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ws editor: Katherine Sparkes

custome~treturn I I

Feds election suspended by council, rescheduled after reading week Jesse Helmer IMPRINT STAFF


Students will have to wait two more weeks to vote m t h ~ syear's Feds elections because the elections committee has rescheduled the voting wriod. The decision was made after the committee was directed by Students' Councd to suspend voting until problems with VP student issues voung and the voters list were corrected. 'On February 10, Students' council passed a motion that suspended the election. The motion, which was made by arts conncillor Raymond Gillis and seconded by math cound o r Stephen Skrzydlo, called for a suspensionofvotinguntd "such time that the errors including voting for the VPSI position are fixed and a correctvoters listisproduced." Gillis also filed affidavits under sections 306 and 307 of the Ontario Corporations ActwithFeds president Yaacov Iland, requesting a register of the members of the corporation. The Feds have y t d February 20 to provide Gillis wrth the register. The motion identified two problems thatwerenoticedbyGills sometime between Friday and the Sunday council meeting: &st, votefs could not cast ballots for VPSI candidate David Huynh; second, some stu-


Editor-in-chief Ryan Matthew Merkley gives his view of UW's latest dysfunctional vote. Opinion, page 9

dents who thought that they were +ble to vote were told that they were not on the voters' list. The affidavits force the Feds to provide a list of names of its'members in alphabetical order. Gillis explained why he filed the affidavits: 'That was really to draw attention to the executive that we really do have a problem - that we don't know who our members are. And the best way to do that is to force them by using the corporations act." On Monday, the elections committee met and decided to reschedule the election. In a press release, the committee wrote, 'The Federation of Students Elections Committee has decided to cancel voting in the current election and reschedule the voting period in response to an order from the Federation of Students' Council made yesterday." Students could not vote for Huynh because his name was spelled differently on the Feds ballot than it was in the election program.Brandon

Sweet, CRO for the election, explained the problem in an interview: "It was pretty t r i d actually...what would amountto a differenceinspellmg of the candidate's name on the Feds side and the IST side. The Feds ballot was telling IST to register a vote for a candidate that the IST ballot wasn't recognizing. . . I think that one ballot had hun listed as Dave and one ballot had him listed as David." The second problem is that some students who had not paid their fees in fullwhen the voters list was generated were not on the voters' list. Sweet described why some students were not on the list. "On the date that the voters list was generated, several students, who would otherwise be eligble, hadn't yet finished paying their fees . . .it excluded those people who weren't technically registered." On Monday, Sweet did not know the exact day that the voters list was created, but estimated that it was generated in "late January." Reg Quinton, IST senior technologist, security, wrote the election pro& (it is approximately100lines of per1 script). In an interview, he said that there have been no technical problems with the election and that theproblemshave resulted from human error. When asked what would be an ideal situation,Quinton

Region to expand Columbia Street Becky Versteeg

Widening the road is the chosen solutionto bothproblems, and plans for development are in place. The overall goal is to make Columbia Street four lanes wide between Weber Street and the railroad tracks to the east of campus. The proposed plan will be implemented in three stages. Reconstruction from

Phillip street-to the railroad tracks willbegin this year. The section from the King and Columbia intersection through to Holly Street is slotted for 2003. The stretch of deteriorating pavement from Phillip to King will be the final development. See COLUMBIA, page 7

Board of Governors requests more information ries "very aggressively" in order to "spend down a budget surplus." At issue is whether the source of revLast week, UW's Board of Gover- enues will be sufficient to fund r e p nors deferred its decision on the lar student aid eTpenses once the university's proposed student aid surplus is depleted. Thuty per cent of increased "commitment." tuition fees The board cited the must be set need for more inaside to fund formation in re"Student senacurrent &angards to the finantors challenged cia1 aid procial sustainabhtyof grams for UW the proposed stuthe financial students. dent aid program. sustainability of According The university is to Feds presiproposing to make the proposed dent Yaacov a public statement student aid Iland, the sturegarding its intent dent awards to meet the finan'commitment.'" office has cial needs of all unspent $3 mildergraduate stulion more this dents, above and beyond the Ontario Student Assist- yearthanitsannualrevenues,thereby ance Program, through its bursary spending down the surplus by a sigprogram. At the most recent senate nificant amount.Iland sees anumber meeting, several student senators of problems the university's challengedthe financialsustainability proposal because the proposal recof the proposed student aid "comommends "doing what we are doing mltment," calling the proposal now, only announcing it publicly, flawed,but followingthe debate they and not having the surplus to supwere defeated in a close vote. port it." Bob Truman, of the Instttuponal At the last senate meeting, senaPlanning and Analysis Department, tors voted to recommend the proexplained, "There may have been posal, ignoring the urgent requests some confusion on the part of some of student senators to delay the vote of the board members regarding the until the financial sustainability of on going costs of the program." the program could be evaluated. In recent years,the studentawards office has been distributing bursaSee STUDENT AID, page 7 SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Columbia Street: narrow, and deteriorating at a rapid pace.

according to Sweet, is difficult to predict. "I think that students who are passionate about the candidates and the issues will vote, regardless of when. I can't really say if it will negatively impact turnout," he said. He explainedthat the elections committee may send a mass e-mail to students who have e-mail addresses listed in UWdir to remind them of the changes to the voting schedule.

Student aid decision delayed Elise Hug


Theintegrity of the region of Waterloo's campaign to promote environmentally sound transportation has come under critism.The sincerity of the region's efforts to promote alternative modes of transportation have come under speculation after plans to widen Columbia Street to accommodatemore trafficwereannounced. The reasoning is that if you make it easier and more convenient for people to drive, where is the incentive to txy to cut down on emissions? Not only that, but this development will impact more than just the environment. Some houses-student houses-may be tom down to accommodate the change. According to GeorgeBoa,project manager, the Regional Municipality of Waterloo conducted a study of Columbia Street traffic in 1999. The results indicated that there are not enough lanes right now to accommodate forecasted traffic volumes in this area. Four lanes are needed. Boa also noted that the pavement conditions of Columbia Street are poor. The pavement managing system to identify pavement conditions is an index of 10, with 10 representing an ideal road surface. ~olumbiastreet has sections that rate in the 2.5-3 range. The section between Phillip and Weber is particularly poor, with no parts scoring higher than a 4.

Brandon Sweet tries to deal with UW's latest voting fiasco. said that he would like to create the ballot himself, begin the election on a Monday, not a Friday, and keep everything else constant. Quinton said that begimhg the election on a Friday was a "terrible idea," since neither the CRO nor the technical supportpersonworkFriday evenings or weekends. Thepollingperiodwillbeginagain on Friday, February 22, and will run until March 1 at 4 3 0 p.m. HOWthis new date will affect voter turnout,


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Identi5 (ai'dentIti) n., p1.-ties 1. The state or fact of being the same 2. a) the state or fact of being some specific person or thing; individuality b) the state of being as described. I don't like dichotomies.In fact, I tend to run away from constructs such as binaries or artihial choices between one thing and another. However, it appears that there are compelling reasons to believe that as the university grows, and increases or at least maintains its dtversity and plurality, we are faced with two alternate visions. One would see us embrace our increasing complexity, following a path slmilar to the Oqord Enghh Dictionaty's version 2a ofidentity. The latter, would see a growing campus incapable of meeting the needs of its changing character and blurring into a depersonalized mass of individuals, unable to create the community required for people to fully come into their own. While the poles are stark, I do not wish to suggest that these are the only alternatives. In the road from here to the future, the university will be able to artrculate its own vlsion for how it will accommodate and encourage its dtversity in a campus constantly pressed for space, time and resources. For Nigel Flear, former coordinator of Gays and Lesbians Of Waterloo (GLOW), the issue has beenone of progress towards greater quakty. Whde the level of encouragement or recognition for diversity within the gay community has largely remainedconstantduringflear's tenure at Waterloo,he notes that "in the outsideworld, there's definitelybeen a greater increase" in tolerance. Noting new university effoas, including

the recent university Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual/gendered committee, Flear hopes that efforts "to look at issues of diversity" d only increase. While not necessarily suggesting a problem with this path in light of increased growth, Flear does admit that "the biggest problem is space for student groups," which could be exacerbated by new students. "Much of the impetus to celebrate diversity is student-driven," says Flear. He raises concerns that the demand for space and resources on campus may h t the ability for groups to celebrate their dtversity. While headway has been made at m a h g Waterloo a more hospitable and pluralist campus, there is increasingly an awareness of holes in our representative nature. Although committees exist to investigate the lack ofwomen in faculty positions at Waterloo and to invesngate LGBT issues on campus, the reality is that our faculty and central administration are not representative of our student body and, even more starkly, of broader society. On the universitysenate, the highest academic body at UW, there existsonly seven femalemembers from the 64 non-student representatives and only two members from a visible minority. The Board of Governors has a slightly better track record; however,of the 33 non-studentmembers, again only seven are women. This holds true for much of the university's academic and governance functions, with the most startling being the significantly small proportion of female faculty members teaching in tenure-track positions on campus, and a lack ofwomen ih central academic administration. W e the university has a few females in non-academic administration, Jean Kay-Guelke, head of the Faculty Association's Status of Women and Inclusivity Committee, feels that the lack of representation withinuniversityadministration"gets rekforced when white men appoint white males to central administration positions."

Kay-Guelke feels that the lack of female faculty is partially "a reflection of the number of women coming out of PhD programs" and may be a function of evidence suggesting "our starting salaries are not in h e with those of our peer institutions." With the tight "competition, nationallyandinternationally for highly talented, quakfied women," the University of Waterloo appears to be losing the battle. While Kay-Guelke cltes other factors, such as our hightech culture and availablecandtdates, she says "I don't think increasing numbers of women have been very important to this administration. They might disagree,but I thinkthat's a fair statement." With an increased demand for faculty, Waterloo's woes might evaporate, or get worse. If one believes that the lack of female faculty here is a function of discrimination, then the faculty crises might push us past white-male hinng. If it's simply a statement on our abihty to attract qualified candidates, then the problem might get much worse. BrendaBeatty,vice-president student issues for the Federation of Students, also notes the growing tension over diversity on campus. As enrolment continues to grow, "the university grows in every type of people coming here," said Beatty. To accomodate this growth, "we'll need more support because as we grow,we'll become more fragmented and more depersonalized," she said. Returning to the problem raised earlier, it appears the increased dtversity leaves us with either a desire to celebrate it or run away from it. As Beatty noted, p e o p l e d either "feel disconnected and depersonalized and care less about other people, or [it will] incite people to retain that sense of community." Both options remain within the realm of possibility, and in the coming years decisions on how we support, recognize and celebrate our diversity will determine whether identity means being the same or individuality.

Employers court students at job fair




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RIM Park gymnasiums were full of job seekers last Wednesday. One hundred and twenty-oneemployers, many of them from the K-W area, staffed booths at the 2002 Job Fair. 4,067 students from UW, WLU, Guelph and Conestoga College attended. Entrance to the fau was free for those with current student identification from any of the sponsoring institutions. The fair was sponsored by Partnerships for Employment,UW, University of Guelph, Wilfrid Laurier University and'Conestoga College. Jayne Hayden, UWs Career Resource Centre manager, was pleased with the way this year's event ran. Employers liked the new venue at RIM Park (versus Bingeman's from previous years). "In the past," said Hayden, "there were complaints from students that the fair was too

high-tech." With fewerhigh-techemployers participating, there was a better balance of varions'industries being represented. Denise Mak, a fourth-year computer science student, said the job fair was a lot smaller than last fall. "A lot of companies said they were taking resumCs but not hiring at the moment," she said. Terence Lo, also a fourth-year computer science student, said "there were companies who were not looking for university skilled workers - just [retail] sales people." Adding that therewere "too many local companies and not enough from other areas." If the career fair were closer to campus, "I would have been able to go during the smaller breaks I had between classes," said Peter Van Driel, a fourth year earth science student spedalizinginhydrogeology. Van Driel was dtsappointed to find that there were few employers hiring in h s field of study.

Many sectors of the business world were represented. Industries as varied as automotive engineering andmarketing,communitylivingand food manufacturers, traditional retail and cateringwere all represented. A few companies were looking for store managers (Addtion-Elle, EnterpriseRent-a-car and StaplesBusiness Depot) whde other were seekmg cooks T h e Estate Group Webrand Estates Wmery & Peller Estates Winery and G.B. Catering) Law enforcement had a strong showing at the fair. Three city forces attended, m addttion to the OPP, the RCMP and the Canadian Forces. Computer compames came from as far as San Diego. Some of those m attendance mcluded: Computer Talk Technology Inc., DALSA Corp., Electronic Arts Canada, Executive Manufacturing Technologes Inc., and VoiceGenie Technologies Inc.



UW and the environment From greenhouse gasses, to food waste, the university has changes to make Adele Pearce

rahzed landscape instead of grass. The spraytng of pesticides in reddence and daycare areas has been The University of Waterloo has a ehminated and turf test plots, on the wide range of effects on the environ- north campus, are being used to test ment. Influences on the environ- various mixes of turfgrasses in order ment by the university include the to discover varieties that are less use of pesticides on campus, green- dependent on the use of pesticides. housegas emissions, recycling,waste Another issue isgreenhousegases, disposal and transit systems, just to which are emitted by the university name a few. both duectly and induectly. Direct The many environmental groups emissions are those from the camon campus are working to reduce the pus fleet vehicles which are gradually negative impact the university has on being replaced with new, more envithe environment. By setting goals ronmentally friendly models. The and targets, which work in accord- campus is designed in such a way ance with the idea of continuous that encourages students to walk or improvement,the bike to class, and university is not I the proposal by only able to fall student; to have "The challenge well within the a car garagebuilt regulations conis to find on campus was ceming environdenied. cost effective mental issues, but Indirectly, andefficient strivestodomore. the university The challenge uses up a signifimethods of is to hnd cost efcant amount of fective and effienergy and, alcuffing back on cient methods of though 40 per the harm that cutting back on cent of that is the harm thet the nuclear, a great the universitv is university is indeal of it iialso inflicting on its flitting generated from - on its surroundings. It is surroundings." coal power necessary to balplants, which I have a profound ance these environmental troueffect on the enbles with the many social, economic vironment and emission of greenand politicalissuesthat are also influ- house gases. enced by changes in the environThe disposal of waste on campus mental situation. creates a considerable problem. In order to create a sustaidable Every year the university generates a campus, many factors must be taken tremendous amount ofwaste. Howinto consideration. According to ever, the quantity of waste that is Patrick Quealey from the Feds envi- accumulated each year has been reronmentalcommission,anintegrated duced by 48 per cent since 1987. UW approach to management and prois nearing the provincial regulation gram implementation is required. In of a 50 per centwaste reduction. The other words, all departments must universityrecyclesapproximately950 work together. tomes per year and, as a result exThesegroups, he says,shouldraise penses have been reduced by 30 per environmentalconcernsand research cent. the issue in order to prove that a Many changes have been made in problem does in fact exist. Only after order to decreasethe amountofwaste this is done and the expenditure of output by the university, some of fixing the problem is evaluated these changes include the removal of againstlong-term economicpayback, polystyrene from the studentvillages, can action be taken. the reduction of polystyrene cups Quealey said it is "essential for from one d o n to 200,000 and a sustainablljty on campus, as well as a greateruse ofe-madand the Internet sustainable country orworld, to show as a form of communication. that being green is also good for The implementation of many resaving and making money." cycling programs on campus has Reducing the resources the uni- helped in reducing the amount of versity consumes, decreasing the waste. Some of these programs inamount of waste outputted, and clude, the book re-use program, working to eliminate harmful sub- vermicomposting, the recycling of stances used by the university are cans, glass, newsprint, plastic, just a few of the ways in which goals styrofoam,cardboard,metal, kitchen are being met. grease, motor oil, tires, wood and The target use of pesticides on laser cartridges. general turf areas is zero, with excepAccording to Patti Cook, the tions made for infestations and hard- WATgreen waste management cosurface maintenance. Spot spraying, ordmator, programs that have previhowever, is required on sports turfin ously fdedmay,in fact, be beneficial order meet safely regulations and to today because of improved technolmaintain desirable playing condiogy, research and a greater undertions. Mechanical removal of weeds standmg of the world and the enviis used whenever possible, and 10 ronment. The environment, as well per cent of the campus is now natuas the university, is benefiting greatly SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


from changes in the way in which waste is handled. TheFeds environmentalcommission is currently trying to reduce fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions byattemptingtopersuadeFood Semices to switch two of their vans to natural gas. They are also working on reducing the amount of paper wastethe universitycreates,andlooking at using "light hamesting" in the Dana Porter Library which entails installing sensors that will control the level of lightingwithh the building. .Thecommissionis also thinkhg about writing a report suggesting that the universitybecomeIS0 14001 certified. The University of Waterloo Sustainability Project, a new environmental group on campus, was founded to increase the environmental awareness and leadership-of the students and to educate the community about many prominent environmentalissues. Thisgroup,comprised of students, faculty and adrninistration, works on projects to ease the environmental impact of UW. At present they are looking into converting several units of Columbia LakeTownhousesinto environmentally-neutral ecopods. Experiences from other universities demonstrate that environmental improvement traditionally results from concerted student involvement and "bottom-up" initiatives. In this respect, UW seems to be turning towards a sustainable course. Whether it is one person putting theit juice bottle in the recycling bin or a group implementinga new environmental program, big or small, every action is a helpful one.

