee. They asked me to speak on the issue of the CBC. So right now I’m busy preparing that statement for the committee. And, with any luck, 1’11 spend some time on a beach, just lying and reading. What I really want to read is some fiction, but 1 don’t get much





So that’s what I’d like to do. Right now, I’m just trying to cut my work hours down to twelve hours a day. The




and Stewart.

is published


‘The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the ueyfirst object should be to keep that right; and were it Zeft to me to decide whether we should havegouemment withoutnewspapers or newspapers without govemmat, I should not hesistate to prefer the latter. ”


The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their views on various issues through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, comment pieces, letters and other articles are strictly those of the authors. not of Imprint. Only articles which are clearly labelled “editorial” and are unsigned represent the majority opinion of the Imprint editorial board.

Sandy Atwal’s

II+iring Line




t has been said that a society should be judged by how it treats those individuals who are the least well-off. Such marxist logma is usually spouted by individuals looking bra hand-out and trying to portray themselves as /ictims who need a “helping hand” ( read: lots of noney) from the govcmment. It is in the best interest of such people to lortray themselves as victimized as possible so as o justify a claim to government funds to help hem out. The Canadian government puts up with nore of this type of nonsense than most other )tates under the guise of “multiculturaIism.” Health Minister Ruth Grier’s announcement egarding grants for programs to help women of :olor, immigrant and/or refugee women over:ome barriers to health shows some of the most idiculous extremes that such government excess nay engender. Let me start by saying that it is difficult to :riticize thcsc programs because the women that he program is designed to help are primarily a) mmigrants and b) victims of racism and in some ases rape or sexual assault. One can hardly onsider a more reprehensibie situation for any iroman to be forced in to. Ofthe fifty-one programs that receivedmoney ast year, only a handful of them seem to work Dwards unworthy goals. Issues of genital mutilaion, rape, the exploitation of mail-order brides, dife abuse and incest are all questions that any :ivilized society should deal with. However, the question remains, are the programs that Grier is uggesting the way to go? It is not always the case hat doing something is better than doing nothing. At the one extreme, we have programs such is “Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture” vhich provides “Support groups for refugee vomen in Metropolitan Toronto who are survi‘ors of torture in Bosnia, Somalia and South isian, Latin American and Middle Eastern counties. These support groups will focus on beginling recovery through education and sharing nformation.” This program received $10,000 ast year. Even a libertarian such as myself finds it difficult to suggest that this is a misappropriation If money. The most admirable thing about this brogram is that the money is being given to a local group which sets its own agenda, rather than the lrovincial government running the programs hemsetves. But not all of these programs seem as worthvhile. Consider “Multicultural Women in Conert” This is a workshop that uses music “as a tool 3 address the combined effects of racism, sexjrn, homophobia, violence and class discriminaion on the health of battered women’s shelters md in prison. A music/songwriting workshop will be designed and conducted to provoke dis:ussion and exchange on these issues.” This pro;ram was given $19,000 last year. I suppose it is open to debate whether or not his program is worthwhiie, however on the face If things, this specific workshop (and there are nany others like it) sounds like the ephemeral pasi-legitimate aid that cause the kind of backash the programs are meant to fight in the first We. When dealing with specific programs that ndividuais in a society are being forced to conribute to, the provincial government must deal, o a large extent, with appearancesPeople must lave confidence that their money is being well )pent. Such apparent frivolity may not only be vasting the average citizen’s money, but also :reates a hostile environment for those groups. ;ome citizens will be actively opposed to any jrograms in the future, and thus may deprive such groups of the help that they need. There is no question that such groups do need he help of caring individuals that wish to help hem improve their situation. However, using lublic money in order to create programs of such imited appeal may create more problems than it iolves.

Is Socialism Finallv Dying? I

n the pages of a previous Imprint was an article about a socialist protest in Ottawa against the Reform party. I was less surprised that Reform was getting some well-deserved flak for some of its questionable policies than by the fact that so many special interest groups are willing to throw in with the socialist cause to further their aims. Beside a picture of “International Socialists” placards was a partial list of the protcstors: the Ontario Coalition of Abor tion Clinics, the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, the Canadian [V Union of Postal Workers, the Campaign for Equal Families, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Canadian Union of Education Workers, Six Nations Confederacy and AIDS Action Now. Quite a mish---,nnh *c “a-h,“;“1 ;HC.-xs-*“i-n

support the Ontario Coalition of Abortion Clinics speaking out against corporate talr rates! However, after denouncing Re. form’s pro-life policies during the protest, t h e Coalition

ing the support that the “average” Canadian -- who doesn’t wish to smash anything -would provide them. I’m a proud supporter of women’s right to abortion, but I do nol

goes on to do just that! As an aside, the Coalition complained that corporate taxes have fallen substantially, and suggested that spending cuts


could be avoided by raising them. They are naive. One can draw a direct correlation between corporate profits and employment: ifprofits fall, employment falls. Hurting corporate profits will definitely increase unemployment. Other reasonable rationales exist for not raising corporate taxes. Why is the Abortion Coalition talking about taxation issues that they obviously know nothing about? Many special interest groups, like those mentioned, are straying from their original mandate and becoming ideological parties. A women’s group becomes a socialist women’s group; a Christian group becomes an anti-Quebec Christian group. They are gravely underestimating the sophistication of their members, who are quite prepared to make their own itical choices. I may support abortion I don’t wish a complete, second-hand eology on taxation and socialism thrown at me. One can’t donate money to, say, the Ontario Coalition for Abortion Clinics without some of it being spent promoting these beliefs. In closing, it is disconcerting to hear parties calling out to the “socialist worker.” The socialist worker will cease to exist, because in the future the worker will no Ionger exist. People will either be entrepreneurs, . _ entrcprcneurlal employees, or unemployed. Period. - Stephen


Letters to the IA itor To All University Students

pcoplc arguing that university shodd be completely funded by the government; a proposal which is unreasonable and impractical. The simple truth is that a university education means that you will receive a higher paying job after graduation. Is it not then reasonable to expect that you should be responsible for the majority of the funding of your education? Maybe this means that you must attend an institution closer to your home, or, if Waterloo is so great, maybe it is worth the financial setback of a notable debt. Students must be willing to accept the responsibility and repercusions of that debt. This brings up an interesting point. Co-op students at the University of Waterloo have lheir entire education paidfur by the co-op process. A student can complete five years of co-operative education and actually graduate with a s&nificant profit over their univcrsitv costs! It is criminal that somcone can have the taxpayers foot the entire bill for their education, leave the country, and not repay this nation foranything it has given them. Canadians are making an investment in students, and there must be some way that Canadian society can benefit from that initial investment. It is a much too common occurancc that graduates leave the country, without so much as a year of scrvicu to this nation. Finally, this is directed at all those people who spoke at the assembly on the 10th and complained that the cutback will destroy the fabric of the entire Canadian postsecondary educational system. It is notable that none of the students, nor the executive of the Federations of Students, provided any concrete alternatives when asked to do so by the very politicians they opposed. The students of Waterloo Universi ty, recently cited by Maclean’s Magazine as the leaders of tomor-

To the Editor, By now, everyone in this university, and in most universities across Canada, has heard about the Liberal government’s proposed cutbacks in funding to the universities. This has, understandably, sparked an instictive reaction from the student body. We have been listening to this arguement for the last few months, and feel that it is time for a new perspective to be heard. We support the government’s proposal. Now, before you ignore this letter based on the previous sentence, plcasc hear us out. We have had many discussions and debates with other students, and wish to provide you an alternative to the rhetoric given to you by student governments across this country. A vitally important point to remember is that Canada is currently in a position where its total debt (Provincial, Fcdcral, and Municipal) cxcccds $700 billion, alrnost4~“~c,cl~~tlilz~our Gross National Product. What this means is that if WC took everything that we produccd in one year (and if Canadians received no pay, no bcncfits, and used no scrviccs), WC might just barely have enough to pay off the total debt WC all owe. WC, as Canadians, arc living on other people’s money. This has to stop. Canadians have been getting something for nothing. It seems that many students feel that it is theirright to attend university. Just like many of our social programs, a university education is a privilege, not a right. At the “rally” on Thursday, November lOth, there were

because. 1 .-







I I i

row, arc: unable to provide any altcrnative solutions. What does this say about the future of our country? Personally, we feel that this government’s proposal is long overdue. Perhaps it is time to reevaluate the need to attend university. Colleges are a viable alternative. Universities were initially created as a centre for acedemic studies; they have now become nothing more than a job training school. Collcgcs should be the sole institutions for job training; universities should be the leading institutions for pure and applied research., It is interesting to note that the Federation of Students does not represent the student body of Wat&loo. A government body elected*.@,,=.,, on& 10 percent of the popuiat! ‘* does not have a mandate to ’ for the students on such an i .+ tant issue. If enough students across the country are still against this proposal, then it is time that we unite and, instead of blindly protesting this bill, provide an economically viable alternative. As the leaders of tomorrow, we can no longer afford to merely complain. We have a responsibility to provide solutions that will safeguard post-secondary education for our generation and the next. . . - Terry Stewart, IA Eq - Anik Sane, 1A Eq

Rugby writer objective?

serving propaganda time accountability came into play! - Brendml

are over, its to the students


Editor’s Note: After an extensive manhunt, the oflendiq writer, or rather former writer, has been severei~r reprimanded. I will see to it that he never writes in this town again!

is no Ljoke To the Editor, I was very disturbed to see the ’ Xartoon” in last week’s edition of Imprint. As a former member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Mental Association and a former community mental health worker 1 hope that I am able to shed some light on how this type ofjournalism impacts on people who must deal with long term mental illness on a day to day basis. “Look around you at your family, your friends, your co-workers. If they are typical Canadians, one in three of them will have a mental health problem at some point during their lifetime. Unfortunately, they not only will have to contend with their mental health problem, but also the rejection, fear, and stigma that will appear in the eyes, hearts and minds of the people

around them. The greatest tragedy is that many of these people will never seek the help or support they need to resolve their problems hecause of stigma. “Fundamental attitudes and beliefs of many people will have to be changed in order to wash away this problem of stigma. Members of the media have the ability to wash away this problem of stigma. Members of the media have the ability and opportunity to help change those attitudes and beliefs. Attitudes have been changed -- towards people with physical disabilities, towards racial intolerance, towards people with diabetes, cancer and more recently AIDS. And, in many cases, it has been the media and their sensitive reporting of these issues which have made the difference.” These are not my words. They are from Harvey Silverstein, the chair of the Open Mind Task Force, of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Halifax and Dartmouth Branches. As Harvey says, you would probably not ever think to print a cartoon depicting such a derogatory picture of a Native Canadian, a physically disabled person or aperson with AIDS. In future, please do not joke about the tragedy that affects those affected by Schizophrenia or any other chronic long term mental illness. Susan Tirone Recreahm and Leisure


Tu the Editor, As usual, Imprint enjoys courting controversy. What 1 am referring to is the blatant disregard for responsible reporting that exists everywhere, even here at Imprint. To the outside observer it would seem that they are receiving a fair, honest, unbiased flow of information from the people who volunteer to attend the many sporting attractions that Waterloo has to offer. However, as an example of why this isn’t true, one need look no further than the coverage of Rugby. The reporter in this case is Mark Morrisson. Granted, he does not lack the necessary skills to write good, interesting articles, yet we are missing one quintessential element --he is astur Waterloo Rugby pluyer. 5d This is where the problem lies. Are we getting the full scoop? Mark has long been an advocate in trying to increase the sporadic crowds attending Rugby games. Is he just using your paper as a platform to do so by feeding us lies? Would you have had Donald Grump writing daily articles in The Toronto Star expelling the sound virtues of the Canadian Football League? It’s an age old rule that people who have a stake in something


to see things the way they want. The esteemed Tyron Edwards once said, “Accuracy of statement is one of the first elements of truth, inaccuracy is near kin to falsehood.” The time of rhetoric and self

by Jeff Couckuyt, Pete Nesbitt, and Pat Spacek

PI4 When she was fourteen,

Cindy discovered


she was gifted with the rare mental power of jellokinesis.



Friday, November 18, 1994


The The Prophet of Islam “We (God) have not sent you (0 Muhammad) but to the whole of humankind, as a giver of glad tidings and as a warner, but most of humankind still do not know.” [translation of the meaning of the Qur’anic verse 34:28]

by Sameh E. Rehan special to Imprint Do you know who really is Muhammad? What was his message? Do you think this matter is not worth investigating? Maybe it is time to know something about this great man who is still influencing more than 20% (about 1000 million persons) of the current earth’s population. If I were to tell you what Muslims have said or written about him, you might consider it as exaggeration or idolization by some of his followers. Why? Because we, as humans, often do that. It is quite natural for anyone to love, praise, or hero-worship one’s leader, be it an actor, a saint, or a prophet. Therefore, in this article I’m going to quote only non-Muslims who devoted some time to study and learn about Muhammad. Lamar-tine said with reference to Muhammad, “As regards to all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?” [Historie de la Turquie, Paris 18541 George Bernard Shaw said about him, ‘I have studied him - the wonderful man - and in my opinion, far from being anti-Christ, he must be called the saviour of humanity.’ [The Genuine Islam] More recently, Michael Hart, a Christian

American, historian, mathematician, and astronomer published an incisive biography of the 100 most influential people of a11time. His extensive research included illustrious personalities such as Jesus Christ, Moses, Caesar, the Wright brothers, Napoleon, Shakespeare, Columbus, and Michaelangelo. In his book, M. Hart rated Muhammad as number ONE. He concluded his biography about Muhammad with these words, “It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.” What about those who wrote attacking Muhammad? What did they accuse him of? Some of them said He was a liar whiIe others claimed he was a crazy person (he thought he was really a Prophet). What is the truth about these aljegations? Let me tell you a well known event that happened and is reported in Muhammad’s history that negates the possibility of him being either a liar or a crazy man. When Muhammad’s only son died, an eclipse happened to the sun in the same day. Muhammad’s followers hurried to him saying that they witnessed this miracle that implied there tias a sadness in the heavens for his son’s death. Now, if he was a liar, he would have taken advantage of this event to prove his Prophethood. If he was crazy, he would even believe this himself. But what did he do? He became angry with his followers and said that the sun and the moon are signs of God and they do not bother themselves with the death of Muhammad’s son. Does that seem a reply from a liar or a crazy man? I don’t think so.

Eye ofthe Beholder

“He asked me out!” “No way! . . . eeeehhhhhh” “Noxzema girls get noticed.” or ding dong “Hi, are you coming out tonight?” “No, I have to babysit my new friend.” Sound familiar? I would hope that most people realize the utter absurdity of these commercials, but maybe some people don’t. In my opinion, commercials such as these are tasteless and sensationalistic, characteristics which are becoming all too common in our culture today. I mean, what’s up with the implicit assumption that the two people with clear complexions-n the Noxzema commercial are going to have a good date? Is-that a11 that really matters? What about the good personality factor? I know that when I’m asked out on a date and the guy has a zit I suddenly come down with a convenient case of the flu (yeah right). Earth to zit companies! Or better yet, the girl in the Oxy commercial that isn’t going to go out because she’s babysitting a zit! Imagine if people actually thought this way - the bars would be practically empty.

But at least the few people at the bars would have good skin (if you want to look on the bright side ofthings). Are these commercials doing a wonderful job of promoting healthy self esteem in today’s youth? On a more serious note, I think the subconscious effects these commercials have on people are very harmful. They tend to distort people’s perceptions about what is really important -which is who you are. In the long run, it is not your appearance that will matter. It is very unfortunate that most of these commercials are directed towards girls because thev reinforce the no-

looking good x I thinLit is nccessary to recognize these commercials for what they actually are: big business promoting and feeding on Western society’s obsession with physical perfection. These ads simply magnify insecurities which we all feel. While this is very advantageous for business, I personally feel that advertising a product does not have to involve directing insults to the customer. Just for the record, I have a few zits today, but I’m going out tonight. What would Oxy Inc. think? More importantly, should I or anyone care?

factor? Earth to zit co.Znpanies!

