sai kit lo resigns

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Imprint The university of Waterloo’s official student newspaper

friday , february 9, 2007

imprint . uwaterloo . ca

vol 29, no 26

sai kit lo resigns

Sai Kit Lo resigned from his position as vicepresident internal for the Federation of Students on Wednesday February 7. A soft-spoken individual, his demeanour stands in striking contrast to the heated and often antagonistic controversy his time in office prompted among students. The latest crisis, emerging in little over a week, spilled onto internet forums like Facebook and left Lo at one point fearing for his physical safety. “Everyone’s very angry at me,” he told Imprint on Monday. “I almost expect someone to come up and punch me on campus.” The critical issue arose from the Women’s Centre’s request to show The Vagina Monologues in the Great Hall. Vice-president internal (VPI) is an executive position that gave Lo, among

other things, the responsibility of approving the venues campus clubs use for their events, so the decision to accept or turn down this application lay with him. He stated that because the show features sexually explicit content and the Great Hall is a public place, he could not approve the Women’s Centre’s request. “While I have no problem with the show being shown in closed spaces like the multipurpose room or Bomber,” he explained, “I have an obligation to protect students, staff and their families from that kind of environment in a public setting.” Lo added that he fully supports the positive political messages of the show, citing those elements pertaining to women’s rights and promoting an end to violence against women as being very important messages. Finding nothing in the Ontario Human Rights or Canadian Criminal Code to support Lo’s

Suzanne Gardner news editor

argument, and much to support the freedom of expression, the Feds Board of Directors overturned Lo’s decision on Tuesday, February 6. Kate Daley, arts councillor for Feds, added that the Feds council still has to deal with the issue. “When it was clear that the Human Rights Code would not be violated, Lo refused to reconsider his decision, and continued to publicize it on behalf of his office and the Federation, in person.” For this reason, she made a motion for censure to the Feds council later that night. Lo resigned the next morning. “It’s not a problem if I’m overruled by the board; that happens,” he said. “But I would have had to represent that decision afterwards, and I cannot say something I strongly disagree with. So I resigned; I decided to stand by my decision.”

Candidates for the 2007-2008 Federation of Students’ election squared off at a campus media forum on February 7. The 13 candidates faced a bombardment of questions from three campus media outlets. Jonathan Fishbein represented the newly-formed podcast, The O’Fishbein Factor, Jeff Aho was questioning on behalf of The Iron Warrior, while Michael L. Davenport and Suzanne Gardner were there for Imprint. The forum began with the three senate-atlarge candidates, Renjie Butalid, Keith Chan and Mohamed Farid, giving opening statements and taking questions from the media. All three candidates focused on the university’s Sixth Decade Plan. Chan summed up his concerns, explaining that “the Sixth Decade Plan is [so] focused on the future that it’s not fixing the problems on our campus right now.” Fishbein, himself a former senator, pointedly asked all candidates if they had ever attended a senate meeting, to which all three answered “no.” Fishbein also asked the first group of candidates a question he asked all candidates throughout the forum: “Kittens or butterflies?” Although kittens were losing this poll after the first group of candidates were questioned, by the end of the forum, the results were 8-4 for kittens. The two candidates for the vice-president administration and finance (VPAF) position, Del Pereira and Arthur Chan, approached the microphone next. Both candidates tackled questions on Bomber, Fed Hall and Aussies, and specifically addressed the question of why their plans for Fed Hall are going to work, when former VPAFs plans have failed in the past. “I have the numbers to back it up,” said Pereira. Jonah Levine and Stuart Hastings, both candidates for the vice-president education (VPED) position, followed the VPAF candidates. Hastings started his opening statement by gratefully praising Rick Theis, the forum’s moderator, all of the media representatives and his opponent Levine — a positive mood that altered slightly when Fishbein prefaced his first question to the VPED candidates: “We here at The O’Fishbein Factor are refusing to recognize Stuart Hastings’ candidacy until he appears on our show for an interview, so we’ll only be asking questions of Jonah today.” Hastings did answer questions from the other two media outlets, however, explaining that when representing students to the administration, he wants to “sit down at the table and meet them halfway and that’s when students and institution can work together, and we get positive results that fits everybody’s needs.”


