Meet vour 2002 / 2003

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Meet vour 2002 / 2003

Employee of the Month Marion Gadd, Head Chef, Ground Zero Marior has been working her ma 'c at rarud d eBmb -~ e f a s feHeaiE3~eRorJ11e pwbS&ee ye 1s trd a wor er o o erve an a ~ o vto w a x with. Her talent continues io'astou d th e who e lucky enough to ta%tetkxe%electab% creations from the kitcll~qyet she inaijltains 1 uurible and gracious attmde w ~ t hher h \ o w


blessed to liave her on our team

2 For X1.08


Election fallout and tidbits





March 4 - 9 PORSHE LEE

Pushing my deadline for my column this week, I held off to h m k of s o m e h g in particular from the election results to discuss in my space this week. Bur instead, on my way home Tuesday night, I was left wondering about the results and the whole campaign period. For example, what would have happened if the election was run during the week it was originally planned for, providing, of course, everything was functioning properly? I know some people who didn't vote in the second polling period, but voted in the first, invalid p o h g period. You can't help but wonder what might have been had the first poll succeeded. Not only mght have the results changed (albeit unlikely), but the participation rate might have been significantly lugher. What about the unusual approaches of some voters to show disapproval or support of candidates?There was some talk about candrdates' political connections and religious sways. I found it mteresang that because some


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people saw candidates as being associated with one political party, they felt the candidates would bring simdar policies to the Feds office. I couldn't wrap my head around how people were connecting federal and provincial politics with a student election where this partisanship would hardly have influence on the Feds' inner workings. It must have been frustrating for candidates who were the focus of some of these discussions to sit back and watch people trash them with off-thecuff comments. Or perhaps they participated in defence and we (and the election committee) just drdn't know. How about the number of voters who declined in this election? In last year's presidential election, two per cent of voters declined their ballots compared to nine per cent this year. Is this a sign of voters' indecisiveness in voting? In the VP education race, 12.08 per cent of the voting potential voted - the lowest out of all four executive positions but 248 votes were declined, second-most to the 258 in the Vl' administration and finance rake. And how about a whopping 774 declined votes in the senator-atlarge race? That translates into 38 per cent of voters who took a pass on a new senator. So the question is: how can senator races receive more attention in future elections? The Kerrigan win wasn't the

surprise, but rather the spread by which he won. I expected Alvares to make it the closest race of them all, mainly because she seemed to impress people with her friendly and honest demeanor. It's too bad that regardless of how good Alvares's campaign could have been, Kerrigan would have probably came up on top in the end anyway. I was also anhupating more voters to click on Julian Ichim than the 252 that did. Ichim would've made a great VP SI. Sitting back and listening to the results being announced in Ground Zero last Tuesday, I couldn't help but feel bad for Rob Robson, who was the only member of team ROKS that didn't get voted into office. Chris Dilullo's win suddenly made it the DOKS ticket. Interesting how 93 voters may have been conceivably able to vote for Brenda Slomka, Ryan O'Connor and Kerrigan, but not able to throw their votes at Robson. Here, too, you have to wonder why. Both candidates had neither the experience nor a plan to get the job done. Perhaps it was the Bomber vote that pushed D i l d o to the win. Or perhaps Robson was simply the victim of a voter consensus that an entire ticket should not win this year's election. Let's just hope there's no question on whether this election is over. Finally.

Small funding boost for higher education Caitlin Sharpe

IMPRINT STAFF The Ontario government is providing $16.4 &on in fundtng to colleges and f 23.2 d o n to universities based on the number of graduates who successfully found a job and the satisfaction of employers and graduates. This is the second year a portion of the annual fundtng has been allocated to colleges and universities based on key performance indicators. The three key performance indicators for colleges include: employment rate six months after graduation; employers' satisfactionwith how well graduates were prepared for the workplace; and satisfaction of graduates with their education. Universities, on the other hand, are evaluated with more concern as to howmany students foundwork as opposed to how happy both the graduates and employers are with their performance. Performancebased.funding for universities is based on graduation rate of students, sixmonth employment rate (of graduates of undergraduateprograms) and two-year employment rate. "The economic prosperity of our province depends on having an educated and skilled workforce," said Dianne Cunningham, minister of training,colleges anduniversities,earlier this week. "Students and parents alike can see from the results of our

performancemeasurementsthat col- receive through the indicators," leges are playing a vital role m preCunningham said. paring a highly skilled workforce to For the year of 2001-2002, Waensure Ontario's economic prosper- terloo received a total of $1,856,938 ity. Performance-based funding en- from the government with a 95.8 per couragesour universitiesto keep pace cent job placement after six months, with the changing needs of students and a 78.2 per cent graduation rate. and the community Conestoga Colby providing rellege declined to "The economic evant, high quality say how much programs." they prosperity of our Since 1998, colwere allocated. leges and universiprovince There is a ties have beenmeasbigpush to emdepends on uring their perfomphasize the imance annually based having an portance of on five key performOntario's coleducated ance indicators, inleges. "Our colcluding student satand skilled leges - have been isfaction and graduat the forefront ation rate. workforce." in ~ r o v i d"i n Colleges restudents and - Dianne Cunningham parents with a ported that an averMinister of training, age of 89.7 per cent clear picture of colleges and universities of 1~99.2000 COI,he ,-u ~ I ,,~ ,of lege graduates were education reemployed in 2000ceived at our 2001, six months after graduation. colleges," Cunningham said. Universities reported that an average In 2001-02, Ontario's colleges reof 94.6 per cent of graduates of unceived a totaloff745.8 million, while dergraduate programs are employed Ontario universities received a total after six months and that 97.2 per o f f 1.72 blllion in operating grants. cent were employed after two years. Despite these measures Ontario re"Students and parents deserve a mains dead last in per-capita educaclear picture of the quality of educa- tion spendingin~ o r t h ~ m e r i c a , ~ l tion received at our colleges and ing 60th out of all Canadian provuniversities and how they are suc- inces and American states. cessfully preparing graduates for the future,which is the information they


WDAY, MARCH 8,2002

UW budget goes down, tuition goes up Becky Versteeg SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

New recycling rules Tessie Abraham



Since March 4,2002, residents in the Waterloo region will be able to recycle several items that were once prohibited. New items to be recycled includeempty paint and aerosol cans, plastic bags, and hard cover books. Any plastic container with a number 3 through 7 on it, including

beverage, pet care, detergent con takers and margarine tubs, is no\ recyclable in the region of Waterloc More information can be obtained a

Additionally, garbage collecao: in Waterloo will now begm an hou earlier at 7 a.m. and take place throug 6 p.m.. Garbage collection days re main largely the same, although time may have changed.

The UW budget for the coming year wdl have to account for a $3.1 million decreasein campus-widespending. The cut will be applied proportionately: each area that is affected will have to find some way to reduce their spendmg by two per cent. The only areas that will be exempt from this are those that are directly supported by student fees, such as recreation and health services. In order to offset this, deregulated programs (those which the government allows the university to set the fees for) will face tuition increases. Undergraduateengineering,computer science, architecture and optometry have been deregulated.Their tuition fees are to be raised by 15 per cent. Graduate program fees have also been subject to deregulation, and WIU go up by five per cent. The university's main source of funds after tuition is the provincialgovernment. Tuition fees are constantly rising to offset budget cutbacks, but so far there has been no additional support from the government. Provost Amit Chakma suggested that there is a definite need for the governmentto increase contributions to the university budget. "A two per cent cutback may not sound too sigmficant, but due to the cumulative nature of these budget cutbacks, it is a real concern. This tmo per cent

is additional to the 3.5 per cent cutback of last year, and the cutbacks of years before that." The lack of government support in this area is criticalbecause the reduced fundingposes an impossible challenge: the university's various programs and fachties must try operate at the same calibre of performance as they did in past years when they had considerably more finances. Other financial pressures exist. The government does not account for inflation when they fund the university. The cost of living went up by four per cent, but the government dtd not increase their funding to reflect this. Furthermore, the government has not been funding certain students as they promised. When they originally came into office, they said that students should pay 25 per cent of fees.At thenext election, this figure rose to 35 per cent. Last year the Ontario avcrage was even hlgher: 39 per cent. Feds President Yaacov Iland agreed that the government has put significant pressures on the university, but he dsagreed on how the university shouldobtain finances.He believes further budget cuts, not tuition increases are the appropriate financial solution. The university has assigned the maximum annual percentage that the board of governors pennits on student fee increases: 15per cent. However, tuition increases are also cunlu-

lative - 15 per cent can be applied each year. This means that for en@neering, computer science, architecture and optometry students, tuition could increase by 100 per cent in 5 years. Iland commented on the pride that UW has in quality education, but pointed out that education must be accessible education. The university budget has been decreasing, but not nearly at the rate of tuition increases. "There is a very valid reason for the university to avoid further increases to financial pressures on students. When the university lobbied for deregulation, they took responsibihty to ensure that deregulated programs would sttU be accessible to all qualified students. Increasing tuition does not reflect this commitment as it affects the ability of the poor to come to university. "The university may find it chatlenging to stretch a budget that is already limited, but it is time for them to make a commitment to accessibihty. Qualified students should not be prevented from getting a n education because of financial barriers.Tuition shouldnotbeincreased." Between cutbacks and tuition increases, everyone at the University of Waterloo d feel the effects of this announcement. However, the question of who \ dl bear the brunt of the increases in financial burdens in coming years remains a question to be answered

WLU hosts Canadian Alliance debate Aaron bee-Wudrick

priorities mixed up, findmg it "more important to block out US. media than ensure the safety and security of On Saturday, March 2, the four can- Canadan citizens." didates for the leadership of the CaThe second round raised the quesnadtan Alliance squared-off in a de- tion of spending on education, wth bate co-sponsored by the K-W Ca- a focus on post-secondary educanadtan Ahance Constituency Assotion. All four candidates acknowlciation and the WLU Canadian Alledged a need for an investment in ance Club. The debate was taped in education, although Day was most WLU's science building for broadpronounced in insisting the federal cast on CKCO television's Find government restore the Canadtan Romd, in front of a mostly grey- heath and social transfer grant. Day haired audience of about 250 people, also proposed income-contingent with some tentative Ontario PCs loan repayment schemes for postsprinkled throughout the crowd for secondary students. good measure. With regard to the perpetual inAfter a minor delay due to techni- abihty of the federal Alliance and PC cal difficulties, and a primer on the parties to unite, Harperwas adamant rules of the debate from the show's that PC leaderJoe Clark has no interproducer and host Brent Hanson, est in merging the two parties. the gloves came off. The first seg- Ablonczy and Hill immedately dsament raised the issue of funding for greed, and stressed that the very nathe Canadian Armed Forces. Like ture of the Alliance was a coalitionwolves on freshmeat, the canddates budding exercise. Day took the midtore into the Liberal record on d-dle road, stating that "it is possible" tary spending. Diane Ablonczy de- but "not at the cost ofdtsastrous Red cried the current state of affairs as Tory policies." "unacceptable," while Grant Hill had Fourth came the controversial a more creative idea, suggesting that issue of mixing politics and religion. Jean Chrctien be forced to ride the Day trod carefully, saying, "There is agmg military helicopters himself. a proper role for government and a Stephen Harper lambasted the proper role for faith." He was also Liberals for being dragged ''kicking adamant in stating that "there is not and screaming" into the conflict in a separation of a person's beliefs Afghanistm and suggested theircum- when hey go into government." mitment to upgrading the tnllitary is Ablonczy pounced on the ambipty equally dubious. Ousted ex-leader and took a shot at the socially conStockwell Day had the last word, servativeUayby suggestingthatleadsuggesting the Liberals have their ers who are too closely aligned to one IMPRINT STAFF

point of view d "have their objectivity compromised." Hill, also a strongsocialconservative, dtstanced himself from Day by noting that the party needed to accommodate a range of interests, includingeconomic conservativesand libertarians. Harper weighed in by musing about the fact that intrusion occurs in both dtrections between the state and religion. The final round covered the everpopular issue of health care reform. While praising the efforts of several provinces to provide adequatehealth care services in the face of shrinking federal support, all canddates agreed the system needs to be fixed. Harper ripped the Liberals for denying any problem exists, while Day pointed out Ablonczy's non-taxpayer-funded sojourn to Europe to investigate alternative health care systems. Candtdates closed the debate by summarizing their leadership focus. Ablonczy and Hill confirmed their status as unity candidates by offering to set a course to "unify the conservative coalition" and "think strategically and train our guns on [the Liberals]" respectively. Harper stressed the need for new leadership, whde Day predictably urged party members to back hnn so that he might "continue the leadership." Voting for the AUiance leadership begins on Friday March 8 via md-in ballot.

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Witmer calls for increased university funding in Tory debate Ryan O'Connor SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Monday night in Oakville, the five candidates vying for the leadership of the ProgressiveConservativePatty as well as the Premiership of Ontario met in their sixth and final debate, protected by hundreds of police officers. With a leadership election imminent, this was ostensibly the final opportunity for the canldates to win over the approximately 100,000 Tories who are eligible to vote for Premier on March 23. A massive police presence was necessitatedby aprotest led by members ofthe Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. Criticizing the Tories for various reasons, from decreasingwelfare benefits to the death of native activist Dudley George, the protesters assembled peacefully and without incident. Peaceful, however, was hardly an adjective that could be used to describe the antics of the candidates soon after the leadership debate commenced. In a hall with hundreds of party supporters, most of whom donned

the partisan colours of their chosen candidate, this debate was more raucous than the five prior gatherings. Tony Clement, the youthful minister of health, identified the single most important issue of the campaign as health care, noting that "two-tier health care is an option nobody wants."Shorton substancethroughout the debate, Ernie Eves, the Bay Street lawyer, banker and former minister of finance, lauded the accomplishments of the Tories under the leadership of m e Harris. He noted that a focus on the economy would be key to achieving quality health care and education. Jim Flaherty, currently minister of finance, presented himself as the most nght-wingcandidateofthe leadershp race. Known by many as the man who would criminalize homelessness, he staked out his ideological ground by noting that Mike Harris's Common Sense Revolution "was only half done." He outlined h s priorities as cutting taxes, dedaring teaching an essential service, and "protecting the vulnerable." Kitchener-Waterloo MPP and

environment minister, Elizabeth However, discussion usually Ontario's finance ministry. Witmer, attacked theLiberal Party in drifted well away from the confines Witmer frequently spoke of conher opening remarks, stating that of these topics.ErnieEves, the front- sensus-buildingamong those thegovthey "can't be trustedwithmanaging runner in the race, received the only ernment might have alienated. the economy," , jeers of the night Stockwe!l continually outlined how wlule noting that when ~ l a h e l t ~hsopponents'planswereunfeasible. her plans for Offen the debate asked him point Though many questions surblank what his rounding post-secondary education health care, edudegenerated into opinionwas con- have concerned students recently, cation and the cerning tax cred- only one of the candidates showed economywould ascreaming "give [people]the its for private reany understanding of these issues. between certainty that ligious schools. Witmer called for a greater invest[they] expect." the four male EYves deflected ment in, and increase: funding for, the question post-secondary education. When Ontario lacandidates, bour minister completely, en- addressingwhat her priorities would Chris Stockwell, genderiDg the ire be if she were victorious, Witmer leaving Witmer who, unlike the of many of the declared that she wanted to work to standing Outside other canddates, Tories in the au- reassure ~ a r e n twhose s children d spoke without a dlence. Often the be affected by the double cohort that the fray smiling. prepared statedebate brokemto uruversitles would std be accessible. ments, stressed a screaming The Oakvllle debate ended with that h s priority match between no clearwinner.ThoughEves enters was not tax cuts, but a balanced the four male canldates, leaving the March 23 elecuon leadmg m the budget, to which he referred as a Witmer standmg outside the fray polls, he d l have a lfficult time "great Conservative idea." He also s&g. maintaining his lead if he is not succhastised the other candidates for Of the canldates, Flaherty and cessful on a first ballot, given the their unattainable spendinggoals and Clement seemed to have the most animosity that he has engendered as promises. The debate itself centred concrete policy directives, while leader in the race to succeed Premier aroundpre-arranged questions rang- Ernie Eves seemed thoroughly con- Mike Harris, who announced his resmg from cnme to defiuts. tent with restmg on his record m lgnauon laat fall



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Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

A two-year salary settlement for UniversityofWaterloostaffhasbeen approved by provost Amit Chakma and is waiting for final approval by the board of governors in April. According to Chakma, due to flexibilities in the system, no labour cuts wdl be made. Earlier, Chakma was quoted in the university's Garette saying, "It was impossible to raise salaries without departments having to eliminate jobs." Chakma foresees a two per cent budget cut for the coming year, due to less money coming from the provincial government. "People have been given signals that a cut is corning," according to Chakma, and he hopes that no current UW employees by the university wdl be laid off. Ed Chrzanowski, staff association president, was more pragmatic: "1f layoffs happen, they &,but wt want to avoid them." The money for the pay increas, wdl come from departmental posi tions that are currently vacant. If if the shoa-term a department doesn'

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need to pay salary for a vacant position, those funds can be used elsewhere. Chakma is waiting for the various departments to present their budget projections for the next year to see where surplus funds exist. Chrzanowski, a member of the staff compensation committee and staff association president, said that the goal of the association was to get a deal similar to the deal received by the faculty association. Under the new agreement, staff will receive 2.6 per cent to cover CPI increases, 0.4 per cent in an additional increase and between 1.4per cent and 1.7 per cent in merit increases. Chrzanowslu is satisfiedwiththe pay increase, saying that it is adequate for the existing environment and comparable to. raises at similar institutions. Without an increase in government funding in the long term, Chrzanowski foresees a reduction in, staff positions through retirements.

