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To Serve, Empower and Represent the Undergraduate Students of the University of Waterloo.

WLU Cord editor-in-chief terminated Neal Moogk-Soulis IMPRINT STAFF

Maneesh Sehdev, editor in-chief for TheCord,\Vilfnd J ,auner's student newspaper, was fired Sunday, Sep tember 15, when notified by David Pield,presidentofWrdfridLaurierStudent Publicattons (WLUSP)andLucan VJai,W finance forthe boardof direct o e The decision to termmate Sehdev was madeThursday,September12by the board of directors who wrote a letter regarding his termmation that evening The letter was signed by the six directors and the president The letter was not delwered to Sehdev immediately because the board had difficulty contacting him Wilbur Maclean, Cord production manager, has been appomted interim editor for a two week period while the hmng process is mtiated. Accordmg toDavid Field, the reasons for Sehdev's finngwerenotbased on the content that was published, but on his performance. "Myself and the board of directors [decided] to temnate Maneesh Sehdev because we felt that he wasn't d m g his job as required as EIC, and we have evidence," satdFieldmaninterview. Field wouldnot reveal the mainissues since theywere recorded in the minutes of the Thursday night meeting, which was confidential. The role of the editor is set out in The Cord policy, but Sehdev was not required to sign a contractwhen he was hired Sehdevfeels he didnot receiveany satisfactory explanationfor hts f h g , and said his fimg had everythtngto do with content Inparticular,he feels thathe was fired directlybecause ofthe September11issue ofthepaper,wherc a URL fora novcltywebsite mvolving crack cocaine was substituted for a WLUSP affiliated URL As a result, the board ofdirectorsdelayed the dis-

Maneesh Sehdev was fired as editor in chief of Wilfrid Laurier's Cord.

tribution of The Cord for six hours "I know a had everyrhingto dowith that incident," Sehdev said "They knew I was going to do a big story on that incident,which I was going to." Four editors have resigned since Sehdev was fired. The decision to fire Sehdev was made shortly after the September 11 issue was distributed after bemg held by the board of directors. On the morning of September 11,Field noticedthemkURL. Hernadeachange to the electrontc file of the paper, a content change in the opinion of Sehdev, and then notified the publishers of the change By then it was too late to make the change to the pmting plates without the approval of either the board of hectors or the editor-m-chief. Field could not fmd Sehdev sothe papers were printed and deliveredtothe\XLGSPoffice. Sehdev said that the URLwasinsertedasa~oke within the paper andmeant to be light rather than taken senously When the papers arrived,Fieldhad the papers lockedinhis officeuntilthe

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board of directors met for a regular meeting at 7 00 that evening When volunteers in the office were recruited to move the papers, theyaskedwhythe papers were not betngdistnbutedregularly Field declined to discuss it with thembecause he didn't want discussion until the board had a chance to discusstheissue The 7.00 boardmeeting was the first meeting of the term andareguladyscheduledmeeting. Field did not attempt to convene the board earlier that day fearing schedule con&& Sehdevamvedat5:OO foraregularly scheduled e d i t o d boardmeetmgand found the 5,000 copies of The Cord 1ockedinDavidField's office. He and

members of the board then met to discuss the issue and, according to Sehdev, "I hey crucified me for an hour and accused me of destroying student publications, which is aomc bccause they didit by finngme " Field felt that hewas actmgmapreempttve manner to avoid student complamts To Sehdev's knowledge, there had been no complamts At the 7 00 board meeting, the editorial board voiced its support for thepaper Sehdevgot theimpression that the editorial board would walk if the paper were withheld A key issue, when talking with both Field and Angela Poster, the adveaisingmanager for TheCord,was that Sehdevwasincreasinglydifficult to get a hold of "I could probably count on one hand the number of times that I saw Maneesh over the summer," said Foster. In the summer, The Cordpublished three issues and student publications published the student handbook, of which Sehdevplayedaroletnproduction In addition to not posting regular office hours,Sehdevdidnot have aworkmg phonelineatwhichhecouldbereached A July 14 letter, addressed to Sehdev, written followmg a board of dxectorsretreatandsgnedby allboard members save one who was absent, informed Sehdev of the difficulties that the board was having with him. Field declinedto discuss Sehdev's response, beyond saying Sehdevmade assurancesto correctthe situation.

AccordmgtoField,oneoftheproblcms was the ratio of adx,citising to editorial content m recent editions Field said that his preferred ad to content ratio w-asabout 30per cent to 70 per cent Elate\ er ads that the advertising manager sold would dic tate the amount of content for the week,ifthree pages worth of adswere sold for a ten page issue, then seven pages of TheCordwould have content Iqntit found the ad to content ratio in the September 11 Cordto be about 50 to 50, before the general meeting for recruitment Iqnnt's ad to con tent ratio for this issue is 45 to 55 In addition, the working relationship between Sehdevand Foster was stramed In a regular Cordproduction scenario,the adveaisingmanagersells ads, then informs the editor of the number of ads to be placedin the next issue to be published The editor then places the ads in the paper According to Foster, itwas incredibly difficult to communicate with Sehdev As a result, ads were msplaced in the Cord with the result that customers were unhappy Foster said she was angry because people complainedto her that mistakes have been made whenin her opinion Sehdevisat fault. BothField and Foster admitted that previous editors had caused s d a r problems but the difficulty stemmed from not bemgabletocommumcatewithSehdev and discuss the problem


Bombshelter patio remains dry; Feds awaits AGCO approval Lauren Staines SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The Bomber's patio is one step closer to being open for business. After a series of delays, the final piece of their liquor licence application was sent September 17. Although it seems hard to believe, the seemingly simple applicationprocess has been subject to numerous setbacks which began last summer. Chris DtLullo,vice-president administration and finance for the I'ederation of Students,was told by the director of U\Y7business operations in earlpJulythat the licence reapplication would be sent to the 'Alcohol and Gaming Commission 'of Ontario (AGCO) as part of a group of applications from the VnixTerstty of \Y.aterloo. Howenr, a month later Di Lull0 learned that the application had still not been .. sent, and had the Bombshelter ap

plication removed from the group of applications in order to fast track it Upon further inspection, the architectural drawings of the newly expanded patio were found to be insufficient and Gary Kosar was asked to resubmit the drawings. It was reported in the September 13 issue of Impnntthat these drawings were to have been completed and sent to the AGCO by the end oflast week Allthough Kosar handed in the modified, more detatled draw ings on Friday, they had to be redone yet again, their size being reduced from 24 inches by 36 in. to what mas, according to the AGCO, the standard of 8 1/2 iil. by 11 in. Therefore, the final blueprtnts were in fact completed hlonday and sent to the AGCO on 'l'uesday The evaluation process cannot begm un ti1 the AGCO receives Kosar's new blueprints

getting 0.D. 'd ...

Until the new licence IS received, patrons will still only be able to use 240 square metres of the patio, leaving just over half of the spacious patio blocked off by metal barriers. Some have mentioned the possibiltty of making thc new section of the patio alcohol free, but D ~ T ~ u ldislo missed the suggestion, saying, "\T e didn't want to confuse students by saying, Yeah, you can go on there but you can't hax e drinks '" He also worrted that it would "open the door to the possibtlity of someone going there with a drink" Di Lullo told Impnntthatpart of the 60 day evaluation period involves the municipaliq inspecting the Bomber to ensure co operation with fire safety and building regulations, as well as checking the universay's liquorlicence record. ' T h a t they do is take a look at our file to make sure that we haven't had iilfractions in the past and make sure that they're not ,@ringailextension to the wrong type of people " He added that to his knowledge, "the university's Iiq uor licence has no tnfracttons against it whatsoe>er " Di Lullo menttoned that if they were to allow the afore mentioned alcohol free zone and a patronwere caughtwtth alcohol, the untvcrsity would not be able to re cetve the new liquor license He also

vowed to keep informed of the ap plication's status, saying, "I'll be inonitoring the sttuation, checking up with the alcohol andgamingcom mission.'' Di Lullo is confident that the Bombshelter's new patio will soon be available to patrons. 'Ie expects that it will take approximately 60 dayvfrom September 23, adding that "sometimes they can be sooner." TIe went on to say that the AGCO will not simply rubber stamp UK 's reapplication, but will instead "take a look at it and go 'okay, it's the University of \Y. aterloo, it's not re ally a big deal' " Di Lullo said that the AGCO is in accordance with the beliefs ofmanv student4 a n d administrators "They'd rather hare the students going to the bars on-campus than the bars off-campus, because that's where the problems start to happen." though it is probable that the Bomber will not open the full patio until mid- to late Noremher, Di Lullo said that they have purchased three patio heaters, each with a radius of about 18 metres. "Maybe me can have some sort of grand opening. If not, it just means we get to open the patio earlier in the spring or winter term, weather permitting. Ke'll just see how it goes."

