To Serve, Empower and Represent the Undergraduate Students of the University of Waterloo. 1
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Camp out for the cause Charity Fundra~serand Concert for Amnesty International April 4 a t the Bomber 12:30 close check for details
lews editor: Chr~sEdey rsslstant news edltor: Katherlne Sparkes
Lambastes the West for its indifference to Africa
Iland accuses Johnston, Chakma of bypassing senate Elise Hug SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
At Monday's senate inceting, Federation of Students president and student senatorYaacovlland accused UW president David Johnston and provost Amit Chakma of 'making recommendations on behalf of the university at provincial pre-budget consultatmn meetings without &st seelung senatc approval. Johnston admitted mahng recommendations to theprovincialprebudget consultation process. These controversial recommendations included sechng the "freedom to establish appropriate tuition levels" in conjunction with enhanced student financial aid programs, and specific recommendations of a yearly 15 per cent incrcase of tuition fees in deregulated programs and a 10 per cent tuition fee increase in UW's regulated programs. Johnston stated that he and Chakrna had made no recommendations on behalf of the university but rather, had spoken only as private citizens. "We were not speahng on
behalf of the university," said president Johnston. Senator Stcphen Skrzydlo asked the prcsidcnt, "Why would they [the provincial government] approach you for your opinion unlcss you represented the university?" When Chakma was presscd during the senate meeting on the lack of consultadon, he said, "We clearly didn't have time to take it through the proper channels." At the January senate meeting, student senators questioned U\V president David Johnston dlrectly on whether UW intended to pursue further deregulation of tuition fees. At that timc, Johnston said that he was personally in favour of tuition fee deregulation but that any such proposal to the government of Ontario would need to be approved by the university's government bodles. Iland reminded Johnston of thcse public statements and accused hun and Chakma of inconsistmcy. In an interview with Imprint fullowing the senatemeeting, Iland said: "I feel that the president and the provost bypassed the consultation
Johnston defended his recommendationsto the provincial finance committee as his personal opinions, not those of UW. process that the president set up and also the consultanon proccss I feel 1s proper." Asked if he saw any mconsistennes between what he recommended at pre budget consultaaons and hls statement at senateJohnston restated his posltion that he had merely ex-
Top co-op prize awarded
pressed his personal opinion at the pre-budget consultation mecting and had recommended nothing that departed from university policy. According to the minutes of the finance committee prc-budget consultation meeting, The chair introducedjohnston and Chakma by stat-
University of Waterloo President David Johnston presented the following recommendations at the provincial pre-budget consultation meeting. "Allow universities, their students and their governors -and bear in mind that governors are publicly appointed as well as appointed by the university - to be responsible for establishing tuition fees on condition that each university ensures that a financial aid package is in place so there are no financial barriers for qualified students." "Encourage recruitment of international undergraduate and graduate students. Scour the world's refugee camps for bright people looking for promise and bring them here to pursue their dreams in Canada and help to create a more prosperous and more civic society."
Perin Ruttonsha and Kristi Tambling collect their hardware from Bruce Lumbsden Joshua Safer IMPRINT STAFF
PerinRuttonshaandEj-isdTambling won UWs co-op student of the year awards for 2001. According to I .indsey Jmvc-l'orester of CBCS, each year CECS awards two students who have above average acadcmic standing, are senior level students, obtain outstanding or at least exceUentwork tcrmcvaluations,have
a good commumty volunteer Lackground and wdl idcall) have done things to improve co-op. AU winners of the student-of-thc-year prize are awarded $100 from CECS. Tambling, a 4B recreation and leisure student, volunteered for the Guyana Red Cross Society (GRCS) and worked at the Canahan Mental Health Association (CILIFIA) for her two work terms last year. Whde in Guyana, Tamhling taught a course
on thc fundamentals ofhealth. Upon rehlrmng to campus, shcmterviewcd, selected and trained candidates on the behalf of GRCS - for their upcoming work terms in South America. Tambling also spokeabout the experience she gained working internationa1lyata"workmgabroad" workshop hosted by Career Services. See WINNERS, page 6
ing, "Our next presentation wiU be from the University of Waterloo." When asked to identify thcmselvcs, Johnston stated: "I'm David Johnston, presidcnt of the LJnivcrsity of Waterloo. My colleague is Dr. Amit Chakma, our vice-president academic and provost. Thank you for doing us the honour of holding your sessions on our campus, and thank you very much for gvmg us the opportunitj to appear beforeyou today. Aimt and I have prepared somc speaking notes. We're not here presenting a brief on behalf of the university. These rcmarks are our ownviewswith respect to thc budget consultation process.. . We'll cite examples from what we know best, the University of Waterloo, but 1 think the points we make arc applicable to the entireOntariouniversity system." This year's budget, approved on Monday night, sees a 15 per cent increase for deregulated programs and a two per cent incrcase in r e p lated undergraduate programs, as set out by current promncial policies. See SENATE, page 6
"A reasonable year-by-year cap on increases in tuition fees would be appropriate to avoid sudden shocks. About three years ago our university established a forward-looking tuition policy which said the increase will be no greater than 10% in a given year for the regulated tuition fees and no greater than 15% a year for the deregulated tuition fees. That was a cap to ensure there was no shock"
"Ithink we've said [in Ontario], universities, you're good folks and we believe in you, but you simply have to wait. I think that was a mistake. I think if I had a choice today between a dollar of tax cut and a dollar of investment in higher education and research, I'd put that dollar in the latter on the theory that it would return to me in three to four years' time in a more productive workforce and a much more substantial research output."
Imprint news
The loose ends I can genuinely say that I am happ with the program. So, in true Macdougalllan terms, big ups to a1 English profs and my RP-dubya cronies. Despite what some professors have told us over the past five years, I'm proud to say I can still look at a text and manage to enjoy it for its surface-level pleasure. Starting my last column took way I think that the kids down here at Imprint need to get some airtime too long. Deciding what I should too. While you're in bed early say in my last 500 words ever m this space proved to be more Thursday morning, the Imp& office is still awake as students try daunting than writing a 10-page English paper on semiology. So to get this badboy to the press. I think I can speak on behalf of a without any introduction, a few dosing remarks. few volunteers when I say it's a pain in the ass, but for some Someone asked me about a year ago why I don't get mvolved with reason it's why we like doing it. student governWell, that and I the freeMr. ment. No thanks. WorkP""o'"aus% "Thanks for not ing m Feds is, burgers every unfortunately, a writing many Tuesday night. would also like thankless job letters." where the to make a formal plea to peanut gallery is more inclined the SLC to grill rather than toast you. janitorial staff to please examine Certainly, I have been among some the vomitous mess in the hall of the persistent grill-masters in behind the Imprint office. Thankthese pages, but as much as you. I would also like to share wid possible I tried to not discuss Feds you a fantastic idea for a grad stun politics. Quite simply, it's boring, conjured up by a f w d . Fill tht, pi which may be outrageous conung in Needles' Hall with water to from a news columnist. I just can't make a swimming pool. You may . even want to add Jello. Well done, get into the trivial arguments on policy wording or spirited debates Chesty. on referendum procedure. But, for And now, a list of things that what it's w6rth, I have no beefs * make me laugh: socks and sandals; with the current execs. They have the Buck-A-Day commeruals provided anti-drama, which should ("Do you really want a done?" be taken as a model for their Too funny.); a political science incumbents. Stay away fiom the prof who subliminally once ;aid, media snipers, and when you think "[author] wrote a book on walking you did something good, let people and one day I may read it, because know. Otherwise, we simply don't I like walking? Zoolander; know what you do. Saturday Night Fever, and the In writing this column I don't Silver Spur. By no means is this an think I've ever used the words exhaustive list. "RPW' or "applied studies," so I Thanks for not writing many suppose a few words on my letters. It's inspiting to know you program are due. The English have agreed with me so much ovel ;program at UW is stellar. It's the past year. ' contemporary, recognized and Build tunnels connecting the Student Life Centre. Free the diverse. Beginning my academic career at UW five years ago, I football players. wasn't sure if it was the program for me. I'm still not sure it was, but jwilling@imprint.uwaterloo.c
1 1
The planned new face of Renison College.
Renison breaks ground for expansion Neal Moogk-Soulis
fees on par with other on-campus residence fees. Woerns sad that fees had been lower because among other A groundbreaking was held for a thing the rooms didn't have Internet new residencewing at Renison Col- access.AftertheexpanS'1on,drooms legeaspartofatwo-phaseexpansion will have Internet access and there plan. The $4 million project will in- will be new student lounge areas, clude a 50-bed residence, distributed jusafying the increase in fees across among 16 double and 18 single the college. rooms, aimed at housing upper year The new residence building will students. Each suite would consist connect the two existing Renison of a two rooms which share a bath- - buildmgs, forming the west end of a room. The total occupancy for courtpard,malungiteasierforwheelRemson will rise to 222 beds. ' chair users and regular students to d by travel throughout the college m the The project will be p ~ for residence and conference fees ac- winter months. The new wmg will cordmg to CarolineWoerns, national have wheelchm-accessible rooms. campaign and communications di- Included m the expansion are renorector at Renison. Residence fees vations to the present dmng hall and wdl nse by s x per cent, bnngmg the to lutchen fadties. A new menu IMPRINT STAFF
with indimdual food stations wdl allow students to choose from a variety of dming experiences. Although ground breaking took place March 22, construction won't start until the spting. Despite this, the dining and kitchen facilities will be renovated by Fall 2002 and the residence will be available for occupancy in the Winter 2003 term. A fundraising campaign is under way to hnance an academc centre to the south of the Great Hall, between Renison and the Health Servicesroad. The new facilities wdl include a lecture theatre, five new classrooms, a new hbrary and an East Astan resource centre.
Imprint elects new board of directors Jesse Helmer
without opposition as secretary. hckwood volunteered with Inprint in the Fall 1999 and Wmter 2000. At a general meeting on Tuesday Two members were nominated March 26, members of Impnnt Pub- to serve as treasurer. Gloria Ichim, a lications, Waterloo elected five disecond-year arts student, ran agamst rectors, each of whom was desig- PhilipWeiner,afirst-yearmathematnated as a specific officer. The direc- ics student, who is Imprints current tors will serve from May 1,2002until treasurer. Of the 16 ballots cast, April 30,2003. Weiner received eght;Ichun received BrianCode,athird-yearengineex- four; one member abstamed &om ing student, was elected without o p the vote and two members voted position as president. Code served against both candidates. previously as Imprint photo editor. The posieon of staff liai'son was FelixYip,athird-yearpsychology also contested, but the contest was student, was elected without opposi- short lived. Alex Matan, a third-year tion as vice-president. Yip has also electrical engineering and arts stuserved as Imprinis photo editor. dent, was nominated, but during the Stephen Lockwood, who ran for questions that followed his short Feds vice-president education,in the speech, withdkw from the*election. mostrecentFedselec~on,waselected Julian Ichirn, a student in independIMPRINT STAFF
ent studies, was also nominated for the position of staff liaison. During the discussionon the motion to elect JulianIchimas staffliaison,FelixYip requested a quorum check. Quorum. which is the number of members required to conduct business at ameeting,is 15for meetingsofmemb a s of Imprint Puj&cations. After some recruitment from the SLC and Imprint office, the meeting continued. In the end, Ichim was elected as staffliaison.Ten of the then 19members voted for Ichirn; eight members voted against him and one abstained from the vote. At Imprinfs annual general meetmg on February 8, no members were elected to the board.
Lewis helps Ploughshares celebrate quarter century UN envoy decries th : West's indifference Guest speaker Stephen Lewis, in his speech oration entitled "The World is Falling Apart: What Role Stephen Lewis, former leader of the Civil Society!" echoed the sentiOntario New Democratic Party, ments of several of the previous speakers.DescribingProjectPloughCanadian ambassador to the United Nations and current UN special en- shares as the "pre-eminent peace voy for HIV/AIDS in Africa spoke organization" in Canada, Lewiswent in recopitidn of the 25th anniver- on to relate the need for the work sary of Project Ploughshares on performed by Project Ploughshares, March 23 at The Cedars in Waterloo. speakingofhis involvementin evaluProject Ploughshares is a peace ating theaftermath of the Rwandan organization dedtcated to elminat- genocide in 1994 with the UN. Describing the Western powers' ing nuclear weapons, c o n t r o h g the supply of arms and building condi- ''wdhgness to entertain tions of sustainable peace. The or- violence with nonchaganizationwas establishedin 1976 as lant indifference" as the a "workmg group on militarism and cause of the genocide in under-development." The concept Africa, he went on to cite globalization as the of the organization was developedin response to the experiencesof its co- main inhibitor to third founders who had observed how world development. excessive d t a r y expenditures were Dismissing it as "inteldraining scarce resources from hu- lectual claptrap" and man development activities through- merely "hocus pocus," Lewis asserted that gloout the developing world. The anniversary service included balization reinforces inseveral religious and South African equality between richer freedom songs prefomed by the and poorer nations and chapel choir from Conrad Grebel, that the damage caused far exceeds the benefits followed by various reflections from However, his greatest condemthose involved in the organization. Co-founders Murray Thomson and nation of the Western w ~ r l dwas its Ernie Regehr discussed the signifi- lack of commitment to slowing the spread of AIDS m Afnca. Nomg cance of the organization as a promoter of peace and demilitarization that 3.4&on peoplewere found to in the developing world. Regehr be mfected with the nrus and 2.4 noted several parallels between the &on died last year, he was qulte time when the organization was cynical of the foreign a d programs founded and current realities on the of developed countries. He stated that Canada's yearly hnancialaidconAfrican continent. Kevin Edwards
Stephen Lewis (left) used his unmatched vocabulary and stirring oratorical style to take globalization to task. Conrad Grebel's choir (above) entertained the crowd with songs of freedom from Africa.
tnbuaon has been reduced from 0.5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product m the late 80's, to only 0.24 per cent today. The US. fares no better m his esumaaon, as the $10-15 billion which it spends on foragn aid is "microscopic" and should be m the order of $70 bdlion. Furthermore, he noted that the US. spends $340 bdlion per year on defense, which is greater than the next lolargest d t a r y spenderscom-
bmed. In addttion to an extra $70 bdlion as a result of September 11, $48 bdlion has been tacked onto the defense budget. He then contrasted that with the fact that the UN has been attemptmg to estabhsh a fund of37 to 10bilhon to combat AIDS m Afnca, of which only $2 b&on has been donated by member countries over three years. Statmg that "unpovenshed socleties sowseedsof internationalturbulence," Lewis praised non-govern-
mental organizations such as Project Ploughshares for their commitment to demtlttanzatlon and Third World development as well as tryllig to fill the gap left by madequate foreign ftnanaal aid Project Ploughshares 1s currently centred at Conrad Grebe1Umversity College. Due to space constraints, plans are b a g made to move the orgamzationmtothe former Seagram Museum at the comer of Erb and Caroline Street.
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FRIDAY, hL4RCH 29,2002
Ernie Eves is Ontario's new premier Defeats Waterloo's Wiuner and others in Saturday vote Chris Edey IMPRINT STAFF
hembers ofthe Ontario Progressive Conservative party selected former provincial finance minister Ernie Eves as &eit new leader, and Ontario's new premier, at their weekend leadership convention in Toronto. Eves defeated four other candidates, includmg Waterloo's local MPP, Eluabeth W~tmer. Eves scored a mctory on the second round of ballotting, after both Witmer and Tony Clement had folded their own leadership bids and transferred their support to Eves. W~tmerfinished fourth in the first round of ballotmg, recaving 11.6 per cent support. She and her staff decided that mth no realisuc shot at winning r e m m g they would be better served by aligning themselves with the front-runner, Eves. "I don't t h k ~t [the move to support Eves] surprised any of her supporters. I think it was a strategic move. She was just too far back on the first ballot," said Aaron LeeWudnck, a member of the oncampus Young Tones and a campaign volunteer for Mrs. Witmer. LeeWudnck added that Witmer 'W play a very prominent role [in Eves' cabinet]. Ideologically speaking she and Eves are very dose." After the end of the convention it was reported that Eves would appoint Witmer as deputy premier in his new cabinet, as a reward for her
support on the second ballot. This victory "spells doom for the Ontuio was reported in Monday's National PC party. You can't out-middle the Po& but it has been @at$ denied by middle," he said in reference to the Eves and his supporters, DaltonMcGuinty-led provinciaILibElizabethWitmer received strong erals. He added that if Eves presupport from her hometown and forms in a general election in the from UW volunteers. Eighty-four same way that he &d during the per cent of those castmg - votes in leadership campaign, there is no way Witmer's Waterloo consUtuencysup- that the Tories can win the next ported her, the highest percentage of provincial election. votes received by any candidate in The campagn proved to be diviany one riding. sivefor Ontario's Not all were 1 Tories and they Impressed with "1 have face an uphill Emte Eves' wm. battle against the Ryan onnor nor, liked to have Liberals. who past president of hold a comseen a different UW's YoungTomanding lead in generation ries, said "Mr. opmton p0lls.h Eves' victory was election must be of leadership not my preferred held within the wit hin the next two outcome. I would - pears. have liked to have Eves,who briefly party." seen a different retired frompoli-former presideht of generation of tics last year, leadership w i t h UW Young Tories must win a seat the party Ryan O'connor a by-election something which before he can sit was represented in the legislature. by the other candidates. However, O'Connor is confident that the given that I was supporting Eliza- party will eventually rally around the beth Witmer, his victory is bitter- . new leader, despite the fact that their sweet." O'Cohnor also added that candidate of choice finished well he believes Witmer d retain a sq- back. "The youth wing of the party nificant amount of influence in the will take a httle time to unite b h d government, perhaps mdudmg the the new leader, given that they were post of deputy premier. mainly supportmg Witmer, Clement A University of Waterloo Young and Flaherty," he sad. Toly who supported Haherty on the secondballot commentedthatEves'
Winners: all the way to Guyana SENATE, from page 3
Tamblingwas the first University of Waterloo co-op student to work at the CMHA. The "theme of the organizationchanged because of the climate of mental health all over the world [because of September 111...Humanitarianisma what drives me," explained Tambling. Ruttonsha, a 3B apphed studtes fine arts student, assumed her supervisor's ponuon at Volunteer Canada after four months ofher doublework term last year. Ruttonsha was nonunated by her employer and coordinator for orgaruwng the IntemaUonal Year of Volunteers in 2001. Two weeks into Ruttonsha's double work term, the communications manager for the project she was working on, Ieft. At four months (halfway into the work term) her supervisor quit, leaving Ruttonsha with no guidance or supervision. It was "fantastic to have someohe trusting you that much," Ruttonsha said about handling significantlyincreased work responsibilities.
