
Page 1

As you perform the daily trek from residence t o class just shy of 8:30 in the morning, eyes barely open,thecampus might appear t o be the concrete jungle it is often called. We have put together a small sampling of the more intruiguing or visually appealing angles that our campus has t o offer. Explore it for yourself; you iust might be surprised.

Above: An impression of the Dana Porter library, affectionately known as the sugar cube, after the rain. Top: The arched walkway t o Dana Porter gives a rare (on-campus) llimpse of visually pleasing architecture.

How to use this guide As newcomers to Waterloo, you face a lot of uncertamty and new challenges. Wlth that in mind, we've put together a handbook to guide you through your first weeks and months here. In these pagcs ) ou wdl find mforma~onthat wdl be valuable as you h e , learn and play In Waterloo.

To Serve, Empower and Represent the Undergraduate Students of the University of Waterloo.

Thls gmde, like the university, 1s designed in a modular way: cach part stands alonc and much can be gamed from each poruon inchvldually. Remember, however, that the effect of sum 1s grcater than that of ~ t parts. s 7 he more f a d a r 4 ou are with thc umversity, the more you d gam from your experience hcrc. Wc hope that tlvs gmde wlll get you started on your explorauon of the concrete jungle that IS YVaterloo.

Table of Contents pages 1 and 40

Outside cover

Courtesy of Impnnt photographer Geoff Eby, here's a view of campus you're E e l y never to see.

pages 2-3

Introduction The key to our guide

About the university


IIrre you wdl find information on the mstitutlon that has brought us all here -tts hstory, how tt is govcrcned and some of the hodics that exist w t h it



Even ifyou don't read anphingclse in tlus guide, read tlus section. Itwill give you the bare essentials to get through h e siudcnt lifestyle.


pages 16-18

Ourwittetr cove1 w m e of the most ltnportant dc,~deintcissues t h ~ touv~dlencouutct m thls place oflearning


pages 20-21

Conr enlentlb located tn thc centre spiead. this map IS deyigned as a pull-out that \ ou c m hold onto r ou get to kuon 1 out aurromdi~lgs


pages 22-24

Ued l know that tunon 1s endlcssh c h h m g W ~ t hthat m mind, we'\ e put together some mformatlon to help )ou beef up that ptggr bank


pages 26-28

Sheie's v h e to be gleaned from the old dddge about allwork and no plar Here dre some quick on campus solutiolls to balance out r our lifestyle

Food pages 29-32 X e all necd to eat, a n d a c e r t d ) doesn't haw to be b o m g Check out our guide for themyrtnd of cthmc dnd othenmse q u r k ~feed station5 dround school and town Entertainment

pages 33-35

Tor the artste m~ ou R'aterloo has much to offer iu terms ofcmema,music and otherlvgher p ~ u s u t s Our gulde shows leu how to tap mto the scene


pages 37-38

\l('e'\ e all been told tntllions of times to get 111volvcd m school life IIere's how to do 11,Imprint style

Fnday, August 30-

Vol 25, No 8 F 519 884 7800 P 519 888 4048

Student L ~ f eCentre, Rm 1116 LnrverswofWaterlou WnterIoo,ON,NZL3Gl

trnpnnt uwaterloo ca

Iinpr-in/'s frosh supplement w publishcd once a ycar-, In the la*t n c c l of .\upst, and has hudcd many gcnzrat~onsI I ~frosh to a brigh~cr funire.

Production staff Susan Hubak, Wendy Carson, Ryan Chcn-Wing, . k h a n I. Ch, Gcoff Eby, Adina Cilhan, Chns Inch, ,\ndrca Kcrswll, &'ill Peters, Aaron Rurnco, liourmcy Short,

Imprini 1s the official student newpaper of thc Um1-crslty of Waterloo. Ir IS m rd~tonallyindependent ncmspapcr published by Impr~ntI'ubl~cations, Watcrloo, a corporation wi~hourshare capital. Impnnl is a mcmbcr of the Ontano Cornmumty Newspaper hssociilt~on (OCNA)

hiatt Strauss, 1.aunr Tigcr~-llumasand l h n Xlotmkn~~ Cover photos: Gcoff Tby, Impnnt'5 dmal-

photographer-m-reaidcncc Next staff meeting:

Jmpnnl is publishcd ercry I'ndav dunng fall and u ~ n t c rterms, and r r r r y sccond Friday dunng the spnng Lcrm. Impn'ni resenrcs the n g h ~LO screen, cdlt and refuse advcrt~sing. Onc copy pcr customer. Inqmnt TSSN 0706-71Xil. Inqnnf CDN Pub Ma1 I ' n d uct Sales .Ipuemcnl nu. 554677.

Tuesday, September 3 1 2 3 O p m , SLC 1116

Next production night: Wednesday, September 11 5 10 p m , XI2( 1116

Gets you: 1 premier movie before it's released on video, 1 movie newly released on video, comfy seating, 1 bap . product. of popcorn, and 1 Pepsi


k t. 10th 7pm: The New Guy, 9pm: Van Wilder rept. 17th 7pm: Bi Dadd 9pm: Mr. Deeds Sept. 24 7pm: Men in \ lack, 'kpm: Men in Black 2

page 1'-4


Waterloo, couldn't escape it if I wanted to %5 years of UW history and tradition Chris Di Lullo SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

If I asked you to t h k about what occurred here at Waterloo before you first set foot on this campus, what &odd you say? Would yoube able to imagme a Waterloo without you as d 4tudenti The simple fact ofthematter Isthatnotmany ofuscan Icantellyou that1 have beenhumhledinmy search for a httle piece of UWs history Apparently, the Unwersity was here before I started school here, and for ?lute some time Though there is a health of information about Univer Sity, the best sourcewould have to be Chns Kedmond, from the office of f


:Why," a stranger once asked, "would anyone name a uniQersityafter a great defeat?" 1

formation and Public Affairs, and the countless stones hehaswnttenon the University's hstory One of Redmond's stonesb e p s w t h aquote that I can't help but include and then we can go from there "Why," a stranger once asked, "would anyone name a umversity after a great defeat?" The city of Waterloo was indeed named after the 1815 battle, and on July 3,1957 a wversity beanng the same name came into existence You must understand that before the two wversitles came to town, Waterloo


Read the following books, written by UW employees, for more on our history: Water Under the Bridge by Chris Redmond o Waterloo: The Unconventional Founding of an Unconvential University by Kenneth McLaughlin Of Mud and Dreams by James Scott


was a town focused on as two mam mdustnes fa-g and insurance In this earlier era Waterloo did have one college,Waterloo College,which was a Lutheran instituaon, founded in 1911,whchlaterbecamethe Waterloo collegeassociate faculties Ouruniversity sits onwhat used to be a stretch of farm fields On July 3, 1957, a group of 75 engneenng students took their fist classes in what Redmond describes as "prefabncated huts next to the two demure buck buildmgs of Waterloo College, on what's now the Wdfnd Launer cam pus" Though we feel the need to complam about the state of our lectures, one can only imagine what the e n p e e r s went through under the tm roofs of their buildings Apparently the "air grew so hot in August, they were hstenmg to lectures m their m derwear " In Jmuary 1958, a group of pioneenngfore fathers (thehkes ofwhich mcluded Gerry Hagey, and Ira G Needles) bought 237 acres of farm land to the northwest, whch sat well

Construction of the Physics building. 1962.

outside whatwas then Waterloo. This land was seen as the next step in the evolution of Waterloo College, desperate for more room to grow The followingFal1saw the construction of the first bddmgat the new site, today you would know it as Engineering 1. This new building did little to help defuse tensions at the College and eventually thegovernment of Ontaao created threeuniversitiesfrom the one college Waterloo Lutheran Univer sity, St Jerome's and U\XTSt Jerome's quckly afftltatedwith UW, however, Waterloo Lutheran remained inde pendent and left UUW to scramble to create a facultyofartsfor the follomg

Year. Now youmight know that Waterloo Lutheran later became Wdfrid LaurierUniversity, our littlesisterdown the road, but in the mean time our university continued to grow. The growth outpaced the projection of the height of one buildmg a year. constructionas many as fwe bwldtngs were bemgbdt each year. Due to this levelof construction, our campus consisted of a sea of mud At this pomt, I could contmue the history lesson,however, I beheve you have the basics, so we'll look at some highlights and lowhghts of the last 50 or so years The Federanon of Students was mcorporated in 1967, out of the mcreasmglevelofstudent acamties and student pohtics These acfimuesalso led to other endeavors, some ofwhich included students pamttng "Beer" on awater towerwhich made it across the country thanks to a photo of a student drifikifigwaterout ofa housewith the

tower and its new logo m the back ground. Sit-ins tookplace at the New Bookstore, the president's office and hbraq-and the Federation ofstudents faced offagamstthe Chevron (thecam pus paper at the m e ) because they believed a core of AIarxists were con trolling the paper Listhe Chevronlostltsofficial status on campus In 1975, our Waterloo Warnora basketball team was busy m n i n g a national championship Though our Warnor and Athena teams started to come into their own, our footballteam flounderedand had a reputation for a string of losses that in Redmond's opinion "became a source of perverse pride." Both our success in basketball and misfortune in footballled to homecominghaving a focus on basketball, breakmg w t h the tradition at the time. Soc~alhfe on campus also came s dunng thia era The beds into ~ town first opened the Campus Centre Pub m 1976, which later became the Bombshelter Pub, a smaller version of its present self, holding a maxi mum of 50 people Our expertise In computers was well earned. We have been a home to computers since the early 1960s. At that time, students could gain access to the giant super computers of the day, unheard of at most other universities. Our students also wrote the early versions ofmany pieces of software, the most famous of which are WATFOR and WATFIV, for whch we gamed worldwide recognition. Our co-op program has also been around since our school first began. In those days, it was looked down

upon by other wversities, but ha since become the envy of those saml schools The co op program begar with 75 students m 1957, toda~it 1 some 16,000 strong and has its o w building The 1980s and 1990s wcrc utn~ periods ofgrowth anddehtion L h 1980ssawthe creat~onof day care an( other soc~alprograms for staff an( students as well as new safetv pro grams This decade also saw agreate focus on equality of women In the 1990s came the environ mental push, we looked inward an( focused more attention on how t h ~ untvera5 was affectingthe surround ing commumq WatGreen was cre ated and it studied dnd improved t h ~ University's energy consumption an( waste disposal There were also harc times, with the government c u t t q backon fundmgtouniversities Thank Mly by t h i a pomt m time our a l u m wvere close to 100,000strongandhelpec the universiq through tough tlmes If the 1960s and 70s were abou learnuig to crawl and then walk, WI wvere runnIngmdrdthonaby the end o the c a w , every once m awlule glanc mng hack to see where we used to be Iguess the point ofallofthisis, ye' there was hfe on this campus lon beforewe graceditwtth ourpreseno and hfe will continue long after w leave it As you can see, though ou school is qute young (our buildmg aregracedwith the architectureof th late '60s and early '70s) it std has a1 mcre&bly nch history to which an one of us could easdy add our mark What are yougomg to be rememberel for fifty years from now?

Who makes the decisions around here? The Deans, Senate and other people and groups that run UW Jesse Helmer IMPRINTSTAFF

Khat would you say ~fI told you that your tuition fees were going to alarge corporationin Ontario, onewith total income in excess of $200 mlhon? Well, they are. They're going directly. into the coffers of the University of Waterloo. Your chosen institute of higher educationis a corporation,but, as you might imagme, it's no run-ofthe-& organization. Understanding how the university is governed will help you understand who makes decisions about how much your tuition f e e s d be,what your degree requirements are, and who your professors will be. There are three basic groups of people at UW: students, staff, and faculty.This is a simplification, but it makes the following illustration cleaner.Allso,keepin mind that about 60% of UW students are enrolled in co-op education, whch means that UWhas slightlyless than one-tlurd of its students on campus m the Spnn term (unlike most umvers~t~es)

Ex-officio is Latin, and, roughly translated, means, "by virtue of his or her office." Academic units

Generally,academicunits- depaaments and schools-arelocatedwithin a faculty.UWhas six faculties:.\pplied IIealth Sciences, Arts, Mathematics, Engineering, Science, and Environmental Studies.There is one notable exception to this general rule. Software Engineeringis a program that is administered by two faculties:math and engineering. English and kinesiology are departments. The head of a department is called the ch;lir,and he or she usually teaches fewer courses to balance the aciministrative load of chairing the department.'I?lis type ofbalancingact is common among faculty. Each faculty memberis responsible for teaching, research, and service. Chairing a department counts as service, so one of either teaching or research is generally reduced. A chair's duties include evaluating faculty members, allocating budget allotments,and determining what courses will be offered, and by whom, in a given term. There are four schools at UW: ar-

chitecture, computer science, optometry, and accountancy. A school is generally number of Vice-PresiPresidentof the Federation of Students. The number of facgenerallyteachesorresearches less to compensate for his or her service as Director. Math andhas are faculties. Faculties are made up of a number of departments and schools. The head of a faculty is called the Dean. Again, theDeangenerallyhasa reduced teaching or research load.Theresponsibilities of the Dean, however, are much larger thanthoseofa ChairorDirector. The Dean is an ex--a@& member of the Senate of the university, which is the highest academic body. Ex-o&io, roughly translated from the Latin, means, "by virtue ofhs or her office." The Dean is also an ex-o$i,io member ofboth the Senate Finance andlongRange Planning Committees. Deans are also the Chairs of their respective E'aculT Councils, which are bodies made up of all faculty members in a gwen faculty. Deans are responsible for appointing, re-appointinganddismissing faculty members. University Policy 77, which is available on the Internet at infosec/ describes the procedure of promotingfacultymembers.The procedure is too involved to summarize here. To summarize,departments (governed by Chairs) and schbols (governed by Directors) makeup faculties, whichare governed by Dcans. Faculty members who serve in these ad&istrafive roles generallyhave a reduced teaclmgorresearchload. Senate

The Senate of the university is, as mentioned before, the highest academic body. Changes to curriculum, university policies about academics, new programrnes,newacademicunits, admission requirements,and the creation ofresearchcentres areexamples of items discussed by the Senate. The Senate has the power to establish the educationalpolicies of the University, and its Finance Committeeconsiders the annual budget,whichis later considered by the Board of Governors. The Senate is a large body. A number of administrators are ex-o@&o members ofthe Senate,includmgthe Presi-

the totalnumber of all others onsenate, so fac,-. ulty, m theory control the Senate.In addition to thePresident of the Federation,there are eightundergraduate student seats: one student representative from each of the six faculties,and two student representatives at-large. Currently, there are 90 total seats on Senate, ofwhich 10 are

If you want to see governance in action, go to a meeting. vacant. Board of Governors

rived. Universitygovernanceisn't the most interesting topic, but it's an important one. The decisions made by department chairs and school directors affect when you can learn and what you can learn (courseofferings); the decisions made by deans affect who teaches at UW and how much money each department receives;the decisionsmadebySenate affectdegree requirements, the quality of students admitted, and the academic clunate of the University; and, finally, the decisions made by the Board of Governors affect on-campus housing, your tuition fee levels and the physicalplant of the university. So, nowyou know,generally, how UW is governed. But this is only part ofthe story. Theuniversity ofwater-

AHS Senator Arts Senator Senator at-large Senator at-large Engineering Senator ESIIS Senator Mathematics Senator Science Senator Feds President

looAkt(1972) bets out the power sand responsibih~esof Senate and the Board of Governors ~nmuch more detatl The organizationcharts of the Umversity provide a broad overview of the structure of the Umversity Lf you're mterestedm more information about umversrtv governance, pomt your favourite web browser to www adm uwaterloo ca/mfosec/, the web page of the Umversity Secretanat And, if that's not enough for you, send me an e mad I would enjoy discussmgunversity governanceun+ you If youwant to seegovernance ~n action, attend a meetmg senate meets on the thudhfond; of each month from September ro June and the Board of Governop meets four times a year.

Adrian Chin Jesse Helmer Jesse Waltman* Douglas Stebila* Jenny Lin Nayan Gandhi Stephen Skrzydlo vacant Brenda Slomka*

*these individuals also sit on the Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors is reTo reach the senators, email sponsiblefor the business,operations, and affairs of the University that are not assigned to the Senate.llotasslgnedtofee theSenate.'l'uitionfeeLLuition levels, the amnual budget of the 170 University Ave. University, physical plant planning, (University at Phillip) on-campusresidence space, and loans WATERLOO are examples ofitems Ascussed by the 885-0892 Board of Governors. Ithas the power Your mom cu/hd and wads fo know if you ;e togrant or termmate tenure of faculty eufin we/[.. members, and to appomt, remove, and promote the President and other Mo//y Dhom cf Fui fe have u deal you uod officersofthe University.There are 36 your mom wi// urrprove o f , seats on the Board of Governors, of Mondays ... $2.50 burgers all day which three are reserved for under... Wing nite Tuesdays graduate students who sit on Senate (one of theseisusuallyreserved forthe Wednesdays ... Build your own President of the Federation of Stunachos $4.50 dents). TheMayors ofbothKitchener Thursdays ... Nothing comes and Waterloo are ex-u@&o members between me and my of the Board of Governors. Seats on the hoard are reserved further reserved meatloat! for alumni, appointees of the LieutenFridavs ... Fish Fridavs ant Governor-iiKouncil, and faculty members of Senate.


Summary, and more

This 1s a bnef overview of three general topics related to Umversity governance. Hopefully, it has given you, a sense ofwho governs the u n versity at whch you've recently ar-

85 King St., N. (Uptown Waterloo) 747-4530


Believe everything you hear -except.