- Natalie


Gamma radiation and TV contradictions

(at Charles)

Skepticism of television and the service it provides viewers is a prevalent atti-tude today. With debate raging about media’s role in the telling of daily events -- mostly dealing with unethical overachieving reporters who’11 do whatever it takes to get the story -,- it’s becoming nearly unstoppable. And now another trend -- televisionchannels using self-promoting commercials to provide a commentary on how they’re putting something back into the community. Local television station CKCO, for one, airs these public service infomercials late in the evening, throwing out dollar figures to the sum of $150,000 of free air time donated to the annual cause of their choice. Two years ago they promoted anti-racism, and last year they focused on Canadians and Canada. Their cause this year, which will doubtlessly please their late night viewers, is against violence. An admirable cause to be sure, but this is precisely where my skepticism lies, as a recent incident clearly illustrates. Just prior to CKCO General Manager Don Wilcox’s delightful commentary and revelation about the evils of violence, I was enjoying an all-time classic re-run of The Incredible Hulk. Remember the Wulk? Well the show isn’t exactly Sweet Valley High where the worst act of violence is probably a bad case of acne. Thus it happened that Wilcox’s commendable rant against violence interrupted my enjoyment of scientist David Banner getting angry, turning into a big green monster, smashing cars, beating people up, and generally


a highly


nuisance of himself. Wilcox didn’t exactly eiaborate on violence. He just said “violence.” Not violence in sports, violence on T.V., nor violence against women --just plain old “violence.” Wonderful. But is the irony of Wilcox’s

blathering sermon in the very middle of the Hulk totally lost on the station, or what? Or, was it inadvertently used as a time f’lll before signing off for the evening? Either way, a message promoting anti-violence really loses its sting in the middle of a desensitizing episode of that which it condemns. I should be happy that CKCO finds it in themselves to take some responsibility to promote just causes, however Wilcox seems to be speaking out of both sides of his mouth. When keeping CKCO self-interest in mind I really don’t feel that this station can eliminate acts of violence shown on television because people will merely start to speak with the remote control. If just causes interfere with revenue, CKCO’s admirable crusade against violence will come up short. On the other hand, when CKCO starts acting as a soundingboard for a cause, they had better adjust their programming to reflect this moralistic high-ground. Likewise, discontinuing the showing of The FOMJ~Y Rangers will shut parents up for now, but only until another new children’s program comes along and takes it’s place on society’s chopping block. Who is CKCO trying to please with their grandstanding anyway? Obviously, it’s not the people that watch their programs, but rather self-interest groups who feel that their outlook on life should be respected above and beyond anybody elses. Perhaps viewers could have a say in what kind of violence is acceptable on TV? I’d like to know who is deciding for me what forms of acceptable violence I can watch. Certainly. I should hope that Wilcox, who probably has his hand in some self-interest groups’ pockets, can’t be playing both fiscally responsible General Manager and socially conscious censor. - Fat Merlihan


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Students work toward change with Habitat for Humantiv J

by Heather Calder special to Imprint aturday morning, 7:30 am. Picture twenty tired students dragging themselves into the kitchen for breakfast. It was tough to pry our cycs open, but we were ready . WC wcrc in Clcvcland, Ohio to join thy’ C’ase Western Reserve Unlvcrsity Habitat for Humanity C’a~npus Chqtcr on one of their weekend builds. WI: wcrc a mix of Laurier and U W students, some new ;md some Habitat veterans. WC had IXYII looking for a chance to put our cnthusizism into practice, and despitc the fact that most of us had little uxpcricnce, WC felt like WC could do anything. Friday night, 10:00 pm. - Dan, the Vice Prcsidcnt, and Amy, the Publicity Chair of CWRU Habitat, waited for us at the church whcrc WC would stay. The CWRU campus was enormous, at lcast the size of Waterloo, with a student popuiation ofninc thousand. Dan and Amy pointed out that thcrc was a lot of old money in Clcvcland, especially




- a lot of fun


around the university. After a trip to a 24 hour supermarket, we got the feeling that Cleveland has a high degree of racial tension - “but no riots, or anything like that,” Dan explained. Saturday morning, 8:45 - We arrived at the building site. The Greater Cleveland Habitat Affiliate is currently working on four houses on Canal Street, a primarily African-American area. We were to work on two houses: The first was being “built by women for women” and the next was paid for

by St. Joseph’s Parish. Other houses were sponsored by the Girl Guides of Cleveland and a local church. Amy told us that CWRU its trying to raise the $30,000 (US) to build a Case Western house. Our mouths fell open when Dan told us that CWRU Habitat had 500 members and a 14 person executive. 9:00 am. - The building coordinators put us to work immediately. WC were working alongside the Girl Guides, the Hungarian Association of CWRU, and part ofthc CWRU Law School - about fifty people. People were laughing and humming as they got dirty. Three mcmbcrs our group set to work on the back porch. They secmcd to know what they were doing. When 1 asked them if they had done fhis before, one replied that he had worked with his brother in carpentry for awhile. “It’s amazing,” Dave said, “how much more ffJn It is when you’re not getting paici.” 12:OO pm- -We broke for lunch. Some of us were dusty and sneezing from the plaster in the houses. We were getting tired, but remained enthusiastic, We decided to trade


not getting



is an important


handiwork in one ofthree bedrooms when a woman, Marlene, came in exclaiming that it was beautiful. Marlene is going to be the owner of the house. She explained to us, amid


jobs so that people could do something other than shovel dirt and pick up rocks. “I fyou want to do the walls, you’re welcome to it.” one woman said. “Have fun!” After dozing on the sidewalk and throwing an Aerobie around, we headed back to the site. 1:OO pni. - I was inside one of the houses helping to stucco the ceiling. The houses are very similar, but have slightly different layouts. Floor plans are selected according to the spatial needs of partner families. We were admiring our

smiles and thanks, that the rooms would be blue if they could find the paint, and that she was hoping to move in by Thanksgiving (that’s a week away in the US). Barring that, she said, “I’m going to be here for Christmas. I’m going to put a big tree in front of the living room window for everyone to see.” She looked like a kid at Christmas, about to open the biggest and best present she would ever get. We found out later that she is a single parent, and her six children range in age from six to seventeen.

of Habitat



We met the eldest, Charles, when he came by to give us a hand with the ‘goop’ on the ceiling. He explained to us that he was going to paint an f- 16 jet on the ceiling of his room. We chatted to him for awhile about football and his bossy younger sister. He was really looking forward to moving. As he spoke, it occurred to us that this house would be full, although less crowded than the one they lived in up the street. Maybe it would be the first time Charles didn’t have to share a bedroom. 4:30pm. - Wcputthelastbitof stucco on the dining room ceiling and went outside to see how the day had gone. The huge mound of dirt and rocks was gone from the back yard. The railing was up on the back porch. The driveway was ready for cement. The soffit was up at the front, and the stairs were almost finished. It was hard to believe that so much had been done in one day. Heather, the Outreach coordinator for CWRU, told us that they build two days a week al1 year. The Greater Cleveland afiliate hopes to dedicate its one hundredth house by Christmas. As one building coordinator thanked us for coming, I felt that I should be thanking her. The afflli-

ate had given us the opportunity to use our muscles, and to meet the people who would benefit from eight hours of our time. We felt great. We got lost however, on the way back to the church. As we drove closer to downtown Cleveland, away from the Institute of Art, away from the theatres and museums, we realized that what we had done was a small part ofwhat needed to be done. We passed houses that sagged on one side, and patched shacks with windows covered in plastic. Even inplaceslike Toronto, the scars of poverty aren’t as obvious as thev are in Americin cities. After travelling in Canada, an American friend of my

After travelling in Canada, an American friend Of my grandmother’s remarked that it was very clean. “Don ‘t you have unemptuyment here?” she asked. “Where are the poor people?”


remarked that it was very clean. “Do you have unemployment she here?” asked. “Where are the poor people?” Maybe we don’t see them, but we know that they are there just the same. Sunday morning, 9:00 am. We crammed ourselves back into our cars, tired, happy, and more prepared

than evtr

to wcnk



housing. Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand, and I will move the earth.” We felt ready to help some more people to their feet.



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Wesmen kick everyone% butt at 27th annual Naismith tournament by T. J. Behe Imprint Sports

S cvcnts.

ome tournaments end the same way year after year. Judging from last weekend’s bask&ball results, the Naismith tournament is becoming one of those For the third time in row, the Winnipeg Wcsmcn travctlcd cast to Waterloo, dominated an cxtrcmcly compctitivc field, and went home with the winner’s trophy undcr their CV~. On Sunday, the Wesman defcatcd the Brandon Bobcats 87-76, in game which saw Winnipeg come back from a 12-point deficit. As bcforc, the winning coach was cxtrcmcly plcascd with the team’s play. “With the competition so tough, our victories throughout the tournament wcrc all the more satisfyi ng,” said Wcsman coach Bill

Waterloo by Kim Imprint


Moser Sports

f you have to lost to nnyonc, it’s best to lose to the best around. The basketball Warriors saw their hopes for a tourney victory dashed early by the eventual winncrs, the Winnipeg Wcsmcn, as they lost their opening game by twenty points. Though they had hoped for a better showing in the Naismith tournament last weekend, they managed a 6%64- consalation win over their rivals, the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks.

Wcdlakc. And Wedlakewas not shy with his feelings about playing in Waterloo, as hejokingly told the 1,OOOplus fans he would consider moving here permanently. “Like other years, the crowd was more than supportive. They have some real basketball fans here,” hc added. The all-Manitoba game saw a battle between the country’s top point-guards, as Winnipeg Thor Oleson and Brandon’s Scott Keeney both led their teams with 25 points a piece, To coincide with their pcrformancc, they were each named to the tournament’s all-star team. The Bobcats were by far the Wesman’s toughest opponent, as Winnipeg handled both Waterloo and McGill quite easily on their way to the fmal. St. Francis Xavier and the

Brock Badgers were the Bobcat’s victims, bcforc Brandon succumbing to Winnipeg in the final. Wesman centre Norm Froemel seemed to make the difference between winning and losing. He had only four first half points, before storming back in the second half with 20. The 7’0” star had nothing but respect for the runner-up team. “They held me for the first half, and I knew I had to come out big in the last 20 minutes. But the whole team played well,” he said. Joining the two guards on the all-star team were Brandon’s Euon Roberts, Ryerson’s Alex Beason, and Brock’s Dave Picton, who led the tournament in scoring with 92 points. The tournament victory clearly places Winnipeg as the team to beat when the season begins in six weeks from now.

bows outearlv The match with Lauricr CV:IS filled with emotion and as a result a lot of fouls wcrc called against both teatns. Ncithcr team sccmcd to want to lost infront of the packed home town crowd. Rookies Mike Strocder and Mano Watsa showed their stuff in both games and did not let the Hawks push them around. Tempers flared, on both side as Mike Strocder fouled out late in the second half after collecting 10 points. Forward Tom Balfe who had been out earlier this season with a

knee injury saw some action in the game against the Hawks. His presence in the game seemed to be the motivator that pushed the team to win the close match against Laurier. Waterloo ended up in the consultation game with the Hawks after they lost to the McGill Redmen 76 56 on Friday Night. At half time the Redmen only had a sight lead over the Warriors at 37-34, before took control in the second half. Mark Hopkins had 21 points and 6 rounds against McGill while Matt Williams had 10 points.

Murray Davidson(30) watches Cramer lays one in. Winnipeg the Brandon Bobcats,


as Wesman teammate Steiner defeated feliow Manitobans,

tourney weekend


1994 Waterloo Warrior Volleyball Classic University Saturday

of Waterloo - Physical Activities Building (P.A.C.) November 19 and Sunday November Z&l994

Saturday November 19,1994 1130 am Waterloo Warriors vs Laurier Golden Hawks (Main Court) Guelph Gryphons vs Stratford RX, Club (Side Court) 3:OO pm Waterloo Warriors vs Stratford R.E. Club (Main Court) Lauriet Golden Hawks vs Guclph Gryphons (Side Court)

Sunday November 20,1994 1O:OO am Waterloo Warriors vs Gudph Gryphons (Main Court) Stratford R.E. Club vs Laurier Golden Hawks (Side Court) Gold Medal Match (Main Court) 2:OO pm hi Televised on Rogers Cable T.V. PLAYER PROFILES: Shswn Smith - Setter - Waterloo Warriors - All Canadian (1993 & 94) Matt Reed - Power - Waterloo Warriors - OUAA All-star (1994) Andreas Schrinrm - Setter - Stratford R.E. Club - former player with McMaster - former All Canadian Jude Popp - Middle - Stratford R.E. Club - former player with McMaster - former OUAA All-star


“But by T.J. Imprint

Behe Sports


ow would you like to de stray your town rivals three games straight and have your coach tell you you’ve played terribly‘? Ed Price certainly has no problem doing it, after his team defcatcd the Lauricr Golden Hawks. “Though I’m happy with the score, our team played like @#$%.” These arc the comments from a man whose team is unbeaten for the 1994 season. Warrior vollcybail coach Ed


Price said he was disappointed Wednesday evening with the play of histeam though the Black Plague won three games straight without allowing more than seven points. “We played badly on defence and at our transitional game, and I’m going to have he boys doing some heavy skills training in practice all week,” said Price. As tough as he is, Price knows that his play must be nearly pcrfcct to compctc with teams from out West and the strong squad from Laval. The Warriors are ranked eighth in the CIAU, but are the highest placed team from the

for I;t/arrior rookie


Morrison Sports

ow that’s more like it! That is what you could say about the effort put forth by the Warriors hockey team, with rcgard to the road trip they took to Kingston this past weekend. Decisivc wins over Queen’s and RMC gave Waterloo a much needed 4 points. The Warriors began their tour of the mid cast division with a l-0 victory over Queen’s The night before, the third place Golden Gales had flexed their proverbial muscles, beating previously unbeaten Lauricr 4-l. That obviously didn’t phase the men from Waterloo, as they not only beat Queen’s, but held them scoreless for the entire game. Waterloo coach Don McKee though that Lauricr was “vulnerable” and hc was not overly surprised at Saturday’s result. The next stop for the Warriors was only a short hop across the channel to RMC. Going into the game, thelowly Redmen satin fourth place, alone at the bottom of the mid east division with only one point. By the end of the night, that hadn’t changed, as Waterloo handed them a 4-l defeat. Waterloo carried their momentum from Saturday night’s game into the contest on Sunday and it showed as they recorded a healthy four goals en route to their second win in as many days. The two wins improved the ice Warriors record to Z-2-2, and moved them closer to second place Westem in the far west division. A big part of the Warriors success can be found between the pipes. As of November 15, rookie goaltender Joe Harris was fifth in the country with a goals against average of 2.95. On Saturday Xarris stopped an amazing 31 shots on the way to his first OUAA shutout. Sunday saw Harris at work again, stoping 16 of 17 RMC shots, more than good


Friday, November 18, 1994

coach, we’re perfect for the season!”

Hockey team comes backfromrough start with two wins by Mark Imprint


enough for the win. Harris’ performance in only his third and fourth 0UA.A starts was good enough to earn lii!~ &hlete of the week honours. Anyone who knows sports knows the value of winning on the road and what it can do for a team. These two road wins are a huge boost for this talented Warrior team who were highly touted at the beginning of the season. The feeling around the rink is that this years ice Warriors are an improved club, defensively, over last year. With a goaltender in the top five in the nation and a road trip that gives up only one goal, defense is definitely there. Although he acknowledged the absence of any “prolific goal scorers” at this point, coach McKee was happy with the defensive cffort put forth over the weekend. These two wins set the Warriors up nicely to build on their point total, with 3 of their next 5 games at home. Laurentian and Ryerson will be here tonight and on Sunday, respectively. Laurentian sits in 3rd place with 6 points and Ryerson in 4th with 4 points, both in the mid west division. Four points this weekend would move Waterloo to ten points on the season and give them a potential share of first place. Capturing these four points will be vital, as the following three games will bring the Warriors up against inter-division rivals Windsor, Western and Laurier. The game versus the Golden Gales will be the only game that finds the Warriors at home. That series will have significant effect on how the far west division looks. The series will also be pivotal, coming at the crucial mid-point of the season. The players won’t find them-

selves with much idle time over the holidays, as they will be in Saskatchewan and Guelph, all before the New Year.

OUAA. And Price believes his team is better than that. “I believe we are higher than eight, but from the play tonight, I would be afraid of giving us much more than the rankings say,” he added. Winning by scores of 15-5, 15-5 and 15-7, the Warriors seem unbeatable as they haven’t lost a set in several weeks. Their record is an impressive 10 for 10 in exhibition and regular season play, and they don’t seem to be slowing down. Though Price was unimpressed with his teams overall play, he did reserve some complements for a trio of players. “Pete Denison and Kent Prete were playing exceptionally well, and Rene Holt’s passing was good.” The Warriors play their next games this weekend in the 1994 Waterloo Warrior Volleyball ClasThe Waterloo on teams from


Warriors Guelph,

will host the 1994 Warrior Laurier and Stratford.






