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Every year, students are asked to fill out professor evaluations to help professors improve th think? This year IMPRINT is giving you the chance to turn the tables and grade your profe next four weeks, Feel free to photocopy the form and drop it off at a location near y form. There are boxes all over campus for you to submit your form including in the and the Student Life Centre. You can always submit your forms to IMPRI Note:


survey is meant

only as a forum

for discussion

and is

not to be taken as an official survey

ther writing

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you rate the professor’s




you rate the gradi






H ow organized







how would





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2 mediocre

3 average







how would

our methodology. I

is the profes


in to criticize


1I Professor’s Name i Profess I ! Course I I How would you rate the professor’s I 1 How helpful is the professor with

1 I

But what do your classmates really

elow will run in IMPRINT for the ditional comments on an attached unge as well as the Village cafeterias

is the best professor

5 5





at UW?

new look.

c N EE ss Keeping

by Katie Ricks Imprint staff


ederation Hall will remain open and benefit from an extra $5 per term out of the pockets of each UW student over the next year. The results of the referendum, conducted February 11 and 12, were announced Wednesday night. Voter turnout was just over 2 1 per cent, with 90 per cent voting to keep FedHall, although only 53 per cent want to pay the extra $5. Out of 13,678 UW students eiigible t9 vote, 2,920 visited the polling stations located throughout the campus. The extra $5 will go toward the renovation of Fed Hall. Asked at last Friday’s Federation of Students forum in the Student Life Centre exactly what the money would provide, Raju Patel, newly acclaimed Vice President of Administration and Finance, stated that it would go toward the purchase of carpets, chairs, tables, and a new sound system. Although Fed Hall is currently making a profit, the Federation of Students chose to conduct a referendum because of the encroaching competition of other bars and clubs in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. The proposed renovations are intended to make Fed Hall more appealing to patrons outside the university community. The extra $5 will be added to the current Fed Hall compulsory fee of $7.50 on every full-time undergrad UW student’s tuition fee statement. Most of that $7.50 now goes toward repaying the mortagage on Fed Hall, a task which will not be complete until the year 2005. One issue raised at the forurn was the lack of representation of a ‘No’ side in the advertising of the referendum.



Raju Pate1 formed the ‘Yes’ committee along with several members of Fed Hall stafK The Federation of Students was not responsible for creating a ‘No’ side when no one came forward to do so and according to Federation of Students President Mario Bellabarba, “If no one cared to come fonvard, it’s not the concern of the Feds.” Pate1 stated that their main concern was to publicize the questions. Students who voted in the referendum responded to two questions: one was a vote on whether or not Fed Hall should remain open, the other was whether or not students should pay an extra $5 each term toward funding renovations. The Chief Returning Officer for the referendum, Alain Sackrider, thanked cLeveryone that helped out with advertising and everyone that voted” on behti of the Federation of Students. Federation of Students executives and soon-to-be executives can relax on one more issue. A proposal made by four UW students to reopen elections was rejected at a Students’ Council meeting on Sunday, February 9. It would have cost the Feds an extra $10,000 to conduct another election and Students’ Council saw no reason to reject the acclamation of all four executives to the Federation of Students. This year’s elections are now considered to be closed. However, Bellabarba says that the Feds are considering amending the by-laws so that in the case of a future acclamation, the nomination period would be extended or the acclamation voted on with a yes/no ballot in an election. This idea should be decided on by the by-law committee prior to the General Meeting in March.

Corporate sponsorship for universities?



difficult time *“The goal of Project Turnaround is to reduce the incidence ofrepeat offences. Currently approximately 62 per cent of young offenders in the system are repeat offenders.

compiled by Patti Lenard and Rob Van Kruisum Imprint staff Canada - Correctional Services Minister Robert Runciman recently announced that the Ontario government will open a strict-discipline facility for young offenders this summer. The privately operated facility will be createh from a former prison farm near Barrie and will provide a highly structured environment for up to 50 young offenders for a period of six months. Rucimen said the message of such a program is “that incarceration is not going to be a cake walk. If you are a repeat offender, you are going to face the possibility of doing some hard time, some very

Russia - Secretary to Russia’s Security Council Ivan Rybkin announced this week that Russia is prepared to use nuclear weapons if zGtacked. It has alreadv Been shown that the Russian &my is not as strong as in the past, given its devastating loss to the Chechen army this past summer. This announcement is fhther proof of Russia’s lack ofconfidence in both their military capabilities and their international security. Last month, NATO expressed concern with Russia’s of-

Wsrmth of hospitality at lozo’s Bor * , Temperature of the indoor pool Comfort level of 5 indoor tennis courts Temperoture of the white stuff on our 31 slopes ond our two snowboord parks

lanadiun \ II A


TheMoisonCanodion UniversityWeek‘97 isfrom 21st.A#week longthere’llbe livemusicandmuchmuchmore.Letus hostvouon our 31 exoertlvaroomedtrailsond 2 snowboardo&s.

fer of partnership with Belarus, believing that this was a way for Russia to extend its own nuclear weapons over a greater area. Throughout the 1980’s, the Soviet Union insisted it would not be the first to use nuclear weapons. Since the break-up of the Soviet Union, however, Russian authorities have repeatedly reneged on that promise. Spain - In spite of the recent assassinations at the hands of Basque separatists, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar insists he will not negotiate with the aggressors. Aznar accused those of carrying out this violence of severe terrorism, but did not acknowledge that some fear a rise in attacks. After all, Basque militants have be& fighting for independence since at least as early as 1968. Meanwhile, the Basque Nationalist Party, which also wants Basque sovereignty, has called for peace talks, asking Basque militants to join it for discussion, and eventually resolution. United States - The United States government granted permission on Wednesday to some of America’s largest news organizations to open bureaus in Cuba in order to bring pressure for democratic change in Havana. It is still unsure whether Cuba would approve any moves other than to let CNN open a bureau. Cuban President Fidel Castro’s government announced in November that it was granting permission to CNN to set up a bureau. US. policy toward Cuba has been under fire around the world. Under pressure from U.S. allies, Clinton had to suspend a key clause of the Helms-Burton law that would penalize foreign companies doing business with properties confiscated from Americans in Cuba. Clinton had announced in October 1995 that he would allow U.S. news organizations to open offkes in Havana for the first time in more than three decades. But a formal decision was delayed by the February 1996 shooting down of two Floridabased civilian aircraft by the Cuban air force.

Imprint Online: you can’t read it in the washroom, but it still kicks ass.


Friday, February 14, 1997

Theft of UVV property On January 19, a display board with promotional items was taken from the Student Life Centre. A Model 800 positive displacement digital micro pipette, valued at $350, was stolen from Biology 1 on January 28 and a microscope (serial # 107048), valued at $2,000, was stolen from Biology 2 on February 4. Theft of personal property Personal undergarments were wrongfully removed from a laundry room at the Married Student Apartments on January 20. An unattended fanny pack and its contents were stolen from the ninth floor of the Dana Porter Libraryon January21. OnFebruary 5, a wool coat was stolen from the PAC. On January 20, a feminine napkin dispenser in South Campus Hall was stolen. Mischief to UW property On February 7, a gate arm was broken in parking lot B. A glass door was broken on February 17 in Engineering 1. On January 18, the mtin entrance door to the Dean of Engineering office in Carl Pollock Hall was vandalized. Mischief to personal

Property Acar was vandalizedon Januarv 29 in the Married Students A&rtment parking lot, resulting in the theft of a video camera. Another car was vandalized in the lot near Health and Safety on February 2.

Motor vehicle accidents over $700 On January 16, a city transit bus came in contact with a car on Ring Road near Engineering I. The following day, a single car lost control in the H lot and skidded into a light standard. Both incidents were caused in part by bad road conditions. Criminal


On January 21, a counterfeit bill was used at the D lot kiosk. On January 25, there were three attempted break and entries into offices in the Davis Centre. On February 3, there were four more attempts in a different area of the DC.. None of the attempts were successful. Provincial


On January 19, three nonstudents were found trespassing in the front lobby of Burt Matthews Hall. Also that day, Bombshelter staff refused entry to two non-UW students. On January 22, an intoxicated patron was removed from the Bombshelter. On February 4, a person driving dangerously was stopped on Ring Road near Needles Hall and issued a warning. A non-student was ejected from the El foyer for creating a disturbance on February 6. On February 7, Bombshelter stafMiscovered someone with altered identification and alerted UW Police, Also on February 7, UW Police, in collaboration with the Brantford City Police, arrested a person in the Student Life Centre for breach of probation.

Chaos and U.S. Customs r. Lars HoltenoftheUniversity of Copenhagen’s department of Archaeology is scheduled to deliver a talk onmortuaryritualsofDanlshpassage graves entitled “Ritual Action: Chaos or Organized Disorder??’ In his presentation, Holten will reexamine the “randomly’ strewn artifacts such as broken

have been intentional and indicate an archaic tierary or burial ritual tradition. Due to complications with the U.S. Customs department, Holten was restricted from returning to the U.S. if’ he visited Canada. His visa only permits travel within the U.S. Because of this hiccup, Holten’s lecture may be postponed, cancelled, or mav take some other form, such as H video of the lecture he gave previ-



by Jeff Robe-n Imprint stair


and bones



passage graves. Rather than representing the effects of erosion, site contamination, or vandalism, Holten b&eves that the chaotic clutter of paleolithic relics may

for present&on

to UW


dents and faculty. With any luck Dr. Holten will be speaking Thursday, Febmuy 19 at the Renison Chapel Lounge.




Copyri&t by Adam Natran Imprint staff


tudents are upset with a proposed amendment to the Federal Copyright Act, which would hinder the ability of campus and student-run bookstores to import and sell used texts. The change to Bill C-32 would require bookstores wanting to ship in a previously used book to use a Canadian distributor. Only with the authorization from the Canadian distributor could a wholesaler or the publisher of origin be approached about importing a particular textbook. Real Dequier, National Deputy Chairperson for the Federation of Students, realizes that such a proposition would affect the availability of texts. He firmly believes that “this new restriction would be another hurdle for campus bookstores which are trying to order books on time for a course .” Frequently, professors are requesting textbooks at later dates, as class offerings and the number of enrolments are determined closer to the school term. As a result, the pressure on bookstores to fill an order in a



14, 1997

conflict threatens short period of time is increasing. If the Canadian distributor does not have the necessary book, but their approval is required before contacting an American distributor, the whole process is slowed down substantially. The affordability of texts is also of some concern. According to RealDqtier, the change would be “a step backwards for students who, faced with increasing education costs, are looking to save money wherever Possible.” The need to go through the Canadian distributor would increase the cost of importing a book, which would be reflected in the final selling price to customers. The University of Waterloo Used Bookstore will be affected by the proposal. According to the manager, CaIvinMasson, the business stands to lose $15,000 to $20,000, roughly one third of its exporting revenue. The Nebraska Book &mpany, which currently buys textbooks from the Used Bookstore, may be hesitant to bUY books in the future because the ability to resell the texts in the Cana&an market will be reduced. Of course, a financial crisis for the bookstore creates problems for students. The cost of used textbooks could increase UP

Used Bookstore

to 50 per cent across the board. In an attempt to prevent the amendment from becoming law, the Canadian Federation of Students is working in conjunction with the CanadianBooksellersAssociation, the AssociationofUniversities and

Colleges ofcanada and the Canadian Association of University Teachers.

Letters of protest have been mailed to Industry and Science Minister JohnManley. Lobbying against local MPs will take place

Program expected to create student jobs by Ku&a Alobar special to Imprint


he federal Ministry of Human Resources Development is trumpeting the launch of a nationwide program designed to improve the current grim situation young job seekers are faced with in Canada. The Government of Canada Youth Employment Strategy takes a longer-term approach to youth unemployment by aiding young people in finding and training themselves for the labour market. The new program consists of an internship program, increased funding for summer jobs and a web page containing information on subjects like self-assessment, job opportunities and selfemployment ( . Third party organizations, most likely at the community level, will administer the internship program on behalf of the federal government. These organizations will be given the responsibility of finding employers who can provide quality job experiences for students. This breaks the d&&y of the program into manageable pieces, so the internships serve their desired purpose. The program demands that young People Placed in these government-subsidized jobs learn

some skill and do not simply perform menial tasks. Special emphasis is also placed on creating these internships in growth sectors of the economv where the young person’s experience may iead to long term employment. Suzanne Clement, Director General of the Youth Services Program, underlines this need for the funds to be put towards creating long term jobs. “Otherwise,” she said, ‘Cwe would be just handing out subsidies, and that’s not what we want to do,” The

program is an addition to the existing government programs like Youth Service Canada and Student Summer Job Action that will continue with some change in their functions. The former program will focus on “the labour market needs of youth who face serious disadvantages entering the job market,” while the latter will receive increased funding to help employ more young people with “careerrelated jobs .” The Youth *Employment Strategy





an additional

$315,000 in spending on employment initiatives, to of over two billion dollars, expected to create 30,000 mer jobs positions.


youth a total and is sum-


There’snofeelin quitelike ymr first set of wheels. VisityourChevro IIet 6eoOldsmobileDealerto tind outhowto makea ChevySlO pIckupa reality.


in the weeks to come as the Bill goes through third reading in the House of Commons. Increased pressure from concerned groups will hopefully result in the rejection of the intended changes to Bill C-32.



Fighting violence against women by Jodi Dong special to Imprint Violence against women is an all too common occurrence in our society. A 1993 report by Statistics Canada indicated that slightly more than halfthe women in this country over the age of 16 have experienced some type of assault, whetherit be verbal, physical or sexual. Fully 51 per cent of the 12,300 women surveyed reported having been choked, kicked, raped or otherwise assaulted at some point in their lives. These stats are alarming, but there is something women cando to empower themseIves. At the Womyn’s Centre, we believe that every woman should know how to recognize when she is being attacked and how to defend herself. So, with help from the Federation of Students, we have organized a two day Wet-r-do selfdefense worhhop for early March. Wen-do (or women’s way) self-defense is a charitableorganization that has been teaching women and girls how to protect

themselves since 1972. It is the only course recommended by the Toronto Sexual Assault Centre, The Rape Crisis Centre, The 1.and m-c rr* 1 oronro VTT w omen-s9 Sneerer. 1 ne course is taught onuniversitycampuses across Canada and is endorsed by the City of Toronto Safe City Committee as the most effective self-defensecourse available. Wen-do uses a cohbination of easy to remember physical selfdefense techniques and discussion components. Wen-do teaches women to be resourceful and to surprise attackers rather than relying on physical strength. The defense techniques will allow women to deal more effectively with the most common attacks they are likely to experience including choke holds, body grabs, weapon attacks and gang attacks. The educational component focuseson safety awarenessand danger avoidance. As well, participants learnverbal selfdefense strategies such as how to calm, dissuade, startle or confront attackers. It also includes information, c11

resources and strategies to deal with the many aspects of violence againstwomen: sexual assauft, assault in relationships and harassmerit. Wen-do endeavors to be inclusive of all women and caters to a diversity of abilities, fitness levels and experiences. Large women, small women, pregnant women, and women with disabilities, including those on crutches and in wheelchairsare all welcome. So, ifyou have always wanted to take a self-defense course, now is the time! The Feds are helping out with the costs, making it a very reasonable $10 for UW’s female students. It is well worth it considering the self-cotidence you will gain, so come out and bring a friend. The course will take place March 1 and 2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information and to register, drop by The Womyn’s Centre, SLC 2102 (above the Bomber) or give us a call at 8% 1211 ext. 3457. Come and empower yourself!

Body image: resources and concerns by Susan kight and Laurie Manwell special to Imprint

one struggling with these probme, relationships, anger aware’ lems. ness,stressmanagement, theories We will be focusing on learnand myths of dieting, healthy exing to understand ours&es and ercise, roles and expectations, selfearning, Insight, Growth, the world around us in relation to image and risk taking, strategies Health . , *Together the above issues, as well as related for coping with specific problem issues such as self esteem, meas- ’ behaviours and much more. (LIGHT) is a new learning/support group open to evexy- m-esof successand more. Meetings will Ix held every one interested in and/or concerned We hope to meet our goals second and fourth Thursday from with body image issues, eating through discussion, guest speak- 7 p.m. until approximately9 p.m., disorders, chronic dieting, and ers, films, books, and practice ac- beginning Thursday February 13, weight preoccupation, tivities 1997, in the Gold Room, Grand We have resources, including River Hospital. Anyone is welcome to attend, For more information, conincluding men and women with a guest speakers, prepared for the personal concern with the above following topics: self-esteem, tact Susan Knight (570-3228) or issues,or family or friends of some- sexuality, media and popular culLaurie Manwell (886 1125).



