
Page 1




What is an arui?

CECS building spurs art contest 4 trcc that was cut down in the conitructionofthe CECS buildmgwillbe iisplayed as artwork in its foyer.

page 3

Fed hall management issue cloudy Fed I Iall has been without a manager since November. Feds VP administratimand financesaysinterviewswith ipplicants were cancelled by admuustration last week. Feds say they hope he position will soon be filled.

"A hot guy in a Hawaiian shirt." Amy Williams Otal Hrabovetsky Shastu Pearce 2B psychology

"No, it's taken a new form, if anything."

Baffour Antwy

Two philosophy professors debate the issue of the existence of God.

Regular content:


Komeczna urges Speculations representatives to actually consult in order to properly represent. -

You! Offmy planet- Lee-Wudtick blames UW and 1'K for Fed bar takeover.

Andrea Grzy bowski 3A english rpw

Touched- Titus recounts her relationships and the boys who couldn't commit.

"Something that you do with a chainsaw and a large amount of green jell-0."

1 B science

Dustin Kraemer

[n the response to a petition to allow students to opt-out of refundable fees, Students' Council disucssed the Issue and sent it to a committee. The :-ittee to deal with a similar issue was formedinOctober of 2001, butit never met. The committee was reformed in August 2002 but hasn't yet met. Feds president Brenda L<oprowslu says that it wdlmeet soon.

page 9 Maps and Legends - Edey gives examples ofproblems withprivatization.

"A relative of Pokaroo?" Roxanne LeBlanc

"A word that describes all the students suffering in university."

25 science

Timothy Ponepal 2 8 applied math

Sustainability project closed for now ln a move to become a completely volunteer organization, ULYiSl' has had to close its doors until environment commissioners and board of directors members are chosen.

"Orangutang belly." Kiran Dhaliway

"20 across in this week's crossword: wild African sheep."

2A electical engineering

Neal Moogk-Soulis cryptic crossword creator

page 4

Scoies fail to reflecl Warriors' effort The WJarriorslost aweekendofhocl to the WesternMustangs.This has discouraged them for the futu though. They will facc the Mustai twice more before the season end


page 14

Top comer hockey-Join ourn sports columnist Henry Lim as looks at hockey's young stars.

The facts on Norwalk Norwalkusuallycomes through contaminated foodandwater.There is no vaccine, butwashinghandsoftenand ensuring food is properly cooked are good preventative measures.

One act play weekend promises excitt page 15 ment Aweekend ofmystery is comingto K WLittle Theatre

Regular content: Glass in hand-Michelleand Andrea thank their mothers fortdeas on how to stay healthy.

page 14


Uri-manipulation? Can urinating in snow banks be cc sidered an art?

Regular content: -Chen-wing hopes for an unusual clectionbut isn't holding his breath .

Legal home delivery of cannabir available anywhere in Canada via internet. Site orgafflzerspointoutt instead of contributingto organii crime, ordering pot online contr Utes to the campaign for legalizati~

Regular content:


For the fourth time UW students are mnnmgthe Canadian Undergraduate rechonolgy Conference. Students from across Canadawdlcometo take part m keynote speeches, semtnars mdworkshops. It runs fromJanuary 16 to 18.

Virtual pot

Undefeated- Cowanexaminesgay characters m motion pictures.

A new downtown bar offers martms man elegant atmosphere.

Tech conference comes again

What is addiction? How does cannabiscompare to otl addictive chemicals?

Heramh's Harem- Ramachandran try tomackachickoverMSN but can't close the deal.

Strikable fees issue sent to committee



Supreme being

Short order - Short discovers the Raintree,aplaceto take someone special or to enjoy dishes with creative names.

page 14 Crossword -53 down: FrigidPixar

East Campus Hall a showcase for local artists Check out a hidden part of our co munity.Recent displaysincludewo reflectmgonSeptember 11attacksa

fourth-year artprojects

pages 22 and


N ~ w ed~tors s vncant News ~ s s ~ r t a nMele t Pe-


news@mpnnt uwaterloo ca

Art contest honours maple


My Farewell to our Maple Tree

The cutting of a tree to make room for the CECS budding inspires an art contest to commemorate it

Yes, my friends, it is a sad day on campus The deed is done Once again, progress has destroyed majesty


Ifatrec fellinthe forestwouldanyone hear it? Perhaps. When a tree fell on our campus awas heard bymany. The sound was so loud that the wood was saved for an artprojectto be &splayed m the new CECS bulding. After thisgrand tree was removed in order to breakground for the new co-opbddmgitspresencewas missed by many So,insteadof sunply tossing the wood into a huge bonfire a more suitable fate was chosen The wood was cut and saved with the mtention of somehow including a in the new budding Then a brdliant idea was formed. an art contest This competition would requre the sub missionofproposalsandmodels &s playing the utilization of wodd reclatmed from the made tree as well as smaller walnut trees. Thts proposal would display a design of anartpiece forthe entrywall of the new CECS b u d d q . The purpose and theme of ths competition was to represent the partnership shared between qtudents,businesses, and facultyand,ofcourse,torecogntze the tree. SIX submissions were received, -mostly from architecture students. A commtnee was struck made up of CECS director Bruce Lumsden,Lloyd Hunt, Rob Allan, Ryan W o n n o r , Art Green and David Thompson This group debated the pros and cons ofcachpieceresdtinginanunam mous vote The winner, Jonathan Wong, (a third-year architecture stu dent) was awarded a $1,000 prtze as well as the honourable task to construct his creation to be displayed in defmitelyat the entrance. Second place was awarded to two students, Spencer Rand and Mtke Koatsoulis,whoreceivedpmemoney

It was a maple tree, But what a maple! It stood alone, but majestic Its branches spread out m all their glory, To welcome all seasons Every mornmg, as I walked on cam pus, I watched the seasons change By that tree

amounting to $750 and an honourable menhon and $200 was noted to PatnckCull.

"[Re-Root is] a metaphor which impliesthemes of growth, and resilience." -Jonathan


Lumsden described the project as representmg"en~epreneunalculturee' andWong'screa~ondoesexactlyh i . His interpretation is entitled 'Xe-~oot~which consists of "three branches that bend, twist, and grow around eachother,effecttvely creatmg

a dynarmc yet balanced whole. The resd~compositionreferstothe cooperative relationship of students, budding and uiliversity " Wongrehtes hts structure toplant roots, "a metaphor which imphes themes of growth, sustenance, and resihence."I.he prolectwi~ be fabm cated by Wmg with some guidance from architectureprofessor Hunt and budder Allan Completion is anticipated fortheendofthe termor intime for the officfilopeningofthe bulldug at the b e m m of May. The disign &dlels the new building. Wong's innovative use of wood wdl co-ordinate with the modem, highly windowed, structureas well as, in Lurnsden's words,provide a "good remembrance of the tree " Yes, a tree has been cut but not in vm.Ithasbeenreplacedwithanother institutional budding and a m a p f i cent one at that The beloved tree that many grew attachedto over the years

will not be forgotten.Wong has cieated something that wdl remind visitors daily of its past existence and its sacnfice for fuaher education One less tree on campus, one giant leap for W Wong's structure will not provide shade but avision that represents three important cornerstones of our umversitycommuility students,busi nesses and faculty Be sure to visit theCECS budding to view this art piece following as completion Experience how one tree can bring a campus together

o For more information regarding the CECS buildinggo to

Spring had armed when our maple tree had bud? In summer, it was soooo full, you could hear its leaves Rusde in the wind from far away. Fall brought out all its radiance When dressed in shades of reds and yellows And winter brought its own beauty A Majesty of,whtte on white. I will miss that Grand Old Maple It gave me strength It taught me patience and perseverance. It added beauty and harmony to all my days on campus. I didn't evengetachanceto saygoodbye. It was down before 8 am. this sad Friday April27th, 2001 Nothing else on campus wdl ever be as grand, beautiful and majestic as that maple tree. It was King of the Hill! Denise R. Paquette



Applications for Fed Hall management still lagging

Fees under debate

was not eligible to bring motions forwardbecause he is not amember of council As a result, the item was removed The motion to hold a referendum to from the agenda However, as re change the model of managing refundable mcidental fees was struck quested from arts co op councillor Chris Ladouceur fromtheagendaatthe students'council Alex Cassar, this issue was added to IMPRINTETERN meeting on Sunday However, during "items for diacuasion " For ox cr three hours, the council alengthydebateabouttheissue,Feds SinceNovember2002FederationHall president Hrciida I<oprou ski promand various representatir es from the has been without a manager Khat ived that this issue will be discussed in studcnt commumq debated thc is has been done to fix the problem2 an appropriate committee soon. sues surrounding refundable fees and In order for a new manager to be "Fhe issue] is apriority, and I will the committee that would examme hired theie is a process I he lob is assure you that there will be a report," the process behind these fees offered to anybodv who is a f a c u l ~ said ICoprowski during the meeting. Some suggested that a "strtkable" member of I'\Y first and if there are Last week, the U\Y Progressive system would offer students more not cnoughapplicants then they start Conservative Campus Association choice and freedomwit11 thcir money to look outsidc of UW. Others sugcstcdthat thetmplemen presentedapetttionto the reds, whch 'Therc were less applicationsthan asked the undersigned ~thethetthey tation of vuch a system would hinder we initially wanted," said Feds VP supported "changing the model of the quaht) of student hfe, and would administration and finance Chris Di refundable fees to onewhichpermits encourage student940 request a reTdo. students to trpt out of t h ~ s ccurrcntl~. fund without being educated about 'The second tune apphcationswere refundableancdanr fees " the orgumation put out, thcrc was ageaternumber of Later on, representatites from the The Feds had originally agreed to applicants " Engineering Socicq suggested that put this motlon on last Sunday'\ corn lftheFeds recei~eda~eaternumber cd meeting agenda to \ ote on the because studentsocieties have anmacaof submisstons the second time,why issue However, at the beginning of demic focus", they should be treated is there s t d no a manager m place> the meeting, councillor Owen differently from organizahonssuchas "Inteniews were supposed to be berguson argued that Aaron Lee- Impnnf, CICMS, and WTIRG held on January 10 for applicants," Many individuals qucstioncd why \Wudnck (president of the associatloh) said DI Lullo, "but [associateprovost, human resources and student serv tces] Catharine Scott callecf and cancelled all interviews " "It is not very professional," said Adele Pearce From the begnning, the confer Breanda I<oprowski,the Feds prcsi IMPRINT STAFF cncc has attractcdthc support ofthosc dent 'V'e don't want to jerk around from the technology induatr) andaca the applicants " demtc worldalike,and continuesto be If someone was to ask what the Unt \\ hencallin_gScottto find outmore wrsity of LYaterloo is known for, run entirely by Canadian university about this she had no comments there would be no doubt as to nhat students Thegoalof the conference, b\ en without a manager the op "to be the most eminent, movativc, erations at Fed Hall are still running the answer would be its broad tech nology base and stellar leaders in the and stimulating forum for Canadian smoothlj 'TY'c runa pretty tight Ap," discipline Ne\ er ceasingtolive up to undergraduates to learn about, eu said Di Lullo plorc,atidtnflucnccthe futureoftcch "Tm o students, IZlck Thcis and thts standard, the univcrsitv conttn Brett Hurlockarc runilinga lot of the uestopromoteinteractiveandup-to- nologythroughinteractionwitheach the m u t e technolo~callnformation other,as wellas leadersandl isionaries operations that the Feds run "Since RtcL and Brett I Iurlock are students The Canadian Undergraduate from industry to academia," is stated openlyinthe mission statement. l'rethey ate already \cry busy and will '1'echnologyConference(CU'I'C), b e el entuallyendup burning themselves ing held at Toronto's Regal Constel- viousguest speakerBillBu~~ton,Chief lation1IotelJanuary 16 throughJanuScientistat Alias I N'avcfront, bchcTcs out " said Di 1,ullo When do the beds want a new ary 18, is no exception. A group of that "CU'I'C is a great example of manager m place, "As soon as possi- creative U\Y1studentsbegan the coil scieilccandtcchmlogystudcntsbrcakference in2000. ble," said Koprowski ingout of their areas of specializatmn Jennifer Chen SPECIAL TO



Koprowski, the chair of the commtttee, took so long to call the inttial meeting The committee was formed 14months ago to look at the process of holdmg referenda on issues surrounding organizations esternal to the Feds, but did not meet Last August, councillor Liam McI Iugh Russell had the committee restruck, but a still failed to mcct I he committee, which was offi ciallv renamed the Ad\ isor) C o m t tee on the Collection of Incidental Fees last Sunda) ,now has a mandate to examine "the ramiftcatiotis of changes to the structure of orgatma tions that collect refundable and incl dental fees" and to report to council next month. The committee consists of Koprowskl, VP education R j an O'Connor, councillorsAndrew Dilts and Laurence Lui,and representatiws from the organizationsuitha refund able fee (Iqpnt~f,Radio \Yktcrloo, \Yraterloo Public lntcrest Kesearch Group, and studcnt societies) The committee meetingswillalso be open to any interested students "My tmtial way of [structuringthe

committee] is togct outsidc opinioi get some grounding.. .make repor1 and then report our findmgs and fee ings. Pcoplc can respond to our finc ings,'; said I<oprowski during th meeting. "If we don't have a framc work beforehand, thatwill be aw-as1 of our time." Several members were also cor cerned about the lack of consultatio with stakeholders and the 1-ario~ organizations. "Consultatiun shod be the first and foremost mandate r the committee," said Lui. "'l'he con mittccmustactquickly,efficiently,an

c f f e c t i ~ ~ cand l ~ ~"make ' a sound dcc sionon the issue." Enngineeringcouncillor Lawrenc Ian,whois conccmedabouta poss ble decrease in the funding of studer societies and endowment funds, sait "I'mnot sure it isappropriate to mak refundable fees non-refundable ur der a new- system, but I am hopin that the committee will be able t suggestways to help a student consic eringarehnd tounderstandthe cor sequences of doing so." See FEES, page