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Friday, November 18, 1994

by James Russell Imprint staff


‘ve got two beefs, and I’ll tell you what they are. The first is people who claim to love sports but are lazy bastards who never exercise. The second is people who get off on “their team” winning when they have no right to. Everyday, I meet people who are “into” sports. They can tell you who won and who lost last night, they can give you stats all day and the life story of the players all night. But, these people who claim to respect and admire the great athletes so much never exercise! I don’t understand it. Personally, T try to emulate my heros and the people who I admire. For example, I admire (as do millions of others) Arnold Schwartzeneger, As a result of this, I work out. I pump a bit of iron and I do see some results. I know I’ll never be even

Every Wednesday

remotely like him, but I can at least try, and I feel better about myself because of that. But other people seem to do the opposite. Why is it so many football fans are fat? Why is drinking lots of beer associated with so many major sports? These “fans” are just a bunch of lazy bastards who let others live out their little fantasies of being great, while they sit back and soak up brews and expend no effort whatsoever. This brings me to my second beef: people who try to take the glory of a sports team winning, when it has nothing to do with them. This applies to anyone who has ever boasted or made a big scene when their favourite team won. This means anyone who hooted and hollered when the Blue Jays won either of their World Series’, or anyone who yelled and screamed when the Leafs did well last year, and anyone who was out

on the streets during the world cup. I don’t know how many people in WaterToo this applies to, but I was in Toronto for the Jays’ first series, the Leafs last year, and I had the misfortune to live in Little Jtaly during the World Cup. Believe me, I’m talking about tens of thousands of people. These people have nothing to do with the team winning, so where do they get off lording it over anyone? Did these idiots help coach? Did they lend moral support? No, They just sat in front of their TV’s and when people far away kick a ball into a net, or whatever, they act like it is their accomplishment. The fans have no reason to feel proud. They have no reason to feel anything, because they didn’t do anything. So what I’m saying is: sports fans, get off your asses and exercise, and then, after you’ve actually done something to be proud of, tell me. Maybe thef; I’ll Ii&en. . ml3AvELL

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of the Canadian


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“I’m sorry, bad words and dirty pictures are not part of the deal.” Back in the 50s and 6Os, the Montreal Canadians had a prolific scorer named Jean Beleiveau. The Habs star played along side of Boom Boom Geoffreon and the Rocket Richard, and was in town Tuesday promoting his new book, My Life in Hockey. When asked about being in Canada’s top ten non-fiction book list, he replied, “What, with the Pope’s and Prince Charles biography there too, well I’m among pretty good company, ain’t I?”

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Years experience


1, their

he University of Waterloo Women’s Volleyball Team is off to a promising start for I 994/I 995 season. Wednesday night, the Athena




and though

the match was close throughout, Waterloo walked away with the win, 3 games to 2. Waterloo Women’s Volleyball now has a record of 2- 1, which puts them in a respectable place in

Athenas of season

the OWIAA West Division. The scores were ,13-l $16-14, 15-13, 14-16, and 16-14. In the third game, Waterloo came back to win after being down 12 to 1, showing that they had the intensity and determination to win. This was a much needed victory

and Sarah Kydd ( 16). Outstanding defensive players of the game were Paula Sloan, with 20 digs, and Ana Kasumovic, with 18 digs. Andrea Kaufman, a third year player and the team’s captain says about the game, “The game’s were a little too close for comfort, but


what kept US in there was a determi-

last Friday’s


in Brock

against the Badgers. Waterloo suffered a 3-2 loss with scores of 7- 15, 15-4, 9-15, 15-8 and 15-9. Some key factors to the Athena’s victory on Wednesday was due to a number of kills from Colleen Deloyer (22)

nation to win. Nobody was ready to give up at any point.” Tonight the Athena’s travel to Guelph for their fourth league game against the Gryphons. Game time is 7 p.m.


Waterloo splash by Jay Special

Nolan to Imprint


he Waterloo Swim teams competed successfully in 3 exciting meets this past week. A trip to Laurier found our swimmers in tough against bitter rivals Guelph and a much improved Laurier squad. Wiley veteran Brian Roughley led the Waterloo charge by example, handily winning the4OOrn freestyle. Rookie Chris Palin took second place honours. A second one-two punch for the Warriors came in the 2OOm backstroke with Chris “neutralman” Nagy and John Harland providing the blows. Nagy also added a second in the 20Om individual medly and a third in the 200m breaststroke. Sophmore Ed Furs won the 200 freestyle and was a close second in the 1OOm freestyle as well. Harland, Nagy, Furs and rookie Bryan Normandin combined on the 4x50111 freestyle relay, dominating the competition for an easy first place. After the final scores were tallied, Waterloo had easily beaten Laurier, but finised behind Guelph by a mere 5 points. The Athenas also found the lady Golden Gales an improved team over last season. Nevertheless, the Athenas managed some impressive swims. Kara Rice led the way by winning the 2OOm breast and finishing second in the 100.


swim team in Homecoming

Teresa Mace1 came second in the 200m freestyle while Deanna Hlywka captured third in both the 5Om freeslyle and the 1OOm backstroke. On Friday, the swimmers travelled to Brock to give the Badgers a Kemberence Day beating they won’t soon for-get. This time the rookies led the way with Greg Stump, Adrian Mendes and Bryan Normandin finishing 2nd,3rd and4th respectively, in the 100~1 fly. Stump added another second in the 2OOm butterfly, while Mendes finished second in the 50m freestyle. I Another rookie, James Ryans looked very strong cruising to a first place finish in the 200m freestyle. Other winners included Nagy in both the 200m backstroke and the 200m breaststroke. Ryans and L,arry Huang followed up Nagy’s win in the breaststroke, finishing 2nd and 3rd to complete the sweep of the event. Ed Furs added two wins of his own, in the 1OOm freestyle and the 200m butterfly. Alex Kim swam to a 4th place finish in the 200m butterfly turning in some impressive split times over the grueling race. Trevor “gnat”Denstedt, swimming with painfully injured shoulders, proved he is still “The Man” as he scored in both the 200m IM and 200m back. Dave Chasse greatly improved his 1UOm breaststroke and backstroke. performances, finishing

fourth and fifth respectively. Newcomers Grant Hutchinson and Kevin Blake proved their mettle as they combined for three 3rds and a 4th, scoring points in all swims. John “Red Dog” Harland added a first, in the 4x50 freestyle relay, to his two second place finishes in the 1OOm backstroke ;ind 1OOru breaststroke. Furs, Nagy and Normandin rounded out the winning relay team. Tereza Mace1 started a wave of success for the Athenas, swimming to a second place finish in the 800m freestyle, a third in the 200 breaststroke, and a first in the 4x 100 rnedley relay. Amy Jarvis, on work placement this term, made the trip to St. Catherines and won every event she swam; the 1OOm fly, the 200m individual medley, and the 4x100 medley relay. Deanna Hlywka added 3 firsts of her own with the I OOm and 200m backstrokes, and the 4xlOOm medley relay. Rookie sensation Noelle Aplev ich finished second to Hlywka in both backstrokes and captured a first in the 4x50 freestyle relay. Jennifer Beatty showed why she is the Waterloo record holder in the 200m breaststroke as she led a 1,2,3 sweep of the event, adding a second in the 1OOm breaststroke later on. Kara Rice won the 1OOm breaststroke, was second in the 200m individual medley and anchored the first place 4x50m free relay with teammates Veronica

comes the Achy-breaky to Water1


makes big meets Stephenson, Jennifer Beatty, and Sara Sanchez. Other Athenas contributing to point totals included were Laura Anderson in the 200m freestyle; Lori Arnotts with swims in both the 100 and 50m freestyle; Tanya Merrill in the 200 freestyle and Sanchez in the 50 and lOOn7 freestyle. Waterloo’s swimmers wiil be in Toronto today for U of T’s annual Invitational. Warrior swimming had a homecoming of their own on Saturday with the annual alumni meet. Tn a battle between youth and age, the Hall of Famers showed the undergraduate swimmers what experience can do. Members of the original 1968 swim team including: Jim Frank, Eric McMillan, Brian Thompson, Peter Straka, and Joyce Matheson

participated in Saturday’s meet. Other Alumni travelled from as far away as Bermuda (Mike and Kris Cash). Mike was impressed by the level of “fitness” on the Alumni team, with 4 of 9 HaI1 of Famers in attendence, including I976 Olympians Dave Heinbuch and Ron Campbell. The Warriors and Athenas of yesteryear proved up to the challenge. The current varsity team graciously spotted their ancient counterparts some generous handicaps, “just to keep things competetive”. Both sides implementing questionable tactics in a fiercely battled contest. In the end, age and experience prevailed over good looks and youth. Thanks to all Alumni who made the trip and made this Homecoming truly memorable.



56 King Street, N., WATERLOO


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by Kathleen Ryan special to Imprint


SalonEsthetician * Cuts* Styles Up-doSpecialists * Perms* Colours ttoms:

Watch out Billy Rawy,Jen has arrived

Here Ret

Friday, November

terested in giving right away, SaturI$ 19th is “Blazing ry night at Fed HalI. ~:‘:(‘” ..::;?. .: Band fj@&fl and radio sta%.. . ~~~~570 will be on hand


uring the past few ; names such as Alli Stomp, Boot Sco (,;;;(5:'. $,*: of the Heartland Boogie, Stray Cat Strut and ( <p::‘..‘)?.i’: L”._ ‘) j::,<zC’.‘S,..., p”,p; f k -;$,‘;;,:. :i :: :~1.‘i:tij%-s ,, .>.a try Chacha have become more c&$ y’:,i: i ease with “two lefx$&&~~:$n s~~:.~i:i~~~~~~~~.~lll be teaching all night. _:‘f ‘.!:5;<;,..:,j(‘ “:.:,:I _ ;..ij+ .;< c;:..:, i~:~$.x$.,t : .“‘.‘i : _, .%_. .$. :!:+:’ :.::,.>. man, They are all country l&$::.1! .ceed with practicF:rj”;: ::~~‘.~~,?~ ; .:’ ‘.:.&,.:-~:;;~ :‘i-x:.T..::,‘::, .:. E)&November 4th and 5th, the ~.~~~~~~“‘Badminton Club held a tourdances, a new exercise and SOC$$,,:$,;;~ ~j~ji~:i+:~:,,:


i ,.:$',ii.:r:,:., '. I.::i :...,.::.: .,.:4 ing in popularity. This fall, line dancing arri%$<i$\$ at UW ’ s Campus Recreation pro;~:‘:,~:$$ gram with a suLcessfu1 trial coir taught by Jennifer McCormick

UW’s Athletic Department. “:Fp . McCormick took weekly lessons forayearandlearnedthelinedances quickly. She soon began writing down the dance steps and putting them to different music. An estimated 300 country line dances exist, and McCorn~i&‘b’ti$ access about 150 dances, The: da~ces;,&‘$~Z~ usually set to upb&@$int@; “‘ngw” country or rock atid roll r&i&~ .:.. Campus R&s first line d%?i ing course this term was extremely popular with participants. A small but enthusiastic group of twelve people attended six weekly onehour classes. The class progressed to

thfj _, _, bit o~~.~~~tar,:~;rkout,,

~~.$j&@jp~ Y(..:J:i:<::y.ll ,i.n.::'i,:.k< ,

at the Columbia


Diamond Engagement

>ne ho~~~~~~~~~;~~~~!~ ty. An estimated 45 club devot~~~~.t’i;~~~~~ers and invited guests took ‘3’:;::: i$.:;: i’_..: :,:; Dancing!;;; + :B~#I many well-played tournaJascular ~I’~j$&$$~&ames. In the Men’s Singles &$$ the two top finishers were

$‘$$$. andDennis




In the B Qfi

‘z;$!&rick Li and Tony Chang $gg$$..{ ;ind second respectively* ~,~$$,@&&,,,, Doubles A Flight,

to McCormick. Dancers must reGinfi”; $,&:a@ My -Linh Nguyen member a sequence of dance steps, place&$Z%it, ;&llowed by Jean Cai usually 20 to 30 in a row. and Nai%$~$#ng. In Men’s DouAnother country l@e da&.:: in& class wil,i<,;& tagght ..:$y :.;~+@~$~A Fli$$$‘David Sit and M&$rmicki$ th+$vintervrm. Be :~;j~:’L&&atSimo@~+d Albert Wang. I@hour cl@se$‘*ill tal$,@a&bn $) , In.1 ihe B anb:i.C$lights, Kegan T&‘esdays from 5:iS-6:45p~~~~~en,‘ii,~‘;:Kdwano and Jatri&$Iou, and Felix w’eeks. Interested men and women :‘I’. Tin and K.elvin K&’ .@d their respective divisions. Iti’ ‘tie Mixed should register for the class during Doubles category, Gerry ‘yen and the second week of the term in Jeanne Lee earned first place while January. No experience is necesAlex Li and My-Lipg Nguyen came sary and only singles dances are in second. taught.

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Friday, November 18,1994

Ski team


Murray to the Imprint


he Nordic Ski Team is alive and kicking, and has been involved in dry-land training since the second week of classes. Official practices are scheduled on Wednesdays and Fridays from 4:30-6:30 with various torturous training methods, devised by mentor and coach Don MacKinnon. Trainning includeds ski-specific technique work, such as rollerskiing, ski hiking,bounding and pullies. Other training to develop muscle growth, endurance and speed include soccer, pilamentrics, distance running, and fartlets. The team has also been observing Accident Waterloo Nordic ccremonial traditions to appease the sylow gods, and to prime the body for another year of challenging races. Sunday mornings, are an optional early morning distance rollerski for those that arc up to it. Sunday afternoon practice consists of a bike trip out to Schneider’s bush, and a ski hike workout. Ski hiking amounts to charging through the woods with sharply pointed ski poles in hand, terrorizing weekend hikers as the movements of classical skiing are mimicked. This years annual fall training




prepares upcoming by Joanne

Derek the ganp from varsitv badminton

season camp, held at Duntroon Highlands on November 4-6, combined a number of these activities producing a full weekend of comprehensive training for the twenty athletes that attended. More recently, the team participated in the AHS 5km Fun Run. This event saw the team dressing up in ceremonial costumes (ski accidents) as they rollerskiied the two laps of Ring Road. The outfits worn by the team was a ritualistic pageant for the nordic gods in an effort to prevent any real injuries from occurring during the ski season. Besides, all those tensor bandages prevented people from figuring out who the team really was just in case we came in last. And finally, the latest development in the world of ski team was the construction of a genuine 50 m ski course in a secret location. Five hours of hard work finally paid off on Friday the 1 lth, for a couple of hours. Evidently, not enough appeasements have been made to Mother Nature, as she cursed our vigourous efforts ofcreating a winter environment by causing a rise in the thermometer and a splattering of precipitation. However, there are many more Friday nights in the future, especially those pre-exam evenings, in which we spend hours transporting snow to build a ski course. Until we are blessed with the real stuff.

SERVICE FOR ALL ACURA “Your cars home away from

Tao to the


he 1994-95 UW badminton team has a host of new faces including a new assistant coach and five rookies. At the crossover tournament at McMaster, the team had a near perfect record against Ryerson, winning all 8 singles matches, 3 doubles matches, dropping only a doubles and mixed doubles match. Unfortunately, a strong Western team and close losses to the McMaster team pushed the Warriors down to third place and the Athenas to fourth. The players for the 1994-95 seasons are (in alphabetical order) for the Athenas: Vivienne Chan: A 3A Arts Accounting student, this Torontonian has a sharp offensive game. Steep smashes and deep clears are a big asset to Vivienne’s game. She also provides strong moral support to the team which improves the team’s cohesiveness. Susan Ho: Susan is a 3rd year Biochemistry student from China. She has been playing competitive badminton for only two years, but has just joined the team this year. Susan is known for her powerfir clears and the uncanny ability to return all shots. Doreen Leo: Doreen is a native of Calgary and is this year’s Athena captain. Doreen is playing in her fourth and final year here at Waterloo. Her coaching experience and smart finesse game helps lead her and fellow Athenas play to win. Sharon Quon: Sharon is a




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ingly in his doubles games. Brian Li: Brian, a 3A Computer Science major, is playing his first year as a Warrior this season. He has shown to be quick at the net and plays with a “no fear” attitude. Brian’s main strength is in doubles, where he teams with dan Frank to produce an exceptional team. Craig Smith (aka: Bryan Adams): Craig is a second year Geography student from Stratfordplaying in his second year with the team. Craig plays the power game and shows an endless amount of energy contributing to his consistent results. CIiff Tao: Cliff is a fourth year Kinesiology student from Ottawa playing in his fourth and fmal year. He is this year’s captain of the Warriors team. In his rookie year Cliff won the team MVP award, and has since been looking to regain that title. Rahul Vaidyanath (aka: Rool): Rahul is an Ottawa native in his 3A term of Actuarial Sciences. Playing in his second year on the team, Rahul shows a strong singles game where his endurance capabilities are seen at their extent. Jason Wong: Jason has returned from a two year hiatus to the team and has shown to be a good dcceptivc player when playing either singles or doubles. A fourth year Biochemistry student from Toronto, Jason is in his last year at Waterloo. The team is coached by returning coach Brian Biemann and a new assistant coach, Marcia MacVicar. This weekend the team travels to the University of Western Ontario to play in the second westsectional tournament.

of the Week Kara


- Athena


Kara is a third year Mathematics student and captain of the Athena swim team. Last week, the Athenas competed in two meets, the first a t&meet with Laurier and Guelph, the second a dual meet with Brock. Kara contributed a total of 25 points over the two meets, Kara took a first, a second and a third place finish at the tri-meet in the 2OOM breast-stroke, the 1OOM breast-stroke and the 4x5OM freestyle respectively. She was the only Athena at the meet to record a first place showing. At the dual meet, Kara took a first in the 1OOM breast-stroke, and the 4x50 freestyle, and placed second in the 200M brcaststroke. The swimmers will next compete on Friday, November 18 at the Toronto Invitational.