Some UW myths are fallacious, so don't believe everything you hear -'I

$here are a fair number of stones, kgends and general folklore embedBedm every society,andour utuversity tampus is no different These stones ire known m popular culture as myths Although there seem to be a large number ofmyths associatedwithour lampus, this arncle examines and ex poses onl!, themostpopular and most prevalent I have researched as much +s posslble to prove or disprove the existence of the following myths Dana Porter is sinking

,Mph When the enpeers designed Dana Porter hbram they &d not ac~ ~ o u for n t the weight of the books Because of the addtuondlweight,the !braryis now sinking at a rate of 5 cm per year Tmth: '1 his 1s in fact untrue This a popular ml th onmany college and &versiq campuses and an o n h e search showed reference to it in 22 N ~ r t h ~ k n e n ccampus an newspapers The idea of a decision making body &ottaking something so smplc into &count 1s probabll what makes this story so convincmg


Fire in the hole



Myth: The o n p a l Bombshelter pub was actuallylocated belowwhere it now resides One mght, a mysten ous fxe tore through the bar causing mcrelble damage to theextentthat it was cheaper to abandon the old space and rebuild the barwhere1t1scurrently located Truth: This IS a myth that does have some truth in it Although the Bomber has always been located in that space and there has never been a hremtheBombshelter, therels alarge room with a dirt floor underneath The myth about the fire was likely an



The tunnels are, unfortunately, off-limit to students. attempt to explain theexistenceofthe unexcavated room. An underground campus maze

Myih There is an interconnected tunnel slstem that runs under our campuq and reaches every building The tunnelswere closed and sealedm the early 1970s due to unspeakable cnmes that occurredin their depths Truth Algainthis IS a myth based on truth There is a system of service tunnels beneath our campus that car nes electncalandcablelines as well as water and gas piping These tunnels were never open to the student popuh o n o r the public but their existence IS well documented The myth arose from students who knew the tunnels existed but believed there was some thing else behind the fact students werenot allowed to use these tunnels Grave robbery 101

Myth: Studentof the earlyanatomy programs at UW were reqwred to procure thelrown cadaversfoxdissec tion from local hospitals, funeral homes andlabs. The schoolwasmore

than willing to provide cadavers, but at a cost of $150. Peanuts by today's standards,this was almost as much as one term's tuition at that time. Given this highcost andlackofparticipation from local groups, students sought and found far more creative andinnovative ways of securing cadavers. X goup of students began to hold "scavengerhunts" at the beginning of each termwhich consisted of"&dingg' the necessary equipment to dig up fresh graves at the local cemetery (atErb and Westmount Streets). 111e practice continued for anumber ofyears until the university agreed to supply the cadavers at no cost to students. T d : I admit this story is fairly ridiculous. However,when considering the time period and cost, would it be that far outside the realm of possibility? That is likely why althoughthis mythisoutlanlsh, there is the chance that one or two students did participate in this. There is no officialrecord and students were not required to provide cadavers or pay for ones the university supplied. However, grave robbingis a practice that had a fairly


Ding-dong Dana's sunk. How contrary for a library. high participation rate as late as the early twentieth century. The Administrative Fortress

Myth: The buildmg that houses the admipistrativeofficesoncampus, Needles Hall, was built during a time of student uprisingoncampusesacross North America. Because of the time period, extra precautions were taken to thwart the possible attempts of

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7





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students to take control of the build ing or administrativeoffices. Needles Hall was designed and built to be confusingto navigate and severalcon. straints limit the number of people that could enter and travel through the building at one time. T d : Let's look at the physica facts associated with the building There is no true front entrance to the buildingandbothmainentranceswere actually b d t in the style of back entrances to buildings that were being built at that time. The stairs from the first to the second floor are designed in such a way that only two people at a time can climb them and the anglt makes them difficult to run on. Thc elevator to the third floor, wliere the administrative offices are located, i s small and holds no inore than eight adults at a time. The stairs to the third floor are mcked awa!. and difficulttc fmd without a building map, whichlu fact was not posted on all the floor: when Needles Hall was first opened Much has changcdnow, but given the time period and the physical evidence. I wouldn't nde it out. This is only a sample of the myths that exist on t h i s campus. There are far more within each residence, faculty. and building that you migh~hear at some point in your university career. Although myths may seem trivial, they are a part of our campus culture ,andhistory. Understandinghowthese myths came to be leads to a better understanding of our students and university as a whole and, at the very least it makes life here a little more interesting.


What is the Federation of Students? Are they placeholding puppets or effective leaders? Susan Pubak IMPRINT STAFF

There's more to university life than academics, and the Federation ofStudents (Feds)can help l~ougetinvolved in activities that will enhance your quality of life at UW. The mandate of the Feds is to "serve, empower and represent the undergraduate students of the University of \Yaterloo." The Feds operate a number of clubs, sewices and businesses on campus. They also work on behalf of students to represent their needs and Interests wvithln theuniversity and the community.

"Have fun. Don't worry about your marks too much. This is your first year, and you still have four years to improve." - O'Connor

The Feds executiveconsists of four members: thepresident,themce-president education, thevice-presidentinternalandthe vice-presidentadministration and hance. They are electedby students in February to serve a one-

year term begm ning in May. President Brenda Slomka s e n w on several university bodies, including the semte and the bwnrd of directors to ensure that thc university administration is working in the bestinterest of students. In addition to representing students within the university,Slomka also serves as a link between students and the community. She encourages frosh to "think aboutwhat you want to do, what you want to accomplish, what you'd like to experience, RYAN CHEN-WING and look for From left to right: Chris Di Lullo, Mike Kerrigan, Brenda Slomka and Ryan O'Connor. those opporor in your classes." "The businesses are always h i r sents co-op students within the C o tunities." There arc a number of ways toget ,is vice-pres,identeducation,RYm operativeEducation and Careerserv- ing," said Di Lullo. "The largest eminvolved with the Feds: you can join a roles. He ices depaament,andworkswithlobby plogers are theBombshelter. Ground O'Connor has three c~ub,volunteerforaservice,orgeta~b groups to ensure that universities re- Zero and Fed Hallalso employ alarge addresses acadtemit concerns, repre. at one of the businesses. The Feds ceive enough b d i n a to number of students." You can apply Web site has a hst of volunteer and for employment opportunities by fillminimize tuitionincreases.O'Comor employmentopportumtteb bormore has some advice for frosh: "Have fun. ing out an application on the Feds informatton about the Feds, check Don't worry about your marks too Web site at or by visiting the out thebeds Web site, orvmt the Feds much. This is your first year, and you Feds officein person. DiLullo hopes office across from Ground Zero inkhe that froshd"getinvo1vedwith some still have four years to improve." Student Life Centre, room 1102. ; Mike Kerrigan, vice-president in- aspect of university life. There's so terna1,isresponsibleforthc Feds clubs much more to university than what and services. He described his main you may find in your residence room role as "improving the non-academic quality of student life." He also coordinatesvolunteersto help with services, special events and projects. "Get involved in activities that give you the chance tomcctpeople because thisis a placewhereyou'regolngto budd friendships for life," said Kerrigan. The Feds sponsor more than 50 clubs on campus, including political, religious, cultural and other interest groups. Youcan start your own club if you can't find one that interests you. The Feds also provide eight services, including the Campus Response 'l'eam, Co-op Student Semices, the Food Bank, the Gaps and Lesbians of Waterloo, theLegal Resource Office, Off-CampusDons, theWrellnessCentre and the Womyn's Centre. Chris Di 3,ullo, vice-president administration and fmance, is responsible for the organization's financial health. In addition topreparing budgets and fmancial statements, he also overseesthcFeds businesses.'l'he Feds own and operate six businesses on campus, including ,lussie's, the Bombshelter,Fed Hall, Ground Zero, Scoops and the Used Bookstore.

150 University Ave., W., WATERLOO 888-9697

. 1





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These are the davs to remember J

&porting and causing controversy since 1978 Ryan Chen-Wing IMFaINTSTAFF JI

OmSeptember 1978, the m u t e s of thql'lmpnnt staff meeting recorded Randy Barkman sa\nng,"Impnntis not outdo kill the Chevron but to put out a g w d student paper." The Journalism,Club had put out the first two isswsof the new newspaper over the spmg term and was organizing for its firs~fallterm The Chevronwas stiU the offtcial student newspaper as it had beeplunder differentnamessince 1960. X



Smpnnt began with 22 volunteers -some of them former and current staff of the Cheumn-who met three days after a refirendum on separating th$heumn and Feds Zn the first meeting thev discussed

ing. hboutpohciesitwas recorded, "It [thepohcy] dtffers fiom Chevrun poh ci$ m that only students canvote and thi letter sectlon cannot be misused fllie~ also talked about names Six te+ were suggested and they chose ~m&zf 1t was the suggestion ofRdnd1 Bafkman,thenewspaper's future first % p w t pubhshcd two issues over thd spmg term and beganpubhshg w&kly in the fall InNovember there u s another referendum, where stu d+ts decided to termtnate the Chcvron AS $e official student newspaper, resc&ding its office space and student 1.47 Jmpnnt reported that the refund rat! for the Chevmn fee was 35% dunng thd first term m which the fee was chajrged -in the wmter term the fee wab collected butwas held and redis tnquted by the Eeds #n March, studentsvoted torecog n14Impnntas UWs student newspa and grant it a $1 75 fee It was the


Imprint's predecessor, the Chevron, had several conflicts with UW's Federation of Students. When the Federation of Students president Shane Roberts tried to lock out the staff of the flewspaper, there was a nine-month standoff during which Chevron staff occupied the office. Above, Chevron staff wrestle with Shane Roberts over a typewriter from the Chevron office. third referendum in 12 months. The feewas first chargedinSeptember,the same month it was incorporated. By August 31 of that year, theJournalism Club, Imprint's publisher, had accu


mulated $14,570 in debt. George Elliot Clarke became editor in 1984.He describesthat year as a turningpoitit in the history ofImpuint. "In 1979, in triumphing over the

Chevron, as the Imprint did qlute mportantly and valiantly and all the rest of it, created a kind of a bunker mentality among the paid staff that were involved in it." Clarke talks about his belief that the Feds President" . . . colludedwth members of the pad staff in trying to wrest contol of the paper away from those of us who were twing to make it a more democratic, more student centred ne~vspaper." "We were a bunch of artsies who hked the idea of having a paper that was controlled by the students and not by the paid staff" In the spring of 1984, students started a petition to remove Clarke as Editor-in-Chief, On July 6, the staff voted on a motion on Clarke's removal. The motion failed by 9 to 3. ,Ifter the failed vote the business manager and the production manager resigned In the last Issue of the term the cditonal read, "The biggest change thathas occurredis tharlmpnntceased to be newspaper ntmed at the UK' shtdentmarkct and became anewspaper runned and operaled by UW shldents. Clarkeis now a professorof english at the Universih ofToronto and said, "Each generation of students must decide foritselfwhat sort oflmprinlits members need." During 1984, thc Chevron ceased publishing and Imprint joined the Cana&anUG~rersiqjPress.

Reporting controversy In 1993,Imprintbrokeastory ofan escort service in UWs Married Student &\partrnents(now UW Place). That May, residents on Lester and Phillip street received flyers advertising the Black Orchid Escort Service and providing a price list for sexual acts.

The followingnames were suggested for UW's studentnewspaper at the first meeting of the Journalism Club

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The Gricker Days The Invoice Tomorrow's student Voice Free Press Waterloo Students Journalism Club Nexus Fizzog The Instrument The Chameleon Coryphaeus 19 (what would be the volume number of Coryphaeus) The Rational Enquirer The Water-logue The Opportunist The Imprint

-in Imprint reporter contacted the service and posed as a potential e n ployee to investigate the situation. Once the news broke, the university evicted the tenant. 'l'he Gup+teat the time reported,"There was no claim that the apartment had actwally been used for sexual acts." Imprint first published on the World Wide Web on May 19, 1995. Imprints first World-Wide Web Edi tor was Tia-ping Yee. Yee was on UW's 1994 World Champion -iCbl programming team. Having accumulated an excess of funds by 1996,Imprint renovated its office spending a few hundred thousand dollars.'Lhemeeting table made up of a few old classroom tables pushed together and mistmatched chairs were replaced with new furniture. In September of 1999,Tara H f i s Editor-ill-Chief resigned. Imprint staff continued to publish the newspaper until Linda Nagy was hired in November.

Causing controversy Dumgthe froshxveekof?OOI,the dons m d ~ e d e n w \tdff de~icltdto a h ~ ,e111 copies of Imprint rcmovcd froin the residences l l ~ieacongn e en was acentrefoldofcartoongraphics of clothed figures in different sexual posttions The sectionwas titled "EIow to hate sex" and had accompanying text describing different sexual posi tions and abstinence Impnnt cldlmed the\ were being censored and the residence adminis tration sald that they just wanted to keep them out of student homes and edch student could choose to bring a copy from elswhere on campus The story was reported in the local and national news

loo College Associated Faculties and WLU was Waterloo College, the stu dent newspaper was The Cord Weekb It had been published since 1926 and con tinues to be Laurier's student newspaper. Two years later, in 1960, the associated faculties became UW and students met to create Students' Council and A Board of Publications On November 4 of that year, the Board of Pubhcations pubhshed the first issue of UWs first newspaper, was pubhshedunder a blank trtle For the second issue students gave it the name The Coryphaeua greek word for leader or spokesperson. JmNagel, editor in 1966 changed the name to The Chevron. the Board ofpubheations censured h m for t h s act butthen approved the name change in the same meeting. Throughout a s history there were disagreements between the newspapeer staff and the studentgovernment. In September of 1971, the Feds executive,under President Rick


See IMPRINT, page 9

Keepin' up with the times Your guide to news sources on camtms Peter Cawan EDITORIALASSISTANT

The UniversityofWaterloo has many news sources on campus. Some contain serious news while others provide the lighter side of activities on campus. Here is what's available on campus when you want a news fix.

The Ga~etteis is published on Wednesdays by Information and Public Affairs and is edited by Chris Redmond. It is the officialnewspaper of the university and may carry aproadministration bias. It is one of the drier sources of news on campus. Mainly people interested in official business will pick up the Gayette.

The Daih Bulletin 1s the Gazette's onhne brother. It is published 248 tmes a year by Redmond and the rest

of Information and Public Affairs. Redmond ofteninjects his own commentary and humour into the Bulletin, making it is much more interesting to read +an the Gazette. It is postedat 900 everyweekdaymorning at is a good source for information about what is happening on campus on a given day.

On the other end of the spectrum from the Gaxetteand the Daib Bulletin ismafbNews,the official studentnewsletter for the faculty of mathematics. Regular readerswilltell you that there isn't much news in matbNews, but that it is usually an entertaining read. One of the more popular sections of matbNews is profQuotes, which is dedicated to funny and embarrassing comments made by professors. The rest ofthe paperincludes funny tidbits and parodies of CS students. Only in mathNews can you hnd an article entitled "A Term's Summary in Code." Look for matbNews' "collectors' editions," which areusually published once per term.

matbNews is available o n h e at

TheImn Warrioristhe officialnewspaper forthe engineeringsociety. Imn Warrior is more serious than matbNews, and lacks much of its entertainment value. Imn WanioJs mission statement requires that the publication act "as a forum for thought-provoking and informativearticlesand opinionspresentedby the Society,the Engmeering faculty,and by the academic community of the University of Waterloo." The Iron Warrior is availableonline at, although the o n h e version is updated only infrequently.

Page, termtnated edttor Alex Smth. Smth said that the Feds had not followedproperprocess;Pageresgned m response. In 1976 Feds President, Shane Roberts had the locks of the Chevmn office changed over concerns that the paper was not bemg mn democrati-

cally and that it had been taken over by the Anti-Imperialst Alliance, whch was affiliated with the the CommunistPaqofCanadaManrist-Leninist. When the Chevmn staff were let in to get personal belongings, they stayed in the office and occupied it for the length of the nine-month dispute. The Chevronwas reinstated in June of 1977when the ChevronInvestgation

The paper you are reading now, Itnprint,1sthe officialstudent newspaper of the umversity. It has a full t m e (paid) staff of three, m addtion to hundreds of volunteers each term. The newspaper is publtshed on

Fridays, weekly during the fall and winter terms and biweekly during the spring term. Imprint is also available o n h e Imprint is always looking for volunteers towrite,proofread, takephotos, creategraphics and layout the paper. The paper is also lookingfor help creatingand maintainingtheWeb site. Interested studentscan e-mad editorin-chief, Magda or stop by SLC 1116, located between Turnkey and the vending machines. Thereareaplethoraofnews sources avadable to studentson campus. Each sourcehas a differentwayofbringing you the news .and a dtfferent viewpoint. WhetheryouchoosemathNews or Gazette, thevariety availableensure that y o n d findwhat you'relooking for.


Oneofthenewest sourcesfornews on campusis, a n o h e lournal run by current and past students. Its biggest advantage is that readers cannot only read the news but

Imprint: l o o h g further back Continued from page 8

also post comments The recent Mcrosoft/UW partnership, for example, elicited over 500 comments fromconcerned students and faculty. It is often the best place for breakmg news as lt 1s updated often and hence is usually on top of the latest campus developments.

BY THE WEEK, MONTH OR TERM Comrmssionwas created In March and May of 1978, students voted m a referendum -held in two parts for regular and co-op students - to separate the Chevron from the Federation of Students and ~nstitutea $2 refundable fee. OnMarch31,1978,threedaysafier the first part of the referendum, 22 student met as the &st meetmgof the Journahsm Club, two and a half months later they would pubhsh Imprint's first issue

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The first two issues of lmprint were published in the spring term of 1978. lmprint began publishing regularly in the fall term. The first issue was called The lmprint but successive issues have just been Imprint. If you call it The Imprint, you are super old school.


are you talking about? C@What Words, terms and nicknames unique to UW Ryan Chen-Wing IMPRINTSTAFF

Anytime you're in a Afferent place, even if people speak the same language, 5ome words and names are local hlost are bonngpldce names or super excitmg mtiahsms, acronyms, but there are always a fewinteresung mcknamea and funn) terms If you think I missed somethingImportant, e mail me AHSEF-lpphed Health Sciences Endowment Fund: student contributions go into a fund and .\HS students decide what happens to theinterest. Thereis a s d a r fund in every fiaculty exceptArts. AHSUM-Ipplied HealthSciences Undergraduate Members, pronounced: "awesome." ASEC-AiccountingStudents Education Contribution. Bankbreakers -refers to the high prices at Brubaker's in the SLiCe. Bomber -The student bar run by theFeds;it's old schoolto callit the Shelter. C&D-Coffee and Doughnut shop. SciSoc, EngSoc, RIathSoc and ESSoc all have one. They are all calledC&D's. Rlath's C&Discalled

the Right Angle Cafe. CIS-CanadiaiInte~versity Sport the organization that organizes nationalchampionshipsfor Canadian universities. It changed its name from Canadian Interuniversity,ithletic Union in 2001.

