ImprInt The universiTy of WaTerloo’s official

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Imprint The university of Waterloo’s official student newspaper

vol 29, no 19

Friday, November 24, 2006

imprint . uwaterloo . ca

Reactions to the killing of four beavers on campus

O.U.C.H., UW places second

page 4

Warriors’ badminton Writer leads team take OUA silver students into blogosphere

assistant arts editor

Suzanne Gardner assistant editor-in-chief

After a long auditioning process and hours of rehearsal, the University of Waterloo hip hop group, represented by 16 of their best dancers, took part in the Ontario University Competition for hip hop (O.U.C.H.), as they attempted to defend their previous championship title. The event, first held at UW in 2003, was founded by one of its own graduates, Raymond Mendoza. For the next two years, it was held at McMaster University, as their team won the title and the honour of hosting the event in 2003 and 2004. This year is a memorable one for UW. As a reward for winning last year’s competition, O.U.C.H. was brought back home to the university where it began. According to many of the nearly 2000 people who attended the event, this year’s competition, compared to previous years, was by far the best in both performance and turnout. “O.U.C.H. has made a full cycle back to Waterloo since its origins and has evolved so much,” said Nadine Lamanna of McMaster University. “Saturday was the best day for Mac. For some dancers it was the start of something new, but for some other dancers, it was the finale to something so great. Every team brought their ‘A’ game — nothing less will be expected in the years to come.” To make the occasion even more exceptional for UW, O.U.C.H. 2K6 (2006) featured a number of special guests. These included: from the movie Rize, Tommy the Clown; one of Canada’s most popular hip-hop dancing groups, The Supernaturalz; and DJ Doopey, winner of the Disco Mix Club awards for 2003. On November 18, at approximately 2:00 p.m., PAC opened its doors to observers, special guests, and university hip hop teams from all over Ontario. Dancers from Brock University, Humber College, McMaster University, Ryerson University, Trent University, University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario, University of Windsor, and Wilfrid Laurier University (both Waterloo and Branford locations) were expected to have their routine ready by 3 p.m., the show’s official starting time.

Writer, lawyer, former special assistant to Jean Chrétien and hardcore punk rocker Warren Kinsella spoke to a crowd of students in the Great Hall of the Student Life Centre at the University of Waterloo on November 17 about “Politics and the Media.” As one of the country’s foremost Liberal pundit bloggers (his website received about 250,000 hits a day during the 2006 federal election campaign), Kinsella focused his talk on the rising influence of blogs in the media world. According to Kinsella, blogs are merely “a new-media age word for diary. They are more passionate than standard journalism [and act as] a vanity press for the deranged.” He explained that the operative pronoun in blogs is “I,” and that it is this personal, intrinsically biased nature that readers find as “something refreshing [as there is] no hidden agenda.” Kinsella continued to discuss the development of blogs over the past decade or so, explaining that while the early days of blogs were “white and angry and male,” in recent years more women have entered into the blogosphere. While recent statistics from research company Ipsos-Reid reveal that the majority of bloggers are English-speaking, many more Chinese and Japanese citizens have been joining the blogging community as well. “Blogs are taking off in a way no other media is,” Kinsella explained, citing that a new blog is being created every second. “If anyone tells you that blogs are a passing fad or something, they’re full of crap.” After spending about 15 minutes explaining the history and recent statistics of blogs aided by a PowerPoint slideshow presentation, Kinsella provided his audience with a top 10 list of reasons why you should care about blogs. Aside from more obvious reasons such as that blogs are free and easy to access, Kinsella also pointed out how most blogs provide interaction through comment sections and how they allow specialists to become media presences in their own right. Switching gears, Kinsella decided it was time to let the audience talk, and opened the floor up to questions.

Dinh Nguyen

See O.U.C.H., page 22

courtesy steve brooks

Charles Pyne and Theresa Tso in the final match of the gold medal vs. Western. Waterloo would lose a heartbreaker 7-6 and earn OUA silver. See page 29 for the full story.

See KINSELLA, page 5

N ews Body week all about the love Imprint

Friday, november 24, 2006 News Editor: Ashley Csanady News Assistant: Rachel McNeil

Michael L. Davenport staff reporter

Do you love your body? Are you taking care of it? The Women’s Centre held several events over the week of November 20 as part of their “Love Your Body Week.” Several events overseen by The Women’s Centre and run by students or local volunteers were held over the last week, such as a belly dancing workshop, yoga workshop and a movie night (Calendar Girls was shown). As Women’s Centre co-ordinator Margarita Osipian explained, “Our goal is to raise awareness about body image issues, eating disorders, being sexually and mentally and physically and emotionally healthy, which we often forget to do when we’re in university.” One of the most well attended was the sex toys workshop, which saw approximately 50 students in attendance. Hosted by K-W local Charlotte Loke, her demonstrations and patter frequently elicited laughter — and sometimes ooohs and aaahs — from an attentive audience. Loke was lighthearted through the entire presentation. She said, “Yay me! I’m helping women have orgasms all over Ontario every day!” About 15 to 30 per cent of women report that they cannot reach orgasm — depending on the institution conducting the survey and

the group of women studied. No matter what the statistic, an inability for women to reach orgasm under certain circumstances (or at all) is a common problem. Loke stressed the importance of a woman learning to reach orgasm by herself; if she can’t do that there’s no magical lover who will come along and miraculously get her off. Most of the lotions and small vibrators were in the $30 to $60 range. The fancy whirring, glowing dildos cost anywhere between $100 and $200. One event, which was not as widely advertised, was the “bust casting,” where women made plaster casts of their chests. This was the only women-only event held throughout the week, so while this reporter did not attend, another member of Imprint attended and described the environment as “surprisingly comfortable” and enjoyed the experience. Osipian explained that though it was advertised, “there are radical stigmas attached to something like that;” she did not want to discourage people from attending other events.

Dinh Nguyen staff reporter


Protesting is no longer just marching onto the streets. Now, it can be taken to the bedroom, kitchen, office, library — just about anywhere. On December 22, the first day of winter, a massive anti-war demonstration called the Global Orgasm for Peace (GOP) will take place, the Canadian Press reported. The event, created by couple Donna Sheehan, 76, and Paul Reffell, 55, is exactly what its name suggests. According to its website,, GOP is a peace protest which aims “to effect change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human [sexual] energy.” On the day of the protest, participants are asked to focus on world peace while having orgasms. The couple claims that the GOP website receives 26,000 hits daily; however, the number of people willing to partake in the event is questionable. Regardless of the event’s ability to synchronize a global orgasm, something good will definitely come out of it.

cutliney will go here yup.....

Despite advertising being confined to pamphlets and the Women’s Centre mailing list, the event still garnered the interest of nearly 20 women. When asked why anyone would even want to make plaster casts of their breasts, Osipian responded, “I think it’s more of a fun way of getting in touch with your body and feeling comfortable with [yourself]... it’s just like a fun way to appreciate your body.” She continued, “Why do women get their bellies cast when they’re pregnant? It’s kind of the same.” If you’re aching to participate in Love Your Body Week it may not be too late — on Friday, November 24, the main event is a seminar on eating disorders, to be held at 7:00 p.m. in room 2102 in the SLC. Though the event is titled “Gay Men and Eating Disorders” and is focused as such, anyone is welcome to attend. This, perhaps most of all, is an important area in which any university student needs to learn to “love their body.”

photos by Valerie Broadbent

From left, students participate in a contact dance seminar, bust casting and Fantasia sales rep, Charlotte Loke, runs a sex toys workshop.

Due to a combination of factors university students are a high-risk demographic for eating disorders. As health services dietitian Sandra Chuchmach told Imprint, “While eating disorders arise from a complex combination of psychological, interpersonal, social and biological (and perhaps even genetic) factors, they can be triggered or exacerbated by periods of extreme change, emotional turmoil or stress, which certainly are common to university students.” If you missed this event and this topic interests you, a wealth of information is available at heath services. Osipian explained the importance of the week to her. “In the kind of society we live in where we’re always rushing through life, especially on this campus where we’re so semestered, you’re constantly on the go. We don’t really take time to stop and think about how we’re affecting our bodies. We take caffeine and sugar to bring us up and give us energy, until we pass out at night and we’re done our work. I think we don’t take time to stop and think about how things are affecting our bodies because we’re constantly moving.”

F or information on how to love your body , see page 11 in F eatures .

Students going home for the holidays might have their favourite holiday foods served to them in carbonated form. After inventing soda flavours like turkey and gravy, dinner roll and taco, the Jones Soda Co. is planning to introduce a green pea flavoured pop to the general public. According to Reuters News, food flavoured sodas taste awful, but sell very quickly. The green pea pop will be sold nationwide in the U.S. in a holiday package alongside other food flavoured sodas. The holiday packages went on sale during the U.S. Thanksgiving weekend and will be sold for $10 to $15. Looks like naughty boys and girls in Fast Food Nation can expect pop in place of coal this holiday season. Thailand

After years of attempts at breeding newborns in a species on the verge of extinction, scientists in Thailand have successfully created a “panda baby boom.” Scientists believe that one major contribution to the boom is panda pornography. Panda breeding is difficult since not all pandas know the correct way to engage in intercourse. To make things worse, female pandas are often fertile only 48 hours per year. According to the CNews, scientists believe that showing clips of pandas mating, played a big role in increasing the birth rate. This year, Thailand has successful bred 32 newborns, with 28 surviving, beating last year’s record of 12. Thailand is now looking to expand their research outside of the country. Hopefully this doesn’t start a new trend of fetish.


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Drowned beaver tales draw out student suffrage At 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 19, I was wide awake and on my way to campus with a friend, hoping to get to the bottom of reports about beaver killings in the wooded areas between student residences. Though the University of Waterloo had evidently been aware of a beaver presence on campus for some time, Angela Freeman, a third year environmental research studies student, and I, a member of the campus media through Imprint, had only just found out the night before that our university had contracted trappers to kill the beavers in question. Adding insult to injury, we didn’t even learn of this event from the university itself; the story was leaked to the press by one Anne Ross, secretary for the faculty of recreation and leisure, and picked up by newspapers across the nation. Freeman and I found out about the situation from a Toronto Star article on November 17, which was referenced by her brother that Saturday. We were dismayed by the seeming abruptness and extremity

of the university’s actions, and more still by the lack of student solicitation in the decision-making process. As we walked through the near-empty streets of Uptown Waterloo, we asked each other how our university could boast itself as having some of the best and brightest minds in the country, and yet fail to involve said students in ethical decisions pertaining to their immediate learning environment. In this latter complaint, we would later learn we were far from alone. As Ross explained to me at a rally on Wednesday, November 22, the university had informed staff of the beaver presence, stated they were looking into the situation and promised updates regarding any decisions they might reach. However, Ross went on to state that no such updates were ever forthcoming, such that the university’s decision to hire trappers proved as unexpected for general staff as for me, Freeman, and students at large. The environmental studies faculty — the oldest such university faculty in Canada — was especially upset by the university’s decision to act unilaterally, and responded both by posting literature about the killings in the ES Lounge, contacting the university for more information and dialogue and by arranging for the Wednesday November 23 rally, entitled “We are the Beaver: A memorial for our four

beaver friends killed on campus.” Over a hundred students and staff attended this noon hour memorial, which started in the Student Life Centre and had all in attendance walking to Laurel Creek under police protection for a few brief, sometimes tearful addresses, the reading of a story and poem and the tying of memorial ribbons on the nearby bridge. The memorial itself took place around the stump of the apple tree that first triggered the “beaver issue.” It was only when beavers knocked this tree over, a great many metres from the nearest student path, that assertions regarding the beavers’ “threat to student safety” first cropped up. Freeman and I were especially curious about exploring this apparent safety threat, so when we reached campus and cut across the open fields by the Ron Eydt Village, we were surprised to find that the wooded area housing both a beaver lodge and one dam were far removed from student paths. If ever any trees could have been knocked over, into the way of students on campus, they had all already been removed. Our first signs of beaver then came when we stepped out of the field by Ron Eydt, following Laurel Creek, and paused by a solitary picnic bench. To one side of the path, we could see the gnawed stumps of aspens poking out of the grass. These would be the first of many we would later find as went deeper into the woods, with a great many larger logs lying by a distant culvert — a water feature Freeman stated was a favourite of the beaver. As we were just descending into the woods it was still dark out, but while we changed into more appropriate shoes for braving the mud ahead, the air grew colder with the impending dawn. Trekking on along the right bank of Laurel Creek, we hadn’t much farther to go before we spied the main beaver dam. The lodge itself — a massive construct set back in the thick of the woods — would be found where the river was at its deepest, away

tiffany li

Students tie ribbons on the bridge to the college campuses to commemorate the four beavers killed by contracted trappers. from the dam itself. Along the way we scanned the water for any tether lines that might have indicated traps in the water, but found no signs of activity, human or otherwise. The next day, however, we would learn that a total of four beavers had been killed in the previous week by licensed trappers, who set their conibear traps near Conrad Grebel, around the location of that first felled apple tree. According to the Waterloo Chronicle in a November 22 article, the conibear traps, which were set underwater, are “strong boxes” which allow beavers to swim through them, only to have the sides come down and “generally hit the animal in the back of the neck, in most cases breaking the animal’s spine.” When I spoke to Carole Damms, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, at Wednesday’s rally, she told me that while the killings were going on at least one of the trappers would not comment on how many beavers had been killed. “The worst part is that there

were options,” she explained. “There were alternatives that should have been considered first.” Damms cited temporary relocation (on account of the impending winter season), followed by a more permanent resettlement as the most viable and humane option. But that Sunday morning, before the rest of the campus had stirred, Freeman and I could still operate under the assumption that no grave harm had been done yet; that there was time, even, for students to make a preemptive difference; that there would be no need to talk about preventing a “next time.” Save for the rush of water around the beavers’ fortifications, the woods proved eerily quiet as the sun came up, but the markings and cuttings on nearby trees were still so fresh it was difficult to believe that UW’s campus beavers, their species generally emerging only at sunrise and sunset, weren’t just sleeping in.

For those who loathe campus beavers

To all those lily-livered, tree-hugging, anti-fur activists out there who are all upset about the trapping and drowning of the beavers on campus last week, I’ll say this: get a grip. The number of times that I have had to dodge trees felled by those vicious rodents was just unacceptable! Something had to be done! I applaud the forward thinking attitude that UW took to prevent even a modicum of harm coming from those vicious rodents we call our national symbol. However, I am shocked and disappointed at the cavalier attitude that UW is taking with my safety in other areas. Without UW looking after my needs, how could I possibly continue to study and contribute to this liberal-minded world-class institution that I call home? While UW is at it, they should make some more changes around here.

Now that the beavers are gone, cut down all the trees — every last one of them. It has been scientifically proven that trees release harmful greenhouse gases. UW should be proactive and remove every single one of them, environmental reserve or not. While they’re at it, they should get rid of the creek that runs through campus. That’s just an accident waiting to happen. Drowning is no joke. All it takes is a few inches of water to drown. Put it in a culvert! Bury it! That wetland near the residences? Wetlands are a proven source of waterborne diseases and a habitat for killer parasites like mosquitoes. The number of times that I’m distracted from my world class quest for excellence is deplorable. Who hasn’t ever had to swat a pesky mosquito on a summer’s day? Fill it in! And what about these cyclists? Those folks are a menace to society. They tear around campus, forcing innocent pedestrians to jump into the shrubbery to avoid certain death. Get rid of them! Cars? Good lord, the number of people killed or injured either while driving cars or when they are hit climbs every year. That UW should support—nay actively encourage—their use with parking lots and roadways is

inexcusable! Tear them up! Reassign the parking attendants! Elevators? Who hasn’t stepped into one of those monstrosities fearing the worst? The cable might snap and the brakes might fail and the passengers might plummet to their death. Those tin can coffins waiting to happen should be ripped out. You think the stairs are okay? Do you know how many people fall down the stairs everyday? I’m sure far more than have been ever been hit by a fallen tree. And don’t even get me started about all of the lab equipment strewn across campus. One of these days, there could be a massive accident. All you need is one careless student and KABOOM! Goodbye DWE! When I arrived here as an innocent frosh, I absconded all authority for my personal safety. That I might be injured because of something that might happen but that has never happened before on campus never even crossed my naïve little mind. Just be careful when reading this paper, you might get a paper cut that might get infected and you might die. UW would then have no choice but to ban all paper from campus.


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Kinsella: launches new personal motto, “I am not a person, I am a website” Continued from cover

Referencing recent sexual slurs made by various politicians against Liberal MP Belinda Stronach, Kinsella noted that while sexism is still an unfortunate characteristic of Canadian life, he does not think that it is more prominent or acceptable in Canadian politics than racial slurs, as the first question asked of him implied. He explained that while he believes the Stronach incidents are ridiculous, he still does “think the country is kind of maturing with these things.” Being that he was once a highranking staffer of the Liberal party, Kinsella was asked to reveal his thoughts on the Liberal leadership race. Kinsella diplomatically illustated his opinions on all four of the election’s “frontrunners” (Michael Ignatieff, Bob Rae, Gerard Kennedy and Stéphane Dion), as well as underdog Martha Hall-Findlay, as he stated that it is “time in our country’s history to have a woman prime minister [and that Hall-Findlay is] a bright person who deserves a lot more attention than she’s been getting.” With regards to the frontrunners, Kinsella said that Ignatieff is too far right-wing to be a successful leader for the Liberal party, while he stated that Rae is too far to the left. Additionally, he referred to Kennedy as the “Francophone that’s not good enough for Quebec.” It was Dion, however, that Kinsella believes has “the staying power.” He explained that he is partial to Dion because he has a view of the country that is similar to his own and that the candidate also acknowledges the fact that the separatist ideologies within Quebec will never completely disappear.