Friday, February 14, 1997

Caring about visual awmeness by Neepun Shanna special to Imprint


ebruary 16 to 23 marks Vision Awareness week. Since February 9, the Canadian Association of Optometry Students (CAOS) have been holding various events around the Kitchener-Waterloo region, including here on campus, to increase the profile of optometry, as well as reinforcing visual s&et-y and the maintenance of visual health. UW’s School of Optometry is one of only two in Canada, yet many people on campus are unaware of the school and of the profession of optometry itself. The UW School of Optometry is the only English school in Canada that offers a four year program leading to the Doctor of Optometry (CUD.) degree. There are students from a.Uover Canada at the WW School of Qptometry

and it is also among the leading optometric research institutions ~IINorth America in areas such as contact lenses, colour vision, low vision, and anatomy. Many students are unaware of the eye care services provided at the Eye Care Center in the School of Optometry. There are comprehensive eye examinations available, as well as clinics that specialize in low vision, ocular health, sports vision, binocular vision, and contact lenses. In addition, UW students are entitled to discounts in the full service dispensary located in the clinic. Many patients have revealed that the best examination they have ever received was here, This year’s theme, CcDiscovering the Importance of Vision in Our Everyday Lives,” reflects the fact that as technology becomes more and more complex, vision is bound to be affected somehow or another.







f 997


If you were going to protest the 10 % tuition increase, what would you do?

by Michael O&y md Niels Jensen (photos)

Kidnap James D0wnee-y.

SetfbesandfrwaWheanim&. Dinner.

Naeem w 2BArts

Eva Garcia, 1B Mechanical

Kevin O’Keefe,

“Skydive with “we’re not gonna take it” written on my parachute.

Pay tuition

Allisson Bobor, 1N Applied Studies

Raheem Rhemtulla, 2A Systems Design Engineering /

Karl McMahon & Vakry Kempe~~, &I Eswironmental Science


with monopoly


A good old-fashioned in the SLC lounge.

book burning

Demand ten per cent higher marks.

Julie MacArthur, 1B Applied Studies

Chris Klein, bN Math



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The University of Waterloo Student Newspaper Friday February 14,1997 Volume 19, Number 27 Student Lkfe Centre, Room 1116 University

of Waterloo



The forum pages allow members of the University of Waterloo community to present their through letters to the editor and longer comment pieces. The opinions expressed in columns, and other articles are strictly those of the authors, not of Imprint.

views on various comment pieces,

issues letters

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basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very frost object should be to keep that right; and were it lefi to me to decide whether we should have government without newspapers or newspapers without government, I should not hesitate to prefer

the fatter,” -



E.ditorial Board Editor

in Chief

Assistant Editor ‘Forum Editor News Editor News Assistant Arts Editor Arts AsSistant Sports Editor Sports Assistant Features Editor Science Editor Photo Editor Photo Assistant WWW Page Editor WWW Page Assistant Systems Administrator Graphic Editor Proofreaders

Sandy Atwal Peter Lenardon Patti Lenard Katie Ricks

Karsten W. Gitter James Russell Debbra McClintock Jeff Peeters Greg Picken Tracy Hunt Mike Owen Gillian Downes Paul Rencoret Justin Kominar Mary Ellen Foster Man Nguyen Stephen Johnston Lori Hayston Amberlee Hewlett Liz Monier-Williams Rob Van Kruistum Patrick Wilkins

Feds apathetic, not students Bellabarba has power to reapen fed elections

Staff Business

Ad/Production Ad/Production


Marea Willis

Manager Manager Assistant Assistant

Laurie Tigert-Dumas Tania Caza vacant

Distribution Jeff


James Russell

Board of Directors President Vice-President Secretary

Treasurer Director at Large Staff Liaison

Ryan Natalie


Pyette Gillis

Rob Van Kruistum Jeff Peeters Stephen Johnston Jeff Robertson



Ku&a ALobar, Peter Brown, Jo& Dong, Ryan Eagles, Kelly Foley, Daniel German; Amy Jarvis, I.&h Jcnkinson, Niels Jensen, Susan Knight, Greg K&hick, Jay Kumarasztmy, John Lofranco, Jack Lefcourt, Melissa MacDonald, Laurie Manwell, Tony Martin, Laura Moza, Adam Natran, Pete Nesbitt, Deborah Odhiambo, Michaei Oliey, Norman O’Reillcy, Tasmina Patcl, Marco Pedroso, Neepun Sharma, Natalie Sonosky, Pat Spacek, Stephanie Speiler, David Thang, VaI Walker, Nan Webb, WPIRG Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term+ Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit, and refuse advertising. Imprint ISSN 0706 7380. Mail should be addressed to Imprint, Student Life Centre, Room I 116, University of Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3Gl.

past few weeks Imprint has been fLll of stories about next sear’s Federation of Students executive. Only four people attended a nomination meeting, and all four were immediatly acclaimed to the fed executive positions. The acclamation of the candidates initiated articles by the current Federation of Students about how apathetic and lazy the majority of students are. All of their articles, df course, ending with the cheery conclusion that-next time-we students should come out and run for executive positions. Well, contrary to what the Feds like to believe, apathy is not a problem in the student population. The real apathy lies with the current Federation of Student executive and council. tier only four students came to the nomination meeting, it was apparently too much work to extend the nomination period, and run another article in Imprint. Instead, the current Federation of Students simply acclaimed all to positions, Perhaps the Feds were technically able to do this, but does that make it the best course of action? Consider: (i) The current: President of the Federation of Students, Mario Bellabarba, has been acclaimed to his position again. Yet, many students have complained that they were nor aware ofthe election. Bellabarba has said in anImprint interview that “‘The amount of outrage I’m hearing from people once fheyke realized that all the positions have been acclaimed tells me there’s got to be some interest. I’m hearing’quite a few people saying ‘how can this happen?’ which implies understanding of the gravity of the issue.” Despite this outrage, Bellabarba has not used his position of leadership to do anything. As current President, and acclaimed President, it would appear that Bellabarba is in the ideal position to remedy the situation


ver the

-if he chose have extended

to. One



that Bellabarba


the nomination period regardless, if only to avoid calls of conflict of interest. (ii> All of the other students that were acclaimed to positions have said in their Imprint interviews that they would have preferred an election, or that they believe they could win a fair election regardless.

(iii) An election is the only way that the Federation of Students can possibly avoid greater, and even more justified, student apathy. The democratic process of student government is supposed to ensure that students get the representation they feel will be in their best interests. An acclaimed Federation executive is in no way better than the University administration. The candidates and the student body as a whole have not had the chance to bring up issues for discussion or debate. None of the acclaimed students has been forced to educate themselves on issues that do not directly affect them as individuals. The end result could be that certain issues, groups or collectives on campus will be ignored by the new Feds tx?ause the acclaimed students do not feel responsible to them in their positions. The problem I am raising has nothing to do with the people who work and volunteer for the Federation of Students. Most, if not all, of these people do their jobs exceedingly well, and student Life would suEer without them. The problem I am concerned with is a matter of student leadership, people who are (ideally) elected in order to hrther student services and interests-not to fLrther pad their own resumes. As of February 7, four people have asked for the election to be reopened, so that they can run against the acclaimed students in a ftir election. This is precisely the action that the current Fed executive claim they want to encourage. These students saw a need on campus and have decided to acr in order to fill that need. They are anything but apathetic or lazy. This is a crucial time for the current Student Council of the Federation of Students. They can either choose to hide behind the rules of the election (which are never written in stone), or claim that an election will Cost too much money (how much is a democracy going for nowadays, anyway?). Or, the Federation of Students can hold an election and avoid the claim that Bellabarba has a con&t of interest, increase student representation, and do what the Feds have claimed they want to do-xnd student apathy and cynicism. - JmMiucKby

Imprint welcomes letters to the editor from students and all members of the community. Letters received via electronic mail must be verified with a signature. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The editor reserves the right to refuse to publish letters or articles which are judged to be libellous or discriminatory on the basis of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation. Opinions expressed are those of the individuals and not of Imprint.

It is clear that here within the university community there are a number of individuals and groups who participate in exceptional work in terms of helping to establish a better world for the local and global communities. Less visible are those who seek the same goal without the same attention. Last week Habitat for Humanity was lucky enough to come into contact with just such an individual(s). We received an anonymous letter commending our work and included with these kind words was $100. Since we do not know the source of this letter or donation we decided to write a letter to Imprint to express our gratitude, with the hope that our anonymous friend will seeit. Habitat for Humanity at UW hopes to help sponsor a house within five years time, and this donation will go toward that home as we make our first steps in that direction. -

With sincm The volmteers



of Habitat@

appreciation, Hwmznity

Democracy allows racist overtones To the Editor, In my opinion, the Ernst Zundel situation boils down to one thing and one thing only: freedom of speech. It doesn’t matter whether his opinion about the Holocaust is a “dissident opinion,” or an acceptable opinion or any other kind of opinion. All that matters is that if Canada is to call itself a free society, he must have the right to express his op&ion. Patti Lenard has a right to express her opinions. B. Thompson has a right to his/ her opinions in support of Zundel. And Zundel has a right to his opinions about the Holocaust and World War II. It’s as simple as that. However, it seems that Mr. Zundel is constantly being told that he has no right to expresshimself, to give speeches, to write books, etc., that express his viewpoint. If MS Lenard gives no credence to what Mr. Zundel saysabout the Holocaust or world history, what’s the big deal? I’ve seen and read lots of things in history class and in school that I knew or suspected were false and yet I didn’t want the author to be put in jail, silenced, killed, or run out of the country. The thought didn’t even occur to me. I just assumed that there were always going to be differing views in the world and that one had to accept that as part of life and living in a democracy. Therefore, I would suggest that MS Lenard finally learn that lesson. Mr. Zundel has as much right to live in Canada as anyone else. I found her veiled threat that perhaps he doesn’t even deserve that much (the right to live in Canada? Or merely to live, period? ???), to be quite disconcerting and unsettling.That sort of remark is indicative of what Zundel has had to contend with, along with the other attacks and injustices that were described in B. Thompson’s letter. For the record, when a revisionist historian says%e Holocaust never happened,” they don’t mean that no one died during World War II or that the war was a figment of someone’s imagination.

at the Univtmity of Wutmh

By using that phrase, revisionists are simply questioning the factual basis for the often-cited six million figure knd the gas chamber allegations. They aren’t saying there was no war or something of the sort! They are questioning the pertinent facts surrounding the war that they feel need to be discussed openly and honestly. I think this point need; to 6e clarified, bekause I’ve seen a lot of confused ioaks from people who don’t understand what the phrase “the Holocaust never happened” means from the standpoint of historical revisionism and analysis of World War II. If Ms. Lenard feels that what is happening to Ernst Zundel is proper and acceptable in a free society, then Canada is in for some very bleak-and very dangerous-days. -



Outside the Lines is weird To the Editor,

I have a question for Melissa MacDonald: Who the heck shits in your cereal- bowl on a weekly basis? You seem so frustrated and angry at the world. Whenever you try to psycho-analyze male/female relationships you invariably channel your personal depression into all your general conclusions, leaving you with a rather warped perspective on life. Don’t you know that your weird opinions represent the views of only a tiny percentage of the general population. Who is your intended audience? Certainly not anybody with any self-esteem. As a female you proudly go around saying things like “suck my dick” and expect people to respect you? Futhermore anybody who proudly claims to take up space as a self proclaimed “lazy ass,” regardless of gender, deserves no sympathy from anybody. By the way, don’t you know that most women wear nice clothes and use make-up because they, God fwbid, actually enjoy attracting the attention of males. It is also fair to say that most males are crazy about women, and guess what, they even ask women to marry them because they can’t imagine being without the company of a

woman later in life. Why do you talk about these natural trends in society as if they are somehow inherently infested with evil? Is it because you are a homosexual? I hate to be so blunt but I think you are a tragic example of what happens to an unattractive girl who goes without a boyfriend for a long period of time. Asker a while you never get to listen to a real guy’s opinion. You become angry and asocial and see social oppression everywhere. You begin to liken yourself to a make-believe superhero to compensate for your own low self-esteem, hence all your previous allusions to Xena, ‘(warrior princess.” Evidently you’ve not met a nice guy before, and this is a shame. If you had found a special person of the opposite sex earlier in life, your sexual frustrations and the animosities thev’ve caused could have been shed a long time ago. If you’ve read this far, by now you are probably fuming mad which is okay because I know that ofien the truth hurts. But before you call me a homophobic sexist pig I want vou to read what master Nietzsche tauiht me, “Objection, digression, GAY MISTRUST, the delight in mockery, are signs of health; everything unconditional belongs in pathology.” Go ahead write me back. I know that I can take your slings and arrows.

Click away commercials with converter To the Editor, In last week’s Imprint, Edan Tasca wrote an article to the Forum concerning TV commercials. By reading this article, I was appalled at how naive people are concerning something that mostNorth Americans could not live without-TV. In the article Edan expressed his dislike toward TV commercials and how they were interrupting his shows. Well it is obviously clear that this person has absolutley no idea how the television business works. Without all those socalled damA commercials, we would not have any good shows such as the X-Files or any other popular shows people enjoy. I once had the same attitude as Edan until I went to England when I was ten and was introduced tu TV without commercials. Although I don’t know how it is there now, back then it was one station (the BBC) that ruled everything. Yes there are no commercials but it is like 24 hours of TV0 on all channels and I know how many people like TV0 I no longer wondered why we had commercials. The only reason we get to watch good programs every week is because of the big bucks shelled out to the TV networks by these companies for the right to advertise their product, Just because these ads don’t appeal to you does not mean they don’t appeal to others. So, Edan, if you like TV0 just keep complaining about those damn commercials or here’s a better idea, buy a CUfWerter!

- Peter Stepben Lqd&zJki

King is not fraud #4


I’m pleased to see so many people coming to the defence of Martin Luther King’s reputation. There’s only one small thing for me to add. The original attack on Dr. King bears an eerie resemblance to a recent speech by Kevin Alfred Storm of the National Alliance (including, ironically, the attack on Dr. King’s alleged plagiarism). Readers who want to check for themselves should go to ADVOI1594.html. According to their web page, the National Alliance stands for, among other things, White Living Space and an Aryan Society. Just the sort of people I would go to for an accurate assessment of a black civil-rights leader. -

Steve wittmn

King To

is a fraud #2

the Editor,

In response to the letters from Jeff Morton, Jeffrey Grabell, and JeffreyMillar, about Martin Luther King, Jr., I’d like to remind these three gentlemen of perhaps the most famous quote King ever uttered: didn’t he say that we should not judge people by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their chum&r? By making that statement, he was certainly espousing the idea that one’s character, one’s morals, how one lived one’s life, one’s committment to honesty and integrity, are the standards by which people should be judged, and that in his view they should be the most important factors in judging people. Mr. Grabell( in a typical ad hominem attack upon me), wonders how well my life might fare under carell scrutiny. Well, Martin Luther King, Jr. (not Lisa Hendrikson) is the one who appointed himself the spiritual and moral leader of millions of people. People who set themselves up as an example to others, and who, indeed, build a legend around themselves based on the idea that cbarmter (not race) is the most important element in evaluating other human beings, need to face the fact that history may judge them harshly if they haven’t lived up to high ideals in their own private lives and in their careers, If their own characters are found lacking, it certainly has a bearing on the way history perceives and judges them. If, as Jeff Morton suggests, Gandhi were a drug pusher, Jesus a child molester and the Buddha a serial killer, the %ontent of their character” would certainly be fair game for historical discussion and re-evaluation. It’s all too true that historical figures are rarely “one-dimensional 8tercotypes,n andthat’s precisely why it’s so important to discuss both the positive and negative aspects of these people to finally set the l


