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The University of Waterloo Student Newspaper Friday, January 17, 1997

Volume 19, Number 23

CDN Pub. Mail Product Sales Agmement No. 554677

Revenge of t k Nords Warriors win big in Huntsville, Athenas take third. by Norm 0special to Imprint


ast weekend the Wamloo Nordic Ski Team competed in the HuntsvilleInvitatid Races.Itwas the first sanctioned university race of the season. ThehospitableHuntwile folks put on a great event. Every Ontario university + svas represented, including the d&ding ;OUAA and OWIAA champions fiom

- Lalrchead.

Thc races also included various high

~ ~ i m m i aevents d r consisted of a

technique race in the morning and a relay

in-the afternoon. Three Warriors and two Athenas placed in the top en in the individual event. Steve Daniels, Brent Curry and Dave Climie fbr the men and Allison Lampi and Jessica Maier on the women's side. Daniels, whose sixth place finish was Waterloo's best over the weekend, created some excitement with his htastic finish. Waterloo's team depthandtalentshone chrough during the afternoon skate relays. The Men's A team placed a very dose secondto C a r h n with the Bteam coming sixth. The Women's A team was fifth. Sunday's classic events saw both the Warriors and the Athenas maintain their overall rankings. Brent Curry led the Warriors with a brilliant race while the Athenas showed their team strength with all of the top seven, including tluae rookies, placing very wel.

When the weekend's results were totaled, the Warriors were prodaimed the overall champions. This victory over Lakehead gives tht men a great deal of confidence heading towards the O U M championshipsin North Bay in late February. The Warriors have placed second behind Lakehead at. the past two O U M championships. The Athenas cruised to a third placing overall ranking fbr the weekend, a marked improvement over their sixth place standings at the 1995 and 1996 OWIAA championships. Only Lakehead and Carleton finished ahead of the Athenas. With the first major races ofthe season successfully completed, the rest of the season appears poised to hold some more stellar pcrfbrmances by the Warriors and Athenas.



N EW s Students

to vote on Fed Hall Is it worth another 15 dollars?

by Natalie Gillis Imprint staff rudents will finally have their say about Federation HalI this March, when a referendum on the bar’s fate will be held concurrent with the upcoming Federation of Students Executive elections. Fed Hall has faced staggering losses over the past several years, largely due to declining student interest in the bar. The time has come for students to make a choice, says VP Administration and Finance Tori Harris. “It’s all about turning this over to the students. It’s their bar and it’s their sav.” Students will be asked if the Feds should continue operating Fed Hall and if so, if they wish to see a $5.00 increase in the Federation Hall fee for the Fall 1997, Winter 1998 and Spring I998 terms, to cover renovations to Federation Hall. Currently, full-time undergraduate students pay a $7.50 Fed Hall f ec with their tuition, the majority ofwhich goes towards paying off the mortgage negotiated to build Fed Hall in 1984. The $150,000 in revenue that the $5.00 increment to this fee would generate would go strictly towards funding renovations for the bar.


Tori Harris admits that this may not cover the entire cost of renovating Fed Hall, but that it would be a significant start. “Fed Hall has been neglected since the day it opened,” said the bar’s manager, Hayden Belgrave. ‘We can’t ever turn it back into what it was when it was first built, but something certainly needs to be done,” As for the renovations, there is no plan yet-as to what the work will entail. It is the responsibility of the ‘cyeS” committee of the referendum campaign to suggest a plan for improving Fed Hall. Precisely what renovations will be done will be determined after the referendum, should students agree to increasing the Fed Hall fek, Possibilities for improvements include new paint, carpeting, fLrniture and various space reduction techniques, say Harris and Belgrave. Currently, neither a “yes” nor a “no” committee has presented itself, despite the Federation of Students having held a general meeting this past Wednesday for just such a purpose, The meeting was poorly attended, and although several Fed Hall staff members were present, no Federation of Students executives saw fit to attend. Committees have until January 23 to come forward to the Chief Returning Qfker. In the event that committees

are not formed to represent one or both sides of the issue, the Federation of Students wiil take on the promotion of the remaining referendum sides. Campaigning is set to begin January 3 1 and continues until February IO. Voting takes place February 11 and 12. Ironically, the referendum is put before students in the first year in many that Fed HalI has managed to turn a profit. Althoughthe bar lost close to $50,000 in the 199495 fiscal year, it had made over $25,000 for 1996-97 as of November 30,1996, despite being budgeted for a $6,000 loss. This can be credited to sound event planning by new management at Fed. Although recent attention has focused on the opening of Fed Hall to non-student business, Belgrave noted that %tudents are still bringing in the majority of the money.” What will happen if students decide that the Feds should discontinue operation of Federation Hall has yet to be determined. Even if the bar were shut down or sold to another organization, however, students would have tC continue to pay the $7.50 Fed Hall fee with their tuition, since this fee pays the building’s mortgage and is not a %er fee,” as some students believe.

OUSA Director laid off by Karsten W. Gitter Imprint St&T


ichael Burns no longer reigns as the Executive Director of the Ontario Undergraduate Student ‘ante @USA). Following a revision of the original budget, it became apparent that the student lobby group was facing dramatic financial losses. In a move to avert such a fate, UUSA’s Steering Committee decided to relieve Mr. Burns of his duties. As Kelly Foley, the Feds’ Vice President Education, phrased it, “we couldn’t afford him anymore.” The revised budget produced discrepancies from the original version in three main areas, and were defined by OUSA as“unanticipated increases in regular expenses such astravel, legal feesand general offlce expenditures.” Monthly meetings, more than experienced in any previous years, and the costs of moving a four by three and a halffmt book from campus to campus as part of the Don’t CtOsethe Book an Univern’ties campaign had exhausted the group’s travelling funds prematurely. The “general office expenditures,” meanwhile, translate into questionable decisions, such as whether to print documents in colour and mail them via courier or send them the cheaper conventional way. An unanticipated increase in legal fees, however, turned out to be the major drain to OUSA’s resources. The $500,000 lawsuit fded against OUSA by Andy Bratu Lehrer in November 1996 in particular had devastating effects, as the estimated expense of $2,000 skyrocketed to

$5,000 with five months remaining in the current fiscal year. In response to the looming financial disaster, Burns himself proposed to end his affiliation with OUSA, a proposal which was willingly accepted by the Steering Committee. Consequently, January 3, 1997 marked Burns last official day with OUSA. In the interim, acting Treasurer Barry McCartan will fulfill the key responsibilities left by Burns before hiring a new full-time Executive Director in the new fiscal year. In addition, the member schools will pick up some of the slack by assuming responsibility for press releases and responses to the Minister of Education. While Kelly Folev concedes that the increased work-load will cLmeanthat w&l all be busier,” she assures that the “average external viewer shouldn’t see much of a difference.” While all major 0US.A decisions presently require two signatorees, the entire affair of laying Burns off has motivated OUSA’s Steering Co&tree to review all policies and procedures of 6USA with the aim of clearly outlining fmanciai policies and. redefting the Executive Director’s job description. Burns’ lay-off marks yet another storm in an already tempestuous year for OUSA, highlighted by the fiasco of the Lehrer lawsuit, In spite of these problems, Foley assured that the Feds have no plans to discontinue UW’s association with OUSA Gat,this moment,- emphasizing that any such move would be decided by the students themseives.




Friday, January 17, 1997

The cost of public interest year, WPIRG received $82,167 from the student levy. That amount has now increased almost $30,000, with the 1996-97 budget showing students contributing $lI 1,886 to the activist organization. Some ofthis increase has gone to payroll, with WPIR~‘s two fidl time employess, Daryl Novak and Linda Vieregge, splitting the $79,126 allocated to salaries and payroll. This is up from $68,042 in 1993-94. However, Novak and Vieregge had no hand in that

by James Russell Imprint staB


ast September, VVPIRG (Waterloo Public Interest Research Group) raised its student fee to $4.75 from $3.28. This was the first increase since 1989, and coincided with WPIRG’s move from iti offices in the General Service Complex to the Student Life Center. This hike has led to a significant increase in WPIRG’s revenue. In the 1993-94 academic

increase, All PIRG employees throughout the province are members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees I28 1 (through the provincial chapter QPIRG Ontario Public Interest Research Group), and have a set pay scale that increases over a period of five years and then stabilizes, with adjustments for the cost of living. Nonetheless, the impact of the salaries on VVPIRG’s operations cannot be ignored. Novak’s and Vieregge’s pay eats up 69.5% of the entire budget, leaving only



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WPIRG has seen an increased demand for its services md resources with the move to the SLC, a much higher profile location, and this is using up some of the additional cash. Rent is now also a factor, though, at $5,172 a year, this consumes only 17% of the additional revenue. WPIRG staff say that the move has brought in “tons and tons more people.” But there has still been some money to spare

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$19,000 for all of VVPIRG’s programs, including its resource library, guest speakers, Recycle Cycles, and sponsoring people to a&end various conferences and workshops. $3,000 is given to OPIRG. Novak fLlly agrees with the decision to increase the student fee, saying, sLOurs had been lagging,” in comparison to other fees. However, WPIRG seems to have more than made up for any lag, now charging more than ei-


for more computer equipment, extra programming, and some small renovations. WPIKG now has a conference room in its ofiicc, a feature that the cramped GSC quarters could not provide, tbrcing volunteers and working groups to meet elsewhere. The decision to increase the fee had to be passed at an Annual General Meeting of all WPIRG members (if you payed the WPIRG fee, you’re one) and then submitted to the Federation of Studenrs for presentation to the university’s Board of Governors. The AGM was in March 1996 and the increase was in place for last September. WPIRG also applies for various grants, usually im&ing Shident employment opportunities, but doesn’t spend a lot of time or money on such activities. YVhen those types of things are available, we apply for them,” said Novak. ‘We don’t waste time on anything we don’t think is viable.”


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Friday, January 17, 1997

Big, bad world of news


by Rob Van Kruistum and Patti Lenard Imprint staff Canada - Contrary w to popular public opinion, Canada, economically speaking, is doing better than ever


This week the Toronto Stock Exchange 300 composite index (TSE 3001, a measure afthe value of the top 300 Canadian industries, has been posting record highs. On Tuesday, the TSE 300 was at a record high of 6,054.86 basis points and on Wednesday it set a new record. This all means that Canada is doing well economically and that the recession is indeed over. Europe - The Union Bank of Switzerland said Tuesday that its employees threw away documents last week in violation of a governmental ban against such actionk. The documents, containing information relating to the Hotocaust, were needed in an investigation into allegations that Switzcrland colluded with Hit&s Germany, siphoning off Jewish assets and laundering Nazi gold. A security guard found and rescued some of the documents from a bin labeled to be shredded. Israel - Leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Yasser

and Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu have come to an agreement tier three months of negotiations. The agreement will expand Palestinian rule to the city of Hebron and rural areas in the West Bank. Without including future plans for the removal of Israeii occupying forces, the agreement is said to please both Netanyahu and Arafat. In spite of this, Nctanyahu is expected to face substantial opposition to the agreement within his own cabinet. Already, seven members of the 1 g-member cabinet have claimed that they willvote against it, A&at is expected to encounter little opposition from his own cabinet. The agreement is the first obvious show of progress in the peace process accomplished by Netanyahu since his election last June.


Peru - The iefiist rebels holding 74 hostages at the Japanese embassy in Lima have accepted a proposal from Peru’s government to create a commission aimed at securing a peaceful solution to the 2%day siege. They pledged Wednesday they would not “execute” any of their 74 hostages but warned that the deadlock in negotiations was pushing the crisis towards a violent end. Peruvian President Albert0

Fujimori has ref&ed to rule out force while negotiations with the rebels, who are now in the fifth week of the hostage-taking, are at a standstill. The rebels said that without tangible progress in negotiations, the crisis was “being pushed towards a military end” where the government would take responsibility for any injury to hostages in a possible st orming of the residence. They also warned the government that they would llot accept a peaceful end to the crisis that involved their surrender.


II Wednesday night, unionists intended to present JrlhnTutt, owner of the Prbcess Cinema, with 500 postcards signed by patrons stating that they will not attend the theatre until the current disputes are resolved. Although media from throughout the city were on hand outside the Princess for the presentation, Tutt was not. He chose not to confront the 20 picketers who were asking for his presence. Instead, he remained in the projection booth and Elizabeth Kerr, Princess patron and picketer, read a statement to the press. The statement outlined the picketers’ goals, the reasons for their objections, and their view of the current disputes. Following the reading of the statement, Kerr climbed the stairs, to the projection booth and presented Tutt with the signed postcards herself. Upon her return, she stated that he accepted the cards and was p&c in his demeanour. The heart of the current issue concerns the inability of Tutt and the Ontario Motion Picture Projectionist’s to come to an agree-

ment about the renewal of their contract. The contract expired on December 31, 1996. Following from this is the dispute concerning the alleged unethical treatment of union projectionists at the Princess Cinema. The result has been the lockout of full-time projectionist Calvin Devries and part-time projectionist Sam McIntyre, and picketers have been outside the cinema since January 1 protesting against this. The picketers are asking Tutt to come back to the negotiating table. In spite of being faced with

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Russia - Russia is threatening to merge with Belarus in response to the eastward expansion ofNAT0. NATO is planning on inducting three new members at its summit this summer, namely Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Reports from Russia are claiming that this merge will endanger Russia’s security by placing Western military forces too close to its border. Yeltsin has communicated with Belarussian President Alexander Lukashenko with offers of unification. The proposed unification would include a shared government and budget. Perhaps most importantly, however, the unification would probably result in the placement of nucle’ar weapons in Belarus.


Tutt not a prince: by Patti Lenard Imprint staff

c -


Snack Bar

the knowledge that the picketers are meeting with some success, Tutt has refused to renegotiate the contract. He claims to have no need for a full-time projectionist and says that he is capable of handling the job himself. According to many of the picketers, however, Tutt is currently employing a “scab” worker to replace both projectionists previously employed by the Princess, Tutt rejects this claim as false. Regardless, as the picketing enters its third week, negotiations and a resolution still do not seem iminent.

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Princess picketers pose for the press. photo

by Patti Lenard

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Friday, January 17, 1997

Good food, good advice, good ideas ephoncs, the property of Bell Canada, were taken from the Coop and Career Set-vi433 oft’lces. Mischief

involving UW Property On November 18, a UW van parked outside East Campus Hail was vandalized. Two lights were broken in the link betw*ern Math and Computers and the DaGs Centre on Deccmbcr 1. On lkcmber 12, a W&stie team tvitnessed the damaging of gate arms in the V2 parking lot. The vandals paid restitution for the dmiages. A window was broken in a D parking lot kiosk on Januanr 2.


of personal P=aperty On December 5, the front grill was removed from a xhicle parked on the road next to the &lath and Computers building. The tleti land fraudulent use of a calling card on December 6 is currentlv under investigation.On December 14, an electric guitar was stolen from St. Jerome’s College and, behjeen November 14 and December 5, five bicycles were stolen on campus. Theft

of non-UW p=operty On December 13,a vending machine in the VI central complex was broken and Red Carpet food products were taken. On I>cccmber 13, a cross and wall angle tool was stolen from a contractor working in Biology 2. On December IS, a TV and VCR were stolen from the Science Society office in the Earth Sciences and Chemistry building and, on January 6, twelve tel-

Mischief involving nonuw property An argument occurred between UW students and a Waterloo Taxi driver on January 1I outside of the SLC. One student damaged a door and the interior of the tasi. The incident is currently under investigation. Sexual Assaults Beginning November 26, three sexual assaults occurred on or near campus. Edgardo Esparza, the person originally charged with these assaults, has been cleared and a new arrest has been made. Walter Sanchez, 20, ofKitchener, has been charged with seven accounts of sexual assault occurring between August and December, 1996. The case is currently .before Waterloo courts. No charges have been laid in relation to five other accounts of sexual assault in the Waterloo area. Motor vehicle accidents (over $700 in damages) Between November 3 and November 28, there were four incidcnces of vehicles striking stationary objects, %W Police are currently

by Heather Calder Student Issues Reource Centre coordinator Hi folks! I have kidnapped the Fedback this week to let you in on some ot‘the projects I 6ant you to be involved in this term. Diver& Celebration ‘97 The idea of this project is that .you decorate a fabric square, according to your racial, ethnic or religious background, to ccxrtribute to a wall-hanging, as part of the events ofAnti-Discrimination Week (March 17 - 21). Allofthe squares will be sewn together and the completed wall-hanging will tour around to each school. We are also trying to get the wall-hanging into Queen’s Park for March 2 1, International Day Against Racial Discrimination. If you are interested in getting involved with this project, drop into the Fed office to sign up for a square and receive the fabric and instructions. Squares must be returned by February 3, so hurry! Eating Disorders Awareness Week This takes place February 3 to 7. This is a week devoted to helping vou understand what eating disorders are and are not, what kind of issues are often related investigating a variety of incidents occurring between November 2 1 and January 15 for which charges map or may not have been laid. The incidents include: obscene phone calls, three casesof harassment (including threatening email), break and enters, frauduient use of credit cards, counterfeit money received at the UW bookstore and five investigations into the uttering of threats. Other incidents Since December 1, UW Police have dealt with four occasions

