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Our house - Ocal wonders why we celebrate our e t h c i t y but not our school.

U W grad off to Iraq Religions studics graduatc Matthew Bailey-Dick and friends attempt to bring peace to the Middle East.

pagc 12


Women's volleyball notches first win The Warrior women dcfcatcd K'indsor last Satllrday 3-2, snapping a 10sing streak that spanned two seasons, 20 matches and over a full calendar Yea+.

page 21

IIth hour election issues Needan o\ emew of the issues most important to the student bodym time for elections week2 That's what Im prmt 19 here for

Up close with U W cartoonist Evan Munday hlunday discloses some of h s early iilspirations and talks about his next comic bookina special ccntrcfoldcdition.

Keys to success for U W hoops The men's basketball squad is better than their mediocrc rccordmould suggest, and the tcam is looking forward to a successfulplayoff surge.

page 22

pages 14 and 15 "Pimpin' Seymour's mother."

"Not going out!"

Jeremy Cain 4th year computer science

Emily Harry 1 B Kinesiology

EWB conference success

Sather looks to turn season around

At the recent Engineering Without Borders conference, engineers fused minds together in discussions on world development and more.

Generalmanager and president Glen Sather named himsclf the ncw head coach of the New York Rangers, a move that Henry Lim finds questionable.

page 22

Eating around One more time, let's meet the candidates Make sureyou knowwhatcachcandtdate stands for before you cast your vote.

page 6 and 7 "Shit. We'll have t o drop out of school."

"You only need one kidney right?"

Hemant Jit, Shafiq Dharani 2A mathematics

Paul Jackson 35 political science

If you have a mealplan, you can eat at most campus eateries. Try it out youmight dtscowr somethingunexpected.

page 16

Looking for some sun

Boxers or briefs? Tim and KA talk to Andrea I<erswill about thc road to stardom . . . and theirundenvearpreferences.

page 23

Reahngweekoptions include the regular, or, for a similar pncc, a tnp to Europe

The FASS producpage 17 tion Campus theatre puts on a tribute to the Muppet Show.

page 24

Protesting hatred

"Sell my old assignments." Ryan Wilson 3A actuarial sclence

"We've spent enough money as it is so w e probably wouldn't even notice." Holly Young, Carrie Hunter, Allison Janes, Kate Gould, Elfie Kalfakis, Melissa Horwood, Emily Maemura

A UW's student's on how to org52nizc a protest in light of a controversial confcrcnce planned for I7ebruaqr I, thencancelled.

page 9 Regular content:

Campus eateries create excessive waste Disposable utensil and dish waste is adding up.

page 19

Ink stains and cubicle graffiti Sometimes it is all about telling the world who you love, sometimes it is stating how much stuff sucks, either w q w c all seeit;'l'omBryce-IIart talks about it.

page 27

Regular content:

Speculations -I<onieczna wonders how students decide how to cast their votes.

Microfiles Benefits of chocolate; problems in shark populations; only 7.5 billion years left on Earth; sperm and its swimming behaviour; fetus cells and improving eyesight.

pagc 9

page 19

Regular Content:


Diet Coke Head - In a new column marts, Da\ id Carey discusses how accurately gay culturc is portrayed on television, specifi cally on Wtllnnd Gmc~andQxeeru~ Folk

page 24

Touched- Titus looks at a different way of judging Feds candidates.

Airheads The Flamng Lips and J ustin 'l'imberlake share the stage on "Top 4 t h Pops". ~ D o they intend on makii~gthis a regular part of thclr show? -

pagc 11 Undefeated - Cowan discusses difficulties associated with homosexual relationships.

"Join the circus." Yulia Finkelshtein 1 B math

"I could get a fourth job ... or a job."

page 12 Heramb's harem A light,hearted look at ass kissers. -

Lee Ventura 26 arts

pagc 12

Men's hockey suffers pair of losses The UWmen's hockeyteam dropped two more games this weekend, despite strong tcam efforts Lfl both games.

page 21

page 25 Poet's Corner- Our poet this weekis Ryan Porter.

page 26

Imprints objectivity questioned amid election coverage dcbatc, board members Geoff Lby andTmMollison stated that thcy had no issue with the headlme change <&torialchanges by avolunteer to a S a d Mollison, "th\ issue is being tory on an organiLation that he was blown far out of proportion." Dilts believes that alack of eqltcit onnected to and the subsequent ac ions of a board member have raised guidclincs on conflictofmterest areat fault. Intpri~zt'scode of ethcs does oncern about the Imprints ability to .eport objectively. Questions of this however, state that journalists should avodconfhcts ofmterest,discloseuna)lqectivitywereratsed by members of treat he Impnntboard of directors and Im- voidable con&cts,deny fa~*oured mnf staffin light of the cicctron cox - ment to special mterests and resist mgc anci new polictes under consid- theirpressureto ulflucncc ncws cox-crage Minutes froma staffmeetingthe 'ratton Nearly half of the Eeds electton wcck followmgthe incident resolved :an&datesmnningin the election st~rt- that Dilts uas m conflict of interest, ng today are, or were, recent lmpritzt stating that the "headline on the UWSP storywaschangedmapproprliolunteers. This has led to questions within the ranks of thc paper as to its ately by Andrew Dilts." Furthcr exasperatfllgthis incident lbility to remain objective. T o avoid ioubts of objcctivtty, Impriwt staff is the silencingofthis conflict ofintercst by board member Mollison. The ,uspended col~unnsbl Aaron Lee X'udrickand Chris Edeyuntil the end week follo\ving the issue where Dilts ,f the election, rcvokcd administra- changed the headline, IConiec~nare we access to computer systems by called being told by Mollison "that if I write anything about this issue that -ai~didatcsand, as stated by board hector and secretary Tim Mollison, he would pull it " Mollison affirmed this and noted that "a was not a 'we are encouragmg election candi iates to not hang around [the Impnm' directive from the board,it was ad\ ice from a board member, and that was ,fficel." mjrself" I<oniecmawas tnformed by These concerns have become the xntre of a brewing debate at Iqbrillt Mollison that hrs directive was m re sponse to a complaint subnutted by md more so smce editorial changes Dilts. Mollison contends that he simnere made by Andrew Dilts on the light of Januaw 15 Dtlts made ply advised I<omccma, ctatrngthat "T :hange\ to the headline of an article don't have the authority to pull con firitten about the U K Sustamability tent" At question, howcver, is Project (U\X SI'), a project that, until whether his advice contravened ImNovemberoflastyear, hewasactively print's policy 15 0 that statcs "the edimvolvcdin. Ddtswas one oftwoFeds tor-m-chiefisthe final decision maker mnwronment commissionersandwas mall editorialmatters," or the code of ethics, which dictates that journalists llso a director and latera board mem ber of the UWSP As stated by Dilts, should"exposeunethicalpractices of journalists and the news media" and 'I could see how it could be inter ~retedasconfhct,mretrospect only " "admit mistakes and correct them promptly." He changed thc headline Another matter compounding the 'Sustainability Project unsustamincident is a proposed amendment to able>" t o what was printed 'Sustamabilityproject fightsawmter policy 15.0thatwas posted onJanuary (term) freeze" Dilts justified t h s 22, the same day that Molltsonissucd change statmg,"I feltthat the headlme his controversialdirective that I suggested way more appropnSee OBJECTIVITY, page 4 ate to the content of the actual article " That editonalchangehas polan~ed lmpnlg 7he two sides are split, with somemembers feelingthatthe change was not a conflict and others feeling that it violate\ Imprint'\ code of ethics Adma G~llian.avolunteerwhoworked on the news section the eveningwhen the changes were made, said "he shouldn't have done that, 1was esESL Teacher Training Courses presslydoingthat." Shewentonto say Intensive JO-hour TESL courses that they had "talkedabout [the headw Classroom management techniqnes Detailed les~onplanning line] and hc changcditanyway.Hc just W Skills development: grammar, pronun. changed it and hfagda p<onieczna, ciation, speaking, reading and writing editor m chef] didn't even know" w Comprehensive teacbing materials T e a c h i praclirum included Dilts made the changes after Gillian D L i g of ~schools., agencies, m d left the oftice,leawnghun to complete recruiters &om around the world For Wn Info b n u c t Oxford Samlmrr the remaining pages of the section Representing the other side of this an Howard


UW graduate Matthew Bailey-Dick is in Iraq with the Christian Peacemaker Team.

UW grad to visit Iraq as Dart otpeace delegation the distnbution of material or medical aid,although hc supports othcrswho do I Iowever, the team is willing to M a h e w Hailcy-Dick,a Universityof defy other sanctions for the opportuWaterloo graduate, \w11 be part of a nity to reveal the truth "Somcthtng Christian Peacemaker Team dclega- that the Americans in our delegation tion that is msiting Iraq from liebm- group have to face is the fact that it is ary 1 to 15. The delegation is com- techcally illegal for Amencan citizens to tra~-el to Iraq right now. The State posed of l4pcoplc FromCanada,the UmtedStates,Hollandand Scotland. Department has issued dire warnings Itsmandate i~lvol~~csvrsitingschoolswith threats of tens of thousands of and hospitals, questioning Iraqi peo- dollars in fincs.This is ridiculous and ple on how the sanctions havc af- I stand with all of them who choose fected their lives and meeting with to travel in defiance of t h s unjust government and agencies to learn law," assertedBailey-Dick Another major issue for the team about Iraqipeacemakinginitiative. BailcyDick whograduated from w d be its course of actton m the event Waterloo in 1000 with an honours of milttary conflict The delegation degree in religious studies and mi- team haspronuseda show of solidar nors mpeace and conflict studtesand 1ty to "places that promote life" m women's studies, explained the ma- Iraq "Standing with Iraqi citvens in jor tasks of the delegation. "One of places thatpromote lifewill probably the primary roles we have as delega- mvolve bemg with folks m hospitals tion participants is to go and bring and schools,or marketplacesandunversities. Part of our message is to backunagesand stories fromIraq. \Ye emphasize that the lives of all Iraqi necd to spread the word aboutwhat's going on there, about the effects of citizensare worth just as muchas our the GulfWar and the economic sanc- livesas foreignersand that itwouldbe tions. Kreneed to see this delegation aprofoundviolation fortheU.S.forces tokillanyone:'ex~resseedBdej~-Dick as part of the worldwide movcmcnt Bailey-Dick,whois currently studyto stop war and promote non-violent ing for onc ycar in thc Mastersofpeace alternatives." The teamwillbe cooperatingwith Studies program at Associated Voicc in the Kilderness, an orpniza- Mennonite Biblical Seminary in tion that has over six years of experi- Goshen,Tndiana,feelsthat the idca of ence bringingreliefand medical sup- a Christian delegation visiting a preplies to Iraq and raisinginternational dominantly Muslim country was not awareness about the effects of the arnajorconcern. "So far itappears that sanctions. Though the Voices m the the Iraqi government is cooperating, Wilderness program has sometimes since everyone who has applied for deliberately violated sanctions by entrance visas so far have beenable to bringng medical supplies into Iraq, get them. I thmk most sensible peoBailey-Dick says that the mandate of ple in this world see our respective the team doesnot include religious traditions as being sunilar m Nitin Gonsalves - -





their quests fortruth,pst~ceandpeace and1 t h d this canbe another chanct to break down some of the harmfu stereotpmgthat pas] happenedww September 11 " Bailey-Dick says he got invoh ec with the team because as a Chrtstmn he belie\ es he is called to more activ~ forms o f p~accmakmgIn 1998, h, went through Chrtsttan Peacemake Team non violence trainingand sine, then has worked with the team 11 C h p a s , Mewcoandm Csgenoopcti~ First Nation (Burnt Church, Nev Brunswick) as well as m local peace malung actions in Ontano "I behev CPT does make a real dtfferencebotl m the way CPTers have been able tt reduce violenceinparticular situation and by the fact that CPTers are con nectedwiththousandsofpeopleacros North America, thesc beingthe man other ~ e o p l ewho follow the pres releases,whodonatemoney,whop~ and who support m other ways " "ULV student\ have the opportu nity to host awareness r a i s q event and work together on collective ac tions forpeace," he sad So many live are on the hne right now It'\ time t act 1t's time to pray "

o Last week we reported that at the January 28 election forum, Rob Schmidt described himself as a "clue train." The article should have instead stated that Rob Schmidt described his greatest achievement as "cluetrain."


A bit of last-minute election cramming Everything you need to know about election issues Alexander Lunde SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

It is that special time of year again it is time to elect new student repre sentatives in the Federation of Stu dents If anythingcan be said about last year's beds operations, it is that they were memorable Oh sure, the on-campus businesses went about their usual routine, with some making money and the ones that histori cally are a budget dram continuingto be s o But this was the only thing mundane about Fed actions th~s year It was a year that saw the first waves of the double cohort flood mto our university It was a year that saw re fundable feesonceagamunderfire It was a year of conflictwithadrmtllstra tive authorities within the university and not on completely different issues Here is a (somewhat) quick recap of all the little brushfires that i p t e d mto major issues that the Feds candidateswillhave todeal with m this election and beyond The double cohort. The first group has already arrived, but the majority of new students will be ar rivmgm the fall term. By theJanuary

15deadhe, 101,668students hadap plied touniversitiesacrossOntario, to fill 61,284 openings Although this issue is more a consequence of the removal of OAC from Ontario's academic curriculum by the provmcial government, it's still an issue that Feds will have to deal with nevt year, and it affects otheriswes like student housing and the campus community The Eeds are somehow gomgto have to contmue expandingefforts already underway to not only physically take on the unprecedentednumber of students, but to include them in the student community Student housing. Last year, the Feds temporarily held negotiations with the city to attempt to ease or remove the bylaw that prevents stu dent housing from being within 75 metres ofeach other The effort is std underway, andaccordingtocanddate Chris Edey "enrolment is due to peak in 2011, which demands long range planning, not stop-gap solutions " The purpose of the bylaw is to attempt to avoid student ghettos, and encourage a feeling of commututy between the various different demographics in Waterloo How

ever, the current supply of housmgis not enough, and nevt year's cohort threatens to overwhelm it It win be up to the next governance of Feds to see if they want to continue the attempt to pressure city councd or if they are going to seek an alternative solution Feds'relationship with administration.bederationpresidentcan& date Andrew Dilts has gone on record as saying that the Feds relationship withU\Xrahstration"has reached new lows " Indeed, over the course of the year alot ofbittemess has built up between the student government and the utuvcrsity a h s t r a t i o n The most visible exampleshave been conhcts over the Bombshelter, startmg with the issue over the Bomber liquor licensmgand the argument leadingto the shutdown of Fed Hall and the Bomber itself It doesn't help matters that the Feds tried to orgamze aBomb crs shutdown party on the Wednes day night, and that the administration closed the Bomber at 6 p m because of fears of violence, effectively stoppmg the party from happening The Fcds then responded by holding a rally outside of the Modem Languages

buildmg m protest To make a long story short, there is a great deal of mstrust andanger on both sides that have been building smce September This situation cannot continue if either body is going to function effectively m running their section of the utuversity. One of the mainchallenges facmgthe - next Fedswillbe to reconcile with the administration, especially m a way that they feel does not impair their autonomy.

students, and of malung the student government seem relevant to thegov erned "U e need to do thmgs that are interestingand help students dowhat they want," claims Rob Schmtdt, VP admin and fmance candidate Candidates fromallparttesare echoing s m larrhetonc The reds need the confidence of the students they are representing,and thev need to convmce the students that the Feds are a relevant organization in student life

Feds' relationshipto the student body it represents. At the public debate forumwhere the all the candidates discussed their platforms, approxmately 40 to 50peoplewere there at any given tune On a campus of 18,00Opeople,thatis not asatisfactory amount, and it implies a generally indifferent f e e h g towards the Feds The candidates seem to be pamfully aware that the problem exist3 PresidentialcandidateDan Colquhounhas made a explicitly clear that until re cently he has been "totally uninvolved with student polttics," and has made reactionism based on Feds' ineffectiveness the centrepiece of his platform Other candidatesalso stated the need for better communication with

0therissues.Thankstocuthcks to university funding on both the federal and provincial levels over the past few years, student tuition fees have beenmcreasingdramatically. The University of Waterloo has made it policyuntil present to keep the rate of tuition inflation at no more then 15 per cent per year hlso, other issues that need to be addressed arc better mcorporatmg frosh into the campus commumty, and of fmding ways of makmgcampus more mterestmg Students havmg more choice m which sttrkable fees they pay to the various on campus is also avery . organuations important issue, especiallyin light of the increasingcost ofpost-secondary education.