At the beginningofnegotiations, the staff association was given no e a r antee that there wodd be n i t be layoffs as long as their was no pay raise. In order for staff positions to be eliminated, the administration must prove that the jobs are redundant. Staff in thls position would be reassigned to othir jobs within UW for which they are qualified for. Chrzanowksi and Chakma have similar beliefs with regards to government funding. "The university needs funding, period," said Chrzanowski. If the government doesn't increase funding, according to Chakma, the institution will survive but overall quality can be expected to drop. With less funding, the student-teacher ratio would double as savings are found to be able to adequately maintain all sectors of the university environment.


Double cohort Web site launched Melissa Graham IMPRINT STAFF

A new Web site providing information on the double cohort was launched on March 4 by the Ontario University Student Alliance. According to Bryce Rudyk, executive director of the alhance, the Web site will have two functions. 'We are launching a campaign called Double Trouble on March 4, the double cohort Web site is a part of this ongoing campaign. 'We want to raise the issues surrounding the double cohort and provide an information source with answers.Wewillhave a frequentlyasked questions section where we've gathered responses from the experts in the field. The site will tell peoplc what the government is saymg and

dispel some of the myths around the double cohort. It is also an issue of quality; we want to examine how the double cohort will affect quality." Some of the experts who will answer questions on the do,uble cohort include university president~, registrars, government officials and the alliance themselves. Many of the responses have been taken fromwhat individuals have previously said in various media. Forums will be held around the province in the coming weeks with representatives from government, universities, colleges and students takmg part. Information on these forums can be found at the alliance's Web site located at: or

All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include rhe authofs year and program, or faculty posit~onwhere applicable All materlal 1s subject to ed~tingfor brevity and clarity The oplnlons expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.

0 ~inioneditor: Hala Khalaf

School spirit found Jeremy Taylor IMPRINT STAFF

As members of the UW community, we are constantly inundated with the almost desperate plea for volunteerism.Clubs needmore members, events need more organizers, and UW in general needs more volunteers. Whether from an obnoxtous poster in the SLC, an ambitious religious club or a zealous Feds candidate, we are pereimially encouraged to get involved, to become a part of the community. And we are chastised if we don't. After all, these are the best years of our lives. I had always believed these encouragements to be ridiculously unfounded, not to mention futile. First of all, isn't it up to me whether or not I get involved?I don't need someone telling me how to spend the few precious hours I manage to scrounge together between academia and sacred sleep. And second,it had always been my assumption that anyone interestedin gettmg involved could do so without the beck of enthusiastic recruiters. Tde, for example,me. I choose to pend those precious hours domg he h g s I love, and I took the nitiatlve to seek out venues at UWm ihch I could. And it's not ltke it ikcs much m a u v e , really. If you want to join a club, just show up at iubs Day. Duh. Go, with the rehabihty of generali6duon as my gulde, I amved at the mclusion that anyone wanting to , mvolved would do so, just ltke I $ix-e But maybe it's not so sunple tcx all. few of Impnnb's letters to the -rh ,r over the last few weeks have I n nted a lack of school spmt One n r recalled "antiapatmg a u n .rsrty career filled w t h football tmes, pep ralhes, spmt days and 11ecia1events," and went on to sug, ~ s"bnngmg the whole wversity ogcther and boosung energy." Wow wmds hke fun. Oon't misinterpret my sarcasm udos to that writer for h ~ enthus

Dilemmas of our media

siasm and drive to get more out of university living. But here's my advice. You suggested that "the university experienceis supposed to be one that stays with you the rest of your life,onethatyoualwayslookbackon and smile." Do you really expect that you will "always look back" with happiness on some Saturday afternoon spentwatchinga bunch ofother students play football? Do you truly think that fondmemories of a special event,perhapsPylamaDay,dcause you to "smile" 40 years frqm now? Youwiu smile,however, at memories of active involvement.Be on the football team. Or, for the athletically unincltned,workforthefootball team. Run for a political position. Join a club. Get a job on campus. Help put on a show. Work on a newspaper. There are hundreds of organizations out there, and all of them are constantly clamouring for volunteers. School spirit is not something that can be fed to you. You've got to go out and find it for yourself. And why deplore those students whose "school morale is limited to going to the Bomber, Fed Hall or Louie's?" How is crowding a large group of people together in a small space different if you're sober and holleringat footballplayers or drunk and hollering at each other? See FOOTBALL, page 11

REMEMBER EARTH CLEARLY Last week, CBC television found itself under the microscope as the House of Commons. Canadlan Heritage Committee heard from Leonard Asper, president and CEO of CanWest Global, along with a team of CanWest executives, on the future of broadcasting within a subsidued Canadtan media. The committee is reviewing the Canadlan broadcast industry and studying the Broadcasting Act, which hasn't been reviewed for over a decade. Among other things, Asper and his team recommended that the CRTC allow infomercials to count under Canadian content regulations, meaning private broadcasters could air more non-CanCon during peak hours. He also cited unfair competition from the CBC, calling for the national broadcaster to cease its sports and local news coverage in favour of hgh-quality Canadian dramas, arts and culture

programming -the kind of television production that private broadcasters simply can't afford to produce. Asper was quoted in a March 6 Gbbe & d ~ u i / o ~ i n i opiece n as saying "English-speahg Canadians are watching far more Canadian programs on private television than they are on the CBC." If that's the case, it must not be on Global, considering their propensity for simulcasting programs purchased from Fox TV, and their request to allow infomercials to count under CanCon regulations. In retaliation to the Asper's attack, CBC Television CEO Robert Rabinovitch took aim at the NationulPost - a CanWest-owned newspaper - for their outspoken opposition to continued support for the CBC. He argued that CBC's news and sports coverage was essential to his company's commitment to Canadian citizens, and took a shot at izzy Asper's own station's lack of quality coverage. He wrote: "Before the last provim cia1 election in Israel Asper's home province of Manitoba, only CBC Television carried a provincial leaders' debate and full election night results. Meanwhile, his station continued business as usual: paymg the bills with simulcasts of US. shows." As government intenrention and

subsidy seems to be going out of style, Canalans must ask themselves what role then governmentsubsidized broadcaster should play - ~fany. Founded in 1932, then as the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission, the CBC established itself quickly as a national force in news reporting, community involvement through programming, and participatory listener groups. The CBC's mandate was later expanded to include television broadcasting, and CBC Television went on the air in 1952. It ddn't take long before private broadcasters wanted in, and as television became more widespread, the government opened the market to commercial television stations. Thls year, CanWest global posted a $46 d o n profit, whde the CBC collected $794 d o n from the federal government in 2001 to stay on the air. Is CanWest in trouble? Hardly, and getting the Olympic coverage or Hockey Night in Canada will mean more bank, but isn't necessary to prevent bankruptcy. CBC's mandate requires that its programming speak to all Canadians in all regions. Can it do that without sports and news? Not likely. See CBC, page 10




lm~r~nt University of Watertoo Sludent Neaspaper

Friday, March 8,2002

-Vol. 24, No. 30

Student Life Centre, Rm 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON, NZL 3G1

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any other pubhcabon or group until such time as the matcnal has been distributed in &I issue of Imprint, or Z@nnideclares theirintent nottopubhsh thematerial.The Full text of this agreement is available upon request

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Visit Guelph To the editor, I wouldlike to bring your attention to a most &stressing occurrence. This affliction ruins thousands of young men's lives and leaves them thrashing in fits of denial. The insidious W factor is what I am writing about. The bad become the good; the ugly turn beautiful. Has anyone ever noticed that the ratio of guys to girls here at Waterloo leans heavily to one side? It's jilted, skewed and, for the guys, quite scary. I'll tell you why some guys are wary every timewe see "attractive" women on the campus. As a third year engineer told me during frosh week, look out for the W factor.It's really simple, thelonger you spend here at Waterloo themore attractive a n y h g with legs and a large amount of estrogen becomes. It is easy to spot a person afflicted with the W factor. You're walking home from the bar and a dog runs by. You friend yells, 'Yo, man! What a phat piece!" You work at the ugly person conference and can't stop wondering what all the beautiful women are doing there. All your UW friends have really ugly gulfriends . . . really ugly.Theone diagnosismethod sure to work goes like this: compare your first impressions of girls you recently met (six months ago) with you current impressions. Scary. If you find yourself experiencing any of the above symptoms, there is only one cure: a pilgrimage. Several universities experience an opposite skewedness in their demographics. You, as an afflicted student, must go to them. First advance on Laurier, then attack Guelph. Spend a sufficient length of time at each. Then, dependmg on your condition, Western, Ottawa and even Carleton might make for some nice sightseeing. The one thing about the entire situation that I tind vexing is that I don't know if grls experience an inverse W factor. If they do, then I'm transferring to Guelph.

-Ben Petch 1B planning

especially smce I and many others take the bus every dayfromltchener to UW,let alone to any otherdestmation 1 may want to get to. I'm sure there are more students out there that would welcome this new bus pass, and I hope that they wdl write m, too.

-Erin Kernohan 2B biology

A new look To the editor, Ever since I have been enrolled here at the University of Waterloo, I have heard rumours circulating that have given o w school the reputation of being the "ugly school." The math buildmglookshkeaprison, andmany of the other buildmgs have no character. With the addition to the engmeermg lecture hall and the construction of the new co-op building, UW had a chance to change theu reputation. Theuniversitvcouldhave done something new and innovative with the engineeringlecturehall, but chose to stick with the trend of other buildings and use the same tired old red brick. We now have one last chance to do something impressive with the new co-op building. I think this is the perfect opportunity to make use of the expertise of our architecture school and refresh the university's image. This is one of the first buildings people see at the main entrance of the school when driving by. Most importantly, this new building has the potential to give a unique and memorable overall impression to employers when they come for interviews. Why not take this opportunity to rid ourselves of this reputation and build an impressive co-op budding?

-Nick Caren ZB planning

A different kind of feminism

vary with people's interpretation of the Istmcuon between porn and socalled art. Smce I decided to argue agamst h s form of femin~smm my first essay for the course, I had to go to great lengths to hde this book from my younger siblings throughout reading week. After my initial glance through Angty Women,I questioned it's appropriateness in the Catholic university setting of St. Jerome's, but that's another story. These women could be classified as gender feminists because they represent a new movement of feminism that arose in the mid-'60s. Up until that point, women were primarily fighting for equality. It was the antiwar and anti-institutional attitudes the '60s fostered that, as author Christina Hoff Sommers argues in her book Who Stole Feminism?, "re&rected the women's movement away from its Enlightenment liberal philosophy to a more ra&cal, anti-estabhshmentphdosophy." Shealsoclaims these women have stolen feminism from a mainstream that never acknowledged their leadership in the first place If you read any of the interviews featured in Angty Women, a nostalgia for the ideals of the 60s is quite clear as well as attitudes and convictions that alienate these feminists from men, women who are religiously devoted andother feminists.This book 1snot for the hght-hearted,itis full of troubling sexual unagery and makes for a cl~sturbmgread if you are not farmliar mth these and theu "art." So after all h s , am I a feminist? Let's just say I'm not an active one. Do I agreewith some of the attitudes that the original feminist movement embodies?Yes. It is unfortunate that those in A n g ~Women are successful in making other women feel divlded, bderingthe feminist movement.But it must be agreed upon that "being a woman is a terribly difficult task, sinceit consists principallyin deahg with men," (Joseph Conrad).

-Jenna Holko 2B Englih literature

folly in ,the bud. Sweet professors, some of you are not even conscious of your behaviour and the impact it has on our education. If you were, lectures and course notes wouldn't omit over half of the human race. This has happened too often throughout history; otherwise I wouldn't currently be taking a Western humanities course where all I learn about is the great works of male writers, artists, philosophers and theologians. Indeed, most of them were sexist bastards, only they &dn't know any better. Fortunately, I do. Being apathetic to what's going on right in front of one's own eyes is one of the worst tragedies. I have addressed this issue with some of my professors and the dean ofarts.Their response was' that they hadn't realized it was an issue. If more students e-mail you or stop youin class when you make these sorts of mistakes, I'm sure you'd be delighted to acknowledge your oversights and pave the way for our more enlightened education.

-Jean Y+ 4 A honours economics

Inconsiderate smokers

A curioustrend seems to have caught on at our university. Many campusgoers seem to have picked up a habit that is strikingly similar to smoking, but apparently far different. Smoking is prohibited at the designated non-smokingareasso that non-smokers can enter buildings without getting a deep breath of cancer-air. Smokers, try to be kind and considerate enough to not smoke at, in front of, or perhaps just inside the designated non-smoking entrances. That would be wholly inconsiderate, to say the least.

- Brad Beaftie 3B computer science Should have gone to IKEA

To the editor: "Kudos" to Mat Vmcent Vaughan's letter ("Kudos.. ." March 1,2002). I too ride the uty bus every day, and there have been many tunes that I have hstened to thoseobnoxtous high school kids lust praying that I wasn't hke that three years ago. I agree that desp~tethe GRT's short-commgs, the bus dnvers deserve our respect . . after all, without them I would be wallung a long &stance to get home. And speaking of buses In reference to the proposed $64 fee for a four month UPass I would like to pomt out that currently a three-month bus pass costs $136. That 1s worth 11 round-tnps per month at $2 each way. So the $64 looks pretty attractlve to me That's only four roundtnps needed to get your money's worth, at $2 each way Not bad,

I was a bit surprised, but not taken aback, when a friend of mine called me a feminist. It's not a label I would have normally assigned myself (I thought I would be given more of a "shy, nice, Catholic girl who blends into the background" kind of label) and it wasn't until lately that I had some qualms with the tern "feminist." I'm all for the social equality of the sexes, it's just the extreme gender war that has developed,in some ofthe feminists that havearisen out of this war, that have earned my disapproval. It was when I picked up my copy ofAngty Women - a book required for an English 251B course offered at St.Jerome's -that I realized that there is a &verse spectrum of women who are considered feminists. I foundit disturbingthat about 90 per cent of the photos in it (and there are a lot of photos) are borderline pornography ... t h s percentage will

Attention professors: I have a bone to pick with you

To the editor,

This is in response to the last week's article, "The elements'of design.'' by Florence A. Liauw. I attended the Contrary to popular belief, I do not Interior Design Show 2002, and I consider myself associated with the thought that it wasn't worth the 15 gender-biased language generaliza- dollars that I paid. I was expectingto tions ofhe/him/his/man/mankkd, see a lot of creative and innovative etc. that are so frequently used to interior designs, but I was disaprefer to both sexes. The images pointedwhen I didn't seeverymany. formedin peoples' minds when such Most of the booths were of busiwords are spoken are not ones of nesses trying to show off their interequality.Quite frankly,many women esting designs and to make some I know feel unacknowledged when extra cash. It seems to me that they they hear such sweeping statements did not grasp the essence of interior being made. design. Instead of seeing full displays The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in- of innovative "interior designs," the dicates that language precedes displays were of showerheads, sinks thought. This can also be verified in and rugs from a variety of different sociological,psychological andwom- designers. I know I'm not the only en's studies.The last place I expected one that feels this way, because I to confront this sexist phenomenon have a friendwho is studyinginterior was in an academic haven such as design in Ryerson and she feels exours. Lucky for us, it might also be actly the same. the most effective place to nip this I think that going to IKEA would

To the editor,

- Vincent Luk IB plannning

Love over my dead body To the editor, Reading Ali Asaria's column is always an eye-opener. On February 15, Ali has so insightfully observed that, "If we decide to r e b d d this world thatwe have created, it's going to have to be done at every level. It is essential that we re-establish love as the primary ambition in our personal, social, educational and political lives." Is it just a coincidence, or was George Onvell forward looking: In 1984's Oceania, the d e h g p r i n ciple of society, at every level is love. There is even a government ministry to enforce this prinaple, the hfhistry of Love. In other words, Ah -love over my dead body.

To the editor,

To the editor,

Just four round trips

have been much more en~oyable, considering I don't have to pay 15 dollars,it'sopenalmost allyearround and you actually get something out of it: a paper measuring tape. So here's a tip to everyone who is plannmg to go to the Interior Design you'll show 2003-lust go to I=, have a lot more fun and best of all, it's free!

-Alexander Gutjiraiind 3 A applied mathematics

Sexually open is cool To the editor, I do agree with Flear that "open relationshps" are an improvement over the "let's pretend it won't happen" approach. However, to brand heterosexuals and lesbians as somehow naturally more monogamous is misleading. Many heterosexuals do have open relationships (although it might not be publicized) and most gay men I've met actually aspire to monogamy, at least in the long term. It is true that we live in a sexuallyrepressed society. Many women are taught that sex makes them dirty - sluts - and men are taught to pursue their sexual desires to become mascultne and acceptable - studs. Now take two young gay men who have, up until this point, been forced to loathe and repress their natural attractions.They have been given no outlet to explore their sexuality: no kmdergarten kisskg-tag, no puppy-love experiences, no high school romances. It's easy to understand why these young men, given such conflicting pressure regarding sexuality, are about due to explode sexually when they finally come out. But to imply that h s is some kmd of permanent or natural state for gay men just furthers the stereotypes and misinformation about us. We are as &verse as any other group. Being sexually "open" might be the beginning of sexual liberation, but it isn't always the end.