(e.g. media portrayal of women, self-esteem) and how you can support someone who has an eating disorder. To start the week, a journal of writing by people affected bv eating disorders and body imige issuesw iii be reieased . If you have any suggestions or arc interested involunteering for this week% activities, please feel free to cd me at ext. 633 1. Peer Life Education A group of people are intcrested in developing a drama about social issues to present to high school students in tllc area. We still need \rolunteers to help dcvelop and act in the dramas. You can be involved by e-mailing me at hlcaIder@feds.watstx. Ask the Expert Finally, a way to find out everything you always wanted to know about UW! E-mail your questions toexpertefedsand you will receive an answer to your question in about ten days (faster if it is an emergency). There are lots of smart and useful people at UW and they have ofrered to help me get you the information you need. E-maiiyourquestionsabout health, relations hips, co-op, personal issues, school and administration. In the coming months, watch for bulletin boards that

publish the questions and answers that people send in. By the way, all questions are confidential - no one will krlow that you are the enquiring mind. The Good Food Box 1This program allows you to get fruit and vcgctablcs at great, bulk prices once a month. Or&r a box: of food for $10 (about two grocer-v bags Ml) or $15 (about three bags frill) at the beginning of the month, and pick up the food at the end of the month. Each month, the variety of food included changes and the food is always fresh. We need at least ten people to take part in order to make UW a drop otY point. If you would like to get involved, pleast: call me at ext. 633 1. This is great for Students because it’s cheap and easy to take part in. Like vour momma says, eat your vegeiables! Other things to watch for out of the Student Tssucs Resource Centre: Safer Sex Night at the Bomber, a Speaker Series about social issues,Anti-Discrimination Week events, Peer Health campaigns and much more. Have a great term and remember that I am here to help you find information and answers to your questions.

of intoxica tion and four of “emotional trauma” on campus. On January 1, two alcoholrelated consensual fights took place outside Fed Hall. Since January I, UW Police have responded to two incidents of a student attempting to use false identification, once at the Bombshelter and once at Fed Hall. In both cases, the ID was seized. The procedure for dealing with the use of false ID is being reviewed by UW Police, and the management of Fed Hall and the Bombshelte r .

Since November 24, LJW l’olice have responded to 19 medical emergencies. Eight of them were alcohol-related. Since November 2 7, UW Police have responded to seven noise complaints at the Married Student Apartments. The cause of the complaints included loud music and vacuuming. Between December 6 and December 23, six f&e fire alarms occurred, three in Village 2 and one each at Renison College, COlumbia Tcefields and off-campus at 108 Seagram Drive.



Friday, January 17, 1997


Campus Question:

Should $5 be added to students’ ancillary fees to jury for renovations to Fed Hall?

by Keily McMaster and Tara Schagena (photos)

No. Students have paid enough for Fed. Ehab

Julie Shaniawksi 3rd Year Recreation

I think cover charge should cover that.

No, not enough students are using Fed Hall as it is.

Definitely not; $5 could buy beer at the Bomber.

Mac Daddy Trotter 2A Biochemistry

Dayna Copp 4B Environmental

Brad Hopper 4th Year Biology

Tahir 24 Systefns Design


~price --~

& Leisure Studies


Kwame Smart 1st Year Actuarial

No, I don’t think students should pay more than they already have. Sciences

Hilda Weigl 4th Year ERS


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of Waterloo



miiay,anuary 17,1337 Volume 19, Number 23 Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3Gl

The forum

views on various issues




pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. Theopinions expressed in columns, other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint.



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A student’s investigation of the evils that landlords do

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Shame On Mr. Roper

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Dan Uastelica, Tim Hondarenko, Michael K. Hrown, Andy Butters, Kcni Ghan, Ryan Chen-Wing, Peter Franks, Kelly Foley Mary Ellen Foster, Shari Faulkenham, Ka&el Fcnty, Natalie Gillis, Karstcn W. Gittcr, Ambcrlca Howlutt, Hugh W. Kerr, Kob Van Kruistum, Peter J. Lcnardon, Thomas Jeff&on, IGe1s Jensen, Stephen Johnson, Melissa McDonald, Kcllv McMaster, Carolc Theriault, Liz MonicrWilliams, Car& Ng,‘Mikc Owen, James Kussell, Tara Schagena, WI’1 KG, Dan Zachariah . Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper publiihed by imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706 7380. Mail should be addressed toImprint, Student Life Centre, Room 1 1 16, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G I.


uring my third academic term, I participated in the Northern Ireland exchange. At a meeting held prior to our departure, the organizer repeatedly stressed the poor student living conditions for those considering living OK campus. “Many students have no heat, and some live without running water!!” Of course, 1 secured a room in residence fearing the image of sitting on a broken wooden stool wrapped up/‘” a moldy blanket with my feet in a steel bucket filled with hot wa& warmed by a fire. Well, these fears were completely unwarranted. The residence resembled a jail, missing only the bars on the windows for that full effect. In January, I pulled out and within the first apartment hunting day, I landed a htige Victorian house to share with four others. It had a backyard; it had a two bathrwms; it was heated, and we never needed to pump water out of the well decorating our front lawn. It cost roughly $65 a week for this furnished palace. I have now returned to Waterloo to complete my degree. I am no stranger to apartment hunting, but I soon became a depressed, pissed-off wreck during my search for a place. Don’t misunderstand--I wasn’t looking for anything fancy: something with a little light, filrnished and within a mile radius of the uniirersity. My only other requirement was that I did not want to live in a huge student house, Something small, cozy. and quiet tomallow me to complete

my degree


too much


I checked the boards at the Campus Centre and procured a listing at the turnkey desk. I lined up five places that seemed to meet my requirements. To my surprise, a “full kitchen” doesn’t even need to have a sink. The landlord glares when I question this, Thcrc is bnc in the bathroom!” A fLl1 kitchen, to my knowledge, does not constitute a mere hot plate, either. Fully fixnishcd is not a mattress and a naked bulb

hanging from a wire on the ceiling. I felt like I was in WhoGlle after the G-inch’s raid. The icing on the cake were the rents, all of which were between $300 and $450 a month for light deficient dungeons. Oh, and guess how many met the requirement of a fire exit or a maximum of unrelated people living together under one roof? I am not sure who to blame. Perhaps everyone is at fault. The landlords should not falsely advertise their dmk basements as fully fUrnished apartments. The Federation of Students should not offer housing lists to students without checking off the basic requirements. Would it be that costlv to send out a mcmbcr with a check list befofe they add it to their list? This student inspector coLlld even charge these hopeful landlords a nominal fee to add them to the list, paying the studem for time and effort. * And last but riot least, students shouId not put up with this shit. Many of these people are doing this under the table. None of us want the ha& of the leasing paperwork, but think about who is getting fucked over: who is pocketing a minimum $300/month for virtually nothing? Remember, these so-called landlords need/want the money desperately. Do&settle for a dump with an exorbitant price tag. Give them your demands and if they retie to meet them, go elsewhere. Why should you partake in their illegal scheme if Jrou are not getting some kind of deal? Sure, you are a student and most of you are only looking for a place to crash for four months, but you needn’t be robbed at the same time. WC are poor students, right? I finally found a great one bedroom on Erb Street at a reasonable price. Where did I hear about it? The K-W Record.

Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing t‘or brevity and clarity. The editor reser<es the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender. race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

is reproached for their perceived transgressions, they usually respond by saying that if a certain student feels that their own personal views art’ not being reflected by tile newspaper, than he/she should take matTo the Editor, ters into their own hands and write the stories themselves. In theory this sounds I hxe latrl>r become annoyed at the good, but it breti down at a certain point. increzCng level of noise coming from the Ifan important, newsworthy event is Bombshelter. I live aI St. Jerome’s College taking place on campus, then it stands to end I Glnd it impossible to go to sleep when reason that the staff ofImprint is obligated the Bombshelter is still blasting out loud to gather their resources together and promusic at hW in the morning. Ellen with duce the necessary coverage that will propmv window closed, I can still hear clearly erly inform the student body. By failing to thi ruckus coming from the Bombshelter. do so, Imprint would be seriously neglectDuring t’sam times, the on-campus resiing its responsibiLities. If the staff are not dences hxe 23 hour quiet hours. I don’t interested in covering such events and a see the point of&wing the Bombshelter student complains that they are not being to continue with their music until the late adequately informed, what should the edihours. At the very least, thes can turn it tors then say? Should they say that if you down to a reasonible level. S’igning off want a story covered, then you should at 2:30 am.... cover it yourself? Of course not. Editor’s Minute:htzwlly, the answer is -Michael R &mm yes. While we tq to do the bestjob we can, the best way topt saraetikg in the paper is to write it yoursel$ The onus is on Imprint to manufacture high-quality copy regardless of the personal tastes of the masthead. Otherwise you are simple making excuses for producing an infer& product by blaming the To the Editor, CLapathetic” student body for not getting I must say that it is refreshing to see involved. The vast majority of students, for a that we attend an institute of “higher” education where we can glor$r the ills of variety of reasons, have neither the time, our society and actually receive recognition the desire, nor even the confidence to confor abusing substances to such a degree that tribute to the newspaper. If the editorial staff truIy believes in providing students self-preservation is no longer an issue. with the best possible product, then they With reference to Sandy Atwal’s article entitled Old Acquaintance .( Imprint, Jan. must be willing to forego alibis and write the stories that need to be. written for the 10)) it must be said that drinking, smoking and loud, abrasive, incoherent music have benefit of their constituents -- you the student. historicallv been common pastimes for stuNow I realize that certain sections of dents, and will continue to be just that for the paper must rely on volunteers in order a long time to come. Just look at the to be as incIusive as possible. For instance, Bombshelter. On any given day you can if a student is disappointed with the paucity find a number of students huddled toof rap music reviews in the Arts section, gether at the Bomber, having a fe% drinks, then it would be absurd to suggest that a few smokes and listening to tunes. Does the school (or society) condemn us for this? regular staffers, who know little about hipNo, of course not. They’re making money, hop, should start writing reviews on this and lots of it. Is this wrong? No, of course brand of music. not. We’re getting an (enormously expenHowever, I do think that there could be more movie reviews and this is one area sive) education, and we’re gonna damn of the Arts section which anyone can write well have a bit offun while doing it, so what for. It’s not too much to ask that regular do we care who rakes it in (we already Imprint staffers - who decide what the know it’s not going to be tis). paper will ultimately look like - find the So just a note to say that I’ll miss your time to review films that are playing in local column Sandy, and I hope you keep your new vears’ resolurions because as far as I theatres or even in Toronto since they seem to have no problem getting to concerts. can tell, you’re just getting what you want, Think out ahead of time what kind of and you have got to respect that. But before as interesting as you go, pour yoursdf a drink, buti me a articles will make Imprint Camel, and turn up that damn music.. . .. . . ..I possible. Don’t just compile together a loosely connected group of stories and slap have a headache I’m trying to get rid of. them down on flats, expecting wondeti results. -Andy Buttem Having said all this, I think the staff of S&We Imprint has been doing a great job this year and the paper has never looked better. No one, and I mean no one, has better editorial cartoons than Imprint and I really like your idea of running concert

Cum the


on feel noize

Sandy, with b ooze

Imprint does good

To the Editor, As any regular reader of Imprint knows by now, criticism of the paper’s content and format is a given with each issue. When the editorial staflfof Imprint


and sports


off the cover.

Thankfully the staff of Imprint has been able to tianscend the inherent weaknesses of its own laissez-faire policies, but in the hands of lesser editors, the quality of the paper could really suffer. Relying on volunteers is essential for Imprint’s success and the paper does a terrific job of

encouraging prospective writers, but when said volunteers are not forthcoming, the staff must remember its mandate to provide students with the most comprehensive student’newspaper that circumstances dictate. - Dun Zacbatiuh uw alumnus

The lamest letter ever To the Editw, I would like to address Sandie Edwards’ review ofL.P., by the Rembrandts, which I came upon while looking around on the Internet. I hear from both Phil Solem and Danny Wilde very often and have a VERY popular web page as a tribute to them. You refer to their style as “mediocre pop music” and insinuate that they will only be known for the Friends theme. Of course, the Rembrandts are also quite famous for the 1990 hit LcJustThe Way It Is Baby” which has been classifed by several reviews as “The perfect pop song.” The top-ten single was the first song on their highly successful debut, The Rmzhdts. This album was actually a demo that was recorded in Danny Wilde’s garage, but was deemed of such high quality that the demo was released “as is!”




You also point out that the sticker on the L.P. cover says “bonus track”, which you refer to as a marketing scheme. Of course, this is because 7&e Friends Theme wasn’t meant to be onU? The first 250,000 covers had hen printed. At the same time, radio stations around the country would tap-e the 42 second theme off the TV and loop it into a three minute song. The Rembrandts went back into the studio and made the version which appears on L.P., if for no other reason, to accurately represent their talents. So forget marketing schemes, that Ftinds theme IS a bonus track. Never intended to be on the CD, but added at the request of Warner Bras. The Kembrandts style may not be indicative of the garbage that appears on ‘the radio tday, but it’s something that is sadly missed in our society. ..good music. Don’t listen to bash the vocals of the Grammy-nominated duo, instead, take norice of the hooks and riffs and the many DIFFERENT sounds. The true beauty of “Drowning In Your Tears,” or the haunting sounds of “The Other Side Of Night” (written by Phil Solem following his father’s death,) No, the Rembrandts don’t fit your mold of how music should sound, but what you missed are some guys who are just having fun and, aiong the way, have made some of the best music since the Beatles. - Dara BiWelicu





FORUM’ Tutt,


To the Editur,

The lockout at the Princess Cinema is surprising to many ofus mlho attend there regularly. The Princess presents a wide variety of good films, and portrays an image as a thoughtful alternative cinema. It’s a popular spot with a lot of Waterloo faculty and students, including my wife and me. S’o why have we been on a picket line in the rain and snow since early in January? We’re very angry at the unfair way the Princess management has treated two loyal and very competent employees. The regular projectionist, Calvin Dcvries, and the part-time projectionist, Sam McIntyre, have been locked out by the owner of the Princess, John Tutt. A fockout is not a strike. Instead, when their contract expired on December 31 the projectionistq were told that their services would not be required until further notice (no days in January, perhaps one day in Februaqr!), and that the new salary would be $10 per hour if they were required - with no benefits. Previously they earned $13 pr hour for 5 hours per night, and paid into UK, CPI? and medical and pension plans. The mainstream media have given Tutt’s version of the lockout. Tutt presents himself as a struggling businessman who cannot aKord to pay a projectionist, so that he or his wife must run the projectors. However, on the first night of the Iockout a person who crossed the picket line (known bv* the projectionists) said that Tutt was going to train hi m to run the projector, for $11 per hour. A new projectionist paid $ I1

per hour would save Tutt $10 per night (plus a little for benefits). Devries has worked at the Princess for almost nine years. Tutt profited from about 300 unpaid hours of work while McIntyre completed his apprenticeship at the Princess. Devries recognized the special nature of the Princess three and a half years ago when he accepted the lowest unionized projectionist wages in Ontario. He realizes that his long-term interests can best be served by a healthy Princess, and is willing to negotiate. But Tutt has refLsed to negotiate despite their repeated attempts throughout the fall of 1996. We don’t think this is fair. Do you throw out a loyal employee after almost nine years to save $10 p&night ? If you’re having fina.ncial problems don’t you sit down to discuss salary or other items which management regards as a problem ? In discussions with the picketers many of the Princess patrons have expressed surprise, shock and anger at Turt’s behaviour. Sure, some people don’t care, but a lot do. They think the Princess should show a positive example as an employer. Some nights more than 50% of the potential patrons have chosen not to go. In fact, over 450 people, many of them Princess Members, - have signed cards asking for negotiations, stating that they will not return to the Princess until the dispute is resolved. We don’t want to shut down the Princess. On the contrary, we want it to continue and be profitable. But we won’t patronize it if loyal long-term employees are treated like dirt. Besides, locked out workers cannot file for UIC. If locked out workers are finally forced onto welfare, they become a net cost to our community,


We’re asking that people not patronize the Princess until the dispute is resolved. To speed up the process you could visit the picket line to encourage Devries and McIntyre, and sign a postcard saving you won’t go to the Princess either: Or call Tutt, and tell him how you feel. The stronger your support, the sooner the Princess can resume its position as an ethical member of the Waterloo business community.


misers To the Miter,


Friday, January 17, 1997

Perhaps you bought the groceries. Perhaps you bought a friend a coffee. Perhaps you went to Phil’s on Sunday before nine to avoid the cover and bought yourself two beers. Perhaps you secured your future by purchasing two stocks of Brick Brewery. Maybe you went to a movie. Excuse mc, I forgot, a movie even on cheap night costs more than the Imprint refund. It seriously makes me ill to think that a minority of students here cannot afford to donate thirty-five cents a week to their local student newspaper. I sincerely hope that those of you who have got your refund never touch an Imprint with your pennypinching fingers while you’re on campus. You honestly don’t deserve it, And for those of you who did in fact pay your four dollars and ten cents, enjoy reading the paper because I know I will, and T would assume that the Imprint stafr thanks you for supporting your oti’n student newspaper.