See CANDIDATES, page 5

Jeff Henry discusses the coming hard work with fellow Feds executive Renjie Butalid in the wake of vice-president internal Sai Kit Lo’s resignation. Margaret Clark assistant editor-in-chief

Candidates under fire

mohammad jangda

Your complete guide to the 2007 Feds elections — page 15 Year-Round Experienced Sales & Service to all Models. Insurance Claim Specialist. STORE HOURS: Monday to Friday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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Friday, February 9, 2007 News Editor: Suzanne Gardner News Assistant: Narmeen Lakhani

News Imprint

Suzanne Gardner news editor

The annual presentation of The Vagina Monologues has come up against more than its share of glass walls this year. Although the Women’s Centre will host the event on campus next week, the venues have changed due to controversy. Event organizer Andrea Dupuis received notice from Federation of Students vice-president internal Sai Kit Lo that the V-Day performances of The Vagina Monologues were not allowed to take place in the SLC’s Great Hall. He believed the event was “not appropriate to happen in a public area.” Consequently, the Feds board of directors called an emergency board meeting on the night of February 6 to overrule this decision. Dupuis decided to call Lo to discuss the issue and to ask if the event could then be held in the SLC’s multi-purpose room instead. Lo once again responded that the event could not be held in the Great Hall despite Dupuis’ interest in just the room. At this point Dupuis questioned Lo on this statement, to which Lo replied: “The conservative students of the university would feel uncomfortable with the content of ‘the

body parts.’” He then asked Dupuis for further clarification on the content of the play. “This shocked me,” said Dupuis. She proceeded to explain to Lo that the play is “a series of real-life monologues with a message of empowerment.” Lo counteracted this explanation by stating: “I think the Great Hall is a living room for all students to feel comfortable in.” Dupuis explained that she grew increasingly upset about Lo’s reasonings when she discovered that the movies Borat and The Departed, both rated R by the MPAA, are being shown in the Great Hall as part of the Student Life Office’s Warrior Weekends event happening February 9 and 10. “How is that worse or even on the same plane as a charity event that’s provocative and evocative?” asked Dupuis. When asked about his opinion on the showing of these movies in the Great Hall, Lo said, “I don’t think it’s right to show movies like Jackass and Borat. Students shouldn’t have to be exposed to material like this, but I don’t see how we should interfere.” After refusing to let the performance take place in the Great Hall, Lo did permit Dupuis to plan the event for the multi-purpose room.

She later found out that the room was already booked at that time. Dupuis contacted Lo again and attempted to set up a personal meeting with him to discuss his reasons behind why the presentation was continually facing obstacles, yet she received no reply. At this point, Dupuis decided to no longer go through Lo to receive her answers because she “didn’t feel comfortable talking to him anymore because it was all 100 per cent unclear.” “I don’t think he was representing us [the students],” explained Dupuis. “He was representing himself, and that’s unfortunate.” Dupuis sent all of her correspondence with Lo to the Feds vice-president administration and finance Renjie Butalid to further discuss the issue with him instead of with Lo. Dupuis commented on Butalid’s quick attention to the issue, specifically the board’s decision to overrule Lo, stating: “I’m 100 per cent satisfied with that. Our execs as a whole have come through for us.” Butalid explained that since the situation came to his attention on Monday morning, he has been working to get the facts straight and come to a decision. Upon discussion with the board on Tuesday, Butalid explained that

the board decided that “although Lo was well-intended, this Feds supports an environment of free speech, no matter how controversial, to promote discussion.” “I think his heart was in the right place, but his head was in the wrong place,” explained Dupuis. “I just hope this doesn’t happen again.” Dupuis is currently looking into holding a free event in the Great Hall after reading week, in addition to the three shows being held from February 13-15 in the Modern Languages building. In defence of his actions, Lo said: “I did what I can that I believe is right for all students.” On the morning of February 7, Lo resigned from his position as vice-president internal, stating, “I can’t live with the belief that I’m contaminating this as remaining an officer of this organization.”

Christine Ogley

Vagina Monologues slams into glass walls

Resigned: a question of faith and tolerance in Feds Continued from cover Reflections on Lo’s year in office

Asked how Feds felt about Lo’s resignation, acting president and vice-president Renjie Butalid said, “We believe it’s unfortunate, but we believe we will be able to move forward with ongoing projects. We believe Sai Kit has done a fair job and wish him the best of luck, wherever he may end up.” Feds president Michelle Zakrison returns next week after the Feds elections conclude, at which point, the board of directors reconvenes to decide who will take over the position of VPI for the rest of the term. While campaigning for re-election, Feds policy requires her not to pursue her duties as president, citing a possible conflict of interest. Until such a meeting can be arranged, Lo’s duties will be divided among remaining members, and another board member will step into his role. This will stretch the Feds’ resources a little thin, but Butalid is confident it will not greatly impact their quality. As for Lo, he looked markedly more relaxed when Imprint met with him on Wednesday, February 7. “I feel very relieved now that I’ve resigned,” said Lo. “I’m only sorry about the things I didn’t get to finish.” Lo referred especially to his latest project, a club awards system, that he hopes the next VPI will continue to pursue. “We have programs to award academic excellence,” he said, “but what about clubs and services, especially when they work so hard to create a sense of community on campus, and for no real reward?” Of his work to date with Feds, Lo added that he felt he had his share of successes. “When the Tamil Association was being attacked in the media last September, I maintained close contact with them and supported them fully,” said Lo. “I have also lobbied with the administration about room bookings, because they used to not allow musical instruments being played in classrooms. Now there are compromises.” Perhaps most interesting of Lo’s actions was the introduction of a freedom of expression motion to the council, opposing

censorship after university administration expressed concern with students wearing fraternity letters during clubs day. “Some people have told me already that they will be sad to see me go,” said Lo. “And if someone is sad to see me go then, well, I must have done something right.”