Chris Farley was Feds president when UW raised the fees by $25 for FECES Building Coach Chris -Head coach of the Waterloo Warnors Football team Chns Tnantafilou has coached at Waterloo for 16 years. He took over as head coach for "Tuffy" in

1998. Coach Chns coach ed the team to a wm in the Yatea Cup in 1999. Columbia Icefields - the athlenc and recreation complex on the north campusoff Columbia Street. Its name is similar to the alpine glacier betweenBanff andJasper. DWEeB - Douglas Wright en^neering Building: first academic building on campus, formerly called Engineering 1. The FECES Building-nickname for the CECS Budding. Many students are bitter about the $25 111crease to the co-op fee to fund construction. Feds -Short for Federation of Students, University ofwaterloo.The legal name includes the comma and the name of our school. Grad H o u s e - The original Schweitzerfarm house,nowapub and GSX offices. GSA- Graduate Students hssociation. M E F - Mathematics Endowment Fund: an endowed fund like AHSEF. Needless Hell - Needles Hall, named after a business man and one of the founders ofUW, Ira G. Needles. It is the administrative

building on campus, houses the Office of the Registrar, the Cashier's office and the President's office. Orifice -The Engineering Society Office, somethinglike a hole in the wall. POETS -Piss On Everythmg Tomorrow's Saturday: the engineeringlounge in CPII, EngSoc holds pubs there a few times a term. REV -Ron Epdt TTillage,not to be confused with the Rev short for Revolution night club Ring Road - Shaped more like a bent paper-chp the road around campus is named after A ring SLiCe -SLC, Student Life Centre Beforethe expansionhchopened in 1995, it was called the Campus Centre suCKMyaSs - U V s commwty radio station, CKhZSWaterlooRa dio Some students thmk n is a funny and sarcasnc name, others think it hteral Tuffy -Dave "Tuff!" h g h t was formerly the head coach of the Waterloo Warnors football team. He hold has the most wins of any football coachinCMU (nowCIS) history.Tuffy retired in 1997. UW -It's not Winnipeg, Washing-

ton, or Windsor. It's the schoo yougo to, the University ofwater loo. Note that it is not UofW. Watcard - introduced in 1995 th~ picture ofthe SLiCeis tinally be+ replacedwith a newpictureof Soutl Campus Hall. Watcom-UWs first spit-offcom pan!. started in 1981. Watcon merged with Powersoft in 199. which then merged with Spbast The Waterloo division of Sybas, became IAnywhere Solution whtchwdlsoonbelocatedat UW' Research and'l'echnology Park. Watpaigu - The commonly usel name for the referendum held u November 2001. The realname i Waterloo Campaign: Studen Projects,it is apart ofUW"s Cam p a p Waterloo. WatSEF -Waterloo Science En dowment Fund. WEEF-Waterloo EnpeenngEn dowment Foundanon: the oldes student endowment on campus believed to be the largest studen controlledendowmentin Canad; WESEF -Waterloo Environmen tal StuAes Endowment Founda non, some student endowment are called fund and some are callel foundation.

page F-11

h m u , AUGUST 30,2002


The wretched rules of renting

Resources for, (I the UW and

Andrea Kerswill



When it comes to off-campus housmg there are a few things students need to know. Like everybody, we have rights when it comes to renting a house or apartment, unfortunately we are often unaware of them. Let's absolvea bit ofthe confusmn formost of you by outliningthe basic rights you have as a tenant when you rent You must know what resources are available to you and what you can do as a tenant to get the treatment you deserve When renting a house or apart ment there are many laws covered undertheTenantProtectionAct, 1997, (IT 1)bywhicheachpartymustab~de. All of the laws are taken from this act Two separate houses that have been joined together with a new house added in the middle and whchwdl helpus tounderstandwhere rented out to students. we stand as tenants So there you are, you have finally of you which mcludes first and last ner. You pull your butt off of the bed the upcoming term;have signed a found that perfect place, apartmentor month's rent "You stop for a second and crack open the cupboards "Kraft year-lease and realize that you need house, that suits your needs. You and think, "Hey wait a minute this dinner is looking good tonight," you someone to sublet from you. have (hopefully) chosen your room- cannot be, I thought ~twas only one t h d to yourself You grab a pot, You have found that perfect can& mates carefully andare ready to begin month's rent that needed to be prosome water and a few spnnkles of salt date who seems to be e v e r y h g you your life as a student hang on your vldedl" You are correct! No matter and it will be boiling in no time are looking for. All seems to be going own. what kind ofterms you have agreed to You return about five minutes well however, when you return from Standing - around your newkitchen with vour landlord,onlv one month's later to see that your element is not your co op your place is a absolute table with all of your roommates you rent is due when you sign your terms. working at all. Its alnght, you can use mess and you are funousl You must are preparing to sign a rental agree- *our landlord cannot fool you, so set another element, but you need this be aware that when sublettmg any ment with your landlord. Your land- them straight.Itis $350yousay to her, one fixed soon. If at any time there is damages caused to the house, orif the lord looks up at you with gruelling and you hand them what youknow is aproblemvnththeareas orapphces, houseis leftunclean, the damages and unsure eyes and wats for you to sign due. cleaning is your responsibility The you must notify your landlord w e on the dotted h e . Whether lt be a he tenant becomes the landlord to the Now that is settled, you finally lately. You must then put the prob weekly, monthly or a year-lease that relax and read a hook or watch some lem in wnung to the landlord via subtenant and must comply to all of you have chosen always remember to t.v. in your new place. You think to registered mail and allow the landlord the landlord dunes. So you gnn and read everything. More unportantly if yourself"This is great,I love living on a reasonable amount of time to fix the bare it realizing that ~tis your duty to you have signed a lease you must be mv own and undeTmv own rules it is problem YOUmust ensure that you p~ckup after your subtenant. aware that you are there for a year no complete freedom." do this to avoid any future problems. If you are a roommate that will be matterwhat the circumstances. Amonthor sopasses by and there For many students who are in co- living at the house dunng a subtenant The signatures are done and you you are sittmg on the couch agam op the idea of sublettmg seems fa- occupancyyou can refuse any person are ready to roll. Your landlord says to reading, or studymg, or watchmg t,v. vourable when they are away for so youC'Okays o t h a t d b e $700 for each and it's your turn to make some din- many months. You are m co-op for See RENTING. page 14


Let's talk about sex, baby! Emily Collins SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Sex Issues Hopefully by now you've had the infamous birds and the bees talk, whether in your elementary school locker room, at the h e r table with mom and dad, or calhg up Sue Johanson on the Jan& iV&t Sex Show We're not gomg to cover the basicshere.Instead,thsar~cleismeant to l r e c t you if sex becomes an issue dunng your stay at UW.


Health Services are opposite the SLC near St. Jerome's Heatth Sewices Ok, let's be reahtic University stu dents have sex (some, not all). There, it's been sad-nowwe can allbreathe a bighearty sigh of relief I'mnot here to condone or condemn, decidmg when, where, why, how, or if to have sex is a personal deusion. But having

unprotected sex without knomng your partner's status is not smart. HealthSemces givesout condomsfor free, remember - only use latex and check the expiry date. You should be able to purchase other forms of contraceptlvessuch as thediaphragrn,and the female condom over-the-counter

at any drug store if they are not available at Health Services. However, do some research to hnd outwhichproductsarethemostreliable,andproduce

the least amount of discomfort. If you think you may have been exposed toaSTD,gogettested Health S ~ M Coffers ~ S confidentialHlV test-

ing as well as counselling and health monitonng shouldyou find you have contracted a STD Ifyou'd hkemfor mation about STD's,Health Services has literature on hand Health Semces provldes mformation on birth control and there is a birth control dispensary from 9 00 a.m t o 1 2 0 0 p m a n d 2 0 0 p m to 4.00 p m daily They also make the b I o m e i f t e r Pdandpregnancy testingavailable to students In case of an unplannedpregnancy,non-judgmental counsehg can aid students in managing a difficult situation In collaboration with Health Sew ices, students put on a production called Szngle andSey each year dunng onentation week to address issues confrontingfrosh The scnptis different everyyear, but never short ofbrazen and performances always prove to be entertaining and informative.Xs a matter of fact, duringmy frosh week I went twice (yes, voluntady).



2 I


For anv gay, lesbian, bisexuat, transgenderedor questiomg student thereis amultitude ofresources mbll ablem the KW area Here are a few to consider when looking for a place to go, someone to talk to, or just a few answers Also, be sure to check out www.rmbow.on ca/events htm on the web for upcoming communih events


Support Groups


GLOW UWs own Gays andLesi blans of Waterloo provides students ofWaterloo and the surroundingcommunity with a number of resource% including peer counselling, a housg registry, informahon libraiy, volunteer help-phone line and weekly l s cussionnightsand socialoutings with the Rainbow Community Conversa tion Group GLOW is a ternfic re source for any student looking fo either support or somegreat fnends TocontactaGLOWrepresentatlvec 884-GLOW, visit the office in roo 2101 m the Student Life Centre check out their Web site at http./n 1 Womyn's Centre The Womyn'q Centre provides library resources fod Lesbiansand Bisexualwomen as well as a commwty calendar of gay and lesbian events and org-ations. ~is14 theofficein room2102mtheStuden( LfeCentre at UWorcontact a representatlve by phoning 888-4567, ext 3457. GLOBAL:X GLBT group based out ofW1hdLaunerUmversity. Like UWs GLOW, GLOBAL offers a weekly discussion group and social Events fortheuniversityand surround mg commumty Among their organwed actimes, GLOBALisbestknown for its excellent coffeehouses To get in touch with GLOBAL, try e m a h g the organization's president at :lobal@wlu ca or call theLauner Peer Help h e at 884 PEER. QVGZ:Createdin order to dealwith dack of female membership at GLOBAL, Queer Women at Launer also xovides resources and a support ~ o u pThe . group usually meets every recondThursdayand can be contacted >ye-mahgstopl772@machl



Phone Support YouthLine:Lesbian GayBiYouth h e can be reached at 1-800-268 k'OUTH. Theu hours are Sunday toj %day, 4:OOpm to 9:30pm. If supm t i s reqmred outside of phone h e i See HOMOSEXUAL, page 12


Home-repair for student renters Aaron Romeo IMPRINT STAFF

So you are herc at umversiq ,' For some of us, it is a mere hop, +p and jump away from homeunthm $each of the helping arms of those more expenence at home repairs borothers, dealingwithproblems around the house is an issue to be s is w e d at battled alone T h ~ arucle makmg your life easier First off, you need to make sure any work around the house is done safely

oil-basedliquids,use ordinary salad oil Never use kerosene, spints or other solvents as they irntate

Working with hazardous materials

Read the labels! Check for proper dsposal mstructions, never pour hazardous matenals down the dram Use a filter mask when working "unth toxic vapours to protect pour lungs Whenclerlmghands sodedwmth



Use rubber gloves. Safely work with electricity

Toilet handle sticks or is hard to push Adjust lift chain (if your toilet has one) so that it doesn't have too much slack (about 112' is ideal). Or straighten the lift wire, which is the alternative to the lift chain. Clean the handle by removing the handle nut on the inside of the tank (which has reversed threads) by turning counter clockwise. Build-up can be removed by scrubbing it with a brush dipped in vinegar. Handle is loose Reattach lift chain or lift wire. Adjust handle (on the inside). Toilet will not flush Reattach lift chain or lift wire. Make sure the water is turned on. Toilet overflows or flushes sluggishly Clear the clog using a plunger Toilet runs continuously Adjust lift wires or lift chain Replace leaky float ball Clean and adjust the flush valve (the thing under the flapper right at the bottom of the tank). It might need replacing.

Clearing cogs

Sink clogs are usually caused due to a build up in the drain trap or the fixture drain line. Ever looked under your sink and saw the pipe attached to the drain in the sink? If you followthat pipe, you'll notice a 'U' at the lowest point. That is the drain trap. The fix-


Fmd the fuse box in the house, and make sure ~t is mapped out. Make sure hands are dr before domg any electnc work. Turn offthe electricity b fore makmgelectncalrepam. Read markings on old outlets, suntchesand fuses beforereplacmg Ifnecessary,take the faulty partm to the hardware store and ask for a replacement Remove broken light bulbs from the socketbymsertmga bar of soap or potato after the electncal source has

from the box.

Minor electrical problems





B Refill tube C Handle D - Float ball E - Lift chain 1 lift w'ire

Ifthe electnc ~ t goes y out m a room, chances areprettygood that the prob lem can be solved by a tnp to the fuse box The fuse box should consist of either fusesor circuitbreakers.Newer electricalworkuses circuitbreakers while olderworkusesfuses. Circuit breakers are easy to reset, and merely require a switch to be tripped. Fuses maybe timedelayed ora trip switch,but chances they are the older kind,wluch has to be replaced. Mosthouses have a sheet ofpaper defining what area of the house a particular fuse controls. If yours doesn't have this, you're going to need another personwho can tell you which parts ofthe house lose electricity when you remove the fuses. Make sure computers,air conditioningunits and anything else damaged by electrical surges, are powered off. Replace a fuse with a fuse of identical amps. Finally, make sure when touchmg the fuses, you do not touch the metal unless it is fully removed

line is the part that continues away from the 'U' into the wall. First try a Make plunger. overflow sure CHRIS I N C ~the sink's

opening is plugged (use a rag) for adequatesuction. Then make sure the stopperis outoftheway. Some canbe lifted out, while other require them to be turned c l o c h s e . Then runwater over the plunger so it covers the edges and plunge up and down. When the line seems clear, run hot water down the drain for a couple minutes to dissolveany bdd-up. You can also use a drain cleaner. Ifthis doesn'twork your drain trap might be clogged. This can be unscrewed (you'll probably need a wrench). Just make sure you place a bucket under it because you are going to get out a decent amount of water and (hopefully) a lot of gunk. Put things back the way you found it.

Homosexual resources Continued from page 11

hours, the 24-hour Kids' Help Lin, (1-800-668-6868)is recommended. OUTLINE: confidential an( anonymous service for anyone inter ested in connecting with the GLBl community or just wanting to talk. Youcanreachtliemat (519) 836-455C A\

Social Groups and Entertain. ment

Gay Men's Group: To join then for dinner, dancing, socializing or th~ movies, phone Gordon at 884-3883 The Gaymers: An informal K-V board gaming club. For more infor mation e-mail Cait a David a KW Friends of Dorothy Bowlin, League: Consisting of over 50 bowl ers, the group meetsweekly for 10-pi and cosmic bowhg. For b o w h times call 579-7747 or e-mail Paul a friendsofdorothy-kw@hotmail.corr C1ubRenaissmce:Locatedindow-n

town IGtchener, the bar 1s open t both men and women and is ope Wednesday through Sunday 9 p.m. t, 3 a.m. Checkout theclubat 24Charle Street West or phone 570-2406 fo information on special events. Aids Education and Support

XCCKWA The AIDS Commi tee Cambndge IGtchener-Waterlo and '\rea provides free confident^, semces to residents of the Waterlo region,includingAIDS education an HIV testmg. Dropm the centre at 8 Fredenck St, Kttchener or call 57C 3687. Counselling

C o y s e h g SeMces at theUnive~ sity of Waterloo can assist you wit issues relating to almost anythin) i n c l u b g sexuality. To make an ag pomtment with a counsellor, phon the office at 888-4567,ext2655 orpa a visit to room 2080 in Needles Hal

See HOME-REPAIRS, page 14

Ways of getting around town I


Grand River Transit

With apologes to those commg om places likeToronto or London, here thereis a bus servm that is both regular and convenient, the Grand FhverTransitsystemisnather Waterloo expansion has outpaced transit growth to thepomt that cars aremore convententthan busses to get around If, however, you want to take the bus tashfares are $2 and five tickets are $7 A university bus pass, valid for three months, ~ o s $136 t to be compared ~ t $54 h for a monthly pass The

current university bus pass should not be onf fused \nth a proposal to promde all students mth mandatory bus passes,At thspomt, the Watcard does not get you on the bus Bus schedules and routemaps are avadable m the alcove behmd theTurnkey desk m the SLC Taxis

Defmtely meant for those with money, taxis offer door to door service with an initial rate of $2.70 and $1.40 perkdometer.This usually ends up being between $10 and $15 a tnp, expensiveyes, but taxis can takeup to five passengers,so a $10 fare split four

ways is almost the same as taking a bus. Taxis are a handy way of gettmg home to residence after too much partying far off campus when the busses are no longer runnmg. UmtedTaxi 743-6323 WaterlooTaxi 886-1200

Walksafe can be called at 888-4949or ext 4949 on campus.The Ridesafevan picks up passengers at the Turnkey Desk m the SLC Walking and Cycling

For any student, these are the two most reliable forms of transportation. For those who didn't bring their These are two Umversity operated bikes with them, there are the Yellow secunty semces designed to get S ~ L - Bikes avadable.YellowBikes are avaddents home safely.Walksafe operates able to anyone in exchange for their on campus and escorts students be- Watcard and Yellow Bike membertween any two iocations on campus. ship card (avadable for$25at theTumThe Ridesafevan runs m the evemngs, key Desk). Waterloo has numerous after dark, as a way to offer students b&e and pedestrian trails that cover safe ways to get home off campus. the city in a more or less patchwork

system. When it comes to cyclin; remember to obey the rules of tl: road when you are bicycling o roadways since bikes have the sarr rights as cars. In the same vein, if it is a questio between your life or ridmg on tk sidewalk, take the sidewalk But t courteous of other pedestrians an give them fatr wanung C~tytradma~ are av;ulableat the I'umkey desk for $ and provide a map of all the pthwa! between city streets - defmtely awi: investment if you're looking for quick way between point ,l and without having to take a detour.


What to do when in trouble Emily Collins SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Movmg to a new place on your own and gettmg used to a strange environment can be a scary and overwhelming expenence for any frosh Impnnthas tned to make thmgs a h d e easierby offenng some advice on what to do andwhat resources to utdue on campus~fsticky situationsshould ame (or to prevent them from happentng in the first place) Ombudsperson

The Ombudsperson is a free confidential service on campus designed to help students, faculty, and staff withconfhctresolution fiey are there to mvestigate, mediate, and admse indimduals on issues such as aca demc problems and appeals, OSAP, housmgconcems,legalquestions,e h cal behamour,and personal problems Also,ifyouwould&e to obtmmformation or areunclear about UW poh cies dnd procedures, thts is a good starting place ilppomtments can be madebycahg885 1211ext 2402or by msiting thelrofficem room21 28 of the Student Life Centre

need a sicknote for yourprof,providmg that you are actually ill) An mformation nurse can be contacted by and mformation re phone for adv~ce garding lab testmg, results, and treatment, or to obtam other mformation from a patient's medical record In addttion,thereis a collectionofpatient mformation on a vanety of "Hot Topics" that is accessible to students without making dn appointment There are also psychologsts on hand who offer group or mdividual couns e h g d e a h g with a w d e range of concerns such as hfe decisions, stress management, adjustmgto transiuons, peer/family/couple relationshp issues, self-esteem, depresston, eatmg disorders, date rape, physical/emo tional/sexual abuse, and substance use

sellorsare specially trained to dealwith issues such as trauma, relationship issues, stress, anxiety, depression, sexual harassment, and eating disorders, and patients dbe referred to the counsellor best thought to suit their personalneeds. If a patient is not satisfied with the service they are receivingorwish to see a counselloroff campus, the Counselhg Services of fice can refer them to a counsellor or agency m the I(-W region. In terms of career development counsehg, the office can adrmfilster a vocationalas sessment to provide feedback about a student's personal preferences in the work world and/or set up mdividual appointments w t h a professionally trained counsellor who will help the student to assess their personalinterests and set future career goals.