I would just like to say that I find it appalling that some students of this university aChdy take the time out of their lives - Peter Fru&s to get their refund of four dollars and ten wistmy cents from their own student newspaper. It’s only a thirty-five cent donation per Edit~sNote:Ihn~wbaty~‘ret~~kweek out of your pocket which helps Imind and no, I did& write this letter and print publish its material. Imprint doe% neither did anyom else on stafl This is a not ask each student to give an absurd Jenzkine Ieti.@m a student who has notbamount ofmoney for the service it provides in8 to do tpith Impn’nt. Just fir the mord us. If it were fourteen dollars I might Impin t deeply uppecia tes all s&en ts who complain. If it were twenty-four dollars I &me to support their newspaper. Your wouid most likely ask for my money back $4.2Umtmlyentitlesy0a~ to 22copiesufthe as well. But four dollars and ten cents? Xmprin t, but also uccess to mne of the best Realty? equ@rnmzt m cnrnps ifyozr choose to work I ask you then, those of you who have for zts. Stwien ts have em3y mi&% t to ask far received your refund, was it worth it? What their $4.10 buck, but I would hope tbu t they exactly did you do with your four dolIars do so far a reason other than tbe typicd and ten cents? Perhaps you iawe tmtise that %ey need the money.” I paid your rent.

Introducing. . . “Beaven and Buttercup”

Well, this sucks. We aren’t getting any better at drawing cartoons. That’s why we need YOU to contribute to Imprint. If you can draw better than this, we need your help. Come down to the Imprint office today in the Student Life Centre and show us your best stuff!

This term, IMPRINT will be publishing a creative arts supplement. featuring short stories, poetry, photography and graphic art by University of Waterloo students. All University students. are encouraged to submit material to the Imprint off ice (Student Life Centre Rm. 1116)

IMPRINT 888-4048






17, 1997

Angry Grrrrls “I am not an angry girl, but it seems like 1’~ got everyone fooled. Everytime T say something they find hard to hear, they chalk it up to my anger, and never to their own fear,” -Ani Difiranco Feminists are often stereotyped as angry, or bitter women. This is demonstrated in an old joke where a woman walks into a bookstore and askswhere the humour section is. She’s told that there is none, for it’s a feminist bookstore. Anger is a tricky issue for feminists. I feel I must tnr not to perpetuate anv stereotvpes since i seem to represent feminists , on campus, but there are timeswhen anger is appropriate and healthy. If I’m at a bar, and some pig grabs me, I have a right to be angry. If my courseload doesn’t reflect women’s contributions to the world, I won’t apologize for feeling cheated. It’s maddening that women’s intclligcncc and creativity have been lost for so long. Feminism isn’t just a bunch ofpissedoff women sitting around bitching about how evil men are. It’s a celebration of female strength, Events like International Women’s Week are outpourings of jo~r. They prove the stereowpe is false. S&e .

a, I-0


C c)


L 0,

a’l c b

feminists express anger at injustice. Anyone who can sit through a video of the Vienna Tribunal and not feel overwhelmed with anger is just inhuman. (At the Vienna Tribunal, women from every country in the world shared stories of the mass rape, incest, beatings, forced abortions, forced sterilization, genital mutilation, racism, homophobia etc. that make up women’s widespread oppression.) Admitting that discrimination makes you angry does not make you a raving radical feminist I’ve yet to meet one in real life. This stereotype serves to keep women alienated from their own movement. Feminism has become a four letter” word. An accusation with negative connotations. We can reclaim words though and insist on defining them on our own terms. Feminism, for me, is about understanding power hierarchies. It’s a commitment of equality, tolerance and social change. It’s an insistence on my right to self-definition and dignity as a person. Call me a “green girl” but I intend to work towards changing the world’s injustice an! way T can, and if anger will help me do it, I’ll let it flow. The word “bitch” is an acronym for a woman who is “Being In Total Control of Herself.”

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Last week I wrote about some of the problems the justice system is facing, because justice is one of the few fundamental concepts I believe in. As a T,ibertarian, the idea of people getting what they deserve is a sweet one, and don’t give me any of that mercy crap. Anyway, despite my column, horrible injustices continue to occur. IN JUSTICE # 1: The Liberal government is shutting down the Somalia inquiry just before it got good, because they know it will make them look bad with an election coming up Starting at the bottom, the commissioners worked through the troops who were actually in Somalia and are now ready to examine the upper echelons of power. But before they can get any of the Liberal elite on the stand, the inquiry is being terminated. bf course the government denies that there is any political motivation behind the decision. Defence Minister Doug Young said, “It could have lasted forever,” but that’s bullshit. The results of the process so far will be almost useless without following the trail to its source. Sure. the mum did some horrible things, but tl-& h&l nothing to do with the resulting cover-up; that was all on Parliament Hill, and now that’s where the inquinT 4.l never get, INJU*STICE #2: Ok, get this. Police sergeant David Pviattison shoots his wife, dismembers her with a hacksaw, cuts ofF her fingertips to reduce chances of identification of the body, sets fire to the couple’s car to co&me police, and dumps his ulife’s bod\7 parts into a canal that leads into Lake Oniario. He reports her missing 19 da\rs , later. Unfomlnately, not all goes according to plan. DNA tests identify a thigh that washed up and the cops arrest him.-Ntcr a plea bargain, Mattison gets convicted of

manslaughter (which means that, legally, he didn’t really mean to kill her) and gets the minimum sentence of ten years. However, it has been less than four Irears since he was sentenced and Mattison is already on day parole while living at a half-way house. And within a few months, he might be completely free, able to do as he pleases and spend his police pension. You see,unless a cop gets fired for dereliction of duty, they are free to draw a full pension. So, even though this guy killed his wife, he gets to enjoy cash from the public purse. TNJ~S’T’ICE #3: President Clinton has been charged with sexual harassment by Paula Jones. The normal course of events Gould be to have a trial. Whether this will occur while Clinton is president remains to be seen, The delay is not due to any court backlogs, no, no, it’s because Cllinton’s lawyers are arguing that 3 sitting president shouldn’t have to stand trial because it will hurt the executive branch of the U.S. government. They are pcrfcctl\r content to let him go to trial once he’s d&e in the White I House. There is a problem with this. IfClinton’s lawyers succeed, they can set the precedent that presidents are iemporarily above the law. This leaves presidents free to break the law with impunity while thev arc in office. But, what ifClinton was’still in his first term? If he’s found guilty, that could seriously aff’ect his chances of winning the nest election - although I believe that he still could have beaten Dole. Hell, I could h;lve beaten Dole. Regardless ofthe political implications, I believe that no ore should be above the law, least of al politicians. In f&t, 1 think extra laws just for politicians would bc a pretty good idea. The day Sheila Copps gets sent to jail for being a lving bitch will be a banner day in my life, 1% tell you , that.

Special General Meeting Don’t be this


On January 24, at 1_1:30 a,m,, Imprint will hold a special genera1 meeting to amend the bylawsof Impri nt Publicationsand.elect members of the corpod ration to our board of directors, All students who have paid their ImH print fee are eligible to vote at this meeting and are invited to attend+





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Mod&d aider eco-logos and European ftir trademarks, Fair TradeMark Canada licenses a label for use on products and brands botight and sold with a concern for justice for southern producers. Standards monitored by an independent international network include not only a fair price, but also long-term assured markets, provision ofcredit at reasonable rates, and purchases from registries of democratically organized producers. What Is Fair Trade? l Working on a human scale that shows care for the working conditions and community we4 being of the producer. l Buil&ng relationships between producer, retailer and consumer. l Ensuring quality to the customer, security and a better price to the producer. l Recognizing the value of the product and the work involved in production.

Fair Trade Works By: l Securing long term contracts and relationships so that produc-

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ers can plan ahead; l Providing pre-purchase credit or working capital at reasonable rates; l Allowing producers to organize democratically for their own benefit; l Ensuring producers are paid a price that values their labour; l Providing customers with a quality product; l Making it easy for customers to buy ethically; l Guaranteeing these claims through an independent agency, Fair TradeMark Canada. Consumer

Friday, January 17, 1997


Surveys show that 60-80 percent of consumers say they will pay a premium for environmentally friendly -and fairly traded products. Actual experience in Europe shows that up to five percent of consumers will actually buy fair11 traded products at a premium if three conditions are met: 1. There is no reduction in nroduct quality, 2. The produc’t is easily available in comkerciai market; and 3. An independent organization certifies that fair trade claims are I

not just marketing hype. How Is Fairness Guaranteed? Fair TradeMark Canada, as the Canadian member of TransFair International, participates in an international networkoffti trade. They label companies giving them accessto existing producer registers, product criteria and the international monitoring networks that have been developed by European colleagues. Fair trade Iabelling companies have been established in Holland, Germany, Britain, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, Canada and Japan. These companies jointly administer the international producer registries, have achieved commercial acceptance for fair trademarked coffee and have developed criteria for other products, including tea, cocoa, sugar and honey. Standards for coconut oil, bananas, spices, textiles and handcrafis are under consideration. Fair TradeMark Canada needs votunteers to help promote this initiative. Visit the VVPIRG offlice if you are interested.

By Kelly Foley, Vice Prcsidcnt Education The views in this column don’t necessarily represent you or mc, If you agree or disagree with the views cxprcssed here then ICC me know. Speak for yourself! kefolcy@feds.watstar.uw;

or ext. 2340

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mer I got over the shock and horror of discovering that This Hour has 22 Minutes was preempted by something infinitely less entertaining, 1 sat down to thif& of a topic for this week’s column. Fortunately, my roommate Adam was on hand to add some insight and suggestions. “why don’t you write about the purpose of university?” He went on to talk about a bit he had seen on Speakers’ Corner. A number of young people were complaining about not being able to get a job after having graduated from university. The first thought that popped into my head after Listening to this scenario was ‘YVho the hell would employ someone on Speakers’ Corner !” The relative lunacy of Speakers’ Corner patrons aside, Adam raises a very important question: exactly, what is the p&pose of university. This very simple question is at the root of everv crisis we have had in PSE. (ke’ve had quite a few in the last few decades, especially with Snobelen inventing them.) The answer will define

one’s assumptions and will ultimately affect one’s view on everything from &nding to curricu1Un-L I have contemplated this question before. I actually wrote a paper for one of my courses on this very topic, so I am relatively aware of the volumes of literature debating this issue. Although schoiars have pundered this for decades, and even centuries, I’m going to be smug enough to assume that I can offer meaningfill discourse in these 500 words. Smug is fun after all. There are essentially two points of view; one is the John Stuart Mill approach, the other is that of our friend and minister John Snobelen, (I apologize in advance for supporters of both who may be insulted by finding both names in the same sentence.) My personal hero, Mill, purports that education is not to create trades people or professionals but to create citizens. To Minister Snobelen we are all partners and clients and all other sorts of unappealing buzz words.

I’d like to ask why these two approaches have to be mutually exclusive. I think that universities do both reasonable well. “Learning for the sake ok learning” is a misnomer. A person’s motiiations are irrelevant. Can you imagine lining people up and quizzing them, ‘&Are you taking CS because you love it or because you want to get a job. You love CS?. . . You’re out of here!” A student who chooses their courses and structures their academic career wisely can satisfy their desires to study a particular topic and enhance their employability. Students have to take some responsibility for making themselves employable through electives or volunteerism or suffer the consequences. I understand that my comments

may sound




recent employment rates. For all those reading this thinking I’m full of it, take comfort. I may be eating my words soon. I’m about to graduate having spent the bulk of my time learning about how sand bounces.

Thanks to the more than 100 readers who responded in this years readers survey. The winners of the Dr. Disc gift certificates were Angela Laarakkers, Carolyn Duquette, Adam Driedzic and Monica Walker Bolton. The winners of the $25 gift certificates from the UW Bookstore were David Robinson, Kathleen Jinkerson and Kasia Kord. The winners of the Imprint T-Shirts were ml’ n ’ T L * breg 1 npp, Uarrn Yletsch and Lyn me nddison, nl



How much Al.. numbers are ex# read, pressedhere aspercen ti

ages, an d are compikd from th e answer forms and on4he responses

Science Sports Classifieds Arts


News Features sports


of each section


do you


All 48.1 36.4 13.9

Some 42.6 42.7 52.8

Little 8.3 16.4 25.0

None 0.9 4.5 8.3

18.5 15.7 250 8.9

29.6 25.0 22.2 29.6

26.9 33.3 34.4 29.6

8.5 2.4 5.7 4.4

NEWS How would ered?

GENERAL Which section read first?


of Imprint

64.8 1.8 6.5

do you generally

Forum Science Arts

13.0 1.8 12.0

you like to see each topic

On-Campus events Off-Campus events Provincial events National events International events Federation of Students UW Administration

Mow 61.1 27.4 25.2 28.3 23.6 2 1.7 22.9

Same 38.9 66.0 57.9 54,7 47.2 6 I. 3 63.8

covLess 0.0 6.6 16.8 17.0 29.0 17.0 13.3

How do you whole? Excellent 8.3

ou’ve told us what vou like, and you’ve told us what you don’t like, so here’sJ&K chanceto do something about it. Imprint is currently looking for students who are interested in gaining experiencein all areasofthe newspaperproduction. If you’re interested in writing, photography, layout and design, advertising production or even if y&l don’t know what you’re interested in, then we have a place for you. No experienceis required; we will be running training seminars for all students interested in learning the various sofnvare programs used to produce Imprint. If you’re interested in working at Imprint, come on down to SLC 1116 anytime. Imprint staff meetings are held every Friday at 12:30. All students areinvited to attend.


the News


Fair 16.5

Poor 1.9

Good 73.4

as a

FORUM Do you read: Letters to the Editor Comics Man. Dissent Who is John Gait? The Rant Outside the Lines Speak for Yourself WPIRE Fedback Comment pieces

Yes 94.4 85.8 53.8 62.5 62.9 53.3 50.0 39.4 49.5 87.6

How do you rate the Forum whole? Exccllcn t Good Fair 29.4 45.1 22.5



How do you whole? Exccllcnt 9.7


rate the Science Good 48.4

Fair 38.7


13.6 21.8 35.2 8.0 18.4

Do you read the sports Terminal The Fan


How do you whole? Excellent 15.5

rate Good 58.6

as a


as a

Poor 3.2

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Beer: the Other Food Group II... it provokes the desire, but it takes away the Derformance...” -Macbeth by Mike





3t’s in a beer, anyway? Everyone asksthemselves this at some point, but the knowledge seems to bc lacking fix- mx~y. l3~r is esscntidy made up from three imporPant things: water, malt, and hops. Depending on the beer, you can also find things like rice, corn sugar, rye and other unmalted starch sources, but we’ll get to those later. First, we should have a look at the more basic ingredients. Malts

When you drink a bct’r, malt is probably the most important consideration there is ti>r flavour. No matter how cheap and watery the beer is, you can’t avoid I malt, though by the taste you can guess that some major brewers try their best. Malt is barley which has bc&prepared for brewing by soaking and heating. The malting process lets the harle)r sprout. Just dkit starts to sprout it is dried and rrlastud to varying degrees. The more you ro;lst it, the darker it g:cts. Hefore you run OK to throw the bean sprouts in the oven, ~YILI should know that barley is malted f& a reason. When the XC& are just in the process of sprouting, certain enzymes are being f&led that convert the starch in the seeds into sugars for the plant. PVithout theseenzymes, barley would he ustkss for < beer. Malt dc)c’sgo beyond colour and sugars for yeast though. It’s the major contributor to the body of a beer, as well as the rich, sweet taste’that a bocr can have. The body can be a mcasurc of the amount of malt that went into a beer. Try this simple experiment at home-Take one rr@or label beer like Coors, Budweiser or whatever. Drink said beer. Now, try the same thing with one major imported brand along the lines of Guinness or McEwans. You’ll notice that the imported beers can hold a head better, whicL is indicative of the prmein that has been put into the beer by malts. Draw in the head - make a h&y KKC. 111a nice, thick beer, that face will bc smilin’ up at you when dvou finish. Contrary to North American ideals, a beer in Europe is expcctcd to have a good head. HOPS

Hops are another basic for beer, though the first brews were likely made without them. Hops introduce the bitterness to beer that we all know and love, and the first beers, which lacked hops, must have been sickly sweet. Beyond simple bitterness, however, hops also add varying flavours, such as fiuity flavours, flowery tastes and some esters that bring herbs and spices to mind. While many popular North American beers seem to have little hop character, any imported or homebrewed beer can give you a good idea of what hops can do.