Joe Harris

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2A Mechanical Engineering student from Ottawa. Returning for her second year on the team as the number one girls’ player, Sharon has played in the past two Ontario Winter Games, earning a silver and a bronze. Her all-round quickness makes her a fearful player on the team. Julie Swire (aka: Jules): A first year Health Studies student, Julie won the OFSAA ‘C’ singles last year, representing her hometown of Waterdown. Julie, a southpaw, is known for her powerful smashes and deft drop shots. The players for the l994-95 Warrior season are (in alphabetical order): Dan Frank (aka: Hammer): Dan is a 3A Computer Science student from Ottawa playing in his third year with the Warriors. In his fifth year of playing Dan aided the team to the playoffs where he went undefeated, helping the team to an OUAA fourth place standing. Tim Futtormson (aka: Timmer): Tim is a first year Chemical engineering student from Ottawa. Last year, Tim played for the Ottawa District Junior Team at the Ontario Winter Games and won a team silver. Tim’s main concentration now is in doubles play where his hard, flat hits are put to use. Arive Kwan: This is Arvie’s second yearon the team. A native of Scarborough, and a second year Systems Design Engineering student, Arvie has a quick arm swing which easily fools weary opponents. True Le: True is in 2B Electrical Engineering from Toronto playing in his first year on the squad. True’s best aspect ofthe game is this hard smash, which he uses spar-


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- Warrior


Joe is a first year Environmental Studies student, who contributed significantly to the Warriors first two league wins this season, the first a 1-O win over Queen’s, the second a 4-l victory over RMC. Joe recorded his first OUAA shut-out in only his third game, stopping 3 1 shots against Queen%. In the Warriors victory over RMC, Joe stopped 16 shots as the offense went to work. The Warriors will host Laurentian on Friday November 18th and Ryerson on Sunday the 20th. Games will be played at the lceficld.







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24 Que. 24


Sherbrooke St. F. X.

USC 3 Nov. 11: Alberta 6 Sherbrooke McMaster 2 St. F. X. Nov. 12: taurentian 1 Alberta UK 3 McMas ter Nov. 13: Bronze Medal Game: McMaster 4 Laurentian Championship Final: UBC 5 Alberta

at UBC


2 0 1 1 A 0 0 RBULTS

Nov. 10:

UQTR Western York Nov. II: Oueen’s &ock

5 4 6

Concordia Guelph Ryerson

0 2 3


Laurier Ryerson


Nov. 12:


C/AU SOCCER CHAMPIONSHIPS FlNAL STANDlNGS 1. Dalhcmsie; 2. UBC; 3. Alberta; 4. Guelph; 5.

Western; 6. McGill. 2 McGill Dalhousie 2 Western Nov. 11: UBC 4 Guelph Alberta 1 Dalhousie Nov. 12: Alberta 2 Western Guelph 2 McGi II Nov. 13: Bronze Medal Game: Alberta 1 Guelph Gold Medal Game: Dalhousie 3 UBC (penaity kicks 5-4)

0 0 0 1 ; 0 2

Tournament all-stars: Leahanne Turner - Dalhousie; Andrea Neil - UBC; Lisa B&an - Guelph; Nicole Sedgewick - UBC; Carla Perry - Dalhousie; Helen Harries - Alberta; Dana Holmes - Dalhousie; Nancy Ferguson - UBC, Sara Nathanson - Western; Kristine Vaughan - WBC; Shannon Rosenow - Alberta. CIAU All- Canadians: First Team: FORWARDS: Anne Marie Fleming - Toronto; Julia Maughan - McGill; Melaine Roi - Sherbrooke. MIDFIELDERS: Lynn Forsyth - Guelph; Julia Gareau - Ottawa; Cindy Montgomery - Acadia; Carla Perry Dalhousie. DEFENDERS: Emily Skleryk - York; Andrea Neil - UBC; Cigi Cignini - Laurier. GOALIE: Samantha Simpson - Saskatchewan. Second Team: FORWARDS: Kate Gillespie - Dalhousie; Sarah Nathamson - Western; Nancy Ferguson - UBC; Tracy . Niven - Guelph. MIDFIELDERS: Nicole Sedgwick UBC; Tanya Williams - York; Odile Desbois - McGiIl. DEFENDERS: Helene Dore - Sherbrooke; Amanda Wilcox - St. Francis Xavier; Heidi Bloomfield, McGill. GOALIE: Leanna Turner - Dalhousie. COACH: Dick Mosher - UBC. OWJAA VOLLEYBALL RESULTS Nov. 9:

Guclph (5-15, 7-15, ,113, McMaster 3

2 1$:?%6) Guelph

(14-16, 15-3, 15-8, 15-8)



1 1

(15-8, 15-11, L-15,

IS-1 1)







Nov. 13: Laurentian Waterloo Windsor Nov. 15: Ottawa Nov. 16: York Nov. x7: Ryerson


York RMC Toronto








’ far West


: (OT)

Darren Dougan Chris Ciancy Mike Dahle Ian Richardson Ken Rowbotham Ron Ellis Guy Boucher Martin Roy Andrew Clark Mark Guy Jamie Golden Todd Wetzel Corey Antequil


T_laurier Western Waterloo Windsor

6 5 10 742136239 6- 2 2 2 7 1 4 2





York Brock Laurentian Ryerson

8 8 7 7

5 4 3 2

3 3 4 5

0 1 0 0

39 43 20 15

26 10 28 9 26 6 37 4


cw 8 4





2 3 4 7 L 1 2 20

2 30 3 26 11924 1 14 T F 2 27 1 27 13 20 19

Guelph Toronto Queen’s RMC Far Eust Ottawa McGill Concordia UQTR

8 7 8 cw 6 6 56

2 2 0 3 3 32

332210 20 24 20 32

6 4

F APts

5 6 11

Guelph Laurier Ryerson Western RMC McGill

4 7 4 6 5 5 4 6 6 4 36 09 27 27 819 36 27

8 6 7 7 8 6 6 7 7 8 8 8

Ottawa Queen’s Western Brock Guelph York

OUAA HOCKEY GOALTENDING Tm GP MinGA Scott Gait UT 5 31O:OO 12 J. F. Rivard Ott. 4 25o:Oo 10 Sylvain Rodriqce UQTR3 189:36 8 George Dourian UC; 8 490:00 21 Joel Han-is UW 4 244~00 12


18 20 21 13

Laurentian 7

Pla yef

2110 29 7 5 42 1

Lakehcad 3 Windsor (15-12, 15-13, 15-4) Brock Waterloo (7-15,15-4,9-A, 15-8, 15-9) Nov. 12: Lakehead 3 Windsor (13-15, 15-5, 15-9, 14-16, 17-15) Toronto Queen’s (15~10,15-10;*5-4) Nov. 16: Waterloo


8 7 77


11 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 LEADERS

Avg 2.32 2.40 2.53 2.57 2.95





0 2 2

(15-5,15-7,15-6) Nov. 11:






MPMWMLGW Western 3 3 0 Lakehead 2 2 0 McMaster 3 2 1 Brock 211452 Waterloo 2 1 1 Guelph 3 1 2 Windsor 4 1 3 Laurier 3 0 3 East MPMWMLGW Ottawa 2 2 0 Toronto : 1 0 Queen’s 1 2 Carleton 1 0 1 Ryerson 1 0 1 York -

9 6 7

CL 1 2 4

A 6 4 4




4 5 2

8 10 9

2 2 0



1 0 8 3 3 -

4 2 2 0 0 -

6 3 3 1 2 -

West Waterloo


Western McMaster McMaster Queen’s Queen’s Ryerson Teum

4 4 3 5 5 5

Waterloo Waterloo Western Ryersan Toronto Toronto

1 1 2 0 0 (default) 0 (default)


Queen’s McMaster Western Waterloo Ryerson Toronto

10 8 5 2

14 10 9

10 7 6



I 3

5 0

2 3


Nov. 19-20: West Sectional II at Western East Sectional II at Queen’s


IO:00 a.m.


Brock Waterloo Western Toronto York Nov. 19: York Toronto Ryerson Western Nov. 20:

Ryerson York

at McMaster at Guelph at Lakehead at Ottawa at Carleton

6:OO p.m. 7:oo p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p-m7:00 p.m.

at at at at

Ottawa Carleton Ottawa Lakehead

2:OO p.m. 630 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

at at

Carietvn Queen’s

2;oo p.m. 2:OO p.m.

1200 p.m.


Manitoba Nov. 19: Windsor

at Waterloo

7:OO p.m.

at Laut-ier

2:OO p.m.


McMaster 3 Guelph (15-10,16-14,16-14) Toronto 3 Queen’s (15-12,15-17,3-15,15-13,15-B) Nov. 12: Queen’s Toronto (15-4,15-11, &13-l&15-12) Nov. 16: Guelph at Windsor Laurier at Waterloo Western at Brock Nov. 17: Toronto at York




34 25 20 12 8 6

Kevin Shonk Mike Elliot Rob Mizak Chris Muir Dave Rawiings Plapr Marc Habash David Kantor Tunde Tairu Chris Emmons Aaron Helm MikeCvihun Grant Patterson Mike Spence Joe Kupina K. VanWellegh.

WLU 9 1 UG 10 2 UWO 8 2 UWCI 8 1 LJWO 8 1 EAST Tm G A UT 10 2 Qu. 10 1 Ryer. 7 3




UT 18 Qu. 13 WLU 8 Qu. 14 York 3 WLU 8

6 2 3 2 1 5

37 4 39 4 21 13 19 15 32 2

K 63 51 31 11 81 so 23 56 8 25

S 4 19 6 5 5 12 13 10 5 6

42 45 36 35 35

4.7 4.5 4.5 4.4 4.4

TPPPG 74 7.4 71 7.1 40 5.7 17 5.7 93 5.2 64 4.9 39 4.9 68 4.9 14 4.7 30 4.5


Team Victoria Windsor Western McGill ul3c Manitoba

P0ilIt.S 49 51 85 98 125 130 149



Nov. 19: Vanier Cup at SkyDome: Saskatchewan vs.


2:49 p.m. n


Nov. 19 & 20: East %ctional II at Queen’s West Sectional II at Western

Guelph 3 Laurier 1 (16-14,15-12,13-15,15-4) Western 3 McMaster 2 (lo-15,12-15,15-12,15-12, 15-13) Waterloo 3 Windsor 0

(13-15,16-14, 15-13, 14-16, 16-14) 2 Western at Brock Guelph at Windsor

(15-8, t5-3,s9)

Nov. 1 I:

4” 2

OUAA HOCKEY SCORING LEADERS Pluyer Team GPGATP Ryan Savoia Brock 8 11 10 21 John Spoltore Laurier 6 6 13 19 Ben Davis .York 8 7 10 17 Darren Macoretta Erock 7 8 8 16 Todd Zavitz Brock 8 2 13 15 Don McConnell Laurier 6 5 8 13 Aaron Nagy wf?stern 7 3 10 13 Shawn Costello York 8 8 5 13 Chris George Laurier 5 7 5 12 Corby Wright York 8 2 10 12 Scott Spittel Brwk 8 3 9 12

(15-7,15&I, z-13) Nov. 9:

1. Victoria; 2. Western; 3. UBC; 4. Toronto; 5. Dalhousie; 6. McGill; 7. Windsor ; 8. St. Francis Xavier CJAU All-Canadians: I. Linda Thyer - McGill; 2. Lori Durward - UBC; 3. Sarah Hunter - Toronto; 4. Anna Gunasekera Victoria; 5. Sue Schlatter - UK; 6. Rachel Brown Victoria; 7. Missy McCreary - Windsor.

Nov. 10: UBC

2 2


Windsor Ottawa Western RMC Queen’s Brock

McGill Toronto Laurier Waterloo Lauren tian

Nov. 10: Laurentian

10 6 4 1



Nov, 20: Waterloo Invitational 8:30 a.m. at Westmount Gold and Curling Club, Kitchener


0 2 2


Western 2 2 0 6 2 McMaster 3 2 1 8 Brock 2 1 1 4 : Guelph 3 1 2 3 7 Laurier 2 0 2 3 6 Windsor 2 0 2 2 6 Eust MPMWMLGW GL Toronto i 3 111 7 Queen’s 2 1 8 6 York 1 1 0 3 0 Laurentian 2 0 2 2 6 Ryerson 2 0 2 1 6

1O:OOa.m. 1O:OOa.m.

Nov. 18: Toronto Laurentianat Brock Cuelph RMC Nov. 19: Queen’s Guelph Toronto Laurentian Brock Nov. 20: Ryerson Queen’s York


McGill Wa ted00

7:OO pm. 7:3U p.m.

at at at

Western Concordia UQTR

7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:OO p.m,

at at at at at

UQTR McGill Concordia Laurier Windsor

130 p.m.

at at at


Ottawa Windsor

200 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p-m-

4 4

2 2 0 0

3:00 3:00 7:00 7;30

p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.


Nov. 18 & 19: East Sectional at Ryerson West Set tional at Western

6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.


6 4 2 0 0

OUAA VOLLEYBALL SCORlNC LEADERS WEST Phzyer Tm G A K S TP PPG Geoff White Mac 13 2 109 11 122 9.4 Matt Reed UW 6 3 31 9 43 7.2 Steve Ray Win. 8 1 38 7 46 5.8 Greg Bell WLU 9 3 44 2 49 5.4 Steve Dunlop Mac 13 2 41 19 62 4.8 Dave Bailey Win. 8 0 35 3 38 4.8


Nov. 18: OUAA Invitational at Toronto

5:OO pm,


Nov. 18: Brock Queen’s Nov. 19: Ryerson Nov. 20: Ryerson York

at at

McMaster Laurentian

8:00 p.m. 8:OO p.m.

at Laurentian

8:00 p.m.

at Laurentian at Queen’s

1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

IMPRINT SPORTS All the stats that are fit to.print.

UW'sMacbeth? Mactastic Macbeth by Willim Shakespeare U.W. Drama Dept. Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building Nov. 23-26, 8 p.m. by Jennifer Epps special to Imprint ne of the most popular superstitions in theatre circles is a proscription against uttering the name “Macbeth” before a show. The belief allegedly stems from various accidents, fires, and deaths which have occurred during productions of the play throughout history, and may also reflect fears that Shakespeare was a little too adventurous in his invocations of satanic elements. However, the University of Waterloo Drama Department is hoping that the gods of the theatre will smile on them next week, when director Maarten van Diik’s vision of the tragedy hits Jthe



you can order

a whole

set for $lY.YS


where “There’s daggers in men’s smiles.” Familiar faces Jonathan Goad and Sarah Webcr have had to tackle these intricate concepts as they face the thespian challenges of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Other senior drama majors and veteran performers in the cast include Tim Rogers as the unfortunate king, Dylan Roberts as Macbeth‘s valiant foe, and Jennifer Clark, Michael MacDonald, Anand Rajaram, and many more. Sets, lights, and costumes designed, respectively, by William Chesney, Alex Kordics, and Jocelyne Sobeski, are orchestrated to create “a nightmare of epic proportions.” Or, as van Dijk puts it: “to knock your socks off.”