of open dialogue. “I think a lot of people are suspicious because I’m a Christian,” said Lo. “But because I’m a Christian doesn’t mean I’m against The Vagina Monologues or the feminist movement in general; however, because I’m Christian, people should expect me to be upfront about what I agree and disagree with. If I use my authority to push a secret A campus divided agenda, or even to have a secret agenda, that would But the concerns raised through this Vagina be contrary to everything I believe.” Lo added that there are many Christian clubs Monologues issue and Lo’s pursuant resignation are not so easily summarized. A tremendous on campus, each with a diverse representation of sticking point lies in the taboo consideration Christian denominations. “It’s interesting,” he said. of Lo’s personal beliefs, which many clear- “Christians at this university don’t get together on the basis of what ly believe have their denominamotivated his tion is or isn’t, but decisions since entering office. If anything can be learned from what their personal interests are, just In his postthe case of Sai Kit Lo, who like anyone else.” election comAs for his personal mentary last Febnever made an effort to hide relationship with ruary, Imprint’s editor-in-chief, who he was from the student religion, Lo explained: “I feel I’m Tim Alamena sinner, so I focus body, it is that students ciak, stated quite on what I can do frankly of Lo’s must vote with more to improve myself. victory: “When I don’t have time to you’ve got the consideration in the judge others.” support of one Lo expressed of the larger (and upcoming election. an especial conmore political) cern that his decifraternities on sion regarding The campus and all the Christians — things definitely tend to go Vagina Monologues would reinforce stereotypes about what a Christian is. your way.” “I know many people may see me as the Thereafter, however, the question of religion remained pointedly — reproachably — unvoiced. embodiment of the obstacle they’re trying to Even as critics made allusions to the personal get rid of, but I really hope they won’t continue biases they felt motivated Lo’s decisions, even to feel that way. [The Vagina Monologues issue] was as students disseminated concerns that Lo was not a simple decision; there were many factors, making certain minority-issues groups on campus and I want people to know that I have no secret uncomfortable with any mention of prayer and agenda to go against what the Women’s Centre repenting, even as general gossip grew saturated is trying to accomplish.” with stories of Lo purposely setting obstacles for clubs supporting student issues Lo did not More questions than answers personally endorse, no one dared to throw the In the case of The Vagina Monologues, UW’s question of religion directly into the arena — to Policy 33, on ethical behaviour, refers under secaddress it, in other words, in a public forum. Lo tion two to “a ‘poisoned environment’ (or one attributes a general polarization of the student that is intimidating, hostile or offensive).” The body and government, and a consequent loss of document further states that such an environment student confidence in Feds efficiency, to this lack “can be created based on any of the prohibited

grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code, and can be described as comment or conduct that is contrary to the aims of maintaining a supportive, respectful and tolerant environment.” The differing viewpoints that arose from The Vagina Monologues issue are especially difficult when one considers this latter phrase, “respectful and tolerant” (emphasis added), which can prove pointedly contradictory in practice. Respecting the diversity of student life, and its inclusion of family units, would here imply intolerance for women’s issues, whereas tolerance for the expression of all content, under the understanding that in today’s world the personal is often political, would preclude respecting that the Great Hall is a public space often frequented by children and others who might be intimidated by such sexual content. But the controversy extends further. As VPI, Lo ultimately measured his decisions by whether they felt legally just to him, and whether they reflected the majority of student interests, as he interpreted those to be. In the end, he did what he felt was right — which is all that can be asked, perhaps, of anyone. The question thus remains: Will the rest of the student body do the same? Social fears about the intersection of church and state have only heightened in recent years, but to reflect this fear solely on those in charge ignores personal responsibility. The student body voted Lo in last February, and thereafter only indirectly expressed fears about whether or not Lo could be trusted to separate personal belief from public duty. If anything can be learned from the case of Sai Kit Lo, who never made an effort to hide who he was from the student body, it is that students must vote with more consideration in the upcoming election. They must then follow up that civic duty with more honest and straightforward public discussion — the kind that holds our representatives immediately accountable, which allows them to respond directly to student concerns and which thus eliminates any room for a culture of fear and intolerance towards anyone in the University of Waterloo.