If these flavours sound out of place in a beer, well, that’s because you’ve been conditioned bv North American megabrcws. Meet me ir, the import section of the LCBO - we can have a beer or two. Hops do more than just adding taste to beer though. They also help preserve a beer. A well hopped beer can survive pretty well without preservatives or pasteurization, as the acids of the hops kill off the vile bacteria that might get in to spoil your brew. You might then be wondering why most beers are pasteurized or have preservatives. Well, any beer that’s being shipped pretty far is going to go through some cxtrcme conditions, so many breweries want to make sure that the beer gets to you tasting however it was intended to taste. I can think of a couple of beers that get to market without any of those sorts of things being done to them, and those are bottle conditioned beers - beers which go through a third fermentation in the bottle, and tend to have pretty high alcohol contents in the range of eight to nine per cent, which is enough to deter almost any COIItaminating organism. Adjuncts As I said before, malts are the major source of sugars and other things that arc needed by the yeast that make our beer. However, other things known as adjuncts can be used to replace a certain amount of the malt in a beer. Starch sources like rice and oats can be used, as long as their starches are extracted by cooking. The enzymes in malt can generally support 20 to 30 per cent adjunct starch conversion, which means that 20 to 30 per cent of the malt can be replaced with rice, as is reputedly done in some major label beers. These adjuncts tend to make fclr a thinner beer without lessening the alcoholic strength of the product. If you really want a weak flavowred and bodied beer, you can go one step further, and add extra enzymes to the fermenting beer. Alpha-amylases not only sound tasty, but also break down the carbohydrates that are normally leti in a beer to give it some body. These enzymes are added to produce a “light” beer, which is basically a beer that feels and drinks like water 4~ alcohol in it. “Less filling” for sure, as ali you’re getting from the beer is thin liquids. As far as “tastes great,” well, you need a pretnr sensitive tongue to claim that - most “l&e” beers seem about as tasty as K-W water, Aside from rice and other malt replacements, a disturbing number of things have been added to beer over the ages. Ever tried a garlic beer before? I can’t think of why you’d want to, but it’s been done. And if you’re ever in the mood for liquid heartburn, hot peppers seem to be a prett\; common option for home brewers, as wei.l as for one or two insane breweries out there. Aside from these extreme options,

there are some other better tasting options like molasses, maple syrup, herbs such as cloves and even licorice. A lot of these arc uncommon in beers, but they can add a real navour aid character to a beer. Like I said - meet me in the import section, and bring your Visa.


Alcohol is of course, a major part ofanv beer. For years now, we in Canada ha& actually been guilty of a form of beer snobbery of sorts. The standard line of American beer being like making love in a canoe is actually misinformed, as most American beer is equal to the standard Canadian beer in alcohol, In Canada, alcohol is listed by per cent of volume, and in the U.S. by per cent of mass. Alcohol weighs less than water, and as a result, the two measurements are not going to be the same. A four per cent American beer is exactly the same as a five per cent Canadian beer. Now, it is true that the move to stronger and stronger beers in the Canadian markets has put Canadian beers in a stronger category, but that’s another story altogether.

Now it’s time we had a look at what actually forms the alcohol in a beer - our eternal drinking buddy - yeat! The yeasts used to make beers can be divided into two main groups based on where they sit in the beer during fermentation. Ale yeasts are warmer fermenting yeasts, and they tend to float around on tile top of beer, surfing the waves, and generally having a good time. The second major group is the lager yeasts, which work at lower temperatures and tend to lurk in the muck at the bottom of the brewing vessels. While the tastes that these two types produce are different, so much depends on the other ingredients of a beer that it is impossible to define any particular difference in the two styles. Yomucould have a favourite ale, and there’s more than likely a lager somewhere that you’d find just assatisfying. It’s enough to simply recognize that these two types exist. Along with the vital alcohol production that yeasts perform, they also add flavours in the form of esters, organic acids, phenols, and most importantly, fuse1 oils. Sadly, thcsc tlavour-enhancing aspects of yeast’s job also have a lot to do with a little something we all know, the hangover. So what’s to be done? Well, we’ll be damned if we’re going to drink tasteless beer, and students have been known to drink, so here are some suggestions to prevent hangovers. The first and most common idea is to drink water, and lots of it, Alcohol dehydrates you, so try to get yourself rehydrated before going to bed. If you drink enough of it to rc4ly rehydrate yourself, you could be up for a while, which is a good thing too. Being sober when you go to bed tends to improve the next morning. Some people also feel that alcohol drains you of the vitamin B complex. So, if you think of it, taking some vitamin B complex pills might not be a bad idea. Now ifyou’d like some advice on what you shouldn’t do for a hangover, yowl can start with coRee. Not only will the stuff hit your rather tender stomach hard, but the caff‘cine will dehydrate you even more, making your feel Aeaclily worse. Anything that tastes harsh is likely to make you feel even worse than before. What you should go for is fruit juice, which can get your stomach ready for some real food. Aside from that, take a shower, get some fresh air, and try eating normally as soon as you CLUIit’ll make your stomach happy. This has been a quick summary of beer, and there are books and books of information that could have been included here that wasn’t. If you really want to know more about beer, hit the web! Searching under brewing, homebrewing, and beer should get you some decent results. Just avoid the major brewery sites, which tend to bc one long commercial, and remember, you don’t have to know a lot about beer to enjoy a cool one now and then, so sit back and enjoy.

More than just skin deep Body - Mnd - SpinIt by Stephanie Massey special to Imprint


elcome to another semester filled with labs, assignments, reports, group projects, class projects, midterms and finals. Welcome to the stress zone. There are many stresshl situations in a student’s life that are sometimes over-looked and ofien underestimated. Sometimes there are manIT stresses that can leave you feeling like your life has been I turned upside down. If you are familiar with this feeling, there is good news: there are many holistic therapies available-- treatments not normally practised by mainstream medicine -- which are reasonably priced and have wonderfill health-promoting benefits. In a world where tension and stress is a part of our daily lives, there is increasing awareness and populariw * of druglcss, non-invasivc, complimentary therapies. Thcrapics such as massage, aromatherapy, therapeutic touch, reflcsology , ear candling, and meditation arc av;lilablc to help YOU cope with health problems I rangiq from headaches to asthma.


Even 3000 years ago,


practised in ancient Chinese societies, and the ancient Greeks and Komans made it part oftheir bathing rihlak. Some 2000 years ago the Greek physician Hippocrates noted that “Rubbing can bind a joint that is too,loose and loosen a joint that is too rigid.” Today, massage is used to aid in a wide variety of health problems including aching muscles, asthma, headaches, insomnia, minor corxtipation, stxessand tension. Loosening muscular tension has also been known to lead to the freeing of repressed emotions. For many people suffering from nervous tension, massage has become their therapy of choice, instead of relying on drugs for rest and relaxation. People suffering from physical or psychological stress use massage to refresh and revitalize. sage was

PI9YSIOLOGR2L EFFECTS OF MASSAGE Increased circulation Alleviation of stress on weight-bearing joints l l

9 Elimination of toxins from the body (including lactic acid build-up) 9 Development of sensory awareness l Relaxed muscles and relief from muscle tension l Increased supply of blood and nutrients to bones and muscles 9 Increased flexibility and strength . Increased supply of oxygen to the cells l Enhanced skin condition l Accelerated healing and recovery from injury PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF MlASSAGE The experience of positive, safe and healing touch . Short break from realit) l Positive self-care through strt‘ss reduction and relaxation l Balanced nervous system l

Improved breathing helps you staVi cain2 and l

which breath

more dcep1y a Stimulated digestive system a Rcduccd pain l Keduced nervous tension l l


Mental clarity Good coping

mechanism Reduced depression

Massage is a great way to keep you healthy, physically and emotionally. It can help you &aid the nasty side effects that prescription drugs may have, and can help you avoid addictions to pain medications. The basis of massage is touch, and a healing touch is a powerful gift. AROMA775ERlWY Aromatherapy heals using essential oils from plant sources. Plants such as lavender, peppermint, and chamomile, are steamdistilled to extract the essential oil of the plant. The very life force of the plant, this essential oil is the basis of aromatherapy. When used properly, essential oils stimulate the body’s healing powers and produce no side effects. Aromatherapy can help to baIante the body and promote mental well- being by directly a&ecting the brain through your sense of smell or through absorption of the skin. Aromatherapy has been known to aid disorders such as headaches, stress, nervous disorders, skin problems and depression. Essential oils can be used in a

number of different ways. They can be used in massage or added to a bath. They can be inhaled directly from a container, through steam or by use of an aromatic diffuser. Thev can be sprayed as air freshener; and insect repellents. Many people use essential oils for skin and hair care aswell as for perfume I When choosing essential oils beware of impostors. The essential oils you choose should use the words essential ail on the bottle. If those words don’t appear it is probable not a pure source. The purer thi oil, the more effective it is. Try to choose a product that is grown organically (without fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides) because foreign substances inhibit the healing effect of the essential oils and could create a skin reaction. Before you use essential oils, for any purpose, consult an aromatherapist or do some re-

cation l Reduced anxiety l Tncreased relaxation 9 Improved healing l Increased energy 9 Improved balance in the body’s energy field l Assistance with behavioural problems l Reduction of migraines l Aids wound healing from fractures, broken bones, sites of infection l Increases ability to think more clearly and to focus more efyectivel)

search on your ow[n to determine w LiThich oils you need to be cautious about:

that fit over the entire eat-, but a ~~arietyofmaterials have been used, including rolled newspaper dipped in was, Tody, ex candles are made r)flOO% cotton, rolled and dipped in 100% bees wax. The candles are hollon; through the middle.

THERAPEUTIC Therapeutic on the Einsteinian

TOUCH touch is based paradigm

of a field-like uniand around

complex, energetic verse flowing thro@ us. It is a consciously-directed process of energy exchange during which the practitioner uses the hands as a focus to stimulate and enhance the patient’s omm natural healing. The intent of therapeutic touch is always to heal and does not require the recipient to believe in the therapy, just an openness to accept the treatment. Therapeutic touch is often thought of as the laying on of hods, but does not require the practitioner to actually touch the recipient. Some see it as massaging the energy field. Therapeutic touch is taught in over 80 unkersities and colleges worldwide, with broad acceptance in North America. It is now recognized by the College of Nurses of Ontario. In fact, nurses offer therapeutic touch in many hospitals and you can ask for it upon admittance. BENEFXTS OF T?ZERAPEEC TOUCH

EAR CANDLLZVG Ear candles have been used throughout his tory and around the world: in China, Egypt, and by the


One end ofthc candle is lit and the other is gently placed in the ear. The candle creates a vacuum in the ear canal, drawing out wax and other debris from the ear into the base of the candle. Usually one candle burns for about 15 minutes.

Reduced chance of ear aches REFLEXOLOGT

Keflesology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the hands and feet which correspond to eve07 limb, gland and organ of the bodv. Through application of pressure on the reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation and promotes the natural function of the related areas of the body. When we stirnulxe the retks points, the hod\+I natural electric energy works along the nervous system to clear any blockage. Keflesology cleanses the system and can help with some sl&ping disorders. MEDITAT7ON ~Meditation is 3 tixm of deep r&sation, that can rckxy the entire body, niinc1 md spirit. Thcrc are sever31 exercises to iniproI!c nicditation: deep breathilig from the di;~phr;~gm, conscir>usl!r rcleasing tension in every . individiial mu&, and iniq$ning a wdrfn,

comfortable, rclasing place. There arc sc‘vural fixins of meditation, including guided meditations, using chackras (energy centres), deep breathing, focusing on an object, or chanting a mantra. Meditation provides a complete break away from how we normally operate and allows us to view the world as a more peac&l and spiritual place. Some

“Before you use essential oils for any $w---ose, consult an aromathera@st’3 BENEFITS OF EAR CANDLING l Calming and centering . Lightening the sinuses and cavities of the head l Stimulated energy flow l Tncreased lymphatic circula-

tion l l

Stress management : Diminished or controlled pain which means lesspain medi-


Mayan, Aztec and American Indian cultures. This spiritual practice cleared the mind and senses. Ancient practitioners used large ceramic cones







Stimulated immune system Reduced ear w;tx Improved hearing Decreased pressure in ear ca-

say it is a way to bring us back into ourselves, where we truly feel at home. Stress is not an event in our lives, but a reaction to events, and by taking a more active and responsible role in your health care, you investe in your future and the future of generations to come. Remember a closed mind stagnates but an open q-rind soars.





Stephnnie at Sooth fig Circles, 743-


Varsity 1 Sports What to watch this weekend Friday, January Basketbail



vs. Lakehead Nar’ Westers Athenas - 6 p.m. Watiors - 8 p.m. PAC

Saturday, Jamuy Basketball



vs. Lakehead Nor’ Westers Athenas - 6 p.m. Warriors - 8 p.m. PAC

Gametwoof the

doubleheader. Come party wikh ihe Athenas and the Wurriors as they go for two in a row.

Sunday, January 19 Warrior Hockey vs, Laurier Golden Hawks 2 p.m. CRC - Icefields ’ The Golden Chickerascome clucking from their high school hum down the sltreet. Will the Warriors feast?

Wmawiite for Imprint Sports?

Come on out to our meeting today at 12;30 in SLC 1116.

It was close, but...

Warriors std!EerMac attack by Peter l3rown to Imprint


‘as that the top-ranked team in the nation hosting the Waterloo basketball Warriors last Saturday? And was that the youthhl, rebuilding Warriors taking the MeMaster Marauders to the wire? Yes, and yes. The Warriors almost overcame Titus Charmer’s 29 points, but fell 60-52 last Saturday at Burridge Gymnasium. Waterloo hosts the Lakehead Nor’Westcrs tonight and tomorrow (both games at 8 p.m.). In the only other OUAA West game last weekend, the Lancers topped the B&k Badgers 80-69 in Windsor. The Warriors led McMaster 46-44 with less than eight minutes remaining, but Channer tied it at 46-46 and then converted a steal to put McMastcr ahead for good. With backcourt partner Keegan Johnson on the sidelines with a bruised heel, Channcr had


to do it himself, ringing up 24 second-.half points. Warrior point guard Mano Watsa tipped in a rebound to pull within one, 49-48, but UW sent the Marauders to the charity stripe five times after that, with Mac making good on 7-of- 10 free throws. “You’re never happy to lose a game, but I was pleased with the effort I saw us put forth,” said UW head coach Tom Kieswetter. Sophomore forward Derek Maat led UW with 14 points and 5 re.bounds, while 6-O guard I%[ Gorman grabbed 11 rebounds. Point guard Mano Watsa scored 7 points, shooting just 2of-10 from the field. Mark Eys and Remy Donaldson had 9 and 8 points respectively. “1 want to see;Zsscoring more than 52 points, ” said Kieswetter, “I don’t expect Derek to be our leading scorer, but he is capable of scoring 14 points every time out. We scored over 100 points in each of our last hvo games, so i’m not satisfied with 52 points.”