to page




selfish. After the Packers won the SuperBowl, you could tell that Reggie White truly cared about record straight. Why is it that the other players as much ashimlives ofother historical figures are self, and the first thing he said ftir game when it comes to being was, “Thank you God for giving endlessly dissected, discussed, the players the talents that they analyzed, evaluated and held up have .” to public scrutiny, but if someone Secondly, to say that (‘the tries to shed light on the life of gospel belongs in church, where Martin Luther King, Jr (as well as it can be shared with others who a few other sacred cows I could will celebrate it with you,” does name), they are accused of having not sound right. After aLl, God is an “impovcrishcd spirit” (as Mr. not someone who confines himMorton characterized me), or that self to buildings, and also, it is I have “spit on the grave” of King evident from the playing field (or (Mr. Millar’s crass remark), simwherever) that there are plenty of ply b\rr questioning King’s true athletes who want to celebrate the devotion to the spirit of nonviolove of God with each other right lence. there. Furthermore, when reportI’m also accused by Mr. ers ask for comments from the Millar of being “malignant” and players, their intention is not for “petty.” Apparently, anyone who the athlete to make something up dares to disturb the sanctity of the King legend is treated to personal that sounds good. Ifa player wants to give glory to God, whether or slurs of this sort. not anvone else believes in what I must say, I was struck by he is siying, it should not be exMr. Morton’s remark that, “if pected that he keep it to himself, King’s speeches were written by or even lie. What real harm is it others, this in no way diminishes the power of their vision.” doing to listeners who have different beliefs? Don’t we want to Once again, if King truly get to know more about a player stood for the concept of ‘?-he content of one’s character,” his than just his athletic talent? For what reason are there anv plagiarizing of speeches (which is complaints about there being ani a well-documented fact in many allusions to the presence of God highly reputable reference works on King), certainly diminshes in sports? Every single sporting event must begin with the singing King as a person and calls into of at least one National Anthem. question his true leadership abiliWhy does that have a place in sports sports, but any religious notion does not? I have no problem with giving respect to countries inTo the Editor, volved, and, in fact, if vou listen “Religion has no place in very closely, God is even present Nell-Wycik Co-opemtive College is mote than@ sports!” (Terminal Stupidity, Feb. I in our Canadian anthem. aplacetotii. Forwff 25 years,wehwe pm&d a greaf The words “God keep our 7) Hmm, *, That’s something ve? alternativeto lroditionalEtudentresidences.Privaterooms, land glorious and free,” is sVminteresting to ponder. To wonder bed kikhm, greatfa&ies! bolic ofwhat we truly care about, whether the Maker of all things Meetnewfriends,parkpate in Co-oplivingandaccessall (Ecclesiastes 11: 5 ) and thee ver - and the notion can be extrapoTorontohs to offetrightbornyour door. lated into sports. It is not as impresent One (Psalm 46: 1) should portant who wins, although it be told to stay away for three hour periods where people are engaged might seem that way, but what in physical activity. As I have heard counts is that everyone enjoys the this opinion a number of times, game, and grows closer together as people. It is my personal opinnyice in the form of a newspaper editorial, I have decided that my ion, that this cannot be achieved 96hard StreetEmt Tmdo mOntarioM5B 1670Voire:(416) 977-2320 Fax:(416) 977-2809 thoughts should not be kept to without God, and this might exToll-hee:1-MO-2&4358 beMaf.wycik@hfr~tumpt W& site:hnp//www~/~wydt myself. I am writing in response plain the similar prayer in our to the article in the Jan 31 issue anthem. As it can be clearly seen in all sports, where it has been entitled “Thank God for Sports?” especially noticeable in football I am bv no means trying to comlately, Gbd has an important role plain dr argue against any of the in many people’s lives. The playcomments, nor am 1 specifically directing this to the author of that ers are not about to put their article. I would just like to ex- personal relationships with God on hold for a game. press, in the form of my own I think one of the greatest editorial, why I think that God testaments in this world is when should be-and certainlv isplayers from either team of a fmtpresent in sports. First of all, I’d like to just ball game, whether the losing or where the problem seems winning one, huddle right in the I INFO SPRING can provide you with more than 500 ’ clari+ middle of the field and all pray to arise. It appears to me that m companies /organizations who have been hiring in the I most people are not happy with together. Sure, the games get a m Toronto and sister regions during the past six months. m the notion that God is a partisan Little rough and players sometimes 1 of sports and likes to take sides, engage in some activit)r which can m This valuable listing detail’s company names, addresses, m positions hired, contracts, fax numbers, e-mail and 1 and thus in this casethe team that be deemed “sitil.” But we have to remember that Christians are m more (where available). This listing is an excellent 1 God prefers wins. The problem 1 resource to aid you in your job search’and ideal for u is, I don’t hear the players saying also human and sinners (Remans targeting specific companies for employment opportu- I things like “Thank you God for 3:23), and might get a little exII nities. To order send $29.95 (shipping and taxes in- I helping our team win.” cited or fmtrated in the midst of H an intense game. U eluded) payable to: What the players specifically . But we just have to remem1 INFO SPRING,3555 Don Mills Rd. , Suite 6-125, North 3 pray for are more important things ber, that when it’s aU over, if the such as “Lord, please keep each for delivery. 1 York, Ontario, MZH 3N3. Allow 3 weeks team stie from injury,” and ‘<Let players want to come together : (sorry no credit cards) and praise their Creator, we should whichever team whose disapI Name: realize the truth that God cannot pointed with the outcome be able 1m Address: be taken out of sports! to deal with it, and be content 1 City: Pmvince: with their petiormance.” I don’t 1 Postal Code: I like to think of prayer as being - Jumes l3ryhw ICr~~~~I~~~~~~~~-~---rl l

continued from page 9


ties and the kind of moral choices he may have been making behind the scenes. I’m sorry, but I don’t buy the idea that private lack of ethics and morality has nothing to do with public morality. If King called for men to be judged bp “content of character,” then he is not immune from being judged in the same manner. To claim otherwise is total hypocrisy and is a big factor as to why so many people today are cynical, apolitical and apathetic when it comes to trusting their political and religious leaders. By the way, let’s not forget that King was not a politician-he was a religious leader. Oddly enough, many people still believe that religious/spiritual leaders are supposedto abide by a higher code of moral behaviour than a mere politician! ! ! ! ? think it’s important to note that during King’s time, the media was much different in the U.S. than it is today. Public people were not asclosely scrutinized in their behaviour by the media as they are today. JFK’s womanizing went on blatantly and was covered-up by the media. Today, it is much more dif5 cult to keep a lid on that type of behavior, and I don’t think King would have risen to such heights today as he did back then. There was a lot of complicity between





him and the media, just as there was behveen JFK and the media’. Today, people are not as naive, I think the problem here can best be summed up by Mr. Grab& remarks when he says that I would have a “hard time ever convincing him” that the negative evidence given by anyone about King wasn’t anything but “forged evidence.” I could cite a bibliography as long as my arm documenting the facts I referred to in my letter, but the bottom line is that it is diff~cult for people toaccept thattheir heroes are not all they’re cracked up to be, even when faced with irrefutable evidence. But then, I had to accept that there’s no Santa Claus and no Easter Bunny, too. This process is called: growing up and learning to live with facts, instead of fantasy. It doesn’t mean that we abandon our dreams and our visions. No. It just means that we need to take off the rosecolored glasses, and be a bit more selective about who we elevate to %inthood” status. Perhaps if we do that, we can all begin to finally reach our highest ideals.


Room religion

for in

Friday, February 14, 1997

FASS criticism founded


To the Editor,

Regarding Greg Krafchick’s article in this past week’s Imprint (“A Sorry Mess,” Volume 19, Number 26). I feel it is inappropriate for him to present a “manifesto for change” in the guise of a “review.” Some of his remarks may be valid, but his analysis, conclusions, and recommendations are shallow and ill-founded. Mr. Krafchick would do well to study a few more styles of theatre. Not all plays have continuing characters, or compelling plots. What is the plot in ‘Waiting for Godot?” Which are the continuing characters in “The Dining Room?” Who is the hero in a Second City revue? To deem these things necessary is to deny many other possibilities. It’s easy to be critical of a process while viewing it from the outside; to effect a change requires greater committment and understandingthanMr. &&hick can demonstrate in a half page of closely-spaced condescension. 1 trust he will be offering his expertise in the form of an application to be the Chief Scriptwriter for next year’s FASS show. Talk is cheap; laughter is not. - Paul McK&w Bn&aee?kz~ Computinfl member of FASS ‘97’



Tutt #4

The lockout of the projectionists at the Princess Cinema continues. Over 900 cards have been signed by Princess patrons, pledging they will not return until a fair resolution has been negotiated. Nevertheless owner Tutt rebes to negotiate, has hired a replacement worker, and is training a night manager to be a prujectionist. The director of the film “Lilies,” John Grayson, sent a fa asking people not to cross the picket line. People give a variety of reasons for wanting to cross the picket line. The five most common are given below, with responses by the picketers. 1. “I don’t want to be involved/I only want to seea movie .” You are involved if you cross the picket line. You’re putting money in the owner’s pocket, encouraging him to not negotiate. There are other movie theatres, or you could rent a VCR and movie. 2. “This happens everywhere (hence (a) I can’t change it, (b) what’s





treated unfairly) .” There is a lot of unftirness. But in this case it’s essentially the owner and the two * continued

to page







14, 1997

During Darth




his career as a country and western star, Brooks went through many a musician.







When Satanist Ted one of his neighbours he was



McKeehan was really invited

to live with him. Now, living with such a childish, wants

the freeloading

found out that the AntXhrist,





after three months of petulant slob, Ted just

bastard house.

the hell out of his

12 l


FORUM from



projectionists. If we accept unfairness as the norm iri Canada, without responding, we’ll have onlv ourselves to blame. ’ 3. UI don’t want the Princess to fold.” Nobody does, least of all the projectionists. There is no evidence that the Princess was in trouble: a former night manager estimated nightly receipts at $700 to $1000. Ten dollars a night (the difference between former versus replacement worker’s pay) would have little effect. 4. “I don’t believe in unions.” Almost all picketers are not unionists. The projectionists do belong to a union, because the owner has been ur&ir before. (He tried to have a previous projectionist charged with stealing a bag of popcorn!) The owner has described Devries as a good projectionist (in id), but, after nine years of employment, “offered” him $10 an hour (instead of the $13 which he hadbeenmaking), butnohours in January, and perhaps a night in February. This “offer” prevents the projectionists from getting unemployment insurance. 5. Tve missed a lot of movies, I can’t stand it anymore.” See numbers 1 and 3, The more people who drift back, the longer it’s going to take to convince the owner. By staying away you’re helping to build a fairer community, and hopefully saving a job. A party for the projectionists and supporters is being planned for February 15, at 10 p.m. in the Jane Bond: a Toot contra Tutt!


Tutt #5

Tu the Editor, I would like to respond to a few points raised by Peter Vanderheyden in last week’s Impzint. I went through school in the Computer Science program much like Peter did, and have been relatively uninformed about what unions were all about until recently. Many computer programmers work on contracttheir jobs last as long as the contract does, which can be renewed at the employer’s discretion. A collective agreement is different. It is an understanding between groups of full-time and permanent part-time workers and their employers about the expectations that they have ofeach other regarding wages, benefits and the duties and responsibilities of the job. It is against the law for any job’actions to take place during the life of the collective agreement. In some cases, agreements have expired, but the general practice in Canada is for people to continue to work under the terms of the old agreement until a new agreement can be negotiated. The employment terms are separate: the projectionists continue to be employed until they are fired or laid off, subject to the terms of the most recent collective agreement. If&e Princess Theatre needs to cut wage costs, it has three options. First, John Tutt can lay the projectionists off, and do the work himself, making them eligible for unemployment insurance and saving himself money. Second, he can show his books to the

union and demonstrate that he make wage cuts, and Note that the union very understanding of his unique situation in the past, accepting much lower wages than projectionists at other theatres. Or, there’s a third option, made possible by Mike Harris’ new labour laws. Tutt can lock out the unionized workers and hire replacement workers in the hope of getting rid of the union, so that he can dictate the terms of employment, rather than negotiating them. I am fortunate to work for a company (Sybase, Inc.) which has ethical employment practices. When the company was losing money and workers had to be laid off, they were treated with the respect they deserved, and were given assistance in fmding new jobs. Ethical small businesses that are having a rough time are still sensitive to the needs of their employees, and negotiate with them in good faith. Utiortunately, John Tutt is not doing this. Over 900 patrons agree that an alternative cinema must also be an ethical cinema, and they will not patronize the Princess until this dispute is resolved. Whether you’re a Qnionist” or not, I urge you to support ethical business practices by taking your business elsewhere until John Tutt agrees to negotiate. needs to negotiate. has been





Tutt 6%

To the Editor, I know that there have been a number of articles and letters about the dispute at the Princess Cinema-so you might think “why another one?” I feel, however, that Peter Vanderheyden’s letter (Jan. 6) does not represent the viewpoint of a lot of Princess patrons. Let me tell you how I decided to not attend the Princess. It was a brisk cold Saturday night, and I just wanted to see “Breaking the Waves,” a film which my girlfriend in Germany told me I HAD to see.I had heard that something was going on at the Princess, but when I fust was approached by a young woman, one of the many picketers in front of the Princess Cinema, I didn’t want to bother talking. I just wanted to see this movie. I did feel, however, that I needed more information about the dispute, and so I waited and listened to her explanation. The fact that someone had been hired to replace the projectionist, and Tutt (the owner) himselfwas not doing all the projecting was what stopped me. Considering also that the projectionist, Calvin Devries, has worked at the Princess for nine years, and the offer that he received from Tutt involved no hours (and thus wasn’t really an offer) seemed unfair to me. I couldn)t just go into the Princess

IMPRINT, this behaviour. I know that there are many others who feel the same way as Contrary Peter FLderheyden (Feb.?), I think that many people like me do have a problem with an employer just hiring whomever he likes to do the job, particularly after an employee has provided good service for so many years. I think marry of us are trying to find alternative ways of entertaining ourselves during this dispute-which isn’t easv for a student without a car. So I am very hopeful that this dispute will end soon-and I hope that my decision to stay away will make a positive contribution to speeding this process up. I know that I am part of a large group of people, and by all of us missing our favourite movies, we will be able to soon enjoy movies again at the Princess Cinema. and support

Fate of your Fed fee To the EditurJ

I read your third-page news article on spending by the Federation of Students-w&h some degree of shock. Am I nuts, or would most people find some $3S,OOOperpersOn on cLofke supplies” a bit insane? Even without considering the $105,600 spent on the four executives’ salaries, that’s a total of over $139,000 spent on “office and computer supplies.” You could buy at leastnew, decked-out personal computers for that much. Does each executive member need to get fifteen new computers each year? I don’t suppose anyone from the executive will want to comment on exactly how these budgets are ccoversnent?” Does the Federation of Students make its financial statements or ledgers available for inspection? Perhaps someone can tell me what expenses I’m forgetting to take into account.

Eva Peron complex figure


To the Editiw, The figure of Eva Peron is contradictory, which makes it a fascinating one. Hers is one of the most interesting figures in Argentinean history, and by some measurement, of history in general. She was a woman and actress during the macho time. She was an intelligent woman who earned tremendous power. She was a woman who died young -like pass

the elects

of the gods


into history. She was a woman with an enormous passion for social justice.

Friday, February 14, l997 She promoted the equality of social classes, she disturbed the rich, with a very tarian character



and little tolerance for other political parties. She was a very contradictory figure with positive, negative, white, black and grey facets.These aspects of her character summon the imagination of many writers andnovelists. Alan ParkerZsproject is based on the musical comedy written by two Englishmen. And the CcEvita”by Tim Rice responds to the English interests at that time. It was a period of substantial political and economic co&tontations; political for the sovereignty of the Malvinas and economic for the social transformations that Eva Peron introduced in Argentina. Such social transformations included 40 hourwork-weeks, vacation pay, maternity leave, health care benefits, the provision of benefits to accident to victims, and old-age pensions. This fiected mahy of the British companies, previously unaccustomed to according these benefits to their employees. Within the country she constructed a social system, a health care system arid initiated, for the first time in Argentinian history, free elementary, secondary and university education without the requirment of religious comession that the Catholic church had previously required. She gave the right

to vote to

women and she earned the hate of the people who were negatively affected by her social reforms. Her work at that time could not be compared with anyone’s in the occidental world, I believe that the fascinating image of Eva doesn’t propose a true history, but rather she permits several truths, several readings, and several positions, all of which open the infinite field of the polemic. I am speaking of Eva, because, if there were a true history on Eva we would not talk about her anymore. Eva was not predictable. Eva acted in very different ways as a result of being a complex person. For this reason there are a lot of different interpretations of Eva. Which one is the real one? I can’t answer this question for you. At the present time there is not a figure that could be compared to her. Eva appeared on the political scene during the postwar period and emergence of Latin America. Argentina was a powerfd country, one which was coveted by Spain, the United States and England.Eva’s passion for the workers and the poor are not present in any other place. The mixture of service to the poor and passion for social justice is verv rare and is not easy to find in on.& one person. Perhaps the most influential events in the history of Eva were her death at 33 years ofage, caused by cancer and by the physical TXhaustion of working many hours, making many people’s dreams a reality. -M.aml





14, 1997

The funny thing is as soon as 1 run out of things to write about, the government goes and does something moronic. On Wednesday February 5, the Ministry of Education. and Training issued a press reiease announcing a discreti&q ten per cent tuition increase. Discretionary means that in theory universities do not actually have to jack our fees up. But then again, in theory, communism works. II don’t want to focus on the ten per cent increase though. As hard as it is to believe, the tuition increase isn’t the most obtuse thing in the announcement. If you are a fan of higher tuition, accept my apology for alienating you and please keep reading, because today I want to talk about “common sense” and not tuition. The government is committed to accessibility. They have confirmed this verbally and in writing. Snob&n has affirmed his believe that no qualified student in Ontario should be denied access to postsecondary education (PSE). Assuming the government doesn’t lie, it follows that they would take steps towards ensuring accessibility. The next thing you should know is that there is considerable evidence suggesting that debt is a significant barrier to PSE. The research regarding debt is so convincing that many student aid programs and initiatives have, in recent years, focused on limiting debt. In fact, in Ontario, when the government moved from a grant-based to a loan-based program, they recognized the importance oflimiting debt by introducing a forgiveness program. Under the forgive-

February is Black History Month, when the achievements and cultural contributions of people of African heritage are showcased in cities across North America. Although celebrated in the United States since 1926, it was only recognized offlcially as recently as 1979 in Canada, largely &rough the efforts of the Ontario Black History Society. The Society’s President, his torian Rosemary Sadlier, will be speaking at U W on Monday, March 3 at 7 pm, in the multipurpose room of the Student Life Centre, during International Women’s Week events. She believes that many people have no idea how fascinating the history of black people on this continent has been. Sadlier has written a book chronicling the life of Harriet Tubman, a gun-toting conducter of legendary courage on the underground railroad, a networkofhavens which brought slaves to freedom. The Global Change Game is coming: Are you up for the challenge? The Wilfrid Laurier University Local Committee of World University Service of Canada (WUSC) will be hostingt.heGlobalChange Game on February 25. The three-hour game was created by University of Mtitoba students in 1991 and has since traveled to several universities and high schools across Canada. The game was developed in response to the need for awareness among young people ofglobal issues, issues that will have


ness program, students with high debt would have a portion of it forgiven. Specifically, a student would not have to pay back more than $6,000 a year. I’m writing in the past tense, because the government has just cut into the one program that limited debt. Now instead of forgiving everything over $6,000, it’s $7,000. Effectively, the maximum debt for a four year program has jumped from $24,000 to $28,000 (although that may seem like just an arbitrary number, I owe that number). Recently, I heard Terrence Young, Snobelen’s Parliamentary Assistant, speak about how the government wasn’t happy with the loan forgiveness program. I must admit that I’m not wild about the program but at this point, it’s ail we have. If the government wants to get rid of it, then replace it with something better. Instead we’ve been left to flap in the wind. In the same breath that the Minister asserts his commitment to accessibility, he reminds us they are working on student aid reforms (last time I told a prof, I was “working on” a paper I got late marks). The Tories are almost two years late now. During the election, Harris promised they wouldn’t raise tuition until student aid was reformed. Twenty per cent increase. Snobelen downgraded their promise, stating that they wouldn’t deregulated tuition until they reformed student aid and that’s when we got the ten per cent. Like em or lump em, make the Tories stick to their promise! ??