A cast of more than 30 has struggled with Shakespeare’s rhythms and imagery through two months of daily rehearsals. Visiting artist John Stead, a fight director at Stratford, has worked closely with the students to create scenes of heated combat, while Rob LeGood’s drumming and the actors’ own body painting designs aim to achieve a tribal, animalistic atmosphere. Van Dij k wants to stress not only the sophisticated veneer which the Macbeths show the world but also “the serpent under 2.” According to the press release, “the key to realizing Shakespeare’s classic cautionary talc, for spectators who no longer bclieve in the divine right of monarchs or the reign of the supernatural, is to bring out the meanings of the text, the resonance of greed, lust, and power in our own minds.” Shakespeare has, after all, created a moral universe in which “Fair is foul, and foul is fair,”



Toronto’s Macbeth? Mac1ousy! h

Macbeth by Willium Shakeqxare Unplugged Productions The Annex Theatre, 730 Bathurst, Toronto Until Sat. Nov. 19 by Jennifer Epps special to Imprint


here’s another new professional theatre company in Toronto, Unplugged Productions, and their inaugural venture is nothing less ambitious than Shakespeare’s Mmbeth. it is only when we see that director Cavan Young and star Adam Large are also the co-producers of the show that we understand how Large got the role; and that’s about as much speculation as we want to make. What Unplugged gives us could be re-titled Not-A4ucbeth, or perhaps, to be more precise, AJotMacbeth, Not-theWitches, and Net-Much-of-the-Porter Eitfw, but hey, that still leaves a dozen scenes. What is wrong with Large’s performance as Macbeth? Rather ask: What isn ‘t? As soon as he opens his mouth we wonder if he’s related to Keanu Reeves, and when, in his second scene, he reacts to Malcolm’s being chosen Prince of Cumberland by not knowing where to look, we know this is the onset of divine retribution






we’ve written. Large’s Macbeth responds to Lady M,‘s exhortations to murder by emphatically shaking his head over and over. (He doesn’t want to kill, you know.) His main aim seems to be to avoid straining his thin voice

in the tiny Annex Theatre, and he ducks whenever a difficult emotion threatens to nudge him. The end result is hardly a Macbeth consumed by ambition and tortured by conscience. It’s more like Macbeth slightly bothered by a hangnail. Although Jody Racicot, in his 3rd Witch guise, acts like someone who’s trying to pretend the audience can’t see him, the major problem with the weird sisters is Young’s concept of them. Racicot is a male witch who wanders around bald and barechested in tight black pants; Mindy Forrester and Michelle Collins wear similarly suggestive leather outfits and writhe and gyrate in S and M scenarios. That’s fine and radical, but Young never thinks to If it’s not Scotish, it’s crap. apply this to the actual play. So we can’t figure out how much power the witches duologue--it sort of becomes a have, what they’re after, why second intermission. Though Macbeth would pay them any John Weisgerber’s Macduff is heed, or how the hell we’re supsuitably pugilistic, Neil Ingram’s posed to take them seriously. Malcolm just seems grumpy, like When Shakespeare jumps he’s having a bad hair day. (Infi-om beleaguered Scottish oords deed, in his first scene, a battleto Malcolm’s English hiding field confab, his bangs sweep place and Malcolm and Macduff down alluringly as if he’s come slowly feel each other out, we get straight from Vidal Sassoon’s; in England, evidently, he has to slick “the testing scene” that may well it back himself.) also be the ultimate test of any This is not to say that most of production of Mucb&. AS you Macbeth’s cast is disappointing. might expect, then, Young doesn’t Collins sustains. tension and horquite know what to do with this

ror in her multiple roles as Donalbain, Lady Macduff, and the Doctor; James Binkley’s Ross, Roger Honeywell’s Banquo, and Glen McDonald’s Lennox are all watchable and eloquent. And Lady Macbeth, cleanly and humanly portrayed by Sharon Heldt, makes the scenes with her husband bearable. Nor are all of Young’s notions paltry. He gives Ross a political throughline that makes his character important even to the end of the play, creating a story for Ross beyond the literal text; similarly, he allows Lennox to surface when he isn’t stipulated in Shakespeare’s stage directions. Where helpful, Young cuts, splits, or redistributes lines, and this often is surprisingly - _ effective. Young also imagines contexts for two small scenes that can easily fall into straight exposition. He casts the Old Man as a Reporter, so that Ross’ conversation with him becomes an exchange of sound bites about the kingdom, and, this time invoking a cynical journalist, Racicot’s na.saI drone suits. The conspiratorial gossip between Lennox and the Lord is placed in a church and the Lord is transformed into a priest, so that the secrecy and mystery of the moment is intensified.


Unplugged’s publicity stresses the “modern parallels” and “20th century backdrop” of the play, but Young’s definition of contemporary must be very shailow: it seems to consist of costuming soldiers in T-shirts and jeans so they’ll look like everyone you see every day of your life. Furniture and props don’t match each other or any particular style, so they too seem like objects any student could pick up at a second-hand store. Even that gold throne has modern overtones--it’s plasticky, and reminds you of prizes in Cracker Jack. Perhaps this casualness is a fiendish ploy to make us identify with the nobles, or perhaps the show just had a low budget, but neither explanation justifies the absence of liquid in a wine bottle from which Seyton pours, or the knife worn on Macbeth’s back and sticking out ludicrously underneath his robes. Though the director and much of the cast have appeared at Stratford, Shaw, and other professional theatres, Unplugged’s professionalism leaves quite a bit to be desired. Snapshots of rehearsals hang in the lobby, replete with sophomoric captions; actors’ biographies contain indulgences like “For a good time call...“; and at intermission one runs into the cast outsicle having a smoke. Despite some strengths, Unplugged’s Macbeth doesn’t tilfill the wildness and power promised by the company’s name. This group is a little too unplugged for its own good.



Friday, November 18, 1994


Strange Days Rawks...Quiverleg Sawks Quiverleg w\ Paul McLeod, Days, 6 Months, The Groove the Rhino’s, The Volcano November 12

Strange Daddy’s,

The first song was boring and unfortunately, all the others sounded the same, and the bass player listens to way loo much Rush. After 6 Months went away, there was a little joke act consisting of a big fat guy by James Russell ineptly playing heavy metal riffs on an Imprintstaff acoustic guitar. His name was Brad Mars hall. ct me preface this by saying 1 have The fact that the audience cheered and never seen any of these bands be clapped is clear evidence of what social fore. psychologists and politicians have known Other than Strange Days, they were all for a long time: you can manipulate crowds pretty shitty. far more easily than individuals. What I’m Let me start at the beginning. working up to here is that if you saw this I missed Paul McLeod doing his solo guy doing what he did on a street comer, stuff at the beginning of the evening, beyou wouldn’t clap, you wouldn’t even cause the door staff insisted on giving me throw him a quarter. But, since all of you a hard time. I heard it was ok, certainly who were there were packed in like sarbetter than 6 Months, of which he is the dines and the air was hot and full of cigalead singer. rctte smoke, you actually apStrange Days were up plauded the guy. Now he’s gonext. Despite having never ing to think he’s got a future in seen them before, I was quickly the business, give up his day getting into it, which is pretty job and end up living off the rare, as you’ll see throughout taxpayers before you can say the rest of this review. They “another starving musician.” were exciting, the music was Oh well, far be it from me to excellent, I would see them rain on your parade. again as soon as possible. The The Groove Daddy’s came 0 lead singer drawled away (in a on and started playing their h? voice that sounds remarkably pseudo-funky music that did like Art Bergmann’s) between absolutely nothing for me. songs, and was unfazed when Some members of the crowd a girl in the front row threw her liked it though, with a small bra at his feet. Even though they went on at mosh pit starting up for the only time of the quarter to ten, they were the highlight of evening. the evening. No other band that night even The Rhino’s were up right before the came close to impressing me like Strange headliners. They were the second best band of the evening. They have some fairly major Days did. I can definitely see these guys going far. Jazz influences, but I liked some of their songs in spite of this. I wouldn’t call them 6 Months came on after ‘strange days. They included Paul Mcleod now just on a rock band, they are more of a trendy vocals, and a drummer. With them were a lounge act. With a bit of work, I think they guitar player and a bassist, both of whom could have a couple of successful softrock singles. turned out to be members of Quiverleg. Finally, Quiverleg came on. This enPaul McLeod is a mediocre vocalist and an obvious novice on stage as a lead singer, tire evening was in fact a benefit for Quiverleg, who have a master tape but which he shows by his large lack of stage presence. cannot afford to produce some CD’s with


...he leans

backand bobs his headlikea

How do you play this thing??? player :s even worse. Spreading his legs wide as if he is supportlittle green ribbon. irlg a huge weight, he leans back and bob,s Quiverleg did a 3 song encore, which his head like a big chicken, except this was predictable, as it was their benefit, so chicken has his hair tied back with a pretty they might as well act as if they’re popular.


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War The Invisible Man ‘The Life and Liberties H.G. Wells bY Michaei coven Random House $16.00 240 pp.


Friday, November 18, 1994


by Sandy Atwal Imprintstaff ‘*And how will the New Republic treat the inferior races? How will it deal with the black‘? how will it deal with the yellow man? how will it tackle that alleged termite in the civilized world, thr: Jew?”

to ;LYWIIIC that they arc ttiken from a work of Nazi propaganda, or from some Ku Klux Klan pamphlet. Unfortunately, this is not the case. They are taken from hlicipu from-, the 1901 book by science fiction author H.G. Wells. Such revelations of racism and further of sexism, intolerance and a general inconsideration towards one’s fellow man are disturbingly common in Michael Cot-en’s book about Herbert George Wells. However this is not a “Lives of John Lennon” work of unverified claims and misdirected venom. It is a well written work of researched truths com-

of the Words

posed with a clear grasp of the characters that populated Wells’ world, as well as the time that he lived in. As an examination of Wells’ life, Corcn’s biography is highly critical without being overly so. Every claim made about Wells’ character and his Iife is well documcntcd by letters, personal accounts and direct quotations from Wells’ books which often provide the most damning evidence of Wells’ more sinister side. In addition to a proclivity towards eugenics and other forms of social engineering, Wells’ life was also shadowed by an atrociously inconsiderate attitude towards women, a hostility towards both Koman Catholics and Jews, as well as a tendency to consider criticism of his work as personal attacks. With his one giant eye, Wells was the only Although Wells is man alive able to see the invisible man. known primarily for his science fiction works, namely The Time Machine, War of the cal system is as horrifying as it is Workis and The hvLsl:bZe Man, naive. In the book, Wells outlines these three books are dealt with a socially engineered utopia in the second chapter of the book. where “undesirables” are not only The life of Wells becomes discouraged, but punished for most interesting when Corcn bcprocreating. Wells writes: gins dealing with ,4rli,.l,j~.,LltiCrirS. “This thing, this euthanasia Wells’ outline of his idcal politiof the weak and sensual, is possi-


ble. I have little or no doubt that it will be planned and achicvcd.” In the same chapter he adds that the population of his new order “wdl naturally regard the modest suicide of incurably melancholy or discased or helpless persons as a high and courageous act of duty rather than a crime.” Such confusion over public issues were transferred over into his private life. He was a notorious womanizer who made many women’s lives miserable, including his wife Amy (whose name was changed under Wells’ orders to Jane .) Although publicly a defender of the women’s suffrage movement, Wells’ affairs were well known and caused constant humiliation to Jane. The most infamous of these affairs was with an intelligent young journalist and feminist named Rebecca West who raised Wells’ interest. Unfortunately (although predictably) their union was disastrous for both of them. After a furious romance, Wells eventually impregnated West, and soon thereafter began distancing himself from her.

Coren’s biography of Wells makes no excuses for Wells regarding such incidents, and indeed the sheer number of incidents of infidelity Coren cites are an indication of both the vulgarity of Wells, and the concern Coren expresses for such unethical behaviour. However, Coren does not simplify these events into a simple “Welts the misogynist” caricature of a misled writer. Coren includes letters written by Wells to West that reveal a confused man, but also a brilliant writer whose love was, although sometimes hidden, real nonetheless. Wells himself suffered public humiliation several times. His debates with George Bernard Shaw during his brief membership in the Fabian society and his embarrassing series of debates over Catholicism (which he also despised, along with Judaism) with Hilaire Belloc caused Wells much public disgrace. Even considering the pain Wells inflicted on others, Coren makes it difficult not to sympathize with Wells. Coren’s insight relies on a fully rounded picture of Wells. All aspects of Wells’ life, his writing, his lovers, his political debates, and the community in which he lived all contribute to providing a well rounded picture of a brilliant, but ultimately misguided man.


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Friday, November 18, 1994


A - dav for rememberwifh


Lady Peace and concert report The Vdcur1o Friday November 11


by Mike McKay Imprint staff


cforc the show, Imprint had the cxclusivc chance of talking to icad singer/ songwriter Rainc from Our Lady Peace. How has the tour been going so far? This tour has been amazing! It’s our first hcadiining tour across the country. We didn’t really know how WC would do but aII the way from Vancouver basically cvq Jww has been sold out. Generally speaking, what influences affect Our Lady Peace, especially you as a song writer? Everything, we ail listen to so many diff’crcnt styles of music. That’s the really important thing about the band, the diversity. Thcrc is so much outside Amcrican music or even British music, so much to get your hands on. I really Ii kc Kagc Against the Machine and Chris, our bass player, really digs Ihat 3s ~011. The four of us fitId a lot of7 influcnccs that tic into more spiritual things and arc not rlcccssibic “pop” music. I really iikc stcvic Won&and Otis Redding. Those guys arc classits. Thcrc’s dcfimteiy no one today that has the same kmd of. cncrgy, passion and honesty in his voice 3s Stcvic Wonder, it’s too bad. You mcntioncd influences that tie to more spiritual things. Looking through your CD there is a lot of stuff dealing with magic, superstition and the soul. Where does that all come from? That’s the big quest, trying to find out what you are about. Kel&ion and anything that is kind of intangible iikc the spirit is really trivialized. A good example is the way east Indians treat music, it is so much a part of your life it is part of your spirit. Music is so much a part of the soul, it is a pure way to express yourself, it’s not a money venture, it’s not about making videos and being a commercial product. Obviously you have got to play the game. I always put an emphasis on finding yourself and looking through people and seeing things you don’t usually look at. Speaking of “playing the game” and trying to avoid the commercialism of music, does Our Lady Peace have any plans for another single off this album? It’s hard, we’ve been trying to play down the band since we have started. Play down the band? Yeah, We knew that we wouldn’t get a lot of airplay and that would correlate to not getting a lot of video play. We are a very young band and kind of green in terms of our live Show. Sony loved the album and told us we would, “be as big as Pearl Jam, you’re going to take over the world!” It was just like, no were not, relax, and don’t tell anybody else that! We preferred to build up from a grass roots level, with

pcoplc seeing us live. What’s in the future for Our Lady Peace? We have been writing, WC will probably head to the studio for a week in Decembcr and try and catalogue some stuff. Next Tuesday WC are firming up our deal in the states, including our rclcase date. I can’t see us recording again for another year at least Changing the subject a bit, some of your fans may be wondering what Our Lady Peace (the name) rncans or where it comes from? It came from Mark Vandoren from Illinois that wrote a poem called Our Lady Peucc. He is a pseudo literary giant fiom that genre of poets. When we were looking for a Good Catholic name we camL: across this poem. Thcrc IS somothing WC dacribo as a dark optimism in the music and the lyrics, the poem is the same, it has the optimism hidden. It is a really intcrprctivc poem; the more times you read it you start taking diffilrcnt stances on it, and that is what WC want in our music. It’s going to mean something different to different pcopk. it (the poem) seemed like the right thing to do, and it summed ui the whole vibe that we tried to create for the record. Xs there, perhaps, a story behind the album title, Naveed? Naveed is a friend of mint. His name is a Persian word for “bearer of good news”. Some of our stuff is angry and a little sarcastic, and usually anything that comes across angry is pessimistic, but it’s not like that. So we chose Naveed to rub the anger together with some kind of optimism. We are not just another angry band. A lot of bands in our genre of music are completely un-focused, yelling, and angry, you can’t go through life like that. For those of us who own your album, maybe you can settle a question regarding the foreign language or script written under the CD tray. It’s Sanskrit, a middle eastem writing from ages and ages ago. It just means Our Lady Peace, we researched it and transcribed it. It really ties into that middle eastern feel. Something that the band can really respect and hold on to. Obviously the middle east has a great deal of influence upon your music. Yeah, there was a point in the record when we were recording when it got to be too much, in terms of the sound of the music. We were a little uncomfortable with our grasp of it all. So we didn’t go overboard. It think as records go on we will be able to understand it more therefore we

will be able to embrace it more. Right now it’s more of a philosophicai point opposed to a musicai stand point. It’s definitely going to come out, because were


meet the middle


all very much inspired by it. One last question, I don’t know if there is an answer to this hut who is Tltti Bir&an? The birdrnan is a guy that I met in Kansas city about a year and a half-ago. We were staying in this hotel and for some reason there was this fuckin’ nut on the street corner until seven in the morning. Probably a politician or a business man who had lost everything. Yelling and spewing t

American city propaganda. 1 wanted to kill him. He was this old, old, guy, no shoes, really dirty, tattered shorts, but his big fucking bird hat with real bird feathers and a beak! He was really inteiiigent. You just kind of step back and think, you can’t judge anybody because this man had a lot to say. He turned out to be very well spoken and very well read. I kind of looked back and kept thinking don’t judge people, don’t judge anyone. The chorus of the song came out of him bccause he was yelling “Nobody’s wrong, don’t question... Nobody’s right.” I just kind of turned it around and put it on him. Question yourself, and don’t judge people. After the interview Our Lady Peace took to the stage in front of a sold out audience within the tiny Volcano. Beginning the evening slightly after twelve due to technical difficulties Our Lady Peace nevertheless performed a full length, high calibrc show over and above anything anyone expected. Rocking right into “Supersatellite”, front man Raine sccmcd entranced within his music. He also let the truth be known that he enjoys lunging about the stage. He jumped shook, spun, and flailed around.