Ashley Csanady

Kinsella gestures strongly while explaining that Canadians do read “these damn blogger things.” Moving on to somewhat lighter topics of discussion, Kinsella addressed his website’s growing popularity by saying that he plans on making T-shirts with the message “I am not a person, I am a website” written across the chest. He further explained that he understands that many readers are seeing blogs as increasingly credible sources, but that one must remember that “bloggers are extremely selective in the reality they choose to present. It comes down to the old Spiderman thing: with great power comes great responsibility.” Closing the discussion period of his visit to UW, Kinsella once again

referred to the Liberal leadership question, stating: “We [Canada] don’t have a singularity of views. I would love to find that perfect voice person […] but I haven’t met him or her yet.” Shortly after the lecture, Imprint sat down for a one-on-one interview with Kinsella to ask a few more questions. First, he addressed why he thinks Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are now in power, and what he believes the Liberals need to do to regain the support of the Canadian public. Kinsella tackled the first part of this question with a simple analogy: “It wasn’t left versus right or rich versus poor. It was Starbucks versus Tim Hortons.”

UW’s terrorist ties prove faulty Suspects in LTTE case freed, but still face extradition Jacqueline McKoy staff reporter

Recent headway has been made in the police bust surrounding members of a UW student organization allegedly involved in terrorist activity. The September 1 issue of Imprint reported that four former and current UW students who were members of WATSA (Waterloo Tamil Students’ Association), along with eight others, were arrested due to their alleged involvement with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE or Tamil Tigers), a recognized terrorist organization. All suspects connected with UW have recently been freed. One of the accused, fourth-year computer engineering student Ramanan Mylvaganam was released on bail October 3. Mylvaganam, 29, a former vicepresident of WATSA, was facing extradition to the U.S. until he was released on $680,000 bail after spending most of late August and September in custody. The conditions of his release, however, will not allow him to return to live with his family in Mississauga for the time being. The computer engineering student was to begin a full-time job at Microsoft’s Redmond, VA compound when he was arrested. Suresh Sriskandarajah, 26, a recent electrical engineering graduate and former WATSA president

was also freed on $445,000 bail the same day. Two other UW graduates and WATSA alumni, Thirukumaran Sinnathamby, 27 and Thirukumaran Sivasubramaniam, 27, were freed on bail during September and have returned to New York and California respectively, where they have been working since graduation. All is not well, however, for one of the released suspects. Sriskandarajah in particular, still faces the possibility of up to 25 years in U.S. prison as the United States Justice Department has requested that he stand trial for his charges stateside. Canadian justice minister Vic Toews has until November 24 to decide to honour the extradition request, in which case, a date for an extradition hearing will be set for some time in early 2007. This decision weighs heavily on whether Sriskandarajah’s charges would also be crimes in Canada. Sriskandarajah, whom The Record describes as the “ringleader” of the alleged terrorist operation, faces charges of attempting to buy weapons on behalf of overseas terrorist organizations, bribery, money laundering through U.S. bank accounts and aiding terrorists through “front” charities. What further complicates the situation is that there has been no allegation of violence on Sris-

kandarajah’s part. As well, Canada did not recognize the LTTE as a terrorist group at the time of his arrest, although the government had identified them as such in previous years. Imprint will continue to follow the Sriskandarajah extradition case, and how it might affect UW’s investigation of WATSA.

He furthered this analogy by stating that Harper presents himself as though his life is similar to the lives of his fellow Canadians. “The public understands him because they think he understands them,” Kinsella said. “You can picture him at Tim Hortons. You can picture him serving you at Tim Hortons!” Kinsella explained that he thinks that Harper will win the next federal election, but that once again it will only be a minority government. For the Liberals to recapture the support of Canadians, Kinsella states that they will have to work on better understanding our lives. In the 1997 federal election, Kinsella ran as a Liberal candidate in

the riding of North Vancouver and lost to the Reform party incumbent. When asked about this experience and whether he would ever consider running in an election again, Kinsella quickly replied, “Oh, my wife would kill me.” He continued to explain that he likes the way his life is right now and that he thinks he probably has more influence now as a political critic than he would as an MP. The end of our conversation alluded to the connections between two of Kinsella’s favourite things: blogging and punk rock. He explained that both have roots in the do-it-yourself (DIY) culture, and that “blogs, even right-wing blogs, tend to be anti-authority.” In his most recent book, Fury’s Hour: a (sort-of) punk manifesto, Kinsella explores the history of punk while interviewing many of the subculture’s key players along the way. Kinsella himself is the bass player and lead vocalist for Toronto punk rock band Shit From Hell, which features three other former prominent staffers of the Liberal Party of Canada and the Ontario Liberal Party. Since Kinsella had spent most of his lecture discussing blogging, he ended his interview with Imprint by listing his favourite punk rock bands at the moment. Currently, Kinsella is a big fan of Against Me, Rise Against, Death From Above 1979 and Minor Threat. He stated that it is unfortunate that DFA 1979 broke up, and provided interesting insight into the band Rise Against and punk culture: “There’s room in punk for people who have a bleak view of existence, but there’s also room for those, like Rise Against, who have a positive look.”


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

A Catalyst for development

Henna helps BSA activity

Entrepreneurship magazine focuses more intently on UW’s ventures

assistant news editor

Sukhpreet Sangha staff reporter

The University of Waterloo is now home to its very own entrepreneurship magazine. Catalyst Magazine launched this month, releasing its inaugural issue on November 10. According to its website,, the magazine’s mission is “to produce a high-quality regular publication showcasing the entrepreneurial ventures and activities of students, faculty and alumni of the University of Waterloo.” According to Andrew Dilts, managing editor of Catalyst, although the magazine’s purpose is mainly as a showcase, it will also aid UW-related entrepreneurial ventures by allowing other influential business groups to become aware of them and thus, potentially support them. Catalyst also intends to help foster future entrepreneurship and development within the UW community by showing what already exists in the field, in the hopes of attracting more interest. Another goal of the magazine, which runs parallel to the purpose of its e-council, is to bring together a community of business groups and help them learn from each other. The e-council consists of different student groups on campus that have an interest in and/or are active in business. These groups are Advancing Canadian Entrepreneurship

(ACE) Waterloo, UW DECA, the Science and Business Student Association (SBSA), and UW’s Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology (CBET). The e-council constitutes the key contributors to Catalyst. What differentiates Catalyst from other local entrepreneurship magazines, such as Exchange Magazine, which is published by The Record, is that it is designed “to really focus on UW’s ventures, as there are simply so many of them,” said Dilts. He also stressed that the magazine is “not just a market for students by students.” Rather, Catalyst has two main target audiences. These are, in Dilts’ opinion, students who are already actively involved in business and entrepreneurship, such as members of the various groups within the e-council and the greater business community, which Catalyst is working to get involved. In Dilts’ eyes “[Catalyst] is eventually going to become, hopefully in the very near future, the type of magazine that the President [David Johnston] can take overseas and show people to outline exactly what is going on at UW in the area of entrepreneurship.” The magazine intends to fulfill this purpose in part by securing knowledgeable and influential contributors for each issue, like those they have in President Johnston himself and Iain Klugman,

president of Communitech, both of whom wrote for the current issue. The magazine will be published three times a year, with copies distributed to over 1,000 students across Canada who have already shown a keen business interest and are enrolled in either graduate or undergraduate studies. Electronic copies will also be e-mailed to the entire member bases of both DECA and ACE, as they are national organizations. Member lists and local events will be utilized to distribute the 1,000 printed copies to students. Each issue will also be available online in its entirety, with the first issue available solely in this manner. Catalyst is primarily run by students, mostly those who are in UW’s MBET program, as well as contributors from the e-council, who are mostly undergraduate students. CBET oversees the magazine, with Geoff Malleck, the Associate Director for CBET, serving as faculty advisor and Katherine MacLean, workshop coordinator and instructor for the ELPP, overseeing the editorial side of the publication. Interested students are welcomed to contact Catalyst through their website as they are always looking for help, whether it is with editing, layout, recruiting for advertising sales or even sitting at the table brainstorming editorial content.

November 25 Alumni career planning workshop: Sign up in the Office of Alumni Affairs to attend this full-day workshop on setting realistic work goals to achieve greater success, hosted in the SLC for $75, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

November 26 Worship: Church services at Siegfried Hall in SJU (Catholic) at 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Conrad Grebel Great Hall (Mennonite), 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.; and St. Bede’s Chapel at Renison (Anglican) at 10:30 a.m.

The University of Waterloo’s Bangladeshi Student’s Association (BSA) made a comeback on November 16 asy the showcased various aspects of Eastern culture in the SLC’s atrium. The BSA was pleased to even be running an event this term, as the association has been relatively inactive in the past. However, the attendants  who also seemed excited about their activities  may give the club more cause to continue promoting Bangladeshi pride. Established in March 2002 as a means of encouraging cultural community within UW through various social and educational events, the BSA currently has upwards of 50 members and even welcomes students from Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Guelph. Their mission statement encourages the idea that there is unity in diversity and thus the club itself admits attendees from any cultural background. By inviting students from various racial denominations the BSA hopes to at least refresh students’ thoughts on the rich cultural heritage and background. Their website addresses prospective students to UW to help make future undergrads feel welcome within what is often seen as the overwhelming university atmosphere. In the past, the BSA has run dinner parties and prayer services for students, yet Thursday night’s

event was one of their most active celebrations this term. “Our strategy was just to set up as many booths relating to our culture as possible that were both informational and fun,” said Rhyan Ahmed, the club’s VP social. Thus, the activity boasted booths on popular Bangladeshi board games, the country’s history and how students’ names are written in Bengali. Other features included the cutout sari poster that students could stand behind to give the impression that they were actually decked out in traditional Bangladeshi garb. However, actual conventional Bangladeshi clothes were also displayed at the event. Planning to run the activities between 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., fellow BSA members, including Tareq Ismail (BSA vice president) and Sajjad Kamal, were ecstatic to extend their happenings until 7 p.m. on account of the high demand for henna tattoos. To cover the costs, the group sold samosas and sweets, which proved popular amongst attendees, as well, and sold out. “Overall, the event was a big hit,” said Ahmed, “We got a lot of feedback from members and nonmembers alike telling us what a great time they had and [that they were] glad to see the BSA has become much more active this term. [For the BSA], it was great to see even nonBangladeshis celebrating our culture along with us!”

November 29

November 24 Green building design motivation: Jee Young Kim presents his independent research on green architechture’s motivation and history in PAS 1053, 10 a.m. to 12 a.m.

Rachel McNeil

Flu immunization clinics: Health Services is offering free flu shots for students, faculty and the surrounding UW community starting Monday and continuing Tuesday, Thursday and Friday in the SLC multipurpose room, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Human computer interaction project demos: Students in CS489 have performed extensive studies on how computers can assist with the everyday tasks of achitectural technologists, competitive cyclists, catering chefs, parking ticket officers, DJs, radio station music co-ordinators, recreational pilots and newspaper editors. Discover the many ways computers can be used creatively, rather than with the traditional keyboard and mouse in the Davis Centre, 9:30 a.m.

November 28

November 30

Exploring your Personality, Part 2: Discover how to apply your MBTI type to potential career areas in TC 1112, 2:30 p.m.

John English: This UW history professor reads from his new book Citizen of the World, The Life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Volume One: 1919 — 1968. Tickets are being sold at the UW Bookstore for $2. The event will be held in ML’s Theatre for the Arts, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

November 27

Friday, november 24, 2006 Opinion Editor: Paul Marchwica Opinion Assistant: Ryan Webb

Friday, November 24, 2006 — Vol. 29, No. 19 Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 P: 519.888.4048 F: 519.884.7800 Editor-in-chief, Tim Alamenciak Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas General Manager, Catherine Bolger

Editorial Staff Assistant Editor, Suzanne Gardner Cover Editor, Anya Lomako Photo Editor, Tiffany Li Assistant Photo Editor, vacant Graphics Editor, Christine Ogley Assistant Graphics Editor, Véronique Lecat Web Editor, Mohammad Jangda Assistant Web Editor, vacant Systems Administrator, Gautam Khanna Sys. Admin. Assistant, Victor Ng Lead Proofreader, Emma Tarswell Proofreaders Brian Fong, Shivaun Hoad, Adrienne Raw, André Ulloa Production Staff Duncan Ramsay, Sasha Campbell, Paul Collier, Kelvin Lam, Linda Kong Ting, Tariku Kebede, Mitchell Creppy, Michael Creppy, Jaqueline McKoy, Steven R. McEvoy Office Staff Distribution, Gillian Flanagan Distribution, Amy Pfaff Volunteer Co-ordinator, Margaret Clark Advertising Assistant, Jason Kenny Systems Administrator, Daniel Agar

Board of Directors President, Jeff Anstett Vice-president, Adam Gardiner Treasurer, Jacqueline McKoy Secretary, Stephen Eaton Staff liaison, Darren Hutz Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorial submissions may be considered for publication in any edition of Imprint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commercially in any format or medium as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, including articles, letters, photos and graphics, will grant Imprint first publication rights of their submitted material, and as such, agree not to submit the same work to any other publication or group until such time as the material has been distributed in an issue of Imprint, or Imprint declares their intent not to publish the material. The full text of this agreement is available upon request. Imprint does not guarantee to publish articles, photographs, letters or advertising. Material may not be published, at the discretion of Imprint, if that material is deemed to be libelous or in contravention with Imprint’s policies with reference to our code of ethics and journalistic standards. Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. One copy per customer. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 40065122. Next board meeting: Tuesday, November 28 at 4:30

Web commenters anonymous

Who are you calling a gay Nazi?

New Imprint comment system encourages discussion More simply put — some quiet people are quiet for a reason: they have nothing good to say. Either that, or they’re not focused enough to thoughtfully write out a letter to the editor or a community editorial. Don’t get me wrong — I am absolutely in love with our new comment system. Like a doting teen, I constantly refresh my e-mail waiting for notifications of new comments, praying that The power of anonymity is an incredible they’ll contain something elegantly written or thing. I’ll often witness my especially tech- some sign of discourse. Fortunately, most of the connected friends keeping their mouths shut comments thus far, while generally anonymous, during a heated argument, but laying on the have been well-thought responses. But does the willy-nilly inclusion of offsmack-talk afterwards. This effect has been greatly realized with handed remarks really contribute to our colImprint’s new commenting system. Comments, lective knowledge? It does if they’re eloquent. If they actually presumably a one-off statement with no promise of or commitment to further discus- contribute to the discussion on a particular subject — rather than just making dick and sion, embody anonymity at its finest. Consider that Imprint has, as of this writing, fart jokes — I think comments are a valuable received a total of 32 non-spam comments contribution to the public sphere. Newspapers are first about delivering the on the latest issue. Twelve of those have been news. But like The Globe blatantly labelled as & Mail said in their anonymous or writads, “It’s not just ten under pseudLike the bitter truths that radio news, it’s a conversaonyms. I love the conThe commenting come out over tears and tion.” versation that Imprint system is an improvement on our forums. beers, comments allow sparks. While it often leans toward the side Initially, the idea was everyone to speak their of anti-Imprint, good to spark discussion things always come of among the student peace with little fear of it. We, unlike Garth, do body. Unfortunately, not fear change. that discussion didn’t repercussion. The new commentfly. When our forums ing system allows conwere intact, we reversation to continue in ceived approximately the public sphere. The allowance of anonymity five posts. Each week, I receive anywhere from one often causes troublesome things to be said. The to 10 “live” comments in the form of letters, things that are said, though, are definitely felt phone calls or visits. Almost all of these lead within the student community. Like the bitter truths that come out over tears and beers, comto some kind of discussion between myself and the person attempting to engage the ments allow everyone to speak their peace with little fear of repercussion. student body in discourse. It’s a case of give and take. Sometimes the For those of you who remember, the old uninhibited will express their innermost feelforums played host to an incredible amount of pointless, often vicious arguments. More mud ings to the theoretical therapist of the internet was slung there than at an Amish barnboxing and receive some kind of gratification. Other match. Those forums, however, permitted times the uninhibited will bring out the dick anonymity. Our new forums require a valid and fart jokes. Overall, comments encourage discussion UW e-mail address. The notion that the internet’s opportunity where previously people would not feel the need for anonymity brings out those who would to discuss. We may have to brave the fires of otherwise keep a lid on their opinions is not offhanded 2 a.m. postings, but I think Imprint’s a new one — it even has a fancy derogatory new commenting system is a good thing for the term for those who take advantage of this: community and for Imprint. troll. My main interest is in the contribution to our collective discourse as a society.


