Better think before vou drink

Page 1

Better think before vou drink Surge of liquor charges sparks security against underage drinhng Kimberly Mackhan IMPRINTSTAFF


-auren S . Breslin MPRINTSTAFF

"I'm w.ilklng by t h cop ~ [.. .] and hc tell\ me to iitinlp mi hicr," wme\ Rr,lmiin, w h o rr-

,tudcnt~c:~ugh! dl-mlmgillcgal1) adlf~ccpinal les h;lrshcr t l ~ m ;L h.rngr,vit l%u K<mrdriporieda slgnltirnnt I I I L I C ~ ~ X111 Innl,~ngwol,~i~,,nsdr~niig thi200i\ch~,i,Iywr, vnt~I 7 i hjuor rilatcd chxrgzs m u c d tu m imr\ i d ! a m,mlh inio thr t.ill xnlc.rtcl.

iiruokcn srndcnr~. L%ud\V:tlk~r,d~rcct<,r<,Cl~us~ness <,[>rr;uions,~s,~lsottir ad~niinsrritu~ ofPol~c)21 ,nhchrcgul.ttcritIc~~h~,l scrmcc and conwmpunn on cam^ pub Uralkir\nyiiI~rrel~a.;l~eeo an ~nrrense~lplesencrofcobrrcca~~~~t 011 c ~ n i p w OKI. tlic pa\( IRTO 1 0 ihlec~ilr\. "\htu.ilh win sruiiimhccomii ufdnn$ng.~gcwhdc they're at unl-


"As I get out my ID for the cop one of my friends down the street laughs at me... I chuckle a bit too at the ridiculousness of the whole situation." -Ben Redrnan charged UWstudent


I<ouphly(~ll pcrcci~r,,fiirst~\ear 1I\\ 51 a<lrnrs h s )car arc utrdrr the legal ilnnlqg ,~geilmr,std~~ublc t h c n r ~ m b e r o f s t u ~ l r n t ~ f last rn~m .car. But ondcr;~pcdnnkmg I S not the only P, ,licrlraic ladn~orccIi;u~~~.\miitni1is~~~cir~1~~1 d ~ ~ l i ~ l - r ~ l i ~ r ~ d ~ \~h ~~ u~l ~d bc\i,ry l~i~~nst~idi~~t~ m w l n n g 70 itaff mirnixr\ o f r Ileallh ,f ll::anadaai1di1ntmrn~l~iir1~nc1r~n1rr~n him- T ~ W S : I ~5N 1 eI q[ i w p d ~ &m ~ d e t m tor c ~ o l m ~ >wlehn t o n a t,,ip.qi.~fundcdC.mbI I ZO tor fo~gettmgn, dump in\ Ixcr x\ Irame I>emCTLLIse. ,utofa kegparr!,"sais Hen Redman,,, 21-!carPaul 1b1,iitmrcpimid hi\ L ~ h ~ rleadcr\h~p al c;iinp.iqq~ha\ amouniid I O a rrr<,nl $10.7 mtllmn, 1 0 t m r s itlr amount rased bi 111s ~ o t n ~ ~ c t ~ r , x H ~ MnmtcrShril.~( tit.igi :uppi, In a ImI in iurreecl Prmc hllmstcr l c , w Ctrrcrlcn


,lilc~~nil~i~tcr.rc~cnccnin~~~r~~h~i~n~ ch.ugdon icpt~mbcr27 w t h dnnl\mgm p u b l ~ I .i,mlpol~ct:~llcg.c~ll! s,~wagroupofstudents v~lkmgiimirI~rhStrectrh.oiugl~tw~thbccrs~n b u r hmd\ ;mcl itiqqxii i i , clui\urx thim dent\ a h o \ i pn,pilt\ had h r ~ d;rmligid n lhy

Ibreslm@lmpr~ntuwaterloo ca


Survey says.. we hate our own school University report card gives scoop on 26,000 undergrads Jhrlstlne Baker DlTOR IN CHIEF

I ~ f i o t l - , s ~ > c l < ~ F f - c , ~ ~m,,~ ~ ~ nwd l ~ ~ ~, ~i p ~ k c ~ ranked ~ t ~ u ~ ~ c ~ mc-up ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ l ~ <~~ t~% u~mt\ c~r - ~ , ~ r ~ cUW , ~ n z s r c t i ~ s ~ L i n iLIU d . ~srudrnts~~mkid , 1I\Y first overall for ?8rhplxch1nts,>TI-~nnrpnshfi,\\~hchcot,s~dcr~ ,uch atc;i\ a i pirwnal \:tfi~~r,nc;tiiip>ui, 5chool I'ul-opr,r Comrrrlssm, Prrsdcnt K,m,,ino reputation. , p m , sense tof ccmmunn) ,mi opportunmcs t'n,dl h.~i\ircicr~mcd .I h a n c r , ll:;crman plan i,r fun on c a m p \ h ~ r l r c n c hP~rs~dctit~acquesCtur:i~ n,rcprcIh\"s lowrst ranklng, h,mcver,carne~ntlrr Il\Y ranked tilsr wrrall fol- reput,mon ,m4 \cntIl:;irh;irdSchn,cdir<,n thc~~cr,nddayot caricr i,pportumuc\ hi placmg tlurdInrcpor;i:arigom r,t off c a m p htc. Opporrunlucs h r m El; w m m t ,if-campus f~rn,pul,llctranyx,l-t;~tmc~ and thr tmn smong\t ernplover\ hchindMclI:;~ll(l)and Queens (2) and wrond ~nrareerprepnra~~<,nand iv;ul,~I,~l~rv,clual~t~ and aifiiniah~lttiofhoiivng ~ , r ~ - c a n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x r c r r i i ~ t r nShcr1,rookr. enrhrhlnd icrcsornc~,ftl~ f.~cn~rslradu~gn, c LIW's 14ttl "11\ a ol.irfknl tin studcnrs t,, launch rtlexr 11;iccr.mhir.a hlch ~ m t ~ t : i h ~ufL;rurcnt~;m .rd

i d



porn\ t o \ t u d i n ~ dls\auafi~c

Dven the ik)~-,,cLertngpnceofe~Iuc~t~on," r;ud

'l'hr rmhni su~~c~,\vhchltrcludcd mcr 100 life,ancl o n and ott catnpw ~ n r l n ~ i ~ m i n t s , \ \ ~ ; i r

ednor@~rnprmtuwaterloo cd

Survey results are available at

UW students try using fake - - - - - - - - - - - 1 twenties at Timmv's CONESTOGAMALL747-1290 FAIRVIEW MALL894-0770 213KingStreet W., KITCHENER 744-5271



1 0%

on y o u r Grad S u ~ t ,P r o m Suit, Inteniew Suit,




1 I I 1


l i c ~ r d d . i t r c rr h i .turliint~clt\o i l b u t ~ n ~ m iu. i ~ h : d l m p ~I nd ! h i c a h i r .ind t h c p i r l ~ i i ~ ~ a- lci rt lii < l . 'Il,c ,,:,me\ 01 t l k ,I,r,w \,u<I<Y,~s lxl\ en01 ,?I lxw~ rrI<,,\c<l,t,,mr, c1,n 1, known111a1 all ~ l ~ t i i o l - e c t , y ~ n r t r l n q s~udcnts. I~~c~dint;illy,\u\l>~c~d t,n n \ni ng\ cr,unlcrfc~~ mrmi1 I ~ , ~ r e l i i , ~ u ~ f , ~ r ~ ~ l a1 lhchlollr ( ,,lfrr&r),,n~~tStl,q,iil t l ~ 1M~th r & C , m q x ~ r cL~h A h n g Nc, i , n i f r i , r n l h i c \ l a l , h 4 ~ r n ~ nhnsrom1 ! m e n l d t o In,o,,,,/ ,,r tl,,< t,!n<


Get ready to vote again Anne Faye SPECIALTO IMPRINT

YCT,re,, \,L,<I~,\ ,,~!C~II, \,,I?



~LL~L'I I,v,m,,v ,,t 11', , \ \ U ' \ ,~,'l, hi,u\~ngr n d plmnlng. I l r l - f ' c l i k

n i l i d Inlo firc

hcnvcri~10-0O:i nl.

Think you've got what it takes to join us? Do you possess the passion and professionalism to share your view of today's Pop Culture scene with Canada's most loyal audience? Are you hot, happening and live the latest in Music, Media and Style? Then come and see our producers at the CHUM Open Call. This ain't the VJ Search, baby...

Come Prepared with Head Shot, Bio and Reel.



R r a(kn,~&nn rttuen. r 3 ~ ILLSC 1 8?cArs<>f+xc Nor bc p x ~ l u l x t c df r i m w m n g ~ m ~:an1 d ~lm. r Yootn.q rim oncliiooniI;i!r,r .it an :AV,L~CL l p d l .id\ , m c ~poll^ :m


I n :&Iitxm vormgtm ,L u > u n r,Ilor y<,ur\w<1, IT,U ran VOI' f o r ,,,~~,,,,~C~,O,,,~~C~>,,,", r?g,,,,,,,l c,,u,,c,l







nor \ ~ i i ~ a ~ . o ~ ) a ~ a t r r l , , , , r c g ~ , , nhas .rom v c d ~ ~ i ~ c i . ~ r h c c l i . r Y . r i~<~tnp~lcd~rrf<,,*l ~f. r l x ~ ~ ~ r uf c.i~l~ hi;ir747-R70i<,t747-X747t,,vcnh thc c:tn&i~trc~ a, w l l ,J\, ~ n \ v c rto \ 1f10ut n . m c r\ on r h i h\r ilw\uon\ , t h i , u ~ c l i ~ r ~ r ~ n ~ \ i i ~ c i . I f r < , u r n . ~ m i ~ \ n < , ~~hcIl\t,yr,u r,n c m ~ u l I n > t <'I.o ~ ~ ~ v d~ lo nr c~q d, ~ u - It ,th /,hr /mm a q ~ m ~ ~onr m / ~ ~ o tr. I t \,,u t u \ e

The official opening of the Institute for Quantum Computing was celebrated by Rene Durocher, CRC [left); Michele Mosca, IQC; Mike Lazaridis, RIM; Raymond Laflamme, IQC; Al McDonald, former MPP and Isabelle Blain, NSERC, all with the finest test tubes $6 million can buy.