No bliss in Loveandsex To the editor, I had just finished reading last week's Finding Balance and Outlook columns and the two very differentissues published side-byside forced me to comment. The first article addresses the realities of a long-term, loving relationship and the question of a soul mate. Juxtaposed against these ideas is the second column's frank discussion of maintaining casual sexual relations in addition to a committed partner. I'm stricken with disgust at how in today's society anyone, regardless of sexual preference, can sull maintain that somehow, someone in a supposedly loving relationship can justify seeking purely sexual satisfaction outside of their relationship. A loving relationship is an all encompassing thing. When you commit to an emotional and physical relationship with a partner, youcommit to all that that relationship entails: picking up duty socks, maintaining trust, thinking of the emotional and physical needs of your partner and working as a team to create a satisfying sexual relationship. I listed those in the order they need to appear - too often sexual needs are considered before everythingelse without the consideration of the partner. It astounds me how one partner's selfish need for sexual satisfaction can eclipse the other, I would say more important, aspects of a relationship. A relationship is meant to build each of the members up; it is a situation in which one partner uncon&tionally, through good times and bad, puts the needs of the other &st. In today's society, AIDS is a reality and as such, sexual monogamy should be the rule. In a loving relationship, how can one partner seek sexual satisfaction outside of the relationship knowing full well there is the potential of introducing AIDS to one's partner? Love is all-encompassing; your partner will become the sole subject of your desire and you will not want anyone else. A relationship in which one or both of the paa-

ners desires or participates in outside sexual relations is not one built on love, instead it is based solely on the selfish love of sex.

-Rachel Valks 3A history

Bus pass passes Queen's To the editor, With the teaching program at Waterloo, I had the chance to go to Queen's University for a year. They have had the mandatory bus pass for a while and I loved it. All we had to do was show our student card and hop on. Considering the size and layout of the Queen's campus, it might not make sense at first. Everyone lives withm arock's throw of the main campus (except those of us who attendedthe teacher's college).However, services like supermarkets,malls and theatres were far beyond walking distance and as any student will tell you, w a h g is fine and dandy in Waterloo; it's walking with groceries that is the pain. I say hurray for bus passes!

-Tania Oogarah U W alumni

Wanted: social activities To the editor, We would ltke to respond to last week's letter by A. McNaughton. We too are firstyear students yearning for what we hear about from friends attending other universities. We too expected a fast-paced, fun filled, socially-busy year. Instead, we found that UWis designed to failin social regards. As was pointed out by last week's letter, it seems the only thmg to do is go out to local bars. If you do not drink or are underage, this drastically reduces the amount of social possibilities. This campus is so large it is virtually impossible to meet people in other residences and other faculties.l h s is complemented by the fact that only a tiny percentage of students in residence are not

in first year, which means that there is no one to show us the ropes, pass on knowledge, or to instill a sense of schml tradition. Furthermore, every fourmonths, co-op students are coming and going, making it hard to get to know someone over a long period of time and form strong relationships. We fully support A. McNaughton and her call to unite this school; we desperately need more school spirit. We agree with Maclean i first place ranking for the education we receive, but unfortunately, the university experience is more than just textbooks, research and class sizes. The next time our friends call to tell us how much fun they're having, we too want to share stories instead of wondering when "the best years of our lives" are going to start.

-Sarah Best and Sarah Lone females watch stars To the editor, I amdisappointedinStaffsergeantCassidy's remarks, as quoted in last week's Imprint article, "Two students attacked near campus." Cassidyis "discouraged by thenumber of lone female students that he seeswhen he is out on his patrols in Waterloo." Cassidy doesn't seem to realize that women walking alone in poorly-lit areas is not the problem. Surely, Cassidy ought rather to be &scouraged by the lack of safety for women in this community. Surely, he ought rather to be discouraged by the continuing male violence against women in Waterloo. Surely, Cassidy's job would be a lot easier if it were not "necessary" forwomen to walk at night. Cassidy implies thatwomen shouldnever walk through fields at mght, never watch the stars, never contemplate the glow of a street lamp through branches and golden leaves in the silence of the early morning. At least not on their own terms. Cassidy doesn't realize that women aren't here to "encourage" him in his job.

-E h e Hug 4B planning

Queer diversities cotnmumtles are complex and multifaceted There are a wide variety of issues present mthm them whch are difficult to address qu~cklyor sunply W e tnsertmg a few queer-themed films lnto a broadbased festival can c e r t d y be posttive, thls does not address the exploration of diversity w h n queer commumties A queer film festival confronts the tdea of a monoltthic queer community "Diversity" has lately become a popular where evelyone's experiences are the catch word, with everyone from educasame Instedd, Rambow Reels attempts to tors to government leaders encouraging address the dwersity of expenence and people to embrace diversity. The efforts perspecfivewhch run throughout queer made towards this goal have been commumties The festival acknowledges numerous, ranging from cultural festivals that queers come to the world wth to parades to educational programs. different challenges to face and avenues Diversity can embrace ethnic, religious, to follow, and that often these are not cultural and sexual diversity, among many adequately expressed or recogtuzed, even other categories. Towards t h s end, wthm queer communities. Rainbow Reels W I R G has orgamed Rainbow Reels, a acknowledges that there are different festival of queer film, which d run experiences between queer men and from March 14 to 17 on campus and in women, queers of colour, transgendered the wder Waterloo community. people and other distmctlve categories Many people may question the need which may co-exlst wthm the term queer for a festival devoted solely to queer film. In attemptmg to address thts diversity, Certainly queer films can be included in films for the festival have been selected other, mainstream fiLn festivals, and from a variety of different perspecaves often have been. However, queer and styles From Johnny Grg,Eyes, a


Canadian First Nations lesbian f h to Paragraph 175, a documentary about the treatment of homosexuals during the Holocaust to Bomb9 Eunuch, a fiLn about the lives of so-called eunuchs in India, there can be no mistake that queer films and queer culture are diverse categories. Film styles range from documentaries to drama to absurdist comedies, and themes run from love stories to dealing with homophobia, once again reiterating that there is no solid definition of queer fiLns. The selections for this festival seem limited compared to the boundless potential contained within the category of queer film. But Rainbow Reels should be seen as an important first step, as an attempt. An attempt not only to encourage members of the queer communities to recognize and appreciate the diversity which exists withm them, but also to invite those who do not identify as queer, to experience a broader range of queer expelience. This festival may only be a first step, but it is a step in the right direction.


Now that my series of articles on the subject of Love has ended, I thought I'd write about something a little different: Hate. Last night, someone broke into my car. They broke the ignidon and took everything valuable from inside. Everything except for one book that they left in the back seat, "Essential Sufism," a collection of inspirational quotations from M u s h sages. I kmd of wish that they did take that book and maybe even read a little from it. Perhaps they would have gained some benefit from their otherwise hateful act. Why do people do such mean things? Last week, an anonymous person sent a number of people belonging to the UW Muslim Students' Association, including myself, some hate e-mad w t h the subject h e "Agents of Terror." It was an mterestmg read that helped me to "correctly understand the evil designs of blood-thxsty Mushs." The letter ended w t h "Islam is worst of rehgton [sic] and Muslims are worst of creatures Forward thls message to your family and friends." Okay, then. Oddly enough, that same day, I was fonvarded another hate e-mad sent to Impnnt as a press release. It was kind enough to tnform me that "Islam is an evil and hateful reltgton." The author of this e-mad eenly signed his message with "for the chddren's sake." What does that mean, exactly? I'd ltke to say something funny about those letters but hate and prejudice are no joke. It isn't funny that my Muslim friends are insulted as they walk on the sidewalks. It isn't funny that I feel so uncomfortable when I cross the border to the US. And it isn't h y that e-mails like this are sent around UW. Of course, I will not fear the hatred because I haven't done anything wrong. The thing I do fear is that someone might read some of that garbage and think it's true. So I beg you, if you have questions about Islam, ask a Muslim. To help supplant the ignorance, the MSA has implemented several programs at our university to spread awareness about Islam, Muslims and the Koran. We have all heard it before but it is worth s a p g again. The source of hatred is ignorance. There are two types of ignorance - those who do not know, and those who do not wish to know. We all belong to the former group, so let's work together to educate ourselves. As for those who belong to the latter group, please remove me from your m a h g list. Peace.

CBC: snobbish TV CBC,from page 8 John Harvard, a Liberal hlD from Mmtoba and also a heritage c o m t t e e member, spoke to the NatzonalPoston the issue of CBC and its ehasm: "I thtnk there are people who belteve that the CBC caters to an ehtist, snobbish segment of Canadians. I don't believe that I thmk there are all kinds of socalled ordmary Canadians, blue-collar workers, people from all walks of life who apprectate the ktnd of programming the CBC does." Canadians must dectde if they want lugh-quality Canadian drama or htgh-quahty spoas and news coverage. Then they have to decide who they want to pay: the Aspers or the government


Who will succeed Iron Mike?

Having snapped out of my postgold-medal game reverie, I returned to planet Earth to discover the leadership convention of the Ontario PC party fast approaching. Who will earn -if you consider the ability to sell the most new party memberships as "earning" the right to lead the Big Blue Machine into the next provincial election?There's no doubt it will be an important one, and probably a much tighter race than last time, but when your pnmary opposition is led by Dalton 'Walking Liability" McGuinty, you have to be pretty mept to lose. For the uninitiated, here's a quick primer on the five candidates running for the leadershp of the Ontario Tories. The dark horse is ex-speaker of the legislature, Mr. Charisma himself, Chris Stockwell. Consistently ranked last in opinion polls, Mr. Stockwell is a captivating speaker who comes off very well in debates, but is oft-accused of being '

quick to criticize, yet short on concrete solutions. Some observers speculate he mexely jumped into the race in order to raise his profile for a possible run at the mayoralty of Toronto. Far and away the most vocal, aggressive and controversial candidate is h a n c e minster Jim Flaherty. Not only has Mr. Flaherty regularly blasted front-runner Ernie Eves for being soft, but last week he went so far as to propose making homelessness illegal. W e his real message was actually somewhat twisted, needless to say it didn't play very well with most party members, let alone the general pubhc. He dneed a major push from the party's social conservatives if he is to have anv chance of winning. Next up is the health minister and form& co-brainchild of the increasingly fractured federal Canadian Alliance, Tony Clement. W e he has a lock on the vouth and hardcore economic conservative vote, he's trying very hard to shake his image as an ideologue, and the Alliance baggage doesn't help. He stands to benefit considerably from Jim Flaherty's poor PR, since Clement will not scare off the more socially liberal PCs. A strong contender is Waterloo's own Elizabeth Witmer, the environment minister. A moderate,

Ms Witmer has pegged her fortunes to her ability to b d d consensus and fadtate dialogue. She has unproved her debate performances steaddy, and never wavers from her "The-[Common Sense]-Revolution-Is-Over" mantra Whde most poUs place her a distant second m the race, she may ultimately be the spearhead in an anybody-but-Eves strategy Last but by no means least is the heavy favounte, former Fmance Mmster E r n e Eves. Considered Mrke Harris' nght hand until steppmg down last year, Eves enjoys the backing of the majonty of the PC caucus, as well as many of the party's busmess backers His image as an old party ehttst complete w t h shcked hait and an a f h t y for shapely execuave assistants -irntates a sigruficant number of Tones, parttcularly among the youth Also, the attacks levelled by Flaherty have stung (even if they haven't helped Flaherty any), and unless Eves ulns on the &st ballot, he could be m for a rough nde Voting takes place on Saturday, March 23 Approxunately 100,000 members of the Ontario PC party who purchased theu membershps before February 25 are ehgible to vote.

Restricting gay adoptions

OUTLOOK Same-sex couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt children. I don't know whether or not you believe in that statement, but it's the popular opinion in Canada and in other Western countries. It seems that every time I read a news headhe, "Gay marriage legalized in country x," the story always goes on to say, "couples will have the same rights as opposite-sex couples, except that they will be barred from adoptmg chddren." How do you like that for a vote of confidence? It sort of says, 'We were wrong, gay people are humans and they can have relaaonshps. But we don't thmk that they are nearly responsible enough to raise children." Certamly not as responsible as an average heterosexual couple, right? What mottvates h s thmkhg? Why is a restriction on adoption acceptable? Why is it necessary? Why do so many people h k that gay couples make bad parents? The big problem, as I see it, lies in stereotypes. The average person thinks of a gay couple adopting and they start thinking, '"Wouldn't it be

better if that child was in a normal family, one with a loving mother and father? Won't the child suffer from a lack of male/female role models? Won't the child be teased by other chddren?" It's possible that other, worse reasoning kicks ifi: 'Won't this doom the chdd to becormng gay? Won't the child be at nsk of sexual molestation? Aren't straight people more emoaonally stable and more psychologically fit to be parents? If we start lettmg queers look after children, won't it take away from the.number of straight couples that are able to adopt?' The stupid arguments are endless -it's an intractable problem to refute them all. Are heterosexuals better , parents? No. Are heterosexuals more deserving parents? No. Are children adversely affected by being in a gay f a d y ? No. Are gay men chdd molesters? No. There is simply no reason to legislate restrictions on same-sex couples to satisfy stereotypical falsehoods and irrational fears. There are no easy answers to the paradox of gay adoption. For gay adoption to be legalized, the public has to have confidence in gay families. Gay f a d e s can accomplish this by role-modelling good parenting. But gay couples can't role-model good parenting if they aren't allowed to adopt children. Fortunately, not all gay couples

have to rely on traditional adoption venues to start a family. Rosie O'Donnell is a good role model, now that she's (mostly) out of the closet. Reporters like Barbara Walters need to bring the public more stories of caring families with two dads or two moms. "Feel good" television has a powerful effect on public perception. Laws that hinder gay couples from adop+g are discriminatory. They s w e s t that gays are inferior parents and that children are vulnerable in their care. These beliefs are not true. It is truly unfortunate that the public feels gay families should be avoided, rather than embracing them. The onus clearly lies on existing gay couples with children to prove to the public that they are not simply good enough as parents, but excellent parents. If only all parents had to jump through such hoops.

Rappin' about the weather

I try not to be too defensive. Sometimes it gets in the way of bemg able to hear what people are trying to tell you. But after Amy Lam's letter c o n c e m g the different columns m Iqnnt, I feel the need to defend not me, but the "substandard quotes from 'conscious' h p hoppers." I also feel the need to defend "the rehgious one" (Findmg Balance), just because I think it's more about spirituality than religion, and I think there's a difference there. But back to the hip hop. If what I'm quotmg is substandard, please let me know what sets the standard. I'm all for being exposed to new and exciting things. But for now, this is what I know. OutKast is probably who I've quoted most in this column, so I'm going to return to them. Because, shit, I wouldn't want to step outside the boundaries you've already placed around me in your head. Here's some OutKast, circa 1998: "Baby grab the baby cause baby it ain't much time / Mama Earth is tossing and turning and that's a slgn Omega Nigga IFO's are landing in Decatur / Hope I'm not over your head but if so you wdl catch on later / Play the track guess she could not take it anymore / Raping her heavenly body like a hoe coochie sore / From niggas constantly fucking her never loving her / Never showing appreciation bustin nuts in her face when they done." The reason I chose that quote is

'cause of the weather we've been having of late. It ain't normal for it to be like spring one day, then a snowstorm the next day, then a week later the same thing all over agam. But that's how it is now, so what have you? See, I don't know what to say about the weather and the climate and the way we've been fucking up the earth that hasn't already been said. But when it's put so poetically, then I want to be able to relay that to you. You can go tind the song if you'd like -it's "Da Art of S t o r y t M (Part 2)." And if what they were saying back then was over your head, maybe you've caught on by now. Their latest output, along with the rest of their crew (which includes Goodie Mob), is The Dungeon Family album, Even in Darkness. They're saying things that are pretty plain to hear. Like in the song "Emergency," that ends with the clips, ". ..that our civd liberty and security are gravely affected.. ." and " ...they're setting the stage very fastly for World War 111." Get the message? Or in the song "Rollin'," that has lyrics like, "obtain the spliff, cellophane of reef, trade your beef for these magic beans, climb the stalk, ride the clouds, surf the waves, unearth the caves, expose your soul, never close your soul, slow your roll, never overload your soul, hold your bros, never lose sight of those, I suppose we can all float away as it goes, we can all know the way if we pose, we can all show the way, no one knows, we could all go today if we chose, we could all roll away." You may not agree w t h what they're saying, but they're dehnitely saying something. In a very succinct and stylish way. What standards are you using to measure that?

Football: wrong season tor ~t FOOTBALL, from page 8

Needless to say, that wnter and this writer have very dtfferent d e h ttons of school spirit. For me, school spmt is not "rah-rah" football. Although I do enjoy a football game or two each season, my love of this school has developed through findmg the mental space that enables me to get up m the mormng, go to class and enjoy spending time on campus. At a school as segmented as Water-

loo, that headspace is going to come from a different place for each person. For me, it was through active involvement. Pep rallies and spirit days would make me stay home and retch. If I wanted that, I would have gone to Western. Oh yeah -and there's no sense in complainingabout the lackof football. It's March.


What would you like to roll up the rim to win?


"A lifetime supply of Afro-sheen."

Nicki Chinnick

Andrew Alberto Conte

28 English

28 kinesiology

"Exam exemptions."

"More rim."

Shauna Tsuchiya and Marsha Alvares

Seck Singh, Fun Ting Cho and Christina Cuglietta

1B kinesiology

Joe Kevel 1B physics

2 8 health studies

Nikhil Agarwal 28 kinesiology

"69 kegs of beer."

