Page 1


Warrior's crosscountry CIS update Iaqtweek,the cross country teamwent toLondon, Ontano for the CIS finals where thepcompetedagainstteamsall across Canada Read about how the? did

24-hour Tim's planned at U W

Women's tennis

"Why do Guelph students wear button fly jeans? Because the sheep can hear the zippers a mile away." Cara Morison, Bonnie McCutcheon, Mike Christie

"Because I got a bad mark."

Kossi Efu

U~~~ersityad&strationisconsidering the addition of a 24-hour Tim IIorton's locationunder aplan toadd a bakery to the campus. Locations such as Ground Zero and the Davis Centre have been considered but found to be unsuitable. Head of UW 1:oodSeniceMarkMurdochhopcs to "have the new store fully operational by September."

Regular content: Short order- As regular columnist Kourtney Short takes the week off, 1,auren Stames fills in for disappointing fare at IGtchener's Viet Nam La Cuisine.

Hair-raising fundraiser

"Because I am going to Australia."

"They wanted to share the love."

Daniel Joaquin

Randy Smith

4A geography

3A geography

Regular content: uwRyan.comChen-\Xringreveals how the Feds use the SLC management board to represent their own interests.

page 13 Crossword - Moogk-Soulis presents new challenges.

page 22

AskLanders- Imprint's columnist is back for another week of tough questions. 'l'his week, he handles a secret virginity, sex with vegetables, and a doctorial debate.

"What's Maclean's, mate?"

Jodi Alexander 3B es exchange Aussie

"'Cause the students a t Guelph know how to 'milk' the Maclean's editors, if you know what I'm saying." Tyler Wilson es grad

Page 9 Undefeated -Coming out, the big me.

It's flu season Imprint Science gives you the lowdown on flu shots. The province has been providing free flu shots to all residents. But how will the flu shot affectyou?

Everybody loves science Insight into a cool physics trick that may allow us toget ridof those stinky smokestacks.

page 17

page 10

page 18

page 10

Maps and Legends -Edey on Renembrance Day in the21st century.

page 11 "Dave Johnston doesn't put out like the sheep do." Tim Martin, Gavin Plat and Brian Jones

"'Cause nothing has changed."

3A math accounting, 3A mech eng and 28 elec eng

2A english literature


EssentialInsanity-Lam likes her ladydoes ofirradiation. Findoutwhy ve should all watch more TV.

page 11

page 23

A new intersting band fromhlontreal visits the Bomber tonlght. Checkout this band's claim to fame.

You! Offmyplanet!- Lee-\Y%drick iemands moral consistency.

CityofftheHiH-Hoxvare terrorists ike spam? Read IIayes to find out.

And soit concludes.A four-part series fmishes with pcrspectivcs from two reviewers. See what UW students had to say.

Pigeon-hole far from pigeon-holed

Regular content: Microfiles - Research shows that supplementing with zinc may help fight diarrheal disease; two brands of lollipops are found to be contaminated with blood; a new HIV test promises to help ensure the safetyof health-care workers.

page 10

Contrasting Midsummer Night views

page 16

page 17

Regular content: Speculations- I<oniecznalooksat the past and future of print.

U W dance A look into the interesting world of dance at UW. AndreaKerswill speaks with Professor RhondaRymanabout the history and future of U\Xnsdance.

page 16 LWstudentRichard Dongis tryingto raisc moncy for cancer research, and he will be cutting off h s waist-length hair on Tuesday, November 19 at the Aombshelterifhe reaches his goal of $500. Drop by the ES coffee shop to make a donatioil or c-mail for more details.

page 20

page 13 Imprint cooks - TimMollison and Kourtney Short team up to show off their cuhary skills with braised lamb shanks and a warm fennel salad.

3A computer science

1A arts, 1A rec and 1A geography

Fmd out what it took the women's tennis team to wm a bronze medal at the OUA championships

Scott Mathers hfcct a member of the Waterloo varsity swim team who had never competed in swimmingevents before this tCrn1.

Cover and page 20

page 26 Regular content: Airheads Arda Ocal and I<atrina I<oh explore the interestingworld ofdifferentmusic genres. \%%at's your genre?

page 24


News e&torr I auren Fox a n d T m hlokson News arnrtsnt Sean Launa. newr@mpnnt uwatedoo cn

Feds flooded with volunteers Feds midterm 111:new volunteers mean improved service Susan Bubak IMPRINT STAFF

More volunteers have been helping more students this term 'through the services provided by the Federation of Students. These services include the Campus Responsc Tcam, Co-op Student Services, Feds Food Bank, Gays and Lesbians of\&'aterloo,LegalResourceOffice, Off-Campus L>ons, the \X'ellness Centre and the\Y.omyn's Centre. Many of these services have eqeriencedan incrcasc in the numbcr of volunteers they have and the students they serve. "It hasn't even been a qucstion of worrying about getting volunteers," said Mike Kerrigan, Fedsvicepresident internal. "They just keep coming in."Kerrigan estimated that he received about 200 applications from students interested in volunteering for Feds services We credits the increase in volunteerism to the convenience of applying for volunteer positions on the Feds \X'eb site or by filling out the volunteer appli cation form in the Feds student handbook The Feds Food Bank has been particularlyactive this term OnHal-

The Wellness Centre (providing free condoms) is one of the several Feds services. loween night, about 150 students from UW andK LU participated in an event called "Trick or Eat "They canvassed the local community and collected over 4,000 pounds of non pcrishablc food Thc Food Hank of K'aterloo Region recei\ ed 85 per cent of the donations, while the remain mg 15 per cent went to the Feds bood Bank "We will be w orking with Meal Exchange o n a few more things like 'swipe a meal,' where students can use theirintcards to donate money to a charity, and 'clear the shelvcs,' where we go around and ask the community to donate non perisha bles and clear out their cupboards," said Amanda Holmes, Feds Food Bank coordinator

According to GI.O\K volunteer Matthew Nichols, more people ha+e beenattendmg GLOKevents, such as thc K cdncsday night diicussion groups and social, "which hare seen an ovcr 300 per cent increase in attendance over the past pear or so." He added that attendance at these events increased from an ax-erageof eight participants to 25 In addition, more than 100people attended this term's Boy7 & Boys and Girls & Grrls night, "an LGBT-friendly dance/pub night," said Nichols Thc Legal Resource Office was able to increase its office hours this term due to the high turnout of voluntccrs 'The LRO worked with XTIRG to develop aK'eb site called rcntersrcmews org, whcrc students

can ratc thcir landlords. The LRO also hosted a mock LSAT for stu dents Interested in applying to law school "We are working with I< W Community Legal Services to gct a lawyer to come m for one day a month to help students with their problems," saidJohnVellone,LKO coordinator Studentswill be able tomeet with the lawyer for 15-minute con sultation sessions at no charge The Off Campus Dons host so cia1 events andprovidc servtces for first year students who live off-campus These services include "free guidance from an off-campus don about school stress, personalproblems, work related difficulties or anything else," said Niki I.ogcl, O C D coordinator Over300 fiist-

year students participated in OCD's orientation week at the beginning of the tcrm CKD is also planning a number of activities next tcrm, including bowlmg, ice skating and tobogganing

Check out the Feds'\Y eb site, www feds ca,orcontactFedsT ice


prewdentmtesnale Kerngan atbpmafeds uwaterloo ca



Campaign Waterloo, raising money fast Christine Loureiro IMPRINT STAFF

Planning for "CampaignK aterlooBuilding a Talent Trust" began m 1998,soon after ULY.ilast fundratsing campaign ended I'hat campaign,also called Campaign Katerloo, ran from 1992 to 1997, aimed to raise $75 million dollars, and brought $86 million into the communin7 Thi5 campaign is much more ageressme I,aunchedm100Uand slated for completion in 2007, the university's 50th anniversary, Linda Kieswetter, campaign director and Director of Individual Ching, said "the private sector goal is $260 mil lion, we hope to match every private sector dollar with govcrnment funds "As of October 1,2002, $106 million had been raised from a l u m , corporation\, foundations and friends of the university The benefits of campagn dollars


canalready be seenacross campus J Rod Coutts' gift of $7 million, the largest from a ULV graduate, for facihties, awards, teaching and learn ing technology provided for the expansion of the Engineenng Lecture HallcalledJ R Coutts hngineering Lecture Hal1,which opened this sum mer Coutts, who graduated from electncal engineering in 1964, has also made available an endowment and scholarship fund totaling $750,000 for international stud) ex changes This year, Ross and Doris Dixon, well known mWaterloo Re gion for their generosity, made a $100,000 donation to establish the Ross and D o r ~ sDixon \Xraterloo Region Entrancc Scholarship In October 2000, IRM contributed in kind of over $1 million through a shareduniversity researchgrant by selecting UW to house high performance software and hardware in order to estabhshaUW/TRMFacil

ity for Scientific andDeep Comput According to I<ieswetter, the Building a Talent Trust campaign has four pillars $150 mdlioil is ear marked for the first attracting and rewarding talent, intended to create and expand scholarships, bursaries,

The private sector goal is $260 million; as of October 1, $106 million has been raised. -

fellowships and chairs The goal set for the second ptllar, enabling talent, is $45 million, for technology to enhance teaching and learning Making room for talent, with a goal of over

S40million,is the third, aimcdatncw buildings and additions, like the Ccntre for Cnvironmental Tnforma tion Technology, with an estimated cost of $36 5 million and funding from the protincia1 government's SupcrBuild program, the $10 5 mil lion addition to Engmeering 3 and the ilearly completed $8 7 million Co operative Ed~lcationand Carccr Services building Iaeswetter and the Office of Development hope to raise over $25 million for thc last pillar, intended to "enhance infrastructure andpro,ms to create aculturewhere talent will flourish " She lists a renovated Theatre of the Arts andstudent Life Centrc and athletic facility expansion as exam ples Kieswetter wrote in an e mail in terview, "planning, prionty setting, development and feasibility testing was done from 1998 to 2000 The priorities for the case were developed

and approved by Deans' Council " The campaign, boastingover 140101 unteers from both local and national communities,is led by Bob Harding, chair and CEO of Brascan Inc and chair of the board of go\ ernors of U\K 11steeringcommittee and camp a i p cabinet provide strategy and leadership Kxswcttcr mentioned "members of both groups are busi ness and community leaders from across Canada, many of whom arc ULX graduates " Campaign Waterloo - Building a Talent Trust is still mits silentphase, yet t o be publicly launched &eswetterhopes tolaunch the campaign publicly before the end of fall 2002, when the umvcrsity can then approach their best prospects for "pacesetter gifts," major gifts that should raise the barand set the stand ard for other donors


Students should control the SLC


cancer Simply put "I noticed there were. of people around me suffering from canc said Dong Why did he choose to finally breakout scissors? "I was looking at some picture me at froshweekand I just decided that it enough, there was one picture I was loo1 at and T was wearing a red shirt and had rc long hair 1 looked like well let's just s looked like a member of the opposite s, After five years Dong has decided that

Known by his friends for partaking in outrageous endeavors,Richard Dong is at it again L a ~year t you could see Rtchard Dongwallung around campus dressed as a huggable teddy bear as part of his campaign to raise money Scrvicesgetscheap rent becau5e it contributed for the World \Y ildlife h n d This year Dong to the construction of the buildmg Because of is shedding his hair, literally this it is in the interest of both Feds and the university to keep what Feds pays low The Dong has planned to cut off his hip umversity would want Feds to pay low rent to length hair if he can raise $500 keep Food Services costs down and beds forthe Cancer Research Soci ety At present, Dong's hair would want to keep ~ t own s costs down measures 25mchesandat half How can Impnrlt and \-Yl'IRG be consid a m~llimetrea day, that adds ered external when Feds is not? All three organizations were created by and endorsed by up to about five years of growth, as Dong confirms. students Fede VPAF (,hris Di Lullo justified the So what made Dong want to grow his hair this long> His increases by saying that lnzpnnfand\X'PIRG get h~ndmgfrom other sources, whereas motorcycle Weteal1 seen the image of the person on the increases to othcr organi7ations' rent would motorcycle with her hair fly be passed on to students 1his is specious ing behind her in the wind. All organizations anil businesses m the Student Life Centre rccclve funding from Looks exciting, looks adven turous, doesn't it? Dong students and can influence that funding Any thought so After purchasing business operatton, like Brubakers, charges his motorcycle five years ago, money to students as consumers, student organuations, including Feds, receive Dong decided it would be student fees, and the Turnkey Dcskrcccir cs fun to recreate this image for himself He wanted a little half its funding from the Student Serbices first hand cvpcricncc bee An) one of these groups faced TT ith Fur thobe contentwithlust higher rent cost u ould either hare to lower a second-hand account oflong other co5ts or increase revenue includmg, hair,Dong said hair that long possibly, rerenue from students Thc only difference betweennon-bed\ can be quite a hassle Though Dong knew having long hair student organizations and the Feds is that would be an adventure he said the Feds president is on the board and can "hair in his wup, vacuuming influencc decisions on fee increases his apartment everyday and Clearly it u ould be strange to try to squeeze Impnnf and X'PTRG with higher hair always clo,g,gin,g - - - the ADRIAN rents taprevent the cost from being passed shower dram" may be a little In fact, Dong plans to cut off years of hair to raise money on by opposing a fee mcrease This is, too much hou ever, on what the argument is based his roommates once told him for cancer research that they "always know what Another aspect of the argument for the rent mcrease is that Impnnf and KT'IRG ha\ e finally time toget a haircut and he wants \ stall hc has been showering in " So Dong, in sources of re^ enue othcr than student fees dire need of a haircut, decided what better way help to part with his mane then to raise some Though he originally set his goal and the increased rent mav be paid from money for charity thousand dollars, Dong qaid he lust wa those sources Note that Feds also has other lnspired by the members of the Toronto getting enough donations, so he lowerc revenue from its business operations Transit Commission who shaved their heads Increasing the rent cost will cost students, if to hvc hundred The event is set to take p not monetarily, then through the rcsourccs to raise money for the Cancer Society, Dong on No\ember 19, in the Bombshelter available to serve them decided he would do the same The TTC was make a donation, visit a collection box pla In the end the issue is not the amount of in TS1 139 (Student Lounge, Coffee Sh not his onlv source of inspiration, canccr also money, but that Feds are gettii~gprefcici~tial has directlj~andindirectl~ affected Dong One bor more information you can contact I) treatment because they are the ones who are of Dong's friends lost his wife to throat at teddybear@materloo ca Donations $1 cancct and another co \x orker of Dong's suf grcatcrwill rcccivc an official tax receipt treating themselves fered from cancer Dong, a Charles Schult/ fan,also noted that Schultzpassed away from