Tuition hike: beds upset about lack oi consultation Continued from cover

Twtionm regulatedprograms can not increase by more that two percent per year due to a tuition cap that was introduced by the provincialgovernment m 2000 Tuition in deregulated programs such a5 computer science, enpeering and optometry can mcrkase by up to 15 per cent per year Uruversitiesare requ~redtoallocate 30 p 4 cent of tuition increases toward stqdent financial aid programs The 1%cr cent tution hke in deregulated prbgrams will raise tuition fees to

1 1' f

963,201 mcomputer science,$3,3')1m engmeertngand $4,075 in optometry per term Tuition in regulated pro grams will go up by two per cent to $2,097perterm The $425pertermcoop fee was not changed T.ast year, 12,028 studentswereenrolledin r e p lated program? and 5,778 students were m deregulated programs In re sponse to the tuition hike,tice-presi dent education candidateAaron Lee Eudrick saidprotectingthe qualityof education at CWis his top priority "1 would prefer that [revenue] come m the form of increased govcrment

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funding,b u t i n h s case, that is not an option," said Lee-LVudrick. "Whenever the decision to be made is betweenprotectingeitheraccessi~tyor quality, I will always opt to protect quality firstandaccessibility second." Ifelected,Lee-Wudricksaid he would try tominimize future tuition increases by lobbying the provincial government to provide more funding and pressuring the universit). to collect more donations. Liam McWughRussell, who is running against Lee\Xudrick for vice-presidenteducation, alsoblamed theincreaseon inadequate

I Objectivity:

government funding ''I would be willing to change, as a student in a regulated program, to a five per cent mevery Program than to see an increase in the number of qualified studcntsbeing cut out of [deregulated programs] " McHugh Rusdl said he \& ould lobb) the prm mcial gox7emment to mcrease h d i i l g , but he also encourages studentsGtodotheir own lobbjingin the court of public opin ion, at the offices of their MPs and MPPs and at the ballot box "

Continued from page 3

The proposed amendment states "a 3/5 majority of the board of &rcc tors has the authority to x eto an) editorial decision Should a director find any edaorial content questionable, he/she maj suspend publica tionof the contentuntilat least 3/5 of thc directors have been contacted on the matter If this is not done within

Without Borders conference a huge success Ali Asaria SPECIALTO IMPRINT

The second annual conference for Engineers R'ithout Border? (E\Y.'B) tookplace January29 to February 1at the University of Waterloo EWB is arelativelynew chantable organization founded bytwo former UR students The organization is dedicated to providing access to resources suchas cleanwater and food to det elopingcommumties EW'B's vol unteers travel to hfferent developing countries around the world, working

to create enpeermgsoluttons forpeo ple's everydaychallenges The focusofthis year'sconference, accordingtothe conference's commu mcattons director,MichelleHeng,was to di~cussthe role of other hsciplines in international development and im pacts on engineering Conferencedelegateswhoattended last year's conference noticed that thts year there mas more of a focus on c o n n e c ~ g e ~ e e r i n g \ v i t h o t hhe rs ciplines, as well as a greater stress on the real world issues of international development

Parker Mitchell, right, spoke at the conference. He and George Roter (left) are are co-CEOs of Engineers Without Borders.



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'The whole conference was really eye opening and really motivating." - Holly Goulding, env~ronmentalbiolog~calengineer

Wdway through this year's conference, organiLers and attendees were httwith theunfortunate news that the ~onfrrence'sma~or speakerhad to can celhs talk Former Canadian Ambassador to the UN,Stephen Lewis, couldn't attend due to troubles with h s flight from Africa to Canada "We were understandably disappointed," said EWB's cchif communications officer,RyanMcrkley "I had a really good bme The whole conferencewas reallyeye open

ing and really motivating I wouldn't hate changed anything except that I wish it was longer," said Holly Goulding, an em ironmental biologi cal e n p e e r attendmg the conference from Dalhousie Unmersitv The conference was mostly composed of panel discussions and keynote speeches Notable speakers included David Johnston, president of U\Y:DadEIughes,presidentoffIah tat for Humanity, and John Xratson, president of CARE Canada The highlight of the conference was the banquet h e r that toohplace on the last night. Delegates dressedup for a semi-formal dinner followed by aspeechbyDr.JamesOrlnnski,former presidentofhledecins SansFrontieres (Doctors Without Borders). Orbinslugave an inspirationaltalk about h s 33 years of experience with Doctors Without Borders. He drew parallels with EWB as he gave advice to the organization on how to make sure that they fulfil theirinternational responsibilities. With touching sto-

ries about his experienceswitnessing genocide in Africa, he told the audicncc that 'Wl3 must carchlly define their "vision, action and voice." Thc conference came to an end with his finalmessage ofinspiration: "Youcan change the world with your voice." By the end of the final banquet, the room was filled with an almost-171sible air of passion. All of the approrlmately 300 delegates came out motivated and driven to harness their engineeringtalentsto help thoseinneed. The conferencewasa terrific sight. Itwasgreat to seeacrowdofengineers, normally recognized for their distance from realworldissucs, so enthusiastic about usingtheir careers for humamtarian purposes. It was great, also, to see suchadiverse crowd of cnginccrs in terms of gender and race. Every attendee came outwitha freshlookon engineering and the realities of the developingworld. If E\Y.%'s goal was to motivate and inspire, it would be impossible to say that the conference was not a tremendous success.


Get informed: what vou need tc integration of Sustamab~lityProject;prcviousfrosh leader;In/pnn~olunteer;m~~olvedwithdents Big ideas: Create a Engineers Without Borders. W~yyon'dtotejirhim:Dilts has reason- searchabledxectoryof Pres~dentialcandidates ably concrete plans for the future and students' skills,mteris already committed to issues suchas ests and experiences. Dan Colquhoun Organize back-totuition deregulation Zilapr zm4e\ IVhyyuun uuLd~z?:Dilts'platformlea~es campus bahquets, a\ ailabihtj of student jobs outquite a few important issues, such more guest speakers quality of teaching as the universal bus pass and housing and live performhow student's mom) is used ances, an "interdisciregulations accountability of Feds exec Runnzgmates.T.iamMcHugh Russell, phn~thesis/project better management matching collaboraT,eoDormnguez,Tracy Haynes housing Bzg ~deas.Coloquhoun plans to run Quote offhe &y: "I am to serve as an tion system", and a Feds amore corporate style and "shift effectivevoiceforthe studentpopula- "spitit" budget. Start an adopt-a-floor plan focus back to serving students " FIe tion." for residences,which disagrees wtth Feds actions regardmg would have past resibarclosmp He would have "kept the Chris Edey dents act as mentors lmes of communication open with Mqor cs~ue~: for new residents. housing the U\V administration " Pastexperience:tTeachstrengthening beds Pasf experience. "Project and people iny assistant; UN; empowering students managementskills fromvarious c m mcreasmg student involvement in froshleadewo chair Feds VP internal candidates discuss the issues at the media forum January28. pames and cultures " of cngineennggraducity politics W/q you'd uotefor hzm Colquhoun's agreement ation committee; involved with engiwdlneedtodetemewaysandmeans strikable fees focus on business-style management the double cohort neenng society, English society ,senof&\ ersifymgthebusmesses morder the double cohort couldprove to be efficientanduscful Big ideas: Resurrect discussion on the ate undergraduatecommitteeand Iron to gain revenue from businesses that increasmgtu~tionandfextbookcosts 140yyorn7uouLtin%This is Cloquhoun's have historically been an cconomic Bzgztiear: Pay dividends to students as tirst fora) into student politics His universal bus pass. Create an environ- Warnor, founder of Muskoka Club, "shareholders" in the corporation of burden " \tatements and plans deal mostlywith mentalimprovement fund. Promote Poets' Salon Intellectual borum and the Federation of Students Re estab what he would have done differently city politics on campus by havingmore After Hours Arts Festival lish a rapport with administration TraqHaynes rn the F LIIalljBomber ~ fiasco The candidates \-isit U\Y' and lobbying to W/g yox'd/~ofeforhzm:hlatanaddresses Ensure that next year's influs of stuMqirr &es: resume door-to-door enumeration in issues that no other presidential canfew ideas he has are vague dents have access to properly funded didate does: studentcultureandschool the dbuble cohort student ncighbourhoods. ILnnzng mafer None upcoming renegotiationsof the Fed clubs and rssources. Create a technolPasf e~prrirn6.r:Government affairs spirit.These isiucs, although intang'I~oteujthday "Feds is a corporation ogy fund to set up a wireless internet commissioner; Imprint news editor: ble, are vital to a healthy and h a p p ~ IIalllease agreement I'll make sure WL get better manage system in the SLC. Create an OSAP l Bombshelter and Fed Hall closures former communications director of university community. I Iis platform merit, less politics, more agreements, B&i//eus:Offeravarietyofe\ ents forall and financial action team U\YSP; invohcd 111huusing issues on seems dynamk andenergetic. md more for 1our money " student counstudents. Negotiate and co-operate Parte~perienc~:P~~~ious W b you n,ouLdn't Although Matan Feds councils. [Vhy~you'd~ofejtr him Ldcy 1s already addrcssesissuesthat no one else does, with the LTY administration regard- cillor and board of director member Andrew Dilts ing the Uomber/bed Hall closure with Feds; Campus Response Team; in\-olvedmuniversityand citypolitics. we don't h o w where he stands on \la/or mueJ while safeguarding Feds autonomy. off-campus don; UW frosh leader; He intends to raise the profile ofpoli- other important ones like housing, tht double cohort tics on campus, wh~chis arguably a the U-pass, and tuitlon deregulation. Ensure that the Fed5 fee is not wasted founder of Students for Society. tuition Wl?y-yox'd iot~jbr/~im:The wireless on underused senices Explore the the relationship between Feds and good thing He is already in1 oh ed in Runnrg mai5 Janna I Iickson, Rob possibility of the Feds pursuing their internet system sounds llke a great Schmdt housing issues tdmm own hquor licence Create an "ear- idea, and reduced adability of OSAP Why you 711onLdn%. Although kdey has Oinot~ofthe day: "X aterloo has a repu13gzdearFighttuitionderegulation by is a significaa issue that no one else marked amortization fund" to prop manyclearplans,many of his ideas are tation for being bormg I wdl create xmtinungefforts ofdercgulationac venues for us to make interesting erly account for capital expenditures. seems to be addressing. t a p e (e g "strengthemg the orgam Liongroup Oversee internal account W&you n'ouLdd~:There are legal and things happen " Improve benefits for part-time Feds dnlityof the Feds by improvingcoun- zation", "open communications") staff Investigate the possibility of a administrative complications with -illor training and implementing a Rtlnning mates: John Fedy, Dave payingdividendsto students.Besides, VP Administration and Finance grocery store on campus party whip' position Represent un- Capper UW has enough funding problems Pastexpenence.Marketing logistics co dergraduatemterests tountversityad- Quote ofthe day: "Once I take some- candidates ordinator for the Residential Energy without reducing their capital. mnistration, federal and provmcial thmg on I w d not quit until it is done, Dave Capper Efficiency Project, St Paul's student Runnzng mates: None Mqor zssues: and done right." governments and the community councilpresident (2001 2004, Snow Quote ofthedayr "I would make a very l the double cohort Past expenence:Feds councillor, memValley fundraising co-ordinator,BueU bgeffort to include as many people as l how Feds fees are spent ber of the deregulation actiongroup, Alex Matan Fitness and Aquatics Centre staffand possible t o work o n busincss visibtlity of the Feds tnvolved with OUSA, environment M&r irsues: program manager, UW frosh leader, prolects " housing campus culture o m s s i o n e r , involved with UK' B&zliea:Diversifythe Feds businesses don at St Paul's College Why yoddt ofejorher: I Iaynes has clear Rob Schmidt to cater to thenew market the double ideas, strateges to implement them Mqor zssues: cohortwill openup Return the manand experiencethat suggests she could l Feds autonomy agement of Feds businesses to the make it happen. Plus, the on-campus bedsgeneral office expenses beds and revamp them so they beb e d s relevancy grocery store sounds conventent come profitable Carry on Chris Di Bzgzdeas:Return to thc Feds' previous Wky you nlouldnn't: This platform Lullo's work by creatingacoffee \hop sounds great m theory, but could it funding formula, which sees only 50 m Ground Zero, increasingFeds relapercent of the Feds feego toward the tionships with part time employees, happen? We have to seriously con ADULT ENTERTAINMENT corporationand 50per centgo toward sider how many of these ideas arc Ike$ and increasing the use of Feds TV to bc accomphshed,especiallyrenova- clubs (the current formula gives the P& expeneme: Don at Ron Eydt Vilwhere it's all about talent! tions to Ground Zero and the on- beds two-hrds and the clubs onelage,Feds onentationcmttee Chair third) Give students more mfo on campusgrocery store for the faculty of environmental sciences, UW froahleader,I~nnfphoto Rzmnq mates: Andrew Dilts, Leo Feds business operations Develop a more productive relationship with Domtngue~,Liam McHugh Russell editor Whyyor4'droteforhzmCapper has clear Q o t e of the hy: "I'm dedicated to admin. Support student initiativesto improving student hfe by mean5 of produce student software, such as and orgam~edideas about what he fiscal responsibility,busmess growth studentforce caanduwstudent org plans to do He will continue much of r : founder of Di Lullo's work instead of wasting andexpansion and strongleadership" Past c ~ p e r ~ e n ~Co uwstudent org,news editor and board our time and money by trymg to go in of directors member at Impnrrc e q e Rob Robson a completely different direction. nence inmedia communication,pre W/g-yof n~oukdn?:There'snothtng terMapr icsne~: Bomber, Fed TIall and the liquor vious Feds student council speaker ERLOO AT NORTHFIELD.. ribly 0~1aboutCapper'splatform W/gyo~~'d ~ofeforhzm: Schmtdt is the licence Rtlnnzngmates:Chns Edey,John Fedp renegotiation of the Fed Hall lease only candidatethat addressesthe fundQuote ofthe hy: ''The new exccutive Diana Miller SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

- -








choose next vear's leaders ingformulaorrelease ofmore financialinforma tion to students He appears to haw a good understanding of the reds' track record Whyyou a d d n ' t Schmidt's platform focuses m~stl~oninternal Feds business andmentions nothing about implementing new initiatives or continuing old ones Rwnnzng mates Janna Hickon, Alex Matan Ouoteofheclay:"Iwill help you dowhatvouwant by making Peds businesse5 relevant to you "


VP Education candidates

Aaron Lee-Wudrick Major z rsue~: communication wtth admmstration OUSA and CASA student involvement m education issues availability of co op lobs the double cohort houqing scarcity class size the cost of education Bgzdeas:Ke establisha relationshipwith admin Consult students on OUSA andCASA through a referendum Implement a student-inaiated course evaluationsystem Ensureaccessibility to education without compromising- quality Prezzous eypenence: h p z n t c o l m s t , Campus Rec member, involved with uwstudent org, Watpubs co ordmator, involved with pohtical science and economics student societies Wlyyou'd ~oteforhzm. Lee-Wudnck's ideas are clear, well-planned and probably m the best interests of the student body He also has plans for new endeavours (e g the student-mtiated course e ~aluation . system) that sound beneticial Why_youwoufdn?Lee Wudnck has openpoliecal leantngs as a member of the campus Young Conservatives and a member of the Canadian Alliance He also has controversial views on

- .-.- --- .- ----

1 C / U re:~

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issues such as the refundable fees debate Many people agree with him, but many others don't b n n z n ~mutes: None Quote ofthe dq: "T'te tried to keep my goals reasonable and will strive to do thc ]ob well "

LiamMcHugh-Russell Major zssues quality and accessibdity of education the double cohort Feds autonomy Bg zdem. Restore fund~ngto post-secondary education InvestigateOUSAandCAS A to find outxvhcthcrthcy're~.~lmble Spendmoremoney on"serviceresources "Presen.eFedsautonomp Pretaom e%penenie.two years student council, delegate to Ontario Undergraduate Student A1 hceconferences,donatRonEydtVillage,EAC member; UW frosh leader, MathSoc member, co-otpcouncdmember;involt edwithbeds board of directors, budget and club committees Whyyou'dtotejorhzm:McI Iugh-Russell not only has experience with education issues but also experienceworkmgdirectl) with the Eeds Why_youn~or~fdtt't: After reading his statements, it's sdnotveryclearwhat he plans to do or how he plans to do it Runntngmatfi::AndrexvDdts,Tracy I Iaynes,Leo Dominguez. Quote ofthe clay: " I ham a coherent vision for education, for defendingit at Waterloo, and the expenence to help make it happen " VP internal candidates

Leo Dominguez Mqor issues: the double cohort quality of housmg twbon deregulation Bigtdeas: Create a Feds newsletter. Get students mvolvcdwith local democratic processes Deal

-- --- --- -- --- - - -- -- ----



-- -- ---

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- erotic valentine" ddecor - drink speciats with glow cubes


withthe stnkeablefees issuesaftercarefulconsid cration of students Keep students informed of the Fed Hall/Bomber issues ork to ensure that students have access to quality,affordablc housing Act as a link between the community and the Eeds Create better beds events with increasedadvertismg Implement acampus-wide volunteer rccoption system Prezlzou expenenie:Off campus Dons service co ordinator, co ed varsity cheerleader, LTX' fresh leader, treasurer for the University ofWaterloo photography club, pretious I~nprmtstaff, bed Hall Staff, off campus don Why y07dil votefor hzm. Dominguez has a lot of great ideaa and tons of enthusiasm in getting them done Also, it takes guts, strength and lots of school spirit to bc a male cheerleader Wlyyor~n~ouIdn't:His ideas are mostl) recycled versions ofwhat everyone else is doing 1hnnzngmates:Andrew Dilts,Tracy I Iaynes,Liam McHugh Russell Q~~oteofthedg:"I want students to be proud To be proud,we must be tnvolt ed TObe tnvolved, we must be informed "

JohnFedy Major zssues: the double cohoa mproving communication with students continuity Bg zdeas' Contmue what previous Fcds executives have startedinsteadof startmgover Create more activities to incorporate the needs of next year's students Use multimedia technology to create new means of communtcation Build uillversity pnde through cross-campus events

Ensure 5tudents are informed Pre~rome*pmenu2 UR' frosh leader, enmron mental studies ortentatton committee ewcutive (FOC), planning students' association prcsident, environmental atudics socicty VP, frmh weekexecuti~e Why yox'd 1 ate for hzm It would be nice to have someone carrv on Mike 1C~mg;m'swork and ensure that his projects are eT entually finished W l y yon 11 o~ddn't.Many of his campaign strate g e s are sublective and might be difficult to put intopractice Itrnrrzngmnter Chns Fdey, Dave Capper Quote offhe hy. "Dwersity is one of the best things this university has to offer "

JannaHickson Major zwm the double cohort Fedsrele\ ancy clubs and services Hg tdea~:Compile a list of club's orgam~ational meetmgs for the term Attend societyand forum meetings Increase clubs funding Double the number of students involved in clubs Pm~zord~eexpenenir Feds student councillor, Vl? internal of cngneering society, member of the senate student aid and scholarshps committee Whyyou'd z otefor her Hickson's platform is full of adrmrable goals and useful ideas Wlyyona~o~rkln'I.Hickslacks clanty,anddoesn't explain exactlyhow she plans todo many of the thing5 she's promising Runnzg Matex Alex Matan, Rob Schnudt Quote ofheday~"1w d g o to the societymeetings and other fomms where students are "

How to judge your vote discredit Ifvoters consider this issue they must decide how they consider each side. One thing to note is that other candidates may have ideas that neither theynor the voters know are unfeasible. Voters mustthen judge the ideas and plans ofcandidates.