Growth and cuts for UW Mark A. Schaan IMPRINT STAFF

Theuniversityappearspoised to grow despite a cautionary financial climate which may not produce significant revenue increases. In a presentation to the Board of Governors lastweek, vice-president academic and provost Amit Chakma suggested that the need for growth lies within the increased demand for university programs, the innovative programs we offer which meet societal needs and the fiscal realities which require growth to make up for the shortfall. Chakmaprovided context for the board in attempting to understand the need for the university to grow and the potential budgetary constraints faced by UW. Highlighting the Price Waterhouse Coopers study commissioned by the Council of Ontario Universities, Chakma det d e d the possibility for 88,900 more students by 2010 and the need for 9,600 additional professors. With this in mind, Chakma presented plans for the university to grow its intake by an additional 540 students. President Johnston and Chakma earlier asked the university's deans to devise proposals for growth which would create space k quality programs with high student demand that would be able to cover the incremental cost increase of growth through incremental revenue. The breakdown of new spaces will see arts take in an additional 160 students, AHS, 50, engineering, 100, environmental studies, 50, mathematics, 100 and science, 80. While no specifics were provided, speculation on the new growth has suggested it will meet the "affordability

test" by growing popular programs including a new program in mechatronics. The university currently has an incremental growth revenue gap of $8.5 d o n as we have accepted students that our current basic income unit corridor does not provide government revenue for. This gap could increase as there has yet to be a resolution over the average basic income unite funding for the growth UW took in this year. This sameconcernexistsfor funding the growth the university will take in over the next few years. Fiftyone per cent of the university's 20012002 operating income came from government grants with 29 per cent of those directly attributed to operating grants. With a lack of clarity over the exact basic income unit funding for new growth, the university may be able to cover the incremental costs of incremental growth but may hnditselfunable to make up for the lack of inflationaty funding increasesto the base operatinggrant. In the coming year, the university will acquire at least an additional $11 million in budget expenses as the pension holiday for premium payments ends, Superbuild capital projects continue and electricity deregulation takes effect. This pressure will be partially offset by funds from the recently-announced $200 rnillion fund for the indirect costs of research by the federal governments and by the funding of the Canada Research Chairs. However, it is unclear if this will completely save the university from the need to cut expenditures in other areas.


Tessie Abraham IMPRINT STAFF

Labatt offers students money for service projects

way 7 corridor to regional council. Modifications include a 401 style route between the Guelph and Kttchener-Waterloo.WPIRGvolunteers conducted a survey which revealed that four out of five commuters favoured awidening solution over other plans. W I R G has argued that alternative solutions would cost less and be more environmentally sound. Despite apparent community dtssent the ministry proposal is expected to head to the Ontario Minister of the Environment (WaterlooNoahMPP Elizabeth Witmer) for approval.

The Labatt People in Action program funds originalsummerprojects designed by students that aid a charity. To date, Labatt has invested dwith files from WPlRG lions of dollars in the project and had over 3,700 students participate. The Government invests in deadline for the Labatt People In student disability programs Action applications is March 18, 2002. Additional information can be The Ontario government has estabfound onltne at lished the Enhanced Services Fund with files from Labatt's to aid post-secondaq students with disabilities through assistive techHighway 7 modifications nologists and1earningstrategists.The governmentwill also permit students O n February 13, 2002 the Ministry to claim disability-related education of Transportation presented their expenses in their OSAP needs asplans for modifications to the High- sessment. Currently eligible~tudents

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Five beefs and a skeleton

with files from the Ontario Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities

Tories send expensive "congratulations" Around $150,000 was recently spent by the Conservative government to place newspaper ads congratulating scholarship recipients. NDP deputy 1eaderManlynChurley was outraged, arguing that personal letters to those students would have been more appropriate and cost efficient, consid-

In the spirit 'of Winter Olympics and in the boredom of what looks to be a never-ending Feds election, I think I owe it to you not to talk about student politics this week. Instead, let's talk sports. enngthatpost-secondaryinstitutions Beef one: rally point in volleyare currently underfunded. ball. Watching volleyball since the with files from change to the rally point scoring the Ontario New Democratic Party system, I have to wonder what advantage it is to retain serve? I Students vocal on kept this in mind while watching a tuition freeze few varsity games this year, and I The Canadian Federation of Stu- noticed that the receiving team, dents recently called on the Ontario most of the time, wins the point government to take action in freez- because they're obviously skilful ing tuition fees. Students are mobi- enough to mount an effective k i n g to create forums and rallies to attack. For that reason, I h k I'd inform students of the issues and rather receive than serve on a game dangers facing them. To date, more point. After you score in hockey, than 10,000 signatures have been you don't award the other team collected in support of a tuition fee with a penalty'shot. I think this is freeze,whichwill be presented to the akm to the rally point system in Legislative Assembly. Future events volleyball. If you win the point, are planned in several Ontario com- give the other team the ball and force them to serve to you. Right munities. now, there's little point to retaining with files from serve. There should be a tipoff at the Canadian Federation of Students the net at the beginning of every set, too. But that's just reinventing WLU elects new the game. Students' Union Beef two: contact in women's Last Thursday 28 per cent of Wilfr~d hockey. When WLU there be body Lamer students turned out to vote contact in women's hockey? I for thee new student leaders on the understand that you can't just WLU Students' Union Andy implement body contact and that it Pushahkwas electedpresident,Knsti must be properly taught at the Edwards captured the positton of roots level so that no one gets executive mce-president: university killed out there. But why wasn't affairs, and 15 other students were this being taught many moons ago? Guelph won the first OUA elected to the board of hectors. The WLUSU represents Laurrer undergraduate students and controls a budget of $5.5 d o n . The turnout for WLU's elections was four tunes Chris Edey that oflast year's UW Feds elecuons, IMPRINT STAFF where only seven per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot. UW president David Johnston with files from Wilfred Laurier dropped a major surpnse on many Student's Union members of the board of governors last week when he announced that it Imprint fee cut 20 per cent was his intention for UW to build two new 500-bed residences. Students will soon be paymg a little Johnston wants the first to be operaless for Imprint The fee is bemg re- tional by Fall 2003 (in time for the duced by 80 cents to $3.30. double cohort) and the second to be The paper accumulated a large completed the following fall. asset base in the early '90s, and its However, for a new residence to board of directors expressed a desire be constructed and fitted out in time to reduceits "large hquid asset base." for the amval of the double cohort, Imprintis a not for profit corporaaon construction would have to begin mthout share capital. almost immediately. Furthermore, The change must be approved by there are serious doubts that the W s board of governors, but it is already cash-strapped university can &ely they will refuse the change. afford such a major investment on The board ofgovernors doesn't meet such short notice. again untd the spnng term, so the Bud Walker, director of business reduced fee should come mto effect operations at UW, commented that in September, 2002. the plan is at a "real early stage," and Imprint does not expect to have to added "I guess all you can call it is a raise the fee after the hquid assets consideration at this point." Walker have been reduced, as increased en- said that no budget has been prerolment should bolster revenues. pared as yet and that 1s also not yet There are currently no plans to m- known when a final dec~sionwill be crease the number of copies printed made on the matter.

women's hockey title in 1972. Watching the Canadian team romp over Kazakhstan last Tuesday, there were so many ridiculous penalties for body contact and roughing that I felt like the referee was playing schoolmaster to the players. Now is the time to slowly bring body contact to the women's minor hockev, svstem. I'm sure , women would welcome this added challenge to the game. I certainly don't see "touch" women's rugby. Beef three: skeleton. Where has thls sport been all my life? There's nothing more crazy than lying stomach-down on a sled and flying 125 km/h head-first down a halfpipe of ice. Skeleton, which is like inverted luge; has not been a medal sport since 1948 and makes its pmtmodern debut this year in Lake. When will they install nordtc G.T. snowracing as a demonstration sport? Beef four: Super Bowl coverage on Fox. What was with the directing in the first half of Fox's coverage of the Super Bowl? It was like they only had one camera set up, or executives let an intern run the control panel for 30 minutes. Quite frankly, TVO could've done a better job. Beef five: SalC and Pelletier. Funny how the Olympics dldn't mean much for the duo going into the Olympics (or so they made seem to) and now David Pelletier is talking about ending his skating career earlv because of the controversial judging at the figure skating event last Tuesday, at which the Canadians settled for silver. Regardless, the duo deserved the gold medal. All the investigations and finger-pointingin the world won't reverse the judges' decision, though.

Two new residences proposed

SWAP r a not-forpmfrtprogfammeof Me Canadian Federaion of Students



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When asked to comment on the feasibhty of having a new 500-bed readence ready forFall2003, Walker said,"At this pornti pstdon'tknow. D e t d s remain few and far between, and as yet no background studtes have been prepared walker said that constructing the new b d d ings was only one of several options to increase beds at the wversity. "If anything develops out of [the proposed butldings], there d be [a specialmeeting]or something about it at the board meeang in April," Walker sad. Fmanung concerns stem from the fact that any new residences must be financially sustainable over the long-term. UW loses money when residences are under capauty dunng the winter and s p m g semesters. It is especially crucial that the residences have a guaranteed number of co-op students to fill rooms during the spring semester. Without this sohd block of guaranteed revenue, any newbddmgwould become amoney loser m short order. Facing budget cuts already, UW must be cautious.



Student aid: issue s d unresolved STUDENT AID, from page 3

One of his concerns is that the complexities of predicting the costs of the student aid program were being oversimplified by the administration. "The administration's numbers have changedmany,manytimes. The latest numbers [from the institutional planning and analysis depaament] support our view that the program, in the proposed form, is not financially sustainable." Yaacov Iland, beds president, is "very glad the board sees the need to scrutinLze the financial sustainability of the proposed student aid program." "1 would very much like to be able to support a new student aid program for students. But I can't support it if it's hurting them or tricking them [into thinking the money dbe there when they need it]," he added. The institutional planning and analysis department was unable to

provide the financial figures with respect to the proposed student aid program as they are a "work in progress." The department is currently developing a business case to demonstrate the financial sustainability of the program. This case, outlining the financial sustainability of the program, will likely be presented at the next board of governors meeting. An interim board meeting may be called in the near future to discuss plans for new residences and possibly the student aid "commitment". Iland said that students' concerns about both the financial and political issues of possible changes to student would not be considered. "I hope the administration will consult with students [about the proposed student aid "commitment"] before it goes to the hoard of governors. I find it very difficult to interact with the administration. In this case, consultation is always going the other way."

Bike lanes: now part of the plan BIKE LANES, from page 3

The region has also upheld its commitment to the environment in the planning of this project. A class environmentalassessment has been compiled and filed at the Ministry of the Environment and is awaiting final approval. It should be noted that an important feature of this is the plan to add bike lanes. These lanes will provide easier and safer conditions for those who choose to btke, and may even increase the number of people wikng to do so. The plan to tear down a number of student houses is also not as large

of an issue as was suspected earlier. ~ c c o r d i nto~Boa, only four feet of property on either side of the road will be used. This will mean that the city will buy out a grand total of two properties. The need for the four feet reflects the addition of the bike lanes, which is a much-needed and environmentallyconscious development decision. A final important factor that led to the decision to expand the road is the impending construction of the technologypark on UW'snorth campus. UW students can expect the changes to begm this construction season, adding to the numerous delays Columbia Street is known for.

Business down at Pho Maxim Geoff Eby IMPRINT STAFF

The employees of Pho Maxim, a restaurant in the University Plaza, are waiting for 80 per cent of their customers to return to h e on Vietnamese food. They'rebecominganxious to regain the trust of the people who heard that the regional food safety department had charged them with health violations. They blame a January 22 article in the Record for their loss of customers. On January 2, the restaurant re-

restaurant as "filthy," and also saymg "it was pretty gross." The employees of the restaurant are concerned about customer's perceptions. "I eat here everyday," said Xuan Tran, one of the restaurant's owners. " I hope that students understand that. All of my employees eat here too. Why would we keep our food dirty here when we eat here too?' The manager of Pho Maxim has since lost hts job and, pending a reversal of fortune for the restaurant, there isn't enough money to

hire a replacement. Tran told Imprint that her message for all students and other customers is 'We [at Pho Maxim] understand health is important. Our business was very good before and we are committed to making customers happy." If things don't turn around for Pho Maxim soon, they may never have a chance to M y repair their reputationwithinwaterloo's student community.

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All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include the author's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.

Opinion editor: Hala Khalaf

Media bias past and present: a controlled experiment Douglas Tanner COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

A few weeks ago, Mr. Aaron "I hate independent media" Wudrick was accused of building straw men and he asked to be "[pointed] to the real one." Well, I don't expect him to reply to it, but here's one if he ever wants to. In 1975,two genocides tookplace; one inflicted upon Cambodians by their ruler Pol Pot, the other on the people of East Timor by Indonesia's General Suharto. In Cambodia, one millton people were lulled, one seventh of their population. In East Timor, 200,000 people were lulled, one fourth of their population (according to United Nations figures). Two things set these massacres apart. The first was the level of coverage by the corporate me&a. Pol Pot's actions were relentlessly attacked, while Suharto's were virtuallyignored.D u m g 1975-1979, Cambodia had a total of 1,175 index column inches printed by the New York Times, while Timor only received 70 total index column inches. The second difference was the relation between the U.S. government and the two regimes. The US. was hosule to the Khmer Rouge who formed Cambodia's communist government. On the other hand, Indonesia was a stalwart US. ally. In fact, the US. had supplied 90 per cent of the arms used by Indonesia in East Timor. As MIT Professor Noam Chomsky remarked, it was a rare occurrence of history setting up a controlled experiment. The experiment conclusively demonstrated the media's b~asin support of American government policy. This past Sunday, another such controlled experiment occurred. Demonstrators took to the streets in New York, and football fans took to the streets in Boston. Both groups converged in major American cities, lacked a permit to assemble, blocked traffic, and made a lot of noise In New York, a single window

was broken, and red paint spilled.At another march, the police weren't even sure if the demonstrators were behaving Illegally. An officer quoted by the New Yo& Times remarked, "Are they violating the law? Give them a chance to violate the law." Eventually it was decided that they were, and a police officer blared through a bullhorn, 'You are creating a disturbance. You are blockmg pedestrian traffic. If you do not walk one or two abreast, you wdl be arrested." The police then made 60 arrests. In Boston, there were reports of a car being flipped over on Hemingway Street while 300 kids looked on chanting "Fuck Bin Laden!" The Boston Globe reported that they wrote "World Champions" in spraypaint on the side of bddmgs and stopped fheir cars in city streets. Shortly after the game, bemused police officers watched as a young man danced on top of a police van. Fox News reported that one police officer had been hit in the head with a bottle. Other than the severity of the disturbances, two things set the events apart. Firstly, the New York demonstrations were political in nature. See BIAS, page 13



Friday,February 15,2002 -Vol. Student Lifc Centre, Rrn 1116 University o f Waterloo Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chcf, Ryan Matthew Mcrklcy c&tor@impmtuu-ater100,ca Assistant editor, Mark A. Schaan Photos, Catthn Shaqx ilssistant photos, vacant Graphics, vacant Assistant graphics, vacant Web, Talesh Seeparsan Assistant Web, Kourtney Short Systems admin., vacant Assistant systrm? a h n , vacant Lead proofreader, Jeremy Taylor Pmofrcadcr, Lisa Johnson Proofreader, Neal hloogk-Soulis Proofrcadcr, Joshua Safer I'roofrcadcr, vacant

Don't fear the election committee

REMEMBER EARTH CLEARLY Last week, features editor Melanie Stuparyk wrote, 'Why do all the other universities get to have so much fun at election time?" Considering the events of h s year's Feds election, I think she spoke too soon. Only days after the digital polls were opened, many registered students found that the system considered them ineligible to vote, and those who were eligible couldn't vote for vice president student issues candidate David Huynh. Election committee minutes have also revealed that the system was attributing votes for one c a d d a t e to another, and in some cases, voters were forced to decline their ballot. It was Sunday morning before the Feds were on to the problem, and that afternoon Students' Council decided to stop the voting. On Monday morning, the election committee met to consider

their options, and did the only thing they could do: void the election. The election was rescheduled to start after reading week, in hopes of getting it right the second time. Frustrated and angry, many of the candidates turned up at the Feds' office first thing Tuesday mormng to find out what happened. According to one candidate, chief returning officer Brandon Sweet told them that the voting system had been tested by staff, but that he "couldn't read source code," so problems were able to slip through. Sweet also told them that some students weren't eligible to vote because the list had been created at the end of January, when some students had yet to pay their fees. Thanks goes to Quest for refusing to classify students as registered untd they pay all of their fees, including fmancial aid. Earlier this week, Sweet told me that a mock election had been run prior to the voting period, but the question remains: if the system was tested properly, why didn't anyone notice you couldn't vote for David Huynh? As it was with the inflated voters list in the Waterloo Campaign referendum, the Feds blamed the foul-up on a lack of communication with IST, while IST says that the Feds are responsible. Even if the Feds manage to get

the technical aspects of the election fixed, d students come out to vote again, or d l they become disillusioned with a process that has failed them twice in one year? We asked candidates to comment on the events of the past week but few were willing, fearing election committee's fines. Melissa Alvares, candidate for vice president student issues, encouraged me to quote from the minutes of the Tuesday meeting, but deched to comment. Another candidate responded, and later retracted his comments, saymg "I don't know what this committee might do; I don't want to be disqualified." I took the candidate's comments to Sweet, who looked them pver and had no objections. The election committee's unpredictable, yet proactive stance on fining has put an effective gag order on all of the candidates. Most of them simply didn't respond at all, but their message was clear: we are afraid to talk to the press, because just about anything we say might constitute c a m p a i p g . If the election committee was as obsessive about the voting process as they are about fining candidates for campaign violations, we'd havc the results of the election by now.