During the same work term, Ruttonsha was actively planning orientation week 2001 as a member of Feds Orientation Committee. Although Volunteer Canada typically outsources marketing roles, Ruttonsha took on the responsibility. "I got to do something I felt proud about, something tangible" exclaimed Ruttonsha. When asked to compare thrs experience to prevlous work terms Ruttonsha said the responsibility "makes you feel like you're not a student." In addition, Ruttonsha was asked by CECS to speak at a co-op 101 session. Tambhng says "there are a lot of people that have made the co-op system great, and the award is an honour." Ruttonsha suggests to students that they should ask employers and co-op coordinators whether they qualify for UWs co-op award. Students can be nominated by co-op advisors, co-ordinators and employers. Alternatively, students cannominate themselvesfor the co-op award.
Senate: the whole truth? SENATE, from page 3
Iland noted that a yearly tuition fee increase of 15 per cent would result in a doubling of &on fees at UW withm five years. Tuition deregulation has been a contentious issue across Ontario in recent months, spumng student oc-
cupations and protests across the provmce. This fall, principalWilltam Leggett of Queen's University proposed that institution be a test case for full deregulation of undergraduate tuition fees. This winter, Dianne Cunningham Ontario's Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities refused his request.
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BLIZZARD SALE UW's Spanishacting ensembl
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Speaking Spanish for charity Melissa Graham IMPRINT STAFF
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The fouah annual Span~shtheatrical interlude entitled "!Viva el espanol!" was performed on Tuesday, March 26. A celebration of "who we are," was presented by a group of Spanish students ranging from new Spanish 101 students to fourth year majors. The play was delayed shghtly due to weather but still had a turnout of about 75people. The compilation of short skits was presented within the framework of an A&E speual on the
influence ofSpanish andLatmAmencan culture and themes on North Amencan culture, and was broken down into sections: how everything began, television, music and dance. Admission to the play was a nonperishable good for the ItchenerWaterloo Food Drive. In past years the play has donated four to five boxes of canned goods. Students who missed this year's play, you d have to wait until next winter to catch the next theatrical interlude.
RIDAY, MARCH 29,2002
Two per cent budget cut mg expenses for the university include salanes, student support, u d ~ ttes, library acquisitionsand supplies. In general, each faculty of the The recent finanaal news items at the University of Waterloo detail the University of Waterloo dfeel sumongoing hnancial cutbacks to which lar effects. Raised faculty salanesd the university is subject. On March mean that fewer faculty can be em25,2002, the finance committee pre- ployed. It also means that,m order to sentedits 2002/03 OperatmgBudget accommodate mcreased salaries for for the University of Waterloo to the remammg faculty, money d be Senate. This budget projects how taken away from other areas. As cutbacks d affect the vanous de- stated in an appendtx to the budget, "the mcrease m current salanes and partments u r l b the university. T h ~ sbudget d bnng another wages +dudes a redistnbution of budget from nonround of budget salary accounts to cuts at the Universalary accounts by sity of Waterloo, academic andacatotaling two per "This budget demic support cent. The 2001/02 will bring andepartments." budget received a other round of Unfortunately, permanent 3.5 per programs will cent levy. TO combudget cuts at have to operate pensate for this, the with fewer reuniversitv . has UW, totaling sources or higher raised tuition and two percent." in-course fees for sought additional students. funding. However, Nevertheless, it has also had to restrict the amount of money allo- despite this reduction in both faculty cated to many of the budget ac- positions and program funding, levels of enrolment have continued to counts. The 2002/03 budget, as presented to Senate on Monday night, increase in every faculty. The target detaiis how the university plans to enrolment for Fall 2002 is 18,207. This means that the university exuse its limited finances. The university budget is divided pects to enroll even more students than the 17,784who enrolled in 2001 into several sections, each of which operates as a unique entity. The op- and the 17,106 enrolled in Fall 2000. An increasein undergraduate stuerating fund is the largest, followed by a research fund, an ancillary fund, dent enrolment can be interpreted as a m s t and endowment fund and a a good sign of growth within the capital fund. The university's main University of Waterloo, but because source of operating income is the this growth in students will not be operating grant from the Ontario paralleled by an increase in funding, Ministry of Training, Colleges and it is also a reason for concern. Universities. Tuition fees are the other major income source. OperatBecky Versteeg IMPRINT STAFF
;round Zero: frequently underused, frequently an election issue.
GROUND ZERO REDUX m e first article m this senes gave 'mpnnt readers a history of Ground Zero and highhghted some probems urlth the busmess at present jor those mvolved with Feds, that vasn't news - Ground Zero had Jeen losmg money for years and :hange was mmment Students recently elected Chns Ddullo as Feds vlce-president, adnmstration and hnance. Ddullo is zurrently a manager at the Bombshelter Pub and spent a few months worlung m Ground Zero as front-of-house manager and as Ddullo said. "movmg wherever [he was] needed " Changes to Ground Zero were a key part of his election zarnpmgn I recently had a chance to meet mththevlce-president-electand hnd out more about his plans for the fading campus restaurant In the short term, Ground Zero wdl be closed for the spnng term, as ~twas last spnng. Ddullo plans to use the tune to implement some cosmetic changes, introducing new furniture - couches and cham - as well as some new products, hke the popular bubble tea. Ddullo would hke to see Ground Zero open for a longer penod of tune, offenng different semce at different tunes of the day. He's considenng a tnal project to start this fall keeping Ground Zero open into the
evening, offenngcounter semcewith desserts and other pre-madeitems m the style of Wdhams' Coffee Pub. This would be one aspect of his platform to diversify Feds businesses and the semces they offer Although eager to see the results of an upcomtng survey on what students wouldhke to seem the Ground Zero space, Ddullo is currently working on the p r a s e of evolutionary change I asked hun about the possibhty of a franchise opening m the current space, because of the startup costs-upwards of$300,000 foraTim Horton's and about $80,000 for a Second Cup -he says it's not currently m the picture. In fact,major changes to Ground Zero and the Bombshelter Pub are &ely to take place in the next year Large scale changes are w;u&g, as they have been for several years, on possible renovations to the Student Life Centre. A Waterloo Campaign board was recently struck to look at SLC renovations Ideas discussed have included addmg a thtrd floor and expanding the Great Hall into the Bomber space while moving the Bomber mto a new space. Like Feds executives of recent years, D L d o intends to wait for a decision on SLC plans before undertakmg construction of Feds busmesses. An additional revenue source for Ground Zero has been employer informatton sessions. However,urlth the downturn in the economy, those are f h g off, says Ddullo. He's considering going after new business to replace that deche, m the form of small to medium-sued banquets, catenng to varsity teams, houses and floorsin residence, clubs, and other groups too small to book Fed Hall but still l o o h g for a ca-
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tered meal. D~Lullosays that m the past year he's already been approached a "number of tunes" about such events. There are still other ideas for new revenue from the Ground Zero space Ddullo mentioned resurrectmg Fed Puza, an endeavourof Fedsof-long-ago, dehvenng fresh puza to on-campus residences at tllght for students needmg a late-mght snack Also on the tableis aname change: Ground Zero just doesn't represent the "atmosphere and experience we are trymg to create." Ddullo sad he has some other names m mind, but m case he gets stuck, "I'm sure that Mnpnnt wnters would be happy to make some suggestions."
FRIDAY, MARCH 29,2002 from party members. Harper campaigned an a platform emphasizing a reduced emphasis on ca-operadon with the federal ProgressiveConservativeparty, lower taxes and a hard line towards Quebec seperatists. Harper hopes to enter the House of Commons soon, but must wait for Prime Miaister lean Chrktien to call a bv-election.
lassie ~biaham
Second annual Eco Festival Local project works to reduce harmful emissions
March 27 marked a historic milestone fot the Residential Energy EfficiencyProject, as it has idenufied and reduced 10,000 tonnes of potential carbon dioxide through its home evaluations.TheResidentialEnergyEffiuencyProject is a joint partnership between the faculty of environmental studies and the Elora Centre fmEnwonmentalExcellencewhose,aimis to raise awareness of dunate change +d reduce residential energy consumption. with files from the Regional Energy Efficiency Project
The Oakvdle Community Centre for Peace, Ecology and Human Rtghts will be hosting its annual Eco Festival on Saturday, April G at the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre in Oakvlile. The event will feature hundreds of environmental products, educational workshops and hands-on presentations. Student admission is $3 and general admission is $5. Attendance is free after 6 p.m. with files from the Oekville Community Centre for Peace, Ecology b Human Rights
Heart and Stroke Foundation fundraiser
Hugh Merz, host of CKMS's "Pressure Drop" spins for students in the SLC.
CKMS hits the Web waves Magda Konieczna iMPRlNT STAFF A variety of DJs from CKMS wereonhand at the SLC Fridayto celebrate the station's Internet broadcast launch. The day was followed up by appearances from guest Toronto DJs at the Bomber m the wening. CKMS's Internet s m c e has been available, albeit sporadically,forthe past skmonths. Friday's launch marked the begmmg of reliable service. Board of directors VP and host of Viva Le Underground (alternate Wednesdays, 10 p.m. to midnight) Chris Abbott explained that the event was part of a larger attempt. 'we're
uying to get a little more vlsibrlity on campus, because it's been lac@ - since the station started," he toId I q r i n t . Station members hope that the day's event, which brought DJs out of the secluded Bauer warehouse andinto the SLC, will do just that. They're also hoping that Internet avadability will increase the number of listeners, smce the varied topography around the station means that it's not always easy to pick it up in some parts of town. Another promotional effort on the go is an attempt to have the station played regularly at the Turnkey Desk.
UW places third in international math competition Studentsfrom the UniversityofWaterloo competed in the ACM International Collepte Programming Contest held m Honolulu, Hawaii, finishing third behind China's Shanghai JiaoTong Umvers~tyand MIT. UWs team was composedof GraemeKernkes,DenisDmitnev and Ming-Yee Iu and was coached by Professor Gordon C o d The competition was sponsored by IBM and drew students from around the world all competing to solve SIX problems in five hours. with files from UW News
Annual Kitchener Easter egg hunt Joseph Schneider Haus Museum will be holdmg its annual Easter egg hunt on Saturday, March 30 at 10 a.m. Children eight - .years and younger are welcome to attend and search for hundreds of coloured eggs that will be hidden on the museum's grounds. More information can be obtained by contacting the museum at (519) 742-7752. with files from Joseph Schneider Haus
Stephen Harper wins leadership of Canadian Alliance Stephen Harper, one-time Reform MP and former president of the National CitizensCoalition won the leaderslupof the Canadan Alliance over former leader Stockwell Day. The magnitude of Harper's victory surprised many observers, as he won approximately 55 per cent of the votes cast. Other leadership contenders Grant Hill and Dianne Ablonzey both received single-digit support
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The Heart and Stroke Foundation has teamed up with Weich's to present "Welch's Late Night Relay," a fundraiserheld at Resurrection Catholic School in Kitchener. Teams are made up of five to ten individuals who will run, walk or inline skate for half-hour increments all night long from 6:30p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Paaiupants will receive a free shirt and complimentary dinner and drinks donated by Domino's Puza and Welch's, respectively. with files from Heart and Stroke Foundation
Government unveils peer-apprenticeship training program The Ontario government has pledged to invest $3.7 d o n in the pre-apprenticeship training program which will help "bridge the gap between the skills employers need and the learningandexperienceofpeoplelookingforwork." The program runs between 20 to 40 weeks and participation is free. More information can be obtained by contacting the trainkg hotline at 1-888-JobGrow. with files from the Ontario Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities
Indoor pot is Ontario's third largest cash crop Recentlypubhshed statisticsplace indoor marijuana as Ontario'%h r d largest cash crop, rakmg in some $1bdhon dollars a year, Despite continued efforts by police to crack down on the indoor pot mdustry, the cultivation of pot seems to be increasing, with some 100 cultivators in the Waterloo-Kitchener region alone. Pot falls third behind the $1.3 billion dairy industry and $1.2 billion cattle industry. with files from the Kitchener-WaterlooRecord
imprint opinion
I hate Imprint
ulties. Or maybe, God forbid, tram- give hfe meaning, then it must be ple the grass, which is already dead. gven by us. We can do so, but the So we were told to go ask the facul- meaning we give to it will not be To the editor, universal or necessary. In any case, I ' aes and see tf it was okay - and tt As tf I dtdn't hate Imprint eriough was -but I guess they did& tht& .dunk you would have a hard time with Ryan Matthew Merkely as the we were serious and we were sent on conmcing the hordes of people edttor-m-chef, Chns Edey had to a d d goose chase stnce then answer murdered by Marxist atheists m the open h s jackass mouth andtalk about was sall no. Hence, with f d support Soviet Unton that this 1s the case. from Nancy O'Neil, we have no the Jays. But first, I actually have to Finally, it is quite backhanded to congratulate Ryan on hts fine busi- choice but to bnng this end-of-term say"I amnot ann-re4goq but rather, h-dtdalee-doo jubilee into the Great pro-reason." This imphes that you ness proposal. I hate to admt it, but can be rehgious or ranonal, but not I agree ulth h s suggesaon of selling Hall. So, prove to admin this is ndicu- both. Really? What do you make of the Ground Zero locanon to Tim lous. Waterloo can sall have spirit people like Plantinga, or Kant? You Hortons. I won't regurgitate Ryan's healthy points, however, my concern even iftt's beaten out of us. Don't be may disagree with them, but you taken advantage of at Fed Hall that cannot say that they are anti-reason. IS the waste that Tim Hortons produces. If somehow the students can night and pay the cover charge. Come negoaate mth Tun Hortons on a to the Bomber on April 4 and supwaste-reduction program, I would port a good cause, local talent and Oh boy, here comes the be 100per cent aboard on the ~dea. not adrmnistration.And to the admin, politics again Good job Ryan. I'm glad you sad we tried to create a university expesomethmglntelhgentbefore youleft, rience and you wouldn't let us, so don't phone me asking for alumni To the e&tor, . although this sall doesn't make up for allthe paper you've wasted by support. printing your gibber jabber. I'm taking tt upon myself to be the self-appointed anti-Wudrick. I think Back to Chns Edey: maybe the - Tanya V a s y I should get equal time m thts paper Jays will only win 70. But the way you 4B science/ business to talk about thtngs people really care write about them, I wouldn't be surabout. When you start m on all this prised if you haven't seen more than I can't believe it's over poliacal crap you mght as well be one game ~nyour life. If you are a real wtiung in French. Maybe I'm bemg Jays fan, why don't we visit Boston To the editor, too harsh; I'm sure there are one or thts Apnl1. No, thts tsn'thpril fools, but I lust want to show you how It's funny how time flies by so quickly two others at UW that enjoy dtscusssmart baseball fans talk. I don't want these days. The university year is mg pohtics. Oh, and by theway, lastweek you to dnve down with you so I'll just almost over (at least for those of us meet you there. Oh and by the way, notmco-op), and soon s p r i n g d b e proclaimed yourself an atheist (one it's Kelvim not Kelvin. upon us. My first year o f universtty who does not beheve m a God, more or less correct?).Then what's all this will be over m a little over a month. One month - it's hard to believe, Mike Hams praising thts week?Caret -Peter Yoon ful Woody, he's approaching Godespecially when the memories of envimnmentalstudies frosh week and the first week of like status tn that world of yours. classes do not seem that distant. Fight the admirr Despite the school work, the -Ryan Martin struggles and stresses of university To the editor, life, I am not particularly looking Take notice forward to the end of this school This school's adrmtllstranon is ndtculous. You n q h t as wcll try to year. I am not looking forward to To the editor, teach a fish to nde a btcycle than try havlng to move out of residence, to to promote school spint. No wonder leave so many f d a r faces behind, Jonathan Novak's mtriolic response UW has a reputaaon of bemg the some of whom I may never cross to Nanna Nagra's column "Stop Igpaths m t h on campus agm. most mnd-numbing untversity. noring Rausm" was not only intelWith the year drawmg to a close, lectually infannle, it did nothing but Camp Out for the Cause, whch dtake place on Apnl4, ts an mtia- it makes me reflect on all the good declare his agency for white sutive started by a group of students mmes I've had m my first year at premacy and substantiate her thesis who wanted to start an annual good- Waterloo. I used to be somewhat that raasm persists. He attempted to use three argubye end-of-term party - sorry, ac- skepacal whenever people used to cordmg to policy, I'm not techntcally tell me 'Your umverstty years dbe ments to prove that her column was allowed to say ''party," so I'll mstead the best years of your life." Well, so "undoubtedly one of the most ractst say "jubdee" - to rase money for far so good. One year down, (almost) pieces of propaganda [he] has ever t h e more togo, and I can only hope read." He firstchasased her forusing chanty:Amnesty Internanonal.We're that they d be as enjoyable as thc an "archaic" example of murdered t notgettinganyth_mgoutofthis. We're domgit black ana-aparthetd South Afncan - for our school because we've first. had the best m e of our lives here. protestors in 1960whlle omimngthe , We thought tt mtght be fun. more contemporary exampleof mur, Feds, alongulthBud Walker,gave dercd whte farmers in Zimbabwe. i a list of requests to follow, gvmg us Firstly, a mere 40 years ago is not Dear Mr. Lee-Wudrick the impression that we had support ancient. Secondly, the UN's Internaknowing full well they weren't go&g tional Day to End Racism was creTo the edztor, , to take anythtng into consideraaon. ated to spectfically commemorate Brenda Beatty was even quoted m that cvent in 1960 because it exemImprint last week stating her con- I find tt odd that you take n o w m pbfied the extent to which a regime cerns about students not taktng ini- your day-to-day hfe on fa&. Really? of excluston and exploitationwould , tiative to come to Feds with ideas. Look up. How do you know that the go to retan its illegitimate power. Why would they? Anyone else would budding is not gomg to collapse on Thirdly, the murder ofwhtte farmers have given up a long tune ago! Talk- you? Did you budd it? Most of hu- is the legacy of white colonization mg to Yaacov is like listening to man hfe is taken o n fa&. As a that has denied economic and politicatechumen of Ayn Rand you must cal benefits to the black majority , some guy read from a text book on "how to mediate well with others" surely appreciate that a monetary beginning in the 16th century, resystem is worthless if no one has versed only as recently as 1979, but t and Dawn just sits there staring into faith in it. thin air. If you're going to say no, just sadly andironicallynow sustainedby come out and say no. Don't lead us Furthermore, while you, as Fn the corrupt government of Robert individual atheist, may value human Mugabe. Far more blacks have died r down the dead-end trail of wishful life, atheismitself does not necessar- and suffered at the hands of white I thinking. We couldn't have our event outside because it would disturb fac- ily value life. If there is no God to colonizers than the reverse -both j
arcumstances tragic, but not equally ractst. Whtes sall command dtspropomonate economc power, conastent with the global corollary. Jonathan next demonstrates hts propenstty for "absurdtty" by d a m mg that ractsm "hves on7' because Nanna ''breathes freshltfemto it" by openly expressmg her mews on racIsm and opposlaon to tt. He infers that sllence is the appropnate tacac whcn that 1s preusely the ally rausm requrres ofus all, espectally people of colour. And for h s hnal erudtte rebuttal, Jonathan takes aun at a msspehng, whch 1s at best juventle and at worst a crass attempt on h s part to behttle Nanna's tntellectual legiamacy - a tacnc often employedby sexists, raclsts, aad others who c h g to power for fear of lostng it. For now, Jonathan would do well to heed the admce of opentng h s mind more and hts mouth less
Racism is not blatant To the editor,
Jonathan Novak, in h s reply to Nanna's article "Stop tgnonng rac~sm," has no potnt to make other than a cheap lund of defamation. Nanna never sad that raclsm 1s only dwected from whtes to blacks all over the world, but she rightfully pomted out that racism still exlsts m our communtty and it did happen from some whte people towards coloured people - naaves, blacks, Asians or Mtddle Eastern, and she dearly pomted out that thts h d of ractsm w not so blatant. An example I can give you for thts h d of hght or hdden ractsm 1s the kind of dtfficulaes many hghly educated and qualified mmgrants face to find a job when they come to Canada. Finally, Novak's .mocking comment in the last paragraph indtcates to whichgroup of the two that Nanna menaoned he belongs to. By the way, I found the word "inudence" m the Enghsh dicaonary.