Student-run conterence returns


and Icarmng about the larger issues, and the contcstmwhich their studies fit In that, a is maluable, and pro vtdes at1 all too rare and all too much neglected,opportunitv " Last year's conference united ap proximately 500 students from 20 universities across the countrywtth 70 speakers from industryand academta The confcrcncc consisted ofkepotes,

Learnug,Welene Armtage, IUMTict president of technolog), Micha~ Neuman, president of Hell Mobilit. and Hubert Samt Onge, CLO c <konvergcandkt~ow> I he conference focuses on the fi ture oftechnologicalad~ance,thepc tential techno lo^ has to expand th scope of human life and how j ou ca get im oh ed B\ participating in th seinmnars,interactir,e\torkshops,and 1ear's conference, j ou w ill be able t e\ ents suchasThinkTank.TechIJanel. mingle with some of the most intc TechEspo,l'echShopandTechTours. ligent people tn Canada, as well \Yhile this year's conferenccwi~~don- technological world leaders Am tainmanyofthesameevents,it\mllbe Ticoll, a U\Y' student and a delegat addmg new ones as well as introduc- who attended a past conference, ha ing new guest speakers. This year's this to saj about her c\pcficncc "[I ]c keynote speakers include: Don oungtechnolo~students, CL 1C Tapscott,prcsident ofNew Paradigm a porthole m which the future come alive CUTC is inspirtng, and indi ptnsablc " Like last J ear, this )ear cofifcrencelooks as though itwill be tremendous succ~ss k or more information tcgardin the Canadian Lndergraduate Tecl nology Conferencegotow cutc c


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Sustainability project fights a winter (term) freeze Alexander Lunde SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The office doors of the Umvcrsity of Waterloo Sustainability Project (UVC'SP) have been closed until fur thernotice I he amvalof the semester has found the sustamabihty project attemptingto sort its way through an orgamzationalmess of immense proportions The start of a new term is always a time of disarray for campus organizations Fundamental changes in orgamzationalstructure combmed with thc co-op effect are making this a rough transitory period for a campus orgamzation that has only exlsted for 10 months The causesof the problemare twofold. The first cause is that duringthe Fall 2003 term it had one paid, fulltime office manager namcd Sabma Khan who co-ordmated a staff made up exclusively of volunteers It was their job to take care of the office and to keep it open during the normal office hours l'he UWSP optednot to have a full time office manager this semester Imtead, it would rely solely on 1 oluntecr members to take shifts

Referendum? Continued from page 4

Others, suchas I~nntboardmem berTimMollison,areconcernedabout the time lines of thiq committee "I'm certain that the c a m p \ association will bring up the petition again and next time it'll probably have enough signature\ to force areferendum," said Mollison "Since it is the responsibility of the char to call meetings of the commit tee, the onus is now on Brenda to make the first move towards ensunng that this doesn't happen " Various parties cpestionedthe feasibility of bebruary's councilmeetmg because of the committee members' hcctic schedules Othersalso suggested that the committee should take its time tomake educated, soundconclusions. "It is up to [council]to come up with the proposal, a good proposal put to students, and let the students decide," said Cassar at the meeting. "We shouldn't be trying to dccide whetherwe are having a referendum, but we should bc deciding what the best proposal should be."

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and keep the office open Thts decentralization of the agency has made it necessary for the volunteers toorgan ize themselves, aided by Khan until the sustainab~htyproject has adjusted to thc new situation C o m p k a q t h e effectsofthetran sition is the beginning of the wmter co opworkterm Many of the people that are the most heavily involved m the organvation of the sustamabhty project arc on their work terms right now This means that the r e m g members are goingto have to assume more of a leadershp role, and there will be a strong desrrc to attract new members Currentlythere are six vacancies to be filled Two environment c o m s sioners arc needed, whose responsibilities are to hasonamongthevolunteers executiveboard members,Fedq the\Y'atgr~enadvisoryco-tteeand other relevant agencies The other four positions are on the executive board of directors, who would work with environmental commissioners, Feds VP internalaffairs Mke Kerqanand UK'waste management coordinator andKratgreen co-chair Patti Cook

AccordiilgtoMke Keri-igan, thert is currently one applicant for a com missioner position and most likel: will become one of the new environ ment commissioners. "She could hell out a lot with gcaing volunteers or ganized to keep office hours." Until the project is more organ ized, they can still be contacted a

The office is closed unti vacant positions are filled.

Anticipating another Feds election Same old BS . . . or new ideas?

Is t h i s going to be an action-packed election or the same old BS. Potcntial candidates tell me, "I think it's going to be an exciting election," I am not so sure. It's possible that something new might happen, that candidates might have some fresh but feasible ideas. Will anyone live up to a reasonable standard; I'll wait to see. With nominations closing today Fcds arc beginning the election process for another year. A common refrain heard in elections is about awareness and the profile of the Feds. People generally recogmze that the organization needs a better rep, its activiees need to be better !mown and generally things could bc done better. But what about the awareness and profile of elections?In the elections following thc first nonelection (the first IFeds president was acclaimed), turnouts wcrc 37 per cent, 54per cent and 33 per cent. 'She past fi~-eelections have had a mean turnout of 11 per cent. With all this new energy and new ideas coming into the orgamzation every year, have things changed significantly?Candidates need not say that they will achieve a higher profile and more awareness but explain the failures of the past and how they will build on and improx7essucccsscs. When the Federation of Students, Uni\-ersityof Waterloo

formed, its first president, Stcphcn Sreland,wasaccLumed.InFebruary 1967Ireland delivered a speechin Village after what would have becn the election period. One thing he said was, "The present setLupon t h s campus gives the students vcry little say in the university." Ireland also said, "The individual student does not count in the university.. .h s opinion is not heard seriously. But worst of all, he believes he cannot effectivelyalter thc situation." 'I'hese sentiments are similarly true today with the administration exerting strong influence over our bars and with things kke a u-pass referendum being proposed last August without consultation and the Student Life Centre bcing managed by a board that doesn't report to students, who paid for construction. Another problem with Feds is continuity.Most projects that are initiated last longer than the oncyear term in office so at best things are delayed in transition and at worst no momentum is ~ a i n e d betweenexecutiveand projects start and flounder form year to year. This leads to anothcr question for the candidates. How will you impart long term vision? Poor succcssion is also part of this problem and can only be addressed so much, given short terms of office. Sincc you don't know who the next executive will be, hoiinformed the student body is factors into how informed future years' executive will be. Communication is an important part of this and the Feds K c b sitc from winter

See ELECTIONS, page 6



Our fellow UW students Travel agency travels, TRACE looks to South America is expected to better serve the large number of visitors that is expected this, the double cohort year In 1997, the Ontario provincial government under PC Premier Mike Harris legislated an end to the On tario Academic Credit (OAC) system at high schoolsprovince-wide Many Fazil Rasheed universities across Ontario, includ SPECIAL TO IMPRINT tng the Untvcrsity ofWaterloo, have beenpreparing for the expectedsurge Fellowships for UW students in numbers of mcoming high school 'l'he Social Sciencesa n d H u m ~ - students as a result of the change ties Research Council of Canada has awardcd doctoral fellowships to 13 University of Waterloo students The award is granted to students in the social sciences and humanities. based on academic achievements m the undergraduate and the graduate Thomas Cook travels levels. According to the SSHKC, the Even though they are not on camfellowships are an investment in the skills of future Canadian researchers, pus any more, Thomas CookTravel and provide training of qualifiedper- service is still open to business. The sonflel to meet Canada's needs.The office which was m South Campus award provides $1 7,700 annually for Hall until last December relocated to make way for the UW Bookstore up to four ycars of PhD studies. The agency, nowinFairview Park Campus day takes t w o days Mall,canstillbe reachedat 888-4567 Havingbeen a smgle day event for ext, 4054, or at 888-4054. the last 20 years, Campus Day will International perspective take on a two day format this year Ever wondered what it feels Itke to The event, which is usuallyheld on a Tuesday during March break, will be workin a country that has no winter, hcld on Tuesday m d Wedneday or to spend time deep in the Brazilian March 11and 12this year The change rainforest? TeachineResources and

Contin~in~hducation (1 KACh) ha5 come up with a way of answering vour questions on internationalwork or stud) experiences Aproject sponsored by the teach ing rcsourccs and conttnuing cduca tionofficeand funded jointly by ULY and the Canadian Bureau for International Education, seeks " to enrich and mternationali7e the curriculum," by imiting 'guest speakers' from the student community I he project invites volunteers to be guest speakers m specrfic courses as a way of sharingtheirinternational work or study experience with other students Oregon State University and the University of Alberta havc sirndar programs TRACE'S terms of reference, outlining its mission, includes the goals of providing assistance to mdmidual faculty members m improving their teaching methods and evaluation of learning, and keeping the university communtty informed about devel opments and innovations relevant to tea~htn~andlearmn~mhigher educa tion For further information on mternational opportunitic5 o f f c r ~ d through TRACE, or with an) other questions about the programs offered by TRACE, students are encouraged to contact Elise H o at ext 3408 ore-

WANTED: RESIDENCE DONS Fall 2003 and Winter 2004 We are looking for a diverse group of people interested in, and dedicated to, helping other students. Benefits: *meet new people * acquire leadership skills and training * develop communication and conflict mediation skills * good compensation package Don applications are now available on-line at: html and in the Housing Office in Village One. APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, January 31,2003 Have questions? Looking for more information? Check out one of the Information Sessions: Tuesday, January 14 at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday, January 22 at 6:00 p.m in the Village One Great Hall

Last years' Feds candidates battle it out at a public forum.

Elections: what ELECTIONS, from page 5

of 2002 wtll provide a good foundation for th~s Readers and voters, do not despair or be too cynical Some thmgs are good and Feds have made regular p i n s over the years and this new cohort of candidates still may pleasantly surprise us Just don't get too hopeful if you are going to turn sour come fall and try to act surpnsed when they announce who won

expect Candidates have until this afternoon to hand in nomination forms On W;L&eday afternoon chief returntngofficerBrandon Sweet informed me of the candt dates who had handed in form5 fo exccutive elections Theywere Leo Domingucz, Liam McHughRussell, Andrew Ddts, Chris hdey and Rob Schrmdt There are more to come


rage 7 All letters must Include a phone number for verlflcatlon, and should not exceed 300 words Letters should lnclude the authofs year and program, or faculty posltlon where appl~cableAll mater~alIS subject to e d ~ t ~ nfor g brevlty and clarlty The oplnlons expressed are str~ctlythose of the authors, not the oplnlons of lmprmt

Does God exist? Atheist: The argument from em1 Dr. Michael Tooley COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

One of the most important arguments for atheism is the argument from evil, the thrust of which is that the evilpresent m the world constitutes ewdenceobjecting to the existence of God l'hss is both an ancient idea -going back at least to Job, and presumably beyond -and a very natural one How best to formulate the argu ment remains a somewhat contro versial mattcr But here is one version of the argument Consider someone who allows a cluld to be brutally bcaten and

murdered. Other t h g s being equal, allowing such a heinous action is very seriouslywrong. Other thtngs might, of course, not be equal. It could be that the murdcr wiU result in some great good that outweighs the evil involved in the child's death. 1Iowever, it is no less likely that allowing the child's death will lead instead to another, greater evil. The upshot, accordingly,is that allowmg the murdcr of a child is an action that is hke& to be morally wrong, all things considered An o m p o tent and omscient

being, however, would know that such an action was about to take place, and would be able to prevent it Consequently,if there 1s an omillpotent and omniscient bemg, that person allows things to happen in situations where it is probably morally wrong to do so Accordingly, it is likely that any such being is not morally perfect Therefore, it is unlikely that God exists

Theist: The case for God's existence Dr. Michael Horner COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

I believe we can show that it is highly roba able that God exists. God is the best explanation for a number of pieces of data, both external and internal, that T examine in this argument. 1argue that God is the best explanation for the beginning of the universe. Both contemporary science and mathematics show us that the universe has not k e n around for an infinite duration of tune. Rather, the past is finite the universe had a beginning. It is a fundamental principle of both science and philosophy that "from nothing, nothing comes." Whatever bcgns to exist must have a cause. Secondly, I argue that God is the best explanation for auniverse that supports life. Astrophysicistshave been discoveringthat the initial conditions of the universe appear to have beenincredibly fine-tuned. Minute changes in value at any one of these forces would havc destroyed the possibility of life and in most cases destroyed the universe. John Leslie, a philosopher of science from the University of

Guelph who is arguably the world's expert on thls issue, summarizes the main point of the argument: ''life prohibitingumverses are much more probable than life permitting universes " Tt is morc rational to believe this type of mverse is the result of anintelhgcnt designer than the product of blmd chance


some actions are objectivelywrong, like t o r t u r q for Fun or raping little girls +Tome, this shows that theistic world views make morc sense of the existence of objective moral obligations than atheism. These threeprobabilistic arguments show us that the cause and designer of the universe is an intelligent, personal, good, immaterial, powerful being that existed in a timeless eternal state beyond the beginning of the universe.

. . .we all believe some actions are objectively wrong, like . torturing for fun or raping little girls.

Third, 1 contend that God is the best explanation for objective moral obligations. Despite the fact that most people in our society claim to be ethical relativists, I w d argue that, deep down, we all believe

Friday, January 17

Or. MichaeL Yoolty is a projessor of philo.sop& at the Uniuersip of Colorado. Dr. MiLhael Horner, pr@ssor of philosophy at Trinig Western Unilarsip in L n g I y , B.C, worksfor Campus Cmsudej5r Christ, Catzada. The two debatelanua'y 22 ul the Humanitie.~Theah. It is a 4:30p.m. start and a $2 donation to Campas Cmsudefor <.hn:ftis being asked at the door.