UW Institute takes $5,987,430 Quantum leap Provincial governmcnt gives $5,987,430 for quantum research Ttic I(((: aim? ir, dc\-ilop n i m I n ~ w l i l ~ In d grclr\atir ~ areas of rngln c i m g , m ; r r l i i n m t u i n d wmre. K/ccndy, thcy mn&ocwpn,&*eaborr ,'",,,qucu 1, i>ici,m~,,llln,: I,\ h i i n \ ,,,,,u,r ll'l,',\ c \ A , ,I,< ,dt,>,nIc I,,,,\ k v d , "utlere p a r l d i \ m g h r C X ~ ITC I x\-crdl\Lnlci a1rmcc."

ml~censedlodging houses

75 me:rz d~stancebetween lodyog houses shorld be remored Hake xr~cterproyerty standards by laws an:! do mora I r e w e n t checks on t h s e prnper!m I

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False alarm in MC building messes up math midterm Ihm$ weelend \ l u d ) n i g fur r h


in< ~ h M c ath

b ~ ~ t t h e u op rm~l lh t h , > r d u u c f t ~ m \ i w l count i for n:d.r."


m ~ d t c i n l were

'pent the long weekend

~ ~ u ~ c 1 ~ 1 ~ r u ~ l ~ r 'dI~W ~ ue t ,,f the r u m aixi ,,It<,


rhc p"LL""g



all our


,A, q ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ l -hard efforts n i a t r h 5 4 5 p m., m A ~ , m I,7T ~ I ~ L K will count xr.trdb t h t finai hulih:: u a s ingfor nada."' g m d rcmlr~ngm J u l i e Van Mol ducrd u, 20 p r l r h t caiiccll:rtwri~~f tllii I V d " l l l L l U O n . \Lib a ~ r zl ~ o u a pranh but .is or productxm n m e Rlatlr 235 51u c,trnpu\ p o h c c c o u k n o ci,nfirn~rhis V Lr t1 n n l 'lint li~Ile \5n hid cr,mmcnrcd, .'It way\rtvcd ! t i purp<,\i''sncl thatstumfortnat~m~. w a i innugk I t h mc y x n t thc

1 .

hone Student kauslng needs s h d d be o r n v ~ d ~byd rh2 u n ~ v e w t y Create s database of absentee Iandlcrdi and fine them



From one country to another Research program seeks internauonal experiences hcrc at home Mark Stratford



d>,<>,,l h<UW,,,\L,<,lL,,, ,,It ,n,, T I u \ p t u ~ cl~~l r ~ n ~ \ r \ f l i n ~ ~ l c ~ i i \ t i d m r ~ m ~ ~ ~ I t ts \l ~x, xc m \




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"[This is] an opportunity [for students] to talk about their area of expertise -their culture, traditions or travel opportunities."'


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- Candace Newman ~nternatfonaltrattonpro)ect coordinator




Aussie sun will not shine on UW's solar race car





hings A new mriller bv Steuhen Frears





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On October 13, both the Midnight Sun VI AND Midnight Sun VII made a first when the Midnight Sun team drove them through the annual KW Oktoberfest Parade. The Midnight Sun solar race team, UW's largest student-run project, was part of the UWengineeringfloat team. Even though the current car, Midnight Sun VII, achieved third place overall in the 2003 American Solar Challenge and won theTechnical Innovation Award, the team will not enter the World Solar Challenge next month in Australia. Drawbacks in fundraising, problems in team training and vehicle upgrades have been listed among the reasonsforthe cancellation of the team's participation.

Moving in and shelling out

hLwmq m i a m n Iht ,,t u , n k .i, .i pdi ot ha\+\ ,m<Id r , h g wt11 new :mi m a g m m w e w,>i s o f l x ~ t\rc~r ~ w i d l > ~ o~rut>Im ~ ~ n n p uAhh u ~ ~ .I I L I , ~ \ , > tnlo\,l,g I am moimgnnil 1 need a ptmnc \i~Trallrdt~,li~,uh~~priudcnualpI~,,ni s c r i l r c ( u ~ t l i i i ~ o r n ~ . \~i ~n, y~te l~l l ~ ~ ~ n ~ . ~ m n . u ~ ~ i l ~ ~ \ I ~ i?rl~crgaic ec,iiise~~~i thcm2iv~al-501I , d ~ t p , m dI ~ , \ \ ~ d i t h~g11h~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ t r t t r l ~ , ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~

1 m n y phimi i i r r i c i :ill ( h i wayup I,, ~ h sr d c of my lhouw - but nor ~ n . AlthougI~I 6nd ~thanl t o bcbmc th;ir h c sermcr rc scM srpamrelv, app.iri n r l v ~ t i s . \ W e nI n s l d h o x ~ t h awa\ i i,,i,\id'n<l "r<\,,l~n,lalp1,i,n< \<,T KC," I =-a\ lold that lr Inenl o u l s ~ d r .ind plu=cd a plmne into that hor, I w,uld havc a d m Ilme. O k a y r l ~ a ~ S,,~ind,q c a t . h,1, ~ \ k <w d h a t n w ~ l td~ k cf < x mc to q t \ c t i i i c , \ity,~nwlitn!, h m i c 'Iki n m w c r a n addl ( ~ v h sconccpl) a uminl $79 A \ .ln oddid Imnu\, T need jorl\\ m\t.rllcd I .rsL rllcconqmq ahoutrlr~s and I;ii1imk,rmicltl1:irfi,r.ifii.~~f$79 f i r the first jarli nnd $17 101- iach tt~cycan .dihui,n.d pck (I n d h3, ~ n \ ~ o~l l ~ i m i i , r m ~ . A t t i r I t c c r , v c r i d from t t k ~ l m r l,mcl i < I dsome srrmw lp~od&rig,1 w.r\ rtrhrmcd tlrar tlnr ~ o m i f h i n g t h aIl cr,ulddutny\clf ~f I want& lo.

Too manv offers for one man Too many to read, toc2 little patience Julian Apong COMMUNITY EDITORIAL

I was sent a series of e-mails telling me that my health coverage had been canceled, which I found puzzling because I'm Canadian . . . but that was no worry, because I had New email has arrived ~ g r l ~ ~ v won a FREE LIVER s~ll,lc<t: Y O O R l ) l ( l k S O f ~ l ~ ~ \ \ O ~ l ~ , N TRANSPLANT! TIIINI\ IT'S h THIKL) Lk,Gll!I \\ h! tli.mkjoo,);~tni\ba~iiiar,tw lhc impa\wmed I M ol a d \ ~ c e .O t ,\ N ~ g c n a npnnccss a.itircdmc t o course, youwere hr;xcnro t l i c p ~ a h help her1oc.m $20 hAonmk,\tgold L ~ ccouplc L of other pcoplc, hke the ALI I had lo downs send hrr R thouoneslx~lm~vant lo scnclme frcr \'lapa, rmrl di,ll.irs t ~ , c i ~ r c r h c r c x ~ ~ i nA\ c \ Il~inlm.mclIITrr)$ T h i im .w-lk,r~c icw n u ~ l ~ r Irtc?, l h nunyll-rnik uirc tcll~ilgmr .~bi,ut"l'rrr r,tr Imurnnce ulrcrrstcil ~n s e n d ~ n gme a ttrr rnrtmgar $5,01!1!!" md the one, 1 7 srreensaverfiIerdlcd""(.rcr 111gt o g l i e m e u p 1020~p~cccntoff;rU \~;uncl\~or~cr!pt,norrcrrms,~~er-xt ~nlilrctoncr n as a r l i d l y 2 wru\. Thank\, iwy4) I It \r;irnd off, ;ts tlrmgi A,, a . ~wi l t rsrrirs ore-tn;ul\ icllm$mi \i 1117 WY. Porn \pun, < m i <,r tivo a ~h:n m\ h d t h corcmgr Ihnd lieen i mcc ucel;, p o h e l \ < l i l ~ v i t c mto d c:mciIccl,ah~chIi i ~ t ~ f r d ~ c ~ / / l ~ n g I > e tol,lcl-1,,1-lunI,t11a~l:1~1il t11ii1rhlppvd r : w \ c I'm (:;in:ah.m .. bur fa,u o r n , ~ f f ~ ~ ~ r o t t i ~ VOKI ~ ~ l ot r , tlx ~ st i i t~~ ~dh c m ~ u w 1 h ~ ~nl a mr.r T_I\rER urn. It'\ rhc !arid o t thngthat mal,c\ TKANSI'I ANTI yr,ufccl~l~aL~r,u'tcri.~i~.~partottlrt

Hoard of Dirccnm hi>.,rd(ounlp~irrt ,ii.\trr1o.i


lvr<b~clcn~, \,l<I.<Wmlt, Vr,r ~ p ~ ~h l~m ~Sfr.~u,s ~ i ~ ~ ~ t ,

'lrr.~run~, Mnoql.~Sol~lls \ r r r ~ u r r . M~cl~cllc I'#nts bt'ill I,*,son. l l k c a,,,, l ~ " ~ ~ ~ ll,i',lc1100'., ~ ~ ( u ~ ~ ~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ ~ l Pn,du'non rt.,ff