-Ibrahim Al-Mobandes PhD, electr'cal/conrputerengzneering More racist ponderings To the editor, Jonathan Novak's letter to the edttor last week was very offensive and racist tn nature. The whole idea that the suvgglesof black South Afncans dunng apartheid IS somethmg of the past (~.e.,archac) 1s ludmous. South Afnca overcame aparthetd, but toi day d o n s m South Afnca suffer poverty, mequaltty and health cnses. Aparthetd exlsts globally as well, with eight per cent of the population owningthevastmajorityofresources. Andguess what, that eight per cent is mostly white. In Canada and the U.S., economc apartheid persists. A study done by the Centre for Social Justice examined how racism is establishing a stranglehold on Cana-
da's economy and culture. The report found that hgh numbers of racialized community members are h m g in poverty. Indmduals from racialtzed groups have poverty rates of 35.6 per cent. The general populaaon has a poverty rate of 17.6 per cent -over 100 oer cent more. And stnce you menfioned Zun babwe, let's look at that. Zunbabwe has been grapphng m t h its postapartheid legacy of insatuaonaltzed racism and amfictal m s e n z a a o n for almost two decades - much longerthan South Africa. Novak fails to menaon that Zunbabwe was a colonized country. Stnce the reuoluaon, economtc changes have not occurred where white share croppers own the majonty of land. It 1s ironic, too, how you mention white farmers being lulled but ignore the &gs of black rebels. And let's not forget the recent acts of racism stnce September llth, with a Hindu temple being set on fire, mosques getting bomb threats and the Muslun commutllty bang altenated from the rest of souety. O h no Novak, ractsm is altve. And you have chosen whch side you're on as a racist apologist -Jukan
Ichim 3N independent studies
Your accusations are unfounded To the editor, I've been accused of authonng "the most ractst ptece of propaganda" JonathanNovak has ever read Hmm, does that make me a racist? Iromcally, thts accusaaon stems from an amcle I wrote two weeks ago enatled "Stop Ignonng Ractsm " Novak goes on to clam that 1960 is "archac," and that I have the gall to bnng up tssues of ractsm when they were already "fadtng mto the background of modernity." Well I guess I'm comng forth mth the "post-modermst" mew. Come on Novak, get w t h the program! Let me ask, if racism is golng away, why the hell would 1 bnng it up? Because I have nothng better to do? Beheve you me, I've got plenty to do, tndudtng setnng the record straght of what ractsm really 1s. My hfeis dedtcated to elunlnaangracism and all forms of oppresston. I would love it if ractsm was eradicated! Novak's letter proves my pomt: racism sail exists, and so tt 1s now more than ever that we all need to speak out against raclsm. Because some people thnk that tt has gone away. So maybe we don't hve m slavery, aparthetd or segregated schools, but we do hve m a white supremacist soctety. We bve on land that was stolen from the tndigenous people here before us, through acts ofgenoctde and racism. And globally, many developing counmes are sall sauggltng m a post-colomal state. See RACISM, page 11
To a fallen revolutionary RACISM, from page 10
for a htdc senstttmty, and a httle tact Tn the workplace (as m any, other
Racism through colonizanon has a long hstory and that is what has created the world we hve in today. We need to examme that hstory as well as the present situanon, because they are inextricably linked. Racism is hmng on not because I brcathe hfe mto it, but bccause people hke Jonathan Novak sall hold such racists mews and arc u n w t h g to change. O r are you? -i k n n a
Nagra LJW alurnnas
How out is out enough? To the ed~tor,
I am writtng m response to Mark Schaan's art& last week entltled "Close the closct to open doors." In the arhcle, the author ra~sedsome goodquesnons about hindenngone's career opportuniue\ bu comlng out. The Mr. Schaan, I too am worlung towards a carcer m dcadema I too hopc to be recogmzed for my hard work, my msight and mv patience I too hope to be judged on my ment. Also, 1 too am openly gay. So, what does this mean for me? It means that 1recognve the state to wh~chsocreq suU looms. Whde the world seems to be becomtng more tolerant, tt 1s at a slow pace Therefore, I alco recognt7c the need
facet of dady hfe) I would expect certam tlungs. I would expect that I could t a k openly about my partner at the water cooler. I would also expect that I could answer my em; ployer's questton of "what are you d o ~ n g hweekend?'honestly. s However, I would not expect my co workers to listen comfortably as I spouted off about gayrights or the struggles of a gay person hvmg in a hetcrosexist world. Nor would I expect them to want to hear about fie personal detds of my pnvatc hfe. In essence, 1would expcct to be treated lust as my hctcrosexual counterparts: no les, but no rnorc. Surely, to gain ground ln terms of human nghts ~t'simportant that gay peoplc conunuc to come out -but there shouldn't be any pressure on behalf of the queer community to do so. Comng out ts a deeply personal dcclsion to make, as 1s the dcgrce to whch onc 1s gomg to be "out." 1 would hope that I'd never acccpt a lob knowing that In 11, I'd be dls crimnated agamst. I'd also hopc the same for anyonc else I have learned that thcre 1s so much to gam from being the person you are meant to be. Bc that person, but don't fccl that you have to put on a show In the name of the grcater cause. -Aaron Cowan 3B hzstoly
"Wherever death may surpnse us, Ict ~tbe welcome, promded that thts, our battle cry may have reached some recepuve ear, and another hand may be extended to wield our weapons, and other people be ready to intonc the funeral Lluge ulth the staccato smgng of the machine guns, and new battle cnes of war and victory " - Che C;uevard "The only way to ulpe the s d e off of mv facc 1s to fd1 it w t h bullets "- Aaron Lovc @araphrased) On March 2, at around 6 a.m, a car crash robbed our commumtj of a grcat person and dedicated revoluuonary, Aaron Love Lubbv, as hc was called b ~ . some, was loved by many people and affected many hves As a frtend, he was always there when thmgs went bad. AS a thmker and writcr for What's up Chuck and Moment of Insurrection, he promded revoluuonary analyses and a slap in the face to armchm acuvlsts. As a
Are we there yet or what?
nothng if you are not w d h g to use it -Lubby contnbuted a great deal to the anu-capitahst struggle both herc and abroad. In the fall of 1998, Love jomed the K-W Youth Collecave, a radical orgamzanoh that fought agmst the crimtnahzat~onof youth and for the creaaon of liberated space for youth in downtown IOtchener With the Youth Collecuvc, Lubby helpcd mnate the serving of frec food at IOtchener City Hall by Food Not Bombs and fought against the attcmpts of the city, the health department and thc pohce to shut ~tdown. Love, who himself was a target of pohce repre\slon, fought hard agamsr powcr-tnpping pigs and 5ecunty guards bv organinng and speaklng at puhllc meetmgs such as 'Youth And The Police Why can't we lust get along," where he exposcd the pohce for whar thcr are - an armed w n g of the state However, as a man of acuon hc dld not just talk about these tssu~c When a young woman was searched, "patted down" and banned from city hall by secunty guards, 1,ubby took acnon and
OUTLOOK Impnnt has a long tradmon of running a column about queer issues - the first regular column startcd in 1984. There has always been a good reason to have quecr content published: to counter the negattve portrayals that permeate souety about the hghly sugmau7ed queer populauon. In 1999, there were a number of anu-gay letters to the e&tor and a columnist on staff at Imprintwho wa5 qrute vocally anu-gay. It had been onc year since a queer columntst had contnbuted to the paper. 1 wasn't plamng on starting a column when I wrote foul arucles leadmg up to Commg Out Week in' October. The editor at the tune invlted me to conunue wrmng, which I &d. Tt seemed that, in 1999, ann-gay atutudes were lust as prevalent as thcy ever were. But a lot of dungs have changed smce then. Since I started wnang, same-sex couples were officiaIly recogmzed by the governments of Canada and Ontano. Gay telemslon broke into prune t m c wlth Wzl Q Grace. Pubhc polls started showrng a
Check this out: super lesbians Sean Middleton
waiang for university. There have been relatively few anu-gay letters to the emtor. So then, as I leave my post as queer c o l m s t , do we suU need to write about quecr issues in I q n n t ? Is it such a big deal anymore? Perhaps not. And yet ... Many gay people are suU afratd to come out of the closet. The process of commg out remiuns psychologically dramng. Parents conunue to &sown their chddren for being gay. Some people sall hate gays, thmk x's okay to make jokes about them, thmk they're troubled, and t h k theu relauonshps are lnfenor to heterosexual ones. Gays s d can't get mamed. Gays have dfferent and fewer nghts than straghts. Western governments conunue to bow to the rehgous nght instead o f bowing to the equally sizable queer-fnendly left. Rehgmus leaders conunue to teach their followers to hate the sm and the smner. Societysall t h k s of people as male or female, forgetting those who fall in between. There are s d no songs that portray queer ldenuues on the radio; no mustc mdeos on MuchMuslc that show queer
powers to ban youth acuvtacs and hand out nckets and further cnmtnahx youth, Lubby \igor ously pamctpated m thc creanon of a successful oppositton to ths. You don't see secunn guards handlng out any ackets today As a wcll-informed mternauon ahst, he redlt~edthe mportancc of fightmg ncoliberal globahzatlon and parncipated in demonstrauonc in Windsor, kashington and Qucbcc as well as teachtng peoplc about these lcsues through ht. wnungs and h ~ work s in the economlc hteracy group n t thc Global Commun~nCcntci Lubbj contnbuted '1 lot to our communln and hts rolc In fighnng the s ~ \ t c mp a v ~ dthe road for thc crcanon of the Spot, kltchencr \ youth m ccntre Hc trulv mad^ ,I diifcrcnce a n d his hfe aas not In vam HI? battle cn has rc'lched and wdl conunuc to reach man! reccptivc ears Hi\ ideaa have influenced mam people and man) hands \ d l extend to \meld lus weapons and contlnLi to intensifv the dlsrupuon
I turned on my computer, and that MSN messcnger thing automancally opened up At the bottom nght corLesb~ans,bisexuals, ethmc ner, that l~ttlcwmdow popped up mnonaes, transgendered, the and told me, "You have lust rccetved aged, the dmbled, the sp~ntualand a message from Ic~b~an." Like the other mnonues are snll unheard in abstract concept of lesbianism bethe quecr comrnumty. came senuent and e-maded me or There remams no cure for AIDS. somcthng I was sort ofmterested in Celebnues, pohucians, tcacheis, seeing h s mantfestatton of g d g r l love, so I checked out the e-mall. executives and role models still see commg out as a nsk to thelr It was from the self-explanatory success. e-mail address thesesuperlesbians Queer peoplc are sttll belng, and teased, buhed, beaten up, mur the subject h e was - no loke dered and mualated. "Super Lesbians." I was trying to The p o k e conunue to target conlure the mental Image of these gays. Eighteen-year-old men are monumental next-level homosexual gtven hfe impnsonment for human beings: basically a d o w y sodomy m the U S wMe others and transparent waf floaang in m d arc persecuted m Egypt and m ulth a pulsaung bran the size of a trash canmakmgoutrnthits equally beheaded m Saudt Arab~afor the same "cnme." pulsaung counterpart. Awesome. Queer people are sall scen as Of course, tf anyone knows anymore .efferent than the same. thmg about the decepuve world of Queer people conunue to thlnk Internet porn adverusmg, the examless of themselves for being queer. ples m the body of the e-mat1 didn't Some comnxt su~cidebecause of ~ t . exactly match up to my P u p K. Thts umversity is a fnendly Dickimage oflesbians. Actuay, the place for queer people. But with only exphcit menuon of the super in]usUce, inequahty, stlgma, lesbians In the bbdy of the e-mad was the unexplmed "SUPER LESBInolence and hatred agatnst the queer commwty, we s d have a ANS" in 24-point font at the bottom long way to go. Hopefully someof the e-mad. However, there was a one will pick up the torch in the lot of documentanon about these coming ye& here at Imprint. There hidden cameras all set up around some infmte mansion of pure vois still a lot of work to do. yeunsuc pornography, where I could see poss~blesuper lesbians as they
worked our, dressed, arc and pcci fight on Also there was a c a m ( ra In thelr vibrators. F'mallv Anyway, it turns out char the\< lesbians areactual superlesbtan\l Su per horm that is No, I'm kdding Actually, I thmk it's more like these ladles are lust super obhviou\ and super mconunent, becausc the emad also had httlc pictures of the allcged super lesbians eithei doing vanous acumttes in the damned nude, or slmng on the todet. From whar I gather from the h g h percentage of unnaung pictures, the latter was per formed qmte often. So now m r post-modemesque mental Image of thew fantasuc lad e s has been replaced by a sccnano consisnng of women dnnking htre after hectohtre of water, popping dureucs and doing scxy tax return\ completely naked. Then gomg for a pcc. And I would be able to watch an of thtd No more hangtng out in the todet bowl\ at the lesbian soronues, because the sweet swcct Internet ha\ provlded a safe and dry alternauve. There is somehng so spcctacular about the fact that technology has advanced to the point where ~t 1s possible for me to mew peemg lesbians m thc Arts cvmpuang lab. In fact, I don't even thnk it's people behmd h s stuff anymore. I thmk the Internet itself has becomc selfaware, and carefully constructs and sends out a bunch of dlrty e-malls. It's sort ofltke an obscene version of that @ant spinmg head thmg from Tron, or somethmg. Anyway, all had the mformaaon superhghway.