-Vol. 25, N o . 23

SNdent Life Centre,Rm 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, ON,N2L X I

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Consult with all stakeholders *b,.



% t ~n-v,lXii ~ ~ <


SPEGULATIONS Ineffective representationin~rariably results from poor consultation The task of a reprcsentative is to know the view5 of the constituents he or she represents and to represent those views to decision-makmg bodies All student organnations are administered by representatives If you know that representativesnccd to know what their constituents are thinking in order to properlyrepresent them, then you'rc far ahead of most of them Let's look at how much, if any, consultation went into the recent discussion on pre st~grefundablc feer,which are major sources of funding for organuations including Impmt, Radio X'atcrloo and WPIRG The fee discussion at council this past Sundaybecame, iromcally,a cry for more consultation Kepresenta tit es from Imprmt, Radio XVaterloo and WPIRG, sporting buttons that read "Vote to consult with all stakeholders," urged councillorsto disagree with a referendum on the fce question because of what they said was inadequate consultation Undergraduate students, by paying a fee to these organizations, constitute their membership This means that these organtzations, if they intcnd to maintain their membership, need to reprcscnt the

Production staff Ian Blechschm~dt, ?'om Bryce-Hart, Susan Bubak, Viv~enChan, Esther Chen, Rym Chen-

W m g Andrew Dllts, S a d - B e t h Doner, Geoff Eby, h c k Fazekas, Steve Kennedy, Wmme Kwok, Ahchael Romahn, Katherine St. James, Angela Shm, Koum~ey Short, Andre Ulloa, Phlllp Werner, Shawn wmningtonBall, Jason Yu, Dan Zlomikov

Impnnt 1s the official student newspaper o f the [Jnmer slty o f Waterloo I t 1s an ed~tonally Independent newspaper published by Impnnt Pubhcanons, Waterloo, a cotporahon wlthout share capital Impnnt IS a member o f the Ontano Cummun~cyNewspaper Asso clahon (OCNA) Edtonalsubnuss~onsmaybecons~deredforpublicatlonm anv eltnon of Impnnf Imprnr may also reproduce the matenal commcrclally m any format o r melturn as part of the newspaper database, Web slte or any other product denved from the newspaper Those submrtbng edtonal content, tnclu&ga~clrs,letters,photos andgraph~cs,d l grant Imprint first pubhcatlon nghts of their subnutted matenal, and% wch, agree not to snbnut the same work to any other pubhcauon o r group unal such tune as the

consulting with their own mem bers, they are suggestmg that student voices are not important m this discussion By demandmg more consultatton, they seem to be u r g q Feds to consult not 5tudents, but PamciPants in the orgaffl~ations Demanding consultation is a good thmg, not carrymg it out on your own puts your intentions m question I've never been mvolved in "dent politics 2nd Yet it seems to me that the same problems tend to repeat and that solution 1s smple n a word consultation Representativebodies such as students' council and Imprint's board of directors exist to make dec~sionson our behalf Asking themselves what they believe to be reastm able is an mportant first step, but the thtng that seems to be missing in many situtations 1s the reahahon that rcprcsentatives should make decisions that their constituents would make, not decisions that they themselves support Basic implementations of this thought are smplc As represents tiTre%you need to open to your constituents Let them know what you'reworhgon h h i t feedback A"on"ituents, you need to demand representatFfio Sittlngma representativerole does not mean propagating views that you support It means fightFfig for what the people You represent believe

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Can you say scapegoat? More than meets the eye with new "management team"

YOU! OFF MY PLANET! Thc details are stdl sketchy But here's what matters a man -who wasn't a UW student -got the shit beat out of him -by three men who also were not UW students -in the parkmg lot outside Fed Hall in the early hours of January 1 The victim almost died, but thankfullyhas improved to cirtical con&tion in a Handton hospital As an mstituuon of higher learning, this is exactlythe sort of PR you aren't looking for You don't endear yourself to your commumty and c e d y don't take any photos of such incidents for high school brochures You do a little damage control, point out it's an isolated incident and offer condolences to the victun Unfortunately, our a d s tration did much morc than this

They effectivelytookovcrmanagement -don't be fooled by this "joint management team" rhetoric -of Fed Hall and Bombcr You can see the lme of reasontng of course if only administration had been running Fed Hall that night, none of this would have happened If only there had been a manager instead of a lowly afristant, everythingwould have been just swell If only the culprits and victim had been signed m If only Well, perhaps not Maybe it's more like this uimersity looks bad, university needs to blame someone and look lrke it's taking correcbve action 'What's the quickest way to put some spin on this?" thought the wise heads m Needles Hall. Here's anidea declare the Feds to be mcompetent, then take over their bars1 Positive media attention and putting the ktds m their place m one convenient move \What could be better? I oftenridiculc conspiracy theories in this space, so in the spirit of fairness this week I will offer up one of my own there's something deeper gomg on here than just the New Year's incident

The first clue that there is more than meets the eye is that both Fed

Hall nndthe Bomberwere taken over: if the admstration's rationale for taking control of Fed Hall is that thcrc was a fdure by beds to ensure it was "properly managed" (whatever that means), then fine, take Fed Hall. But why the Bomber? Where has it been demonstrated that the manage ment of the Feds' other s m d a t bar is madequate? One can't be sure, but could it be that some of the key players in h s t r a u o n were hawk& to retaliateagainst the Feds for dartng to speak out a p s t last August's Ivlicrosoft fiasco? That brutal cornmumcationsexercisewasentirely the fault of the a h t r a ~ o and n the Feds were right to speak out. The result was a lot of bad press that may have cost the schoolconsiderable amounts of withdrawn ahunnl support So when the opportunity came for the admintstrationto pan a PK &saster on Feds, they took it and mdked it for all it was woak Thls is all speculation, of course But doesn't it make you wonder?


she told me the inevitable: "Ah yeah Heramb, my boyfriend and I get along fady well but I'm not a super coimtment person." This revelation took me by surprise If she's not into commitment, then perhaps intercourse with me mght be palatable to her tastes. But she'd have none of that. To further accentuatethis rejection, she told me her boyfriend can bench press Jupiter. This physical prowe& coupled with love of the colour of blood would serve hun well m the army, she went on to say. I wanted to jom the army once but couldn't handle the algebra. From all angles it would seem her relationship with Army Boy was fine, built on a strong foundation of trust, respect and a big LO& This did not bode well for me banging her. Apparently Army Boy was a mastcr marksmanwho practiced daily at the ~ a i Indians e be our Targets" range. A k r a long


Camp Trillium is Looking for SUMMER STAFF !



Ganesha didn't warn me about ~erambina

The rule of thumb when you hush exams is to get your ass home ASAP. Fmshing exams early equals more vacation, but welcome to mega boringvdle when your friends aren't done for another week My wmter vacation arrivedwrth a yawn, a whunper and a really squshy fart. After an uneventful day I logged onto MSN Suddenly, some chick that never talked to me before started t h g to me And since she was a chick on my messenger list, chanccs are she was cute and I wanted to have torrid monkey sex with her We'll call her Herambina to avoid being bitch slapped. Since I Ierambmamtiated conversation, I figured let's go for some "messenger mackmg " That's

you They are afmd of the possi bilities, whether they be misleading the girl or actually f a h g for her Offering - such information takes away moral issues and obligations, even if uttered under the influence Ever since enteringuniversityI've and m the heat of the moment I been confronted with guys who arc beheve it to be an easy way out for terrified of commitment Even my boyfriend of two years decided guys with absolutely no guts They when first year concludcd that hc are weak and a waste of tune Just when I thought that I had was not prepared to "settle" for me Durmg the summer, he experienced alltypes of commitment-phobes, I was caught comdecided that I was "good enough" pletely off guard by another more to have fun with, but not commit destmctiveandconfusmgtype to For some reason I decided that Bravely, I dialed his number this was satisfactory, until he wanted me to act like his girlfriend expectmg to learn of his Christmas without defining our relationship escapades In tune, the truth surfaced,the "complication" as he as such I could not handle this ridicureferred to it and something that I would be unable to understand lous concept so I moved on to an regardless of the older man who duration of the call wasn't afraid of (it lasted 2 hours) committing He I believe it to be Ideci~heredthis was 25 and we quickly defined our conversation status. becoming. an easy way Out somewhat but still qute serious pretty for guys with remain baffled Th new girl doesn't fast When I returned to school a bsOlut elicitany serious m September, a guts. Theyare possibhtiesw"e conflctarose. He apparently I do worked while I weak and a completelythe studied an hour complete waste oppos~teHe clams to think tha~ away. Suddenly, I was the one reof time. I am amazing and evaluatmgthe role is torn, afraid that of commitment. I when he decides it broke off this might be too late. almost problem-free bond don't know rf I shodd be flattered a s fear has conttnued from or insulted but I am most definite] hurt and disappointed then until now. I've dated quite a bit, i n c l u w a questionable return Commitment phobes are all to the first boyfriend mentioned. quite hurtful, but I find the last % most bothersome. Maybe because But I've avoided any possible attachment. I feel I now have come it's the most recent, but I don't to terms with some of my issues understand someone being so concermng commitment Although hypocritical and ignoringtrue and seemingly strong feelings We I have not been searching, I have begun to date with the idea of could have had something amazq Even those who epitomize your comrmtmentlingemgin the back of my mind existencecandestroyyour essence. We all fear things and, if it With each guy, I question if I codd be with him in a more serious happens to be commitment, you must overcome. I have overcome, manner. If the answer is no, I usually break it off Lately, those I yet my datmgreluctance remains There isa light at the end of the have dated have presented me a disclaunerveryearlyin the process tunnel, I hope Simply put, these guys are not Interested in anything serious. mtitus@irnprint.uwater~oo.~


Messenger mackers


Epitomizing existence destroys essence

Camp Trillium is a non-profit organization that providesa variety of summer programs for kids with cancer and their families. We are looking for full time summer staff: Nurses, High Ropes Instructors, Lifeguards, Group Leaders, Cooks and Kitchen Help, MaintenanceIBoat Drivers, creative, enthusiastic, kid lovin' people... & many more! If YOU are interested please contact Kelley at: 1-888-999-CAMP ext. 23

and varied conversation she asked why I chose my program. She thought I should've picked l o u d ism1 Aside from bemg a water with a limited Engltsh grasp, I told her it was against Ganesha's wishes. I also said math was about as excitmg as fistmg a donkey. She replied, "Oh I agree! I took it in grade 11and never took it a p n . " To which I retorted, 'You took 'Fisting a Donkey' in grade 11>"To say she laughed would be an understatement 'cuz she didn't laugh. It was more a pause and reflectionof how corny this shteater can get. I was glad to hear I'm number 37 in the event of breakup. There's always difficultysensing the end of a conversation on MSN or ICQ. You don't wanna just break it off abruptly, but try for that smooth transition to silencewhere goodbye isn't fully necessary. Rut smce I gots to take a mondo crap, see younext week!




No, thank you Julie Newmar! Help me! I've come down with "privatizitus" Much deserved character evolution in film Public management often better, folks pnmary roles m movies, the gay communiq was appalled by the way they were betngportr:iyed. 'Ihankhlly,p;l).charactcrr have continued t o cvolvc on the b ~ g screen. In fact, m the last few years, a number of movies have come out (no pun intended) featuring more down-to-earthgay characters. Broken Hearts Club (2000) features TV show Frasiers John Mahoney and teen idol Andrew Keegan, This week I would like to take a among other talented actors. look at the way that gay characters Surely, the film is a better depiction have evolved m the film industry of the gay community as the film's in the last few years Among the gay charactersgreattycontrasteach movies that I wvill discuss are some other in dress, mannerisms and of my very favountes, beginning of overall hfestyle, refusing to commit course with the classic, To Wong themselves to one particularly Foo, Thanksfor Everything -Julie Newmar exaggerated stereotype Then, in 2001, All Ouer the G y Bnefly, To Wong Foo is about hit theatres A film about two three drag queens whose trekacross America is couples searchprematurely ing for "the one," the movie halted by a homophobic "l'mnotgoingto lusthappened police officer,a to feature one broken down if people straight - couple conwrtibleanda accept me or not. andone small rural homosexual town's annual I'm going to couple Person make it to ally, I thought Strawberry ALL Ozw the G I ~ Social While Sheriff Uollard H o ~ ~ ~ w o o ~was , arguably the searches the no matter where be"t"~""'"ation yet of gay immediate area for the group of I'm at." culture Won "homos," the - Wesley Snipes in To derfully romanrespective Wong Foe tic and sidequeens (Vida, splittingly funny at times, the Noxema and movie portrays Chi Chi) teach gay couples in the inhabitants of the town about the very same light as straight ones \tyle, grace and the goodnev of All four characters find themselves life despcrately s e e k the same thmg The most movmg scene of the a life longpartner. movie is the crashing of the Straw We are certainlylixmg m a very berry SocialbySheriffDollard The intcresting time, at least as far as entire town comes out from the the film industry in conceimed party togreet (and heckle) the Most definitely,portrayals of gap unwelcome visitor brustrated and charactershave evolved from embarrassed, SheriffDollardis extremelystereotypical representa forced out of the town as Vida, tions to more down-to-earth, Novcma and Chi Chi are shocked to mamstreamdepictions. Personally, tears by the townfolks' display of I am very excited about this, as it support seems that every year more films To Wong- Foo was filmed in 1995, are releasedwithacceptablegay a tune in which more momes were content As I am sure my readers being created with gay content, but are aware, a is so great to he able to usually for comic relief In thc midrelate to a movie . to late '90s, many of thcsc films Now if only they would portrayed homosexuality in its most produce a film about a Canadian extreme circumstances,aswasthe university gay columnist who casc m The Bzrdcage (1996), In undOuf strikes it rich (1997) and, of course, l o Wong Foo " \Yhlegay charactersweregetting more screen time and more