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')/our H a l l o w e ' e n


Life with the girls of Waterloo \rar)..ii,,,rr~~~,~rrsttratmn

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Tl,cc,,nirr.iar~i,i~ can starrhtic,rrtiri In Cambrdge at-52 M a n L l t r r r t , 620-i371'3 r t l p , . ~ s h i ~ g p w pw Ich u ~ t h o .rr g , , ~ In K i t c h e n e r a t - 1 3 4 8 Weber S t r e e t E.. 894 0628 and 1,-h.11 rhc! did $11\chrml unul -mw-orIn r l i c ~ , x(,mC rtallstlcalli, rhi m h ~ t . p i r i o n h ~110 i \ i h ~burro ~ i l,\!'l, I<>V<IU - , , , < a \,-I,,/\,-,,, tl,,,,.) Surpt~mxJ!, m \ ~ d it h i v.m, lple (cml ~ o o p c nup I , , ~ - ~ ~ C ~ V L ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ C I : I rc,,Il, ,,,k 1s <,ne Iht ?,IS,?". Ill Heramb needed m < l < t nl*,\,d< rlK \ , , * I ro Ih<',l< tI7c help with the op~ ~ l ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ t l ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - c r ~ . ~ t ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ \ L n I x 11.5 l l h conlinccl y x c c 111,tl posite sex, and like cre,,,& ? ',or, ,,r '~!m,n,,,e'' ,,,,,,<,%~ a true friend, I ~ptlwc.IhUt It ,,mk \l,,,hc K ' b rlx k t ~l,,,?n , < > b r\n,needed to be d<,,t\ 'Arc I,, tI1c wm< I,<M ,,,,,dc rl,r ialic x l m thci fiilnn\.rtc u .d$ng there. 'L lax' I x ~ r < , > rc h ~ ~ h < m c: h 1 c s m p l l u a n t rugcr trwnr f.icrer. Hai Ing c \ c n Ihr 4!gl1le\i lhmg In cornT l w m g l h comr ,la a c l i x k r n, 0 , I tn g - rh' ",<,Tl, <,p<~,',ll, WlK,l 11's \ , ~ , I c lu.iin - l i ~ r ~ ~ n h I tlx ~K ~<wtgo 5 't,,,~'i'~l~~~~'lt<,~lr~\-~\lll~l~tll\ll~,,,,~ lX>,l,p'L,,K\, \LC*,,\ EL, c,,",-'r\., ing ~pcrvmw ~ h icn l u n g ~n I>!\ coi t,,, q > , , , q aI,,, I1e,,e, \vh,d<,n'I t d \ , , l ~ w ~ l l < mIt gth'vm urn" \uqge\,\j ,,,,I the I,,~,c Il~~~~~ c,>n,e,%3rn!ghgc:il l u l l a n ~ l i ~ ~ u l e e i ~ i l i c ~ ~I,,, ~,,~<-t,<,,>l\,l,erel>l,,,<l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c h ~ ~ , , ~ ~ i t~vl ~r ,s ~c l~r it > t rwc ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ i , m e , ,I,?,, <I,>,,,,\,,I<,<. ,I \,,,,r 1,. ?I,<. t,<>,,,s t,,l,<l t < ><<>,,,? I,,, rhcrc ,rc o r ru,, ,At th' l h m l x * \\l,,l' lp'Y.\l,,C \ c r v ~ <W\ L ~ ~A d~ ~ S ~ ~ t~ c nI l ~~ ~ hO rhl' I' 't'"c through .t CIOWCI (.md !Ixn l ~ l m x 11\ MONDAY TO THURSDAY i i i f h t n m t n ) c~ilunin1:iirii.qi m c c ontnc> BUI\ ~ d i , ll ~ r ~ t t ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ l l ~ e l ~ ~ lh',Ln l'L,\',\ .,, l<~Ll\',,,dw~~,.n ~ 1 1Iht 1 ~ p p ~ s lwf it dml, llkr? true t<,r 11 1x7 ,,u7 ,L,,,,,,,,, ,,e ~ l , , > d ,<, , Ilt tltrnd. I ~nrcdciit c ~ l , r r l ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ r a r ~ r ~ ~ i ~Tllcrcnrc s r ~ r ~ f a ~ c s ~ z ~ t s < >n.,r,,r:,111, , 1 told h,m 1hc "I<,\, H WATERLOO AT NORTHFIELD > ! , I \ \ r\\<>v,,,~\tl~,,t<l~p,tt~,!r',~'l7t,,l,~ ~ ~ I ~ v xm x I d~ k ~ q .tn\\v<r ~ ~ d I LOLII~I ~i.irrlx,urrd .,nil uc\rhormd Tel: 886-7565 a h c n ii,u qi, h < m i 01 inlgl11. l~ t,<>,,lI',\t ('I<Wl>l' 1hc . t ~ l : h y,:KL,






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prc<l m n ~ g l ,I < , ,I,,,!.< tIK ,n~l,,,,,:,l ~ ~ c uThe a f o n l i 11hni: hi <Idw,xng I{ 1 ' 7 ~l'',~,l~'l ,>,,ctI1mp, lr,,,,, I m g a!, hrcal-lng l l l i l a x 'I h.rr'i pj-c rt, ~ m 1 1l ~i i lc/ i i i i i / n c a ~ ti.itrl \ m i z IPI,ILLg<,n<1 . i l ) . ~ t ' ~ltldl )011 \ltnp1\ C . ~ L I I I I ) ~ ~ ~ C , I S C '1 hr l ~ i ~ t p . i ~ t i ~ f ~ ~ i n r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q ~ ~ ~ ~ : i l l ~ , i t l ~ ~ p c ~ ~ pI i ~ ~ ,I ~ rrcqi,ilc ~l l ~t h. ~ o~~m!%c~~ c .\d\ ~ t c \ ~ \ t h ~ t t, ~ ltl~, w t tsl l \~c\v\.icampu~i~ca\p.ipr~ d~fferrnll~ im/i~liniz/nca~ a l l t r r s llx o p p < r ~ u n ~ t ~ - h r cxampli, w m c t c d 11 sl~mrld I < > <-,It ll?clr r'ctl, A\ ]<,W,,,,I,\t\, 111~ i,r><rt,,,Ktl,,,,l,<>,,'11,,'\,~\,\51,,l' vm,< wnringran h i ~ . i l , c n ~ ~ n nr dc in 11 I d 11'\ ~ n c o n ~ p l c~t r ~ I I I$ 1 ~. ,And x ~ I thc\t1l>1c~rc,1r1r10t ' l hW ~ ~I.~IICII~U\ some. d l c n lhc m.ircrr.iI 15 1kr.i tl,,rn \ c c u i , n n d trul! ~ n ; u r hI h i r i i r < i t r l ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ntcr L I tt>"dlm&I ~ l I C U. S ~ ~ tIl',ttlX p a p u -ofil.~lrrrl,ul r r l c r a n l ~ u l y a r rs ,~lc,z~>,sl,le. m m ~ d, d t wl, m ,I , ? d ~ w < > ~ : , l \\dl, \ \ , j l r ! ?,<>I. I'm ,,<,I g<n'lgt,, ond ci,tnpd\n cl! r c a ~ l ; ~ l d e m a n n i ~ LIX t h ~ b ~ p , ~ v r , , d r t r nmdy d l o r IIK Iixx-c d o this ~tglir,lr+m/can h~ 41cus \ K l I < , , , In f m , I'm ,,,,tt, rlw rl~cper~ k ~ ~ ~ < l d l c f i < , u ~ d rrl~iri~ccn hati15 - w i \ s r r n l x a dmvnnght I P C C ~ C~ ~O L Z I ~ L I I S lilie Ihc (,lohi Ann ~ ~ ~ ~ lh c m ~ ne~ prn ~~~ r~- r ~o i eImt drag, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d v vf~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ r e ~ I t ilmlnnd rrcl rtw pqWT. sp<,,t<",,I g<t , , , , ,A, WI, l h rnr, \,,<I ior I x p r < I ~ , \ lh',l v \ crbs I ~ l ~ e " r r u i I ~ " . i i ~ i I " : ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ h ~ I ~ ~ r ~ " , i ~ rhc IOIIIIOISS~~~I. o i i ~ I ~~. ~ t~ +~O O W I wdl. h t , 1v,n>:s LLb pr'v,'w, otpl,,,, n c u b f ~ i l~h ~e~ d l c l c nh ~ d< ~, ~ u~ I I ~ L L \ , i w i ~ hn;ibcdpi,,plcm'cm h c ~ n rpi(,I i q . ~Iritc'\.3a,li\ ~ i i i i i u d c nerg t fiks h m w ~ i x r ~ .~i I~ c r n , p h l l i . t i c l u ~ k ~ l 1I"ld tll~1,,tl,cc,,l,c,,tn~l,'~~,,,>Il<Wt l ~ ~ l > ' l l , \ , ~ ' \ ~ ~ s , ~ ~ > * > < , ~ e < l , ~ , l > ~ : ~ t tmur l o m<,unt.\Lhlcli is fine - ~t'b Ihat? r m r p c r w ~ : t nc lo \qwmrrlurig. But Often, t l nmc ~ ~tself IIKl p r d l i y o u a.nV mole ~ n l e r e \ u qlrcnls Imm. I m c m , lust tsy and mahc thc fr~mu,wcll,mcmn'tdo~t,tl~,rrctirre, trrrca from A r y p r , ~ lpccc ,,F nrwc folks If > o u d,m't fccl ~r,mfortablc r c n c r a q c i<,nntl a p i x h ~ n q ". ' l ' h c r , > , l ~ ~ , l , ~>m, mn,~\ \ < , ~ , l << I,< > , < ~ r n e tl,l,l&, ["CI A'. lnipOr,,lnl COII~IIIIUIC wa\ .i c<wnrdtncinng)cvr( ,Id\- (:hm Edc) u.r, tl~rre,n~a;isL.un Mrl Iudl rouj , i ~ t ~ o c ~ \ . I f r l ~ e r e atal,era,m~ rii~o c . i ~onh orrwlrnlwc hrvr I t h r i e r i Itu\wll. .ind s,,mi other i.zr) 1<71p<~r k.i\\l k a p u \ in,>)+, t,inl p q d c Wilmnr momcnt cmm ~ m n tb c word "17~nl,cliir~n"i r c j w h i * > , < o n l r atq, i i t ~ i . i , n y ~ n . i l ~ t g c t ~ ~ l ~ , "g,"". lhi mucruml lioclgi.t u n s {hicit\xd r h d of rhr I\\LIL of i i c r r i r u l . ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ Stmlar hqrnx m \ u d fw tlw m c c r




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~ n t c r i i ~ i n g \ e t mI,,~ hcalg r h uruquc ~ pcrspcrll\c\ of Minn~iniicson st11 gt,w\ro~lHlrt hlrnra,nltci:i11~11d111~ rhcscnuiinrcould bc <leicnl,rd.t\ libirnl ( h n s n a n a u h o \nl~~cpacilicrrl Some f u s c m ~ ~\pr,ihir\ n~ wcrr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n t 1 o \ l i , r r i 1 1 ~Amongl ~~tu-~~dt~~n. thim ivcrrSitHr~a~ITrclul~firt,f~,nn~r l ~ r ~ l c t tar) ~ e(ck ~n e r , d d d ~I Imtcd Nnorma; h b . ~ r \ n & x h f u u r A k ~ a r n of P , ~ k ~ \ l a nmid , hrnbnss;rdor Inoccnc~uL.Anai,permane<lr~eprc .cnr.iuiei,fbpa~n.m~lilccldm~n~l~cr of rhi 1I h S P C L IC-mmid ~\ Tilcw

Students attending the seminar participating in a UN Security Council simulation.