Counselling Services

If you have or suspect you

have a learning disability Dunng your first week on campus, X learning disabilityis a neurologyouare sure to notice flourescentpd, cal disorder that interfereswith a pergreen, and orange signs around cam pus promoting a number of Study son's abhty to store, process, or proSkdls workshops on topics such as duce mformation,and creates a "gap" between one's ability and perform tunemanagement,listeningandnote taking m class, and prepanng for ex- ance It'sirnportant to remember that ams These workshops are extremely mdividuals with l e a m g disabhties worthwlule andhighly recommended are generallyof average or above aver for &st year students, but ifyouwould age mtelligence, and thus are not un Health Services rather bypass the sessions there IS an commonlyfound on a mversity cam Health Services is meant to fulfill online StudySlullsPackage that can be pus. However,learmng disabhues can accessed throughtheUWwebate (the affectone's abhty to read,wnte, speak, the role of an on-site family physician fastest way is to enter Counsehg or compute math, and can unpede for all registered full and pas-time soaal sktlls They can affect one or students. The Health Services build- Semces mto the search box and a hnk ing is the white building overlyingthe dpop up for the Counsellmg Sem- more areas of development and therefore indimduals wtth learning disabh pond across from the Student Life ices page) and contains lots ofhelpful advice on how to learn and study ties can have marked difficulties on Centre (you have to cross a bridge to gettoit). It accepts scheduledappoint- effectivelyand efficiently In addinon certain types oftasks wlule e x c e h g at to Study Skills workshops, Counsel- others. ments as well as serving as an urgent Some typical slgns that a person care orwak-in c h c . Health Services 1ingSemcesalso offersworkshopson has a LD as an adult are if they have also provides a variety of additional Procrasunation, Self Esteem En services designed specifically to ad- hancement, Assertive Communica- difficulty remembenngnewlylearned mfonnation, staying orgamzed, un dress the needs of students who have tton, Gnevmg, and Stress Manage derstanding what he or she reads, moved away from home and into ment, among others The Coutisel expressing thoughts orally or in wnt unfamiliar surroundmgs, in order to k g bemce office,located on the top ensure their overallwell-being.These floor ofNeedles IIallacross from the mg, concentratmgformore than a few include immunizations,allergyinjec- regstrar's office, also makes available minutes, and followmg directions tions, administration of prescribed literature and pamphlets on a T. anetj .However, showing one or more of thcse symptoms at different times is injectable drugs, HIT' testing, coun- ofrclated topics IndtvidualcounseUmgfor personal not an indicator that you have a LD. sellingfor unplanned pregnancy,birth Forinstance,lackofconcentrationcan control information and dispensmg, or social concerns and career develop nutntion counselling, and dispensing mcnt counsekng is also available also result from not getting enough sleep. Rather, unless a person m a i i through Counselhg Senrices Coun verification of illness forms (if you fests several warning signs consistently, andunless the problems persist over time, there is probably no need for conceni The office ofServices for Students if you suspect you have a learning disability w t h Disabilities (SSD) is located on See the office of Services for Student With Disabilities (SSD), the top floorofNeedlesHall(ifyouare top floor of Needle's Hall. coming from the entrance facing the hbrary it is the first door on your left, if you are dealing with depression as soon as you stepinside thehallway). 0 Get a physical examination by a physician for a physical Students with a documented or suscause. pected disability are encouraged to 0 If a physical cause is ruled out, then try a psychiatrist. contact the officeto detemmeebbil0 Both Health Services and Counseling Services can help ity forthe semcesit promdes Incase ofa suspectedLD,the officecanconto avoid rape duct p r e h n a r y testmg or help arUse the safety van or Walksafe to get home rangemore conclusive testmg for the When in doubt call UW Police using a phone or the help lines student, to determine whether they drequrre accommodations to sup port them m thelr academic endeavif raped ours Xccommodations include wch 0 Go to a safe place and call someone you trust thmgs as alternative exalmnation ar Consider reporting the assault to the police rangements or negouatmg alternative Get medical attention arrangements with faculq for band0 Seek counseling

inginassignments.Alearning specialistis availableto help studentsidentify strengths and learning needs, and to developanduseeffectiveleamingstrategies.They offerworkshopson study, test-taking, problem-solving, notetaking, comprehension, researchmg, andwriting skills, as well as individual and group tutoring. Dealing with Depression

A depressive disorder is an h e s s that involves the body, mood, and thoughts It affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself,and the way one tlunks about thmgs A depressme disorder 1s not the same as a passtng blue mood or a sign of personalweakness or a con& tion that can b e d e d orwished away People with a depressive dlness can not merely "pull themselvestogether'' and get better without treatment

Symptomscanlast forweeks, months, oryears Appropnate treatment, however, can help most people who sukfer from depression Symptomsinclude a persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood, feeltngs of hopelessness,pesslmsm, feelmgs ofgudt orworthless ness, loss of interest or pleasure m hobbies and activities that were dnce enloyed, decreasedenergv and fatibe, dtfii~ultyconcentrating, remembering, or making decisions, msomma or oversleepmg, appetite and/orwelght loss, or overeatmg and weight ghn, and thoughts of death or su~cidCor suicide attempts People who are Luf fenng from depression usually expenence a number of these symptoms over a prolonged penod of time If you thmk you mtght be expen encmg depression, don't be afraid to seek help Becausecertammedications See DEALING. Page 14

10 * October 15,

Visit Our New Location at

417 King Street, W., KITCHENER (corner of King and Francis and Victoria)

Store Hours: Mom-Thurs. 10-6 ; Fri. 10-8 ; Sat. 10-5 ; Sun. Closed.


hopsvour don?

Home-repairs: fixing cracks


ence. Don't be surprised if you find !-our don at your door\mth an idea for abirthdaypart\. or floor go-kart night. 'l'ecluucally,you employ your don. You pay residence fees and they don't. This doesn'trnem the! 'renotu~charge of the floor; it means ~ O L should I get the most out of the sen-tce you're paying for. A don's door IS alwar-s open a d you rhoultln't liesit:~le to cii-o]>Ij!-:myt~tnrfi11-he)por-lustiomr oric to ch;t \nth. D I J ~ I!w\ S c :I fcv r d c > ii) ~ I ~ I ~ I


Still doesn't work? The prohletn m a y he deeper than 1-ou can reach Time to call a plumber!

Continued from page 12

hIost toiletprohlems area resultof sotnething stuck in the toilet trap. Lisulg a flanged plunger. form il sed orcr the drnin outler a ~ l dplunge rapidl! a c w p l e tunes. Pour a buchct ~ ) f wirer do\vn rhe dr:un to flush the (icl)rl<.

Patching holes in dry wall For dents In the ~ 1 1 1fill . the hole. wit11 drywall co;npound usmg A drywall knife. Once it i h dl?-, s;md 11 down ;ind toiuch np t ! ~p i n t .

I ) ~ ~ ,

For more information

donsh~p. Sering new ii-ienii~iupiSornl of pride .I don h e l s h o u t then lot). You \x-oll't fi1lc~1lc1ppler sl'lffoll c;1n1p s if n don feels t!wy II:I\-e:I a~-c:lt iloor. some !-ear. Your don \vill he cheermg y u on lllc wv11olc \\-:I>-.

ill:: yoi~n~isll S.I!-J-OII :!re iemlie and



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page F 16


here to hit the books Your guide to places to study on campus posted near most eats. These rooms are typically quiet enough for a qutck exampre cram.

Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

What, me study?Once the partymg is over, or, more unportantly, if the partymgis sallgomgon and youneed to study for an exam, knowledge of study areas is key.

Environmental Studies atrium

In the Envuonmental Studies bu~ldmg,this atrrum serves as a quiet oasis from most university bustle. With a fountam, plants and plenty of skjghts, the roomis helpful for sew mg up downtune between classes. While the chairs aren't designed for prolonged s~thng,they servetheir purpose The room also serves as a place where youcaneat your lunch andwork at the same time

Great Hall, Student Life Centre

Not very good for studying, but you are hkely to see people youknow. The cham aren't always comfy and the Turnkey deskcan supplyallmanner of dstracbons The GreatHallis open 24 hofirs a day, swen days aweek and is usually fairly quiet at night or early in the^morning

Modern Languages cafeteria

Lo~atedm the basement of the Modern 1,anguages buildmg, this noisy room is semced by a Tim Horton's outlet. The retro photos on the walls and the fast-food outlet tables .ierve to create a campy atmos phere TIUSIS agreat place to grab a bite to eat and vlsit with faends If you plan on studying dunng the lunch hour, however, b m g your earplugs

Quiet room, Student Life Centre

This is a rela~velysoundproof room above the Brubaker's food outlet This is a goodarea for quiet study mg before a big exam or escapmg from student hfe The quiet room is ako useful when you need to grab a qmck nap m relativepeace Picnic tables outside the Stydent Life Centre

The picnic tables are outslde the eatmgconcourse and shadedby trees. Provided it's warm and the weather permits, these make for an excellent studying m a mam thoroughfare. Study room in the Student Life Centre

These rooms, booked in advance attheTurnkey deskin the Great Hall, are quiet and isolated.Meet here with studygroupstopracticepresentatims, collaborate on group projects or discuss other business.

Davis Centre study carrels

Don't be caught studying with your 200 closest friends in the Davis Centre library come exam time study in style with our handy study-spaceguide.


Departmental reading

to a particular disuphne. This may


theses Or rare that to students. Inquiries can

Many untversity departments have are thew Own In these be made from dep-ental secretatrooms~~oucanfindmatelialsrelevant tes, grad students or buildmg maps

I've never actually been to DC to study, but from all accounts it's crowded and noisy. But on the other hand,the DC library does have allthe sciences books.. oh well, you ww some and you lose some. Dana Porter study carrels

as the highest buildmg on campus, you can see clear to the outskirts of town and beyond - just a httle remindeqthat thereis more to tlusworld than thismodermsbc concrete jungle that we call UW Columbia Lake picnic tables

These are hidden from the uruver sity, to h d them, head across Columbia Street and follow the path to the lakeshore.The area is quiet and she1 tered from the road It is suitable for a nap, studymg and relaxabon tune away fromthe~lllversity environment. Math and Computer comfy lounge

The comfy lounge is where math and CS students hang out when they aren't m their labs. If you're l o o h g for a game of hlagc the Gathemg, a good joke about parabolas or help m t h your homework, the comfy lounge is the place to be. Physics undergrad study room

In h s room, you wdl study m relative peace (if you can tune out physics students calculatmgthe gramtational attractionbetween ablack hole and the= bologna sandwch), observed by generations of physics alumm, staring at you from their framed places on the walls. A handy place throughout the term, bare in mind that &IS room tends to get a bit out of hand at exam time.

The Dana Porter library @P) has study carrels, tables and group study


moms, a11 surrounded by books. D P is generallyquietand the rule ts that the k h e r the floor, the fewerpeoplestudy there. A further bonus to ~p that,

Campus bddmgs are full of quiet classrooms where you can study m peace. The key to lindmg these is to e~ore.

Computers: likely the biggest investment you'll make while at university

Books: the how not to guide Aas: $513.60

AppliedHealth Studies:$560.96 Engineerkg $618.26 95

EnvironmentalStudies:$532.97 ; Atchitecture: $475.80 i

Math: $577.26


HQWto find what's right for your needs Your university education d cost you thousands of dollars m tuiuon. Most of you will also make another decis~oncostmg between $1,500 and $4,000 and you will hkely make that decision m under one hour. When you buy a computer, ensure that you get lt nght First of all, considerwhere youare gomgto buy acomputer. Is the shop close to residence, or will you have to call Toronto if somethmg goes wrong>Does the shop have its own techmaan2 Does the shop carry more than one brand or do the sales people try to convince you that one particular brand or model is good for eveIytkulg? If you are buymg a custom-bdt computer, you mght want to mquire about the quality of parts the store uses Saving a few dollars by getting a generic motherboard rather than a good brand-name is a decision that can come back to haunt you Ifyou are going to lease from a store, mqulre aboutthe~ratesThe few dollars saved up front are lost if the lease rate is too h g h Once you have found a good store thenthink aboutwhat youneed. Most computer stores m the area are used to dealingmth students and wdl ask about your faculty You don't need the same computer power to m t e essaysas you do to compileCode. Avoid pushy clerks who try toget you to buy the most expenslvethmgmthe store By the tune you graduate, your computer d be obsolete no matter what you buy. Remember that a computer is not lust a big calculator. If you get a webcam, y o u d be able to email photos to your parents. If you get a DVD player, you can leave your VCR at home. Don't be afrad to ask what's recommended for people m yout faculty.Finally, a computer does not stand alone. You u?ll want softwaxe to run on it and probably a pnnter. Many storescarry studentpnced software that is much cheaper than even sale pnces onregular software.Don't be fooled into thdung that you can lust get burned copiesof anydungthat you want Pirated software does not come with support or updates, two thmgs you may need Buying a computerdltlrely be one ofyour biggest purchases outside of muon, but n does not have to be a dtfficult one If YOU have an eye forvalue and focuson defining and gettmg what you need when youchoose a storeand acomputer, you'll be m good shape

rhese numbers indicate ,oughly how much you :anexpect to spend on a .ermfsworth of books, de,ending on your faculty. ,, :or more information, visit 3ooklook at . >ooklook.html.


The used bookstore on the lower level of the Student Life Centre is a good alternative to spending your lunch money on school books. ofthose books, hoever, take awhileto arnve, sometunesaslongas fiveweeks Check the estimated dehvery tune, hsted on both Chapters and Amazon's Web site below each book, or order very early


Tuiuon is paid, housing is taken care of, and you're evenm all the required courses. Everythrng is gomg great, now all you have left is to buy books. Hope you have that Visa card paid off: the e s ~ a t e d c o s t for s the fall 2002 textbooksfor first year studentsrange from0475 for architecture studentsto $650 for science students Theregoes that big Chnstmas vacation you were plantung. But wait: there are not one butfour ways to keep your costs down and your backpack mass up

Borrow from a friend

Get a fnend either mupper year or, if you'remco-op,off-stream from you. When they finished a course, borrow the= books. When they come back from co-op, remember to return the favour. Borrow from the library

The used Bookstore

Run by the Federation of Students, the Used Bookstore sells books on consignment at a much reduced cost to anyone who needs them Remember this place for the end of the term - m most cases you can bnng your own textbooks there to be sold Make sure you're buymg the right book, the UsedBookstoredoesn'tacceptretums The best way to check Jxhlch books youneedis byusingtheISBN number, whch you can !3nd on Booklook, the Umversity Bookstore textbook database booklook.htrn1. T o be on the safe side,make sureyou're gettmgthenght edtUon, anyway. Old books

Sometimes, a prof won't nund you using a prevlous ediaon. In some cases, the only dtfference between the old andnewe&uons is the page numbering or a few photos. W ~ t ha b ~of t extra work, youshould be able-tokeep track of the m a t e d . a s , of comse, depends on your professor for each class. Buy elsewhere

Chapters and Amazon are two blg ones. Sometmes, abook fromone of them wdl be half the pnce you would pay at theumversity Bookstore. Some 2


The university hbranes often have current or old versions of textbooks Remember also that you can access resources from other hbranes through the interhbraryloan system Somethtng to keep m mind is the return deadhe. For both Chapters and Amazon, the deadhe is 30 days from the time they ship out the book (remember, those 3-5 weeks are how longa takes for them to get the book - gettmg it from them to you takes only a couple of days). Of course, you're stiU stuckpayingallthose shippingcosts.TheUmversity Bookstore acceptsreturns for about three weeks at the beginning of the term, with the last day being September 27 which is the last day you are permitted to drop a class.However, non-course-related books can only be returned for 48 hours after purchase. Remember: course notes cannot be returned or exchanged. The UsedBookstore, bemga concession store (meaning that most of themoney they get forthe books goes to the students who sold the books, not the store), cannot accept returns. Good luck, and as much as you mtght want to burn some of your books, you'll get better value if you bnng them to the Used Bookstore. That's nght, let some other mserable wretch suffer through that course.




> I ,

Entertainment, pages 33-35 Cinemas and video rental

page 33

Food, pages Specialty food stores Grocery stores

page F-22

FRID n, AU(L\T 30,2002

Get a haircut and a real job How to find a job while vou're in school Dan Zlotnikov SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The reality is that money runs out. So balance out the expenditures andwhen you arc donc, you might want to consider a part-time job. Below is alist of employment opportunities on campus. Most are also wiUtng to workaround your class (and party) schcdule, so itwon'tinconvenicnceyou toogreatlya n d d put some needed extra cash into your bank account.

Inthemajorityofcases, thisis only relevant to those students who have been approved for OSAP. Once you have been approved you can go to student awards in Needles Hall and apply for the work-study program. Thc job listings are posted on the wall at the entrance to Student Awards. Each tcrm, between 150and 200 positions are advertised.The position entitles a student to earn up to $1,000 per term, without affecting OSAP entitlement. Work-study jobs pay a minimum of $9 per hour,with some jobs offering higher pay. You dbe given thc contact information for the first job you have put down on the application. Ifthe first one doesn'twork out, you wdl have to return and get the information for the next job. Repeat until you have a job.

Feds businesses Currently,thelist includes Ground Zero, theBomber, Fed Hall, Aussie's and the Used Bookstore. In total, those businesses hire approximately 200 students every term. Whiie some positions are only available to returningemployees,thcrc are more than enough opportunities for frst-year students. The positions include wait staff, kitchcn staff and others. To apply, visit the Peds jobs Web site at and pastc in and submit your resumt. Youcanalso stop by theFedsofficein the Student Life Centre to pick up a paper applicadon.

Career Services Afrequently overlookedresource, the CareerSemces o f f i c e d n o t offer vou a job d~rectlyInstead it wdl do something much more valuable gve youthc tools tokeep findingjobs tn the future The office runs workshopsin areas like resumt wnnng and interview sMs, whch are invaluable to both students looklng for partime jobs and those prepanng for -heir co-op mter~lew c A fulhsangofworkshops~s avdable online at their \k eb \ite, 4




The Turnkey desk in the Student Life Centre, besides being the source of anything you might need at any hour, is also a source employment for students.

Career Servicesoffice also runs aparttimc job listing online called Access. To accessAccess, youmust signup on the career services Web site,and your a c c o u n t d be ready inabout48 hours. The Access systemlists an average of 15 to 20 part-time jobs each week. Also be sure to check out the system when you're loolang for a summer job - you never know what you might find. If you're in the co-op program, you should definitely visit Careerservicesto findoutmore about your potential employers. There are also job listings from across Canada and information on working and studyingabroad-Definitely aplace to keep in mind.

Food Services PoodServices frequentlyhires students for positions in the residences. To apply and find out what positions are available, talkto your friendlyneighbourhoodcafeteria staff.

Keep your eyes and ears peeled Many professors are in need of markcrs or teachingassistantsp.A.s). Experienceandattitude count for alot and many peopleget those positions as early as their second school term, or first co-op term. These jobs are rarely

advertised, so you should takc thc initiative to find out which of your professors might be interested in a markerorT.A.for next term. Ofcourse this is yet anotherreason to keep your marks high.

tours to potential students from all overthe world. The student ambassadors are run from thevisitors' Centre in South Campus Hall.

Tutoring board

The Student Security Servicehnes people every term to patrol the c m pus and provide students working into the night with a safe wag to get homc. Both work-study and nonwork-study students can apply. You can pick up the application form at PoliceServices,in the General Services building (look for the smoke stack).

On the wall across from thevending machines, between Brubaker's foodoutlet and theTurnkey desk, this boardis where you can advertiseboth needing a tutor and your services as one. Pay varies, but why not put those high marks of yours to good use and make some extra cash in the process. Also, keep an eye out for ads postedin otherparts ofcampus-not everyone uses the SLC board and there are always people who could use a bit of extrahelp.

Office of Development B Alumni Affairs The officc is always looking for students d n g to work part-time and in the evenings. Thc position includes calling university alumniand previous donors, asking them to donate moncy.


Graphics Graphic Services offers seasonal employment duringthcirbusicst times (forexample,at the beginning ofterm, when all those course note -packages getprinted). These jobs areonly for a few weeks (sometimes as little as one week),butthereis always thechanceof ful-term employment. The salary is $8.50 to start, with the possibdity of raises. Students should apply toLinda Norton, director ofgraphic services,in thc Gcneral Servicesbddmg.

Human Resources Student ambassadors Put your knowledge ofthecampus to the test with rhr\ lob as you gVc

HR grounds keeping hrres two students for the fall term to work in thc grccnhousc To apply for thc po

sition, pick up.a form at tbc Hum Resources office, General Semi, buildmg. Also, once the snow sta falling,casual work opportunities available for as many students as d n g to show up at thc GSC bui ing at 7 3 0 a.m. on a snow day. Lr out for ads in the Gazette and I Daily Rulle (] cific days.The pay is $9 an hour and offer is open to any student.