Black people should sit at the back of the bus. The Holocaust never happened. Oh, I’m sorry. Was I offensive? I was just trying to be funny. Let’s get it straight. Brendan Pinto’s recent distasteful attempt at being funny in his “satirical” article was homo-negative and was taken adversely by the majority of the campus gay community. I’m sure right now a few of you are throwing your hands up in exasperation and mumbling “lighten up” or something about the freedom of expression. Well, let me take you through a history lesson to enlighten you why calling a part of the gay community “Lesbianazis” and the “Gaystapo” is sacreligious on many levels. In 1934, the Gestapo, the secret police of Germany’s Nazi party were instructed to compile a list of gay individuals. This list was then used by the Nazis to round up gay men in all of Germany and try to get them to give up their “immoral” lifestyle and if they refused, they were put in concentration camps alongside the Jews of the Holocaust under the “Extermination through Work” policy carried out by the Nazis. Over one million gay German men were targeted with roughly 100,000 of them being arrested and half of them serving as convicts in concentration camps simply for their chosen expression of love. That number does not include hundreds more men who were castrated by the Nazis because they refused to adopt the straight lifestyle. Now that we had that enlightening detour through history let me come back to Pinto’s recent apparently “non-homophobic” article and point out why expressions like Lesbianazi and Gaystapo are just as much if not more hurtful than calling an Israeli citizen a Judeo-Nazi. You just don’t do that. Millions of people sacrificed their lives for their way of life not so that certain wannabes can go around poking humour at these people’s sacrifices. Our great country values the diversity among our ranks and the freedom of expression that all of us have benefited from. But another great nation, contemporary Germany, has a beautiful motto and that is “Never again.” Never again will the atrocities of the Holocaust be committed. My hope is that Canadians choose to be as responsible and sensitive in their actions and realize that the apparent comforts of today are the result of countless sacrifices deserving of the utmost respect and dignity. — Eli Manji

Graham Moogk-Soulis


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Setting the record straight on stem cell research After reading the “Podium” piece in the November 17 issue of Imprint on the evils of embryonic stem cell research, I feel that there are a few items that still are in dire need of some clarification. The piece started out strong, outlining the potential benefits that this type of research has to offer. The author neglected to mention other potential benefits to the research, such as an increased understanding of cell deviation during embryonic development, an increased understanding of what turns genes “on” and “off,” a crucial step in understanding both the aging process and the pathways of chronic disease, and the ability to use cultured stem cells as test subjects for new methods of treatment for any number of diseases. The author then deviates into an ethical tirade, describing how scientists are creating human life for the sole purpose of destroying it and later utilizing its cells for research for what they believe to be the greater good. Had appropriate research been conducted, the author would have learned that their claim would put said scientist in violation of several guidelines clearly stated by both the Canadian and American governments’ major research ethics bodies. The Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) sets the standard for research ethics

in this country, and provides funding for 10,000 researchers and trainees all over the country. The Stem Cell Network of Canada, the major body of stem cell research in this country, is fully compliant with the CIHR’s guidelines. If one were to actually examine these guidelines, he or she would observe an interesting provision in Section 8.1.2 of their mandate concerning research with stem cells, which specifically forbids “research involving the creation of human embryos specifically to derive stem cell lines or other cell lines of a pluripotent nature.” The National Institute of Health, the CIHR’s American counterpart, adheres to even stricter guidelines, only allowing research on cell lines that were derived no later than August 9, 2001 as outlined by George W. Bush. CIHR’s guidelines on stem cell research can be found online at html. So in essence, the research concerning the use of embryonic stem cells done in either of these countries involves only the use of embryos which have already been destroyed. Often these are discarded zygotes that would have been used in fertility clinics, but where a decision was reached not to use them. These zygotes are always used along with the consent of the donating parents. I will leave it up to you to decide the ethics of using embryos that would otherwise have been discarded to further the standard of living for mankind. We are then told that there are risks associated with the use of embryonic stem cells. We are informed that they have been shown to be tumorgenic, as well as carcinogenic. The fact of the matter is that while a number of

studies have concluded that ESC’s can indeed form tumours, they are nearly always benign. There is one sole study, conducted at Cornell University, which states that the ESC’s indeed formed a carcinoma during an experiment with mice regarding Parkinson’s. As any educated university student should know however, one study should serve as a curiosity, albeit a potentially important one, but by no means a deterrent. This is not to say that a benign tumour is something that one would by any means desire, they do lead to a number of problems, but they do not in any way carry any of the risks of metastasis (the spread of cancer) or the uncontrolled cell growth associated with cancer. The author then offers up the alternative of human stem cells, or HSC, as a solution to this problem. However, there are three main issues arise with the use of HSC’s. They are extremely difficult to isolate to a point where they would be useful, as they are extremely rare in body tissues. One always has to keep in mind that for stem cell mediated therapy, a lot of cells are needed. They also frequently differentiate in vitro, before they can ever be transferred to a patient. They are also much more difficult to culture to a point where they are useful, since the number of cell divisions is extremely limited when compared to those of ESC’s. All of these are extremely important factors when determining which would be more useful on a clinical basis for humans. There is some evidence that HSC’s may, like ESC’s, be able to form into any cell in the body and form tissues, but this evidence is extremely limited when compared to the wealth of literature on ESC’s, and not for lack

Hip hop dancers from Trent fleeced while participating in competition

To the editor, On November 18, I attended the Ontario Universities Competition for Hip Hop (O.U.C.H.) at Waterloo. The fourth annual competition drew dance teams from universities across the province and my daughter was part of the 26 member Trent Dance Team who were appearing at the event for the first time. O.U.C.H. is a “student run event” and we were all impressed by the organization, energy and friendliness shown by the host Waterloo group. The event filled the venue to capacity and the afternoon was filled with great dancing, music along with an appreciatative and energetic crowd. During the intermission, we had a chance to talk to my daughter and she couldn’t say enough good things about the event, Waterloo’s hospitality and the welcome they had received. Unfortunately, those feelings would not be the lasting memory she would have of the event. All of the teams were given a room to practice and to store their personal belongings. The Trent team was assured by the organizers that the room was secure and that security were patrolling the halls. If this was true, it’s hard to understand why, as Trent performed as the final competitor of the day, the socalled “secure” room supposedly under the “watchful eye” of security was ransacked and the personal belongings of the team members including cash, iPods and cameras valued at between $2,000 - $3,000 were stolen. The police were called and a report was filed but as in most of these cases, there is probably little chance that anything will be recovered.

of research. The fact of the matter is that, as of yet, they have not been shown to be anywhere near as effective. This is not to say that HSC’s are without advantage. One theoretical advantage that they have over ESC’s is that if HSC’s were extracted from the donor themselves versus from a fetal donor, they would not face immune response rejection. But again, this has not actually been observed in humans and remains a theory. People will argue that ESC’s will cause a dependency on fetal tissue for new stem cells. I ask them to look west to the tar sands, or reconsider driving their car, or running their dishwasher as opposed to washing with their hands. We are a species surrounded by dependencies. The difference between limited substances like fossil fuels and embryonic stem cells is that in the future we could potentially find a way to replicate them without need of new donors, making the search for other alternatives unnescceasry. The idea of writing a piece based on the scientific disadvantages of embryonic stem cells was a novel one, but the fact of the matter is that there is not enough literature to support it. Embryonic stem cells are here to stay. They open doors to worlds that science had previously never imagined possible, and could serve as a pathway to a new era where quadriplegics can walk again, myocardial infarctions become a triviality, and Parkinson’s disease becomes a thing of the past. What could possibly be uncompassionate about denying people potential treatments for their diseases? — Brian Dorsay

The O.U.C.H. organizers are devastated that this marred a great event and feel a great sense of responsibility. They are trying to figure out what happened, why the promised security failed and how the team should be compensated. The Trent team, who fund themselves as they are the only team not funded by their school, are distraught by the loss of funds and valuables that students can “ill afford to lose”. Perhaps though, it is saddest of all for the university. I had never been to the school before, but I noted to my wife earlier in the afternoon that this appeared to be a great school with a great sense of spirit and community. How sad that there are people who showed no respect for the school, the hard work that had gone into the event or the visiting teams that had come to enjoy Waterloo and the event. They may or may not be students. Hopefully, they are not but whoever they are, they should be ashamed of themselves. — Terry Lewis Campus visitor

Wasting parking spaces and killing trees

To the editor, Student Nurin Jivani is quoted in their article as saying, “N lot fills up really quickly and the only available lots are farther than my home.” Given that you can walk from any parking lot to any point on campus in less than 15 minutes, this statement would seem to imply that she lives within a 15-minute walk of campus. If this is indeed true, to her I say: what the heck are you driving to campus for? If you don’t like the parking prices, just walk! It’s free, and has the added bonus of being good for both you and the environment. It’s no wonder people can’t find parking spaces. Too many people drive to campus unnecessarily. — Erin Moffat Department of civil engineering


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

John Lee


Bereavement over the demise of campus beavers Castor Canadensis, I hardly knew you. No seriously, I didn’t even know there were beavers on campus. I am, however, shocked and appalled that the administration of this fine university would commit such a heinous act against them. Those beavers are sacred noble creatures and their lives should have been

A movement to reform ResNet

To the editor, As a student of the University of Waterloo, supposedly the best technical school in Canada, I find it rather disconcerting that our internet access on campus (specifically in residence) constantly breaks down, suffers massive packet loss and generally crashes several times an hour. Many of us have become very agitated by the situation and feel the need to protest. We encourage all students who have been affected by this to make their voices known and not to let it continue. We pay thousands of dollars just for the privilege to attend this institution. How is it that with all the technical knowledge we have, we cannot have a constant connection to the internet? I have begun to organize students who can no longer stand this and if nothing is done, we will do all we can to change it ourselves. This is our school, our promise and our mission: we want a better ResNet for all students. Our voices will be heard. — Michael Romatowski 1B arts

RCC diagnoses the problem with ResNet connectivity

To the editor, As a computer science student here at the University of Waterloo I, like many others, chose this school because of its reputation as an outstanding technical institute. However, I was slightly disheartened, to say the least, when it became apparent that the technical support at this school is not as outstanding. Don’t get me wrong, the people at the

spared. I mean think about it, people — they are beavers. Now sure, these are just four beavers, while thousands upon thousands of livestock are killed every day in this country for the sake of consumption, but those aren’t really animals. That’s why we use the term livestock — stock that just happens to be alive. I mean if a chicken started pulling its weight and established itself as the engineer of the animal world instead of a popular kind of pita at Pita Factory, then maybe we could keep them around. I’m not going to be the one to stand up for a bunch of do-nothing poultry. Not just students, but children who visited campus also loved to visit the beavers. Put that child in an industrial

ResNet office are great. However, they have to deal with the endless complaints about ResNet. Being an RCC (residence computer consultant) I hear many of these complaints first hand, but it is not our fault. The ResNet team does the best it can. The real issue is our internet service provider: IST. ResNet experiences frequent blackout times and many disconnections due to various causes. Since this is the respectable Waterloo and most of us are spending over $3,000 a semester, it seems only reasonable that we should be able to have decent internet. IST has been in the process of upgrading its system since the beginning of the term. They still have failed to produce results, which were supposed to occurring in the middle of October. We, the students, have waited long enough. We want results.

chicken warehouse and I swear the kid will shit his pants and run away. Put that same kid in front of a cow, and the cow will shit, thus making the kid puke and run away. But the beavers — these are the creatures our children can walk casually by and retain all control over bodily functions, and thus deserve far more care and respect. Sure, trapping the beavers and releasing them somewhere else would result in them having to live through a winter without any stored food or place to huddle together for warmth. They would most likely die a horrifying death brought on by hypothermia or a slow, painful starvation. But, what if one of those beavers was the Rambo of beavers? That would

The choice to live or not to live

To the editor,

Yes this is another ResNet complaint. Unfortunately, the issue is way out of hand. You can’t even use MSN anymore without looking like an idiot during a conversation because you are constantly logged in and out. I didn’t pay $3,850 per semester for this bull-crap. I’m not the only one complaining either. I want UW to know we’re pissed off at this, along with the ignorant way the tech people are handling the issue.

First of all, the repeated use of “fuck” does not make your article (“Let’s put this mercy killing to rest,” Imprint Volume 29, Issue 17) any stronger. It makes you sounds like a raving imbecile. Let me ask you: How would you like to have an illness where your brain continues functioning fully but you are slowly trapped inside a dead body? You’re not able to communicate, eat, move or show emotion. You’re stuck in bed soiling yourself with a tube shoved in your body feeding you liquid food. Yeah, sounds like the natural way of life! And you think the family members would be hurt and abandoned if the person wanted to have their miserable, painful existence ended? It is absolute torture to see someone you love live with excruciating pain every single day of their life. Consider watching an 80-year old man slowly revert back to child-like functionality. being unable to dress themselves and being forced to use a diaper. You say it’s selfish to die; I say it’s selfish to live! I hate to break it to you, but the Bible is religion, so don’t try to shove it in our faces as an argument! Religion is becoming less and less popular as science evolves. I know almost as many atheists and agnostics as I do religious people. Bringing religion into the debate has become an invalid argument! The euthanasia movement is not about forcing people into their graves. It’s about giving people a choice. If you want to live through a disease that eats away at your body, go ahead it’s your life! But if I choose not to suffer through the the remainder of life, I should, at least, be able to opt out of having my mind and body ravaged by disease!

— Najib El-Kaake software engineering

— Alexis Cartwright Masters kinesiology

— AJ Bailey computer science

UW ResNet is “bull-crap”

To the editor,

mean that we might have just killed beaver Rambo. That’s why I’m glad that there will be a memorial for these beloved creatures. We have to send a message to this university that you can’t just go around killing the wildlife on campus for some conspiracy “safety” theory. I am pretty sure that these administrationazis have an Elmer Fudd-like hatred for animals, and their excuses are just a cover to hide their contempt for our dear beavers. This tragedy also brings up other important issues. Think of all the beavers across the country that have been flattened into roadkill. We need to get all cars off all roads in Canada. Keeping these regal creatures alive

trumps anything, no matter how the changes we would have to make may affect our lives. Both The Record and CTV have covered this atrocity. It’s important that the media give this story the coverage it deserves. This is why even though I knew there would be other stories about this in this current issue; I had to cover it as my responsibility as a human being. Oh, I also heard something might be happening in Darfur. I’m Brendan Pinto and I’m single (and my obsession with all the young supple beavers all over campus will not allow me to make a beaver joke), so tell your friends.



FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Holy Land’s got Pride Despite delays, Israel’s Gay Pride parade finally took place

It was close to not happening, but the Gay Pride parade was held in Jerusalem a couple weeks ago, though it certainly didn’t occur as was originally planned. As featured in one of my columns two months ago, ultra-orthodox Jewish groups had taken offence to the planned gay pride march through the holy city to the point where flyers advocating and encouraging the killing of pride participants had begun appearing on city streets. The pride march the year before had been marred by the stabbing of several participants by a member of the Haredi Jewish sect, and a repeat of such violence was bound to happen again. In the weeks leading up to this year’s event, ultra-orthodox Haredi Jews showed their determination to put an end to the march by openly rioting in the streets, clashing with police, setting fires, throwing rocks and otherwise damaging property, they left behind burnt-out cars and anti-gay graffiti such as “Jerusalem is not Sodom, Amsterdam or New York.”


“The stabbing incident during last year’s parade will seem minor in comparison with what is anticipated this year. We have to declare a holy war,” Baruch Marzel, an opponent to the event, told a local radio station. Despite the ongoing extremes of violence, Israel’s attorney general refused to give in to the Haredi’s wishes and cancel the pride event. At the same time, local police knew that the likelihood of violence at the event was all but a certainty, and that — no matter the number of police they had on hand to line the parade route — something would need to be done to ensure the safety of pride marchers. In the end, a compromise was reached between the gay organizations, police forces and ultra-orthodox groups. Rather than marching through the central core of Jerusalem, as was originally planned, the march was instead held in the stadium of Jerusalem’s Hebrew University and secured by a force of 3,000 police officers. The event itself, which drew around 4,000 participants, went off without a hitch, featuring several speeches and festivities. What moderate violence occurred was limited to a few protesters outside the stadium, and most offenders were quickly arrested. A few gay participants did attempt to march the parade route despite the compromise, but were also quickly arrested — in part for their own safety.

While I’m thankful that the event went off without a hitch, I am more relieved that the government showed prudence and foresight in not cancelling the event in the face of what could be described as wanton terrorism. If they had bowed to such violent pressure as displayed by the Haredi Jews, it would only invite more such displays as this in the future against anything these groups may disagree with. Of course, it is important to remember that not all of Israel shares the views of the extremist religious groups. While the Holy City is obviously a far cry from being the bedrock of tolerance, the rest of the country is much more accepting, as can be seen in the ruling of Israel’s High Court on November 21, which stated that same-sex couples that have been married abroad in countries where such unions are legal can be registered as married couples within Israel. The decision wasn’t even close. At a 6-1 vote, support was solidified and five couples who were married in Toronto can appear as married on the country’s registry and will hold equal rights to other married couples within the country. So far, there has been little more than words of outrage from religious communities, but I fear that they may move to riot once again before long.