MAPS AND LEGENDS How about that Your column disappears for two weeks and suddenly everybody is hogging m on your turf When I picked up ImpnntanddiscoveredAaron LeeWudrick writing about the NDP, I was sure that I had entered some alternate reality But apparentlyaall really happened Fair being far, I'll return the favour by writlag about the right's favounte cure-all for societaliHs privabzation The theory goes something like this anydung government does, the prlvate sector can do better (read cheaper). Right-wmggovernments have elevated this theory throughout Canada and beyond to a guiding mantra in public policy But m their haste tocut spending and reduce government involve ment in society, a number of things haven't gone exactly as planned bormer BritishPme Minister MargaretThatchw (all-tunequeen of privatization) sold off everything under the sun back m the 1980s, including British Rail Whde British

dramaticallymcreasedandthe trains still don't run on time. Evidently, nobody considered the logistical complexities of a dozen different companies ru~mlngmany trains m many directions on a common set of tracks. But hey, at least it's profitable now. Some years ago, Utah-based Management and Training Corporation told the Harris government that they could run a jail for half the price ofwhat it costs the provmce to run its own prisons (as it has since Confederation) The Tones, delighted with the possibility of spending less money on anything, lumped at the idea and up went the Pcnetanguishme"supeqail " T o nobody's great surprise, the jail run for half as much money worked about half as well Last September, 100m a t e s tried to escape after the number of overmght guards was cut by 50 per cent, as a cost cutting measure of course Public safety comcwfterprofit once again Health care is by far the richest potential plum amongst Canada's remauungpublic semces Compames have been chompingat the bit for years to enter this m u h billion dollar bonanza "All these people getting sick and nobody's making

only privatization can end Caada's heal&care"crisw." Speakingof media allies, the NatzonalPost, m one of as regular &tribes about why everythtngm the Umted States is better than here, noted that Americans spend more money per capita on health care than Canadians (because they pay lcss tax, the argument went). what the Post doesn't say is that Americans have bothlower life expectancyandhigher rates of infant mortality than Canadians. So, they spend more on their half-privateand half-public health system and get less Further. more, 40 nullion Amencans fall into a huge group of people unable to afford private healthmsuranceand not poor enough to qualify for public Medicaid Compared to the mess south of the border our "cnsis" doesn't seem so bad at all Ideology aside, experience has shown that certain functions lust work better when they are manag~d pubhcly, lust as some activities belong m the private sphere The side that can dclivcr service in the most effective, efficient and equal manner should do it Suspiciously sounds like common sense to me

The student line: a tale of service on campub Diana Miller COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

In the past couple of months, I'vc noticed a huge lackof respect for students by retail and food service staff here at ULV I'm sure I'm not alone and I ha* e two incidents I'd 11keto \hare with you The first incident happened whcn I went to the U\V Bookstore to picLup a special order I happened to see it sittmg on a shelf, complete withmy special order form, so I picked it up and took a to the cash register When I got to the counter, however, the cashier promptly reprimanded me for not asking for assistance, which I didn't know I was supposed to do She proceeded to berate me in front of a line of other customers, saymg she "hates it when students get their special-orderbooks without askmg" because it messes up her alphabet +,l.~w L""

gplM8z$jT m'fzi' ' f

izcd pile I was ummpressed The secondincidentoccurred . recently, at the Tim Honons m the Davis Centre A student a few places ahead of mc m line went out the doors m front of the counter, apparentlyunaware that she caused a cold and unpleasant draft for the Tim I Iortons employees One of the employees reacted to this by yelltng after her (and I'm paraphras in& that she was rude and inconsid erate and should use the other door in the future She then turned to her co-workers and customers, and continued to complam loudly with a ":see what I have to put up with?" attitude. What I want to know is would the employees in these situations have yelled at their customers if they hadn't been students? I don't hold the students blamclcss, we could certavllphave been more considerate and aware, but I think these employeesoverreacted Thc way these situabons were handled was completely mapprop

ate Speaking as someone who hap worked m both food service and i retad, I'm sympathetic to the abuse cashiers have to put up with But I would have been severelyreprimanded, or even fired, for publicly embarrassinga customer, no matter what provoked me' Nowhere else would such disrespect for custom era be acceptable, sowhy on campus? Conndering I've never sccna cashier berate anyone other than a student, I assume the distmction is that yelling at students is okay, but yellmg at adults is not I wonder why this is the case Is a student's money less valuable than everyone else's? Are students m a lower class thaneveryone else and thereforedesenringoflessrespect? Are employeespstcomplaccnt because thcy know that students probablyhave to come backanyway, bad service or not? Whatever the reason, I prefer my business to be appreciated In the future, you'll probably see me off campus where I get my service with a smile


Indulgence is a bad thing

Columnist needs English tutor

To ,the editor,

To the editor,

Student voice dictates fate

Giver of time

To the editor,

In response to Ryan Chen-\X'ing's article rThe politics of the refundable fees debate,"January 101, I take exception to Ryan's sensationalizing of the ProgressiveConservative CampusAssociation'sperceived grudge against LWIRG Let us not lose sight of the goal of their action and its implications for the general student body of this umverwy Ultunately, if the proposals put forth to council are ratified so that the student body can have a say on ancillary fees vtaareferendum,~~ as students would be given a stronger voice as to how our funds can be allocated to campus activities Do not get me wrong: I do not want this to mean the demise of the organuanons whose survival currently depends on fees being post-payment refundable However, t h s change wdl force organi7ations seektng student fmding to ensure that their activities remain relevant to the general student body What good is a to students if organizationsbecome stagnant, knowing their source of funding is virtually guaranteed due to the current fee system? While I fully agree with Ryan that "we should all look out for the best interests of students," we should not condemn Progressive ConservativeCampus Association for attempting to g~vethe students a larger voice in how funds arc allocated In the end, if WTIRG loses as funding, it will be because of the volce of the students, and not this feud with the PC youth

I don't think that donations should be mandatory, nor that students should have to work hard in retrievingtheir money at the start of the semester ["Refundable fees under fire," January 10,20031. If I have to give the money to the university m the first place, I don't want it to be under the guise of a donation I am a giving person and I do believe it worthy to donate to appropriate causes andorganvations, but I resent being strong armed into maktng those "dona tions" m the first place As a poorer student, I have chosen to donate time to orgarnations instead of money I do regret that many students will choose not to "donate" their limited finances to these worthy organizations, but to me, that mctcates that these students did not truly want to "donate" in the first place Rather, they onlyallowed that money to stay where it was due to a busy schedule (maybe laziness) or not being informed that they could retrieve their funds, as was the case in my first few university years This to me shows that, for many students, these "donations" are in fact bills that cannot be claimed as such for tax purposes. 'lhe current system is comparable to the Salvation Army taking a chunk of my wardrobe down to their various stores and saying: "If you don't really want to donate, then why don't you just come on down and pickup your clothes?"

J m n Tsang 2Bplanning

-Jobn Andersen


off-campzis dun

I like your slogan last week "So indulge in an argument today," ["What everyone's reading," January 101 Argumentation is a tremen dously useful process, for all the reasons you stated I agree that many generations of young people have been deprived of sufficient attention to argumentation 1agree that there is a need for the argument and that the opinion section satisfies a part of this Reading arguments, whether good or bad, is an excellent source of understandmgin a balanced reading diet But why do you encourage indulgence> Indulgence is one of the most hated human traits in the process of argumentation Remove Indulgence from the process and you are more likely to find better results Indulgence is a lack of control, a loss of one's logcal abkty to make carefully considered relations It is emotional I hope you would advise others to guard against fulfilling their indulgences when maktng argu ments or decisions I think everyone could find more success that way

I have one question for you why would you allow IIeramb Ramachandran's "People who think they're funny" [Tanuary 101 to be printed? That article was the most pathetic excuse for him to showcase his infantilevocabulary Almost every sentencewas festoonedwith profanity For example, Heramb thinks it's "fuckmg atrocious" for people to laugh at their own jokes Subsequently, he labels these people as "turd nuggets: ''ass monkeys," "jerkoff[s]," and "zombies " Is this the vocabulary he is cultivatmgat UR'? NOW,I have a few questions for Heramb. did you know that the consistent usage of profanity suggests a lower intellect? Are you not able to conjure up other words or phrases to adequately depict your thoughts? If ~ o answered u no to both questions, I would like to recommend somethmg -stop hangmg out in MC and come on down to MJ.. ~



Dusbnq d B Erlglsb literafare

EEDy 4 B rhetoric andpro/erstonal n ~ t m g

- Ed J.

Just who gets a column nowadays?

Adding fuel to the fire

To the editor.

After reading two installments of the new column TIeramb's Harem" I am compelled to write my first letter to Iqbnnt with a simple question what is the exact process and criteria by which yougo over and approve a column to appear in this newspaped I am not asking this facetiously, I am genuinely puuled as to why you decided to include this column over others m what I heard was a pretty heated competition last term If Heramb getting drunk at an office party while old people try to dance to music and telling us about the stupidity of people who think they're funny when they're not won over several other column well, let's just say it's a sad day for the University of Laterloo As Adam Wilson's awesomely sarcasticletter impliedlastweek YHave a pint over this one," January 101, Mr Ramachandran's "wild and any antics" are not a) mformatme in the least nor b) enlightening in any way So I assume his column is there because it's "funny " Now I know humour is subjective, but I for one found h s last piece hilatrously ironic, it applied perfectly to him

In response to Tomer Chervmsky's comments ~7listoricalprotection not afforded,"January 101,there are some points that must be clarified. Islam is a perfect system that requires Musluns to take care of the non-Muslim citi7cns However, Musluns are human beings and just like any other human being, a Muslim can make mistakes We never claimed that Muslims are infallible Chenmsky's statement that "Muslmlaw theoreticallyprotects Jews" is flawed Throughout history, the Islamtc state did protect the non-Muslim citizens and gave them all the rights that Muslims had Proof of thts is the wcllh o w n Maunonides, also known as the second Moses Had he been a "second-class citizen" wouldwe h o w of hun or his writtngs? And if non Muslims were "treated as the scum of society," please explain why they (the non-Muslims) fought alongside the Muslims against the European Cru7adei-G By and large, Islamic civilization did take care of its populations Today, one can still find ancient churches and places ofworship in areas where Islam used to rule, in ?harp contrast togenocidalpolicies that established secular capitalistic countries For example, in Pennsylvania in 1740 European immigrants

were offered 40 pounds sterling for the scalp of a Native adult male equal to a farmer's m u a l wage Islam never had such a policy agamst any non Muslim cituens I am curious as to what Tomer'q objectme 1s in cuttmg and pasting such an excerpt from history? In the 1930sand 19iK)s,if a person were to quote (regardless of whether it was true or not) that Jews were money lenders, their objectivewould be to contribute to the anti Jewish public opmon Sirmlarly, with the war on terror focused solely on Musluns, th ob~ctivcof such an argument is to contribute to a climate of fear and hatred so that America and Bntam can launch their unperial war agamst the Musluns of Iraq -Ahmed Datardina 4 B e~onomics

"Islamofacist" meaningless To the etlitor,

Regardless of how Michael Raab couched his statements, h s tirade agamst "Islamofacists" was full of meaningless catchphrases thatwork only to reiterate the hate-mongering rhetoric filhngthe airwaves r'More lslamofascism' than clauned," January 101 Firstly, using "Islamofascist" ha no relevance to reality Fascismand Islam are trvo distinct political systems that have nothing to do with each other,like "capitalistic communism." Secondly, anyone with a basic understandingof political reality today understands that Muslim countries. Lke all dcv&~~ingnations, arc nco-colonic: of the West. The Taltban, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Saddam I Iussem and others were (and are) funded or armed by Western nations LY'hat goes on in these nations therefore occurswith tacit approvalofWesten nations In addition, Raab failed to mention that I s h c Shariah is not unplementedin a comprehensive manner in any nation. Muslims w-ho speakout against the tyranntcal rule of these regimes and point out that their rules are contrary to Islam, are brutally suppressed. One tyrant is Islam Ikrimov of Uzbektstan, who tortures non violent Muslim activists to death and is rewarded with $160 d o n in a d Anyone who doubts this can go to Human Rights Watch (www hrw org) to see his filthy record TfMichael was sinceremattempt ing to set the record straight, he would have mentioned these facts His failure to do so tarnishes his article as a veiled attempt to whip u~ hate against blusluns -Malzk

llatardina let furer, s~hoolof auountung


Watch your language

The effectiveness of the University ofIVater loo Sustainabilty Project is (me that we're discussed privately ria e-mail, publicly by means of ml~'f~de~l/.org and now- here in It@rin/ ["Sustainability project deserves n o awards," January 31. The arguments are largely the same, but you made one significant difference in your complaints t h ~ time, s one that warrants public response. First, youaccused the UKSP ofbeinga "paper tiger," an organization that "has not produced one direct cnvironmentalprolect" to date. Any i n d w d U\KV member could easdv off a few such projects, such as the . rhyme . strengthening of the national j~outh-orientcd environmental network at the Sustmable Campuses Conference, educational campaigns as part of LYhste Reduction \K'eek and the recycled materials boat race held in co-operation with the E n p e e r i n g Society. It is both interestmg and dismaying that since your firing as em-ironment commissioiler you haven't bccnable to accept that LlVSP can succeed. 'l'rue, campus has not yet become a ground-brealung showcase of environmentalism, yet as Chris Edey noted in last week's opinion pages one couldn't expect the U I U P to entirely transform the campus in the space of a year rl<iang n o slacker," Januray 10J. No, for as ironic as it is to hear accusations of a "papcr tiger" UIYSP from someone who has worked for Environment Canada and the I<yoto Protoco1,your attacks on the UIYSP mere not the most important reason for writing a response to Four letter. In ycur attack, you included unwarranted personal digs on the t'\\;SP founder, Sandy T<iai~g.Sand! is one of the must selfless and dedicated people that one \vould care to meet. She's \x-on a\\ ards for her \wrk on co-op terms, has trar-clled around the rvnrld learning about sustainabJtty and dedicated more fiec time than ts prohahl>-health! to helpiilg others. If I'm not inistalien, she's currently spending her rlmc off school across the Paclfic teacli~ngbhglish to children. Patrtck,plcase remember that personal attacks directcdat those who don't desen-c them only make riu end up looking bad.