"Two hot Latin guys!"

Margie Klages, Dan Elliott and Larissa Geraghty

48 SpanishiSpanish club executives

Christine Parks and Danielle Bieber

3B arts, 3A scienceibusiness and 3A recreation

Thursdays -1l:3O a.m. lo 1:30 IIA.

Features editor: Melanie Stuparyk Assistant features editor: Florence A. Liauw

What to expect when teaching English abroad Two English as a foreign language teachers share their experiences teaching English in Japan Monika Smetana SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

I met Matt while standing beneath the 30-foot Great Buddha in Kamakura, Japan. Over a sushi lunch, Matt explained his reasons for teaching English in Japan: "I applied to the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JEVprogram, but didn't make the cut. So now I'm working for Nova." He cringed and took his sake, "Nova is the generic McDonald's of languages schools -what they promise you is not what you get." Matt lives and teaches in Nishio, Japan. His students are businessmen and housewives who are keen to learn from a native speaker. He was a little bit disappointed in his job: "I was told that my local transportation would be paid and it is, but only from the school to the private homes, not from my home to the school. I was told my rent would be 50,000 Yen - it's 70,000 Yen. I had to pay for my air ticket to Japan (some schools pay for that). I was told I would be making 300,000 Yen a month - I am, but they cut out 40,000 for mandatory health insurance," he says. ' m o your research, find out as many detds as you can before you leave your home country." Helena, who teaches English in Tokyo, agreed with Matt. "I wasn't pleased with the company who first hired me. I found a new lace to live after two months, and am now working for a high school as well as doing some private teaching. You can only Jind private teaching through word of mouth, or through connections with your students.. .it's better to advertise in Japanese papers that businessmen tend to read. Private teaching pays very well; the going rate is about 6,000 yen per hour.


working-abroad-e JET program:


GEOS program:

ELTnews provides up-to-dateinformation on open teaching positions within Japan: www.eltnews.corn/jobs/jobsinjapan

Japanese students respect their teachers, but you must speak very slowly and maintain a professional attitude at all times." Both Helena and Matt earned their Bachelor degrees in North America (a teacher must hold a degree to teach in Japan, according to Japanese law). Neither had any formal training or TEFL certificates when arriving to Japan. "Most schools are eager for native speakers, and they train new teachers when they arrive to Japan," says Helena. "It might be beneficial to have a teaching certificate to obtain employment with a more reputable school." There are many schools in Ontario that offer TEFL certification. Oxford Seminars advertises on campus and holds classes in most university towns across Ontario. Conestoga College offers a unique program lasting eight months, allowing four months of teaching time so the student can plan and execute her

A classroom of Japanese school girls learning English take a photo break. started to really appreciate many things about Japan that I will miss. Everything is very clean, and people are extremely hygienic.You can see people wearing mouth masks when they are ill so they don't spread their sickness. There is no litter to be found anywhere. The foodis always very fresh (and hence very expensive). I can walk down any street in Tokyo at any time of day and not have to worry about theft or my safety. If I lose my wallet, I can be guaranteed it will be returned. The food is amazing." Matt agrees, "I d miss the food and the lacguage. I enjoy speakingJapanese." Helena enjoys teaching: "It takes a lot of patience, especially with the younger students.. .sometimes I 6nd it hard to explain the students' mistakes, so formal training in English grammar is definitely useful."

own lessons to ESL students. The best place to start your research on teaching overseas is online. (see refer box for Web sites) Helena began her English teaching career with the JET Program, and said it is "excellent for people who don't have much experience living in a foreign country.. .all your training, housing, transportation, etc. is provided." The following steps are suggested before accepting any position: research your company; ask the company to contact you with former teachers; get detailed information on obtainingvisas, alien registration, etc.; examine your contract carefully. It is also necessary to arrive with sufficient funding to last before the k t paycheque. "After the initial culture shock wore off, I

UW professor, Dr. Gillham, awarded Order of Canada Geoff Eby IMPRINT STAFF

Canada needs heroes. The Governor General of Canada recognizesheroes with orders, decorations, medals and other marks of honour. The individualswho receive these honours are not rewarded because they need the attention, the praise or the scrutiny. They are honoured because people need to know that efforts of extraordinary achievers exist - to provide a sense of security, relief and satisfaction. The Order of Canadais the nation's highest honour for service and achievement, and is distinguished by three levels of membership: Member, Officer, and Companion. A Member has performed invaluable service to a particular locality, group or field of activity. The title of Officer is reserved for achievement appreciated by Canada orhumanityin general. Companions of the Order are a distinctive group, limited to 165 living persons, that have received national or international pre-eminence in theit field. The Order of Canada is the keystone of the Canadian Honours System, which was created on July 1,1967, the 100th anniversary of Confederation. Appointments to the Order are made by the Governor General on the advice of an Advisory Council, chaired by the Chief

Officers that the universityis pleased to know. University president David Johnston has been an esteemed Companion of the Order of Canada since 1997. Professor Robert Gillham of the department of earth sciences is the university's most recently accredited Member of the Order of Canada. He has been recognized for contributing a unique approach to cleansing contaminated groundwater -one that is inexpensive because of its simplified approach. Groundwater treatment is difficult to perform because gaining access to several hundred feet below ground level is not a routine exercise. Yet, when the groundwater is contaminated by underground storage tanks, road salt, fertilizer, motor oil or any other toxic substance, the people who depend on that resource need a solution that is swift and exact. Granular iron is the key element to what Glllham describes as "an iron curtain" to hlter out certain types of harmful chemical compounds. Once installed, it is a reliable process of groundwater remediation that avoids alternatives that are more labour-intensive. The discovery of using granular iron as a reactive solute was not a conventional sc~entific discovery,explains Gillham: "Science generally proceeds m small steps; the discovery of this g:y,esq wa: an $ a ~ $ $ e ~We, t ~ were per; , - -


Dr. Robert Gillham. Justice of Canada. Any Canadian citizen may be nominated for the Order of Canada -no posthumous appointments are permitted. The University of Waterloo is associated with many individuals who have been recognized with the Order of Canada. Douglas Wright, James Downey, William Tutte, Lyle Hallman,John English, Sylvia Ostry andJames Wesley Graham are $3" of the Members and










forming experiments and didn't believe the results - there was a disappearance of compounds and no explanation for why this would happen. It was very annoying at the time. But when there was news of other people who were trying to achieve this, it became clear that this would serve some purpose." This projectis "slowly makingitsway around the world," Gillham said. "The technologyhas been applied at about 70 sites -most of these are in the U.S. but there are about eight in Europe. A demonstration has been completed in Australia and is likely to go to full scale within the next year; the technology has been licensed to a company in Japan and there is growing interest in other countries of Southeast Asia." Gillham was awarded the Industrial Research Chair in groundwater remediation fiom theNatural SciencesandEngineeringResearch Councilof Canadain 1997.In the same year, he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada. He is also the Scientific Director for the Canadian Water Network. Canada's 26th Governor General, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, announced Dr. Gillham's appointment as a Member of the Order of Canada on January 14,2002.


Think before vou dre One student's view of fashion at UW Minh Tran

o f f a block away f r o m the school The goal o f this feature is t o expose Lome of


the more o b v ~ o u serroneous closet decis~ons T'vc got love for everyone here at Waterloo, but straight up, a l o t o f you dress pretty ugly. 1

some students have made, as well as present some examples o f well informed dresslng

mean, we're all getting older s o it's only a matter o f time before we all start dressing like

Just remember t o always dress your best when o n campus be~auseyou never knoa

our parcnts. But that transition is supposed t o

when you might be nabbed for the next Dos

be prolonged and subtle. Y o u wake up one morning and your kids are asking t o be dropped

and Don'ts Remember, Don'ts never get lad

All r~ght,all r~ght,move along boys nothmg to see here. These setior~tasare all comlng home w ~ t hme ton~ghtto make cute lttle bab~es.h g sm~leyDos across the board. T h ~ sshould be a nlce safe template for all ladles to follow when headmg out to a campus bar 1

N~ce-Wtngjeans (a d e n m sk~rtgets ex tra pomts).


A top w ~ t h one dist~ngu~sh~ng feature (here IN'S the tummy exposure, str~kmg red colour and halter cut, respectwely).




( d ~ the g hoop ear-

won't be a Don't.

r~ngsl) and makeup Now go forth and spread


the word

Gaaahl Wnar's that t ~ i l n gon liead? Okay, onay. I knofv you're go111ytor rhe vcho e Brit:sh lad rhmg, but ~ t ' s~iiakln(lyou loo^ rliore l~ke Margaret Tliarchcr and less I ne T ~ r n R~ckleyor Grant. Wnen you see klos around campus witn nalr l ~ k u rhls 11'susually a good sign Inat tnelr parenrs (lwn't beat thern enoJgn. Please Don't. I'm digg~ngthe liql~t canary short on I1 s friend thougri. t's rliar close ro oeing transparenr: Do.

Have you ever noticed that people with 10110 bodies only hang out with each other? C'rnon, us pig-bellied weakling short people need love too. The guys get Dos for low-key elegant threads (though if l were that muscular, I'd be tempted to show up to clubs topless with a Native feather head-dress on). The girl is troubling me. She's obviously a goddess, but would Annapurna or Aphrodite even be able to pull off what she's got on? That said, I'm giving her a Do because a Don't probably eliminates the chances of me ever being able to take a shot of tequila off her yummy tummy.

I argued this one for a long time with the editors. In my books, both these guys are Do men. The dude on the left has found peace within, just doing his thing, wearing what he likes. You can point and laugh now, but six months down the road you'll be rocking the old school trucker hat and stud bracelet. And by then he'll be on to some nextlevel shit involving space suits or furry parkas. The guy on the right just reminds me of a teenage mutant nmja turtle crossed with Data from the Goonies. You know if he had a backpack it'd have some

ill shit in it like a machete or some turntables. Respect hombres.



Britney's publicists


A perfect balance of innocent pop ballads and sexy performances keeps Britney's fans on the rise Florence A. Liauw IMPRINT STAFF

What does a young Barbie collector, the captatn of the varsity football team, a 220 pound truck driver, a high school sweethearts and a thud year university student majoring in economics all have in common? Two words. Bntney Spears. Try as you might to deny it, mostpeopleloveBntney,or are at least secretly drawn to her in some shape or form. It goes without mentioning that for people who are attractedto voluptuous female sexpots, hands down, it's her body and the way she grates, wiggles and shakes her newly-acquired parts that keep eyes glued to her. But for some people, it really is her music. It's catchy and a lot of it has an emphatic rhythm; you can't help but jump out of your c h w and start shaking your thang when the bass starts poundmg m "I'm a Slave 4 U." As much as her younger fans (carrying chocolate milk m a Bntney flaskj aren't able to relate to this side of her, she has still managed to influence them enough to smg "Oops, I Did it Agatn" hke the cute httle grl who performed on the Rosre O'Donnell Show, much to Rosie's surprise. What is it about Bntney that enables her to draw such vast and vaned markets, and how does she have such staylng power? The strategic marketing plan behmd this full-breastednymphet is so mgemouslycrafted and so flawlessly executed, she has captured a diverse audience like n o other. Mow do this yon ask?Ensunng Bntney's populanty is the simple matter of an expert team of pubhcists and markeang speciahsts that keep her, and her image, m check. In 1999, Bntney released her first single, aby, One More Tune," where m her deo she was a Catholic-school-pl-gone-bad a coquettish micro-and little whte shirt tied mto a knot to expose her midriff. She was sexy enough to appeal to teenage males but not so sexy that the younger crowd couldn't relate. '%By, One More Tlme" had just the right amount of bubbly energy and the lyrics were simple enough for grade-schoolers to sing along. There was a double entendre which is where Bntney's appealto an olderdemographic starts. The words that were excluded in the atle "(Hit me) Baby, One More Time" caused a bit of a stir, but as it was her &st single, it was dismissed as a silly teen pop song. With the release of "Sometimes" in May 1999 and "Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know"

m Apnl2001, Britney became a lovesick and helplessvoice,onethatemanated from a tanned, amply curved figureinwhiteboom-boom pants and a second-skin white top. Stdl able to matntam her two most mportant demographics (teenage males and young pls), she began to appeal to teenage females mth light pop ballads. In Apnl2000, "Oops, I Did it Again," was released and agam she attempted to open herself up to an older market by increasing her sex appeal. Swmging to the beat of a bubbly fluff song with absurd double-entendre lyncs, the older men drew nearer as her fire-engine red catsuit stuck to her like glue. Mindful of not losing her younger demographic, she released "Lucky," a squeaky clean "Material Girl" type song on the same album. Her "Lucy' video was sparkly, pink and fluffy, perfectly targeted at impressionable young girls. 1n luly 2001, Britney began to prepare her audience for the release ofher next album,which would come from someone who was "not a p l , not yet a woman." She is quoted as having said "I want to do things that people have never seen before.. .I don't want to be considered a role model.. .but I do everything with balance.. .I'm growing - up, - I'm not a little girl anymore. But I never overdo anything." At her hve concert on HBO -Bntney Spears Ltve From The MGM Grand Las Vegas - she expressed a well-rehearsed statement to the Umted States' Armed Forces for "the hard work and the sacnfices [they] make that give per] the freedom to do what [she] loves to do, which is to perform." This monologue m particular was especially potent, as it not only emphasued the shft m her market positiontng, but it also leveraged the nation's cnsis to fortify Bntney as a proud symbol of the all-Amencan girl. Her words are carefully selected to sigmfy a change from the norm, but not enough so as to alienate her younger fans. Her shft in market poslaomg must have worked, smce all of the acts during Superbowl XXXV, it was her performance and that of Aerosmth that generatedthemost lmpact wlth the 20-34 year-old demographic. Bntney's senes of Pepsi commercials that brought back nostalgc lmages from the past five decades targeted every generation from baby-boomers through to theu grandchddren. Her "Rock m Rio" performance of "I Love Rock and Roll" helped to dmmsh herunage as a teeny-bopper Bntney has never admitted to having breast unplants and some people still believe they're real. If it were ever confirmed that her breasts

Britney's serpentine performance at the MTV music video awards. were in fact artificially augmented, it's quite possible that this would have a negative impact on the innocent image she attempts to portray. In her new movie Crossmuds, she plays a girl whogoesonatripwithtwo friendsandcollects experiences that wdl change her life forever. Big surprise. With such a skilled marketing and public relations team working on her side, it's no

wonder the Britney product is stronger than ever. Recently, Britney was caught off guard at a press conference when a reporter asked her if she was like a Yoko Ono to N* Sync: Britney responded saying that she didn't know who that was and excused herself by saymg, "I'm sorry, I'm very young."

Position F ~ a ~ m s aF o nSTUDENTS &-of




The Clubs Director will be the Federation's primary liason with FEDS clubs and will oversee all aspects of club administration. Duties will include (but are not limited to): *Organizing Club Days at #e start of each term "Holding monthly meetings with the Club Presidents "Preparing and reviewing club packages *All aspects of club budgeting "Chair of Clubs Committee To-ordinating Multi-Cultural Festival The CIubs Director will be expected to work an average of 20 hours a week and hold regular weekly office hours. HelShe will report directly to the Vice President, Student Issues.

This position is ideal for a student taking 2 or 3 courses per term. The Director will be hired for one term of office (May I, 2002 -April 30, 2003). Annual salary will be $1 1 000. interested candidates should apply with a resume and cover lelier NO LATER than NOON, Friday, March 15th to the FEDS Office (SLC 1102). Please direct all inquiries to Brenda Beatty at exk 3780 or via email at


Origami for a good cause

Sustainable developments




Sadako Sasalu &ed of health complications related to the atomic bomb that was dropped on the city ofHiroshima on August 6,1945, when she was two years old. She died on October 25,1955 at the age of 12. Her story of hope is popular for the many people who recall the horror of that day in Japan. At age 11, she was practising for a big race when she became dizzy and fell to the ground. Sadako was diagnosed with leukemia, "the atom bomb disease." Sadako's best friend told her of an old Japanese legend that anyone who folds a thousand paper cranes would be granted a wish. Sadako wished to get well enough to run again. She started to work on the paper cranes and completed her goal with the aid of her classmates, but she died before they had finished the task for her. There is a monument in Hiroshima to commemorate the spirit of Sadako and the other young children who have suffered. There is also a statue of Sadako in Seattle,Washington, that was built with aid from the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation. Every year, approximately 10 tonnes of paper cranes from all around the world are sent to these monuments in recognition and memory of Sadako's strong will and the need for peace. Konnichlwa Japan (KonJa) is a UWclub that has organizedtheYume (Dream) Project, a two-day event being held the SLC Great Hall on March 13-14. There will be origami roses and wire crafts on sale and

3 Don't feel like you have to wait for the workshop; you can

follow these simple directions to make your very own paper cranes. Remember to write your wish on each one.


many drop-in lessons of basic origami techniques. There will be donation boxes for people to submit a paper crane with a wish written on the wings to be sent to the mayor of Hiroshima, who will also receive the proceeds from craft sales. Haruka Shoji, vice-president of

KonJa, said '%IS 1s the &st tune UW has done anythmghke this.. . d s a statement that we care." Recycled paper d be provided at the event for paraupants to reach the goal of one thousand "wish" cranes. PresldentJohnston dopen the ceremonies at 12 noon on March 13.