Ian Blechschmidt

F eatures Realistic images boost healthy living Friday, november 24, 2006


11 Features Editor: Kinga Jakab Features Assistant: Ellen Ewart

Kinga Jakab features editor

Christine Ogley

Today, I tell myself I will look fabulous. Dressing this morning, I put on a bra and underwear, standing in front of my full-length mirror the whole time. I stand there in undies, examining my body from different angles. Today my tummy looks flat. Today, I have thunder thighs and my butt looks so fat I can see it from the front. Today, my arms look nice. I squirm into a pair of jeans. Back in underwear, I try for another pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I check the time. I hate the morning. I turn my flat iron on and go back to dressing. I am exhausted and frustrated and if I didn’t have prior

“I am sexy, I am smart, I am beautiful!”

commitments, leaving the house wouldn’t even make it on the top 100 things I would do today. I settle on an outfit that won’t attract attention to my waist, my hips, my thighs, my ass, my face, nor my hair. I head to campus. This week, the SLC is scattered with Love Your Body Week paraphernalia. Gossiping with a girlfriend, I scanned the pamphlets — “Healthy Relationships,” “Body Size Diversity and Acceptance,” “Maybe I Have an Eating Problem,” “Breast Self-Examination,” “Maybe I Have a Friend With an Eating Disorder,” “Dating and Violence: What Women and Men Need to Know,” “Some Important things for Women to Know about Sex and Dating,” “24 Ways To Love Your Body,” “Body Image Exercises,” “The Five Freedoms” and “Coping with Stress.” Finding nothing that struck my fancy, I headed for the Imprint office. On arrival, the news editor approached me to team up and cover Love Your Body Week, presented by UW’s own The Women’s Centre this week. As I headed back to the Great Hall to grab more pamphlets and do some research, I was fortunate enough to run into The Women’s Centre coordinator, Margarita Osipian. “The goal for this week is to raise awareness about emotional, sexual, physical and mental health, especially as it relates to women — although these issues are relevant to men as well. We want people to feel positive about their bodies and get back into their bodies, since we are often disconnecting ourselves from them. We also want to raise issues about the body as a physical form and how to keep that body healthy, whether it be through being sexually [active] or through eating well and staying fit,” Osipian said. I asked her what the most common problems were that she saw through either The Women’s Centre or from her own personal experiences, in terms of relationships or health. Osipian answered, “I think one major epidemic is that of eating disorders. There is a growing number

of women who have eating disorders and issues abusive relationship I would say to seek help imwith body image and food are starting at younger mediately or to at least talk to someone you trust. and younger ages, which is really scary. These kinds of relationships cannot be ‘coped’ “Women, and society in general, are com- through and are far more damaging than they pletely bombarded with unrealistic media images are beneficial. I believe that women who have an of ‘beautiful bodies’ and although we are aware unhealthy relationship with their body need that these images are digitally altered and are not to start changing how they see their body and real, there is still this this is very difficult belief that that kind to do.” of body is attainI reached for a It reminds me of Billie able and desirable. “Healthy RelationWomen need to get ships” pamphlet Holiday and of Bathing back in touch with and peeked in. It their bodies rather Woman by Renoir and I am discussed the comthan shying away ponents of a healthy from them because feeling a little more inspired relationship: honthey are unhappy to start a friendship with my esty, respect and with certain aspects trust. It talked about of their bodies. the importance of own body. “There was a great self-esteem, comquote on a button that munication, deciwe made that said, ‘self esteem is not a dress sion-making and the difference between size.’ I think this is a really great quote because infatuation and love. positive body image does not come with having Osipian continued, “We are told over and the ‘perfect’ body, but rather with being happy over again that there is something wrong with with your body.” our bodies; your nose is too big, your hips are I am reminded of a conversation where I was too wide, you have too much hair on your body, complaining about my own body and someone you’re too fat, you’re too thin, your breasts are remarked that I shouldn’t worry. It’s funny that too small, too big, etc. When we are constantly other people can be okay with your body, while bombarded with these messages it is very difficult you feel otherwise. to love our own bodies. “In regards to relationships, I think that “I think that we all have days where we do women have to be aware of power and control not feel good about our bodies, do not feel within relationships and the power that they attractive, but women should stand in front of have over their own sexuality. Women need the mirror everyday and find something they love to learn what a healthy relationship looks like about their bodies that day. This sounds kind of — regardless of the gender of the partner — lame, I know, but I think this is a good step in the and how to know when you are in an unhealthy right direction. It’s important to remind yourself relationship, whether it be abusive or not.” that you love the body you have, but it is also really The Kitchener-Waterloo Sexual Assault Sup- important to remind yourself about all the other port Centre (KWSASC) is a 24-hour crisis and great traits that you have that are not tied in with support line for male and female victims of sexual the physical body.” assault. All of the services are free and they guarLoving your own body. Interesting. The antee confidentiality. They offer further support bright pink sheet in my hand read, “Body Image by accompanying you to “the hospital, police, Exercises.” One exercise told me to “Surround court or to other appointments related to sexual yourself with positive images of women of various assault.” They even offer translators and can help sizes, colours and shapes. This reminds you that pay for transportation and baby-sitting. real women represent a delightful variety, not the I asked her what kinds of coping mecha- narrow range shown in the media.” It reminds me nisms she would recommend for women in of Billie Holiday and of Bathing Woman by Renoir unhealthy relationships. Osipian replied, “I be- and I am feeling a little more inspired to start a lieve the answer to this question depends on the friendship with my own body. kind of unhealthy relationship that we are talking about. If it is a physically, emotionally or sexually See SELF-LOVE, page 12

Taking the taboo out of learning about vaginas

Last Monday, struggling to think of a better column topic than how men are like cigarettes, I perused the Love Your Body Week displays. Gathering pamphlets on everything from environmentally-friendly pads to abusive relationships to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), I made an interesting discovery. I grabbed a total of 10 pamphlets pertaining to women’s health issues. I was appalled to discover only two of those pamphlets discussed the need for regular Pap tests for preventing cervical cancer, abnormalities in the cervix and genital warts among other things. These two pamphlets were specifically focused on Pap tests, so none of the general women’s sexual health pamphlets had any information regarding the need for Pap

tests among sexually active women. Even the Waterloo Regional Health Unit’s pamphlet “Your Sexual Health” for women excluded this crucial piece of information. Once I started thinking about it, I realized just how much this necessary aspect of sexual health is so often left out of the discourse. Even the Ontario Ministry of Education’s curriculum for Grade 9 and 10 sex ed classes don’t require that girls be educated about the need for Pap smears once they become sexually active. Talking to friends, some were taught about the need for Pap smears, others weren’t. To be honest, when I was about 14, women didn’t have to see a gynecologist until they had children or wanted to go on the pill. I had no idea that sexual activity was the instigator for this rather unpleasant procedure. Unless there is some kind of education for young women, many of them will have the same misconceptions I did. Once a girl becomes sexually active she needs a Pap smear once a year for the first three years or so that she is sexually active, after that, it’s about every two years. If girls aren’t educated about this need, it’s possible they could go for years without

seeing a gynecologist and leave themselves open to a plethora of health problems. AIDS and other STIs, teen pregnancy, Plan B pills among other things all seem to be fair game, but why are Pap smears any different? AIDS was once a very taboo subject, and while it still has a certain stigma attached to it, at least people are talking about it. In an article entitled, “Socio-cultural representations of the vagina” by V. Braun and S. Wilkinson of the Loughborough University in the UK, they suggest that girls are “given representations of the vagina as smelly, dirty and potentially diseased, so it is not surprising that women’s genitals are often a source of shame or embarrassment — shameful and unspeakable.” From my own experiences, it’s true that girls are taught to be much more ashamed of their sexual organs than boys. Girls are taught to be much more self-concious of menstruation, masturbation and many other aspects of their genitalia. From an early age, it is ingrained that female sex organs are something to feared, something dark and so secret that even medical professionals loathe approaching the topic. While this is a societal fact that no doubt needs

to be rectified, the problem here is that even literature specifically designed to discuss women’s health avoids the topic of Pap smears. The vagina seems to be literally so feared, so taboo, that even those who need to discuss it the most, can’t. Breast cancer and mammograms are very common topics, sparking television ads, ribbon campaigns and much more. Prostate cancer, despite the unpleasant nature of that exam, also gets a lot more discussion and public service announcements than Pap smears. I think, nay I hope, things seem to be changing for the better. There are now public service announcements regarding the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), a virus detected by Pap smears. While these are a start, they still don’t discuss the need for Pap smears. They do, at least, start the discourse. While I have never had a conversation of that nature say, with my mother, while I was writing this column I had a lot of frank and open discussions with some of my peers — both male and female. So it’s a start. So go out, talk about it. Somebody has to. The word just needs to be spread — figuratively, of course.


Self-love: your best friend focus of feeling good in your own body and feeling healthy. “Once you start listening to your I asked her what she recommended for women to get motivated to eat right body you will know when you are and take care of their bodies. “I think feeling good or when you are feeling one of the best things to do is to talk to unhealthy. Being emotionally healthy a nutritionist at Health Services because comes first, then being physically they are very knowledgeable about the healthy will work its way in there.” best ways to reach your own personal Osipian answered. Realizing I hadn’t yet eaten breakhealth goals. “I think an important thing to fac- fast, I asked her if she thought that tor in here is that being healthy is not university life perpetuates eating something that happens overnight and disorders or unhealthy lifestyles. “I it is definitely not sold in a drug store. believe that the university lifestyle Being healthy is a process that involves promotes efficiency and quick results, changing your lifestyle and it takes time especially at a university that has such and effort, but definitely pays off in short smesters. I think that university life does not leave the end. room for emo“I think it’s im“Our academic tional and physical portant for women because the to take time away system does not health focus is on results. for themselves and do something that facilitate self-care However, I think our society and the makes them happy. We are constantly or achievement of media perpetuate rushing through our a healthy lifestyle.” eating disorders in combination with days and often forget a university lifeto stop and focus Margarita Osipian, style shrouded by on ourselves. I find, personally, that the Women Centre co-ordinator efficiency. I don’t believe that unibest way to eat right is to plan ahead and not be caught in versity life on its own perpetuates a situation where you have to eat fast unhealthy lifestyles, but I definitely food or something that is unhealthy think that our academic system does for your body. Although sugary foods not facilitate self-care or achievement give you instant energy, it is far better of a healthy lifestyle.” Had Love Your Body Week never to have something more nutritious that will give you energy over a longer happened, I never would have discovered walking “with your head high, period of time.” I look down at the candy cane latte with pride and confidence in yourself I’m drinking and Osipian continues. as a person, not a size.” Thank you, “We also need to find time to be physi- number nine in “24 Ways to Love cally active and this does not need to Your Body.” I’m also partial to number involve going to the gym or jogging three: “Be aware of what your body for an hour. This could be as simple as does each day. It is the instrument of going for a short walk every night, or your life, not an ornament for others’ riding your bike to school. I would also enjoyment.” Also, I have nice breasts recommend that women throw away and I’m really funny. their scales. This focus on numbers takes away from the more important Continued from page 11


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

confused? alone?


You just need someone to talk to: Distress Line 519-745-1166 Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868

You’re new to the country: Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre 519-745-2531 Tri-City Multicultural Community Centre 519-745-8561 Working for Work 519-570-3552 You need some information about sex: Sexual and Reproductive Health Clinic 519-883-2267

You think your friend is losing it: K-W Crisis Clinic 519-742-3611 You need a place to eat and sleep: Safe Haven — 41 Weber St. West 519-749-1450 Mary’s Place — 84 Frederick St. 519-744-0120 (women only)



You might be pregnant: Planned Parenthood 519-743-9360 You’re bored: Recreational Activities & Sports 519-741-2727

You want to know about STI’s: R.O.O.F. 519-742-0977 HIV/STD Clinic 519-883-2251

You’d like to quit smoking: Smokers Help Line 1-877-513-5333


You need some legal advice or help: Legal Line 24-hours 416-929-8400 Landlord and Tenant Info 1-888-332-3234

You don’t get along with your parents: K-W Counselling 519-884-0000 Catholic Family Counselling 519-743-6333 You’re thinking about suicide: Crisis Line 519-744-1813 1-866-366-4566 Centre for Mental Health 519-744-7645

You’ve been raped: KW Police 519-653-7700 K-W Sexual Assault and Support Centre 519-571-0121 24-hour crisis and support line 519-741-8633

e n r r e u . h t . . o W t if .

Christine Ogley

Learn the rules before lubing

I’m a skeptical person. I’m especially skeptical when someone is trying to sell me something. Last Tuesday night, I covered a sex toy workshop led by a sales rep from Fantasia. It was a fun idea for sexual awareness and fundraising from the Women’s Centre. It’s not like the sales rep could have known that her audience wasn’t completely made up of naïve university students; but, as a rep for a company that touts itself as a provider of sex education for women since 1980, she needs to get her facts straight before she allows the infection of bad sex information to spread any further. Think of this column as a bit of a warning. When someone suggests that women (or men) should use a

numbing gel on their anus to ease anal sex, I have trouble restraining myself from jumping up in the middle of the multipurpose room and shouting “Gah! No!” The wall of the anus has a different bend than that of the vagina and isn’t as durable. Pressing too hard in the wrong direction risks tearing the wall of the anus. And if your anus wall has been numbed too much, how are you going to know that there is a problem?

And if your anus wall has been numbed too much, how are you going to know that there is a problem? Although the numbing gel will technically help lubricate your anus, you’re better off grabbing a nice big

bottle of KY. You should stop and figure out why anal penetration is hurting you before you continue; not just numb everything with whatever gel someone is trying to sell you. Remember: Stop, think, then go. I also want to mention how irresponsible I feel it is for companies to promise orgasms to every woman, so long as they buy the particular product that the company is offering. For example, the G-spot kit, which includes a finger mounted stimulator and some magical G-spot lotion that will supposedly give you not only a G-spot orgasm but, according to this sales rep, will make you ejaculate. This is quite a hefty claim, considering that not every woman can ejaculate, not every woman enjoys G-spot stimulation and that there is mounting evidence suggesting that not every woman has a G-spot! But perhaps that is a topic for another day. Check my blog for the full anal sex article: lovinblg.


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Menu nouveau Have you ever come across a type food and asked yourself, “How do I go about eating this?” That’s what I found myself saying as I skimmed the shelves of the spreads and condiments section. A transparent jar containing a light sandy coloured spread caught my eye. The label it proudly carried was “Tahini” and the dense paste reminiscent of peanut butter. A rich taste in its own right like peanut butter, the difference is that tahini is derived from ground sesame seeds. These tiny, flat oval seeds are considered the oldest condiment known to man dating back to as early as 1600 BC. The oil is highly valued probably because of its strong resilience from going rancid. Very interestingly, the famous phrase, “open sesame,” from the Arabian Nights, is a reflection of the sesame seed’s pod unique characteristic, where, upon reaching maturity, it bursts open. In addition to its rich history, sesame seeds have many nutritional benefits, those of which include: a very good source of manganese and copper, a good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fibre. Keeping in mind the health benefits of sesame seed paste, and my positive experiences with other pastes such as peanut, almond and cashew butter, I eagerly went to pay for this item and toted it home, excited to taste the contents. Needless to say, it was nothing at all like my past experiences with the other three spreads. A thick spoonful of tahini landed in my mouth and sat on my palate. The dense spread had my tastebuds running for the hills in retreat while it cried “Raw! Bitter!”

As a result, for the next few months, the jar sat sadly in the back of my cupboard collecting dust. Yet, I wasn’t willing to admit defeat. I was determined to make another charge but with the next time would be with a strategic plan. I needed reinforcements to stand up to this rogue product and so my search began. I pondered how I could incorporate this item into my daily eats. In Middle Eastern cooking, I have seen tahini mixed with honey. The sweetness not only complements the taste but also offsets the bitter notes. Sesame paste has also been used to flavour dishes such as hummus (a Middle Eastern paste composed of mashed chickpeas, seasoned with lemon juice, garlic and olive/or sesame oil and used as a dip for pita bread or as a sauce) and baba ghanoush (a Middle Eastern puree of eggplant, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice and garlic, and used as a spread or dip). However, I looked for a recipe that had another use for tahini in savoury dishes. I am happy to report that I have found a recipe to accommodate such a request. By pairing broccoli with tahini, the contrasting textures are the saving grace that make this recipe work. There is also something very captivating between the bold forest green of the broccoli being blanketed by the sandy shade of the Tiffany Li paste. By adding chilli garlic sauce, the spicy flavours awaken the senses and enhance the overall taste. The recipe keeps well in the fridge, and if doubled, is great to use on flatbreads, pitas, falafel and sandwiches. Consider adding it as a topping to steamed fish An honourable mention must also be made to broccoli. Being in season from now through to March, these vibrant vegetables carry an excellent source of vitamins A, C and K, as well as folate and fibre. Stock up on them and use them in this recipe. I recommend pairing this dish with grilled chicken, salmon or shrimp.

Tahini broccoli Ingredients 1 lb broccoli, rinsed well, stem ends trimmed and stalks peeled 1/3 cup tahini (stir back into spread if oil has risen to the top) tbsp *(Thai) chili garlic sauce, or to taste 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/4 tsp salt

Method 1. Bring 1 inch of water to a steady boil in a large saucepan. Cut broccoli lengthwise so the florets are one to two inches wide and are attached to the long stalks. Place broccoli in a steamer basket, cover and cook over the boiling water until just tender, three to six minutes. Reserve 1/3 cup of the broccoli-steaming liquid. 2. Blend the tahini with the reserved cooking oil until you have a uniform mixture. Add chili sauce, lemon juice and salt and continue stirring until smooth. Serve the broccoli with the sauce. * I recommend using either Thai or Chinese chilli garlic sauce


Features presents...

Despite resistance, we took a picture of our assistant features editor and had our resident Photoshop expert, Mo Jangda, doctor the picture to make it “cover model” worthy. What we learned is that the glossy images in our magazines cannot be taken at face value.

photo by michael l. davenport, alterations by Mohammad Jangda

What was done: Hair was coloured and volumized. Teeth and the whites of eyes were whitened. Dark circles under the eyes were smoothed away and skin is given warmth and glow.The eyes were made bluer and pushed closer together. Colour and shine were added to the lips.The jawline was squished inwards. Cleavage was created by adding patches to the skin and pushing the breasts upwards.The sides of the body were pushed inwards for an hourglass-like figure.



FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Savour your significant other In my family there are two ways to eat: you either inhale your food or you eat alone. Some of my brothers inhale their food, chewing so fast they can barely breathe and shovelling into their mouths before the already masticated food can make its way down their esophagi. I, on the other hand, tend to relish my food, savouring each and every bite as if it were my last. Since my brothers eat much more quickly than I do, I’m usually left alone at the table with a cold plate of broccoli.