Last thoughts on work reports

scrapped. It will be scrapped and I w-ill scrape something else from the roof of my skull and spread it on paper next weeli. It too will be scrapped. After all of this scrapping and scraping, scrapping and scraping, I don't think I will have much left between my cars. But, I will have another piece of paper, one that nobody can take away from me. \Thy do people say that nobody can take that away from As if it's different from any other experience in my life. I once sa\v a cat almost gct squished by a transport truck. It was moving. Nobody can take that away from me either. The only decision I will have in four years is whether I should move my framed Bob Dylan poster to make rooin for my paper that ilo one can take away from me. Take a away. I'll stick rvith Rob.

US not the terrorist

'Ii the E d h , Ah, 'tis the season to bash America. In all seriousness, I found Alroy Fonseca's claim that America is a terrorist r c p e to be utterly ridiculous ["Aaron has wrong terronst," November 39,20021. He even cited East Timor as one of the locations of US terror. T o summarize, East 'l'imor was invaded by Indonesia in 1975. Almost one-third of East Timor's irihabitants died from violence, stanation and disease. On August 10,1999 East Timorese voted ovenvhelmingly to secede from Indonesia. In response, Indonesian-backed militias harassed the populatton According to the LJnited Nations Commis-

- Pcfer Mensi~gu

3A l i 1 d eqjtieerin;:

Came with the title "The Zeppo"

\\'hen 1read the header of Kamachandran's latest column, I really thought it had potential ["People who think they're funny," January 101. Unfunny people who don't know it -a social commentary on the selfish nature of comedy. Swiftly, all my hopes were dashed. Right from the start you treaded into such deep colloquial waters, the likes of which I've never seen. "Ain't", "nuthm", "shmucks"? If Ir~/pTilZ/is the voice of the student population, it's too busy piclung bits of Funion out of its teeth to make a meaningful publication. \\hen youinentioned crack-sprLilklir1gcomedy fai&s and various forms of fake laughter I thought maybe your art& would make an ain~ablcturnfor the better. Uutafter you used the terms "acerbicmit"and"fuclim'diss"mthe same senteilcc you lost any shred of my remaining tolerance. It really is a shame that capable n-rlters hare to bepubliahedncst to such tl-ash that only "half-witted Swah~lis"u ould h i d amusing. Lkspitc all this, the most amusing tbiiig about! ourar~tcleham't yetbeenmcntroned here in my little 13,-kmtc trade. \I hat's funnlcsl is ho\\- painFull!- unfunny it tnd! 1s. 'l'he iclealist in me hopcs that your unh~nnyiicssis some misdirected attempt at Inunour. J,ike your title "l'eople who think they're funnynmas some sort of self-deprecating irony. But dccp down we both !mow this isn't the case. Now that's comedy. I'm sure you ham your o u n special (hidden) writmg talents. Just next time, please don't try so hard.

peacekcepingmission of many couiltries, including the United States, was authorized by the Security Couilcil and has restored relatir-e stability in East Timor. Humanitarian intervention in East Timor has been one of the bright spots in a century of brutality. T o label this "a terror campaign" ~ n s t i p t c dby the United States is disgusting. I think it is important to keep tn mind that thcrc is a moral distinction behveen the massacre of as many cir-ilians as possible, a la bin Laden, and thosc who die as collateral damage. Intent is erwything! T o state that there is a moral equivalence between the two is intellectually dishonest. The death of inno-

WATERLOO 35 University Ave. E.

A second pint over quality

Apparcn tly "bleeding-hmrt liberalism" has no place man open forunl such as Iw@i/~f ["Have a pmt ox-er this one," Januat? 101. Mr. \Ydson, hou can the etmronment, being "cool" with !-ou, not affect you personally? The actioiis of oil you drive a coinpmcs m a y not affcct you, ~u~lcss car or heat your house with oil. Hut let's not fc~rgetoil companies have the fimcial alnlity to sxvay those with political power towards decaions ct~tnctdiiig\d~ thelrlntercsts (whydid I h b p ahaildon Kyoto?). I enlo\ "tieramb's Harem" and "Touched" , , but if all you want to read about are the sewal exploits o f strangers, then 1 sucggcst~-oustick \\ jt11 I'ropl~ or Trw maguile and respect I/i/pri,it as a fi~rumfor a n n e t ! o f ~ ~ i ~ ~ p o i n t s .

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O I haw moved back. Lmng a and breathing it. Contemplating the path my life IS taking as yet another deadline looms over my hcad like thick smog. I ha\ c felt distanced o\ cr h e last while, staying in thc basement, eal~ngthc family's scraps and working, wattmg for mjfavouritc time of the day. IThilc in!- body needed to expel w u t e I could stare at a different d l , sometimes at a mirror and sometimes ;t roll of papcr to\vels. Ilesohtion is defincct d e n papcr to\\ els are the highlight e and of your day. N014' at least I h a ~ princy the luxus!. to ualli and to sleep d e n 1 \I ant. .. 1hough I lust mostly sleep no\\ . 1 must continue tapping an ay at these keys, much lide carunen and Indians tapped at limestone to make am)\\heads. Llake something out of nothing, in\-e.;t scwral hours (,f my time Into something that \viIl only be read to pass me through to the next turnstile ;uid\vi11only be read ICI justtfy somcone else's measly paper grading existence. It \\,ill be read mice and then it urll be

cent civilians is never a good thing, but one has to weigh the consequcnccs of what will happen if murderous regmes or ideologies arc not stopped. In the end, America is not a terrorist regime, nor does it seek to persecute Musluns. It has defended Musluns in Bosnia, Kosox-o, Afghanstan, Saudi Arabia, I<uwait, and Somalia. The United Statcs, for all its faults, has a sincere concern for international human rights and democracy and,unlike Canada, has the wlll to do more than scold and preach at thosc who would abuse those rights.

from II a.m. ti1 close

Page 14


Features emtor hhchck TINS Features asmatant Andrea Kcrswd. features@trnpnnt uwnteho cn

A place to bring that special someone u -

Kourtney Short Raintree Bakery and Cafe 220 King Street North 884-4953

The Raintree Caf6 is one of my favourite spots for a coffee, a snack or the occasional meal. It's a small, intimate space, ideal for a conversation or a date. The decor includes murals of rainforests, interesting watercolour-and-ink paintings and live vines traihg from the ceiling. The menu is heavy on soups and salads, although it offers a few well-pricedentrees ($9.95to $13.95):chckpeacurry,atoo-sweet ginger mango stir fry and a pad thai stir fry. For a few dollars more, there are also daily specials. On one visit, the specials ($19.95 each) were scallop and shrimp pasta and fillet of salmon. On another visit, I enjoyed a vegetarianpasta with pesto, artichokes, sundried toma-

toes and a mound of feta cheese. The menu offers several interesting salads (large $6.95, small $4.95). 'The caesar salad is an orgy of garlic. The slightly runny, homemade dressing is spicy. The salad also includesexcellent homemade croutons, large pieces of bacon and frcshlpgratedparmaesancheese. I found the large salad a bit small for a meal, but it's the perfect size for two to share as a side dish. The sometimes creatively-named sandwiches ($5.45 to $8.95) include vegetarian and carnivorous options, such as the Tower of Power and my favourite t h e Mermaid Wrap. 'She Mermaid Wrap includes two flour tortillas filled with mild smoked salmon, cream cheese and veggies. This s e n k g ts very filling and a bargain for smoked salmon at $8.95. 'I'he Venus dip ($4.95) is reason enough to visit Ramtree. Thts creamy artichokeandasiagochcese dip is only slightly less garlicky than the caesar salad. It comes with pita bread, a multigrain bread or grilled focaccia;we were verypleasedwith the grilled focaccia thatwc ordered at the waitress' recommendation. It's a


generous portion of dip, so etther spread it on thick or plan on ordering extra bread ($1.50). For dessert, an assortment of tempting baked goods are on displayat the counter. The chocolate butter tart ($2.75) is outstanding, with flaky pastry, a rich filling and lots of pecans. The d d s menu is extensive. The list of specialty coffees ($3.75 double, $2.75 single) includes some unusual additions: the bambuccino isadelicious caffeine-freecoffee substitute and the soyaccinois a cappuccino with soy milk. There are fresh-squeezed fruit juices and smoothies. As well, the Raintree's iced tea is a boon for those of us whoprefer it alittle less sweet. Thc flavours vary, but the iced lemonginger-green tea is so good that I duplicated the recipe at home. There is also a selection ofwtnes, beer, llquers and mixed d d s . Dinner for two cost approlilmatcly $35 plus tax. 'She restaurant offers live music on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. For the menu and more information, visit

Thiscafe definitely has a special style.Take your friends to enjo a different experience.

A new bar makes the downtown Frequency Nightclub 183 King Street West 570-4166



A martini glass best fits this club's groove.

Located in downtown IGtchener, Frequency opened in September a m d muchanticipation. So onacold Saturday night last November, myself and a few others decided to check it out. The clubis located just around the corner from the Grand River Transit Centre, so getting there is a cinch. Simply take the number 7 bus all the way downKingstreet andget offright across fromIGtchener cityhall. The entrance is actuallylocated on GaukelStreet, sowewalkedalongthe

sidewalk to get to the door. Upon entering and ascending the stairs, we checked our coats ($1) and stepped into what would become quite the mcmorablc ewning. First off,the clubitselfisgorgeous. \nth a sleek, minimalist approach to interior decor, it looks fabulous. The dance floor is separated from the rest of the club by a set ofchevron-shaped dividers that also serve as wonderful little alcoves of privacy, if you know what I mean.. . And oh, what drinks were to be had. . . our party began the evening with shots of tequila ($3.25) but after that we fell under the spell of their excellentmaainiselection.I beganwith an amaretto martini, whde others in ourgroup enjoyed such bar delightsas

the Supermodel, the After Iiight as of course, the (:osmopolitan. Fc those who lilie ~tharder, there ts als' of course, thepossibiltty ofthe stam ardplinartim.They also hare a w l selection of domcs~icand importe bottled beer. However, when you a rive thcrc you~villagree that the ma tmi glass best fits this club's groov The mustc semcd up was, for tl most part, traditional club fare, andu danced up a storm. If grooving's nl your style,however, there's also apo table in the back. Allin all, the eveningwasa defini success. If you're looking for a gre place tosocdizewtth friendsanddan the night away, Frequency is it.


Feeling a bit cryptic CROSSWORD Across 1. Royal island c$ the redhead 4. Clergyman's widow 10. Mother's flowers 14. HerselJ; she ha&some Gaelic in her 16. Overturned alp pad wzth taste, touch and smell 17. Lone returnzng organzc compound 18. Silica replacing organlc compounds 20. Wild Afncan sheep 21. Wheatuq dirtbag 22. Drug bust outs~deOntarzo zs brblzcal punzshment 24. Dzd not start znztzally 25. Ancient deep 28. Eyeless cod stzmulates puberty 30. Broken alma forms cheekbone 31. Vanant of dressed 32. Double-crested Jurass~c dinosaur 37. Rwer actor 38. Breastplate 39. Source of s ~ l kand opium 43. Relating to the pudendum 45. Lastmg for an hour 47. So be it 48. Sk~lledworker of dyes 50. Nonsensical refraln syllables 51. F ~ s hartzcle peeper ended apprazsal 53. Paper art m reverse nzzsslng Rhode Island znsec t 57. The back end 58. Events mlssing from 2003 Frosh week 59. A mercury and chlonne compound 62. Saltwater partially surrounded by land 64. Record on a metal plate 65. Name of endearment 69. Small buffalo 70. Sea urchin anatomy 74. Recipe for bees 75. Fashionable San Fran neighbourhood 76. Shorne shears hear 77. Justify the means 78. Catnap 79. Mad Cow disease Down 1. Persistently annoying 2. Great Lake 3. Small island 4. Anthropologist's defined Olympic sport 5. Climbing simian mimics environmental agency 6. Set afire


The Norwalk &us

7. Short Homenc eplc 8. Dalmations actress Glenn 9. Fast but not so much so 10. Increasmgly mean 11. Green fruzt shaken In Peru 12. Prepare an exhibition 13. Gwe the cold shoulder 15. Dutch electrical city 16. Domestic swlne 19. Agitate the a x 23. What are the lottery chances7 25. Specialized dance step 26. Insect wmg 27. Express mirth 28. Central lme current of a stream 29. Playground equipment 30. Brlghtly coloured voracious eels 32. Amino acid from liver 33. Sharp bite return3 to prick 34. Ibsen's 1890 play about posthoneymooners 35. Disturbed the public peace 36. Unlawful rate of interest.

44. Hadean river of forgetfulness 46. Former premzer hears crescendo 49. Spring precipltatlon 51. Prolongued unconsclousness 52. Head eayt zn H~tchcock thriller 53. Fngid P~xarproduct~on 54. lnsoluable cojfee bean wall 55. Resemblmg algae 56. Small goat antelopes w ~ t h conical horns 60. Excavator of Knowos 61. Dece~ved 62. In exchange for money 63. Mountmg food zntake for Greek letter 65. Cry weakly 66. Inhabitant of North Africa 67. God of war and agriculture 68. Other than what is implied 71. Pygmy aborigines 72. Reciprocal ohm 73. Informal business

40. Dry white Italian wine 41. Arm off a larger body of water 42. Bacterial culture medium

P AU clues in italics are cryptic clues.