The Bombshelter has now been closed for three weeks as voting starts in Feds elections Candidates arc making predictions of what they would do next year if elected, yet none of last ycar's candidates predicted the situation with thc beds bars and Feds' relationship with uni~ersiqahmistration As voters decide for whom to vote they must judgc not only a candidate's plans, but the likeli hood of fulfilling those plans, and the candidate's future performance in unforeseen situations Some plans are unfeasible or impossible and people don't realize it until after they take office and understand the situation better or until they t q it and fail As I wrote last week Robert Robson's plan to give a dividend to students ts m oomc ways possible but isn't very feasible under Feds as a not-for profit corporation On Monday night at a forum Kobson admitted his error It is a credit to hiin to acknowledge his mistake, but then not knowing in the first dace is more of a

On the campaign trail candidates readilyrecognize that past candidates have not fulfilled all the commitments they made during campaigning These same candi dates, with no inkling of the Irony, qtcp forth and proclatrn plans that this pear *w~ll*get implemented Platforms or parts of platforms are often left to the side when people realize the job is different than expected Sincethe unprec edentedlarge froshclass of 1999, Feds candidates have becn "committed" to housing and promised to fight the 75m spacing restrtction on lodging houses Almost four years later on t h vuge ~ of a new class of unprecedented si7ewe have yet to see results A universal bus pass has been a platform pomt before as has, everyone's favourite, fighting hution mcrcases, maintain ingacces~ibilttyandalso qualtv Voters then must judge howa plan might be fulfilled. When I applied for this column in May last year, one of my topics was "Should Feds get its own

w h a t are

liquor licence>"When the problem with the licensing of the expanded Bombshelter Datio arose last September, I wrote on that topic The issue has roots further back with the violence at hip hop night5 at Fed Hall about five years ago I'our ycars ago admtn unilaterally cancelled a r&e at Fed Ha11 Last year admn was going to restrict the admittance to the Bomber to a number less than the total capacity to enforce the capaciqm each room, until Feds suggested the idea of having the lme up m Ground Zero The standoff on bar control and autonomy. has yet . to be resolved so we cannot retrospectivelyjudgc the current exec's performance. Once it comes to an end they must take blame or credit for the outcome and tell the students and thence future executivesall about it Voters must then also judge each candidate as aperson. When you vote make sure you arc informed Poster colour, campaign teams, and being the friend of a friend are all poor ways to decide In addition to reading what the c a d d a t e s have to say about themselves, which is the bulk of election information, look to other sources for a better picture Be careful with your decision, but remember most of you will get to vote all over a p i n next year


Praveena Seenivasagam poses prior to the Waterloo Tam Student's Association's Cultural Caravan proformance in th SLC.

YOU ................................... CCak hjagg this R e a d i w Week??

Mysteries surround the Feds election

A conference sparked a protest downtown Kitchener on the weekend. The organizer, Mark Harding, below, has been convicted of willfully promoting hatred.

A battle against Muslim hate Ali Asaria

- -


Followers of MarkHardingarrived downtown Iatchener on February land were denied access into the Walper Hotel, which had been reserved to host a series of lectures designed to prove that Islam IS a violent religion. l'he anti-Muslim speakers fumedwth rage when they found that policc would not let them continue their conference.

The hotel stated that the organincrs had violated their rental contract and thus would not be allowed to use the hotel's facilities. The conferencewas well advertised -posters wcrc all o17er campus last weck telling students that they should come to learn everythingthey "ever wanted to know about Islam, but wcre afraid to ask." The posters conl-enientlyfailed

to mention that the organizer and main speaker at the conferenceRev. Mark H a r d i n g is a convicted hate criminal. Evcn now, no one knows who pinned up those 60 or so posters all over Feds poster boards without Feds authorization. l'he same posters were also mailed to all members of the I<-K' community with Arabicsounding first or last names. See PROTEST, page 11

Friday, February 7 - Vol. 25, No. 26 Student Life Centre, Rm 1116 F: 519.884.7800 IJniversiqofWaterlno P:519.888.4048 \Xatcrloo,ON,i\2L3til

Editorial Staff h&tor-m-chief, ILagda Knnieczna cd~torjfl~impr~nr uwaterloo.ra .iss~stmtcdtor, Lauren S. Rreslm Cover echtor, LLrlody Hul Photos, Tyler Thomas .\ss~stnnt photos, Lilr Ray Graphics, Jnhn Paul Curry . \asrsmnr grnph~cs,lcff Tran \X'eb, l<art~k;~y;~ (;UPI;I \sstslant mrb, .Uex Lee Svstems admm.. Ross lordan issisrnnt systems admm I,m Hmraiil ixad prtwfrc;drr, D;nncl Dh.rnn.lsur! Prootic.idcr, 1.1-nn Chrcn Proofrc,idc~. -1dlnn (;dl~an Proofrender. Dan~cl Snundrr~


Proofrcadcr, vncant Office Staff Busmess manager. Cnthenne Bolger \dvcrhsing & produchoi~manager,

This is the first time I've paid close attention to Feds elections and my efforts seem to have been m vain. I've read platforms in lmprGz/,on ~n~sftcdent.nqand at carefully. I've talked to candidates and read their Web pages. I've gone to forums. so, I do not feel informed. At the MathSoc forum, I heard a lot of einph statements like "I a p e with that guy'' and "to the best of my knowledge." F.rcn on IIII,JM~I//.(I~, where candidates haw as much t~meas they need to do research before at~sweringqucstions, the most common phrase is "I don't h w e that information right now, but. . . ." 'l'hese statements do not help me understand who these people are and what the) expect to do. They merely make me wonder whcthcr t h ~ 1s s what I would hear were these people to be elected. Campaign promises based on lack of information do not deserve to be called promises at all, but merely represent conjecture. As a physics student who was never mformed about school pohtics, the process by which we choose our representativeswas always very mysterious to me. I was hoping that by being informed, some of this mystery would disappear for me this time around. It hasn't. It seems that I'm doing more research than the average student -I haven't seen more than a couple of dozen pcople at a Production staff Ian Alechschm~dt, Susan linbnk, Sarah-Hrth Doner, Steve I<enned?, l e s s ~ eQumn. Rachel Shugart, Ph111p W rinrr, Shawn \V~nmngton-B,111,Llan Zlotn~kov

Imp-int ts the official stuicnt nrwspaprr of thr l n w r r sltY of 'vaterloo. I t ls an edltonall? l i l d c ~ c n d c l l t new-spaper publ~shedby h p ~ Publ~cations, r haterloo, a corporiltton wkthout share c&pual. Im?nn,nni 1s a member of thr Ontano Community Newspnper Assocratmn (C)CK.\). E d r o n d suhmlssmns may he coilsldered for pubhcat ~ o nm an? edluon of Impnn.? Imnpnnt may also srprodncr the matrril cornmrrcdly m ;my fi,mnnt <,r mehum as part of the newspaper database, Web site or m p other product dcnvrd from the newspaper Those submitung c l t o n d content, mcluchng artdes, Letters, photos nghts and graph~cs,w11 grmt Imprint first publ~cat~on nf then wbmltted matcnd, ;md ;is such, xgrre nut TO subm~rthe came mhrk to any othcr pubhc,ltmn or

forum and when I went to the only candidate R'eb site adwrtised on iow//de~if.og(which, because it is so advertised, I would expect to have the most hits), I saw that their "team vision" had been read 132 times; all other links were read even less. Kith almost 13per cent of students (just over 2,200 students) wtmg in the presidential race minter of 7002, I'm still wondering how tliesc people decide who to vote for. In a qutck informal survey vf students in the Great I {allFebnlar!5, among the few who said they might be voting the most common source of information seemed to be candidates that they had met, either who had haiidcd out flyers who had come to their clarses. A small number of people sad they would read caildidatcs'platfortns, either in I//priu/or on the Feds \K'eb site, before maliing their decisions. Thcsc sources of ~nforinationare severelylimited.(:andidate responses toIflpr;t~/electioncoucrage questwns last ~vcekwere about twice as long as thc four pages that we eventually ran in the paper. Ideaa are tossed around but not backed up because of lack of space in print or lack of time at forums. I wonder whether lack ofmformation i s due to lack of Imo~vledge,but I cannot answer this question. It's a wonder, though, that more students don't seem to be aslung it. I'm not sure what the solution is. A more promincnt campaign, perhaps, drawing in more stakeholders who ask morc qucstions, might be a step. Demanding the information you need to make a decision is another. Either way, if you do go out and vote, make sure you are as informed as you can be.

group untd such tnne as the mntrnd has brrn dlstnbured m an m u e oflmpnni, o r lmpri,il dcclares theti mtent not to puhhsh the material T h r full trxt o f thls ,yrccmcnt is ;~r.ailahleupon request. Impnni d i m not guaranrer r puhl~sharncles. photographs, letters or advertising. Alaterd ma? not be publishrd, ,it the d~scrct~on of Inptit~t,IF that tnntcna 1s deemed to he lrbelous or m contravention with lmprij,ts pollcles whrespect to our code md l o u r n d ~ s t ~standards. c Imptint 1s published every Fnday dumlg fdl and wmter trrms, and rwiy second F n d q dunng the spnng tenn. I n ~ p m trcserr-es the nghr tr, scrren, rdlt ,md rrfusc ;~drcrosmg One copv per customer, lmprmt 1SSh 0706-7380, 111pnat CDh Pub \I;ul Product S ; h i g m c mcnt no, 554677. Next staff m e e m g :

Monday, February 10 12 i l l p m , bLL 1116

Next production night:

Wednesday, February 12 5 30 ,,.In SLC 1116



Feds erection coverage

This year I was introduced to the intimate functtons (I guess you could say) of the Federation of Students Now, I fmd myself fratermzmg with the Lkes of these pohtical boys and somehow I was slept oops swept into the current election craze These candidates not only affect the dynamicsof our schoolatpresent, but ask anyone who knows a candtdate and theywill agree- thm friends have morphed into political zombles However, deep downmside they remain students wtth needs, wants and animal mstmcts Withhopes to ease some tensions (mme included) circulatmgthroughout our campus, I met with the can didates to discover thelr hidden desires Some were quite reluctant and displayed their current pre-occupations with the election The presidential candidates were quite accommodatmg Andrew Ddts and I chatted m a barwhile numerous ladiesattempted to join m, Chns Edey and1relaxedm the ES coffee shop at 9 a m (he likes tt m the morning),

Alex Matan dropped by the office for a quickie and Dan Colquhoun and I spent some time on the 1m pnntcouch Each encounterfelt quite unique, this beingmy first timewith eachone Dilts,betng~~erttcallychallenged, made up for it with a carmg charm and offenngnumerous hugs (unfortunatclythe 'party whip' was no where to be found), bdey was quite ttred and plays the guitar to relieve stress (he's good with his tnstrument, too bad he's taken!), Matanisafirmbeliever of the '%ands on approach" being open to "all forms of exhibitionism," and Colquhoun used to be a masterdebater before his girlfriend came along Prowding the most entertamment were the candidates for VP education Once agam the contrast between candidates was clear My understandmg of Iaam McHugh Russell was based mainly on his physical appearance He sported a shirtwhich read Tatme raw,'which remained qutte amusmg even after he pointed out its oyster bar origin Then, m conversation, his size 17 feetwere mentioned Insttnctively I asked him to create a 'hang ten' gesture, I nearly fell off my chair1No wonder he wants to be eaten raw, there's too much to cook1 Aaron Lee-Wudnckput my moistpanttes m a twist tummg me on wtth his provocative prose In response to

the administration issue he responded that he's "not going to bend 01-er or get on his knees, but [he's] willing to do a little give and take." In terms of commitment, McHugh-Russell is happily involved while Lee-Wudrick is available, possessing a hearty hbtdo, ex claiming that "the only thing [he'll] try to stop from going up is hution " All the VP admintstration and fi nance candidates handled themselves quite professionally;all are committed to their seriousgirlfriends.Transforming their prudish statements proved to be easy. Dave Capper's goals are to provide communication and visibility but to do participation [from students] is crucial." In other w-ords, he likes to talk during his endeavours with the lights on and with numerous people (preferablystudents). Rob Robson wears a tie but he has yet to use it sexually(whatawaste!), but"isn'tafraid to admit when [he's] wrong." I think that he'll be bondingwith that tie inno time. Rob Schmidt, a whiz with electronic devices.isa firm believer in honesty, both welcoming and providing criticism,tellingyou anything, no matter how awkward the position. Obvously, sometimes the seemingly quiet and reserved are the wildest. When it came to meeting with the VP internal candidates (therewas little coming involved),allseemed busy and had little time for me. OnlyJohn Fedy got in touch with me. I learnt (sadly) that he has agirlfriend and tryingto p ry

into his personal life was next to im possible Interpretmgthe new ideas in his platform m a sevual manner (of course) might hint that he expert ments wtth new thmgs but, alas, he ha\ yet to have such opportunities I offer a different lookat our bederation of Students candidates Ex cept for three -Tracy Hayncs, Leo Dominguez and Janna Hickson I have mentioned them all From m j knowledge, these three neglected to participate for various reasons My suspicions are that Havnes and Dominguez need to get some 'to gether-time' - perhaps testing out Dominguez's proposal of a nap room As for Hickson, I'm sure that she is exhausted by the attention re ceived from her male runnmg mates Regardlessofwhat they sayintheir platforms and during forums, the thmg that we all need to remember is that they are sexual beings I encourage eteryone to cast an mforrnedvote, whether you do so by researchingthe candidates,attending forums,checkingout theirptctures,or examining their sexual prowess Embrace the candidates with open arms and hope that m future years more of the candidates will be single And personally, although politics has pleasured me recently, I still long to reach the end of this (or any) erection

Fake ID: stdl a crime

you commtttmg stupid crunes like trymg to use a fake IDS on New Year's Eve, then the probability that they would have been in the right place at the rtght time to stop what occurred that night would definitely ha\ e mcrcascd So ifyou are loohng for wmeone to blame for\\ hat occurred on New Year's h e and for the closure of Ted Hall then start bj7 looking in the mrror

continued from page 10

If they had, you can be assured that they would hate reacted to the more senous situation immcdiatcly But J ou seem to propose that the U7Y police should allow you and your friends to commit a m n o r crime bccausc of a potential more serious crime which could be gomg on at the same time I am sure that every criminal would like to say the same so if we take your logic to its full extent then looper cent ofpohce resources should be dedicated to stopping potential murders while other less serious c m e s actually take place This is obviously not realistic Fmally, I would like to postulate that perhapa if the UW police had not been forced to deal with peopk like


Protest: against hate 4

Continued from page 9

Student groups on campus, learmgthat a racist conference organized by a hate crimmalwas scheduled to take place m their community, reacted swiftlyunder the organi7ationallead of \YIPIRG By the Wednesday before the conference, student andcommunity groups,as well as concerned mdividuals, gathered at the \XTTRG office to sketch out a plan of action I hey wanted to react to the conference and spreadacounter messagc that was antt-hate They gave themselves a name, Umted Agamst Hate, and decided that a non-confrontational, silent vigd outside the conference would send the message that the K-W commu nity does not welcome hatred The anti hate response was diverse People of all faiths and backgrounds umted under a single banner with the understanding that hate hurts everyone The demonstration was a success Hardtng, unable to enter the Walper Hotel, embarrased himself m front of television cameras as he knelt on the street praying to Jesus that God might spare the demonstrators from thetr "satanic religion " Other anti-Muslim speakers followed by c m g close to the demonstrators and trying to provoke them mto argument 'Why is everyone so afraid of Muslims~"htssed one speaker "They worship trees, not God" said another Despite the humour of it all, demonstrators responded bl staying firmly silent, holding up leafletswhich rcad "Unaed Against I Iate " I was glad that I got the chance to bc a part of the demonstratton it was an experience for me to see hatred up close I was amazed by our community I met many peopk who dedicated much of their efforts to assist m the planning of the anu hate demonstratton There, on the cold sidewalk of King Street, I felt proud to be a part of the K-W communtty