*' '

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Office Staff Busmess manager, Cathy Bolger

Production staff I.csley Burnett, Talea Coghltn, I'mlly Callings, Thayani Dayahparan, Geoff Edy, Durshan Ganthan, Adina Gillan,Mcllisa Graham, Cindy I Iackclberg,Jesse Helmcr, Jaruce Jim, Gregory Macdougall, i-elix Yip Cover Dave Harsam

Adverusmg & produchon manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas hdvcrusing asslstant, vacant D~stribution,vacant Dxstribution, racant Board of Directors President, Jesse Helmer Vice-president, Jay Szymanslu Treasurer, Phdip Werner Secretary, vacant Staff haison, Adrna Gillian

Im>ri~lIS thr: official student ncwspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an ed~tnrlally~ndrpindentncwspapcr published by Imprint Publicauons, Waterloo, a corporatmn wlthout share captal. Imprint 1s a member of the Ontano Community Newspaper hssoclauon (OCNA).

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Editorial subm~ssionsmay be considered for publication in any cdtlon of Iqbrint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commerc~allyin any format or medurn as part of Friday, Februaru 15 the newspaper database, Web site or any other product Next staff meetiog: dcnvcd from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial 12:30p.m., SLC I l l 6 conten~rnclulngarticles,leners,photosandgraphics,will Next production night: Wednesday, February 20 grant I q h t fust publication rights of their submitted 5 3 0 p.m., SLC 1116 mtenal, andas such, agreenot tosubmit the same work to


Reading blink isn't enough To the editor, As mdterms continue and "reading week" approaches, I can't help but feel extremedspleasure over thelack of a winter break bemg offered to math and engineering students Countmg the weekends, students m other facuhes wdl receive at least five more days off What is the reason for this? Is it because math and engmeermg students don't have .is much "readtng?" We have just as much, if not more, work to catch up on Everyone knows that readlng week is not about readtng, but rather a break from the l w g drag of the wmter months It is a chance to go home, relax and see h g h school friends who are also on their wmter break Itis notltke math and engmeemg students are bemg forced to take more classes e~ther- our semester ends three days earher to makeup for our lack of readlng week Who wouldn't want those three days off moved to nud-February, rather than dunng the exam penod, when you wdl be studyinganyways?So why not have all the readmg weeks the same, To make things worse, we can't even shp our classes to go home, because many of us have midterms scheduled dunngreadtng week What about people who h e overseas? If they were m other programs, they would have a chance to go home for a week, but not m math and engineenng. Our "readmgweek" 1snothmg more than a reading weekend that wll do httle to refresh o u r m d s before the second half of the semester. - A h Tdj$ord IB mathematics I

Provincial referendum on deregulation?

To the editor, Every qualified student, regardless of socio-economic status, should have access to a post-secondary education. Without a doubt. But asking university students if they support deregulationis like askihg motorists if they support a new &soline tax. Of course they don't! D o I want to pay more tuition? God no1 Should Jimmy the street sweeper ( h d taxpayer) subsidize it? That's a more difficult question. If the answer is yes: Students can relax, taking comfort in the fact that Jimmy and Dianne, the cashier at Sobey's, are (in part), a) paying for them to have the times of their lives dnd; b) providmg them ullth three (fes, this is arbitrary) times the e m ing power when they graduate four ars later. If the answer is no: Many options need to be explored to ensure that it is not only the rich who will pursue post-secondary education. A couple df them: a) greater access to funds.; largerno (or low) interest loans made more accessible to students Gom


lower- and middle-income families; b) tuition based on abdity to pay. While a set tuition rate would be established for each program, each student would pay tuition based on ability to pay. In effect, students from wealthier families would subsidize those from lower- and rniddle-income fanuhes;~)scrappingacademic scholarships in place of ones based solely on financial need. Ontario's universities are seriously underfunded and need money to maintain (increase) the quality of education they provide. Someone is going to have to foot the bill. It should be up to the people of Ontario to decide the "who." And not university students.

- Peter Sullen 4B economics-applied studies Imprint cartoons vs., well, anything else! To the editor. A cartoon is supposed to say a thousand words with the added bonus of a chuckle, but Imprints seem to leave me with well, nothing. As an artist myself I enjoy meaningful art and I know that cartoons are supposed to be perfect examples of this. I am not trying to offend the artists because I do ltke their cartoon figures. I just wanted to say that they lackmeaning. I understand that with a busy university schedule these artists may not have time for the added touch, but for the sake of Imprint readers, please take that time. I am not saying abolish the cartoons entirely, yet possibly this small section could be fUed with more important things, or anythmgelse for that matter. A great example could be employment ads since UW is all about &ding jobs and obtaining experience.Maybe some extra coupons. Maybe some photos of random students. Maybe recognizing students for outstanding academic or extra curricular activities records. Maybe even meaningful cartoons. The possibilities are endless! Now, I do give cxedit where it's due -last week's cartoon about St. Jerome's contained some meaning. Congratulations!

- Denise Jgawardene IB environment and business Just not ducky To the editor, Alright, I have had enough. Why is it that lately the most popular UWpastime is picking on an adorable, goodnatured, friendly little duck? For all of you who have partaken in the Millie slanders or rumours you knowwho you are -you should be ashamed. For some, Millie's absence is deeply felt, it is a subject of intense pain, not ridicule. Every time I cross Laurel Creek there is an emptiness; every time I see a commercial with a duck or hnd a little white feather, a part of me dies inside. She is not dead, no one ate her,

she did not leave UW in search of a lesbian partner. I cannotbelieve these lies, for that is what they are. Do not destroy my hope for that is all I have.. .until she retms. - Rachel


3A histoy Paying through the nose To the editor, With all this talk of an impending vote about a mandatory bus pass, I thought I'd take a moment to mention what else we're paymg for involuntanly. Fed Hall: $7.50 per term. I can't remember the last time I was there. "student coordinated plan:" $28.44 per term. I don't think any of us know what that is. New co-op b d d ing: $25 more per term for co-op students. The list goes on and on. What I'm getting at is that students don't need another non-refundahle fee to be added to their already expensive tuition bds. Let students exercise the right to buy or not buy the pass. If students need to take the bus, then they'll buy the pass. But if people like me live close enough to the school to walk, why do I need a bus pass? I find it difficult to understand the rationale behind forcing students to buy a bus pass that they may never use. By the same token, why not make students pay for unneeded parkmg passes, meal plans and Shell gift certificates while we're at it?

-Andrew Martin 3 N mmputer science

Legal to kill a dog after sundown To the editor, I direct a charity for stray animals. I get used to people saying, "I don't want to hear about it" when instances of abuse are mentioned. That is why most abusers get away with it. But, what I am writing about does not evokeimageshard for people to visualize is of a much more general nature. TheProtestant theologian and pacifist Martin Niemoller, who survived a Nazi concentration camp, wrote these words after the Second World War: "In Germany, first they came for the communists, but I said nothing because I was not a communist. Then they came for the Jews, but I said nothing because I am not a Jew. Next they came for the trade unionists, but I said nothing because



I was not a member of a union. Then they came for the Catholics, but I said nothing because I am a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no-one was left to speak up." A township just outside Toronto is trying to introduce a by-law that everyone should be alarmed about. One small quote from a very long and, to my mind, very dangerous,bylaw: "Any person may kill a dog that is found between sunset and sunrise straying from the premises where the dog is habitually kept."(Their defitution of a dog: any dog, male or female, apparently over the age of 42 days). If you care, I implore you to visit, learn more, and try to stop this law from beingpassed. Thmk! If you travel with your dog, one mistake in the wrong area, and it is open hunting season!

- Bariy Tuddenham Beware of banks,. big bad banks To the editor. One of the most needed resources, as a student, is a reliable, efficient and accessible bank. Unfortunately, UW students arewithout this luxury.Upon using the CIBC bank on campus, I have encountered long line-ups, believe they have poor operating hours and hear of many examples of poor customer service. One such example was an incident encountered by my sister, also a student at UW. At the end of last term, after continually withdrawing money andpayingbills,shenoticed a significant drop in her bank account, but dismissed it as poor budgeting. About a week later, she snuck out between exams to do some Christmas shopping andupdated her bankbook, only to hnd a $500withdrawal, which she had not authorized. Upset and in tears after not getting any answers over the phone, she proceeded to the campus bank, her home branch. After patiently waiting to talk to someone, she was told she would have to wait for a photocopy of the transaction. This occurred on a Thursday and it wasn't until she made several phone calls and returned to the bank the following Tuesday that it was discovered that the bank had made an error and accidentally withdrew the money from her account rather than someone else's. Human error does occur, however, I believe this is an example of the poor service offered to the stu-

dents at the campus bank. My sister was leftwithoutthismoney,theweekend before Christmas,without a second thought.

-Nicole 0 Hagan 1B envimnment and busines~ We should spend more money To the editor, So little time, so much to say. Well, let's see.. .where to start? First, StephenYoung's comments on there being no greenhouse effect. Hmmm . it just me, or is it warm outside? Was that rain I saw over the weekend? Has it been green during most of what we expect to be winter? Correct meif1 am wrong, but we just came off a scorchmg hot summer, one of the hottest on record, and now our winter is extremely mild. Oh no, of course there is no such thing as the greenhouse effect.. .it's all just a big scam to get us our of out cars and save oil. Secondly, to all those who wrote in saymg we don't need a universal bus pass. Alright, we here at UW see ourselves as leaders, innovators and foreward-thinkingpeople. Yet when it comes to a good idea, not only environmentally but financially, we start to balk. Many major universities currently have bus passes woven into the student fees; placeslikeWestern, Guelph and Carleton come to mind. Not only is this an extremely good idea, especially for those of us who don't have the luxury or the money to afford our own vehicle, but also for those who live far away from campus. Grand River Transit provides a good service to us 'less fortunate" who don't live within walking &stance of the school. I, for one, would love to see h s added, even if it has to be able to be refunded by those who don't want it. Unseen benefits such as livening up downtownby providing &t-yeari and upper-years living on campus with easy access to downtown clubs and hot spots would not only stimulate our local economy, but also help GRT at the same time. I believe those opposed to this helpful tool to students are narrowminded and need to open their eyes to the real world. I, for one, will continue to take the bus, and really ... what's an extra $64 on top of the $2,200 you're already paying?

-Andrew Wisenberg honours English /iterature


Don't let McDaddy get YOU down To the edttoq In the column "In Your Interest," Narha N a p poses a question that many activists are beginning to ask themselves: is protest effective? Does it allow our voices to be heard and our opinions to be taken seriously, or does it only alienate the non-protesting public, incite stubborn resistance to socially just politics in proglobalization organizationswho "don't want to gve in to the protesters" and give the media opportunities to mock, discount or distort the motivations and actions of activists? Shall we continue to scream and,yellor chant and dance while these meetings keep happening, despite allefforts to shut them down, while an environmentally-destructive, socially-injustculture and politic of greed continues to hold sway? It is time that all social activists - from hardcore "summit-hoppers" to those who feel

distressed when passing a homeless person on the street or seeing how much paper is wasted m the photocopy centre, orwonderwhy we are having such a warm winter, or question whether our university should be deregulated -learn the capitalism game. I have believed for a long time that we are not living in a democracy, but in a corporate state. Government is affected by bigbusiness.While rightwingers andleftwingers might disagree on the morality and ethics of a market-based society, both would agree that the financial markets are where the big decisions are made in this world today. We cannot afford to naively assume that, at this point in human history, simple messages of peace and love alone are going to change the (destructive) structure of our society. What many committed activists already know, but many new activists may not, is that working within the system is as effective as workingoutsideofit. Protest, an act ofloveand passion, is important. But boycott, an act of

reason and sacrifice,is the greatest weapon the socially active hold agmst big busmess -it is avote w t h evew dollar From the simple act of not buying that dnnk or that chocolate bar made by a tobacco company, to buying local fruits and vegetables (even better, buy organic!), to taking the blke or using the feet instead of %g up the car with gas, everyone can economically boycott the products made by companiesthey do notwish to be controlled by politically. We all have the power, and we can start small and bring a lunch instead of eating at Burger King (unethical treatment of animals), and we can work up to larger issues (sell your car, commit to buying only organic produce, refuse to buy sweat labour clothing, opt for the Princess local cinema instead of Silver City megaplex). If we do not support them, corporations cannot exist. It is as simple as that. And if enough people ask for social change with dollars, instead of placards, change will come.

Maya Angelou and the I hate knees death of the modern poet: Minh Tran


Charting the new corporate landscape Mark A. Schaan ASSISTANT EDITOR

I have taken great solace over my university careerm aphrase from Canadian essapst Robert Kroetsch m h s understandmg of modem hterature and its unportance wthin our current landscape. "It is the paradox of Columbus' perceptual moment that it cannot end. Themoment of the discovery of America continues. Its re-cnactment becomes our terrifying test of greatness; we demand to hear again and always the cry into mystery, into an opening. We demand, of the risking eye,newgeographies. Andthe search that was once the test of sailor and horse and canoe is now the test of the poet." Lastweek, Hallmark bought that landscape, the country, and expropnatedthepoet thatwas searching within as a natural resource sure to make your next greeting card that much nicer. Revered American essayist, novehst and poet Maya Angelou has just signed a lucrative deal with Hallmark where she has produced 100 greeting cards and an entire line of collectibles (includingmugs, pillows and wallhangings) known as the Maya Angelou Life Mosaic collection. Often summarized as "the people's poet" and considered one of the most impressive writers of the age, Angelou has been celebrated by Oprah and Random House and has been seen as an inspiration for her heroic tale as a black American woman. What is perhaps most disturbing about Angelou's decision to ahgn forces with Hallmark, known for such sensational prose as Shoebox Greetings and the charming poems found in fiftieth wedding anniversary cards, is the blurred distinction between commercialism and literature. In no way do I intend to argue that commercialism has not always played some part m the art of literature. Many authors have written for commercial purposes or have catered their writing to a mass matket. However, the writing was still intended for a readership and the content was still d e t e m e d , with corporate pressure, by the artist. On the opposite end of the spectrum, commercialism has made its own unabashed attempts at producing culture and literaturewith-

out attempting to veil its corporate mfluence Martha Stewart sold her image because she had always been a commercial entity, not a cultural icon co-opted mto the commencal marketplace. What sets Angelou apart is her decision not to graft her own personal wnung onto Hallmark but to wnte specifically for them Angelou's Life Mosiuc Collecuon features two-he snippets that Angelou wrote specifically for the mterests of the corporation W e arttsts have always had theu patrons, and patrons have always desired some form of amsac licence, Angelou has set a precedent by essenually consenung to make her hterature mto a purely corporate form. The decision, as I see it, is rather like the mtemew pomon of a beauty competition By addmg in some component of mtelhgence or false c o n g e d t y , themtemew steers you away from understandmg the contest for what it really is - a valuation of the female body Angelou too has blurred the h e s between commercialism and hterature,allowmgher prevlous success m hterature to pretend what she is wntmg is not for purely commercial purposes Great controversyhas followed the mcreasmg corporatrzationof the culturallandscape.A recent author whose book was selected to the Oprah book club scoffed at the "honour," not wishing to partake m a constructed corporate buymg spree, as it cheapened h s hterary attempt. WMe others have held t h m nose and gone to the bank on the book sales, the h e s between hterature and corporatist c o n s h e r ism seem to blur what is truly artistic hcence and what is merely an attempt to empty our wallets The distmctlon betweencommerdsm and hterature is an important one that seems increasingly under fire. It seems the moment of the discovery of Amenca does contmue, as America's landscape becomes one where the "people's poet" and Hallmark aren't all that different. I hope thls new geography, this new test of greatness at least provldes me with somethmg "touching" in a card for my next special occasion.

University life is gruelling. All day we toil in libraries and lecture halls studyingand working whde condom expiry dates loom closer. Years ago I fell in love with an ugly girl because of some humorous essays she wrote. Then one day I read Getting Even by Woody Allen. Every thing she ever wrote was plagarized from that book. I don't know if I feel more embarrassed about being duped by a hag or technically falling in love with Woody Allen. My first remotely sexual dream involved an abduction and subsequent make-out session with an alien life form. It was only years later when my parents pointed out my general attraction to girls 4 t h inordinatelybig foreheads that I drew the parallels. Lately my thing has been lefties. It's just too cute knowing that a g r l is doomed to go through life doing everything with the wrong hand. It's like they'll be reaching for some french fries and I'll be thinking, "Aww, she wishes she could do that with her right hand but it's dumb and slow." It makes me feel like a good Samaritantaking them out on a date. I'm looking into the tax write-off potentiality of it. I once got dumped by a girl for pointing out that her curly hair was just one step closer to

We, the university educated, have tremendous economic clout. Even the poorest stw dent 1s a far distance from a homeless person in the T h d World. It is a terrible world in which you have to have money to have a say in how you are governed. However, we must face the facts that that is how it is right now, anduse our financial resources to help and protect and fight for those who have nothmg. We can use the system to change the system. So do a bit of research. Ask around. There is a lot of information on the Internet about socially-just living. Don't let corporations tell youwhat youwant;askyourselfwhat youthink is healthy, caring and sustainablefor this fragile planet. And next time you want to have your say against somethmg you don't believe in, let your wallet do the talking. Believe me: big business knows that language.