The energy and excitment was felt within every comer of the puny Volcano. Rowdy body surfers flew overhead while the band shifted into a high gear performance of “The Birdman.” Soon enough, however, the band’s energy took over the audience and something new needed to be done. During the song “Hope,” Raine hollered out into the dark, “Is there anybody there?” Of course the audience wasn’t about to let the band show them up. So the more agile surfers of the crowd (not to mention more daring) climbed up to the side ledge by the speaker and launched themselves over top of a choppy sea of’ heads. Perhaps the highlight of the night came towards the end of their set when a moving version of the Beatles, “Dear Prudence” slowed things down. Our Lady Peace didn’t allow a second to go by whcrc the intense musical assault was not felt by all. This energy only added a whole new dimension to their year old debut album Nuv~cci. This is one band detinitely worth checking out in concert. Near the close of their set, Rainc announced that stage diving would be allowed for the rcmainer of the evening. As the band progressed into their smash hit “Starseed,” bouncers were unable of taming the fiery crowd. Much to the bouncers’ opposition, excited audience members leapt on stage, danced frantically about and then launched heroically over the bobbing crowd. Truly an exhilarating and energetic performance. Jf they can keep up this calibre of show, surely international success is in the near future.


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Friday, November 18, 1994


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In Lecto

with the Vampire by Neil Jurdun

by Kieran Green Imprint staff


Please call for appointment


Interview directed


f you had any doubts before, lay them to rest now. Vampirism has gone mainstream. Despite the disgusting Hollywood mainstreamness of it,lnterview with the Vunzpire is worth the price of admission. The film does a decent job of following the Anne Rice novel (most consider it to be her best work) from which it was spawned. This is not surprising, as Rice herself wrote the screenplay. A brief synopsis, for those who have not read the book. The tale begins in 20th century San Francisco when a naive young journalist (played on the screen by Christian Slater) meets Louis (Brad Pitt), a man who claims to be a 200 year old vampn-e. Louis commences to tell his life story, and we are taken back to 18th century New Orleans, when Louis was an ordinary mortal and d society gentleman. There he meets the vampire Lestat (Tom Cruise) who offers him a choice: death, or become a vampire. Louis, without quite knowing what he is getting into, chooses the latter. Lestat becomes Louis’ companion and vampire mentor, a relationship which is, at the best of times, uneasy. Along the way they pick up a young girl, Claudia (Kirstcn Dunst), and give her the “dark gift,” to serve as their surrogate

daughter. The story essentially centres around Louis and Claudia, and their search to come to grips with what they have become. Evcntually they ditch Lestat and head for Europe, where they meet and run afoul of a colony of vampires.


The tury the f&-n from will

story ends back in 20th cenSan Francisco, at the end of interview. The m-ding of the does hold a twist different the ending of the book. I say no more. The weakest part of the t3m is the acting, Brad Pitt gets by, he has his good scenes and his bad scenes. The shakiest are the ones he does with Christian Slater. Christian Slater is, well, Christian Slater. As usual,-the only charac-

ter he seems to be able to play is himself. In spite of the objections of Anne Rice, Tom Cruise manages to pull off a remarkably good Lestat. Cruise has perfected a look of sheer malice that befits a His only problem, the vampire. same one he has in all his films, is that he can’t do passionate anger. As soon as he starts to raise his voice, he looks like he’s gone cross-eyed and all you want to do is laugh. Both Pitt and Cruise seem uncomfortable with the stylistic period language that they are required to use. Their accents tend to be Costner-like in their inconsistency. The high point of the film is, beyond a doubt, Claudia. Kirsten Dunst does a brilliant job of portraying the anger and emotions of a woman trapped forever (because vampires don’t age physically) in a girl’s body. Also notable is Antonio Banderas as the oldestof-the-vampires Armand. What Pitt, Cruise and Ban&as all succeed ’ marvcllously at, is bringing out the homosexual subtcxt of vampirism. It is bcautiful in its subtlety. Overall, the film perfectly captures the gothic atmosphcrc of the book. The period sets and costumes arc a marvel to behold. Compared to such classics as The Hwigw, htwvi4w with the Vunzpiw is not the best of the vampire films. For fans of the gothic genre, however, it is dcfinitely worth the price of adtnission.

An Erotic Girlie Show directed

Exotica by Atom


by Johanna Neufeld Imprint staff

Koteas are both work floundering, bitter and of fate. Egoyan’s

Christina and Eric, who at Exotica. Aimlessly they have become hardened by the hand Arsinee Khanjian, wife, also appears as





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s the name of a strip club, Exotica inclines certain activity and affects the lives of many. The film is made up of several intertwining plots, that use flashbacks to draw in and hold the viewer. The lines of fantasy and reality constantly blur, and themes of deception and communication abound. Slow paced and methodical, it creates the hypnotic and languishing atmosphere of Exutica. Egoyan has chosen his actors well, as they play their roles with unflinching honesty and intensity. The story evolves from Bruce Greenwood’s character Francis Brown. An emotionally shattered man still recoiling from the tragic loss of his wife and daughter, he finds that reality holds little comfort. Don McKellar plays the pet shop owner Thomas, who illegally smuggles exotic and endangered animals into Canada. He balances the film with his comic relief and deadpan face. Mia Kirshner and Elias

the very pregnant madam Zoe. All of the characters carry an enormous amount of emotional baggage. While deceiving each other and themselves, they hide

behind their masks and refuse to deal with the truth. Sensuously desensitized and emotionally blind, it is a film of strong contrasts and broken dreams. Music in the film is varied,with both classical and contemporary selections. Leonard Cohen’s haunting and mesmerizing tune “Everybody Knows” truthfully expresses our knowledge of life’s cruel realities, and their effect on the film’s characters. Shot almost entirely in shades of green, we feel like we’re submersed in an underwater jungle. Feelings of decay and rot frequently surface, while the outdoor scenes of lush fields breathe fresh air and a sense of space into their confused lives. Thomas says that the animals are hardier than we think. They can survive, while we might not. Exotica demands your undiWell thought vided attention. out, and another incredible film by Egoyan, the movie won the International Critics’ Prize at Cannes this May, and the City Award for Best Canadian Feature ,at the Toronto Film Festival this fall. Left with many unanswered questions to ponder, Exotica is a jungle of emotions.


IMPRXNT, Friday, November 18, 1994


Francis FordFrankenstein directed

Frankenstein by Kmneth


by Geoff Sowrey special to Imprint


ary Shelley it ain’t. To put this movie into proper perspective, one would have to change the title to “Francis Ford Coppola’s based on the Frankenstein, novel by Mary Shelley.” Unlike “Bram Stoker’s Dracula,” which made a very graceful transition from book to screen, this version of Frankenstein is plagued with far too many liberchanges and creative ties. Now I won’t go so far as some other critics, who have paralleled the American ‘R’ rating for “Revolting,” because the movie only seems to work well for someone who has never read the book. Both of my viewing companions were rather pleased with Coppola and Kenneth Branaugh’s interpretation. I have read Shelley’s Frankenstein, and though my memory is years old, I did remember enough about the story tine to know what was different. Kenneth Branaugh, known best for his Shakespeare movies, stars as the misguided Victor von Frankenstein, who creates the now infamous monster, played by Robert De Niro. Helena Bonham Carter (Room With A View, Howards End) plays Elizabeth, adopted sister to Frankenstein, and (short-lived) wife. Adding to the above is Tom Hulce (Amadeus) who plays Frankenstein’s friend Clerval. Branaugh plays Frankenstein about the same way he plays any character created before 1900: a bit too heavy. That may go well with the Bard, but this ain’t Ham-

Bad uppeurirg Thwxiuy,

Religion at the Wardmuse Nwember 24th

by Rob Vickers lmprintstaff


he last time 1 saw a show at the Warehouse, there were a bunch of youngsters doing the Scarborough Shuffle to a Manchester band with bad hairdos and inflated opinions of themselves. Not this time. Bad Religion will hit the stage for an all ages show next week, with special guests Supersuckers and Samiam, The spotlight will be on Bad Religion’s latest reIcase, Strurger than Fiction, but

let, Ken. Such as it is, you almost expect him to start yelling: “To be or not to be!” when his creation (De Niro) appears to be dead. De Niro is a bit more convincing as a reanimated jigsaw puzzle, once you get by the scene where Branaugh tries to get the nude De Niro (layered with foam latex) to

stand in a puddle of amniotic fluid - cum - K-Y Jelly. You can develop your own conclusions from here.... Carter’s character is from a Harlequin novel, suffice to say she’s annoying right up until she dies .,. the second time. By far the most surprising part of the whole movie is John Cleese. At first you won’t recognize him, he’s gained about twenty pounds, grown a white beard, matching shoulder-length hair and looks like he didn’t sleep for two days before each of his scenes. Don’t even consider that he might be funny, he doesn’t crack a smile. I don’t know how he got the

part, I only know that he seemed to overshadow Branaugh in every scene he spoke. Actors aside, the movie contains enough aspects of the original book to be recognizable. It would seem however, that Coppola and Branaugh had other things in mind when they created their own monster. For years Hollywood loved to have scientific junk, sparking and doing whatnot when Frankenstein came to life. Take thirty minutes, find and read the SINGLE PARAGRAPH in Shelley’s novel. Alas, neither Coppola or Bcanaugh did, and we see a continuation of this fable. Then we have the wrong people dying, or not dying, or never seen before. Elizabeth’s death is particularly gruesome, and I will only suggest this: whoever wrote the screenplay played Mortal Kombat too many times (Kano Wins Fatality!) But that doesn’t mean the changes were all bad. There were some that were quite gotid, adding twists that only prove that Coppola and Branaugh are more creative than Shelley (and if you believe that, you’ll agree that “Leonard Part 6” was a great drama). There were other changes that were unexplainable (Clerval dies in Shelley’s book, but survives the movie for some unknown purpose). In short, if you have to see this movie at all costs, go on a Tuesday. It’s rare nowadays to find a good $7.75 value, and this isn’t one of them. If you’ve read the book, wait until video chances are you won’t like it. And at all costs make sure you take either Gravol or wear a motion sickness band - Branaugh seems to love rotating camera shots.

expect some other tracks from former Epitaph releases (the latest album was on Atlantic), such as Recipe for Hate, Generator, Against the Gruin, etc. There were rumours about the show when it was first announced, saying that Green Day would be sharing the stage, but this seems unlikely since that band is playing C.N.E. on November 29th. Nonetheless, we can expect to see lots of kids that listen to both bands in the crowd, and technicolour hair and ripped tshirts or jeans will abound. This is the first time that Greg Graffin and the band has appeared in T.O. with the kind of exposure they have now, so the reception

they get should be interesting. Now that mainstream “alternative” radio stations are playing Bad Religion, although there are the near ritualistic cries of “sell-out!“, many more people get the opportunity to expose themselves to music like this (even Eddie Vedder was in the thankyou notes of Recipe for Hate.) Regardless of the audience, the show promises to be great. I heard haven’t Supersuckers in a long time, but I know that they had a certain following where I come Corn, and Samiam certainly has great listenability. Bad Religion will, without a doubt, be the highlight of the evening. If former reviews are anything to go by, we can look forward to good sound production and outstanding performante throughout the night. Do yourself a favour, and catch the show. If you can’t, don’t bother reading reviews in major newspapers run by “the Man,” since they won’t give you the true story of how the show goes (look at recent NOFX reviews in prominent papers, if you are sceptical). BAD Religion. GOOD. See.


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“Something in the Way.” In Utcro is represented by “Pennyroyal Tea,” ” Dumb,” and “All ApoIogies. Only “About a Girl” survives from their first album “Bleach.” The cover material, due primarily to its rather unique selection, is some of the strongest material here. The standout track

by Sandy Atwal Imprintstaff For those of you who still don’t “get” the Kurt Cobain thing,

the World,” three of the five remaining covers are Meat Puppets songs. Of these, the strongest is the evangelical “Lake of Fire” with the hauntingly relevant question in the opening line “Where do bud people

gu when

they die?”


is fitting, the strongest songs on the album are the subtle, slower songs. “Something in the ;73ore beautiful than the al version. ikewise, lines Iike i was Iike YOU, 7 anzusecl” from “All Apologies” hits the listener with so much more force in this relaxed setting. I can’t say I was ever a huge Nirvana fan. I like them as much as the ne :xt person, but the releasl e of this album, at least for me, sheds a ’ completely different light on the band. Of course it can’t be heard without reflecting on the fact that you’re iistening to the voice of a dead man, and as such, it is ironic that his voice should carry more weight and more emotion now than when he was alive. it%


are broken up pretty evenly between Nirvana’s last two albums, but contains more cover material than anything else. Nevermind’s tracks include “Come As You Are, ” “Polly, ” “On a Plain” and

on the album is David Bowie’s “The Man who Sold the World” which comes across as heart-wrenching as anything else Cobain has done. 8csides “The Man Who Sold

hcrc, who all turn in so!nc of their productions. The former takes better trance-techno efior:s !let-c. “One Day” (yes, again) and It leads off with the sublime “Come to Me” into the sort of slarhi Best’ Mhe;s. Prum. fik RIbtim. Underworld, and their take on mo ambient territory he knows so Debut Fur AlrE’u2e~P&pk w?a well, while the latter get Middle sprawled over DQrS ‘f Blry ~.ih? hbd$ y :: “Human Behavior” Eastern on “Come to Me” (yes, Orre Little Indian ,_ .f twelve minutes and 110 B.P.M. another repeat!), and just plain ’ Sure it sounds quite a bit like the weird and very unlike the origiby Greg Krafchick ‘world’s own “Mmm Skyscrapcr ,&‘:;;; pr: ‘t f%&~~ q: ~mj$rifi~~~ff i I ;. ” .:q ~2+.@$~:~~; ,~, :W@$~: I+! .,$l-@ ..+&ill. ’ bfil y .,, ‘:,nal ,.::-. o& .‘:?Tge .A&QF ‘SOng ? ... , I i:;*:~~.;i~.~AQ&af~10 tj&“@$,:q~~~ i& $i&ple jn ...’ >>’ ,;$$@p for %e ~.fact that o&# 1. d~lyiitii~: ‘ditiereit ‘songs @$$,, The staying pow& oi-“musica~~~~~diz,h~ Am&,@ ~~h&‘~ifI~~~&ally .* ~&&ted would have beea.:)+@&; from Bjork’s btilliarit-‘Debtlt is:~~“~fi;earb of it. this ‘makes a handy pac&$@si::$% nicely by really quite phcnom&iil.“~ %ig .\ :;’ This is bookended any Bjork fans %p&n;,:~:;:$@ the last track, a complete stripTime Sensuality” is still a pretty rearrangements of”%) no’&: ping down of “One Day” by standard dancefloor fave, and the :.y‘i ‘;jlB T7..3 ambitecho giant and favorites. album seems to have lodged, it:.. I’ I’:,.:If. .:y>g&re going to get $@, a,pp?g Giant Steps. and Sqeam&dica producer -A.&&v -~eath&$&;:.&& ,,q@‘: see’ bur :,, ..:i&&&&d, by remixes at some &j.#g~&$hwri ‘as one of the rc&&&~$~~‘u~s of eat, yeara ,: ~~~~~~t~~:~~~~~.~~~~ces~ ‘:,.is&ams .>;ii,i~‘b;ink in ‘S;bir :.;lif& this budget+ priced import mini-album would sampled in and out of the mix as Small wonder then, that Ms. be the place to start. the dance beats jump and bounce Gudmundsdottir can even make a Not to mention that it may about in the foreground. Lots of cash cow remix album (or budgettide the hordes over until her new fun, and overall the best two works priced, as compared to tracking album in March. this stuff down separately) and on the collection. Incidentally, that is the right still succeed. A good part of the In the centre are some decidtitleA’s just so Bjork somehow reason for this is the stellar lineup edly izot danceable mixes by both isn’t it? of musical craftsmen compileh Weatherall and also Black Dog L

by Greg Imprint

I must admit that I’m getting a bit misty eyed about this review, for in fact it was the Cranes last effort, Forever, that was my very first piece published in these here Imprint pages. In that period of a year and a half or so, I feel that my writing has progressed, as I’ve pushed myself to try to hone my craft. Too bad the same can’t be said for the Cranes. This is proving to be a difficult album to review, since everything there is to say about this band was pretty much said in my last review. Once again we have Alison’s tortured childlike squeaky voice floating in and out of the mix, burbling on about depression and love and the like. Once again we have her band, minor keys and two chord patterns galore, chiming in with some beautiful melodies to suit the mood. Once again we have centuries-old paintings on the cover, and photos of the band looking ever so sullen and depressed. And pale, of course. They’re the last of the Goths really, that society of sun-hating, black-clad Bauhaus listeners that