Feds in a Student Life Centre racket

Imagine living in a house that you paid for, but where your roommate can raise the rcnt This is the situation m the SLC, where studcnts are paying for most of the construc tion but the Feds hold the authority to decide for the space Umversity admmstration and Feds executir e members have rarscd the rent paid by non Feds student organuations but not the rcnt paid by operations they run, Feds' offices and business and I'ood Sen-ices The problem is not that they increased rent, but that it nas done \\ ithout informing others and that Feds receivedpreferential treatment Here I will refer to space cost plus additional charges combined as rent, because together they are the amount that indir.rdual4 or groups pay for the space the) lease Students are paying for most of the construction and some of the operation of the SLC, but reds and the unir-ersity mabe decisions about it in unpublished mcctrngs Students paid for the SLC but the Feds exccutix e is representing its own interests on the SLC's management board The Student Life Centre Management Board consists of five votmg members Feds President Brenda I<oprowslu, Feds vice president administration and fmance Chris Di Lullo, associateprovost human resouccs and student sen/icesCatharine Scott, U\\"vice president administration and finance Dennis I Iuber and a student at large At its meeting on October 30, the SLC Management Board voted to mcrease rent for, Impnntand\XTIRG what they call evternal student organi~ations , 1hesc organi7ations previously paid cost, but will now be charged cost plus extra re1 enue Under the 199'3 SLC operating agreement, bood Sen ices pays the same rate for its space, I lhbakers, as Fcds does for its offices Food

Dude, where's my hair?


A profile of the new dean of

Raising awareness of East Asia




On July 1,2003, the faculty at the University of\Vaterloowill be joined by one of Canada's leadingacademics and brightest minds. Professor Adel Sedra, former vice pre.sident and provost at the University of Toronto,will succeed Dr. Sujeet K. Chaudhuri as Waterloo's dean of engineering. The announcement was made on October 22,2002 by U W President David Johnston. Dr. Chaudhuri became Waterloo's dean of engineering in 1993 and will hold this po ition until the end of his current term in June 2003. He decided to step down after this term, saying simply that "10 years is too much time." He will continue to teach at the University of Waterloo and looks forward to being able to devote more time to his own research. Professor Sedra was nominated for consideration by acommittee of faculty, students and staff from the departmcnt of engineering 1he committee was chaired by UX'vice president Academic andProvost Dr Amlt Chakma The nomination was not sur prising, Waterloo is familiar territory to Sedra In April 2002, C h h a invited him to audit the graduate department at R'aterloo Sedra has a l w worked with Chaudhuri. his predecessor, on various projects smce the 1980s. Upon realizing that Sedra would be his successor, Chaudhuri released a statement expressing his support of the committee's decision. Other faculty members are also eagerly anticipating working with someone of Sedra's calibre. Sedra is cxcitcd about his new positionand the opportunities that it will present. He told the University of Toronto's student newspaper that, "when the University of Waterloo came calling, it had the challenges and the opportunities that I've been looking for " Sedra has an extensive academic rcsume After receivinga BSc from the University of Cairo in 1964, he


ficer, aposition that he Adel Sedra, new dean of engineering held until 2002. Sedra's specialty is microelectronics with a focus on ate students and their research. He the design and theory of circuits for expressed this opinion to the Unicommunication systems. He has versity of Toronto during his term written approximately 150 papers as provost and also to the Univeron this subject. Me has also co- sity of Waterloo while reviewing its authored a textbook, Microelectroaic graduate studies program in April Circz~i~j,with Dr. Kenneth C. Smith. 2002. Sedra has also served as a conMicroelectronic Circuits has been translated into nine languages and sultant to both Canadian and is used m universities around the Amcrican govcrnmcnt and indusworld, including the University of try, serving onavariety of research councils. He is active in many proiTaterloo. fessional societies such as the TnstiIn addition to academic qualifications, Sedra has demonstrated ex- tute of Electric and Electronic Encellence in leadership and planning. gineers. He currently serves on the During his term as provost at the board of directors for the Canadian University of'roronto, the univerInstitute for Telecommunications, sity experienced a series of budget a networkof centres for research in cuts and reducedgovernment fund- the field of communications. These ing. Sedra is credited with developoutstanding achievements hare ing a stable strategy for a long term earned Sedra a number of prestigbudget in the face of these obsta- ious awards including the third cles. This budget not only allowed millenium medal of institute of the university to maintain its previ- electrical and electronics engineers ous standards of excellence, but also and the CASS Golden Jubilee promoted growth in selected areas Medal. in the midst of this difficult finanSedrawill continue to teach fullcial time. time at the University of 'l'oronto Throughout his career,Sedra has until June 30,2002. IIe is currently consistently demonstrated a com- working on the fifth edition of his mitment to quality education. Sedra textbook, Microelectronic Circxils, has often spoken about the need to and living in Toronto with his wife aggrcssivcly rccruit quality faculty and two children. As Chaudhuri and students in order to prevent says, "it's a big gain for the Univerthe dreaded "bram drain" to the sity of Waterloo, and perhaps a south. IIe is also an advocate of great loss for the University of Tostrong financial support for graduronto "

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Findinga cultural tic bctwccn Canadians and Asians has been a very important part of Renison College's East Asian Studies department. From November 4 to 9, Renison College held as annual East Asian Festival This cvcnt has bccn going on for eight years and involves many exciting and educational activities. When asked why the festival was started, Renison's special events coordinator, Brandi Gillett, said that ''The festival was started to bring together andshowcase the academic, cultural and business connections with Eastern Asia." For the opening ceremonies Renison was honoured to welcome Warabe A s h , the award-winning Japanese children's bookauthor and illustrator.His workis known around the world. "Several pieces of his artworkare now on display at Renison's Chapel lounge andwill remain thereuntil the end of November," Gillett said The art pieces are beautifully done and well worth the short tnp to the Rentson Chapel lounge Another honourcd gucst was the Consulate General ofJapan for Cultural Affairs, who also attended the ceremonies. Other eventsofthc weckmcluded a business day onTuesday, followed by an academic qhowcase onThurs day at the SLC rhis showcase a1 lowed all the groups and courses associated with the East Asian pro-

gram at Renison to show what they were all about to the rest of the university population. Closely following the showcase was a talk about environmentalproblems in eastern Asia, whtch tookplace at Renison College.This discussion included UW professor Geoff Wall of geography and the director of the Eco-China project, Professor Ham Suk-Jong of ICangnung National Universitytourism management, and Toshi hfito from the Ministry of Environment in Japan. liinishingup the evening was a literary evening held at Waterloo Public Library. Author Rui Umezawa read from his first novel entitled The Tmth AboutDeathandDying.The eventwas put on by the UW Bookstore. Wrapping up the weekwas a family and culture day on Saturday at the Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute.Here the entertainmentincluded Korean and Cantonese opera performances, Chtnese Lion Dance, KW Suzuhperformance, as well as an Ikedo demonstration.The week-long event ended on Saturday night with agala dinner and a silent auction. For dinner traditional food was s e n d and the entertainment provided included traditional dancers and performers. All of the auction items were donated by the Chinese, Japanese and Korean consulates andlocal groups. With regards to the money raised, Cillett said " the money raised from the festival allgoes back to the Renison College East Asian Studies program and languages."



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24-hour Tim Hortons to open at UW 4 a.m. Timmy's ftu may be a possibhty


why not keep the doors open and make a few extra dollars? Although this sounds likeagreat idea, Food Services still has one major problem: they haven't dccidecl where this new Tim Hortons is going to opcn. Thc current location in the Dams Centre was initially considered for renovation, but that idea was scrapped because it simply wasn't big enough. Food Services also approachcd the Fcds about putting the new restaurant in the space that Ground Zero currently occupies. The Feds initially considered this idea, but decided that it would not be in the best interest of students. Chris Di Lullo,


Coffeeloversrcloicel U\\'lwodServ ices ha5 confirmed that a 24 hour Tim FIortons will soon be opening up on \\'atcrloo's campus But, don't throw out your old coffeemakers quite yet I'hc new store won't be herc until September 2001 at the very e a r l i e s t a n d even that might lust be wishful thinking As Mark Murdoch, director of U W Food Serbices said, "the nccd for the store is confirmed, but the location and all other details still need to be worked out." The University of LVaterloo is currently alicenceeof T i m Hortons, with three loc


Languages building) Their contract is almost up, which means that the university must negotiateanew contract ifTim1Iortons is to remain on campus These negotiations are currently mprogress Here's where a gets tricky I'im Hortons has put new franchising policies m place since the time that UW's original contract was signed hese new franchising policies re ire that the university have at least e full service $torecompletewith on-site bakery, as opposed to the rrent ones that sellonlysmallitems such as coffee and donuts This location is not required to be open24 hours, but will most likekbe open around the clockanywaybecause that arrangement makes the most economic sense Since staffwill already be there at night doing the baking,


Federation ofstudents VP Administration and Finance, claims that the better optionwould be to maintain both Ground Zero and a new Tim Hortons, offering students more choice Ideally, however, Food Services would still like to put the new Tim Hortons somewhere in the Student 1,ife Centre The SLC is currently the only 24-hour building on campus and, accordmgto Murdoch, "it would not be prudent for the university to create a second 24 hours per day building on campus " The reduced amount of traffic m this second building would not only mean less business, it would make the entire atmosphere less safe for late night customers Some other organiAations in

Daniel Dharmasurya

o h ed in this issue, especially thc Feds, ha\ e expressed concern about the impact that this new Tim I Iortons would ha\ e on already ex isting businesses, such as Ground Z ~ r oBrubakers , and the Bomber dell Realistically, there is always a possibility that alargc franchise such as Tim FTortons would eventual11 out compete e\ erythingelse How ever, the Feds aren'tpanickingyet As Mike Ulmer, Feds bood Opera tions manager, said, "there's lots of business, lots of studcnts and lot5 of room for everyone " Another issue that has been brought up in regards to the new 'I im Hortons is next year's double cohort. Due to a larcre number of underage



58 per cent of co-op students have jobs

The co-op and career sen-icesdepartment reported that 2,490 or 5 8 p e r c e n t of students scheduled forawork terminJanuary haw lobs. According to Olaf Naese of CECS, math and engineering students are having the most difficulties in finding a job: "Over the past few terms, lobs for co-op students in IT arcas of engmeeringandmathwcrc thc most difficult to find Students from these two faculties represent 67percent of those still nccding employment for January " The number of lobs listed m the initialphase was onlp2,238, down by 614 from last year Jobs for math students dropped the most with 36 per cent fewer job listings, but all facultieshadlower numbers this year. with nowhere to go Neveahelcss, Ncase anticipates on the weekends. there will be more job opportunities. All the entertain'We do expect h o r e jobs to arrive ment will either be inover the coming months," he said, TYLERTHOMAS convenient and far adding that employers are "waiting away, like the Galaxy Ctnto see what their budget picture looks emas at Conestoga Mall, or for stu like closer to the work term." Last dents over 19, like the Bomber A year, 63.9 per cent of students had 24-hour Tim Hortons would help jobs forwork terms at the end of the to fill this void, providing a coninitial phase venient and comfortable place for U W team qualifies for world underage students to relax This is especially goodnews for computing contest students with mandatory meal After placing third at the East plans, who can currently only get CentralNorth America regionalcomfood from vending machines after petition of the Association for Comthe cafeterias close puting Machinery, UW's Black team Accordmg to Murdoch, "The has qualified for the world finals. The project meets the needs of the u n finals, which will bc held on March versity, the needs of our customers 25,2003, will consist of the 64 best and would provide employment teams fromaworldwide competitive for students Hopefully a suitable field of 3,000 location can be found so that we can UW's other entry, the Gold team, conclude our discussions with Tim came in fourth There were 131 stuI-Iortons and have the new store dent teams from eastern Ontario, fully operational by September "