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Millie goes missing Millie, the white hfuscovy duckwl is usually seen in the pond in fro of I Iealth Services, has flown tl coop again. DarylNomk of\TPIR stated that she has not been sel "since the end of frosh week" a1 issued aplea for anybody willing use hip-waders and spare a few hou of free time to help with the Mil searcheffort tocontactNancy O'Nt assistant manager of the ST,C

Many employers set t o participate i n job fair

Acknowledged as the largest po: secondaq fatr of its kind, Career F; 2002~-ill take place on Wednesda September 25 at RIM Park. The fair is open to students a1 alumni from the post-secondary i stitutions sponsoring the ex7er Conestoga College, University Guclph, K'ilfrid Lauricr Untvers~ and the University of \Yatcrloo. Running from 10 a.m. to 3:. p.m., the fairk+es students the o portunity tomeet employers fron variety of companies and resear, different careers. Employers,intui use this opportunity to conduct i tcrmcws for potential candidates Some companies participating the fair include Pharmahorimr State Farm Insurance,l'exas Instr ments, the \Y'aterloo Kegion Cor munity Health Department, Imp rial Oil aild BMO Financial Grou According to U\Kns graduati~ student and alumni employme adxisor, Carol Ann Olheiser, uv 155 organizations are registered appearat the fair. Olheiser remark that the high employer turnout "2 tests to the quality of ourgrads ai the academic programs at the lo( post-secondary institutions."

Saint Jerome's holds a n n u charity run

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St Jcromc's College will host t h ~ 37th annual Charit! liun on Frid; September 20 at noon The 48 ho marathon run around Ring Ro will raise money from sponsorsh of runners to support the K'orki Centre and St. John's Idtchen Kitchener. Students Maex e Bonner a1 Sarah Jansma organized this yea events, mcludinga concert fcaturt fil-e student bands at FederationH on Septcinber 21. There is a $5.' cover charge and doors open at 8: p.m. Events organized by the St dent Catholic Community includ~ movie night, spaghetti dinner an( penny raffle Academic dean 1Geran Bonn said of thee\ ent, "Charit\. Kun dei onstrates, in practical terms, our st dents' coinmitment to issues of coi munity, charityaid social psticc.

Forum: no formal agreement signed August 14

would encourage better quality

Continued from cover

Continued from cover

Dean Chaudhun added that "it's also important, because this is a co-op u n versity, that we empower students to have as man) languages as the) can, or dialects, so that they can get the co-op lobs that areveryhard toget,mthis dav and age,especidj m mformation techinoloa " I Another re\ elationJohnstoil made 'wasthat no agreementhad beensped, n hrch may ha7 e confused those \\ ho knew that part of the August 14 press

City of Waterloo mayor Lynne \Voolstcncroft has told studcnts that she supports a bus pass to allow students togainmore awarenessof their community.She has also opposed the removal of the 75-metre restriction; her sense of urban planning is based on creating drersih- rather than homogeny; in her model keeping snldentswell-dispersedwould be agood thing. Tn comments posted on last week, \Xbolstencroftwrote"Tocreateastreet with a sense of community, w-e need youngsters alongside young and older families; mixing with pcoplc who arc not necessarily centred on thex cducation; enjoying other singles and lifestyles." beds councilhaspresenteda differentperspectlvewith the resolution to postpone U-Pass negotiations until the 75-metre restriction is repealed: "Placingrestrictions on the amount of lodging houscs which can be liccnscd has an adverse affect on the housing supply in Waterloo, whichin turn has anextremelynegativeimpact on housing quality and students' accessto their universities," noted Ryan O'Connor, Feds' vice-president education in a press release. Somc councillors and students have raised concerns that the resolution to remove the 75-metre restriction is aimed solely at increasiilg tltc quantity of student housing and it should not be of higher priority than increasing the qualityof student housing. "Maybe they could get some of these fuclting housing slums fixed up," third-yearstudent Simon Grubb

Housing: increase in quanth


(:mdaCo presidentFranhClegstgn mgan electronic document on a tablet

PC He svd i t w a ~ anagreementm p m ciple September 11,onc daybeforethe hrum,was the cffective date foranonbmdvlg memorandum of understanding that uas posted on U\YInfo (xvww uwatcrloo ca) the day of the fo rum,describing the research and the $2,309,000 Pending approval through the properc~ttees,CrlY'wdget$561,000 over five yearc to provide resources for ECE 150, introduction to program , -I ECE 050, which has been dc scribedasa'~schwloutreach~& tive",andcoursematenals forECE454 using distributed platformwith .NEl'.

Attendees prepare to pose questions to the panel at the Microsoft Forum. There were about 130 people present.

A sumof $490,CCOwdl be allocated toprovidingonhe laboratory compo ncnts for eight ECE cources FortabletPCresearchMicrosokwd

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provide $758,000 over five years to develop systems to write and matupdate equationsand formulaewith pen based computermterface. Microsoft will also ~rovidethe

said about the Feds' initiative. ' shouldn't have to buy a house to 111 comfortably, but I do. Because 1'1 the only landlord T can trust now days." Ryan O'Connor told council th after an increase of housing opporh nities, students can expect the quali ofhous~ngwouldmcrase:"[student now have that choice, they now ha1 that freedom to go for the q ~ ~ a housing so now you force landlorc to g i ~ cyou hlgher qual~v,now at lower cost-because ifthe) ddu'tre~ it out, they'll lose that rent money I somebody else." In the resolution to enumera and educate students for municip elections, the I'eds has a140 comm ted to "entermto discussions with tl \\;'iIFrid T .aurier Vim-ersity Student Lnion, Conestoga Students Inc, ar the Graduate Sh~dent Associations I thc Ui~ivcrsit~ofVl'atcrloo aild\\'ilfr Laurier Unir-ersityto encouragethe organizations to enumerate their st1 dents tovotc in municipal clcctions as wellas to "approach the municip governments torequest collaboratic for the enumeration of student vc ers." -0Connor has said that he will I meetingwithgovernmentaffairs con missioner Chris Edey this week determine exactlywhat the campaij will entail. "I foresee a publicity campais about nmnicipal issues commcncit this term, including poster runs draw attention to these issues, as wt as a letter-writing campaign dircctc towards clh~counciland the mayor. he said. "'l'he timehne will be create soon."

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The state of housing 11: is h o u s h in Waterloo unraveb?

On Sunday, Students' Councd resolved toaffectacity bylaw change to alleviate housing restriction by applying pressure in different ways One is to increase student voter turnout m municipal elections and hence allow our representativesto exert more politicalpower in the interest of students, the other is to apply pressure to the city by not negotiatingwith a regional government divison on a related issue the issue of a mandator y fee and uiuversal bus pass for university students. Council's hope is that these measureswill pressure the city to repeal the 75 metre spacing restriction on lodging houses what they call mnimum &stance of separation or MDS During the discussion of the two resolutrons councillorsaccepted the notion that there is not enough affordable, high quality housing close to the university This is unfortunate because students' acceptance of this notion is mainly

anecdotal and confoundedby selfmterest Feds VP education Ryan OConnor wrote m apress release, "Placingrestrictlonson the amount of lodging houses which can be licensed has an adverse affect on the housing supply m Waterloo, which in turn has an extremely negative impact on housing quality and students'access to their universities " We as students have started makmga case for how the restriction affects the lodging house market but not that there a a need for change We need evidence to back up that more housing is needed Some suggest that the for rent signs are an indicator that students wlM not be short of housmg in the conungyear On uwstudent org, Matt Goyer posted ". I've sure seen a lot of vacancy signs around town this fall so this can't be such a pressing issue." As I reported in Impnnt on June 28, demand for off-campus rental housingwill increase by more than 1,000 beds thls year and next year to meet the demand of the growing student population This number accounts for planned growth in oncampus housmg and prolected enrolment growth, but doesn't include non-student rental demand


Mean rent Vacancy percenta

Of these vacancies -we should considerwhy they are stillvacantthose that are of acceptablequality w d be able to absorb some of the demand New spaces however,will have to be created or found for all other growth m enrolment. It should be the hope of leaders in the student community that all students have housing of a mmum level of quality.It is the desire of each student that he has housing of good quality and value. Gwen the necessity for aplace to live, standards for acceptable quality decrease when housing spaces are

Canadian Mortgage Housing Corporation is Canada's national housing agency which provides a variety of housing related products and services to help address the housmg needs of Canadians As apart of their services they collect information on the housing market and offer it through their Web site. According to data provided by the CMHC,thevacancy ratein apartments in Waterloo has been below two per cent since 1994. Changes m rent remained below three per cent from 1995 to 1998. Over the three years from 1999 to

2001 rents haveincreasedbyfour per cent, six per cent and ten per cent respectively. With demand for housmg increasingin an tight rental market with rents increasing,housing will be a concern for students for at least the next quinquennium We must find out all we can about the situation and do all we can to affect it Questions still remain. What will the city do to address the situation and how much can students affect the process?