Sweaters and people in the front row Keeners and the down side to dual genitalia


afreltngofu~terhop~lcssnessf~~Ui,urerl by sclf tlagcllauon. Thcy'rc all around us but so& i , u ~

r~~c~wor~l;is~fs~~llables~vcri.rhenc~vP~~l~an~~n. Ofcr~utse,I(icncrsnskford:mhcanon\crcrv rhrrcmmure\. I IclI,they.r\hfi,rclmticauonso~~ clanticamm\. TI'S 11kc;inendless abyss o t q i ~ twn\ followed hv rhwhnuc nods and thc nrr,lumnl s ~ l c n ~. cunt~lrhicvrlrrcpcat5.I Ieree\im cmrnpk to ldlustrnrr my p,,lfrt. So ihc n,pic I \ nnrl~n~ucancl hlt UIII.) I S rrmt ~nsttutrrr: " O L l ~ ~ ~ ~ s , ~ ~ ~ ~ lt gu m ~ ~q h l s ~ ~ ~ ~ l T ~ ~ n ~ - ~ ~ ~ l ~ c r<,J~ri.Tiuc vim o n e , a d nw, t o g c t h ~ r , a grr e t h ~L e ~dcr~tmd?"

WATPAS teaches soft skills

~rratmnalto rtay iocuscdmd ask qucsuons unless you'rc doped up on \"me scnrm rhm. And Ihat's why dtug testing \hould h r mnndanry b c k m carh class \owe can wccdoul the Creaks thal needdrugs t~,lram.Aftcrall,l,nowlcdgc I \ a natural lvgh, nght? Wrong! That'\ somcrlung ;i keener would \a). It'\ i A lo do drug,, 1"" don't do lr fix acdcmic p i n s . Rfght, so "beencrs," "brown noscrs," "hardcorc tcxtbo,k thumpers," call ctn' wlnt i ~ hkcbut n ~ the F:~ct\~,ilhemattcrare sfrnplichi? lrrmg up &\a m e r a p ;md hogall rhc hcs~ \cats ~nthr h b m ~ And . thclr I,ackp;d.\ have pm ,hrblyIx y ~ a t k a \ l n n c e a ~ tface. h c Andthc) m d <~mny. Solfym \re a kecncrwalkirigm,un<l lookm' foracIar\ tomv.bdi, inleuffnll yourcluthc\anC u h s ~ l thc r theme nJ 'hlASI I." Thcv'II get thc mcs\agi. But ~frhiv ilon't, thcn v u ' r c a a h ~ ~ ~ l ~ n g f u o lhappen\ \ v h o to be nakcd. I n a n y ci-cn1,1'!Ihcngh a m u n d t h c c o m e r w r h a ~ ~ ~ , l r , , c;imem.

Dandiya in the SLC

Jessica Voll SP TO I E M ~L I

Thr m ~ c r i ~ c w m g ~ z ~ ~ , r consistzd l i s h , q ~ <,f a rcahsnc wnulzmun of tlw way an ~nicrncwI S c<mdurlcdn n d ~ h L~nd~,fquc~~~,,nscmpli,)ets e ()ftcrl, our p n c ~ i \~rris ~\ t h ~ mqwrrance o t a~l~.Otri.atudcntxcr~da~~i~e~~otcnmlempl~~~cr ~hlalnlnyi w d grniIi\ ;ind p.nuc!paling ~n uluk the othcr ;illmmptcd ti, get ilricd I'he resutnc-frxnd! c\n:tcurncril.~r;tcI~\~tlcr.'lhr\e, mlenrtrwcr\,tl~snlmiif~,urlt~ ycarstudcnlswrh t l wge, ~ ~n ~ l hclp l j o t , g o A gnud ~ p h plenty ofeupcocncc,gnve 'mmc out'pcrir~d\10 In ~ ~ rthat'\ t , truc. l lowever, ,ir thc IJwvrrdiscuss thc answers with thc stutlent6. WY <,f \ Y , L ~ ~ Pcoticss~~~nzl K> A ~ ~ n c ~ , OF m ~ m Ttw ncnvi,rlilng workshop t;iugh~\tudrnt\ Studint\ ATP \S) rirnml\ us,\\.< .itimurll ~ rorrnccuow ailh how lo lornl n w pcrwnnl co w o l - l ~ c r s , f r ~ , m ~ y c ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ t ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ t ~ a n d rnorc than a ualkingrimm~. Tol;mdajoh,~rwdreq~~trcsomc persuasmn \hale to smtahlr convcrs;ruom h r tirst-hmc lnter',cuOM :~1dap~~icss~on.liaru1~~1eon~~~~rId1~lf.Thisc, ~nconjuncnon mnti chmctna und thc .dxl~~y to The workshop fi,rusiny rm office poi~tlrs, n c t w d , n r e u h.~tcnc~,mpass\Y',\'l'P,4b's h,cu\ "worst cmc \ren;lno\," ~nm,lveCrolc-pl.wnq m \nil skdls. whcrc the itutletrr\ found Ihemsclvc\ ~n a less \Y~1rl1nppr~mmarcl~100meml~crs,\~ ri'l'PAS tl~:u~dc\~r,~hlcsrtu:~u~,n.Ttie~onfic~~pn~motcd a c ~ ~ l t ~ c,fs thccstahl~shmcnld r l r a ~h i i \ m ~ s ~ r ~ l ~ i c s d n ~ ~ r ~ g cncuuragc, ~ ~ u d e n t s ~ ~ ~ i d l ftulxax,>re, r~~nflrcrics~~lui~~~n. rhc Imponance ofrchenrsmg .mil tine-twung "l'dincouragc cvcqrrmeto lea~nmoreni,ord thc~r\oft skdh hciorc heading d f to X I mtirTWW. \Yhcn i l d d r c s ~ qthe itudcnt\ who atwfi d<~lls,"s.i~dtir\~ vcarstdintBnnn hla who attendid ~ l x R l ~ t ~ , " t rrxlly h c r arc~mprlant." tended Ttlc Soft 9111 RLz o n O m h c r 'hh, W~2TPAS\tr~ssesthnts~~ft \k~llsnrp\ltrlfr,r Presdcnt Ilerel, Chu htavd that, " t h c r ~nrr n<, ,111SUCCTS\JUI I ~ u ~ ~ n ~ s s p ctih~epi bl ed;q toconli~udfzcisabout~i~fisI~~lls,"rn;~k~ngaw~tt~ pun and a ronfu\mgpoint. "Soft Atlls arckarnrcl." ducry~,urselfmrpn,fess~ond~l~anncranil wnh chnnsnm~rpr~ccleas~nthcc~,mper~trvciobtnar Thcyucre rndeedlcarned dumlg'l h i Soft Skdl On Wednesday October 15, the Great Hall area of the SLC was filled with U h t ~as student5 parlic~patedmthree 20-nilnu~i ket. bun~ree\~errrsf~,rWATP,1Su~dmclu~le\\rr~c workshop5 for mtemxwng netwurktnq and cultural music. This event, named Dandiya, is afestival of sticksand dance icarrung how ru deal wctr officc polt~icsa i d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n g s c m ~ n : i l - , lc~aovs\ludi ~ n c so,mpin ~ that is celebrated by Hindus during the nine day long Navaratri festival. putcnlinl prublcm\. tlorrb m d \cminars r m career oppolruluuc\.



Support Staff, Security, Bartenders, Waitresses, K~tchenStaff or whatever you think you can brmg to our team! We're accepting resumes for Wax Night Club, Elements Night Club and The Still Bar 8 GnII. Drop off your resume @: The Still Bar & Gril 125 King St. W. Kitchener anyfime after ? :OOam I


sauce forthc oyrtcrmucr ifyoudon't

h a w m y o n hand.

Roast rhc cmpi:m ahole and unpccl~df ~ x o n hour e at 350 di.qci\ orunld 11 ~ssoft.Pcii~t,d~\gardmgthe skrn and n , u g l d y d ~ ethc flesh 1Ie;u the0111na1;agch m g p m < , r w o k ~ i - ~ r m ~ d lmu m ghhe~t.D~ccth~ t<,f~~ina,~m-<>cenlirnetct riibrs.Li,oh rhc cube\, ~umngocc.rsroii,~ll!. tlnttl r h ~ yu r hghdy hrcmncd. You may w:mt towearan apron fiv tha- thc rxl has a tendcncb n, q h t t i r hdd rhcp;ithc:inii#ngerand rook for two tnmules, stlrrlng frequcntlv. Add thech~le-gxhcs.a~rca~~dch~ypcd epgplmt. (,or,k fin mommutes, stw m g frcquen~lv ,4dd the d o n now dlrb, soy $nure and o!stcr s m c c :md cook nndhc.ircd through. Add add)uon$ w v same lo tnste, ~fdcsmii.

N ~ (T: $ I \hupcrtmrkc t wlk so! 11111k for $1 60 h three onc-htrc bap,;i barg.un p e n wy m~lh'inom~.d cost of .1hr,utS2pcrl!lrc.l1 rls,, seiis 12l~l~,clis,,Ciof~~ior$ I.'N,or SIX tor $1.29. Ncw (:mhupermarket 1s an As~angroctr!sturcloutcd at 236 King Slrerl r a t , lust ~~astilf,~rketSqu~rc.

A tub o' tofu, cheap.