Indiana, Pennsylvania, Ohio ar Michigan which competed in tl event. Full results of all teams can I found at the contest's \Ych sit The Black team consists of unde graduate students Gordon Chiuai Denis Dmitriev and graduate s t dent Lars Hellsten. Dmitriev ar IIellstenare both studyingcomput scicncc,while Chiuis inelectflcalar computer engineering. 'She G o team is madc up of two undergrad atL computer science student5,Bq' Chan and Ned Girdhar, andgradua student Michael La5zlo Comput science professor Gordon Cormal is the coach U\irhas alonglecgacyof success ACM competitions The universi has advanced each season from 199 1994 through 2002-2003 The ur versity won the finals in the 199 1995and 1998 1999 seasonsand fi ished third last year. U W receives five Canada Research Chairs

The federal government a nounced that five professors at tl university have been selected as r cipients of Canada Kesearch Chail Over $130 million have been i vested in the creation of 123 nt chairsat universities across the cou try. The positions allow facultymer bers to spend nearly all of a five seven-yearperiod on their researc The,five recipients at UW a James Dickert for cognitive neur science, Farid Golnaragh for intel gent mechatronics systems, Phil Graham for communication at technology, Ming Li ft bioinformatics and Nichol Wormald for combinations and o timization. Dickert and Golnarag are currently at UW, Li has left t University of California at San Barbara to come to UW and Graha and Wormald will both come UW from Australian universiti next year. United Way campaign surpasses goal

The United Way campaign e cccdcd this year's fundraismg gr by raising $152,135 Although t $150,000 goal wasn't rcachcdby t official end of the campaign on C tober 11,pledge5 and doflatlona cu tinued to come in afterwards T United R'ay of the Kitchener \Y terloo area hopes to raise $5 m i h from the entire community this yc:


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Maclean's: twelve vears of university ratings Continued from cover

DowsettJohnstonalsomade note of Guelph's firstplace standug m the propoaion of nperatmg budgetgiventostudent senrices,where UCVstands 10th UYV o f f i d s express frustration with the methdologyfor+studentsetvices,asUVCps often pmsed co op program, although funded through the operatmg budget, is not considereda student semce Outofthr2mtegones,UWrdedhtse~.en ttmes, whtle Guelph ,&ed first m only three categoms LlWhadthe highest entranceaveragcof dCanadraficompnhcnsn~cuvcr~ities,at85 5per cent UWwas also first m the number of student\ per 1,000whohave wonnattnnal awards LWhas themoatclassestaughtbytenuredfaculty,themost

is also a reflectionof ctretchcdoperatmgbudgets, stated, '%%en you get budget cuts, a ultunately finds its way mto student h d t y ratios " 'Tororthenewdoublecohortsh~dents," Johnston cnntmu~"wewdgetfullaverageoperamgpts On the other hand, wc'rc not confident that we'll getan&ti~narymcrease [Inflationarymcreases] recogme that your cost of operatlonsgoup from ymr to year because you pay three per cent lugher salanes,ourelectrcdb~llswtUbe lopercenthigher For &s next year, I'd expect a little more prcssure on the operatifig budget, which will show up m class size" The demand the double cohort creates is not a smgleyear ofadjustment DavsettJohnstnnstatcd that m additinn to record class sizes m C a n a h history,wecane.ipecteffects on mvenitieswellmto 2015 z4~,Johnstnnechoedh s cnncern 'We're experiencmganechoof the post-\Xhrld\'E7arII h b y

faculty with PlDs, the most national awards per full-time faculty, the grcatcst alsupport and the best reputation overall IJ1Y'certadylose~out m the a ~ e o f c l a s s e s m h d a n c 1 f o d ~ ~ e a r m d t h eThe cover of this year'sMacleans unipcrcentagc of opcrattng budged allocated to stu versity edition. dent sen Ice\, hvo areas mnhich Guclph&d ctnlsiderablvbetter Accor~toLTTPresldentDavid process ftnancial tnfnrmation \Il'hen thc question Johnsttm, the dropm class sue is attributable to ofco op ar~se,~tla~ierri~'~contacted the association U\\ 'smethodofaccounu~forclasssue T Tc satd, andmquredas tothedehtionofastudent~en~ice "Some of the multiple sections of courses have Theassociat~oi~deflnes student sen icesassenrices &appeared frcnnthat [accountmgmethoqThose d~stmctfrom academcs, such as athletic centres, m~dttplesections would have appearedm the past health sen tccs, mtmmurals and residence dona as small classes If the] disappear then the class is Accorc~totheasso~liltlml, co c~pntoocrucialan now alarge class ' item and toolinked to academcs to be mcluded tn With respect to opcratmg budget, President student services iMa~/ra,tiandtheassociatimsCate Johnstonstated"~he]$ W h a t shldentspayIper that U\V and other tnstttutions with co np must c c t q term] n not con5idered a student sen7ices have admstra~onmplacetocart7 out cutensive contribution It's only the operatmgbudget contr- progmms,unmersities,hon ex er,are not obliged to button So, tf that $400were mcluded m student help students find summer or post graduate jobs and so job boards and job counsellingarc constdservices,ourrankmgswouldprobablvgnup to the first or second place [in proportion of operating ered studmt services Maleatz? suggests that U\X grants spent on student services]." UCVlsaffected does reap the benefits of co-op m the reputational doublyby the excluston ofco-op fromthe student rafilungs Ryan O%onnor,FederationofStudents services category I n e v p w the low ranhingm vice prestdent of education, evpressedfrustration size of operatmg budget, Johnston stated 'The with the excluvon of co-op from the rankings, main reason, we believe, Bob Truman [&rector, statulg,"people have questionsaboutthe mcthodology " institutionalanalysis and planntngj and T, ts that it costs us about 20 per cent more to operate the DowsettJohnston pointed out a concern that university with co-op mode than regular mode arose m h s year's She stated, 'We have That ad&tonal20per cent is not reflected m our sipficant growth m [universitiesm] three provoperating grant, so we ha%eto run the university mces, British C o l u n h , Alberta, and Ontano with 20 per cmt less money for [co-np] students Curious thug is, m those three prowmces, morc than half the universities have dropped m the than wc would have Ffwe either had that grant or we & a t have co op "Johnston also mentioned mnkmg If the provinces fuellinggrowth for our the budget stram of operatinga full summer term generation are not keepmg pace, it doesn't bode at U\V as "uversities m Ontario are essentially wcll "DowsettJohnstonexpressedcnncernforthe tolackof two-term," the-need toofferadupkate sectionof futureofpost-~econd~mstitutinnsdue acourse sothata studentcangetitwhen sheishere undergraduatefundmgbyprovmdgovernments, as opposedtowhen they are m a co-op terrq9'and statmg"pres1dents are not exaggeratingwhenthcy the "substand group of personnel, about 50 say [thcir university] hasn't been looked after" Despite two to three per cent mcreases m funding people, toadminster co op"whichis "largelypad for by the $400per term ke, but not entlcely " eachyear,shehstsmcreas'ilgdefnan&on~~~e~~ity The reason Muhankdoes not mclude co-op operatingbu~ts,citifig&tionarycosts,mcreas fundmgasstudent service fundmgisnotarhtrary mg cost of hydro and contractual Mculty s a k q Mathan? uses the same regulationsas the Canadrafi mcreasesofthree percentper year Johnston,who Assocation of University Busmess Officers - to prnposesthatLW'sdlfticultywithckss sue-

boom Secondly,thcpamapation~atesaremc~rng a httle bit, apart from double cohort And thirdly, there's more of a Melong learning and on the lob educatmmhrc thatspermeatmgour societyand someofthose studentsqhowup asparttuners "He and DowsettJohnstonalsomentionedanticipated pressure ongraduate schoolsandsecnndyear entry programs,asweUasthcnced fmstaffiryand faculty mcreasesmthenearfuture Johnstonwenton to say "Our current g d u a t e school pipehe is hardly prduungeno~ghprofcssorSfo2the~~~mtneeds " Not t a k q away from the mnkmg themselves, DowseaJ ohnstm called the decrease m quality of growmg unwenitles m Canada's largest pro\ mces the "news story " She reiterated the oft given npticm of fundmg for health care or education, s a y ~ ' ~ A w e l l e d u c a t e d g c n c r a t i m i s a h"e ~



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page 9 All letters must include a phone number for verification, and should not exceed 300 words. Letters should include the author's year and program, or faculty position where applicable. All material is subject to editing for brevity and clarity. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the authors, not the opinions of Imprint.

Institutionalized slave labour Vecheslav Silagadze

been evaded by eyery socialist who has cwr lived. First, a society is a group of indir-iduals, not some In the November 1 issue of I~upn>/f kind of super-organism. Second, the government does not produce there appeared an editorial titled anything, it oi11y takes froin one "Don't fear the collectiveideal." This individual and gims to ariother. editorial will explain exactlywhy it is How often have you heard it one should fear a. proclaimed as self-evidentthat 'l'he collectiveideal is typically e ~ e q b o d yhas a right to food) to presented as a benevolent goal to be education) to retirement planning? achieved throughmutual cooperaHave vou everwondered where tion in society. It is described as a these things come from? means to "empowering ourselves If I have a right to an education to achieve our own individual then who is going to be forced to p o t e n d " Wouldn't you like to provide it for me? Tf I have a right empower yourselfi \Yell, let me gwe to food then who is going to be you some ideas a? to how- best to forced to grow it for me? The achieve this "empowerment." government? Well, then who is the How about I take your money government going to enslave so and buy food for the local bum that that I have these goods? refuses to work for it? Not empow But of course "enslave" is much cring? too strong a word. The goverilFlow about I force you to fund ment does not take away everyaneducation system that preaches thing. It just takes a "justifiable" ideas diametricallyopposed to your amount in order to make sure own? Feeling empowered yet? everybody's basic needs are met. How about I take a few thouHow much is iustifiable?If I sand dollars from you yearly and am forced to be a slw e only on use it to fund a corrupt I'onzi bridays at 6 p.m. am 1no longer scheme called the Canadal'crwon enslax-ed? Plan? No? \Xlo decides what my basic So you don't like to support needs are? \Y'ho decides whether I parasites? You don't like to fund really need that heart transplant osa corrupt ideas? You don't like to new Porsche? I'll give you a hint: haw your moncy thrown away? pressuregroupwarfare. q'elcome to the collective ideal Just because a person needs Let me state two fact5 that ha\-e COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

something does not mean he has a right to force someone else to give it to him. It is a d g a r perversion of lailguage to say that a person has a right to ensla5e another. Once the principle that slaveryis wrong in any degree -that eveqindividual is a sovereign entity is abandoned, there is no defense left against complete dictatorship. After that a is just a matter of time. Observe the consistent march towards socialism in Canada: we have come from a relativdy free economy m the 19th century to one where the government takes away as much as 52 per cent of your income. How much higher does that number have to climb before we see that there is a fundamental, contradictton between the welfare state and property nghts -and that eventually one has lo go out the window? In the immortal worcls of Ayn Rand, "Poverty is not a mortgage on the labor of others mtsfortune is not a mortgage on achievement - failure is not a mortgage on success-suffering is not a claimcheck, andits relief is not the goal of existence m a n is not a sacrificialanmal on anyone's altar nor for anyone's cause life is not one huge hospital."

Looking at the written word




SPECULATIONS A high schooI English teacher once told me that the writer of the epic Paradise Lost, John Milton, read everythingeverwritten in the English language. This absolutely boggled my mind at the time and now, as the editor of a newspaper, it boggles even more. Clearly, the notion of reading ewrything ever written is now entirely preposterous. Everyday,we churn out enough written information to fuel countless publications around the world. Still, this nay Internet age indicates that the written word is lust not put out fast enough for most of us -no~v, me can all publish as much written word as we like, for the cost of an Internet connection. In a morld where once only specially-educated scnbes were able to read and write, this is quite a remarkable feat. This, to me, is the most signifi-


cant mark of the new world we live in. No longes is the world o f the written word controlled by a few educated tribe members. It is not even controlled by those with the moncy and influence to own the presses. We are now all creators and consumers of the written medium. Every day, more of us g m access to and take advantage of the empowerment that comes with being able to not just vocalize our ideas, but also to write them down and transmit them. People talk a lot about the control of and by the media, chancterizingmedia sourcesas dispensers of precious knowledge, weilding the power to decide what should and shouldn't be dispensed. Khile t h s may have been the case in the past, this version of media is rapidly changing.Media indcpcndent of any affilations, comprised of people from around the world and producing virtually without cost has been sprmging up and, I believe, will revolutionize the way we see and interact with the morld. 'l'he thing that is missing now, in many cases, is the credibility of these sources. \\'hen I read independent media, I often find articles about international events and I wonder where the information in such articlescame from. At Iqbrillf, we do not comr international events becauseme don't have the resources to do so properlj-. Any international coveragewe could provide for our readers would be, at best, a summary of the investigation done by other reporters. This is xvhy we stick to things that we know and can coveraccurately,namelyevents in thc univcrsiq- community. 'l'his is the step independent media will have to take before it ~amscrcdibilit\-andrespect from a large group of readers. IYhen this does happen, though, as I'm sure it will, it will entirelj,alter the \ray x-ten-the morld 1print.uwaterl

Friday, N o v e m b e r 15 - Vol. 25, No. 18 Student Life Centre, Rrn 1116 University uf Watcrlou Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1

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Cover Iamcr Ilm Page two lanicc Jmm

Editorial Staff Editor-in-chxf, Llagda Kon~ecma .\sslstmt cd~tor,Dave Barsam Photos, D a d Cnppcr ~issistantphotos, Eryn LJrospcro Graphics. Tyler Thomas .Isslstant graphics, Teff T r m Wcb, Tushar Smgh .iss~stmtweb, LIZhIarton Systems adrmn., Slmon T a w .\wstant systcn~sadnun, Stephen \?ebb Lead proofreader, Nral .IIoi~gk-Soul~s l'rwifrcadcr, Damel Dharmasurya Proofreader, .i.;hlry 1;;tkade ~roofrcader, Adele Pearcr Prt~ofrrnder, lason Yu

O f i c e Staff Busmcss managcr, Cathy Bolger Advertts~ng & production manager. Lmnc l'igert-Uurnas Aidverhsmgxsalstmt. Gopaul Dcosaran D~stribubon, G ~ n j aPadhy Dlstnbution, Rachel Valks Board of Directors board(~)~mpnnt.uu.atet~loo ca Prrs~dent,Bnan C d Vice-president, Fehr YIP 'I reasurrr, lJhillp \Yemcr Sccretag, vacant Snff li;uson, vacant staff.I~a~son@~m~r~nt.uwatcrl~~i,.c;i

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Would you side with Hitler?