Business and industry are often seen as the pariahs of sustainable development. It is thought that, because their very nature demands growth and because of the increased use of resources, businesses are natural enemies of sustainable development. However, this need not be the case. In fact, adopting a philosophy of sustainable development may help businesses maintain and increase profits and accelerate programs to help the environment. Although business and industry have often fought against environmental innovations, and stdl do to a certain extent, many are evolving their thinking and adopting practices that are more sustainable. First and foremost, many companies are looking at ways of reducing their wastes. This is good news for the environment, as it means less pollution from point sources, and it is good news for businesses, as it saves them money. Every business knows that reducing wastes and inefficiency saves money. However, not all businesses have learned that this is true in an environmental context. Those that are, such as 3M and Electrolux (among many others), are cornering markets and setting new standards for management,

Dr. Jeff Hovis from the School of Optometry, University of Waterloo is evaluatingdourvisiontestsdesignedforthe railroad industry.The tests determine one's ability to identify colour codes used to monitor and control train movement. lndividualswithCOLOURVISION PROBLEMSare needed tovalidate these tests. The experiment requiresbetween 1to2 hours to complete. Compensationfor yourtimeis $10.00. Formoreinformation,please contact Jeff Hovisat 885-1211,ext. 6768. SbnkaranatrshankanQuwaterl00.0. This project has received ethics clearance from the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo (ORE #9703).



' I

lus taxes ; delivery extra excludes Party Pizza and double toppings *'extra cheese additional cost


products and innovation, not to mention making a tidy profit whde doing it. Waterloo is a city with a strong business community and a strong commitment to the environment. In such a setting, it is important that companies do what they can to reduce their impact on the natural environment while maximizing profits. In our community there are many companies that are focused on providing environmental services and others that incorporate envkonmental and sustainable thdung into their management, and production practices. However, more can be done. The Feds environment commission is currently looking into ways of working with local businesses to help them reduce their impacts on the environment. A new project group, the community outreach group, has been formed under the leadershp of Andrew Martin, a math student. This group will establish partnerships with local smal-, medium-, and large-sized businesses, and suggest ways in which they may reduce their impact on the environment. The community outreach group is currently planning to encourage local businesses to increase recychg, composting/ vermicomposting, energy efficiency and reduce energy use, as well as other initiatives. For more information on this project or the commission please consult our Web site at -kbschmid/, or contact myself, Kirk Schmidt, or Andrew Martin at abgm~@srudentmath.uwaterloo.a.

I I I I I I I I I I -


never too late become a teacher.

Earn your certification at the University of Maine at Preque Isle. An UMPl representative will be at the Student Life Centre on Wednesday, March 13 from I lam-l pm. For more information, contact Carol Gordon 207.768.94 19


University of Maine at






~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I


Science editor: Jason Yu

The secret equipment behind Sakic, Yzerman and loinla

Engineers bring top honours home UW engineers receive accoladesat annual Ontario Engmeering Competition -



A number of UW engmeenng students recently competed m the Ontario Engineering Competition, hosted t h s year by the Umversity of Ottawa Theweekend ofmtense compeatton culminated m a number of top honours for UW. The compeatton is held annually by a dtfferent accredtted Ontano university w t h an engmeenng faculty Onginally, it was called the Ontan0 Engineering Design Competttton, and its growth was, in part, inspired by a group of UW students who saw its potenttal What started with just two categones has grown to six this year, covenng awide range of engmeenng &suplines. This year, over 180 student engneers parttcipated from 10 universittes across Ontano They competed in the followtng categones edttonal


communications, explanatory communicauons, parliamentary debate, corporate design, entrepreneunal design and team design. The various categories encompassedwritten and spoken competitions, as well as design problems. Theresa Cooke, a fourth-year systems design student;had this to say about the spoken competitions: 'The speaking competitions (explanatory and editorial) require pittlej preparation, so there is no excuse for engineers not to compete. It's a great o p p o r w t y to practtce public speakmg and learn from other students' presentations and from the judges' feedback Smce the only dung you have to do for the whole weekend is give one 30-minute speech, you have lots of spare time to visit the other competition categories and support the Waterloo team." FromUW, 21 students competed and, in the end, they walked away

with six hard-fought awards that all went to systems design enaneenng students. Cooke olaced thud in two categones. entrepreneunal design and

p m ~ c was t on the unrehabhq of internet filters, such as CyberPatrol Cooke's teammate Laura Naismth, and fellow competitor in the edttonalcommunicattonscategoty, spoke

pect to consider m our souety is the accessibhty of design As we design products to sutt our tasks,we have to recognize that not everyone has the same abhttes. Some of the physical

editonal communtcaaons "The entrepreneunaldes~gncategoryrequires a lot of work," explained Cooke, "because not only do you have to design and build a product that is solid from a technical standpoint, but you also have to prove to the judges that it is potenttally profitable and that you have a reahsac marketmg plan There is a 2 0 - m u t e presentatton in front of the judges and the pubhc and each team must also staff a booth for the durauon of the event. The compettuon is sttff, but it is a great opportunity to compare yourworkwith other teams' projects, to learn from what others have done and to get feedback from judges who are industry professionals " Cooke also parttcipated m the editoral communicattons cagetory, m which competttors share theu personalviewpointson social, economic and envlronmentalconsequences of a current technologcal issue Her

about nanotechnology m her entry. Naismth placed first overall m this category. Among the other categones was explanatorycommunicattons Arthur Law, a fourth-year systems design student, explamed, "The challenge of this category is for an engmeemg student to present a technical issue or process m terms such that a person outside of thew dtsciphe can understandit. Each presentationwas 30 minutes wlth a 20-minute penod for questions and answers." Law placed third overall in this category. "The topic of my presentatton was Usabhty mEngmeenng Design, continued Law. "In our everyday lives, we come across engineered products, whch can frustrate or annoy Usabhty is a process wthm the disuphe of engmeenngthat ensures that the design of tools and devlces are suited for the people who unll be using them Another important as-

ormentallmtattons should be taken m account to prevent dlscnminauon w i h our society "


...while puppies are destined to fill in


Good news for university students A recent study pubhshed m the Archves of General Psychiatry has proven what most university students knew all along too much sleep can be bad for you In a study that tracked more that one d o n Amencans over a seven-year penod, the optt mum amount of sleep m a mght was found to be seven hours. Those who reported less than six hours of sleep m a night were found to have hgher mortality rates Oddly enough, the same outcome was found to occur the further away that subjects got from a seven hour sleep penod nme hours or more, for mstance As a conclusion to the study, "Pattents can be reassured that short sleep and msomma seem associated with little risk distinct from comorbidfies Slight nsks associated with eight or more hours of sleep and sleepmg pdl use need further study. Causahty is unproven "


Rats leave cushy lives

American Senator Jesse Helms recentlyinserted regulattonsinto a farm bill that would elminate a lot of protection for rats, mice and birds used in laboratory testing. The regulations, which are being developed by the US. Department of Agricul-

A Wichita, Kansas teacher's plan to feed puppies to a snake m a science lesson has been halted after pupils becameupset. MatthewPattonkeeps two boa constrrctors m his classroom at Bluestem High School and in science lessons he has shown the pupds how the snakes can devour rats. Though the puppies were destined to be put down,theplan sparked complamts from parents and chddren ahke. Mr. Patton has agreed to cancel the planned lesson, and all three puppies havenow foundhomes.

Swedish warship under attack Rksearchers have dtscovered that Sweden's fabled Vasa, a 17th-century warshlp rescued from the stenle depths of Storkholm harbour, is under attack from acid forming deep mside theambers from an enormous reservou of sulfur depositedby three centunes of decaymg bactena. The Vasa, a 200-foot, 1,331-tome warship, sank m Stockholm harbour on its maiden voyage in 1628 and lay undisturbed for more than three centunes m nearly sterile water untd it was resurrectedin 1961.The hullwas remarkably well-preserved because of the anoxic waters. However, bacterial decomposition had saturated the Vasa's oaken beams with hydrogen sulfde, which eventually created

Editorial Communications Laura Naismith,first Thqresa Cooke, third ream Design Christopher Blake, Vincent Ling, tan MacKenzie and Chrlstlna MacNeil, first Jeff Alfonsi, David Johnson, Sabrina M u and Kevin Wang, third Explantory Communications Arthur Law, third Entrepreneurial design Theresa Cooke and PeteiSchretlen, third

Wnght brothers' efforts and produce their vanous flymg maclunes. The final day is December 17, 2003, when the Discovery of Fhght Foundatlonhopes to recreate O d e Wnght's &st powered flight down to the wind condtuons and the length of m e spent m the au.

ture, are intended to resolve a decade-long legalbattle by providing the samekind of safeguards against abuse that have been afforded to monkeys, dogs and other large lab animals. Neal Moogk-Soulis

See ENGINEERING, page 18

NASA's blast to the past

Wright brothers kept a lot of their discoveries a secret. a huge reservoir of sulfur. The converston to sulfunc acid was helped along as about 8,500 uon bolts holdmg the hull together gradually withered away, emttmg a nch supply of ions that served to catalyze acid formatton. It has been suggested that the best way to slow the decay might be to remove the replacement iron bolts m the hull and find an agent that will render mert the old iron sull lodged m the tunbers.

Why go forwards when you can go back? The Discovery of Flight Foundation, a non-profit, charitable organization, is seeking to rediscover how the Wright brothers learned to fly. The foundation has contracted with the Wright Experience to achieve this ambitiousplan. The methodical experimentation of the Wrightbroth-

ers began w t h lutes and ghders, and evolved into powered aircraft. The Wnght brothers were very secretive about their discoveries and there is little related documentahon of their work. A need to keep their hard-earned techmcal expertise hidden from the prylng eyes ofmtators forced the Wnghts to work m secret. As a result, their early prototype aucraft were destroyed, along with all the construction documentation and draumgs. The Wnghts always intended to tell their story but never had the chance. Workmg under contract with the Discovery of Flight Foundation, the Wnght Expenence is researchmg, reconstructing, testing, analyzmgand documenting authentii full-scale reproductions;f the Wright brothers' developmental aircraft and engines. The objectives of the foundation are to create a historical record of the

NASA has amounced two returns to the past this week. It recently asked Congress for $125 d o n to explore the possibility of nuclear reactors bemg used to power inter-planetary spacecraft. The nuclear technology would allow scienttsts to budd spacecraft which could propel themselves throughout fight rather than hke today's conventtonal rockets whlch only receive thrust for a few m u t e s at the be-g of the fight and then must coast for the rest of their journey. NASA scienttsts d also look to the past as they try to contact Pioneer 10 to see if the httle spacecraft's signal can sull be heard - 30 years after its March 2, 1972 launch. On Saturday, scientists operating a radio telescope at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Deep Space Network in Madrid, Spain,attempted to duplicate the feat they accomplished last spring, when they successfullyestablished contact with the spacecraft aftera silence of eightmonths. There is no word yet about the success of this mission -in the Iast transmission it took 22 hours for the two-way signal to return because Pioneer 10, the &st spacecraft to exit the solar system,is 7.4bilhondes frdmEarth.


Engineering: top honours won by UW ENGINEERING, from page 17

ProfessorJohnThde, ofthe systems design enpeering department, was this year's faculty advisor for the competitors. When asked why he would encourage more UW student involvement in the competition, he stated, "UW students are capable of puttingin avery strong showingin all categories. Those who complete fo'oukth-yeardesign pr~jectsnext year or do well in the Sanford Fleming Foundation debates should strongly consider entering." Lawalso commented on the overall competition. "OEC provides a great opportunity for engineeringstudents to showcase their design and communication abilities.. .it's amazing to see some of the projects that take place at other schools. One of the m o s t h n events is the parliamentary debates where pairs of engineers debate on topics relating to the role of engmeers within society." This weekend, the Canadian Engineering Competition will be held for those who finished first or second at the Ontario competitions. It will held h s year at Universitk Laval in Qu6ben.City.


How things work: Synergy hockey sticks Jesse Helmer IMPRINT STAFF

SteveYzerman,Joe SakicandJarome I g d a have more than Olympic gold medals in common. Sakic, who led Team Canada in goals (four) and points (seven); Yzerman, who was

tied with Lernieux for second with six points; and Iginla, who was third intotalpointswithfour,alluseEaston Synergyhockey sticks.Thisone-piece stickislighterand strongerthanother sticks, and despite its hefty price tag of $250, its popularity seems to be growing.

The Synergy is a one piece stick, unlikeeither ofitspredecessors,wood or aluminum. It is a composite of kevlar and graphite (the exact composition is not public information). Itweighs460grarns, whichEastonclaimed


The following are statements made by Easton regarding the Synergy stick: Synergy sticks are the world's lightest performance hockey sticks Designed to direct the flex point to the tip of the shaft Low release points Concave shaft profile Stiff blade construction for power and response Kevlarlgraphite manufacturing process Currently, about 174 NHL players use Easton's Synergy stick Cost: $169.95 US (approx.) Source: Easton Hockey



The Synergy stickismanufactured in Mexico by American sports equipment manufacturer Easton Sports. Easton is well known in hockey circles for its successfulintroductionof aluminum hockey sticks,which were approved by the NHL in 1981, but didn't take off untd Wayne Gretzky signed a seven-year endorsement deal with Easton in 1990. Accordingto ShannonBentleyof (theDiscoveryChannel's Web site), "Sticks traditionallywere made of wood because of its combmed strength and flexibility, giving players a lot of power during a shot. But the ideal wood for sticks -rock elm - has become scarce because of Dutch Elm disease, so many manufacturers are turning to white ash which is not nearly as sturdy." Easton's introduction of aluminum shafts addressed a need for light, strong shafts.

the lightest in the world. According to a report by TSN, the Synergy is used by almost 200 players m the NHL (there are about 700 players in the league). The top three scorers m the NHL - Igntla, Markus Naslund and Sak~c-all use Synergy stlcks. When a hockey player takes a slap shot.. the power for the shot is ereated by flexing the stick against the ice while sliding it toward the puck When the suck snaps back to its oapalposluon, the generatedpower is transferred to the puck, sending it f l p g (hopefully) on target at high velocity. NHL goahes try to stop pucks that can travel at velociaes above 160 km/h. The Synergy sack comes m five models: Yzerman, Saktc, Shanahan, Lidstrom, andModano.Each of these models has its own curvature, shape and lie. There are three flexes for A

each of these five models: 110 (stiffest), 100,and 85. Unlike wooden blades, which players often shape,using sandpaper and heat, to their personalsetup, Synergy sticks can't be molfied from their manufactured properties. NHL players can and do request sticks from Easton with a specific setup. Synergy sticks have changed hockey somewhat. "It's made a huge dfference [in players' shots]. The stick has allowed players to score on a more consistent basis from places where they haven't scored from very often before," saidTSN hockey analyst Pierre McGuire in an article in TSN's magEtZ;ne.He also commented that broken bone injuries might increase as more players use Synergy sticks. 'We'llprobably seemore broken feet, ankles and toes, and maybe some broken jaws and cheeks from deflections." LousivilleSports, one ofEaston's competitors, has recently announced its own one-piece stick,theResponse. It weighs 455 grams. Time will tell how this one-piece r a c e d turn out. In any case, it does seem'that the Synergy stick is an evolution that is here to stay.