Behind the Robe 18

a* -page -



Harvey Pekar hateable and loveable Rachel Shugart

1 w s p ~ r , h i c . ~ u Ihc\~ilnts \i robrl~h~


h ~ ftiind, < ('tuinlx l n t x r , I'm t l ~ ~ t ~ l . ~ x ~ g . "I hhf ,t~cr ~ ,


r h ~ .g w " I lc'\ ,I sl,h, IK jell\ roo t n u c h , h e h c r n 1nt1.iti.d i m \ c i,S\cli m I x , t t m m . I Ic blow\ upot llrtlr ,,id I,l<ll~,,Iwt I,,, <,d!m*,,,,,w t,, 111, ujfc l k , ~ \ ~ n g l mto n ~y\ u d HE Ihk r\ wibnqvand l m , n n , , r n d ~ tcnurclr '~ ufhl\inx-n ilr,ing. 1 f I 1 c s r t d i ~ a n i 1 c ~ 1 ~~~mc~n~l~~srt~c.irr~,l'dprr~I~al~l~~l;lp 111111 Uut tlh7 lH,,r\<l sr'trt, t<>qro\vm, !ou. 1\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ c i r m' \e w r t sl lhs ~cnl~i fi~rcmw t c 1oyrc (H,,pc L ~ T , ) IIUI rhi .itrachmcnl rralll .ir.irt\ ti, gnnxJ o i c c l \ delightful .mii \h.irp:incl h a \ n balm d r u t t m g rhriwgh .a~~-lx,lelot~,f e\rerspersm;ihn toqcl nl therinrrw,t Il~rcl~at.arcrc.~ti~unill~er. \I1 of ~ s ~ i ~ l ~ l ~ " ~ ~\I',TlS l ~ \ I,, ~cl~~,,<l I O d ~ I,trk I'\\ grung,, 2 Irttlc LC,, gllm. I \mr:ir rhire'r mow s u n ni t h i \ i c i m l tinltofrhi m r m c lhan the tirsr. %>I ~ 7 1 1r h ~ t ,I h t I rcalf,c thc 1li~r\iyPck.a~\ tlia~panofalI~,fnsrh,~t wc'd r.ulhir n,,~ IU\C. \LC AU h a r i u:tpp\ )oh\, riel-d! fr~rnd\and je\, Irdilng In llrc tnlrnx 15 v e q <,iten n "rch.rhlc dl~appo~ntnrcnt." 'lhc film nmcr veer, from that tnnh , ~ b ( u t h f NOI i even wlrcn Pckar 17 d m g n o ~ d w ~ t h c a n c e a rn, e v c r n p r ~ n t l n tgo rurv ~ n n n, chchCd Ik,lly WXKI dr;un.r, do liirman and P u l ~ m litusrcl:~xacidreino\eoursrl\csfm~n his h k . And t m r t o t h t ct)leoftlrecomic, /l,/imiari S j k s d o r d o ~ m ' tartcmpt to r l r a i d w n c i o v c r 'Ihcrc'\nomr ~ p h ~c ~ ~ ~ t ~ n d l n ~ , n ~ , ~ ~ ~ l - w r e n r h i n g t i n a l ~'l'lx . hem, 4>ruP,sl n b sh,>ddct\ am1 l ! ~ r \ t o r n , , p c a t ~ , ~ rd.i! hn t a c i p t tl~ilt !Iw t m v wc i m m hcl\ not :in r~t~~~.rti.iul~~-rc~rl,; he'sl~~stnl~ttlcl~,~~~~ x c r r h a n d x m wmet r Imn,,inds~~.ri.



~dem 31nil Hrdraurln\\uchpco(,ii


Harvey Pekar (front).the cartoonist who makes you hate him so much you love him.

Centrepiece of fine art housed in the heart of Uptown Waterloo Andrew Dilts

rangeofarrlstlcplices f i ~ r s i l crr, thc p u h k A\ o n c (.(:(;(;vr,lunlerr nmcd, llii gallcry home\ "xII Cma~ l m nnrtworL, slxmmg workr fiom thc c.rst c o n s t < > thc u n t CO~V,~." In nd&tlrm t o rhr nlnnv fin' srl t (rmgqg ~ t r n r fht s s r l c r r t h c g ~ iih<,p m p n c c q v h c r i lrr~m3;201~~b5,000), ~ r e n r ~ r t ~ r l ~ c c c n r ~ih\play c p ~ i ca1 i thc l:::C<;Garc oftin hrsnle. 'I'hegaller) ~ s a n o t - f c , r - p n ~ i i t v r ~ ~ rurr md I\ fundcd m part 1,) momrs Il-om tl~eGnirmmrntoCCan.iiiaudi rhr P n m n c c d O m a r c The(:(:(;(; :tlw rclics grrallyon xdmtssions and ~ p c m md o c ~ a ~ ~ o n s , i u ~ t ~~, t~sre~dfut i-i ranutlal progr.rnrs .ind r.ilci firxu 11s q f t s h , p t o survnc. b n r m n ~ to c thr(:(:(;(;~\l,yd<>t>a~ tmn. IIour\ of opcrallon run irorn ' l ' u ~ \ d q1 0 S n t ~ ~ n from l q 10:OO am untd 5 0 0 pm, and on Sundr)s from 1 .OlJ pm untd 5 0 0 pm. 'l'hc p l l c ~ ~ l \ cl,,sed ull hlutrdnys. l l i i



n ~ s r e nlo~the n : ~ r u r a l c n v m mofthc

p r e w r e giil shop, dlsplayng n be.o~-

- - --Inspirations from Bornholm and Magnifying Glass are exhibits currently on display at the Canadian Clay and Glass Gallery.

Documentarv breathes new life into life of modeling Ian Blechschmidt IMPRINTSTAFF

%!7<'/ </!z,,<~u/ ,z /o// 1% ~ I ~ l i m ,tm ~eI ~ 01 LIXJW prolcct\i l ~ i r i ~ - Imdi,tl,, i,~i o Im\i and rhrn I l e z r n c d w ~ al ~g i a t iii.ll I n m Ix,th (.I rml Liwwrl I WOt!I<l \,I, ? I m ~ ~ * C ~ I l'cl < ~!I'SC, S!, r d l , , A ~ Xm <m I l c l ~tcx) ~mm\CIII<+ tam, or ihal n.irrwi, I ~ 1 Ik w u 1 'Ult'd t o (I,, , < > * T , ~ I ! I , l\,,,<l ~ <>tu77< M , I U',, % a , plL,,:,,lrl, W p ' ' ! , . t i 1 b c p r :&ng q w x m n \ and n d 1r1gLIX fMm, [UIIII]thc , m \ u c ~ \t h q if!,,




\<, ,,I<

I ~Ix,ughrrhc~ ~ ~ c r i b i , t h r ~ \LIT .ill~ #,,ng ,,'I th,U \,a\ ~"LU)t!,>,,<l Ot tlvm It'\ <m<I t h g I < , <<>tn< 1,71<> 't cl.t\w,<m ,mil diwolx ~n l h i r i m t i l t ,d,I IILL~L,,, t,?g C I W ~ t the, , I O W 'l<,~~~l,,!'~:~tl<,tllc~tl>~r,yl<,',~*cctol>e

Princess Cinema on October 23.

~ I I I I c ~ ~ ~ , I.d\u ~ Ipul ~ I?i,ur\ilf I , ~ ~ I ~ onr;unit:i.u~lt a l l ~ r l ~ ~ ~ u t ~ t .h,l. n r l ~ c !drawng\h,>usup m , w u h , a , 511 urns, lilnd o t l i l e lhli hncf lhttle So , i n ~ ~ . ~that y \ ,n ~ riallv c .rplrasnnl s u r p n s ~ t l , ,hrixcicdcil ~t myripcct't~ thmy. \nd i t :ilv.r)s rcnlri%:in,uwl 111~n d l t ) y x m of". In lhl\ Einr I t,0I1\. ~ p wmted t f i r 17mt ' h i n u d q Iswe \ c n i . r t l ) and gcI o n to ollrer rhmgs. I luit rcall) w a n ~ c dto .rliov thal thcrc rrr man\ 1.i)crs to d ~ ; i r [ri~alemodel\] do. I llilnk p r q i l e h . ~ \ ctlrcse r n ~ ~ c ~ i n of ~ ca~h ~ , t ~ m ~ ~ h ~ w p u q TC:III> d e ~ ~ r c , ! m ~ l ~ n' m L ~xL , tlrq i x h ~ b t ~ m o r s w~n~, c t l i ~ n g J T l q ' l - e aciuaU) rcallr w f t i p c k n . h ~ t lt w r w r k


Everybody listen up Outkast SpeakerboxxxlThe Love Below Anst3

,\lngl~t,r~~il~,,,lrp.ttuc.lii n,wvi,o'i~ ~pnhI~lyhc;rrd .rtx,ul ~ h 1;irc~r.rlI~um c f c , m hr1y \<,,,rtwn I,,,, Iwp L 1 r y H~qLhmrid\niIrc.iOOi),l~e~tcrI~~~~~u~~ ,s\ 0~11lm,t.Tlwj'xc l x h ~ ~ , w d c d \id,> Imyerl\ .md then 51uth r t r m l o ~ c t h u mthr\;imc p.ak,~grnndi.did I ~ , L ~ ~ O L L I II~i ~m~~I~CnCd ~~ ~w~~~r C~ I , l ~ u t I c r ' s l , e r ~ , ~ , l p c , , p l c r vrhmg cn udl l>'<,l<'~, I:orlunaicly b,r f,m\,~ii!i,cm't loidi ~ 1d.i tins i \ ~ t i e c n d d t l i r l r .thmgn, happcnr,, I ~ I ~ ~ - ~ I ~ ~mcll,c\ ~ I I I cr. cc.. Iioth hnclrc:mdli~gH~,~~linvttiatiI~~~ ~ d t n ~ ~ t cunorrlrod,n dly lhitlc cxpcrlr n c i i r ~ ~ ~thc n nhrcakup,,I i~ thrqnql. ~cL, ,\il~t'dl,(),,IL.~sII,<,\, T ~ , L ~ c , ~ c , ,OLIt d c d ~ : ~ ~ ~ n g sd or ht m c , ~ N , SLI I ~ U \ U A