A11 letters must Include a phone inumber f o ~ver~hcation,and should not exceed 300 words Lpttrrs sliould include the a u ~ t h o r ' ~yriir and proglani, or faculty pus&

iim wliere spplcable. Ail matelial



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Jesse Helmer COMMUNITY EDITORIAL 5l!lCiLili,~

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see RESIGNATIONS. psgc1(1

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see HOUSING, page 10

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,IMI IIII~>LIII~.LI\~-,L~CL~<>,I.L,L \d\ crtj.lng r.,~.;rir,t. \-,lc,mr I ~ ~ I ~ IGIL,, ~ L ~ I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~ L R,N ~ lhrl ~ ~ \ - ~, t l ~l ~ I K ~ ~ I , Board of Directors l!o.~rciiOIlnprfnt u\v,lri~loimc a l'~~,~'lcnt,L31',1,, L<~LIC \ ~cc-lni.~dr~lt. Fthx \ 111 I Lc;i.lirrr Pl~dqi!?i.mct S C L L U ~\,li,illt ~L.,. SIAtt I,,u\<>*I, [,,I,;,,, 1~11,*11 sraff li.ucon@ Impni~t.ulx~;~tc~lorl cn



Next staff meeting:

hlonday, September 23

! 2 3 l l p m S L ( ; 1116 Next production night: Wednesday, September 25 5:311, SLC 1116




negotiations halted

,Continued from page 9

Cbntinued from page 9

gwlty of gave the Admins the ammunition they desperately needed to complete their power ~1.~7 What they never banked on was the fact that while not every mem ber of h e Cordstaff was best friends with Maneesh, many staff members havc actual principles Firingthe EIC because theywanted an easily manipulated puppet to wnte puff pieces is no way to get ]ournalists behind the admins The only people standing behmd [president of WLUS1'1 Dave Field are the ones who never did and never will objectively survey the amount of work that Maneesh has put mto The Cordto make a a success It's a real shame that the people who worked the hardest to move up the ladder at The Cordwd never be able to write for Student Publica tions again Perhaps a bunch of over-eager first pear students WLU be recnuted as a skeleton crew to put out a new "dodgy" Lord, but I wouldn't eLqectmuch from anyone too blind to see that the edifice of Student Publications has rotted away

Why Students' Councd decided to cease negotiations with Grand River Transit about a universal bus pass until this subsection is repealed mght not be evident krst, GRT is related to the Region of UJaterloo, not the City of Waterloo, so the pressure applied by ceasingnegotiations 1s not directly appl~edto the the city. But the pressure flows through the Region for two reasons one, the Mayor ofwaterloo sits on Kegonal council, and two, both the region and the city want a universal bus pass Though a remains to be seen how effective this pressure will be, it is certamly better than no pressure Students' Council made two good decisions on Sunday, but that im't the whole story The debate on the two motions, especially the latter one, was very good. Many councillors spoke intelligently about the issues and the debate lasted more than an hour. Students' Council should be congratulated for discussing an important issue and for deciding to try to change a part of the city's bylaws that is harmful to students.

0 death, be not proud

FINDING BALANCE Just before thts term began, someone I knew in computer engineeringwas lulled m acar accidentm Spain. I used to see hun around DC all the time, studying to complete the second last term of his degree Now, his alwayss m h g face is missing from the halls of this uiliversity I wonder how dif ficult this tragedy must be for his parents and friends My spiritual teacher used to tell me that in modern tunes, people can get by in this world without spiritual beliefs f o most people it seems that everythmg can be explained usqmodern science The reality of death, however,is that ~tis the one thing that can't be explained away Though it seems

morbid, my teacher used to tell me that the best of friends are those who remind us of death, because it is the only thing that you can be sure about Remembermg that we are going to die someday reminds us that everythingm thts world is temporary and helps us set our priorities When we realize that everythingis temporary,we are encouraged to hold fast to ideals that ncver die The famous Buddhist teacher 1hich Nhat Hanh teaches that we should not look at death and impermanence onlym themselves Impermanenceis necessarv for change 1hu5, he teaches, that we should not say that everything in this world 1s dytng Rather, we should say that everythingin this world is c h a n p g and developmg Change is necessary for an element to grow and achiet e its potential So when someone passes away, we should understand that they are not disappearing,they are lustgrowmg mto a new growth

Thich Nhat Hanh also says that m order to cope with death, we must understand that what we lov about people can not really die Thus, he says, if we look within ourselves, we will realize that "the one who was close is still there " I firmly agree with these principles, but for me, they still don't make everythingbetter \%at can one say to my friend's parents, wh, will riel-er see their son again> In the Islamic tradition, Muslims arc mstiucted to say httle in tunes of death except the repetitior of one simple sentence "from Go, we come, and to Hun we shall return " To Muslms, God is Justice,Peace,andEternalLife,anc death is a returning to that reality To my friend who 1s no longer with us, and to hls family and friends, 1 say those words From God we come, and to Him we sha return We'll miss you Omar PL!C





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discovered an Egyptian tomb m the necropolis of Saqqara Ignorant of the identities of the tomb's inhabitants, they perused the grave's sandy walls m hopes of learmng whose eternal abode they had stumbled into To theu amazement, they discovered that the tomb was devoted to a male pax bwed around 2400 BC, Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep. Also notable were the hieroglyphic inscriptions of the two men, showmg them in a vanetvofaffechonate embraces From the tomb and its ancient engravings, one can assume that the men were extremely close, and that they had hoped to meet again m the ancientafterlife. As "Overseers of the Manicurists in the Palace of the Kmg," Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep shared a common occupation. From thts job description we can tell two things. they had access to the Pharaoh h s e l f (which explains how they could have afforded such an elaborate burial)


and yes, they were mamcurists (laugh now, we'll chat about negative gay stereotypes some other time!) Also mteresting is the joining of the two mens' names in some of the hieroglyphs mto a word that translates to "Jomed in life and pined after death " The most fascinatingaspect of this paaicular tomb is the p i c t o d depictions of the manururists 'lhroughout the tomb, the men are shown m a number of embraces includtngonedescribedas the most intimate embrace possible m ancient Egyptianart. Here, Niankhkhnum is holdmg Khnumhotep's right forearm and with Khnumhotep's hand on Niankhkhnum's shoulder. Touching noses, they look into each other's eyes Also in this particular picture, the waist ties of their kilts appear to be tied together, perhaps symbolizing their love and partnership. From some of the other pictures in the tomb it is assumed that Niankhkhnum had once been married and had children Interestingly though, all pictures of his wife had been scratched off the walls Ancient Egyptian soap opera' Don't I wish1 Of course we cannot know for sure what the two men meant to one another. Some historians

speculate that theywere reallyvery close brothers, perhaps twms Others hypothesize the possibility of a great friendship And then there are those theories suggesting that they were lovers of a "same-st desire." Whde the prospect of a couple dead n a i l - f h EgJptian gay guys may seem very cute and sweet, I w not argue that mdeed the two met were lovers. In all fairness, there is no way of knowing. A history student myself, I think that the department might frown upon making such closed-endedhstoric Judgementsbased exclusively on some ancient heroglyphic art. Wh I will say however is that obvious1 whoever these two men were, the] cared about each other agreat deal and I wonder if our present defmtions of love mght be 4,000 years too late Put more simply, I think that we should be open to t possibhty that there is no current wo~d or categorization for what these two men had Surely 4,000 years canbrmgalongdifferent values and expectations.That beir sad, I question if we are far more selectivetoday mrecogninngand acccptingvaryingtypesof loving relationships then they were in ancientEgypt.