-Charlotte Clarke 4B English RPW

pubic hair. I guess the Power Pomt presentation mappmg the s d a n t i e s between the DNA structures of the two was a bit of an overkd. I dldn't mean to msult. Armed with that nugget of knowledge, I'm sure some guys are more attracted to curly-haired grls. I know I am I wonder what girls thmk when they see me, basically Asia's answer to Antonio Sabato Jr., but wthout the herpes and 200-word vocabulary Right now, if you've actually seen me in real hfe, you're probably t h k m g Asia has a lot of explmng to do, if I amuideed theu answer People are t a h g about the tech slump, bdt I assure you that untd we are capable of mstandystreammgDVD-qualitymulti-angleporn to our anreless HDTV wtual-reahty headsets, there wdl always be jobs for engineers m i computer scientists. And as long as there's sdll a demand for porn stars, there wdl always He lobs for arts grads They have bigger packages Just for future reference, when a girl describes your penis as "cute," that's not a goocl thing. Don't learn that the hard way. Knees are far and away my least favounte body part on a female. If society ever feels the need to develop a reverse-Viagra, I think a f i p deck ofpictures ofvanous kneecaps should do the tnck God should have just put another set of boobs there. I imagine that would make g a r d w g a lot harder though I

Deregulation worrie~not over Yaacov lland and Ryan Stammers COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

Ontario's provincial government recently turned down a request by Queen's University to deregulate tluaon across all its programs. The decision was a good one. Tuition increases affect students' quality of life. They take part-tlme jobs, seek private loans, live at home or take a reduced course-load. The increases are also forcing more poor would-be students to choose another path. These are convincing reasons not to deregulate. The government's decision is a laudable choice to keep its promse of a two per cent cap on regulated tuition for five years. However, the idea of breakingpromises to students is not a leap for the government of Ontario. They promised during their first election that students would pay 25 per cent of the cost of a university education. When they couldn't live up to that promise, they said that students would pay 35 per cent of the cost. Students are actually paying 40 per cent of the cost, double

f whatwe paidin 1984.The government's incogsistency begs the question: why the solid COTmitrnent to the two per cent game plan? First, there is a leadership race on right new and a promcial election on the horizon. ~ o i e of the candidateswants the bad publicity. q e beginning of a third mandate for the goveyment wdl present a more opportune moment for a controversial deregulation decision, prgvided electoral defeat to the opposition is avoided. 3< Second, the Walkertoninquiryis stillweighmg heavily on the minds of Ontarians q d lifting the regulations on another vital S ~ M Y would bnng ill-timed attention. i Third, the current provincial governmept has been micro-managinguniversities by holding out the carrot of fun*. i They imposedenvelope funding tied to K%y Performance Indicators, unreliable measurqs of "quality" that deal with employability an# not with good teaching or good research. I

See TUITION FEES, page 12


Everybody pile on!

YOU! OFF M Y PLANET! I suppose it was only a matter of time. In my five months of contributing to Imprint, I had yet to develop a major grievance with the newspaper's news content or editorial crusades, but it finally came last week. Stiangely enough, a couple of weeks back, a letter was published crowing about the irony of my skepticism towards independent media, since I myself have my views printed in an "independent newspaper." Well, last week's overt dressing of my column is proof positive that Imprint makes editorial decisions without consulting its contributors, since a decision was made to spin my column a certain way, and it was certainly not made by myself. To what am I referring? The header to thts column last week was not originally "From one Tory to another: Lee-Wudrick shills for team ROKS." There are several problems with this. First, it assumes that I am a Tory (nobody asked me!). Second, it implies that

the entire ROKS slate are Tories (they aren't; I asked). And lastly, it serves as a clear editorial of my own opinion. As he is editor-in-chief,I defend the right of Ryan Matthew Merkley to express his views. My concern is his intrusion into my own assigned space. If he, or anyone else at Imprint, felt it was necessary to editorialize my comments, they should have done so in separate opinion pieces, not in the two lines above my column. No other Imprint writer had their opinions preceded by a bite-size editorial. So why only mine? Let us now turn our attention to Imprint's Feds election coverage. Sorry -maybe I should say Imprint's VP Ed. candidate Ryan O'Connor coverage. It seems that several key players felt the need to take digs at Mr. O'Connor, repeating one "ambiguous" quote no less than four times in a single issue of the paper. What is this golden quote? It refers to deregulation and is as follows: "I'm not opposed to the university having greater autonomy to set their fees. Each university is different, each should have that autonomy. If this autonomy results in students with sufficient merit not being able to get a wversity education, then I am opposed." Now, Chris Edey and Mark Schaan construe this as being "cryptic," while Edey later pon-

ders, "So is he opposed, or not opposed? Who knows?' Merkley goes further, c a h g it a "cop out" and dubbing O'Connor "The Deregulator." Am I missing something, or is what O'Connor says crystal clear: he is only unopposed to deregulation so long as there is an assurance it won't decrease accessibility. Everyone else flatly rejects deregulation -in spite of the fact that it is on the table, and d be for quite some time -whde O'Connor offers strictly conditional support, and what happens? They paint him as "The Deregulator." He was the only VP Ed. candidate to support, given the choice between one or the other, tuition increases over quality cuts. Where's Merkley to label Iiam McHugh-Russell and Stephen Lockwood the Quality Cutters? Again, Imprint has the perogative to take whatever side it wants, just as I dld. I was just shocked at the fdure of Imprint to actually endorse any candidates, instead choosing to portray O'Connor as the bad guy. As a student newspaper, I think it is quite acceptable for ?lem to express their preferred candidate. I find it in poor taste although admittedly, within their power - to misrepresent candidates and then wash their hands clean, pleading neutrality.

New season, old tricks?

Is it only Justin, or is everybody else having flashbacks? If you know what I'm talking about, then you are as big a Queer as Folk follower as I am. The show has come back a year after the first episode of the American version premiered in Canada -but disappointingly,with hardly any new fierceness. Either we are immune to the show's shockingly overrun gay sex, or the second season started off slower than a gay man could get dressed. The show picked up from last season's cliffhanger that left viewers wondering when (not if) Justin will fully recover from the vicious attack by a homophobic classmate with a baseball bat - an event that left him with haunting nightmares and traumas. But our journey into the parallel universe starts off right from the' first scene on a regular night out in Pittsburgh's gay-club land, like the

first season. This time it's a happy reunion for the foursome clique when hhke returns from Portland and meets up with Brian, Emmett, and Ted in Babylon. Mike locates Brian once again in the back room, where our sex god finds only boredom from his routine "senrice." Recall the scene where Ted confidently denied anyone would ever catch him surfing porn at work? The very same scenario from the new season shows Ted, holdtng a cup of coffee and gossiping with Emmett over the phone -who is again stuffing speedos for mannequins watchmg "Mr. Chunnel" getting stuffed. Now we've found Ted is caught wet-groined and fued. I'm just glad Ted was holdtng the phone receiver with h s other hand. Poor Ted should've seen it coming. It's been a year since Gus was born, as we learned that Lindsay and Melanie proudly celebrate the fust birthday of their not-quiteadoptive son. Recall the almostbris that Emmett fainted over? No male prostitute or horseradsh this time, just a little backyard party and a toy baseball bat as a present. But this time Justin flinches into Brian's arms. Then by the end of the second

episode we're brought back once again into Brian's bedroom, where the fire re-ignites between Justin and Brian on the bed that started it all -under the a l l - t o o - f d a r glowing blue neon light: The sex, I admit, is not so shocking this time around. Let's not forget the technopsychedelic neon chaos of a show intro that is copied directly from the first season. Maybe this time they should at least put the faces and names of some of the fine cast members that deserve to be included in the opening credit for which it is intended. Reductively, these parallels made the first episodes as predictable as their counterparts in the first season, which were mirrored off the original UK version. But judgmg from its first season, it seems likely that Queer as Folk will' take on a new, yet foreseeable course soon after. Advocacy of gay rights has already been hinted everywhere throughout these emotionally charged premiering episodes that might well turn into a Stonewalltype series. It seems like Queer as Folk is not only about sex, after all.

What better time than now?

I hope it's not too late to address the primary reason why I thought it would be a good idea to vote for the "revolutionary" platform. I'll start with lyrics from Talib Kweli, hip hop superstar: "Get your hands up like a hijack / Fists in the air <kweli>/ Keep em there like Natural Mystic, or smoke when the spliffs lit / It's a revolutionary <party> / They ask me what I'm writing for, I'm writing to show you what we're fighting for." That's scary to people. Fists in the air? Revolutionary? That's not for us UW people. We're waiting to graduate to-thebusiness world and make our money. It's too bad that a lot of people can't accept that things need to change or else things are going to stay effed up. The biggest change that would happen with the '!red" ticket is the move to a more democratic function of the Feds I think the people on the "collective" ticket will be the ones most successful at involving people in the process who wouldn't normally be involved. They were the ones who included that concept as p m of their platform. Hopefully whoever gets in wdl embrace that idea and run with it. Democracy is supposed to mean the participation of people in the decision-makmg process. In a system where you elect people to govern you, that's the only decision you're involved in making. The rest are made undemocratically. ,

Take, for example, the federal government's Bdl C-36 that was made into law just before Christmas. This is their "anti-terrorism" bill that gives the police the power to pre-emptively arrest people on "suspicion" of terrorism intent, to detain people for 72 hours with no charges and no contact with their lawyer, and to try people for crimes without revealing the evidence to the public or to the defendant. There's more to it, and there are more "anti-terrorism" b a s coming. The reason I bring this up is that, in my view, t h s law was made undemocratically. There was no election where people voted and this was one of the issues they were voting about. There was no public consultation process for people to have any input. There was no real attention paid to the voices who cried out against this violation of our basic civil rights, curtaded in the name of security. Instead, t l s law was created by a small group of Liberal insiders, passed in the house by the Lberal majority, and passed in the Senate by the Liberal majority. The people did not participate in the decisionmaking process for making this law, unless you count the one vote that each person was entitled to cast a couple of years ago. And now we have a new law that gives police powers that could be described as unconstitutional; powers that they have begun to use on Muslim people. So what's the moral of this story? That we don't have a real democracy in Canada, so why should we have one at UW? No. If we want to have a real democracy nation-wide, we have to start small. As Rage Against The Machine said, 'What better place than here, what better time than now?"

Tuition fees: always increasing TUITION FEES, from page 11

They dictated growth with the Access To Opportunities Program. It doubled the spaces in computer science and engineering across the province. The growth was funded at subpar levels, barely juicy enough to tempt the cash-starved universities. ATOPwas an unwiseplan,pushed for by Nortel and other high-tech companies. This is the first year that students of this program aregraduating, and they're finding themselves looking for non-existent jobs, along with all the people Nortel fired. If tuition was deregulated, universities would be less reliant on government funding, and the government would lose its sway and its ability to micro-manage universities. Fourth, the provincial government is going to be dealing with the double cohort over the next two years. This situation is going to be particularly messy because plans such as SuperBulld and growth fundmg don't address the issue o f Ontario's universitys' chronic underfundmg. To deal with more students, uni-

versities are going to have to boost enrolment to record highs that exceed capacity. Universitiesdon't want to drop the quality of teachmg, give students an acceptance without a place to live or have class sizes jump sharply upwards. Given a choice, they'drather accept a smallernumber of qualified students. So how will the government get universities to take these students? Give them money only if they grow. Full deregulationwould foil thts plan, putting the government in a terrible PR situation of its own design. This litany of reasons leaves students wondering how long the respite will last. Glen Campbell's B.C. government has just announced a complete deregulation of tuition in that province. Preliminary reports from UBC suggest that tuition in first-entry undergraduate programs will increase by 60 per cent over the next three whde professional programs may see a triple digit percentage increase next year alone. Full deregulationis gone, but not dead. Expect it to be backin the next few years; not just at one university.



Smile, even if vou're on the subwav J

FINDING BALANCE Sometimes I play a game when I go on the subway in Toronto. I try to count the number of people s&g and compare that to the number of people wi+ expressionless, lifeless faces. Yesterday, the score was two to 65. And I think that one of the two people who were s&g was on crack. The subway can be looked at as a metaphor for the newworld inwhich we live: on the one hand, it is a feat of technical marvel; on the other hand, it is a depressing gray world with concrete walls. The only music here is the classic TTC doon-doon-doon that tells you when the doors of the train are closing. Try dancing to that. Something is missing and that thing is love. If we decide to rebuild this world that we have created, it's going to have to he done at every level. It is essential that we reestablish love as the primary ambition in our personal, social, educational and political lives.

To see love, let us first look at its opposite. The Hindu spiritual tradition says that to live is to love and to fear is to cease to exist. Part of that means that in order to restore love into our world, we have to first eradicate fear. Fear is what causes our govemments to kill innocent people. Fear clouds our inherent love for each other. Think again about the Hindu wisdom above and you will see that not only is fear killing others, it is killing ourselves. The fear is rotting us from within and the only cure is mutual love through trust and respect. The Sufis extend this idea by saying that not only do we have to love, we have to become love. Yet this isn't something you can just decide to do, it is a journey that may never end. Love is an unbiased state of being. When we become love, we should love all that exists without discrimination.That means loving those close to us but also loving strangers. It means that we should love people but also love nature. When you open yourself to love and let yourself be loved by all others in this way, you may also open yourself to being hurt. This is a sacrifice we must all make. We cannot fear the absence of love, for

fear is itself the absence of love. Love is missing from the way in which we study and learn. Sure, we have perfected the art of analyzing and quantifying nature -but at the same time we have become blind to the love that exists withm every atom around us. Part of loving is about changmg the way in whch we look at things. Biology, physics, and even mathematics are subjects that are

inherently beautiful, if only we look at them in the right way. Loving what we study and studying what we love wdl create a new type of university that will feed the minds and souls of our society rather that the disks and screens of heartless computers. I realize, though, that merely saying "love" is easy. To actually love every moment of our lives, however, is a challenging process. I

think that part of that process 1s to recognize that the universe, that whch we affectionately call Mother Nature, loves us regardless. If we can discover the extent at whch she loves us, lt wdl be so much easier to unconditionally love others. So let us help each other love. Peace.

Bias: demonstrations por trayed incorrectlv bv mecha I

BIAS, from page 9


The demonstration was against animal cruelty, which occurred on the same weekend as massive protests against the World Economic Forum. In Boston, it was football fans ecstatic to see their team win, The second differencewas in the tone of the media coverage given to the two groups. In an article on the front page of the Boston Ghbe, the revelers were referred to as 'longsuffering fans who are a little out of practice when it comes to celebrating .a championship." They mentioned a student arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct, but carefully added, "there were no serious inju-

ries and no property damage." ANew York Times article mentioned 10 arrests, for "minor infractions." The New York demonstrators were blasted for being "extremists." A New York Times article repeated a police assertion that the demonstrators "were about to attack the police." The article quoted police commissionerKellytalkingabout"a small group of hard-core protesters who have attempted to cause trouble." The Economist accused Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty ofbeing "a group of terrorists who should be cleaned up along with A1 Qaeda." Others were pegged as "self-described anarchists who wished to recreate Seattle."

In general, articles about Boston focused on the Patriots' victory and downplayed the violence and arrests. "Fans Revel In First Title" was the title of the Bofton Globe article. Artcles about NewYork focused on the sole incident of property destruction and thelarge numbex ofarrests. "150 Arrests Far FromEconomic Forum" was the title of the New York Times article. Articles about the demonstrators all but ignored the motivations for the actions, other than making sure everyone knew they were political in nature. Demonstratorsregularlypoint out such biased coverage, but only rarely is it as obviously visible as it was two weeks ago.

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What's the worst Valentine's Day pick-up line

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"Those pants look good on you, but they'll look better on my floor."


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James Borland

Kevin Lindner

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Scott Lake


28 honours science

38 mechanical engineering

"If home is where the heart is, then I'm home right now."

"Ilost my teddy bear, can I cuddle with you tonight?"



3N arts

38 honours science

Great Italian food in K-W Kourtney Short IMPRINT STAFF

Ennio's Pasta House; delicious food at quite reasonable prices.