What you need to know Lauren Staines IMPRINT INTERN

Where dzrl the Nonnalk I trus iome / r o d It was first identified as the cause of an outbreak of illness in Nonvalk, Ohio Norwalk is a group of viruses that cause "viral gastroenteritis" i c pukmg and shittmg your guts out The \ims is small, only 27 to 32 nanometres in diameter and can sur mve temperatures ofup to GO degrees C C m Iget fffrom on anzmal? Nope Norwalk only makes its home m humans Thereareno known cases of any other species gctting Norwalk Hon~doyou get ztZ Outbreaks usually occur through contaminated foodand water Lakeq avers and swimming pools are all possible sources of contamination Shellfish, fruits and vegetables are also prone to bemg camers, as they all come into direct contact with water which may bc contaminated It can also bepassedpersontoperson,whch makes students and those m other mstituttonal settings (like nursmg homes) vulnerable to outbreaks What ore the symptom?

Once mfected, symptoms w d d e velop within two days and last from 12 to 48 hours You'll know you're sick when you get a sudden onset of vomittng and dsarrhea, abdom~nal cramps are also frequent m those m fected Many patients also de\elop headaches, fever and nausea Don't go back to class orwork for 48 hours akec the symptoms ceaseas youcould stdl transmlt it to someone else Ir there a zamne? N o And you can'tuse antibiotics, either, since it's a virus (antsbiotics only treat bactenalmfcctions) Well, nzhot ion I do fooprez~entrt? Wash your hands frequently wsth soap and m g w a t e r Make sure all food is properly and thoroughly cooked m santtary conditions And $1 alnatly haze dl Stay at home and dank plenty of fluds Abstain from alcohol, as i t w d deplete electrolytes If the symptoms d o not subssde aftera few days or if younotice blood m your, um, stools, see a doctor And most of all stay the hell away from me and all the othcr healthy people

See yourself in print

T o spice up the Ivpnnt features sec tion we have created a poll to show case the physicalattractmeness of our student body There has been an o n going assumption that Waterloo stu dents pale m comparison to other universities (WLU) What do you thnk2 How do Waterloo students fare?

Sunday Jan 26

grams, we belicvc there are many attractive students that complement our number one reputation rating by Maclean's magazine. . . So, over the next tew weeks, drop by the Impnnt office (located across from the Bombshelter in the SLC) and get pour picture taken Then look forward to the poll and results m a month or two Don't be shy1 If you have any questions or con cerns feel free t o e-mail us at features@mpnnt uwaterloo ca




GRADUATE PROGRAM ON LEASING OR FINANCING - Get the car you want before you graduate! NO $$DOWN WHEN YOU BUY


A four-sided dessert Andrea Kerswill IMPRINTSTAFF

T h ~amazing s little recipe has quickly become a favounte of my friends It reminds me of those sweet summer day9 inwhch you spend hours relax-

ing in the sun, canoeing and waters h g I spent a lot of my time last summer at a beautiful cottage in Muqkoka, at alakenearthehttle town of Dorset, Ontano On this particular trip, my friends and I all decided that we would do a pot luckandeach bring food for two meals This included eveqhngfrom beverages to dessert The day we arn~redwas sunny and almost 31 de pees (oh, those summer days) We started off by headtng down to the

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things up. I was addicted. And now,

1pkg Skor toffee bits chipits b Hershey 1can sweetened condensed mil 1pkg Rttz originals crackers

about those sum-

squares to snack on. I'll admit I am not a lover of desserts, or squares for that matter, but these were amazing. Yes, I am admitting that this recipe is not my own, but has been passed down from my good friend. And, likcanygoodcook,we all have our own special versions of each recipe, made to our likmg. So there we were in our bathmg suits eating these little

take about fire

Take a large bowl and crush t entirebox ofRit7 crackers (youcanu apotato masher or even your hand Add apackage ofSkor toffee bits to t mix Add the can of condensed ml Place into an 8"x 8" pan Hake for minutes at 350 degrees C Let cool f 30 mmutes and enjoy1 You may al free~ethem to eat later

in about 45 minutes. These are

0 E-mail us at features@imprint

just don't want to go

What does the word addiction imply?

Web site promises pot through the post Lauren S. Breslin IMPRINTSTAFF

Katherine St. James SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

The debate over the d e c d a t i o n of cannabis is generally divided between those who feel it would relieve strain from our ludicla1 system and those who believepot 1sagave social threat. One of the underlyingissuesof this debate begs the question of whether cannabis is addictive, and if so,whether suchanaddictionissomething we should worry about But how is addiction defined? Web~tefsdefines it as a compulsive need for, anduse of, a habit-formjng substance (such as heroin,mcotineor alcohol) characterized bytoleranceand by wellldefmed physiological symp toms upon withdrawal, or a persist ent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to bc harmful. In general,sclentwtslargelyagree that there are two primary typcs of addiction. psychologicaland physical. Psychologicaldependencerefers to the strong attachmentspeople form to drugs, leadingtopowerful urges to seekand consumethem Physical dependence is a term attnbutcdto devel opmga tolerance toa substance mean ingthat more of the drug is needed to gain the same effect -and there is a subsequent withdrawal period when the drug-use m ceased. In terms of negative physical effects,it a generallyagreed that smokmgcannabis causes the biggest health problems. When it is smoked, the respiratorpproblemsassociatedwith tobacco are present; however, the extremely addictive nature of mcomeis not present. Motor skills, from coordination to reaction time are affected. Additionally, THC has been found to reduce the immune system's responsetoinfections.Thewithdiilwal symptomsin individualusers of can-

nabisaremddtonon-emstent.Symptoms, If present, resemble those of mdd flu symptoms In&faboratory,wnnahshasbem found to have the same rewardmg effects on the bram of rats as other physically addictme substances, such as alcohol and herom. It tnggers an increaselothechermcaldopammema part ofthemidbraincalled the nucleus accumbens,amichreseachefsbelieves the key to an addictive substance. But the other side of the story, accordingtoJohnMorgan, a pharma cologist at City Umversity of New yoLk~edicalschool, is that rats do

were small ($8 million) when compared to those for tobacco ($1.07billion) and alcohol ($442 &lion) there are ten baccoandalthan users drugs, m en t in g

times more tocoho1 users of illegal govern spend-

cocaine much more easily than -I"== Morgan also clams that researchers are rarely

many other non-addictive drugs that stunulate d o p a m e in the btam Common things -such as eating chocolateorgambhg- also release dopamine in the brain. The impact of health problems associatedwithcannabisis muchless, than the problems resulting from alcoholor tobaccouse.t ore over, legal d q s -mainly tobacco and alcohol -account for the majority of econaniccos~associatedwlthsubstance abuse. For example, an Ontar10 study done in 1997 foundthat annualhealth care costsresulungfromcannabisuse

In the wake of a recent court victory m Montreal, the Marijuana Foundation of Canada has launched a Web site guaranteemg the home-delivery of medical cannabis toanyone,anywhere in Canada. Last month, the Web site was introduced to the public at large after Quebec Superior Court Judge Gilles Cadieux dismissed the drug traffickingckarges of two men who had been distributing medicinal marijuana to the seriously and terminally 111 Alexandre

h c calledthe C o m p ofMontrealwhen d them and seized

out when the

ers~fillegaldrugs is twice the amount spent on tobacco and alcohol users. Themovementtoredassify cannabis as addictive has not gained much momentum through laboratorytests; what it has done a demonstrate the need to better define addiction and judiciously classifydrugs in response to this new defmtion Because of the studies involvmg cannabis, some of the drugs which are now classified as legal have been shown to be more harmful than some that are 111ega.l.

Canadatoauthonzemedical cannabis without providing a legal source to obtain it. The precedent marked an important moment in the Canadian prolegalization movement,but it also encouragedNiron andst-Maurice,both membersof Canada's ManluanaPaq, to establishahome-delivery mbtive. That's nght -it's legal, it's legitimate and it's delivered to your door within two weeks, guaranteed. $120 CDN buys 10grams of the 'lughest

qualitytherapeutic cannabis," saysthe site,which also points out that order ingpoto n h e does not meancontab uting to organized cnmc, but rather, contributmgtotheongolngcampalgn for legali~ation Naturally,not just anyone is e b blc for the service Inordertoregster you need a doctor's note - not a prescription staungthatyou have one of the diseases listed on the site's h e s s index But here's the funny part Their defmtion of a disease Is loose, at best, the list includes everything fromcancerandAIDStoconstipation, colour blindness, writer's cramp and the hiccups These may seemlike strafigeapphcations for medical cannatns,butthey touch on some important questions. [%at is the medictnal value of pot, anyway'Do sickpeoplereallystandto benefit from it? Delta-9-T~trah~drocannabo~or THC, being th,e active ingredrent in marijuana,is believed to be asafe and ' effective antiemetic Because nausea and vornitmg are two of the most dstressmgeffectsof cancerandchemotherapy, they work to h d e r longterm treatment by greatly decreasing the quality of patients' lives "Conventional antiemetics," reported Americansfor MedicalRights, a group based out of Santa Momca, CA,"havebeenrelativelymeffectivem reducingthese side effects." Indeed, the fact that THC works toalleviate discomfort fortemwdy patients is the most persuasive argument m defence of legaltzation. Sothere you have it.Whetherused to appease nausea or treat hiccups, marijuana's medicalbenefitsareclear, and for that reason, this home delw ery Web site reflects a positive step forward.



Science: all fun and games Jessie Quinn IMPRINT INTERN

Forthe secondyearinarow,\Vaterloo sent a team of 19 students to participate in the annual Canada University Science Games. The University of Montreal,McGd University, University of Ottawa, UniversityofWindsor, University of Western Ontario, University of Waterloo, Laval University and\VdfridLauierUniversityallcmpeted in this year's cvent. Laval University hosted the event. Originally a two-day event, it was extcnded to five days this year starting Wednesday, January 8 and running until Sunday, -january 12. The gmws bring together students fromthe various science disciplines to compete in a friendly tournament of athletic,intellectualandculturalprow ess. Events such as the science show

provide students with the opportunity to sharc a bit of their school history and culture with other attending universities through a skit. Quizzes and oral debates challenged the students'intellectualabilitiesand their capacity to construct arguments and rebuttals on such topics as animal testingand human cloning.Andwhat games would be complete without a little athletic competttion? The sporting events included volleyball, kin ball and goose ball (a basketball-soccer hybrid). The cascade,however,was the highlight ofthc competition. Similartothe popular board game Mousetrap, the cascadeis a series oftasks trigeredby one action, which triggers another actionand so on.'l'his year'sgoal for the cascadewas to unroll the school flag. ,The cascade requires acombtnationof the fundamental scientificdisciphes:

Envy goes both ways. TBE

Tors Jnn 28 8 ~ n Wro Jnw 29 8sn THUROJAN30 0pn FRI Jin 31 7 ~ n SAT FED1* ~ P H Snr FEB 1 8 ~ n 0


physics, chemistry, mathematics,computer science, and btolom. UWs cascade began with the distillation of brinc. The recoveredwaterdripped onto a string embeddedin flashpaper and sodium hydride, creatingan explosion of firc and burning the string holding a suspended mass. The suspendedmass then fell onto a keyboard prompting the computer to print. As the dot matrix printer fed the paper through it triggered the fall of another weight, and subsequently caused a seven foot longcatapult to fire. The catapult uncorked a bottle of water that, in turn, spilled over into another bin Contamed in the bin was a bottle holdmg baking soda and vinegar As thc bin filled with water, the bottle levelled out causing the vinegar and bakmg soda to mix The pressure created from this chenucal reaction cauced the corkm the bottle to burst, spilling water onto another strtng embeddedin flachpaper and sodium hydnde,whichcausedanother fire As the fire burnedthe strmg,itunpinchcd a hose and watcr flowed from one container to another like a waterfall




I I I I 1 I







vided students with the opportunit to mingle while enjoying traditiona (&CbCcois food. Likewise, a forma banquet followingthe closingccrcmo nies was rounded out by a pub-cram through .old Quibec-an environ ment any+universitystudent is sure tc enjoy UW's participation in this even was or~anizcdthrough the SCTSO( and was open to all science students




bventually the water reached a final bucket andas wcight caused the Uni versity ofwaterloo's flag to unravel The theme of the games was "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts," emphasmng teamwork \X hat makes the Science Games unique IS that the event is as much about socializingas tt is about the actual competition Pamcipating students from all the schools were housed in the same wing of a hotel, encouraging intcrac &onamong the competitors h e r a t the Cabane de Sucrepro-



plus taxes , delivery extra *excludes Party P~zza and double toppings **extra cheese additional cost


i I ~ ~






















page 19


Sports emtor vacant. S p a s urrrtant vacant. Sparlr kyuul W m m I k u k and Jessx Q-.