Friday, February 9, 2007

CFS protests Liberals’ tuition hikes Narmeen Lakhani assistant news editor

The past decade has seen a continual rise in tuition fees despite promises made by Dalton McGuinty, premier of Ontario, to change the Conservative government’s policy of high tuition rates. Wednesday, February 7 marked the Canadian Federation of Students’ national campaign for a Student Day of Action to reduce tuition fees. In December 1996, McGuinty protested the provincial Conservative’s policy: “With respect to education, at a time when we ought to be doing everything we can to ensure that we have the best-educated, the most skilled population on the planet… [instead] we’re increasing tuition fees. We’re making cuts to colleges and universities.” In a media conference call with Chris Bentley, minister of training, colleges and universities, Imprint ques-

tioned the provincial government’s presumably-broken promises. According to Bentley, McGuinty promised a two-year tuition freeze in 2003 and accomplished it. In addition, his Liberal party invested $6.2 billion in higher-quality education. Bentley commented that “there are more and more spaces available in college and university” in defence of their policies towards post-secondary education. As an off-set to higher tuition rates, McGuinty’s government has promoted the availability of greater financial assistance to students. Bentley described that there is “more assistance available for every student who needs it.” A news release from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities lists the detailed changes made to aid postsecondary education including “providing 60,000 students who come from families with incomes up to $75,000 with upfront tuition grants this year,

covering between a quarter and all of the cost of their tuition, as compared to two years ago when no student received upfront tuition grants.” In response to this effort by McGuinty’s government, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) argueD that 90 per cent of post-secondary students will not be receiving grants due to limited funding, and graduate as well as part-time students are not eligible for grants. According to statistics provided by CFS, tuition has more than doubled since 1993, making it difficult for increased enrolment in colleges and universities. CFS also believes that debt is an inefficient way of off-setting high tuition rates suggesting “a much more effective use of tax dollars is to reduce upfront barriers rather than to provide debt and pay interest to the banks.” On the subject of too much student debt, Bentley and his min-

istry proclaimed that throughout 2006-2007 they have “continued to ensure that student debt is limited to $7,000 per completed year through the Ontario Student Opportunity Grant.” Since 2003, there has been a 26 per cent increase in university students that qualify for loans from the provincial government and a 24 per cent increase in the same for Ontario college students. Another journalist on the conference call questioned Bentley about the action the provincial government plans to take when approaching the federal government for funding. Bentley responded that McGuinty’s team is leading a charge towards receiving more support for post-secondary education from the federal budget. Bentley offered no insight on how Wednesday’s protest would change his policies for tuition rates and defended the many achievements made by the McGuinty government since 2003.

He ended on the note that “we welcome the input of everyone,” when Imprint confronted him with allegations that many of the government decisions have been made without proper communication and consultation with CFS and the OUSA. Jeff Henry, current Feds vicepresident education, described how UW is handling the issue since an active protest was not organized here: “As a point of background, unlike the Day of Action, we targeted the meeting of the Premiers happening today by having a press conference yesterday…to set a national vision, a Dedicated Transfer for Post-Secondary Education to provide accountable funding for that vision and a more coherent, effective and efficient student financial assistance vision instead of the hodgepodge of programs existing at the moment.”

On Campus This Week

9 10 1112 13 14 15

Lecture on “Ethnic Diversity and Christian Unity” by David Seljak. Siegfreid Hall, SJU 7:30 p.m.

UpStart festival of innovative theatre. Studio 180, Humanities Building 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Campus Rec presents Stretch Workshop. Sign up in PAC 2039. CIF Studio 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Speed Dating Try it for fun and meet someone for Valentine’s Day. $2 for charity. SLC Multipurpose rm 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

David Suzuki’s…if you were Prime Minister tour - advocate of the environment. Humanities Theatre, HH 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Alan Kirker presents on ‘Enhanced Podcasting’ Flex Lab, DP Library 11 a.m.


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FRIDAY, February 9, 2006

Representatives in name only

Something remarkable has happened this year in the undergraduate election: there is actually a race for Senate seats and no race for Feds council. Student government is never an easy group of representatives to populate, let alone vote for. When I ran for Senate, my seat was one of the few for which there was contest (I lost by a hair). The Senate seats have generally been acclaimed while there was usually at least some contest for council. What is the university senate? Technically, it is the governing body that determines all things academic. The Board of Governors, on the other hand, handles larger issues like capital projects. If you want a new course offering, it’s the Senate. If you want a new building, it’s the Board of Governors. The Senate is made up of administrators, faculty, staff and student representatives that meet several times a year as a group as well as in