So, there are two types of people in this world: those who enjoy every bite of food and those who try to eat until they’re full. I guess we eat with different goals in mind. But I think these differences aren’t solely relegated to eating. I think that the way you eat says a lot about the way you love. Do you try to consume? Do you try to get to the deepest moment and then move on once you’ve finished? I think the consumers in this category actually fall into two subcategories. Usually those who gorge on food will also do so in relationships. They will either stay in a relationship, continually trying to keep it in fast forward, forcing intimacy and jumping the gun on normal timelines, or they will go through as many partners as possible in as little time as possible in order to sample the smorgasbord that is young dating. Both scenarios are equally as

dangerous because the satisfaction is usually not derived from the relationship itself but rather from the feeling of accomplishment at having completed the steps of dating. Those who savour their meals tend to treat their relationships like they do the plates in front of them: they will savour each and every moment. The awkward, beginning stages to relationships are extremely scary and fun. Don’t try to avoid them in order to get to the meat and potatoes. That time will come eventually and you’ll have missed out on what would otherwise be a complete meal. Instead, savour the beginning stages of the relationship and take the time to slowly let your palette adjust to what is going on. Just like food you’ve never tried before, don’t barrel-down and try and swallow as much as possible, instead let everything roll around in your

mouth until things have had a chance to reveal themselves to you. Imagine that you weren’t allowed to leave the kitchen table when you had finished eating until everyone else had left as well. The meal will be pretty boring when you’re the only one there. The same can be said for relationships. Treating the opposite sex like an all-youcan-eat buffet may seem like a good idea now, but in a short time, those you usually dine with will start to refine their palettes and choose meals they will want to taste more often. After all, you can’t eat buffet food every night! As your friends start to settle down, you’ll begin to realize that buffet-style dating just isn’t the smart way to go. It may fill you up now, but in a few hours you’ll be hungry again and you’ll just be staring down at your empty plate.

New-age sexy parties a hit Shayna Sparling staff reporter

If you happened to walk past the SLC’s Multipurpose Room on the evening of November 21, you may have been treated to the sounds of little motors grinding, relaxed laughter and strange, almost sexual shouting. As part of Love Your Body Week, the UW Women’s Centre put on a Fantasia party in an effort to raise awareness about sexual health. Positive attitudes about sexuality are a big part of loving your body and so organizers Margarita Osipian and Rose Schmidt felt that a sex toy workshop seemed fitting. In addition, 10 per cent of the profits from this event went to support a local women’s shelter. Not only did this event promote sexual health for students but it also helped to bring a measure of mental and physical health to women in our community. Fantasia is a sex toy distributor whose agents organize home parties to sell sex toys — similar to the Tupperware parties that your mom or grandmother used to have. But instead of discovering new ways to store your leftovers, attendees learn about new ways to orgasm using a variety of sex products. Sales consultant Charlotte Loke quickly put the room of 50 or more students at ease with her casual style and imitations of what a properly stimulated clitoris might sound like. I was very impressed with the large group of women — and the eight men. Often at events like this people are uncomfortable, but I did not hear any nervous giggles. Everyone seemed to be listening intently to Loke’s enthusiastic sales pitch and laughing at all of her jokes about neglected clitorises and products that would provide “a party in your panties.” Loke placed an emphasis on women and their bodies, rather than on couples or “man-pleasing,” which was refreshing. She talked about the importance of foreplay for female arousal — how it prepares the vagina for pleasurable, non-painful sex — and offered many products that would help encourage blood flow to important areas, like the clitoris. Not only did Loke carefully go over all kinds of ways that some toys could be used to achieve orgasm — like the Dolfinger, a jelly finger-mounted vibrator, which can be mounted on fingers, a penis or even another toy — but she also presented us with some unusual uses for some sex toys. For example, I never thought of using a rabbit vibrator as a hand massager to relieve writer’s cramp. Loke emphasized that women can’t just wait around for someone to give them an orgasm, like some sort of party favour; they have to go out and get one on their own. And knowing how to give yourself an orgasm makes it easier for you to teach someone else how to give you one too. This ties in very well with the theme of Love Your Body Week — loving yourself, literally, is very important for your physical, mental, and sexual health. For more information on Fantasia parties, visit

A rts Mudmen put the punk into celtic rock Imprint

Friday, november 24, 2006

19 Arts Editor: Margaret Clark Arts Assistant: Dinh Nguyen

Duncan Ramsay staff reporter

The Mudmen started off with a beer and a bang, but the concert began with a whimper. Arriving at the Bomber on Friday, November 17, I was surprised to find the place only halffull. I’d been looking forward to the concert for a couple of weeks, more for the novelty of the act (It’s rock, with bagpipes) than for any real familiarity with the band. I’d heard a few of their songs, however, and liked them, so I wondered at the relative emptiness of the bar. It didn’t take long to find out why. Mixing with the crowd, I quickly discovered that despite the time featured on posters scattered across campus, the concert didn’t start at 9 p.m. — it was only that the doors opened then, and even the opening band wouldn’t take the stage for another hour or so. More than slightly irritated, I ordered some fries and settled down to wait. The minutes ticked by, and eventually the opening band took the stage to the mild interest of the crowd. This turned out to be The First Time, a standard punk-rock band. Opening with “New Day Dawning” off their new three-song EP, The First Time quickly established itself as what it was — an opening number. As punk-rock goes, these guys certainly weren’t bad, but there was so little originality or genuine energy about their music they faded into the background for me. The exception to this was in Ron McJannet’s (lead singer) vocals, which brought to mind a more nasal Billy Talent with occasional touches of Our Lady Peace, and which were impressively strong and controlled. Even so, this band didn’t seem to know how to hold the stage. Whether this is a symptom of the band’s recent re-organization or not remains to be seen, but the fact was that McJannet, bassist Bill Borda and guitarist James Whitton did little more than stand and deliver, which just wasn’t enough for a live show. Stacey Washington, the band’s drummer, should be given credit though; he spent the show blissfully and obliviously bludgeoning the fear of God into his drums. In the end, the band departed without regret or animosity from the crowd. After a few tense

Brendan Pinto

Sandy Campbell (left) and Zoy Nicoles embodied the “here’s mud in your eye” spirit of Celtic rock at a Bomber concert. minutes, the Mudmen took the stage minus their lead singer, bringing most of the bar surging to their feet and launching into a blistering five minute instrumental tailor-made to psyche up the crowd. From the start, it was apparent that the Mudmen were in a different ballgame than their openers. Snarling, stomping and flipping off the crowd, the band tore up the stage, ripping through their set with a staggering ferocity. It helped that every member of the band looked the part; you could easily picture these guys tearing up a bar without any problems. The bagpipers in particular (Robby and Sandy Campbell) dominated the stage, looking like a bouncer from a biker bar and the kind of aging Harley enthusiast who inexplicably manages to

November 24 Annual Miniature Artwork Sale and Silent Auction — Modern Languages Gallery 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. — Free admission November 25 Jooly Llamas — Jane Bond 8 p.m. — $5 at the door November 25 Santa Cuz: A Toronto Art Dance Party — Starlight 9 p.m. — $5 at the door, 19+ November 25 – 30 The Queen — Princess Twin 9 p.m. — $6 at Turnkey desk November 25 – 30 Renaissance — Princess Cinema 9 p.m. — $6 at Turnkey desk November 26 Triple Forte: Jasper Wood ,Yegor Dyachkov and David Salbert — KWCMS music room 8 p.m. — $25 reg. $20 senior, $15 students

date a string of supermodels. Shortly joined by their lead singer (Zoy Nicoles), the band toasted the crowd with a can of Bud and got down to business, beginning with “5 O’Clock” and continuing with a drive that never relented. Mudmen’s music is a mix of hard rock and various Celtic styles that were perfectly suited to playing a bar. The bagpipes, besides adding a unique side to their rock, work especially well in an enclosed space like the Bomber. The band also has the kind of stage presence that demands a mosh pit — angry, electrifying and full of energy. The crowd was already juiced by the time the band started handing out beer; once they reached their hit cover of “Home for a rest,” the Bomber officials could barely

Imprint’s Music Mix The Hidden Cameras “Awoo” Artic Monkeys “A Certain Romance” Plain White T’s “Hate (I really don’t like you)” The Junction “Simple Man” Alanis Morissette “Let’s Do It” Nina Simone “Sinner Man”

keep the moshing crowd off the stage. In the end, the Bomber-folk had to give up, as two or three shirtless guys joined the band on stage, belting out AC/DC’s “It’s A Long Way To The Top” to bring the night to a close. By the time the concert had finished the chants of “Mudmen! Mudmen!” echoed as loudly as the band had played. In the end, the Mudmen are exactly what you might expect them to be — the best riot you’ve ever been to, and as good a time as you’re likely to have, drunk or sober. If you haven’t seen them yet, don’t miss the next opportunity; we were lucky to have them here.

November 26 Pocket Dwellers with Johnstones and North Sam — Starlight 9 p.m. — $8 November 28 Clinic playing with Viper Electric Guitar — The Gig Theatre 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. — Free admission November 29 Author Events: Margaret Macmillan, Charlotte Gray and Dennis Bock — Knox church 7:30 p.m. — $8 November 29 Film screening: Before the Music Dies — SLC 7:30 p.m. — no fees, donations accepted November 30 Author event: John English — Theatre of Arts 7 p.m. — $2 November 30 Au revoir Mozart — Humanities Theatre (7 p.m.) — Free for UW students. $5 other students



FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Illegal abuses and literary love affairs If literature was a drug, it’s quite likely that the “po-po” would arrest me on multiple counts of growing, dealing, using and — unwisely — advertising, as I’m sure I’d still spend my entire ride to the station explaining the many reasons to read Atwood instead of dismissing her as a simple writer of “chic-fics.” (And, yes, I definitely did just make that term up.) And while many students are busy expanding their knowledge of actually illegal substances, I haven’t refrained from my own

indulgence. Aside from using Imprint as an outlet for my pen, I’ve also tracked down the elusive office for The New Quarterly — one of the most prominent literary magazines in Canada — and, after sweet-talking my way past the boss and on to their oh-so-elitist volunteer list, I believe I’ve finally smuggled my way into the underground CanLit trafficking scene. Like all good underground operations, The New Quarterly office is conspicuously confined within an unsuspecting religious setting on campus — St. Jerome’s — and hidden (really) amongst other closet-sized offices in the basement. Once a week, I log submissions from other Canadian addicts to help Kim Jernigan (the aforementioned boss) and Rosalynn Tyoman their ever-expanding operation. And all the while, I bask inside the writing I’m surrounded by, knowing that any of these names could very well be the next celebrity of Canadian

literary circles: The New Quarterly has a strong reputation for aiding once-emergent authors, like Jane Urquhart, Eric McCormack and Judith Miller, before fame makes them household names. Which brings me to the purpose of this piece. As if the basking isn’t enough to keep my addiction growing (last week, TNQ left some back issues out — free for the taking — of which I took 16 separate editions), I seem to have entered the scene at the utmost prime time, as the magazine just celebrated its centennial issue, complete with a launch party that included published authors and (can you see where this one’s headed?) a reading by none other than Ms. Urquhart herself… followed by my gloriously sweet demise! Honestly, even thinking of it now makes me weak in the knees: the only other author I’ve had the chance to hear read was Dennis Bock from his novel The Ash Garden. However, that experience had been undoubtedly less enjoyable, as I’d just completed my essay on why Bock was the “anti-fem” and thus spent the entire reading under the microscopic-watch of my English teacher. So you see why I was determined to make this night right! After planning out my make-up, hair and outfit for the date, I beamed about campus all Friday, trying my best not to ruin the effect before I encountered Ms. Urquhart: I even brought my toothbrush to school, paranoid that my lunch would greet her before I ever got the chance. Luckily, the cozy atmosphere of the event, held in Conrad Grebel and complete with soft lights and cushy couches, mimicked the magazine’s nature and aided in soothing my flustered nerves (when first asked if I was going to go talk to Jane, I confusedly replied, “Jane who?”). I spent the first half of the evening being informed of each attendee’s identity by my volunteer-in-crime, Matt, and learning how very few names I knew, including Terry Griggs, Veronica Ross and Elizabeth Whitmer. And while this alone would have been enough of a humbling experience, you must add to this the fact that the ratio of board members to younglings was almost opposite that of a

high-school formal to understand why certain outsider-ish feelings were falling upon me. I grabbed a cookie and hovered near the exit before Urquhart’s reading so that, if I were discovered as an outcast, kicking me out would cause the Socs muchless trouble. However, once the speeches and occasional poems got underway, I began to relax again (also, by this time, I’d gotten a cup of juice) and counted minutes like sheep until Urquhart’s mic time. She appeared — almost unrecognizable since cutting her hair after The Underpainter’s book-jacket photo — to read her New Quarterly 100th issue contribution on whether or not she came from a literary family. Meanwhile, I took mental notes on how a published CanLit author stands (on two feet, with the slightest bit of swaying) and speaks (confidently, with a smooth, brassy undertone) and flips through pages (without the licking of the fingers, thank God!), pleased to find a sense of humour was still highly-cherished amongst the elite. Evidently, little Jane was only eleven when the magazine began and when she began contributing. But by the time the speeches and readings were through, I still felt far too shy to approach her and instead allowed myself to be mocked by other compassionate TNQ volunteers on my lack of courage. Perhaps it was this — so reminiscent of grade school dating experiences — that forced me not to let this star-struck chance also slip away for, soon enough, I found myself within her midst, frantically explaining my embarrassment at interrupting her evening. She consoled. Yet, like all great dates, I haven’t a clue now what else we spoke of at the time; her New Quarterly experiences, perhaps? Restaurants? Maybe the spelling of a name? However, I do recall skipping away from the Atrium that night like a schoolgirl hopped up on speed, knowing full well that I’d struck upon my most-favoured addiction. And like many illegal substance abusers, my addiction makes me think in terms of rhymes and metaphors! — Rachel McNeil

Urquhart gives reading

Ashley Csanady

At The New Quarterly’s 100th issue celebration Friday, November 17, notable authors Jane Urquhart and Terry Griggs read from their most recent contributions to the literary journal in the Conrad Grebel Atrium. Urquhart, seen above, was the winner of the 1997 Governor General’s Award for The Underpainter, and became an officer to the Order of Canada in 2005.

FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Accepted definitely passes

Accepted Universal Steve Pink

Occasionally when you go to review something you are taken completely by surprise. Accepted was one such movie for me. I was expecting a frat party film along the line of Animal House or The Revenge of the Nerds series, and ended up with something closer to With Honors. The movie actually deals with some great questions — questions about personal integrity, traditions, growth and values. And with all the fun DVD features, the South Harmon Institute of Technology (SHIT) is sure to become a campus you will wish to visit and revisit. This DVD is packed full of special features with something for everyone, such as commentaries, deleted scenes, gag reels and music videos. The best part of the fun is the self-guided tour of the campus. The virtual tour of SHIT takes you through the main sets, with mini commentaries on parts of the film that took place on these sets. In the movie, Justin Long and Lewis Black lead an all-star comedic cast in a romp through university life, as it would appear if students ran the show. The gag reel on the DVD will have you on the floor laughing as the cast takes the jokes on and off screen to extremes. The feature commentary with director Steve Pink and stars Long, Black, Jonah Hill and Adam Herschman is also a barrel of laughs; they seemed to have as much fun commenting about the film as they did on screen during the actual movie. They spent time mocking commentaries on DVDs, critiquing scenes and joking with each other. Early on they say if you make it through the commentary you will need psychiatric help, and though that may be true for their characters and the actors themselves, the commentary itself is hilarious. These and the other no-holdsbarred bonus features push this DVD from being a renter to a purchase. This is a film you will watch over and over again — great for impromptu movie nights and for that much-needed laugh after a hard day in class, or for after working on that paper that would just not be written. This film will help remind you why you are really in university, and what your real purpose and goals in life are. — Steven R. McEvoy



Would you like lies with that? Fast Food Nation Richard Linklater HanWay Films

When it comes to the fastest kinds of food, I am such a masochist. Somehow the yellow arches tease me into believing that the quality of food is equally golden. What’s worse than the feeling I get in my stomach after eating there is the fact that I can never remember that sensation the next time I’m hungry passing by the “big M.” A type of culinary amnesia, if you require a name for it. The forceful roughness of my intestines grinding against each other — forming knots more complicated than boy or girl scouts could ever dream of making — is an easily forgotten memorable experience (contradiction intended). To me, Fast Food Nation seemed like a mildly jocular, informative drama depicting the multifaceted

despicable dynamics of the fast food industry. What I didn’t predict, however, was that it would be much like my experience with fast food — pleasantly lulling with a horrifically repulsive conclusion. I don’t mean to say that Fast Food Nation wasn’t a good film — it really was. I mean to say that the topic was literally sickening. Some of the most unflattering sectors of the fast food industry are explicitly shown as if to say “This is what lies behind the grease filled hamburgers you eat.” The most powerfully grotesque scene, near the end, was of the killing floor in the meat packing plant that supplies the fictional fast food chain Mickey’s with its popular hamburger The Big One. In case you are currently eating, I’ll spare you the details. Suffice to say, though, it was enough to make some of the audience cry. I enjoyed the fictional route the movie took, simultaneously telling the

Behold the Princess Cinema activist Dear readers, the world is a horrible place. War, disease, slavery, famine, dinosaurs, American Idol; truly, we live in chaos. It has been the traditional role of the educated elite to take a stand against the world’s evils, or at least to pretend as though we are well informed about them. Indeed, it was the intelligentsia that displaced the autocracy in Russia’s February Revolution, and a group of artists that spread populism through Latin America. To be a proper intellectual, it seems, one must be well versed in global issues and social injustice.