Scores fail to reflect Warriors' effort Rod McLachlan SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

u\Ydefencem;mMattTanne~aexem plified the work ethic of the entire men's hockej team in Sunday's matinee match against the Erestern Mustangs when he sacrtficed h s body on a shot block that robbed the opposi tion of aquality offenwe opportunrly carly m the first Despite losing 6 I m London last Frtday night and 6 2 on Sunday on home ice at the Columbia Icefields arena,the Warrior menworked much harder than their Western counterparts whose team is laden with O M . veterans In Sunday's action the Mustangs used anWesst\.r forechedaswellas pinchingdefencemen to keep control of the puck Consequently, the home side had difficulty getang shots on goal Shotsafter the secondpenodon Sunday favoured Western 19 7 In part, t h s was the result of the K'arri-

ors' defence's mabiltty to stop the opposition from moving mto the slot area for good scomgchances. However, one did not have to look any further than the crease and goaltender Jason K7tllardin the two weeknd games to see the tremen dous show of effort put on by the Warrioru Willard faceda combined total of 99 shots between the two matches He kept his team in both games with hghl~ghtreel saves on breakaways, odd man rushes and the penalty kill Willard was described as "outstanding," "tremendous," and the Friday game's "first star" by various Western coaching staff One staff member recalled that "he stood on his head" and that "without him it would've beenalotuglier." Fme complunents coming from an opposition team that is seekingto secure frst place inorder to auoidplaykbothof the other strong division rivals, Lakehead and Windsor, in the -


The Warriors lost 6-1 to the Mustangs Friday.

playoffs UW coach Dave Cressman said that the Warrior team's focus for the year m "trying to emphasize that we can come up with an effort that can giveu~achancetowinhockeygames " Coach Cressman also pratsed Willard's effort "It's hts last year,and I know he wants toprove he canplay at ths level " He put ona c h c with about 20 seconds rcmaimng in the first per~odwith a spectacularglove save on a Mustang breakout to keep the score 2-1 Western 1he Warriors have many post tives to draw from the weekend in spite of the scoreboard They gallantly competedagainstan opponent that is currently in thtrd place in CIS ranktngs Addiaonally, Cressman pomted out that the Mustang players were defmtely not slouche~,"they were not fourth line players m the OWL " Hence, thrngs look brrght for neat year since the Warriorswill only lose four players after thts sea son, and the team will be able to buildoffthis year's experience. Asked what is on the horizon for the men's squad, the coach stated, 'We want to be giant killers." Seeingthat the Warnorswill face the Mustangs twice more before the season wraps up, it appears that they wdl get another opportumty As for the mediate future, the UW men will be playqvmitor against Lakehead tontght and tomorrow, with both KEITH RIVERS games scheduled for 7:30 p.m.


.. . . . .. .- .-

Jason Willard fights to keep the puck away from the Mustangs.

\IIWWW)RFriday, January 17,2003 vs Ryerson ram^, (W)6:OO PM, (M)8.40 PM UW PAC Gym Saturday, January 18,2003 vs U of T Varsity Blues, (W)6:00 PM, ( M ) 8 9 0 UW PAC Gym

....................................... WARRIOR VOLLEYBALL Saturday, J

~ 18,2003 M ~

Hall of Fame ready for Ovechkin

Henry Lim J m t year, The Hu&y N C ~observed JS that the 19 year-old Atlanta Thrashers super-phenom T l p I<ovalchuk (born April 15,1987) has the potential to be "one of the game's all time greats " You know what> Alexander Ovechktnis even better than Ibvalchuk (3echktnis barely 17-years-old, yet he is about to bring the world to its knees The 6'2,1881b left shooang right-winger from Moscow is the most promsing teen since Eric Lindros tn 1989 Compare Ovechktn'sprogress with Ihalchuk's In the 2002 Under-17WorldHockey Challenge held m Sellurk,Manitoba, Ovcchkm tallied 5GP-12G-2A-l4PTS as Russia finished a disappointing

svrth In the 1999 tournament held in Timmins, Ontarto, Kovalchuk led Russia's glorious victory and finishedwtth6GP 10G 4A 14PTS However, the real eye-popper is the best tournament in the world for I 7-year-olds,International Ice Hockey bederahon's U 18World Championshps in A p d Kovalchukplayed m the 2000 tournament as a 16-year-old underager and scoredadecent 6GP 2G -3A -5PTS as Russiaplaced second In the 2001 tournament, he returned and impressed all with 6GP-I IC;-4A-l5PTS, w m g gold That was good, but Ovechkm walked into the 2002 tournament as a 16-ycar-oldmderager and obliterated records witha8GP-14G 4A 18PTSstunner as Russtaplaced second Imagme what he'll do this year' With Ovechkin showingutter brtlliance in U18 tournaments, he was moved up to Russia's U20 team At the next two Four Nations U20Toumaments, Ovechkmplaycd

as a 16-year-oldapstplayers three years older Incredibly, he ledall scorerswithabreathtaking 3GP-6G1A 7PTS in September 2002 and again was top scorer in November 2002,dymgSC;P-2<;-4A-6PTS. In both tournaments, Russia won gold. Surprisingly,a~echktn's19 year-old linemates in the U20 team, Yuri 1mbachev and Alexander Polushtn (thus forming the 'TOP" h e ) , were Kovalchuk's old hemates in the U17 team in 1999 2000 In Russmn domestic action, Ovechlw is playing his second season of hockey against men as Kovalchuk did a5 a 17 year old Ovechkmplays for Dmamo Moscow in the Super League and has posted a solid 18GP-5G 6A 11PTSas a P dh e r in 2002 2003 By allaccounts, Ovechkrn is more of a complete player than Kovalchuk with both excellent playmaking and goalscormg skill.

* Sunday night Tennis Classes s m on January 19. Inshwtional Registration: We are still accepting registrationsto classes that aren't alnddy full. Please come ta the AthleticsOffice stating on Monday, January 20 between 9:00 am and 4:00pm to register. Private and Semi-private Lessons: If you want to take swim lessons, but none of theclasses lit into your schedule, you can sign up for Private or Semi-Private lessons at the PAC. Full payment is requiredat the time of registration. For more information, check the Campus Recreation Guidebook or mntact Annette M i d the meeting? If you missed the heOrganizationa1Meeting for one of the clubs last week, you can still join. Just go to rhe one of the Regular sessions or


January 24 The Bornber

$5.00UW student /$7.00 Others*


+Includes UW, WLU, and Conestoga students and their.guests.


page 21



4rts edttor Can XLaron


k t s n n n ~ r t m tOmmuel Blum. nrts@unpnt uwaterloo ca

V/ v

The unlikely pair of landscapes and Sept. 11 -page 22

Bite-size plays beat TV anyday Marjorie Buck-Ouellette SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Have you ever gone to the movies and paid too much, For close to the same price of a night at the movcs, the I< RTLittlerheatre offers you oncgreat evening of entertainment Lastweek endthelc \Y'I.ittle'Ileatrepre\ented threegreat plays featuredmthls year's editlonof theJanuary One Act Plaj Weekend boryears the I<-\Y L~ttleTheatrehas success fully brought its audience avariety of show s and incrc~llble performances.After the fire that struck the theatre this past summer, things have been more drfficult and the theatre was forced to move bortunately, the dedication of numerous volunteers hept the theatre alive and made great performanccspossible "lhere is still apositiw side to it," saidMLe Kearns, director of Three Doors to Death to be presented at thiq January's One Act Fntcrtamment Weekend," Of course rt is terrible and the theatre lo\t agrcat part of their hstory, but it is great to see xwlunteers who were, and ctill are, veq dedicated and committed to the theatre " Mike I<earns,whohas 13years of esperiencc m theatre,has been mvolvedwith the I<-\\" Little rheatre for a ear Like several audience members, he likes the mtmate, "up close and per sonal" setting provided by the theatre The theatrealsogvespeople a chance togetmvolved, whetherthey have experience ornot As Kearns

said, "'l'he K-W Theatre provides the commu~ u t ~ w i t h a c h ato ~ cdevelop c a connection tothe art It is also an opportunitk to ?howcase atld support local talents who work hard to make eveqr mnute of a performance better than the last " The firstpla] featured 1s T l m Donrrto Uea/h written by Keith Jackson and directed by Mihe I<earns This prcsentatlonic aI3ntish mysterj: a playwithnaplaywhere the audience gets to help to solve a murder mystery If you come to this play, don't forget to bang your notepadl Followmgis the play Boihql'eopL~znmjl'o&e written byJonathanYuluchanddirectedbyI<elly I<nack It is a dark play about a married couple thattries todealwith the deathoftheir son With a m ~ivilizationh~ing~n then coffee anda still body on their couch, the plax redefines the boundries of death Finally, The Monkey? 1'ani adapted and di rcctcd by JessicaDeml, is atwistedplay about a curse that has befallena farmly~vhch,afteracquiringan artifactwith the power togrant any wish, fii~dthemselveswaiting for dreams to come true This One Act K eekend runs January 16 to January 18 at 8 p m with a special matinee at 3 p m onJanuary 19 The event wdl take place at the Registry Theatre located at 133 brederick Street in Kitchener Tickets are $11 or $9 for members. On Thursday students and seniors getlnfor$9. Call the theatre now to resenreyour tickets at 886-0660.

. - ... --

Despite the fire, the show still goes on!

Uri-manipulation: art or discharge? Chet Welsh SPECIALTO IMPRINT

At first glance, ES student Mike McCubbin looks ltke an! othcr first year student - young, bright eyed, maybe a little naive. Looks, however, canbe deceivmg. On Monday cvemg MLke McCubbin organi~eda small group of people n ho took part m a practicewhichhe calls "snowun ma nrpulation " McCubbm claims to be a fan of performnceait,noting that,"fot me, art mcludesurinatrngneat shapesmto the side of a snow bank What's more mady,challenpgandCanadiai~than Peeing in the snow is a "men's only" activity.

writingy ourname on a cleansheet of sno\+ with vour own urine?" Lcho ing McCubbin's statement is Jared Ehgoetz, who added, "I'm from Stratford, right mthe snowbelt I can say that I'\ e tried ptssingmy name in the snow more than a thousand t m s It's a Canadian pastime " Btolog~ major Alyth Gill also noted a techmcal aspect invol\ ed in "snowuri manipulation" saying,"If you're writing J oui namt. P ou, ha7 L t o h o w from the beginningwhether J ou'regomg ton rite m block caps or cursive " It is certain that not ex ewone would agree with McCubbin's

opinion that urinating in qnow is an art form It could even be suggested that he is slandering the name of art However, McCubbm's attempt at writing his name in the snow indirectlj raises the pressing question of whether life, evcn a1anunusual form, can be a form of art In answer to whether he might be tqmg to make a mockery of art, Mc(~ubbmcalmlyreplieddd'hlaybe I'm m & n g fun of everyom bj twing to make urinating shapes m snow seem likeamtnportmtculmdart Ofcourse, last time 1 checked, satire was still considered an art form "

Landscapes and September 11 share common ground Tom Bryce-Hart SPECIALTO IMPRINT

When you make a name for yourself onthe QueenStreetartscene mthelate 1970s and early '80s, the last thtng people would exIpect from you is a sencs ofrealistic landscapepamtmgs. Rae Johnson's Mome/zts from thf Ple~hertotzPond scrtcs ts defmitely a departure from the abstractiomst art that 1s her background "Itwas ansk," Johnson satd of t l ~ series "It represented a critical di lemma I came from the tdca thatgood artlsts don't paint landscapes, but it felt very good to pant them " The sene5 represents works done kom 1988-2002and comes from the Peter \Y.hmat~andMargaretHo~ilnec collec tlon of St Jerome's Universitv Perhaps what pins the Ebherton Pondseries tothe more cerebral work? of Johnson's past is the motive be hind the paintings The passage of time has always intrigued Johnson Eachpamttngshares the same subject thc land and sky around the pond Johnson owns tn rlesherton The dtfferencem the artis that eachpamttngwas done atadtfferenttime of day, under the influence of dt fferent lightmg and cloud condittona. Through herwork,Johnson seems to be trymg to answer the philosophical question "Can you step mto the same rwer twice)" Also showtng at the East Campus HallGallencs tsJohnson's C;horlPlane senes. A more darkandabstractsenes, the canvassesare based onthc terrorist attacks of September 11,2001. The

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painttngs are Iarger than the Fh~hertutz Pond canvasses and literally much darker Mostly black, each pamttng has a pale, ghostly plane at the centre representtngtheamraft frozenmtune lust before colliding with the World Trade CentreTowers "heryone has that moment suspended m their minds " At first the two senes ofpamtmgs secmvery different,andthey are 1he smaller Flesherto/z pamtmgs are calm and non threatenmg Ghost Plane is bombastic, dark and violent About the two very different series the ac companyingbrochuresays,"ThePond pamtings are responses to the sacred m nature, the plane pamtmgs are like

winged angels of death the plane are about states of dread and fear the pond pictures an affirmation o life " Johnson satd, about the sene bemgshown together, that "both rep resent moments that have passed bu are rcpcatcdover andovermthemd' eye" Visually different but thematicall similar, the two series have the abilit to draw many emotions out of th viewers Both senes eltctt a sense o famdianty -yet one ts a memory o fear and the other a memory of mor tranquil days The exhibition will bc from Janu ary 9 until bebmary 13 in the Eaa Campus Hall, galleries one and two

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An example of one of Johnson's backyard paintings.