the form of several sub-committees. This is a rather simplistic summary but, from a student perspective, all that really matters. Students are the minority of both governing bodies. There is one student representative from each faculty as well as a senator-at-large. From these senators, student members to the Board of Governors are elected. Aside from being able to get a nice letter of recommendation from the university president, and regular hobnobbing with the powers that be, what can your representatives do? At the media forum we heard a lot about the grand plans that the candidates had for holding the administration’s feet to the fire. John Fishbein, of the O’Fishbein Factor and former engineering senator, did a very good job of trying to puncture that balloon. He asked each candidate: you are one student, students are in the minority, how will you get things done? Sadly, the answers were less than satisfactory. Your student representatives are merely that: representatives. They cannot save the world. They can merely raise issues and hope somebody listens. Student representatives are like back-bench MPs, they can raise issues and they can represent

the people, and if they unite themselves and stand as a group someone might notice. But to have a representative who is cowed by someone else’s power or knowledge is not a good representative. I’ve been in situations with people who are so overcome by where they are and who they are speaking to that they are afraid to ask important questions. While being respectful is one thing, not asking the right questions is another. Being cowed by knowledge is another thing. The other senators will likely know a whole lot more than the new student senators. It is up to the veteran student senators to share their knowledge. New senators cannot assume that things have always run this way. Taking things at face value can be dangerous for a representative. If we can take any lesson from the representatives that we have had in the past, either in the Feds executive, on Feds Council or in the Senate, it’s be careful who you vote for: They might just get elected. Generally we get lucky and someone gets to pad their resumé and not do much damage. The rest of the time, not so much.

Candidates: defending their plans for next year Continued from cover

Vice-president internal (VPI) candidates Nhu Nhat Nguyen, Faraz Warsi and Darcy Higgins faced the media next, taking on typical questions about their plans for clubs and services on campus, as well as particularly time-sensitive questions. Imprint asked all candidates to agree to “running this Federation of Students for all students regardless of your personal biases.” All three candidates did agree to uphold this value.

Finally, after over two hours had elapsed, the three presidential candidates took the stage. Michelle Zakrison, the presidential incumbent, faced Kevin Royal, her opponent from last year’s election, and Adam Schubert. Zakrison repeatedly cited her experience as the current Feds president as a reason to re-elect her, yet later she stated that “we need fresh eyes.” When questioned on these contradictory statements, Zakrison defended her views by describing that she plans to attend conferences

to learn new ideas to give herself a pair of fresh eyes. Conversely, candidate Schubert was asked how he plans to overcome the disadvantage of having much less experience than both of his opponents, to which he replied, “Yes, I haven’t actually held those titles but I think you’ll agree that it’s more than just a title, and I think that I’ve been very informed of the activities of Feds in the past year. [...] I think that the students are craving action, and I think that that’s where my experience lies.”

Zakrison vs. Schubert: online showdown Suzanne Gardner news editor

On February 2 at this year’s Federation of Students election engineering forum, presidential candidate Adam Schubert read aloud an e-mail he had received from fellow presidential candidate Michelle Zakrison prior to the beginning of the campaign period. In this e-mail, Zakrison (who is also the current Feds president) wrote: “I was really upset to hear about your ticket for Feds. I’m all for people running, but it really hurts me to hear that people that are taking it as a joke are wanting to run. Everyone knows that engineers vote for engineers and therefore engineering candidates, especially if its an all-engineering ticket, have a strong chance of winning, whether they are the most qualified candidates or not because engineers vote in blocks.” Schubert, after recovering from what he called an “incredibly upsetting” e-mail, sent a reply to Zakrison, in which he replied to several of her key statements. He wrote: “It seems you’re not taking me seriously here. Do you think I’m joking? Do you think that me running has anything to do with you? Do you think I’m going

to run simply as a joke? Perhaps this makes you upset, but I’m very seriously considering running.” He continued by defending Zakrison’s accusations against engineers: “Engineers are not dumb blind animals, and they most definitely will not ostracize other candidates based on their faculty. To assume otherwise is clearly a prejudice against engineers. Do not degrade our faculty’s intelligence, especially if you want to avoid uniting us together against you. That’s both invalid as an argument and looks bad against you as a candidate. […]To attempt to discourage me from running because you think I’m unqualified, doing it as a joke, and you think I’m going to get appointed to a position I don’t belong in is a direct insult to me and I have every right to take it as such.” Later, Zakrison followed up this e-mail with a phone call to Schubert in which she explained to him that they were “just going to have to disagree.” Zakrison explained that she felt the need to send what she considered “a very personal e-mail” to Schubert after an incident that occurred while Zakrison was at a bar with several engineering students, including Schubert. According to