... political science students ... are filled with such elitism! Unfortunately, my obligations to the study of Marcel Duchamp’s napkin doodles and the deciphering of Sanskrit tablets prevents me from being able to devote myself fully to the fight against evil; I have not the time to acquire the vast knowledge of those political science-types. I’ve tried to compete — really, I have. I made my homepage. I took out a subscription to Foreign Affairs. I read Clash of Civilizations. I’ve tried to understand Amartya Sen. I attended one of those lectures at CIGI on Erb. It’s just not as easy as I expected it to be. Too much economics, perhaps. Fortunately, there is an easy way to pretend you know your stuff without having to keep up with BBC World News or Amnesty International press releases. The documentary has always been a wonderful combination of art and knowledge, and it is through this form that we arts snobs catch our

break. All that is required is access to a little establishment behind the Huether Hotel. The “Princess Cinema Activist” (PCA) is that cunning creature who acquires a diverse body of knowledge purely by watching documentaries at Waterloo’s pre-eminent independent theatre. Armed with nothing but a soda pop and a tub of popcorn, the PCA is able to enter the realm of the educated elite, well versed on the poverty conditions in Calcutta thanks to Born into Brothels, able to participate in the energy debate because of Who Killed the Electric Car, and a veritable expert on the situation in Sudan due to God Grew Tired of Us. It is the next step for all of those who believe that watching The Daily Show allows them an intimate view of American domestic politics. Through the documentary, a respectable amount of largely superficial knowledge can be acquired — enough to allow you to sound smart in certain situations, which is the ultimate goal of the arts snob. The PCA has a special opportunity this week to enrich his or her understanding of environmental devastation in China due to the November screening of Manufactured Landscapes, a documentary chronicling the work of artist Edward Burtynsky. In high-resolution, large-scale photographs, Burtynsky has been able to catalogue the massive destruction caused by the Asian power’s industrial expansion. Go forth, dear friends, and enlighten yourself on this trendy world issue! The PCA must be wary, however, when conversing with true political science students. These noble souls are so wonderfully aware of their superior knowledge that they will mock you for referencing a film in a debate. How delightful that the people being nursed to assume positions of authority in the future are filled with such elitism! Lovely! For now, at least, documentaries will allow arts snobs to sound smarter than those math kids — a respectable objective in any situation. Godspeed!

stories of some Mexican immigrants working at the plant, a Mickey’s executive, and some minimum wage teenage Mickey’s employees. If the far from subtle names Mickey’s or The Big One weren’t enough, this made the whole tale seem very real. The fact that multiple characters were depicted on a personal level allowed for a connection with those involved in the entire Mickey’s corporation — from the level of an intestine butcher to a detached executive with “clean” hands. Since the fast food industry was shown from very different perspectives, nothing about this film comes across as superficial. Each layer of the corporation’s ugliness was revealed for our hungry, consumer-driven eyes. The corruption and blindness under which Mickey’s operated was almost too gross to be real. Yet, I couldn’t help but wonder how much of it isn’t real. Everything Fast Food Nation had to say about the fictional chain res-

taurant is as nauseating as a beef burger filled with feces would be — which, as suggested, is more probable than you’d think. The opinions of this film — or more specifically, the writers’ — are more like fact than biased belief; another positive testament of the success in telling a fictional story. By the end of the film, I had thrown up a little bit inside of my mouth. If Super Size Me hadn’t already done it, I should now be turned off of fast food for good. But even with the knowledge that I’m truly eating shit, supporting the abuse of countless immigrant workers and dining on the product of the inevitable carelessness of minimum wage paid chefs, I still can’t help but feel hungry when I find myself within the grease-scented radius surrounding a real-life “Mickey’s” restaurant. — Andrew Abela



Dredg Live at the Fillmore Interscope Records

Live shows and live albums are quite different entities. Bands can put on a great live show while sonically shitting the bed, as anyone who’s seen Taking Back Sunday can attest. But while it’s easy for bands to avoid being called out on a poor musical performance with energy and theatrics in a one shot, one kill live setting, a live album or DVD really exposes what a band can do sonically naked. Armed with an incredible set list comprised of material from their two stunning LPs Catch Without Arms and El Cielo and an extremely impressive mixer recording, Dredg deliver an absolutely beautiful live album with an unmatched ambience and captivating musicianship that assures their listener they’re for real. Songs like “Ode to the Sun” and “Bug Eyes” offer an intensity and aura that will seduce you like a ninth grade gym teacher. And while it’s the faster, heavier songs that are most appealing on this record, Dredg don’t let their slower, more atmospheric tracks kill the record’s energy. Instead, every

song performed fuses together with her sisters to create a whole package that is quite the aural treat. Were a DVD included and ‘Matroshka’ on the set list, I’d come to your house and make you listen to this, but that would almost be too perfect (for both parties). And so even though that’s not the case, this is still a great album worth some hype. — Andrew King

+44 When Your Heart Stops Beating Interscope Records

Blink 182 was a good band. Not a great band, but a group that could deliver some fun pop songs without taking themselves too seriously. Tragically, not only have they broken up, but one guy left and started a band called Angels in the Outfield on a mission to kill the brain cells of kids with all their hair on one side of their head. The two other guys started +44, and when I got my hands on their debut CD, I was worried it would prove my gut feeling that Blink 182 was an entity greater than the sum of its parts (a numerical joke would work here). Actually though, this record is not that bad at all. This album has

some fun Blink-esque hooks that are hard not to enjoy, and Mark Hoppus’ vocals should do well in drying the tears of Blink fans and impressing the newcomers. Tracks like “Lycanthrope” and “When your Heart Stops Beating” really shine as the ghost of later Blink releases is definitely present, but they don’t make this band sound like a cheap knock-off. As you could probably deduct from the album’s title, the lyrics here can sometimes make you wonder just how bad the American public school system really is, but that’s about par with most pop punk. Aside from that, though, When Your Heart Stops Beating makes it clear that Hoppus still knows how to write simple, catchy tracks that will probably get you singing along. I liked this album all the way through, and I’m pretty sure if you care about where these guys came from, you’ll like it, too. This isn’t a Blink 182 record, but it’s more than two-thirds of the way there. — Andrew King

Damien Rice 9 Crimes 14th Floor Records

Listening to Damien Rice’s 9 Crimes is as awkward as finding your brother’s

FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

diary and reading erotic poems about the shape of his girlfriend’s ankle; it’s a distant, creepy album. If you’re familiar with Rice’s earlier work, it won’t take you long to realize he has lost his personal touch. Either that or he’s run out of words and refuses to lay down his guitar. The introductor y song, “9 Crimes,” is hard to describe. It goes like this: “Leave me out with the waste/ This is not what I do/ It’s the wrong kind of place/ To be thinking of you.” Minus the lyrics it makes a beautiful, heartfelt tune. There’s still the bitter violin, the humble piano and sandpaper voice Rice always had. I still adore the sound, but I have no idea what he’s talking about or why I should care. Song after song, the album feels erratic, as if Rice had five hours to write and record. At times the words don’t even get past your ears; they lack heart. It feels like a random collage, creative but completely incoherent. I’ll admit, the album

does feature one pearl, named “Dogs.” It’s about a girl with an orange tree who does yoga. That I’ll give him credit for. Otherwise, no props from me. His music has definitely begun to lean more towards the mainstream, which for me is bad news because I loved his indie, raspy, ragged sound. His music lacks frills now. It’s too blunt. Oh my goodness, blunt! That’s it! He’s beginning to sound like James Blunt, who (no offense) has about one eighth the depth and magnitude of Rice. I sure hope this is just some type of middle-life crisis Rice is having, like Leonard Cohen did once. As you can tell, I’m very disappointed with the album. 9 Crimes is a lyrical, musical and intellectual step back for Rice. I expected much more from him. Just what exactly was Rice doing in the four long years between his last album, O, and this mess? — Anya Lomako

OUCH: hip hop hijinx

courtesy Dan Ho

The UW Hip Hop team performed and placed in O.U.C.H. 2k6. Continued from cover

By the end of the day, all teams performed exceptionally well. UW’s routine consisted of four one-minute dances, each of which transitioned into one other. Each smaller dance in the series also displayed a different element of hip hop, stirring emotions from the audience: “It made me want to cry seeing our UW team on stage,” said Michelle Chen, a UW computer science student. “With all the lights and everyone screaming around us, everything is suddenly worth it. It was beyond everyone’s expectation.” But though all the schools’ teams were said to have danced superbly, only three of the ten universities

present emerged from the competition victorious. This year, coming in first and taking back the “champions” title was McMaster University. The University of Waterloo failed to defend its last win, but still landed an impressive position, taking the award for second place. Brock University followed in third. All the other teams went home empty-handed, but many expressed a positive outlook about next year’s event. O.U.C.H. 2K7 will be held in Hamilton at McMaster University next year, as their first place prize is the honour of hosting the next Ontario campus-wide hip hop competition.



Friday, november 24, 2006

crossword Across

When was the last time you loved your body? By Anya Lomako and Dinh Nguyen

“I’m generally satisfied, and don’t care. Hence the lack of shaving and washing.” Adam Bognat

“Last night when I sat around in my apartment in my underwear.” Sarah Cook

“Yesterday, my eyes.” Ramona D’Mello

“Always.” Ashley Teeter

1A mathematical physics

4A kinesiology

3A psychology

1. Lion King villain 5. Her bus ride set the south a-quiver 9. African chieftain 13. Home to Kent State 14. Very, very dry 15. Long garnment 16. Obsolete media (2 wds) 19. Spill the beans 20. Tiny metric unit of volume 21. Latin life 22. Sudbury bedrock 23. Chicken Little’s mother 24. Wondrous 26. When a customer decides to sell 29. Cylindrical towers 30. Variable definition 31. Parent council 34. Long time 35. Dam 37. UW beaver fate 38. Last word 39. Tortilla meal 40. Sleep in (2 wds) 41. Earthquake gradient (2 wds) 44. Heretical astronomer 47. Agree with your head 48. Accountant 49. Bring together 50. South American wood sorrel 51. Not that 52. Teaching position 56. Pogey 57. Having spoken 58. Sharpen 59. One who eyes 60. East end of church containing altar 61. Energy units

4A rhetoric/biology

November 17 Solutions

“When the sunrise made my pupils un-dialate.” Clayton Szata 1B engineering

“In my bent-over picture.” Andrea Richter

“We stopped when the beavers died.” Michelle Zakrison & Darcy Higgins

“When I do !XOBILE all night long..Muhaha.” Ali Miandad

Feds president & 4A environmental resource studies

3A psychology

1A biomedical sciences


1. Top dog in the monarchy 2. Carved up 3. Virus linked to HIV 4. Eggs in a female fish’s ovary 5. Speed sport 6. Coitusless sex 7. Female sib. 8. Posters 9. Skilled with paints 10. Catchy slogan 11. Skyscraper key 12. See again 17. Predicted by the bones 18. Big party 19. Anatomical depressions 23. Male possessive 24. First rate 25. Learned 27. UN Law of the Sea

28. Turn on a point 31. Spreading the word 32. Exhaust pipes 33. Transient breathing stops 35. Tie up 36. Waterloo’s alternative paper 37. Nervous twitching 39. One who lays tile 40. 60s hallucinogenic 41. German knight 42. Encrypt 43. Lion noise 44. Expedition leader 45. Get under one’s skin 46. Strong cotton fabric 50. UW elevator supplier 51. Hammer god 53. Border country 54. Mushroom head 55. Feminine pronoun

S cience Worldwide forestry loss can be reversed Imprint


Friday, november 24, 2006 Science Editor: Rob Blom Science Assistant: Stephanie Anderson

“Arboreal Renaissance” verifies that forest management practice is working, provides hope for greener future Earth’ and begin a great restoration of the landscape by 2050, expanding the global forest by 10 per cent — about 300 million hectares, the area of India.” New research shows hope for reducing Commented Dr. Pekka Kauppi of global warming, species extinction and the University of Helsinki: “without other severe environmental problems. depopulation or impoverishment, After centuries of severe deforestation increasing numbers of countries are exfor lumber and development, forests are periencing transitions in forest area and increasing in about 50 per cent of the density. While complacency would be world’s most wooded nations. Deformisplaced, our insights provide grounds estation is a major contributor to spefor optimism about the prospects for cies endangerment and extinction as it returning forests.” He goes on to exdestroys species habitat and contributes plain: “The main obstacle to global warming by emitto forest transition are ting enormous quantities fast-growing, poor popuof CO2 from the decaying “A rapid forest transition at a lations who burn wood to vegetation and soil. Says cook, sell it for quick cash, Paul Waggoner of the global scale would mean that and clear forests for crops. Department of Forestry and Horticulture in Con- atmospheric CO2 might not rise as Harvesting biomass for fuel also forestalls the resnecticut: “A rapid forest fast as many fear.” toration of land to nature. transition at a global scale Through paper recycling would mean that atmoand a growing reliance on spheric CO2 might not rise — Paul Waggoner, department of forestry electronic communication, as fast as many fear.” and horticulture of Connecticut people help the transition The study, published by lessening demand for in the Journal of Proceedings wood products.” of the National Academy The study, in which researchers of Sciences, contends that the findings Philippines and increased most rapidly offer hope that worldwide forestry in Spain and Ukraine. The largest overall measured the density of the trees instead loss can be reversed drastically within gain of number of trees and forested of the area that they grow on, illustrates several years and with the severity of the areas were in China and the United that re-forestation does not have to be at world’s most pressing environmental States and forest coverage in India is the expense of the timber industry. Over concerns. “Amid widespread concerns now stable. Overall world stocks are the past decade and a half, Indonesia about deforestation, growing stock has still about 2.5 per cent lower now than deforested vast amounts of land, yet harvested less timber than the U.S. which in fact expanded over the past 15 years 16 years ago. Jesse Ausubel, director of the pro- gained growing stock by implementing in 22 of the world’s 50 countries with the most forest. An increasing number gram for the human environment at forest management practices. One of the clearest indicators of countries show gains.” Researchers Rockefeller University in New York, contribute the increased forest cover said “This great reversal in land use of a country’s success in reversing world-wide to better forestry manage- could stop the styling of a ‘Skinhead deforestation is wealth. All countries Rebecca McNeil staff reporter

ment and advances in agriculture which enables farmers to grow more food per acre, reducing the need for land. While forests continue to be rapidly destroyed in some nations (including Brazil and Indonesia), others, have expanded their forest area and density. A widespread replanting over the past five years in China was so successful it even offset Brazil’s massive annual loss of 3.1 million hectares. Between 1990 and last year, stocks of trees diminished most quickly in Indonesia, Nigeria and the

courtesy friends of the hidden valley

While world-wide trends show forests are increasing, KitchenerWaterloo’s own Hidden Valley Forest is being developed surveyed with a GDP per capita over $4,600 (approximately that of Chile) had increased their forest cover since 1990. However, the opposite was not necessarily true as many less-developed countries also experienced increased forest cover. The information comes at an interesting time, as local candidates from the municipal election discussed what should be done about our own Hidden Valley Forest in Kitchener. A four lane extension of River Road will skirt and encroach upon the northern area of the forest and wetland beginning 2007. The area is an important water purification

site as it is naturally filtered immediately upstream from where the region extracts drinking water, and as the Friends of the Hidden Valley website points out, “Why do we pay other countries to preserve their forests while we slash ours for road?,” which contributes to carbon levels already known to be high in the area. For more information about saving the Hidden Valley Forest, visit www. htm, or contact your local political representatives.

Ontario early researcher awards announced UW chair’s research recognized Basma Anabtawi staff reporter

Fourteen faculty members at the University of Waterloo were awarded Ontario’s Early Researcher Awards, which are projected at aiding in research team building. The young faculty members received the awards on November 7, 2006 in London, Ontario. These awards are aimed at helping newly graduated professors with obtaining and recruiting enough help from graduate students and other fellow research associates. The money awarded will aid greatly in building a large enough team to follow research progress. “Research excellence is heavily dependent on the quality of the researchers we can attract; ERAs allow us to access a wider pool of excellent students,” commented Prof. John Yeow, one of the recipients of this year’s award. John Wilkinson, parliamentary assistant to the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) announced the winners of the funding with great pride in the government’s support of these research projects. The recipients received up to a total of $150,000 from the government and the university. UW’s final share of the total government funding was $1.9 million, which includes overhead costs.

The goal of the MRI is to support creative researchers in unlocking the potential ideas and putting them in motion, in order to take the leaps in innovative breakthroughs. Such funding could aid the government in providing a better society and increase technologies to the public use. “The Early Researcher Award program is a critical investment in the research being done at the universities in Ontario,” remarked Prof.Ladan Tahvildari. “The funding provided by ERA also enables me to address some fundamental research problems, the exploitation of the synergy between theory and practice, that otherwise would not be possible.” Some of the main research projects funded each year are wireless communication, fuel cell technology and cancer treatments. The purpose for the award program is to attract the best and brightest research talents and provide them with high-priority government funding to help stop the brain drain to the United States by having quality funding and projects in Ontario. The MRI also funds many nonprofit organizations of research, such as the Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network, which focus on high-speed fiber optics connection research and also The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, which is focused on prevention, detection and control of cancer research.