YOU! OFF MY PLANET hose Americans! They never cease to amaze They've somehow managed to stay the course while sunultaneouslyappeasing their dithering, w h n g allies It's no simple diplomatic feat to satisfy the French, the Ruwans, the Chmese and s d l walk out of UN hcadquarters with a green light to invade Iraq, should that country fad to comply with the UN Security Council's most recent resolution Well, maybe not a green light More hke lack of a stop s i p Which is all that could have been hoped for anyway, now the fence-sitters (Canada included) can look the other way whde Amenca and Britain go in and do the dirty work. Because, one way or another, Saddam isn't going to cease and desist What Saddam might actually do is anybody's guess Maybe he'll launch a surprise offensive somewhere the Americansleast expect it Perhaps he'll stall for time The point is that he isn't going to wave the m hite flag \Y'htch means mihtary action by the United States -with or without the UN -is inevitable I know the folks up in the WI"PRG office probably aren't too t h d e d with this fact Yet a's hard to see why First, the skeptics wanted proof, the British and Amencans paraded out volumes of proof to complement the already well-documentedrecord of Iraqi atrocities -the gassing of Kurds, invasion of Kuwait, violations of past UN resolutions, etc. Then they insisted the US not act unilaterally: okay, they've done that too. So what more do they want?

There is a select group of hardcoreconspiracy-theonsts, academcs,activistsand the like whc insist that all this is really about oil, or American imperialism, or attacking Muslim states But a mortal threat to the West? Forget it In the desperate rummage to find some root cause whch can be traced back to Uncle Sam, the most clear and obvious arguments again5 Iraq are dismissed as being, well, too clear and too obvious. Of course, your opinion on actionm Iraq rests largelyon whether or not you really think Irac is a threat to the West or not I happen to think it is, simply because the Americans,always keen to look out for themselves, wouldn't be w i h g to pay the price -in terms of lives, money and political capital -if they weren't genuinely concerned. Selfish folks that they are, they know damn well what's in their best interests The most bizarre opponents to war are the ones who argue that the Untted States, and President Bush specificallyare actually more ofa threat and more evil than Saddam Hussein I'm sorry, but would any of these people have sided with Hitler over Churchilland Roosevelt 1didn't think so Infected with a deep hatred of America, these people convincethemselves that somehow, some way, the presidenl h e l f -like Mike Harns, Margaret ThatcherandRonald Reagan before him -really has some hidden agenda Not that he would actually care about the security of his countrymen Not that he would be pursuing justice. Not that he would value freedom -and want to spread that evil American imperialistideal to despotic dictato1 ships No, there must be some hidden agenda. Because otherwise it would make Arnenca- shock, horror -the good guys.

University of


Killing out of spite

CITY OFF THE HILL Oh man, this is the big one, the war on terronsm Ignore the way the United States declareswar on everythingfrom drugs to poverty Look past all the sides scrambling to use this for personal gain Nope, it's the real deal, just hke this great bridge in Brooklyn I'm going to sell you The terrorists really want to make a point- what pomt that is, I don't care As a matter of principle, I don't reply to spam, I don't buy from telemarketers and I don't convert to ideologies at gun point Strangely enough, I stdl get spam, phone calls at dinner and nuts trying to MI everyone around Maybe the cause is so great or maybe the suffering is so intolerable that the ends justify any means -fat chance, but maybe I wonder, then, if a works Jean ChrCtien has been some what taken w~thAfrica lately and

UNDEFEATED This week I remember an evemg a few years ago when I met up with two very good friends of mine for dinner at the Mongolian Grill,John and Diane It was an eventng that took a very awkward, but positive turn As I sat in front of my plate of food, avery strange feeling came over me Diane was tallung about everythingthat she had been up to, I tned to pay attention, but with each passing moment it became more and more difficult for me to listen. My thoughts made it virtually impossible for me to relax. For some reason, I knew that this would be the moment and I had to tell them both that I was gay. I began to play with my food, a terrible habit of mine I must have cut that stir-fried carrot up into a thousand pieces and I guess the sickly expressionon my face must




In September 2001, hundreds of millions stood up and asked how they could help They received two pieces of advice stay out of the way and keep shopping That was it Nothtng more than having security in airports check for the tools -be a knives or shoe bombs -used last time Hell, the INS re-issued visas to the hijackers Granted, we bombed Afghanistan and changed the government, just like NATO did m Kosovo a few years back, or Desert Storm I and others as far back as you'd care to go Overall, everyone's favounte self-indulgent superpower hasn't budgcd an inch From Austraha, terrorists got nothing In Russia, they were killed, with 118 of their hostages Russia doesn't even pretend to negotiate at gun point Chechnya is still being ravaged In Israel, they've been at it there for longer than anywhere else and a still hasn't worked So here's my point give up For this level of reaction, you mght as well hold bake sales Sadly though -as a matter of pmcipal- they don't acceptunsohcited advice

Pass the soy sauce and by the way, I'm gay



claims that eradicatingpovertythere wdl elimtnate terrorism. This changewasunderwayalready between his looking for a legacy project and the anti-globalization protests of the past years, he's been advocating helping poor nations more and more (with precious httle backing). The left has successfully advancedthe (likely fallacious) thinking that poverty causes terrorism, having failed to convince us that poverty is bad enough on its own (when it doesn't hurt us). Still, Canada's reaction has been to join multilateralefforts, namely Kyoto and the Iraq war if everybody else goes and the UN says a's okay. Net result in Canada -negligible The wounded hon to the south? George Bush has cut taxes for the rich, as he was doing anyway.He's threatening Iraq, an internatlonalpariah he's never cared .for, the timing having more to do with the recent mid-term elections than questionable terrorist links The line drawn, with them or against them, is just a re-statement of officialpohcy as it has been for the past 80 years, nothing new there either.

1 1" 1 \ / / 1 "

have communicated to them just as many words because it wasn't long until Diane finally stopped talking and asked me "Is everythingok?" Without any hesitation, I answered "no " And that was when a happened It all just came flooding out I told them about how confused I felt, how scared I was and that I was in fact (deep breath) gay The sensitive person that she was, Diane just reached for my hand and sad "it's ok, we wdl love you no matter what "John just sort of sat and began to pick at his own food, taking in everythingthat I said And we all ended up having a really terrific conversation. Itwas most defmtely a momentous occasion for all three of us and neither John, D m e nor myself would ever be the same again My readers must assume now that Diane and John are much more than very good friends of mine, they are my mother and father I am sure that there might a number of you reading this article that are considering coming out to your parents in the near future To you, I have to be completely honest it will probably be one of the most

difficult thtngs you will ever do. There are few people on this Earth that know you as well as your mother and father do and I thmk that is why coming out to parcnts seems so bewildering. If you, my reader, have not yet shared your sexuahty with your mother or your father, I implore you, take your timc with a. If you do not feel ready, then you are not Don't push it There will most defmtely come a moment when it will dawn upon you that this is the instant, this is the very second that hfe will change and no, things will never be the same again. They wdl be better. With all of that being said, I don't want you to assume that all parents wdl take their chdd's "outing" as well as mine did. But when you are most comfortable, begm to develop a positive support system for yourself with friends anc loved ones Surely, then you will be better prepared for the day when you actually tell the folks. Every coming out story is different. Be careful and use caution and I trust you, yours too wdl be a positive


Feed me more GMOs Erin Gilmer and Chris Sun COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

These days people believe that an increasingpropqrtion of the fruits and vegetablesweeat aregenetically modified organisms, i c having been produced through genetic modification But what is this strangeFrankenitem ish thing called biotechnology that people are gettingallhuffy about?B a c t e d genes in potatoes and fish genes in tomatoes) I highly doubt that most cntics of biotechnologyfully understand the process they are critici~ingortheregulatoryprocesses in place to monitor the safety of genetlcdlyenpeeredproducts When I read the article in last wcek's paper about thc GMO protest at Zehrs, the first thing that ran through my mind was how incrediblyignorant some people can be Besides the fact that I'm sure not all the protestors really knew what theywereprotesting,accordmg to thc article the protestors vandalized the store by putting labels on producc. This was not apcaccful protest and I ha5 e no respect for a. If I were the Zehrs manager I would have called the police. especiallysince the protest had less to do with the store than with the federalgovernment's regulations 'I o everyonewho believes that the public should have the right to know what they're eating, let me tell you this you're eatinggenetically modified food1 But so what? Do you think that most of the f a t s and vegetables you are eating are "natural"? How about that corn? It's safe because it's natural. . isn't a, I wonder if many people know what the ancestor of modern corn looked like. In the b e p i n g , a stalk

of corn looked s d a r to a stalk of wheat Tiny kernels, hardly edible Centuriesof selectivebreeding (a supposed "natural" process) have caused modern corn kernels to become larger and more robust However, selectivebreedmg has also createdcom whichis unable to reproduce without human intervention Certainly corn unable to reproQce is m t u r a l , but such a plant was brought about by a natural process The fact that GMOs may be unnatural has little to do with the issue at hand There are many unnatural things being consumed which have a positive impact on our society already Take vaccines for example, or even iodized salt. Do you enjoy having rubella?How about goiters? Now let's talk about govern ment testing I've seen propaganda material stating that GMOs are not tested and not regulated by the government at all I have also seen mateml stating that not enough testing and regulatibn is in place First of all, stat~ngthat there is no tcsting or regulation of GMOs is wrong Having been employed at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, I became aware of the rigorous process involved in food testing, including testing for allergens Haw a look for yourself at their Web site before youmake a judgement about the government's completelackof concern (WWW inspection gc ca/english/ toce shtml) To date there is no scientificevidenceto indicate that any of the currently marketed foods of biotechnologyin Canada are hazardous to our health. And, believe me, there are far fewer government regulations in place to protect us from strange

selective breedmg than for foods created through biotechnology In my mind, selective breeding 1s less predictablethangenetic modihcation. Selectivebreeding does not allow one to choose which traits are passed on, genetic modification does In this way, we know more about genetically modified foods than we do about selectivelybred foods The compmes which produce GMOs are the people who test GMOs These results are submitted to the government for critique and, if there are no problems, approval. Some people criticize thts approval process, based on the clam that testing facilitiesare biased towards the companies who produce the GMO. However, compmeswhich test their own GMO stand to lose a lot by releasinginferior products A GMO scandalwould dcstroy the credibility of the GMO industry since it's being watch-dogged so closely by the public, the media and the goternment Compmes have everythingto gain by ensunng proper testing Their own families and loved ones are also eatiqthe product There doesn't seem to bc an alternative to self testing anyhow since the government has no money to do it. The pharmaceutical industry, which is quite well established, is regulated m the same way. What I'm trying to gei across is that people should not be so quick to take up a cause before doing their own research. Protesterslookingfor a bandwagon to jump on aren't going to improve anything and if the bandwagon's headed to Stupidville to pickup more stickers, they'll never be taken seriously

d I Whv we should all watch '

ESSENTIAL INSANITY I'll be the first to admit a I ltke my daily dose of irradiation m front of my "television" (quaint term, no?) I like lying down with the cat on my stomach, intermittently pouncing on my face I like popcorn I especially ltke popcorn and television I like watching "reality" shows that publicly humiliate people and make me feel smartcr I think, '%a1 I would never eat a boiled hull testiclc for$50,Q00l$100,000, maybe!" I also ltke watching Conntc Chung Tonight. When I was eight, my parents convinced me that Connie Chung was the paradigm of a successful Chinese female Now that I am (a bit) older, I watch her show and marvel at her make-up and her lapses into incoherent babbling IIer foundation mclts and forms rivers of "Sandy Beige #14" down her cheeks However, I constantly fcclthe need to justify my TV watching It's like a shoplifting habit or some thing -"No, no, I really thought that my personal assistant already paid for ~ ~ ; G U C C ; sunglassesl" -I feel guilty for indulpg in some thing frivolous. So, what better way to convince myself that it's not frivolousthan by allocatingextreme importance to the topic? So herc it comcs, a look at race relations as embodied in a 30-

second f m ~juice t commercial The commercial's protagomst (ifwecan call her that) is a middle aged white ,. woman, dressed in slightly dowdy clothes, sunbathtng on a lawn chair in her backyard.She is holding a glass of juice in one hand, presumably the juice being advertised in thc commercial She spends the entire thirty-secondsgawkingat the hardworking men trmming the hedges and mowing the lawn of her ncighbour's backyard.They are glisteningwith sweat She is giving them lecherous looks and making little fake-orgasmic noises, the kind women are supposed to make when they look at hard bodied men The men (and be forewarned, this is the key point of my argument) are of various races One is Asian and one is black Neither one is white Obviously, the woman will not do anything to realize her fantasy Obviously, because not only are the men of a lower social class (they are mowing lawns), but they are also of difference races Theyare exotic 1 ' hey arc archetypal,to be admired from afar and from afar only They are the Other And what arc commercials but up to date indii-atorsof the zeitgeist, litmus tests of the social climate>Big juce company doesn't want to offend you They just want to sell to you 'ihey're not thinlung about race relations They don't need to justify their television watching habits In a way, they're actingas a mirror, a reflectionof our disintegrating make-up