XI impact on their future. The Global Change Game is recognized by the Royal Commonwealth Society as one of the top ten youth community service projects in Canada. Seventy to seventy-five participants are needed to play the game, which is played on a hand-painted world map the size of a basketball court. The participants are divided into groups representing nine regions. Most of the participants will represent 100 million people living within a region, and the rest will represent businesses and government agencies. The object of the game is for each participant to keep their region alive and even prospering over a three-decade time span, begining in the present andending in the middle of the next century. With a hands-on, interactive approach, the participants combat some of the world’s complexities, including overpopulation, health care, the threat of nuclear war, environmental destruction, hunger, and poverty. The Global Change Game is ultimately what the participants make it. In fact, several games have ended in nuclear war. However, the most important aspect of the game is not the outcome, but rather what new-foundawareness the participants take away with them. The game will be held in the gymnasium at University Stadium (formerly Seagram’s Stadium). For more information please call (519) 8840710, extention 2734.

Hey Baby Seeing as this is Valentine’s Day, I thought I might digress from the riveting political rhetoric, just for a moment, and write about romance. After all, if anyone knows romance in the 90’s, it% me. I thc@ht I’d do all you lonely guys out there a fav& and suggest a few guidelines that 7 know will improve your chances of scoring with the babe of your dreams. 1. Never call a chick a chick. While there are a few cool chicks who don’t get too uptight about this, there are more who do, and a few who will be downright pissed off. Don’t chance it. Stick with “girl” or, if vou are on good terms, “babe 2. Girls are also sensitive about their bodies. Never, ever, make a crack about a girl’s butt. Even when thev’re , an absolute babe and they have the most amazing ass you’ve ever seen, don’t even suggest -- that it might be too big. They will freak out in a serious way. T&t me on this one. 3. Have some classical music in your CD collection. You know, brand name stuff like Beethoven or Mozart or something. If you can, pick a favourite tune so that when they get all impressed that you even have any classical stuff, you can follow

up with the clincher, “I especially enjoy Symphony #4 in B minor,” or something to that effect. Works every time. 4. Take care of yourself. Go just a little easier on the beer, or just a lithe harder on the Stairmaster. Most girls I know say that physical appearance isn’t that important, but, I swear to God,they3~ealllying. I knew a guy who girls wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. He spent some time in the gym and presto! Babes everywhere. Different girls like different things but, generally speaking, a good assis important and biceps are up there too. And lose the excess bodv hair, The 70s are over. 5. Last, and certainly not least, get a kitten!! This is the absolute best. No girl in the world will be able to resist you ;yfyou can pull this one off. Nothing says “D’eep inside, T’m a sensitive guy” better than having a kitten, and this, more than anv other thing, will drive a girl insane wi& passion. Granted, the logistics are complicated (i.e., what the hell do you do wit&&e damn cat after you two have fallen madlv in love accordi .ng-to plan) but a kitten can’; be beat. Hey, I just Z&d with a kitten once and I scored.

by Melissa MacDonald It’s Wednesday at 9: 30 p.m. There are four lesbians crouched around a tiny portable TV in a room that has just been used for a gay and lesbian discussion group. Tonight is the night. Thev, wait a&iousiy for any sign. Thei delight - in the slightest innuendo, Tonight is the night-or so the rumour goes. As usual, the rumour is wrong. Ellen does not come out. Why are we so disappointed? Why are we so pissed ofI? Why do we keep tuning in every Wednesday hoping and hoping that she’ll do it? Whv does it matter so much to us? I admit 1 was one of those four women crowded around the TV screen, all tense, nervous, and excited, waiting for her to say the magic words. Am I really that desperate for validation? The answer is yes. Yes, I am. Having an out lesbian lead character in a national sitcom would be truly revolutionary. It would be a symbol of all the progress we’re hopefully making in our struggle for acceptance. It would be a historical turning point-the lesbian herstory equivalent of ?Vhere were you when JFK was shot’?” It matters to me because I’m sick of starving for sub-text, for any little scrap of homo-eroticism in this heterosexual world. She’s famous, she’s fUnny, she’s loved and she’s GAY! There is a powertirl need in the les/gay/ bi community for role models. We are so invisible unless we make ourselves seen and heard. My straight friends can’t understand why I get excited when I discover some new celebrity who is gay. For example, when I mentioned that Rosie O’Donnell lives with and raises her son with her same-sex partner 1 was told this is irrelevant. And it is. Or at least it should be. But until our sexuality is viewed

as legitimate and healthy, we will remain a threatened invisible minority, and finding others like ourselves will be relevant to us. Maybe it seems a little sad, but it’s a lot like the-feminists and black activists who went back and re-evaluated the contributions that women and blacks made to our culture in an attempt to reverse their devaluation. So many homosexuals grow up isolated from the tolerance of the larger cities. There are people in this world who would wilELIly do us harm, just for being the people that we are-for loving differently. We reject one of the most mass& cultural lies-enforced “natural” heterosexuality. This has a tendency to mess with your head. Our suicide rate is a tragedy. Gay people need to see other successful, healthy gay people. We need heroes as much as anybody, and it’s a little twisted, but a lot of us are projecting our hopes onto Ellen. So I am calling on Ellen DeGeneres to be a warrior, To rise above her own insecurities and to attempt to transform the world by using the power she has as a celebrity. Ellen has been teasing us for months. I can’t take another Melissa Etheridge joke. It’s not funny anymore. She’s coming dangerously close to using the titillation heterosexuals get out of the lesbian taboo foi her own p&it. It’s not like it will come asa surprise,-Some of the sponsors will pull out. The American Family Association will boycott the remaining sponsors because somehow they figure that a comedy show like Ellen is much more threatening to our society than all the violent, sexist crap the networks spew out every day. It’s true, she’ll probably disgust and outrage some people, but more importantly she’ll change a few minds with her humour and humanity. Just do it Ellen.

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The Advanced Photo System Future of Photography or Failed Form of Film? by Mike Owen Imprint staff ile it seems to have escaped the consumer’s notice since its release, the photographic industry as a whole seems to be throwing a lot ofweight behind the newest of the film formats - the much vaunted Advanced Photo System. This new system comes with some features that might or might not be useful, and a smaller negative format with some new film technology in it. In spite of the huge corporate muscle behind it, this format seems far from taking off. So let’s take a look at APS, and why it seems to be failing in its bid for supremacy in the film world. The new APS rotates around a main principle of the incorporation of digital information into each photo taken, as well as comments on the subject, and possibly back labels for the photos. This information exchange, or Ix as it has been termed, is the most revolutionary feature of the film system. With cameras thar use all of these information recording features, development can be optimized to produce what should off&lly be the best pictures possible under the circumstances. In addition, the new format is arranged so that one camera can interchangeably take three different sizesof pictures, ranging from the typical shots to slightlv wider ones, to a full panoramic iiew, all on one roll of film, with no reduction in the number of shots per roll. If you have been pining for an opportunity to write “Happy Birthday” in Portuguese on the backs of your photos, then you’re in photo heaven! The new labeling feature is in 12 languages on all cameras, or at least all of the cameras that support the feature. In case you hadn’t guessed, you will need a new camera for this format, just to rake pictures with it, as the film comes in a differently shaped cannister. However, the camera isn’t the only concern with respect to the information being recorded. You also have to worry about the developer, as most developers have yet to purchase the new and expensive equipment to be able to process this new film format. If this all seems rather annoying to you, you’re hardly alone. Given the saturation of the market for 3Smm cameras, this is probably even more of a market shakeup attempt than minidisks were, except that this one has been more

successfirl. But this is part of the reason for the shake-up itselfthe market for cameras has been dropping. While a camera may not last as long as a major appliance like a fridge or television, you can still only sell so many 35mn1 cameras before sales begin to drop. How do you solve this problem? Simple enough - tell people that they need to buy new cameras! It’s too bad for the industry that so few have been listening. So does this new format really perform better than the 35mm format that’s been in use for almost a century now? The simple answer is yes, but the level of improvement seems trivial. The difference was more significant at first, but 35m.m film was brought up to the technological level 0rCthe APS film, so the improvement in picture quality became an unimpressive 0.5 per cent. Evidently, this halfa per cent improvement is hoped to send us into a frenzy of consumption, as we rush out to snap up the new APS cameras. Funny how this hasn’t happened. Now, instead of having professionals wonder about whether 35mm Urn is dead, speculators are predicting the death of APS. This wouldn’t be the first time that a new film format has been introduced and died in less than a decade. The eighties had several formats like this, such as the disk cameras, and the Xl0 format f*tis. You might not remember the 110 film - it came in those small plastic casesthat could be thrown into a camera with no real. loading, and didn’t even have to be rewound, drawing some interesting parallels with the APS. But somehow it’s hard to believe that a film format being pushed so hard by so many manufacturers could fail the same way that these ill-conceived formats did. In the likely event that APS survives, it still has some definite shortcomings that make it unappealing for the serious amateur, as well as the professional photographer. A major consideration is that the negatives are quite small, which means that they cannot be expanded into prints as large as those you’d be able to get from 35mm or a 645. In addition, the setup of the fiLm development



The newest wastes of space in the photogmphic people who use a camera a few a month. This makes one wonder why there may be SLR cameras and black and white film coming out for APS format. These two things - expensive cameras and alternate film formats are generally the domains of the serious amateurs, professional photographers and journalists. These may simply be the film companies dreaming ofthe ideal world where times


everyone buys their new format. so whaidoes the future hold for the new film format? As I said, the death of APS seems unlikely, but at the same time, it hardly seems poised to take control of the marketplace. Not only do the cameras and film cost more, but the developing can be startlingly expensive - would you pay 1.25 per shot off a 40 shot roll of film? To add to this price prob-


not lend itself to home devebping. Even if it did, professional photographers would likely be insulted by the idea that they need a microchip telling them how to optimize their pictures. This format was really designed for the point and shoot set,

slve appnc;tuuns.




lem, the lack of properly equipped developers has lead to week long waits for development. Hardly a boost in convenience for a group used to one hour photoshops. While 35mm film has been around for decades, it would appear that it’s going to be around for even longer. I’m hoping to buy a new camera in the next half a year or so, and I’ve decided that ifs going to be a 35mm.

16 l






larger caches are always a good thing. Many people are of the option that this newly doubled cache is the real reason why the MMX is testing faster than the Classic, and they’re probably right.

One last improvement that was made by Intel was to chance the way some commands alter data. Most computers address each section ofdata separately, and have to repeat loops several times to change a large group of numbers. The MMX can adress several bits of data at once, saving valuable cvcle times. ’ So does this new chip really live up to the hoopla and lousy ads that we’re being subjected to at the moment? It’s actually hard to say. It would appear that the results vary from application to application, but in general the new chip does tend to outperform the older Pentium Classic chips. Unfortunately, for all the advertisement, this improvement is not a dramatic or ievolutionary one by any means. Improvement seems to range around ten per cent, and in a few cases, it would appear that the MMX was a bit slower than the Pentium Pro. The MMX will run better once



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Friday, February 14, 1997


it, as this will take advantage of the new commands and the data handling capabilities. For now, however, there are very few products out which are designed to work at


their best on the MMX chips. Some major labels are working on

versions of their famous programs, such as Adobe Photoshop and the like. Utiortunately, the programs thatusersreallywanttorunquickly will likely never be optimised for speed on the MMX. Don’t go 1ookingforanewversionofQuake or DOOM anytime soon. So which should you buy if you’re out there looking for a new computer. ’ The vote’s still out on that decision, especially when different sources say conflitting things about the same subjects. But if you wait too long, then Intel will make that choice for you. Under pressure from competitors, Intel has dropped MMX prices to verv near those of the hentium ClaLics, and is phasing out the Pentium Classic. Before you thank Pentium for their generosity, you should know that this is nothing special, becauseguesswhat? The MMX chips really don’t cost much more than the Classics to produce - the increase in price was largely a profit



Geekin aradiationsuit


grab for Intel. Unfortunately for Intel, companies like Cyrix can exert the competitive pressure to keep the market at a profit level that keeps computers affordable for the consumers. So MMX is the future, for better or worse. If you’re really super-keen, you can wait until the Pentium Pro MMX comes out. To be honest, tier looking at the results of the speed tests, I’m quite sure that it’s not worth it.


Mail Mike at science@Imprin~,or call the Imprint office at 888-4048

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Warriors are good as Goldie

Varsity Sports VVhat to watch this weekend

by Tony Martins special to Imprint


eff Goldie is back and so is his Midas touch. And it couldn’t have come at a better time for the Warrior Friday, February 14 hockey team, who had suffered two straight defeats heading into last week’s play. Warrior Hockey Goldie, a third-year winger vs, Laurentian Vayitgeurs who missed most of Jmuary with a knee injury, has worked himself 7130 p.m. A back into game shape and scored CRC c Icefields five points in two games as the This is a remufch uf Eastyear3 Warriors beat Ryerson on Thursday, 4-3, and Brock on Saturday, Queen ‘s Cup semi-final which 5-L the M4wriurs wm to advance Goldie was named Warrior Athlete of the Week for his efto the nationals. Laurentian is forts. With just four regular seacoming a long way Zooking for son games remaining, the Warrirevenge.Pity. I’. ors appear to be backon track and in stride for the playoffs that beend of the month. Sunday, February 16 gin atAt theRyerson, Waterloo capiWarriar Hockey vs. York Yeomen 2 p.m. CRC - Icefields The OUAA Mid- West division leaders cume iu town to see just who is the best in ihe

UUAA West.

TheTopTens CIAU


1. Alberta Golden Bears 2. Calgary Dinosaurs 3. Guelph Gryphons 4. UQTR Les Patriotes 5. St. Francis Xavier X-men 6. Acadia Axemcn 7, IJNB Varsity Reds 8. Wutwluo Win-rim 9. Saskatchewan Huskies IO. Manitoba Bisons CIAW TRACK


1. Toronto Varsity Blues 2. wuterlw wuv&m 3. Windsor L,ancers 4. Western Mustangs 5. Saskatchewan Huskies 6. Ottawa Gees Gees & Manitoba Bisons 8. Sherbrooke Vert et 0r 9. York Yeomen HI. Alberta Golden Bears

talized during man-advantage situations with two power play goals and held off a chippy Rams squad for a one-goal win. Goldie assisted on both of those power play goals while Chris Kraemer had one goal and one assist.Marc Vaughan, Greg Esdale, and Steve Smith were the other Warrior goal-scorers. On Saturday hosting Brock, the Warriors came out on fire and scored two quick markers just 20 seconds apart to take control of the game. Brearley opened the scoring at 3: 11 and Esdale found the net again at 3:31. Brock captain Rick Morton got one back for the Badgers at 502, but Mike Chambers and Sheldon Gilchrist scored for Waterloo at 14145 and 17:52 respectively. The period ended with the Warriors up 4-l. Goldie, who had assisted on the Brearley and Gilchrist goals,

To the Brwk

defence, Peter Ehearley is just a blur. photo by Daniel German

finally got one of his own, the only goal in the third period, to round out the scoring. Holding a six-point lead in their division, the Warriors host

Laurentian on Friday night and York on Sunday afiernoon hefore travelling to Western and Windsor next week for their final two regular season games.