A new, justified violence Thank you, Iraq YOU! OFF MY PLANET! anu-globahzaaon protests tgamst the World Trade O r g a n ~ a pon Mtmstcrtal Conference held In pattle tn December of 1999 arkcd the re-mtroducuon of olence and property destrucuon a legtunate form of pohncal protest. By wreaktng mdhons of bollars in property damage In owntown Seattle and effecnvely hutung down the WTO confercc anu-globahzauon forces mctory for thclr cause, e heaches around the
ut at what cost>By employing acacs, the anu-globahzauon ovement saddled itself wth an age of a bunch of neo-anarchists W n g to do anythmg tt takes to elr way. Conscquently, ever Seattle, secunty at everythmg G8 summts to pohncal onvenuons has been stepped up Problem solved2 If only. Whde Giolent thugs may no longer have the luxury of breakmg thmgs with reckless abandon, the new stringent sccunty has given protestors a couple of newly-contflved social
injustices to inflate, exaggerate and embellish. Before, it was about fighung globahzaaon or capithsm or the latcst government lmuauve Now, ~ t about s p o k e brutahty and the nght to protcst Most tales of p o k e "brutahty" go somethmg k e h s : protestor is bemg peaceful, mtndmg h s or her own business, big bad cop swoops down out of nowhere to gve h m / her the beats. Always convementlj context free, and piunaug the p o k e - all of them, mmd you as an imposing gang of bloodh s t y robots Sort of k e how "all" protestors are peaceful? But t h ~ s1s bes~dethe pomt: pohce actions arc a red hernng. The rcal issue is about protest. And let me be thc fnst to say t h s cveryone has a nght to protcst. What nobody h ~ asnght to do is dlsrupt the meenngs to the pomt where they can no longer conunue, as In Seattle Thus, chanung and wamng signs outside a bulldtng 1s protest, thromng bncks and trytng to stop the meeang altogcther IS not. It ts mob rule, pure and sunple It 1s the fallurc of some protestors, not all, to draw t h l ~ very obvious distinction that necessitates the heavy sccunty we now see every time a summtt or convenuon occurs. We all know that most protestors are peaceful, but so long as they continue to sympathize with violent ones, fcw people wdl take thcm seriously You ather beheve that somethmg 1s nght or that it IS wrong and too many
peaceM protestors have faded to make clear t h m oplnion of vlolence, let alone do anythmg about ~ tBefore . you can address your cause, you must make sure ~t IS not bemg sabotaged by your socalled "dhes." The news gets worse. Increasing numbers of the dsgruntled Left are musing about the "meffecttveness" of peaceful protcst and sollcittng the idea that &ect acaon (translauon: vlolence) IS necessary In order to effect real change. In other words, playing mce IS a waste of ume, and the gamc can't be won unless we break the rules whch normally apply. A logcal conclusmn, but also an extremely dangerous way of thnhng. Sunply because a person or group does not get then way does not gve them a hcence to take mattcrs Into then own hands To say that vrolence 1s jusufied for your cause, begs the qucsuons. what about someone eke's cause? What ~feveryone doesn't agree with your cause' And finally, who dec~deswhch causes ~usufy molencc and whch do not> Therein hes thc scanness of l e g m z i n g v~olenceas an approach to problem solmng rf you use it m the name of what you beheve, you may turn around to find ~tused against you by someone else who has other ~deas. An eye for an eye, nt for tat and all of society devolves Into barbansm.
McLuhan's awesome
SECONDHAND SMOKE Well, ~t'ssnowmg agm. We're offic~allya wcck Into spnng. It's alreadv seemed a number of tunes like we were into spring, but then the snow keeps conmg back It's cnough to dnve you crazy. Somethmg else that can dnve you crazy is TV. Not crazy as In unable to function normally in soc~alsituauons or having real welrd thoughts or anything itke that; I'm talktng crazy hke not bemg able to think outside of the lines you're fed or not doing what you really want to do w t h your hfe. I started talking about &s last week. The mght before thc paper came out, Lems Lapham, the edltor of Hatper's magazme, was at UW gvtng a talk. In ~ the , spent some time dwekng on the TV medtum. One of the observations he made was that it doesn't allow for subtlety. Hc clted the instance wherc he, creaang a sx-hour senes
on the history of the US. for a British firm, had 70 seconds and 40-some words to descnbe the causes of the Sccond World War He also talked of how you need to use Marshall McLuhan's Ideas to understand meda. Lapham sad that he'd read McLuhan's Understandng Medza In 1964, but hadn't really understood it; it was only when he was asked to wnte the mtroducuon for the MIT re issuc of the book tn 1995 that he more fully comprehended McLuhan's Ideas and grasped their apphcanon to the world of today. One of McLuhan's tdeas, Lapham sad, was that "we shape our tools, and then our tools shape us." Hc then talked of some charactensacs of TV - its shape. It is a collective form that doesn't hke the individual voice. It makes it hard to follow a time sequence or cause and effect. It traps us In the eternal present, where everythmg IS like everythtng else. The surge of emonon is Important, not the surge of thought. It rcduces argument to gosstp and h~storyto fatry tale. It is about the actor, not the act. Lapham ended h s talk mth a very blunt message: "That's what the machme does." He noted, "I don't know how you gct past that."
I think he's too entrenchcd in the system to be dynamc about trylng to get out of it After all, h ~ s daughter IS mmted to Bnan Mulroney's son I thtnk there is a way to get past what the machmc does Part of lt has to do with understandmg what's going on. You've dehitelv got to hear what McLuhan was trying to say, whch IS hard. McLuhan's Ideas can be tough to figure out. I'll try my best to explan what hts "the medum IS thc message" 1s all about You look at soclety wthout TV and then w t h TV. The changes that shape soclety were causcd by TV, and h s 1s TV's mesbage. You can do the same analysis m t h the Internet to see what its message IS. Then you can get mto understanding what aspect it 1s of the medium that has certain effects on that medlum's users and society in general. It can be really confusing. If you want tt all sorted out for you 1n smple form, check out the book "McLuhan For Begnners" by W. Terrence Gordon, one In the senes of "For Beginners" books. Or fnaybe you could findiomethmg about McLuhan on the Internet.
When I was young, I read stones about poor people who starved as fat royalty h c d behmd the gates of castle walls. Thc story of Robm Hood 1s a good example, whcrc the nch over-taxed the poor even though they already had so much. I remembcr bemg told these stones as a kid and wondering how those nch pcople hved w t h themselves at the end of thc day, Imomng that thcywere so extravagant whde others were stamng outstde thc walls of the palace. I figured that surely t h s was only a fairy tale no person could rcally be so hardhearted. Two ycars ago, I was fortunate cnough to mslt the country of Iraq. There I found the Imdest people I had ever met ~nmy hfc - they werc also the poorest. I remcmber one Iraqi man in parucular who told me at length about the dfficulnes of the Iraqi people's hves. He made me swear an oath that when I returned to Canada, I would "let the peoplc know what is happcnmg to then Iraqi brothers and slsters " 1 dscovered that Iraq has the lowest average houshold income In the world - $100 US a year. There, under the eyes of towenng and eene posters of Saddam Hussem, I hterally saw d o n s of people s t m g to death. And all they begged for was five cents to feed themselves for a day. It was there, under the sweltcr Ing sun of the Iraqi desert, that I understood how the wealthy, fat oppressors who sat bchlnd the walls of the palace in Robm Hood thought. I reahzcd then that I was one of them. When the Un~tedNattons
announced that the internaaonal poverty line begins with anyone who makes less than two dollars a day, I reahzed that wc are all exccpuonally wealthy. We just don't real17e ~ t . Part of the reason for that ts because we hve sheltered I~ves.Thc only real poverty we see day to day may be the beggers in downtown Toronto We all need to get out, to lrve with all people, and to see the world as ~ttruly IS. If you are mterested, let's go together to the Food Not Bombs program hosted by WPIRG. It 1s a great way to meet and get along mth people who don't have access to good food, yet h e In our city. What makes us any dtffcrent from Robtn Hood's enemes' How can we clam to be Innocent when we are lost behmcl so much ~gnorance' Wcll, we can be dlffcrent lf we are thankful. The umverse chose me to be born ins~dethl\ wonderful palacc, though I'd be a f o d to think that I did anythmg to deserve this luxury Yet we could have all just as easily been born In Iraq - don't forget that. Wc wouldn't have had a chance to go to unmerslty, to ctnve a car, to eat Ice cream, or to rcad a newspaper. But for some reason, we are here. Someames I get so s~ckof school that I omp plan about how much I hate the way my 11feis gomg. And though we all have a nght to be frustrated w t h hfe, I've still got to remember how lucky I am. I try to remember the face of the Iraqi boy when 1 told h ~ m that 1 study computers. He was so mnocently jealouq that tcars spdled from h s eyes. I wll not forget h ~ m and so I will not forget to say thank you cvery mornmg of my Itfe. Because if I do, I mll have grown a goatee and w d call mvsrlf the Shenff of Notangham. And pointed shenff goatees just look silly nowadays. Peace.
Mistreated: students MISTREATED, from page 9
Othcmse, I could findmyself out of a job. In the business world ~tcosts 20 tunes more t o w the acceptance of new customers than to retam buslness from those you already have. Consequently, endless resources are used to guarantee customer satisfacuon. Here, alltheresourcesarepoured Into flashy h ~ g hschool booklets and ensunng that Muc1'euds calls us the
best. The poor students that alrcadp subscribed to the four or five year deal are forgotten about, unul it comes ame to phone them foralumm support. Businesses would be nothing without thelr customers. Uruvers~aes would be nothmg mthout the= students. If you find a fly m your soup, you return tt. Here, I have to eat my soup andltke it. And at $3,000 i term -it's one expensive soup!
Imprint: you own it IMPRINT, from page 9 I won't patromze anyone by edfying our profession as a lesser nobhty, and ~t'sworth remembering that our volunteers take up many roles as athletes, protesters, wnter5 and readers. In/pnnt 15 only
one part of a broad commun~ty. The soluuon: It's your student newspaper, so ~fyou don't k e ~ t , assert the fact that you own it.
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Features editor: Melanie Stuparyk Assistant features editor: Florence A. Liauw
Dissonance in a sea of harmony Harper's Lewis Lapham speaks on the media, democracy and the war on terrorism Janice Jim IMPRINT STAFF
Lewis Lapham, the editor of Harper? magazine, spoke at the University of Waterloo last Wednesday as part of the Kerr-Saltsman lecture series organized by St. Paul's United College. Lapham has been the editor of Harper's since 1983. Harper? magazine is one ofAmerica's oldest monthly periodicals. Harper's magazine is a blend of fiction, essays, journalism and eclectic articlesfromvarious publications. The essays in Harper's are thought provoking. The wekesearched and often lengthy pieces present ideas that make Harper's stand out. The magazine has a solid reputation for political commentary and reputable journalism. Lapham is the creator of the widely imitated Harper? Index and the author of the "Notebook" column, for which he was awarded the NationalMagazineAward.Lapham's monthly column is a well-crafted, brilliant social commentary. B s coiumns take issue with the American government, American media, American ruling classes, and just about anything that is foul in the American empire. He is among the few jokalists who have publicly criticized the US. war on terrorism. Lapham commented that "you could see the war on terrorism as a blessing in disguise for the Bush administration. A president who was perceived as banal and mediocre on September 10had become a reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln by September 12th." Lapham has a less-than-favourable view of the American media. This is evident in his essays, television appearances and lectures. "The object ofthemajormediais to amuse
people, not to inform them. They treat their audience as children. You can get away with that if you call the [US.] government an empire. Instead of having the emperor put on the games, you have AOL/Time Warner or Fox." According to Lapham, the very basis of media is wrong. He alludes to the Roman empire to illustrate this point. "The games in the coliseum were based on high ratings. The affection, endorsement and trust of the people was to be won by amusing them." Today's media is also based on high ratings, and it functions in the same manner to win viewers and gamer high ratings.
"The media has become flag-waving and complacent." -Lewis Lapharn
When asked if there is still a way to get the news, Lapham commented that it requires the active participation of the citizen. The citizen must work at getting the news. They must learn how to read newspapers, and they must also know how to read between the lines. The citizen should make use of the vast amount of government information that is released to the public. "Ralph Nader is one person that does this well. His books are full of information as to how the govemment really works." Lapham has been a vocal critic of the media's coverage of the events of September 11. 'The media has become flag-waving and complacent.
@ @
-I I I I
city. Between 1996 dia corporation: spent $110 millton (USD) to lobby Congress. Lapham commented that "the FCC and the Republican government are fond of the corporateinterest, mergers and they are also fond of monopolies. I ETERNAL WINTER JANICE JIM LmaunhAoIkakum assume that there'll brmw Lewis Lapham (above) editor of Harper's be more of them o\w Mme magazine, visited the University of Waterloo AfgJwlaun .%chc RU and they'll make it Brhm~mr last week as part of the Kerr-Saltsman lecture VISnXSG HWRS as easy as possible +~wmrbrr series. for the big media The latest cover of Harper's (left). to get what the big media wants. "I thmk what cult and important problems have they want in the end 1s what the big that 1s the^ ambiuon." There is a disconnection between been pushed aside. railroad companies wanted in the Lapham perceives the American end of the 19th century, which was the general interest of the Amencan the control of the means of transpor- electorateas a whole and the govern- democracy as "a work in progress. tation.The great fortunesin America ment m Washington. They are less The kinds of things I point to in my have been made with transportation and less in synchronous.Health care, columns are the dissonances. I am education,and the environment rank not very good at telling you how to and communications. solve it. I do know that if enough "If you can control the one pipe high as the issues the Amencan pubthat brings in eveiything - the tel- lic care about. Yet, these issues have people get upset, we will come to been overshadowed by the War on some kind of resolution." ephone the Internet, hLn,TV-and if you can charge a toll, you can be Terrorism. Discussion on these isthe richest man in the world. I guess sues has all but ceased. These diffi-
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Melanie Stuparyk IMPRINT STAFF
On Thursday, March 14, 2002 six brave couples came into Imprint to pick up their goody bags for the Imprint Condom Survey. These packages included 14different condoms, made by both Trojan and Durex, one bottle of Trojan lubricant and two blank questionnaires. Their mission: try to evaluate all 14condoms in 11 days and record what rocked their worlds, what churned their stomachs, and most importantly, why. On Monday, March 25,2002, six tired couples came into I@nh to return their surveys, now bulging with valuable information and questionnaires, having fought the good fight for the sake of real information, their fellow students, and most importantly, safe sex. Let's be realistic for a moment and look at some facts. Many students on this campus are sexually active, whether or not parents or the administration want to admit it. In fact, according to the Sex Survey of Canada (Fall 2001) conducted by Durex, Canadians between the ages of 21 and 24 have had an average of 7.8 sex partners and have sex an average of 117 times per year, which is more than any other demographic. There are countless sex myths floating around, and surprisingly, even university educated people still believe some of them. Accordingly, many still depend on unsafe methods of contraception, such as pulling out or choosing not to use any protection at all. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to choose what methods of contraception and protection to use. Despite all the options avail-
able, nothing is worth reiteratingmore than the importance of safe sex. So instead of just t e h g you how important condoms are,we decided to show you (through our guinea pig couples) the best ones to use so that if you do choose to have sex, you'll know which ones will help you have the most funsafely. The surveys contained questions that asked each individual volunteer to rate the condoms overall, as well as on a pleasure-enhancing, comfort and interference level, in order to let peers knowwhch ones worked best and which ones they shouldn't waste their time, energy or money on. Among our testers were five straight couples and one gay couple, who have been together for varying lengths of time. The condoms tested were: Trojan:Lovestruck, Shared Sensation, Extended Pleasure, Lucious Flavours, Ultra-Texture, and Regular. Durex: Tropical, Sensi-Creme, Intense Sensation, Ramses Thm. Often people rely on plain condoms because they're basic and they know they will serve the purpose. Fancy or specialty condoms are not as popular because people aren't sure if they'll be effective or worth trying in terms of the claims the boxes make. At $10-12 per box, it's expensive to buy a whole box only to discover after using one that they aren't good. This survey used a wide variety of condoms, ensuring that as much ground as possible was covered in terms of wacky textures, crazy flavours and even unsettling lubricants. There was some surprising feedback from the couples, but overall the results were fairly
consistent with the exception of the gay couple (the best and worst are listed in detail in the big chart to the right). According to the candid feedback given to Irnpri~ztby the homosexual couple, specialty condoms (i.e. ribbed, studded, extra pleasure) are made with vaginalintercoursein mind. Our homosexual partmpants commented on all but one condom, sapng that they dld not hve up to thelr clams when used anally. The studs or nbbmgs on the condom created too much fr~ctionto enhance the pleasure of anal sex and so they rated the Ramses Thin and the Trojan Regular condoms the hghest. TWOof the couples commented that the Trojan condoms felt larger than Durex condoms even though both companies claim that the standard slze 1s 52 mm. Condemned by almost all couples were the Trojan Extended Pleasure and the Durex SensiCreme, both of whch contamed a numbing lubricant m order to prevent premature ejaculation and extend the length of sex. As one volunteer said, "I would rather have 15 minutes of awesome sex than 30 minutes of okay sex." The flavoured condoms were also not very successful. The couples all agreed that they smelled better than they tasted. One paruapant commented that they tasted hke vegetable 011, and another said that the correspondmg colours to the flavours of the Durex Trop~cal Colours and Scents made his penis look like a pylon. Several participants also complained that both brands of flavoured condoms stained their clothing and the lubricant felt s h e y .