- Outkast is being weird again ~ l ~ m h h i ' \ p ~ \ \ c < l ' ? ,\dim't .~nd ~ IXN ~ m , m vltn,c\ gct <dcl $ 1 !n,wer v<,u h t tlrc r ~ p i . i bt u t ~ i m U,y 1hN ,,Is0 \,,n, TI,? m,-:,td t , > r l ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ l ~ l ~ ~ r ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ hir rhrec !1.11-(11<1 \011 m1g1 , ~ t l l r i ~ )c',r-oI<l'\ \cr,,<,n <,( 0 , ~ ~ l \ , , \ 1 ' , g ~ a n u n , - um m n g "l'hc \I h u l i \! orI,l', .,,Kl c211\ \ , , ~ , , ~ I , < , < '5I T m~,rh~rfurl,ct. I ligli-l,~n<,u\ (I,, ,\,,<Ire Z(l(l(l', I%< r.o,,, IWow, 1,<,\\c,cr, 1t,,ng\ \t,ill l,,g'trc,!ll, <Ill C 15 t c r i i ~ rT h e iirit t h q O ~ nuncis c ~ t c h )rnd upbcit and rn.ikcs 'I'hi thai h d l c il,,r\n't .aruaIl! r . p InS t n , l \ r \ l r , , ~ k l ~ k ~ r h u mBasr;illi,it ps. \ti.rd, I h i adiqxs a \Ingng stblc 1ha1 , , ~ , L ~ ~~~~ ~t rc . so ll ~~ ~ , ~, ~ j ~ ~ ~ o , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e a r c : ~ u ~ wonds likchc'\ btcn I l u c n ~ n g t < , a l o ~ cll~llp,, mmxd,tt's <mi;iin~. i,t I ki,dn\ancltr.rnl,Slnaue 'I'hi best p a r r o f ~ t t, h r q h . ~ Ilmv . It'sopt\, moir,I,ur~fanv,,nic;in drcp 11 1., The "lhi-c<,llnr ~chi," ~ L I I IIt ,,If, ir'\ t l ~ g~ qs Dcsptle horn c,,nfinn\Iu~oell-dc\ciicd rcput;iom ~ p r ~~ q \ t u, h~c t mf i r 1111sdrsl\Icrrihc a i h~p d \ . p r t n,mani< uirh lhi fir\l tlnlc, tliiri a l L v,mcyri.Lt run?\, ~ ~, \ Iand T h~~rmn~r u n l c n ~ d ~ !~K m r~ot.tld~ t l ~ lr i ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~YA~" g l cIt'\ ~ ' l l~~h av r( ~ ~ a c"hl, l r jarl,wn" v ~ r h. t o







Navy moves to end beached whales caused by sonar American Navy ordered to stop using sonar in areas where there are whales cri o, irnnsrrr~tvmndsns Io11da51 1 5 d i c h c k h,r hundreds ijf m l c r Urlti~~run;itil~-,\~i,ns urcthc umeil-rqr~i~a! ;i\wl~dcsu x h t r r m h r derndcs humnns tuvc I,cm nttn c s t o a p h c n i ~ m r n o nthat 15ns purmun~c.miit~. h~ril~c~,~nm,~~~l~?lrs~rr.~y AmR .I\ 11 I \ d,tzzbng hcimtatcdl,~wond\gre;l~rrrh.inIlO 'l'n,a\\ir ~rt.rr,no<,ne I ~ a h ~ c n a l ~ l de t u h c k .Ilthmlglr t h ~ r c ~ \ nt ir d, i r l c i hat t o h11j rxpia~nwhv oll,ks il,A phm\ 1,enrli r h c m d i r s M I thi h u n t h niv. ~ i b w t r l h.i\ A , t <tl\ I ~ t k ~ ~ t ~ d rn.tnncl~tc,,icl~ffcre~~t s!mmo\cd In ilriil\ each r \T?,nles . r r d clolplms LUIJOcaiiridat Irmt I h d ~ ; i l c ~ n nt adu kind t l ~ c ~u:tr l ihrnuj$ lhc orcrii\ usmq lhcfr s!\nm of w n a . i d I! 1s i i ~ ~ l y h ~ n \ n , h c . i ~ l ~ ~ l bcicn~emsrl~r~ been hchcvrd I \ r.msmg I I \ I S feud hc~~~<>rrl>,~g~r~q'tt<>~~r~<l ttw hr.u~~\:mdenrl~o~~i~i~frliceigIiti~~h.ilc~ thcnr a i hiartl t l l r m d ~ e sn u ) hari surricthmg du ~3111n disrupurm In tt~.iriLcd,~~~li~cti~~~~~lillinrel~reoc.n~~i~l rim \O"ZT. hv i i p n s ~ LO~ iIOLUI noi\c. 'l'hr 1 i u t i d Slntcs N a n har lxu> Tl~iN.n.y~iznilcdt~~iciincl thcu\c o&r~dtol~m t k~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d W; I,Z ,~ , ~ ofrhc , ~ CIC\VS,,~I,I~~ t o\ \dI C ~ ~c Ir>~ ~ t c m s)stim ailrr tincbng lhat thc w n a r o~q~ntcrfctc~~~!tl~~n.mnil~triuncn,~i~ a n d n w l f i ~ t ~ rThi.\y\tem, m 'tppvid wdl not appl) dunng umes o f war. mJulynf2OU2, was des~gncdt o help Morcrcrcarch w ~ l l h a v e t o l dcmc x r1cteri cncnl" suhm.rrmcs by usurg :r to ~ l c t r i m u the ~ c r\t<mt t o d ~ i r hhupowrrfnllow rrequencr i o ~ ~ n d mar,-produced romt ~ , d i s n i ~ u , ~ g t l ~ c I n ~ p l c m c n ~ err,~ lhclp delrrt iu~ ~ c r - ~ ~ t ~ ~ c t \ u l , m a n n c s c u rbruc n g ily ~~rhaIcs'.n~dil~,lph~ns'nrv~g.iu~man~l whcthcr rhcrc arc murc \ t c p we can d e v c h p i d h i C h ; i , (;erniany m d t&e Loprotcct thew anfmals. Ku\~~a,tt~eson;u\~-~fern uscs 18ipealc-

Shaun O'neil



Bad comb-overs aren't an option for these style-savvy boys.


It isn't easy being bald A look at some options for the bald and balding

fr,lhcalll chdcilgcd. Su what could b r done t , , n m h n t r h \ hldrous afkl~ctmn? bc,mun,xclv liw h a l d ~ n gbeautrcs rhcre are swcral


students is

follically challenged.

'Il~etwom;unpli.inn.icruiirrllpn,iiurts that arc xia~la1~li;irc Pnipcc~.rand M ~ m ~ x dhrtrcr ~ l , known as Kogzinlne. xmrk, lawcvcr, r t q ;arc cipcnslbc, ~ tm~l ytIndmid I ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ t ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ nblorks d t r e ~ uh c~ ~ ~ ~h l a ~c:r\i\ nnd .oc nor ycrnmnent. Thc bc\l pel-m.mcnrwlup n n l u r t a ~ n ~ , f ~he u o n lo ~ pa! 5 ) Sperhngr \i\ltandget C,XLSCS hair IOSS. T h i t e nrr pm&c \i.\ud w l r cffcct5. so for m a n r men I'mperla r\ noi nn rtttictivc o p t w n Pn,pcu.u\gmerllb q r ~ m c l l e r t ~ \ c ~ , r ~u~,-tI~~~ r dr m \ or zl d m c i n J i ~ a l'sT. ~ L co\t,~f.rmr~n~l~'~supl~l~~,LPropcr~.i~~ al-mmd $70. Mm,xdll 1s a nqxcsl solutwn that 15 mabmged mti, arieiictcii.aim ,,fthc ~ , d lpt ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ c d n m c c o d q , c i c ~ ~ c l a ~ ~ w ~ t h o u tcxciplcon. bhnr,xd~lI S for suftcri.~~~~lmiIdp.ittcmI~nldt~c.r~an~l \iI ,rk>mmi cffrct~rclr,,iirrc.rsu-lxre thc h a ~ rlras ur,r d ~ a p p c . m dc , m p l c t ~ l )Alrh<wgh . ~ f m o ~he~hrst ~ l i ~ l o p a s i h u < , n ,clui~callyp r m c n t o nrt~~,il~ru~~~rl~.~t~sla~r~~cnuanznr. Ihe w t w r \ ,,re tntc -- ~tw m st<q>u w ~ g hhnr,xi~lil.rlich.urq~ncdd l c r c n l u dlv ixll outrr..\ onc momti's w p p h of R~,ga:nlnc,.t hraml narnr r,k h l ~ n o r d ~ l , \bavcd heads .m frxmnn) guy\ ( m i ~\bni,u<lflandlJ~~,pcaancru;~UYii~,

hlnrh 3Tdhr, T h i r i al-rman! w l u u m ~ tso h d d mg,hui tlrzr .illhaicdrmtx~6-5.Moil men svnpll l ~ r r a ~ tthef:rctr,tI,aldlk ingnndbaIdness.So thcncxi Itmeyuu x r one, Irug a bald mdn. 1ir qils h e , ~ d . i i h r ~ m t lhot l e son, hcl\ coldcr ~n rhc w m e r and hc 15 c<,nstantl) rrrnindr<l o f h a a g i every omi hc lix,l<\ ~n thc m r m r . Tr's not h ~ fauli. , malll.


. . . grow . . . hair . . .

Navy sonar uses the same frequency as whale sonar


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O( l O L \ M I



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.Ai~mnI~dhr.w h c n ~ nkno\i l 111, .mdi hnllani,i,aaln'l'cnni.\i~i ri\i<~

Slmpli pl.iioc d~scsrl~dtchange d o u r whm ispoiid to rhr mwous v.qxxn sd iI(IiII1g rood w l l w o n b i a rch;ibli a.iv tor concumen 1 0 lcll I l m i t rc\h vnncrhmg 1, Thc pol! rnrrdtsr\ <le\igncda, \Ir ~n\idifi,r,dp;iclu~cscconta~n mmplrr ,qamcdve\ 111xch.mgc~ ~ dr,,sh u ~ nc,ill\ rc~p1nl,.I~luei~rrcI1~~~1~.dcpci~d~ n x ttw ripe d f i x d

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Jdfe~som , ~ r l ~ . t r ~ ~turns : ~ ~ tirv ~~~t~t~cl

ippli~mcrn , s c r i e a \ r n ~nk.ilorkin I r w m fi41 :tnd 41mnp 'TIw o r ~ di.~ ~ for n ~~h15r.ig IS i ~ n l ~ l . tro r u n i used t c maLi ~ u b l i l i p i ~pmk," t r ~ S A ~ St m t SOLIICC

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~ ~ > ~ , c * L ~ us< ~ o >~l, n ~ \~ ~ ,l lr' d~ < >~ ,I~ 'I'ucdn Dtndoped lx (.l~atSpccdT ~ c h nokiy~ci,bascd in ('ol~li,l-nln, l h i CS30 I rlxp 1 % c.ip:hli o t lig~g,itlup.i "tl,,ar~ngp<,int"ralrul;i,n I K ~ p\i r wcond. The ('Silil miulcl l x c\p<<~,tlli u ~ ~ t rc ,d,~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ I II ~~I WcI .N L \ L I \c> I~ t n n t i c :ippl~aitonrsuch as proam r n o c l e l l ~ i ~ q i ~ r gdat,~nnalvii, ~~~l~~~~c~~l I < , \t.,lr,cll,,>g I'G,,rspc?<l ~I%,I\ ii,nqxublcic~s~i,n r,i lhi mlcn,pn,tc\\i,rt~,ri~ia~rhi,>~npanlcs;in<lunl icrsinrs axthin ~ h i n c r t f i a~nonlt~a. 11pncc has \it I<,l x hn:tliicd hut 'l'omLlcr~i.l.h(),,tCiearSpcid,\.ii\ a slngle chip \%ill ~ n ~ r d rlm l i mnmd One step closer t o Star Trek $1 I rlhpmlll


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<IIst,',l,, I 7r,x71Lt,,,,tcr --

First-year coach Karl Taylor watches a practice at the Columbia lcefield arena.