Bad bouncers To the editor,

I am writing to raise a concern about the behaviour and attitude of a few FedHall bouncers at a recent Matthew Good concert. As a frequent concert goer, I w-as appalled by the way some of these bouncers treated fans. One concern I have is the lack of crowd control they enforced. They did agood job of throwing out crowd surfers (who can seriously hurt themselves and others) and keeping the barricade from falling over but that seemcd to be it. The bouncers did not seem very concerned about the safety of the people up at the front who were being crushed by a few hundred eager fans. I understand that somc people may counter this argument by saying that if people up at the front cannot handle the pressure, then get out. Hut I'm almost positive that if the)- too were up at the front, they would be concerned about their own safety. My other complaint is about a few bouncers whoafter the concert wcrc askedvery nicely by some fans if they could give them the discardedguitar picks and setlists lying

around on the stage. Most of the bouncers were very nice and happy to help the fans, some even politely refused, but one or two were not so nice. \Vhen some fans offered to pay them for these items (which the bouncers were taktng for themselves), they seemed to suggest that money wasn't good enough anymore and I even overheard one bouncer say to a girl that he "didn't think they were t a h g about money anymore." 'l'he girl seemed to understand the suggestive comment and seemed quite offended after that. Excluding the unfortunate cncouters with a few bouncers, the concertwas fantastic.Matthew Good and h s band put on a great show and were very down to earth and friendly when my friend and I met them after the show. I n-ould like to thank the Feds for inviting them to U\\. and giving students a chance to experience (heir amamng musical talents. T Tow-e~-er, the esperience could've beenmvre cnloyablc had some of the bouncers not been pricks.

MAPS AND LEGENDS Everyone wants to hit a home run their first time at the plate, but it's so easy to strike out. To break in Maps and Legends, I decided to look at the sorrylittle escapade at ConcordiaUniversity earlier this month, and what it means for the media and free speech. \Ve've all heard the story by now. On Monday, September 9 at Concordia Universityin Montreal, 500 pro-Palestinian demonstrators forced the cancellationof aplanned speech by Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's former prime minister. Sexwalunruly protestors vandalized the campus, and the pohce responded with tear gas and pepper spray (the usual). So, instead of the news story being about Netanyahu's latest brainwa7.e about "transferring" the population of the \Test Rank to Jordan, Syria,Mars, wherever, it's about out-of-control protestors kickingandpunching a local rabbi and h s wife, spimng on a holocaust

Chrktien outdoes himself

YOU! OFF M Y PLANET Most people, including h s supporters, love a good laugh at the expense of George \V. Bush. IIe's not the quickest bunny in the forest, they say, and he says some pretty stupid things. Fair enough -I've seen the hilarious quotations circulatedvia e-mail. Compared to our own leader, however, ol' Dubya is a paragon of hguistic and moral clarity. T o be sure, the PM has said some pretty stupid thmgs over the years. There was the pepper-on-mysteak comment after the APEC incident, or last week's pearl of wisdom regarding the American stance on Iraq C'A proof is a proof.. . and when you have good proof, it is because it has been proven."). But his comments on the anniversary of September 11,as aired on the CBC this past week, defintely take the cake. IfJean ChrCtien speaks for the prevailing attitude in Canada today, then I'm ashamed to call myself Canadian. Aside from being hrpocntical-recent polls show that the majority of Canadims don't want to take part in the war on terrorism, but they do expect the Americans to defend us if we are ex-er attacked -the timing of this

sun+or, and the now standard smashing of whichever windows are convenient. Good work guys. An article on the demonstration, which appeared on Indyme&, read, "scarce mention [was] made of Netanyahu's policies and history," without considering that it was the protestors themselves who quite redirectedmediaattention from Netanyahu's acts to their own. If the protests had remained peaceful and Netanyahu had been allowed to give his speech, which was to include a call to topple the Palestinian authority, reporters might have questioned the morality of such a strategy or Netanyahu's role in Israel'spolicy of carvingup the West Hank and Ga7a Strip with illegal settlements Instead, we get reports of furniture tossing, pepper sprayingand the aforcmentimed holocaust survivor spatmg. If the man is a "war criminal," as Wassim Moukahhal, prcsidcnt of the Arab Students Association at McCA1Universitydescribed him, then let hun speak and fall upon his own sword. The public deserves the chance to hear his words and make their own decisions.By denyingNctanyahu the chance to speak and the public

the chance to listen and decide, the protestors damaged one of democracy's basic tenets (free speech) and have targeted the media's big guns squarely on themselves. also reported, somewhat triumphantly, "In Montreal, a crowd of 500 demonstrators blocked Netanyahu's entry to Concordia Hall, forcing him to remain at his hotel.. . In Winnipeg that evening, Netanyahu's appearance at the Pantages Playhouse Theatre was also foiled by a hundred vocal protesters." This of course misses the entire point. \Flat it should read is: In Montreal, 500 demonstrators blocked a fellow human being from expressing his opinions (distastehl as they may be), later in \Vinnipeg his attempts at free speech were again foiled by a hundred vocal protestors. "There's no free speech for hate speech," a protestor told a journalist. But who decides what speech is hateful? Me? You?Jean Chrbtien? Five hundred people in the street? Quite a dilemma. Wouldn't it be safer to make all speech free and to allow people to listen, reflect and form their own opinions? Give the public somc credit.

Come a n d Celebrate

comes from "American" values twisted moral preaching to the so what exactlyarc these critics United States is brutal. Imagine, as one (dohe columnist condemning? Freedom? Uemocracy?Free markets? McDonalds? pointed out t h s week, that a year \Vho knows. ago, 3,000 Canadians had been I wonder, I really do, if all the murdered by a group of fanat~cal Quebec separasmug moral tists. How relativists who wouldwe feel if If Jean Chr=tien love fingerwagging at the the US President speaks for the prescolded US all would be SO for humhating vailing attitude in repugnantly Quebecersover the years? Canada today, then But the I'm ashamed to call they'dbeenin lower Manhattiming of the myself Canadian. remarks tan on that tragic mormng. partly attributAs the towers able to the CBC crumbled, I wonder if their conven-is only part of the problem. \mat is morc disturbmg is the ient emotional detachment would message itself:America is to blame. remain intact, so that they could Chrbtien isn't the only one who explain to the American people how best to appease the people bent on thinks so, of course. There's a murdering them. As they buried growing number of people who their dead- their family, their share that opinion, as the horror of friends, their colleagues -I wonder September 11becomes nothifig if the casual academic musings more than an increasingly about root causes, "context" and distant memory. moralequivalencewith American These people believe that foreign policy would be so fordAmerica really is to blame, deep coming. down in their hearts. Yet because it I wonder, if only they'd been is such a scandalous opinion to there, would they fmally understand hold, few people -Chretien that the attack that morningwas as among them -are ever wihng to much an attack on them -their say so openly and directly. So they values, their freedom, indeed, their lead us through a maze of rhetoric, exi~tence- as it was on New York attempting to somehow assign blame to the United States, whilst City and the United States of America. Because itwas. simultaneouslytrying to avoiding And we should never, ever attacking the d u e s which the United States, andwestern civilizaforget it. tion, hold dear. 'l'he problem is, you can't. "American" beha~ior



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What should be the punishment lor havin! your cell phone ring in class?

"The prof gets t o answer and carry on a conversation with whoever called."

"Man Iwish those were doughnuts."

Sarah Josephs

Mike LaCroix

2A kinesiology

math graduate student

"A warning and then kicked out fortwo classes."

"The fact that everyone looks is embarassing enough."


Claire Wheatley and Sarah Steffler

1A Computer Science

UW residence dons

"Dance around in your boxers."

"Public apology and promise never t o do it again."

Karen Chan

Sunny Manit

2A kinesiology

26 psychology

"They should be forced t o have the conversation in front of the class."

"Have their head chopped off."