Y?at [Gormanl’s one of our shortest players and perhaps our worst leaper, but he is smart enough to be where the ball is and tough enough to get down there and fight for the batl.” Whether from the ji ttcrs of the first regular-season game or great defence, both teams had shooting trouble. IJW hit only 35.2 per cent of its shots, including l-of-10 from three-point range, while McMaster fAred little better at 38.5 per cent and 2-of-9 from bevond the arc. “Both teams were pressuring the outside shots,” Kicswetter said. “Both teams were forced into hurrying most of their shots.” bith four minutes left in the first half, LJW lead 24- 17, but McMaster’s Vojo Rusic scored 6 of McMaster’s next eight points, putting the Marauders ahead 2524, only their second lead of the game. UW led 28-27 at the half. Waterloo certainly. has an axe to grind with the Nor’Westers, Waterloo’s opponent tonight and tomorrow night. Lakehead swept

Waterloo 2-O in Thunder Bay last January, by scores of 90-87 (in overtime) and 76-75. Those wins allowed the Nor’Westers to finish in fifth place at 6-8, and put UW in sixth at 5-9. Of course, that sixth seed wasn’t all bad, since it gave Warrior veterans like Tom Balfc and Mark Hopkins the opportunity to avenge playot‘f losses to the third-seeded Cuelph Gryphons. Lakehcad coach Lou Pero has nine players in first and second year, and loses his lending scorer Craig Law. Preseason results have been predictably disappointing for this young team: a l-9 record versus CTAU teams. Because Thunder Bay Iies slightljr outside Southwest&n Ontario, ;he Nor’Wcsters don’t pl;ly on Wednesday nights, instead opting for doubleheaders each weekend. So, the location of WV’s hvo Lakehead games alternates each year, as does the number of home games each OUAA West team enjoys: behveen six and eight.

Squad adds two old gunners by Ryan Pyette I-mprint staff


n a word, explosive. That’s the term best describAing a Waterloo Warrior fourgoal second period bombing that resuIted in the 4-3 vanquishing of the Laurentian Voyageurs last Saturday in the Nickel City Appropriately, “explosive” also describes the forward who set the first pipe-bomb, the dynamite Sheldon Gilchrist, who returns to the lineup for his first regular season game since Waterioo’s Canadian final against Acadia last season. Gilchrist’s newfound presence in the li;eup is coupled with another veteran striker, the volatile Matt St. Germain, another sniper power-packed with TNT. As it stands now, the Warriors presently boast all tweSve forward-who appeared in last spring’s title game. Gilchrist admits he remains, in ,his own words, “a step behind the pace”from his four-month sabbatical from OUAA action, but Coach Don McKee had no troubIe plugging his no-longer secret

weapon into senTice. “I did not expect Sheldon to come back this season, but we welcomed him back with open arms, ” observed Coach McKee. “Sheldon is a player who comes to the rink every night to work hard, he’s intelligent, has good hands, and can pull the string for us? GiIchrist came back to UW for s trictlv academic reasons. Hockey is an added bonus. ‘7 need to upgrade four classes in order to be considered for the National Chiropractic School in Chicago,” points out Gilchrist. “I have no personal goals on this hockey team, only to work hard and contribute.” The Waterloo native feels this edition of the Warriors has just as good a chance at success as last year’s team. “1 kept track of the team in the Fall while playing

the wall with Mike Chambers and Greg EsdAe, a line that blossomed late last year. “It’s like they were never apart on the ice,” boasts McKee. As for St. Germain, who is substituting for the injured Jeff Goidie and set up Peter Brearley’s game-clinching goal over the strong Laurentian squad, the coaching staff must reassess the lineup when Goldie is slated to return in a week’s time. As for now, the team’s focus is on their arch-rivals, the lowly Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks. In last night’s match-up (results unavailable) and Sunday’s home date with the Hawkeys, the Warriors, this time, hope to dehse a potentially explosive situation. The last time the Warriors visited the Ret Centre, they played lousy and drew the wrath of the

McKee, who recently returned afier his stint as Assistant Coach of Canada’s Spengler Cup entry, points to the basic statistics in his assessment of the team’s progress to date. “Last season, we scored 155 goals, and this year, at 69, we’re not halfway where we want to be offensively. There’s a simple reason: the graduation of John Wynnc,” proclaims the Coach. “Defensively, we’ve only allowed 29 goals compared to 89 during last year’s regular season. Joe Harris has been the reason. In Sudbury, Joe kept us in the game while we killed five minor penalties. That was the difference.” The determining factor of Warrior successthis season could culminate in the amount of kaboom in the Black and Gold firepower. With the additions of





in Weksley,”


the slick winger. “Our only concern is to take care ofour o&n end of the ice, and we’ll be fine.” The two new ‘sticks of dynamite’ present a coaching dilemma for Coach McKee and Coach Crcssman. Gilchrist will play on




“Coach Cressman was irate in between periods,” remembers McKee. ‘The players have looked loose in preparation _-_ for this se_ries, and Cressie likes that, so we’d better play well to stay on his good side.”





offense should receive its needed backup. If it all holds up come March, the club may trade in their weapon explosives for some fireworks. The kind you set off to mlebrate a national title.




Friday, ‘January 17, 1997

Varsitv Roundup A$g~~ Athza Badetbalf The Athenas got off to a great regularseason start in 1997 with a 60-55 overtime win over the touted McMaster Marauders in Hamilton on Saturday. McMaster was tagged as an OWIAA West title contender in the earIy season. The Athenas played strong defense in the first haIf, holding McMaster to 27 points, but only scored 21 of their own. The pattern exactly reversed in the second half, however, when Waterloo outscored the Marauders, 27-2 1, forcing overtime. Key free throw shooting from rookie Kelly Burroughs helped the Athenas outscore McMaster 12-7 in the overtime period. Guard Jodi Hawley was Waterloo’s high scorer with 22 points and was named Athena Athlete of the Week. Jacalyn White added 15 points and Mary Frances Lapthorne scored ten. The Athenas are at home this Friday and Saturday nights, hosting the Lakeheid Nor’Westers, at 6 pm. Both Warrior and Athena swim teams finished third to the p6werful squads from Guelph and Western at the WateriooGuelph Invitational meet held Friday in the PAC pool and Saturday in Guelph. The men scored 679 points, just 20 behind Western . in second, while the Athenas totalled 3855 points, well back of Western’s 851. Guelph won the overall event with

1712 total points. Individual highlights on the Warrior side included Andrew Moffat’s wins in the 200 and 400 metre individual medley events. Moffatt was aIso third in the 50 metre breaststroke and was named the Warrior Athlete of the Week. UW’s Anthony Tham captured the 200 metre breaststroke event and was second to fellow Warrior John MiLne in the 50 metre butterfly (Milne won in 26.95). Tham edged out Milne in the 100 metre butterfly for a 1-2 UW finish. MiIne was also second in the 50 metre freestyle, while Warrior Nenad Minic won the 400 metre freestyle. Among Athenas, Amy Jarvis took the 200 metre butterfly and the 200 metre individual medley, Val Walker was best in both the 50 and 100 metre breaststroke events and second to Jarvis in the 200 individual medley. The Athenas began 1997 with a 3-O loss to the strong McMaster Marauders at the PAC on Friday. On the score sheet the result was an improvement over the team’s first meeting with the Marauders, but coach Corinne Williams was disappointed with her squad’s “overaJ1 execution.” Waterloo led 6-4 early in the first set but then ran out of gas and dropped the game 15-7. Service rcccytion crumbled in the second set for the Athenas and McMaster

dominated, winning 15-2. Trailing 10-2 in the third. Waterloo’s big: gun Colleen Deloyer came up with thF”TSN turning point” kill, said Williams, and the Athenas mounted a comeback to 10-S. But it was not enough, McMaster’s tough serving proved the difference as they closed out the set, and the match, 15-8. Showing definite signs of improvement in individual and team play, the Warrior volleyball team played a&ressively but fell 3- 1 to the University of Kegina in the consolation final of the Ryerson tournament on Saturday in Toronto. Waterloo compiled a l-2 record in pool play. They began with a hard-fought, four-set loss to efrentual tournament winners, the UNB Varsity Reds, then beat Guelph bv a 3-l scori and lost another closebne to Ryerson, 3- 1. In the consolation semi-finals, Waterloo knocked off a stubborn Brock team, 3- 1, with some timely defensive saves and stuff blocks. Team captain Jason Hubbard was the team’s most efZective passer and attacker at the tournament. Power hitter Jeff Lingard returned to his early-season form and was a formidable force from the left side. The Warriors now enjoy a week-long break from formal competition. Their first league match is slated for Wednesday, Januarq’22, at home against Windsor. -

weelti At the Waterloo-Guclph meet



by UW and Gueiph, place in both the 200

oi Jd

Hawley Athena

BasEzstbalZ A third-vear

student from Aylmcr, points in the Athcnas’ 60-55 overtime win at McMaster on Saturday. Hawley is the Athena basketball team captain and leading scorer. Hawley





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took first and 400 metre individual medley and placed third in the 50 metre breaststroke. M&at is a second year Electrical Engineering student. I



Snack Food of UW BasketbaA























Toronto Laurentian

York Ryerson Carleton Ottawa Queen's

8 6 7 7 6 6 8

7 6 6 4 3 2 2



McMaster Windsor Guelph Lakehead


Laurier Wizstern

1 0 1 3 3 4 6

679 545 590 543 433 523 555 F

1 1 0

60 80



000 000

0 0






543 413 482 1.5 5612.5 500 3 538 4 642 5



69 52

Ottawa Concordia

14 12 16 9 14 7 14 7

1 6 7 7

1 1 0 0

88 92 52 62







52 69 0 0 0 0 80 80

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1

Guelph Toronto Queen's RMC

Windsor Guelph Western Laurier Waterloo M&laster

Lakehead Rrock



2 2 0 120 103 110 49 42 0.5 110 77 46 0.5 2 1 1 113 122 1 31011 2 148 55 181 60 1.5 1.5 000




2: 0 2 12c 130

14 12 2 14 8 5 13 3 9 15 1 13



0 1 1 1

61 68 31 32



28 24 52 17 80 7 93 3 ATP

1 Laurentian


25 19 14 14







Carleton Queen's Ottawa RMC Trent

4 3 2 0 0

0 1 1 2 3

11 2 0 0 2 0 2 01

9 8 4 0 0




36 66 54 71


Brock York Ryerson

14 14 13 14





Western Windsor

13 14 15


8 6 6 8 5 7 2 12 W 11

0 0 1 0

L T 2 0

65 49 49 35 F 68

51 16 54 12 49 11 72 4 ATP 34


7 6 0 59 49 14 6 6 2 41 60 14 3 10 2 37 60 8






Laurentian McMaster York Toronto Ryerson

2 1 11 1 0

1 0 0 3

2 2 0 2 1.1

0 0 2 0

6 4 2 4 1








0 2 0 2 0

0 0 2 a0 2

6 4 4 2 2





Laurief Brock Western

2 2 0 1 11


League Non-conference



Toronto York Queen‘s Ryerson Laurentian

6 5 8 6 7


6 3 5 2 0

018 2 212 92.5 3 16 11 2 4 815 4 7 4216.5


Western McMaster Laurier Windsor Waterloo Guelph brock

6 6 6 6 6 6 6

5 5 5 2 2 2 0

117 116 116 4 4 4 6

5 4 5 813 612 715 218

3 3 3 5

Imjjhit Sports. Isn’t it .worth the $MO?.

wins = 2 points wins = 1 point

UW not looking back on track Two more records fall in T.O+ by John M-ranco special to Imprint


he season is panning out just as expected for the Waterloo Warriors and Athcnas Track and Field teams after the phenomenal performance at Western’s Season Opener last November. The team came out of that meet with 18 personal bests, four CIAU qualifiers and four school records. This weekend, Waterloo traveled toToronto to take part in the York University Invitational. Again, the runners came up with a stellar performance: 18 more personal bests, arld another three CIAU standards, and two school records. In the women’s sprints, Rachael Nickie and Heather Mnyse


the show,


third and fifth respectively in the 60m, then coming back to PB en route to second and fourth place ii nishes in the 3OUm. N&e’s 60m time of 7.83 was a personal best. ~Moyse and Nickie were joined by team captain Jill Bennett and

rookie Blanka Sharma to take third place in the women’s 4x200m relay. Captain Bennett also came third in the 60m hurdles. Judith Leroy and Sarah Dillabaugh were once again unstoppable in the women’s distance events. Sarah surpassed the CIAU standard for the 3000m and in doing so broke the barely two month old school record set by teammate Leroy at the Western meet. Dillabaugh’s time was 9:4&l& Leroy competed in the 15OOm and also qualified for CI’s, with a winning time of 4:35.71. These two incredible women are on pace to rewrite the Waterlo0 record books this season. Diuabaugh and Leroy were not done yet, however, as they were joined by Kim Ross and Sepanta Don-i, all members of the CIAU champion cross country team, to’ form the Athena? 4x800m relay team. The Waterloo women shattered the school and meet records, and easily made the CIAU standard, with a time of 9:20.4. Ross, Dorri, and Leroy all ran PB’s for

their legs of the race. Ross also PB’ed in the the 1500m, finishing eighth in a time of 5:04.92. The men’s distance team also ran well, with John Lofranco finishing fifth in the 1500m in a personal best time of 4:18.51. Chris Payton also ran a best time in the 1500m, andMikeTripp ran his fastest 3000m ever. With aU this constant improvement, the f’uture looks bright for the Warriors distance squad. Kwame Smart and Cohn Alie PB’ed and Tulu Makonnen finished eighth in the men’s 60m. Smart, Makonnen, Chris McPherson and Tory Locker completed the men’s 4x200m team, who fmished an excellent third overall. Smart, Makonnen and McPherson teamed up with Chris Bascie,as



CIAU qualifications, and six varsit>rrecords; definitely the strongest team in years. It is also the largest team in quite some time, which has forced the coaches to make some cuts. The competition for the 12 women’s and 20 men’s team spots has been fierce, and has without a doubt been a huge reason


all the records


season. Also contributing to the deluge on the record books was the Christmas Break Training camp in San Diego, California. The team spent a week and a half training hard in the California sunshine, while their competitors


lay team, finishing third as well. Bill Miller finished seventh in the pole vault rounding out another successfL1meet for the Waterloo Track team. So far this season, the team has accumulated 36 PBS, seven

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shivered away in the cold Canadian winter. This extremely successful camp was made possible bv the coordinated efforts of the c&aching staf‘t; the managers, and University support. The team’s next action is todav and tomorrow at the CANA&I meet hosted by the University of Windsor. Next weekend, the te;im travels to Montreal to try out the spectacular new indoor track and field facilities at McGill. There is nothing but high hopes for this strong team with the OUAA and CIAU championships coming up in a few months.

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IMPRINT, DisuppoiWments

The NHL rolls into San Jose for the all-star game tomorrow night, after a half season the league has pretty much laid itself out according to most post season predictions (with the exception of CliffFletcher’s ideas that the Leafs could notch 90 points). The Flvers, Avalanche and Penguins are joined by the Stars and Panthers to form the leagues elite, with the Red Wings, Rangers and Sabres hot on their heels. The happiest team in the league has to be the NY Islanders, who are looking at not only their pick in the 1997 Draft, which should likely fall in the top five, but the Leafs pick too, another top five choice. Add that to the best young defence in hockey, a developing goaltender and a few good forwards, and the Islanders are delinitely a team to watch. Below are a few more of the years big surprises, disappointments and sotne things you just had to know would happen. SU~‘S&S

Lack of offense: Shut-outs are at an alltime high, as either the goaltenders are a hell of a lot better, or the dilution of talent caused by expansion is now becoming apparent. Buffalo Sabres: Battling Pittsburgh for the lead in the Northeast Division, they’ve

lost their top player and show no signs of being phased. Youngsters like Brian Holzinger, Jason Dawe and Matthew Barnaby have stepped into the breach, playing solid, fundamental and most importantly, winning hockey, Mats Sundin: After floating through two seasons with the Leafs, Sundin has finally lived up to the expectations Toronto fans held after the big deal for Wendel Clark. He’s averaging well over a point per game, is an All-Star and is leading the team on the ice. Dallas Stars: Stifling defense, timely offense and the surprise of the year in Andy Moo@ goaltending. Wayne Gretzky: 1 thought he was washed up, but hey, more than 60 points at the halfway point in the season is not washed up by any standard. Colorado Avalanche: Proving to be more than a two horse show, the Av’s have lost their three top scorers plus their top pest for long periods of time this season, and have proven to have the best depth in the conference. Oleg Tverdosky : Traded to Phoenix (then Winnipeg) in a package for Teemu Selanne so expectations were high. Oleg has put up great offense numbers and played decent defense, becoming an all-star in just his seiond season.