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almost everyone has met at one time in their lives. While the Mission and the Sisters languish in mediocrity and The Cure mutate into contented thirtysomethings, the Cranes doggedly carry on enjoying death and despair and rainy days and Mondays, so to speak. This is happy news to their fans, but as an artist it’s sort of a trap. Try to soften your sound, and you get accused of selling out, abandoning your roots, and so forth. Stay the way you are, and you can look forward to a career of treading water and being the Jonathan Richman of Goth. Forced to make some sort of comment, I’d say there is perhaps a bit more of a sense of melody on this release, especially on tracks like the delicate “Paris and Rome,” and the Julee Cruise-like “BeauBut really that’s tiful Friend.” about the only discernable progression. None of it is at all bad, in fact it’s rather good, but you get the unsettling impression that if this is all the Cranes can do, they are not going to last long. So what’s the verdict? Well it’s another good album, well produced, nice on the ears, and absolutely perfect for a dark rainy day, when it can be most affecting. Basically, if you liked the first two, you’re bound to like this one. Oh yeah....I’d have to say The Beatles were better...


1*$rPat Merlihan imprint staff This possibly ends the final chapter in the Grapes of Wrath trilogy with a best of since their 8 year-hiatus. Not only arc the 20 tracks reprcscntative of the Grapes career, but the liner notes provide a little more insight into the history, the break-up, and the feelings left over. The relcasc of this compilation is obvious (Christmas,) but the timing seems a little ,lwkward ;js Chris, Tom, and Vincc promote their new band Ginger, and with Kevin pursuing his solo career. Could be a contract stipulation, or an cxccutive decision to put this out, but from the 21st hidden track with C’hris Hoopcr addrcssing the filns with a “Merry Christmx,” 1 think it’s obvious; either way I’m glad, as will be former Cirqm’ fans. “Seems Like Fate,” from their f‘lrst major label rclcase, T~c~~llzot~.s~~, is ~hc anthem of this compilation that documents an

eight year history of a band that made excellent music. Fate would have it that it wasn’t meant to be, and for that we have Ginger, and possibly a solo Kevin Kane. Although I have strongly objected to the Ginger live presentation, I must commend their effort with their debut albumfar out that continues the Grapes legacy. I still can’t excuse the bad hair, and

after personally meeting Tom on several occasions, I can objcctively state that the poor boy has got a shitty head of hair. Consisting of a good crosssection of hits from The Gnryes of




and T~~YSP&y~,



See~zzs like


Fate offers fans a couple of previously unreleased tracks as well as tracks not offered on the al-


bums. With different edits, live versions and instrumentals, this compilation signifies the uniqueness of a Canadian band that meant a lot to Canadian music. “I Am Here” is represented on a 7” edit as well as an 12” which doesn’t rise to the occasion on either edits. Personally, the album version does the song justice, as the uther edits just drag out a mediocre tune with too many bass beats and guitar innuendo. Fortunately classic tracks like “What Was Going Through My Head,” a live version of “Peace of Mind,” and an acoustic “0 Lucky Man” bring out some of the best on this album that the Grapes had to offer during their stint in the spotlight. Unfortunately, Canadian music isn’t a rccognizcd force in the music industry, but to us Canucks, knowing that talent exists in the realm of our backdoor is good enough. The Grapes of Wrath was not only a classic novel, but in the memories of many will remain to be a band that produced good, Canadian music.

33 I

Friday, November 18, 1994

by Sandy Atwai Imprintstaff Despite the clever title, Pisces Iscariot is exactly what it seems to be: a collection of outtakes, pisstakes and demos designed to cash in on the Pumpkins’ success. Ostensibly compiled under collecthe guise of a “rarities” tion, this CD could only be a rarities collection for those rather confused fans who have already gone out and bought all of the singles from the last album and yet haven’t bothered to track down the Pumpkins’ Peel Sessicrns album nor any of their early singles. These Johnny come latelys deserve what they get. The only truly must-have track here is “Blue” a track from the Lull e.p. and even then, it sounds like a watered-down demo of “I Am

Of the fourteen tracks, nine of them are b-sides from U.K. versions of singles which ultimately w should remain as b-sides, a nice little extra to the single. The problem is that if those initial singles are missing, the b-sides just don’t have the power to stand on their own. There is strength in numbers to a point, but quantity rarely makes up for quality. The only really cool thing on this album are the roughly typed liner notes which provide not only the lyrics to Corgan’s whinyi screamy lyrics but also some insight into how the track was rccorded etc. They do add a bit of interest to the songs, but, again, you can only dress up a piccc of shit so much - it’s still going to stink. I’m being a bit harsh, it’s not a complete piece of shit. The rare “La Dolly Vita” holds its own here, but it’s the exception to the rule, and both “Siamese Dream” and “Gish” are more worthy than this mess.

by Kieran Green Imprint staff.

Aerosmith Rig ch1e3 c effen by Pat Merlihan Imprint staff Probably the biggest comcback band in the history of music, Aet-osmith arc more popular now, than with their first taste of fame in the early 70’s. Ending a bout with drugs and alcohol has proven to enhance the band as a whole, and since Permuent Vucation Aerosmith have cxccllcd with numerous top 10 hits. Big On43 is an amalgamation of their biggest hits since Permanent vrrcution up to Get A Grip. From the sexual ovcrtoncs of “Love in an Elevator” to the tear jerkers of* “Amazing,” “Crazy,” and “Angel” Big Onm is sure to satisfy Acrosmith fans. However, Acrosmith fans won’t want to buy this because they already have the hits in their Only die-hards, and collection. those that don’t own a single Acrosmith album may want this col\cction. Chly tiV0 previously unreleased tracks arc offered to fans, and for what thcy’rc worth, i’vc hoard it all before. Acrosmith is a band that hasn’t produced anything new to

the musical world. They continuously slap togcthcr made-for-classic-rock-radio-music that is uninspiring, but is catchy enough for classic rock dinos to buy up. It is sad that old-timers like Tyler and Perry haven’t gone in a totally different direction, and possibly use their influence to move people into different genrcs of rock. Tyler’s been quoted saying “...I don’t want to put something out if it’s not risky. Fear no art, you know.” 1 don’t know what is so risky about the music they’ve been producing for years? The hits of Aerosmith are undoubtedly hits (the people have spoken,) but without change, I’m afraid that Aerosmith will be left in the dust unless they can rise to the occasion to do something that hasn’t been done. Personally, waiting will be futile; Aerosmith is a classic rock band that will produce just that, classic rock. Quite possibly they’ll be the leaders in the Classic Rock Hall of Fame with The Band, Jethro Tull, and The Eagles. Unlike The

Before seeing the cassette cover, I was momentarily thrilled. A new Jane Siberry album! I thought. l was quickly disillusioned, however. It was not new, it was a collection. I had thought Jane was above this sort of cammercialism. Beyond that criticism, this is an excellent album. A Collection is a selection of songs from Siberry’s first four al bums, No Borders Here, Speckless sky, Tile W&king, and Bolinn by the Beard@. Nothing appears, however, from her Iatest album, When I wus II: Boy. Generally speaking, this is your typical “Best of...” type album. Naturally it contains her three hits, the ones that got all the airplay: “Mimi on the Beach,” “One More Colour,” and “Map of the World (Part II).” Not to put these down, mind you, they are great songs ( though some complain of hearing “Mimi” once too many times). Sometimes it’s nice, to be able to sit down and listen to all your favcs without having to get up and change tapes. A Collection does a very good job of covering all the musical stylings that are Jane Siberry. From the child-like whimsy of “Waitress” and “Miss Punta Blanca,” to the quiet introspection of “Seven Steps to the Wall” and “The Taxi Ride,” to the surreal beauty of “The Walking (and constantly)” and “The Life is the Red Wagon.” It’s all there. I think that, by leaving When I M?I~Sa Boy out of the collection,

Eag:les though,

it left


tions ones.







Be a little skeptical of this it’s Christmas, it’s one, Aerosmith, and god forbid... it’s cl&sic rock.



to capture





p 1 1



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m m m m m m m?




m m m m m m m q

WhenNothrng But L Chocolate WillDo.


full range of Jane’s carlicr work. Jane has always been the sort of singer whose voice people either truly love or absolutely hate. For the real lovers of Jane Siberry, this album is a must.


I &hMot&




University); 238 Web&- St. Daily till 10:30 p.m. l


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Friday, November 18, 1994

by Pat Merlihan Imprintstaff In the same spirit as Rent Reznor’s Nine Inch Nails, PWEI continues the legacy of the label to establish popular alternative music that offers different dimensions to what is currently circulating. This U.K. alternative is a definite mind-fuck if you’re prepared to accept a Iine of industrial hip hop, funk grooves that arc aggressively thrust upon. If not fuck off and die. For those capable to expand their minds with a combination of UK hip hop and heavy aggressive guitars the latest PWEI will be a welcome treat. We’re not talking hip hop jams with rhymes that are “phat,” dissing that is “bad,” or bass lines with “boombastic” impact. P WE1

offers an alternative hip hop that can be appreciative to those not necessarily interested in black ghetto rap. Contrastly to black-man-rap, PWET offers lyrics with techno ciements that don’t speak about injustice, Malcom X, or cop killers. Instead, band members speak

out against racism and xenophobia with “Ich Bin Ein Auslander,” the first single from the album. They challenge mcdiocritv and lambast pettin&s of today’s me-

ARTS dia and rejoice in the fact that they’re not on a major label. When they were attached to RCA, they were forced to produce nice “poppy” tunes; with Interscope PWEI can release risky songs that will, in the end, be a huge success. DOS Dedus Mis Amiros mav be an answer to al&mat& tcchno that will be comparitively related to Trent Reznor’s Nine Inch Nails; however with the over-hyped success of Reznor, PWEI will definitely fall by the way-side. For those that are marginal fans perhaps the Almagamation EP would be a welcome starter. Featuring 7 extended mixes from DOS Dedus Mis Amigos, (Spanish for Two Fingers, My Friends,) a healthy EP indeed. In fact I would highly recommend the EP as it includes extended singles and rounds out with forty mil nutes and half the price compar *ed to the forty-six minutes on the album. Either wav, PWEI deserves to be experienced.

and Smashing Pumpkins have popularized. A deadly combina-

by Oliver Whimbey special to Imprint Virtually a band made on 1993 Anthem song “Creep” their debut Pablo Honey, Radiohead’s current EP follows in the direction of guitar driven rock that got them recognized beyond their U.K. borders. This five track EP offers new material that won’t appear on the new album that is scheduled for release in the new year, and if it’s any indication of what’s on there, it’s sure to advance Radiohead’s their from

popularity as well as sell a shitload of records. Production by John Leckie is one indication that this EP is headed in the right direction. Another would be its familiar “Brit rock scholock” that made the Beatles popular. “My Iron Lung” follows in that Beatle-esque guitar combined with the more popular power chords that Soundgarden

usually optimistic Much As This,” are

by Jodi Carbert Imprint staff

Kitchener’s budding, home grown artists, the Fat Cats released their first studio album this year, Cruefty ‘s Cure. Images of earth, wind, fire and other elements of nature are deeply embedded in their music. Country, jazz and psychedelia are meshed in a refreshing combination that has a warm, homey feeling. Todd




Schneider have written some amazing songs loaded with powerful imagery, creative metaphors, biblical and historical references, and philosophical ideas about life and the nature of humanity. Although many songs are filled with “weary” people “hoping for solace or a scissors to snap,” the song’s messages are


overall. In “As life’s hardships as, “One na~re

thread in my patience/One mare cross I must bear/One more step in my soul, ” which suggest the concept of hardship making someone a stronger person. The most political song, “Too Many Choices,” has the biting

sound and message: “I’m small enough to know/That my vote ain ‘t worth a dime/When power makes a promise/O ‘s just begging fur mure time.‘)’ However, this song also expresses that “[t]here ‘s a little love in everyone,” with the twist, “[y]ou just guttu dig down deep.” \ “Hide Your Love No More,” is one of the most inspirational songs on Cmefv’s Cure. Its vivid imagery of summer blossoming from winter and night being replaced by day, are gripping and peaceful. “Everlasting is soothing to

Morning Sky,” hear musically yet sad to read lyrically. A sorrowtil

by James Russell Imprint staff

I had never heard of these guys before a few days ago, but I wish I had. They’re good. I tried to figure out where they were from before looking at the liner notes. I couldn’t. I thought at first they were from California, then New York, then Seattle. Then I gave up.

_ As it turns out, they’re from Portland, Oregon. They are rough, yet pretty. Some Pixies influnce is evident in the guitars, yet certainly not overbearing.

expressive guitar solo after the first verse, that is reminiscent of David Gilmor, is only one of the fantastic elements in this one song. “Sweet Sisters of Fate” and “Soldier’s Home” are the last songs on side one and two respectively, if you purchase this on cassette. These two anti war songs sound tranquil and have a lullaby effect with the duet and harmony aspect of them. Yet they are filled with unsettling images of violence and death. Both songs stress the individual choice of the participants to seek inner peace with themselves by disengaging in their de-

tion indeed that is sure to promote Radiohcad in the most positive way. Even better is the second track “The Trickster” that is initially catchy with its guitar hooks and vocaIs. “Lewis (mistreated)” is another exceptional tune that uses the guitar to guide the vocals, and treats the listener to an experience that only Radiohead will unfold. “Per-manent daylight” offers distorted vocals to driving guitars that capitulate the listener with intense enthusiasm. “You Never Wash Up After Yourself’ is a beautiful acoustic piece that brings Canada’s Sloan to mind briefly when hearing the minute and a half song. Just entailing over I7 minutes, Radiohead have a good EP that is hopefully a primer for what is to come in January. None of these songs will appear on the new album so I would suggest this EP even if you are a marginal fan. Who knows what will happen between now and then? Taking a sudden twist in musical genres, Spearhead, founded by Michael Franti of the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, derives

by Mike McKay special to Imprint This

is perhaps


of the

most diverse compilation albums to enter the Canadian market since last years version of Scoop This. Scoop This Tuu! is a Canadian only release featuring artists such as Luscious


I Mother

Earth, Moist, and Mazzy Star. I presumed that this would be an album suited to everyone’s interests. Well it is. Not only are the musical and lyrical styles different, the attistruction of themselves and othtudes and messages are all so diers. verse that you may wonder what The cyclical nature of life, all these bands have in common. the race against time, and the struggle to find inner peace and Other than the fact that they are happiness, in a harsh world, are all featured on this compilation, characteristic seems central themes in Cruel@ ‘s Crrue. no common Like a good book, this tape to emerge. Recalling last years gets better everytime you listen edition which featured atiists such as The Tea Party, Radiohead, and to it. Blind Melon, you would presume this album would be considered a prime time ticket to success. PerThe songs are catchy. Good moshing tunes. Not grunge death, haps it will be. Guelph natives King Cobb but fast, and with good xythms Steelie start things off with their and melodies. funky sound on “Triple Oceanic I would like to personally “Disappearing Ink” Experience.” ?Xy Song,” taken recommed and “Why Did I Decide to Stay.” from Luscious Jacksons’s first full They are excellent tracks. length album titled Nu&rul InWhat can you say when you gredients, is a sudden change of don’t know anything about a band pace illustrating how musically except one album? All you can diverse this compilation is. Econoline Crush performing really say is whether they are bad “Out of Reach” and I Mother or good. They’re good. It’s a great album. I’d recom- Earth’s sonically powerful and mend picking it up soon and psychedelically textured “Lost watching for these guys to hit it My America” highlight some of the homegrown talents. big in the near future.

a unique

hip hop rendition

of a classic folk song “Hole in the Bucket”. Unfortunately, one of the lowest moments on the album occurs during relatively popular Cracker’s song “I Want Everything”. This proves to be an incredibly slow and boring track that can easily by skipped over with modem day CD technology. Moving on to bigger and better things comes one of Canada’s youngest but perhaps best known acts Moist, who exhibit one of their finest lyrical verses in “Freaky Be Beautiful.” Blur is still unable to live up to their semi acheived popularity. Evidence of how weak this band is on song writing comes from their sub par performance of “Parklife.” Mazzy Star’s “Blue Light” is an excellent addition to this compilation, allowing the listener to get in touch with a much more calm and IpeacefUl side. Albums that feature various artists have songs which are not as good as others; this album is no exception. But masked behind the intense powerful songs, it’s hard to even notice the shitty music that is bound to crop up. Scoop This Tuo! is a step in the right direction and if last year was any indication then we should be seeing a couple of these bands skyrocket into success in the near future. Not many underground compilation albums feature such energetic performances, thus SCUO~ This Too! is a surprisingly intact album.