Vicki Thompson

1A biochemistry

2A social develpoment





Foodpage you can't 14 resist

Behind the scenes of frosh week Imorint exolores the makmg of UW's orientation Andrea Kerswill IMPRINT STAFF

Now that froshweekhas oriented you to this awesome university, you may wonder how this week was actually planned. The truth is, it takes yearlong planning to provide you, the first-year student, with the activities you enjoyed.It takes over 900 volunteers to keep the week running. The week begins with two committees thatworkmtensively for eight months to get frosh week where it needs to be. The Federation Orientation Committee, better known as FOC, plans most of the week. Every thing from planning events to budgeting and management is planned by this committee. The 2002 committee consisted of a total of 44 members that made decisions about the events of the week. Another contributorto froshweek i~ the Provost Advisory Committee on Orientation, othenvise known as PACO 1his committee focuses primanly on the conduct of the? olunteer leader5 For eachgroup mFOC there is an executive on PACO that makes the finaldecisionsregardingthe events of the week FOC i a further broken down mto fourp,arts.There are two administrators, IIeather FitzGerald and Enn Moore, who act as troubleshooters for eachofthegroups. Their colleagues represent the six residences and six faculties. New to the committee this year,RrarriorFOC,xvhchcaters strictly to campus-wide events such as Monte Carlo Night and the Each group is in charge of their

entircwcck. The committee begins to meet m mid-] anuary once the members foreachofthegroups arechosen. The executive that sits on PACO for FOC is the person who recruits and intermews possible candidates for those positions. BothHeatherFitzGeraldandErin Moore maintained that FOC controls theweek. "'l'he FOC members themselves put m so much time," said Moore. "They plan the week. The administration staff is just there for guidance, encouragement and to answer questions. It really is the FOC members that make onentationweek happen." The decisions are usually made from the end of October toJanuary. It is after this point that the committee begins tomeet onceaweek todiscuss planningand possible problems pertaining to the week. Moore pointed out that, "They P O C members] are experts in their areas and, before theweek even starts, thcyarc in charge of recnuung, hiring, and training their leaders. Therefore, during the week they are not only responsible forplanningtheactivities, but also distributing and assigning duties to all of their leaders and making sure everythingis covered." When January arrives, it is the responsibility of the groups to recruit their leaders. Eachgroup has its own separatewayofrecruiting,whetherit is through an application process, an interview process, or both. Moore pointed out that, "None of the committees are h t e d in the number ofvolunteers that they have and that even too many volunteers

sometimes is an issue for the FOC members. You have to keep the leaders busy, so the FOC members really have to sit back and think about howmany volunteer leadersthcy arc going to need at each of the events " Once thegroups have chosen their leaders, they must then assure that thcirleadershave what is called PAC0 training. P A C 0 training consists of four modules: principles of orientation, harassment and diversity, alcohol awareness and hazing and &tiation. It is within these modules that each leader is trained to build a strong foundation of leadership and understanding. FitzGcrald said, "The four sessionsaredesignedtocreateanawareness of what the leader's role will be and to show that there will be power differentialsas aleader. We introduce them to the resources they need to be an amazing leader." Each leader must complete training before frosh week. Each session runs about two hours in length during the evening and weekends. It is after all of the decisions, the programming and the meetings that orientation week is ablc to happen Both FitzGeraldand Moore acknowl edged that their volunteer leaders are the strong foundatto!! of the week Moore said, "The leaders that we get are soenthusiastic,theyreallymake the weekhappen fromdayone.Theybnng the students in, especially when they are really quiet and unsure of what is goingon, and encourage them topartisipate."


Frosh are big winners at Monte Carlo night.

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The Annual General Meeting of Radio Waterloo, Inc. (the licence-holder for CKMS-FM) will be held

Monday, September 23 at 6:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room, Student Life Centre University of Waterloo All full-time undergraduate students at the University of Waterloo, who have paid the Radio Waterloo Fee, are members of Radio Waterloo, Inc. and are eligible to vote at this meeting and to stand for election to the Board of Directors. The agenda for this meeting includes: - approval of the minutes of the AGM of September 12, 2001 - presentation of financial reports - report by the Board of Directors on activities of the past year - election of 7 members to the Board of Directors

Engineers learn innovative methods of garbage disposal at trashyard wars during frosh week.

Note: the Board of Directors of Radio Waterloo, Inc. consists of 4 students at the University of Waterloo and 3 non-students. Each director is elected to a one-year term.



A savoury experience at Sabor Although Sabor specializes in seafood, the menu also offers pork tenderloin,steakand Domifiican chicken ($14.95)that my companion ordered. Sabor Restaurant An herb marinade made the chicken 2 King Street Noah breast tender and delicious. It was 717-7127 served atop basmati rice and surrounded by saladgreensandavocado. Duringmy firstvisit to SaborRestau~ hcompanion thoroughly rant, I was so impressedby the atmos- ~ l t h o u my the dish, he commented that phere, the service and, most impor- enioyed , , tantly,the food that1 returncdthevery he found the portion somewhatsmall. In lieu of an entrbe, I opted to have next day. Sabor's interior dkcor is mono- two appetizers. 'l'he first, a flashchromatic - hues of bcrge link cooked seviche ($7.25), consistcd of wooden floors and tables to eclectic fresh shrimp, salmon and calamari design elements such as sand-filled served on a bed of mkedgreens with candle-holders anda sand- and shell- avocado and dressed with h e pice. filled trougharoundthe bar. The b- Sevichc is normally made with raw boo dividers in the dmmg room pro- fish, but Sabor's cooked version is videa feelingofintimacy.Thc music is equally impressive. The calamari, in particular,was unbelievably tender. It jazzy and not excessir-ely loud. Sabor's complmentary rolls are seemed odd at first to have mixed ~ t delicious.Both the caramelized onion greens dressed without oil, b ~ the rolls and the sundried tomato rolls richness of the seafood and avocado compensatednicely. ham a richness suggestive of cheesc The second appetizer was quail When the restaurant opens for d m ner, the rolls are even better because servedwith sautbed juliennedregetathcy are warm fresh out of the oven. bles. The qudwas slightlyovercookcd The wine list, printed on the back (unlike chicken,it can safely be served ofthemenu,offers severalvarietiesof pmk), but still quite tasty with its tangy-sweetbalsamicglate. winc by the glass, starting at $4.75. I I can't resist tiramisu and Sabor's enjoyed a gencrous glass of Masi Valpolicella ($6.50), a dry red, while version ($5.75)is no exception.It had my companion had a glass of Ernest all the required elements - lightly swcetenedmascarponecheese-layered and Julio Gallo White Zinfandel ladyfingers that had been dipped in ($5.95), a fruity blush wine. Kourtney Short IMPRINTSTAFF

Tempt yourtastebudsat Sabor. espresso and liqueurp s t long enough to pick up the flavours without becoming so~gy.The tiramisu was attractirrclypresentedas awedge of cake with two chocolate-dtpped ladyfmgers supporting the back. 1 highly recommend this dessert. On my second visit, I ordered the special:sixoystersanda stubby (beer) for $10. I wasn't sure what to expect because oysters typically cost a couple of dollars each. They were out of stubbies, so I substituted with beer

on tap. I had a pint of Tuborg beer, whose mdd sweetnesscontrastedbeautifullywith the salty oysters. Thc oysters are available brtded or on the halfshell (raw),ofwhich T chose thelatter preparation.The oysterswerererympressre; they were some of the biggest I have eT7erhad, incredibly fresh and delightfully salty. bor our entrhes, my companion and I ordered the xuppa di pesce (S18.25)andshellfishriwtto ($17.25), respectively.1wasveryimpressed that

each dish came with an entire lobst tail. l'hc broth of the zuppa dipesce soup similar to bouillabase) struck perfect balance behveen acidic toma and r ~ c hshellfish. In addition to tl lobster, it contained several shrim mussels and clams. The risotto w cqually goodand containcda sitnila~ generous portion of seafood. Dinner for two cost approsimatc 560 plus tip.