Difficulty of remembrance

MAPS AND LEGEiDS We need RemembranceDay, not only to honour those who sacnficed their lives for our freedom but increasinglyto remember another casualty That casualtyis the Canada that used to stand for somethmg, that used to back its words with actions and used to have a meaning


ful role In thc nmld Sadly, ih~r Canada seems to bc gomg the \ ~ a v of our stoncd veterans, departing vlbranr life for rhc annals o f h~srory. In crsplacr we have mher~tecla vacillating, morally bankrupt group of leaders who spend the majority of their time running away from a firm stance on anything The Canada that dreamed of somethmg grander than its own prosperity and believed m a human destmv where tyranny and oppression would never be tolerated has been betrayed by leadership that would rather bask in the memories of past glones than actuallyaddress the difficultwork

that remains to be done. In 1916, Major Joseph Papineau asked of Canada's soldiers, "Is their sacrifice to go for nothing or wdl it not cement a foundation for a true Canadian nation, a Canadian nation independent in thought, independ ent in action, independent even m its political organization but in spint united for high international and humane purposes " He was N e d in battle two years later It is this old Canadran ideal of serving purpose or of - a higher . . belonging to something bigger than oneself that makes today's indifference and open contempt of the

sacrificesCanadians soldiers made even more galling. Early Monday morning in Montreal,vandals defacedthe city's war memord on the very day we dedicate to honouring our war veterans and dead The vandals, calling themselves the Free Poppies, covered the cenotaphin ant-war graffit~protesttng the potential war m Iraq. In a press release they defended their actions, saying they "updated" the cenotaph to prevent more soldiers from being - lulled in what it called thcTI.S. petroleum war against Iraq." How utterly selfish and short-sighted.Apparently, the vandals never considered that the only reason that they have the freedom to express their views is because Canadians and other frce nations stood up to tyranny six dec%desago and paid the price m their own blood That the vandals would abuse their freedom by desecratingthe memorial to those who gave their lives to provide it 1s beyond disgusting. Unfortunately idiocy must have been contagious in Montreal on Monday as Quebec Premier Bernard Landry used the somber and sacred

occasion to whip a dead horse, or , more accurately,make a horriblyill conceivedpitch for Quebecindependence "The liberty ofFrance, liberty of Italy, the liberty of the U.K. and the liberty for Quebec and : Canada are all components of the harmony of the world," he said He , might as well have been spraying ; graffitialongsidehisintellectual '! cousins, the Free Poppies. To compae the liberation of Europe from the Nazi jackboot to Quebec's on again off a g m affinity for sovereignty is a slap m the face to those who fought against actual oppression, instead of those who chafe under imagnedhurmliations These two examples are part of a increasingly commonaad depressmg pattern, m which groups reinvcnt the meaning of the f sacrifices our forefathers made to servetheir own interests, instead of appreciating and honouring them as the greatest sacrificeand the ereateat p f t one generation can make to another, life and liberty Wc can never hope to understand, the least we can do is remember



Noise and noodles at La Cuisine Lauren Staines IMPRINT INTERN

Viet Nam La Cuisine 276 I<ing St. W. 519-576-3182

Now- that my favourite Vietnamese restaurant has movcd to Cambridge from its downtown IGtchener location, I had to find another place in town to get Vietnamese food. Not wantingto drive to the far side of Kttchcner for Ricn-'l'hiang Vietnamcsc cuisinc, my companionand I quickly settled on Viet Nam T,a Cuisine, awell-known restaurant located in downtown Iatchener. \Ykm we entered, our ears were assaultedby h e hideous mutakdripping from the sound system. The atmosphere was not helped by the twinkling little Christmas lights that adorned the entire restaurant,making us feel trapped halfway between the ghetto and suburbia. K t tried to overlook the atmosphere and were seated almost immediatelyby the hostess, a dourwoman who turned out to be the waitress as well.

The resMy companion taurant, a noted that they mid-siacd cshad a slight tablishment, fishy taste, but fuses Viett h s was likely namese food due to the dipwith tradiping sauce. tionalFrench 'l'he sate methods. beef soup ($1 Their menu small, $5 meproclaims dium, $6 large) that it is "well was spicy wtth a suited to disconcerting health-conlayer of orange scious dingrease. l ' h e ers." H o w bcan sprouts ever, the added a nicc menu also crunch to thc says that "the noodles and French influaddedgrcatlyto enceisevident the soup. 'l'hey in the passion almost disfor caft au tractedme from lait." ' h e Vithe brown and ctnainese whtte strips of ctmncctmn to fat beingpassed coffee with off as meat. Almilk remains most. The pad yetto be seen. thai ($6.95 for Confused, beef or chtcken, my compan $7.95 for Patrons sampling the fare at Viet Nam La Cuisine. ion and T orshrimp) came dered a few dishes to share. S e n ~ d w i t hsmall a dish ofa thin spicy nex~andwasvetydisappointing,K'Me Spring rolls ($3 for three) arrived sauce, they had a pleasing texture enthe five or six shrimp that came with tcn minutes after ordering them. hanced by acrispy and flaky exterior. it were tasty, the noodles were cold, L ,

rubbery and grcasy, covered in a thin sauce that tasted like an ungodly mix oflemon furniture spny and baby oil. ( h r final course was grilled beef, servedwithsomevegetablcsandwhite rice ($6.00).Thebeefwasgood,spiccd and well-cookcd, and the rice was standard-quality. It too was scrvcd with a fish sauce that added some extra flavour to the meat and rice. Because I'm underage, I did not order anything from the drinkmcnu, which consisted of basic alcoholic drinks at standard restaurant prices. Thankfully,the atmospherewas relatively child-free,withthe exceptionof one child who drowned out the muaak by clanging h s spoons. Servicew-asveryslow; the hostess/ waitress appeared to be the only nonlutchen staffmember and she came to check on us only once. As well, she wasn't very fricndly and offered no suggestionsastowhat toorder. \Yhile T dislike overly perky watt staff that don't leave you alone for more than ten minutes at a time, there were only two other parties at the time and thus, my water glass should not hare remained em& for so long. Viet Nam La Cuisine is located at 27hIGngStrcctWcst. Dinner for two cost $30 plus tip.

Fine fare for the coming winter season Tim Mollison and KourtneyShort IMPRINTSTAFF

First, we must begin with a trip to the grocery store. Once in a while, someone worlung at your neighbourhood friendly grocer will misweigh or mislabel somethmg, maktng it cheaper than usual. Enter the lamb shanks, whichwere purchasedlocallyat about half the price they should have been. LVhat ensuedwas the planningof one of the most delicious meals in recent memory. You only need half a bottle of red wine for the lamb. So go ahead, pour yourselfaglass. After all,whatlscooking without a little tipsy creativity? . Besides,after crymgyoureyesoutover those onions,chances are that youwill be ready for a dm&.

A warm salad for a cold evening



Braised lamb shanks

6 Tbsp. olive oil 3 lamb shanks 2 onions, sltced 1 1/2 bulbs garlic pinc nuts (optional) 3 l'bsp. fresh sage, or 1 ' l h p dricd

3 'l'bsp. fresh thyme, or 1 Tbsp dried 1 Tbsp. olive oil 1 1/2 cups rcd wine 2 cups water 2 tsp. concentratedvegetable stock

Preheat the oven to325 degrees F. Season the lamb shanks with salt and pepper. Heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil over high heat in a large pot. Sear the lamb shanks onall sides (you

will likely do this in two batches) and sct aside. Reduce the heat to medium. Add the remaining 3 tablespoons of olive oiland the onions and cookuntil they are caramelized. Peel the garltc cloves but do not chop them. Add them to the frying onions. Add more onions if needed. Mash together the sage,thyme and pine nuts with a little bit of olive oil, either usmg a mortar and pestle, a small food-processor, or by chopping

thc pinc nuts and herbs and then mashing the mxture with a spoon. Smear the mixture completely allover the seared lamb shanks. Add the wine, water and concentrated stock to the onton mixture Bring to a boil and allow the mtvture to bod for 5 m u t e s . Turn off the heat. Add the lamb shanks to the bratsing mixture and cover the pot with a lid orwtth foil. Put the pot in the oven and cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours or until the lamb is vcry tender. Remove the lamb shanks to aplate and return them to theoven to keep them warm. Bring the sauce to a boil over medium-hgh heat and allow it to reduce by half. You can then puree the mixture for a thicker sauce, strain it for a more elcpnt presentation or serve it as is. Serve with plenty of crusty bread for dipping. Serves 3. No meal can exist on one dish alone, so we decided on a salad. Another trip to thegrocery store,another encounter with the bumblmggrocer Why do the cute guys always ha1.e to be so dumb? \%'hen asked for fennel (alsoknown as anise), the very cute, ktnda cluelew producc guy replted that he had no idea what fennel, or anise, was A second, more thor ough 5earch of the producc ltne led to the end of our search

Warm fennel salad with pears and blue cheese

1bulb anise (fennel) 3 frcshpcars 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1/2cup choppedpecans 1/3 cup blue cheese such as gorgonzola or stilton 1 navel orange balsamicvinegar 1 belgian endive, optional

Put alarge fryingpan over medim heat. Toast the pecans until they are fragrant. Set aside. Increase the heat to high. Zest, then peel and section the oranges. Wash the endive (if using) and arrange the leaves on three plates. Thinly slice the fennel. Core and slice the pears. Crumble the blue cheese. Add the olive oil to the fryingpan. Add the fennelandpears and cook until hot but still crisp. Add balsamic vinegar to taste, probably a little under a tablespoon. At the last minute, add the orange sections and zest. Arrange the fennelmixture on the endives and sprinkle with blue cheesemdpecms. Serve immediately. Senres3.



*S,- '. 4-

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Im~rint'sown ex~eriencedaerial photographer Ed J. Eby, conquers the skies for this overhead view of the university of waterlob. c a i y d u see your c l k s r o o ~from here?



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Dwelling on titles Landers tackles the differences between MDs and PhDs However, dwelling on a title shows aweakness in character. I sincerely hope that few people hare gone to school for years, undertaken a religious commitment or been married just to hold a title. To tell or not to tell Doctored Doctors?

DearAndrew, 1 naa readng 'DearAhDy"undshe n ~ u f on4 e medicuf doctors should nse dhe tirle Dr. in s o d sit7Aaton.r. It seems nieird since there are so m z n y doctors around mmpus, hut not many ofthem are MDs. What do-you think ofthis? WiU the Real Doctors Please Stand Up

DearDoctors, Auntie Abby and J don't always agree and I thmk I'll go with you on &s onc. Everyone has a title (Dr., Mrs., Mr., Master, Miss, Rev., Sister, etc.) and if one person insists on using titles in a situation, I think its fair to use everyone's In academia we know how hard PhDs have worked to get where they are. 'She title of doctor is a small tip of the hat to their accom plishmcnts. They should get to use st.

DearAndrew, prn a 2Cyear-old ri7gin n~hohu.a just started fyJ;rrl reLutionsh@. I told him thd 1 .rl@ ndh one otherperson, because I didn't 71~1rthim to be horn'$ed/hono~~redthat he n'onld be m y j t d I hac~einasturbuted ni/h a a7~7~mberjr a conple ofn~eeks,in hopes that he 77jon'l be able to detect that I lied Do,you think he niLL be able to notice? A Secret Virgin

Dear Secret Virgin, Good lord SV, I sure hope it was an English cucumber! Vegetables can be a poor choice for sex toys, both because of potential infection m d because they might leave bits behind. Consider investing in a dildo or vibrator if you're interested in penetration but not an embarrassing trip to the emergency room. With regards to w-anting to come across asmore expcnenced than you arc, it's understandable

but I thmk it's a mistake. Tf you do fool him into t h l h g that you've been down this road before, he might thmk you're lust lousy in bed. Tell him right before, or shortly after and I'm sure he'll lean more towards honoured than horrified and won't have time to over analyse it. \X'ill he know or not if you don't tell him? Some guys can tell whether or not you'rc still a virgin, and some can't. Wouldn't it be better for him to hear it from you than to figure it out himsclt?

Can you place this photo to a location on the UW campus? If yc can, send an e-mail to to I eligible for a really cool prize!

FRIDAY, NOVE~E 15,2002 R

page 17

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.i:$ &at i + j . ~ 4 ~ Supplementing zinc may lower Q,.



death rates from diarrhea -page 18

Saving the world by listening to science Brett Gibson COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

Health Services is aiming to immunize 8,500 students this year against influenza.