University library

Thelibrary hires approximately to 65 casual staff during the Fall a Winter terms, 35 to 40 of which students. The positions arc mostlj circulation and shelving, but 0th arc available.You can see a full list' of the positions by going www.library, ing/employment.html. To pick anapplication form,go to the circ~ tiondeskof thelibrary nearest toy1 So there you have it. There many oppormnitics to make so: extra money out there, if you w thcm. This list is by no mcans inclusive, so be sure to watch for ( portunities you may come across. And remember volunteer pc tions, while not immediately earn. you money, wdl g v e you valua experience to put on your rcsumC


Let your student loan work for you The work-study progra.m at Waterloo The employer's are aware that you are a stu dent and would hke to mcorporate gemnggood grades and being able to afford a The hours of work that a student can do 1s a minimum of 5 The Ontano Student,lss~stanceProgram(OSAI') a d s students m paymg for then educational hours to a maxtmum of 15 hours per week costs.To complunent the program the Ontano depending on the students needs. government has the Work-Study program for This program IS a great way for those m $ose students who receive OSAP T h s pro 6nancIal need to gain expenence and gam a top gram offers students the chance to make up to ratededucation Theonly cntem for each student $1,000 a term The only problem is that many is that they qualify for OSAP, that they have students who recelve government funding are financial need and that they are registered m at unaware of this program and often overlook it. least 60 per cent of a full course load for the fuU If you are a student who receives government term "We Lan see on the system if students have funding, read on T h s ma7 gtve you the opporunmethnanualneed, sowe try tolook after every tuniv that you have been lookmg for. The program beganm 1982 at the msistence student that has an unmet need OSAP d of the Ontano Association of student financial assess the cost and the need, then gve the student aloan Ifthere is a difference then there a ~ officers d The Ontmo Government parallel led the Un~tedStates work study program that 1s stdl an unmet need " says Wade had been runiung m the U S for J ears The 'lherateofpay isnolessthanminimumwage and ranges from a atart of $9 an hour up to $11 issoc~ationhad seen the urgency of students' 6nanud need and beheved that the program an hour dependmg on the department and the posmon that they offer W ~ d points e out that, usedm the US. wuuld work m Ontano h on a pay rate per value Joanw Wade is UW's h e c t o r of student "It 1s prettv m u ~ based awards and fmancd aid W'adewas apart ofthe ofthe job and respons1bdtt7, Themore slulllevel reqmred, the more responsibhty reqwed, the association when the plan was first forming 'TCJeputtogether qn~tea meable proposal and moremdependenceof action requued equals the fonvarded it to the mtnistry and after much hgher paying lob " LUthoughnot every department offers podehberaaonthegovernment hally came through aitiona there are awidc arral ofoptions When a student apphes forwork-studythey canmewthe dents the chance to do exactly what the tttle sags, descnpt~ons of all of the posiuons Some exmp1o)ers prefer the students to be a student york and study Tlus plan allows students to In that dtsciphe Likemse, other departmenh offerpldcementsto any studentfrom any depart extra income to pay for the^ education Wade believes that t h s plants agreatway for ment If you are mterested, the lob postmgs for students tomake extramoney for the~rhancial Work-study are avdable outside ofthe Student needs while attending university "The work study plan 1s a good way for students to find Awards office, Needles Hall, room 2004 They are posted by the fwstweekof the term Youcan part timework. We ask the employers to bevery flexibletakmgmto account the student's sched- get an apphcation at the Student Awards office , and go from there ule &st." This program is a greatway to recogtllze that The employer's are departments on campus that offer posinons to students. Every job that the University of Waterloo, and the Ontano is offered is on campus,which is convenient for government can see a students needs For those studentswho are financially bound, it is great to students. Rather than attendmg a part-time job acrosstown, theselobs are avdable nghtmthin reahze that you are not alone and there are programs like tlus one to help the university. Andrea Kerswill


Co-op tales Fazil Rasheed SPECIALTO IMPRINT

So you are m the Co op program huh? Well congratulations,m a few short years y o u d be among the elites, having studed and gamed work expenence at Waterloo Co op provldes a ghmpse of the corporate worldlong before you are ready to take on a full-t~mejob The obmous benefit 1s the opporhuuty to get a feel of the dynam~csof bn office and to better prepare you for the challenges that lay ahead So whatis thecorporate worldhke? There~s no one good answer to this question However, let's check with some of your coueagues to get some msights as to what to expect when you embark on your first work term

Work report blues h common mistake often made on a first work terp 1s to push yourself too hard. Take "Frank for example, he was an "A" student

who was very hard-working and focused. He went to h s first work term ulth a local h-tech firm with the nght attitude. He was always

though he had wanted to work as a programmer ratherthanm accounting. I Iow can thmgs go wrong for a situationlike ths? Well a turns out Frank was a bit too focused.Havmgattamed h o s t 100percentin CS 130,hewas alwayslookmgforways tousehis


weekof the term. He set out to do h s workreport on a really neat algorithm he had used on a CS project. He spent alot of time afterworkand on the weekends researchmg h s topic and by the nxddle of the work term he had pretty much gathered enough mformation to wnte a pretty sohd paper. .l?lmgs started to go wrong when Frank '





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Hard at work or hardly working? Erin L. Gilmer IMPRINTSTAFF

So, you're starttng your first year at university; having to thmk about a careerbeyond university may seem like a long way off, but it's never too early to s t m thmlungyour future.T h s may be in terms of careers, further education and even exciting overseas opp o m t i e s , especially if you are enrolled in a co-op program. Many of youwdl have done some research already,butwhere can yougo to find out more? CareerSemces,locatedonthe bottom floor ofNeedlesHall,1s a semice on campus designed to offer students all the information they need about careersand furthereducation.Trylookinginto some ofthe followmggeneral information: Careerpbnnzng dterature The books and binders are pamcularly helpful for getting some career direction.Whether youhave an occupation in mind and would like infor mation on career trends,or only know a general field, you can probably find somethtng to help you out Emplyer information

Want to find out speciticmformation about an employer that wasn't availableon thwWeb site?Try takmg a look here. You unll hnd the work term summariesespeciallyhelpful m gving animpression ofwhat it's actually hke doinga work term at a p a a lar company.

of some advlce and gu~dance,Career Semces offers some workshops and opportunitiesto both co-op and regular stream students. These workshops will help to improve your self-marketing and lob searchmg slulls.The following are areas that Career S m c e s covers:

Atademzc Calenders Find calenders from local and intemationaluniversiUes,mcludmgprofessional schools and entrance test information T h s is a good resource and some tunes starangoffpomt formvestlgation into further education Find requirements for things like medical schoolhere If you are enrolled in a co op pro gram, you will soon need to learn to market yourself in order to get the positions you want The idea of coming up with a resum6 thdt wiU get you to stand out among d o ~ e n sof your peersmayhavevou a bit anxious nght now Simngthrough countless, some times intimidating interview situations is nerve rackmg, but by the end ofyour degree here youv.nllhopefully be a seasoned professional In the meantme,ifpou are in need

Interuzew skzl/s Attend the intemiewslullsworkshop and learn from taped actual intemiews. If you would like some practice, bookan appointmentwith staff to do a mock interview, or just to get some

Resume' wnttng The resumCwnungworkshop will teach you how to use your resumt to get yourself noticed and impresspo tentia1employers.Youcanalso setup an appointment to get your resume cnaquedby CareerServicesstaff Don't forgetthe cover letter, youcanbook an appointment for this, too

sity? Attend this workshop to learn how you can turn your idea into a commercial opportunity and assess whether you are ready to do so. Business etiquette If you want to learn to master appropriate businesi behamour from diningto mtemewmg to networking, try attending a business etiquette workshop. Career denszon makmng Sometmesitis Mficult to assess one's place m the working world Booking an appointment to discuss careers& a Career Servlcesstaff member may help You can also attend the career re search package workshop which will educateyouabout doing occupational research,informationinterviews, and makingcareer decisions Youwill also get the opportunity here to do a selfinterest assessment

rate workshop for those seekmgint~ national employment. You can also book an appou ment with a staff member to disc1 job searchandnetworkingt e c h q u You can sign up for any of the workshops and also book appou ments with staff, in Needles Hall, on the Career Services Web site If you still want to learn mc about careers and education,you= be interested in attending some oft following events around town, a on campus CareerandJobFairs (Septemt 25, RIMPark) Faculty of Education Talks (( tan0 Sept 3 and 8, S1,C hfultir pose Rm ,International Oct 2 SLC Great Hall) Work Study Abroad Fair (Oc ber2, SLC Gredt f I d ) ProfeaslonnlandPostDegreeE (October l6,SLC GreatIIall)

Stanhg your own busznefi Do youthink youmightbeinter ested in starting your own business, either for awork term or afteruniver

Job ~ear~b In the search for employment it sometimeshelps to geta fewpointers and tips on the best way to go about things. Career Services offers a work findingpackageworkshop,anda sepa-

To find out more, visit the Carl Services office, orcheckoutthemf' mation on their Web site www

world is that you wdl always find people or situations that affect you negati3ely.The truthis youhave to live wrth these situaaons and the most you can do is develop the tact and patience to deal with them Running away and complaining or whtning doesn't usually help One of the most common situd tions is the case of co worker rivalry 7111s is when co-workers t q to outdo each other just to win approval from the boss Onher hrstwork-term, "Lindsaf' was prepared for the reaction she got from her cdleague "hiary " Marywas

on her second co op work term w t h the localinsurancegiant Lindsaymade everyefforttogo the extramile She dpprodched all her ds signmentswithdedication and always saw her projects through to completion Lindsay's dedication paid off and she found herselfbeing assigned big ger dnd more important responsibih ties in her technical m t m g position Her co-workers treated her f i e a fultime employee and her superiors al ways sought her opinions on impor tant issues Sheendedup becommganintegral

member of her development tea The only person who didnot seem thtnk that Lindsaywas doing a fant tic lob was Mary Mary used evt possible opportunity to challengea to negate any suggestionst h a t h d made Lindsdy,wds tempted tocompl to the boss, but she quickly realin that dwhmer is not the most popu person in an office Instead she dec~dedto have a t mth Mary and lscuss the underly reason for the strange behamor Even though Mary turned out be stubborn dnd plainly mdhcio Lindsay was smart enough to ma tam her professionalism Lindsayendedup havmgeanexc lentwork termand actudywentb. to the company for a second tern The lesson here is that unprof sional behavior and personal nva wdl always show up in every aspeci your life. The key is to stick to yc pnonties and maintam your prof sionalismand dlgmty. Allowmgyo self to get dragged into situations personal rivalry wdl do no good Lmdsay's expenenceis not t;p but is one that can happen. M: companiesactuallyhwemore thanc co-op student for the same dep; ment. What you have to reahe 1s t each of usis Mferent and we have c own way of learmng and workmg getting too competitive is not thmg to do, especiallyon a work t e ~

Coop: almost real-life stories Continued from page 23

submittedhis report tohis supervisor for grading. It turned out that the work report had nothmg to do ulth what Frank did m his work term, and his Supemisor had wanted hun to wnte a paper on GAAP The only tlmgFrankcould have associatedwith GAAPwas designer clothes-allhis hours of research had gone down the dram, and the work term was almost over! Intheend,he had tospend amajor part of the next semesterworking on his new report. In the process his

grades suffered and he ended upgettmga"bare1yacceptable"grade onhis work report Work reports are usually wntten based on the work experienceandit's a common mistake to not get the manager or supemisor's approvalbefore embarking on the project The best adviceisto take your hmechoos mg a toplc to research dnd make sure that you get the proper approvals before sitting down to write the paper.

Friendly competition One of the realitiesof the workmg


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Discovering K-W: the town you live in Emily Collins SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

As youprepare to make your homem Kitchener-Waterlooforthenext fourodd years, keep in mind that there is life beyond campus. Although you'll fmd you wdl not have to venture much fartherthanUnivers~tyAvefor most ofyour basic survivalneedsand entertammentwants,resistthe temptation to lumt yourself to the campus parameters A turtle stuck m its shell never gets to see the world and hkewise, though bemg unadventurous &not necessarily makewversity hfe dull, it d cause you to m s s out on what excitementthe m c l t i e s have to offer. Kitchener Waterloois host to vanous annual events that are delimtely worth checking out between study breaks.

Oktoberfest Friday October 11 to Saturday October 19 As the secondlargestBavananfes tival worldwide, Oktoberfest is considered alocaltreasure The cimc fesbval, devoted to celebratmg the German Canadtan hentage of K-W and the spirit of Gemethchkezt or good cheer. attracts thousands of tourists each year, drawmglarge crowds atthe mamevent, the OktoberfestThanksgvmg Day Parade. For those staying m town for the weekend, you'll have

to wake up early (and remember to drew warm) to beat the throngs of people who gather along King St m uptown Waterloo to watch the Parade The parade features colourfd floats, marchmg bands, and appearances by hhss Oktoberfest, and Oktoberfest ambassadors and mas cots, Hans and Frada. Although there are several familyonented eventstaktngplaceinthe city on any given day of the festival, the highlight of Oktoberfest for most students is the chance to dress up m bderhaum, dance the polka, eat German sausage, and load up on beer. Each night during the festival, local clubs orfeshallenm the area don Germannames, serve German food, and feature hve bands playmg German mus~c.For the most authen~cGerman expenence, the Concordn Club m Kitchener is by far the favoured venue, but ackets are a bitpncey and have to be ordered far in advance. As such, most students opt to stay closer to campus and go "festmg" at Fed Hall, the Revolution, or the Recreation Complex.

Elmira Maple Syrup Festival Saturday, April 5 Another favourite among K W residents is a tnp mto Elmira for the annual Maple Syrup Festival. Again, be sure toIeave town early as the route to Elmra 1s usually backed up with cars by noon and parkmg spots are

sicians, and drag performance www.rambom.on ca

harder to come by later m the day. A one-and-a-halfhour wagon tour through hfennomte countryside, a log choppmg contest, and a pan cake-fippmgcontest are amongthe actinties to take part m at the festival. However, it's equally enjoyable to strolldown the main downtown stnp siftmg through homemade baked goods, crafts, clothing, and quilts and samphngthe vanety of hot foods avadable for the tastmg. Try out the Canadian backbaconona bun, apple fritters, and of course, pancakes or waffles drenched m Waterloo County's verv --, nwn - -- manle ---- r-syrup.

Uptown Waterloo Jazz Festival Friday July 11 to Saturday 12

sells Ocktoberfest memorabilia TriPride Sunday, June 8

Not the enormity and clambake of T~~~~~~ Pride, K-W is host tomuchmore ofa homey event Residents from the Waterloo, Cambndge, and Guelph areas and beyond

conglomerate on Roos Island in Kitchener's Victona Park for an after noon of commutllty b d h p and celebration of gay pnde. There is alwa~~BBQandabeergarden,aswellas severalmforma~ontables to browse.

Entertrunmenttypica~ycOnslsts unpressme roster


Just over a decade smce its mce tion, the Jazz Festival is an esteemc event that has grown significantly qualityand maetude, attractingmo spectators by the year Two outdo tents are set up m Uptown Waterlo the main stage on Regma Street ad] cent to Waterloo City Hall and Pa Puncher, and the smaller b l a n d Place stage behind the Canadian Cl and Glass Gallery on Albert Stre1 Festimties kickoff on Fnday event f r o m 6 p m t o l l p m atthema stage, and contmue Saturday fro noon to 11p m at the main stage at from noon to 6 p m at the hIanuh Place stage. Both locations featu performan~esby world class ja musicians wlth an emphasis on lo( and Toronto-based acts. Nev known to disappomt, the event prof lses to be filled with great jazz mu( and it makes for a relaxing weekei getaway from classes Best of all, i free

Waterloo Busker Carnival Thursday August 21 to Saturday 24,2003 See ACTIVITIES, page :

Learning Cam1 us Rec in 10 r Chris Di Lullo SPECIALTO IMPRINT

There are only 24 hours m a day. It is a sad and smple fact oflife that we all must accept Odds are, you probably gave up more than one thmg you enjoy domg to focus your attenUon on the upcoming challenges of your first year at Waterloo. You hkely dropped your dreams of becoming a varsity athlete, your aspirations to pumpironevery day, or lust accepted theinemtabhty of that frosh 15 I can tell you that there is not only a time, but also aplace to ensure that youcan fit physical actimty mto your hfe (no, t u r m g pages and typmg don't count as physical actimty) Campus Recreation offers the chance for students to get fit, participate m team sports, and most mportantly ,the chance to take a break from the stress associatedwith school Accordmgto hfichelle Robmson, a Cam pus Rec coordinator, there are five program areas that Campus Rec focuses on. fitness, mstructional pro grams, sports leagues and tourna ments, aquatics and clubs Fitness concentrateson the cardio equipment,the weight room and conditioning staffand fitness classes, such

as "Cardio Crunch" and "Boxerc~se". Instructionalprograms are agood way of l e a m g a field of mterest at a discounted pnce. They Include such offenngsas yoga, ta-chi, First A d and CPR certi6catton, terns, bouldenng bkemaintenance, c h c s , golflessons, skating lessons and squash lessons. CampusRecalso offers dancelessons ranging from the waltz to Latm dancmg.Just make sure you check what is avadable as the term begins so you . don't miss the sign up date. Sports leagues cover a wide array of sports and slull levels through competitive and corecreational leagues. They are refereed by amateur referees and are spht up mto different divisions so that a player's competitors have a sunilar level of play Be warned, spots for teams fill up soon, and the sign-up date for a team keeps getting closer and closer to the begmmg of the term Last I checked a was mthm the first week of the term Teams are organised by a captam who signs up the teams and is responsible for f i h g the roster with vahd Campus Rec members Campus Rec competitive leagues consist of basketball, soccer, flag football, ball hockey, icc hockev, broomball andvolleyball. Recreation

leagues include ultimate, soccer, broomhall,volleyball,basketball and mnertube waterpolo. Aquatics obmouslyare focusedon the pool. There are times set aside for free s m s as well as s\ylmming lessons. You can also ]om the UW hfesavmg club. Clubs are a way for people at UW to meetpeople with whom they share a common interest Furthermore,Campus Recclubshave to offer an mstructional component,whichis usefulfor begmners.The hst of clubs mclude archery, badnunton,curhg, fencmg, luggltng,kendo, mar &a1arts, rowing, ski, table tennis, mountam bike, wmdsurting/s&g, uItimate and the outers for those who like the great outdoors. Now that you have a basic idea of what Cam pus Recreation isyouneed to know how to get in volved.Robmson has as sured me that "Getting Involved with Campus Recreation 1seasy." She assures students

that the first smple stepis to "Take a look atthe CampusRecreationGuidebook-m there y o u d h n d everyttung youneed to knowaboutleagues, clubs, fitness, tournaments, and aquatics Plus, you h d out everything you need to know about the faulitiesat the PAC" Youcan also check out the Campus Rec webs~te at

camprec.htm if you reqwe further

Campus Rec league ball

informationor sunplylackabard co of the guidebook. Slgmng up for teams, actinti1 clubs and the restis allvery easy to c However you must remember Se tember 9" this is the deadhe to si up for any and all of the programs tl Campus Recreation offers. I can : sureyouthat all these programs fill fast, so make sure that set pour alal on the 9th to get mto the courses y want.