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FRIDAY, 1.1 'RRL'AKY 7,2003

Proud to be a Waterlos-er

Ah, International \Y7eek.There's no better t m e to proudly represent the other nationalities that you hold dear. Students all around campus conglomerate to wave flags, dance cultural dances, eat ethnic foods and most of all present to U\Y' the culture that they are so very fond of. This week, even 1 found myself proudly bearing the colours of my roots arouiid Ring Road. Therc's no denying that many of us will ardently show our support for thc country in our hearts on campus (anyone at LAX' during the \Y'orld Cup could attest). Yet, by loohng at this &splay of patriotism, I find myself wondering, do we, as a collective umty of students, feel a similar pride about UK? It's avery touchy subject, of course. Some people will say that they are extremelyproud to be a \%'arrior, while others rush to get their degree and never look back. Unfortunately, the conception

among many students (onand off campus) is that U\V is a very lacklustre school and that there's no sense of pride and spirit on campus. We obviously don't haw to wave U\X' flags around campus at every moment or be smug about it, but the question is still very valid - are we proud at all? We definitely have a lot to be proud of, yetwe rarely really seem to express it. More students have collectivelpgathered to combat administratioil in their closing of the 13omber and Fed Hall than did to celebrate U\Vs 1l t h year as thc top school in ~acle'ans' reputational railkings (even though there xvas free cake), or many of our varsity home games (and many of our teams haw had solid seasons this year). Of course, in the case of the administration battle, it is great to see a conglomeration of students on campus passionately motivated for a single cause. Too bad it had to be ag~instour own school (but we'll save that for another column). The fact is, unlike students who represent their cultures during International Wcek, we seem to lackan extroverted display ofpride on campus. But this is not the root of our problem. There is defifiitely an intangble thing that we are

missing, because you can certainly see flashes of pride on campus comtng from smaller subgroups, (engineers proud to be engineers, St. Jerome's students proud to be St Jerome's, the juggling club proud to be part of the juggling club, etc.). If anything, it shows that despite the stigma that our school is "full ofgeelts," there is certainly something for everyonehere. Students find their niche and become proud to be affiliated with that mche The problem is, they tend to stay in that niche and ignore the rest of the school liecentlv U\\ ha5 offered some new 7-enues for cultintion of campus-widcassociation \Yarnor K~eekends,for example, bring in LAX. students b y the hundreds once a month for special activities and ewnts, l'hings such as these are definitely a good start to dereloping our proud idcntity But we need to do more as students. Maybe the onus is on us to eslubit this pride. In reality, we know we have it and wc know there's good reason too. Macleans thinks we're the best, so maybe it's time we think so too. J,et's wave our flags and proudly wear our shirts and be proud to be Waterloo W'arriors.

Wanted: the source of our problems

UNDEFEATED 1often wonder why relationships are so dam hard1 It seems that everythingis fine w hen you're friends and fine when you're dating, but as won as hvo people dccide to commit to each other in some way, that's when the real problems arise. So what is it about a little intimacy and commitment that gets people so stressed out? Personally, I think it's fear; fear of bciilgrejected,accepted,intmate,

committed, abandoned, neglected, sold-out, vulnerable, too senous, not serious enough, used, abused, abandoned, alone, tied-down, taken for granted, disrespected, unsupported, obsessive and misunderstood. Any of these sound familiar? I h o \ v that many of those fears sound pretty familiar to me While every relafionship is prone to problems, gay and lesbian relationships can suffer m different ways To find out how, I decided to consult a few of the professionals In terms of homosexual partnerships, Dr Richard Habib, author of The Power ofa Parfrer,


claims that the two most common problems in gay relationships relate to intimacy and self-esteem.Hc savs that these issues often affict agay relationship due to a lack of societal, political, legal, or family support for these relationships. Also, Dr.Habib points out that gay individuals do not always possess the tools to solve problems because they have not been taught how to have healthy ongoing or satistjing gay relationshps. According to Dr. IIabib, it would seem that some problems arise in gay and lesbian relationships due to a lack of support in their past Dean Kadican, advisor on bay and bisexual issues, says that the reality of mtunacy can cause real problems for gay men and women He attributes this fear of intimacj to thc state of emotional isolation that most homosexuals grow up in, unable to express their true feelings Thev are raised to view intunacv a7 a feeling between a man and women, through romantic and sexual acts. Therefore,ifgays and lesbians are led to believe that intimacy can only be achieved through sex, then intimacy must be impossible, since thcy have been taught that sexual acts should only occur between a heterosexual man or woman. Of course, this is only one opinion, but aninteresting theorynevertheless. Dr.Habib's second source of problems in gay relationships is low self-esteem. In hopes of gaining more information on this topic, I

decided to consult everyone's most beloved television relationship counselor, Dr.~hil:In his book Re/ationJh$ Re.cme;Dr.Phd a p e s with Dr.Habib in saying that low sclf-esteemcan be detrimental to a relationship. He states that people suffering from low self esteem can unconsciouslyd m e their partner away, in hopes that they will recetve a dose of reassurance.He calls these people manipulative, demanding, jealous and insecure Roy1 Dr Phil really does "say it like it 17 " Suffering from low self esteem can make people feel Lke a "bottomless pa," nothing is ever good enough. Of course there are many different types of people who struggle with fcelings of insecurity. Gays and lesbians often do as well, somctimes due to a struggle in their youth (or quite possibly adulthood) to accepting themselves for who thev, trulvare. , Certainly a fear of intimacy and low self-esteemcan exist and be troublesome many sort of a relationship, however, it seems that the amount of support and acceptance that homosexuals receive in their youth might have a serious impact on their adult relationships. Naturally, any of the theories and opinions discussed on this topic are debatable. but one thine is certain: we often forget the impact that the past can have on our present:


The art of ass kissing

My days as a columnist are slowly tickingaway. Che can almostparallel my situation to Mahatma Gandhi. Like C h d h i , T too am trying to be silenced by an intolerant few. And like Gandhi, I too am a short bald Indian man who enjoys weaving cloth. Perhaps if I kissed ass more, people would like me. But, that ain't my style. Ass kissers arc like a malignant tumor in society,'Yheir msinceri~ is (mAx~cluwed only by their maddeniilg desire for success. 11's this goal that drives an ass kisser to unbelievable depths. Ass kissers are all about image and makingconnections. Let's be realthat'sperfectlpcceptable, but what really gets my goat is the way in which they act in reaching these goals. And that's all it is, one gant performance after another in hopes their proficient thespian skills will pay dividends in the long run. Take mornings at work for instance. There's no such thing as a morning pcrson. Pcople who appear bubbly in the morning are probably drugged up or stricken with assklssamorphia. These individuals make it a point to engage the head honcho in superfluous conversation, laughing uproariously at the boss's witless speech. And when their lips are tired, they slither off, choosing the less sophisticated nod with all fellow equals in the organization, somehow feeling we're not worthy of actual oral communication.

Of course, come lunch hour, an ass kisser makes a mad dash to the boss's office with designs of more ass lussing over a beer. But when the boss has othcr plans, thcy slither off avoiding eye contactwith the others. God forbid they have an unproductive lunch. It's this snobbish attitude toward work place interaction that ruffles my feathers. But the absolute greatest has to be when an ass kisser is having a particularly e.&lara~udaywhere they've just sucked up to each and cvcryperson ofinfluence. They're in that ass-hssing high, where lips are locked and loaded ready for deph-ment. EIell, at this point everyone is fair game, even us lowly peasants. People they would normally avoid like the plague are instantly approachedand talkcdup. l'he!~'re in this warped realihwhere differentiation between junior and senior staff is obscured. Su what you get is an csplosion of ass kissmg: "Oh hi Peter, h o d s the wife. .~:Hey mail room attendant, that's a nifty tie. . . Martha, you lost at least 10 pounds, you sex.7 beast. . . ." In othcr words they look hke a dufus. You see this and the boss sees this and the feeling is jubilant. Anytime an ass kisser loses their subtlety, they've lost the war. Attempts to kiss ass in the future will be greeted by serious skepticism.The ass kissing beast has been thwarted. The first step to reaching a utopian existence is to crush ass kissing like thc bug it is. Only then can we evolve as a species.So in conclusion, when you're in the presence of an ass kisser, makc loud suckling noises. They'll get the message. Rut if they don't, shoot 'em with an elephant gun.

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Amelie-7:OO One - 10:OO

word toboggan," he said. He later didwellwith another word competition.'There was this vocabulary building contestcalledWordMastersintheStates.Igot perfect in that in eighth grade. There was a national competition and a bunch of people tied for firstplace.They hadceremoniesin the state capitals so I went to Trenton [New Jersey]." Evan has been drawingfor aslongashe can remember. "Just as soon as or shortly after I startedwriting.As soonasIusedapen,crayon orwhatever, I was just drawing stuff that you saw in cartoons or TV or comic books or whatever. "My mom used to get me ones [comic books] in the supermarket, when they still sold theminthe supermarket.Sheused toget me one every week, usually~-men. I started

Comic book superstar Evan Munday has been creating Mort 'n' Newton comics for Imprint for four years.

sued over.Also I mentionedpresident Johnston." Though he hasn't yet been sued or arrested,Evan's drawingshave attracted alotofattention. He drewairhe safetycard stylepictures for the T o w to have sex" article in the 2001 Imprint frosh weekissue.That froshweek, UWresidence prevented Imprint from distributing the frosh issue in the villages. Imprint said it was censorship and the story appeared in The Toronto Star and Canoe. After that people contacted him wanting him to draw-other pictures of sexualintercourse. "This one guy wanted me to draw a picture of people having sex in a hot tub," he recalled.

nomical way for people because producing little mini books and selling them because A) I don't know tf any one would buy themand if they would, how many if it would even be worthwhile. . . "So I thought by just putting them uparound schoo1,people canlookat a if they want and if not just pass by." He normally draws at night, "It's like saving the best food on pour plate until last. When I know I don't have anything else to do that day I can sit down and draw-." \%'hen Evan finishes school this year he hopes togetmto drawingcomics.

A bulletin board comic creates magic Ryan Chen-Wing IMPRINTSTAFF

EvanMunday started Illstributingthe secondissueofhis comic book series, Ama;ing Challengers of CJnknownMyst e ~in, the early morning of the last Friday in January. It wasn't set to be sold in a store or a newstand or distributed overthe Internet, but on the bulletin boards ofUW. Eachpage of the book is stapled or tacked to cork boards in four different buildings on campus. Last term,hhndayposted the first issue acrosscampus. Eachpage &rectin~readersto the build-

the comic,eachpageisalittlepiece of the story that sh~dentscould read andenjoy onits own betweenclasses ormhenewr they are browsingposters. "Iwasworlungonit because I Like working on stuff. 1 didn't have any intention of putting it out. I made some copies. I had 10 or 12 books that I photocopied and gave them out and T was thinking that it would becool for other people to see it since you get a lot of rejection letters and

nothing was moving on that front." Munday thought of posting the pages of his comic book on the wall so people could read it without paying anything. "I thought it was kind of cool because free entertainmentis always good," he said. He doesn't think many people saw the first one, but hopesmorewill read this new one. In the second issue, the first couple pages explain the background and allow reader to get up to speed. "Not much happened in the first one anyway. The team came together and fought some monkev."

any plot or theme m mind. I wanted thtsgroup of charactersso I could do whatever I wanted because I have a whole bunch of ideas and to just do it in one format instead of having to write different stories," he said. "So it's just these five disparate people who are brought together. Well it's four brought together by this one wealthydlionaire, it's kind of redundant, this millionaire. "He brings them all together because they allhave these bizarrepowers. He brings them togetherbecause he wants to make this adventuring clubwhichwillbe usedto investigate

This was one of the first comic drawings that Munday ever did. It came much before Mort 'n' Newlbn.

but I want it to be little weirder than

regular superhero stuff." The whole premise seems a bit like the X-men from comics Evan read as a youth, but he points out differences. "As for the whole ProfessorX thmg, I guess that part is similar, but Maxim isn't completely bald,isn'tinawheelchair, has no powers of his own and isn't running a schoolwherethey canhone their powers. Also, the team isn't hated bv the mass o f h k t y , like mutants are in the X-Men. If all goes well, the mass of humanity won't even know about them. I tlunk that enigmatic bald man are justpart ofthe territory when it comes to comic books." In a future issue Evan plans towrite a storywhere one ofthe charactersisshot with a disintegration ray, but is surprised to survive undisintegrated. Only later, when he returns to his famly,willthecharacter realize that it is his life that is disintegrating. Amazing Challengers 2 is posted in Hagey Hall, On Friday, January 31, Munday put up his second bulletin-board comic book, Arts PAS, E2 and MC.

Amazing Challengers of UnknownMystery, on bulletin boards around campus.


Take a peek at the places to eat Browsers, DP main floor

Browsersis aneatlittlc coffee stand locatedinside the Dana Porter library. Althoughits staplesaremostlycoffee and U\Y' bakery goods, it also sells juice,chocolate,sandw-ichcsandsome rather neat littlegoodies. On one msit, T found trail mix bars that were absolutely drvinc. Browsers is great for a bite when you're really busy. PAS Lounge. PAS 3005

If you want a study environment similar to Browscrs but you don't want the nose that goes withit, try the PAS Lounge if you can find it. A quiet little snackbar locatedmsidca relaxed study area, it dealsprmarilym pastries andcoffee but alsohaspop, chtpsand . . . coup! T thrnk T'mgoing to become a return customer there because it seems to be a great placc to gct some quiet reading done.

Barn! Kicking it up a notch at REV.

Pastry Plus, NH, BMH, CECS Tim Mollison IMPRINT STAFF

Although the recent stop onalcohol service at campus bars has some stw dents boycotting Food Sen-ices, a boycott is not feasible by all. Ex-eq term,studentsin theVillaEeresidenccs shell out a mandatory fee of at least $1,195 to g t a $598 credit o n thcu R'atcard that can only be used at U\T FoodSewices locattons. \V%ile t h s serves to be quite c o n venient, some Vdagers quickly re of thecafeteriaintheirresidenceandseek

other options. A'lid\va!. through last term, standingtn line for the sandwich bar in Village One, 1 encountered someone who had newr eaten at Riubalier's or anywhere else on campus for that matter. Thus the scarch fort11eHol~~Grailofon-campus food bcgail and it began closc to home. Mudie's, V1 Central Complex

hludie's is laid out like a can of sardines. Trying to move at all during abusypenodisnexttompossible.It features a sandwich bar, apasta bar on school nights, a salad bar that runs

from the begaming of lunch to aftcr dinner, schcduledmeals and fast food from the grill and fryer, asu ell as Y\Tbakeryitemsandbreakfast cereals. The thought hat comes to mind when I + tq to remembcr a Village entree is the tortelliniin tomato sauce that 1 had one afternoon. The pasta was standard, but the tomato sauce was terrible, hax-ing very ob~iously gone directly from a can to my plate with n o additional ingredients. The g i l l food often does not fare much better. The hamburgers are ofa texture I canonlydescnbe as pasty and the popularity of the deep-fried spicy chicken breasts baffles me. However, there are some edible options: the philly steak isn't all that bad and the grilled chckenwrap, albeita little salty, is a defmite thumbs-nay-up. M r s . M L first floor

'lheh1odernL;ulp;lgescafe isver) small,but small enough that cx7eryone is in one line to get food. NL's has dally specials, bakery items and grill food, mcluding chicken burgers and thepopulargrilledcheesc sandwiches. Staff are usuallv, ~leasantanclsen-ice is fast. The hotbcefsandwich that1 had left somethingto be desired. The beef had the taste and texture ofwet cardboard and the g r a y was far too salty. The accompanying potato wedges were good, but the salad was dry and bland. ML's was cozy and friendly,but the spectals could improve. L


Pastry Plus sells U\Y-baken-items, chips, softdrid<sandcoffee.Thes e m ice i u x-cry fricndlybut it's not aplacc for any type of lunch. I had orange juice. Festival Fare, SCH second level

To be fair, I arrived at Festival abbut sevenminutes before theymere to close, but it was not what I was expectmng.I foundaplace that simply did not look Ike a place to buy food. Poor lighting, poor &splay of product and lots of bare, pale walls stared mc in thc face. Their food selection was fair and I eventually had a tuna steak with rice and baby carrots. The baby carrots were wellcookcd, thc mewas unpresslvelywellseasoned -but, no joke, the tuna steak tasted like the smell ofthe roomit came from long aftcr me and my take-out contamer made it twt the door. It had a sickly synthetic taste to a that lust didn't say "tuna" to me. I \crould go back for thence aione, but something mas seriousl!- fishy about the fish.

springroll, fried broccoli, chcken with sweet and sour sauce and dles and, for greasy"Chinese" fo, wasn't half bad. I loved every minute of my impending coron; Brubaker's, Student Life Cer

Being an I ~ ~ r i office n l dwell often opt to dine at Brubaker's. not a fan of Pizza Pizza's presen thinkit could be done in-house r cheaply and it would allow for i varicty of toppings), but I'm not ally disappoii~tedwithlmchor dl there. Roast beef and cluckendin arc weekly occurrences and oil e occasion wrthout fail the meat r \vaysperfect.Ido, howcwr, ha\-e s issuewith the side dishes. Theirr oftenabit on the dr!- side and bec of the speed requiredm display cl ing their beans and carrots are us1 undercoold. Thelr Yorltshire 1 ding m d baked potatoes are a n Urubaker's has occi~s~otlal spec I tried mas a ribeyo steak \\!ah m vegetables and saladand chicken : on whrtc rice. The rice mas dr before, but the chicken was sp beautifully. I mas impressed wit1 use ofcurq~. R h e n I ordered the SI I was asked how I ould kke it cuc and although it was a rhrn cut of r it stillcame out as rare as I order( Thumbs up! REVelation, Ron Eydt Village

I was told that RIZT.''s cafeteria the way to go, but I didn't belie until I saw it with my own two c The senxe areais spacious,brii lit andvery clean. Ibcac is a fresh section, pastncs, salad, sandwich main entree anda pasta bar. I dec togou-ith pastawith tunaand veE bles. All mgredients looked fresh theyweren't afrrud ofusingrealga It took a while for me to get entree, but the wait was worth it. pasta and toppings were cooked fectly,hIyonc criticism,ifIha~-eto one, was the water. There mas a b haste in the transfer uf the pasta f Bon Appetit Food Fair, DC the boiling water to the frying Aside from the regular food sew- which the tuna, peppers and o n ices desserts and drinks, I ha\-e two were cookedhandalotoftvaterc words: J u n k h o d . The "Jolly Chef," along for the ride. from a glance at the menu, produccs Eattngmyway across campus junk food of the V1 grill variety, the aninteresting experience. If you1 Mr. Sub counterproduces junkofthe a meal plan, I urge you to try it. ' sand~vichva~etyand(:hopstickspro- might discover something ncw. duces entire oceans of grease. That is not to say that the food from Chopsticks was not well enjopcd. 1 had a


(519) 893-9000 www. Browsers is a neat little coffee stand in Dana Porter Library.