Alexander Mogilny and Pave1 Bure: #S9 and #96 have yet to click in the year and a half since Mogilny was acquired by the Canucks. Previous to his current streak, Pave1 just didn’t seem capable of scoring anymore and Moginly has skemed lost without Pat Lafontaine setting him up. Montreal Canadiens: Yes, injuries have taken their toll, but even their healthy players are playing uninspiring and the defence is atrocious. Paul Coffey: Whined his way out of Hartford. Has had a mediocre season, even by Jamic Macoun’s standards, but is on the all-star tear-n.He has nearly as many all-star appearances in his career as points this year. Has no on heard of Ed Jovanovski or Bryan Berard? Both are more worthv than the aging and unimpressive Coffey. Vitali Yachmenev: Reaped the benefits of playing with Wayne Gretzky more than anyone since Jari’Kurri, putting up more than twenty goals last year. ‘This season, without Wiyne, three. That’s notverygood. Ed Belfour: Disappointing play and a disappointment to the team. Chicago’s last franchise player is on the way out, which must be good news for Blackhawk tightwad Bill Wirtz.



17, 1997

suwit mmiqg Hartford Whalers: They got off to a hot start, even with Paul CoEep moping around, but are now mired in a slump that has seen them not only fd out of first place in the Northeast Conference, but also below SOO. Just not enough talent to keep them a winner, but by the time they move out of Hartford, they’ll be a much better team. Mike Keenan: You build a crappy team, you trade away great players for mediocre ones and you feud with the last remaining superstar on the team. Then, you get to walk away owed millions ofdollars. Way to go Mike. Ottawa Senators: Still not a .500 team,’ but they’re much improved and fmally getting consistent production from Alexandre Daigle. If they had a healthy defence, they could actually be in playoff contention. Boston B&s, Chicago Blackhawks and Toronto Maple Leafs: Cheap owners and bad deals don’t win games, and it certainly won’t in these original six cities. As a little aside, if you have any feedback or topics you’d like to see covered in The Fan, please e-mail them to the address in the banner.

Americans are dumb The United States sports media has a way of making its superstars seem larger than life, while diminishing the achievements of others not fortunate enough to be competing under the Stars and Stripes. We all saw the Olympics last summer. There was a new American sweetheart or hero everyday while the rest of the world seemed to be conspiring to bring down the mighty red, white, and blue machine. What is the measure of a good athlete? What standards should be used to determine a stellar performance? Simple. Anything that favours American athletes. First of all, I must say that American runner Michael Johnson was a deserving winner of the Associated Press male athlete of the year award. He deserved it more than Donovan Bailey (but not by much), based on his two individual gold medals and the shatteringofthe 200m world record. However, we can see evidence of American favouritism already. French runner MarieJose Perec also completed the 200-400 double on the women’s side, but the American media made hardly a whimper abut it. Oh; wait! I forgot, Perec isn’t American, so her performance couldn’t have been that impressive. So, fine, Johnson deserved to win. However, Bailey’s accomplishments can’t be overlooked e&her. When a man wins the 1OOm dash at the Oiympic Games and throws in a world record to boot, that man is generally believed to be the World’s Fastest Man. Wait! The rules have changed. Since an American didn’t do it, then maybe that man isn’t the World’s FastestMan afier all. So, I guess this means that the World’s Fastest Man is the World’s Fastest Amti-

cnn . That makes sense. VVhat seems really dumb about the voting for the aforementioned AP athlete of the year is that while Johnson won in a relative landslide, Bailey received absolutely no votes for the award. VVhat’s eyen tinier is that a bloodyhome (Cigar) got mo votes. A horse. Wait! There’s more! Professional wrestler “Nature Boy” Ric Flair got a vote as well. Now, while I love pro wrestling, even I can admit that these guys have no business even being considered for this award. Apparently an old, out of shape wrestler who lost the WCW world title last year is a better athlete than the 1OOm world record holder and Olympic champion. No wonder Bailey complained about getting no respect from the American media. Well, when Sports Illustrated, normally a publication that has some integrity, found out about this, they ran an editorial .blasting Bailey and calling him a whiner. They said that his legs should run and not his mouth. They even questioned abut what criteria BaiIev could use to even think that he was the gorld’s Fastest Man tier what Johnson accomplished. Uh, yours (referring to the American media) perhaps? So, for the time being, the American presscan take their sportier-than-thou moral high ground and call Michael Johnson the World’s Fastest Man and athlete of the year. Meanwhik, aU of us fat, out of shape Canadians can sit around in our igloos, drinking our beer and talking about who will win the 150m showdown between Johnson and Donovan Bailey on May 3 1 in Toronto, the glorious capita: =A Canada. Good thing the Skydome will be closed; we’re expecting a blizzard that day.

Hamlet directed by Ahweth Bmna~h York Theatre by Greg Picken Imprint staff t’s a credit to the city ofToronto that it was chosen along with New York and Los Angeles for the advanced screening of the full, four-hour edit of Kenneth Rranagh’s latest Shakespearean masterpiece, Na7&t. . This version ofHamletis as true to the original Wipt as possible, commas and everything. Whire some might f-md this somewhat dull, preferring instead a tighter, more interpretive performance, to finally seeHamlet exactly as Shakespeare intended certainly made this production worth seeing. The cast is an interesting mix of stagetrained &.nglish actors, a fewaotable English film stars and a number of Atnericans in cameo appearances. And the division is quite notable, with the stage trained actors excelling, the film stars filling in the holes and the Amuicans in minor roles that don’t realIy add or take away anything from the movie. The highlight is, of course, Kenneth Branagh as Hamlet. He plays the Dane


with an obvious love for the character, mixing humour and intensity to draw in the audience’s sympathy. Granted his portrayal, and in fact the entire tilt-n, is something of an ego trip, but as in the past, .he pulls it off with the st$e you’d expect from Shakespeare. Kate Winslet, another stage trained actress, is mesmerizing as Ophelia, giving a convincing performance of a woman driven into madness. The other standout actor was Derek Jacobi as Claudius, a role which is often left understated, but in this version is given its due. The-best part of%nzlet is the appearance. If not for the acting, this movie should receive a number of nominations for its technical aspects. Instead of staying in the traditional Elizabethan costume, Branagh makes one change and moves the production ahead,to 19”’ century Czarist. The costumes and the sets’ were all constructed accordingly, with a lot of gold and r& .flourishes throughout. The majority of the movie tak& place in and around Elsinore, portrayed here by Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England. It is majestic and certainly worthy. The interior layout of the castle is intriguing as well. There is the central ballroom, which is done up very ornately, with a balcony running around the top and mirrored doors all around the perimeter, leading off into

To be or not to be, eh? the bowels of the castle. This layout allows for almost ever-vkev scene to m&e through a door and end “p in this ballroom. The mirrored doors come into play during the famous “To be or not to be” speech, in which Hamlet speaks not to the audience, but to his reflection in the mirror and unknowingly to Polonius and Claudius, who are spying on him from behind the door. The cinematography is excellent. This is the first major British movie filmed in C’

70mm in over twenty-five years and allows for some magnificent shots, including the amassed armies ofNorway marching across the northern plains of Denmark in the background as Hamlet recites his soliloquy to end the fourth act. The rest of the world will be treated to an edited, 35mm version when Hamlet is distributed globally, but if you’re a big fm of Shakespeare or Branagh, it’s likely not worth recommending this movie, since you’ve probably already seen it.



The film, which on occasion feels like an extended music video, shows a lot of scenes of Eva giving to the peer and collecting charity. Ske also takes the time by Patti Lenard to kiss babies-the sign of a good leader. Imprint staff When her husband Juan Peron, played by Jonathan Pryce, wonders if “states~erhapsthemostarnazingthingabout manship is more than entertaining peasEvitti is the fact that there is no ants,” Eva responds that it might be, but dialogue. None. The film is a two please don’t interrupt me because I’m and a half hour Andrew Lloyd Webber busy and I’m having a lot of fLn. musical that covers the seven years Eva Meanwhile, Antonio Banderas has the Peron spent as first lady of Argentina, from role of narrator and appears in virtually 19451952. every scene. And although his character As has been adequately publicized, Maseems quite bitter about this, he’s enterdonna plays the role of Eva, nicknamed taining, expressive, and sings fairly well. Evita by her supporters; and all things . Surprisingly, the singing only becomes -considered she plays it quite well. For the. irritating in the last half-hour of the film, first time since Ih-pera@ &king sumn, I, during Eva’s death scenes; in particular emerged from a Madonna film not thinkwhen Peron, sings ‘&Eva, you’re dying” in ing, “She was awful.‘” And although I don’t an operatic voice. The scene was made necessarilv believe that Madonna deserves worse by Madonna wearing too much an Oscar ior her performance, I am willing makeup and fake teeth that are too big for to suggest that it-is her best performance in her mouth. a “critically acclaimed” film. When Eva dies in 1952, the British no longer occupy the country and the peasThe film portrays Eva as an intelligent woman, looking for a combination of self- ants have regained their businesses. Aramusement and a way to help her fellow gentina is poorer than ever because Eva Argentinians. The dichotomy is never quite and her husband have been swindling the country’s money and placing it ever so solved, and Madonna herself has said that the film is intended to portray both sides of cleverly into %tnonymous” Swiss bank Evita. The age-old question bf Eva as saint accounts. B& then, the more things i change.... versus sinner is not-resolved. direct& b Alan Parker King’s College


3 -.


Friday, January 17, 1997


Fed Hall Saturday, January 11 by Stephanie Speller special to Imprint


aturday night at Fed Hall is a night that I, along with many, will not forget for a whiIe. Glueleg and 1 Mother Earth put on a sold-out show that went above and beyond excellent. When Glueleg came on, the place was close to being filled. Adrenaline pumping and anxious to get the crowd going, Rubin came out wearing an exquisite orange top hat and jumping around the stage. Opening with “Pistons,” Glueleg demanded the crowd to ccJump, jump, mothefickers!” The effort was there, but only a select few jumped around like motherfuckers. Glueleg did, however; put on an

memorable concert. The last part of their performance consisted ofclassics from the album nz&, including “Rain Will Fall,” “Raspberry,” and coming back for an encore with CLNot Quite Sonic.” After the show, I had a ch;lnce to talk with the members of IME about their slow success in the States, and if they think they will ever break there. Edwin explained that if it wasn’t for “the band playing live for four to five years and word of mouth in the States,” they would not be where they are now in the American industry. They sold over 100,000 copies of 133 in the US, but that doesn’t compare to the gold it received in Canada. Before the show, one girl asked Edwin to squeeze her nipple so she could “remember this night fijrevcr. ” Edwin, thank God, did not squeeze her nipple, but instead signed an autograph,

His house is red


Designed withpurpose. Oriven bypassion.

Red House Painters

Your car’s home away from home.

by Andrew Isherwood special to Imprint

w/ His Name -1sAlive Lds


Wednesday, December 4



excellent show, playing popular songs like “Seesaw Man” and finishing off the set with “Clap Happy.” I ,Mother Earth opened with “One More Astronaut,” and the inevitable mosh pit began. Their perf&mance was incredible, and it was evident that IME was just as psyched to l-x there aseveryone else was. Edwin loves his audience, and showed his appreciation by exclaiming that “Nothing sounds better to me than a whole fucking room till of people!” The band enjoyed having the crowd participate-as much as possible, and the audience was more than happy to sing the chorus for “Another Sunday.” For the first half of the show, IME played songs oft their Latest album, Sccnny rind FisC;, Filled with unique percussion b!r Daniel Mansilla and occasional cowbell and rainstick by Edwin and Bruce, IME knows how to put on a

or the second year in a row, just as exams were getting started, Toronto finall!r got some good shows. Once again I found myself with a tough decision to make, and for the second year in a row, I chose good music over good grades. His Name Is Alive took the stage shortly after IO:00 p.m. and right from the start it was obvious we were going to hear nothing even remotely similar to their sound on CD. Halfway through their first song my friend turned to me and said, “Guess who’s been listening to Stereolab?” With the exception of the vocals, the song could have been taken right off any Stereolab album, but the funny thing was they were playing an old song that on CD sounds nothing like


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Stereola b. The main differences in their sound were the keyboards, played by Karen Oliver, which featured prominently and are nowhere to be heard ori CD. During their short set HNIA played some old and new songs which varied from sounding Stereolab-influenced to blues-influenced, the only consistency being they sound&l nothing like on CD. Mark Kozelek took the stage following HNIA and proceeded to play a beautiful solo acoustic piece, The thing that struck me first of all was the strength of Kozelek’s voice. I always viewed him as more of a great songjvritcr than a great vocalist but his voice was very powerful. The three other members of the band joined Kozelek on stage for the second song and the band broke into a gut-wrenching f’ifteen-minute version ofEvil.“This was without a doubt one of the greatest pieces of live music I’ve ever witnessed. I would have been happy if they would have plaved that s’ong all night. The crowd’for

the most part seemed to agree as they stood mesmerized. For someone who writes such slow, depressing songs Kozelek displayed a surprising sense of humour. His comments served well to liven up the crowd bctween songs. He would often break into cheesy cover songs like “White Christm&’ and Rush’s “Fly By Night,” then stop and laugh with the crowd. He introduced “Mistress” as being “about some fucking bitch that I hate” to a large applause. After playing for two-and-ahalf hours, K&clck stepped awa\ from the microphone and proceeded to play “Summer Dress” without the aids of amplification as the crowd hushed to a neardead silence. A terrific way, to end a terrific show, Kozelek has already proven himself to be one of the greatest songwriters in music today and with this show, Red House Painters showed they are also an unbelievable live band. This is a combination very few bands can put together.

,Out of.the asheS by Carrie Snyder special to Imprint








uestion: Why did the chicken cross Ring Road, enter the Student Life Cerltre, and gambol into the Fed Office with a jaunty little poem under his wing? Answer: He desperately wwted to see his finest literary effort in print. Yes, this unusually talented chicken had heard about the Phoenix, an annual creative journal

fiJnded and produced by our very own Federation of Students. The new deadline for submissions is January 3 1, 1997. I t’s time for all creative UW students to share their secret stashes of angst-ridden poetry, brilliantly rendered short stories [limit 1,200 words) and bold@ illuminating photos and artwork with the rest of the world. Be brave, be undaunted, and come on down to the Fed office to submit your creative offering.


If you’d like to see copies of last year’s Phoenix, you can find them at the Turnkey desk. For more information, contact this year’s editor (Candace Baran) rdt .ccbaran@?artsul. You can submit ro Phoenix by dropping off your work at the Fed Offrce (c/o Phoenix) in the Student Life Center. Include your name,‘the title of the work, student III number and phone nul.rber on all entries.




Friday, January 17. 1997

Evk-y year The Arts section polls the Imprint staff so that we can tell you, the reader, what from the last year is hot, and what is not. You may consider this egotistical, and you might be right, but that doesn’t change the fact that in the subjective world of music and arts reviews, we know everything. And so, from our infinite wisdom, we present to you...

The Best and- le Worst of ‘96 t

Overall Picks 1. Beck, Odelay 2. Lush, Lwelife 3. Weezer, I)inkerton : 4. Underworld, Second To~@ht in The hfants

5. REM, New Adventtires in Hi-Fi Worst Video (by a landslide) Alanis




Worst Movie striptease Crash I?z&lt?pdi?9zhncs Day James Russell 1. Lush, Lovq? 2. Weezer, Pitikertm 3. Ash, 1977 4. Cocteau Twins, Milk and I~sses 5, Pluto, s/t Best single: “Violaine,” Cocteau Twins Best concert: Edenfest Most eagerly awaited release of 1997: Catherine Wheel Patrick Wiis Scmt



2. Pest 5000, (in-terfa-bun& !? 3. Propagandi, LXSSTaZk, More Rock 4. Possum Dixon, StarMip 5. Various, Mwe of Ow Statpid Noise Single: “Ratamahatta,” Sepultura Concert: Halifax on Music Eagerly awaited: Bonaduces Sandy Atwal 1. The Fall, The L&h tier Syndrome 2. Guided By Voices, UTBUXS 3. The Misfits, Bax Set 4. Cake, Fasbim Ntigget 5. Tristan Psionic, IPA Fl&bt 028 Single: “King of the Hill,” Westside Connection Eagerly awaited: Killing Joke Best Movie: IndependenceDay @ya lan&ltie~ Reni Ghan 1. Underworld, SecondT’ln@?estin the Injiunts 2. Lush, LuI&$ 3. Future Sound of London, Dead Cities 4. Beck, Odelay 5. Kula Shaker, K Single: “Setting Sun,” Chemical Brothers Concert: Meat Beat Man8est Eagerly awaited: Aphex Twin Mary Ellen Foster 1+Tori Amos, Boycf;yrPele 2. Mark Snow, X-Files Sozlndtrack 3. Ashley MacIsaac,Fine,Thank-Ih Vhy Much 4. REM, New Adventures in Hi-Fi Pop,




Patti Lenard 1. Weeping Tile, Coti Snap 2. Lush, Love&j? 3. Luscious Jackson, Ic,e, I%, Fmw Out 4. E&a OST 5. Beck, Odejay Single: “Good Fortune,” Weeping Tile Concert: Maceo Parker Eagerly awaited: Weeping Tile

Men Gavin Rossdale, Bush David Usher, Moist Trent Reznor, NIN Mar&m Manson, Marilyn Manson Backstreet Boys (all of them)

Scott Preston 1. Beck, Odelay 2, Pluto, s/t 3. Weezer, Pinkerton 4. Bluetones, Expecting to FZy 5. Kula Shaker,K Single:“Everything You’ve Done Wrong,” Sloan Concert: Smashing Pumpkins Eagerly awaited: Rentals


2. Poe, He/h 3. Sloan, One Chord to Another 4. hHead, Ozzy 5. REM, New Adventures in Hi-Fi Single: “Super Bon Bon,” Soul Coughing Concert: Rusty Eagerly awaited: Toadies

Peter Zakrzewski 1. Beck, Odelay 2. Weezer, Pinketiun 3. Sloan, One Cbwd to Another 4. Catherine Wheel, Like Cats arrd 5. Bluetones, i!ZqxctitiJ to Fly Single: “Mrhere It’s At,” Beck Concert: Edenfest Eagerly awaited: Catherine Wheel


Peter Lenardon 1. Smashing Pumpkins, Melon Collie 2. Cake, Fashion Nugget 3. Wiico, Being Tbm Eagerly awaited: Federal election date.