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Sports editor: Jon Willing Assistant sports editor: Adrian I. Chin

a's top roo receives provincial and national awards Jon Willing IMPRINT STAFF

Julie Devenny, the first-year Warriors point guard who finished fourth in OUA scoring average thts season and eigth in the CIS, has been named the CIS rookie of the year in women's basketball at lastweek's All-Canadian awards. She was also named to the CIS allrookie team. Devenny, a kinesiology student from Waterloo, averaged 16.52 points a game and led the Warriors to a semi-final appearance against the McMaster Marauders. She also finished among the top ten in blocks with 18, and field


Julie Devenny: CIS rookie of the year. goal shooters at 50 per cent. "It wasn't really expected," Devenny said. "It's good to be recopzed." Coach Tom O'Brien said he first knew Devenny was going to be a strong part of the team after she shone with an 18point performance against Lava1 and 22 point effort against

the University of Alberta early in the season. "She exceeded everybody's expectations," O'Brien said. "She came off the bench and played so well, I just had to start her." O'Brien said Devemy, who appears to be an unassuming player on the court, smashed some critics' doubts about her ability to play at the university level. And even though she has accomplished so much in her first season, O'Brien said her teammateshave been her best supporters. "The other players love her," O'Brien said. "Everybody's happy for her." At Waterloo Collegiate Institute, Devenny won three consecutive Waterloo County Secondary School Association women's basketball championships and participated in the 1999 and 2001 Ontario championship tournament. She was named a WCSSA all-star from 1999-2001.She was the league's most valuable playerin2001. Inhigh schobl shewasa doublethreat in basketball and volleyball, malung the

all-star team in the same years shewas a basketball all-star.In her graduating year at WCI, she was named athlete of the year. Last week, the OUA announced Devenny as its co-rookie of the year. She shared the honour with Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks guard Sarah Zagorski. Devenny was also the only Warrior named to this year's OUA all-star team. The CIS roohe-of-the-year award is presented annually to a first-year player who has exhibited exemplary skill and leadership. The CIS coaches association selects the winner. Simon Fraser University Clan's Jessica Kaczowka from Regma, Saskatwhewanwalked away with the Nan Copp Award as the most outstanding player in the country. Kaczowka helped SFU finish the season with an amazing 32-0 record, and led the CIS in field goal shooting percentage.

rriors in division semi-final Team finishes season banged and bruised against McMaster Jon Willing . ... ...- .. -


Semi-final, February28 The women's basketballWarriors' season came to its finalelastThursday after the team dropped Waterloo 45 its semi-finalgame to the McMaster Marauders McMaster 52 52-45 in Hamilton. The loss capped an otherwise impressive year, hushing the regular season third in the OUA West. In the othcr OUA West division semi-final, A native of Regina, Saskatchewan, Manalo the Brock Badgers, who finished fourth, upset played for her provincial team, which provided the first-placewestem Mustangs 74-72inLon- useful experience for her first season in varsity, don. Brock went on to run over the Marauders accordmg to O'Brien. in the OUA West final, 73-47, before losing to ''Wanalo] has a great basketball mind," O'Brien said. the University of Toronto Varsity Blues in the OUA championship, 69-66. Thehfarauders went on to get blasted by the hlcMaster was able to shut down the War- Brock Badgers in the OUA West final, 73-47. riors' offence, holdmg Julie Devenny to only The University of Toronto Blues captured the eight points and Kristen Eisner to two. The East division title and went on to edge Brock Warriors' top scorer was Leslie hiitchell with 69-66 in the OUA gold medal match. 12 points, all of which were behmd the threeThe Warriors have never won a wornen's point arc. basketball OUA title. The defending champiLkner played almost the entire game, breakons Queen's Golden Gaels were ousted from ing for only threeminutes. Mac's Katie Coulson the playoffs with a 75-69 semi-final loss to had an impressive game on the glass, gathering Toronto. This year's CIS championshp tourthree on offence and 11 on defence for a toea1 namentdbeplayed hIarch7-10 at McMaster. of I 4 rebounds. The Warriors were plagued by injuries in Team "underachieved" their semi-final game. Warrior starting guard Casie Kergan did not play Thursday night after After starting the season 1-3in the f ~ sfour t suffering a knee injury in a 66-61 quarter-final games, things looked up in the air for the win over the Guelph Gryphons on Tuesday. women Warriors. Veteran guard andlast year's Kergan's replacement Amanda Kteswetter h- high-scorer Nicole Consitt bruised her ankle ished the gamewith nine points and five assists. bone early in the season and satin the stands for Kate McCrae was also sidelined Thursdav the rest of the schedule. after receiving a grade-two concussion htting Devenny, who had an impressive rookie her head on the floor in the Guelph game. season leading the teamin points per game, said Warrior coach Tom O'Brien said injury the team began the season on a rough note, but trouble was a contributor to the team's semi- was able to rebound. 'We definitely startedout final loss. a little shaky," Devenny said. "It hurt us not having those two," O'Brien Surprisingly to some, the Warriors finished said. third in the OUA West &vision with a 14-7 Rookies Carrie Brown and Annabelle record and made it to the &vision semi-hnals. hlanalo stepped up off the bench to W1 the Still, O'Brien said the team could've accompositions usually played by McCrae. Manalo, plished more h s season. who has been impressive off the bench in many "I thmk we underachieved," O'Brien said. games with her aggressive offence and on- 'We could've finished top two in the &vision." court smarts, finished the game with six points. Missing Consitt didn't show in the regular

Warriors' Leslie Mitchell (right) drives past McMasterfs Christen Dickenson in a game earlier this season. The Warriors lost to Mac in the semi-final 52-45. season with the team scoring an average of two points more per game than last season. When you factor in exhibition games, however, the team finished the season with the opposition scoring three points per game more. The season ends on a positive note with the b e g i m g s of a more experienced team. With Devenny, hfanalo and htccrae getting regular court-time this season, tlus year's rookies d have gained important game experience by the

start of next season. O'Brien added that his coachmg staff have already been aggressive in their recruiting efforts, scouting three players in particular from Vancouver, Welland and Waterloo Collegiate Institute here in Waterloo. Devenny, McCrae, Consitt and Kieswetter are all graduates of the WCI program.


will go varsity

Warriors bring home OUA bronze

Student services fee committee says yes to increased funding

Toronto dethrones Waterloo as indoor hockey champs at York tourny

Jon Willing

Jon Willing



The Umversity of Waterloo d dress a women's varsity hockey team in the fall after the student services fee advisory comimttee unanimously voted in favour of supporttng an increase to the athletics portlon of the fee. For the past three seasons, the women's hockey team has been funcnotmgas an exhibition team, playing city teams and some varsity teams. Women's hockey coach Bill Antler sad credit goes to the players for showing a high level of commitment. "The women deserve a bigpat on the back," Antler sad. "I'm happy for the girls that stuck with it." Athlettcs hectorJudy McCrae sad she was happy with the outcome, noting that the team has worked hard over the past three years to prove its interest m playing in the OUA. "I'm pleased because they did theu job," McCrae said. It d cost Athletics $50,000 to 60,000 to support the women's team next season. McRae was requred to submt budget predictions to the committee and ensure that the team d meet evaluation cntena for sports programs at UW. The Athletics fee is a part of the student services fee, a non-refundable fee that also provides cash for student semces, mcludmg the undergraduate Engltsh Language Proficiency Program, the art gallery, some of health services, student security services, the ombudsperson, career semces and personal counselling. This season,UWs future cross-town nvals, the Wilfnd Launer Golden Hawks, settled for the CIS silver medal after losing in the gold medal game to the Unversity of Alberta Pandas

The women's indoor hockey team brought home a provincial bronze medal after it beat the Queen's Golden Gaels 6-2 at the OUA h a 1 tournament last weekend. The University of Toronto Varsity Blues took OUA gold after defeatingtheYorkYeowomen 4-1 in the championship game. Ten minutes into the bronze medal game, the Wamors were up two goals, but the Gaels came within one after a questionable goal that appeared to have gone off the post. By half m e , the Warriors added three insurance goals, headmg into the locker room leading 4-1.

UW women's hockey team



Going varsity


Before varsity teams at UW can be entered into the OUA, they mustgo through a two-year minimum holding period. During this time, the team is evaluated in leadership, interest and commitment of the athletes. A further assess-

The women's hockey team is shown here playing an exhibition game against i Kitchener intermediate team earlier in the season. Next season, players will bc wearing the Warriors gold and black in their first season in the OUA.

Finance: The philisophical expectancy of a broad varstiy sports program, with limited finances, requires a continuing evaluation of expenditures.

Interest: The varsity sport programs will be the culmination of the interest and pursuit of the current UW studentathlete population.

Leadership: A quality varsity sport program is regarded as one in which the Athletic and Recreational Services department can provide leadership of sufficient quality to ensure that the student-athlete can be challenged further in hislher sport growth.

Commitment: The Athletics and Recreational Services department will support programs in which all athletes, coaches and support personnel demonstrate qualities, which include: in and out of season training, regularized practices, necessary meetings and frequent competitions.

Facilities: In order that the studentathlete can have positive experiences, the Athletics and Recreational Services department requires quality facilities, both training and competitive, to be available to the student-athlete at the most appropriate times. Affiliation: The Athletics and Recreation Services department will support only those varsity sports that are offered by the OUA.

ment is made on the financing, facilities and OUA affiliation. UW will only support varsity teams affiliated with the OUA. A team must also demonstrate its commitment to in and out of season training, regular practices,meetingsand frequent competitions. If at the end of the two year period there are signs of growth in these areas, Athletics will apply for varsity status in the OUA. The two year probation period ensures the spoa will continue to grow at UW, accordingto McCrae. "We have to protect o~rselvesa~ainst one-

Tradition: The Athletics and Recreational Services department will support varsity sport programs that have developed through the years at UW and that have a history and tradition that are reflected in the current athletics values. With a view to assisting new sports into the varsity stream, there may be a necessary phasing in of financial assistance, after the two year trail period of source: uw Athletics operation.

off trends and excited people," McCrae sad In the two-year tnal, the team receives n funding from Athlehcs and pays for its ow expenses.This season, each player on the won en's hockey team had to pay $ 125each to covt associatton fees, tournament fees, referees an ttmekeepers. The same cntena are also used to decic whether to pull support for a varsity team , UW

Varsity Blues win OUA title in dying minutes Jon Willing IMPRINT STAFF

The University of Toronto Varsity Blues stormed back m the last two m u t e s of the game to win the women's OUA basketball championship over the Brock Badgers 69-66 in Toronto last Sunday. The win gave Toronto its m t h provincial title. Brock was strong for most of the game, but let fouls become its demise as the Blues caught ,up at the free-throw h e . Rachel Franssen gave the Blues the lead mthless than two m u t e s in thegameafter she drained a short jump shot m the key. Brock also

OUA gold medal, March 3

Brock Toronto had trouble in three-point range, smlung only one of 15 shots. The Badgers' Stacey Farr hushed thegame with 21 points, hitting five of seven free throw shots, but it wasn't enough to stun the Blues on t h w home court. Brock pushed through to the OUA finals by licktng the McMaster Marauders 73-47 in the

OUA West division final. Toronto also mac easy work of the Ryerson Rams, winning 60-4 in the OUA East final. Toronto and Brock will play in this wee1 end's CIS final tournament representing tt OUA. McMasterreceives a byeinto the tourn: ment as the host team. Also playing in the tournament be tt University of Regina, Universitie Laval, Mc morial University of Newfoundland, the Un versity of Winnipeg and Simon Fraser Unive sity. The toumament will be played March 7-1 in Hamilton.

OUA bronze medal, March 3

Waterloo Queen's

6 2

,The second half was more of the same for the Wamors, netting two more goals a i d allowing Queen's only one back. "[Queen's] gave us a lot of openings and we were able to see the gaps," said co-captain Chrissy Willemse. Wdemse said that although she's happy with a bronze medal, she would have liked to repeat as champions. The Wamors' bronze medal was the team's second provincial medal in two years. Last season, the Wamors captured the OUA title at home. Erin and Julia Morton were named OUA first team all-stars, while Wendy Moffett was named to the second team. This was the second time in two seasons that the Morton sisters were named to the first all-star team. Most of the team is made up of the CIS silver medalist field hockey squad. The women played two regular season games on Saturday before the seeds were set for Sunday's semi-fmalmatches.TheWarfiors won both games, blanking the Guelph Gtyphons 30 and edging the Western Mustangs 3-1. In their semi-final match agamst York Sunday morning, the Warriors could only beat Yorkgoaltender AzeliaLiu once in a 4-1 loss to the Yeowomen. The Warriors finished third in the league with a 7-4-1 (win-loss-tie) record. The Blues went undefeated,winning all of their 12games. Toronto, York, Waterloo and Queen's qualified handily for the semi-finals after Western, Carleton and Guelph were far from breaking ,500. Indoor hockey, played in a gymnasium, is a combination of field hockey and indoor soccer. The OUA has supported a league since 1985. Toronto and York have dominated the league, splitting 16 championships between them. Waterloo is the only other team that has won agold medal in the league's 17year history. There is no CIS final toumament.



Paralympic athletes Mildrag makes all-rookie te deserve Olympic clout Warri( Paralympics start t h s week, but coverage wdl be tucked away from mime-time


From March 7 to March 16, the Olympic venues in Salt Lake City wdl again be host to the best athletes from around the world. This time around, over 1,000 athletes from 36 countries wll be competing in the second largest sporting event behind the Olympics, the Paralympics. There has been a developing interest in the Paralympics over the last several years, and this year's Paralympics Winter Games, which are usually held two weeks after the Olympic Games, are expected to drawrecordcrowds. Ticket sales have already surpassed the 100,000 milestone. In addition, the men's downhill and ice sledge hockey competitions are nearly sold out. And this year, for the first time ever, Canadians will get to see their paralympic athletes in action with same-daycompetition coverage. This being said, the Paralympics has a long way to go as compared to its Olympic counterpart. Don't anticipate the same media hoopla that surrounded the events of two weeks ago. No big-namecommentators like Katie Couric, Bob Costas or Brian Wdhams are expected. There is considerably less media coverage surroundmg the events, although CBC bas allotted 12 hours of sit. time for the 10-day event. CBC will not air it during valuable prime-time hours, but will air pre-recorded footage mostly between 11:30p.m. and 1200 a.m. This of course severely inhibits the abhty for the Paralympics to reach the public's consciousness, which stdl doesn't understand that this is not the Special Olympics not everybody gets a medal. To clarify, the Special Olympics are motivational games, an "everybody wins" challenge for peoplewith mental and developmental disabilties. The Paralympics are Olympics for athletes with physical disabkties. Paralympians are elite athletes who devote their lives to the pursuit of excellence in sport and who qualify over a pcriod of years through rigor-

ous national and international competitions. They are the best of the best, yet they remain largely invisible to the general public. The consequences of invisibility are pernicious. Sponsorship money hinges on media exposure, and most corporations don't see the disabled athlete as a substantial promotional vehde. Most Paralympic athletes secure only disabdity-related sponsorship. Without adequate sponsorship,trainingandtravel becomeenormous obstacles. As a way to reach out to the general public, the International Paralympic Committee has touted the likes of Tony Volpentest, a man born without arms or feet who runs the l0Om in 11.30 seconds. They promote Trisha Zorn, a b h d swimmer who quahtied for both the 01ympics and Paralympics; Jean Driscoll, two-time silver medalist for the 800m women's wheelchair exhibition event and the only athlete to win theBoston Marathon eight times; and Jeff Adams, the blazing-fast wheelchair racer who has held several world records. Countries from around the world have shown some remarkable support for their disabled athletes. Athletes competing in the Wheelchair Rugby World Championships in Christchurch, New Zealand, were delighted when thousands of enthusiasticspectatorsshouted themselves hoarse as their team battled for the gold medal. The New Zealand fans know the names of the players on their nationalwheelchair rugby team. They know who represents them in wheelchair basketball, and who the top disabled swimmers and runners are, as well. Thrs is not peculiar to New Zealanders. Disabled skiing events in Switzerland and Austria, wheelchair basketball tournaments in Israel and Austraha, and wheelchair races in Japan are routinely packed with spectators. With all the interest shown in Paralympic events, why not make it part of the main Olympic showcase, sharing the same opening and closing ceremonies as well as media coverage? Why have it two weeks after when the thrill and excitementof the Olympics have waned?

Adrian 1. Chin, a secondyear kinesiology stulnt, isImprint's assistant Jports editor.

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on the OUA West all-rookie team: Chris Keith (Laurier), Ben Katz @cMaster),KevinStienstra (Brock), Rob Scully (McMaster), Todd Cooney (Laurier) andJustin Goggins (Windsor). The followingplayers were named to the OUA West first all-star team: Andy Kwlatkowski (Western),

-. ....- ..... . -, ,,...-...

Mili Mildrag calls for the ball in a game against McMaster. Michael Ayanbandejo (Guelph), Jimmy Groezelle(Western), Graham Hewitt (McMaster) and Jamie Duncan (Brock). The followingplayers were named to the OUA West second all-star

team: Dan Zapoir (Lakehead), Rodney Baptiste (&Master), Ryan Dudley(Brock),ChrisKeith(Laurier) and Chris Brown (Western).


Indoor soccer's rich history continues through Campus Rec

CAMPUS REC The tirst recorded "indoor soccer" match (the &st of three in a series) took place between the Western Football Association of Ontario and the O.N.T.'s of Newark on December 2,1885 in the Newark roller skating rink. The series was part of a challenge cup including both outdoor and "rink" games. The rink games were at night, beginning

at 9 p.m. and played under electric lights. Among the largest in the country at that time, the rink measured 165 by 80 feet, with goals 8 by 15 feet. The field was bounded by the fust few rows of empty seats, the crowd being protected by netting. Each team had six players, and no substitutes. The referee initiated most restarts by tossing the ball into the air. At the end of two 20 minute halves of regulation play, the Toronto Globe reported on December 7,1885, "The score stood one to nothmg in favour of the Canadians, who thus won one of the fastest, most exciting, as well as most novel games in the history of football." Canada went on to win each of the rink games, and the series,

before a largely partisan Canadian crowd. Another successful campus recreation indoor soccer season wrapped up h s week at University of Waterloo. The league featured 53 teams playing at three levels, with all but three teams qualifying for the playoffs. Setting the pace in the A league with perfect 6-0 records were Internazionale and Totti Insieme. These two teams appear to be the favourites heading into the playoffs. Joining them in the top playoff bracket are Alarm Force Central, Steaua, Lokomotywa and Polonez. The individuals A team had the highest Spmt of Compeuuon ratmg at the end of the season. The majority of teams played in the B learme this term. where the STU u Xefs were the only team to finish lndefeated at 5-0-1. Also fihting for the B champi-

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onship are SSBB, Nino's United, and the Pommel Boyz. The Strikers had the top spirit score this winter. The six playoff tiers in the B league are sure to offer a lot of exciting action ir: the coming weeks. Two more teams with perfect 60 records in the C league are Grassroots and Fun Police, with the Stoned Wheat Thins close behind at 5-0-1. Liquid Inferno completes the top playoff bracket. Not surprisingly, the only indoor soccer teams with perfect spirit ratings this term were in the C

league Congratulabons to the Hopeless Experts and Albert's Team Awards are announced each term at the end of the regular season to recognue teams demonstrattng fair pldy and good sportsmanship. The Rusty \Yihtstle Award, gwen to a team randomly chosen among those who played a penalty-free game, went to the Schistheads. Indoor Soccer players can now look forward to the playoffs

silver I Laurier women capture -

I at national hockev finals 1


. I


The Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks fell to the University ofAlberta Pandas in the CIS women's hockey tinal 5-2 last Sunday in Regina, taking home the silver medal. The defendmg champions, the University ofToronto Varsity Blues, took home the bronze medal.,edeifie " " the Universityof Regina Cqugars 32. The Hawks beat the Blues in the OUA championship 2-1, but both teams received passes into the national tournament. The Pandas opened up the game with a 3-0 lead after dominating the Hawks 23-3 in shots. Laurier cut the lead by one after Chantal Lkgere slid a power play goal through the legs of Panda goaltenderStaceyMcCullough and Amanda Tose~hfollowed three

minutes later with another That was the closest the Hawks would come. Laurier goaltender Cindy Eadie stopped 41 shots, while McCdough stopped 19. The Pandas' Danielle Bourgeois was named the tournament most valuable player. Bourgeois &shed the tournament with six points, of which five were goals. Eadie captured the tournament'sTissot Rookie of the Year award. Laurier placed 6rst in its pool after beating the Cougars and St. Francis Xavier X-Women. The Hawks' OUA championship win gave the schoolits first women's hockey title. The team ploughed through the regular season undefeated in 20 games and winning the OUA West division.