Manoman,did we win Six swimming records by Peter Brown special to Imprint fit had been a fight, the referee would have stopped it. In the biggest of must-win games, the Waterloo Warrior basketball team handed the Wiifrid Laurier Golden Hawks a thorough 106-69 pounding at the PAC on Wednesday night to stay in playoff contention and shake a purple and gold monkey off of their collective back. Led by Mano Watsa’s 28 points (21 in the first half alone) and four other players in double figures, the 4-6 Warriors shook, rattled, and rolled over top of the Hawks to avenge a narrow loss at Laurier’s gymnasium in January. ‘We needed to make a statement to ourselves,” Watsa said afterward, pointing to himself as he spoke. “To let us know that we can respond. “Today we were extremely focused and we came out wi& a lot of intensity and energy. We needed that after losing by two points at Lauricr.”





out to

a 30-16 lead after a Mike Crosby basket, but the Hawks pulled back to within 12,30-18, before UW reeled off a 23-9 run to make it 53-27 at the break. One pos*ssion afier another, the Warrior big men grabbed the

boards and the guards caused the turnovers, and everybody passed to open streaking to the basket. L.A. Laker showtime had nothing on this. For the Hawks, the punishment continued in the second frame as the closest they got was 20 points back, 67-47. Mike Zavershnik, Remy Donaldson, Mike Crosby, and Dan Schipper scored 15, 14, 13, and 10 points respectively, and six Warriors had at leastfive rebounds. For VVLU, Jeff Zdrahal had 17 points, while Kevin Ryan and Jeff Sandstrom had 16 and 13. Last Saturday, the Warriors dropped to 3-6 afier a 91-81 loss to the McMaster Marauders, who are ranked third in the CIAU’s national coaches poll. UW led the Marauders 40-38 at halftime, but couldn’t overcome a triple double from Keegan Johnson and clutch free throws from Titus Charmer. “They made some difficult shots in the second half, some crucial shots when the game was on the line,” said UW head coach Tom

Kicswettcx. With 2:40

to play, Warrior rookie Mike Zavershnik scored to pull within one point, 77-76, but McMaster finished with a 15-5 run, including 10 made free throws in the final minute of play, eight of those from Charmer.

broken at OWIAA’s by UW SSm Team specid to Imprint


he Athenas competed at U off this past weekend with great spirit and many personal bests. Val Walker led the team with three medals and three new school records. She placed second in both the 5Om and 200m breaststroke and added a bronze in the 1OOm breaststroke. ‘<It felt great being able to represent Waterloo like that,” an elated Walker commented afier stepping off the podium. Walker came back from a poor swim in the morning to prove herself in the 400m I.M. by winning the consolation final. Amy Jarvis was swimming faster than ever when a shoulder injury took her out of the competition early. Before this tragic injury Jarvis still managed to capture two new school records in the 200m fly and 400m I.M. She placed sixth in the 200m freestyle but was unable

to compctc

in the

finals of her other events. Both Jarvis and Walker qualified for the Canadian Championships in all four events they swam. Coach Cartlidge put together strong medley relays which placed an impressive fif& in both the

4x5Om and 4x100m adding a record to the school hoard in the 4x50m. The relay teams were composed of Sheryl Sanders, Walker, Jarvis, and Deanna Hlywka. Hlywka was replaced by Tereza Mace1 in the 4xIOOm relay. Sheryl Sanders, battling the flu, still managed impressive consolation final swims placing 1 I* in both the 1OOm and 2OOm backstroke and 12’h in the 5Om back. Doris Ho showed her sprinting prowess placing 14rhin 50m back. Tereza Mace1 placed Wh in both the grueling 800m freestyle and the 200m backstroke, The 4x20Om freestyle relay team of Jenn Pells, Amy Merschback, Ho and Mace1 added to the point score placing 16% Gaining valuable experience and adding crucial spirit and best times to the team were Erin Campbell, Laura Anderson, Raelene Discoll, and Heidi Borgmann. Special thanks to our trainers Sarah and Mary Anne and our coaches


have inspired


throughout the year. Good luck to our boys who are competing in Sudbury this weekend at OUAA swimming championships. The CIAU’s will be held Feb 28 - March 2 in St. Catharines at Brock University.





Friday, February 14, 1997


by Peter lknardon Imprintstaff -


thena and Warrior volleyball teams ended their egular seasons Wednesday night with convincing wins over the Laurier Golden Hawks. It marks the end of the Warriors’ 4-8 season, but the Athenas may still clinch a playoff spot if Guelph loses to second-ranked Windsor today

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The Athenas’ convincing 15 12,16-14,159winovertheLady Hawks at Laurier came on the heels of last Fridav’s heartbreaking loss to the Western nags at the PAC, and was necessary to have anychanceofmakingthe OWIAA playoffs. The Athenas’ three game win over Laurier seemed pretty easy, with the exception of the performance of Laurier’s six foot middle, Stephanie Dart and her right side counterpart Shannon Brooks. The two women accounted for most of Laurier’s offense, but could not overcome what was otherwise a collectively sloppy effort compared to the Athenas’ steady performance. One scary moment saw Cathy Herzog leave with an injury, but she later returned atier Laura Shantz proved a more than capable replacement. Setter Alyson Woloshyn caught the Hawks sleeping a total of five times with faked sets that plopped embarrassingly to the floor on Laurier’s side and tickled the Waterloo fans in attendance. It was a different Warrior team that frustrated the powehl Golden Hawks. In order to beat

Ana Kasumovic gets vertical in preparation to open up yet another

can of whoop-ass


Western. The Athe-

1-t a 3-Z

heartbreaker, but reboundedon Wednesday to roast the Lauder Golden Chickens 3-Oto keep their playoff hopes alive. photo

the likes of OUAA all-star Kevin Shonk and crushers like Ryan Brown and Dan Grypstra who can take the varnish off the floor, you have to play defense. And play they did. The Warriors had great success stuffing the great white Shonk, and made scores of fanta&

by Peter Lenardon

tic digs. Every Warrior went hard the whole time, and the team showed real character after losing the third game to the Hawks and coming back to thump them in the final game and take the match. 17-15,15-13,6-15,15-4. An excellent performance to end the season.



he Waterloo Track team’s phenomenal success this year can be largely attributed to hard work and dedication. This hard work, however, extends beyond the athletes themselves. And we’ll keep you coming and going with regular ’ The Waterloo Track and Field return departures at student discount prices. head coach, Brent McFarlane, is a very big reason behind the team’s phenomenal year. from KitcheneVWaterlooto: The Warriors and Athenas Toronto $22 Belleville $51 Sudbury $91 ’ aren’t the only ones to benefit from Brent’s vast knowledge of Peterborough ~~~ --.-.-.- --$42 London $20 Ottawa $85 sprints and hurdle techniques. Other disuounted destinations available. Brent speaks to coaches and athPrice does not include G.S.T. letes all over the world. He has Pickups on campus for Toronto. Oropoffs also available. At Matthews Hall, spoken at both the International William G. Davis Centre, Engineering 1 Building. Please see schedule. Coaches Congress in Atlanta, during the Olympics, and at the Surf to United States Track and Field High Performance Men’s Four Day Hurdle camp, at the OlymUniversityShopsPlaza 170 UniversityAvenueW. 15 CharlesStreetW. Kitchener pic Training Center while in San Diego with the UW team over 741-2600 886-0400 Christmas.

From January 3 1 to February 2, coach McFarlane spoke at the Japanese National Coaches Congress in Tokyo. He spoke to 80 coaches from across Japan about cc. . ,an enormous number of new ideas, trends and current hurdle research.” This past weekend, while the team was at home training hard, Brent was in Winnipeg helping Canadian sprinters prepare for the Canada Games. He gave a one hour talk on speed, and followed that up with some practical exercises on the track. McFarlane urges that these conferences are of great benefit to the University: “Although I am a guest speaker, I pick up many new ideas which I bring back to K-W and theuniversity. The community benefits greatly from their application at our two yearly training camps (December in San Diego and March in Houston) in the USA, which have given more than 1,500 local athletes an opportunity to travel, learn and im-

prove their track and field skills.” In Japan, Brent said he learned some new things about flexibility for hurdlers. The highlight of the Cargill Games, an international track meet held in Winnipeg this weekend, was IanNewhouse, track coach at Lakehead University, who just missed breaking the world record for indoor 80Om in the 40 and over age division. His participation at these international events can only add to McFarlane’s already large resources of track experiences . Not only a world classsprints and hurdles coach, Brent was named the OWIAA and CIAU coach of the year for women’s Cross Country. He is an entrepreneur as well, selling out of the 25 copies ofhis sprint book and video in a matter of minutes to his colleagues in Japan. He will be speaking later in the year in Reading, Pennsylvania, St. Louis, Missouri and in Virginia.






14, 1997

CRLeaders oftheweek Tiring

of perhtent

trade mm~m,


strikes out on a new sporthqg venture. photo

by Norman O’Reilly special to Imprint


by Natalie


Curtis Ryan

Championships, the Athena Nordic Ski Team had their best results since they won five straight OWLAA titles back in the early 1980’s. In the combined pursuit event (a skate race followed by a classic with starting times staggered according to the preceding day’s results), four Athenas placed in the top 20. Allison Lampi has emerged as the team’s strongest skier with a ninth place finish. Alex Smol, Joanne Murray and Leanne Wortley finished seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth, respectively. These great results, plus the fact that JessicaMaier, the Athenas second ranked skier, did not race has coach Don MacKinnon aiming high for the OW’L%I championships in two weeks’ time.

t the most recent inter-university event, a pursuit style race in Ottawa, Brent Curry captured bronze, ave Climie fifth and Stephen Daniels eighth to b&y their confidence heading North Bay. And at the Southern Ontario Championships last weekend against strong competition, including all universities and the national development team, both Climie and Curry cracked the top 10 with Climie leading the way in seventh in the 3Okrn classic. At their final university ski race before the OWIAA


Kellie parks

Curtis Ryan took on leading a Monday/Friday aquafit class because of a lack of aquafit instructors this term. In order to do a better job, Curtis was trained in aquafitness instruction here at UW. Curtis also represented the UW aquatics team at the 1996 Ontario Pool Lifeguard Championships . Kelhe Parks is a student therapist for the indoor field hockey team. She h&qtaken on the responsibility ofPromotions for Campus Rec. Her bulieth board displays and tournament posters have been described as amazing. Campus Ret can now be reached at our new e-mail address:

Athletes of the Week HOCKEY



OUAA FAREASTGPW UQTR M&ill Concor&a Ottawa MID EAST Cnclph TrlnjnrcJ Q1ICClI’5


L 3 9 IO 11

T 2 2 2 1

F 128 108 9.5 78

ATP 55 81 109 87

36 24 22 21

GI’ 22 22 22 22

W 19 12 3 2

L 2 8 IS 17

T 1 2 4 3

F 115 106 57 67

A 51 92 129 131

TP 39 26 IO 7

GP W 2211 22 11 22 8 22 3

L 9 11 13 17

T 2 0 1 2

F A TP 028424 95 84 22 YO 106 17 57119 8

PARWESTGP wu t&w WiIdWr IVcwern

W 17 13 11 5

L 5 7 11 15

T 0 2 0 2

F 101 106 87 54

Laufier M&laster Windsor Gwlph WUt#d# Brock


York HrcKk WaMm Windsnr Ottawa Toronto



Guelph UQTR Guctph Windsor Launcr Western McGill wat&-rh

0 1

Rm Laurentian Queen’s Gjncurdia Uql-R Toronn, Gfincordia Y0f-k R!rerson Laurentian Queen’s

3 4 2 6 3 1 2 OT 5 1 2 1



Watcvloo 3 Bmek (xsrg x-13, 15-7) Westurn 3 Guelph (156,157, 15-11) GUdph 3 Rrock (13-5, 14-16, 14-l&15-12, Wm 3 wawbo (S-I5,15-5,IS-& K-5) M&laster 3 Windsor (15-5,15-ll,ll-15,15-12)



Rvcrson Laurentian

MI’ MW 12 10 12 8 12 7 12 5 12 0

GL 9 21 17 29 36

TP 20 16 14 IO 0

0 2 17-K) I I



M&aster (153,153. Guelph (15-5, H-3, Wcstnrt (156,11-M, M&faster 15-15,15-L!,



3 Lauricr 0 15-9) 3 Bmk 0 15-2) 3 wattrrlo 2 M-16, 15-5,15-I) 3 Windsor 2 1513,12-S, 15-12)

4 9 12 15 29 22 30

WEST y-western x-Mchbstcr x-Win&or Guelph ward@ Laluier Nip&sing

MP MW ML GW 14 13 1 39 13 10 3 31 13 9 4 33 13 8 5 26 13 7 4 24 13 4 9 16 12 0 12 5 11 0 11 0

GL PTS 9 26 12 20 14 18 19 16 23 14 30 8 36 0 33 0


x - clinched y - clinched

20 14 14 12 6 4 0


playoff spot division title

Wakrlo6 3 Bmk (X5-9, IS-U, 15-8) Western 3 Guelph (15-13, 15-11, 15-11)



EAST Laurentian York Toronto Ottawa Ryenon Carleton Quce n’s

GP W 14 14 14 11 15 11 14 8 14 7 14 4 15 4

L GB 0 3 3 4 3.5 6 6 7 7 10 10 11 10.5

WEST M&laster Guelph Western Rrosk Windsor Laurier Wizti Lakehead

GP W 97 8 6 8 5 8 4 8 3 8 3 93 8 2

L 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6

(cont.) GP 9 8 9 9 10 9 11 9


W L YO 8 0 5 4 45 4 6 36 3 8 18

GB 0.5 4 5 5.5 b 7 8

0 0

x - clinchcci





7 8

EAST x-Toronto Laurentian York Queen’s Ryerson Ottawa CarIeton

86 76 60 68 75 76 91



Western Lakchead Brock Laurier Wntdw

56 57 60 70 81





wa&wkMJ 70

W 13 IO 9 5 4 4 0

L 2 4 5 10 IO IO 14

Fch 5

7 8


0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 4 4.5

hkhbster Bnuk Guelph windsor Western Guelph McMastw

GP 15 14 14 15 14 14 14





I WEST x-Western Lakehrad Guelph M&aster Laurier Windsor Wuterh Brock




ML GW 2 34 4 27 5 25 7 20 12 6


Feb. 5


MPMWhCGWGLPTS 10 IO 0 30 9 7 2 23 9 7 2 21 11 4 5 20 12 3 9 14 9 2 7 15 ICI 0 10 0

OUAA EAST Turnnto York



EAST x-Tororm x-York x-Ottawa X-Queen’s LakrttKtd Carleton Rycrsm



33 28 26 19 14 15 6

TP 20 18 16 8 8 6 0

I FCb5

A TP 60 34 90 28 77 22 83 12

Westrrn Lauriur

2 1 2 7 7 8 II

I GL 12 9 IO 25 28 24 33




MPMWMLGW 12 10 IO 9 10 8 11 4 11 4 11 3 11 0


17 11 IO IO

MID WEST York Laurcntiw Rrwk R\wwl




22 22 22 22

22 22 22 22


GB 2.5 3.5 8 8.5 8.5 12.5

McMasscrr Wnarh western Lakcbead Laurier L7ffiw L&head Western

50 49 75 83 54 80 78 87

Laurier Bmck Guelph Windsor Guelph wm%rhw Windsor Bmck

Val Walker

46 42. 67 63 44 57 49 70

Jeff Gddie


OWIAA .r- WufHhM x-RMC x-Trent x-Queen’s x-Nipissing x-Brock Western MuMasrer Toronto LiUlriCr

W 6 6 5 5 5 5 3 3 2

L 2 2 3 3 3 3 5 5 6



NOTE: x-quditicd for OWIAA

PTS 12 12 IO IO IO IO b

Walker qualified for CIAU championships in four separate events and set three UW varsity records at the OVVIAA swimming finals in Guelph on the weekend. The first-year student from Waterloo fmished second in both the 2OOm and 50m breaststroke and was third in the 1OOm breaststroke.

6 4 0


OUAA RMC Western Queen’s Watiav hlcMsster Laurier Trcnr Toronto Nipissing

W 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 2

L 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 4


x0 8 6

6 6 4

Goldie came back from a knee injury to score five points and spark the Warriors to wins over Ryerson and Brock last week. A third-year student from Owen Sound, Goldie picked up two assists,including one on the w I;nning goal, and scored one himselfagainst Brock as the Warriors remained in control of the OUAA Far West division.