Zakrison, Schubert and his friends were talking about putting together a team of all engineering students to run for the Feds election, including having either a Tamagotchi or iPod run for the vice-president internal position. “I got very upset,” said Zakrison. “Running for Feds is not a joke.” She later explained that her intention is not to discourage other candidates from running for election, but rather she believes that it is “all based on that you should run because you’re serious about running.” According to Schubert, the e-mail sent by Zakrison was “a testament to her true character.” He continued to explain that the e-mail was “really shocking [and showed] a side of her I didn’t expect.” In his response to Zakrison, he explained that the role of Feds president demands “making decisions rationally, not emotionally [and that it] demands accountability to students, and that these actions were not indicative of good practice.” “‘I think we’re going to see what happens’ is where we left it basically,” said Zakrison. Schubert stated that the incident “reaffirmed the fact that I wanted to run.”

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Friday, February 9, 2007 Opinion Editor: Anya Lomako Opinion Assistant: Brendan Pinto

Friday, February 9, 2007 — Vol. 29, No. 26

Objectivity and the editor’s dilemma

Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 P: 519.888.4048 F: 519.884.7800 Editor-in-chief, Tim Alamenciak Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas General Manager, Catherine Bolger

Editorial Staff Assistant Editor, Margaret Clark Cover Editor, Dinh Nguyen Photo Editor, Michael L. Davenport Assistant Photo Editor, Valerie Broadbent Graphics Editor, Christine Ogley Assistant Graphics Editor, Angelo Florendo Web Editor, Mo Jangda Assistant Web Editor, vacant Systems Administrator, Gautam Khanna Sys. Admin. Assistant, Peter Gibbs Lead Proofreader, Emma Tarswell Proofreaders Tim Foster, Linda Kong Ting, Shivaun Hoad, Kaitlin Ojamae, Adrienne Raw Production Staff Judy Wu, Sylvia Przychodski, Chris Miller, Peter Trinh, Gautam Khanna, Kirill Levin, Ryan Nahlé, Shannon Tauil

I see everything that goes on in campus news. I hear things around UW that few others hear. This may make me seem megalomaniacal — and I am, but only a little. I have my opinions and things to say, but I have to hold my tongue sometimes. Freedom of speech is an illusion. I could, for example, say something along the lines of, “Michelle Zakrison’s campaign is based on the sole virtue of having held the position before,” but in the eyes of the reader, that would compromise my integrity as a reporter and editor. I am able to print those words, but they come with consequences. Analysis is a contentious issue in the field of journalism. But it’s a worthwhile issue to ponder. As Mitchell Stephens wrote in the January/ February issue of The Columbia Journalism Review, “But the extra value our quality news organizations can and must regularly add is analysis.” Stephens was speaking on the dilemma currently facing major daily newspapers. They are losing out to up-to-the-minute web content

and he proposes analysis as a solution. Imprint occupies a unique position on our campus: we are news. I touched on this a couple weeks ago, and it’s a subject that warrants more consideration. Ethically speaking, it’s questionable turf for me to comment on the election. I’m responsible for a fair chunk of the content in our elections spread. But then again, it would be a wussy copout to devote yet another column to encouraging you to vote. By the way — get informed and vote. Please, for Christ’s sake. It matters. Would it be fair for me to comment on the fact that Adam Schubert said, “There is way too much sexy in this campaign.” He was referring to flashy things like FedPulse and team eX’s pretty marketing campaign. Schubert, though, focuses most of his platform on Feds’ reputation — essentially making the organization sexy. Or would it compromise my integrity to point out that Del Pereira wants to increase Bomber capacity and toss on the extra workload of supplying coffee and doughnuts? While piling on all these duties, Del hopes to improve the alreadywretched service at Bomber. Seriously — I waited 45 minutes to get spoken to, let alone served. With all of Pereira’s changes, will this improve? Even the most obvious and up-front subjects to come down on could potentially make the reader think anything else I’ve written is biased. Take, for example, Zakrison’s Facebook-based


communication strategy. While she is clearly capable of updating her own profile, her commitment to updating the established Feds group is questionable. Michelle — we are excited you’re going to Phil’s tonight, but what is that silly student government up to? And now back to my dilemma: I’ve lobbed three big criticisms out to the public sphere. I have a few dozen more waiting in the wings. Everyone has opinions. It’s a farce and a disservice to the reader to feign objectivity by keeping back potentially valuable analysis. I assure you that my election profiles are completely objective — but I also assure you that many won’t see it that way. There is an inherent bias in everything everyone writes. An animal sympathizer would write the story of the campus beavers differently than, say, a hunter from the north. We do our best to keep bias out of stories, but why should we hide it from the reader? In my election profiles, I am telling you exactly what the candidates said. I am giving you, verbatim and in context, their responses. Through this column you can see my professional opinion of the elections. So I’m taking the high and interesting road. Can I really comment on the election? That’s a question I’d like you, the readers, to answer. Either e-mail me or, more preferably, write a publishable letter to the editor.