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in collaboration with:

Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant

Canadian Music Week rolls in again Rachel E. Beattie IMPRINT STAFF

The prospect of choosing 15 bands to see at various clubs around Toronto in three days is daunting enough, but add m a massive lack of organization and you get a stressfded weekend. Thts year's Canadan Music Week featured just that lack of organization. Bands started at completely different times, makmg clubhoppingdifficult.But the posted time that bands were supposed to start at didn't matter anyway because most venues ridculously behind. Another problem with ChfW is that it is slowly growing smaller and smaller. Two years ago the festival boasted over 500 bands, last year the festival featured 350 and tkts year the number had drastically dropped to 175. Less bands means less variety. As well, several of the performers that were part of CMW, all the bigname artists that is, had shows that, while they were part of the festival, were not covered by the CMW wristbands, so concert-goers would have to pay additional cover to see them. Despite the many problems and annoyances, there were some bright spots to ChIW, and these mostly came in the form of the performers. Although their set was supposed to start at midnight, it was way past 12:30 a.m. when The Hidden Cameras finally began to play. Part of the reason for the delay was the sheer size of the band. Sixteen band members squeezed onto the large stage at the Reverb and set up the stage, which included a wide range of instruments and wall hangings. Describing themselves as "gay folk church music," The mdden Cameras put on one of the most fun shows of the weekend. Band members swappedinstrumentsfrequently, playing everything from electric and acoustic gultars and drums to a xylophone, an accordion, tambourines, keyboards, upright bass, cello, violin andvarious otherweird and wonderful noisemakers. All these instm-

The Hidden Cameras feature girnp-masked'go-go dancers.

ments added up to create sweet and melodious music. The Hidden Cameras' songs are fun and relentlessly catchy and had the audience jumping, singmg and smiling throughout the set. Whde The Hidden Cameras go in for a lot of gimmicks, like projecting their lyrics on overheads,having two male go-go dancers dance along to the songs or leading the audience in callisthenics, their music lives up to the onstage craziness. The songs are memorable and, although not the most complex lyrically or musically, they're entertaming. Another band that put on a great live show was Half Full. Tlus Toronto-based band features the endlessly energetic Helen Garcia on lead vocals. Garcia's vigour seems to be contagious-the audience couldn't help but respond with delight and cheers to her enthusiastic singing. Garcia really makes the show with her amazingly strong voice and her passionate singmg. The band's music is original and resists dassification. It combines classical flamenco guitar, thanks to enormously talented guitarist Ollie, with acoustic rock and sultry blues. The band is polished and, despite the wide range of influences of its members, has a unfied sound. To steal and modify a line from the band Cracker, 'What the world needs now is another pretentious vocalist like I need a hole in my head." And the band Metric features just such a singer. What front-woman Emily Haines lacksin talent shemore then makes up for in affectation and "look-at-me-I'm-cool" posturing. Haines and her band didn't cover any ground that wasn't already covered much more interestingly by numerous other bands and singers from Dido to Portishead. Metricis derivative, pretentious, boring pap at its most mediocre. Beautiful Senseless is another band that is quickly makmg a name for itself. Hailing from Guelph, the band adds trumpet and keyboards to the traditional $ar/bass/drums mix with thrilling results. Their music is a richly textured tapestry of jazz, folk, world beat, hip hop and POP. The band is fronted by Jessy BellSmithandPaul Farmer, whose voices complement each other well and achieve gorgeous harmonies. BellSmith has an especially beautiful voice, which is at its best in the song "Seed," in which she sings a verse in Spanish in a mournful chant. Despite the organizers' attempts to make Ch4W as stressful as possible, there were some great bands showcased.But the organizers really need to work out the problems, or the hassle of attending the festival will outweigh the benefits of fmdmg new and exciting performers.

Half Full's head chanteuse, Helen Garcia, belts out a tune.


A bright future for jazz stars Lauren S. Breslin IMPRINT STAFF

Attemptkg to distance myself from the frenzied disorganization that has become standard fare at music festivals, I decided not to join the clusters of people who run from club to club catching this act and missing that one. Instead, I picked one venue per evening and stayed for the entire line-up. And because I'm not one for the collage of alt-pop rock that effectively propels CanadianMusicWeek, I felt it was my duty to venture down the road less travelled and seek out the new faces of Canadian jazz. Healey's, a hip littleaffait at Queen and Bathurst in Toronto (owned by veteranguitaristJeffHealey), offered an intimate platform for Canada's emergmg jazz artists -all of whom fit comfortably into the genre of spunky, swing ensembles. Leading the roster was Slim's Lucky Number, a four-piece outfit committed to jump, jive and swing from the 1930s. Vocalist Melissa Stylianou stood front and centre in her peach sundress and matching hairclip as the band began their set with the upbeat standard, "I Can't Give You Anything But Love." I r e c o p e d Stylianou as a longtime waitress at the Rex jazz club who,Iguess,has begun to launch her own career as a sparkling swing vocal~st.And boy, she knows her jazz. Without question, Stylianou's charming stagepresence and smooth, girl-next-door vocal flair was the highlight of the entire evening. Delicate twists of phrasing and rhythmic dynamics set her apart from the other singers as she smiled sweetly and laid down her set list with deepening interpretations and soul.

With clarity, accuracy and nearperfect polish, she approached each song with tenderness and vitality, enhanced three-fold by the seasoned instrumentation of Jake Langley on guitar, Jack Zorawski on bass and Glenn Anderson on drums. Slim's Lucky Number have enormous potential to hit it big, and with Stylianou's cultivated vocal stylings, they deserve it. Next on the h e - u p was Tara Hazleton and Her Easy Answers, an animated swing ensemble that specialize in rapid-fire cuts delivered with humour and style. Hazleton, with pink streaks in her black hair, has a raw and lively voice peppered with attitude. But because her light-hearted set list did not permit much in the way of depth, Hazleton sang with a musical detachment that made her songs entertaining, but hardly riveting. Song titles such as "Romance Without Finance" and "He's a Tramp" set a tone for the sense ofhumour it seems Hazleton wishes she had. Unfortunately, she drove this point home more than once by trying to pass off inane remarks as humour. Although her stage personality needs work, she sang with ability and was backed by a five-piece band that lent vivid contours to themusic combinedwith the sing-response style of the classic swing band. Following Tara Hazleton was Laura Hubert, who belted out a rich collection of classic bossas and ballads with a style that echoed years of musical and theatrical experience. Former singer of the Leslie Spit Treeo, a band that garnered her an international record deal and a Juno award, Hubert tore up the stage with booming renditions of such classics as "My Baby Just Cares for Me." Her

sound is throaty, sexual and loud, and she knocks out the tunes with a powerful vibrato that would occasionally adopt a raspiness B la Louis Armstrong. Hubert has got a big voice and a big stage presence, but sadly, there's no hook to her music. As a vocalist, it's obvious that she's been around the block, but among the other singers on the roster, she was indeed the weakest h k . Finally,Toronto swing favourites Jake and the Blue Mtdnights is a quartet that is destined for greatness, even if that greatness is contained in the dim-tit jazz clubs of downtown Toronto. Drawing from their repertoire of swing classics and originals,Jake and thegangdelivered a set of toe-tappin' ditties with flawless technique. This is a band that has been on the swing circuit for a long time, and has enjoyed residence at some of Toronto's ftnest venues. The glossy vocal stylings of frontrunner Jake and the tight, fast-paced instrumentation of band mates Richard Underhill (sax), Chris Lamont (drums) and Terry W h s (bass) shook the room into a harried mass of swing sensations. Towards the end of their set, the Midntghts were joined by Moja of Big Sugar who partook in a groovy rendition of "Morning Light." All in all a typically exuberant performance from Jake, who's got a velvety voice you'd want to hear again and again. So, let this be a note of optimism for anyone who saw a hazy horizon of Canadian jazz talent. From all us jazz fans, thank you Canadian Music Week - the future of swing looks bright and promising.



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Queer films, good times Second annual Rainbow Reels queer f h festival in Waterloo Lisa Johnson IMPRINT STAFF

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Here's a chance to expand your horizons and open your arms to "alternative" amstic and cultural endeavours. Okay, that's a little much, but there are many good reasons to attend the second annual Rambow Reels queer film and video festtval from March 14 to March 17, not the least of which is that it's free. The festival features mtemationally acclamed gay and lesbian films that present queer stones and Issues. The films are not only relevant to queer audtences, though - they are universal and display themes of multicultural and gender dlvers~ty. All films are being shown at Davis Centre room 1302 on the UW campus, except for the opening-night offering, which is a Canadian premier being screened at the Princess Cinema (still free!). The hlm,LI.E. (Long Ishnd Expresswy), is the most controversial in the festival, having been slapped with an X/NC-17 rating by the Motion Picture Association. Some feel this rating in itself is controversial because it is unfair and homophobic since the hlm features no explicit violence or sexuality. The story is of a young boy who struggles with loss in his life, and who findshimselfaloneuntilan older man comes along. It deals with mature issues such as pedophilia, but director Michael Cuesta presents

Apocalyptic love in Hey! Happy. them in an honest and tactful way. The opening gala on March 15 will kick off at 7 p.m. with a reading by Canadian author Shyam Selvadurai (Funny Boy, Cinnamon Gardens). Selvaduraiwas born in Sri Lanka and had to come to terms with his sexuality during political unrest and the violent riots between the Tamil and Singhalese. He should give an interesting and engaging talk before that night's screenings, The Edge ofEacb Other? Battles: The Vision of Andre Lorde and Johnny Greyeyes. Lorde is a celebrated black feminist novelist/poet who led a powerful social campaign calltng for a just and humane civilization. - - -

see QUEER, page 26

- - .-



Desolation in L.1.E..

UW a cultural hub Community arts awards highlight university's prominence Mark A. Schaan IMPRINT STAFF

Amidst the awards show circus that dominatesevery spring, a set of community arts awards has eked out a small place to highlight the prominence of UW within the thriving KWarts community. The 14th annual Kitchener-Waterloo Arts Awards recognizes professionaland amateur artists in the region who have demonstrated excellence or a significant voluntary contribution. This year's nominations are littered with UW connections, highlighting the university's special place within the greater community.With nominations across all six categories, UW has a wide-ranging contribution to the greater arts mission. Bill Poole, director of UWs Centre for CulturalManagement,isnominated in the open category, which highlights a significant administrative or voluntary contribution in the arts. Poole, who was "absolutely delighted" to be nominated, recently completed a six-year term on the board of the Centre in the Square, acting as its chair for the last two years. Having also sat on the advisory committees forneatre& Company and the K-W Symphony Orchestra, aswell as sittingon the search

committee for the new dtrector of the K-W Art Gallery, Poole's efforts clearly have touched a multitude of organizations and genres. Poole feels the awards hghlight the dynamic arts community in KW. "I don't have a hard and fast statistical perspective on it, but my sense is that it's a vibrant and growing community with a great range of disciplinesrepresented," and the arts awards simply hghlight this. UW fine arts professorJane Buyers was nominated for her work in the visual arts and felt the nominadon was "quite sweet." Buyers said that the pisence of so many UW nominations highlights "the significant presence" it has within the community. The fine arts program at Waterloo has "been very unportant" for a lot of the development of that community. Reflectmg on the growth of the arts scene, Buyers noted that m "just the bme I've been here, [the arts scene] has really developed andit has the potential to keep on gomg." Buyers noted that when she arnved m 1988, most arttsts who wanted to pursue their craft professionally "would leave town; not only are we keepmg more people, amsts come to h s community" to do thea work Other UW nomlnabons include

The New Quarter4 and St. Jerome's President Mtchael Higgins in the Literary category, and fine arts graduates Karim Awad, Machael Aho and BenjarninVanDyk allin theLeading Edge category,whchprofiles emerging artists under the age of 25. Awad, who was nominated for his non-objective geometric abstractionswas delightedwith thenomination. "This will help my artistic career not only in KW but elsewhere." Buyers also feels the graduate nominations highlight the success of the UW degree within the arts community. ~ ~ & e nfine t arts l ~p d~u -~ ates are working at the KW Art Gallery, the Cambridge Gallery and the Canadian Clav and Glass Museum. The arts awards have been in existence since 1988 and are supported by both the City of Kitchener and the City of Waterloo, and are also assisted by the generosity of local corporate sponsors. The awards will be handed out at a special evening on April 4 at the Walper Hotel featuring live entertainment and a "moveable feast." Tickets for that event are available by contacting Joy Kramer at 7478536 o r by e-mailing


Obscure and obtuse Laurier presents intriguing but awkward Baroque opera Mark A. Schaan



It seems interesting to think that one could scour the world in search of Baroque opera and that, after unturning every stone, one would find these rare-performed pieces in the Theatre Auditorium of Wilfrid Laurier University.However, the Baroque program in the Laurier Faculty of Music, under the tutelage of MichaelPurves-Smith,presented two such pieces this past weekend. Performing Egisto and La Qthdre Assi&ie,the music facultyhighlighted not only theobscurity oftheseworks, but also the complexity and difficulty in preparing them for the audience- something that was not done with complete success. The program began with the

Alanis Morissette Under Rug Swept Maverick

Not many songwriters are capable of the multi-syllabic verbosity that Alanis Morissette displays in her songs, while still managing catchy riffs and beautiful melodtes. Under Rug S w p is Morissette's h r d full-length studio album since her 1995 post-pop diva incarnation. This album gets back to some of the qualtties that made Jagged Little Pill one of the top-selling albums ever: It is a mere 50 minutes in length (as

lengthy Italian offering Egisto. Written in the 17th century by Venetian operatic composer Pier Cavalli, the opera is within the dramatic tradition, taking away the heavy musical focus of our current understanding of the operaticgenre. This text-heavy approach has an excessive reliance on the recitative, despite heavy cuts made by the artistic duectors. The baroque Italian used for the libretto is complicated and often encumbers the listener, taking away from the melodic tunes of the arias. The storyline ofEgistois alsocomplex. Moving between the living world and the world of the gods, the opera tells the tale of the madness of love complicated by the quirkiness and indecision of Cupid. The recitative makes understanding this plot difficult, as the early Baroque Italian opposed to 1998's 72-minute odyssey, JupposedFomerInft~(ationJunkie) and the songs are mostly to or about people who have "done her wrong." This time around Morissette minimizes the introspection and spiritu&ty, which some people felt was a little self-indulgently overdone on SFIJ What remains intact is Morissette's ability to write intehgent yet hook-laden songs that don't pander to the lowest common denominator. When she uses words ltke "vacillated," "reciprocity," or "reticence," it doesn't come off as pretentious.Nor do her choppy word divisions (e.g., "formed" becomes "form-id") sound trite. For the most part. Musically, this is a rockmggultarand-drum album. There are no colourful instruments, but there are a few intriguing guest musicians, including Meshell Ndegeocello and Red Hot Chili Pepper Flea, who also appeared on Jaged Little Pill.