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All-Star games, for the most part, blow. At least they do now, anyway. The only All-Star game that doesn’t really suck right now is that of Major League Baseball. Yes, Major League Baseball. Let us examine All-Star games in general: First, the most ridiculous game of all, the NHL AllStar game. How many more highscoring afG.irs are we going to have to endure? Why would I want to watch a game where the @avers don’t even play the game right? Nobody plays defence, nobody hits, and everybody plays with the “I’m gonna score” mehtality that deteriorates the game into nothing but an over-glorified pond-hockey scramble. Ooooo, fim. Thanks for the effort guys. At least the NHL All-Star game sucks because the players won’t play right, The NFL Pro Bowl doesn’t even give players a chance. The rules for the Pro Bowl are different than those of a regular football game, Prohibition of

quarterback blitzing and other arcane rules, although put in place to reduce injury, take away from the beauty of pro football. Also, many of the selected Pro Bowl players turn down the invitations and don’t make the free trip to Huwuii, or else claim 3njur-y.” Really, the Pro Bowl shouldn’t even be played, since it’s anticlimactic. Also, the nature of football is such that someone could suffer a career-ending injury in a meaningless game. Just name a team and leave it at that. The NBA All-Star game, though entertaining, is especially nota’ble for the lack of participants. Certain players develop mysterious “injuries” that coincidentally sideline them for a period of time that just happens to include the All-Star game. The players also miss a couple of other games, just to make it look good. While there’s no way to prove it, this practice really sucks. It’s not like the teams play punishing, New

Lets face it, in the mid- 1990’s, pro sports have sucked. Here’s a quick assesskent of where the five sports leagues that I follow stand, and where they are going.

very nostalgic season, in which “the frozen tundra of Lambeau Field” became a household term. Playoff performances by the expansion teams in only their second seasons, the reigning echelon of top teams, legions of die-hard fans, and increasing parity mean strong games every week and loads of excitement down the stretch. Grade: B




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Gmy Bettman

The coolest game on ice is certainly earning that reputation. Thanks to the leadership of Gary Bettman, the NHL has finally established a presence in the United States, with anetworkTV deal on Fox, sponsorship deals with major players like Nike and FritoLays, and increased American interest. However, the Stateside leanings of the league has led to a lot ofconcern from Canadian fans about the state of our game. Winnipeg and Quebec have lost teams, and Edmonton, Calgary and even Ottawa aren’t financially stable. Officiating is questionable, with clutch and grab now a way of life, and the talent pool has been diluted by expansion, though rule enforcement is stern and proactive. Grade: C+ National Football League tZhmwistiner:



Problems abound, but the NFL survives unscathed. Drugrelated suspensions, arrogant team owners, conficts between players and coaches, and that’s just Dallas. With the Super Bowl returning to Green Bay, the NFL had a

Nati~nd Basketball Association The NBA is the deal right now. Brilliant marketing, a good, youth-oriented game, and management with a vision of success, on and off the court. Most NBA stars have a personality that appeals to the fans, which is not something you can say for, well, most major league baseball players. The NBA dominates the clothing market, with billions in sales every year, and basketball stars have become the new schoolyard icons. With a new crop of superstars ready to replace the Jordans, Ewings, and Olajuwans, the league only has to work on increasing offence to carry themselves into the 2Ist century. Too many 85 80 games for most fans’ liking. Grade: B+

Friday, February 14, 1997 York Knicks thugbail or anythbg, so the chance of injury is actually rather miniscule. Also, thegame resembles hockey in that it is higher-scoring than a typical regular season game. At least the game is entertaining enough to prevent it from being a total wash. At least Major League Baseball, for all of its inherent stupidity, hasn’t screwed up their AllStar game, yet. The players come to play, and the game actually resembles a typical baseball game. The game still has a certain mystique about it, and the rare oneon-one matchups benveen the best pitchers and the best hitters of each league still provides a thrill that is unequaled by any other All-Star contest. There is a lesson to be iearned. IfMajor League Baseball has the best anythg you know you’re doing something horribly wrong. The NBA, NHL, and NFL should look at finding ways of improving what is supposed to be a showcase of their respective talent. If the best of what you’ve got is putting on a lousy show, what is that saying about your league? Ironically, the most horribly managed professional sport in the entire world is setting the standard of what the best of the best should be.

inept leadership from (non)Acting Commissioner Bud Selig and an assortment of selfish, hypocritical owners. The players run rampant over the rule books, and thanks to an overly-empowered union, are able to get away with anything and only miss a game or two. The quality of play is horrid, with very little good pitching available. Baseball needs a leader like Peter Euberoth or Bar-t Giarnatti, a man with a vision for the game, not just greed. Otherwise, the grand old game is a sinking ship with no captain to go down with the ship and little prospect for improvement. Perhaps they should follow the NHL’s example and steal a leader away from the NBA. Grade: F Canadian Hockey League Comvnissioner:


The CHL, comprised of the Ontario Hockey League, the Western Hockey League and the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, has managed to weather the storm of the Graham James scandal, without too much of an image problem. The CHL puts on a solid, entertaining game night after


and as a testament


its talent level, players from the CHL have won the last five World Junior

Total disarray. Baseball consistently undermines itself, with



and pro-

vided about 65 per cent of the talent in the NHL today. The CHL is pure, Canadian hockey. Grade: A

The return ofSpeedy Gonza S ace w /pFlux

Lee)sPalact~ Monday, February 10 by Karsten W. Gitter Imprint staff


ot too many bands are able to transfer their studio efforts onto a stage effectively. Considering the w&z variety of sounds characterizing their debut album, Spiders, Space could have been expected to suffer the same fate. Fortunately though, Space was able to maintain the same quality as displayed on the album, and then some. From the second the band took the stage, it became obvious that these guys were here to have fun. “Anybody here evef sucked a monkey’s dick,. , ?” seemed an appropriate preamble to the show’s first track “Charlie M.” which opens with a Jungle Book-like beat. Throughout the show, lead singer Tommy Scott continued to work the crowd and made a dedicated effort to shake evervone’s hand within the first three rows of

Lesbians! Run! The Children’s Hour

serious topic presented compellingly, with a ealthy dose of humour just when it is needed, is what you get when you go to Lillian Hellman’s Be ChZti~eva-‘sHmr. Going into the theatre I had little idea of what to expect from this slightly adapted I952 version of her 1930s play. But when 1 lefi I was more than happy I went. The ChiZdmz’s How is the story of two teachers who are ruined by a malicious pupil who accuses them of being lesbians. Mary, who is devilishly piayed by

andMartha,playedbyKristaPaige Little and Heather Roberts respectively, provided a cathartic release through their trials and tribulations. Martha’s fiance Joe, played by Calvin Sweers complemented the two favourably. From the first scenes where thev are introduced to the last scenes&here we see the fmal devastation, Little, Roberts and Sweers pr&de entertaining and troubling commentary on the fears of the past which are still with us now. During the second act I began to feel a little like a voyeur. I had become so wrapped up inthe story that I began to feel gui lty for looking in on someone else’s life. The illusion was only ruined by some minor flaws. Often times, predominantly in the second act, characters were positioned with their backs to the



directed ?y Bv$an Richwvzd playing at Theatre of the Arts February 12 - 15,8:00 p.rn* by Rob Van Kruistum Imprint stale







mother Mrs. Tilford, who is played by visiting Lloy couttts, her wicked lies. After some adjustment to the medium of stage-play 1 wis soon absorbed and lost in the story. The lead characters, Karen




have been avoided with some very minor position changes. Without seeing the faces of the characters I lost some of the emotion of the scene, The set design was very interesting. A room, angled toward

the audience, with front corner bowing down and the opposite corner raised, provided the central focus for most of the scenes. The effect was sim.ilarto the”Close to Me” video by the Cure where the band is trapped in a wardrobe. You feel like you are in there with them. The costumes consisted of simple dresses, suits and school uniforms. The designs, although unremarkable, complemented the simple nature of the characters and allowed the story to carry the autience. The topic of homosexuality and its objectionable nature in the public still caused quite a lot of tension in the audience. Often times the audience was so silent that you could have heard the proverbial pin drop. This is testimony to the strength and timelessness of the topic and the acting. Lory Wainberg plays the delightfully deluded aunt who together with Agatha, played by Allison Oleszkowicz provide much needed comic relief throu@out the play. The banter-

the stage. Using every opportunity to interact with the mob, “Neighbourhood” was introduced by an amusing description of the bands upbringing in Liverpool. Even Scott’s imitation of cartoon mouse Speedy Gonzales was not lost in the performance but enhanced by his startling resemblance to comedian Dudley Moore. While ‘&Female of the species,” the band’s first single release in North America, deftitely drew the greatest fan response, the band offered an entertaining variety of songs, including a stunning solo performance of the technotronic %rowler” by Griffrths. Though techno is not my cup of tea, what Grifiths managed to lure out of that keyboard/sampler did not fail to impress. When the rest of the band returned to the stage, it was Scott’s turn to reclaim the spotlight with a solo perfbrmance of the last hidden track off the album on the acoustic guitar. Unfortunately though, the show was rather sh&, last&g only slightly longer thm an ho& before the band bid its farewell.

Upon returning to the stage for the mandatory encore, the band offered an explanation for the show’s brevity: the regular guitarist, who also performs the vocals on many of the Space’s songs, had been forced to stay behind in England due to a severe caseof the flu. Scott apologized with, Y don’t know the words to Jamie’s songs, so we can’t play them. I know you’re never supposed to play the same tune twice, but what the hell, here’s ‘Female of the species’ once more .” The crowd didn’t mind but did its best to howl right along. Though the sell-out crowd undoubtedly had come for the sake of Space, nobody was disappointed with the opening band Flux. Playing a solid set, more rock oriented, but not too far removed from Space, Flux was able to leave a lasting impression and is definitely worth checking. out once they return to the area. On a concluding note, we would have loved to provide some live shots of the show, but thanks to a tight-assed tour manager, we were forced to leave our camera outside.

ing of the schoolgirls, the appropriately placed cat fight a.rGlYthe charming temper tantrums ofLisa Kennedy who played the part of Rosalie, helped lift the tension and allowed the audience to sigh before diving back into the dilemma at hand, When the play first debuted in the 1930~~ it was banned and boycotted worldwide. It was banned in Boston, ,Chicago and London, England and actresses

refused to play the lead roles for fear of being k&led. That is more unlikely n&w but the issues are still current. The UW Drama Department should be credited with making not only an entertaining play but with having the guts to tackle issues still risky today. Very good acting ;md hentive set design make this a thoroughly entertaining and somewhat sobering evening.



.Friday, February 14, 1997

wha :‘s up-wit i this dies Rev val 30 by Sandy




A teen

t first it was cool, then it was cute, ad now it’s ckingeverywhere. What the hell is up with this whole eighties thing? I remember Phils’ first eighties night. There were maybe fifpeople in the place, the dance floor was deserted but everyone had a damn good time. I hadn’t heard ‘Town Called Malice” or 7 Don’t Like Mondays” in years! Since that fateful night in 1994, eighties night has moved from being a night of musical curiositv into an omniuresent excuse for playing “o&es.” Mu&Music has finally recognized this craze and no-w seems to program a good twenty-five hours a day of “Classic Mega Hits.” What thyehell is going on? I’m going to go out on a bit of a limb here, but part of the reason is that m-&c was just better back then. Now, put aside the shit hair bands from the mid eighties and- the new wave poseurs like Flock of Sea&, and you have some genuinely brilliant music that overshadows the crap of today. Think 1985, then think of the following bands: The

Joke aud The Jesus and Me Chain. Regardless ofwhether this was the beginning, middle or end of the career for these bands, all of them were releasing: some of their

Personally, I blame Nirvana. Don’t get me wrong, I like Nirvana, but their successcaused two major problems. First of all, they were so fucking huge and their influence so overpowering that everyone who released albums afterMmmi&weresogoddarnn stupid that they couldn’t come up withan~originalthemselves. As a result, we have to put up with Silverchair. It’s surely obvious to even the most tone deaf of people that there is absolutely no way in hell Silverchair couId have survived had they started their careers in 1985. At best they would have been a short-lived Heaw Metal novelty act,

No wonder Kurt blew his brains out. Would you want to be responsible for Weezer’s second album? Now before you go writing a letter to the editor naming all the new bands that have come around in the last few years that are great, let me beat you to it. I love My Bloody Valentine, Pavement, Ice Cube, Cake, The Boo Radleys and Archers of Loaf, but bands that demonstrate a similar creativity and originality are in the minority, wouldn’t you agree? But we can’t put all of the blame on Nirvana’s shoulders. Most of the problem rests on the shoulders of record company bastards. Sinie Nirvana, every piece ofshit band that wore their grunge influence on their shoulder and pretended they were angry (but sensitive) was pushed onto consumers as. . *the new Nirvana. The problem with signing some band straight out of grade school is that this sidesteps the natural process that makes bands any damn good in the first place. Did the Cure have their career kickstarted by some A&R asshole looking for the next Pink Floyd? Did Killing Joke have record companies beating a path to their door? Hardly. Those bands had to fight to be recognized, and that fighting made them hungry,

and ultimately made them better. But since Nirvana proved that %ltemative” bands could also sell millions of albums, the years of thankless hard work playing in toilets (called “clubs”) where bandsused to hone their art were no longer required. See, the music market has its own process of natural selection. If you’re in a band that has to grind away at its art and until its fmally recognized by someone, you naturally weed out all the poncey losers who couldn’t hack it. Hello Bush. Happily, all of these shitty bands I’ve mentioned are now drowning in a pool of their own vomit. Weezer’s second album was a magnificent flop in comparison to their first album, and that’s just how it should be. Marketing turds all believe that music is like any other commodity. Just figure out the formula and start those CD pressing plants. Well, to a certain degree they’re right- I mean who can argue that Alice Cooper + Ministry = Marilyn Manson? But that only goes for shitty bands. To try and calculate the formula that “equals” Joy Division or “adds up- to Sonic Youth is absurd. The fact is that the mid-nineties will go down as a truly shitty time for white rock. While rap, and increasingly techno, are both seeing unprecedented successoutside of their respective genres, straight rock’n’roli can only watch itself being drowned out by New country. As long as bands rehe to pay their dues and aslong asthey offer to suck the first record company cock they’re offered, they will more than likely be unable to produce music that’s any damn good. Before his first studio session, Elvis Presley was asked by Sam Phillips who he sounded like. Elvis’ now famous response: “1 don’t sound like nobody.” Unfortunately, this work ethic has been completely reversed. You don’t get anywhere by being original. But you can get a record contract for sounding like Pearl Jan-r. As long as bands keep getting signed without having to prove themselves, and as long as these bands refuse to break away from the





music lovers will have to look back to the eighties, a time when music had more to do with creativity and “sounding like nobody’ than marketing and sounding like everybody else.




Friday, February 14, 1997

I hate vou Everyone Says I Love You direct-cd by Wbdy Allen by Greg Kiaf’chick Imprint staff


usicais, be they on stage or on film, are incumbent on the suspension of disbelief of the audience. Ok, so people don’t spontaneously break into song in real life, and no one wanders the streets with meticulously choreographed production numbers in their head - so what? Part of the point of musicals is to present ah alternate universe where, joy of joys, these things do happen, and generally the world’s a better place for it. Nowhere is this more charmingly realized than in E~qonc Sayr 1 Love Tou. Right from the first frame, when we’re greeted with a deliriously happy opening production number, it becomes clear that Woody Allen has taken us to just such a place. It’s a land of burbling fountains, rich Manhattan families, and cherry blossoms in the springtime. It’s a place where the word %orny” doesn’t

exist, and true, wide-eyed romance is everywhere For his first crack at a musical, Allen does a spectacular job at drawing his audience into this world hook, line, and sinker. To be sure, Eawyme. . . contains all the usual elements of any ofMen’s flicks - he’s cast as (surprise) a troubled neurotic nice guy, and the cast all have their obsessive and irrational qualities. To an extent these traits are pushed to the point of cartoonishness (Edward Norton isun~t&pu&&wimpy and Drew Barrymore ridiculously naive, to name two) but in the end it’s all a natural part of the movie’s fairy-tale effect. The story centres on the various romantic vignettes of a family headed by husband and wife Bob and Steffl (Goldie Hawn and Alan AIda) and Steffr’s ex Joe (Allen). The parents deal with their kids’ various relationship mishaps, and Allen is offered some inside information on how to win the heart of Von, played by Julia Roberts. The assorted stories ofadozen people are juggled with impeccable skill, each one played out to a logical enough conclusion. Coul

pled with the musical fights of fancy, it’s the sort of movie that makes you care about the people five minutes into the first reel, and you’re left wanting more at the end. In addition to Allen’s usual furation on New York, we get a healthy amount of time spent in Venice and Paris, allowing for some beautifully rendered shots of centuries-old architecture that only add to the dream-like atmosphere of the fi,h. This comes to full fruition in the film’s climactic sequence, with a dance number and following denouemont that’s fi.&on dazzling in its sheer beauty and poeticism. It’s worth the price of admission alone. I’ve seen some great movies in, say, the past three years, but I honestly can’t recall ever having one charm the pants off of me like Emyone Says I Love Tou. A big grin lit up my face in the first thirty seconds, and Allen’s emphatic belief in the beauty of such cinema magic ensured that it didn’t leave for the rest of the movie. They don’t make ‘em like this anymore, and my only question afterwards was “Why?”

Friday, February 14 - 9:05 p.m. Sat., Feb. 15 ; Sun., Feb. 16 ; Mon., Feb. 17 - %OO p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 18 - 9:05 p.m. waterloo 885-2950



Se a City Playdium $9 Rathburn Rd. West Mississauga, ON by James Russell Imprint staff o words: media overload. I don’t mean this in anv, negative sense of the word, but if you’re prone to seizures, you may want to avoid Plavdium. d Why? Because once you walk in through the automatic, jaggededge, shiny silver doors, you will experience a deluge of light and sound that will not let up until you walk back out. Picture a really big room with lots of video games, and you’re getting the idea. Eut this is no ordinary arcade. All of these games are big, like sit-in-them or standon-them big, they’re all pretty Ioud, and to top things off, there’s music playing and TV’s hanging overhead. Not for the epileptic. The video games are the best of the best. Virtua Fighter 3 is escellcnt (until some lit& kid kicks h

your ass) and, even though you’ll be sweating when you fmish, this is one of the lessphysical games at Playdium. A lot of them require you to actually stand on something that moves (e.g. snowboarding or alpine skiing) or sit on something that moves (e.g. motorcycle or tank simulators). All of these games have massive monitors (somewhere around 50”) and excellent sound. The tank battle game is so intense that it is not recommended for those with heart problems or who are pregnant. You get to go berserk in a big mother tank, set in an urban battlefield. Go against the computer or against a friend in head-to-head combat. You can run over cars and phone booths while blasting the hell out of your opponent and a bunch of AI tanks that want you dead. The initial warning is justified; your seat smashes backwards from the recoif every time you let another armor-piercing shell fly. Needless to say, 1 played it a whole bunch of times.