Bike maintenance and purchase

Racquets, balls and free weights Make use of the facilities while you're here


Have you ever had problems with walking mechanics? Has the idea of getting from point h to point B becauseyou to wake in cold sweats after countless mathematic nightmares? Do you tind yourself sluppmgclasses because that confoundedcalculusclass is all theway across campus?Wellfear not, youarenot alonein the search for a better mode of transportatmn. The followhgguide will ease all your bicy cle buying, securingand maintaining problems. Before going stra~ghtto a shop to buy a bike, a good place to lookwould be agarage sale. Ifyou are successfulin hnding one you can usually purchase a decent bicycle for a very agreeable pncc. Butifyoucannot find agarage or yard sde, then try bike shops.The first place you canlook for oneis Cyclepath, located at 2 IGng St. South. Being a chained store you may fmd a decent price for a bike, but the atmosphere stillhas a 'professional' feel toit. They only sell bikes and bike accessories so hexstaffwillbe themostknowledgeable. If you don't want to spend a fortune on a professional bike, there is absolutelynothing wrong with gomg to Zellers. Itis convenientlylocatedat Conestogamall,andwdlhave adecent collectionofbikes for the rightprice. The last choice, and persowal favourite, is McPhail's at 98 King St. North. This is the place to go for the first time buyer. They do sell other sports equipment, but seem to focus mainly on bicycles.They have a wide selectionofmountain and street bikes, rangingin price from $200.00 to over $2000.00.Toget the bestquality,you may want to spend around $350 for a nice all terrain hike. The streets of \Traterloo are quite safe, but all it takes is one crazy driver or a wild, ravenous piece of pavement to knock you silly. helmet is the number one suggestedpieceof safety equipment. To get a well made, long lasting one, your best bet is at one of the above-mentioned bike stores. If shopping at Zellers or any other department store make sure to buy a trusted name in helmets such as Bell. You will be looking at spending around fifty dollars for a good one. Other suggested equipment includes a bell (for warningpedestrians when speeding at over30km an hour), a light (for warning cars moving at much faster speeds) and a nice repair kit (if you happen to hit either), and finally a lock (if someone decides to steal your bike while you're unconscious) ,igood kit includes patches, contact cement, anallmewrench and spoke wrench However simply patches and contact cement wdl do Thic leads us to the final sectton, maintainingyour bicycle. Ifyouare a hands-on typeofcyclist, then the absolute best place to perSee BIKE, page 28


Last I checked, part of the money we students pay for fees goes to Campus Recreation.Whether ornot youuseit is your call, however the facilities for a number of activiues do exist. Makinguseofthe facilitiesisageat way to stayin shape,meet new people, and possibly learn something new. It always amazesme at thenumber of people who are in the dark regard mg the Campus Kec facilities avadable l h s should help clear some doubt The two CampusRecreation build ings on campus available to students Comare thePLIC(Pl~ysical~lctivities plex) and the CIF (Colun~biaTcefield). The IJAICis home to nine squash courts, one pool, two weight rooms, two gyms, two studios, wheelchair equlpment, d chmbmg wall, a l o ~ k e r rooms, showers and saunas The CIF currently houses two gyms, the CIF arena and a studio Though none of these facilities maybe as good as Goodhfe or the Yi\lCLi,they are stdl functt~nal.~\lso( unless specified),all the fachttes listed are free/pre-paid. Both the P;\C and the CIF offer

The PAC in all its glory. treadnull The squash and racquetballcourts two mternaconsist of s~x~imencan, tional and one non-regulation sued courts The bookmg can be made up to two weeks m advance

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The weight room on the PAC second floor

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gym tine to play b d s k e t b a ~ ~ , v o ~ ~ e ~ ~The h a ~CIF ~ area has recreation skating atcertain times. It also has recreation or badmmton assurmng the gym m hockey time for a nominal fee. use Drop bj either buildmg to find The three functional soccer fields, out available times. two baseball diamonds and a golf The pool hours arepostedin at the course are alsointhe vicinity. Although PAC and in the Campus Rec book inextremelypoorshape,thegolfcourse availableevery term. It is available for is great for developingaswing or a free both fitness and recreational swims. round of golf. The PLIC'sdownstairs conditionIn association with the Waterloo ing/weight room is designed for the Tennis Club, on Seagram drive, tennis novice to the expert. courts are available to all university The room includes free weights, students, but require a booking 48 exercise stationsand cardio equipment hoursin advance.Since the courts are like steppers, rowers, bikes and heavily booked, calling in advance is elhpticals. It also has stretchingareas. advisable. Dumbbellaccess can also beobtained Formore ulformationyoucan pick for a $5 fee. The upstairs weight room has free up a copy of the Campus Rec book early into the term for the PAC or the weights and 1s intended for more ad Columbia Ice Fields. .Additional inwncedweight trainers. formation can be gathered from The upper floor's Red South . ier is where vou will find the wheel - -

:hair accessibleequipment,whichconiistsof a\'ersa tr&~er,andawheelchair


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Dr. Jeff Hovis from the School of Optometry, University of Waterloo is evaluatingcolourvisiontestsdesignedfortherailroadindustry.The tests determine one's ability to identify colour codes used to monitor and controltrainmovement. lndividualswith COLOURVISION PROBLEMSareneeded tovalidate these tests. The experiment requires between 1 to2 hours to complete. Compensationforyourtimeis $10.00. Formoreinformation, pleasecontactJeff Hovisat885-1211, ext. 6768. This project has received ethics clearance from the Office of Research Ethics at the University of Waterloo (ORE #9703)


Activities around KW

Continued from page 27

Continued from page 26

form any kmd of repars or lmprove ments is the UW Bike Shop Located nght in the SLC just below the mam entrance faungnorth, it is a haven for the do it-yourself The shop charges a rmnunal fee per everyhour you work, and additional fees for any parts you add You can add a luck-stop,change a tire, or grease your chain for a m ma1 amount But for the complete tune-up, the place togois once agmMcPhds For a fee of3630 00 they wdl take your bike in for about a week and make sure every part ism it's best workmg condition If you want a n y t h g added theywilldothataswell Ifyouwant to change your inner tube and/or ttre, they wll do that for around $20 00 and have it back for you in about 5 mutes By t h s tune you should he quute comfortable mth your bke, and wdl never agam be plagued by foot soresor persistent tardmess SafeJourney1

TheBusker's Carnivalis one ofthe mostmdely attended localattractions, and with good reason. It features a number ofthe top streetperformance acts from around the world, and as such, ends up heingawhole pile of fnn and intrigue for people of all ages Clowns, magicians, jugglers, contortionists, and acrobats are among the performers that grace vanous stages on Kmg St in Uptown Waterloo between William and Erb St.A commumty BBQ and the opentng ceremomes take place on Thursday evening, and Busker performances continue through lheweekendunall 1p.m. on Thursday, from noon-11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and fromnoon4p.m. on Sunday. Some highlights of the camval are the Late Night Adult Showwhlch takes place on Saturday at 11:30 p.m. and includes some elements of surprise (don't bringyounger siblings along) and the Vaudeville

Show (the Grand Finale) that takes place at 4 p.m. on Sunday,both at the Parkade Pitch Stage.Make sure to bnng along some spare change to show the performers your appreciation (that's how they eat). Aside from annual events, there are plenty ofthings to do on anygiven day in the town of K-W.

St. Jacob's Country and St. Jacob's Farmer's MarketThursday and Saturday, 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Miss mom's cooking? Go to the Farmer'sMarket Becauseofthestrong agriculturalactimtyupheldm the area, fresh produce, a vanety of meats, cheese, and homemade baking arem abundance from Ontano and local farms.More than600localvendorsset up shop weekly to sell their products and local delicacies like summer sausage and pure maple syrup are sold by Mennomte farmers who travel to

marketby horse and b u m . It is quite aunique andlivelyplace to shop (in the neighbouring stable, you can also go and watch cow auctioning). \ W e i n the neighbourhood,head to the core of St. Jacob's to do a bit more shopping. In St.Jacob's Country you will find over 100 one-of-akind shops that sell such things as crafts, antiques, and sweets, many housed~carefullj~restored 19thcentury bwldmgs. St. Jacobs is also a haven for contemporary and traditional Canadiancrafts,many ofwhich are made m the-viUage studios. The Thorn Glass Studio where you can watch glass blowing and Brittles N' More are a couple of my personal favoudtes.

Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery -Tuesday Saturday, 10:OO a.m. - 5 pm., Sunday 1 p.m. 5 p.m.



The Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery,locatedat25 CarolineSt.Northin

Waterloo,is a rare find For art lo and the curious alike, the musc features a year round program 01 hibitions in contemporary mat1 culture executed in the shca me, ceramics, glass, and enamel In o words, this is not just your tjpical of the mill pottery, the gallery housed severalmoving,articulate, expressive pieces created using tl materials and holds its own in ranks ofwell-respectedart museL The museum offers lectures, WI shops, tours and demonstration: those who are interested Adrms to exhibits is by donation The] also a gift shop where you can 1 chase work by clay and glass artlc but the pnces aren't very afforddbl a student budget

The Stratford Festival

The StratfordFestivalisrenow for its outstandmg Shakespea~ theatre, but there are severalnotev thy non Shakespearean product1 at the~lvonandTomPattersonTl tres If you are not much of d thed goer,Shakespeareat the FesnvalTI tre is defmtely the cream of the c and somethtng you should exF ence at least once in pour hfeti Although Stratford is about a minute dnVeout of town, it's qw charming setting for a picmc m park before the show You can I some mce affordable restaurant town and there are lots of antique-I shops to wander through

Luci's Mudhouse Not what a sounds like, Lu Mudhouse is located at 22 Regin: North in Waterloo and is a great to spend an afternoon with frie and redirect your energies You choose from a wide selection of ramtc pieces (rangmgin pnce fron $40)and then once you've made y choice, just sit down at a table paint awav Ifyou are a first tuner, staffarehappy togiverouinstruct lhere are blushes, sponges and ot materials to paint mth and you r work from stcncils and destgn' books or just run wild with it WI you are fmshed, vou leave T our ~1 aonwrthluci so that a protectwegl can be apphed The only drdwbd~kisthat you for each hour that you spend th (although there is a discount for dents), so you may end up feelir httle rushed to fmsh up 7

Theatre On the Edge TheatreontheEklgeisalocallmp troupe that performs aswellas teac mprov They perform every Thl day at 8p m at the Waterloo Comr mty Arts Centre at25RegmaSt So in Waterloo. The troupe thnves or interactivesettmg,wherethe audic creates the show through thelr s gestions Xdmission~s5bucks, agc and cheapway to laugh yourpants I If you'd hke to learn, you can hl down to the WCXC on Sunddy , p m when the group holds wo shops forpeople ofall expenence1 els The cost tajoin aworkshopis

page P-29

hen,Aucusr 30,2002

Exotic food places to whet your palate a s mecca ofGerman food carnesan extensive selection of salami. They also carry German breads (thtnk sourdough and rye), fresh meat and mported dry goods, mcluding an assortment of chocolate bars. Try their smokedporkchops,which taste simi h r to ham but have a texture morehke pork chops, on the barbecue.

Places to go for your ethnic food wants Kourtney Short IMPRINTSTAFF

Although K-W is known mostly for its German population, it is actually quite culturally diverse. If you know where to look, you can find your favounte e h c and speualty foodshere -savingyourselfthetnp toToronto.

University Food Market

140 University Ave. West (walking distance) Umversity Food Mart carrres a vast array of ethnic foods, mcluding halal meats, sush supplies, spices, halum~ cheese and baklava D e h t e l y worth visitingforhard-to-findinternational foods.Watchout for someoldernonperishables and avoid their produce, whch can be overnpe and overpriced.


740 Belmont Ave. West IQtchener (on the #8 route) Part grocery store, part speualty food store,Vmcenzo's specializesm Itahan foods, but carnesavmety ofmported European foods as well as other eth mc items mcludmg sush and tempeh. They also prepare sandulches to go, a bargain at $3 25 and $4.25-besides, where else in town can you order smoked salmon on a croissant mth cream cheese, artichoke caponata, gnlled eggplant and sundned tomatoes? New City Supermarket

236 Kmg Street East Kitchener (on the #7 route) New City Supermarket, whch just openedm June, feels just like Toron to's Chinatown - only mth mder atsles. They carry fresh produce, fresh meats and dry goods, as well as live fish and shellfish. The= selection of produce was especially impressive

Full Circle Natural Foods -

..-. ...... -. ....

For South asian food, try New City Supermarket in Kitchener

Therewere severalitems I hadnever seen before, and they had frozendonan (a f m t whose offensive smell has caused it to be banned from some places, mcluhng arplanes). K-W Korean Japanese Market

Belmont Ave West IQtchener (#8 route) Carnes frozen foods, such as beef, durnplmgs and fish cakes, and dry . . goods, such as nce, non, wasabi and currymutes. fresh Items

h g s and desserts.


LN International Food Market

Brady's Meat and Deli

145 King Street East IQtchener (on 465PhilhpStreet(atAlbert-walking the#7 route) &stance) Specialues in West Indian and East In addiaon to havingthe best t-bones m town, dehcious mannated lamb Eurooean foods. Some produce, although fresh chdes steaks and other deli items, Brady's carnes a vanety of unported Bnash were shghtly dned out, as well as bulk legumes andgrams, snack foods such and other European foods. At lunchas banana chps, clule sauces and un- m e , they sell soup, salads and sandwiches, including a delicious ported dry goods. Someinterestm~bevera~es.mcludin~ homemade ~ o r roast k sandmch " " , " sourcherry concentrateand a beverage Fiedler's Delicatessen made from Insh moss, were partlcularly mterestmg. 197 Kmg Street East IQtchener (on the #7 route)

An apple a day keeps the doctor awav Peter Cowan EDITORIAL ASSISTANT

Between studymg and trying to have a socialhfe,many studentsput proper numtion on the back burner m favour of junk food and coffee. Formost first year students thisis the firat tune that they are choosmg their own meals FollowmgCanada's food gude is mportant according to TammyHoffmann, anutntion coun sehgnursemth Health Semces "People who are not nounshmg therr body properly wJ1 feel a lack of energy and concentration" said Hoffmann The food guide recommends five to 12 s e m g s of gram products, five to 10 fruits andvegetablesand two to four s e m g s of&. It also suggest eatlngtwoto three s e m g s ofmeat or alternauves Studentslivingin residence have a menu that has been checked carefully by the Food Advisory Board to ensure that students aregettmgavanety of well balanced food. The FAR mclude representatives

for students,staff, the seniorchef, and a regstered dietiuan Students must ensure they are making menu choices that mclude all food groups A gnlled ham and cheese sandulch WU I provlde grain, milk and meat but 1s laclung fmts or vegetables 'Youwouldhave to make a choiceon the side to pickout anapple or banana," said H o f f m a ~ Students who have concerns that their &et 1s not well balanced and nutritious can make an appointment, freeofcharge,to speakmth anumtton counsellor nurse Health Semces doctorscanalsoreferstudents toLinda Barton, the teetered dietiuanon cam pus. The campus health plan WIII cover consultations m t h Barton. To help you eat a well balanced meal, food semces has nutntioncards next to each menu item Vegetanans andveganshavemore choices on campus than lust salads Each full semce outlethasavegetanan meal option m t h every meal such as spaghetti, samosasorcheesemamcom. Hoffmann maintains that it a important for vegetanans to ensure

Grain Products Choose whole grain and enriched products more often. Vegetables and Fruit Choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often. Milk Products Choose lower-fat milk products more often. Meat and Alternatives Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans and lentils more often.

they are eatmg enough protein and Iron. Protein sourcesmclude soy and other legumes. The nutntion cards

can beused tomake sure students are choosmg foods that are high m iron.

68 Queen Street South (across from the IGtchener bus te-al) Full Clrcle cartles orgamcand conventionally grown bulk and health foods They also carry supplements and a vartety of hard to-fmd herbs and spices, both m bulk and packaged. LaochaleuneAsia Food Market

16 Charles Street West (across from the Gtchener bus termmal) Specializesmlaos, Tha, Cambodian, Chmese andVietnamese foods. Caraes dry goods, fresh and frozen seafood, and fresh produce. A recentvlsit revealed fresh duck eggs andlychees.

For a quick break A look at food at University Plaza Daniel Saunders SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Ah food. Without it, you can neither party, nor study, nor even procrastinate. -4nd let's face it: you're not going to get off campus very often. The university plaza is the farthest most of us get, but it strll provides a refreshing change from the on-campus options, and a serm-detached site for semi-important occasions. The followingguudcis highly subjcct~ve, but is the result of severalyears of eatingesperience in the plaza and mformal polhng of friends. I've left out a few-places where food is ohtainablc in the plaza: Farah's food mart, most of the cafks and bars. I lcavc these for you to discover. Campus Pizza and Pizza Nova l'izzaby the sliceisthe fastestmealyou canget at the plaza - if not the healthiest. Campus Pizza, formerly a Gino's franchlse,comes out the winner for surface area of their slices,with 77.0 versus42.4squareinchesatPlzzaEiova,which at 32.99andgs2.75a shce,respectively,comesto3.9 cents vs. 6.5 ccnts per square inch (5.8 for pepperoni.) Majority opinion,however,is that Pizza Nova uses better quality ingredients, and more of them. In the colourful words of a Pizza Nova I see employee,'What do ~ o u g ethere-bread! t ~eople,they throw the pizza in the garbage, they come here." It certainly has awider selection of interesting toppings, such as feta cheese, bruschetta,etc. Campus Pizza's relative proximity dprobablygive it an edge forindlscriminate bellies. Come the fall both are scheduled to have Watcard service. Mongolian Grill, East Side Mario's, Seoul Soul and Almadina Egyptian Where to get your parents to take youwhen theymsit-iffor some reason youcan'tleavethe plaza.All of them are pncey, the all-y ou-can-eat model of AIongohan Grdl, m which you select mgredtents for your own stirfry, is good for people w t h large appetttes (it 1s also known for

1 2 3 4 5

The Bagel Deli The Golden Mango Curry in a Hurry Pizza Nova The Timeless Cafe

its Martini Mondays), whle Seoul Soul is said to have excellentKoreanfood as well as reasonablypnced sushi. z h d East Side Mano's, well ... you know what to expect. (Egyptian r greek food is s ~ d a to food.) The Pita Factory, The Pita Pit, Subway and Harvey's Reasonably good, reasonablycheap, youcan sui\we on these places prettv m u ~ hindefinitely (and l ) but ,can youcall mmy d that l~ving? -1s for the dfferences, ~ l ' sa matter of personal prcfcrcncc - a friend prases the Harvey's esperience for its "minimum of human interaction", and I:m partial to the chickencaesarpitas at the PitaFactory. Bagel Deli

One of the manv places in Universitv Plaza with a high turnover rate in ownership.

Although superficially similar to the above restaurants, the BagelDeliis ona whole other plane. When you orderroast beef,it's slicedin front of your eyes; fresh vegetables, cheerful staff, and a stmning variety of bagels to choose from to make your sandwich make allthe dtfference.'l'he queen of quick plaza sandwiches. Quick tip: bagels freezeverywell, so buy a dozen and you'll never have to settle for Zehr's in-store bagels. Curry in a Hurry Dehcious cumes,extremelyquickly,for agood pnce. One ofthe best betsin the plaza for good eatlng. Mikey's Eatery and Grand China Restaurant Located side by side, these represent almost the opposite ends of thechmesefoodexperience GrandChmaisa decent,fmly authentrccantonese place,whde cafetern-stylehlkey's featuresbnght yellownoodles, "chckenballs", and fluorescent red sweet and sour pork, served on styrofoam plates with dlmders Only a small step up the evolutronaq ladder from Chopsticksmthe Davis Centre Stdl,when you get that cravmg for shiny, crunchy General Tso's Chicken

Chester Fried Chicken and Balkan , Chevaps Mr. Panino's When Cultures Collide: Plaza Style. This Chester Fried Chicken -and only this one also sells samosas and curry chicken,whileat Mr. Panino's you can sample traditional Bosnian sausage along with slithery italian Panino sandwiches. Pho Vinh Tin and The Golden Mango Thai and Vietnamese The place everyoneusedto go, andwherethey should head to now. The plaza restaurant Pho Maxim was closed down in January due to massive health code violations. Open again now,in the same locationwith a cunning name change, it's probably perfectly safe, but there's no need to risk it with the marvellous Golden Mango around: free tea, good prices, enourmous portions and an extensive menu. Mel's Diner Expensive and filled w t h lutsch from some ill-definedhstoncal pcaod around the 1950s, but good for midnight milkshaker and break fasts, servmg a henrq breakfast meal for only

Pizza at Campus Pizza... Yummy!!!