Debbra McClintock 1. Grassy Knoll, Positive 2. Kinnie Starr, Tidy 3. Various, Mow of Ow Stupid Noise 4. Scratching Post, Flamethrower 5. Luscious Jackson, Fever In, Fever Out Single: ‘merever You Are, “Geggy Tab Concert: Stereolab Eagerly awaited: Portishead ’


Mike Owen 1. Beck, Odelay 2. Tool, Aenima 3. Rage Against the Machine, EvilEm@e 4. Savatage, Dead Winter Dead 5. Great Big Sea, Up Single: “Hard Set Head,” Skinny Puppy Gxtcert: Kiss reunion tour Eagerly awaited: Stur Wars trilogy

Live in Concert.


Jeff Peeters 1. Weird Al Yankovic, Bad Hair Day 2. Dunce Mix Y6 3. Hootie and the Blowfish, Fahweather]hason 4. F&l Metal-m Entrance Themes 5. No Doubt, Twigic Ki’ngdom Single: ‘Where Did You Go,” No Mercy Concert: WWF X-Perience Eagerly awaited: Erasure


Greg Picken

Karsten Gitter 1. rggy

Andrew Wylde,

Book of Shadows 2. Helloween, Time of the Oath 3. Savatage, Dead Winter Dead 4. Smashing Pumpkins, Zm 5. Type 0 Negative, October Rust Single: “Sold My Soul,” Zakk Wylde Concert: Zakk Wylde Eagerly awaited: Dream Theatre 1. Zakk



Women Shirley Manson, Garbage Nina Persson, The Cardigans April Sabucco, Tristan Psionic Mild Berenyi, Lush Spice Girls (ail of them) (photo right)



Best Movie: Trainspotting

1. Ron

Sexiestrock stars of 1896!

Greg K&chick 1, Fugees, 7??eScore 2. Underworld, Second Toughest iti the Infants 3. Leftfield, Le$&v 4. Bluetones, *ectin~ to Fb 5. Beck, Odejay Single: “Born Slippy,’ Underworld Concert: Crowded House Eagerly awaited: Boo Radleys

1. Kula



2. REM, Akw Adventures in Hi-Fi 3. Lush, Lwelife 4. Odds, Nea 5. Cardigans, First Band on tbe Mom Single: “‘Standing Outside.. .” PRG Concert: Neil Young/Oasis Eagerly awaited: Oasis

Tickets $13

Available at Dr. Disc (Downtown), and HMV (Waterloo)

Doors Open at 8pm INFO 749-2121 L


ARTS COLOUR VISION STUDY The School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo is evaluating several colour vision tests designed for the rail industry. Individuals with abnormal colour vision are needed to .validate the tests. The experiment requires approximately 2 hours to complete. You will be compensated $10.00 for your time. If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please contact Jeff Hovis st Ext. 6768 or by Email at This project has received ethics approval from the Office of Human Research at the University of Waterloo (File#:7540).


January 25, 1997 7:30 p.m. Humanities Theatre, UW Tickets available af... AB~ENTURE GUIDE

382 King Street, North WATERLOO, Ontario


17, 1997

His stoneis red,too Red Stone Circle Paintbox

w/ Like a Blue,

Wuterloo Cmmuni~ Arts Centre Saturday, January 11 by R. S. Sharen special to Imprint

Banff Festival of Mountain Films


midst the ghosts of once “happy clams,” this A vening at the Old Button Factory had a turnout of few ofthese less-than-ecstatic mollusks (well, none as a matter of fact), but many music-loving youngsters anticipating a night of exciting indic rock. The bands drew quite a diverse “alternative” audience varying from pseudo-punks to &it-pop fans. Paintbox sounds like your typical garage rock band (read: unpolished noise). Although the) have e!lough talent to attract a small following of adoring fans, their 1~1: of mobility on stage makes tllcm boring to watch, even to the sapllisticuted Paintbox fan. Towards the end of their set, Paintbox performed a cover of Sloan’s “The Good in Evervone,” which was .anear massacre’of the original. They took a spectacular song and turned it into an off-key nightmare. But perhaps we’re being too critical. Although it’s nothing that hasn’t been done before, their material has what it t&es to be reasonably popular in the indie music scene. But please, for ever)rone’s sake,stay away from the Sloan covers, guys. Like a Blue, on thi other hand,

were like a soft, fl* blue cloud after a storm of horrible music. Opening their show with a tribute to Keith Moon, Like a Blue broke into a set of bluesy tunes somewhat reminiscent of The Who and old Rolling Stones. Their songs ranged in sound from an enticing Bond-like spy theme entitled “WellDressed Man” to Suede-like guitar riffs and vocals, minus the outright flamboyance. The upbeat vocals and great dance moves ofvocalist Tavi Triance gave the audience a refreshing taste of to- It’s not politically correct to make jokes about day’s Brit pop scene, guys with limp wrists anymore, so we won’t, displaying a combinaphoto by lieni Ghan tion of the stylin’ moves of Suede’s Brett And-erson fact, play their guitars behind their and the charm of Shed Seven’s heads better than most bands can Rick Witter. Although it seemed play their instruments at all. Muthat the allure of Triance was up- sically, their sound is very similar staging the remaining band memto Pearl Jam, Led Zepplin, Stone hers, guitarist Jeff Davis shone Temple Pilots, Tool, and other through with his amazing “alternative” bands, but unlike Clapton-like guitar work, espe- most university alternabands, they cially in songs “Slip Down” and don’t come off sounding too much Y’retty Thief.” like any one of them. Like a Blue’s set came to a Ked Stone Circle is so togrinding halt upon Triance’s gether as to qualify as a guilty straight-faced announcement pleasure. Their sound, somewhat “Red Stone Circle is coming up odd in the confines of the Old next, hey man, they can play their Button Factory, would be perfect guitars behind their heads!” in a stadium; maybe one day we’ll Red Stone Circle could, in see them there.


It% Like Jurassic Park In Your Own Backyard!

by A&rid Sealey special to Imprint


he volunteers at CKMS would like to welcome everyone back to Waterloo, and invite you all to once again tune into 100.3 FM, as I’m sure it was sorely missed over the hoiidays. The winter term of 1997 should prove to be another season of interesting, entertaining, and informative



the same innovative attitude you’ve come to know and love as Waterloo’s own. CKMS is dedicated and indebted to the UW students for funding and listenership, and once again we thank you for your support, In the tradition that is only a few months old, Live to Air will continue bringing the University

of Waterloo population information regarding our programming, programmingwhichincorporates news, music, and information and specialty programming. Today I’d like to tell you about Womertspin, a program that airs each Wednesday evening from 6 to 8 PM. Wommspin celebrates many aspects ofwomen in music, from artists to cornmu& events. Not only does the listene; get two hours of quality- music, but we also focus on women in the industry, music production, woAen’s issues addressed in music, and much more. Wmenspin plays a variety of music by and for both women and men, as women’s music continues to grow and diversify. It is often wrongly assumed that women shine mainly in foIk

and lighter music, an assumption that our programmers tend to disagree with. If you tune into Womeq%z, you’ll hear music from folk, to rap, to industrial, right across the board. We know you won’t be disappointed. Our format is very flexible, conforming only to the issues and themes that your hosts, Laurie and I, may wish to address. As at any other time, we play damn good music, most of which you couldn’t hope to hear if it weren’t for community radio. Make CKMS a part of your daily radio regimen. Catch Womenspin Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m. But we’d like to remind you that Womenspin is only one of our many programs c:i Interest, as you’ll discover when you tune into CKMS 100.3 FM.

Bad as it seems by Greg Picken Imprint std en a Canadian musician toils in obscurity, it’s very cool to applaud them, to wish they would do better and to buy their albums. As soon as they make it big, it’s even more cool to bash them, call them seWouts, to criticize their every move and moreover, to utterly revile them. This fate has befallen Bryan Adams, Corey I-Iart and even Platinum Blonde. But when a Canadian artist reaches success then puts out a weak second efyort, he dcscrvcs to be criticized. Not because it’s cool ‘to criticize, not because it’s cool not to like them, and not because it’s a part of our cultural identity. It’s because Muviq GJW@ is boring. Hayden’s first full album, Eveythiqg I Lund For, was a terrific album-very honest, very open and not overdone. Sure, it seemed part of that new 104 trend popularized in Canada by Eric’s Trip, but it was just so well done that it was hard not to like it. Add

By Scott Preston special to Imprint Any band who achieves worldwide popularity under the pretenses of being silly and without struggling in small clubs for years will always be the victims of a backlash, no matter what the quality of their next album. Such is the plight of this band. While most people got the joke on the first album, a lot of people have stopped laughing. Yes, this band does write songs about frogs and tiny cars, but the thing is that the songs are so catchy that you can’t help but tap your feet along to the music.

by Debbra .McClintuck special to Imprint

in a very intimate live performance, and you have the makings of a very promising career. IS it really that bad when the nicest thing I can say about this disc is that it’s only eight songs long? I think so . The seven tracks plus one hidden track all seem to fall into each other, creating what appears to be one long, boring song. That slice ofeveryday life style that permeated Everything ILong For dominates this album.‘ For example, “Old Fashioned Wav” is a son’g about Hayden get&g a haircut, , but it seems really forced and lacks that sutble, cbmmon wit. Nothing swoons like “Bad as they seem,” nothing booms like %-I September.” Dull. Boring. Blah. And that’s a comment that pretty much sums up this whole album. It’s just forced. The time was right for a follow-up effort, but it should have been something a little more interesting that Movzkg Care&i. One cute thing is the packaging, harkening to the also trendy retro style. Instead of the standard plastic jewel case, the CD comes in a cardboard case very reminiscent of old Ll? cover, covered with photgraphs taken by Hayden himself! Yeeha!

HunnyTruck are about as original astheir name in the “indie rock scene.” Put an adjective with a noun and you get a four piece rock band. As a supporter ofmost London bands, I find it disappointing to hear such an overdone sound coming from their breeding ground of new talent. HunnyTruck’s ten track album entails just over half an hour of typical guitar drone and teendirected lyrics except for the fact that they spell “loser” wrong (a word most garage bands know well). Apparently a video is com-

by Scott Preston special to Imprint While walking through a local record store in search of a new CD, I spotted this album under a heading labelled “alternative.” It just-goes to show how bland this moniker has become, because this album sounds about as “alternative” as Tom Petty. The lead singer of the band

Imprint sing-along choruses, The pop sometimes becomes laced with country bursts as in “Froggie” and “Bath of Fire” and rocks full force during songs like “Tiki God” and “Toob Amplifier.” Although their guitars lack 6 strings, their songs never sound hollow, and have much more substance than most bands who have 20 more strings. Also, the use of a cow bell for percussion adds diversity to the sound that separates them from most cookie-cutter bands. You may not hear this album in heavy rotation at Phil’s, but if you like songs that are catchy, you won’t be disappointed,


This is a completely unique record. Katia is aEuropeanclassitally trained pianist who has taken an interest in listening to and playing jazz. She is a world-renowned musicianwhose perfomances with her sister Marielle have earned the sisters international acclaim. On this album, Katia duets with many of the world’s legendary jazz musicians. This album is a tribute to American pianist Bill Evans, whose work with Miles Davis brought a more European sensibility to the use of piano in jazz. The classical European-trained musicians

in jazz




as exceptions to the rule. Katia is attempting to discourage this reputation. Evans used overdubbing to create improvised duets and trios on her Conver.&uns with My&J and the duets played here bring back memories of these efforts.

Both of Evans’s compilations which appear on this album are played with Chick Corea. Corea improvises on “Turn Out the Stars,” with Katia’s prepared improvisation. The result is beautifill. I Herbie Hancock improvises a conversation with two of his earlier selves by playing the introduction of “My Funny Valentine” by Rodgers and Hart from Davis’ 1964 album follow+ by Katia’s playing Hancock’s interpretatioi from1978. Herbie then $ays new material to Katia’s performance of his 1968 interpretation. The roles are reversed again asHerbie takes over for the closing minute. It’s an eleven-minute, entirely breathtaking jazz interpretation. Other duets are performed with Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Joe Zawinul, Michel Camilo and Marielle Labeque (Katia’s sister). Much of the remainder of the album has a decidedly latin connection with “La

ing out for their single “Wired,” and the first track, “Reckoning” will be found on CFNY’s New Rock Search CD. Escaping them will be difkuk According to other reviews, HUM~TIIK~C’S live show is energetic and entertaining. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for their recorded material. Distributed by Supermono in Toronto, they manage to land shows with genre mates like Rusty, which should give you an idea of their sound. Likewise, they are produced by Peter Hudson ( 13 Engines, the Watchmen) which makes the sound even more difficult to escape. One must admit that&Hey JbrRoot$ is a good quality recording and a well produced album, however the material just does not break new ground. happens to be the son of Bob Dylan, so what career options did he have to choose from? This album is very bland, and after listening to it once, I wanted to go and study and hand in all my assignments early. This album isn’t totally devoid of its merits, but doesn’t really break any musical ground that hasn’t been touched upon by the likes of the Counting Crows, Cracker, or Bruce Springsteen, for that matter. Actually, this music is good to study to. It makes great background music if you don’t turn it up too loud and actually listen to it. Comparsa,” CCBesameMucho,” “Quizas Quizas Quizas,” and Gershwin’s “Summertime.” The arrangements and new compositions were created especially for this album. This piece is influenced by twentieth century European music for piano and by the heritage of blues and gospel keyboard styles which are an implicit background to much jazz playing. Katia has said, 7 don’t play jazz. I pla-)Ithe music of jazz composers? She illustrates this in this album by reproducing previous improvisation, L

George Clintcm Greatest

Funkin’ CapM

Various Artists


Just Say Ntil Geffen

Dogs o’ da universe unite! Doctor Funkenstein serves up some fonkee grooves with a little help fern his famous friends. Q-Tip, Ice Cube, Busta Rhymes and Digital Underground all make appearances on this 12-track collection of remixed Parliament Funkadelic and Clinton solo work. For someone who started listening to rap in the late 1980’s or early nineties, this album is an excellent chapter in the history of funk, rap, soul and rock and roll (no, the Beastie Boys did not invent all that stuff on their own). “Mothership Connection Starchild (Fully Equipped Remix)” and “Booty Body Ready for the Plush Funk” are pure fL.nk gold. Forget the Pulp Fiction soundtrack. If you own only one f~& CD, get this one. -PL l

Reviews by Peter Lena&m,

Greg Phzken, James Russell

Neurotic Outsiders Bush X

I hadn’t intended for this review to be a compact discussion, but this album was so boring there was no way I could write more than 100 words on it. Featuring such notable artists as Sonic Youth, XTC, Elastica, and Beck, this album is pretty much a write-off. Most of the songs are irretrievably dull, and there are none that I felt inclined to give more than two or three spins: A pathetic attempt to cash in on the Christmas shopping binge. Skip it.


Various Artists

Razorblade Suitcase Traiwna A disappointing follow-up to their smash debut 16 &VW, proving ail of their critics absolutely right. ‘The Bon Jovi ofGrunge,” as I’ve heard them called, have managed to come up with a really well-produced album (Steve Albini at the controls) of songs that all sound exactly the same. The grunge formula has been followed to the letter, and the result is just dull. “Swallowed” is about asgood as it gets, if you don’t mind he self-indulgent “no one undcrstands the real me” lyrics. If this album sells, it’s the result of Gavin Kossdale’s cheekbones, not his songwriting ability.