From the slopes to the sand Travel tips for spring break Pamela J. Hopwood SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

Jf you're planninga trip for reading week,the advice from travelagents is to move fast. Local travel agencies say there are still some good package deals, but the spots are few andthey are filllngupquickly. Popular southern destinations for reading week include the Dominican Republic, Memco, Cuba and Jamaica. The rates areusuallymthc neighbourhood of $1,300 to $1,500 for an al-inclusivepackage to these destlnatlons. "'l'here will be specials,but it's a matter of gettmg it right a\vay. Spe cials change by da!:," said1ohn Scott If you arc planning on tradling outside of Canada for reading week, take note. "It is highly recommended that Canadiancitixens travelwithvalid passports in order to avoid unnecessary documentation problems," said Kathy Schonenberger at Thomas Cook I ram1 \While you can travel to some destinations (such as the U S and Mexico) with only a birth certificate andvalid photo ID, apassport is required to travel to Cuba and most other foreign countries. Schonenberger said to seriously consider the all-inclusirv packages when you book a trip. They give you the oppo&ty to pay in Canadian dollars, so you know exactlywhatyour

SPaGe is lilnitied -


University Shops PLaza 170 University Ave. West 886-0400

x acationn iUcost Thtr a a)-,you won't

run across hidden fees or taws and ) ou v, on't ha\ e to deal v. ith fluctuat ing exchange ratta All the travel agenctes mentioned in thts article are happv to work with 5tudmts Pat PewLes at CarlsonIY'agonlit sad, "We have quite a few students come in and always enjoy helping them They're so much fun And when we have a group of students (four or more) book together, we always give them a deal on pack ages All you need is your student I D card " Fewkes' advice for large groups is to try to have one co-ordinator who makes the decisions and to set travel

dates cad! to make sure ereq-one is in on the deal. This is especiallpimportant if a depositof any kind is required. No one wants to absorb the cost if someone m a group backs out. This advice appliesno matterwhat destination you chose. One alternativetothe typicdsoutherngetaway is Europe. Whle Europe is not usually the fkst destination associatedwithspkgbreak, there's a program called Winter Breaks to Europe and there are some good prices. Fewkes says, 'Tou could do sis days in Italy starting from $450, plus airfare."l'he ratewvithairfarewould be around$1299, dependmgonthe a m ability anddates. "Again, don't forget to book well in advance," she added There is also s d spaceavailablefor Breakaway tours to Daytona Beach Schonenbergersays if) ou d r i e~your self,a's $199 Canadianper person for six night's accommodation and with the bus, it's $399 per person. Both these figuresare based on five-person occupancy. For those peoplewhowant to take advantage of our Canadian winter, travelagencies also booksluvacations "Right now Breakaway Tours is ad vertislng some good s h weekends," said Phtllip Cook of Canadian Trm el andJust Cruising on I<ingStrect One of Cook's tips 15 to look for triple occupancy to sap-e some money 'You can save $20 to $100 per night that way," he said 1he Ultimate Skt Company is also offemg shpackages, including flights into the newly-opened Mount Tremblant Airport A three-night package including your flight, three days of skiing, accommodation in a one-bedroom loft and transfers from the airport to the village would be approximately$767perperson T h ~ s would be based on a February 20 depaxtureand four-personoccupancy. Another alternativefor those wishing to dnve to Quebec would be a fivenight package including four days of skung for about $700per person, also based on four-person occupancy. Please note that any prices mentioned are on& @prohimate. Thg +end on numerous carialde~mcb as accommoriation, whenyou bok, dates and length of frard Contact frac~elagenczes for more in@rmatzun.

Thls free fhght offer applles to flightsfrom Toronto. Montreal, Ottawa or Haltfax for selected March tow departures Fly for Bgg-Bq9 with selected tour departures ~nAprll and May Other fares avalable from other iitles. Must be p a d in fell by March jl/op or immed~ately~fbookedwlthtn 45 daysof departure. Weekend surcharges.taxes, and other gouernmmffees not mcluded. Val~dlnrernat~onalStudent ldenflty Card (1Sli) requlred Other rertr#ct#onsapply Drop by for full details.

Travel CUTS is owned and operated by the Canadlan Federation of Students.

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Breakfust Club 51. Utteraloud 52. Scots clan hnkcd to Cargill Inc 53. Metal-beanngmineral 56.Wall crcepers Across 57. Surface layer containing a mat of grass 1.Admin Bomber action 58. Kate of movcmcnt 6. Composer of popular songs 61. The person addressed W. Vanable precisionvoltage regula62. Indefmte article tor 63. Molten metal scum 15. rurnip 64. More sick 16. Foundationof Miss Vicki's empire 66. Coflrdsive gasp 19. State of lawlessness 68. G o big, or 21. Canadian hockey legend number 70. Golly four 71. A dibtinct and lengthy period 22. Obscure celestialpoint above the 74. Where to find Geraldo in the observer phon~book 23. Medium-sued penpin 76. Peterborough native \YTarren 24. White-sccdcd navy bean down-under with Kangaroo Jack 27. U S state most lkely to leaw you 79. Also known as ch~coiy penniless 82. Second generationJapanese 29. Sweet potato 84. Even 30. American standards association 85. Moves unsteadily, as if from the 33. Make anincision Bomber 36. Lookat this text; what do you see? 87.]tmmzc Parks Dr Ellie 38. Fall blooming daisy-lke flowers 88. Pasta sauce producer 40. Lion King's love interest 90. Lucentio's senrant in Tamzng @he 41. Talktng horse Shren~ 42. Frequently 91. Fmed inplace 45. Longandwhite; related to o ~ o n s 92. Resemblinga snake 46. Greekprefm caughtin esophagus 47. Weirdo A h o n Reynolds in The Down



1.Haemorrhagicstroke 2.Alana decapitated 3. Toward the mouth 4. Stellar's sea cow 5. Impend moths 7. As opposed to off 8. Fuji film 9. ChicagoP.R. man Billy Flynn 10. Flower arrangement 11.Skm disease 12. Flightless South American bird 14. Cylindncdperennd herb 17.Talent throughinhentance 18. Lost boy on boat in recent book

20. An affirmative 25. Early unmcrsity diploma 26. A danger to civd~ansin post-war countries 28. Growing in pairs 31.Percen e mentally 32. Noah's destlny 34. Space organization 35. Fccd to surfeit 37. Turnip cabbage 39. Marked by skd 41. ScottishLord andJacobtte 43. Someone who has comimtted a cnme 44. More than one horse pulhga cart 47.Alover 48. Rescmbl~nglace 49.Yonkers comedian Caeser 50. Found in mosquitos m amber 53. Capital ofNorway 54. Where are the buffalo while the dccr and the antelope play7 55. A garden with a specified border 56. Golf course startingpomt 58. Never seen at aJewish table 59. Fermentedalcohohcbeverage 60. Python star with a parrot complamt 63. The Islamic Devil 65. Light sensitive membrane 67. Fruit that rhymes with nothtng 68. Revolution-eraFrench diplomat 69. Needed to keep mail-order business solvent 72. With regard to 73. Northernmost Canadian settlement 75.0nly12Canadiansleftfrom~'I 77. A person owned by a feudal lord 78. Bend from thevertical 80. Blood vessel carying blood to ward heaa, cava 81. Expermental French composer Saee 83. Home of Johnny Hart's Wi7ard 86. T h sauce in most Chmese restaurants 89. Below the 49th parallel

Problem of the wee1 LAST WEEK'S ANSWER


The answer is no This is because if a w m n g strategy existed for black, whte's firstwouldbe A3-C4and then C4-A3 The winning strategy would then apply to white So how d ~ you d fare?FIopefullywe made you scratchyour heads a bit and took your thoughts away from school and the current election You can thank PhilipWerner for rackmgyourbrain.

Four people must cross a bridge the middle of the night The bnc can only support two people at atir and thcgroup only has one flashLg without wh~chcrossingthe bildg~ impossible Person A can cross the bridge one minute Person B wdl take fivc m u t e Pcrson C (he's the slow one) quires 10 mmutes to cross. Person D needs only two m Utes The goal is to get everyoneacrc in 17 minutes Keep mmind that this is not a tn question, no throwing the flashlq across the bridge, having more th two people on thc bridge or any& of that sort Be sure to chcck the answerm weekalongwithanotherbramteas If YOU have aproblem and WOL liket0chaflengcfcaders.ed i t t o andwe will print it in thc future TI week's puzzle was provided D, Llornko)x7

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You may e-rnail us at g


EKIDn, I ~ I Z \ L~ 77,2003

Sclencc cdttor Katherine St. James

page I 9


sc~encr@~,lmpnnt.u~vate~loo ca

Campus eateries create excessive waste Hingman Leung IMPRINTSTAFF

Poodis an cssen~alpart of our eveq day lives But b) eatmg, especiall~on campus,ne are affectmgthe enmronment, dependng on the choices that we make. Consider the whole process ofeating a meal: it must be prepared, then sen-edonto the proper dishwaremade ofvarious reusable and non-reusable materials like Styrofoam,pressed paper, plasuc or c e r m c . Aftenwards, a 'student purchases the food product, and then obtaitis the required cutlery and accessories such as straws, napkins andcondment containers.\men the student is finished, whatever is left over d l be thrown out: Why are disposable dishware and utensils aproblem?Unknown to many people, Styrofoam can be recycled. However, the process is very expensive and requires advanced technol-



Unfortunately,the IGtchener Waterloo regon has a very h t e d recycltngprogram for Styrofoam.Instead ofbemg recycled,it is trucked off to a landfill The manufactured dispos able &shes hdve d ver) long half hfe,

Brubakers offers very little choice in terms of reusable cutlery and dishes. meaiung that they biodegrade at an enormously slowrate Ifwe keep pro ducmgwasteatpresentlevels,eventuallj our landfills will expand and engulf the whole city The biggest impact the university has on theennronmentis theamount

of waste produced related to food services Ina study conductedm2001 by studentsm7Xr,-\Tgreen-a second year enmonment and resource studies course -it was calculated that our mversitqxoduces 5 9 tonne?of food waste each wee6 Thls is onlj one of

can be purchased by students is reusable Plastlc cutlery, Styrofoam cups and boxes,waxpapercupsandpaperplates rule this eatery Students can be more enmronmentallyfnendly bj bnnging thelr own cutlenr and mug if thej choose to do so 0therU7X7cafetenas,howeverfew

m number, do provide students with a choice of reusable or dtsposable dishware and cutlen Such eatenes include the cafeteriasm \ illage 1 and Ron ETdt Vlllage Some students a1 gue that metal cutlen is u n h ~ gienic and therefore the1 usetheplasuc ones Howeter, UVC Food Senxes does have cleamngfauhnesmddoes follov, the rules and regulauons placedupon them m order to mantain thcin hioreover, students can bnng their own cutleq and dishwareif thej are so mcltned Student run coffee and doughnut shops have the potential to offer the most enwonmentally fnendlv food services There 1s one C&D m even' faculty The bestexampleof sucl~sl~ops i a the Environmental Studes Coffee Shop Patrons can bnng their own mugs or borrow mugs from the store It cames muumalStyrofoamandplas ucmatenals and promotes recychg Food sustams hfe However, there will be no ltfe m the future if the envlronment cannot support it It is up to us to change the way we eat m order to sustamhurvaluable entiron ment dnd ensure a stable future

7.5 billion years will bring the end of Earth Sharks may become extinct


Due to ober fishing m the n o d It's the end of the world western Atlantic Ocean, shark as we know it populations have declined dramatiIs this the begiuning of the end? c d y . Biologists fear that some species ;\ccordmg to astrophpicist Donald of sharkmay never be recovered. ,__-_-_, . . .- ., leontologist - Peter ULuW1llFt Researchersat DalhousieUmver Ward, it is In thelr new bo(~ kT,h e w sity have sad that all species of shark und Death oJ Planei c' u n n' , Brownlee except the mako have decltned by more than 50 per cent m the past , eight to 15vears Declining populations in dude the greatwlute shark that has dechned by 78 per cent slnce 1986 Othersmclude the ager shark,whose 'd populaaon has lowered by 65 per cent, and the thresher shark, whose 4 populaaon has d e ~ h e dby 80 per cent The most shoclung of these d;. c h g shark populations is that of -4 the hdmmerhead which has decked i by 89 per cent since 1986 Scientists suggest that long h e fishing fleets are causmg this rapid decltnc in shark populadons These . fishmg fleetshunt for tunaand swordfish b~dangling 50 to 100 ktlometre1 long lines with 2,000 baited hooks mto the sea The baitusedishernngand squid, wlucharc part of the sharks' &et and therefore attract them to lmes The dechne m shark population is causingtheextinction ofthe species.It is .unknown how d e c k i n" g shark The sun will engulf our Earth populauons sd affect other mame is this really our doom?




Chocolate hearts are good for the heart Finally,proofthatchocolateisgood for you. Researchersat the University of California have discovered that chocolate,particularly dark chocolate, is beneficral to the heart. Theresearchers foundthat the main flavonoids foundin.cocoa are associatedwith decreasednskof carhovascular,disease.Furthermore, one-third of the fats contained in chocolate are the monosaturatedfat calledoleicacid, whichis also known to be good for the heart. These fmdings, howevcr, are not an openinvitatton to devour achocolate bar for breakfast, lunch and dLnner. Chocolateisto be consurnedmoderately, accompanying other healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. People are also advised to stay clear of white chocolate, which is made from cocoa butter anddoes not contain any cocoa at all.






and \-\ ard predict that the sun ~ 1 1 1 consume the earthm7 5 1~ ~ l l iyears on Ur Brownlee. we Akcordingto ''I I , c , I T snouu reel nca~edthatwelivcinsuch anice tuneol? suchaniceplanet."The future of our planet is u n s e t h g . "-is the sun draws nearer, scorching heat willdrive landcreatures mto the sea," sad scienasts at the University of 7x7, I wasmngron apecies that are not able ro aaapt to waterwill become extmct Within the next half billion years, plant and animalhfed bedestroyed, startmg with hurndns Theocednsdevaporate three bfion years later and eventually, "the sun d engulf the earth, vaponzmg it and blastmg its atoms mto space "

Sperm swim towards heat Researchershave hnallydlscoveredwhatattracts sperm to the egg which is so far away (centmetres awav) heat Whde theegg does attract the sperm, 11is &fficult to explain the long range attraction Researchers, however, hiewed sperm m cultures at 37 degrees Celsius, and others at hdlt adegree to two degrees cwnrmrr -n lrle led111 wund that even with half a degee gradient, 60 percent r , or me sperm sw& towards the higher A

Ur Plorman, of the University of

hIassachuqetts,speculatesthathigher temperature may be a requirementfor sperm maturaaon, wluch could lead to Lmprovementsmm-vitro ferdh7ation

Aborted fetus cells for better sight P r e h a r y tests showthat eye assue transplants from aborted fetuseq have a 50 per cent chance ofimprowng msion for people suffering from de generative eye diseases TheresearchisconductedbyRobert hramant and h s colleagues of the Doheny Eye Ins~tutemLos Angeles The treatment consists of ttansplanting two-&etre squares of retinal ussue from aborted fetuses and m sertmg them behind the degeneraave retmas Thecellsfrom fetusespreserve the circuitrybetween the light sensmg cells and are better tolerated by the body so pattents do not have to take immunosuppressivedrugs However, these tests are s u l l p r e h a r y andit is not known whether the effects are long-lasung or temporary Researchers fear that some of the benefits mdy be from rescue effect, where the eye releases growth factois after it has been disturbed,which does not last Age related degeneradvedtseases account for half the bhndness m Bntain The team is closel~watching the promismgresearch

:zy$.#.&. $ $4.$ F ~ ~


Lim's take on new Rangers coach -page 22


Spoita i d ~ r u rRod h1cLachl;m Spnrlr ~ s s m w r\dam hlcCum sports@~mpnnlu\vaterIoii ca


Waterloo Warriors' forward Trevor Graham is stoned by Brock Badgers' goaltender Ryan Shaver as he attempts to make a move in Sunday afternoon's match. The Warriors lost 6-3 despite efforts like Graham's where he unselfishly sacrificed his body.