derstandmg nothtng, Powell was able to b m g h s character, and the plot twistings of the story, to life. At the opposite extreme was the overacting in Naomi Williams's portrayal of Cupid. While singmg with A rlovely tone, her ragged entries and distracting blocking added humour but lost novelty quickly. In musical quality,


with Jennifer Tavener, C h e n e , who showcaseddiction and a demandmgstagepresencethat drew prehensllisteners to her controlled tone and ble even melodtc lilt. Tavener's abilities were for the most obvious, udzing technique which I fluent Italian speaker. made an easy transition from the airy 'Ihe portrayal of characters, with to the lyrical and compassionate. a few notable exceptions, further Erin Lawson's Dema was also convoluted any understandmg of the superb, highlighting a lovely sound spirit and emotion behind this tale. but slightly lacking in the power necThe greatest exception to this was essary for her part. Calvin Powell, who played Hipparco Perhaps most disappointing was and also delighted in the other opera. Thomas Leslie's casting as Lidio. Powell, both through posture and With a complete lack of character gesture, actually expressed the tex- complexity, Leslie's depiction portual relevance of the opera. W e trayed a one-dunensional character many other characters simply left the further exacerbated by poor vocal audience hearing pretty text but un- technique. Leslie's performance was hindered by poor diction, a signtfiMorissette says bye-bye to super- cant difficulty with endmg phrases, duper collabora tive writer/producer and suspect musicality in dynamic GlenBallard on this album.Fullwrit- passages. While Leslie's upper range ing and production credit goes solely was occasionally quite charming, his to Morissette, who also takes up the somewhat mediocre performance gultarand keyboards for these memo- was a signtficant setback from the rable songs. overall success of the work. The choice cuts include the popThe stagmg for both operas was rock track "Surrendering," the mov- reminiscent of a baroque court with ing ballad "That Particular Time," audience seating on three sides. The and the already-a-hit "Hands Clean." thrust stage had many actors' backs Most of the songs heard here are to theaudience at different moments. praiseworthy,and they cover a lot of This production of Cavalli's opbases. There's the self-esteem an- era was fraught with dtfficulty, setthem "So Unsexy," the relationship ting a complicated text in an obscure manifesto "21 Thtngs I Want in a language with massive cuts losing all Lover," the diatribe bd-busterCT\Tar- hope that the audience could catch cissus," and the as-yet-unheard-of the plot without program notes. bd-booster "A Man." In stark contrast with Egisto, UnderRugSweptproves once again Laurier's production of LA @hire that Alanis Morissette not only has Assikie by Viennese composer stapgpower, but talent,intelligence, Christoph Wdlibald Gluckwas a true authenticity, and an ear for melody. crowd-pleaser. While occasionally This disc is a tasty 1l-song treat with muddled by poor French pronunciadefinite high-rotation potential. tion (which is disappointing considering Katherine Black of WLU's Lisa Johnson, Imprint staff french department has assisted with

previous productions and was not consulted for this performance), the piece was a lively and understandable reproduction featuring splendtd Baroque dance, ornate costuming and significant vocal abilities. Like Egisto, La CythireAssikie is a story of love, but with far more whimsy as the tale depicts the nymph Cytherans's triumphant win over the Scythans through nothing more than an army of love. The performance was marked by excellent vocal performances and splendid bloclung. Most notable, once again, was Calvin Powell, whose comedic portrayal of Barbarin stole the show. Powell's dramatic presence is obvious and his theatrical contribution assisted greatly in telling the story. Also significant was Benjamin Janzen's depiction of Brontes. Powerful and steadied,Janzen is clearly at home on the stage, projecting a large vocal and physical stature. On occasion, Janzen's quest for projection moved his voice too far into his chest, pinchtng the sound; however, he is clearly a talented vocalist. The female leads were ratherlacklustre in terms of sound quahty and stagmg, with one notable exception. While Heather Noseworthy's portrayal of Daphne was too rigid and uncomfortable, Rosalind Pickett's Carite was wide open and inviting, featuring a carefully honed sound that warmed the audience. Theorchestradon for both works was, like the works themselves, obscure, but often a nice complement in the subdued sections.The orchestration for LA Cyfhdre Assi&e'e was often poorly tuned and, while this is often a function of baroque instrumentation, it was horribly distracting. Kudos,however, to harpsichordist Karla Schmidt who endured over three hours of playing, which was flawless and pleasing to the ear. LA CythireAssi&iewas a lively and upbeat portrayal of Baroque opera featuring ornate costumes (the ostrich feathers were fabulous!) and splendid dance steps. Placed with Egirto, however, the afternoon of opera was both obscure, obtuse and, on occasion, overbearing. While dotted with many wonderful moments, three-and-a-half hours of Baroque operas proved to be a little much.



Queer: films Under the radar: women and song mates, JD Samson and Johanna popular compdattons of women's for fun music (like Women and Song) suggest Fateman, are now accomphshmg QUEER, from page 24


This inspiring f ilm portrays her struggle and includes footage of Lorde in the last years of her life, before she died of cancer. Johnny Greyeye5 is the story of a Native Americaninmatewho is serving time for killingher father. Behind bars for most of her life, Johnny falls in love with her cell mate and ekes out a new life and family for herself, while fighting to keep ties with the outside world. This film garnered nominations and awards for its humanizingportraitofwhat some might consider an inhuman criminal. Rainbow Reels features a diverse selection of hlms, including, among others, the trippy Hy H m , which depicts an opdmistic vision of the apocalypse, and DsiJ a "provocative and probing examination of the idea of 'what if."' Take advantage of t h ~ s free festival and see the issues presented by queer filmmakers.

Absurdity rules in Hey! Happy.

AIRHEADS Women In Music -it's such a tiresome, weighty topic, rendered stuffy and permanently capitalized by serious diatribes and glossy magazine spreads. March 3 through 9 is International Women's Week, which undoubtedly means more earnest articles about "women who rock" and accompanying sidebars of their predecessors who have paved the way before them. The place of women in "serious" music is an issue that just won't go away. And it shouldn't. Not until some real progress has been made, until a female musician can be interviewed on the merits of her music and not what it feels like to work in an industry still dominated by men. And these special womenonly magazine issues are both a help and a hindrance to the cause. They expose low-proiile female artists, but also set these artists apart on the basis of gender, suggesting they're a special case of some sort, a subset of music in general or, worse yet, a fad. The actual music presented as examples is limiting, too. The

SUMMER TOBS COLLEGE PRO PAINTERS is presently looking for responsibleand hardworkin universityorcollegestudentsfo

a definitton for female arustry, one that is soft, traditionally f e m e and easy on the eyes And no women anywhere, it seems, are making electronic music. Thankfully, there are women just outside the mamstream radar who are provmg that last sentence wrong The onhne commwty of, run by DJ Analog Tara, provldes information about equipment and profiles female electronic awsts with barely a mentton of gender Questtons about cornpositton and samplers are asked in a refreshingly intelligent way that transcends any stereotypical notions of women and technology. Le Tigre are a tno with s l d a r m s . Member Kathleen Hanna had her start in the punk h o t G m l movement of the early '90s, which hlghltghted a communtty of women who taught themselves how to play theu instruments and demanded a voice of thar own. Hanna and her Le Tigre band

the same task with beats instead of guttar nffs. T h a Web site at offers informatton about theu equipment in order to end the "fraternal mystique that surrounds the production of electromc music." They manage to combine their political agendas with catchy, electropunk songs that feature the powerful, call-to-arms wailing of Hanna. Nic Endo is not even remotely catchy, and her music is just as compelling. A member of hardcore electronic group Atari Teenage Riot, she also uses her classical background to mix strings, piano and free jazz elements on solo records. When combined with her penchant for white noise and drilling industrial sounds, the results are wonderfully brutal. Endo spearheads the DHR Fatal movement, a campaign that highlights the difficulties female DJs face in the music industry. Peaches, originally from Toronto, doesn't claim to have a

The Band From Planet X The Dears Nor The Dahlias Various The John Scofield Band Dressy Bessy Nekromantix Stephen Fearing Kick In The Eye Sewing With Nancie Microbunny

feminist agenda, but her music by its very nature is blasting through stereotypes. She was inspired to start creating beats when she noticed the lack of women who pursue electronic music, and invented a punchy, stripped-down sound that accompanies sexually explicit lyrics. Peaches also puts the sampler front and centre at her performances, choosing to make the knob twiddling part of the entertainment. Her in-your-face personahty would never endear her ;o the woken and Song compilers, but perhaps that's just as well. The women mentioned here are trailblazers not aiming for a mainstream audience. They are, however, aiming for a level playing field, and hoping that one fine day those glossy magazines wdl feature a woman discussine her use of sequencers instead of how she fits into the "women's music" scene. Caitlin hosts the S~bsonicFilter radio pmgram Thurs+s fmm I0 a.m. to 1Zp.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM.


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Attention Undergraduate Students - interested in applying for undergraduate scholarships, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Office home page at: http:l/ ardsl for a detailed list of open for application this urther information is availthe Student Awards Office, or Needles Hall.

.m. Blue North PAC. E-mail Tim indsor at March is Red Cross Month. Please support "Bean Blitz for Charity," ten vears later andstill $1.00 a bae! Jelly bean bags are available at many locations throughout Waterloo Region. 38th Annual Used Book Sale presented by the Canadian Federat~onof Un~vers t y Women of K-W will be held on April 12, 11:OO a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and April 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Flrst United Church, Kmg and William Streets, Waterloo. To donate books please call 740-5249 or email\~\~~liblcfuw. Students can transfer tohchitecture -if you wish to transfer In the Fall 2002 term, make sure you have completed a Plan Modificat~on/Applicationfor Internal Transfer form available from the Registrar's Office or on the web at http:/ / Plan Mod~ficat~on Week takes place March 4-8. Plan Modification forms and supporungdocumentat~onmustberecewed


mediately: Big Sister volunteers. Over 60 children waiting for a friend. Help make a difference by spending 3 hours a week with a child. Inquire re: our short term match program. Car an asset. Call 743-5206 to register. Volunteers required - are you able to volunteer a fewhours weekly during the school day? The Friends Service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support in their school setting. Please call 7447645, ext. 317 or & Your time is valuable. At the Distress Imprint Publtcations, the student Centre you canvolunteer providingconnewspaper of the Umvers~tyof Wa fidential supportive listening to inditerloo needs volunteer Board of viduals in distress. We provide complete Director apphcants for the term training. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 beginnmg Aprd 1,2002. The pow or uon 1s a one year commitment w t h Help kids succeed with homework! The many opportunlues and achieveKitchener Public Library is opening a ments to be had. If you are InterHomework Centre and needs volunested m the Pres~dent,V~cePreslteers to be tutors and prov~dehomedent, Secretary, Treasurer or Staff work assstance. Two hours per week, L~a~sonpos~t~on,pleasesubm~tyour evenlngs and weekends. Interested, Call Letter of Intent to the Board of D~rectorsat Imprlnt Puhltcat~ons, 743-0271, ext. 275 Univers~tyof Waterloo, Student For more information about any of these Lfe Centre, room 1116. Quest~ons volunteer opportunmes, please call the can be e-ma~led to Volunteer Acnon Centre at 742-8610. HAVE FUN WHILE HELPING KIDS Volunteer tutors are needed to tu... #3531-11980 -As part of ~ t Paper s tor students on a one-to-one b a s ~~n~ Egg Campagn, the Easter Seal Soc~etyIS wrrtten and oral Engllsh. Tutors meet holdmg K~ds' Fun Days at malls ~n students on campus for one term, usuK~tchener,Waterloo and surround~ng ally once a week for two hours. If you area on Saturday afternoons durmg the have a good working knowledge of month of March. Help w ~ t hregstraEnghsh, are pauent, friendly, dependtlon, colounng, puppet shows, collectable, and would hke to volunteer, regmg donat~ons,etc. lster at the Internat~onalStudent OfGROUP FACILITATORS ... #1017fice, NH2080. For more ~nformat~on 1069 - Commun~tyJusuce In~t~atives IS about the program, please call extenoffermg group fachtat~ontra~nmgfor slon 2814 or e-ma11 volunteers who want to become ~nvolved In theu Sexual Abuse Treatment ProBig Sister Match Program: needed Imgram. Tramng begm m March.

by March 8,2002. Check with the Registrar's Office. Renison College is now accepting residence applicationsfrom 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year students for Fall 2002Winter 20031 Spring 2003 terms. For further information, please phone or e-mail our residence office. Telephone 884-4404, ext. 610 or ext. 611 or e-mail at: or


BLOOD, SWEAT AND CHEERS! #1076-1523 - The annual St. John Ambulance Blood, Sweat and Cheers Marathon is on Sunday, April 21 and volunteers to help with registration, pledge collection, food kit prep, etc. are needed. CTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES

. . . . . . . . . . . a

...#1191-1104 - Volunteers are needed to assist with VON Waterloo Wellington Dufferin floot care clinics as a greeter, appointment bookings, sterilizing instruments, assisting the nurses. Four to five hours a month is needed.


International and Domestic Airfares Rail and Bus Passes Student Work Abroad Programme

: : :


170 University Avo. Weat

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Fee-PaylngStudents.SI001.15 Non-Students t6.W.25

Friday, March 8 Imprintstaff meeting held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. An evening of sklts, muslc, dance, and tesumony will be presented by the Chmese Chr~stlanFellowsh~p @ In L~fesong: "...and t h ~ s1s my story at 7:00 p.m. at Hagey Hall, Humamties Theatre. Every1s one 1s welcome and adm~ss~on free. Wednesday, March 13 Accounting Students' Education Contr~bution(ASEC) presents Volunteer Tax Clinic today until March 15 from 11:OO a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in SLC Great Hall. Let us do your tax returns for FREE! Carol Ann Weaver and Rebecca Campbell will be presenting "Collaborative Composition on the Poetry of Di Brandt and Dorothy Livesay" at the Conrad Grebel University College chapel at the corner of Westmount and University as a part of the ongoing Noon Hour Concert series. The concert will take place at 12:30 p.m. and is free. Friday, March 15 UW Spanish Club presents "Noche de estrellas" formal event. Walper Terrace Hotel. Dinner, dancing, entertainment. $26lmembers, $30lnon-members. Contact: for tickets or information. Saturday, March 16 "Swingin' in the Rain'' - a night of swing d - 4 at &llrp.m. at Waterloo Communlty Arts Centre, 25 Regmastreet, S., Waterloo. For ticketsl~nfo contact







Sunday, March 1 7 The Elora Festival Singers w~llperform J.S. Bach's masterp~ece"The St. John Passion" at 3:00 p.m. at The Chapel of St. Margaret and St. John, St. john's-

KilmarnockSchool (Shann Station Road, Maryhill). Forinfo/ticketscall846-9694 or rickets can be purchased at the door. Wednesday, March 20 Student Career Assistants needed for 2002-2003. Career Services is looking for student to fill a variety of volunteer positions. Depending on the position you will gain valuable job search, marketing, andlor career-related skills by either promoting events and services or by helping other students in their career planning and job search. Open to regular and co-op students who are creative and possess strong interpersonal and communication skills.Applications available in Career Services, NH 1115, or from our webpage by clicking on Student Career Assistant Program at http:/ /

Deadline is March 20, 2002. "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Charity Edition from 12:OO to 2:00 p.m. in the SLC, Great Hall. Six Faculties will test their wits to win! Come on out and support your Faculty charity. Saturday, March 23 Students For Society 3rd Annual Pushup Challenge is being held in the SLC today. Proceeds will go to a charity (yet to he determined). To sign up, go the booth set up in the SLC or send an e-mail to Monday, March 25 Chemical Engineering Society Coffee House is at 7:00 until 10:OO p.m. Fun, food and giveaways plus great performers - including you. If you can act, sign, dance and love doing it, e-mail: Everyone else just show up!


IMPRINT SLC, room 1116

LSAT-GMAT-GREMCAT Contact "Chance Favours the PREPared Mind!" Flexible formats and frequent U of T start dates. Subscribeto our "Lawschool Bound" e-mail newsletter at: -LSAT prep for June lOstartsMay4, ll,25,30. GMATprep starts monthly. Dr. Ferdinand's Gold Standard MCATprogram starts on June 8 andJuly 1-800410-PREP. Room for rent - for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Waterloo Off-Campus Housing - for all your housing needs! Call 747-7276. Large room for rent immediately, close to the university. Please call (416) 4911370 for appointment. Furnished room available. Chinese family looking for non-smoking female student to share this very clean and quiet house. Cable, phone, air-conditioning, parking and laundry. May 1,2002.8863837. Hey you! Partially furnished one bedroom in four bedroom apartment. Available May-August. $280/month, utilities included. Phone and internet available. Located five minutes from UW and ten minutes from WLU. Call 880-1800 or Rooms for rent - available May 1,2002. Ideal location, five to ten minute walk to both universities. Great condition, laundry and parking included. Rent negotiable. Call 725-9654. One unfurnished bedroom available at WCRI on Phillip Street apartments. Fullv furn~shed,parklng and laundry avad-

able. $300/month (negotiable). Contact Mark at 880-1152 or Ten minute walk to UW. Two side-byside semi-detached houses. Four rooms available in each semi. $340-$380, very clean, large rooms, 12 month leases from May 2002 until April 2003. Call Jason at 589-1276. Single rooms available at Resurrection College for Fall/Winter terms. Eight month contract, quiet residence. 8854950 or'resurrection. Five bedroom house available September 2002. Great uptown Waterloo location, parking, laundry facilities, close to all amenities, one year lease, $1,6751 month. Call 888-7377. Student roommate wanted to share three bedroom, newly renovated hose with two female students. Free parklng, ten minute walk to UW,lease May 2002 to May 2003, $425 plus. Call 725-1671.

Ultimate Questions! Bible study by correspondence. F& a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, General Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 1ZO or e-mail: Visit our Web site: Tax returns. Simple, up to five slips and e-filed, $45. Fast turn around. No appointment necessary. First come, first served on Saturday, March 23 from 10:OO a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Work guaranteed, year around service, C.A. firm. Phone 883-0839. Unit 1A - 145 Columbia Street, W., Waterloo. ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or higher

to discover.

working conditions and wage. Contact Info & Money ( or 1-519-574-5853) for more information. Experienced babysiner required for an 1 1 year old child with ADDH and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, two days a week, Saturday and Sunday. References required. Car is a necessity. Please call 747:3443. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resumi to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, S., Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 3V2. Teach English overseas. We find qualified teachers great jobs, free of charge! Apply online at

Need help with math? 6th year mathheaching option student with experience as TA and high school teacher can help you. Phone Greg 880-0257. Mathematics coach - Waterloo, Master's Mathematics. Tutoringin your own home. Call William at 884-3982. The "Will" to learn. $40/one hour session.

FREE rent and educatlon - no scam! Legal, two apartment, seven bedroom house for sale ~n great neighbourhood near both universities. Can asslst w ~ t hrental and fmancmg Informatlon. See webs~tefor detals and to book an appointment: http:ll www.geoc1t1es.comlun1house4salel

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