Sexy :Facts Those aged 21-24 have sex the most, at 117 times a year, compared with 35-44 year olds who have sex and average of 100 times a year. 1lper cent of people choose not to have sex, including onefifth of 16-20 year olds
4 in 10 Canadians are initially attracted to someone's personality ahead of any other feature. A third of Canadians' favourite activity is sex and the favourite place to make love is on a beach or in a jacuzzi, spa or hot tub.
13 per cent of Canadians admit to never using contraception.
In a survey about their greatest sexual fear, 14 per cent worry about their body looking unattractive, while 12 per cent are concerned about not being able to satisfy their partner or not being able to enjoy sex.
Canadian men think about sex much more than Canadian women - 15 times a day compared with 5.
Women believe their sexual peak is slightly later than men at an average age of 35, compared with 30 for men.
Those in Quebec make love more often than in any other region - 106, compared to Ontario (92).
Women are more likely than men to choose shopping over sex - 12 per cent compared with 2 per cent of men.
RIDAY, MARCH 29,2002
How they measure up
"Ridges are good! I liked them. They helped with excitement - probably the best condom yet!" "Ididn't really notice it during 'the act' -it felt almost like I wasn't wearing a condom." "Meant for female pleasure, not for males." "I could really feel those dots!" "It didn't have that typical gross condom smell" "Not too much lube, so it wasn't messy to put on." "A little thick." "The studs were raised, but it really didn't seem to make a difference." "The lube smelled really bad. You can't feel a thing after a couple of seconds. The only reason Iwould suggest this condom is if you can't last very long." "He had to work hard to feel it, making it a little rough for me." "Shit." "My penis was numb for about an hour after, and 'tingly' for another hour after that."
Thank you t o all survey participants. All graphics this page by David Barsam
Exploring Kentucky's mammoth caves studcznt I ntures on : one oftl I do in Kentucky
dl reel 1lv J
David Robins
Having arrived in Memphis, Tennessee to work just over two weeks ago, already set up with an apartment and utilities and all the necessities, I decided to do somc exploring. On the drive down I'd passcd an cxit to Mammoth Cave, near Bowling Green, Kentucky, and I heard it was an interesting place to visit. Saturday morning dawned bright and clear. 1 left at 5 a.m. and took the 1-40 east to Nashville, then headed north on the 1-65 to Louisvdle. Mammoth Cave National Park is about halfway betweenNashville and Lr)uisv~llc.Thc whole drive took me about four hours (the Cave visitor ccntrc said it was 300 miles -please don't do the math). The Web site http://mammoth. docs a good job of describing the area and the cave tours. The tours areled by rangers and take from half an hour (Discovery Tour) to six hours (Wild (:avc Tour). I decided to take the four and a half hour <;rand Avenue Tour, which overlaps some of the Frozen Niagara and Tra\~ertitle'l'ours.Tours are approximately $4/hour; the Grand Avenue Tour was $18, but it was well worth it. Before the tour startcd, T wandered around the walks near the visitor centre, photographmg the landscape (which is very much like the Niagara Region, barring the sinkholes, of course). I scramhlcd down a muddy slope to the Echo River Spring, walkcd into the Mammoth Dome Sink and viewed the (closed) Whtte Cave entrance. My tour started at 11, and 1 had to run to gct back on time as I'd stopped to
To celebrate the coming of spring and the end of the semester, here arc some recipes that you can impress your parentswith when yougo home over the Easter brcak; or if you stay here and want to impress someone clsc - after all, spring is a time for love.
JER'S CHICKEN 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast? butter or govl ohve od
went down 180 steps into thc bowels of the earth. O n this tour thcre were almost 100 ofus, includinga g o u p of Scouts from Ohio. We assembled in an open area in the first cave along "Cleaveland Avenue."This is the cave that inspired Crowther and Woods to write the famous "Colossal (;a\-cs" gamc,"adren~;" many locations, such as "Bedquilt" are named for rooms in this cave. Because of an insulating top layx of sandstonc (most of the cave is limestone), much of the area wc walked through lacked the usual formations - stalactites, stalagrmtes, andcolumns- seenin caves, formcd by the slow deposition of minerals by water. Along the way, the front guide pressed buttons to turn on the subtle chffuse cave lights so we could see inside and thc ranger at the back turned them off. We walked four miles; after leaving Clcaveland Avenue, we stopped
1 tsp crushed fresh garlic a cup of rinsed, halved mushrooms (any kind d do) three slices of a white onion (thinly sliced) 1 cup of good white winc (remember, if you wouldn't drink it straight, don't cook with it) % cup cream (whipping crcam preferred) salt and pepper to taste Prchcat the oven to 400째F. Sear the chicken in the olive oil or butter in a hot frying pan. Make sure both sidcs are fairly cvcnly seared on all four chicken breasts. Add the onion slices and sauti. until it's fairly cooked. Add the garlic. Garlic will scorch if it's put in first. Add the mushrooms. If the butter or oil is coolung down too quickly, add a little bit of the winc. Once the chicken has
for lunch in thc Snowball Room, thus named because of the gypsum on the walls that makes it look like a snowball fight has recently taken place, 267 fcet below thc surface. There are restrooms and a cafeteria, "Burger Cave" with picnic tables, as well as an elevator to the surfacewith a sign that says "last chance to quit." We had a brief cncounter with wdd cavers - experienced cavers wearing hclmets with lamps, overalls and beards - before continuing our journey. Turning down "Roone Avenue", a high and narrow sinuous corridor, we saw a few cave crickets. Over 180
cooked for about 10 minutes, remove from the pan and place in a casserole &sh. Remove thc onion sliccs. Leave the mushrooms with the chickcn. Pour the rest of the wine over the chicken. Add morc wine, if you want. Bake the chicken in the oven for another20minutes. Check how done it is, and add the cream. Stir the cream through the wine to create a slightly mixed sauce. Bake until chlcken is totally cooked or for another few minutes if the chicken is already done.
ASPARAGUS AND NEW POTATOES Jer's chickcn tastes great m t h asparagus and new potatoes, two tasty and well-loved vegetables.
from spidcrs to bats and cyeless fish. This trail joined Kentucky .Zvenue, and then climbed hlounc McIGnlcj- to <;rand Central Station.TheDraperyRoc)mandFroZen Niagara were worth waiting for; formations abound, but beware: damaging formations or removing so much as a rock is a federal offcncc. During the tour, our guide turned out all the lights, so we could see how dark and silcnt it was. It was eerie "It is pitch dark. If you procccd, you arc likely to be eaten by a grue." Xyzzy! For those of you who don't know, grues are the monsters that eat youin
To prepare, clean the asparagus and cut off the bottom inch of the stalk (this is the stringcst part). Cut the remaining stalk into thirds and cook in a saucepan fdled with water barely covering thc asparagus. When the asparagus is tender enough to bc pierced ulth a fork, remove it from thc water and toss with a little bit of butter. Thc newpotatocs arc cooked with their skin- onin a saucepan until they too can bepicrcedwith a fork. Watch them carefully.
Thc base of this cake is a white or lemon cake mix made following the instructions drectly on the back of the box. You can makc a layer cake with this or a sheet cake. Either is finc.
" X \ d ' comes from one of thc first adventure game programs ever developed. In the game it IS found scrawled on one of the tax-ern walls, and t p n g it in teleportcd you bctween that cave and the home basc location. My tour was an amazing experience and the caves werc beautiful. T h e ranger's monologuc was informative and she was open to questions. There are 350 miles of caves that have been explored, of which I only saw a small part. I'd like to go back somctime.If anyonevisits Kentucky, I strongly recommend taking a visit to Mammoth Cave National Park.
For the curd, you will necd: 3 eggs, beaten 2 cups of whte sugar % pound of butter Y 4 cup fresh lemon juice (the stuff in jars is fine) 3 teaspoons gratcd lcinon peel Cut thc butterinto teaspoon-sized pieces. On the top of a double boiler (two pots which fit on top of cach other, the bottom filled u?th water), combine all of thc ingredients. Put thc clement on high unnl the water in the bottom pot is bo~ling,then turn down to medium. Cook and stir over thc double boiler until thc mixture is the thickncss of pudding. Chill the lemon curd until the cake has coolcd and is ready to bc frosted. There might be leftovers of thc lcmon curd. You can serve it with toast, muffins or ice cream.
Protest: Napalmed dogs and Habitat 'GI) Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF
For those of you studyinghard to get a job, it's hard to imagine Waterloo as a hopping place for student protest. In the late '60s,lines were drawn between the radicals (in general the arts faculty members) and the rest (im engineers). The radicals general pushed for freedom and numerous . othercauses whilethe engineerswere intent on making the radicals look silly. Protestors included students, faculty and any hangers-on that happened to be sucked into the vortex. In general, protests were limited to threecatqories: those that happened in the arts quadrangle, those that didn't, and sit-ins. Sit-ins were the &st form of protest to appear on campus.November 1966 saw a bookstore sit-in to protestwhat students saw as unfairprice gouging; the bookstore had posted a profit of $67,000,which protestors argued came wholly from students who co~Jdn'tafford it (does this refram sound familiar?). A year later, students staged a sit-in in the Porter Library, then only six stories tall, to protest ties between American companies and Canadian companies reuuiting in the library. The engineers staged a counter-protest in favour of the Americans. The two years that proceeded were a great deal more excitingas Septem; ber 1968 saw a tentk -by adding '-in' to anything,it was a protest-in the arts quadrangle to protest the lack of local student housimg (studentsweren'twilling to rent available properties in Baden, St. Jacob's or Elmira). October 1968 saw the Federation of Students take over the Campus Centre (now the SLC). Prior to this, the CC was a student-friendly, but administration- run facility. After evicting the administration, Feds ne-
Waterloo was an active place for protest at: The Arts Quadrangle (A), the SLC (B),Needles Hall (C)and the Porter Library (D). gotiated a peaceful takeover. been something to hear: "I'm from ThelinaleinNovemberl968was the '69 residence"). Called an aborthe'?)ogNapalmingInddent"where hon (no one figured out what that a group of students made it known meant),protestorsupstagedaplanned that they would napalm a dog in the mock-up of a '69room by dlsplaymg Arts quad to protest the napalming their own, smaller mock-up. A proofinnocentvillagersin V~etnam. The test march was also held running story created newscopy as far away from the construction site to the Arts as Toronto. People calledpolice and quad. Humane Society personnel begging In March of 1975,studentsoccuthat the dog be saved. On the day of pied the office of the dean of arts for the protest, alarge crowd gatheredto 30hoursin responseto "TheRenison hear a speech decrying people who CollegeAffair."TheaffairbeganJuly would protest the napalming of a 1,1974when John Towler became single dog while ignoring the na- principal. Not liking what he found palof thousands in Vietnam. there and with the support of the The haal sit-in af the '60s was in
Renison Board of Governors, he nohfied three faculty members that they were no longer needed. Some classes were temporarily held in the SLC and others were boycotted. The year 1985 was the .hal sit-in to date on campus in response to the addition of a computer fee to student fees. A Feds-initiated protest campaign came to a head in November when agroupof studentsmarched to Needles Hall and quietly occupied the hallways. In 1986,Feds and the Graduate StudentsAssociation staged a march from the campus to Uptown Water-
loo toprotestunderfimdedpost-secondary education. The march was endorsedbypresidentDougWright, various deans and faculty,who joined the 1,000 marchers in their protest. It could be said that on-campusprotests went into deep lubemation that day, only reappearing for a few marches. Big, open amphitheatre spaces are a seedbed for protest. As the university gobbles up more space, the Arts quad will become the h a 1 stage for protest.
UW gets treated to McDonald Bob McDonald, of CBC's Quirks and Quarks, works hard to promote science Magda Konieczna IMPRINT STAFF
Bob McDonald, CBC sc~encecorrespondent and host of Qutrks and Q u a r k , spoke about humanattempts at fight m a talk sponsored by the Canadan University Technology Conference group on Wednesday. I n July, McDonald received NSERC's Wchael Smith award, named after the Canadan Nobel laureate, whch honours conmbunons to the promotton of science m Canada. McDonald has been auldelyregarded advocate of science, produung docurnentanes and educaaonal videos, m u n g newspaper and magazme arades and bnngmg science to chddren for more than 25 years. He has hosted Quzrks and Quarks for eight years, every Saturday at 1206p m. on CBC Ra&o, and is thc author of two books based on the program. He is also a consultant to the Canadian Space Agency's long term space planandrec~pientofmany awards for h ~ docurnentanes. s Q u t r k and Quads, with almost 500,000 hsteners each week, is desrgned to present the people behgd recent scienafic discoveries as wcll as thetrpohncal, soctal, envtronmental and ethcalmphcaaons. As CBC's Web site states, "QuzrksandQuarksis a for people fascmated by the world above, below and around
them. And you don't need a Ph.D. to enjoy it." McDonald's latest book, Measurzng the Earth mth a Sttck: Snence as I've seen tt, focuses on the lirmtaaons of sc~enceand the moments dunng whch it seems powerless. He mes to
convey to readers hts wonder for an1 awe of sc~ence,wnang 'Whether it i our nunuscule part m an unimapa ble large cosmos or the univers m t h u ~a drop of water, a beaut emerges that was unseen before, th poetry of sc~ence,or perhaps1 shod, say the poetry ofnature seen throug the eyes of suence." mkonieczna@imprint.uwaterloo.c
Bob McDonald, who is renowned for his efforts to make sciencc interesting for the public, spoke at UW on Wednesday.
Asteroids in the vicinity Magda Konieczna IMPRINT STAFF
On March 21, an asteroid m t h the potential to flatten a large uty was observed as it passed the Earth. Every 60 to 100 d o n years, an asterold large enough to destroy all hfe on the planet pierces the atmosphere. In preparaaon for such an event, the Umted States A x Force has a fleet of telescopes focusedinto the heavens at all ames. The night sky 1s conanuously photographed, and noncatalogued vanation from mght to mght is assumed to potenaally threatenmg mate movmg through space. Dr. Michael Fich of astrophysm grovp said that present, there are no plans for would be done were an asteroid to bc seen headmg towards the planet. "It would look a lot hke a Hollywood movle" as scientists scrambled to find a soluaon, he said. \ Fxch also commented, however, that the apparently large number of might be ?ear-znisses in rec$t
'We have what seems to be a near-pass every couple of years, but that u because we're now able to detect them," he sad. The most recently observed asteroid, however, was not detected unal ~thad already passed the planct.
milhon years. The fact that it was not observe1 1s not unusual. Because asteroids ar often small and very f m t , reflecq only the hght from the sun, camera mth tremendous prcusion must b used to detect them. Accordmg tl Fich, a photo taken of Toront~ from Waterlooulth such a cam era would have enough reso luaon to detect anmsect 01 the CN Tower. Usmg on such camera, photo graphmgthe entire sk would take three years [The cameras] havt tremendous resolution d there's a lot of sky, re are about 30,00(
asteroid 0 metres long and came within 460,000 km of E d , w h c h ~ about s 1.5 ames the distance to the moon. Had it p~ercedthe atmosphere, tt would have unleashed the energy of roughly a4rnegatonnenudearbomb, and would haGe flattened a city the size of Atlanta. Aste*oids of this s ~ z e collide with Eatth roughly every 10
vase. Most, &e the many that ari between Mars and Jupiter, have . regular orbit and do not pose a threa to hfe on Earth. It is only the aster oidsthataredubbedas"Earth-cross ing," either because thwregular or bit crosses that of E d or becausl they are b a g deflected by the plan ets in our galaxy, that pose a threat
Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF
China in space T h s week, ChmalaunchedShenzhou I11 mto spac completemthamodel astronaut, m preparaaon for future manned launches. C o n h n g the launch, the official Chmese news agency Xmhua s a d Shenzhou I11 had "funcaons idenacal to a manned craft." Chtnese scientists have designed hfe sciences, matenals, astronomy and phys~csexpenments to be performed dunng the craft's journey through outer space. China mtends to be the h d nanon in the world to launch humans mto space. Chinese space officials have s a d that the first manned fight could be as early as 2003 and that the eventual goal is to put a man on the moon.
that ~ t loss s would be catastrophrc. Workmg in conjuncaon w ~ t hthe Glonass and Global Posiaomg Systems, G d e o d providc satehte coverage to areas m the world that have httle coverage, mduding northem Europe. This is seen as malor step away from dependence on the Amencan-run system,allowmgmore freedom to people who need a navlgaaon system around the world. According to current plannmg, G d e o d start its first servlce in 2005 and d bccome operauve m 2008.