Graham Moogk-Soulis

Office Staff Distribution, Andrea Meyers Distribution, Amy Pfaff Sales Assistant, Kristen Miller Board of Directors President, Jeff Anstett Vice-president, Adam Gardiner Treasurer, Jacqueline McKoy Secretary, Stephen Eaton Staff liaison, Darren Hutz Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorial submissions may be considered for publication in any edition of Imprint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commercially in any format or medium as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, including articles, letters, photos and graphics, will grant Imprint first publication rights of their submitted material, and as such, agree not to submit the same work to any other publication or group until such time as the material has been distributed in an issue of Imprint, or Imprint declares their intent not to publish the material. The full text of this agreement is available upon request. Imprint does not guarantee to publish articles, photographs, letters or advertising. Material may not be published, at the discretion of Imprint, if that material is deemed to be libelous or in contravention with Imprint’s policies with reference to our code of ethics and journalistic standards. Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. One copy per customer. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 40065122. Annual general meeting: Tuesday, February 13 at 1:30 p.m.

Another year of mediocre Feds candidates

Another round of Feds elections has arrived and we have another round of mediocre candidates. Every year, we are assaulted by the quixotic and the self-serving, who come with a smile on their faces and a hand reaching for our pockets, hoping that those few who bother to vote don’t look too closely at their policies. Several of the candidates don’t understand the principle of representative democracy: that they’re the ones who are supposed to be governing. It is impractical to poll the student body, much less educate students sufficiently for them to produce an intelligent decision. That’s why we elect representatives to govern, rather than hold plebiscites. Both Nhu Nhat Nguyen and Jonah Levine are all wrapped up in the idea they don’t matter; they’ll just do whatever their constituents want them to do. But who really needs strength of

character anyway? One wonders though, with student involvement so low, how will they avoid being hijacked by a handful of vocal students with an agenda? Hmm. After all, more than 80 per cent of students population doesn’t usually vote. Candidates seem to think that Feds just needs a new website and some Feds cheerleaders in residence to make everything alright. Never mind that Feds takes half a dozen council sessions to deal with a service review, has almost as many committees as councillors and spends over a third of its budget just paying everyone to be there, much less getting things done. Michelle Zakrison campaigned on bringing a bus pass to referendum. Good thing a student petition got the bus pass issue sent to referendum, otherwise she and the other candidates would have had to actually weigh in on the issue. A quick look at Zakrison’s blog (linked to from the team eX campaign website) shows where her priorities lie: “I’ve had an amazing experience this year as Feds President,” “I try to make all of the clubs/society events that I can.” Last year’s posters said Zakrison already had the “experience to implement realistic change.” Well, we’re glad she had

a good time at least, why not let her have another go? Also on her ticket, Darcy Higgins has quite a platform for vice president internal. Not only does he want to bring in a services director, he also wants to expand the services. He suggested that the Muslim Students Association should be made a service at the science forum last week. He isn’t stopping there. Feds is so flush with money, he wants to give it out to sponsor green spaces and fine arts galleries. Team Yellow speaks out about bloated exec budgets and Feds inefficiencies. Yet they want to decentralize the Feds services, hire two more employees for “sustainability” and babysit the services. There are a few issues notably not addressed this year. Clubs will still suffer from the excessive, overbearing oversight from Feds. No one has a problem with the vast proportion of Feds money that supports a redundant staff. And most of all, no one is ready to take a firm lead with council to push through the bureaucracy and the filibusters to get things done. It seems pretty unlikely that we’ll see anything more than the mediocre status quo from next year’s exec. — Tim Foster


Friday, February 9, 2007

Hey romantics, love isn’t everything

A week or so ago, I had a really interesting conversation with a female friend of mine. She’s one of the most intelligent, composed and respectable people I know. She’s an amazing writer, going to be done a double major degree at 20 and one of the few people I truly admire. So, I was shocked to find out how quickly her self-confidence and self-worth can be shattered by the mere fact that she’s single. A lot of her friends are in serious relationships and for some reason, she feels it’s some kind of failure on her part that her romantic life isn’t as successful as that of those around her. Being a single girl myself, I know the feeling and it’s a topic I’ve discussed a lot. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it’s easy to be caught up in the “love is all you need” atmosphere. The holiday itself is nothing more than a day built to applaud those with a partner in their life and make us singletons question our very existence merely because we are single. Being bombarded with cutout hearts and pink and red displays everywhere from Chapters to HMV shows how the holiday has spread beyond Hallmark and become an all-out marketing extravaganza. From a young age, we’re taught that finding “the one” is not just an inevitable, but also an essential part of human existence. Think of fairy tales and kids movies. They portray love as a one-time, life-altering event, but love doesn’t always last and it