Dismal weekend for men's hockev team Rod McLachlan IMPRINTSTAFF

The Warrior men's hockey team suffered a humihatmg road defeat at the hands of the York Yeomen 1 6 0 last Saturdayas ShaneNash tallied four markers for h ~ team s PenalUes were only part of the reason for Warriors' lacklustre per formance Theyrackedup 22 totalmtnutesmthe box, most hkely out of frustratlon, as the score was already 4 0 for the Yeomen after only eight m u t e s of regulation play York fmshed mth three of their goals commgon the powerplay and two otherswere short-

handed markers.Waterloo lookedlost onYork's mde-open mternatlonal-size m k , the Beatnce Centre, as the Yeomen utihzed tape-to-tape passes and fast skatmg to record 43 shots U\V goahe Jason Willard, left to fend for hlmself for the most part, allowed seven goals until he was pulled at the 19 minute mark of the hrctpenod JeffJohnston s d a r l y allowed seven goalswhile turning aside 36 shotsm the remammg 41 mtnutes of the game The Warnors m proved their playas tunewenton, fmshingmth 14 shots, but could not cap~tahzeon five power play opportunities to break the York shutout

Waterloo head coach Dave Cressman pointed to the fact that due to alogisticalmix up h s team was only able to hold two practices d u m g the weekbeforeSaturday'sgame 'Weweren'tready," he sad Cressman reflected that it is always preferable to put a suttableamount ofpractlcein pnor to a game so that the goaltenders are able to see a considerable amount of shots to prepare themselves Cressmanwent on to say that he "wanted to p e [Willard] a chance to [rebound]" the next day, Sundav, agamst the Brock Badgers Waterloo's coach did a get a more sohd performance from h s goaltender Sunday, as \T'illard surren-

dered only five goals in a 6-3 loss at home. Two of the goals were power play takes bv the BadgersandBrock also added anempty netterm the dymg seconds of thegamewth thegoahe out for anextra dttacker The W'arnors coach sad he "changed the h e s up a bit" and that this resultedm forwardTrevor Graham gving h s team "a bit of an offensive punch " Graham fmshed the game leading h s teammth two pomts (lG, l h ) It was Graham who got the Warnors off to a quickstartmththe first goal of the game comtng on 49 seconds in, whtch was assisted by Jeff Fionno. See HOCKEY, page 22

Volleyball: Women end year-long winless drought Continued from cover As the fourth set began, the Warriors found themselves in the all-too-familiar position of trailing again. With Windsor now less than one set away from victory, it looked as though the Warriors' losing streakwouldcertdy stretch to 21 games. However, in an inspiring show of resiliency,the Warriors bounced back and took control ofthe match. UWgained its first lead of the fourth set at 12-11 and they never relinquished their advantage. The momentum had definitely swung in favour of the Warriors and they poweredtheirway to adedsive25-18fouahset victory, forcing a fifth and decisive set. The prospect of a fmal frame was foreign to the Warriors, as Gneve was quick to point out. "It [a fifth set] always gets my heart going a little more," said thecoach,whose tean playedits first five-setmatchofthe season. "I kind ofwelcome

~t It's a way to see how the student athletes respond m that settmg " &is~tturned out, Gneve's student-athletes responded mapficently The fifth setwas as back and forthas the four that preceded it and the turning point may have long rall~ come when U7rX won an excep~onall~ to make the score 10 8 for the home team The Lancers could not fight bdck and the Warnors secured their firstmctoq sinceJanuan 23,2002 with a 15 12 victon. m the deciding set , Spearheadmgthe Warnors attack was firstJ ear centre hfagge Kama, who had a Warriors' season-hgh 17 lulls On top of her staasucal ache\ ements, Gneve acknowledged thevalue of h15 centre's intangible qualities as well "The strongect part of hlaggie'c game is her spmt," sa~d the coach "Ths matchwas her opportumtr to step out and be a leader " The efforts of third year leftside I<nstma

KowalsluwerealsointegraltoUWshrstvictory of the season, as Gneve pomted to her maturity as a key for succecc "I thmk, character-wise,this was Knstma's best game of the season," he sad "If she's steady, the younger plalers feel more confident" '11e vl~torywas made even sweeter for the \X7arnors,because the Lancers' loss e h a t e d them from playoff contention, a motlvatmg factor whch Gneve said "was big for us " The\Xrarnorsclosed out their seasonWednes day mth a 3-1 loss to Guelph,by set scores of 2325, 25 14, 25 20 and 25 14 However Grieve thinks that the mcton over \Vindsor, coupled with h s plans for some aggressive recrlutmg in the off season has fuelled expectations for next season The coach 1s alreadvlookmgforward to the 2003-2004 c a m p a p , saving "I t h k tlus is a sign of things to come "

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UW centre Maggie Kama lofts a serve in Wednesday's match against Guelph.



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Hockey: tough weekend Continued from page 21

He capitahzed on a wide open net following a glanng Brock defensive error m front of the net that allowed Fionno's pass to fmd the wide open Graham thundermg m on an aggres siveWaterloo forecheck Waterloo's Adam Metherel had a glonouschance on a breakaway m the first penod but mssed on the short side &chard Scott alsoranga shot off the post with a shot from the pomt and Graham made a mfty move to the outside resultingin a shot that nearly earned hun his second goal of the game However, Brock went on to outscore the Warnors 5 0 m the first and second penods after the initial Waterloo goal. In the h d , scraps between the two clubs erupted and the Warnors

Warriors' secret for success Rob McDermand

pulled towthm two goals makmgthe score 5 3 Wdlard also made a hgh lght reel poke-check and l v e to corral the loose puck, robbing the Badgers of a chance to put the game away for good The resultlogfmal scorewas 63 for Brock Cressman stressed that lus team would hke the opportunity to "redeem ourselves" after a tough week end that seemed unusual after a sohd start in the new year's first six games X "heated nvalry"is expectedtonight at 7.30 p m at theColumbia Icefields against the Launer Golden Hawks


vs Guelph, Sunday, 2 p.m.


Friday, F e b m r y 7,2003 vs Wilfnd Laurier Golden Hawks, 7:30 PM Sunday, February 9,2003 vs Guelph Gryphons, 2:00 PM

Sather takes matters into his own hands

Saturday, February 8, 2003 vs Guelph Gryphons, (W)6.40 PM, (M) 8:00 PM UW Physical Activlhes Complex

Excellencem I M s w u n m g award

50 back and 11th m

t h 2~

It's been an up and down season for the Wamorsmen's basketball team so far th~syear, but what the average fan mght not seeis howclose the squadis to bemg one of the top teams m the province Afteropeningthepre season campalgn with wins against some of the best teamsm Canada (AlcGdl, Ottawa) and h s h m g secondm the 35th annual Natsrmth ClassicTournament here at home,the Warnorswere ranked 14th m the nation The regular season, however, has been a lfferent and more m t n p g story W e the team's record isn't impressive (amere 7-9 as ofTuesday), itdoesn't accuratelpreflectthe qudlityof play that has been put forth by the young players under the hecuon of coach Tom Kteswetter. Four of the Warriors' nine total losses have been w i t h three pomts, whle SIX of their defeatshavecomemthmthelastminute ofplay Only once has the squad been soundly defeated and that loss came earlymthe sedsondgmstthebestteam in the country, the CarltonRavens, 8658 hgamst other nabonally, top ranked teams,m fac~Graterloohas fared rather well. When Waterloo traveled to York (ranked6thm Canada) earlymJanuary, the Warnors carned a lead into the




Congra(ulalionsand thank you. Congratulations to Mel~ssaBunn for wnnmng the Black Krught Squash racquet at last weekends tournament Thank you to all of the pmc~pants 11was a day of great squash and sportsmanshp Hope to see

After presidmg over a grossly underachieving,vastly overpaid New York Rangers team for the past two and a half seasons, team president and general manager Glen Sather hred head coachBryan Trotaer and took over behmd the bench pnor to the NHL's ;Y1-Star break. Clearly, the buck stops with "Slats" and he needs to get h s hand-picked roster of players to perform m the fmal 27 games m order to avoid missmg the playoffs for the slxth straight year Sather should be the nght choice for the head coaching posmon, but alas, he may not be enough It has

Get ready for some Bmmball. We are hoshng a Campus Recreatlon Bmomball tournament on Sunday, March 2 For more detds, go lo hnpJlwww athlehccr uwatedw cakampredtoum hm, or contact McheUe at mlrobm@uwaterlcm c a

Get yoor teams ready for the Campus Reereabon Vdleybdl tournament The Volleyball toumament s scheduled for Sunday, M m h 30 We are also stdl lodung for c o n v e m and offiaak for theevent Please contact MxheUe dt a

always been a mystery why the Rangers, a team full of h g h priced veteran talent, could never rea$ break out of thex lacklustre play m two and a half seasons Perhaps the root of the lack of chemistry on the team 1s due to the method by which Sather put his roster together. The Rangers, under Sather's management,have been a revolmg door for players. With a dream bottomless budget unimagmable durmg h s previous tenure with the cash-strapped Edmonton Oilers, Satherparadoxically had too much money from the Rangers' owners h p to play around with Veteran players were continually brought m through trades and free agency, and then subsequently tossed when the team kept losmg This revolvmgdoor concept hampered any chance of building sustmed chemstry andcamaradene between the players and thereby undermtned team play In short, loyalty to the Rangers became low

because the players wereviewed as rented assets. Furthermore, the Rangers had few players ontheir roster that they had ongmally drafted and developed through their farm system, because the club's prospects were often raided when Sather needed trade bait for a big name. Neveaheless, hiring himself for the coaching position is a positive and responsible move by this legendary Hall of Fame budder The players are bound to play more spmted with their boss scruttmzmg their every shft Plus, Sather is a man who is proven able to coach star veteran players. After all, Sather has the best playoff winning percentageof any coachin the history of the game and coached the 1984 Canada Cup championshp team Unfortunately, there p s t may not be enough time to turn the season and Sather's tarmshed reputation around

Playoffs begin for men's volleyball

Need to get certified for work? We are o f f m g CPR-C and CPR-C Recert courses lnMarch We also have an Emergency Rrst A d on March 9 and a Red Cross hhuctor; R m on March 8 Sign up m the PAC Atblehcs ma, Monday to Fnday, 9 00 to 4 00 pm

rnlmbmns@uwaterlooca ~fyou have any quesho-

dpgseconds ofthematch Thanks m stated emphatically, "is that we have large part to questionable offiudting, many of the most talented young play Yorkcame back towin And the Satur era mthe countq playmgtogether on the day two weeks ago m London the same court everymght " Whde Kieswetter's statement ma! Warnors took the former top ranked seemhead1,it'snotmaccurateWarnor G'estern Mustangs mto overtime be fore losmg the close game by three co-captain and starting forward hWe pomts Western emerged vlctonous Sovran currentlysas among the top 30 becauseoftheoutstandingpla~oftheir plaversmOntanomsevenmaloroffen all-Canadian guard J m y Grozelle, sive categones, including sconng, rewho had a career night with 50 pomts bounding, assists, blocks and steals Another Warrior forward, Dave and 7 steals OnJanuary29the Warnorshmed hlunkley, alsoranks amongtheleague's the tables on themselves and defeated best scorers and rebounders Graham the top team m the OUA West, the Jarman, a second year guard, leads the MchfasterAfarauders Threedayslater, Warnors m pomts per gamewth 14 07 they topped another West nvdl dnd pergameandranks22ndmtheOUAm playoffcontender,theW11fndLauner sconng Perhaps the most surpnsmg Golden Hawks. A patternis clear The contnbutor to the Warnors' offence is Warnors are a talented team that can ~styearcentrehfi&elDams,wholeads competewth any teamm the country the team m field goal percentage and is They do, however, have one flaw "We eighth m the O U h m blocked shots. need to consistentlvfinish,"is the com OtherkeyWamors mcludethud year merit " pivenmost iften boI<ieswetter. guard Bqan Nlchol(l3th in OUA m "Our record doesn't speak for Itself. assists), t h ~ dyear forward Andrew Eight of our losses were wmnable Coatsworth (7ppg,4.5rpg, 5thm OUA games " 3-pomtpercentageat 48 per cent), secWhen asked about the keys to the ond year guard Gerard blagennis, secWarnors' future success, aeswetter ond year centre Andrew Westlake and listed strong performances from the secondyear forward Chns Edwards.So team's role players as the highest pnor- what do the Wamorsneed to do towin2 lty All of the Warnorlvlns thts season "Ifweplay togetheras a teamwe'llwm," sad Kieawetter "We have more than have come as a result of strong per formancesacrossthe board. Innoway ourshareofqualityplapers Iftheyallplay 1s th~ssquad a one-man show. 'What to their potential, there isn't a team in many people don't realme," IQeswetter Canada thatwe can't beat."

The Warnors' men's volleyball team leaps mto playoff action tomorrow, as they travel to York to play the Yeomen UW wdl battle Yorkm the OUA quarter-ha1 matchup whichts slated to be@ m

Toronto at 1 00, and they will have their hands full with one of the best teams m all of Canada As of January 29, the Yeomen were ranked 10th m the nauon with a record of 12-6,good enough for the fourtl-seed m the promce The Warriors finished the regular season at 9-9, and were able to grab the fifth seed m the OUA The teams played each other m c e m regular season acuon,wrth

each club bemg victorious at home. On November 30 at York, the Yeomen defeated UW 3-0, but the Warnors struck back at home on January 11, winning 3 1 UWis currently on a four match winning streak,which included an impressive wm against the eventual third seed, Queens. The Warnors hope to ride their momentum as they luck off theu playoff dnve this weekend.