Hairloss, stars and fertility

Captain Picard uses C# A look at the next generation of programming language Chris Ferguson SPECIAL TO IMPRINT


Green mice key to hairloss solutions Mice whose fur glows green may be the first step to treating hair loss and baldness, as wellas eventually changmg hair colour permanently. Jellyfish genes were placed in the hair follicles of mce, mahgtheir fur glow a bright fluorescent green under thc right light Thc expen ment involves treatlngthe skin from one mouse with jellyfish genes and grafting it to another mouse This procedure is yet to be tested on live mice "It's got a way to go before the market," said Robert Hoffman of San Diego based Anti Cancer Inc Mr Hoffman, who works with scientists at the MassachusettsInstitute of'l'echnology and Japan's Kitasato University of Medicine main tams that thc treatment's primarypurpose is to treat hair loss caused by chemotherapy Once genes involved in grey and coloured hmr are better understood, it may be possible to transfer this gene to a cosmetic process as well

Fingerprint of male infertility Scientists have created a genetic model of healthy sperm that will help doctors understand the underlying cause of male mferdty. The cause of two-thirds of the cases is un known The new model acts like a genetlc fingerprint that will solve the mystery of these unknown causes David DIX, research biologist with the AmericanEnvironmentalProtectionAgency's reproduction toxicology division explains that "we've defined the normal fertilemale and now we can start to use that as a template, or gold standard for companng with men who are having diagnosed or suspected feailtty problems." The portion of the sperm that is nusmatched with-the template should explam the cause of infeailtty The template will be a v d able m clmcs w i h the next two years

Exotic star fueled by magnetism Canadian and Amencan astrophysicists have confirmed the existence of an exotic type of star: the magnetar.This star is spinningthrough the heavens like a whirling dervish as we speak. The star, also known as AXP 1E1048. 1 5937, rotates once every six and a half seconds m d is approxunately20 kilometers across It is far denser than the sun and has a gavitational pull ten b11hon tlmes stronger. The star was first discovered in 1981, but scientistsdid not know whether itwas powered by fusion like the sun, or whether it was fueled by magnetism. However, on October 29 and November 14,two short bursts of x-rays estab hshed that magnetism is the source of energy for this exotic star. AstrophysicistShnI<ulkarniagrecdthat the finding5 are convincing, he wntes that the "magnetars do exist" Astronomers can fecl quite satisfied to have postulated, dtscovcred and confirmed a new class of cosmc ohects.

With all the noise being made around campus these days ovcr the UW-Mtcrosoft partner ship, students are asking ?.What exactly is C#, and what's the big deal with it anyway? C# is a computer programming language developed by Microsoft to compete with Java, a smlar language Both of these differ from C++, which is currently taught in ECE 150 Introduction to Computing \T71th Microsoft making WE' the first recipient of funding from a new academic innovation alliance, rumours are flying that a change to C# will be mplemented UW is also expected to introduce an o&e pre-untversity course, ECE 050, or what thc university is calling "a high school outreach mtiatlve" that would use C# So, what exactly is a computer language? Well, we haven't quite hit the Star Trek level of computmgtechnology,where you can lust talk to the computer and awill respond in aprofes sional voice. In this day and age, if you want to ' communtcate with a computer, you have to speak its language. Programming ts like having a chat with a computer and telling - it what to do For example, take C++, the current language used by studentsinECE 150 In order to talk to the computer, you need an cditor and a C+ + compiler. An editor is much like a word processor, enabling the programmer to typc a program into memory, make changes and then save to a file. Once you've typed the text of the program, you need the compder to run it Thmk of the compdcr as a universal translator, that peice of technology that the episode writers use to explain how Kirk et al can talk to just about any aliens they want in English The computer can't understand what was wntten with the edaor, so the compiler translates a into the mystenous mother tongue of the com

...rumours are flying that a change to C# will be implemented [in ECE 150, and new course ECE 0501.1 puter, a b m q language What about C#? Well, C# and Java Are sort of The Next Generation of computer languages, if you will We're tallung about the stuff Captam Picard uses. With C+-+, the programmer needs to allocate and disallocate memory. If you dcm't disallocate, then you'll run out of memory and that Lttle exploding bomb wdl come up on the screen In C++, you have to pck up after ourse elf, @hering up your LUIused memory It's more technical and more repetitme C# has a few improvements on this system. Among other thmgs, C# has a garbage collector. This is an automatic janitor that picks up unused memory and allocates and disallocates, taking away some repetitive work, just like m Star Tnkwhere the replicator lust makes meals appear, and whcn you're done, the plates and glasses lust disintegrate, leaving the crew with more b e to exprore the galaxy or play on the holodeck C# further reduces the workload on the programmer because it comes equipped

C# is the next generation of computer language.

with numerous libraries of pre-wntten code which can be acccssed on demand The Microsoft Web site clams C# is also easier to update Sometimesrevisions to a code can alter the semantics of an existing program This happens with C+ + andJava- versiomg support is included m the language, basically making a more flexible to change - This is U e when mom or dad tells the kid to "get in the cart" and the mouthv brat savs. , ,"what car. this ~avan,"promptiflgmomordadtoreply, "don't bother me with semantics!" Parents and programmers rejoice -C# is a well-behaved kid Soyes, C# is apparentlythc automatic trans mssionofprogrammmg, butpeople stillliketo dnve stick, so what's the future for C++? Speakinggenerallyabout the benefits of C++, Lionel Briand, a professor in Systems and Computer Engineering at Carleton Umversity, was surpnsed to learn of the possible UW curnculurn change, he said "It's better to use C++ first, so you know the technical aspects " Athird year UW computerengmeenngstudent who didn't want his name used said he and many of his fellow students felt C# q h t be better placed in another course, ECE 250. Algorithm and Structure, leaving first year stu-



dehts to gun the practical knowledge of how programs work On the other hand, Vic DiCiccio, director of UW's Institute for Computer Kesearch, holds a very different viewpoint Although he has&


"It's better to use C+ first, so you know the technical aspects."



-Dr Lionel Briand, Carleton University personally taught ECE 150,he said mstructors who have taught the course have told hun,"it's a fairly challenging course for some of the students because they go from zero to the complexities of C++ all in one course and not all of the students find that easy." Did you ever see that episode where Picard takes out his stick shlft and 5 e s Entetpn'se hunself?Even he needed to learn to drive stick before he could have the enstgn do'it for hun It'sapitywe can't askhis opinion, orat least the tahgcomputer It seems like she's alwaysgot the answer.

FRIDAY, S E ~ ~ I20,2002 I R

page 17


Spom edttor A m n Romeo. Sports nsslstmt Heramb Runnchmdran sports@tmpmt uwaterloo cn

Disappointing weekend for Warriors at Blue Jay Cup Poor fielding costs Warriors two games Will Peters SPECIAL TO IMPR~NT

Good pitching, poor fielding resulted in a lossagainst McMaster.

In the last week

Coming up this week



Warriors 5,Launcr 4 Blue Jay Cup results above

Sept 21 \ s Guelph, 1 p m

Cross country

Cross country

Sept 21 Waterloo Open, 1 p m

Guelph Open Women ranked sixth Men ranked fifth

Sept 21 at Wmdsor, 2 p m

Field hockey

Women's rugby

Warriors 3, York 1

Sept 21 vs Brock, 1p m


Men's soccer

Ottawa 26, Warriors 11

Sept 21 at Nipissmg, 1 p m Sept 22 at Laurentian, 1 p m

Men's rugby

Queen's 21,Warriors 17 Women's rugby

Western 12,Warriors 0 Men's soccer

Warnors 0, Toronto 0 Warriors 3, York 2 Women's soccer

The Blue Jays beat TampaBay 8-4 later in the day, but the Waterloo-McMastergame in the morning on the same fieldwasamuch more excitiflg game. Waterlooled early 2-0 against Western at Skydome. Most ofthe mid-game was close. Warriors went ahead in the eighth with a double plus a base hit. Western tied the rame with two outs m the Swinging through against Western at Skydome ninth by a missed throw t i first by the third baseman. Western scored the wmnmgrun off anothermssed throw m the tenth. 2 '


Women's soccer

Sept 21 at Nipissmg, 3 p m Sept 22 at Laurentian, 3 p m Men's tennis

Sept 21 vs McMasterand Western, 9am

A Warrior leads off third in the game against McMaster.