Play&urn also has a bunch of Virtual reality games. A couple shoot ‘em ups or a very cool looking hang-gliding simulator that takes you through New York City or the Grand Canyun. They’re not the best games I’ve ever played, but if you haven’t tried a Virtual Reality game, it’s an interesting experience. The games are excellent, but not cheap. They range from $1.25 up to $2.50 for the really fancy SUE, and you can blow a wad in a hurry. There is a bar too, but at $4.15 a beer, I think it’s a little out of most students’ price range. Besides video games, Playdium has a ton of other stuff. Go-carts, mini golf, batting cages, basketball and beach vollevhall courts, in addition to their’180 video game consoles. Unf&unately, a lot of that stuff is only open when it’s a little warmer outside, and I didn’t get to try them out. I liked Playdium a lot. Big screens, big sound, coot games, a serious adrenaline rush. -

Hey kids! From February 24-28 a valid student ID and $15 gets you 3 hours of unlimited play at Play&urn+ There will also be spot competitions on selected attractions. It’s spring break without the airfare!


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Stop the insanity! One Ste Beyond Born irskltw Thursday, January 30 by Stephanie Speller special to Imprint

bout three years ago, one stepBeyond (033) emerged fkom the streets of Toronto, forming a band with a sound that can be classifkd as uAcid Jazz”. OSB has ventured into a world of creative funk that stands apart fkom the norm. On Thursday, January 30, Waterlw students had the opportunity to take in this unique musical experience at the Bombshelter. Before the show, I had a chance to talk with Sandy Mamane and Jade Shields from the band.


One Step Beyond (OSB): We met in Toronto. Corey, our saxophonist is from Winnipeg, I (Sandy) am from Montreal, and the rest of us are from Toronto. I hooked up with Andy at music school. We wanted to get something together and play for fLn. We all sort of knew one another from various things, and it was nice that way because we were all friends rightbff the top. It wasn’t like a band; it was just a bunch of friends going down to play. It was a low key attitude and atmosphere. Whatever happened, happened; and that’s the way it is today. when dideu4h ofyou leura how to pluy your instruments? OS& I (Jamie) started playing piano when I was five. So.. ,2 1 years. My mom’s so proud! I (Sandy) have only been playing for about ten years - started at around 17 and got turned on to some jazz, and that was it. I really dug the sound and started from that point on.

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How would you chsszjl the bands’ sownd? OSB: Well it’s hard because everyone brings something different into the band, The best way to describe it is it’s just the One Step Beyond sound. We’re glad that we’re doing our own thing, and people are like ‘Wow, this is new. ’ mat Aweyour influences?

OSB: We have influences in the

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band that range from traditional jazz to more &nky stuff, straight

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pop and everything in between. It’s weird because in situations like that, often they don’t gel well, or one overpowers the other, but in our caseit doesn’t it seems to mix perfectly. One of those strange chemistry things that happen to work out right. We just love music. We try to embrace everything, and do the best that we can. ahead

Friday, February 14, PWi’ coast particularly. Once they got a hold of the disc, the people who were booking the shows were willing to take a chance because they thought the music was strong. And then once they started putting the word out - there’s this band coming in and they’re doing this - they were, for the most part amazed at the response of people coming to check it out. As far as we know, most people went away =Y haPPY=

Wibere do JWUj&d yozkreceive most OfjuUY support? OSB: Well, it started off in what do you ny to convey to Toronto because we were doing ymw cttrdieme when ye pn$Sm? house gigs at three different clubs OSB: We’rejust doing what for about a year and half, about we love, and people sense that. twice a week. And from there That is one of the things about the word spread around Toronto. show, the relationship between People were just coming out to the band and the audience. There’s have a good time. Toronto, to a no division. certain extent, is really the mouthpiece of Canada. When we play w;bere doyou seeyozrne@n the across Canada, it’s great to see fitwe? people, from say,Vancouver, that OSB: Well, still playing music! have seen us before. It’s foundaWe just want to play as much as tion is in Toronto, and by touring we can, everywhere and anywhere, we’re spreading the word around all the time. That’s the strength of and letting people know what the band; it’s the live show. The we’re about. CD is good and everything, but it’s just a snapshot of a given time. The music changes every night, and that’s why people continually OSB: We’ve been all the way come out to see us because thev from here down to San Diego; know it’s going to be a differen; across to Vancouver and played show t.hG the-one they saw last our way down. We were on tour time. As long as we can continue for about nine weeks in the spring to do that, then we’ll keep ourand then we went out across selves happy, and if we’re keeping Canada in October, and did some people that come out to see us stuff in New York City. We will happy, then that’s a double bobe going back down in Februw, nus. and we’ll be going out west and down to San Diego again in April. With the release of their al-


How is the band d&-g in the American mark? OSB: Well, there’s sort of a demand for what we’re doing. The word leaks down, from the west

ing Europe later this year. If you want to check out some fresh vibes, pick up their self

listen if Iyou want to know what he means, and if you disagree, call in to the show and tell him why. If you’re really serious about your music, you’ll be sure to have fk discussing it with Jeremy. At one end ofthe show’s spectrum are harsh, industrial bands like haujobb, Frontline Assembly, Download, Birmingham 6, X-Marks The Pedwalk and so much more. These are blasted over the airwaves, feeding the hungry monster that yearns for the sustenance only the show can give. Then Jeremy smoothly

nating sounds and types of music exposing the listener to what should be ‘underground’ industrial. It features a lot of unheard material, most of which is excellent, with the occasional rotten egg of a song that is nonetheless fbn to listen to. The show can require your undivided attention if not for the music, then for Jeremy who can easily storm up a one way conversation. You may have missed the shw on The Best of ‘96, but don’t miss the best of ‘97, so if you’ve ever wondered where the music is, it’s



titled debut, One Step Beyowl.

To Book An Appointment Call 746-7171 255 King St. N (Just North of King & University), Waterloo

by Laura Moza special to Imprint


torming The Base of The Alien Foe is the show found on IOU.3 CKMS every Tuesday from 2:OO to 530 p.m. That’s three and a half hours of industrial music to lay siege your ears. It is so far the only station, and show that does not feature popular, mainstream industrial music but instead goes straight for the jugular with gothindustrial, industri&dance music. Moody, electronic body mu-


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ergizes your body and mind. As Jeremy, the show’s host describes it, it’s “harsh, aggressive, electronic music, sometimes taking a lot from techno, except not as cheesy or dainty.” Take a

to softer,



like delerium, Violet Arcana, or 911 to name a few. If you have no idea of what I’m talking about, tune in to find out about these great bands. The show flows along alter-



F .M evev

Tuesday from 2 to 530 p.m. If you want to find out more about “Storming The Base ofThe Alien Foe” check out the homepage at www.ionline. net\-antithes.

Really, really big by Karsten W. Gitter Imprint staff Riding the waves of their extremely successful debut album Spiders in the UK, Liverpool’s Space has brought their act to North America. Though the market has been flooded by Brit pop recently,Space should have absolutely no problem setting themselves apart from the mediucre masses. Thanks to its unique mix of sounds, Space’s first m-length release offers a pleasant break from the average guitar rock 21la Beatles. Putting a fmger on the band’s sound proves virtually impossible, as the band incorporates a wide variety of sounds into their music. Though manifested by the traditional drums, guitar and bass, Space ventures deep into the world of techno sampling, only to inject some serious giockenspiel, yes, glockenspiel into the next segment. A stirring cocktail of jazz, Latin-tinged ska, xylophones and timpani also characterizes the band’s first American single release, “Female of the species.”

by D&or& Odhiambo special to Imprint As unorthodox

as it seems,

Sub Pop, home to Alternative groups like Teen Angels and jale, has recently signed Blues

artist Thornet& Davis. fier years ofworking in the Detroit music scene, Sttnday Mmnivag Music is Davis’ solo debut album. Startingoutin 1983, Davis joined an all-girl rhythm and blues group called Chanteuse, By 1986, Davis began singing backup vocals for local blues band, Lamont Zodiac and the Love Signs, which later became the Chisel Brothers tier Lamont lefi the band and Davis took his place s lead vocalist. During her eight year stint with the ChiselBrothers, Davis won several blues awards, sang backup for Bob Seger, opened for Bonnie Raitt, blues legend Etta James, and R&B sensation Gladys Knight. In 1991, Detroit titers Big Chief

Having hit the big time in the UK by selling close to one million copies of that single, the band has recently received some heavy rotation on local radio stations. Space’s vocals, alternating between bassistTommy Scstt and guitarist Jamie Murphy, only underline the baud’s uniqueness. But especially Scott, whose vocal ar-

asked Thornetta to ad lib two songs on their Sub Pop debut, I%zc&.She then returned to do some backup vocals for their second album, Miwk Avenue Sk& Gamw. Shortly after that, Sub Pop approached and -signed Tbornetta Davis. Traditional . in sound, but reflecting her musical backSic opens with-a belting blues number, 9&” basses through heavy funkadelic like waa w<a grooves in CcHelpless” and includes rock based “Try to Remember,““‘The Deal” and soars to the soul&l groovyness of early Van Morrison in “Only One.” Cc Sunday Morning” is gospel inspired, while 32ome Go With Me” is girl-group Motown aLl the way. “Sunset,” the strongest song on the CD also features the piano playing ofEddie Harsh from the Black Crowes. Over all, the CD takes you through some rtostalgic sounds but still remains originalirlcontent. Sub Pop, known for doing things differently, is branching out in aI cod direction wit&he soulfiAsou.nds of Thometta Davis,

ray ranges from crooning like Frank Sinatra in “Dark Clouds” to imitating Speedy Gonzales in “Neighbourhood”, gives each song a distinct and very entertaining feet, once you’ve absorbed Space’s sound, try paying some closer attention to the lyrics. Bored with the regular ‘7 met a

girl and she’s in love with me and I feel fine,” Scott expresses more interest in Y met a girl and she’s in love with me, so she poisoned my entire family.” Accordingly, Space has England’s PrimeMinister John Major selling Ecstasy to the Russians in “Major Pager,” the local vicar acting as a serial killer in “Neighbourhood” and Mickey Mouse screwing Minnie in “Charlie M.” Also, be sure to let the CD play on after the last track to catch a hidden track offering some sound relationship advice which might not sit too well with any of Space’s male fans who value their testicles. So if you’re bored with the regular radio-mumbo-jumbo, Space offers a true alternative. Upbeat, unique and amusing, Spihs is thoroughly entertaining. Ranging from straightfiorward rock (“Voodoo Roller”) to cinematic pop (“Me and You Versus the World”) to blasting techno (“Growler”), Space covers all terrains with astonishing finesse. And if you buy the album right now, you will receive a second CD containing the original UK version of “Female of the species,” an instrumentai version of it, and two more songs previously only released in the UK.

by Patrick W&ins Imprint staff Les Secretaires Volantes made a minor splash with their first album’s single “Filles Ou Garcons? ,” a gender-bending number that almost made me wish I’d taken that extra vear of French in high school. This year they’re back withi!%ermqpLz&que, named after material that makes a violent explosion. Excellent name choice; like the Kittens, Les Secretaires are the kind of band that are violently loud to the point of intimidation. Where the Kittens sludge, however, Les Secretaires dart back and forth, between noise and melody, silence and chaos. ‘TJn Oiseau Dans Le Reacteur” provides an appropriate image. Most of the lvrics are in French, but the two songs written in English are enough: “Combo Love” includes the verse: &you give me a good fuck with extra fromagelnot even a woman just a midnight snack/for you I could stop to eat.” At least I can listen to some good hard music without worrying about my mind absorbing evil subliminal messages.

by James Russell Imprint staff There is some great material on this CD, but I have to wonder at the motives behind it. First of all, any collection of B-sides (especially ones that are so recent; at most, only four of the twelve tracks are not from LoPelife singles) kind of looks like a cash grab to me, especially when the material is easily acquired by any h&decent fan anyway. And it’s not because the record company wants to do us alI a favour and save us the expense of buying all the singles, because they came out first and we already bought the goddam things. Anyway, that said, T0p0&~ contains a half-decent selection of original material from the singles (with the notable exception of CCDear Me” from Ladvkillers disc #l), especially UEx” (by Miki) and “Outside World” (by Emma) + There is also stufflike ccI’dLike to Walk Around in Your Mind” (a folk song or something), and Y





which, though well done, bugs me. Lush h& alwavs avoided l&tting themselves 6~ stereotyped into the “chick-rock’ category, and doing covers like this seems iike they’re sort of giving in. Oh well,

it’s cute.

Topolin also has the Lush version of ccDemyst&ation,” the song they’ve bee&sing as acloser in their encores on the LQPel$p

tour. Umortunately, it’s a bit tame. They should have included a rocked-out Live version instead of an over-produced studio version with no balls. If you have


of the sin-

gles, there isn’t a lot of reason to really get this comiilation, but if you’re a serious fan, there is some interesting material here that you’re going to have trouble finding elsewhere,



Friday, February 14, 1997

some more variety with their groovy rhymes. My pick would probably be NOFX performing “Drugs Are Good.” The jangly little intro is so ridiculous contrasted with the punk rock chorus “Drugs are

goody.. and when you do km, people think that you’re coo1,r’ that you have to laugh. A very cool song. An excellent cross section of some of Epitaph’s coolest bands. A must for all Cal-punk junkies.

lot better than about 90 per cent of the al bum covers I’ve seen lately. Even better, these guys don’t even put a picture of themselves in the liner notes. There are no photos in the notes, no track listing, no names of the band members. It’s pretty goddam spartan All they have are the lyrics to every song, and one thank you. Anyway, tier this marvel, I popped the CD in and realized that this approach was perfect. A little artistic, a little self-deprecating, it fits the band perfectly. Gaunt are not stripped down in the cclo-fill sense, it just sounds like the best they could do. It’s not that much better than the tapes my band used to make in my

basement on weekends. (OK, it’s quite a bit better, but you get the idea) w What does it sound like? Well, these guys prefer the Clash to the Pistols, but they’ve got more than a couple of Ramones records too. In other terms, fast, simple, straight-ahead garage punk rock that you can hum along to. kll the songs are good. There’s not a lot of difKzrentiation, but that doesn’t stop me from listening to the Ramones for hours, does it? My personal favourite would be 7?ransistor sister.” A goddam solid piece of punk rock if there ever was one. Look for these guys when they come to town.

The prupnn starts in Seplember and is 12 months Idq, includiq a 4-month supervised work placement. That’s hands-on experience in a real company before you graduate. Space is limited; you must apply by April t , 1997.

Sit down. Lie down. Drop whatever else you are doing and relax. When three generations of jazz artists of this caliber meet, calling it 73e GrrrandEmmmtm is an understatement. Jazzcaptured in it its purest form, perhaps. The album documents the rendezvous of these legends and the friendships rekindled, stories retold and the laughter that was shared again. A family reunion of sorts. A familv connected by the love of jazz music. New arrangements of ten classics line this album, Dianne’s trib-

edly, around Dianne Reeves’ exquisite voice, but are also expanded to include such great performers asHarry “Sweets” Edison on trumpet, Phi1 Woods and James Moody on the alto and tenor saxophones respectively, trombonist Al Grey, with Herlin Riley on drums,Kenny Barronon piano, and bassist Rodney Whittakermakingup the rhythm section. Clark Terry, who discovered Dianne while she was still in High School, joins his apprentice and friend singing and playing trumpet on most of the songs. Toots Thielemans appears on harmonica

the young energetic Kimberly Longstreth, the next “Queen,” also from the delta. Lastly, the seventyseven year old supple, rich bassbaritone voice of Joe Williams joins Dianne once again for “Ten-

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9 February

in ;Yormation



The California punk powerhouse Epitaph comes on pretty goddam strong with this excellent and well-rounded compilation. Lots of the big names you know (e.g. Rancid, The Of&pring, Beastie Boys) and a bunch you .probably don’t, play some s&d, crunchy rock. The Beastie Boys thrash out “Nervous Assistant,” The Qffspring offer “Bad IIabit,” and Rancid spit out “Blast ‘Em” with their usual &a-punk style. If you liked that, you’ll probably like the Daredevils track, “Hate You,” and Pennywise who do “Don’t Care/ Live Fast, Die Young.” For those with more obscure tastes, Helmut and Primus do whatever it is they do, and for all thetruly,trulydevoutPrimusfans I’ve met recently, no, it’s mt “Winona’s Big Brown Beaver.” Soul of Mischief and Casual offer


FULL-TIME UNDERGRADUATE ON CAMPUS STUDENTS: can pick up their Certificates at the Cashier’s Wicket, 2nd floor, Needles Hall between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. FULL-TIME GRADUATE ON CAMPUS STUDENTS: can pick up their receipts in their academic department off ices. ST. JEROME’S & RENISON COLLEGE: students can pick up their documents at their college office. EVERYBODY ELSE: part-time including grads, undergrads, co-op students on work term, etc., will receive their documents by mail. For further




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by James Russell Imprint staff I like this album a lot. Some goodfuckin’ straight-ahead punk. No strings, no bullshit. God, do we ever need more of this. Punk rock has more posers than a busy night at Club Abstract. This band was pretty cool before I even put the album on. Called Gyptonite, the album case is green, the liner notes are green, and even the CD is green. OK, not DaVinci, sure, but a hell of a

Are you the answer to one of life’s most pressing problems? You are intelligent.You have patience. But in the last year you’ve read manuals and instructions for computer programs, remote controls, cars and even toasters which make absolutely no sense. In the information does...too often.