The provincial Ontario government plans on investing over $51 million dollars in the next five years for young research awards. This round of awards supported 104 leading researchers at 22 different institutes in Ontario. UW’s vice-president of research, Alan George, congratulated the winners on their bright opportunities in research and ability to compete in the marketplace of ideas in Ontario. These awards provide hopeful beginnings of distinction for the university and province. The 14 UW faculty members are: James Danckert, professor of psychology; Mohamed Oussama Damen, professor of electrical and computer engineering; Ladan Tahvildari, professor of electrical and computer engineering; John Yeow, professor of systems design engineering; Richard Staines, professor of kinesiology; Gregor Weihs, professor of physics and astronomy; Leonard Tsuji, professor of environment and resource studies; Monica Emelko, professor of civil and environmental engineering; Michael Balogh, professor of physics and astronomy; Eric Fillion, professor of chemistry; Daniel Brown, professor of computer science; Jan Kycia, professor of physics and astronomy; Kate Larson, professor of computer science; Ashwin Nayak, professor of combinatorics and optimization.

Prof. Salama recipient of Award of Excellence Jasper Brawley-Hayes reporter

Beginning his studies from Cairo with love, Dr. Magdy Salama has brought to Waterloo so much more. For his efforts, Waterloo has recognized him and two other faculty members with the UW Award for Excellence in Research. These awards are presented to those who exhibit “an outstanding record of research achievement” (UW senate, 1999) and there is no one more deserving than Magdy. His long list of achievements begins in Cairo, Egypt, where he acquired a BSc and MSc, both in electrical engineering. In 1970, he received his PhD at the UW in the same field — which led to a job with Trench Electric and as a professor of engineering in Egypt. He returned to UW in 1990 with an incredibly strong background in energy systems that led to a position as a research chair and member of the Medical Instrument Analysis and Machine Intelligence (MIAMI) Group. In addition to these accomplishments, Prof. Salama is also a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and has written 169 journal publications, 193 international conference papers (a total of 362 publications) and 16

technical reports, all listed on his homepage, http://ece.uwaterloo. ca/~msalama. His first project was prostate cancer diagnosis. With a background analyzing signal pollution to identify problems in power systems, Prof. Salama was able to filter similar pollution in an ultrasound image (of the prostate gland). The ultrasound images become more and more abstract as he applies his “very sophisticated,” and confidential techniques, but the images reveal more information to the doctor examining them. It has allowed him to become more precise in determining the extent of a cancerous region than a radiologist would. Using such primitive technology (the ultrasound) to achieve highly accurate results means more patients can afford accurate diagnoses and more hospitals can offer them. When asked about future projects and if he had considered applying his methods to the nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (NMRI) machine in the physics building, Salama was affirmative. He cautioned, however, that there was still much to learn about the operation of NMRI before such a project may be embarked upon. See SALAMA, page 28

27 science Environmental menstrual alternatives Need to know information on the flu FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

In regards to our health, the way in which maxi pads and tampons are made is potentially very harmful to our bodies. According to a top selling natural personal care products company, NatraCare, the plastic undercoating of pads, and the chlorine and bleach used to whiten the cotton, are full of toxins. Using pads every month exposes women to low levels of dioxins, a carcinogen found in most plastics and paper pulp products. WARNING: The following discussion openly These dioxins build up in our bodies and leave addresses female menstruation in a frank and us at an increased risk of cancer. Also, as previhonest manner. Those who are uncomfortable ously mentioned, the fragrance used to mask the with the natural cycle of all healthy women … socially unacceptable odour of our blood leads to you have been warned. rashes and infections in some sensitive women. I think it is fair to say that in this culture it I know this from personal experience. Tampons is taboo to discuss a woman’s monthly men- are perhaps the deadliest way to deal with menstruation openly. After all, it’s sad but true but strual blood. Cotton and artificial fibres such as it would be inappropriate for me to write this rayon are used to make them. Even the FDA article without providing a disclaimer. But why writes about how these abrasive fibres cause tiny does it have to be this cuts/ulcerations in this way? vaginal wall when left I blame the makwithin the body for too In regards to our health, ers of maxi pads and long, and this has been the way in which maxi tampons and their traced at the likely cause clever marketing ploys of TSS (Toxic Shock pads and tampons are which began in the Syndrome), which can late 1940s after the be lethal if not propmade is potentially very tampon was invented erly dealt with immein 1936 according harmful to our bodies. diately. to In regards to the They pushed the noenvironment, pads and tion that a woman’s period was meant to be tampons are absolutely terrible. Firstly, cotton, a kept a secret and that the worst thing that she very heavy pesticide and insecticide crop, is used could ever face was a leak. Today, this is still the to make these products. A U.S.-wide student driven primary idea behind most Always or Tampax campaign to raise awareness of menstrual sustainadvertisements. Commercials show how girls ability,, says that 25 per cent of all can conceal their compact tampons as sugar insecticides in the U.S. are used on cotton. Secondly, packets so their guy friends will be none the the use of these paper products (cardboard apwiser that it’s that time of the month. These ads plicator, tampon box etc.) place further stress on and products also tell us that menstrual blood our endangered forests, wildlife habitats and leads is something that is dirty and that we should to erosion of our landscapes. Also, the quantity never have to touch it or let anyone else smell of waste created by one woman alone is enough, it. Scented maxi pads are designed to leave us but the National Women’s Health Network states fresh and daisy smelling. These products are every year over 12.7 billion tampons are used once designed to leave us believing that there isn’t any and disposed of to wait around for hundreds of other clean option for us, when truly, it is often years before biodegrading. the alternative solutions which are healthier for our bodies and the environment. See PERIOD, page 28

Cosmological paradox unraveled cosmological constant, a general coverall for the things he didn’t understand. At the time he considered it a tremendous failure on account that You may have heard before that the universe is it was such an ugly solution to the problem. In expanding, and moreover, is accelerating outwards, time, physicists proved Einstein completely cordespite the effect of gravity, which should be rect in that the cosmological constant does exist, causing it to collapse. At first you may shrug this but found themselves no closer to explaining it off as the universe being its usual silly self, but anyway. So they did what astronomers always do, the paradox of a universe accelerating outwards they stuck the word “dark” in front of it. And so is a problem the world of physics simply cannot dark energy was born. That was until recently, when let rest. A way to think about this scientists reported to Reuters problem is by likening it to a U.K. that they had observed bowler rolling a bowling ball the remnants of nine bilup a hill. In this analogy lion year old supernothe bowler would be vas, which may have the big bang and the been responsible for bowling ball the giving the universe universe. No matthe extra boost it ter how hard the needed. If we go bowler launches back to our analogy, the ball up the these supernovas hill it will always would be like bowlslow down and ers halfway up the eventually roll hill, ready to catch back down the the approaching hill. In this case, bowling balls and the ball will move send them back up its fastest at the to speed. However, start and will conas with most things stantly move slower on such a grand scale, until it stops and rolls these observations can back down. However, only explain the way the the case with the universe universe moves if we extrapois quite different, instead late them and assume the same of slowing down it is speeding véronique lecat processes we are observing now up, even though by all logic, gravity were in effect for the whole duration of the should be slowing it down. Imagine rolling a ball up a hill only to see it move faster and faster universe. Regardless, pending more evidence, as it progresses, it’s a ridiculous image, and so is these supernovas seem to be a likely culprit for dark energy. The researchers will publish this the idea of the universe accelerating. When Einstein formulated a theory to explain data in a comprehensive study in February’s how his idea of gravity could fit into an accelerat- Astrophysical Journal. ing universe he had no choice but to compensate for this strange phenomenon by introducing a David Judah

staff reporter

Faisal Naqib staff reporter

This year’s flu season has just begun and already the media is swamped with news related to the seasonal disease; from reports on the spread of avian flu in South East Asia to maintaining adequate stocks of vaccinations to defective anti-viral medication. Here’s a review of the science that will make these news reports easier to understand. To begin let’s look at the disease that has attracted so much media attention. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus. The symptoms of influenza begin with a headache, chills and cough, but are rapidly followed by the more obvious symptoms of fever, loss of appetite, muscle aches and fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes and throat irritation. The recovery time from influenza is approximated between 7 and 10 days. Health Canada reports that an estimated 10 to 25 per cent of Canadians may get the flu this year, where 4,000 to 8,000 will be fatal cases. These deaths are caused by serious complications of the flu, most commonly pneumonia. The groups at highest risk for developing serious complications of the flu are the very young as well as the very old. People who have other medical conditions are also at a greater risk. The influenza virus spreads through microscopic water droplets that have been coughed or sneezed by someone who is infected. You can become infected by the virus when you breathe in these droplets through your nose or mouth or if they land directly on your eyes. The virus is also found on the hands of people with the flu which allows them to contaminate surfaces that they touch. There are two effective ways of decreasing your risk to catching the flu: washing your hands several times a day and getting a flu shot. We’ve all been lectured on washing our hands; before and after every meal, after venturing into a public space, and before touching our face, so instead let’s look at the flu shot.

The influenza vaccine is composed of inactive influenza viruses. This allows your immune system to get a first hand look at the virus. The purpose of this is to build immunity against the virus without having to go through the pathogenic state induced by the active virus. Viruses are capable of changing from year to year, so health professionals must annually update the composition of the vaccine, this ensures that people are vaccinated against the virus most likely to become prevalent in a population. Once a person is vaccinated, their immune system will produce antibodies against the particular strains of virus found in the vaccine. These antibodies are effective for four to six months and will help prevent infection or reduce the severity of the illness. It also helps the body adapt to future versions of the virus. A common conception is that flu shots can cause influenza, but this is not true because, as stated above, the vaccine contains inactive virus particles which are incapable of causing a disease state. However, getting a flu shot can result in symptoms that mimic influenza but are nowhere near as debilitating. The Health Canada website goes into much detail on the subject, but a quick review is as follows. The most common side effect is soreness at the site of injection which can last a couple days. Some people might notice mild symptoms such as fever, muscle aches and fatigue which last 6-12 hours after being vaccinated. Although these symptoms sound very familiar to those of influenza, the key difference is the time scale. Influenza lasts 7-10 days, whereas the side effects of vaccination last 6-12 hours, a huge difference. Vaccination is important for everyone; a thoroughly-vaccinated population can slow the rate of new infections. For students at Waterloo, we can get our free flu shot from Health Services; it’s a simple drop in and in a few minutes you’re all done. And now that you know the basics to influenza, you’ll be ready for interpreting any news article or TV special on the subject.



Salama: research precision and expertise Continued from page 26

His other projects include research on sleep staging, narcolepsy diagnosis and deep brain stimulation, the latter of which is currently his newest and most focussed project. The deep brain research involves implanting electrodes in a patient’s brain that send a finely tuned signal inhibiting activation of diseased neurons due to Parkinson’s and other similar brain diseases. Such a technology already exists. However, the electrodes move within the brain and are thus rendered useless. Surgery is required only a few years later to replace the wandering electrode, which is highly invasive and leads to complications. Prof. Salama’s research avoids this problem. His research makes use of a new technology that has been developed — allowing these electrodes to operate on several different channels. Prof. Salama is working on calculat-

ing the full spectrum of electric and magnetic fields within the brain so that simulations may be developed to tune the different channels effectively. This way, when an electrode moves, it can still interact with the diseased neurons at a distance. Complementing this cutting edge research, Prof. Salama is in the process of perfecting technology that causes the electrodes to transmit information about brain activity directly to the doctor for close monitoring via internet. This signal operates at a different frequency than the EEG signals produced by the brain and thus, does not interfere with normal brain activity. A real-time update on a patient’s status can give doctors everything they need for treatment strategies. “The most difficult part of this research,” said Prof. Salama, “is proving to the doctors that it works. It must be tested rigourously before they can use it.” The challenges did not stop there,

however. In making the crossover from electrical engineering to bioengineering, Prof. Salama needed to “understand the phenomena involved, and then have a very good background in the techniques used to solve problems.” So he and his associates were schooled in how exactly ultrasound machines work, on brain physiology, medical statistics and medical ethics. Perhaps most admirable of all, is the dedication he puts into doing his work right. He feels there is a need to balance the direct application of knowledge to technology and theoretical advancements for the sake of science. “The best thing about this type of work… is that you’re really combining the engineering with the medical.” Sometimes he might take a fourmonth break from a project to fine tune a technique along its theoretical background. A quality one would hope to see in an award winning scientist and engineer.

FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Period: socially-driven taboo topics discussed Continued from page 27

When I decided to take on a sustainable lifestyle, tampons were one of the first things to change. I researched alternatives and found that the menstrual cup (a.k.a. Diva Cup or the Keeper) was what I needed. This isn’t a new invention; in fact, these have been around since at least the 1930s in North America ( It’s a little cup made of surgical silicone which fits right inside like a tampon and can be used for up to ten years. The cup collects the blood that you dump into the toilet and then clean it. It can be sterilized at the beginning and end of your cycle by boiling it. You can wear the cup for up to 12 hours, which means going an entire day without worrying about your period issues. Other advantages include: economical — it has the one

time cost of $40, but when you add up the price of disposables month after month it’s way cheaper to buy a cup. It’s environmental: by using this instead of pads, you are reducing your contribution to landfills. It’s hygenic: the cup is made of smooth silicon, and according to, there is less opportunity for bacteria to grow on it, which means significantly less risk of TTS. It’s convenient: no more running to the store in the middle of the night for more pads. And when travelling, it’s so nice to always have the cup with you. Don’t be afraid of touching your own blood, or let societal taboos inhibit you from trying out the cup. When I don’t feel like using the Diva Cup, I rely on reusable organic cotton pads. I know what you’re thinking: “Ewww, that’s gross, and must be so unsanitary!” Well, wait for one minute, think about your underwear and tell me how that so much different? It’s not, so relax and open your mind. Women used cloth rags for centuries before the “wonderful” invention of the convenient tampon came about. Being the blonde that I am, it wasn’t until recently that I finally made the connection of the term, “being on the rag,” and women actually using rags during menstruation. But then again, I was never exposed to any other options. When it comes to cleaning my cotton pads, I find it easiest to keep a small bowl under my bathroom sink to soak the used pads in cold water to help get the blood stains out. Thanks to a tip from a lovely Filipino family doctor, I now sometimes use that blood soaked water to water my plants. Again, the power of women! We have it in us to give nutrients which benefit a beautiful, air purifying house plant. It makes sense though. You can pay for high priced blood meal fertilizer in the garden centres, or use what nature provides us with every month. There is also another alternative which uses a sea sponge in a similar manner to a tampon to catch the flow of blood. Although I have heard of sea sponges before, I didn’t really research them until I decided to write this column. I checked out the Sea Pearls Company for more info. There is concern that they are harvested from an already fragile ocean ecology, and since they are technically an animal by-product, they may not be suitable for vegans. But in many other ways, sea sponges are great. They are an affordable natural solution which comes form the earth and because of this they are much gentler to the vagina than bleached cotton tampons. They can be trimmed to fit your needs, and can last up to four months. After that the sponge can be composted. Isn’t that wonderful? What humanity needs, nature answers with whispers. We have the solutions without the need for excess pollution and chemicals. But sadly, it is our cultural barriers that are inhibiting us from using anything than products which reinforce our reliance on consumerism. In the end if you’re still not comfortable with using anything than what you’re used to, for yourself and Mother Earth, choose organic, chlorine free, unbleached products. Please visit my blog, for places to buy menstruation alternatives, as well as discussion boards and decent links to informative sites.

Friday, november 24, 2006 Sports Editor: Shawn Bell Sports Assistant: Doug Copping

Sports Imprint


Waterloo drops tight final, earns OUA silver Four

Warriors named OUA badminton All-Stars

Shawn Bell sports editor

The OUA badminton final-four came to Waterloo’s CIF gym on November 18, with the third seed Warriors (4-1) hosting the other three top teams from Ontario: Western (4-1), Toronto (4-1) and York (2-3). Waterloo beat Toronto 8 -5 in the semi-finals before losing, in the final of the gold medal contest, a “heartpounding, nail-biting mixed doubles match” (captain Charles Pyne), fall 7-6 to the Western Mustangs and take OUA silver. Badminton is a team game like no other. With six men and six women per team, each playing in two of the thirteen matches that compose a tie, even the best badminton player in the world is only as successful as his/her team. The first six matches are singles, three men and three women. The next four are doubles, two men’s and two women’s, and then the final three matches are mixed doubles. “This season was truly a team effort,” player-coach Chris Evert said. “We wouldn’t have had nearly the success we did without every single team member. “Despite badminton being an individual sport, there was great team spirit and cohesiveness amongst the players and staff,” Pyne elaborated. Waterloo opened the tournament in the semi-finals against Toronto. This was the second match these two powerhouses have played this season, with Waterloo’s 7-6 victory back in October being U of T’s only loss of the campaign. The Warriors started this one with a bang, as Waterloo star Pyne defeated Toronto’s alpha male Shaw Hang in straight sets. The other Warrior men followed suit. Jacky Chang won singles and then Evert did the same.

Shawn Bell

Julia Yavorskaya; smashing.

Shawn Bell sports editor

medal means more to me than any of the other years I’ve played on the team.” Despite losing a couple of key veterans, including women’s captain Tso, the Warriors retain most of their core. “We have a lot of young people,” Evert said, “and I think all the guys should be back. It will be a strong team next year.”