Ukrainian Students’ Club - YES, USC is alive and well at UW! For event or club info check our bulletin board outside MC 3001 (Math Lounge) or call Martin Kuchirka at Federation of Students. United Nations Club- Attend InIernational Model UN Conferencesat Harvard, Princeton etc. Must sign-up now for fall and winter. Contact Martin Kuchirka at the Federation of Students office. UW Chinese Catholic Communityweekly Cantonese Bible Sharing in Notre Dame chapel. Time to be arranged. Please call Irene Yue at 725-5281 for more information. The Student Alumni Association of UW has planted a tree and placed a plaque in front of the tree for the class of 1994. It has come to our attention that the post and plaque were stolen on May 28. If anyone knows where the post, or culprit is, please inform the Student Alumni Association at 888-4626. KW Art GallervMicheal Thompson: Passion Over Reaion Main Gallery, 4 October to 27 November. The Equestrian Club invites everyone to call its hotline at 846-2717 or see its bulletin board in PAC. For information regarding its weekly socials, trail rides, etc. UNICEF announcesthe opening of their K-W office and gift shop, located in the Project Read office in the Attrium, 105-3 Erb St. W. Waterloo. Open IO:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Thurday and 10:OOa.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday. For more information call 7886-5235. Habitat for Humanity at UW -What are you doing for reading week? Why not build a house in Pennsylvania? Watch this column for Details Attention Poets! Poetry Contest. $12,000 in prizes. To enter,‘send ONE original poem, any subject and any style, to the National Library of Poetry, 11419 Cronridge Dr., P.O. Box 704-1932, Owings Mills, MD 21117. The poem

Virtual Off ice Space very close to University. Answering service, secretarial help, mailboxes, corporate identity, marketing. Call Global Entrepreneurship Centre 885-5357 now!

Need Extra Cash? Join a network of University students doing part-time work from home. Direct training; on-going support; limitless potential. lndependant Distributorships available. Enterprising students call: (705) 722-0426. $25.00 CASH!! We’re lookilig for a few good men - to participate in a study called Hemodynamic Activity During Conversations. No exercising & no blood taken (you get to keep it!) Only takes 2 l/2 hours. Call Caroline or Mary at 885-1211 extension 6786. Extra Income for ‘94. Earn $500$1000 weekly stuffing envelopes. For details - RUSH $1.00 with SASE to: Group Five, 57 Greentree Drive, Suite 307, Dover, DE 19901 Chrismas Gift Wrappers-Creative individuals, locations--Toronto, North York, Mississauga, Hamilton. Managers to $8.1 O/hour+ bonuses. Wrappers Wages increase with to $7.OO/hour. hours worked. Full/part time, December l-24. 416-538-8588. Wedding Photographer required for a June wedding in Aberfoyle. Experience prefered. Please call Lori (519) 765-2876.

should be no more than 20 lines, and the poet’s name and address should appear on the top of the page. Entries must be postmarked by December 31,1994 UW Outers Club is having a mocassinmaking workshop on Monday, November 21 at 7:00 p.m. in ESI-250. Cut and sew your own leather moccasins during the workshop. (They make great Christmas presents!) The fee for the workshop is only $25.00 and includes cost of the leather, Tools, patterns and instructions will be provided by Rob Williamson of Bush & Buckskin, Elmira. Advance registration necessary. For more information or to register for the workshop contact Jennifer Keir at jkeir@jeeves or by phone at extension 6894. Students: need a room for the winter term? Conrad Grebel College, University of Waterloo, has rooms available. Wonderful community setting. Contact Dean of Students Barb Smith 8850220, extension 251, ColourVision Problems!!! Astudy which takes 2 hours to complete involves performing a series of tests. You will be compensated $10.00 for your time. Call Jeff at extension 6768 for more informaNominations and Apllications are invited for the position of Director of Teaching Resource Office and Advisor on Continuing Education. Nominations and applications should be submitted by November 23,1994 and should be directed to: Chair of Selection Comittee, Director of teaching Resource Off ice and Advisor on Continuing Education, c/o Office of the Associate Provost, Academic Affairs, Needles Hall. 1

esr I U$W Service


As of November 14, 1994, The Career Resource Centre (NH 1115) will be open the following hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9:30 - 4r30. Wed. 9:30 - 7:OO. All workshops 8 events are held in NH1 02 unless othennrise stated. Tues., Nov, 22, 12:30-l :30 Networking; 1:30-3:30 NH1 020.1115 Job Search

Wordprocessed resumes, letters, essays/Best resume deal in town.” Copies, binding, fax service. 5783090[days) Action Business Services. Let us take care of all your typing needs. Reports, Term Papers, Letters, and more. Phone 893-2214. Essay Help: Proofing, Editing (Grammar, Organization, Development, Effectiveness), Typing, Laser. Call Jane, M.A. U.W. English, Language and

Peace, Joy, Love, During Christmas season. If you are troubled by a possible pregnancy call a friend at Birthright 579-3990. Women Only!!! Ladies... tired of faking it? Are you ready...1 mean really ready to enjoy the experience of ultimate sexual satisfaction? Yes, Virginia, the earth can and will move for you. Described as”a booklet every woman must read,” Easy reading, explains how to reach the heights of pure ecstasy. Adults onty send $19.95, cheques payable lo: Womens Institute of Sexual Studies, 1227 Barton St. P.O. Box47501, Hamilton, Ontario, L8H 757. New Year’sin Mqntreal$129. Includes two nights accommodations downtown and bus transportation from Dec. 30th to Jan. 1st. Organize small group travel FREE! For more information call Todd l-800-361 -1654.


l a



University Heights Secondary School needs volunteer tutors to work one-toone with studentsat upgrading their basic .skills in mathematics. If inte?ested contact David Carter (8850800). K-W 8ig Sisters needs volunteers 20 years of age or older to work with children. Minimum 1 year, 3 hrs. per week commitment required. One on one reIationship with girls 4-17 and boys 4-11. Orientation training provided. Call 7435206. Laurel Creek District Girl Guides is looking for leaders for 8rownies, Girl Guides, and Pathfinders. For further information call Lvnne Bell at 884-8098. Volunteering is great way to help your community. The City of Waterloo is looking for a Volunteer Child Care Worker, Responsibilities include supervising children from birth to 6 years of age. Two hours per week. For more information please contact The City of Waterloo, Volunteer Services at 579-I 196. Tutors Neededto meet One-to-One with residents of Kitchener-Waterloo wishing to learn English or to improve their English. Tutors must model fluent English. Minimum once weekly, six month commitment. Contact Yvonne at the KitchenerWaterloo Multicultural Centre, 745-2531. Special Olympics coaching needed in Elmira for floor hockey, rhythmic gymnastics, power lifting. Call Bea 669-5606. Lexington Public School,Forestlawn Rd. To work in classrooms or with individual students. Call Brigitta 747-3314 Varsity Hockey team seeking student Mgr. & Statistician and Student Video Coordinator. 8egin immediately. Contact Tom Kieswetter PAC Rm2050 or call ext.302 1 Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Regional Branch. Friends, a service of CMFA needs volunteers to support children in one-to-one relationships. Meetings take place during school time. Call 744-7645. Student Volunteers needed to assist disabled adults with computer work as well as reading and writing class assignments. Close to University. If interested, please contact Vivian at 885-4842, between 8:OOam - 4:OOpm. Prueter Public School (Union/Lancaster area) to work in classrooms or with individual students. Call Jane Home 5780910. Go to School and get some valuable workexperience! Volunteer, with theCity of Waterloo. We have something for you. For more information please contact Volunteer Services at 579-l 196 Soft contact lens wearers required to participate in a 10 minute study. If you were initially fitted with contact lenses between January, 1988 and June 30, 1993, and are using either Opti-Free or Aosept care systems please call the Centre for Conact Lens Research (Opt Rm. 207) at ext. 4742. Compensation provided. The l&art and Stroke Foundation is looking for a responsible enthusiasticvolunteer with good organizational & communication skills to lead the UW canvas team. Call Louise 571-9600. The Student Alumni Association is hosting at District II Conference at the University of Waterloo in February. Volunteers are needed to organize fun events for this weekend. If you are interested call 8884626.


Scholarship @ Noiices iI Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Fall term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall. ALL FACULTIES: Tom




- availabte

to all for short fiction - not essays. Deadline: December 31 each year. Don Hayes Award-Deadline: January 31, 1995. Mike MoserMemorial Awards- available to third and fourth year students with financial need, exemplary academic record, and a high level of accomplishment in extra-curricular activities. Dead-

line: January 15, 1995 to Dr. Neil Widmeyer, Applied Health Sciences, BMH. FACULTY OF APPLIED HEALTH SCIENCES: Mark Forster Memorial Scholarship available to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: January, 1995. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING: SC. Johnson & Sons Ltd. Environmental ScholarshiD-available to 3rd. year Chemical. Deadline: May 31, 1995.FACULTY OF SCIENCE S.C. Johnson & Sons Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31, 1995 I ‘c


Counselling Services I

Strong Interest Inventory-discover how your interest relate to specific vocational opportunities. Each workshop is 2 sessions long - Mon, Nov.21 4:30-5:30, Wed, Nov.23 3:30-4130. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator - discover how your personal strengths relate to your preferred way of working.Tues, Nov.22 4:30-5:30. Exam Anxiety Management Workshop This workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive range of skills to help students cope with examination anxiety. begins Thu. Nov. 17th 12:30-2:30. Exam Preparation. This 1 session workshop will aid students in preparing for and writing exams. Register at NH 2080 or call extension 2655. Tues, Nov.22 6:008:00 p.m., Thurs. Nov. 24, 9:30-l 1:30 a.m., II:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m., Fri. Nov. 25, 9:30 -11:30 a.m., Tues. Nov. 29, 1:303:30 p.m. 4 GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS COMPETITION The following are Fall 1994 deadlines for Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Competitions in the University Graduate Office: NSERClSSHRC Master’s Scholarship in Science Policy - Science Policy - Nov. 18/94 Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Scholarshies - Social Sciences, Humanities, Maihematics - DX l/94

SUNDAYS “Radio Arab Carlo” news and music. from all around the Middle East, your host Firas Johnny Abedrabbo, Sunday Nights at 4:30 p.m. on CKMSt00.3 FM. Call during the program for requests.

MONDAYS Cinema Gratis:The Turnkey presents free movies every week. CheckCommunity Calendar for details. Outers Club meets7 p.m. ES1 350. Join in for Hiking, Backpacking, Cycling, Canoeing etc. For info on coming events, call our hotline at ext. 5825.

TUESDAYS Hellenic Students Association. Rooms available for hanging out or to get in touch with the exec. AL207, 2:00-9:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAYS GLLOW (Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo) holds a weekly “Coming Out Discussion Group“ at 7:30 p.m. in ML104. GLtOWNight9:OO pm HH378. Everyone welcome to these informal social evenings. Information and Upcoming topics: call GLLOW phoneline 884-4569. Womyn’s Centre Film Series& Feminist Discussion Group. 4:30 p.m. in MC 246. Films start at 4:45, discussion to follow. Call ext. 3457 for information. FREE Esperanto @asses are being offered once again.This course is not a credit and it beginsat7:30 p.m. in MCdQ44. For more’ info please conact MLEACH~SCIENCE: THtJFlSDAYS HellenicStudents Association. Rooms availalable for hanging out or to get in touch with the exec. ML 104, 5:00-9:00 rlrn Womyn’s Centre collective meetings at 3;O0 p.m. at the Womyn’s Centre. Lesbian discussion group. Every other Thursday from October 6 at 7:oO p.m. Call extension 3457 for information




Seminar: John Theberge, a professor of biology at UW, will discuss “The Ecology and Conservation of Wolves at Algonquin Park.” Rm 1013/l 007, Frank Peters Building WLU at 12:30 p.m. For information call 884-0710 extension 2230. Off Campus Housing Conference. The 8 sessions will cover topics ranging from the results of an off -campus housing survey. Paul Martin Centre WLU, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information, contact Julia Ann Easley 884-0710 extension 3070, or Mike Belanger 884-0710 extension 2188. Philosophy Colloqium by David DeVidi. Prof. DeVidi has a Ph.D. from Western and is a SSHRC fellow at Waterloo. Term forming operators for philosophers. HH 373. 3:30om.




Cinema Gratis will be showing “Schindler’s List” with theshort”A Feather Tale” at 7:OO p.m. at the Turnkey Desk. UW Outers Club presents a Moccasin making workshop it 7:OO p.m. at ESl350. $25 fee for workshop and cost of leather. Tools, patterns, and instruction will be provided by Robe Williamson of Bush & Buckskin, Elmire. Advance registration is necessary. For more inormation or to register for the workshop you can contact Jennifer Keir by email <jkeir@jeeves> or by phone extension 6894. The Dance Department at UW extends a campus-wide invitation to our informal opportunity for everyone on campus to experience dance works-inprogress, at 7:30 p.m. East Campus Half, Studio A, Dance Department. Hope to see you there!




GLLOW Discussion Group will discuss “Models for Relationships” All lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, gays and other supportive people welcome. UW, Modern languages Building, Rm 104,7:30 p.m. For further details, phone 884-4569.



Lecture: ‘New Frontiers in Canadian Social Relationships: Understanding or Disunity?’ by Glenda Simms, President of the Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women at WLU Paul Martin Centre at 8:00 p.m. Free admission. For info call 884-0710 extension 3800.




UW Film Society Australian Films: ‘Breaker Morant’. 7:00 p.m. at EastCampus Hall Rm.1219 Info: 885-1211 extension 2442.




Lecture: ‘The Future of English Graduate Studies, Or How Many PhD’s Does It Take to Raise a Bicycle Saddle’ by Donald Goellnicht, Chair of Graduate Studies in English at McMaster University. WLU Frank Peters Building Rm. 1027 at lo:30 a.m. For information call 884-0710 extension 3433. Meet the Author; Christine McCall and Stephen Clarkson, author of ‘Trudeau: Our Times, Vol. 2’ WLU Paul Martin Centre at 12:OO o.m. Admission is free. Seminar: ‘The Role of Ecology in the Urban World’ by Jon Planckof Lemnoterra Ltd. 12:30 p.m. at WLU Frank Peters Building Room 1012/1007. For info call 884-0710 extension 2230. Speaker: Kathy Brock of the political studies department at the University of Manitoba will speak on ‘Changing Priorities and Perspectives: Women and the Manitoba Legislature’ at I:00 p.m. at WLU Library Board Room. For info call 884-0710 extension 3374.

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