Women's tennis

Waterloo led early and by the bottom of the thrd itwas 1-1 McMasterwentahead3-1mthe fourth due toamssedroutine pop up to the left of home plate by the catcher. The pitching was good hut the Waterloo bats couldn't produce and

Sept 21 at WLU, 9 a m

Warnors 4, Toronto 3 York 2, \Y7arnors0

McMaster held on to wm. The tournament endedwith the HrockHadgers beating the Toronto Blues m a 7-1 final at the Skydome on September 18. A11 results from the tournament factor into the OUA standmzs




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A cross-country style weekend at Guelph: Gryphon Open 2002 Cross-country update, by the captain of the Warrior's men's crosscountry team Kevin J. Smith SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The Warnor cross-country team had anuneventfulfirst race at the Gryphon Open m Guelph on Saturday, Sep tember 14with the women fimshing sixth and the men fifth With their performances, both the men's and women's teams showed that theywill need to work hard over the next rnonth~fthe~wish to remain adominant force m the OUA The women's field, consisting of about 100 athletes, started the day with their 4 kin race under hot and humid conditions The sun took its toll on many competitors, but had little effect on the'iYarriors'lead run ner,KunNeumeyer,whospentmuch

Srrtrrtziq Septettlber 21, 2002, 12echtel I'urk 1,s Grrclplr Gryplrotrs, 1:00 P M Mot~rlrry,September 23, 2002, Beclltel Park v s Brock Bnr1,gcrs. 6:OO P M

of the race hanging on with the lead pack of women and ended up third amongst - umversity athletes. Eventual race winner Beth Wightman of Queen's surgedawayfromNeumeyer andtheotherleadersmld-waythrough

the race enroute to an easy mdtvidual vtctory, leadmg the Golden Gaels to an easy teamvictory CaroLneAmyot, also a member of the UW qwlm team, I

The women should be a force to reckon with when tearn captains and front- runners Kristie Henry and Jill Patterson ref urn to racing next week f UTfm

On Our


held on tightly and worked wcll with another group of women, eventually finishing 26th. The thlrd and fourth

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Warrior women across the lme wen Joanna Fedy and Gina Jackson, whc worked well together and put forth; good effort m this early season even to fimsh 35th and 36th respectively The next three were all running the1 first race for Waterloo and roundec out the scoringteam For the Warno women. Melanie Prouse, Anne Mam Allen and Andrea Johnston, all o whom have great potential to mak~ the OUA/CIS racmg squad Thl women should be a force to reckot with when team captams and front mersKn~tieHen~yandJdPatterso return to racing next week on ou home turf Followmg the conclusion of th women's race. the men towed the lin with hcat, playing a major role in ths performancesofallathletes. A fieldo 130 men raced ovcr 7.4 km of sandj gravel trails before awinncr could b determined. Overall, the field wa about 30 seconds slower thanin year past, an excellent illustration of th effect the heat had on the entirc ficlc Men's team captains Will Gibbon and I<cvm Smith led the group ULI quickly and tried to hmg on with th lead group, but got dropped on th secondofthree loops. Smithwas th first Warrior across the line in litl Track specialist Jose < : a m a h ran steady race to finishnest in 18th. Petc VanDriel, !mown for hts crazyantic: rounded out the top three \'\'arric mcn Kyle Guemble and Matthta Schlipt rounded out the scoringtear and fimshed together as fourth an fifth\T7arriorsrespectively across th h e There were alsonotableperfom ances byIan\YestraandAkxBardelct who both ran thex first races for a'; terloo Veterans Scott Arnold, Mik Loguc and a healthyWill Gibbons wi return to racing next week at the U! Open, bolsteringthe Warriors line-u considerably. The U\K' open on Saturday, Sey tember 21 will be held on Nort Campus. The women will race ; 1:OOp.m. and the men at 1:Xb.m.

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page 19

An ideal husband!?

Matthew delivers damaged goods

Oscar Wilde An ldeal Husband Theatre andcompany throughSeptember28

Matthew Good Federation Hall

Will Peters

September 17


Many may laugh at the term 'ideal husband,' thiillung it a contradiction m terms Nonetheless, it's the subject matter ofOscar \\'dde's classic play At1 Idea/ HmDcmd 1heatre 8( Company began its 2002 03 season last 1hurs day ewmgwith a charmmgperform ance ofthe play 1he companyplayed to a slight11 lc\s than packed house at the quaint I h g Street Theatre It's a four act play with the plot action completed m 21hours and set in 1895 London, England Comment ingontheplay, &rector St& ScadronWattles s a d ' X n Idea/ Hxsband is about politics and love. Whde we've set the play in Wilde's time, h s work is absolutely contemporaryto our own tune. What a has to say about power, morality, the news med~aandrelationships still needs to be heard. Its story of blackmail and betrayal could easily have been taken from the lead story of todaj 's newscast " The plot centres around the char acter Kobert Chiltern, played by Andrew Lakin Sir Robert Chiltern



Theatre 8 Company's production of Oscar Wilde's An ldeal Husband will run until September 28. seemstohavead wealth,asuccessful political career andaperfect mamagc When an old acquaintance appears and threatens blackmail, his good, friend charming playboy Lord Gor ing, 1s spurred into action Wdde's rapier (and sometunes overbearing) wit shines in this humorous study about love, truthandpolitics inVicto nan England Sir Roberf's wife, Lady Chiltern,

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The recent11 reconstmctcd Matthen Good band played to an enthusiastic \ellout cro~wdat Fed Hall Tucsdav ntght, delivering songs mostly from his two must recent albums, (Yt~de~ d q s and 13e~i~t$~/~\lid~zg/if), as 1% ell as a selection of nen material from his upcoming release \Y hile, by all appearances, the ca pacity crowdwcnthome happl ,Good himself was slightly undenvhelming and hm radically reconfigured band did not inject much passion into Good's most popular releases Even dumg the trademark hits "Everything is Automatic" and "Load Me upntherewas little of the inspiration and improvisation that have marked Good's past shows It occasionally seemedlike someone had just put the albums over the P A while the band munedalong. In sharp contrast to the uneven delivery of his established work, the new songs burst forth with

"It occassionally seemed like someone had just put the albums over the P.A. while the band mimed along." rax5 cncrgj,perhapsrcflecttngIhefact that <;oods curcntbandwas together for the creation of the new material and was much more familiar with it Good fired most of his extsting band several months ago,withonlj bassist fich Priske, who joined the band in 1998, survivingthe purge, alongwith Good While the mpassioned delivery of Good's latestwork bodes well for his next album, expected to be releasedsometuneearly m2003,therest ofthe bandclearly needs more tune to meshbeforc thc MatthewGoodHand can recapture its prewous reputation for premum live entertainment

was played excellently by AhsonJutn The beautiful Jutn shone m her role as the highlymoral Gertrude Chdtern There was another excellentperformance byJean Wnght as Lady Markby She was a very believeable, crusty old Victonanlady OthernoteworthyperformancesincludeJonathan1 Iarnson as the elder LordCaversham(fatherto Lord Goring), Linda Bush as the manipulativevdlainMr5 Chevelyand Mtchael Peng as the dowdy Lord Gormg From what is !mown of Oscar \-Yrdde,onegets the impression that he wrotc himself mto the play as Lord Goring Thc oi&poorl~~playedmajor role wac that of Kobert Chiltern,por traped by Andrew L a In conversa tion with Lord Gonng before an un pending scandalinTolvmghim, Lakin didn't eaoke the intense despair that Chtlternwas feeling In terms of mmor roles, the butler Phipps was portrayed well by Reid Spencer The set was simple and appropriate, it was representative of the time penod Apart froma few mmor flaws, Matt Good played at Fed Hall September 17. h s is good and affordable theatre