page 23


and Canadian beer Andrea Kerswill -. IMPRINTSTAFF

It didn't surprise me that both 'Sim 'l'ibbitts and Kal Mollison only wear boxers. They're comfortable for one thing and, much hke music, it leaves room for interprktation.I've seenthemvery comfortable on stage, with their guitars on their laps, drtnktngbeer and belting it out.. That is how my affliction with thisindie group began(not with their boxers). Tibbitts andMobson started their group as a cover band at a small bar called Van Gogh's Ear in Guelph. I noticed right from the gct-go that Tibitts and Mollison had a certain charisma that I have never seenbcforc. What struck me most was that tlus large base ofenergy boomedox-erthe audience.Theirvoiceswouldresonate throughout the bar and I would sit there captivated by their deep bass voices.They had tlusumque ability to sound better than most of the bands the);mere covering.This led me to an immediatcinterestin\x-hat these boys were about. And,ina fewwords, thcy haw an astoundiilg love for music. r~,veryonehas seen lots of cover bands. Most of these bands carry out a mediocre imitation of other artists' songs, but these guys are different. They mastered a freshway towrite an indic love tune. Their own material interested me and after I-isiting Van Gogh's a few times, I chose to not be the one screaming out, "pla). some Weezer!" Instead Imanted to scream, "Play, You Got Me'." The song "You Got Me" was released all over Canada and the U.S. two months ago and has soaredon the MI'3 lists. Their debut album, Ez'en,was just released and has given Tibbitts and Mollison immediaterecoption. They callthemselves "SandcastleThcory"and,as of now, they have yet to bewashedaway. Running with their own record label, TK13, this group knows precisclyhow toworkin themusicindustry. It is obvious that as artists they

knowthatowmg100percentoftheir music puts them much ahead of the game They have both been involved with m u w for an extensive period and share that youthful love for mu sic Tibbitts said, "I was the kid that knew e\ eryword to every commercial jingle ever " I Ie ytarted out as a singer at averyyoungage and decided that he needed to learn an instrument Molhson has bccn involved in bands since he was 12 years old They habe knowneach other formany years, or, as Mollison put it, 'TXrete known each other since the days when the undergroundwas calledthcrockcellar and mullets ruled " (I chuckled for a while over that one ) Both 1ibbitts andMohsonplayed in different bands that had consider able success while holding day lobs Andalthoughtheywere bothcontent wtth their h e s , the> realired they wanted more About four-and-a-half yearsago they decided to formacor er band Tibbitts was working at Van Gogh's Ear and was av arc that Sun daviiightswere missinga crowd. The group began to play ex-eq-Sunday and built up qcite a reputatton. Tibbitts said, "There were a lot of people for, like, the first three years that didn't miss a Sunday. A lot of them ham been tomore Sundays thanwc haw." I am one of those have been taken m by their music. And every Sundaythere sccmcd to bc anendlcss fountain of beer. The big bucket that sat on stage between Tibbitts and hfollisonnevcr seemed too empty It was then that I realized thcy were playing for free beer Either they love beer an awfullot (whichIdon't doubt) or they love performing.\%%enI questioned them on their fa'vourite beer, they hummed and hawed and eventu ' ally gave me one answer:Moosehead. Moosehead was their snonsor for a few years whde they sang at Van Gogh's Ear And like their beer, these guys are Canadian They said that many of theainflu

ences have come from being Cana- . dim and from other Canadian artists. Howcvcr, both Tibbitts and Mollison maintain that being 8 Canadian artist may not be as definite as it seems.. Mollison said, "There are bands fromcanada that sound like bands from Europe . . . to say something sounds Canadian? I mean, I guess Canadians have a certain identityin the 'l'ragically Hip for esample, but that is only because that happened tobe thcphenomenon that caught on." l'hcnomenon or not, Tibbitts added that there are many artists from other coutitries (as well as Canada) that do tiot necessarily portray the essence of their native home. 'l'ibbitts said, "'l'o say something is Canadian or Amcrican or European I mean there are exceptionsto everyrule there." There is one thing that remains certain: they recognize their influences Kal: "Where are my chicken wings?" and it shows in their music And as Molltson maintains, that Canadian music is always and Their for performances and to be "If I had to say that Canadahas its own continually evolvingman expermen They are always playmg shows and tal way " sound, if I had to actually label somc Although Tibbms and Mollison ~gsandyetthe~s~llrnakethoseSufl&ng as Canadan music, I'd like to Guel~h think that because there's not a lot of can agree on their Canadian values, they do have differing opinions of money up here in the music industry, ~ TIM AND KAL on page 27 there's not a lot of audience I think s o m e t s ~ u e s , ~ ~ c m c e ~ r n o n eSee


Queer as Cosbv

DIET COKE HEAD Gay culture has come a long way. In the early 1900shom~se~xualitywas legally and morally forbidden and only through a rather public indecency triala few years before had the subject matter been openly discussed For the next 60 year?, quecr culture remained hidden from public view and was not the topic of pohte conversation Howel er, by the mid 1960s, homosexualq had become a bit more accepted m society Gays were becommg increasinglymore open about who they were and what rights they demanded. Now, in the first years of the twenty-fitst century,gay culture is gaining further ground Same-sex m a r q e s , adoption rights for gay couples and non-discrimination government policies now seem to be obtainable goals. At first glance, it even appears as though the media has embraced homosexualityby portraying severalgaypeople in prime time television Shows hke Queer a~IW and WzLlatzd Gra~e ha%-ehomosexual characters at their cm If we look a little more closely at these shows, we'll see that they no longer do as much for the gay irghts movement as we mght hope. Based on the UI< series of the same name, the American version ofQzeerasFolk has been a topic of controversy since its premcre Sometimes called "queer with a capital 'Q'," it is both praised and crit~cisedby members of the gay community. All the gay male characters have absent or severely flawed father

figures They livc in a world domtnated by sex and most are fairly promiscuous While the series does deal with the issue of seualll transmitted disease, most characters sccm to be immune to its threat In my (albeit h t e d ) experience,most gay men have good paternal relationships, not all are so sexually actwe and STDs arc a constant and daunting threat. Khile it's certainlya fun show that offers constant entertainment, is if .really the important cultural landmark wc make it out to be> Credit must be given toQueer ns Polk for at least attempting to pesent a realis& portrayal of some elements of homosexual hfe The same thing cannot be said for WELL and G a ~ eWhat . is marketed as ail accurate representationmerelyplays on stereotype and shying away from exposure K7111is the "fun gay best firend" that producers seem unwillmg to give a steady boyfnend Jack, the supposedly slutty ncighbour, has never been shown in bed or in embrace w ~ t ha partner My best friend sums it up mcely 'Watchmg tbis show makes me understand why black people don't like The Cash .!honi" WX and Gra~eshows how straight people think gay people live at's the safe versmn of gay I watch both of these shows faithfully and sunply mean to question their utility Cultural theorist Mtchelboucaultwrote about how the power to create "knowledge" gives those who possess it the power to control others By buymg into these unages of gay mcn, wc'rc perpetuating the acts of ctscourse that maintain them I laving homo- . sexualityrepresentedis certainly important, but shouldn't we be past the stage where we need to have a gay Cosby show>

The maestro (Paul Chrysler) taps the heads of the FASSphone first.

Ninjas, pirates and chickens: campus theatre at it again Daniel Saunders IMPRINTSTAFF

A guy walks by in a chicken cut, then then a comes a pirate in gold clown wcaring suspenders, two young women m spacesuits and DarthVader It's that tune of the year again The smell of sawdust fills the \LYa'cky costumesare the normas air T FASS (the Faculty, alum^, Staffand Students)theatregroup get ready for their first run through of this year's all-orignalcomedy musicaleutra\agafiza The show, written primarily by students, many of whom also act in the play, takes the form of a loosely structured revue with lots of room for jokes and songs this timc -



presents at

yoq audition, wc want you," saic MacDonald, "If ou don't ham tmc to come to rehearsalswe'll cast you a a tree " Pounded in 1962, FASS is. \Y. aterloo institution r h ~ searmark one cast mcmber's 15th show Membcrs can expect copiou amounts of s h e s s , U\Y in jokes sonz parodies, bad puns and tom foolery, not to mention spirited cho reography As the FASSers wdl sins on npentng nigh^ "This is what WI call the New FASS Shoooowl" S ~ show started Thursday and plays a the HumanttiesTheatre in Hagey Hal Friday, February 7 at7 and l o p m anc Saturday,bebruai-y8 at 8 p m Ticket are available at the Hagey I Iall bo: office for $8 There are also cheape group rates


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incorporating, accordingtoproducer I Ieather MacDonald, "ninjas,pirates and pyrutechcs." '?Ve haveamonth to get a hundred people singing and dancing,completewith costumes and sets," said MacDonald The theme of t h ~ syear's produc tion, entitled The ~ U ~EASS I J , Show, is a tirbute to The:bfupperShon,, complete with excitable, put-upon master of ceremonies, piggy diva and Swedish chef. The plot itself has aself-referential twist: it's about the chaos that ensues onstage and backstage while trying to put together ?%eBest FASS Shov~E~~w mthe face o v a tcchie revolt, a phantom, and hecklers in the balcony!" The show is written in the fall and auditions are heldin the firstweek ofJanuary. "Our audltionpolicy is, if

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10 About Schmidt $4,515,337 9. Just Married $4,811,257 8 Catch Me If You Can $5,075,589 7 The I.ord of the Rtngs The l i v o 'rowers $5,088,421 6 Darkness Falls $7,018,472 5 Chicago $7,052,983 4 Kangaroo Jack $9,048,362 3 Biker Boys $10,106,992 2 Final Destination 2 $16,017,141 1 The Recruit $16,302,063 *Top grossing movies in the theatres this weekend according to



Unknown punk better? Kelly fights the odds Out" is the kind of nasal scream therapy session Courtney Love used to be reliable for and "Coolhead" suggests a town-jumping bar band that lives from one roadhouse to another Many of the songs havc a pissed-off-at-my-'rents-for-no-discemble-reasonattitude translatesinto bubblepm coating, which helps song On top of that, her voice is them add a naughty element to the teen-pop sweepstakes, for example, tuneless and her cover of "PapaDon't Preach" -an unlisted bonus trackon the boppy, seemmglydoe eyed"l'oo Much Of You" is really about Shut Up -is officially played out But if you can get past these little wanking Now that lucks Shut Lip rings truer than Avrd ghtches (as well as a jag lullingpower ballad at the end), you mtght be sur- Lavipeandmcrcifully takcsitsclflcss prised to find that much of Shut L@ is seriouslythan SmartYoung\K'omyn actually prettv great "Come Dig Me like M~chelleBranch and Vanessa gives important social messages through example (don't do drugs for 40 years straight,have yourpets spayed orneutered,etc )-aren't toohkelyto buy this, while those who are viewers may not care to hear how Kelly's bratty,

Kelly Osbourne Shot Up Epic Records

Mark Stratford IMPRINT STAFF

Sometimesit's best for an artist to be completely unknown If her candypunk debut came with a clean slate, Ozzy's li'lgirlwouldprobably be better off. No suchluck we all know who Kelly Osbourne is and that makes Shut Up a tough sell After all, those who haven't seen an episode of The Osbournes-a show whtchentertainsalmostas muchasit


Like father like daughter?

Carlton. Of course,don't expect a n y thingedgy;Osbourne is to actualpunk what Christina Aguilera is to classic soul. Take it for what it is, an earnest portrait of the most misunderstood member of the world's most arcane celebrity f d y . Andacatchy one, too. So is she really her father's daughter? That depends on whether or not she rclcases a live album within the next six months.

Gangs of New York Review: Arts, page 26

Lip*Sync: JOTo and the Flaming Lips .

AIRHEADS The Flaming Lips: a group of eclectic musicians that has pushed the boundaries of every genre they've ever gone up against. Justin Timberlake: aneyc-candypop singer from *NSYNC. \X,%atdo these two things have in common? 'I'hey shared the stage on a British TV show callcd Top ofthe Popr 1his has been all over the music news this week Of course it has led to all sort5 of silly questions


whming about what a shock this is and probably about the Lips selling out So let's have a look at thia little stunt First of all, this is not The Flammg Lips' first brush with fame \When "I ransmssions from the SatelliteHeart" was released, the Lips scored a mtnor hit with "She Don't Use Jelly" 1his in turn earned them the usual tour through late-night land, but you may also remember them playing for a school dance on Bez~erb Hz1h70210 I can clearly recall the blamtng Lips bemg on many unexpected tongues after that


mous with Britney Spears? Either way, by current media standards this makes hun a superstar, if only of the flavour-of-the-monthvariety.

So what's the big deal about trotting out a boybander in a dolphin suit to play bass for an experimental rock youp? Nothing! Thts is pure media drivel, and kudos to all involved for the publicity it affords them (myself included). W'htle I imagine this was a spur of the moment idca between them, it is a \ ery smart move for the Lips as their last two releases are beautifully crafted and would likely have some appeal to the Radiohead audience 1


This will be a useful tool in earning them some p i n t time in the mass media. At the same time Justin will now not only have people referring to hun as the guy who deflowered Britney but also as the pop guy that played with The Flaming Lips. Maybe this will offer some credibility for Justin, whom many view as another expendable pretty face on the pop wasteland. Now, to speculate along with everyone else: does this mean the Flaming Lips will finally break into mass popularity and heaxy rotation on 'lli and radio? My guess is no. The Lips are just too weird for the

average listener. Does this mean Justin Timberlakewill begm a foray out of the pop charts and into more challengmgmusicalgenres?More likely he wdl fade fromour collective consciousnessas so many before, perhaps makinga short appearance on some sitcom years later, @kc a certain former NI<O'I'B member is doing right now.) It appears the poor lad has better luck as a co-star in other people's headlines. Mike Yunker hosfi Monday Night Jazz euey second meek on CKMS 100.3 fm 75.5.


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Gangs showcases talents of Scorcese and Day-Lewis Gangs of New York

directed by Martin Scorcese Miramax


Anticipation rakes expectation,sometimes toanunrealistic level. Ever since the mitial press conference aimouncingthat~artin~corcese's next project will finally be Gangs .fLWen,York, I've been eagerlyanticipattngthc release of the mu\ ie,pa&entlyfvllowmgthetrou ble-infestedshoottngandeditingproc ess Don't get me wrong Unlike many critics,I don't thmkScorcesecan do n o u rong IIell, I don't e\ en t h d heisthegreatestlivingAmericandirector, the title he's been wearing for some >:earsnow. I think Taxi Drir8tri.s a bit on the pretentious side and Goot&dhsis downrtght overrated. But still, 1can't deny his mastery at handlingcertain subjects And the wbject of Gang was certainly one close to his heart Somethmg else that mtrrgued me was the return from retirement of one of my actrng heros, Daniel D a y Lewis I was ready to adore Gangs. T was ready to hail it as an absolute masterpiece. But I can't. Almost everyone who's seen Gangs can tell you that it didn't live up to their expectations. But they alsounderstandwhy itdidn't, which 15 good. Khat we \ee on the screcn now ts probably 50per cent of what Scorcese had envisioned This isn't a Scorcesefilm; it's a \Y'isenstein / Scorcese f h .He had to re-write the script three trmes. FTe was forced to

castT.eonardoDiCapnorn the lead; in fact thatwas the only reason Miramas agreed to the project. He had to scrap the origgal - classeal score for the mol-ic and replace ~twith a combination of T/tun~aesque pieces and Irish folk songs And finall!: he had to cut down the film almost 50 minutes In l e n ~ h forrts theatrical release.Hopefullywell see the director's cut of the movie on the D I D release, but the truth is, we may never know what Cuqp .fi\kn I'ork could've been. noug ugh of what could've been, let's talkaboutwhat ir. (;angrisagreat movie, but has its flaws. For one, it's masterfully made. The dtrection, the set design, photography and costumes are astomshingly faithful to the period As Scorcese's trademark, the attention to detail is beyond belief The battle scenes are bloody and graphic. The opening sequence, in which Priest Vallon teaches a young Amsterdam (Di Caprio) about knircs, blood and St. Michael before leading agangof Irish immigrants to a battleground, is unique and breathtaking. It's a shame that we only see Liam Neeson for the first tcnminutes ofthe movie. Alongside Necson, there's an excellent supporttngcastwho docs an extraordinaryjob, especially the everreliable Tim Hroadbcnt. To some extent, the movte loses its solidity afterthe opening sequence. There are points where one loses inter: est, or. patience. But there are also many points where the movie touches greatness. Thankfully, these points are the domtnant ones.UothDiCaprio and Diaz are miscast. As hard as DiCapriotried,uhch 1give himcredit

for,he just neverhits the right note. The most compellingaspect of his character, which are his well-wr~tten narratron lines,are notwidelyused. I Ie's not believable in \houmgan)r of his emotions andabove all, he is notbchcvablc as a threat to B111thc Butcher Thisis the best mol ie of theyear. In oneword (or three), Daniel DayLewis He is Atll the Butcher. Never before has an actor become so involvcd,up to his flesh and blood, in a role. Fxerygesture, every facial espresslon, every word spat out in the accent he's perfected,wd give jmu goose-bumps As BdltheButcher, he is menacing, honourable, frightening and funny, DiCaprio flops but Day-Lewis manages to salvage film. oftenallatmce He turn4 a character, who would've been portrayed as the dew1 for Caqs ended in Florence, George time to make Gatrgs. I couldn't st: himself if played by anyone else, into Lucas came to pay avisit to the set and the idea of anything on the screen someone you can understand and Scorcese.As thepweremalkingaloilg MartmScorcesefilm beingcompu sometimes relate to. Every second the set of 1860skIanhattar1,e~~erylittle generated. that he is on the screen, he steals the piece hand-crafted, even the cobbleIn time, Gungs will be regardec scene.This actingisclose toperfection stones they w-ere walking on, Lucas a classic, or so I hope. As for now, and will go down m history as one of turned toScorceseandsaid'Youlinow ageat piece ofart that shou7cases the most compelling jobs ever done. that this will never be done again, talents of its director anditslead ac It depresses me to know that Day- don't you? No one is ever going to (not DiCaprio!). It is also a Y Lewis may never act again, or if he spend this much money to make a political and historical statement t does, it might be 10 years from now. movie lookauthenticand real." I agree must be seen, over and over, not But I h o w that it wtll be worth the with Lucas, who is probably single- ex7etyNew Yorker, not ewry Am wait. handedly responsible for this. Hut can, but simply every North Am A few mccks before the shooting T'm glad this was done for one last can.