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Electric testosterone Artwork worth the trek to ECH

CKMS AIRHEADS Electricguitars have beenkicking around for about 75 years and ovcr that time they've been established as a major cultural artifact of the 20th century (and beyond). Synthesizers may have outstripped the guitar as a pop music staple, but the old sixstringer is still in no danger of vanishing into obscurity. Appealing to the connoisseur, the casual listener, or those who simply like music "with guitars in it," the electricdominates rock, punk, blues and mctal. Fans with vastly different tastes s t d get off on its piercing wail, distorted rumbles, or clean and warm sound. The elcctnc guitar can soulfully sing, explodingl~kea volcano and everythingin between. But the electric has metaphoric and symbolic qualities beyond the way it expresses musical ideas. There's the guitar as woman in B.R. IGng's famous "Lucille," for example. Other guitarists, although they may not go as far as naming their instrument, often refer to it with femimne pronouns, maybe asking, "Isn't she a beauty?" of a long-coveted andnewly- acquired modcl. The metaphors easily move from gender to sex, like using a man's mastery of the guitar to represent hts sk11I in the sack. Stnpped of femininity, the phallic

guitar has served as a prosthetic for public masturbation and sexual display. (With all that testosterone I wonder why women p t a r greats are still in the minority?) Straying frompersonification and sexual comparisons, the term "axe," when used as a synonym for the electricguitar, focuscs on battle and strength. Duelling guitarists like Steve Vai and RalphMacchio in the movie Cmssroatlsdon't need guns or swords. When thcy duel, their weapons are guitars. Meta phorically acting as a weapon, the electricguitar also symbolizespower and mastering the guitar is like sei~ing control of a power source. Raw energy is blatant in the guitar's amplified loudness, but you can't harness that energy supply without also being able to hold it in check. The best witansts can let their instrument sing softly and beautifully just as easily as they can make it roar. In the right hands, the electric is capable of contrasts fit for a Romantic orchestm. When the electricguitar is living up to its potential you can feel it. Those arc thc moments that bring out air guitar virtuosos and fdl the dance floor, moments when mosh pits writhe and heads bang. , 1he electric guitar exudes energy when it's truly playcd well. \What makes that so phenomenal? It's an overwhelmingpower and energy we can all taste. As listeners,we have a power all our own. Our ultimate act of control is the decision to engage with what we hear Lawa Tqlor hosts 'W Eccrt Exploit fbe Weak,"featuring the bert in Metal, et'e9 other Jaturrlay n*ht at l1p.m.



Waterloo's own shows talent in the fine arts department Tom Bryce-Hart

SPECEL TO IMPRINT ". . .l'l'lhegoal o f t h ~ i \v(~rkI., nor to rcal~w some ulrmntc \\ 1sdam I)ut ~nswad11 15 R I X ~ I I I ~ procc><. C I hc pn8ce.s o f crc;r TOM BRYCE-HART tmnandgmngavoice tothevoicewithin.. . Artists bv their work; Dean Warwick, Matt Birtch and Richard Sanders. " Pa.&, Richard enter the exhibition, it is his work smaller,lesspornographic scale. Sanders If I were to draw aparallelbetween That quotation comes from apiece that you are mosthkelyto lookat and say: "Ooh, art!"That isnot to say his Richard Sandcrs'art andaliterarystyle, of art being showcased in the East it would definitely be stream of conCampus Hall Front Gallery. The ex- style is pedestrian, but it is easier to seethe influenceofclassic examples sciousness. Sanders' works are inhtbition, titled 315, is comprised of tended to be an artisticrepresentation the works ofthree fouah-year h e a r t s of surrealism w i t h it. Dark, cold and aloof,the compuof an inner monologue, basedmostly students and runs until Saturday. It on his reactions to personal situations canbe seenduringregulargalleryhours. tcr-generatedstills and films created by Dean Warwick deal mostly with or sarcastic interpretations of overThe question begs to be asked: heardconversations.Sarcasticisaword why should we, the tired (lazy), busy depressionand thc pcrsonal duality created therein. The highlights of used by the artist to explain his work, (lazy) and bored (lazy) masses trudgc so scc it not as an msult, but as a through the horrible expanses of Wanvick's work are five short films commentary on the humour that can white-washed parlunglots all the way consistingentirelyofcomplexcombe f o u n d w i h i t . Createdas collages to Philip Street and East Campus putcrgcnerated images dealingwith using images drawn in pen, pencil, I Iall? I can promise a unique experi- the aforementioned topic of depression. The movies are set to haunting crayon and paint, Sanders means to ence forthose whomake the journey, use his art as a releasc, a voicc for his for I had the opportunity to view the instrurncntal tracks fromNine Inch N d s and, in one case,ambient noise way of seeing the world. exhibition on opening night. From now on, the East Campus InMatt Birtch's art youcan expect created by the artist hmself Also HallFront Gallerywill be showcasing to find thc anthropomorphism of being shownare severalstills created the art of graduating students every every day inanimate objects, such as by Warwick. Theseworksare often week until the end of the semester. forks and spoons, and quite often, a visually disturbing, not in the sense Get out and enjoy the artistic side of theme of violence. Birtch also deals thatthey areviolent, but indeed,that they are alien. Think Geiger on a our often misripresented university. with the juxtaposition betweenusing -

technology and being used by technology. A very common and visible theme LnBirtch'sworkis the idea that technology is out of control and that a line needs to be drawn between technology and humanity. His style places him firmly in the centrc of the artistic spectrum, meaning, when you



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Tutor needed for English and Math three days a week In mv home for a grade 7 student. Call Sue at 502-0107: Summer Camn S u n ~ o r tStaff on-camvus interv ~ c w sfor premier camps in Massachusetts. U.S. Summer Camp Staff needed. Apply early! Unwersity students can earn $3,000 Canadian for eight weeks! Plus complete travel, room and board. Office, dmmg hall, maintenance, staff, laundry and housekeeper\. 1J.S. work visa included. Over 40 jobs open! Support Staff can apply onlme at Intervlewerwillbe on campus Wednesday, January 29 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In the Student L.ife Centre. L .

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T h e Datatel Scholars Foundation awards scholarships on a competitive basis t o undergraduate and ~ r a d n a t estudents. Both full-timc and part-tnne students can apply. Selection factors includc acad e m ~ cmerit aud personal achlcvcments. V l s ~ t for furthcr information and application instructions. Applications deadline is January 31,2003. Exchange t o Rhone-Alpes, France and BadenWurttemberg, Germany for the 2003-04 academic year - to undergraduates and graduates; Internal deadline February 7,2003. For additional information and application contact Marla Lango, IPO, NII, ~ o o m 301.5, ext. 3999. T h e Provincial Chavter of Ontario IODE wishes to announce that Leah Butler 1s the winner of thls year's Gladys Raiter Bursary. The bursary for the 2002-2003 academlc year was $3,000. Congratulatlons, Leah. Leah 1s doing her Graduate Studies in the English program a t Wilfrld I.aurler Ilniversity . T h e International Student Office needs Shadow volunteers for new international students arriving on campus for the Fall 2003 term. Shadows help new international studcnts through the transitional period durlng thex first term at thr IJniverstly of Waterloo. A descr~ptionof the Shadow Program and rcglstrahon form 1s available on the Internat ~ o n a l S t n d e n t O f f ~ c c W e b slte h t t p : l / For further informatiorl contact Darlene Ryan a t Counselling Services is offermg a number of personallsocial and study skills workshops during the Winter term including: Stress ManagementThrnugh Relaxation Trainmg, A~sertiveCommunication, Self-Esteem, Procrastmation, Disorderly Eating, Grief Support, Esay Writing, Report Writmg, and Grammar Workshop. A minimal materials fcc applies for most workshops. Individual carccr dcvclopment appointments are also ava~lablc.For more in formation and rezistration,visit Counselling ServIces, Needles ~ a l 1 ' 2 0 8 0or call ext. 2655. Fed up with student debt? Talk about ~t here Nominations are requested for the followmg undergraduate student seats on Scnatc: Faculty seats: one student elected byifrom thc full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineermg, term from May 1, 2003 t o April 30, 2005. One student elected byifrom the full-time undergraduate students in the Faculty of Env~ronmentalStudies Department of I t ~ d c ~ e n d aStudies, nt term from May 1,2003 t o April 30,2004. One stndent elected byifrom the fud-tnne undergraduate students in thc Faculty of Mathrmatics, term from May 1, 2003 t o April 30,200.5. At-large seats: One student elected bylfrom full-time undergraduate students, term from May 1, 2003 t o April 30, 2005. One stndent elected bylfrom full-time undcrgraduatc students, term from May 1,2003 t o April 30,2004. Nomination forms are available at: http:/l www.adm.uwaterloo.calinfoseclnom~nat~ons1 uqtosenform.html or from the Federation of Students Office. At least five nominators are required in each case. Nominations should be sent t o the Chief Returnmg Officer, Secretanat, N H 3060, n o later than 3 p.m., Friday, January 17, 2003. Elections will comcidc with the annual Federation of Students' elections February 7-14. '

Vlewsonlc 17PS, 17" CRT rnonltor tn excellent cond~non.Comes wlth sync and video inputs, all cables, software and manuals. $125 o r best offer. Call Costas at ext. 6462. Cancnn, Daytona, Cuba, Acapulco, etc. 6 All m~luslve Readme. Weck. Guaranteed lowest prlce on ampu us! Spacc lnnlted book -

now! Thames Travel (Todd) 1-800-962-8262. Bridgeport Lofts - bicycle room, ~illtardroom, laundry, park~ng. . - Coop stndents welcomed! Turn-of-the-century buddmg, new modern dcslgn. Phone 1-866-655-5573 o r Three bedroom townhouse for salc, Columbia/ Erbsville Road area. Four appliances, two bathrooms, central air and central vac. $7,500.00 down - $875 mortgage - $80 man1 fee. Call Susan Mulholland 502-0107. Retnax Twin C ~ t y .

VOLUNTEERING Volunteers needed for a documentary film production team. Help t o fundraise and contribute t o a great project with a group of fun and motivated nr e o n l e . C o n t a c t Lauren a t 8 8 4 - 6 0 4 9 o r English Tutors are needed t o tutor students and scholars for two t o three hours per week. Shadows are necded t o help new international studcnts adiust t o life in Canada during their first term a t UW. For more informatlon about the programs, please view the 1SO website at: Volunteerafew hours weekly during the school day and make a lifelong difference t o a child. The Friends Service at CMHA matches volunteers with children who need additional support at school. Friends operatesin parmershtp with thelocal school boards and helps children 4 t o 15 years. Call 7447645, ext. 31 7. Volunteer t o visit an individual with Alzheimer's Disease. Matches made based on interest. Training provided. One to four hourslweek. Call Jill at the Alzheimer Society 7 4 2 - 1 4 2 2 o r e-mail T h e YMCA of KitcheneriWaterloo is lookmg for volunteers in the following areas: Computer Literacy, Resource Development, Children and Youth Services and Special Events. For more information please contact Sam a t (519) 576-8856 o r by e-mail at


Free Frontier College Tutor Traimng: UW Tutors needs volunteer tutors. Help a child and gain valuable teaching experience! Contact Candace Hillier a t or 519-7478 113. Visit our web site a t Student volunteers needed t o work in classrooms or with individual students atPrueter Pubhc School. Union and Lancaster area. Call Bill Shouldicc 578nai n "Tl".

Volunteer tutors are needed t o tutor students on a one-to-one basis in written and oral English. Tutors meet students on campus for one term, usually once a week for two or three hours. If you have a good working knowledge of English, are patient, friendly, dependable, and would likc t o volunteer, please complete the on-hnc registration form on the International Studcnt Office web site a t httP:// current.htm or send email t o Carrie Baumken a t Inputting thesis statistics - in my thesis we are trying t o combme the different correlates of a m tudes towards people with AIDS Into one model. Before, however, we can analyze the data, it needs t o be entered in t o a computer and this I can not d o by myself, due t o my visual disability, therefore I am looking for a volunteer t o help me. An honorarium will be given for this project. Please contact Jane a t the Office for Persons with Disabilities 888-4567, ext. 5082.


Keeping Current - Digitally! 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Offercd t o gradnate students, facuulty and staff Multidisciplinary: Covers the sciences, soclal sci cnccs, and arts and humanaies databases. Held ir the FLEX Lab, 3rd floor, Dana Porter Library. Scl IST - Skills for the Academ~ce-Workplace, to1 reglstratloll form: ist.uwaterloo.caics/courses.hml~ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 8 Keeping Current - Digitally! 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Offered to graduate students, faculty and staff Engineermg: Covers engmeering databases includ ing INSPEC, Compendex, alerting servlces and c journals. Held in the FI.FX Lab, 3rd floor, Dan; Porter Library. See IS'S - Skills for the Academi< e-Workplarr, for registration torm

AWARDS Attention Undergraduate Students! Interested i applying for undergraduate scholarsh~ps,awards o bursaries? Check out the Bulletin Board on th Student Awards Office home page at: http:, www.adm.uwaterloo.cai~nfoawards/ for a detailc llst of awards open for application this tern Further iuformation 1s available at t h r Studell Awards Office, 2nd floor, Needles Hall. Heidi Thiessen Technical Writing Award - Hor ourlng excellence! First place $1,000, second plac $.TOO. Open to all 3rd and 4th year, full-timc UF and WLU students. Visit for detatls.

UPCOMING MONDAY, JANUARY 2 0 Lecture on Rational Dissonance held at 7:30 p.n In the Maureen Frirrester Kec~tal Hall foycr c WLlJ by James (>IEon, chair of the psycholog department at the IJnwersity of Western Ontaric For more Infortnatlou, contact Kirsten Yri at 5 15 884-0710 cxt. 2481. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22 T h e Senate will meet from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. I Laurier's new senate and board chatnbcr. For mar information, please contact Michacl Strickland : 519-884-0710 cxt. 3070. SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 6 Soup Concert - T h e Elora Festival Singers prescn the Coronation Anthems by G.F. Handcl at S John's Church in Elora. The concert at 3:00 p.n i\ preceded by a gourmet soup lunch at 1:30 p.11 For tickets, 519-846-9694,519-846-0331,l-80( 265-8977, www.elorafcstlvalsingers.~~rg.

ONGOING MONDAYS English Language Lab: Emphas~son pronmci. tion and listenmg exercises. Students, facult staff, and spouses are welcome t o attend. Held o Mondays from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. and Fridays fro] 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. m Modern Languages, room 1 1 October to June. FRIDAYS English Conversation Classes: Conversation class, held in Needles Hall 2080, 2:OO-4:00 p.m., fro] September t o June. Students, faculty, staff, an spouses are invlted. For morc informatlon on bot classes, contact thc lntcrnational Student Offrr ext. 2814.

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