Ifyour mostrecent experienceof eatingItalian fooahas occurred in University Plaza, it's time to broaden your horizons. Ennio's Pasta House, which is located on King between Columbia and Weber, is well worth the walk. The service is friendly, the prices are reasonable and the food is as goodas the portions are generous. The atmosphere at Ennio's is casual. Candles at every table accent the flatteringlow lighting. Beside the candle, there's a bottle of red wine, just waiting to be opened. The tablecloths, although plastic, have a pattern that matches well with the rest of the decor. Themusic, althoughnot to my taste, bemg a mixture of muzack and Kenny G., is unobtrusive. On the night I was there, a Wednesday, the customers were a mixed bunch. Around us sat a few older couples, a large family, two women with infants and a mother with her teenaged daughter. I wouldn't hesitate to bring a date to Ennio's; it would be equally suitable for a group celebration. Readmg the menu, I looked at the appetizers with more curiosity than intent, knowing that I would have to pass themup to have a fightingchanceat hnishingmy pasta. In addition to several bar favoutites including nachos andwings,Ennio's offers deep-fried bocconcini and severaltempting seafood dishes, mcluding mussels, escargots and mushrooms stuffed with crab, lobster and shrimp. I was pleased to discover that the pastas, ranging in price from $9.29 to $14.99, include a complimentary salad. The fresh$ dressed salad included iceberg lettuce, which was fresh and crisp, red omons, cucumbers, kalmata olives and winter tomatoes, which were unfortunately mushy and flavourless. Caesar salad is available for an addittonal $2.50 per person, whicb Iwill gladly pay next time, it looked wonderfully heavy on bacon and cheese. There were complimentary panini rolls, which were fresh and delicious. The server's offer of a second

United Nations:learn the ropes UNITED NATIONS, from page 15

model UN. Studentsinvariousdisciplines participatein trial simulations. Delegates spend asignificantamount of time doing legal research, developing arguments and making long speeches. The issues that are addressed retlect those that their real committee deals with. Success, or achieving the coimtry's objectives, hmges on the delegate's persuasiveness and "politicktng" (diplomacy outside of committee, &e dmner). Cnsis sunulation is exclimg and reahstlc m a model conference because of its real-tune nature. With a lack o f mformaaon, urgency of the utuatton and confictmg foreign ~olicyinterests, delegates are forced o tlmk on t h w feetand act thoughtbuy. Bemg versed m the country's forign'poltcy 1s unportant, but knowng y o u allies and enemies m both he model conference and real world s also crucial. In this regard, partxi)anti are extremely close to knowing low a diplomat functions in cnses. There are vital aspects of diplonacy that model conferences can ievet repkcate, such as the interb g nature of foragn policy. When delegates are formulatmg olicy responses in model confernces, they are prone to seeingthem:Ives at the apex of power. This is

not always the case for real diplomats. Andrew Cooper, uw professor of political suence, pointed out that diplomats in bodies like the UN and NATO often bring pre-formulated positions to the table. If these conferences are modelled to be as real as possible, every delegatewould just be spendingtheu t m e on the phone. "Diplomats often phone back to the department to get decisions," Cooper said. However, Cooper sad that the degree of leverage a diplomat has depends on the issue at hand. For matters hke approvtng troop deployment and issuing statements of condemnation, diplomats are essentially responsible for delivering messages between national governments and committees. For issues hke human rights and enmonmentalprotecaon, diplomats have more room to move. In model conferences,sigtllticant effort is devoted to honing the tools of the diplomaac trade - buildmg common interests and coalitions. Aside fom knowmg their country's position on issues a diplomat must find support from ltke-minded countnes. 'You don't want to be alone," Cooper sad. Even for powerful countries ltke the United States, they need the support of the international coiunutllty. When push wmes to shove, delegates use all they can to get their way. Cooper is not surprised to see

diplomats from smaller, less powerful countries use procedural rules to get their way.

Ennio's Pasta Houw 384 King N Waterloo, 519-893-0543


basket was tempting, but I was savingmyself for the main event. Looking at the pastas, I was tempted by the rigatoni con funghi ($11.29), ngatoni with sautked mushrooms and tomato sauce, and by the pasta con frutta di mare ($14.99), linguine with sautked lobster, shrimp, mussels and crab in alfredo or tomato sauce. I ordered the mafalda rustica ($14.29), unable to r e s t the allure of gotgonzola cheese, one of my favourites. What arrived at my table just as I finished the salad was a huge platter of noodles with ruffled sides. The noodles were generously dressed with a gorgonzola cream sauce, tossed with tender smps of chicken breast and perfectly cooked red and green peppers. The highlight: numerous cloves of roasted garlic. Often, restaurants don't roast garlic long enough, so it's crunchy and inedible. This garlic was golden brown, soft and sweet. The cherry tomatoes arranged around the plate were much more palatable than the tomatoes in the salad. My companion ~rderedthe pepper steak pasta; surprisingly delicate penne in a pleasantly spicy sauce, accompanied by tender strips of beef, a generous amount of sautked portobdlo mushrooms and a mixture of red and green peppers. Although I had to say the server's name to get his attention so he would take my credit card, the service was generally fast and friendly. We were so full we didn't look at the dessert menu, both my guest and I brought home plenty of leftovers. Next time, I may consider sharing a meal since there is no surcharge for doing so. Dinner for two with soft drinks, complimentarybread and salad cost about $40 includmg tip.


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Diplomacy is really more about form than substance. Learning - the art of persuasion in allits manifeststions might just be the right slull fo. you and me, and the model UhJ provides a perfect arena for us to dc)





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Science editor: Jason Yu

UW ready to bring How things work: why hockey communications to helmets protect your head new heights I

Kourtney Short IMPRINT STAFF




Smaller cellphones and satebtes that stay in orbit longer are some of the possibilities that new fundingfor UW unll make possible. The industrial research chair in filter and switch technologies was IaunchedTuesdayat UW. Theobjective of this research program is to perform leading edge applied research at the forefront ofinnovation. design and characterization of radio frequencies filters and switches for satellite and wireless systems. Funding for the program is coming from two organizations:the Natural Sciences and Engmeering Research Council, providing $1d o n over five years, and COM DEV International Ltd., contributing $850,000. COM DEV is the largest Canadian-based designer and manufacturer of space hardware subsystems, as well as a leadingproducer of wireless infrastructure. Chairholder for the new program is UW professor Raafat Mansour of electricaland computer engrineering. From 1992to 1999,Mansourworked for COM DEV where he managed research projects as part of the' corporate research and development

Even though hockey players wear helmets, concussionsremain a major program. Mansour laid the ground- problem for both professional and work for the development and com- amateurhockey p1ayers.A studylookputer aided design of filters and ing at injuries the sustained by playmultiplexers. ers in the German Ice Hockey Fed"Filters and switches are crucial eration found that, although the elements in wireless and satellite tech- number of facial injuries decreased nology," explained Mansour. "The between 1986 and 1996,concussions devices that my team is developing actually became more frequent. will make communications technolThere are several reasons why ogy smaller, faster and better. That concussionsare so common, includmeans cellphonesthat arelighter and ing the increased size and skating bring us more services more effi- speed of players, the improper fasciently, and satellites that stay longer tening of the helmet, and the use of in orbit and are more productive helmets that are damaged from rebecause the smallercommunications peated impacts. devices leave more room for fuel." A hockey helmet consists of a Kevin Ainsworth, president and shell, a foam lining and an optional chiefexecutiveofficerofCOMDEV face shield, cage, or combination viInternational Ltd. notes on the sub- sor and cage. ject: "Theseuniversity-hasedresearch The impact-resistantshell is made and development programs play an of a polycarbonate polymer that disimportant role in COM DEV's cor- perses the force from an impact. If porate research and development the shell has any visible cracks, the plan. They are not only an important helmet shouldbe replaced. A hockey source of theoretical knowledge in helmet should never be painted, beareas of study specific to next gen- cause the paint could hide cracks that eration COM DEV products, but wouldindicate damage of the helmet they also reinforce our continuing to the player. close relationship with the local uniThe foam hung contains vinyl versities as an important source of nitrile, which has been used for enour next generation of engineers and ergy absorption ever since the NHL scientists." began requiiing new hockey players to wear helmets in 1979.V i y l nitrile is ideal for absorbing low-energy imgames, calculators and a connection port to the PC. It is the ultimate in gadgets; and it comes with its own AA batteries.

Neal Moogk-Soulis 5


Universal translator




Microsoft and Sony taken to court

Chalk this one up to another fiction becomingtruth story.A Russiancompany, Ectaco, has released the Universal Translator UT-103. Using a speech recognition system, it is able to translatefromEnghshinto French, German and Spanish. The UT-103 contains 14 different subjects and includes 3,000 phrases and expressions that a traveller would need. The UT-103 then repeats back the phrase that is necessary for the sltuation. Think of it as a phrase book that needs batteries. The speech recognition system was created using the voices of 700 differentnative-levelAmerican English speakersintheU.S. At this point, slang and idioms are not recognized, so don't count on your pick-up lines being quickly translatable in the bar. Selling for roughly $400 Cdn in Europe, the UT-103 is roughly the size of a small Walkman. It comes with numerous options including

Immersion Corp., a leading developer and licensor of haptic feedback technology,announcedMonday that it has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Microsoft Corporation, Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc, and Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Inc. Immersion's complaint alleges infringement by Microsoft's and Sony's use of haptic technology in their popular video gaming consoles, such as the Microsoft XboxTM and Sony Playstation@videogame systems, and assodated controllers. accessories, and software games with force feedback. Haptic technology enables people to feel touch sensations while interactingwith a digital display, like a computer screen and a hardware device such as a joystick or mouse. Immersion's haptic technology, brand-named TouchSensem, enhances the user experiencewith sight, sound and touch simultaneously. Market leaders such as Logtech, Kensington and BMW are among

Immersion's many licensees. The company's intellectualpropertypottfolio relates to a wide range of innovations for enabling haptics across broad applications and markets. Immersion's technology is licensed extensively within the computing and entertainment industry and has recently expanded its licensees into the gaming console market with partners such as MadCatz, Saitek, and others. These partners have developedmore than 40 touchenabled gamingperipherals currently shippingforthe Mmosoft Xbox and Sony Playstation platforms.

British Telecom claims patent for hyperlink BritishTelecom has fled a suit agiinst Intemet provider Prodigy, claimifig that it does not get compensation for the use of an invention claimed by BT: the hyperlink. Users of the Intemet use hyperlinks any time they move from one Web page to another. The company claimsthat every US hyperlink is its intellectual property and therefore subject to alicensing fee. BT claims that it made a patent applicationintheunited States in 1989, meaning that it has until 2006 beforethe patent expires. When an invention is patented, it means that the inventor stands to get com-

pacts, such as aplayer falling or being accidentally hit by a stick, and is effective for multiple impacts. Since 1996, expanded polypropylene has offered a second layer of protection. Expanded polystyrene, which is also usedin bicycle helmets, can protect a player from the highenergy hits, such as being hit by a puckor checkedinto theboards, that aremost likely to cause a concussion. The dlsadvantage to using expanded polystyrene is that it is effective for only a single impact, so the helmet must be replaced after a high-energy impact. (Similarly, bicycle helmets should be replaced if they sustain an impact. Even if the bicycle helmet appears intact, its effectiveness at preventing injury may be reduced.) Face protection, which may con.sistofapolycarbonatepolymershdd, a metal alloy cage, or a combination of both is used to protect against

faaal injuries, mcluding eye iqunes that could lead to blindness. Helmets are currently tested for unpact by dropping the helmet, with a five-kdogram head-shaped insert, from a haght of one metre. A sensor measures the decelerauon caused by the helmet. In order to meet the CSA standard, the decelerauon must be below a certam value. A study 1s underway at McG~llUmvers~tyto evaluate the durabdityofhockey helmets, because a helmet that 1s several years old may not offer the same level of protecuon as a new helmet. In order for a helmet to protect optunally, ~tmust fit snugly, so that lt does not shift posiuon, and the chm strap must be adjusted so that you can fit no more than two fingers between the chm strap and your chm.

pensated for their investment for the first 15years before the technology is considered in the public domain, and free to use by anyone. BT's patent describes the invention rather ambiguously. "Informaton for display at a terminal apparatus of a computer is stored in blocks, the first part of which contains the information which is actually displayed at the terminal and the second part of which contains information relating to the dlsplay and which may be used to influence the display at the time or in response to a keyboard entry signal ... The invenbon is particularly useful in reducing the complexity of the operating protocol of the computer." If successful,Prodigywouldhave to pay BT for everytime one of their clients clicked on a Web page hyperhk.

fications to the natural landscape. For many ski resorts, computergenerated models and d~gtallyenhanced photo simulations are becoming effectivetools for accurately displa&g two-dimensionalplans in three dimensions. This allows developers and regulators to visualize and refine the proposed modifications prior toimplementation to make sure that there is minimal damage. The SE Group is one such consulting company which has been involvedincomputer simulations. For the Northstar-at-Tahoe ski resort in California, the SE Group produced 3-D images of the proposed facilities and grading requirements at each location. A high level of activity occurs at Northstar'sBig Springs lodge (at mid-mountain), including several lift terminals, food services, ski demos, ski school, tubing and other snowplay activities. To assist in the spatialplanning of improvements,a 3-D modelwas produced to illustrate the juxtaposition of proposed facilities and modified existing facilities. The model was extremely helpful in planning for the appropriate spaces required for each activity and illustratingthe final plan in three dimensions, from several viewpoints.

Ski resorts go high tech for planning In the past, when a ski resort wanted to make a slu run, the trail blazer would go to the top of the hill and work his way to the bottom until there was a finished run. Many times this resultedin a "cut now look later" hill, where trees were cut down where they weren't needed. Mountain developmentinvolveslarge-scale modi-

Sports editor: Jon Willing Assistant sports editor: Adrian I. Chin

Fall teams struggle to clinch playoff births Fifth set showdown ends UW volleyball season; women's basketball Warriors most promising playoff team Jon Willing IMPRINT STAFF

The men's volleyball team's playoff mn ended dramatically last 'Tuesday in Widsor after batthg the Lancers to the fifth and final set in the OUA quarterhals. The Lancers steamrolledthrough the last set 15-1,pushing themselves through to the OUA West division fmal against Western. After losing in three straight sets to Laurier last week. the Warriors were forced to face Western in the last game of the year to cement a playoff birth. The Warriors lost to Western, but fourth-placeGuelph could not catch Waterloo, settmg up the quarterfinal tilt behveen the Warriors and Lancers. T'eteran right side Geoff White said the Warriors "didn't play well at all" against Laurier, who finished fifth in the OUA West division. "Consistency has been a hurdle for us this year, but that's the fun of making the playoffs," said White. The Warriors fnished the regular

Men's basketball Ryerson 74

Warriors 67

RMC 67

Warriors 80

Warriors 70

Windsor 83

Next: vs. Laurier. February 16.2 p.m. Women's basketball Ryerson 58

Warriors 53

Warriors 55

Windsor 41

Next: vs. Laurier, February 16.12 p.m. Men's hockey Western 9

Warriors 3

N a a : at Toronto, February 15,7:30 p.m Men's volleyball Warriors 0

Western 3

(25-18,25-22, 25-15) Warriors2

Windsor 3

(25-16, 18-25.25-16.22-25. 15-1) Women's volleyball Western 3

Warriors 0

(25-14, 25-13, 26-24) Squash (OUA team finals) Gold:


Silver: Queen's Bronze: Warriors

Curling. OUA championships, at Toronto. February 22-23, 8:30 a.m. Track and field, at the University of Michigan, February 15 Swimming, CIS championships at the University of British Columbia, February 21-24

season in thud place behind firstplace Western and second-place Windsor. The Warriors' loss meant that the women's basketball team may be the last fall-winter season team that wdl make the playoffs. The women are in third place, four points behind second-place Western and two points ahead of Brock. The women wdl play two games against Windsor and singles against Laurier and Western to round off their regular season. Quarterfinal games wdl be played February 26. The men's basketball team still has a shot at the post-season, but will need to win both ofits games against Windsor and h d a way to beat Laurier in thc Gnal two weeks. They slt in last place in the West dixision. The men's hockey team will play its final game tonight at Toronto and will fLnish the season at the bottom of the West- division and will not qualify for the CIS mini-tournament with Lauricr and Guclph. Thewomen'sindoorhockey team wdl defendits title at the OUA championships at York on hfarch 3.

Faulkner, Dupont lead OUA

Men's ball Warriors win

Skiers finish strong at ~rovincials

Women drop two against Mac, Ryerson



Battling tough weather, the UW nordlc ski team travelled to Sudbury this past weekend to compete in the OUA championships. Justin Faulkner and Andrea Dupont were named OUA all-stars for their top 10 performances at the championships. The women's team finished in fourth place and the men's team sixth in a competition that was dominated by Lakehead University from start to finish. In Saturday's classic technique race, Dupont was the top female, h s h i n g seventh in the 5 km event. $'e scoring was rounded out by Colleen Lynch, Mary Ellen Wood, and Monica Henriques. O n the men's side, Faulkner led the way with a tenth place finish in the 10 km race. The men's team scoring was completed by Charles Curtis, Matt Strickland, and Greg Brigley. The exciting relay competiaon took place on Saturday afternoon with three women sluing a 3.75 km course, and three men on a 7.5 km course. The men's team was led off by Faulkner, who maintained contact and tagged off to Curtis in h r d positioiT Curtis was able to break away with the leader, and passed off to Brigley in second position.

Brigley managed to hold on for a fourth place finish for Waterloo's A team. Waterloo's B team, composed of Marty Hughes, Mike Code and Strickland, had a strong finish in ninth place. The women's relay was a fastpaced event held over a short distance. Dupont led off for the women and finished her leg tied for first position with Lakehead's A team. Lynch took over and gained a 15 second lead over the second team for the Znchor, Wood. Wood skied hard and finished in third place, being overtaken by the two stars of the weekend from Lakehead and Laurentian. At the end of day one, the women were tied with Carleton for third position, and the men were in fifth. Sunday's free technique race was held in difficult conditions as 10 cm of snow fell on the trail over the course of the morning. In the women's 10 Jun event, Dupont was the top Warrior inninth place. The other scorers were Kelly Skinner, Colleen Lynch, and Mary Ellen Wood. Faulkner was the top male, taking eighth spot,with the s c o ~ g r o u n d e d out by Curtis,Strickland, andBrigley. Key performanceswereseen from all Warriors with many having bestever placings in OUA competition. The CIS championshipswill take place in Canmore, Alberta at the beginning of March. ,!'






1 1 ,

nine points and five rebounds and Casie Kergan with seven points, five rebounds and five steals. On Friday night,the Wamors faced the Ryerson Rams on home turf but dropped the decision 58-53. Adrian I. Chin

Men's hockey: lose at'home to Western


Men's basketball: end losing streak with win over RMC In last Friday's match between the Wamors and the Ryerson Rams, the Warriors gained the lead in the second half, but the Rams hit a series of key three pointers late in the game to take the lead back and held on to win 74-67. Mili Miltdrag scored 16 points and Graham Jatman and Dave Munkley netted 12 each. On Saturday against RMC, the Wamors had one of their best performances of the season, winning 80-67. Leading scorers for the game were Jarman with I 6 and Paul Larsen with 15.