Seasons: Cycles of Power

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And infant minter, born on hallo\~'seve Dances on \bind, Releasingwhite buttcrflres from swft clouds Cntil left alone and young to dtscorcr All of Farth's tragedies Sorrows Builds his throne of mother's frozen tears -RyanPortcr Ryan Porfer~i~illill'egrud~~afing fhisyearnifh a ho/lors BA in English l i k r a h He ndL bagoing fograt/lru/e .schoolwexfyear. S1lbrni~:rionslopoets ~ornercat7 //e se, to ~ ~ & i ~ r i n f . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a f e r l o o . c a


Ink stains and cubicle graffiti 'om Bryce-Hart PECIAL TO IMPRINT

swore to myself once, long ago, hen I was still green and untnitiated ito the de rigueur of unirersay life, hat 1would never while awaymy time rammed into a cubicle in the Dana 'ortcr (or anj- other library for that natter) cramming for an esama test or nessaydue thcnest dal-. The thought ,fall of those bodies fillinz all the

name and initials of each. 'l'he questlon that crossed my mind (as it so oftendoes onaddybasis) wasL'why?' Does so-and-so hope that what'shis-facewill find this random romanticism and be so enamoured by its permanence (it's written mink!) that hewill stop in foranightcap? Perhaps it is apublic declarationof ownership. "I heart him, therefore no one else must." 'This indiscreet proclamation could be a substitute for

pace throughout that entire ~uildingmakes my skill .yawl. I'm not a pcople )ersoii. Unfortunately, this )ast semester I had to )real<the promise to my,elfby spendinga few days ,tudyinginthe teemingant ill that is the Dana Porter ibrary. As 1 sat m my xbicle, lit by a sterile, too,right fluorescent bulb, I let n y eyesw-anderover my sur.oundings. \%at then didst nine eyes bchold? Sanity,com:dy, relief my eyes found ccprieveinthe form of mild-man-

am in right now is lettingme know that Laurier business,Laurieritself and engineering all suck. ' l ' h d s for the bulletin; I'll put these on my action-itemlist.\Vhatare these pcople t h i n k ? "Ooo, take that Launcr busmess!" This is he type ofgraffiti that makes me laugh the l~ardestbecause it makes me wonder if these dinks think they arc being original, or if they have a chosen slokmn they use to markall of their territory,likeadogpissing in the wind.

run out of space.

pointlesscubclegraffitiandIwish1 could



'50s, or 'cut' in the '90s or '00s. Actually, I'm being facetious. This hale epigraph is nothing more than a physical reflection of what scootedacrossso-and-so'smindwhde ka~~etheirmark'onwhateverterntor) sittmg and reflecting on a difficult passage orpoesy orprose. LVhatwould they can, but I like it. have been a quickluss as they walked My favounte find m this unforded field of study is on the tenth floor of became a small, almost hopelesslylost the Dana Porter. I happen to know valentine. Well I saw and I know. Not all cubicle graffiti is mildthe so-and-so who hearts what's-hisface, that is to say I recognize the first mannered. For example, the cubicle I ihink those scrawlinglinesthat cover iveryavailablesurface lettingmeknow who anduzhat sucks, who loves who andwhat rocks are hdanous. I have no &a why people find it necessary to

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and miscreants. Please, continue to UL ventoncu~bclewalls,bathroom stalls and on cork boards in the halls. It makes me laugh. Tt might make someone in your iiv tended target group cry (and then wouldn't yo74 feel specd) and most of all, it gives everyone a yard stick by which they can measure our own feelings. After all, if I'm not willing to profess my lox-e or hatred of one tlungor anotherupon the walls of my surroundings, then I must not be sincere.

Not just another cover band.

Tim and Kal: catching the mood Continued from page 23

However, they do not make any concessions tothe hard workit takes to be in the music industry. They recognize the unreliabllity ofbeingartists.It is aconstant beat of the brain andwork out of the body to survive as a musiciar~.Not only does this group need to be talented but they need to haw the smrts,worketlucs and determination 24 hours aday. Bothworkon their own music separately and use their own methods to write songs.Tibbitts finds that he writes two-thirds of his songs m his sleep, while Mollison will catch the mood of writing music and start with poetry. Ultimately, success has yet to come for these Guelph natives. As Tibbitts said, '?Then you arc making enough money playing your own music and everybody thereis there tolisten to you,

that's the I<ey,that'swhenyou've made ~ t . "Making it in this industry only consists of basic needs for thisgroup. All this consistsof is writing their own music and having an audience that wants to listen. I know that Iwill be at Van Gogh's Ear a few times over the term, listeningto their amazingvoices.l'hey have many local shows that are coming up in February and, yes, I will be the one scremmg for theseguys toplay their own material. If have a low for music andappreciate artlsts, take a trip to one ofthcir shows, drinksome beer and enjoy the atmosphere. And remember to think of Su~~dmrtLe Yleory, as Tibbitts quotes David Lee Roth, "No matter where I go, no matter \\.hat 1do, tt ain't no good without an auclience."

A Partv for the masses CD release a party in the truest sense Nick Walsh SPECIALTO IMPRINT

'I'essa Hoffman's CD release party was a party in the truest sense of the word. It took place onJanuary 11at theTexas HBQ Restaurant in\Yrater1ooTownSquare. Ifyouwere one of those unfortunate souls who happened to be absent, you missed out on an early chance to see I<-Ws n e w est musical prod1.g. Tessa FToffman's rise to prominence beganatthe tender age of three when her great uncle Rufus handed her bagpipes as a birthday gift. Since then, FToffman has mastered the acoustic guitar, bass, violin, piano, lie!-boards, dlembc, rain stick and a voice that sends tingles up the spine ofanyone hearingit.With this diverse list of musical accomplishments, FIoffmanhas certainly made music a fundamental part of her life. hlthough it is unfortunate that thc bagpipes do not appear on her latest CD entitled Tkr IJ Red, Hoffman was able to blend together her musical backgrounds onto this five-trackEP. "I love how music is such a diverse language," she said. "Possessing the ability to play such different instru-

ments allows me to express myself on many musical levels. This, in turn, allows my music to appeal to '1 larger audience." The music that appears on Thi~IsRed is not only anexpressml of herself,but alsoan expressionof other talented musicians. "Originally, I thought that the solo album mould help me express mysclf as amusician; however, through the recordingprocess, I thought I would allow el-ery one's creative juices flow, though keep the foundation of aparticular track the same.l'hisway,Ialsogotaunique style from each different musician on the CLl" Not only was IIoffman's captivating on-stage presence on displa!., hut so was the spectacleof Spanishguitarists Ashkan and I<ash, the incendiarlstyle of Matt Osborne and the freewheclin' dancing of hlorgtn Gnipp, whose ecstatic energy caught the ej e o f everyone present. 'l'he on-stageantics even included the comedic mpro-isational skills of Graham Kent, who covered the~x7idcly-discussedtopics of <;eorge\YJ.Bushandcaterpdars,all thc while entertaining the audience with his perfected break-dancingtechques. The night ended with an invitation blurted out to the entire audience.

"Come to the forefront! Show of)-oursmile!And dance!" And they did I Ioffmanjams at\X.eaver's Arms ope1 mike night eve? \X-ednesday. So, 2 dare you reader, go out and find ; dictionary l'hc defmuonof"party"a good time. It was 'I essa Hoffman': CD release party that c e d y l i v c d u r to the word "party" tn ~ ttruest s sense

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TERMSUBSCRlPnONS Fall or Winter $17.75 Summer $ 8 . 115 Churchill St. - Two bedrooms Applicants wanted to study Part IV of The Urantia Rook. Earn $25,000. For In three bedroom townhouse. Oue details vlsit room ava~lahlennmediatly, othcr available early Ecbruary. l'urnmshed. Near # I 2 busand UW. LaunPiano Player wanted t o accompany small studcnt dry and parking ava~lable.$295 + u t ~ l .Call 8 19vocal jazz enscmble for rehearsals and pcrform669.1 276 ances. Rehearsals Monday night 9 - 10?30 p.m. Email rnarikat23@yahoo,ca if interested. O n e - T w o rooms. T o sublet, available from Fcb. LIKE WORKING WITH KIDS AND TEENS? t o Aug. 03. Starting at $250 a room. 747-7276. Plan to go t o teachers college? Need a sumnler job? Bridgeport Lofts bicycle room, billiard room, City of Waterloo Camp employment opportunilaundry, parking. Co-op studcnts welcome! 'Turntics. May - August. Rate of pay $8.25-$10.2.51 of-the-century building, new modem design. Phone hour. Camp applicatioiis available at Career Serv1-866-655-5573 or Ices or ~- 300 plus rental listmgs iiicludmg studcnt housing Full-time and part-time cooking and dishwashmg on a new local rental Web site. Check o u t por~tionsavailable t o begin immedlatcly. We arc www.look4aplace.co111. New listings daily. offering daytime, evening and n~glittimepositions Brand New Student IIousing - Four bedrooms, to conform t o most school schedules. T o apply for excellent location - closc t o everythiug, washer1 a fnn, tcam spirited, and well-paymg ]oh at Mel's dryer, new dishwaslierlfridgclstovc, gas heated Diner, just call Jerry at 519-574-1853 OR apply in (cheap bills), air conditioning, parking, huge patio, ocrson to: Mel's Diner, 7-140 Univers~tyAve. W. in the Campus Court Plaza. Perfect for \tudents. These placcs are going fast. Call 74 1-7724. TRAVEL & TEACH ENGLISH: Jobs, $$ guaranteed. TESOL certified in five days. Artcnd a free Student accomodations - groups of four only, information seminar. Free infopack: 1-888-270brand new studcnt suites, exccllcnt location, close 2941 or t o everything, dishwasher, parking, patio, washer1 dryer. verfect for students. These places always Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in . go homes for ~ndividualswith developmental chalfast. 741-7724. lenges. Cxpenence, mmin~ume~ght-monthcorn$350 per month. Six applmnces, five rooms, FREE .. mitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Ilon parking, Scpt. to Sept., 25-30 miri. walk, 5 min-to Mader. K-W Habilitat~on Serv~ces, 108 Sydney bus. 574-5739 after 6 p.m. Street, Kitchencr, ON, N2G 3V2. Campus interviews - summer of your hfe - Camp Wayne, NE PA. Counselor-Specials all LandIWatcr Sports Inc. Tennis; golf; soccer; outdoor adventure: campmg, ~nountainbikmg, cl~mbi~~glropes; Math tutormg. Learn how to learn. roller hockey; rocketry; fme arts; thcatre; r a d ~ o ; Exper~encedtutor, UW Math TA.. H I v ~ d e o CDL ; drivers; wait staff and more. RN's for Math tcachmg, B.Ed, R.Math. Call 880-0257 our IIealth Centre. Job Fair interviews, Rim Park, Wednesday, February 5. I d s get the ball roll~ng now! Onlme application www.campw;; e-mall;1-888-549-2963 (5 16) 883-3067. Camp Wayne, S5 Channel Drivc, 'Ultnnate Quest~ons"- The 1 ord I'ort Washington NY 11050. lcsus C h r ~ sIs t the d~ftcrcnce1 earn about Him. Bhle stndy by correspondence. Please DAYTONA BEACH Super Special send nanlc and address to: B~blcStudy, Z ~ o llmted n from U1291qumt. R e a ~ h t r o i i tparty . . Reformed C h u r ~ h1238 Mam St. Sheffdd, O N hotel Ramada Plaza Resort Spa (Spring Krcak LOK 1ZO or h~ble( ~ g nup IIeadquarters from $189lQuint) Six nights today. It's fret. accomodation. Party package wristband inEssay servlce - need help wlth any of your essays? cluded!!! l'hames Travel 1-800-962-8262. (Todd) H ~ g h l yqual~ficdgraduates w ~ l help. l Toll free: 1 All m a p credit cards welcome! 888-345-8295. MADE YOU LOOK! Global Village Backpackcrs Need storage In Waterloo - mdoor slzes $29 95 'I'ORONTO has dorm beds for as little as $221 $39.95 $44 95. Call Harry at K W Safe Qorage mght. If you can't go to Mexico for Reading Weck, 570-0985, 136 Moorc Ave. S. Waterloo. why not Toronto? Call 1-888-844-7875




AWARDS Attention Undergraduate Students! Interested III applymg for undergraduate scholarsh~ps,awards or bursaries? Check out thc Bullet~nBoard on the Student Awards Officc home page at: http:li;/ for a detailed list of awards opcn for appl~cation this term. Further information is ava~lableat the Student Awards Officc, 2nd floor, Ncedles Hall.

ONGOING MONDAYS English Language Lab: Einphasls on pronunciation and listeniiig exercises. Students, faculty, staff, and spouses are welcome t o attend. Held a t 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. and Fridays from 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in Modern Languages 113, Octoher t o June. THURSDAYS SAHAJA YOGA FREE MEDITATION CLUB: 73.30 p.m. at the International Shldent Centre (33 St. Georgc). Come and experience your Selfrealizat~on through Kundalini awakenmg. Info: 416-284-0756 or to access morc classess In GTA. FRIDAYS English Conversation Classes: Conversat~onclasses hcld in Needles Hall 2080, 2:00-4:00 p.m., from September t o Junc. Students, faculty, rtaff, and spouses are ~nvited. For more infornlation on both classcs, contact the International Student Office, cxt. 2814.

UPCOMING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Lecture on Teaching Divcrs~ty- l'his noon-hour session will be held In room P207 of the Frank (:. Pctcrs Uudding and w ~ l explore l the cl~alletigcsof ensuring that classroonr experiences recognize and support d~verslty.For more ~uformation,contact Marilyn Jacobs ar 519-884-0710 ext 6979.

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Join the cross-country tonr o t Dr. D a v ~ dswan^ Calgary physicla11 who has just been to Iraq examinc the Public Hcalth Iiitrastructurc. Hos by K-W Comm~teeAgamst War and S a n c t ~ o n Iraq. D a v ~ sCentre room 13.50, 6 p.m. Choral Concert - T h e L a m ~ e S~ngers r w ~ lperf< l a selection of choral muslc at 8 p.m. In the Maur Forrcster RecitalHall. For more ~nformationplt call Laurier's conccrt line at 51 9-884-0710 3554 or Carol Raymond, ext 2150. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11 T h e Other Half Support Group - This groul open for spouscs, parmers, girlboy fried.; etl individuals who have epilepsy. 7 - 8:30 p.m. at Federick Street, 2nd Floor. Please RSVP t o Me1 at 745-2122. PEACEVIGIL Dedicated to the already devasta people of Iraq and t o the global peace moven~ which beheves that we cannot bomb our wa) peace. Concourre at Laurier (in the Fred N ~ c l building) 6 - 7p.m. Into: 884-0710 x2688 ives7660@mach I Free Prenatal Health Fair - 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Waterloo Memorial Recreation Complex, Fathcr David Bauer Dr. Displays, Mini Wc shops, and I h o r I'rizes. For more mformahon, 519-883-2308 or WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 Educational Forum on Iraq. Featuring a pane speakers. IIosted by K-W Commmitee Aga War and Sanct~onsin Iraq. 12 noou at thc S Mnlt~pnrposrRm, IJ ot W. HUMANISTS are celebrating the birthday CHARLES DARWIN with speaker, Dr. C DiCarlo, $2.00. Coffee and birthday cake sen 7:30 p.m. at the Un~vers~ty of (;uelph, MacKm Bmldmg, Room 029. For more intormation, c tact Mary Mcycr 893-1449.






ANNOUNCEMENTS PERFORMERS WANTED! St.Paul's United College Blackforest Coffeehouse held M a r c h 7 t o 8 2 0 0 3 . E-mail: spuc EXTENDED DEADi l ~ FOR i ENTRIES: February 14. Actors Needed. female 19-26. for Indevendent Short Film (comedy). ~ u d i t i o n son ~ a t u r d a yFebruary 8 from 11 a.m. t o 1p.m. in Arts Lecture IIall Room 113 o r call 885-9154 t o arrange time. Bring 1 - 2 miti. a u d i t i o n piece o r e-mail t o request an audition niece

Attention All Metis Students, the Metls Nation of Ontario Training Initiatives (MNOTI) is offering a wage subsidy program for Metis students seeking summer employment. If you have anative andnonnative parent andlor grandparent and would be interested in our Summer Career Placement Program, please give our office a call a t our 'Toll Free number 1-888-546-3847 and ask for the Youth Project Officer, Melissa Cabezas. Fed up with stndent debt? Talk about it here Apply now for the Canadian Scholars Exchange Program (CANEX). l'he application deadline is March 1,2003 for the 200312004 academmic year. CANEX scholars are provided the opportunity t o enhance their academic, professional and personal goals while gaining a wider perspective of our country by living and studying In a different part of Canada. Students accepted into the CANEX Pro-

gram recieve a $1000 scholarship. For morc informatlon contact the UW CANEX coordinator,, and the CANEX wcbsite, T h e call for nominations t o fill full-time undergraduate student seats on Senate closed at 3:00 p.m., Friday, January 1 7 and the results are: Environmental StudiesiIndependant Studies (term from May 1, 2003 t o April 30, 2004) : Avi Caplan. Mathematics (term from Mayl, 2003 t o April 30, 2005) Mark Kobert Greco, Emma Saask. At-large (term from May 1 , 2 0 0 3 t o April 30, 2004) Siyan Li, Kevin Tran. At-large (term from May 1,2003 t o April 30, 2005) Derek Chan, I.iam McHughRussell. T o obtain informatmu about the on-line voting process visit the Federation of Students web site at From February 7 t o February 12, eligible students will be able t o select this web site and, using their Quest user id .and password, vote from any computer, on o r off campus.

LIBRARY TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Keeping Current - Digitally! 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Offered t o graduate studcnts, faculty and staff. Engineering: Covers engineering databases including INSPEC, Compendcx, alerttng services and ejournals. Held in thc FLEX Lab, 3rd floor, Dana Porter Library. See IST - Skills for the Academic e-Workplace, for registration form: ist.uwaterloo.calcs1courses.html.




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