To get a shot or not to get a shot Just what is the flu vaccine all about and what good is it, really? Erin L. Gilmer IMPRINTSTAFF

So everyone's telling you that you get ,your flu shot, but YOU don't really understand why Getting a flu vaccination is especially important for theelderly and forotherpcoplc wtth weakened immune systems, but as a healthy young person, will it actuallymakeadiffcrcnceorcanitend up hurting you) Ontario is the onlv m , turisdiction , NorthAmericatooffer free fluvaccme to all of its residents According to Health Canada, the vaccine for influ e n n is 70 to 90 per cent effective in preventing the flu in adults Even though thosewithweakenedmune systems are more likely toget the flu,

According to Health Canada, the vaccine for the flu is 70 to 90 per cent effective in preventing the fl~jnadults. anyone can det elop influenzano matter how healthy or young they are According to Linda Grant, a nurse at HealthSe~ices andone ofthe organizers of the free flu shot clmic, "studentswho stay activc mwinter and eat well are less likely to get the flu," but many students donot stay as healthy through winter, so a flu \hot wdl help Grant remtndsthat even if you do not develop a deadly version of the flu, it wouldn't be li fun to hare a mtlder flu run you down Also, if you do not develop a serious illness, Health Canada says there is still achance ofpassing it on to a young child or older person in

your famlywhocouldget seriously ill and even die Many people are concerned about the safcty ofvaccinations These days vaccinesto viruses can be made a few different ways using live, weakened viruses, using inactivated viruses or usmgparts of theviruses Thevaccine for influenza is made using inacti vatedviruses The virus is completelj: killed by using a chemical so that it cannot reproduce once mside the human body In theory, there is no way that this 9 e of 7. accine can cause dtsease Polio, hepatitis B and rabies vaccines are all madc in this way Aftergetttnga flu shot,it takes two weeks for the immune response to be fully effecme against mfluenm, but accordmgtoDr BarbaraSchumacher of Health Services,getting a flu shot will not weaken your immune sgstcm before it helps you In the meantime, vou will have some protection from the flu and your immune system will not be any more vulnerable to other diseases than usual Dr Schumacher said thatgett~l~ga vaccine is hke " p r i m g ) our m u n e system It's likcgolng foraworkout to get vou prepared to do a marathon When you have a flu shot, you're beingpresentedmith the hlled xirus Your body rccopzesaas foreign and causes an antibody response There fore, when your body 1s prcscntcd with In e mrus, your body will recog nize it faster " See FLU, page 18

I'x e tal~enafew phpsics courses in my time at University of Waterloo and they've bcen challenging The most enpyable physics course to date is one that I was initially leery about taking. ' f i e course title is "The Physics of How Things Work." It was really this title that made me wonder if it was going to be anything worthwhile or just a bore The courses that I've taken have been pretty involved and mathematically based and t h s course toted "no math " Could it really be physics wtth no math> This school term isn't quite complete but this course, SCI 206, has been one of the most enjoyable The professor, Dr Idz~ak,needs to be mentioned sincc he is a major factorinits success. If you've ever wondered how anything w-orksyou will be fascinated with this course. It takes the physics in the world and presents it m almost a mystical way, all along illustrating how things work Now my motivation for writing this article is not to promote SCI 206, it's a popular course on its own I'd like to share with you the importance of science even if you're not an aspiring scienkst Each week I've found class very interesting and at times entertamg and last week was no cxcc@ion other than inspiring me to wnte this article. One of the many live expenments that produced "oohs and aahs" from the crowd showed smoke flowing through a metallic tube and whcn a charge was applied, the smoke stopped being emitted

through a mimaturized smoke stack It all seemed so simple and amaLing The mj stery behind thts magic can be explained by the attractton of the posittvely charged particles andnegativelycharged parttcles Try to i m a p e two magnets, the posaibe north pole of one and negative south pole of the other being brought close together The magnets are drawn to each other This principle ofattractite force is the reason for the disappear ing smoke In essence we give the particlcs (that madc up the smoke) a negative charge and the cylinder that they flow through a posai\e charge The negatively chargedparttclesare attracted to the positivelpcharged smokestack and voila, the smoke is stuck to the smokestack All great experiments usually insplre more questions All I could think of was why this technology isn't being adapted to a larger scale for industry 50 that they could stop polluting the air I posed the question to the professor, who replied that there is no legislation requiring them to do such a thing It seems like a rather naive question to me now big businesses, why spend the money if you don't have to) The whole point to this httlc story, whether you're an environ mentalist or not, is to convey the importance of being an informed individual I really thought that the smoke billowing out of smoke stackswas anecessary evil Being in the know helps us all 1he more informed we all are, the better decisionswe will make Sciencemakes some ofthe mysteries of life less mystenous


page 19


Spas &tor

enjoy a tine -page 20season


A m n Romeo. Spar assistant Hersmb Ramachandran spaas@unpnnt uwaterloo ca


Warriors cross-country turns out suprising results Women rank fouvth and men rank tenth in Canada Peter van Driel SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

alightningfast time of l8:52, to finish 16th overall, only 16 seconds out of the top ten. Kim Neumayer, the second Warrior finisher.,closelv , followed ~ e & throughout y the race, working with her for the beginning portion. Neumayer,known for her powerful finishingkick,took20thplacc ina time of 19:02. Just seconds behind Neumayer, ErinMcClure, a first year pre-health student, took 24th overall in a time of 19:OQ.McClure's strong performance earnedherthe Rookie of the Meet award, making this the second year m a row this prestigious award has gone to a Warrior athlete. Sccond yearAHS studcnt,Joaima Pedy, m 39th, and fifth year math student Jtll Patterson, in 45th, com pletedthe\X7aterlooscoqteam Fedy, last year's recipient ofthe Roohe of the Meet award, took chargem the home stretch,whilc Patterson ran the whole race strong and consistently The Warrior showwascomplctedwiththe performances by Gma Jackson, fm tshmg 90th and Jody Fendland, in 97th Both Jackson and K'endland had done all their training this season while on work term, Jackson m Torontoand LVendlandmFortPrances, mNorthwesternOntario 1hewomen

country team took to the Thames Valley Golf and Country Club's rollingU s m London, Ontano to compete m the 40th annual CIS Cross Country R u m g Championships. On this challengingcourse,thewomen pulled off an impressive fourth place finish out of 16 teams to surpnse the competition. The men m turn gave a solid effort to take tenth, also a surpnse. This year's women's 5 km compe titton was won by the U of T Blues with a total score of 77 points Indi vidually, the race was won by a large m a r p by Sarah Drllabaugh, of the Ottawa Gee-Gees,ma tune of 17 20 Interestingly, Ddabaugh is a U\Y' alumni athlete The Warnorwomen's fourthplace finishwas a big surpnse to the compe tition considering they were ranked sixth prior to the season Of the Ontario teams competmg, the \\arriors fmishcd sccond of eight, beatmg the powerhouses such as Guelph, Queen's and \Vestern Kristie IIenry, who had struggled with mlury earlier m the season but man;lgcJ r o g t evcq th~iigtogetherar next pear when they graduate. cacd!. the nghr r~~ne,lcdrlic\vomcn's This year's men's race featured a effort. Fourth year science and busi- close draw between the Guelph ness studentHenryfinishedthe race in Grypons and\XrmdsorLanccrs. Both

teams earneda team total of 77 points; howcvcrthc Gryphonswcrcgivcn thc championship based on the placement of their sixth and seventh runners, provingeveryone on your team counts. Jamie Epp of the University of Saskatchewanledthe race, finishing the 10 km course in 31 minutcs, 5 seconds,whichisseconds offacourse record. The Warriors proved to be a force to contendwith, as the teamput forth its strongest race of the season to fmish tenth overall,also considerably better than their pre-season ranking. This strong finish was accomplished by saving thcir efforts for when it counts. 1,eadingthe LKTarnorsthroughout

Nevember 8 - November 14

Laurier 3,Krarriors1


Men's rugby

Western Crossover Toronto 8, \Y'arnors 3 York 7, Warnors 1 Warriors 10, Queen's 1 Warnors 8, Ryerson 3

Queen's 1l,\Varriors 5 (OUA bronze medal)

Men's basketball

Ottawa 71,\Trarriors64 Carlcton 86, Warriors 58 Women's basketball

Warriors 74, Ottawa 62 Carleton 66, Warriors 52 Cross country

CIS Championships At Western Men's results 1 Guelph, 77 Pomts 2 LVmd~or,77 3 Alberta, 107 10.Warnors, 205 Women's results 1 Toronto, 77 2 Manitoba, 120 3 Victoria, 139 4 Warnors, 144 Men's hockey

Brock6,Warriors 3 York 7, \T7arriors4 Women's hockey - . -. . .-. . .. - ..- ..

Joanna Fedy (32) came in 39th in the 5 km race.

the race, Scott Arnold, a second year ES student from Kitchener, was the first UW fbsherandcaptured 18thin a time of 33 minutes, 23 seconds. Closely followingArnoldwas second p a r ES student MFke Logue, who made a strong finishing kidc to take 30thin33:58.TrackstarJoseCanralho was the big surprise, finishing 46th, in 3439. Candho, asecondyear math student, had fought with shin splint injuries much of the season. Warriors team captain Kevin Smith took51st,in34: 53,animpressive showing after competing three weeks ago for Team Canada in the \Vorld Duathlon Championships in Alpharetta, GA. Will Gibbons, finishing in 35 09 and m 60th, com

Toronto 8, Warriors 0


Men: Guelph 116,Warriors 83 Women: Guelph 143.5, LVarriors 50.5 Men's volleyball

Warnors ClassicTournament(PAC) Loyalist College 3, Waterloo 2 (25-15,23-25,21-25, 25-23,16-14) KJaterloo3, Wmdsor 2 (18-25,25-19,2523, 17-25,15-12) York 3, Waterloo 0 (25-18,25-20,25-20) Wmdsor 3, Waterloo 1 (10-25,25-21,25-16,25-8) (Bronze medal)

pleted the Warnor scoringteam Also battling mluries for much of the sea son, wise race preparation lncludmg cross traininghelpedGibbonsprepare forthe race SpencerRand, anarchitec turc student, ran a personal best time to capture 68thplace and German exchange studentMatthius Schhpf,who took 87th, completed the \Trarriors squadron The LVarnor team th~s year showed the importance of teamwork, dedication and this season's efforts These reflect the fact that everyone on the team is important This year's team's successisareflecttonof dedicatedcoaching, training and all the athletes who come out to practice and support -. the team

Coming up Nnvember 15 - November 22 Men's basketball

Nov 15 (A) RMC, 8 p m Nov 16 (A) Queen's, 8 p m Women's basketball

Nov 15 (A) KMC, 6 p m Nov 16 (A) Queen's, 6 p m Men's Hockey

Nov 16 (A) Queen's, 7 30 p m Nov 17 (A) RMC, 2 p m Women's Hockey

Nov 15 @-I) Queen's, 7 30 p m Nov 16 (H)Brock, 7 30 p m Swimming

Nov 16 Dual Meet (A) Toronto, 330pm Men's Volleyball

Windsor 3, Waterloo 1 Women's volleyball

Guelph 3, Warnors 0 (25-20,25-16,25-15) Windsor 3, Warriors 0

Nov 17 (A) Toronto, 1 p m Nov 20 (A) Launer, 6 p m Women's Volleyball

Nov 15 (HJLakehead, 7 p m Nov 17 (A) Toronto, 3 p m Nov 20 (A) Launer, 6 p m




Tennis ladies serve up a bronze Heramb Ramachanran IMPRINTSTAFF

Camaraderie, competitiveness and poise characterizedthe 2002women's t e a s team Withanice mix ofveter ans and freshmen,the team enjoyeda fine season capped off with a bronze medal m the OUA championships (October25th- October 26th) What separated this ear's team frompreviousyears was their dedication to team building by developing friendshipsoffthe court Many of the players felt that this translated to suc cess on the court Danielle Blond, a hrstyearstudent,feltthatthey"meshed as a team" and "really kicked some ass" Road trips to various tournaments also contributed to the bondmgexpe-

"We meshed as a team ... really kicked some ass."

-Danielle Blond

rience. All of the players have fond memories fromtheirMcG111trip back in October. The journeywas wrought with shady directions as the girls got 1ostinMontrealmanytimes. Tomake matters worse, the copious pubs and drinkmg establishments were too much to resist In one case,JenVasic,

WARRIOR WOMEN'S HOCKEY Friday, November 15, 2002 vs Queen's Golden Gaels, 7:30 PM, CIF Arena Saturday, November 16, 2002 vs Brock badger^, 7:30 PM, CIF Arena

WARRIOR WOMEN'S UOLLEYBALL Friday, November 15,2002 Lakehead Thundenvolves, 7:00 PM,PAC Gym

a vs


vtctory m the 4 x

100 tree relay

another freshmen, got plastered the night before her match "All she neededwasbread,"accorcLngtoBlond, to regroup her strength One loaflater, she won her match, contributingto an overallvictoryover M c a , five points to two One might think all this fun and excitementwouldleadto adiqtracted, under-prcpared squad However,cap tam Nadia Imamovic,athirdyear student, felt the team "had its finest seasonin years " Although the team members enjoyed their company together, they never indulged in behavtour too detmental to success Coachedby Marten Johnson and Brad Slinge at the University of KJaterlooTennis Club, thegirlspractisedd;ulyfor hours,perfecting their craft Often, theywould organtzepracticeson top of the scheduled ones Clearly, this dedication paid &vi dends as witnessedby their successat the OUAchampionshipatYork The teamlost to Western, five matches to two, in the semi finals but regrouped and defeatcdI.aurier, five matches to two, in the bronze medal round One week later at the OUA in& viduals championships at McMaster, Mera Ana Maria, a second year student, won a bronze medal Second year students Elkr IGselandJenVasic played a hard fought doubles match but ultunately lost 6-2, 6-4 Jemfer Clerk, another second year student, also hada strongshowing These girls are the foundation of the team and will enjoy some fine suicess in the cormfigyears


at hers: future model for Speedo?