Film festival to arrive in Waterloo

Burning without guilt

Not just kids with camcorders


It's not raining, it's not cheap night, andTom Cruise isn't currentlyacting in any big blockbuster smash hit, so why should you bother going to the movies thisSeptember27-29. Other than the fact that everyone needs a p o d break fromrealitynow and then, you should be going because it is the first annualAspirations Film Festival hosted by Princess Cinema at 6 Princess StreetEast. The Aspirations Film Festival is run and was founded by former Wilfrid Laurier students David Henderson and Eli Craig. Their missionis togive the Kitchener-Waterloo area and Canada a film festival that showcases up and coming Canadian talent, showing the evolution and future of filmmaking. As explained on their Web page at,these are not just kidswithacamcorderin theirbackvrd

filmingthcirfriends Theseare young members a traumatic moment m her professionals who are exploring the life through a scrics of dreams." hother K-LV alumnus is Bob Barlen, artistic medium of film the director of Deportation atBreakfmt I his year there were over 130 en tries for the festlval From those,ajury wholivedin Kttchener until his enrolnarrowcd down the selection to 38 mentat RyersonUniversityat the age films,whtchare now being showcased of 19.His movie revolves around "an atthe festicval Filmsarecategonzedas unsuspecting Joe who enters a diner comedies, documentaries,expenmcn- and orders the breakfast special, but tal / amation, drama, and 'Best of ends up biting off more than he can chew." the Fest ' For interested filmmakersreading The films are made by ~tudents all overthe country Unfortunately there this and wantmg to give Waterloo, or are no films made by students at the WI,Ubetter representation next year, Umvcrsityof\Vaterloo,\V~1fildLawer you should know that apphcaaons to University or Conestoga College submt filmsare availablethrough the However,Dat idHenderson ,the fes- Web site. Youmust pay a fee for each tival's director, noted three directors film you submt, but there is no h t who originate from the area Simon on the number of films you enter in Brothers, who grew up in Stratford your name. The jury consists of local and naand attended the Princess Cinema tional filmmakers and lovers, includregularly as a teenager, directed 'A Se ries of Dreams ' Brothers' film has ing Jeff Bannon, a local filmmaker, been placed in the expenmentalfilm Roger Montgomery, Patricia Rutter group This piece follows "a young (EconomcDevelopment Officer for mrl haunted bv her past, as she re- the city ofWaterloo),Joanne Greco, l'im Fox and Hugo Montauri Sound interesting? If you would like to reserve tickets, or evenget involved, simply visit the Web page again at

The music industry marches on in its strange misguided ways Now, they're working on making a "impossible" to copy a CD to your computer and any other MPj player you mght have Of course, what this actually means (as per the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the U S ) is that they don't want you to copy music at all I don't know about you, but I've been copyingmusic for years When I was a kid, I put a portable cassette player in front of the stereo speakers Then I moved on to maktng cassette copies of vinyl and I even borrowed records from people and taped them Now I move a lot of my CDs to hard-drive and play it using Mac's iTunes software Seeingas I bought the music, I feel no guilt In fact, historically there's this long-standmgpartof copyright law called "fair use"which quite explicitlyallows you to make copies of your own music for personal, non commercialreasons The idea behind this (which makes sense) 1s that you don't buy the CD, you

From t h e Latest j e a n s t o t h e h o t t e s t purses, i t ' s a l l a t Register n o w and y o u can w i n a l a p t o p .

buy the music that comes on that medium and then it is yours to listen to. The CD costs ten cents; the music is worth paying the big bucks for and really, it's what the artists get paid for makmg. So I've paid the artist, now I get to hear the music. When the technology changes, I've already bought the music and I'm not that interested m buying it again. I don't want to buy it just so I can, well, listen to it. The big labels arc now desperatelytrying to make it impossible for you to copy your CD to your computer. Of course, this is ridiculous. If I can play the thing, I can digitize it and industrious folks will figure out a hack within hours of the latest technology being produced. This one may actuallywork out okay for the likes of you and me. About 20 years ago, some of the very same companieswanted to stop people from recording T V shows by banning the VCR. As you might have guessed, they lost that battle on the very grounds of "fair use." That is,people record TV shows for personal, noncommercialuse. Later, some industry guys wantcd to stop us from using cassette tapes to record music and they seemed to decide that copying was fine as long as a tax was placed on tapes. So, a's pretty hard to tell exactlywhat this industry believes, but we do know for sure that they want to control the music and maximize their profits. When it comcs to music, people make copies so that they can play the cassettem their car, they loan it to their friends and thcy buy it used. I don't actually know anybody who's nervous about getting caught. The music industry, on the other hand, should be worried about becomingirrelevant.

Picture of insanity


One Hour Photo directed by Murk Romutiek Waterloo Galasy Cinema AdrianChin




In One How Photo, Robin 'iiJilhangivcs an clcctrifyrng pcrformancc a Sejmourl'arnsh,the desperatelylone photo lab technician, better knowna "Sy, the Photo Guy" As thc stoi develops, we find Sy latching onto pictureperfect suburban famdywho. negatives he has been developing fc years and eventually living his life v cariously through them Ultimate1 Sy must face both his fabricated an real lives as they begin to crumble First time movie director Mar Romanek,whoalsowrotethe screer play,made his name directingsomec the most unforgettable music videc of the 1990s featuring David Bow11 Madonna and Nine Inch Nails an others See INSANITY. Page 2

lashlight Brown shines

Extra-wide sound Sea of Green Northern Lights

Insanity: one hour's worth

David Capper





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1F ii

Danko Jones: saving rock one bar at a time Danko Jones Bombshelter Pub September I1 Melissa Dunne and Torin Jurmain SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The he-up for the first Bomber night ofthe seasonwas growingat an alarming rate as we interviened Danko Jones, in a deserted and dimly lit Ground Zero IX7ehad the opportu mty to inten-iex~Dank01 ones before the performance and here iswhat they had to say Q: Howdid youguys initially form the band?

A: We got together just your regular way a music scene works in a city, a

bandplays together,they breakup and play in new bands and get together with other members until somethmg sticks You do that until the right combination is formed, a then opens thelockand then there's alotofmoney and a x tlcketc around the world Q: Would you say there is a big differencebetween your on andoff stage persona? A: I don't really think so, A lot of people think there is, but they ha\-en't hung out with us for a whole day to know that (Iffqtage I'm not going to scream in your ear, but on stage you have to project l~kem theatre so the people in the backcan hear Q: Where do you get your inspiration for your songs?

A: Bastcallyjust from hvmghfe lyncallj~ Q: Are you going to come back to and translating that into lyrics I write U W ? thcm so I can feel them every mght A: Yeah, if they'll have us. It'll probwhen we play them ably be sometime nelt !ear, because Q: How much time do you spend we won't be in Canada \Yell be in having fun compared to the time Europe touring, then Austraka and Japan and then our US tour will be spent recording and touring? booked We'regotngto beptetty much A: lVe're ma band because being in a on the road band is what we love to do, so tt doesn't matter It's a 24 hour job, but Q: Already tired? it's not really a job because we love a somuch It's justas enjoyablebecause A: \7L e are tiredall the time, we save as much energy so we can play to our we arc doing what we nant to do We're our own boss, we're in charge of heart's content what we're doing,where we're going, They dtdn't seem tired at all on there's noone really tellinguswhat to Wednesday night, as their raw rock do 1hat's creative control 1hat ena bles us to do what we want to do, so shook the Bomber harder than any band rn recent memories there's no complaints

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Lie down in the September Grass James Taylor October Road Columb~aRecords

O n Tuesday, August 13, Jamer Taylor's new album October Road hi1 music store shel\~es.It's been fme year: since his last album, "Hourglass: whichwon the 1997's Grammy'sBesl Pop Album. It's somewhat r~diculous fora folk rockmusicimfikeJame' Taylor to receive a best pop album award, thifikFfg of him grouped ~r with pseudo-musmans like Britnej Spears is surreal The Good new1 about O&berRoud is that it's bettef than Hourglass, perhaps that's wh) it's receivingraw reviews. My first attempt at o b t m g thf albumwas unsuccessfulas it was solc out Some noteworthy songsare "Sep tember Grass," "Belfast to Boston' and"0ctober Road " I'munsure whj Taylor chose to title the album O d e , Road He may have smply choser what he thought to be the best song on the album for the title If so, I thinE a better choice would have been Scp tember Grm It was, however, wrltter byJohnSheldonandthat may bewhj it wasn't chosen as the album title

"All of the songs come from my life. I feel as though my life is full. It's full of a lot of different stuff ..."

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Another noteworthy songis "Be1 fast toBoston," apoignant songabou the Northern Ireland conflict Corn menting on the album, Taylor sad "All of the songs come from my life I feel as though mv life is full It'\ fill of a lot of different stuff f a d y anc friends and it feels about right Thc rcason I can talk about these songs a' though they're someone else's is tha I don't feel a\ though I wrote thcm feel as though 1heard them I ~ ~ a i t e and then I heard them first I feelgrea about this batch of songs and that i \\as north waitme for " Tavlor has agreat catalogue span ning from the 1970'suntil the preset1 album Although Odobcr Koid isn' the be\t o f this, catalog it's cci t a d good and north obtaining

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Will Peters, special to lrnpr~n

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