Bye, bye, bye and good riddance
Lance Bass, 22-year-old N'SYNC bandmember, has expressedmterest m vismng the Intemaaonal Space Staaon. Russian officials have con firmed that Bass has completed preh a r y testsmMoscow.Ifhepasses, he could be m orbit by the end of the ' year, m t h all expenses p a d by an unnamed Amencan film company. Hopefully, the Russ~ansknow what they are In for, otherw~sewe could wtness the fir\t evacuaaon of the ISS on the basis of condiaons unfit for human hab~taaon.I wonder how Not to be outdone... , muchitwouldcost to send therest of The Pnme IMtnister and the m s t e r the genre up there as well, of civd avianon m the FGngdom of Tonga have completed successful Speaking of satellite tracking talksvnth1nterOrbitalSystems(IOS), a Cahforma company, to construct a spaceportmthm thelsland kmgdom. The technology that idenafied your P r e h n a r y surveys of a launch sltc dog is soon to be avdable for you as have also been completed accordmg well VenChp Corporahon, awholly to 1 0 s . owned subsidiary of Apphed Dwtal IOS proposes launch systemsthat Soluaons, was estabh5hed in Febru are both flexlble and cost effiaent. ary to complctc research on and IOS suggested launching rockets market the VenClup, a mtniatunzed, from either the sca or from Tonga, implantableradio frequencpidenttfi away from gclvernment-run canon devm that can be used in a spaceports that can charge $1million vanety ofmechcal, secunty and emerand for whch there IS a two- to three- gency appbcauons year wnung hst. About the size of the pomt of a It is expectcd that IOS d b e p ballpointpen, theVenChp would be construction of a prlvate island ~mplantedunder the slan of a panent spaceport and astronaut tratmngcen- and acuvated when scanned by a tre before the end of 2002. T h ~nears portable device, much the samc way equatonal locaaon d not only be a UP(: is used Promoters of the Ideal for orb~tallaunches, but w d VenChp have stressed that the c h ~ p also provide a resort setang for or- could be used to idenafy people who bltd tounsm operaaons. mght not othemse be able to ]dena$ themselves. T h s type oftechnolFighting for independence ogy has been available for use in in space f m l y pets to prevent them from bemg lost. However, this is only thc The European Unioh has authorized b e p m g . VenChp IS worlung on a new the expenditure of 1.1 bdlion euros ($1.5 bdhon) to begm the construc- prototype that d be able to m o m aon of the G h l e o system ~n space. torhfesigns, body chemstryandperS d a r to the Amencan-run Global haps eventually Inmate communtcaPos~aonmgSystem, and thc Russian aon between two physically sepaGlonass system, G d e o mil be a rated people. Wlule thls may s d be cinhan run nctwork of 30 satekes in the Cutwe, studies are undenvay to posmoned around the world, pro- invesagate the VenChip as a potenvidvlg vltal navlgaaon informaam ual satehte trachng devlcc to be for nrcraft landings, shppmg and wed on vulnerable medical paoents, personal navlgaaan dcv~ces.The hke Alzheimer's sufferers.For some, Global PosiaoningSystem~ssallcon- t h s is sunply the next step m tdenaty trolled by the U.S. government,whch cards: rathcr than be ID'd at a bar, has the abhty to shut down the sys- you may have your wnst scanned for tem should they fear that it is being your birthdate. Now, the quesuon IS, used agmst American mterests. Re- what c l s e d they be able to hnd out gardless, more and more mforma- about you' aon systems have become dependSee MICROFILES, page 21 ent upon the system, to the degree
Tax hike to be imposed on MP3 storage media 2.1 cents for each megabyte of
Canadans may soon have to pay up to $21 ~ $ ~ " _ ~ ~ ~ , d ; memory a ~ ain$cards~ used for storagein original sound data from a compact MP3 players or similar devices; and in tax for storage space on MP3 players $21 for each gigabyte of memory in ,, be shd ,,a factor Jason Yu IMPRINT STAFF
Were you one of those people who raised hell when Napster was shut down? Well, then you won't be sur~ r i s e dby proposals recently released by the CanadianPrivateCopyingCollectiveregardingtaxes to be collected on the sale of blank audio recording media. Set to come into effect on January 1, 2003, Canadians will be paying up to $21 in tax when they purchase devices such as mini-discs and MP3 players. According to the Canadan Copyright Board, blank audio recording medta include all cassettes, discs, memory cards or hardware onto which a sound recording may be reproduced. Specifically,this includes all audio cassettes of 40 minutes or more, recordable discs (CD-R, CDRW, DVD-R, DVD-RW) of 100 megabytes or more, min-discs, and removable and non-removable memory cards and hard drives for devices (for instance, MP3 players of any kind) intended to record and play music. Audio files in MP3 format are what is mainly recorded onto these media by the consumer.
The term MP3 refers to the third audio encryptton layer of MPEG, which is a form of compressionused fordtgitalvideoandaudiodata.Compression of audio signals uses per-
ceptual audio coding and psychoacoustic compression to remove all redundant and irrelevant parts of a sound signal - the stuff
with httle compromse to a song's sound quahty. ' Because MP3 files are relattvely small, they can easdy be transferred via the Internet. Popular programs used to transfer MP3s are KaZaA, Morpheus and, previously, Napster. The collective is concerned with problemsthat arisewhen copyrighted songs are sold and dstributed illegally from Web sites. Pufsuant to the new copyright act, "every person who, for the purpose of trade, manufactures a blank audio recording medium in Canada or imports such a medium into Canada is liable to pay a levy on s e h g o r otherwise disposing of that medium in Canada, unless the meb i s destined for export or unless it is sold to a sociey, association or corporation that represents persons with a perceptual disabilrty." The result of raising taxes on manufactures ddu-ectly affect the costs consumers pay. The Copyright Board has already proposed the levies that shall be paid for the various audio recording devices. Thelevies include: 60 cents for audio cassetes; 59 cents for CD-Rs and CD-RWs; $1.23 for mini-discs; $2.27 for DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs;
non-removable hard drives for MP3 players. The levies on these discs will certainly add up in the long run.Canadians will have to pay these heavy taxes as early as next year if enough objec-
tions are not received by the Copyright Board before May 8,2002. Information on how to submit an objection, as well as the Canadian Private Copylng Collecttve's full proposal can be found on the Copyright Board's Web site at
Microfiles: laughng math MICROFILES, from page 20
One more step towards recognizing AIDS A South African court has upheld a d i n g that the government must make more widely available a drug that reduces the riskof HIV-positive women passing on the virus to their children.This is another setback for the government, which has argued that the drug, Nevirapine, is expensive to distributeand potentially dmgerous.Despitethe fact that the South African government refuses to acknowledge that HIV leads to AIDS, an estimated one in nine South Africahs are HN-positive, one of the largest infected populations in the world. AIDS activists want all pregnant women to have access to the drug, which is thought to reduce the lisk of passing on the virus to an
unborn child by half. The high court m Pretoria ruled that state hospitals with the necessary capacitymust provide Nevirapine.
And now a bit of levity The cost of laughing index rose 2.9 per cent over the last 12 months according to humour consultant Malcolm Kushner. The wholesale price of rubber chickens, Groucho glasses and whoopy cushions remained the same,but dancingchicken and pink godla telegrams were reported up $10 each m price. Other indicators include the price of MAD magazine, the budget for writing the average TV comedy sitcom, and the cost ofa single Saturdaynight admission to 10 U.S. comedy clubs.
open March 28 to April 21
How things work: quantum computing Magda Konieczna IMPRINT STAFF
Are you holdingoff buyinga computer because vou know it wiU be obsolete bjr next month? N o need to worry the current rate of growth of processing speed can't continue forever, and may soon slow to a halt. Computer designers, constantly packing more transistors into tiny spaces, are coming up against aphysical boundary. As transistors rapidly become smaller, the set of laws governing the atomic world, known as quantum mechanics, is beginmng to interfere. This means that the continued decrease in size thatwe have come to expect, unth its corresponding mcrease m speed, d soon stop. The solution to this problem d W y involve a whole new paradigm of computing. Quantum computing is one such paradigm, promising not only faster processing but also the
possibility of solving problems that traditional computers cannot. Factoring is one major application of quantum computing. In a traditional computer, the number of steps required to factor a number increasesexponenttallywithitslength, quickly becoming impractical. In 1994,PeterShorofAT&Tlabs showed that quantum mechanical properties could lead to efficient factoring of large numbers. This was a shockingdiscoverg:by oneestimate, itwould take a dassical computer the lifespan of the universe to factor a 400-digit number, while a quantum computer could theoretically do so in one year. Practical implementation of this idea, however, proved elusive untd a recent success reported by scienasts at Stanford University and the IBM Almaden Research Center. The group butlt the largest quantum computer ever, capable of factoring the number 15.
213 Klng St. W.. 744-5271
Traditional computers perform calculations using bmary dgts, each either zero or one, to represent data. According to quantum theory, however, the state of tiny. -particles cannot be known precisely. As transistors become smaller, computers maybegin to fail when zeros become ones and ones become zeros. Quantum computingtakes advantage of these effects. Unlike the twostate classical system, quantum bits, or qubits, can take on any of an infinite number of values. Atomc nuclei are often used as qubits because they have a property known as spin, whtch can take a value of up, down, or in between. Addingthe right amount of energy to a nucleus changes its spin state from up to down or vlce versa. By reducmg the amount of energy, spm can be brought to a state between up and down. This situation of an overlap between the up and down states is called superposiuon and is what
Global-scale projects presented at fair Elise Hug SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
the Atacama Desert). Stephanie Gomes, Martin Sunyn and JO; Stano developed a low-cost unit to reduce particulate matter in water via flocculation using the seed from an indigenous African tree.
OnTuesday,EngineersWithoutBorders presented an international development research project fait in the Davis Centre. Nearly 70 people attended presentations and a discussion by student research teams sponsored by Engineers Without Borders. , Most projects were carried out by fourth year environmental and civil CAITLINSHA engineering stu- A project on water supply in Tanzania being dents.Many related presented by Grygaski and Donald. to either energy,water or housing. In total, five projects Farah Shariff, Sumit Kundu, were presented by 14 engineers. Kwok W;u Chan and Zadeen Altbhai Meagan Wheeler and Angela assessed the feasibhty of a biodesel Carley presented roof truss systems plant m rural Zambia. Accordmg to GeorgeRoter, CEO made from recycled wood pallets, of Engineers Without Borders deslgned for low-incomehousmg m Mexlco. Canada, %us is really the first year Tanya Grygaski and Danica and the fist place that thlsishappenDonald presented thes d e s w for a mg. Although t h ~ sis the end of the bank filtratton system for a potable first year, this is just the beginning. water supply in rural Tanzania. The It's excifmg. These projects really team worked with the African Medi- have a chance to touch people's lives cal and Research Foundation. and make them hetter in a way that's Tricia Stadnyk, SharonDanieland very concrete. We hope to instill a JacquelineCoughlin designed a treat- culture of development in profesment system for arsemc-contamined s~onalengineering and in engmeerwater in Molinos, Chile. Work on ing at Waterloo." this project was done in cmjuncbon Two research teams are currently with theJovenes Profesionalespor el liningup grant funding to move thex Desarrollo de Atacama (Young Pro- projects ahead through fieldwork m fessionals for the Development of Chile and Tanzania this summer.
W6143%@%&*rn* The Centre for Contad lens Research as ~urrentlycondu&ing a study to investigate the comfort of aontact lenses designed to correct for astigmatism in peaple of Chinese
descent lB!IB4&ff%9 H@I%eB*qWAmM%
Tlme commliment: one 2-hour visit N@: 1 Riijflli 2 4.W Reimbursement- $2O,Oaupon cornpietian of study
HrraH. R&%@aQA, na rtntz
Plea& contact the Centre for Conkst tens Research i%%%@%BR&%%@~rb Opt. Rm 352@jk%E 352 % W.4639 or 8 8 8 4 5 3 ~&%%$L 4 4 5 3 9 & 8w-4539 E m a l l &7&RJ-m.uwaterlk Thls study l!a$ been redwed md rmnmd em&$ clemnco mrar$h the Ofke d Rcnaarca Rh4cr Unmll). d warsnoodF I ~ X I W U ~ a i f t ~ z ~ ; # a ~ f t r r ~ w ~ i a ~~ g17~.96 i1r3 10133 s.~~~a'~'a~~,
Sports editor: Jon Willing Assistant sports editor: Adrian I.Chin
winner deeidell in triplr overliwe -Cage 25
Alastair Lawrence, men's cross-country Erin Morton, field hockey Robin Leslie, field hockey Julia Morton, field hockey Mike Bradley, football Chuck WaIsh, football Matt Armstrong, football Matt Mains, swimming Leigh Nevermann, women's rugby Kate Longpre, women's rugby Steven Flatt, men's soccer Alison Brazier, track and field Daniella Carrington, track and: field Troye Carrington, track and field Margaret Fox, track and field Dana Ellis, track and field
Daniella Carrington - MVP and Outstanding Performer (track and field) Julie Devenny - Rookie of the Year (women's basketball) Chuck Walsh (football)
ineman of the Year
Joanna Fedy - Rookie of the Year (women's cross-country) Peter Mackie - Coach of the Year (men's soccer)
Western wins dramatic University Cup 'Staw
added the &h Shawn i, Thompson,
defendingchampsUQTR to Justin Davis and Matt Dzieduszycki joined Britstone in sconng for the triple overtime before Winfling co~ntrfs ,Musmgs. The win provided sweet revenge top-hockeyprize for the Mustangs. In the OUA final - -7
~ o Willing d IMPRINT STAFF
It took the University of Western CIS men's hockeyfinal Ontario Mustanp three overtime Marsh24 periods to captute the school's h t CIS men's hockey championship, winning over the defending University Cup champions, Universiti de Quebec Trois-Rivi2res Pamotes, 4-3 at the Kitchener Memorial Audito- the Patriotes12-2inthe secondoverrium on Sunday. time period ~usxangforward~ta~~~titstone U*S ~ean-phillipepar6 had a buried the game-winning goal while golden opportunity to ice the chamlaying down after streaking across pionship on a breakaway early in the the UQTR crease. Bntstone man- third overtime. Mustang goaltender aged to staywith the puck and poked and the tournament's mostpaluable i; through the legs of ~ a i r i o t e pla& ~ i k DAlessandro e stuck out goaltender Eric Desjardins 13 min- his left leg and denied Pa& on the utes and 57 seconds into the third deke. In the first overtime period, D'Alessandro also robbed Jonathan overtime to end the tournament. After finishing regulation time Beaulieu with a glove hand. The Mustangs had their own kyttedat thee, thegamewasforced \intoa 10-minute overtime period, chances to end the game early. Joe which decided no@. The Mus- Talbot hted a shot over an open net tangs dominated the second over- in the first overtime period and the time period while UQTR played de- Mustangs pressed Desjaxdins for the fensive hockey, dumping it into the majority of the extra time. Par6 scored two @ for the neutralzone in hopes of a Hail Mary breakayay. The @ustangs out-shot Patriotes,while Alexandre Tremblay
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-5 minute walk -L.L.B.o.-Snack Bar-
they lost to UQTR 5-4, pinning a blemish on an otherwiseimpressive season. The Mustangs finished the regular season with a 22-0-2 (win-loss-tie) record. Although they had been to the CIS h a l s six previous times, they had yet to win the championship. UQTR won its fourth consecutive OUA title this year and has won the University Cup three times. The last team to repeat as University Cup cham~ionswasthe Universitv of Alh k o l d e n ~ e a r s i 1999 n kd2000. The GoldenBearswere ousted from the toumament by Western in the semi-finals. The Universitv of Guelph remesented this area as the host team after U W and Wilfrid Laurier Unviersity failed to qualtfy for the CIS miniseries. UW has one national championship under its belt, winning in 1974. The game lasted over four hours, which ended up causing the OHL game two quarterfinals featuring the ICifchenerRangers and Guelph Storm to be delayed 45 m u t e s from its scheduled 730p.m. start. This is the second time in two
versity Cup. The followingplayers werenamed to the toumament all-starteam: Ryan Wade (Universiq of Alberta), JeanP h i l l l ~ ~Pare e (UO'I'R). Matt
Dzieduszycki (University of Weste m Ontario), Steve Gallace (Saint Mary's University), Sean Thompson (University of Western Ontario) and MichaelD'Alessandro(Universityof Western Ontario). At an awards banquet last week,
Pugh award for being the most sportsmanlike player. Barkman won the Canada West MVP award this season and also led the nation m scoring. CIS rookie of the year honours went to the Mustangs' Dzieduszycki who lead the OUA in scoring and finished second in the CIS behindIBarkman.Westeni coach Clarke Singer won the Father Georgc:Kehoe Memorial Award for the CIS coach of the year. Western became the &st t 20 years t o a s h the seasor1 unde'eated. In 0th er presentations, Steve ;allace frt>m Saint Mary's 1Jniver~ t won v thle TSN/Dr. Randv G r e ~ p Award for being the top athlete encompassing academics, athletics and community involvement. 2
Jon Barkman of the University of SaskatchewanHuskieswontheSenatorJoseph A. Sullivantrophy for the CIS player of the year and the R.W.