Mathers' story: not the 8 rmle Continued from cover

Every athletehas his own personal routines and superstitions For Mathers itis oatmealbefore everyrace "It is warm and easy to digest " This seems to be the perfect combination for a compeotive athlete Also, for those of you who wonder what goes through his mind as he steps up to dive, it's music Mathers revs himself up for a short race by t h i h g about quick peppy music and for the longer swims he tries to think about a song with a steady beat to keep him motivated throughout the whole race Whatever he is doing, it seems to be working -for a first year swimmer Mathers has had some great successes Though Mathers will not be around for much longer, he says the coach has bcengreataswellas the rest of the team. He was surprised with this being his fourth year here at Waterloo andnot being able to be around as his swmmingimproves in c o m g ycars Still, the coach makes time to take him out of the water and help him improve h s strokes The team has

been very supportive as well. On a recent team trip to Queen's, McGill and Ottawa,Mathersenjoyedthebenefits of being a part of a team The sense of communityisvery strongand theyreallypusheachotherto succeed, providqa lot of encouragementeven if a race does not pan out exactly as hoped Though he may be one of the older rooEes,Mathers is not the only rookie on the te& In fact there is a faulylarge percent of roolues on the team this year Most of them are in their b e e mngyears here atwaterloo Thisleaves lots of room for growth if they con tinue to swim competitively So for those of you here at LFater loo thinkmg about joining a team, don't let your inexperience stop you If you look at Scott Mathers as an example, a proves that anything is possible if you are wAng to work hard As he said, "The real challenge lies m time management " Mathers seems to think that all the hard work is definitely worth it and &odd be tned by anyone who is ready for a challenge


the CIS Rookre or lhe Year award


We ate offmg a Advanced Insuuctoe and ExattunersStandardqClrruc on November 23 ;I2 00to 8 M) prn We also have a NIS Reml on Lkcemkr 6 500to 10.00pm

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These rooms will fill fast, so don't hesitate to sign up!. Contact the Residence Office Renison College, University o Waterloo at 884-4404, ext 610 or or masincla@artsmaiI.uwaterloo.


w Program: tile M x x ? w of The University of Waterloo is please to announce a uniq ned to adaress nd Technology (MBET*). uccessful innovators. bne Year Pro WXk s the critical business skills that enter ndividuals m e d to ! W ~ e eas along the road to commercial success. The primary G-31of lL'Ex'3 Fs to assist our students to create Canada's next generation of successful businesse. fi

Come to an information session to find out more:

/ ~ u e s d aNovember ~, 19 ignite the spark *MBET has been approved by the Unviersity of Waterloo Senate and is subject to approval from the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies.

UW Dance holds auditions for National Ballet School A look into UW dance's interesting past, present and what may lie ahead Andrea Kerswill

the discipline of dance It w also this year that Rhond Ryman took on the role This past Kedncsday, the National of teachingballet and Ballet School visited East Campus modern dance Hall to hold auditions for their day class~sRymaii has time professionalprogram. Although now been with the no L\V students would be audition- unn ersitv for 27 years ing, dance has a strong connection and has had the chance with the school and has worked with to see dance at L\\ them continuously since the early change and gron 1980s.Orerthcpast3-1~-ears,danceat \\ tth a strong~ m p h a IJ\Y. has undergone many changes, i t \ on hesiolog), the but sfill has maintained its strong dance degree focused dance classes and special relatmnships mainly oil mox cment wch as its conn~ctionmiththe ballet anal) \is and body mechan school I had a chance to speak with icc Fhic structurecontinued Rhonda Rvman and dis until students \\anted to focus cuss U\\ dance's intriguing past and their degrees o n d a n c ~ a s a p ~ r future forming art It was in the mid U\Y7 students have been dancing '80s that students began to theirway to aneducation since 1964. receive a bachelor of applied For the past 34 years this campus has health sciencesindance Andas offered students a wde-range of R ~ m a nremembers, "It \\as a courses in dance. From dance apprc- unique and successfulprogram ciation to modem dance, ' ~ a t e r l o o in applied heath sciences, hu man kinetics and leisure stud has alwap\ b e ~ ndynamic in the per forming arts ies " Beginning in 1975, Urn offered 1he program focused on studentsa bachelor of science degree in dance as an art form and dance education IMPRINTSTAFF

now teaches courses based

tion and dance

been building in danceandisoffered as a ct)urse ~t fo. cuses on recorcLfig human movement so thst can - -.dances - ..-. -- .

U W has a special relationship with NBS.

Dance notatmn has nor\ be-

course in

riod that t h ~ dance depart inent offered a joint degree in dance in conpnc tton with the school'\ teacher trainingcourse Stu dents would attain a Waterloo Region's best dancers auditioned Wednesday. degree in dance from LT ' Y and then move on broken hearts from indiriduals wch As dance at U\T stvids nom, st^ as Rj man, n ho had built the depart to teacher training in or dents can still take courses m danc der to teachin schools for ment for2-1)ears RI man said,"ltwas through AIIS Rjman said, "1 h anexcellentprogram Itwasnotphased classesare definitclywcll attended an the performing arts U% dance pioneered this degree out forquaht!, but rather h,t financial usuall) always full "They offer balk through the dance depaa- reasons " and modern dance through three dii Although a department of h e ment and unit ersities such as fcrcnt lcvcls in the fall and wntt York Unitersity and Simon and performing arts does not exist at terms It is obvious that the classes ax braser LNT.ersay now ha\ e this LW', Ryman explained that eachper wellworth the time comin~: - from suc program Rvman still teaches a f o r m g a r t s discipheis ma different aprcstrgioushistorpmdance Ryma ~ weekh course at NRS in dance department and this may be a contr~b does not seL d a n c bccomingadepar utmg factor to the dance program ment again in the near future due t Although dance at UW began being cancelled This separation has strict funding for AFTS Noncthclcs with such creative energy, the de- alwa) s gi\ en UD' problcms when it Ryman said that dance at UUTwi partment that was formed in the comes to forming a department of always offer strong applied and acs fine and performing arts All of the early '80s hasnot stayedafloat In demic courses Andas far as the schoc music courses are offered through 1996, the dance department was goes, Ryman said, "One thing LT Conrad Grebe1 College, drama and phased out of the faculty of ap lkes is connections with the re, plied heath sciences Overa four- fine arts are offered through the fac world " year time perrod, the department of ulty of arts and finallydancc is offered If you are interested in dancinj AHS decided to cancel the program through health sciences as courses take a trip to east campus hall to se due to financialproblems There was only Although dance is no longer a what they have to offer Youmay gal ~ m p l ya lack of financial resources, department, Rymm said that, 'Dance andinterestingpcrspectwe has always been a strong discivltne whichmadecausedAHS tovhaseout this program This resulted in a lot of offering a good range of courses " akerswiII@~mpr~nt.uwaterloo.c




Bottom happily consents to domination by this fairy temptress.

Lighting produced an effective theme.

Two writers review UW drama's final product A Mids~mmerNight? Dream runs until November 16 ters in the play can be confusing,so to Finally, a word about the props. solve ths problem, they were all Lke the set, props were minimally dressed in distinctive colours,so that used. Wineglasses, trays,a trunkwith the audiencewould remember them. books anda fakeplastic swordwereall Long before I went to see UW's pro duction ofA MzclrzimmerNghtsD~um, Hermia(LindseyAlston) was dressed used to good effect. The best use of I had the pleasure of sittmg m on a in dark blue, Helena (ErikaSedge) in props was, I tlunk, by Moonshine rubyred,whileLysander (DanielErrey) (Steph McKay) who carried a thorn rehearsal The rehearsalwasgreat,but it wasn't until viewing the final pro- wore brown and Demetrius (Jeremy bush, a lantern and a fake dog during duction on Tuesday night that I ap- Taylor)olivegreen. Were they effective the mechanicalsplay. and mernorablc? I would say so. One thing I was slightly disapprec~atedhow many techcalaspects, The setwaspractical and simple in pointed with was thc prop used for such as costume?, sct design and design. A pair of doors with an arch Bottom's head. During the play, Botprops contribute to a play Costumes for the performance overtop was the most creative con- tom was transformed into a donkey struction. The lace curtains,whdenot a fairly funnyscene.Thepropused, were drawn frommanydifferent eras convincingas howevcr, did not look much like a Tuxedos,contemporary clothingand nc~cssarilyascffectiv~or evens 19th centurycorsetdressworn the trees, were defiilitely visually ap- donkey's head. If I hadn't known pealmg. what happened to Bottom in this by Titania (LesleyTumber) were used The stagewasimpressiveandprac- scene, I would have been confused. in the play tical, although I found the paint I Iowever,I should point out that this The costumes worn by the "meschcmc (the stage was painted white was only one minor prop out of the chanical"actors really stole the show They started offwearingamish mash with brown ltnes and patches) to be many excellentprops which the drama department has produced for the of clothes remmscent of the Vdlage slightlyconfusing. 1,ightingwas well done. The stage play.The otheruse ofprops wasgreat. People and by the end of the play,they Thcy really put on a good show. pulled out all the stops An audience was brightlylitduringkeyscenes propDon't take it from me though favounte was worn by Snout (Matt erlyusingofvarious colours indicated Borch)whowearsapaper sheetpamted moods, or times, such as night, when I'm just one person. Go, see it, enjoy to look like a wall, with Styrofoam blue andgreen tints would be utilized. it. It's defifiitelyworth it bricks on top Other highlights includedBottom (/ohnKobertson)who wore a cheesy lookingtunic andsnug (Gcoff Cowpcr Smith) who wcars a caidboard box uith rcd and yellow atreamers attached on h ~headmcant s to represent alion's mane The fairies Clberon and Puck were also uniquely *AWARD WINNING FACTORY dressed TRAINED ACURA TECHNICIANS Costumes \\ere also used to help the audience as well ThemamcharacKyle Rea



Nick Walsh

fairies, who could be mistakcn for cross breeds between demons and very hungry (orhorny) animals %s 1 don't know about all of you out trmsitlon scenecould have easlly been cut out seeing that it did nothing for there in rcadtng land who may be the benefit of the play and only conforming a judgment of me based on whether I say this or that, but I despise fused the audience readmg reviews So if you have any I Iowever, a number of perform anceswere outstandmg Damellhey sense at all, you should either throw who played Lysander and Jeremy down this paper or politely shde over Taylor whoplaycdDemetriustumed to the features sectionto sce what the soup of the day is But if I have taken out wonderful performances you this far, it must mean that my through theirtruthfulinteipretakons opinion means something to you of their respective characters. Also, With every high school cough Nicholas Cu-g portrayed an honest Qumce,JohnRobertsonwas cough -I mean untversity produc tion, there are going to be ups and suchagoodBottom,MattBorchwas downs and UW's presentation of sturdy as a Wall and Steph McI<ay Mzds~mrnerNghthlj Dreamceaainly had brightened up the whole play as alotofthose The playhit yourightoff Moonshine. Even thoughtheendtngmq have the bat, however, the rtg~dityof the first scene,whichmayreflect thc q ~ d been somewhat unsettling and the ~ t yof Theseus hunself, slowed it alfairiesmay have resembledghoulish pornographicimages, the dreamwas mmt to a halt It was picked up again through the introduction of the a slightlyabove averageperformance. mcchantcals They ripped off their But if you want the truth, go see it yourself, clothes and mag~callyturned into the SPECIAL TO IMPRINT



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A bit of everything by ignoring the genre barrier

"I like a little bit of everything" That's probably the most common answer given when someone is asked what her favourite type of music is It lust seems that, these days, people like everything. - From alternative to htp hop, from Motown to party rock,


people are ignoringthe genre barrier and are adoptingall cultures And why not? These days, it's common to and match styles With the advent in the past decade of sounds such as "rap rock" and the more recent "old skool vs new skool" mdie rock, it seems like people are being exposed to cross hybrid genres and as a result, they get a wider variety of musical tastes So, it just seems more credible to say that you "like everything" But liklng everythinghas to be impossible Not everyone can possibly have a taste for old country,SatanicFrenchdeathmetal and contemporarynoise-beat

electronicaall at once, it lust doesn't fit into any cultural category, right) (Well, except us ) Each genre has as own feel, its own beat and even its own hairsqle So, by default, you can't even be apart of cverygcnrc, let alone like the sound, right? Then again, you just might be able to The way we see it, people might have a few songs that they enloy fromevery category,which makes them ehgible to say they like that genre You don't have to like every song ever made in that area (every genre has its Elton John after all), but you can like enough artists and songs to lay claim that you are an active listener of that genre

Maybe you're the type ofperson who lust likes to flip through radio stations Now, some people might get mad, claiming you only get "mainstream" and not the rest of the music world (but at CKMS, we can't really say that either) That doesn't mean that you don't likc music that is not on the radio you're lust perfectly happy with what the radio stations pick for you And unttl they consistentlypick somethtng you don't like, you're allowed to say that you like "everything " 'I he word "everything," m musical taste, is probably a httle diluted We obviously don't even know every variety of music that