Women's basketball: drop games to Mac, Ryerson


g L

, " >


Women's volleyball: downed by Hawks, Mustangs In their final game of the season, the Warriors faced the second place Mustangs. They put up a strong fight but eventually fell (25-14,25-13,2624). Kelly McFater had 11 kills and 10 digs and Falkner had six kills and four dlgs.

Swimming: Sweny qualifies

In H a d t t o n last Wednesday against the McMaster Marauders the Warnors played well, however not much could be sad about their offensive efforts shootmg only 26.5 per cent for the game leadmg to a 53-40 loss to Mac. Top contributors were Julie Devenny mth 19 points and SIX rebounds, Amanda aeswetter mth 3 1

In the Warriors last home game of the season, they were overpowered 9-3 by the Western Mustangs. Richard Scott scored two goals and Mark Robson added the single.


Jen Sweny qualified for the CIS champlonships Fnday afternarrowlyrmssmg the tune standard three tunes the prevlous weekend. Sweny, a thud year blochemstry student qualified m the 200m butterfly dunng a tune tnal m the PAC pool UW d send 12 swunrners to Vancouver on February 22 to compete in the finals. w ~ t hfdes from UW Athlet~cs t ,


1 ,






Canada sends 157 athletes to Winter Olympics Medals recorded in long track speed skating and pairs skating, more expected in hockey, curling Jay Dubecki SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The Canadian Olympic team has gotten off to a slow start at the Winter Olvmpics in Salt Lake , City, Utah. The Canadian contingent of 157 athletes has earned two medals after the completion of day six, which has them in tenth place overall. Lofty expectationswere placed on the team by the Canadian Olympic Association going into the games. The COA had stated that the goal for Canada was a third overall finish, which would be Canada's best showing in any Winter Olympic Games. Canada's previous best finish was a fifth overall at t h e ~ a p n o games in 1998 with a total of 15 medals. The COA's goal of a third-place fintsh has been much criticized as not being realistic, considering the power of the European nations and the resurgance of the US. team on home soil. Similar goals were placed on the Canadian team at the Sydney 2000 Summer games and the team fell short of them, the games were considereddisappointmgfor Canada.The 2002 games in Salt Lake are beginning to mirror the Sydney games but there is great potential for a large Canadian medal haul in the second and A


50 Westmount Rd. Westmount Mall

final week of the competition. The Canadian Olympic team has traditionally been a strong finisher at the Wmter Olympics, and these games should be no exception. Despite the lofty goals of the COA, if all goes according to plan, the Canadian team could attain that thud-place goal.

Medal hopefuls Here's a look at the legitimate Canadian medal contenders that will compete m the second week of the games. The bulk of Canada's successmweek two wdl come m the arenas of Salt Lake. Hockey represents the greatest guarantee of a medal for Canada, but not m the men's The women's team, barnng the upset of the century, will bnng home no less than a sdver medal. They will play the U S. in the gold medal tinal and will need thar best effort to beat a U.S team that has defeated rhem the last eight times.

The men's team enters the games as the gold medal favounte, but as mtnessed m Nagano, Japan four years ago, there are five other elite teams that will push the Cana&an team to the h u t . It would be a disappomtment, but not a surpnse, if the men's team


Warriors' Andrea Dupont skates through the bushes at the OUA championships last weekend in Sudbury. Dupont and teammate Justin Faulkner were named OUA all-stars after placing in the top ten at the championships. She finished seventh in the 5 km event. Read about the nordic ski team's results on page 19. came home unth no medal at all. Curhg should provide Canada with a par of medals Both, Kelly Law's women's team and Kevm Mamn's men's team are the gold medal favountes,and although there~sa chance that they could be upset for the gold, they should grab a medal The two speed skaung venues will be m full swmg dunng week two of the games, mth Canada expectmg to do well Long track speed skatmg wdl have two races dunng the second week that Canada can expect to wm a medalm. The men's 1,000m will offer world-record holder and gold medal favourite Jeremy Wotherspoon the oppomuuty to redeem himself after hts dsastrous fall m the 500m, which he was also favoured to wm hhke Ireland IS ranked thirdm the worldm the 1,000m so there is the possibhty of a Canadian double medalm thls disciphne On the women's s~de,Canadian flag bearer Catnona LeMay Doan will compete m the 1,00Om,an event mwhtch she is ranked number one m the world. LeMay Doan will win a medal barnng a fall Short track speed skatmgis the most unpredictable gf all the Wmter Olympic sports where falls com'e fast and funous Canada has always brought home several medals on the short track and, in many cases, this event has been our savinggrace m the games This year should

be no different. Canada has a reahsac opportunity to wm six medals m the compeatton and will be led by Olympic veteran Marc Gagnon, who will be a double-medal threat Men's aenal freestyle skungwdl carryon the long tradition of the crazy Canucks Both Andy Capick and Steve Omischi are senous medal contenders, but look for only one medal between the two Two new events in the Winter Olympics thls year should help Canada m the medal count Women's bobsled a a medal event for the first &meever m the games, and Canadians Chnstma Smith and Paula McKenzie are among the medal contenders Skeleton IS the other addimon to the games that Canadian Jeff Pam is pleased to see Pam is ranked fourth m the world and IS a d e h t e possibil~tyto shp in to the top three for amedal Undoubtably, not all of our medal contenders will wm a medal but, we should also count on few surpnse medals from unherald Canadian competitors. Melame Turgoen has an outside chance to win a medal m the women's super G alpme skt race, and Dusttn Mohclu has medal poten nalm the men's 1,500m long track speed skatmg In total there IS a legitmate chance at 19 medals for Canada m the second week If all goes accordmgto plan, the COA goal of a third overall finish may not be so lofty after all


Olympic judging is too subjective, biased Sale and Pelletier, latest victims of a system that needs to change, graciously accept silver medal


The crowd is on their feet chanting six, six, six, Sale's mother cries happy golden tears, and the television announcers shout, "there's gold dust sprinkled all over." It's crystal clear to the layman's eye that the Canadian pairs team of Sale and Pelletier just won the gold medal, breakingthe Russian's golden streak of 10 consecutive Olympic pairs titles. The only thing left to confirm the win is the announce-

ment of the judges' marks, who are sure to favour the Canadians after Salt and Pelletier's flawless longperformance. There's complete silence,and then a roar of boos explodes across the aulence as the marks are read. In a crushing dtsappointment, the judges gve lower than expected results for the Canadans' presentation marks, resulting in the Russians winning the Olympic gold with a 5-4 split from the judges. A Globe and Mail report suggests there may have been a conspiracy in the judging. Announcers and audtence members alike say it's highway robbery, while others say it's an embarrassment to the sport. Just about everyone thought the Canadian pair deserved to win the gold medal. The

crowd knew it, the announcersknew it, other skaters and skate professionals knew it, and most of all, the Russian pairknewit.Salt andpelletier have beaten the Russian pair of Berezhnaya and Sdcharulidzeat four of their last five competitions and were favoured to win Canada's first gold medal in figure skating in over 42 years. So, what happened? How does a team who just skated the performance of their lives lose to a team that quite obviously did not skate their best performance? It all comes down to the judgment. In any sport where the marks come from a panel of judges the results are always left to interpretation, it is e n ~ e l ysubjective.Judges w i t h their respective sports are engulfed in all aspects of the game

and this unfortunately plays a huge role in the forming of opinions long before any competition. The judges see the competitors at practice, they see them in prior competitions, and they hear about everythingthey don't see. It is not humanly possible for a person, namely a judge, to be absolutely unbiased. No matter how hard one tries to stay on neutral ground, every person has his or her own favourites. There were rumours long before the Olympics began of Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze being the favourites among the judges and the results proved that, as right or wrong as it may seem. As long as sports such as skating continue to use the system that is

presently in place, the question of fair play will certainly continue to be raised in future competitions. How the skating industry is to go about changing a long tradition is in their own hands, but Monday night's results are proof enough that a change is needed. Above everything that has been said, it was remarkable to see the poise and composure Salt and Pelletier showed the world, graciously acceptingthe silver medals. Whether you believe they should have won gold or not, you can not fault them on their perfect performance both on and off the ice.

Annette Btyndxa is the instmctionaiand clgbs co-ordinatorof campus remation.

Canada should win men's hockey gold It has been a 50-year wait for our hockey nation to win top prize Ryan Bouchard SPORTS COMMENTARY

It has been 50 years since Canalans have tasted Olympic glory in hockey. This week, they will have a chance to avenge their previous losses. Will they do it? They can because of four factors.

Lemieux-Sakic-Kariya These three superstars were not in the game against the Czech Republic back in 1998. Joe Sakic and

Paul Kariya were hurt and Mario 1,emieux had retired. All three would have influenced the outcome, whether they had scored in regulation time or in the shoot-out, they would have made Canada win. Iftheal-stargamethattookplace a couple weekends ago was any in&cation, these three wdl play on the same line. Pat Quinn, coach of Team Canada, was the head coach of the Noah American all stars and put Mario, Joe and Paul together on the same line. They did not look dorni-

nant, but they have three games in the preliminaryround before the real games start and they should gain great chemistry and help score important goals. In fact, this line could he one of the best ever assembled in hockey histoty. The thought by some is that thts line may be too soft. This is not true. These three have the uncanny ability not to get h t , and besides, with the physical defensemen Canada bolsters, they d be safe.

WARRIORBASKETBALL Saturday, February 16,2002 vs WLU Golden Hawks, (W) 12:OO PM, (M) 2:OO PM UW Physicat Activities Complex

See HOCKEY, page 22

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Snowboarders full of BX


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This year a new opportunity was available to University of Waterloo snowboarders: the Waterloo Snowboard Team. The WST is an informal student team of snowboarders, operated by riders for riders who want to compete. With the help of the Association of Ontario Snowboarders and, there was a series of inter-university/coNege competitions for students only. Events included boarder-cross (BX), giant slalom, slope style and half-pipe. There were no required practices or training, and riders of all ability levels were encouraged to come out and give it a try.The snowboard team is based on riders helping other riders improve. The association was incorporated in 1998 to function as the sport governing body for snowboarding in Ontatio. The association sanctions, monitors and assists all competitive snowboarding programs in the province of Ontario. Recognized as the provincial

body by the Canadian Snowboard Federation, it is the goal of the association to lead and coordinate safe development and growth of the sport of snowboarding in, Ontario. Its mandate is to work for the promotion and development of recreational and competitive snowboardmg within Ontario. The first competition that students from Waterloo attended was a boarder-cross at Beaver Valley on January 18. The course was in great shape as 20 riders took to the slopes at the inaugural event. Overall, seven schools were represented. There were eight students from Waterloo that competed in the men's division. What is a boarder-cross? A quick description: pretty much a Chinese downhdl. It consists of four people racing shoulder to shoulder, through a course filled with big jumps, gates and other obstacles designed to eat up snowboarders and spit them out broken and tom. First rider to the bottom wins. O'Neil and Mike Ford were the top hrushers from Waterloo. O'Ned has done a handful of boarder-crosses in the last couple of years and was ranked fourth coming out of the qualifiers. Mike, with all his racing experience was easily one of the fastest on the hill. He was well on his way to winning his semi-final heat to move into the final four

when he got taken out at the legs by one of the other competitors and fell midway down the course. The results are: Mtke Ford, 7th place; O'Neil Ford, 9th; J a ~ s Strong, 11th; Stephen Holden, 13th; Hen& Oscarsson (Swedtsh exchange student), 14th; Jonathan Orazietti, 15th; Trevor Lee, 16th; and, Jan Adachi aapanese exchange student), 18th. The association university college series continued on Friday, February 8 at Talisman Resort for the final scheduled event of the series. It was another boarder-cross competition with both novice and open categories. There were 10 students from Waterloo that attended this event. In the novice race, Oscarsson came in first and in the open division Ford placed second and Paul Horton came in third. Points are awarded to each school for the number of people that attended, and for how each student ranked. Overall Waterloo won with 27 points beating out Georgian College (second place) and Western (third place). Special mention should be given to everyone else who, with no previous BX experience, came out and gave it his or her best. Regardless of experience, everyone had a good time.

Hockey: coaches, Gretzky wdl charge players 1-800-THWFIY

Waterloo 160 Weber Street. S.

HOCKEY, from page 21


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- Get the car you want before you graduate! NO $$ DOWN WHEN YOU BUY

Rob Blake and Chris Pronger are the two best over-all defensemen in the NHL. Quinn had these two playing together at the All-star game and they looked good. Bothmen have the ability tomake 60 feet, cross-ice passes look easy and,with no red line in international play, they should be able to display that talent. Both are used to playing 30 minutes a game and in Salt Lake they should be expectedto play even more. When these two are on theice, no opponent is safe. Not only do they have the offensive ability, both are devastating checkers. Players will think twice about cutting through themiddle or standingin front of the net. Pronger and Blake can change the complexion of the game just by being on the ice, and believe me, they will be on the ice a lot.

backed out as coach at the last minute, or because Gretzky wanted Quinn. This much can be said, Quinn is capable. Quinn believes in an up-tempo game and relies on speed and tight forechecking to be successful. He preaches this to his own team, the Maple Leafs, and despite the fact I am a die hard Leaf fan, Team Canada has a little more skill than Toronto. Team Canada players will love this style since it stresses offence and takes advantage of their glorious skill.

Defence Rob Blake (Simcoe, ON) Eric Brewer (Kamloops, BC) Adam Foote (Whitby, ON) Ed Jovanovski (Windsor, ON)

Al ~aclnnis(PortHood, NS) Scott N~edermayer(Cranbrook, BC) Chris Pronger (Dryden, ON) Fowards Theo Fleury (Russel, ME) Simon Gagne (Ste-Foy, QC)


The final reason they will win gold is because of Gretzky. Not because he chose the team, but because the players want to win t h s one for him. No Canadian will ever forget the image of Gretzky sittingon the bench after they lost to the Czechs. His face full of sorrow and dismay from the realization that he would leave the game ,without a gold medal. The players of 2002 know the Coaching disappointment he felt and many do not want him to get blamed if this There are a lot of non-Quinn fans in team does not win. Quinn should say Canada. Most argue that Quinn in is pre-game speech, "Do it for should not be the. coach and that your country, d o it for your Scotty Bowman, the greatest hockey teammates, do it for yourself and coach ever and maybe the best in most of all, do it for The Great One!" sports history, should coach Canada. Not a single player on that team wdl No argument here. Bowman would give less than 110 per cent knowing have been a great fit for Canada; they are doing it for Wayne. So Canada will win gold because however, Wayne Gretzky chose Quinn. Perhaps this stems back to of those reasons listed above. Who' the 1996World Cup when Bowman d Canada's opponent be in the

Jarome lginla (Edmonton, AB) Paul Kariya (Vancouver, BC) Mario Lemieux (Montreal, QC) Eric Lindros (Toronto, ON) Joe Nieuwendyk (Whitby, ON) Owan Nolan (Thorold, ON) Michael Peca (Toronto, ON) Joe Sakic (Burnaby, BC) Brendan Shanahan (Mimico, ON) Ryan Smyth (Banff, AB) Steve Yzerman (Nepean, ON) Goaltenders Ed Belfour (Carman, ME) Martin Brodeur (Montreal, QC) Curtis Joseph (Keswick, ON)


gold medal game? This writer beheves in will be the United States and looking back to 1996 when the U.S. beat Canada in the World Cup on Canadian so4 Canadawillbe pumped up. Revenge will be sweet. Ryan Bouchard is a thirdyearmmmnications student at York Uniuemj,.

Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant

tropical treat for all Copacabana delights, despite the venue Heather Macdougall and Jeremy Taylor IMPRINT STAFF

The Waterloo StageTheatrehas been the hottest spot north of Havana since its production of Copacabana opened in mid-January. The musical is an ambitiousproject to be taken on by such a small theatre, but director Brian McKay's cast and crew manage to pull off a surprisingly impressive show. Barry Manilow's tribute to the 1940s cabaret scene deserves, ideally, a huge stage and a f d lorchestra. The Waterloo Stageproductionloses some of the bigness of the musical numbers, however, by replicatmgthe brass and woodwind instruments on a synthesizer. Unfortunately, the WST's small stage also leaves the dance numbers looking cramped. The talentedcastmanagesto overcome these obstacles, though, and the result is A show bursting with energy and enthusiasm. The dance numbers are extremely well choreographed by Jim White and equally well executed by a team of talented performers. The demanding vocal requirements of this musical are also easily met by the talented cast. The end result is a playlist of infectious Latin rhythms that leaves the audience tapping its feet. Cupumbana is an extrapolation of Barry Manilow's 1978hit song ofthe same name, a tribute to the worldfamous nightclub in New York City

where "music and passion were always the fashion." The story follows Lola, a farmgirl fromTulsa, Oklahoma,as she travels to the Big Apple in the hopes of fulfiUtng her dreams of dancing. On herroad to stardom shemeets Gladys (an aging Copa girl herself),Sam (the kind-hearted nightclub owner), and Tony, Copacabana's chivalrous pianoman and bartender. Of course, it's a love story, and when Lola is kidnapped by Copacabana competition from Havana's Tropicana, Tony and Sam come to the rescue The last scenes are a flurry of inter-club rivalry and heroic feats of daring, and the h e from Madow's song - "There was blood and a single gunshot, but just who shot 1s answered. who?" Thom Speck and Kaue Grube put in solid performancesin the challenging lead roles of Tony and Lola, although some of the most impressive moments come from the supporting cast. Especially outstanding is Tenja Hagenberg as Gladys;her charismatic stage presence and powerful voice are a delight to witness. She takes full advantage of her one real solo, captivating the audience with her explosive rendition of "When You're a Copa Girl" - a song that captures the essence of the 1940s showgirl mentality. Tony White is delightfully endearing as Sam, the nightclub owner and

father-figue to Lola, and his character especially shines in his song 'Who Am I Kiddmg?' On another note, White and Hagenbergdo an excellent job putting forward the comic relief required-of the two characters they play. Musicians Jacquelin Sadler, Peter DeSousa an Andy MacPherson offer a nearly flawless backbone to the more prominent actors, singers and dancers. Again, the "orchestra" would benefit from a more complete instrumentation. After all, what's Latin music without blaring trumpets? The sets, although somewhat modest inappearance, are nevertheless impressiveintheir functionality. ,4 looming spiral staircase that seems to have been sidedwith tinfoil (which hardly reflects the glitz and glamourof a swankynightclub)slides fonvard at one point, carrylng actors through a cloud of fog. Dozens of seamlessscenechanges are facilitated by two revolving platforms on either side of the stage, wh~skingthe audience from train station to nightclub, from Broadway to Havana. Costume designers Sue Scott and Shdey Martin have done a commendable job ofconsolidating 1940s fashion sense with modern-day aes-

Copacabana runs at the Waterloo thetic. A colourful, creative wardrobe mixed with countless costume Stage Theatre until Saturday Februchanges produce an endless parade ary 16.Tickets range from $16 to $28 of showgirl outfits and mafia garb. and can be purchased by phone at Onthewhole,C~acabanaisafun, 888-0000 or on the Web at engaging performance that extends beyond Barry Manilow's usual fan demographic.