2002 ZOO1 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1390
Westem UQTR Alberta Alberta UNB Guelph Acadia Moncton Lethbridge Acadia Alberta UQTR Moncton
1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977
Saskatchewan ~ ~ o i -
FRIDAY, MARCH 29,2002 -
Better varsity coverage, better spirit School spirit wdl grow from sports reporting
Often students talk more about a lack of interest m our school's athletes and teams than they talk about the compe~tionsand games of our Warriors. Meagre school spirit and a disdain for university sports is seen as a truism on the UW campus. It's not unusual for members of the community to outrmmber students at regular season matches. Thmgs aren't all so bleak. There are students who are faithful fans; the publicity work of the Athletics department is laudable; and many of our teams find success in the post-
season each year, but these things themselves have thus far not turned things around. UW studentsand the U W student media can help address this problem by provid.tngmoremformation about sports and athletics, by providmg balanced, quality coverage, and by offering compellingcontent. Providing access to comprehensive ipfomation and givmgit prominence on campus andln news sources for off-stream co-op students1svital to pulling the interest of students. Students can't tak about things that they are not infonned about, nor can they care about those things that are out of sight and mind. In the Canadian University Press Style Guide, Victor Wong and Dave Naylor write, "Seldom is there a dearth of sports stories in a student newspaper, but often there is a need for more variety in reporting. Game stories are the most obvious to as-
sign, the easiest to write, and often the most bonng to read. A sports editor or coordinator should strive for variety andincludeanalysis, commentary, features,match reports and hard news." Too many sports artlcles m the UW media and m other universities' media neglect to menuon the names of opposingplayers. Often coverage of games and competttions focuses on the favounte team rather than the matchups. It is natural and mindful of the audience to focus attention on the school's teams, just as you would expectto see coverage for local teams in a city daily, but it is a disservice not to be honest about a team's performance. Without being honest with themselves, athletes couldn't effectively meet the challenges of their sports, and when reporters are not honest with their readers, readers do not benefit from the variety that life
athletesin competitionwillgo a long provides. In 1997, sports editor of West- way to raising the profile of sports. ern's TbcGa~c#eJameaPugsley~~oteManyofrhechanaersinW s sports about the integrityln student sports- history would have yams to spin. We need to take a look at doing journalism: "Wnangunbalanced stories, with interviews of one team and these and other things. The stronger not the other, mixed with opmion- student support for our teams beated clutter, is another popular tech- comes, the greater achievements we nique at wversities across the coun- can compel them totreach. At the athletics banquet, the w try.The best example is found in the Imprintat Waterloo,where the West- versity.president, David Johnston, em Mustangs are repeatedly referred said, 'Wear your colouts with pride when you are here and when you to as 'Purple Satan' in an attempt to leave this place." If we can culavate be witty." Sports content needs to pull the a pride for our teams in all students it reader in andgive them somethingto will make our school that much get excited about. Photos, unusual stronger. stones and history of the tribe are all Qau ChcnWingis thpnsident aad interesting. It only takes a fractionof a second wrfoundcr o j Tbe Media to take a photo and the picture of Copratbn.
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Kelly Skinner (left) receives the Director's Award and Luke Potwarka (right] receives the J.O. HemphillAward from Athletics director Judy McCrae (centre).
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Broomball and soccer seasons finish with excitement Broomball d continue through spring and summer; soccer returns in winter
CAMPUS REC The competitive broomball season came to an exciting conclusion this week with a playoff that was full of surprises. In one A drvision serm-final the number 4 seeded Stallions upset the number 1 seeded Whackers to advance to the final. The Stallions were paced by Mike Neming's two
goals in their 3-2 win. In the other A division semifinal, the number 3 seed Endangered Species surprised the number 2 seed Crazy Latex Penguins, to earn a spot in the championship final. Endangered Species defenseman Harvey Lemelin scored the winning goal on a low, hard shot late in the game. The Species added an empty-netter for a 2-0 victory. The final pitted the two underdogs against each other. The Species, with relentless forechecking from their speedy forwards, capitalized on their chances to score 3 times (goals by Magnus W& Erik Borgstrom, and Patrick Gilhuly). ., A steady defense and shutout goaltending &om
~elert@ service ACURA
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Jacob Kilis helped Species prevail over the beleaguered Stallions to claim their &st championshp. In nine previous terms, the Whackers had won five times and the Stallions four times to dominate campus broomball's top division. In the B championship final, the Tigers faced Weaver's Army. If the regular season was any indication, the final was sure to be a close game. Each team had 1-0 victories in their previous two meetings. But in the final, it was the Tiers that took control early on with two goals by Colin Davidson. Weaver's Army fought back to within one goal early in the second half, but could not hold off the hungry Tigers who added two more goals for a 4-1 win. Congratulationsto all teams for an excellent term of broomball. All of the teams had very high "spirit of competition" ratings, includmg five teams with perfect spirit of competition scores for the term. Special mention goes to the Whackers for having the most penalty-free games (six out of seven) and to the Tigers for winning the Fair Play Award as judged by the team captains. The top referees this term were Denis Viens, Derek Scott and Gregg Milne. They all did a great job. Be sure to join us for more broomball action next term as we continue playing this cool sport in the spring and summer!
Indoor soccer Polonez: superb automobiles or superb players? Manufacturer of cars or manufacturer of goals? After the campus recreation A1 indoor soccer final, the latter is certainly true. Polonez upset the second seed in the semi-final and then beat top-seeded Intemazionale 4-3 to claim the championship. "We played a great team," said captain Jakub Bubielo whde teammate Janek Bodanka added that "there were no individuals; it was a team effort." Greg Idzik scored two goals in the match. The Brass Monkeys were speechless after a 4-0 victory in the A2 final lead by two goals from Osama Baker and the outstanding shutout goaltending of Anthony Cacciacarro. "Next stop: Champions League" were t+ words of QGFC after crushing the Mennokmghts 7-3 in the A3 final. Kevin Schorn and Ted Kochmar of QGFC had two goals apiece while MennoknlghtJamie Koch scored a hat trick in a losing cause. Six teams rose to greatness in the B league finals. Captain Liam Brown scored twice in a 3-2 win and remarked that it was a "great season by everyone" after the Pommel Boyz claimed the B1 title over Nino's United. Blazin' Glory took the B2 crown by beating Well-Endowed 6:3. Sevag Boyajian opened the scoring in the third minute and added two more before time had expired.
The B3 champs are the Schistheads, who needed extra time to overcome their friends on the Waterlogged team by a score of 4-2. Gavin Kennedy notched the winner late in the match. Even a hat trick from Omar Ibrahim of MSA United couldn't stop the Flying Squirrels from winning their second straight playoff game by means of a shootout. Captain Nicholas Morren said, "we squeezed every drop -we played every minute of every game" after Henry Vattaso's winning shot found the back of the net to end the B4 final. Three goals from captain Jason Hauck helped Fighting Iris win the B5 final 6-3 over Waterloo United. Wilbam Chan, captain of the Orange Force, scored the winner, while goalie Jackie Yuen earned a 4-0 shutout over the Mennoknights in the B6 championship match. The C1 division winners are Liquid Inferno, who beat the Fun Police 6-3. Scoring two goals apiece were James Yuan and Will Jung, while captain Andrew Wadhwa stated that "it was a team effort and therefore a team win." Off the Wall narrowly escaped with a 4-3 over-time win over Team Canada in the C2 final. "It was a hard fought season," observed captain Daniel Song after scoring twice himself. Findy;the C3 champs are Computers Rule, who beat ECE FC 2-1. Captain Justin Wozniak proudly proclaimed that "computers do rule!" See you next Winter!
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Arts editor: vacant Assistant arts editor: vacant
The medium and the message Four UW fine arts masters students describe their upcoming grad exhibitions Scott Sawtell: "useless empathy"
Tamara Izsak: "Still Life"
In Scott Sawtell's early work he attempted to relate the experiences of individuals who had been exiled from their countries. Sawtell found he was incapable of relating an experience which he had not had. In his work for t h s &bit, Sawtell attempts to understand the space betweenhis experiences and those of others. On large canvasses whlch bring both images into the same space, he hopes to explore the similarities and opposites of the images he evokes. Utilizing strong imagery and multiple interpretations, Sawtell hopes to introduce a juxtaposition.
Tradittonally the tern ''still life" refers to an artwork depictmg fnut or flowers Izsak'sworkplaysmththese words. "Real tulips are repeatedly dipped m wax as a means of preservatton, but m trylng to 'stdl' them, &s process of preservaaon distorts them and they become something else," she says "Recently the attempt to play mth nature's processes is a hot topic m the media, whether it is stem cell research, genetically modified foods or human clomng. My work is an expression of the anxtety I share mth many over the unforeseen consequences."
Living in a gallery: life becomes art UW Art Gallery curator comments on the
Fine arts students push the limits of ~erformance art in L waiting Room
context and historv of performance art
Rachel E. Beattie IMPRINT STAFF,
In 1953 the face of theatre in the Westem hemisphere changed forever. This was the year that Samuel Beclcett's WaitngforGodot was fitst performed. Beckett's bleak examination of space, time and meaning, or lack thereof, through two characters who wait for the mysterious Godotwhonevercomes,leftitsmark on modem culture. I don't know if h e arts majors Aaron Bamford, Gamer Beckett, Vincent Perez or Howard Tsui have read Waitingfor God&, but I would venture to guess that they are influenced in some ways by Beckett's vision of despair and meaninglessness. They areabout to embark on an interestingpiece of performance art. Entitled WailngRoom, it is a concept that Samuel Beckett himself would have appreciated. Similar to Beckett's characters Vladamuand Estragon, the four UW studentswillremove themselvesfrom everyday life for a few days to examine issues of time, space and human relationships. W e intend," say the artists, "a performance in which we will isolate ourselves within the'gallery space for three days." While the four men are in the room they will have no "direct stimulus from the external environment" and they will only be allowed food, water, mats to sleep on and a toilet. At the end of thethreedays,theartistssay, "wewill emeree from the mace and allow the
Fine arts students explore the breadth of performance art. viewer to enter it and observe the detritus of our performance." Art enthusiasts and the curious will be able to view the piece via Web camupdatedeveryfewminutes.This will allow Web users to experience the piece. 'Watching the performance onhe," e x p h the amsts, " also confuses the audience's expectattons of viewing art in a gallery space." The artists say that they hope to "refine our experience of time, space and each other. It is an effort to create a vacuum that will serve to heighten our awaredess of these elements of living.'' They also say the performance is being recorded and broadcast in order to examine "cultural issues of voyeurism, surveillance and the mediated experience." Theartistsadmowledgetheywere inspiredbyartistJosephBeuys's concept of the human'sculpture. They explain that Beuys "refines his relationship with the idea of America throuph a similar Drocess of isola-
tion" in hisperformance entitled I Eke America AtzdAmeni.a Likes Me. Their isolation d distort their perception of time. Via the Webcam time will be offered in a real versus telescopic and edited form. By presentingthe performance in the isolation of the gallery, they explain their "concept of s p a c e d be altered and enhanced,asourmobilityandstimulus are limited." And, they explain, "Our forced cohabitation will be a vehicle for a more acute understanding of our social interactions." While this performance may not examine issues of time, space and meaningin as revolutionary a way as Samuel Beckett did, their work is no less exciting. The installationwill be in place in the frontgallexy ofEast CampusHall starting Monday, April 1 at 5 p.m. andwill concludewith a reception in the space on Thursday, Apnl4 at 5 p.m. To catch the Web broadcast of the performance, check out
Mark A. Schaan
art, notably of the type where the
artist becomes the gallery itself, the artist is able to mediate the art and control how it is consumed. Podedwomy suggests that the performance art taking place in the student gallery this week draws on this tradition but alters it as well. 'What I thought was different about what these guys are doing is that, on the one hand, they're going to isolate themselves from the environment around them," and additionally they're experimenting with the Internet, which is a "reaction to the weird social environment" in which we live. Many people suggest that modem art has moved beyond aesthetic quality and is no longer relevant to society; like a rubber band pulled too tight, modem art has moved beyond allowableboundaries. "If artis something that responds to the social construct we hve in, then maybe you can't get to the end of the rubber band. Maybe it comes back and stretchesagain.They'regoing to come up with adifferentanswer, so maybe that's okay. "I mean it seems to me what they want to do is they're talking about experimentingwith conceptsof time and space. Those seem to be larger human issues - this IS something that inintriguespeople. Those are the kinds of things that artists talk to and deal with." Podedwomy suggests that this type of modem art, like similar exm e n t a t i o n in music and film, is the fundamental function of the human mind and something that must be done if art is to continue to respond to our modem world.
With four UW students Iiving in the &dent gallery in East Campus Hall as an act of performance art, Imp& set out to understand this art form and its changing nature in the last century. Carol Podedwomy, curator of the UW Art Gallery, provided history, context and information. First off, Podedwomy stressed that performance art is hardly new. "In the late '50s and into the '60s artists were domg it because it offered them the opportunityof treating art objects thatwereunburdened by tradition." Amsts became interested in the concept of an art form which shifted the focus onto the artist and put it outside of the constraints of traditional art history. The art form was often rooted in "happenings" where performance sunplyfollowedthe arttstma number of settings. People would stake out art galleries and create "the opportu111ty for themselves to be the objects of the art." The forum was intended to liberate the artist kom "the commercialism of art" and to "get away from that notion of the object so it was more pure ideas." The novelty of performihce art was that it allowed art to be rooted in the conceptualtradition basedin ideas and also allowed for a more transient form of art display. "It allowed them a freedom from the notion of exhibitmg because they could do it anywhere, anytime and they were really dose to the audience." In a traditional gallery setting the viewers interact with the artwork on their own time and with their oiM framework, walking away with their own conclusions.With performance
Bach for the desert island list Howard Dyck, artistic hector of the I<-W Phil!, talks about the piece from heaven Mark A. Schaan IMPRINT STAFF
When Howard Dyck stands before the Philharmonic Choir and the KW SymphonyOrchestra on Friday,it d be his seventh time conducting Bach's Mass in B Minor. One might think that this would be overkill, or that this has simply become Dyck's party-piece- nothingmore than an opportunity to show off with something you've learned well. Neither is the case. For Dyck, this performance once again highlights the phenomenal power of Bach's mass to remain relevant, exciting and personal. "I'm a big admirer of Bach's music. Bach is my desert islandcomposer and this is my desert island piece." Dyck feels that this piece continues to offer somethingnew. Apoignant reflection on our times but also on the time from which it comes, Dyck feels that Bach's rich choral melodies have the amazing capacity for transcendence. "That's the great thing about doing great art. People will glibly say that a great work of art is timeless. Thatis so tme,in that it speaks to you every time." Dyck feels that this particular performance can relate to the chaoac ' year we have hved through. Muloppie cholr members have spoken to hun about how the muslc and melodies have touched them and brought them peace m a world filled mth war. "It's four years since we d d it the last time. It speaks to us exactlywhere we are at. Four years ago we did not have a war on terronsm nor all of these homble acts. Now we do, but [this piece] seems to have an m e -
&ate relevance that is kind of surprising. From that standpoint, it has a freshness toit. On a moremundane level, thewonderful thing about coming back to it is that it allows us to get it better each time." The Mars in B Minor also reveals the true genius of Bach's composition. "I thrnk it kind of sums up Bach's career and it also sums up the whole Baroque 18th century tradition," said Dyck. While in his timeBach was known mostly for his innovative keyboard technique, the MassinB Minorshows a craftsmanship for choral and orchestral setting which sets Bach in his own league. "It shows the old and the new in terms ofmusical styles ofthe timesin musical harmony. I always feel with the Mass in B Minorin pamcular that it speaks to the mind because intellectually it is so daunting. "One could spend a lifetime analyzing.It also appeals to the emotion in a very direct way and gives us an inslght into ~acl;'sown personal religious piety. He was a devout Lutheran and took hls religious faith very seriously." The religious faith evident in the text also relates duectly to the PMharmonic's choice of date and time. Sung on the evening of Good Friday, the choir's concert will use the Mass to set a thoughtful, pious and holy setting for the piece. Having performed concerts on Good Friday for a number of years, Dyck feels that the date makes a valuable contribution to the audience's understanding of a piece as well as to the psyche of those performingit. "I think probably it is the day of the year when the audience is
most receptive to a profound musical experience." The music &ialso ll play on these religious themes and evoke the particular emotions relevant to this special occasion within the Christian calendar, "particularly in the Credo when he starts tallung about the incarnation and the resurrection.That's when you sense a very profound personal involvement with the text. He believes all of this very ferverently and that makes it very powerful to do, to perform." Dyck has chosen an all-star cast to complement the vocal power of the philharmonic and the orchestral genius of the K-W Symphony Orchestra. Dyck has selected FrenchCanadian Baroque specialist Suzie LeBlanc, local dramatic and wideranging mezzo soprano Laura Pudwell, Montreal-based and renowned tenor Nils Bonvn and highcalibre operatic and concert artist Mark Pedrotti as baritone. Formany oftheseartists,thePhilharmonic has been waiting for the opportunity when their schedules would mesh. 'We have, of course, in this country an almostunprecedented levelofimtemational-calibresingers," andDyck feels that this performance is a reflection of the talent pool of the amsts. So,whetherthis Friday's performance will be your first or your seventh, the work of Bach continues to offer an opportunity for reflection, amazement and awe. "It's one of the most challenging, one of themost difficultchoralworks ever written," Dyck concludes. ThePh~lwillperformBach'sMass in E Minoron Good Friday, March 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Centre in the Square. Tickets are available from the Centre in the Square box office or by calling 1-800-265-8977.