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by Michael Olley special to Imprint


Seneca develops global careers - in areas like 3-D animation and international business. And we know there’s a growing demand for people who can write and explain things in this quick changing technological environment - whether it’s new software, netware, web design, banking or aerospace. Designedwith input from leaders in the industry, Seneca’s graduate Tahnical Communications* program will build on the skills and desires you already have: your ability to explain things, your undying curiosity, your desire to get things right.

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to all her



tors, and roots. This excellent selection of songs makes this a wonderful introduction to the genre, showing off its calming qualities as well as its quiet excitement. The arrangements center, deserv-




dition of “Besame Mucho”, no more a highlight in the collection than any other song. Manv guest vocalists also appear on “the album, including Germaine Bazzle, the cLQueen”of’New OrIeans, and

‘CT had the qpxtuni~


sing with the great Joe Williams only once. It was a ‘Tribute to Joe Williams’ concert at the Hollywood 30~1. I remember we sang ‘Tenderly,’ and it was pure magic!” Just like this album.




Friday, February 14, 1997


No, not th



aming your band titer one of the most infamously terrible bands of the eighties is iot an idea1 career move. In fact, one might say it’s downright stupid. Or, if you’re feeling kindly, it’s a little naive. I prefer to believe the latter. Perhaps they’re awaiting the free press that comes with being sued. But before they get shut down in court, check out Loye IV&

Fubio. It’s one of the most rocking

pop albums of the year. We’re talking pup here, without adjectives or qualifiers Like CSBrit” or “noise” or “rock.” Pop. Goshdarn-flat-out pop music, so sweet you feel sick ingesting it. Billed as “a band that doesn’t sound like they’re from Quebec City,” the Minipops are nonetheless found on Quebec, Quebec’s EiL Records label, and distributed through Sonic Wnyon. Last year’s K&r

Rock Bandi Fram1Mam

featured the Minipops as welI as other bands you’ve never heard of, including The Super Friendz,






New Grand, and Cambridge’s own Mighty Fishermen. Clocking in at five songs and under twenty minutes long, Luve TV& Fabio is a g&v-pleasure trip. Genevieve sings About ferrets, kitty-cats, perms and, of course, everyone’s favourite coverhunk in a completely charming and occasionally sultry French accent. The Minipops lyrics are so strange I’m not quite sure even know what thev’re singing

about (“My cat burns the candle at both ends,” or “She got quiet/ and rather be a turtle”). The most frightening inclusion: the synthesizers strewn all over this album. Usually that’s a very bad sign, but for the Minipops of the Ws, cheese w&x The cheese only works, however, because the rind is so f&king hard. The Minipops’ drummer was obviously stclen from a heavy metal band, because he doesn’t know the word “restraint,” or at

Thankyou to everyonewho : participatedin the Food Servicesurvey

least not in English. The guitars go ripping overtop the whole thing, crunching like Scratching Post samples. But just when you think you’ve figured out the metal angle in a song like “Pit Nit Days,” in comes the most amazing synth line that will stick in even the most jaded music fm’s mind for days. Not since the aforementioned

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Scratching Post has Canadian music so successzlty combined cuteness and hard-ass metal into beauty. In short, this is a band with serious personality problems, and you have to love them for it. TheMinipoprphy tm&ht (Viamtine’s Day) at the Ewova Ci3fe, 79 Joseph St. fitcbener with Dan &yk~im Tl?rontu.


hOUS8S available fOt rent, reasonable rates, parking, laundry, some furniture available. All well kept. Call James or Mark at 574-2064 or 2412985,24 hr. pager. Houses & apartments 3 to 10 bedroom units, various locations, IO to 25 minute walks. Renting now for Sept. 97,12 month lease. Also available 5 bedroom house for May to Aug. 97. Phone 574-4728. Large, furnished, bright clean furnished basementforrent. Kitchen privileges, own TV, walking distance to UW, parking. $325./monlh. Call Joyce at 888-0832. House for rent - 5/4 bedrooms (groups only), washer/gas dryer, gas heated - low utilities, lame driveway, backyard/patio. $265./&onch. Call 742-9562. 5 bedroom ample size, self-contained unit,new lower duplex R2000 quatity, 2 complete4 piece bathrooms, large kitchen, diningroom, livingroom, free laundry facilities, large paved parking area. $315.00/ student plus utilities. May l/97 tease. Phone416-491-1370. Available March 1 or sooner - room in furnished house, 3 UW students as housemates, Amos Ave, 15 minutes to WV. Available March and April and/or May-August. $254. plus utilities. ($225. in summer) Call 884-4755, Etinor.

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MONDAYS UW Stage Band rehearsal 9:00 pm in Conrad Grebel Great


Learning Centres offer language classes for adults in Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge. Levels I-VII available, including TOFEL preparation. Call 745-1201 (Waterloo) or 650-I 250 (Cambridge) or come in to register. St. Louis Adult Learning Centre. 75 Allen St. East, Waterloo. Artist Beatrice Hogan, February l-28, 1997, at the Waterloo Regional Arts Council Gallery, Market Square beside Gallery 2000 on the third floor. 25 Federick St. english as a second

at 7:00College

Hall Rm 156.

Every Monday and Wednesday Chapel Choir rehearsal 3:30-500 pm in Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Outers Club regular meetings are at 7 p.m. in room ESI-221. Come out for social events and updates.


TUESDAYS Beginning Christopher begin. This munication To register

Jan. 7 to March 18 the Leadership course will course covers effective comskills and self-confidence. & info call Joanne at 744


University Choir rehearsal, 7:00-9:30 p.m. in Conrad Grebel College Chapel. Any questions call Eleanor at 885-0220 ext. 226. Every Tuesday and Thursday 3:30500 p.m. Chamber Choir rehearsal. Tuesdays, CGC Rm 151 and Thursdays, CGC Chapel.

FRIDAY English Conversation Class in Needles Hall 2080. Sept. to June from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Students, faculty, staff and spouses welcome. For info call Intemational Student Office at ext. 2814



St. Paul’s United College has rooms available for Winter ‘97 and Spring ‘97 terms. Please call 885-l 460 or drop by for application forms and a tour! Guided Self-Change of alcohol use: for individuats who may have concerns about the amount they are drinking and want to cut down. Call Counselling Services (ext. 2655) to find out more. Now available ‘What in the World is Going On: A Guide for Canadians Wishing to Work, Volunteer, or Study in Other Countries.” For info/cost call Christine at (613) 237-4820. Attention Biuevale Alumni! BCl’s 25th Reunion is May 30 - June l/97. The Reunion committee is presently compiling a mailing list. It is important that they receive your address now. Please write the school c/o 25th Reunion, 80 Bluevale St. N. Waterloo, N2J 3R5, calf the Hotline at 650-0569 oremail at http:/ -dabrykys/bci .reunion. Renison’s 10th Annual Haircutting Charity Pub! Ali former residents are invited back on Feb. 7 from 9 p-m. to 1 a.m. for this event. Calf Kelly 725-7489 for info and tickets. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oscar Arias, Peace Jam Youth Conference which aired Jan. 11-l 2 will be available for Internet access on Jan. 17 at http:/ Canadian Federation of University Women Used Book Sale will be in April this year. To donate books please call 747-5854 or 746-5649 or 886-7427 until Saturday, Mar. 29, 1997. Getting married? Congratulations! The UW and WLU Chaplain’s Associations invite you to participate in a Marriage Preparation course on Fri., Feb. 28 from 7-9:30 p.m. and Sat., Mar. 1 from 9-3:00 p.m. Cost is $75* per couple for anyone UW associated - $100. for non UW associated. For more info call UW 888-4567, ext. 3633 or WLU 884-l 970, ext. 2240 or call any one of the Church College Chaplains at Renison, Conrad Grebel, St. Jeromes or St. Pauls. Fed Up! An art show. WW-SLC (Multipurpose room). Feb. 26-27. Noselling. Were you a cadet or staff at Vernon Army Cadet Camp? I am doing research for a book and would appreciate photographs, stories, etc. Please contact me: F. Arseneault, 43 ChancellorWay,CalgaryABT2KlY3, phone (402)282-6100;email: Francis @

FRIDAY, FEB. 14,1997 UW Drama Presents, The Children’s Hour, February 12-l 5, Theatre of the Arts, ML. For info call 888-4908. Waterloo Stage Theatre, subscription packages go on sale for $72-$96. For info call 888-000. Come and enjoy folk music with Nahnia Crete at the Grad House at 9 p.m. No cover charge, undergrads welcome too. Simply purchase a $5. term membership.


FEB. 15,1997

K-W Chamber Music 57 Young St., WaterIoo, 886-1673. “Orchastre Baroque de Montrbal.’ At 8:00 o-m. Black History Month-“Sharing and Leaming from Our Heroes” at Tinity Anglican Church, 27 Wilson Ave. Kitchener at 7100 p.m. For info call 740-9054 or 740-3685.

SUNDAY, FEB. 16,1997 Doon Heritage Crossroads, RR2 Kitchener, 748-l 914. “Heritage Day Tour of the Waterloo Regional Curatorial Centre.”

MONDAY, FEB. 17,1997 Heritage Day Event at Woodside National Historic Site, 528 Wellington St. N., Kitchener. For info call 571-5684. Doon Heritage Crossroads, Kitchener, 748-l 914. “Waterloo 8and.”


RR 2 Concert

FEB. 18,1997

The Sede Lecture Series at Renison lege, UW. Professor Dr. Darrol Bryant speak on “The Mystery of Salvation”. details call 884-4404, voice mail ext.

Colwill For 628.

Art Alive Lecture Series - “Alan & Lea Daniels” will speak at 10 a.m. at the KW Art Gallery, 101 Queen St., N., Kitchener. Call 579-5860 for details. Black History Month - “Storytelling Evening” at 7:30 p.m. at Conestoga Room, Kitchener City Hall, 200 King St., W., Kitchener. Call 740-9054 for info.


FEB. 19,1997

Gay and Lesbian Liberation of Waterloo coming-out discussion group, Topic: “Crushes and Infatuations” at 7:30 p.m. Social follows at 9 p.m., HH 378. Meet old friends and make new ones. All welcome. Details: 884-3982.


FEB. 20,1997

Window on German Cinema - films at 7:00 p.m. in UW’s East Campus Hall Auditorium 1219. Foreign-language films with English subtitles. “A Spring Symphony” 101 min.




Rummage Sate - First United Church, King and William Streets, Waterloo, Ontario from 3 to 7 p.m. and on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.




Health Services is looking for student volunteers for the Pamphlet Resource Centre. Positions require only one or two hours per week. If interested please call Ruth at Health Services, ext. 3544. Office for Personswith Disabilities are needing volunteers to work in many areas such as library research, reading text to tape, computer work, etc. If interested please call 885-l 211, ext. 5082 Jane Farley. Big Sisters needs you! Inquire about our short term match program. Get trained now to be in in September 97. Trainin date on i aturday, March 22/ 97. Cal B now to register 743-5206. Learn about a different culture while you show a new immigrant how to be part of your community. For more info call KW YMCA Host Program at 5799622. Waterloo Minor Soccer needs reliable coaches and assistant coaches. Do you have the time and talent to share from May to July? Please call 578-9680. K-W Sexual Assault Support Centre needs volunteers for crisis line work, public education and office support. Interested people can get more information by calling 571-0121. Women only, The City of Waterloo Volunteer Services, 888-6488, is currently recruiting for the following positions: Snow Day: to assist with Famity Playing in the Snow Day. Volunteers are needed in the hot chocolate hut, to judge events, and assist with registration. Offiiials for snow activities are also needed. Must enjoy family situations and winter weather. Receptionists: duties such as answering phones, assist day time users, filing and processing mail. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age, reliable and enjoy working with the public. A time commitment of l-4 hour session per week for 4 months is required. Sessions are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday afternoons or Wedneday mornings or afternoons. Sounds of Summer Corporate Sponsorship Volunteer: assist Director in attaining new sponsors and followup with past sponsors. Must have an interst in finance and public relations. Telephone Callers: needed to call older adults on a regular basis to ensure safety, Calls will be made daily or on alternate days depending on need. Must have good communication skills and pleasant telephone manner. Busker Carnival Volunteers are needed in the areas of finance and administration, special events, and Iogistics. Previous experience an asset. The Sexual Abuse Treatment Programme of Community Justice initiatives is holding its training workshop for volunteer group facilitators of groups for sexual abuse survivors and offenders. Training for group facilitators wilt be held on Tuesdays 4-6 p.m. from January 28 to April 15, 1997. For info call 744-4095. In Home Support Volunteers to provide support to families of newborn chiidren. Duties include providing emotional support, linking families with community resources and providing practical help. Call Cathy at Cradle Lin k 749-0226. For the following volunteer positions contact Sue at the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. Evening Cierical Assistant - required at Regional Addiction Counselling. #205-954. A cleaneris needed at a friendly agency in a downtown Waterloo office. #0611767. Evening clerical assistance required at Regional Addiction Counselling. #205-954. Visiting Friends needed for individual children during school hours. #Ol I-

Applications for the following scholarships are being accepted during the Winter term. Refer to Section 4 of the Undergraduate Calendar for further criteria. Application forms are available in the Student Awards Office, 2nd Floor, Needles Hall.




needed at a

Chitd and Parent Place. Volunteers


3-5 hours a week on Friday evening, or Saturday or Sunday afternoons. Call 743-l 460. Be A Big Brother in our short term group recreational program for boys. Ideal for students with limited time. Transoortaton necessarv. For more inform&on call Big Brothels at 579-5150.

ALL FACULTIES: Doreen Brisbin Award-available to third year Regular or 38 Co-op female students in an Honours program in which women are currently under represented. Deadline: April 30/97. Douglas T. Wright Award - available to all who have participated in a UW international work placement. Students to apply upon return to full-time study at UW. Deadline: Ott 15/97.

Facultv of Amlied Sciehizes:


Michael Gellner Memorial Schoiarship-available to 3B Kinesiology or Health Studies. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management related to Park Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31/97

Facultv of Arts: Arts Student Union Award - available to all Arts students. Deadline: Feb. 28/ 97. James C, McKegney Memo&al Awardavailable to upper year Arts students with outstanding performance and/or extra-curricular activities in the Hispanic Area - one in Peninsular Spanish Studies and one in Spanish America Studies. Deadline: Feb. 28/97.

Faculty of Engineerina: Andersen Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Canadian Hospital EngineeringSociety’s Scholarship-available to 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Consulting Engineers of Ontario Scholarship-available to all 3B. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 John Deere Limited Scholarship-available to 38 Mechanical. Deadline: Mar. 31/97 Delcan Scholarship-available to 4B Civil. Deadline: Feb. 28/97 Randy Duxbury Memorial Awardavailable to 3B Chemical. Deadline: Feb 28/97 S.C. Johnson &Son Ltd.Environmental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemical. Deadline: May 31/97 Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3B Civil,Water Resource Management students. Deadline: May 31/ 97. Canadian Posture and Seating Centre Scholarship-available to a#. Deadline: Oct. 14/97. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Award-available to al Civil and Mechanical students with an interest in Building Science. Students to contact Dr. Eric Burnett. Keith Carr Memorial Award-available to 3rd or 4th year Chemical. Deadline: Mar 31197. Ontario Hydro Engineering Awardsavailable to 18 Chemical, Electrical, Environmental or Mechanical. Eligible candidates will be women, oboriginal (native) Canadians, persons with disabilities or visible minorities. DeadJine: July 31197. Jack Wiseman Award-available to 3rd year Civil. Deadline:

Ott 31/97.

Faculty of Environmental Studies: Robert Haworth Scholarship-completion of 3rd year in an honours program in resource management relatedto Park

Planning and Management, Recreation, Natural Heritage or Outdoor Recreation. Deadline: May 31/97. Marcel Pequegnat Scholarship-available to 3rd year Environment & Resource Studies, Planning, Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31197 Faculty of Mathematics: Anderson Consulting Scholarshipavailable to 3B Math. Deadline: Mar. 31 I 97 Eiectrohome75th AnniversaryScholarship-available to 3B Computer Science. Deadline: Mar. 31197 K.C. Lee Computer Science Scholarship-available to 2nd year regular Computer Science. Deadline: Ott 31/97. Sun Life of Canada Award-available to 2nd year Actuarial Science. Deadline: Nov 30/97. Facultjt of Science: SC. Johnson & Son Ltd. Environrnental Scholarship-available to 3rd year Chemistry. Deadline: May 31197 Marcel Pequegnat Schoiarship-available to 38 Earth Science/Water Resource Mgt. Deadline: May 31/97 Dow Canada Scholarship-available to 3A Chemistry. Deadline: Mar 31/97 Science Society Bursary-available to ail.



CD ROM Reference Roving - this term the Davis Centre Library has extended the reach of its information Desk by introducing a new service called CDROM Reference Roving. From Monday to Friday from IO:30 a.m. to 11:OO a.m., 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., a library staff member is available in the area near the CD-ROM workstations, ready to give hands on assistance with these electronic information systems. Our aim is to provide UW Library users with additional search strategies and library assistance where and when it is needed. For info call Carol Stephenson 888-4567, ext. email 6912 or gstephe Q

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