Hey, hands off mv FASS

Actors make good despite absurdity of plays

Adrian I. Chin

Lauren S. Breslin


In their 40th year of producing irrev erent musical comedies, FASS continues to delight and entertain audiences. T h ~ syear's production, entitled D i d F j r FASS, was placed in the hands ofhrst-timedirectorJoanne Cope. In her dxectorial debut, Cope manages to display her good sense of style as she captures the bleak and brooding mood of a typical f ilm noir and blends it with the FASS trademark parody musical numbers and comedy, The scriptwriting began way back in the spring, headed by chief scriptwriter Paul Woodard. With the contribution of a number ofwriters, they were able to put together a great script incorporating all the factors that makeup detectivedrama. Introducing this successful formula into the UW setting, where socially inept mathies and over-zealous activists run rampant, resulted in an effective module forhilarity.Thescript is bursting with memorable one-liners and parody, along with references to pop culture and product placement.

The story revolves around the mysterious death of Victor Tymn (John E7ieczorek),who was found strangled by a trademarkmathe pink tie. HISwife, Roberta Tymn (Came Palesh) turns to NickNack (Michael Smyth), a private investigator and former flame of Roberta's. Eventually, as the plotunfolds, the play goes into overdriveand all sorts of characters are introduced into this entmgled web of a story. Thrown in are ninjas, jugglers, protestors, orcs, disgruntled Kitchener residents, serial killers and, of course, the powerful but oh-so-cursedstar-spangledduck. There were 14 musical numbers to keep the audience entertained. While some songs fell a little flat, most were well rehearsed and well choreopphed. Some parodied songs include "Jesus Christ Superstar," by Webber and Rice; "America," from West Side Stoly; and "Time of Your Life," by Green Day. The most memorable song had to be the rendition of "We'll Show Pink's Blue," sung to the tune of "We Will Rock You" by Queen. There were many memorableperformances by the cast, and some

outstandmg ones include Palesh and Smyth for their roles as Roberta and Nick. Heather Macdonald also had a superb onstage presence with her portrayal of a wise-cracking, tapdancingnun.Nathanael Gibbs played a wonderful Joseph Cross, the famous prancing private eye. Jonathan Dietrich shone on the stage as Professor Sam Diamond, a socially challenged individual. He brought great sympathy to his character, which reminded me that mathles do have feelings too. Alison Luby played an excellentToniTymn. ' m a t else can I say but 'wow,' this gal has measurements that are all prime numbers." PASS has turned 40 and is std going as strong as ever. The energy put into such a large production in such a short time is somethmg to be noted. The group's enthusiasm and mishmash of talents make for wonderful and entertaining spectacles. Now if they would only stop making fun of the pcoplc who appear in Imprint? campus question.


With performances of varying quality and absurdity, UWDrama'slatest triple-bill, Absurd Person Plural, plays itself out like a saga of despair, creating a unique and challengingevening for the audience. Runninguntd Saturday, February 16, the roster starts off with Samuel Beckett's P l y (directed by Gerd Hauck), a quintessentialshowcase of the playwright'sloveofexperimental drama. Performed with complete abandonment of character and setting, Play tells the story of a sordid love triangle involving a man, his wife, and his mistress. The intriguing performance features three large urns with a green headprotrudmg from each: the head ofAndy Trithardt between the heads of Munira Murphy and Stacey Bartlett. Standing in complete darkness, the motionless heads are prompted by an overhead spotl~ght,and when Illuminated, each character narrates h&or her own bitter version of their tryst .

Typical of Beckett's later preoccupation with the art of minimalism, this performance cuts the storydown to the bare essentials. The performers recount their story at breakneck speed, completely devoid of inflection or emotion. This aggressivepacemakesitq~ute difficult to digest the dialogue right off the bat, but to respond to this problem, the story in its entirety is performed twice -the second time around bearingnovariation from the first. ,4s Beckett always sought to protect his work from deconstructionists, I shall spare you (and him) my own interpretations of the text. Suffice it to say that an enigmatic work such as this must be seen to be understood, and must be experienced to be appreciated. Kudos must be given to the actors for their rhythmic and staccato performances. As the direction demands, they stay on point, rendering Beckett's dark humour with an appropriate sense of impersonality and detachment. See ABSURD, page 25



All's well that ends well Awkward staging does not detract for music lovers historical accuracy detracted from the pure musical experience. Russel Braun, playing the Count, When thinking about the Marriage oj' clearly had top hilling and lived up to Fiq,one could summarizethe com- h s reputation. As one of Canada's finest lyric baritones, Braun was able plicated plot line either by saying, "to to portray a deep and reflective chartrust a woman is sheer madness," or acter, breaking from the sometimes perhaps,more optimistically,"inlove conventionalcomicalinterpretation. shall we all be content." In this complex drama of love, His cornmandingperformance,both cheating, loving again, cheating, ille- vocally and through his sheer presence, was able to convince the audigitimate children, loving with your ence that the Count really does beillegitimate child, loving some more, cheating,and finally loving, theviewer lieve he is in control of his life and that he has fooled all those is unsurewhether Mozart's settingof around him. daPonte was attemptingto add drama This house of cards eventually to the happy ending or simply dwellcrashes down, but Braun, through ingon the painful journey we allmust his lush and rich tones, was able to endure to be happy in the end. The plot is-master the sincerhardly a simple ity and emotion of the role one. Figaro, a "While the story throughout the servant, loves may not be easy to and wishes to descent from follow, the clear majesty to apolowhoislustedafbeauty of the music getic lover. terby thecount, Laura Whalen who is loved by shines through." was not quite as his wife, thk convincing in her Countess, who characterization is lusted after by the page boy, who is of the cunning and forgiving Counloved by Barbarina, whois also lusted tess. It should be noted that Mozart after by the Count. was hardly kind when scoring the In the end, after the Count tries to operatic arias for the full lyric soprevent the marriage of Figaro and prano. However, Whalen's inconSusanna, and after it is revealed that sistency with the difficult tessitm-a Figaroisreally ofnoble birrh (despite marred her ability to convey the nothe fact that his mother who aban- bility and weghty statureof this comdoned him as a child had since fallen manding monarch. in love with him and attempted to Perhaps most apparent in, the disrupt his impending wedding), the Countess's performance, the opera Count rediscovers his love for his was weakened by poor staging,which wife, Figaro can marry Susanna, and used contrived actions to convey Figaro's birth parents share in a douemotion, substituting props and ble wedding with their newly discovblocking for a weighty and comered son and daughter-in-law. manding performance from Whde the story may not be easy to the players. follow, the clear beauty of the music The vocal technique and colour shines through to highlight for the weren't allowedto find their fullforce, listener and viewer the magic of opcreating an inconsistency between era, where seeing is truly. believing. the clear strength of the instrument This particular production, staged at and theinstrument's depiction of the the Centre in the Square by Opera character. Ontario on Februarv This was exacerbated by an an, 8., was verv muchin keepingwith themusicalgift gled design, which created a false Mozart intended this work to be. weakness within the posture of the However, poor staging and a lack of actors. Although this in some cases Karen Parnell and Mark A. Schaan




compensated for by the strength of the artists, namely Russell Braun, other characters often appeared &minutive or shallow due to the clear constant stress of physical imbalance. With a clear licence forwhimsy and fantasy,SusannaandFigarowere able to successfully highlight the emotionalrollercoaster of their everdeveloping love story. Despite the awkwardness of the set design, subrette Jennie Such and baritone Andrew Tees delighted the audience as a comedic servant duo, displaying their more edgy and less refined political and relational commentary. Another fault of this varticular production was historical inaccuracies that depicted a bumbling Figaro and a flighty Susanna who, by sheer happenstance and luck, were able to successfully wed despite their class differences. Adeeperreadingmighthavegiven these characters more strength in understanding the incessant desires of their masters and their ability to manipulate them for their own advantage. No matter what the reading, this opera was clearly a delight for music lovers, featuring energetic, bombastic and constantly evolving melodies and phrases. The audience was constantly distracted by a plethora of characters, not only further complicating the plot, but also adding musical depth and wonderful moments of singing. Like the comedic acting of young up-and-coming Jennifer Enns and Allison Ems, this all-Canadan cast grabbeda hold ofthe audience,twisting and turning them with musical revelry through an equally twisted yet fantastic plot. Whether a story of cunning women and their easy manipulation of men, or a story of the power of love to prevail, the ongoing saga of this opera was always a delight and was, with a few minor exceptions, excellently staged for a receptive and grateful audience in K-W.

DAY NIGHTS 0 0 t h h i o h NIGHT LONG c o v e r H E C O R N E R OF

Hockey films score at Princess Caitlin Sharpe IMPRINT STAFF

Straightforward isn't a term you'd normally associate with the Rheostatics. The Toronto aa-rockers have a tendency to go for the extreme, whether it is a lavishly orchestratedchildren's record or a rock opus telling the story of the Group of Seven. On Saturday, February 23, the Rheostatics are taking over the Princess Cinema in Waterloo for the "ultimate hat-trick:" an action packed evening of hockey, books, movies and music. The eveningwillbegin with Rheostaac Dave Bindi reading from his latest book Tropic of Hocky: My Searchfor the Game in UnLkeb Phces. Following the reading, the presentation of two Canadian hockey f ilm classics, The Sweater, based on Roch Carrier's story, and Face-08 a 1972 feature film. After the ÂŁilmscreenings the Rheostatcis will take the stage for a full rockin' live concert. I had the chance to catch a sneak preview of Face-05 and all I can say is if you love hockey, this is a night you don't want to miss. Scott Young bases Face-08 dlrected by George McCowan, on his book. It is ranked as one of the greatest hockey ficks ever made, as

long as you have some knowledge of the hockey legends of yesteryear. The film stars Art Hindle as Billy Duke, a small-town kid breaking into the big leagues with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Billy becomes tom between h s team and his love for Shem. a ditzv. yellow sports car driving hippy pop star (played by Trudy Young). Sherri opens Billy's eyes to the world around him while he tnes to show her the glamour, not the violence, that comeswith being a hockey star. Worlds collide when Billy learns about Sherri's past, and it all comes to and end in a beautifully tragic way. Despite some fashion, music, and melodrama misdemeanors, the ÂŁilm nonetheless benefits from strong writing and some truly exciting real NHL footage, circa 1971. The film is full of appearances from greats like Bobby Orr, Bobby Hull, Gordie Howe, Phil Esposito, Dave Keon, Jean Beliveau, Bobby Baun, Stan Makita and many others who needless to say, leaves the acting calibre at a little lower than desired. Unquestionably,this is amust see event for hockey fans of all ages, so dry your eyes and put on something warm; it's t h e to hit the ice. 8 ,


And the Oscar goes to.. Rachel E. Beattie IMPRINT STAFF

Whether you are an award show junkie or a cynical curmudgeon who believes award shows are just big ol' popularity contests, there is no denying the importance of the Academy Awards to the entertainment world. Early Tuesdaymorning the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences kicked off the season of Oscarmania by announcingthenominations for the 74th Academy Awards. As usual, the nominations contained some surprises and met some expectations. Here's a breakdown of the major nominations. The long-awaitedLord ofthe Rings: Fellowship of the Ring led the pack witb 13 nominations including Best Picture, Best Director (Peter Jackson) and Best Supporting Actor (Ian McKellen). Ron Howard's biopick, A BeautifilMind, grabbed eight nominations includingBest Picture,Best Director (Howard),Best Actor(Rus,sellCrowe) andBest SupportingActress(Jennifer Connelly). Gosford Park garnered seven nominations including Best Picture, Best Director for Robert Altman and Best SupportingActress for both Helen Mirren and Mame Smith. Sundance film festival darling, In the Bedmom earned fivenominations including Best Picture, Best Actor (Tom Wilkmson), Actress (Sissy Spacek) and Supporting Actress (Marissa Tomei). Baz Luhrmann's fantasticalMoub Rouge also collected seven nominations includingBest Actress (NicoleKidman) and Best Picture, although surpris-


ingly not Best Director for Baz Luhrmann.Apparently the Academy thinks that the innovative restructuring of the musical format in Moulin Rouge was achieved by movie elves. There were several sumrises in the nominations. The biggest surprise, in my mind, was the sheer number of nominations that Lord of the Rtniamassed. It was a shoe-in for the techmcal categories like Visual Effects and Makeup, but the Best SupportingActor nod was a surprise. TrainingDq, alittle-seen fdm from the fall, got nominations for Best Actor and Supporting Actor for Ethan Hawke (isn't Ethan Hawke getting an Oscar nomination a sign of the apocalypse?Who's next,Keanu Reeves?) and Denzel Washington. Renee Zellweger's nomination was a pleasant surprise. It is nice to see the Academy remember a stellar performance from early 2001, and one in a comedy at that. Another surprise was the nomination of Ghost World - Terry Zwigoff and Daniel Clowes share a nomination for Best AdaptedScreenplay. It is great to see such a daring and origmal film get some recogniaon. But1 suppose aBest Supporting Actor nomination for SteveBuscemi for his role in Ghost World was too much to ask for. - -

The nomination for Best Original Screenplay by Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson for The Royal Tannenbaumswas well deserved. The filmwasone ofthemost entertaining and quirky h s of 2001. There was disappointment for Canadtan film lovers as the Inuit film Atanar3;uat, the Fast Runner, which swept the Genies earlier this month, was not nominated for Best Foreign Language Film. However, the NFB did manage to get a nomination for Cordell Baker's hdarious short animated film, Strange Invaders. There were several dtsappointments, besides the snub of Baz Luhrmann. If ever a movie deserved to be nominated for Best Song or Best Score it was Moub Rouge. Joel and Ethan Cohen's stunning period piece The Man Who Wasn't There was rightfully nominated for cinematography, but was shut out of all other categories. Hardly surprising, but nonetheless dtsappointing, was the shutout of John Cameron Mitchell's incredible performancein the rock and roll classic Hedwig and the Angy Inch. Tilda Swinton was also ignored for her critically lauded role in The Deep End. Gene Hackman was expected to be nominated for his comedtc and touching role as the irresponsible patriarch in The Royal Tannenbaums,and he too was shut out of the nomations. New h s year was the category Best Animated Feature. It was nice to see the Academy recognize the art of animation in feature films,but it is puzzling that Richard Linkletter's critically-acclaimedopus WakingLife was not nominated. I find it hard to believe thatl i m y Neutmn:Boy Genius was superior to Linkletter's film. LLke it or not, the Oscars are a major event in the cultural calendar. Another famous Oscar (Wilde) said that awards are just badges of mediocrity. That's probably true, but he also said, "The only h g w o r s e than beingtalked about is not being talked about." The Academy Awards d be handed out on Sunday, March 24.