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Welsh and experimental Katrina Koh SPECIAL TO IMPRINT
With a name like Gorky's Zygotic Mynci, you have to wonder what exactly they are all about. When the band formed about 11 years ago in Carmarthen, Wales, they had no idea that they wouldlast this long. Otherwise, they would have chosen a better name. "The name doesn't mean anything, actually. When we started the band, it was myself and Euros and we had another friend John who left about three years ago. Hewas the one who thought of the name. We didn't have a name when we started out. We couldn't think of a cool, nlce name. It's just nonsense and now we're stuck with that," explained Richard James. The band consists ofJames,Euros Childs, Megan Childs, Rhodri Puw, and Peter Richardson. 'When we first started out, we didn't think it would happen. We were all makmg plans to do different careers but after some time, we got
support from management, released some records, and went on tour We reahzed we really wanted to do this full-time," commentedJames on the earher days of the group's musical career They've been called everything from alt-country,m&e-rocktopsychedehc pop James sad, 'You can tell that our music has elements of a lot of thtngs in them It's not really a subconscious thing. It's the thmgs we hsten to We naturally mcorporate It mto our music It just comes naturally mth the joy of what you're domg, really." Thar latest album, How I Long to Feel that Summer zn my Heart, is the follow-up to theu acoustic muu-LP, TheBlue Tmes 'We wanted to make a more layered,more produced album, so that's what we did I suppose you could say it is a combmatronof Spantsh Dance Tmupe and The Blue Tmes," rephed James on how the album got ~ t sdirecoon Euros Childs writes more of the melanchohc tunes whde songs by James and one by Megan
Childs are more poppy in their nature. The general calmness of the album comes from a combination of organs, harpsichord,strings andgentle harmonies. Itis notveryhkely that youwill be hearing any of Gorky's tunes on the radio. Yet the band has a strong fan base in every city they travel to. Do they ever wish it would become a more commercial success? "It's not as important as what we've done here today. This is the fourth time we've come to Toronto. We'vemanaged to get a good fan base and that is what isimportant to us. Itwould be nice if radio stations were open to different types of music." James added that not only is their music far away from the m.ainstream music scene, but journalists have made up far-fetcheddesc~iptions,callingthem, I Buy one complete pair of eyeglasses or soft contact I 'tvlzards or pagan-worshippers, livlenses at regular price. and get a second pair FREE. I ing on the Welsh Has." I I Gorky's Zygotic Mynci will still $70 o n monthly or 7 HOUR SERVICE I continue to make music, casting daily disposable lenses on most glasses 8 contacts I "magic," but only in the form of I I Details in store 1With coupon I Not valid with other offers Expires Apr. 12/02 spellbindmg pop songs. L l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l n A
!%A* '
Alternatives to the "alternative" summer festivals
CKMS AIRHEADS With the encroachment of wanner weather, the outdoor concert and festival season is upon us again. Large outdoor concerts and music festivals seem to have become more commonplace in North Amenca since the bnef success of the Lollapalooza tour. These large outdoor concerts are, however, nothing new. They have been very popular throughout Europe for a long time and also happen in large cities as jazz festivals. It seems North American
concert promoters have become aware of the vast amounts of money that can be made off of this trend. It seems mare of a mathematical equation than a festival. Commercial radio stations and sponsorship deals have gotten into the business and turned it into a profit venture, as opposed to a musical and cultural celebration. It is not my intention to trash this business, however most of what is pawned off to people as alternative music festivals is really altemative to nothmg. The Edgefest has no real edge. However, if you are comfortable paying a hundred dollars to attend it, then enjoy. I, however, will be spending my hard-earned cash at the various experimental music festivals that are happening all over, some cIoser than you would think. Although it is a bi-annual festival, and won't happen again
untd next spring, the Open Ears
Festival is a good example of a worthwhde festival that gets too little attention. The festival takes place in downtown Kitchener, and has featured people like Martin Tetreadt, Henry Kaiser, American composer and accordian player Pauline Oliveros, and a rare performance of John Oswaldls electronic compositions. The lineup of concerts is excellent and the festival also includes video and sound installations and a very interestlug lectur~series. Look for this next year in early May. There is another very similar, although somewhat larger, festival that takes place in St. John's. It's called the Sound Symposium and is, again, a festival of new music accompanied by art installations. Moving closer to home there is a fiveday festival that takes place in Victoriade, Quebec every
~ I I I m m I m I m m m I I I m m m I m mV'cto-Dayweekend.It'scalled ~
1 to 4 p.m. W' FRIDAY, APRIL 5 HumaoitiesTheat~e
n I I I
the Fesuval de Musique Actuelle and 1s one of the most comprehen-
sive festivals in the country. This year's line up includes a rare performance by free jazz legend Cecil Taylor, Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth collaborating with Allen Li&, and D.J. Olive. The festival also features the films of Stan Brahkage,Japanese legends Melt Banana and iMasami Akita in a rare Canadian performance. Known as Menbow, he is a musical pioneer and a brilliant musical mind. Add to this the Vision festival in New York, the Edgefest in Michigan (completly unrelated to the Canadan Edgefest) and ~e Vancouver New Music Festival, and you have got yourself a busy summer. Now, for the perfect end to this hectic summer, there is the Guelph Jazz festival, a very intimate new music festival that is developing a global reputation. I have little doubt that the lineup will be chock-full of some of the tinest players the world has to offer and playing small intimate venues, resulting in a truly enlight-
ening experience. I don't thmk I will ever forget seeing Eddie Prevost malung the atrium of the Macdonald Stewart Arts Centre feedback with nothing but a simple snare dnun! No amplification;it was incredible! Or seeing the 60-year-old free jazz legend Milford Graves running up the aisles flailing his arms, and p i h g up and carrying audience members during a performance with John Zom in Victoriade. I could go on about some of the truly staggering things I have seen and heard at these small convergences of weirdos, but I won't. I will simply encourage people to check out these nerdy artsy festivals.They are often cheaper than the major festivals, and offer an intimate opportunity to witness innovative and progressive music. Andrew hosts 'Fne Mm8' ewy Tues4 at 1p.m. and "DrCgUisedAs MeatJ'emyother Wednesh at 1Op.m. on CKMS 100.3 FM.
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'"Rogers Comrmnicatlons Inc Used unda Licanse. 'Amunt must be m good Manding. ORa available lo students only. Must haw veld student d. Cade off= applksm Basic cable and Tan,and modem and monthly Internet fees only. Cable and Internet suspension applies from lbnl 1 2002 B Ss~temberI . 2002 only. Certain reotrlctiono ap&, d l for deMa.
Attention Undergraduate Students - interested in applying for undergraduate scholarships, awards or bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on the Student Awards Office h o m e page at: http:/l www.adm.uwaterloo.ca1 infoawards1 for a detailed list of awards open for application this .. term. Further information is available at the Student Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. Like music? Got school spirit? Join the Warrior's Band. No experience required, just a little spare time and a friendly attitude. Thursdays 5:30 p.m. BlueNorth PAC. Email Tim Windsor at or 8800265. March is Red Cross Month. Please support "Bean Blitz for Charity." Ten vears later and still $1.00 a bag! Jelly'bean bags are available at many locations throughout Waterloo Region. 38th Annual Used Book Sale presented by the Canadian Federation of University Women of K-W will be held on April 12, 11:OO a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and April 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at First United Church, King and William Streets, Waterloo. T o donate books please call 740-5249 o r email TOEFL Preparation Course -The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) course begins April 2 and ends June 5. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from2:OO-4:30p.m. This 1 0 week course is designed for people taking the TOEFL exam. The course fee is $100 and includes the course book. Register at the International Student Office, N H 2080 or call ext. 2814 for more details.
Thusday, March 28 Imprint staff meeting held at 12:30 p.m., SLC, room 1116. Come out and volunteer at your newspaper. Samrday, March 30 Want to learn a new sport? Women's Rugby Clinic is being held at Seagram Stadium from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Bring lunch and outhguard is recommended. Cost $15, includes a t-shirt. For more formation call Heather at 669or e-mail: Wednesday, April 3 Media and Culture Book Launch at WLU in the Paul Martin Centre for David Black's new book, "The Politics of Enchantment: Romanticism, Media and Culture from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, A p d 4 The Kitchener-Waterloo Cystic Fibrosis Chapter presents the second annual "Carnival Extravaganza" at 8:OOp.m. at Sammy's Garage, 400 King Street, W., Kitchener. For tickets and information call Dave at 883-0814. Plan to attend "Camp Out for the Cause." Charity BBQ is from 12:OO3:00 p.m. in the Student Life Centre, Great Hall and then continues at the Bomber after 4:00 p.m. Live bands appearing are Martin McLaughlin & Company, Hip Hop Dance, Craig Smith & Company, EdenExpressandmany more! $4.00 suggested donation whichgoes to Amnesty International. Saturday, April 6 Swap Your Swag - the Waterloo Cycling Club invites you to buy-sell-tradeschwap your bikes, parts, accessories from 9:00 a.m. to3:OOp.m. at Bingeman Park, Kitchener. Entrance: $2 buyers, $5 sellers. Door prizes. Retaders.
Volunteers requmd - are you able to volunteer a few hours weekly during the school day?The Friends Service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need ad&tional support in their school settmg. Please call 744-7645, ext. 317 or Your time 1s valuable. At the Distress Centre you can volunteer providing confidential supporave 11stening to individuals in distress. We provide complete trrunlng. Call today. 744-7645, ext. 317 or Help luds succeed with homework' The Kitchener Public Library u opening a Homework Centre and needs volunteers to be tutors and prov~de homework assistance. Two hours per week, evenings and weekends. Interested? Call 743-0271, ext. 275. Formore information about any of these volunteer opportunities, please call the Volunteer Action Centre at 742-8610. BE A FRIEND - VISIT A SENIOR #1027-1154 - Local seniors who are isolated and living in their own homes would really appreciate a friendly visitor to brighten their day. The commitment is 2-3 hours a week. PEOPLE WHO LOVE ART ... #3567 Support art galleries and local artists in many ways. Organize the face-painting team, sell practical well-made brushes in our community, deliver brushes and paint cans, distribute posters, etc. DO YOU KNOW FIRST AID AND CPR ... (five-#1076-1101 - If you have taken First Aid & CPRand would like to maintain your skills, consider becoming a St. John Ambulance Volunteer. You will have the opportunity to apply your skills at a wide variety of community, sporting and cultural events.
SPEND JUST A FEW HOURS AND HELP MAKE CANCER HISTORY #1009-1481 - The Canadian Cancer Society's annual door-to-door campaign takes place in April. You can join the fight against cancer by giving a few hours of your time to canvass your neightbourhood. Training and great support are provided. HOSPICE WATERLOO REGION OFFICE VOLUNTEERS #1081-11494 - Share your computer and reception skills with this agency that provides valuable emotional support to people with terminal illness. Volunteers are needed one morning or afternoon a week to answer phones, assist with mailings, etc. Volunteers ueeded! Welcome Home Initiative supports the return to community for people with mental health issues. Become part of their network, link them with community resources, or just hang out! Interested? Call 581-1409. One in nine Canadian women will develop breast cancer during her life time. The Breast Cancer Society of Canada is recruiting volunteers to help out with upcoming events and adminstrative duties. For more information call 1-800567-8767 or visit our website at International volunteers ueeded! Development project in Central America, Asia andAfrica: environment and health, AIDS education and community economic development with The Institute for International Cooperation and Development. Please e-mail: Web site: or phone (616) 7820450.
Rates: 20 Wordslover 20 + GST
Fee-Paying denls:$3.00
Fall or Winter $17.75 Summer $8.90
Room for rent - for a quiet individual in a quiet detached house near both universities. Parking and all amenities. Please call 725-5348. Large room for rent immediately, close to the university. Please call (416) 4911370 for appointment. Three minute walk to UW. Sublet for September 2002-April 2003. One large furnished bedroom for rent in a very clean three bedroom house on Phillip Street and University. Includes parking, washerldryer, big livingroom and kitchen. $390/month. Call Stephanie (905) 282-8331 or (905) 886-8861. Ten minute walk to UW. Two side-byside semi-detached houses. Four rooms available in each semi. $340-$380, very clean, large rooms, 12 monthleases from May 2002 until April 2003. Call Jason at 589-1276. Summer sublet (May-August) at 76 Helene Cres. $225/month 0.b.o. One large bedroom available in a big clean house with laundry facilities. Free mystery gift with signing. Call 880-0046 or 635-0511. Ask for Charlene. (one to four other rooms also available) Five bedroom house available September 2002. Great uptown Waterloo location, parking, laundry facilities, dose to all amenities, one year lease, $1,5951 month. Call 888-7377. Phillip Street townhouse. Clean, well kept three bedroom townhouse located across from Eat Campus Hall. Available Summer tem only. All rooms must be filled. Free onsitelaundry facilities. $4251 month plus hydro and phone. Price negotiable. Call Laura at 725-6523 or email:
A memorial service will be held for Stephanie Chisholm-Nelson on April 5 at 3:00 p.m. in St. Jerome's Sigfried Hall. Stephanie, a third year Chemistry student, died on March 5. The service will be followed by a reception in the St. Jerome's Fireplace Lounge. All welcome. park in Lot A and B, accessible from Westmount Road. For more information contact Scott Nicoll at ext. 4631 or Bob Drimmie at ext. 2580.
Sublet/lease now. One room in three bedroom apartment. Two full bathrooms, large doset, laundry, parking, storage. ErbNniversity area. Call Adina at 880-0125 or 888-4048, e-mail Student Rentals! May and September availability! Groups and singles welcome. Check websice for up-to-date rental offerings, or call 746-1411. Housing available out of town in Kanata, March-Teron Roads. Walk to hi-tech. Clean, quiet, comfortable, shared accommodation. May 1, 2002. $4501 month. Co-op students welcome. Call (613) 592-1502 and leave message. Cheap Summer sublet! Nicest room in a three bedroom apartment available. Fully furnished (optional), two friendly, clean, quiet female roomates, 15 minute walk to UW. $275/month, utilities included. Price negotiable. Call before April 3 and receive $10 off monthly rent. Call Michelle at 886-5634 or Three to five units - $350/month, utilities extra, free laundry and parking, 12 month leases (May or September). Call Jason at 635-4455. Masters and PHd students - three bedroom apartment in quiet building in Stanley Park area. Fifteen minute commute to campus, utilities and parking included. phone 896-6048 for details. Dream sublet in brand new house. Parking, BBQ, laundry, full kitchen, great neiehbourhood. close to UW. Mav to " September. $350 inclusive. 725-8173. Four room apartment in a b e old house on a beaudful street uptown Waterloo. Private entrance, parking. $77Slmonth indudes utilities Call George at 886-2153.
LSAT-GMAT-GREMCAT Contact "Chance Favours the PREPared Mind!" Flexible formats and frequent U of T start dates. Subscribeto our "Law School Bound" e-mail newdetter at: -LSAT prep for June 10 starts May 4,11,25,30. GMATprep starts monthly. Dr. Ferdinand's Gold Standard MCATprogram starts on June 8 andJuly 1-800410-PREP. Jabot Bartending School - register with a top producing full-time school. Get certified in two or four weeks, 30 hours of high impact instruction! Job placement and smart serve available. Call Judy at 1-877-329-6873.
ESL teachers needed in Korea. Bachelor's degree or higher education is manda tory. Good working condit~ons and wage. Contact Info & Money ( or 1-519-5745853) for more information. Exper~encedbabysitter required for an 1 1 year old child with ADDH and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, two days a week, Saturday and Sunday. References required. Car is a necessity. Please call 747-3443. Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Experience, mlnimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Svdnev Street. S.. Kitchener. Ontario. N Z G ~ V '~ '~ Conversational EnglishTeaching China
Teaching positions in Harbin China (population 9 million). Begin May for 6 month to 1 year term. For information or to send resume, Telephone 519-578-3453. Special Needs Worker wanted - enthusiastic, responsible, caring person to help seven year old girl with C.P. to develop skills in augmentative communications, vision and eating. After school, 10 hours per week, $9.00/hour, starting September. Experience with children or any therapy an asset. Training provided. ColumbidFischer-Hallman area. Call Pat 747-9867. Summer Groundskeeper - Luther Village on the Park, in Waterloo, is looking for two strong, dependable individuals to assist with the janitorial and indoor and outdoor maintenance of the retirement community on a full time, contract basis from May 1 to August 31, 2002. These positions pay $10.25 per hour. Please submit resume to; Human Resources, Luther Village On The Park, 139 Father David Bauer Drive, Waterloo, ON, N2L 6L1. Fax (519) 8849071.
Need help with math? 6th year mathheaching option student with experience as TA and hi& school teacher can help you. phone-Greg 880-0257.
U-haul toOttawa. Need three or four ~ e o p l to e share cost of U-haul to Ottawa, weekend of April 20. Will stop anywhere along 401. $100/head. Please call 725-0620 for details.
Ultimate Questions! Bible study by corres~ondence.For a free copy of the course please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church, 1238 Main Street, General Delivery, Sheffield, Ontario, LOR 1ZO or e-mail: Visit our Web site: Recording Studio Services- Momentum Records: professional recording studio, 24 track analog multi-tracking, mastering and graphic artwork available, DAW editing, student demo packages. Call (519) 760-3887. Professional editing - editor with nine years experience teaching university English and writing. Tutoring also available. Call Tim at (905) 540-3592 or