The OUA silver medallist Waterloo badminton team had four members named to the OUA all-star team: Charles Pyne and Alex Crizzle from the men’s side, and Teresa Tso and Maggie Chu from the women’s side. Pyne, Waterloo’s captain, besides being named an all-star, was also awarded, for the second straight year, the OUA Male MVP award as the top men’s player in the province. “It is a great feeling to be recognized and be in the company of the elite in the championships as an all star,” Pyne said. “As for being the Male MVP, it certainly is not accomplished without the support of your team mates as we all have a role to play, and playing our respective and significant roles is what got us this far to accomplish all that we have,” he added. “I’m very happy that our team came in silver and to be selected as OUA all-star once again this year,” the graduating women’s captain Tso said. “It was another enjoyable season, everyone has performed the best and given all they had,” commented Tso.

courtesy Steve Brooks

Charles Pyne in singles beat Toronto’s star and Western’s captain, each in straight sets. The women had a tougher battle, losing all three singles matches to let UofT back into the match. In doubles, the men’s teams of Chang—Alex Crizzle and Thaddeus Yu —Maurice Lee won their matches, but the women’s teams both lost leaving the score at 5-5 heading into mixed doubles. “We knew it would be difficult for the women, especially in doubles,” Evert said. “Toronto is strong, but our girls played hard and had their chances to win.” In mixed, Waterloo was too much for the Varsity Blues; the Warriors won all three matches and advanced to the gold medal match with the 8-5 win. “It was nice to take all three,” Evert said, “since Toronto had readjusted their roster to focus on mixed doubles, after we beat them three times in our last meeting. It was a big win.” Western beat York 9-4 in the other semi-final to set up the gold medal match. The final began with another impressive performance by the Warrior men’s singles. Pyne dominated the Western captain, Chang beat a tough Mustang and Evert handled his Western opponent with ease. For the women, Maggie Chu stole a win from the tough Western ladies, Waterloo women’s captain Teresa Tso lost a tough battle and Julia Yavorskaya pushed her opponent but came up short. Heading into doubles Waterloo was up 4-2. “Western has some of the best doubles teams in the country,” Evert said, and it showed as the Mustangs rattled off four straight wins to take a 6-4 lead into the final mixed doubles matches. Waterloo battled back with the gold riding on the line. Crizzle and

Chu fought to a three-set victory (15-8, 11-15, 15-4), and then Evert and Amanda Carruthers did the same (15-9, 9-15, 15-4) to tie the match at six and set up the one-match mixeddoubles final: Warrior superstar, OUA Male MVP Charles Pyne, and his all-star partner Teresa Tso against the Mustang tandem of Jenn Lam, the OUA female MVP and all-star Sen Hoong Phang. In the first set the Mustangs ran off to a quick 12-4 lead. Though Pyne and Tso battled back to 13-12, Western held on for the first set victory. The second set was back and forth, with points coming one by one, and in the end the great net play of the Warriors gave them the 15-12 victory. So OUA gold came down to one set. Western jumped to an early 8-4 lead but Pyne and Tso rallied back to tie it at 11. The gym was packed now, with fans on their feet, cheering every point, the net play a blur of rackets and birdies, and long rallies, and in the end the Western Mustangs prevailed 15-12 to take the gold medal. “We were very close to getting the gold medal,” Tso said, “although it was a heartbreaking loss, it was part of life and a learning experience.” “Calling that final match it was 50-50,” Evert said. “Western with Lam, and us with Charles playing, it was really even and you could have flipped a coin and decided it just as easily. It was exciting to watch. I’ve never seen that many spectators watch the sport, so it was exciting to be a part of.” “I’ve been playing for seven years, since frosh,” Evert added, “including when we won the championship two years ago. And I can honestly say that this years silver

Shawn Bell

Alex Crizzle and Jacky Chang in the finals against Western.


Fantasy Fix

Brody Hohman reporter

NBA: Position picks

Danny Granger (IND) – Shawn Marion 2.0 is turning it up. 13 pts, 1.2 blk, 1.2 stl, and 52.4 % FG in his past 5 games. Also has 17 threes in 10 games on the year and his rebounding will increase. Chris Wilcox (SEA) – 55%/10.5pts/9.2reb and almost a steal a game is very useful. Looks like Seattle finally has a big, he should be nice all year. Jarrett Jack (POR) – So far, this year averaging 11.5pts and 6.2 ast, not to mention 1.7 steals per game and 92.5% from the stripe. JJ’s got the starting gig and isn’t letting go. Monta Ellis (GS) – Second in sophomore

sports scoring behind CP3 Ellis is averaging 18.7 ppg, 1.1spg, a three per game, and shooting 52% from the field and has 6 apg in his last 5. Andrew Bynum (LAL) – The real deal already? 10.3 ppg, 7 rpg, 1.5bpg, and a 58FG% would say yes…for now at least. Andris Biedrins (GS) – 8.9ppg and 9.3 rpg is handy, but the 6’11” Latvian has his percentages backwards at 73.2 FG% and 50 FT%! Interesting, and very useful. NOTES: Kyle Korver is going off so far this year. 14.7ppg and 4.2rpg with percentages of 52/96/57. The 16 threes and 1.1 spg are of usual Korver style but the rest is money. - Buy low (or pick up if you can) on Channing Frye. He had a slow start but he’s doing 12.7ppg/7rpg/1bpg/47%/92% in his last 5. Do the same for Gerald Wallace. - With speedy Claxton hurt Tryonn Lue is putting up 14.4ppg/5apg/47%/80% and a three per game…add him. -Jerry Stackhouse is averaging 18 ppg in

his past 4 and 14.3ppg/3.2rpg/2.5apg/ 1.1stl/44%/92% on the year and is useful at the back of a lineup. NHL: Add ‘em

Dainius Zubrus (LW) Was- Ovechkin’s buddy has 12 goals, 6 assists, and 26 PIM and is surprisingly still available in many leagues. Ryan Suter (D) Nas- Suter has 4 goals, 6 assists, 12 PIM, is a +1 on the year and has become a good back end option. Tim Thomas (G) Bos- 3-1 in last his last 4 games and has a 1.95 GAA and a .932 SvPct. Play him while he’s hot. NOTES: Pick up Leafs winger Alexei Ponikarovsky. He’s got 17 points on the year and is a +9! He’s especially valuable with Sundin out. - Ottawa G Ray Emery is back and has played more than well all year (6-3/2.03/.933). With Ottawa and Gerber struggling Emery is the number one guy for now, though he should be for the rest of the year…no more Emery

FRIDAY, november 24, 2006 hating, please. - Zach Parise, Mikko Koivu, David Legwand and Nathan Horton are all solid additions at center. NFL: Change your lines

NOTES: - DeAngelo Williams ran for 114 yards on 20 carries versus St. Louis and DeShaun Foster left the game with an elbow injury. Williams’ averaged 5.1 yards per carry this year and should be picked up. - Jason Campbell looked decent in his first start for Washington with 196 yards passing, 2 TDs, and a 92.3 QB rating. If you’re desperate for a QB consider Campbell. - Ladell Betts only got the ball 7 times for 18 yards in his first start for the out of commission Clinton Portis. He should get more touches than that and is still a good No. 3, and an okay No.2 running back if you’re in need.

Warriors go 1-1 on weekend road trip

courtesy Steve Brooks

Win at Laurentian, lose at York; Waterloo finishes season opening road trip at 2-2. Brody Hohman reporter

The Warrior men entered the weekend road trip with a season record of 1-1 as they prepared to take on the Laurentian Voyageurs and the York Lions. Waterloo managed a split as they defeated Laurentian 66-55 before dropping a hard-fought decision at York, 85-74. First up was Sudbury and the Voyageurs on November 17 in a very loud atmosphere in favour of the home side. Both teams struggled to find their shot in the first half as the home team held a 30-25 lead going into the break. The second half went back and forth until Dan White and Dave Burnett both made tough shots to give Waterloo the edge, one they would secure by not allowing a basket over the final three minutes of the game. White and Burnett led the scoring for the Warriors with 15 and 12 points respectively. White was six of eight shooting the ball including three triples while Burnett was five of seven with two long-balls of his own. Olivier Quesnel played his usually gritty defence and added 10 points and five rebounds. Michael Davis led the way on the boards with 11 rebounds. On November 18, the Warriors headed to Toronto to face a very tough York Lions team on their own Tait McKenzie Centre floor. The Lions started the game on a 20-8 run behind Rohan Steen’s 10 point, six rebound first half effort. Waterloo started making shots as the period wore on, but trailed by 13 at half. The second half saw the Warriors make a spirited comeback to get back in the game. Matt Kieswetter’s aggressive play along with some strong three-point shooting helped Waterloo cut the lead to three.

That was as close as Waterloo would get as Steen added two lay-ups and a steal to end the game on the right side of a nine-point deficit. Steen led the game with 21 points while Dan Eves and Jordan Foebel added 18 and 13 respectively. The trio also combined for 25 rebounds. York is now 3-1 and tied for second in the OUA East with Ottawa and Queen’s. For UW Matt Kieswetter had 18 points and Olivier Quesnel added 16 on 5 of 11 shooting. Michael Davis and Dave Burnett both added 10 points, and Davis grabbed six boards. Shooting was the difference. Waterloo took 25 more shots than York and made only two more than the Lions, resulting in percentages of 52.8 per cent for the Lions and 38.5 per cent for the Warriors. Waterloo has shown great defence all year as Coach Kieswetter has been emphasizing. Waterloo is second in the OUA West in points allowed at 264 over the first four games, behind only Western’s 253. They are also fourth in the conference in scoring at 282 points, which highlights a number of tough losses. As they say, defence wins championships and once the shots start falling at a more efficient rate for the Warriors good things will happen. Waterloo (2-2) currently sits tied for second in the OUA West with Western, McMaster and Brock. Along with Laurier they remain the only teams in the OUA who have yet to play a home game. That changed this weekend when the fourtime defending CIS champion Carleton Ravens (4-0) visit the PAC on Friday November 24 at 8 p.m. November 25, at that same time, the 3-1 Ottawa Gee-Gees, currently ranked fifth in the country, visit UW in a rematch of an October 21 game that saw the Gee-Gees prevail 85-75.


FRIDAY, november 24, 2006


Battleship: Warriors win 2 more, unbeaten in 7 boys vs. girls

There comes a time, in the midst of Battleship, when you forget that you are playing a game. There is a point when your utter skepticism fades and you enter the world of the grid, calling out codes, anxiously checking your section of the ocean and plotting above it the next attack. Your opponent ceases to be sitting directly across from you, her pretty eyes replaced with red pegs, and you are no longer thinking of her pants but only of the next co-ordinates. Enthralled, you begin to yell commands. “Miss,” you shout, with great succulence, feeling the words drip off your tongue as you put the white peg down. “Hit,” you say slowly, each sound pronounced with reluctance, knowing full well, as you put the red peg into your boat, it is only a matter of time before you’ll say “sunk” and another piece will be lost to the plastic ocean below. It is precisely at this point, when the world around you fades away, that your opponent will make herself known. She will fidget, she will fuss, turn to watch TV or pour a glass of wine. “Do you think Lil is good for John?” she’ll ask, and then she’ll look up at you, wide-eyed with innocence seeping from every pore. “He’s adorable, don’t you think?” When you look back at her, confused, she’ll seem to have been thinking of this the whole game. “You mean you don’t care,” her eyes will ask, and this will only increase your confusion. Your brain feels tired from such concentration but she’s fresh as a sprig and she’s batting her eyes and now who the hell cares about Battleship? “H6,” she says with a coy little smile, and it takes time before you find out she’s hit your battleship. Maybe you’ll forget to mark it red. Her legs seem too close now and this damn blue grid makes no sense at all. “Your move,” she’ll say, so sweetly. “B1.” “Miss. H7.” “Hit.” You are stammering now. “J8.” “Miss. H8.” “Hit.” She taps her foot even closer to yours. “A9.” “Miss,” she says, and giggles. “H9.” “Hit,” you say, and then, “Sunk.” She’ll mark another line under her name on the score-pad and you’ll sit back, feeling ashamed, somehow less of a man, and terribly distraught, while she turns to her friend and says,“I won again.” Maybe it’s better just not to play.

photos by simona cherler

Warriors win over Toronto and Ryerson; now with 19 points tied with Lakehead for top place in Far West. James Rowe reporter

As they approach the midway point of their season, the Waterloo Warriors men’s hockey team appears to have hit their stride as two dominant home wins over the weekend have them riding a seven game unbeaten streak. On November 17, Waterloo played host to the University of Toronto Varsity Blues. The game pitted two first place teams against each other as Toronto leads the Mid East division and UW shares top spot in the Far West division with Lakehead. However, the standings would prove to be misleading on this night as the Warriors dominated the Varsity Blues from start to finish in a 9-1 shellacking. In the first period the Warriors scored three goals on their first six shots, chasing U of T goaltender Ryan Grinnell from the net after just ten minutes. The Warriors’ goals were scored by Shane Hart, Mike Della Mora and Doug Spooner. The Varsity Blues replaced Grinnell with Neil Clelland who managed to keep the Warriors at bay for the rest of the period. Waterloo added to their lead in the second period as Sean Roche and Ryan MacGregor

beat Clelland and the Warriors took a 5-0 lead into the third period. Toronto finally managed to get on the scoreboard early in the third, breaking goaltender Jimmy Bernier’s shutout bid. From there the Warriors would tack on four more goals to complete the rout. Third period goalscorers were Della Mora with his second, Dave Philpott, Bryan Fitzgerald and Sean Moir. Waterloo was able to spread the offence around as eight different players scored goals in the win. Along with their goals, Hart and Roche each had three assists to give them both four points on the night. Philpott and Spooner each added a pair of assists to go with their goals, while captain Kevin Hurley had two assists as well. The Warriors were back on Columbia Icefields Arena ice the following afternoon as they took on the Ryerson Rams. Waterloo once again came out firing in the first period, outshooting the Rams 15-5 and taking a 2-0 lead thanks to power play goals by Hurley and Della Mora. That lead would be doubled in the second period on goals by Philpott and Della Mora, both at even strength. Goaltender Curtis Darling made 17 stops in the period to keep the Warriors

in front 4-0 going into the third period. In the third period the Rams would sandwich a pair of goals around a Kyle Pellerin power play goal for UW, making the final score 5-2 Waterloo. Darling made 28 saves between the pipes in the win. Waterloo has now outscored their opponents by an incredible 29-11 margin in their last four games. With the two wins the Warriors record now stands at 9-2-1-0, giving them 19 points and keeping pace with Lakehead for first place in the Far West. The two teams are also tied for first overall in the OUA with Wilfrid Laurier which has an identical record. This weekend the Warriors are on the road, taking on the Ottawa Gee Gees on Friday, November 24. The following night the Warriors will meet up with the McGill Redmen. The Redmen currently lead the OUA Far East division with an 8-1-1-1 record and are ranked number three in the CIS. This game will be an excellent opportunity for the Warriors to measure themselves against one of the top hockey programs in the country and a perennial national championship contender.



James Rowe reporter

Women’s basketball The Warriors dropped both their games last weekend, leaving them at 2-4 on the season. On Friday, November 17, they were defeated 75-65 by Laurentian. The next day they fell to York by a score of 62-42. This weekend UW hosts Carleton and Ottawa on Friday and Saturday respectively. Both games are in the PAC at 6 p.m. Men’s volleyball The Warriors played two matches on the weekend and came up a bit short in both. On November 15, UW fell to Western 3-2. Waterloo had won the first two sets in the match before Western came back to sweep the final three. On November 19, the Warriors were defeated by Windsor 3 sets to 1.

simona cherler

Swimming Waterloo competed in the Campbell Division Championships in Toronto and finished third overall. The men’s team ranked second while the women ranked sixth. Warriors who won races were Alex Watson and Oleg Chernukhin with three each and Brandon Crawford with one.

FRIDAY, november 24, 2006

Women’s volleyball On Sunday, November 19, Waterloo played the Windsor Lancers and came away with a straight sets victory, 3-0. The win improved their record to 3-5 on the season. Next up for the Warriors is a trip to St. Catharines to take on the 5-1 Brock Badgers on Friday, November 24. Figure skating The Waterloo team finished fifth in their first competition of the season in Kingston. The team was led by Daniela Cotesta and Cara McMahon who teamed up to win gold in the Senior Pairs. Also winning medals were Michael Seliske with a bronze in Open Men and Elise Cunningham with a bronze in Solo Dance. Women’s hockey The Warriors travelled to Kingston to take on Queen’s on Saturday, November 18, but came away disappointed with a 2-1 loss. The lone Waterloo goal was scored by Carissa Casselman while goaltender Alexis Huber made 45 saves in the loss. UW next plays at Western on Saturday, November 25 and at Windsor the following day.

simona cherler

clive peters

Flow — the psychology of challenge and triumph Doug Copping assistant sports editor

doug copping

Adventurers experience “flow” on the Madawaska River, pushing their comfort on white water rapids.

Athletes refer to it as “being in the zone”, artists as “losing themselves in the music.” Alluding to more than just rivers, ideas, and cash, psychological flow occurs when we take on challenges that are just beyond our abilities. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, credited as the first to describe this phenomenon with academic rigour, observed that “if you enjoy sticking your neck out and trying to operate at your best or even beyond, you’re more likely to learn new things, to become better at what you’re doing, to invent… to discover.” Studying rock-climbers, inner-city basketball players and artists, he discovered that those who experience flow completly immerse themselves, have intense concentration, are dynamically engaged and fully committed to success. “We know we’ve achieved psychological flow when we don’t think of other things,” says Dr. Robert Stebbins, author of Challenging Mountain Nature, a book that analyzes the motivation for athletes who aggressively pursue kayaking, mountain climbing and snowboarding. Stebbins concluded that these athletes push the envelope in order to put themselves in situations that test and expand their skills. Respondents described this state as being carried by a current. It’s spontaneous like the flow of a river, yet depends on focus and skill. “Flow” describes the continual challenge of getting beyond what has previously been done and is widely referenced, across a variety of fields. Whether in creative arts, athletics or any other engaging discipline, flow describes the motivation to excel and to triumph over limitation.

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