$2.99, 24 hours a day. Theu enormous Eas Rider burger has made grown men quiver. Sunshine Express, Vegetarian Fastfood Restaurant and Timeless Cafe Good choices for "nce with stuff ladled 01 if'style ,Asian cuisine. Sunshine specializes il largeportions, speed,and cheapness,whleT7eg etarian Fastfood has eerily accurate tofi simulationsof chicken and fish.Timeless Cafei well known for its bubble tea. None are long oj atmosphere,withTVs blazing at alltmes ofdaj Kebab Express The new food stand way in the back of htm University Food Market, servingbubble tea an( freshly made chicken or ground beef kebabs With only two teeny tables in the middle of th~ store, it's better for takeout, but the kebabs ar~ authentic and tasty.

(I have been asked not to mention the adja centMr. Sushi, open 12-3pm,5-8pmweekdays 12-3pmsaturday-they are ovenvhelmed wtl business, and do not need any more promotioi of their delicious, inexpensive sushi, or of thl friendliness of their owner, Mr. Sushi himself.





Don't just stand here & chew the fat, cook something Kourtney Short SPECIAL TO IMPRINT University students have varying levels ofcooking expertise; some cooked meals for their families, whde others have never even packed a lunch. Although this guide is by no means comprehensive, it aims to give you an overview ofthe basic slulls needed to eat cheaply and nutritionally

Get some protein Whether you are vegetarian or a devoted meat eater, the task of getting enough protem on a limited budget can be dauntmg. Some inexpensive sources ofprotein are chicken quarters (usuallyunder a buckapound),canned tuna, canned beans, eggs and cheese. Chicken quarters: Sprinklewith garlic, salt,mdpepper,or any combination of spices (availab le inexpensively in bulk at most grocery stores) that you like. Bake at 350 degrees for '/z hour or until juices run clear when pierced with a fork at the thickestpart.

flour tortdla on a plate Spoon black beans (nnsed anddrained),salsa,cheese and vegetables mto the center of the flour tortilla Fold the bottom, then each qide ofthe tortillainto the center to form a burnto hhcrowave 2 m u Utes to melt the cheese and heat through

Cook pastaaccordingtopackage dmctions. I Ieat ';2 jaroftomato sauce over medium-lowheat. \&'hen sauce is hot, stir in tuna. Serve over pasra, with a sprinklingofparmesan or hot pepper flakes. Rmsed and drained canned beans can be substituted for tuna.

Prevent fires: Most kitchen fires are avoidable. You should never walk away from anything on "high". If you're simmering something on low, it's okay to leave the room, but consider setting a timer in case you forget about it. Prepare for fires: Keep baking soda near the stove. To put out a grease fire, smother it with baking soda or cover the pot or pan with a lid.

Cheese pita pizza: Place 1pita @referablywhole wheat) on a baking sheet or the tray from a toaster oven. Spreadwith pasta sauce (prepared,or make your own by combining equal parts tomato paste and water with oregano or Italian seasoningto taste). Spnnklewithcheeseand toppings of choice. Bake at 425 degrees for 5-8 minutes, or until cheese is melted and lightly browned.

Eat fruits and vegetables When shopping for yourself for the

Bacteria: There's no need to invest in expensive anti-bacterial sprays or cloths, just take basic precautions. Wash your hands. Wash surfaces that have come into contact with raw meat right away. If you're having trouble determining if meat is cooked, invest in a meat thermometer. Regarding leftovers, if you can't remember when you cooked it, you should probably throw it out.


Iftlus is your first time buying!-our owngroceries, heed my words: Soon youwill feel like youpracticallylix~at the supermarket. That's not as ternble as ~tsounds. There 1s a cerrain air ofindependence to be had from prcktng out J-ourown breakfast cereal and rcccnt shrdies rercal that thegrocer! storeis one ofthe three hestplnces tomeetaIvospectivt maw (the 1):lnk nnd church al-e thc

prices at Zehrs are affordable and the senlce is friendly.And taking the train tracks gves you an escuse to go through Waterloo Park (ooh,llamas!). Cons: Since it's a little smaller, it ma!- be mssing a few Items on your list and thewalk back to residencex~lth grocen-loaded arms isn't e~nctlyfun. Conclusion:.igood place to pick uplesscr orders (two bags, tops).;ind don't forget tovisitLiquidationTYorld while y u ' r e at the square!

Share: Ask your roommates if they want to share common perishable items such as lettuce or onions.

Think preparation time, not cooking time h s a student, you don't have a lot of tune to waste. Fortunately, a lot of your m e may be spent at home, workmg on your school work. ltems such as roasts and stews, which take a long m e to cook but a short tune to prepare, are thus ideal Stew: Heat some oil in a pot over medium heat. .\dd cubes of stewing beef and cook until browned on all sides. Add water to cover and a couple of beef bouillon cubes.Bring to a boil,reduce heat to low and simmer for 1 hour. Peel and &ce some onions, carrotsand potatoes. ,ldd to the pot and simmer for 1 more hour. Serve hot. You can freeze this stew for 3 months or refriger te it for up to a week.


Roast: Think Portable:


Dned fnuts, such as apricots, prunes, cranbemesand raisins,are agreattlung to carry in your backpack as a quick

Vegetables such as peas, corn, beans and bell peppers tastegreat and retam much of their nutritional value when frozen. To serve,microwave 1cup of vegetable for around 2 minutes, or add to boilingpasta during final minutes of cooktng.Avoid buying frozen vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts and carrots, which can lose flavour and texture when frozen.

This piggy went to market. . . --

source of v i t a m s and enera F m t cups and lndivldual servings of applesauceare also healthy and handy - but look for unsweetened verqlons . .

Tuna pasta:

Black bean burrito: Rinse and drain black beans. Place one

firsttme, it is easy to neglect fnuts and vegetables \lso,it can also be d~flicult for a person cooktng alone to finish fresh items before they go bad Here are some suggestions:

anyway-wluch youwtll probably do often, it's a mall.

Farah Foods Location: University Plaza ( b e d e Eact Side Vano's) Walking time from residence: about 70 mmutes Pros: Location, location,location. .A Fiida!.Sghr dmnerat anyrcstauran~ in the plaza \vl11 u l t i m d y lead to a stop in at Farah's,~vlvhere !-ou'll â‚Ź i d >in irnpresslre selectionofbreads,tncats.

Zehrs Location: ( ~ ~ i i e s r o51. g 1,11 ~ !nay f east i ~ c:mpus) Walking tinre from residence: I d > cill< {,!I< ni;t I <l;,U-Yc PIO., ~, :il?.l\-.~; \ I?,!,!,: :211,, \ V ~ l l l

Place a roast in an oven-safe pot or disposable foil roasting pan, fat side up. Spnnkle with salt, pepper and garlic. Cookin apreheated 35OVoven for 18-20 minutes per pound for medium-rare,or longerifyoupreferit more well-done.Wrap leftoversin foil and use within a week (or freeze ifyou want to keep them longer).

Where to look

Ask your friends and parents forrecipes. Prepared: Buy acookbook."TheJopofCookXhether you buy salad in a bag or ing" or '"lhe Fanny Farmer Cookmake your own, you may find you're book" are both comprehensivecookmore likely to eat salad if it's already books that cost around $10 for a paperback version. prepared. To make your own salad Check nut the Internet. Cooking mix, combme any of the following: torn lettuce leaves (romaine lasts sig Light Naga?lne nificantly longer than iceberg), sliced (WXT.T\-.cooliinghgiit.coii~), Food TIT (,\vww.foodt~-.corn~ n dGou:-mct carrots, cuc~uni)er,r;i&shr.;,cc!eir,~rld red c;ibhage.Iceeps 4 3 dnr-s iu 1' hox~l Alapa~iiic(n7n.epi~-~u~i~ns.corn all tight11 cox creci~vit!~pl:~st~<~\\ 1-,il3in 11w hCweic:irci~'~i~lt recw .!ntabase> fridge. Sof~items ~ L I C I I ;I> rom r t , ) ~ . > ~ d i~ ~d i d ~td t h i.i>(I ~ I I I ~ L . ~ , ,


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tiirectl!- south of c,i!npWalking time from residence: nbout 30 minutes Pros: 4 smaller sized slore wluch for a cozy shopping atmosphere. 'The

Introducing produce at Sobey's.



Westmount Place, Westmount Road or 238 Weber St. (both at Un~versity) Dally till 11:00 p.m. EXPIRES: Sept. 30,2002






Dining away from campus Kourtney Short IMPRINTSTAFF

The followmg restaurants are just a few of the great places to eat here in Waterloo. For more ideas, the K-WRecord has an archive of

ment/dining/index.html. Jane Bond

5 Pnncess StreetWest (#7 route, 1/2hourwalk) JaneBond 1s a great place to go for a reasonably pncedvegetananmeal or drinks andmunclues. They specialize in homemade soups, salads, paninis and pizza. Past paninis of the day have included roasted eggplant, provolone cheese, sautked onions andother fresh, deliciousingre dlents. Entrees range from $7.95 to $9.95 and they acceptcashonly.Visitwww.janebond.cafor menu. Ennios

384 King St. North (#7 route, 1/2 hour walk) Ennios serves generous portions of fresh pasta

atrea~onable~rices-dinnerpastas rangefrom $9.29to $16.99.Lasagne,malfaldarustica( n o 0 dles with gorgonzola cheese, chicken, roasted garlic and peppers) and fettuccine alfredo are particularly memorable.Meals also include salad and rolls, so don't be surprised if you bring home the next day's lunch. Visit menu.htm for their menu. The Raintree Cafe

220 King St. North (#7 route, 15 minute walk) The Raintree's menuincludes mostly vegetarian items, upgradeableto include shrimp or chicken. On a recent visit, the dady special ofhngumewith attichokes,pesto andsundned tomatoes ($13.95) was wonderful. Regular menu items such as mermaid wraps (with smoked salmon) and chickpea rotis @oth $8.95) are also delicious. Their drink menu includes homemade iced teas ofthe day and specialtycoffees, allofwhich can be ordered with soy milk if desired.

HUGGY'S HOTLINE 743-7022 / Reservations 744-6367

1 6 Bridge Street, KlTCHENER +I-


Huether Hotel 59 Kmg St. North (#7 route, 1/2 hour walk) The Huether has many faces. Downstam, th family restaurant'smenuisnotfortheindecisiv - itincludes everythgfrom seafood to past to salads to sandwiches. On the main flooj strippers grace the same stage from Sunday

Thursday as karaoke aficionados do on Fnda and Saturday. The upstatrs bar has a reduce1 version of the downstatrsmenu (and a separat htchen whose performance 1s inconsistent, sl sack to the basement formeals),but theupstair patio and bar is a popular hangout. All thre levels serve the Lion Brewery's (located nex door) great beer. Entrees range from $6.25 fo fish and clups to $21.95fora 10oz. t-bone. %I for their menu. Koh-I-Noor

465 Phtllip Street (15 minute walk) Koh-I-Noor servesBritishbeer and Indian foot that ranges from mdd to scorching. Items o. their lunch menu, which range in price fror $4.50 to $6.50,include mulligatawny, a mildl flavoured lentil soup, and nce or fresh naar Their lamb curry is flavourful, with numerou leanandmeltinglytenderpiecesoflamb.Chicke tikka, made with chicken breastjs a good choic for individuals new to Indian food or those wh~ don't ltke spicv- foods. A

Charbries Four Seasons of Dining

15 I(Ulg St. North Charbnes,named after owner CharmaineLaBnt is agreatrestaurantfor a date ora specialoccasior Their rackoflamb and house smoked salmon ar particularly good. Caesar salad, shrimp flamb and dessert crepes prepared tableside can add theatrical element to your meal. Dinner entree range from $15 to $27.50 and lunch entreesfror $8.50 to $12. Visit Menu/Charbries/menu.htm for menu. kshort@irnprint.uwaterloo.cor


The bar at Charbries, Four Seasons of Dining.

Looking for reel deals Waterloo's guide for the best in show Adrian I. Chin IMPRINT STAFF

The Princess Cinema 6 Princess Street W. prlncess sentexnet

The Princess Cmema is the best place m townwhen you're lookingfor movies that aren't quite mamstream. Here, you will find a great variety of movles from foreign and mdependents and a selection of "day old" releases for those of you who mssed the movie during its mtial run m theatres Located just off h g Street the cmema is about a twenty five m u t e walk from campus ifyoucut through Waterloo Park. Ifyou're dr~wng,there are plenty of places to pa& around the areaincluding adjacent Dorset Street and the lower rear parkmglot of theX7aterloo Public Library Thepnce of admission~s$6 members. $9 non members. $8 member ~ h pThe . mcmbershp 11s$8 per year and it is well worth it if you plan on gomg the movies more than three tlmes However, don't expect to get stadium seatmg,mpeccdble sound or evengreatselectionattheconcessions.

Galaxy Cinemas 555 King Street N. www galaxywnemascom

pretty penny at $12 50 for a shot of sights and sounds Make sure you gve yourself enough tune to get a good seat m the theatre You definitely don't want to be stuckm the eye-dropper sectlonofthe theatre where you can't see the large screen all at one tune and after a two hour smt, you'll know the colour of thecarpeted floor. King's College 262 Kmg Street W.

Located m downtown IGtchener, this Famous Players theatre is well known for its cheap acket pnces at $8.00 forgeneraladrmssionandmaanees at$5 75 for first-runHollywood films. You get the big screen, big sound expenence m a rather fnendly and comfortable setting Selectton at the concesaionsistypical to any other Famous Players theatre Be warned though, after a latetught screemngyou may be treated to the colourful street characters of IGtchener

Selectionvanes by store While all store do carry all the new Hollywood releases,~fyou'retqmgtofmd amore obscuretitle, Blockbuster andRoger's Video would be the better choices Generation X 10 Regina Street N.

For all the hard-to find titles outm the market, check out Generatlon X. Gen X has the best collection of foreign, independent, anune and cult atles m the regon. h rental d cost $4.00 Just New Releases Video 466 Albert Street

Just New Releases Video as the name suggests, offers agoodselection ofnewreleases However,they also do offer a surpnsmglygood selection of foreign and mdependent hlmsm their specialinterestsection Adewrelease dcost $4 95 whtle an older release will be $2 29

The reel star behind the stars. Roger's Video 75 Weber Street N. Blockbuster Video 315 Lincoln Road Jumbo Video 94 Bridgeport Road E.

Books: for the worm in you Neal Moogk-Soulis

tent, it's a possibility.

you don't find that ~ t l ethat you're loolung for, the staff are more that w d h g to order it for you.


For a &st class movie expenence ,head over to Galaxy Cmemas located just beside ConestogaMall. E q q p e d with wall-to-wall Want screens, stadum seating and clear as a bell digital sound, Galaxy Cmemas will be the place to go for those anncipated new releases. It also boasts one-of-five digtal

There are severalcham storesin the Waterloo area for your video rental needs. Blockbuster,JumboVdeo and Roger's Video offer the regular Holly woodnewreleasesand regularreleases about the same pnce at each store For new releases Jumbo Video andBlockbusterarepnced at $5 64per rentalandRoger's at$5.98.For regular pro~ec~ontheatresmCanadaasw~llasreleases,Jumbo Video has the cheapflurry of concessions that help keep est deal at $3.44per rentalandBlockJenny Craig m business. buster and Roger's Video are both at Admission however, does cost a $5.98 forregularreleases.

A medlev of stores worth noting Daniel Saunders SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

probably the vendors who set up tables m the SLC or South CampusHall for a few weeks out of the term. But there are a few spots in K-W worth knowing about.

Music can make a merely depressing daymtoacosmcaUy,romanticaUytragic day; it can make a sunny day into the symbol of youth and fun over every H M V 150 University Avenue, Waterloo summer m human history. Musrmakes wer$mgbetter.ilnd 2960 Kingsway Drive, Kitchener you're going to need it in the months to come. Sunrise Records Unfortunately, if you like to shop 550 King Street, N. Waterloo for CDs, your optlons in K W are (Conestoga Mall) lunited. Your best bets for cheapmusic are See MEDLEY, page 35

UW Libraries All over the place

U W Bookstore South Campus Hall

The Bookworm 65 University Ave E. University Square Plaza

But they don't sell books nght? What's a little more money to t h ~ s W e the UW Libranes don't sell belovedmstitutionofyours?TheUW books, or textbooks for that matter, Bookstore 1s the place to buy text- there are stdlplentyof readablebooks. books and other wversity course The DanaPorter hbrary has many matenals. great hterature atles and an extensive However, don't go there to buy collection. UsmgTrellis,youmay find paper or computer disks, those are course textbooks as part of the UW purchasable at TechWorx. collection. Imanpenodsare twoweeks. No doubt froshhave been through the bookstore or you yourselfareread Waterloo Computer Books Inc mg this whdemhe for the bookstore 8A- 150 University Avenue West UW Used Bookstore Student Life Centre

This is a charmglitde bookstore nestled m the comer of a stnp plaza .. Despite havmg a smallmventory,the store has large humour, literature, science fictlon and general fiction sec tlons Carpenter Shop Bookstores 7 10 King St Waterloo, across from Waterloo Town Square

For the geek in you and with a 10 per cent student discount, Waterloo Computer Books Inc has a large mventory of computer books as the name suggests. Aside from Computer manuals, there isn't much else here.

Ifyou're not supporung UW, why not help Feds out? The Used Book store m the bottom concourse of the S K carnesusedbooksfrompastUW courses All of the mventory comes from Words Worth Books students s e h g their own textbooks. 100 King Street, across from As a consignment store, the money Waterloo Town Square goes dtrectly to the selling student, all sales are final. Words Worth Books is the pnBooks are typically sold at a 20 per marymdependent book dealermWacent discount so theused bookstoreis terloo. The storehas alarge storewith dehtely acho~ce for studentsstrapped a large mventory. Thestorehaseverythmgfromnew for cash. The Used Bookstore also carnes releases, to CDs and alarge magazine oldereditmns oftextbooks which are selecuon. bemgused, ~ o i f ~ o u d o n ' t m d o l d e r There is always a grab bm of sale pictures and shghtly ollt.e&&tee~~~=beokswmtstdemgeodweath~a d i t


The Carpenter Shop is the area's ~hnsaanbookstoreandcarnes alotof feel good books and religous texts. Don't expect to find any James Bond books here In addinon to books, The Carpenter Shops carnes CDSand cards a&pe&ois themes. Old Goat Books 99 King St N., at Young Street www oldgoatbooks w m

Located in the bottom of an Ed wardian yellowbrickhousein Waterloo, this store is a hidden gem. D e a h g in used books, the store also has many first idrtions and old editions of books.



See WORM, page 34


Shake that thang and boogie on down Places to party for those late night adventures know there.Doors open at 9 3 0 pm. There is no cover before 11 pm and $6.00 after that. The club stays open till roughly 3 am.


The Revolution 341 Marsland Drive

Phil's 220 King Street N.