New coach Karl Taylor has U\X' looking forward to a new season and a new era of Warrior hocltev Charbel G Balloutine - SPECIAL TO IMPRINT

l d ? \ t ( n w v ~( <c,m c h llx \\ ? r r w r \ ' l - ~ l > l < ~ r l l . , \ ' ~ l ~l ehe~rn, p " mI,,,,,tti<< .,r ri,c ( ~,l,,,,,t,,~ I'< ~ l d < I \ , t l k I,,\ ultc L i i \ Iha, n d c nrr,m-c!llcnt\ I,, l<>ml,e,l , < K l > ~ l,~,\l,,,,,<l,,~\\ \ ,,1crI,,,, \ l t h ~ , ~ , g lIl,C l O K , , ' , x-%T\,l, tc,,,,, &I n m (,IW u d l I;I\I W A V ~ L . Imla ,c I ~ e I rh~, w ~15,~~ g~s c , t r < q y x~r m tro i ~ < ~ , , < 2h(:fl,,,,<l,,t,l m ,mcr-LL,,,,'r,,,, % p < x "I l u m r r c m A c o ~ mi a I s z3?


c ~ n r h , hc '~~ ~ ~ ~ c l . " , ~ o ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ c t ~ ~ y ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ t t r i m t l ~ pogl-om r " 'I'ivli,rnishi.\ <or n i , l h q m i , r i ~n

t h l , e , * r ~ ~ r r h ' h c l tl~c,,d,mg,,7g n~ ~ h e n t n r u d c01 I h r p l , ~ y c l &" I u r r l r n , r r r a t c .I c u l l u r r ,,f chnmpmns, with r I i . ~ n q x r m h pc,~hhtc Ipl,t!crs] mi In.itru lhe lolrt~r."hc',ad u t i h #I\"' ..I,i i i p ~ n g t , , c r c . r r i an e n i l n , n m i i l l t < wr h r t ~ ~ , , ?, < I c,cc~\V,II, li,~-,rw<,rl\ ettui .tnd d ~ s r l p h n c" 'I?ilor h . i \ : ~ ~ h i ~ fr r~ou rrc a r p l i n In \ i l i ~ h h c~ n ~ r n rd~s i i l u r n t l ~ r l i ~ \\ .irnr,rsrc t h c g r i l l i l s r m i i,fani>t~ < m - I o qq p > p q t L ~ I Ithe > < h\ no rn<',"\ \VT,r,,,fi oft l h j \ se,,s,>,, ,-\re u1U l ~ l , e r t cth;mla\i ~ !c,tr,"lii \fated ,~-lll,<-~,,,,,'r,~~,, Intircitmplv. i l r t i ~ c w ~ o nmadc rh apwrrrr,\aii t , a r ~ , p p o \ ~ n g l ~ , ~ r n i ~ a n cxpcc1 ,m,eaS) g,,,nc\ \rl,m tlK, Vl,,I thc ( ~ ~ I u m ICL I m F d d \ , ,L \,tc mzm tc'nn\ !m>k t , q p m e d t l h c p , ~t x ~ ,~~ 1x5


'rg, lorknr,m\ Ihov ropu41 p l n i r l \ liwv p~aL.,rtiilmg thal " n r i x d , hLcs t u lo\' " H c ,LIW ~mderst,ttd~

i o



- - ~ --


Warriors' victory opens door the playoffs

Full-time coach arid fan -


w r i t e i t Right!

UW women fiercely try t o prevent the York Lions from touching the ball down.


UW Warriors cruise into semi-finals


Warrior Rugby (M) Saturday, October 1 8 2003, 1 0 0 pm vs Westfrr~Ontall0 IM~litangs,UW Columbia F 1 4 d # 1

Stephen Flatt sneaks in to snatch the ball.

Warrior Swimming Satuvday October 1 8 , 2003, 5 0 0 pm vs Larletor~a r ~ dQueen's, UW PAC Pool

Warrior Hockey ( W ) Satuvday, October 1 8 , 2 0 0 3 7 pm va Yovk L~ons,UW Lolumb~aTcef~cldAv


Warrior Badminton Sunday October 19, 2003, 1 0 0 0 a m vs Brock Badgers UW PAC Gvm


.dl ( h h i r m i m l w r ~ ~ i , .ic,,rcd nt h~rrhc learn \\ere llltkc I.<igui (3rd). b c m ,Am,~ld(5th),\\c\ ( h r g c (I 3111)mxl l~\\~~gl,l'l'<,*,l~ll~[l~lll,). 'rl,~,,~,rr',~c wII br rtic ( ) ( I \ c l ~ . m q a m \ h ~ pr \m (kt,,l,rrlh


O n ( l c ! d x r 10, ~ l ~ ~ \ V , ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ r n&m,,\, l l ~ ~ ~ Y l . !<<~>~~ l~\~ ~ ~ , , , < ~ , l , * n,rl nt.ucll 'l'hi. \V.ittmr\ j u m p i d l r , 'b 17 5 m x c .,I ~ h ~ h . ~ l l WOMEN'SCROSSCOUNTRY 'l'lh~s ~ m n dlh,~l(uvY r L m , t k 'I'lw\\ o m r n i tram pl,ncdtifrhr,\ i r v,mr siratcqr sd,st~t~oiotrs . r i d .XI ,111 ~n rt,c M ~ ~ s t , t n g Otivc p~~ lpmns\ ~, iusrmcnrs t , , r t w r 1tllr1.dp1.m. m.iL I d i m d h l ~ h l i ~ i tIfonh ~i. rliixc~ ,,,$:tl,cr<'LrT,,,,<>l<: , ~ r ' \ w < .hr11,e,I<n~uc 1l c n q Ihadl~ernIn the c bacli and nw,r p r t . rhi g ~ m went hncop, thc trainwr,uld hoie hcrn ill forrh Inrlii cnii\\ittcrl<,oiciclid up ~ x ~ n t d ~ i t t c r , r c w l u n g Irnpnncd ~nan u ~ r thh i v ~ c l r , t ~ , ~ z ~ ~ ~ lsrorci,f ~;iiinnl tlutd pl;icc overall Runners t l r , ~ 36 24. \ c o i c d I ~ , r ~ h e t ewereTmd1 m~ G;mht 1T'mmrllmktr. I at)saS, ,rrk.i,h.d ( I i i h ) , J o a n n i Pcdy ( l i t h ) , rocl~ a g r c , n ~ m r . ~ n d wi~~ irsc d i ip\ l a ~ e r 1Y cndland (iilth), biephanic Carru, o f r h i m : ~ ~ cIhr h c l - p r r r i . T h e team (38th) m d S h m m m Oldmin (Iird). tr.iicl5 n, I(lng\ton lo play In ( h e 01;4 \'mi fin:& rqainst t l ~ ccop 'l'hi n c x ~t a r e w l l I ~ e r l l e)(V r l champ o n s h ~ p on s ()ctuhcr 26. I-mkrd Q w ~ n ' srcmm r h i ba~ordny. MEN'S RUGBY


I rsrThuisd.iv thi1T .atnor\ Ira\ elled t,>1a~~g,t<,,,L<,f:,~~il,~~;<,l<ler,C;ds, 'l'l~i! So51 thi game 30-0, <lrc,ppmfi t h c r r c c o d t o 1-4 \crl,:~cl, (or rhc team's d m c fix rhr ploii,fi Thcrcsdrsfmm I.i\t\Vidnc\ ~l~y'sg,~mi,ifiuiisrH.~~~dti,n\~irini,~ ai,lllrblc .irpcs\omr. 'li,tnom,w-~hr \\ , ~ r m o r s p l . i i ; ~ m s l \ X ' i \ l c ma1 h < m e

The apocalyptic world series

&u Ihmzr5, lhc p l : n ~ l \

\ ~ l l l p l ) MICLI lhrll I,\,\


. I ~ ~ ~ Iu.ri ~ ,

anythingfrom earthquakes :to ~ typhoons ~ I ~ ~ ~ ,t ~ o four-horse~ ~

, !I,lnk. tor


, lht lt'‘ tTlC


g l \ L 3,17 ,,,,,I,,,f

1 0

I L t g u ~C A I ,,p< ,\~T'L,,C~ I<, till ,l,e,,,,,l\l~ll , , , ~ h ~ , ~ L c \ p r cl tl nn<c ~~ q > \ I ~ ~ - s < ~ ~ . ~ ,tnd G , ~ r c ~ , q n r ~ <, ~n.l (r . n \ U,CIIL 1 ~ l ~~ o m lhc 1 ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~ , li,~~ ~v . ~ t \ p~l .ln ,dI *~) , ~~ I w , ~I~ L ~: I ~ I t~ ~ ~ e i t ~ ~ d c i , ~ l d l r i < , ~ ~ s . L In1 i , r l fni,lx1gotthi<~i1>>~ s< h.d\ tmrcd numi.l-i,u\ ilcl:i\\ t h n y g l ~ u u t l r g.tmc, n l x h rhc Kcil b o x \him 7 0 I n lxr11,qv thc i n . o ~ p ~ t i > cncnur~i ~nb.i\r.11,111 l h \ ~ ~ , rq~. t,m u x uz. ~ m u r c dIn ,I p r o n o