Absurd: enigmatic and curious ABSURD, from page 23

The Loveliest Afternoon of' the Year (directed by Erica L. McNiece) is one of Canadan playwrightJohnGuare's lesser efforts, especially when matched against his popular later works like Six Degrees oJ Separation. Ajernoon explores the terrain of urban fantasy by uniting an effervescent bachelorette (Erika Sedge) with a neurotic weirdo (Brad Goddard) as they begin a romance in the park. Characterizedbvtwistedelements of horror, the story begins when the oddball couple meet each other on a Sundayafternoon. The girlis feeding CrackerJack to the pigeons while the guy is munchingthem off the ground. After realizing that he's not a robber, she warms up to the mysterious fellow as he begins to regale her with one twisted tale after another. With a story as implausible as its characters, there are a lot of funny moments. Goddard's antics and Sedge's desperation pollute the wholesome sanity of the park setting. Sedge, in particular, delivers a stand-out perfomlance, making the most of her character's wide-eyed perkiness. Much in the same way, Goddard amuses as he performs as her eccentric counterpart. In Harold Pinter's TheDumb Waiter (directed by Marc Andrt Barsalou), two Cockney-speaking hit men sit idle in a basement awaiting instructions for their next assignment. As they laze about the room, the two men engage in high-brow, seemingly irrelevantarguments,whilebeing frequentlyinterruptedby a dumb waiter

-that is, a small elevatorin the wall. We soon find out that the shabby, windowless room is actually the lower-level of a restaurant, and each time the dumb waiter compartment pays a visit, the men find a piece of paper with a food order. Odd. The assignment, whch is made clear at the end, serves as the play's climactic twist, but comes across as a confusing summation of a story that drags on and goes nowhere. Pinter's script tries to create an atmosphere of edgmess and discomfort, which is conveyed here. At best, the show plays out like a character study oftwo opposingpersonalities,one ofwhom wears theiciness of an assassin on his sleeve, while the other is a loveable goof. Althobgh the accents are somewhat muddled, Cowper-Smith and Gagnon offer anintelligentportrayal of Ben, the standoffish sophisticate, and Gus, the slack-jawed simpleton. Gaponis perhaps themostinteresting part of the show, playmg the cold-blooded kdler, who, in his private moments, embodies many childlike qualities. In spite of some clever dialogue and character interactions, the play comes across as a half-baked parody ofBeckett's Waitn~orGodot.Through no fault of the actors, who seemed to make the most of theu roles, this performance seems incomplete. But, as the b d boasts an evening of absurdity,perhaps the open-endedness of this play works for the production rather than against it.




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Chemical Brothers Come With Us Virgin


"Come with us and leave your herd behind" are the first sampled vocals found on the ChemicalBrothers fifth LP release.The problemis Come With Us fails to direct the listener to an unknown like previous releases.With 10 tracks and just under 55 minutes of music, there is a lot to discover on thealbum; however, most ofit comes out flat. The first single, "It Began in Afrika," seems to meander around aimlessly and does not really go anywhere special. The second single, "Star Guitar," is not very memorable either, and is definitely not up to par withother ChemicalBrothers singles

jC 1 jr 2

Labrosse b TBBtreault The Dears DJ Logic Cornelius Various

3 4


5 6 The Band From Planet X

like "Setting Sun" and "Life is Sweet." Now, I may have painted a tragic picture for this album, but in fact it is not all terrible. The last track, "The Test," with vocals by Richard Ashcroft, proves to be the highlight of the album. Ashcroft is in peak form with lyrics such as, "I'm seeing waves breaking forms on my horizon/ I'm shining" and the Brothers accompany this with some celestial sounds. Another standoutis "The StateWe're In," featuring Beth Orton yet again. She continues the trend she began with such tracks as "Alive Alone" and "Where Do I Begin? Fans of previous releases may find themselves slightly let down. The Chemical Brothers have the ingenious talent to build up a song to an unmatched intensity, where the listener can sense something special (e.g.s: "Sunshine Underground and "Private Psychedelic Reel"). Unfortunately, Come With Usfails to achieve this. Stay with your herd and leave this album behind. Steven Workman, special to Imprint

SIT Nor The Dahlias: 1995-1998 The Anomaly Point Spin Thisl You Should Never Have

Miles and miles of Davis CDs

CKMS AIRHEADS Every jazz fan knows about Mdes Davis and his incredibk legacy, not only to jazz but to music at large. During hls 45-year recording career he was at the forefront of jazz evolution. From be-bop to jazz/ rock fusion, he led the way, either by himself or in consort with a handful of other jazz visionaries. Davis had three or four major musical shifts in direction during his career. Likely the most dramatic took place during 1969 and 1970. It was at this critical juncture that

DAME Grenadine DMD Ent. Matador Virgin Strangestrange

Opened ThatDoor

jC 7 Sparrow jC 8 Jughead

Orange Hands And Knees

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Bar None



The Lengley Schools Music Project

10 The John Scofield Band



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he essentially turned his back on jazz tradition almost entirely. Davis chose at this time to meld together some of the piimal, guttural aspects of rock, particularly in the bottom end, rhythms, drums and the bass. To that he added the jazz groove and virtuosity of his handpicked band mates. Thus was born the jazz/rock fusion as we came to know it. In the space of 14 months, from February 1969 to April 1970, Davis would record three LPs. Starting with In A Sdent W g on to Bitches Brew and ending with Jack Johnson. Out of recording sessions and tours around these LPs wodd come much of the jazz fusion movement. Weather Report, Return To Forever, Mahavishnu Orchestra and Herbie Hancock all featured members from Davis's band. This penod of music is being held under a wide-angle music microscope. Already there has been the release of a four-CD complete Bitches Breu, and a twoCD set of complete In A Sihnt Wg. Both feature lots of previously unreleased material. Some of it is fabulous and some is only okay. For the average Davis fan, , the originals of those two LPs will suffice nicely. Whtch brings me to this latest release from the Davis vaults, which are, no doubt, quite large with lots of previouslyunreleased material. The newest is Live at the Fillmore East (March 7, 1970). Whether or not this is essential stuff for the casual or average jazz fan is open to some debate. However, that being said, this concert recording is certainly noteworthy for several reasons. Consider for instance that it

would s d l be a couple of months before Bitches Brew was released. Most any audience would have been u n f a d a r with and unprepared for what was to come. Also, just to set the scene, Davis and his band were opening for Steve Miller and Neil Young at &IS rock palace. Also, within the context of Mdes Davis band history, this date and recording are significant. March 7,1970 would mark the last time that saxman Wayne Shorter would play with Davis. a s , after some seven years in various Davis ensembles.After this night, he would hook up with another Davis alumnus,Joe Zawinul, to form Weather Report. These recordmgs also represent some of the very few (studio or live) albums to have this specific sextet. And what a lineup it was! In addition to Shorter and Davis, we have Chick Corea on keyboards, Dave Holland on bass, Jack Dejohnette on drums and Airto on percussion. So then, what are we to make of the recordings themselves?Well, they're powerful, urgent, raw, vibrant and challenging. They are, in my opinion, not for the casual listener. These are for the die-hard Davis fans, those who want to sit down with headphones on, turn it up loud and get lost in a Davis concert experience from an amazing time in his career. There is a lot of truly fabulous stuff here, but keep in mind the live shit has a lot more edge to it. Perhaps the casual fan should listen to the studio trilogy from this period first before dipping their 'feet in the deep blue funk that was Miles Davis live.

TOEFL Preparation Course The Test of Enelish as a Foreien Language (TOEFL) course begins January 15 and ends March 21. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 2-4:30 p.m. This 10-week course is designed for people taking the TOEFL exam. The course fee is $91 and includes the course book. Register at the International Student Of$ fice, NH 2080, or call ext. 2814 for more detalls. AttentionUndergraduateStudents -interested in applymg for undergraduate scholarsh~ps,awards or @ bursaries? Check out the Bulletm @ Board on the Student Awards Off ~ c e home page at: htrp:// infoawards1 for a detailed 11st of awards open for applicat~onthis term. Further information is avadable at the StudentAwardsOffice, 2ndfloor, Needles Hall. Accounting Students' Education Contribution (ASEC)presents Volunteer Tax Clinic on Wednesday, March 13 to




Friday, March 15 from 11:OO a.m. to 3:00 D m . in SLC Great Hall. Let us do your tax returns for FREE! Advocating for Wellness - an interactive health fair with women who promote health and wellness in our community. Sunday, March 3, 2002 from 12:OO to 4:00 p.m. at the Waterloo Memorial Rec Complex. For more info call Dianne at 576-8447. Like music? Got school spirit? Join the Warrior's Band. No experience required, just a little spare time and a friendly attitude. Thursdays 5:30 p.m. Blue North PAC. E-mail Tim Windsor at or 880-0265. The call for nominations for undergraduate student representatives to Senate closed at 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 18, and the results are: Acclaimed: Applied Health Sciences (term from May 1,2002 to April 30,2004): Adrian Chin (Kinesiology). Engineering (term from May 1,2002 to April 30, 2003): Jenny Lin (Systems Design Engineering). Environmental Studieshdependent Studies (term from May 1,2002 to April 30,2004): Nayan Gandhi (Urban ~





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No nominations were received for the Arts and Science seats, terms from May 1,2002 to April 30,2004. There will be an election for the at-large seat (term from May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2004): the nominees and their statements: Durshan Ganthan, Arts: My name is Durshan Ganthan, and I am running for the at-large seat on the Senate. Putting the best interests of students first is my priority, which I have done this year in my capacity as a Residence Don. Craig Sloss, Applied Mathematics/Pure Mathematics: Craig Sloss is a voice opposing tuition deregulation, while advocating that the growth of the University should not reduce its quality. As a third-year student majoring in Pure and Applied Mathematics, his academic experience includes acting as both a Research Assistant and a Teaching Assistant. At Renison College, where he resides, Sloss is the President of the residence Student Council, and sits on the College's Board of Governors. He has also chaired the Renison Orientation Committee, and is beginning his second term as a member of the Federation Orientation Committee. Douglas Stebila, Combinatorics & OptimizatiodComputer Science: Hi! My name is Douglas Stebila, and I'm a 3B Honours Math student in C & 0 and CS. My previous student government experience includes terms on the Feds Board of Directors and students' Council, the Dean of Math Nominating Committee, and the St. Jerome's Student Union. I currently sit on the University Committee on Student Appeals and MathSoc Council. I'm also involved with the FASS Theatre Company. I'm concerned about the possibility of completely deregulated tutition (as Queen's University is proposing) and continued enrolment growth. I'd also like to see more opportunities for research in undergraduate programs. To obtain information about the online voting process for the above Senate seat, as well as for Students' Council and Federation of Students' Executive seats, visit the Fed-

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eration of Students' website at http:// From 4:30 p.m., Friday, February 8,2002 to 4:30 p.m., Friday, February 15,2002, elgible students will be able to select this web site and, using their student Quest userid and password, vote from any computer, on or off campus. Impnnt Publications, the student newspaper of the University of Waterloo needs volunteer Board of Director applicants for the term beg1nnmgApr111,2002. The positfon i s a one year commitment with many opportunities and achievements to be had. If you are interested in the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Staff Lia~sonposition, please submit your Letter of Intent to the Boardof D~rectorsat Imprint PuhI~cations,Un~versityof Waterloo, @ Student Life Centre. room 1116. Questions can be e-mailed to Volunteer tutors are needed to tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus for one term, usually once a week for two hours. If you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable, and would like to volunteer, register at the International Student Office, NH2080. For more information about the program, please call extension 2814 or e-mail darlene(u' Big Sister Match Proaram: needed in)mediately: Big Sister volunteers. Over 60 children waiting for a friend. Help make a difference by spending 3 hours a week with a child. Inquire re: our short term match program. Car an asset. Call 743-5206 to;egister. Volunteers reauired - are vou able to volunteer a few hours weekly during the school day? The Friends Service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 744. )



7645, ext. 3 17 or Your time is valuable. At the Distress Centre you can volunteer providing confidential supportive listening to individuals in distress. We provide complete training. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 or Help kids succeed with homework! The Kitchener Public Library is opening a Homework Centre and needs volunteers to be tutors and provide homework assistance. Two hours per week, evenings and weekends. Interested? Call 743-0271, ext. 275 For more information about any of these volunteer opportunities, please call the Volunteer Actlon Centre at 742-8610. VOLUNTEERS WITH A HEART? ... #1052-9086 - Give afew hours of your time during February to canvass for donations to support the Heart and Stroke Foundation. HELP HUNGRY CHILDREN START THEIRDAYWITHASMILE #l1202350 - by becoming involved in your local school breakfast program. Programs usually run 7:30-8:30 a.m. and volunteers may help as their schedule permits. ARELAXED ATMOSPHEREAND INTERESTING PEOPLE TO TALK T O ... #1103-1374 -Volunteersareneeded one morning or afternoon a week at the K-W Seniors Day Program doing crafts, games, holiday celebrations, etc. IF YOU ARE ENTHUSIASTICABOUT VOLUNTEERING #I102 - contact thevolunteer Action Centre. Theyhave many opportunities such as reception duties, welcoming visitors, data entry, etc. from 5:OO-8:00 p.m. every other Wednesday. One in nine Canadian women will develop breast cancer during her life time. The Breast Cancer Society of Canada is recruiting volunteers to help out with upcoming events and adminstration duties. For more information call 1-800567-8767 or visit our website at



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Language Lab - A lab1 eld from 2:30-3:20 p.m. in Languages 113 from Oc01-June 2002. The class emphasis on pronunciation and listening exercises. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are welcome to attend. For more informa-

Poets O n The Run presents 'Fresh Squeezed Readings" at the Mostly Organic Juice Bar Cafe, 119 King Street, W., Kitchener, at 8:00 p.m. For more info call James at 745-4884. Fridays English Conversation Class - the class meetsFriday afternoons from2:OO-4:00 p.m. in Needles Hall, room 2080, September to June. Students, faculty, staff and spouses are invited to attend. For more information contact the International Student Office, ext. 2814.

Imprint staff meeting held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. Wednesday, February 27 Eating 101 -The Choice Challenge, ding A Balance Right For You! n 1isFebruary 27 and Session arch 6 from4:30-6:30 p.m. at h Services Meeting Room Register early by calling 888ext. 2424 and leave name and telephone number. There is a 20 person limit per session. Musicians wanted for the Turnkey & H~~~~on ~~b~~~~~27, Radius coffee 2002 in SLC, Great Hall at 8:00 p.m. Sign up at the Turnkey Desk. Everyone

is welcome! 365-24-07. Michael Wood will be presenting UJazz, Sweet Jazz" at Conrad Grebel University College chapel at the corner of Westmount and University as a part of the ongoing Noon Hour Concert series. The concert will take place at 12:30 p.m. and admission is free. Friday, March 1 This Magazine's annual Creative NonFiction contest! Prize is $250, no entry fee, multiple entries allowed with deadline March 1, 2002. Send entries to This Magazine Best New Writer Prize, 401 Richmond Street, W., Suite 396, Toronto, ON, M5V 3A8. For more info email Wmter2002 - "Study Slulls - Study Smarter Not Harder": Study Sk~llsWorkshops, Preparmg For & Writing Exams, Exam Confidence. "Career Development" Explormg Your Personality Type, Interested Assessment. "PersonaV Soclal" - Assertwe Commumcatlon, Eatlng Disorders, Procrastlnatlon, Reducmg, Releasing and managmg Anger, Self-Esteem Enhancement Group, Stress Manageent Through Relaxauon Tramg. For more mformauon and regmxatlon, vlslt CounsellmgServIces, Needles Hall, room 2080 (d~rectlyacross the hall from the Registrar's Office). A m~nimalmater~als fee apphes for most workshops. A short course on Essay Wrmng - Counselling Serv~cesand the Un~vers~tv of ~ a t e i l o o ' sWriting Clinic is now oifering a study skills sesion on essay writing. The session will be offered March 14 from 1:30-3:00 p.m. in the Study Skills Room in Needles Hall. Call ext 2655 for information.


Free rent andeducation. No scam! Legal, two apartment, 7 bedroom house for sale, in a great neighbourhood near both universities. Can assist with rental and financing information. Open house February 16 and 17. See website for details: http:llwww.geocities.coml unihouse4salel TI-92 hand held calculator and manual. Excellent condition, text editor, 3D plots, split screens, geometric constructions, etc. $120 or best offer. Email Honda scooter - 80 c.c., 6,800 km,rare two seater model, red. Great shape-and ideal for fun, getting around K-W, reliable, quick, light, cheap on gas. Honda quality, low kilometers and years of fun ahead: $1,095. Call 742-95 16.

Ultimate Questions! Bible study by correspondence. For a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, General Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 1ZO or e-mail: Visit our Web site:

Performers wanted for St. Paul's 30th Annual Blackforest Coffeehouse on March 8 and 9. Contact us at

ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or higher education is mandatory. Good working conditions and wage. Contact Info & Money ( or 1-519-574-5853) for more information. Experienced babysitter required for an 11 year old child with ADDH and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, two days a week, Saturday and Sunday. References required. Car is a necessity. Please call 74713443. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 3V2. lava Proerammers to work on educational programs. Start immediately, or when classes end. If you are truly experienced in Java, you can earn much more than the hourly rate because we pay for all programs on a contract price basis. You can do your programming any time, any place. Fax your resume today to Audiovisual Publishers Inc. at 1-716856-6617. Be sure to provide telephone number and the best time to contact


LSAT-GMAT-GREMCAT Contact "Chance Favours the PREParedMind!" Flexible formats and frequent U of T start dates. Subscribe too& "Law School Bound" e-mail newsletter at: -LSATprep for June 10 starts May 4 , l l , 25,30. GMATprep starts monthly. Dr. Ferdinand's Gold Standard MCAT program starts on June 8 and July 1-800410-PREP.

Room for rent - for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Waterloo Off-Campus Housing - for all your housing needs! Call 747-7276. Large room for rent immedately, close to the university. Please call (416) 4911370 for appointment. Ten minute walk to UW. The place on Amos. Two semi-detached homes with eight rooms available. 589-1276.

Daytona Beach - last call super spec~al!Beachfront Ramada, from $129, February 18-24. Save $$$. Book now! Space Iimaed! ThamesTravel (Todd) 1-800-962-8262.

Need help wlth math? 6th year mathheaching option student w ~ t hexperrence as TA, h ~ g hschool teacher, can help you. Phone Greg 880-0257.


Part-time employment available. Fun, games, sports and crafts with after-school children at Laurelwood Public School. Only a 10 minute walk from the university. Interested persons should leave a message at 741-8997.

V O L u P m AT IMPRIPT SLC, room 1116

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