The Revolution (or better know as Rev) is the largest clubm the I< W area and a common hang out for youngei club goers on a Fnday or Saturda~ night One of the few n~ghtclubs in town, Rev consists of two rooms the main room and the purple room (which is considerably smaller).The main room plays mostly mainstream music,while the purple room catersto the underground dancc scene. The clubs big nights are "Mofu" Friday and "Purel'arty" Saturday,with Friday night attractingalarger crowd.If youlike hip-hop and reggae, Friday is a good night to go out and feel the testosterone ,&el fromEnergyFhI serves amix of R&B, hip-hop and reggae in the main room every Fnday night. Spinning house and house anthems in the Purple Room are DJs hIattLok and Roo from Four01 Recordings. On Saturday night, DJ Glenn Knight and MC Chris Biggs from 2103.5 present a top 40 m i x that is a lot more Euro and house oriented than Friday night's selection. Like Friday night, the Purple room caters to a more diverse crowd. DJ Isaac S. and MattLok spin a progressive house mix. The club is well designed with plush seats for tired feet and snazzy pool tables for a bit of diversity from the enormous dance floor. However, drinks are on the pricey side forlvaterloo, though std cheap when c o n pared to Toronto The crowd consists of a younger universiv crowd, almost guaranteeing you will run into someone you

The Silver Spur 28 King Street N.

Probablythe cheapestplacein town toget trashed (besides your house) on a Sunday night. At $1.50 a drink on Sundays, who could ask for more? Sunday's genre is more "rock" onented than most, however that isn't the only genre played in the night. It should come to no surprise to a Phil's "h1aterialGirl" goer to l~~arilhdonna's andhIetallica's"Jump in the fire"11ack to back. From what I've heard, Wednesdafs genre is aimed at a hip-hop crowd and it is also a cheap night out.111 addition to being the cheapestplace in town, it is also the place in town that most resembles a hole in the ground. 'The interior is decorated in grey rcminiscent of mold.The crowd are mostly students and locals who are looking for a cheap night out. Punks and jocks blendnghtin.Coveris$5 on a Sunday.

Lolue'stsprobably best known for being an m town "meat market" ThursdaysandSaturdaysentertain the younger crowd with a top 40 mm and moderately pnced d m k s If you are bored of the cramped dance floor, play a game of pool or the arcade games On busy nights, when Louie's fills up (which it often does), patrons are gven tickets and asked to wat in Johnny Fiasco's There, they can order bar food and dnnkswhdethel watt for thelrnumber to be called Ilthough the muslc selectionisn't

t b € ~ c Cb~€€-€L€v€n ~€ (cerebral suppository)








www.theatre31 I .cor


The Silver Spur is the local trailer parkhangout. -in7 sort ofnon -white ethnicity,and youwill stand out. That doesn't mean to say you can't have a good time there, m fact, opinions of the place are either enthusiasticorvery negative. The karaoke Saturday night is a great place to go to have a couple laughs and drinks. Most of the patrons make the Spur their final stop, after a night of drinking, for a couple laughs. Food there is cheap bar food and the interior is run down like something straight out of a country bar. Thecrowd thereconsists ofsketchy regulars and unmersiv students who go there for a good time. No cover, from what I remember, but I am u~~dlypretty drunkbefore I get there. Philthy McNasty's 50 Westmount Road N.

Loose Change Louie's 140 University Avenue W.

,I 1 Main Street, E., Listowel

too bad, the claustrophobic,cramped surroundmgs arc quite the drawback, resulting in a lot more bumping into people that one would like. covcr charge of $3 applies on somc ~~lghts.

-- __---


Like most bar/restaurants, McNasty's has a decentmenu and beer on tap However, it puts a twist on thing) w t h a dance floor and bowlmg alley downstars that gets heated up over theweekend However, last I checked (end of


Wednesday through Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. Sundays at 2 p.m.

Now licensed under L.C.B.O.



,August)itwas beingrenovated.Speaking - of renovations, the interior is somewhatannoyingwiththeir cheesy flourescentlightsand their yellow and red colours remmscent of a hotdog stand. However, the friendly and helpful

nature ofthe staffmakesup forit. to the diversion the restaurant of the customers are university stud and locals of every age range. X i vounte night in the place is Thur because of the $7 pitchers and tl for-1 appetizers.

Worm: from Puhtzers to paperweights Continued from page 33 I picked Walter Scott'sIvanhoe off the shelf and found that it had been given as a gift in 1923. The literature sectionislarge,filljllg almost an entire room, and contains both classics and new literature. The store also includes alarge selectionof cookbooks not to mcntion an eclectic mofothergenres. Dehtelyworth the mslt! Waterloo Public Library Main Branch 35 Albert St. McCormick Branch 500 Parkside Drive


So, do you come here often?

Yes, I know they don't sell books, but the Waterloo Publlc Jabrary 1s a also agood source ofcheap entertmment. -1library card is free as long as one can prove residency Mthin\Vaterloo. This includes students,provided they w i l lbe living here for the duration of a three week loan period. Photo ID,plus a letter or a copy of

E a




Medley: sound advice for getting the beats Continued from page 33

The mega-chains youknow,ifnot love, proveds a comfortable,predictable buying experience, if you don't mind crummy prices and selection and the feehng ofbeingherded. To be fair, the University avenue HhfTT,located in the plaza, beside the Second Cup, isn't bad at all, which is good !-ou'll probably end up going there most often, if you can't make the Toronto run. Good for: Linkin Park, Celine Dion, greatesthits albums, the fourth hest album b) your favountc band, the occasional sale DT7Ds Not sogood for reasonably pnced semi-hip releases, anythmgpre-I 990

the otherulth a close resemblanceto a member of Z Z Top Xgood stockofthe coolestcollege radio bands, both new and classic punk, and substantial ska and h p hop (we don't feel qualified to comment on their "Cowpunk", "Oi", and "Mathro~k"selection, advertised on the Web site) Used selection a httle better than the dismal average, but worth alook for the occasional score, m d for crudelj packaged bootleg hve CDs Ternfic for oldandnewmJ.lwithout question the best place In tosn to 0 mt 12"s for mlmv" or 0 meat old 70s allmmsin the formattnwhch the) were mednt to heard Good for The Hives, Rancid, the Dcad Kennedj s, old David Bowie and Alike Oldfield Not so good for Sbakira, hlendelssohn, Enya, big sales

Orange Monkey 5 Princess Street. W., Waterloo

Twelfth Night Music Shoppe 33 Erb Street W.

.A small and pleasantly grungy new and used record store, upstairs from the Jane Bond in uptown Waterloo. The Monkey has a lot of atmosphere, by which I mean loud music playing, posters on every surface, no air conditiomng, and two friendly, knowledgeable owners, one with tattoosfrom knuckle to armpit and

Just a few streets down, but about as far from Orange Monkey as a music store can possibly get, Twelfth Night has a charm ofifs own Soothmg and tastefdvdecorated, targeted at people about tulce your age, this store d nevertheless be an essential hangout for fans of classicalmusic,blues, and p77, although generally leanmg to

Sam the Record Man 96 King Street W.

wards the conservative side of each genre It's far from ehtist, though, ulth an entire wall devoted to mexpenslve Naxos recordmgs Also strongon folk and world music, and has a sectton called "Celttc,New ige, &IU ative" for those who like that kind of tlung Good for The three B's Bach, Beethoven and Brahms, Oscar Peterson,Yanni,Bmce ( ockburn Not so good for hMes Dams, NOFX, And You Will Know Us Bv the Trad of the Dead

Mark Stratford

The Lyric King Street W. This is where some of Canada's biggest artists can be found when gunning for the university crowd. Last term brought us Big Sugar, BifNaked, Staticin Stereo and Stakered Crossmg, lust to name a few. There's a lot more where that came from The Silver Spur Kmg Street N. Admit it jou've got a lovel) smgpgvoice Now's the time to prove it at I<-W's premer haraoke bar, featuring A song bookxmth enough vdne h to make pourhead spm (1 e a httle ofeven t h g ) Goodeats at superlow priLes to boot -

Paddy Flaherty's Restaurant L Pub Kmg Street N. This Insh pub IS a haven for local artists looking to wow a few unsuspecting h e r s with their musical tal ents Also watch for the "openrmke" I'hursdaps Jane Bond Cafe Pr~ncessStreet W. In what has to be K W's coolest cul de-sac you'll find t h s charmmg cafemth consrantlj excellentmusical guests

385 Famrway Rd. S. Kitchener, in Canadian TirelP~er7 Plaza 370 Highland Road W., m Food Basics Plaza between Westmount & Belmont Big used places,ulth one \Waterloo location 10 minutes from the school by hike. Only consistently good for

Downtown Iiitchcncr store, distinguished mainly by an impossible-topronounce name. -1typically unkspiring used CD assortment, but a tasty selection of LPs and EPs at the back for youlucky peoplewith a turntable. %l,mypostersand stickers forthose in the midst of interior decorating. Good for: Madonna, theTragically Hip, Rush, LP box sets for some reason. Not so good for: ,\npthng good and recent, recent stuff. Encore Records 54 Queen Street S.

Last year fans were lined up around the block when Hayden was in the house. Club Abstract King Street W

All right,it's a club, and Livemusic isn't always going on here. But when itis,@ ready for someofthe bestrock and/or punk and/or metal groups this town ever spawned.

402 King Street North, Waterloo

mid-to-late-90s albums we used to hear all the time in high school, and middle-of-the-road soft rock, although they have largish hip hop and soundtrack sections. We Idn't find much to get excited about, but the chain does have the bonus that you cansearchthe combined stockof their 12 Ontario locations and order CDs shipped in. Good for: K.E.M., Smashing Pumpkins, Elton John, -\my Grant Not sogood for: Belle & Sebastian, any genre besides "alternative rock."

X-Disc-C 750 King Street W.

Music in the flesh SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The Beat Goes On


Thedestination for music lovers in K-W. Kicking ass in almost every genre,but particularlyin heavy music, jam bands, and cool alternative that knowsitshistory.A younger andmore adventurousjazz sectionthan Twelfth Night, and alivelyused selection,with, for example, an entire divider for "DeathMetal." Cool books and DVDs for sale, and, if you're lucky, Mojo magazine backissues. Good for: Comershop, Medeski Martin & Wood, Tori Amos, The Magnetic Fields, Captain Beefheart, The String Cheese Incident, Leather Stcap,etc. etc. Not so good for: Classical music

One of the many attractions of the Orange Monkey on display.

Don't sit at home Clubs are the easiest way to get involved in student life Stefan Todoroff

SPECIALTO IMPRINT Clubs, societies,associations,and coalitions senre a need. Human rmnds need to be preoccupied. h microcosmic sub-culture, clubs can serve anyone's personal brand ofinsanity. There is a diverse group of clubs at the U s versity ofwaterloo. \Whether the inclination to join a club is propagated by interest, a desire to augment curriculum, a way to meet new people, or divine inspiration to serve a greater good, there is a club that can accommodate you. If you feel there is a void in the University of Waterloo's cultural mosaic, you have the resources available to start your own club. ,411potential new clubs must submit a club package to the Federation of Students outlining the club's constitution and purpose. More information on starting a new club, as well as operating a club can be found at clubs/startaclub.htmI. Every term, Feds recognized clubs participate the CultudCarwan,alarge, pro-multiculturalismevent that takes place in the Student Life Centre. This event, always a treat to the senses,is a great way to scope out the clubs that are available. Clubs day, held at the begmningof every term, is anothervehicleto scope out the clubs you might be interested in. Joining a new club is easy, and doing so is one of the easiest ways to getinvolvedinlife atUW.&Icomplete h a n g and description of all the Feds clubs can be found at clubs/index.html. Below,we've included descriptions of our favourites.

Breaking Crew (UW Breakers) 1he Breakers learn and teach moves and foundations ofbreak dancingand hip do. They emphasize team unity, skill development and fun and friendship.

Chinese Drama Club 1h s group explores dramatic themes pertinent to both trddltlondl and modern Chinese culture and allows students opportunity dramatic per formance, scnpt-wntmg, and stage construction

Chinese Students' Association The CSApromotes Chinese cultureto all students and provides activities for

students mteresred m learimg about that culture

exploresissuesrelevant to the stud\ of CogmtiveScience

Circle K Club

Falun Gong Club

Circle I< is dedicated to service and leadership development. ,Iffiliated with IGwanisInternational, they are a service club through - which students can fmd a means of responsible stu dent action m the commumtv and on campus Past prole~tahdvem~ludedmvolvement in Oktoberfest, Ejwams Park, and Operation Chnstmas Chdd

FalunDafa,orFalunGong,~sa tradi tional practice for mind and body improvement. Itpromotes apeaceful and healthy . waT.7 of living - through gentle exercise Club group coordi nates group practice,meditation, book study and workshops

Cognitive Science Club TheCogSciClub promotes and faciltates discussion about the mind and

Jewish Students' Association The JS,I organizes Jcwish culhiral, social,educational,andreltgious senrices and activities at UW. 'She JS,l strivesto support and provide Jewish (and Israel related) educational pro-

grammtng Muskoka Club hfuskoka clubmembers describeit as a schmoozing club and "a club for people who just want to be in a club." They organize activities like catered dinnerparties,pot-lucks,commutll~ pubs, brewery tours, bus trips Photography Club The photo club's mam purpose 1s to -gather people . . with anmterest in photography and to teach different photopaphic and darkroom techniques. A camerais an asset, but not required. see CLUBS, page 38

African Students' Association T h e A K is i open to all who are interested in learning more about the ;ifrican continent and its people. The promote African culture through social and sporting events. Ahmadiyya Muslim Students Association .IhlSLi is a theological, cultural and religous orgaszation devoted to promoting universal appreciation and awareness of all religions and interfaith tolerance. The group holds oncampus events to discuss contemporary religious issues. Athletes in Action .ithletes in Action is an international Christian organization that focuses on physical, mental and spiritualtrairing in athletics. Athletes in Action at UWholds seminarson spiritualtrainingin athletics.

Cultural Caravan is a multi-cultural event celebrating the diversity of UW. Ethnic food, music and dancing makes for a great show.

Swing and Social Daccs Club Fit Snxlg .itlf! S I ~ C:>,inc<a ~I ('l111> ,r:l<~llc: st ,I 1~iILl;lllcc :lIl<?clLfercllt X,XJ l .iin.l?!g ii:lilcc 111 rile Co:!Ill~Lll!ll \

Students for the &>:pIoratior and Development of Space-

Students for society

Sl:l)S I ~ n l ~ ggiest s ~ n spcalicrs~ticluding:I-;trotlants.arfii:lges l;il>t~;c~rs l ~ ~ ~ d (~lr;.anrzt-s field rnps x o l m d thv tllcmc <~Tspxce expl~x~iaon.

sells f,irul? .!?iddep !rri,ic!lt,~lclot In.?:iilcl m,iiormls ~ ( ~I h011111i~T1. . :u l l I ; ~ . l s i l l ~ ~ l ~ f l , i r;11c c ~ ~illc!rl1~l~lll lil 1llc2 \[-IS[.\!,I!\<> U,,,!,, 'I I! !lIo:il c


page F-39

Words from the wise Leaders in the community speak on their frosh week experiences It good to get advice from She's from Western but she people who have been ElizabethWitmer, MPP likes Waterloo where you'regoingandwho For Education Minister and local member of provincial parliament Elizabeth Witmer, frosh have gone further. week is always an excitingtime. "Personally for me 1 get excited every year when the students Elizabeth Witmer is the come to town andit's froshwcckand thcy'rc out there shning our shoes and shiningour cars and member of provincial parraising money. It's redy an exciting time." Witmerreceivedher bachelor o f a s from the liament for Kitchener-WaUmversity of Western Ontario and took some MA courses here at UW. terloo. Witmer shared the secret to her success at university. "I always found it was best ~fI had Andrew Telegdi is the a schedulc and I made sure that I completed my assignments well in advance of the due date." member of parliament for She also added, "one resource that I found very valuable was the library." Be involved as Iatchener-Waterloo The opportunity to meet dfferent people during frosh week is what Witmer rcmcmbers Originally from Hungary, most. She adds, 'We have reallyendeavoured to much as you can make surethat all academicallyquahfied students he attended university at have the opportunity to go to university and that Andrew Telegdi, MP no one would be denied based on their lack of UW and served as Federafinanualresources." Andrew Telegd, the localmember ofparliament, not only went to school here at Waterloo tion of StudentsPresident. but also served as Federation of Students presiEnjoy your opport unities, worry less dent for two tcnns. Lynne Woolstencroft is It was the university that caused Telegdi to move to Waterloo from Toronto. Lynne Woolstencroft Mayor of Waterloo Mayor of Waterloo. For Telegdi, time at university is as much learning about yourself as it is learning about U W also attracted Waterloo Mayor Lynne David Johnston is origi- Wolstencroft to this area. She moved to Wateryour subject. "Itreally affordsanopportunity for loo when her husband was offcrcd a faculty discovery both in tcnns of the subjcct of study nally from Sault ke Marie position hcrc at the university. but also personal discovery that will mark it as to Woolstencroft, the university probably the highlight of one's life. I've very and attended 1arvard, hasAccording changed significantlyin the 30 years that she fond memories of time spent at the university." Telegdfs recommendation for success?"Be has lived but forher "the greatest changehas been Cambridge and Queen7s how thc University of Watcrloo has worked to involvcd as much as you can. . .and have a grcat integrate itself into the community." time!" Telegdi also commented on howimporUniversity. Her advice to first year students (which she tant the university is to the community. "Much gave to her own kids) is: "Choose your fricnds of the culturallife in the community is because of Imprint editorial assistant carefdy;plan daily physicalactivity;worksmart the two universities" he said adding, "the univerconcentrate on the subjects thataremostdiffisities bring us a quahty of life that we would not Peter Cowan interviewed cult for you; and speakwith eachofyourprofeshave herc." sors individually." There are often many "side benefits" that each of them. Woolstencroft has severalregrets about first Telegdlpointed out. "It's anincrediblemeedng year. "Tmsh I had notlived at home. I wish that I had enjoyed opportunities more and worried less." Woolstencroft currently sits on the board of governors for UW.

place. 1met my wife at the University ofWaterloo andmy brother met his wife at the University of Waterloo. "It really has an impact on ones life," he added.

You learn as much from what goes on outside the classroom as what goes on inside the classroom President DavidJohnston When I talked with David Johnston, president ofUW in his office on the third floor ofNeedles Hall, his mainmessage to first year students was "uyto keep a balancein hour] life. Recogrue that youlearn as much fromwhatgoes on outside the classroom as what goes on inside the classroom." Johnston said that the aim of thc university is "to provide [students] with an experience

and out of the classroom." I asked presldentjohnston what he is doing to kccp m a o n affordable for students He sad that provldngquahtyls mostimportant. "Cost savmgis not the firstpnonty" he sad. Johnston also sad that the senate and board passed a statementofpohcy sayingthatno student should be prevented from attendmg the University of Watcrloo or h s h m g hsdegree for financial reasons. Frosh students w11 scc major changcs on I


being spent now on construction than has ever been spentbeforeinthehistoryoftheuniversity. New students this y e a r d also see changes in residences. Eby Hall was just redone, and a new residence is planned for September 2005. At the end of the interviewhe gave his vision of the broadergoals of this university. Hc said the university should strive"to advance learning by both creatingandreevaluatinglearningas we know it and extendmg that to the world at large both through the students that study here and th: f;esearth a;nd t ~ c \ n ( create and transmt Into I

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