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Samrday, Occobcr 18, 2001 tQTechnology Yard Sale , ~ Courtland t Avcnuc ( c n i o r Publii School, 107 C c u r r l ~ n dAvc., E., I<IIC/ICIIC~ from 10 a m to 1p . m Vlw our webstre f u morc mi0 www cq~,m,.'o",. Sunday. October 1 9

clay and rnakc r h f t long ddleicrlir to a chlil. V,,lunrccia arc marihcd hy the C . I ~ ~nadnnMcnral H ~ a l t l iAssocianon with ihddrcn who nerd aildrtm~alw p p o r ar rcliool. bIlLtND5 oprr.!rri 8n p a r l n r r ~ \hip uirh I o d ~ ~ b , whcwdr A .inti help ctrliil~cn4 to I5 ! P . ~ L \ . ('all 744~7645.

v w pcoplc w i l l AI~hc81ncrI)x,r.~ar

rhrough A l ~ h c ~ m eSuucry r VW~~n<rsr ( <,rn~,""'",, Ib,grarn. O n e t o fuur hour, (pass 'N p i c 1 Nerds Yuo! Hclp r m per ucck Ncxi I r a m m g \ i w o n : Novrrn~ i h l \ clly "f Waterloo, I.,r,,,l>-fui, ber 11, I S ('all Jrll .x 742-1422 or rOlifuhcrfc\r cvrnl. Conrarr ('hrl? Barker clurclopi~~unralil~.~Iler~ger. Expcr~cncc, - a r S X i ~ 1 1 2 0 i x r 1 4 1 or c-marl m m ~ m o r nc~ghtmmnth iomtwtrncnr. volunrcc#(ailry.tiw.itrrlo,, on c ~ . I'sd tnowmna. Scnd i r r ~ ~ mn,c Ilon l u r r d s y , Octoher 2 1 M.idcr, K-W I l a b ~ l ~ t a i(crviceh. ~m ill8 f w y help - rc\c.trch and xrmng. Wmkrrr pri.natal Tledth bmr - lor p.lrcnr\ Sydncr Stterr, l<#rchcrir~.ON. NLG rung a p p l ~ ~ , i ,urn~r r~. u~~ i, eIcrrur\ lmn, "1 e d y prcgnmcy or plmning a p r r g ~ 3VZ. d r d u r d u,rltrng rxpcrri. 1-888~345nancy. Onplay\, pampldcr\. m ~ r u roxli~ 8 2 9 i or w i i w L o \ t l ~ m r , i a y ~ ~ ~ # ~ ~ . Paot-rme baby\ittcr/i,lurhcr'\ lhclprl \ h q n , d . ~ d s - r o ~ h iwpporr , ,mil door ''Ultmalc Quc\tmns," I h r Lord Jerw w d i two chldrcn. age\ Iwr .mil two prim d l he .a Warcrloo M r m o ~ t a lllcc hrclodi\ m n c lhghi h o u ~ c w x k .A p ~ ( b m r i \ rhc d~llercncc.1carn .~buurHim p ~ o x r r m t r l r111 lhours per W L C l~l ,r x ~ Hhlr stud) by i ~ r r c ~ p ~ o i i ~ n i ~ . ('omplux. IOOr~~hriL>i\iilKa~icrI)nic. W.~rrrli~o.b u r morc inlo '.dl 8 8 3 ~ 2 3 0 8 I'lcrw wnd n a m ~and . ~ d i l ~ cto\ \ Rhlc hic. Ilcf~rsiicca Call Alib) 579-6240, %MI).L I Ollmced ~ L l ~ t o m e dC h ~ ~ ~ hur , w w w . r r g ~ o ~ i . u a r c r I ~ ~ ~ ~ . o ~ ~ . ~ ~ l ~ l i -. 1238 M a i n Srrrcr. \hrttwliI. ON, 1 lIR Ihor\day. Octubcr 2 1 1 7 0 o~ cmarl b ~ b l c ( n ~ u r c h . o n . ~\cc a A vrdco prcsmratron "The t ~ p l m i r c w u l x ~ < ewww.zurcli.on.ia ( ' I r k on and N o n i m q ~ l ~ mLlidd: t h Spc~ial Jahot Bvrtcnding School - c i r t i f ~ d I m k h , a\k lor book, \ ~ g n#uptuday, ~ r ' s Workshup h,r I'arei~s" fiarurlllg l!r. < r # l t o tramng. Lug on rodiy A r Ku\\ (;rcene e rhc a , p c for thc LcainC.111 742-6iO2. ~iwl* mg illrhhllrw, A w , i i a t ~ o noi K ~ War KF Y o u n OWN ROSS .. 'IIIC W , L L C ~ Coffcc ~ House prrfwxncrs rnedril fm Nw 7:00 p.m. bor war rc\crv.ttwn Im, Ilcgronal Ukxk Parent Progiael IT vernbcr I h w w thc Sr~iilcnrI 11e Ccilp i c a x call 74.3-909 1 louhmg f o r an cvinr i ~ m h a ~ .lnd o ra rre (rorn '1 00 I 2 a . m If rtr,ri~ Sunday, Ocfobcr 2 6 tundraising iu-ordlna~ox.kul marc mio catcd i o n l a c t Nancy O'Nrll sr 8 8 % 4048, crtr 6283 nr n u n u ~ l ( r c ~ ~ w a i e ~ l u u . ~ s c.dl Mark ar 578~8052. t y n n Mile, pcrformtng a t 'I Ihr ( h w i h Backgammon - at xs "nu? ~pnt,I g,me," It D ~ IVEK I L I I N ( : I I AND A MIL^ ... 'I lhcatrc, 176K~ngSrreet,N.,Sr.I,w,h\, iliznng rhr noun hcnir, Me.A un Whcels 15 'thc gmlel" t a w i o l e x n to play 2nd Onfano a i 8.110 p.m For ~nio/mlwr\ cxciuiiaring lo p1.q d l ' I earn ir from call 6h4-I 134 or ~rnny(nl~rjacoha.c~~m.v u l o n r c c r ~drllvcr hot m e a k .wd a and mur.trc word pro~cramg,f y l m g m d grade room wlth rclcphone hooku1, chc or^. Cunrait i r m ~ d l y grccrmg lo smnm l i r ~ n gIII thar Monday, October 2 7 p~00Ire~ldlllg.YOLITmdlllibinpt. TfpOrti, wlthln aprawlltlg r h x c hedcOO1ll bamhala(asyr>lp.~ili<xia tmn homra. Volunteers uac rliclr own CcntralOnfartoOrchidSo~~rn e~onrhly v c h d c s o w e r wcck and nulragc 15 ~c~ e w u a , thc5es etc. wdI hc perfect. Work tuwohousr ar 80 Churchlll. \bore trim Need f w d or rllort of ~ a \ h The ? Fcds 8 \ 1 0 0 5 guaranteed. Call or Ic.w mu\mccrmg from 7 4 0 rn 9:00 p.m. at \r l e n s ava~lahle.Cool roomnlarci $375 R ~ o dR.inli la a ionlrdrntt.11 ,ruilcnr~r~m ~mburacd.(.oil 743-1471. ""P lor Rev 747-1 382. plw W W W H ~ ~ ~brP,,,orr M ~. , ,~f ~ ,~ ~ [mcphb Lhorrh, loxrriiall. ( SENIOR I!AY PIWCrRhM ...iluvcr5 are b u d hank r l u p r o \ d c a noo~pur~ihahlc o r i l l 741.1P1 1 M.!&un, Kltchcnci. (:oni.ict l h w n ar good\ ro ll\V \foilcnfi l n ?wed. Vrirr 11s rrqtincd nr Vxrorr.r Cihoul Ccnim iur 634-5540 f<wI I I O ~ P tdo ,811 ,JIG w c l ~ onc~rw" hourc wrekday nrornmga and! ~nthe Srudcnr I.ife Crnrrc, room 2108 '""IC. or aflernc~m.For rnfo cdl Sylvkaa< 741 ur you can c-nwl \I, sf~iwfooilbank( 2916. Tuesday, October 28 Conqxritlvr c w c d vollcybrll te.lm lii Waterlou-Gclmasy Fxchangc-oprn lu h m h c n i r I\ lookmgfix 2 f c ~ ~ i aplavrir lc all s ~ d e n t a .llcce8vr UW i r c d x \ ~ I . ~ m f o r Monilay cvcnmgs. <.onrscr Jcff ar guagi tluerav-lnrcrnarior~'~! chpcmnic' 744~1486. Info s c w o n from, I1 311 a ol. ro I2.3O ~xm. m 'Modern I mgu.~gc\,romn 245. Lhcck o m rlw i z c h \ l ~ c . i l . hrrg~:l!





~Ilangcl. T h w r d r y , O ~ t o b c r10 A r s o c ~ n t i o oo f (:artbbe.m \ r u d i n r \ p ~ c w ~"Olifutrr~fcrr v 2002" .It rhr H o m h ~ r.A 10.011 p.m Fr,nunng I>/ Wl,,trL,,l'l .,nd I ) ' h , f < , , ~ . , \ . V I % I , w ~ v ~ ~ ~ . . ~ c \ . o ~ \ . alo! r c rdctad, i ~ ~ ~ ~ .-\I1 ~,~ a<'\.

Frlda,. O < m b r r 11

Volnntcca with The kncnili program fur a Icw hour* auckly durmg rhu d ~ o o

I'hurrday. October 23, 2003 Kecpmg currcnr - dtgftally! I:3U to 3:iO p . m Otfersd tu graduatc \tucntr, f : ~ ~ ulty and \raft. Maludlrclplmnary: covers the \ u c n ~ c r wcial , x r n c e r .ad art\ and Lamanme\ dntnhs\c\. TI,,.. hands-on \ c \ ~ van wxll show you how to 5nue y o ~ r revrih rrratcgc\ co var~ourd ~ t a b a r c ,and her eiulta rmallcd to you nn .I r e p lar havr. Rcgwrraron open, on thr flrat d.ty u f thr cnooth the courac r\ hcmg o f f i d Flcld l o rhc bLEX Lah, 1rd Iloor. 1 ) a ~I'oxtcn 1 xbr.~!. Ecc 151 \ k d i lor rlw i\i.ndcmrc c-\W,ckplarc, lor r r g m a ~ rwn loxrn: r r t . o w . ~ f c i l o oc d r i ! 'oar,ra.html Tlu\ c o u r ~ ew d ~ 1 xhc 1 hcld on Wcdncid.1). Norcmhct 19 Iron? 9:30 a.m. t o 11:10 a.m.



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