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exists But I ~ W Lhad to be correct in our claims, we would probably h a ~ to c say "1 ltke the majority of contemporary hip hop, a generous portion of carly '90s alternativeand late '80s party rock, enough songs of country and old school for me not to change the radio station and a touch of metal and techno perhaps some electromcaand jungle, on a good day " Personally, our lazy bums w d stick with "I like everything" Arda a d Kdfnna host 'XoIC The Pre-Bomber Show", Wednesday nights fmm 3:OOp.m. - lO:OOp.m.,phyzng abernatzve, hq-hop, motown, OMschool atzd$aq mck

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Get ready to groove on three new levels Playgroup Playgroup

Neil Finn One All

IRS Welcome to Planet IRS

Universal Music


Universal Music

I'revor'Tlaygroupn Jacksonhas come a long way from designing record sleeves for music's biggest acts To day, he is amongst thc ranks of those acts and he bring\ something very important to modern dance music character Playgroup songs don't htde be

Ned F m has consistentlyproven his talent for writing crafted pop songs that comb~ne~rresistiblemelocLes with personal lyrics, through his C rmvcled Houredays to his current solo career His second solo album, OneAll, is a bnlhant follow up to T y E% fhng Thrr The album opens with "The Climbern,a sad and

quahq of an individual songin mmd, instead ofthe fluid19ofthe set Ifyou

to The vo calists con-

ffickslike allDJ Kicks,istncredible Playgroup is the new pop, dance floor electro with soul The clcctro scene has seenas biggest re~ivalmthe past few withlabelslike Interna-

of thc album), Shmehead,and 1re\ or hmself lend their vo cals and Fatboy Slun lends his remix talent t ~ o n a l ~ e e ~ a-y ~ ~ g o l o s f r o m ~ c rthird m a ntrack ~ , "Front 2 Rack," a hi^ hop Hot mix from Italy, brsatz Audio dancenumber I'he first three songs are from Detroit and Turbo Recordings oh\ iously meant for thc dance floor, but as youget further into thc record,thc fromMontrealcreaufi9'80smus1c for a new generation of Kraftwerk fans songs have more of an electropop feel Playgroup is important tothis scene "Bring it On" and my favorite "Medibecause he hac fun with it His songs cine Man" are kitsch heavy to the point of almost being corn7 The second last are light hearted tributes to the an song throws you yetagamoi~adifferent &ems he discovered m the '80s that carwitha superblaidbackdub cover of still work today. Home to many of Paul Simon's 50 \$a)s to leave your Jackson's omn monikers and pet lover With this, Playgroup sets a stand prqects, such as the Underdogremxes ard for pop b) walking the thin bound and Skull, Output also houses nen a n beh*een cheesl dancc muslc and age New Yorkpuders "the Rapture" cornylutsch Synth-sationall and leftheld evpermcntal laptop twiddlers like Fourtet Matt Ell~s,spec~alto lmprmt This CD isgreat You candance to A

andguitars as F m takes the role of a son singing to his dymg mothu An other heart felt tune is "Turn and Run". a darker subject matter in which he sings, 'You Cold IWlers of Innocence,agamst youthcrc is no defence, you can pull us down, but you can't break our love " IIe pours out hts heart and emotion throughout the album 1here areguest artists includ ing Sheryl Crow (vocals and accorcLon),Lisa Germano (7 ocals and vio lm),andmembersofhis fam$,Liam, S h a r ~ n a n d E l r oThis ~ collectionof songs will leave fans of Neil I inn contented with OneAll Also satisfying new F m hstencrs


Planet IRS is aplace a bit LUI& where you mght have been Fcllow Monolith crew members help the listener Lift Off at the beginning of this album, thenBlackCatand I<orryDeez take over, with T R A C K S on the tracks They take you deep toaplanetwlth local roots, crownmg Toronto as North America's capital on "TDot Anthem." The album rs a tour of stylings thatwill beat downwhatever inhibitionsyoumay have They'll blaze a trail, right through thc Munyam Jam, to some intelligence "many use musw as ameans of releasingbudt-up emotion, yet the? remained focused, withmtenaons of d e elopingamore ~ effectivc mcans ofclcvatingand edu catmgthcunn erse aboutthem "The7

speak about relatronship-styles on tracks Manipulation and Girls. They're defmtely r e p p q / representing the T Dot w h respect. "Strictly for the FIeads", "TIe Don't Play", and "Whatchuwantnow" can get youcompletel) openandbobbing your head They rap, "get prepared when IKS buqts through, sit your punk ass down, get a chair, get rt where? get it there " You've got to give it up to T RA C I< S for m a h g it all sound so nice And they fmshoffwith two banging tracks with 'Y,tmtroll~d A n g d and "M \Y 0 " It's about hox~they "come to put a contact lens on your third eye sight "W'hich I thinkis what a visit to Planet IRS is all about Interested2For more information log onto www umusic ca and fmd out for yourself how great they are Greg Macdougall, special to lmprmt


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Filling the entertainment void Bomber crowd dget what they want with a four-person sonic experience Brendan Purcell SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Pigeon-Hole Bornbshelter November 15

Ever heard of Pigeon-Hole, Prob ably not, hut you soonwd rhe four piece ensemble from Montrealwill be mahganappearance tomght at the Bomber, filling m the entertainment void that haunts so man! U\\'Fnday nights The band startedroughl) ten pars back The first incarnation consisted of Isabelle Pahmy and Natasha Smber, tmo Catholic school girls merely dabbl~ngm the art nf folk music It wasn't until four \ears ago that AdamBlinickanc~\Yaclehfanrichs pned,pro\iding the rhythm section to help create what we now call Pi geon I Iole In just four years the band has released hvo albums and has toured twice across Canada. But more mportantlytheyhave earnedthe respect of their fellow musicians, including Bob bgan of Blue Rodco who has described the bandas "young cats but real heavyplayers " As for their music, the band's title is misleading - their style can be anpthng but pigeonholed The Am Dibranco ishvocalstylmgsofIsabelle bahmy and her guitar-brandishmg, harmonic counterpart, Natasha Szuber, merge to the soft sounds of Adam Blmck's upright bass and the

tight beats of Wade Manncks to create an amazing and diverse blend of f o k In an interviewwithAdam Bhmck, he described their music as "con tmually evolving"He went on to say, "I think that you could calla harmony based music withaquadrophonic backdrop Some people have beencahgitnu folk, which s ~ e m sto do the trtch " 7he band toured mice this summer, mcewithNethx erk's Folk on thc Road 1our and again a ith members of Blue Ro deo lhev are cur rentl:, playing s c era1 ~ datesmSouthernOntario and Quebec m support of thex latest release, A n d The Owe Thg Call l q h t nzng (2002) The new CD, re cordedm l2days and produced by Futcher o f the Be G o o d Pigeon-Hole, a Montreal-based band, is coming to the Bombshelter tonight. 1anyas, is an e\ olu had grown musically and desired to hibit two different approaches to tionoftheirfirstrecord, Vctruj (,rarzQ have a more dynamic sound It is a conpntingandperformance " (2000) Bl~mckexplained that "was wnttcnwiththewholebandmmind, morecompleust~mceqenence Both As for the band's future aspiraha\ e the trademark sound, but extions, Blimckpk~dofattaimngnothamore coUec~~~eeffortingeneral 1% ing ley\ than world domination It might be a mild stretch, but the band has recently signed with Aquanus Records which has pushed bands lke Sum 41 into the popular spotlight Although, for now, they are happy playing shows at bars andclubsacross Canada Havmgnever seen thea show live, I can't make any judgement about the 0



qualiq of their performance Hou e~er, as Blinickput it,"the show is fc thepeople Ifthey'renotgettrngwhi theywant,~ou'renot doing\ our lob With this attitude m mind, YOU ca evpect an enjoyablenight If jou are loolung for more mfol matron, check out their Web site , m 7 v pigconholeonline com If yo arc unable to attend the ahon tomgh their next show m the IGtchcner-\\ ' tcrloo areawill be on November 22, the Circus Room Don't expect t o t pigeonholed

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F m m , NOVEMBFR 15,2002

page 27

Fall or Winter $17.75 Summer $ 8 . 9 0

T w o clean bedroom apartment wlth balcony available January 2003 for 4 months. $400/month, utilit~es mcluded. Free laundry, swimming pool, gym. Bus route, parking, groceries and fast food ncarby. Call (647) 299-9063, e-mail Room for Rent - $425 all ~nclusive (ncgot). Fully furnished, near bus routes and restaurant. 1 6 Austin Dr. Apt 13, 15 minwalktoUW. Femalcsonly, 880941 2 (Jen). One o r T w o rooms for rent. Winter 2003, 2 minute walk t o campus, $345 + utilitie~(negotiable). Call Nicole 885-7034, Three bedroom apartment available january 2003, 8 months. $37.5/nionth + ut~l~ties.Kmg &University, 15 mins. from UW, 5 minutes to WLU, bus route, parking, laundry, free cable, close t o groceries. Going fast, come see today! Call 746-3796. Winter 2003 beds are st111 available! Conrad Grebel has a warm placc t o sleep, great food to eat, and on-campus convenince. For info contact the Dcan of Students, 885-0220, ext. 251. a.+

ESL teachers needed ~n Korea. Bachelor's degree o r lugher education is n~audatory.Good working conditious and wage. Contact Info & Money at or 1-519-574-5853 for more information. Applicants wanted to study Part 1V of The Urantla Book. Earn $25,000. For details visit TRAVEL 81 TEACH ENGLISH: Jobs, $$ guaranteed. TESOL cerhhed in 5 days. Attend a frcc information seminar. Free infopack: 1-888-270-2941 or Weekend counsellors and rcl~cfstaff t o work in homes for ~ndtvidualsw ~ t h developmental challenges. Experience, minimum eight mouth commitment. Paid posihons. Scud resume t o Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydnry Street., Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2. $12.00/hour. Local fundraising program rcqwres people to canvass doorto-door. Evening hour? bctwcen 5:30 - 9:00 p.m. Mon-Fri. For inore info call

"Ultimate Questions" T h e Lord lesus Chrlst is the diffcrence. Learn about Him. Bible study by correspondence. Please send name and address to: Bible Study, Zion United Reformed Church 1238 Main St. Sheffield, O N LOR 1ZO or cmail: Sign up today. It's free.

Profess~onalTutormg ServIces. Develop crmcal readmp and writlnp sk~llsfor currcnt courses. contact ~ a r i &Kahn a t 463-5758.

Cancnn M e x ~ c o ,Readmg Week S p e c d ! Saturday, February 15, one week. All-incluswe beachfront from $1133/qnad. Thames Travel a t 1-800-962-8262 (Todd). Daytona Beach and Montreal @ New Year's, specials from $159. Montreal at New Year's. Two n ~ g h t s stay in Montreal. December 30-January 1, return bus, $169/Quad. Book three fnends, you go for half price or book sevengo free. CotitactThamesTravel1800-962-8262 modd). , . DaytonaBeach-Reading week, six nights. Stay at Beachfront Hotel from $1591 Qulnt. (IT-Drive) Book four friends go for half price o r book 9 and go frcc! ThamesTravel l-800-962-8262 (Todd).

wLUm AT IMPRINT SLC. room 1116


b 4

V~etnameseStudent Assosc~atlon Autum Dance at i-est~val Hall, South Lampus, 7p.m. - 2 a.m For h ~ k e t \call 721-3226. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16

Lme Jazz! W S w m g Club presents "Dannng In the Moonhght" featurmg Alex Pangman and her Alleycats. From 8-12:00 p.m. at the Royal Canad~anLeg~on, 1 9 Regma St. N. For I ~ckctsc-ma11 d a n ~ e @ w a t s e l Falr November - the 28th Fan November e x h ~ b ~ h oand n sale of fine Canad~anCrafts wlll be held In the Unwerslty Centre, Unlvers~tyof Guelpli l unhl Sundav. November and w ~ l run 17, from 1 0 a.m t o 9 p.m. Get the f 1 f heY e T h e Church Theatre, 1376 Kmg St. N. "Fla~ at" 8 "lacoh?,. ON.. Dresents . ,~ a c k p.m.


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Impvint staff meeting. Room 1 1l 6 in


Hair Rasing event - Richard Dong will cut off 111s"tail-bone" length hair to raise money for the Canadian Cancer RescarchSociety. 6:30 p.m. atthe Bomher, by. the UW BS Coffee brought t o you . Housc. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20

Study in Germany through the waterloo in Mannhei~nexchangc program. Two semester o r onc. Information meeting Wednesday, Nov. 20,4:30, ML245. All faculties and disciplines. For more information contact Prof. D. John, ext. 3684 o r TOYFAIR - S k ~ pthe mall rush and shop a t t h e Hllclegad Marsden's annnal Toyfar. Fax runs untdNovember 22, from 8:30 a m . t o 4:4i p.m. at the Dams Centre, Rm. 1301

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Dean has worked with the Feds as the graphic designer for over 2 years. He is responsible for designing and creating all the posters and advertisements for all the Feds businesses and many services. He is also the creative genius behind the Student Handbook. Dean is extremely dedicated to the Feds and we truly appreciate all the work he does.

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