Mondav. Januaw 20 IO:30 a.m. at the Dana Porter Library . .. CD ROM Searching: The Basics .. . Learn how to prepare your searches for journal articles in these 50-minute workshops. Meet at the Information Desk. Tuesday, January 21 10:30 a.m. at the Davis Centre Library . .. CD ROM Searching: The Basics ._. Learn how to prepare your searches for journal articles in these 50-minute workshops. Meet at the Inforamtion Desk. Wednesday, January 22 12:30 p.m. at the Davis Centre Library .. . World Wide Web: Using Search Engines ... Learn strategies for locating a variety of information resources on the Internet. Starting point is UWEtib, the UW Electronic Library. Meet at the Information Desk. Monday, January 27 12:OO noon at the Davis Centre Library ..a DC ROM Searching: The Basics .. .. : Learn how to prepare your searches for 1 journal articles in these 50-minute workshops. Meet at the Information Desk. Thursday, January 30 IO:30 a.m. at the Dana Porter Library ... Electornic Data Service . .. Learn how to locate datasets for research projects. Sources include Statistics Canada, Canadian Census, and data from other countries. Meet at the Information Desk. 12:OO noon at th8 Dana Porter Libarary .. . CD ROM Searching: The Basics . .. Learn how to prepare your searches for journal articles in these 50-minute workshops. Meet at the Information Desk. _

Marc alternative bands banding together for a good, socially active cause. In this case it’s to remember two women who were gunned down in Boston area women’s health clinics. Safe and Sound was a series of concerts in the Boston area to raise money for non-profit organizations supporting health care, stiety, and educational services for women and children. An album was the next logic step. This album’s roster features the likes of alt-poppers Mighty Mighty Bosstones, Juliana Hatfield, Letters to Cleo, Belly, Buffalo Tom, Mary Lou Lord, and more. Solid songs, good cause, decent compilation album. -GP

Have you hard the one about the Sex Pistol, the Duran Duraner and the two Guns and Roses members who formed a band and released an album? It’s no joke (well, that’s in the eye of the beholder), it’s the Neurotic Outsiders. There is no question that these guys can play 90’s punk proficiently. No current band has anything on these guys as far as musicianship, but then of course that’s not the point. I look for more than just thrashy drums and driving guitar in my power pop. What this band lacks, even with its obvious pedigree, is a sound or point of view or song approach that would set them apart from the hundreds of fresh, new bar& that play the same kind of music. -rL

l .

Mosrofthecompla~tswe~etattheArrssectionfall : into two catego&x . a) W&e nut covering enuu h indie bands. c b) W&e nut covering enoug major-label bands. .






l l

To those who qpx with the former, take heti. : -Imprint A& ax-mxmces d new weekly feature: Indie : Rock.Sucks; Every week we”ll take a Canadian indie I band; teii you who they are and what the sound like, I review ++x albums, and provide some i nyormation on : upcomq shows, . Tu get your band some f?ee ress, send a package i ‘with your bio/photo/CD-to I Rsp c/o Imprint. .

. .

To..dms&,yhp : Rolling &-&pa


i 1 : z : i

L l

agree with the latter, start buyin.. i : ,:: ’ :


. -


Tutor avaiiabie to help you with calculus, physics, or math. Call 886-2928.






Lyric Night Club needs promoters and group organizers. Call 749-2121~and-leave a message. Cauole seeks verv expetienced. . fun babysitter for 68q;ent week: end evening car for young children. Call 57%925t after 5 p.m. References required.



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF An opportunity to gain valu= able work experience to enhance your resume/portfofio. IMPRINT, the UW Studen! newspaper is looking for a fulltime, one year contract, salaried employee for the school year commencing March lr 1997 to March 31/98. As Editor-In-Chief you would be responsible for organizing volunteer staff, overseeing all production/layout for all sections of the paper and be familiar with IBM compatible computers/desktop publishing. If you enjoy a challenging, Fast-paced environment, please submit letter of application, resume and samples of writing to IMPRINT, Student Life Centre, room It 16, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, NZL 3Gl by February 3, 1997.

i . . + :


Large furnished, bright clean basement aPartment for rent. Kitchen privileges, ‘own T& walkin distande to UW, parking. $325./mo. 8 all Joyce68& 0632. 5 bedroom ample size, self-contained unit, new lower duplex R2000quality, 2 complete 4 piece bathrooms, large kitchen, diningroom, livingroom, laundry facilities, large paved parking area. $31 S./student, plus utilities. May 1197 lease. Phone (416) 491-I 370. 3 bedroom private apartment, livinaroom. kitchen. 1 l/2 bathrooms, wa&&Id~er, parking. $335./studenti atl utilities included, artially furnished. May l/97 lease. Ca PI (416) 491-I 370. Bachelor private apartment, bedsitting room, kitchen, bathroom with shower, parking. $390./month, utilities included. Sept. l/97 lease. Phone (416) 491-1370. 5 bedroom house, 5 extra large bedrooms, large livingroom, large kitchen, washer/dryer, large paved parking area, gas heat, partially furnished. Sept. l/97 lease. $305./student/month, utilities extra. Phone (416) 491 -I 370.

DEADlINEFOR ClASSlFlEDS is Mondaysat 5 p.m. at

theIMPRINT office SK 1116 CLASSIFIED RATES: studentrates: $3.120 wordslX$after 20/t GST non-student: $5.12Owordsl.25$after 2OitGST

business (student,non-student):$1 k/20

wards/.25$ after 20/t GST






TUESDAYS Beginning Jan. 7 to March 18 the Christopher Leadership course will begin.Thiscoursecoverseffectivecommunication skills and self-confidence. To register & info call Joanne at 7446307. University Choir rehearsal, 7:00-9:30 p.m. in Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Any questions call Eleanor at 885-0220 ext. 226. Every Tuesday and Thursday 3:305:00 p.m. Chamber Choir rehearsal. Tuesdays, CGC Rm 151 and Thursdays, CGC Chapel.

THURSDAYS An English LanguageLab/class. Sept. to Dec. in Modern Languages from I:30 to 2:2O p.m. Students, faculty, staff and spouses welcome. For info call International Student Office ext. 2814.

FRIDAY English Conversation Class in Needles Hall 2080. Sept. to June from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Students, faculty, staff and spouses welcome. For info call International Student Office at ext. 2814




KW Chamber Music Society presents Udo Kasemets and Susan Layard, piano and soprano. Come to 57 Young St., W., Waterloo at 8 p.m. Call 886-1673 for info.



University Players, WLU is proud to presents “Noises Off” by Michael Frayne from Jan. 22 to 25 at 8 p.m. at the WLU Theatre Auditorium. Call 884-0710, ext. 4882 for info. Focus on Tenants’ Rights event will be from 7 to 9 in the Multi Purpose Room, Student Life Centre, UW. Larry Skoog, a lawyer with KW Community Legal Services will speak. Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo coming-out discussion group. Topic: “Coming Out To Others” at 7:30 p.m.. Social follows at 9 p.m., HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-3982.



Big Sisters needs you! Inquire about our short term match program. Get trained now to begin in September 97. Training date on Saturday, March 22/97. Call now to register 743-5206. Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be part of your community. For more info call KW YMCA Host Proaram at 579-9622. Waterloo Minor Soccer needs reliable coaches and assistant coaches. Do you have the time and talent to share from Mav to Julv? Please call 578-9680. K-W Sexual Assault Support Centre needs volunteers for crisis line work, public education and office support. lnterested people can get more information today and tomorrow at the Fairview Park Mall info booth or call 571-0121. Women onlv. The City of Waterloo Volunteer Services is currently recruiting for the following positions: Dance Assistant: to assist with the instruction of children’s dance classes. Classes held in the evenings andon weekends. Time commitment of l-3 hours per week is required. Aquatics: to assist with Red Cross swimming classes. Must have RLSSC Bronze Medallion. Library: to assist individuals with special needs in selecting reading material and delivering books to their home, as well as return previously borrowed material. Backstage: to assist backstage during local production. Tasks include assisting costume changes and organization of props. Interest in dance and show process is an asset. Summer Festival: for the following positions: Administration and Finance Director, Special Events Coordinator, Merchandising Coordinator, Kids Events Coordinator and Accounts Coordinator. Previous experience is an assetCall 888-6356 for info. Volunteer tutors needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus, usually once a week for 1-2 hours for 1 term. For more info call ext. 2814. Attention Journalism students and Hockey Buffs! Hockey KW maazine is looking for volunteers to write articles for a Regional hockey magazine. Great way to build your portfolio. 7459124, leave message. The Sexual AbuseTreatment Programme of Community Justice initiatives is holding its training workshop for volunteer group facilitators of groups for sexual abuse survivors and offenders. Training for group facilitators will be held on Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. from January 28 to April 15, 1997. For info call 744-4095.

IANNOUNCEMENTS St. Paul’s United College has rooms available for Winter ‘97 and Spring ‘97 terms. Please call 885-l 460 or drop by for application forms and a tour! Guided Self-Change of alcohol use: for individuals who may have concerns about the amount they are drinking and want to cut down. Call Counselling Services (ext. 2655) to find out more. Now available “What in the World is Going On: A Guide for Canadians Wishing to Work, Volunteer, or Study in Other Countries”. For info/cost call Christine at (613) 237-4820. The Test of English as Foreign Language course begins January 21/97. Classes are held every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2-4:30 pm for 10 weeks. The course fee is $50 and the exercise book costs $32. Registration through International Student Office. For info call IS0 at ext. 2814. Attention Bluevale Alumni! BCl’s 25th Reunion is May 30 - June l/97. The Reunion committee is presently compiling a mailing list. It is important that they receive your address now. Please write the school c/o 25th Reunion, 80 Bluevale St. N. Waterloo., N2J 3R5, call the Hotline at 650-0569 oremail at http:/ -dabrvkvs/bci.reunion. FASS Auditions: Attention performers and techies!! Here’s your chance to sing, dance, act, play, tech and laugh in the 35th annual FASS Musical Comedy: 1001 Arthurian Knights running Feb. 6-8. Auditions will be held Jan. 810, 7:00-9130 p.m. in HH373, HH378 and HH334. NO experience necessary! htlp:// or (5191884-4093. SNOWGA TOGA - get ready, its coming on Jan. 18 will be the first every SNOWGA TOGA at Bingeman’s Park. $5 includes bus. Watch for ticket sales. Renison’s 10th Annual Haircutting Charity Pub! All former residents are invited back on Feb. 7from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. for this event. Call Kelly 725-7489 for info and tickets. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oscar Arias, Peace Jam Youth Conference which aired Jan. I l-1 2 will be available for Internet access on Jan. 17 at http:/ / Nimin&ion deadline for UW Distinguished Teacher Award is Friday, Feb. 7/97. For more info call the TRACE office at ext. 3132.

line: Mar. 31/97 John Deere Limited Scholarship-available to 38 Mechanical. Deadline: Mar.


MONDAYS UW Stage Band rehearsal at 7:009:00 pm in Conrad Grebel College Great Hall Rm 156. Every Monday and Wednesday Chapel Choir rehearsal 3:30-5:00 pm in Conrad Grebel College Chapel.


Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall,

ALL FACULTIES: Doreen Brisbin Award-available to third year Regular or 38 Co-op female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under represented. Deadline: April 30/97. CUPE Local 793 Award-available to Union employees, their spouses, children or grandchildren for extra-curricular/community involvement. Deadline: Jan. 31/97. Ron Eydt Travel Award-available to undergraduate students who are planning to participate in one of the approved exchange programs. Based on financial need, leadership and campus involvement. Deadline: Jan 31/97. Leeds-Waterloo Student Exchange Program Award-students to contact John Medley, Mechanical Engineering. Women’s Association of UW Award of Merit-available to full or part-time undergraduates who have or are facing personal challenges;eg sole support parent, disabilities, illness or personal trauma. Deadline: January 31197. University of Waterloo Staff Association Award-available to full or parttime undergraduates in a degree program. Applicants must be current Staff Association members, their spouses, children, grandchildren or dependents and will be based on academics, extracurricular involvement and financial need. Deadline: Jan 31/97. Douglas T. Wright Award - available to all who have participated in a UW international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: Ott 15/97.

Facultv of Applied Sciences:


Mark Forster Memorial Scholarshipavailable to 3rd or 4th year Kinesiology. Deadline: Jan 31/97 Michael Gellner Memorial Scholarship-available to 38 Kinesiology or Health Studies. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Robert Hawot-th Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31/97 RAWCO-available to 2nd,3rd or4th year Recreation and Leisure Studies. Deadline: Jan 31/97

Faculty of Arts: Concordia Club Award-available to 3rd yearGerman studies. Deadline: Jan 31197. Arts Student Union Award-available to all Arts students. Deadline: Feb. 28/97. James C. McKegney Memorial Awardavailable to upper year Arts students with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricularactivities in the Hispanic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in Spanish America Studies. Deadline: Feb. 28/97.

Facultv of Engineering-z Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 38. Deadline: Mar. 31197 Canadian Hospital EngineeringSociety’s Scholarship-available to3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship-available to all 3B. Dead-

’ Delcan Scholarship-available to 46 Civil. Deadline: Feb.. 28/97 Randy Duxbury Memorial Awardavailable to 3B Chemical. Deadline: Feb 28/97 S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline; May 31197 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 38 Civil,Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 311 97. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship-available to all. Deadline: Oct. 14/97. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-available to al Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award-available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: Mar 3-l/97, Co-operators Group Ltd. Awardavailable to 3A Environmental Engineering based on financial need and extracurricular involvement. Deadline: Jan 31/97. Ontario Hydro Engineering Awardsavailable to 1 B Chemical, Electrical, Environmental or Mechanical. Eligible candidates will be women, oborigina! (native) Canadians, persons with disabilities or visible minorities. Deadline: July 31/97. Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation Undergraduate Schoiarship-avialable to all lB,2B,3B & 4B based on extracurricular and marks. Deadline: Jan 31/97. Alan W. Shattuck Memorial Bursaryavailable to 4th year Civil. Deadline: Jan 33/97. Suncor Bursaries-available to all Chemical or Mechanical. Deadline: Jan 31/97. Jack Wiseman Award-available to 3rd year Civil. Deadline: Ott 31/97.

Faculty of Environmental Studies: Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 311 97. Marcel PequegnatScholarship-available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/97

Facultv of Science: J.P. Bickell Foundation Bursariesavailable to upper year Earth Sciences. Deadline: Jan 31197. S.C. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31/97 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3B Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/97 Dow Canada Scholarship-available to 3A Chemistry. Deadline: Mar 31/97 Science Society Bursary-available to all.

ISCHCIARNCTWS Queen Elizabeth Silver Jubilee AwardsSeveral $5,000 scholarships are being offered to undergraduate students across Canada to study at another Canadian university in their second official language {French or English). Candidates must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, currently enrolled in the second or third year of their first undergraduate university program. Students must have sufficient ability in their second official language. Application deadline; Jan* 311’ 97. For more info and application forms, contact Student Awards Office. Datatel Scholars FoundationApplications are now being accepted for the Datatel Scholars Foundations. The awards have a valueof up to$2,000each and are available to full-time or part-time students, graduate or undergraduate, in any discipline. Applications will be evaluated based on academic merit, personal motivation, external activities including employment and extracurricular activities and on letters of recommendation. Application deadline is Feb. 10/97. Interested students should contact the Student Awards Office or the Graduate Studies Office for an application form. Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program -The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program provides renewable scholarships valued at up to $4,000 annually to undergraduate students currently studying towards a first degree. The awards are intended to encourage Canadian youth to seek the high ideals represented by Terry Fox. Selection will be based on a dedication to community service, humanitarianism, perseverance and courage in the face of obstacles, and the pursuit of excellence in fitness and academics. Application deadline is Feb. I/ 97. For further information and application forms, contact the Student Awards Office.

Facultv of Mathematics: Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 36 Math. Deadline: Mar. 31197 Efectrohome 75th Anniversary Scholarship-available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Certified Management Accounting Bursary-available to full-time students in Mathematics-Business Administration/Chartered AccountancylManagement Accountancy. Preference will be given to students who attended high school in counties of Perth, Waterloo or Wellington. Deadline: Jan 31/97. Co-operators Group Ltd. Awardavailable to 3AActuarial Science based on financial need and extracurricular involvement. Deadline: Jan 31/97. K.C. Lee Computer ScienceScholarship-available to 2nd year regular Computer Science. Deadline: Ott 31/97. Sun Life of Canada Award-available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Deadline: Nov 30197.





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