doesn’t always end in happily ever after. Yet the question still remains; how much value should we give romantic relationships when taking stock of our lives? Love is an important part of life. But if your life happens to be devoid of the romantic variety, are you a lesser person? No! Have you ever heard of someone going down in the history books just for finding a “great” romance? Think of all the “legendary couples” throughout history: Anthony and Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier, Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. Most of those ended in tragedy: divorce, death, adultery gone wrong, etc. So why all the hype over love? I’m not saying that romance and relationships aren’t an important part of life, they just shouldn’t be the only part that matters. A usually self-confident and extremely successful person shouldn’t be reduced to a blithering idiot merely because they are single. While it’s clearly a nice part of life, it shouldn’t be a measure of success — remember, “love can’t pay your rent, or help you feed your pussycat.” Valentine’s marketing geniuses even capitalize on the sheer desperation of the lonely and loveless on this useless holiday. Books of dating tips and love spells clutter tables at Chapters and our own UW shop even sells little Grow a Dates as a gag gift for the holiday. On a day already designed to allow couples to bask in their rose-tinted glow and flaunt their love to the world, is it really necessary to make the singletons not only feel worse, but get their money as well? I mocked the very same holiday last year, so I’m not going to go on another anti-Valentine’s day rant.

While I may be single and cynical, I don’t believe that romance is a superfluous part of life — Pride and Prejudice still has the undeniable ability to cheer me up. I’m just trying to put it in perspective for those who plan to spend this Valentine’s Day with a tub of Häagen Däzs and a box of Kleenex. Take stock of things that really matter in your life: school, family, friends, work, your health. There are so many other things in life that I just don’t see why “love is all you need.”

What would you do if you were elected to Feds executive? Imprint wants to know your stance. Submit an editorial of approximately 500 words to opinion@

” “ Quote of the Week

My name is Adam Schubert. You may not recognize me because unlike my competitors, I haven’t run for this position before. — Adam Schubert Feds 2007 election candidate


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Friday, February 9, 2007

Tuition hikes make puppies cry Ya gotta stick it to The Man

Across the country students are rising up against the rising tide of tuition with clever chants like “Liar, liar, pants on fire! You said fees would go no higher.” Marching with signs demanding reduced tuition, they stand for all students who know that tuition is an unnecessary evil, plaguing students, destroying lives for the gratification of politicians who literally get off on fucking with students’ financial future. I’ve seen McGuinty’s bedroom. The ceiling is plastered with stats and figures of the $20 billion debt load of Canada’s students. I know for a fact that tuition reductions are good for the state of education in Canada because it means I would pay less. How awesome would that be? Do universities really need increased revenue to grow? Are rhetorical statements really the best way to elucidate a point? All I know is that this growth doesn’t mean I should have to pay for it, and I’m almost certain someone else can. The issue of tuition is only big enough for one player. Either students foot the entire bill or the government will. Pick a side. What we really should be doing is constructing our educational policy on the Swedish model. Where everything is paid, and all you need to do is stay shackled in the country for a mere 10 years. You get to choose whatever you want to do, you just don’t get to choose where you get to live. Think about it, by following in their footsteps our country can finally come to the forefront of meatballs and easy-to-assemble furniture.

The other option is we go the way of the Americans who pay an unholy amount for school and end up a hellscape of gun violence and reality television. That’s just what happens when students are expected to take responsibility for the costs incurred by educating them. The problem with having the incentive to work hard for scholarships and bursaries is that you have to work hard for them. Working hard is notoriously difficult to do. Being under the pressure of doing well in school to avoid wasting money failing courses that you have paid good money for sucks. It would be so much easier if we lived in an incentive-free world where you could do whatever you want without and fear of consequence for failure. Don’t you think it would be better if instead of rewarding hard-working students we just gave the money to everyone? I’m glad these students came out to protest with their unfocused idealism bereft of any greater context, because that’s what really speaks for me. Finding an economically sustainable balance with respect to the greater society is complex and difficult to find. A clusterfuck of immediate desires is the foundation of democracy and the fastest way to the society that will best serve our population. Reduction of tuition fees is something I can easily get behind, so long as I don’t think too hard about what it means long term. The government promised us a tuition freeze and no matter what happens financially over the course of their run in office, they should blindly follow every promise they make. I’m Brendan Pinto and I’m single (but if I didn’t have to pay tuition, I could stay in school a few more years to find that special someone), so tell your friends.

Youth counter-culture for the new millenium

When you first left home to go to university you had grandiose dreams of changing the world. You were going to stick it to The Man and disturb the status quo. Fast forward to today — the most controversial thing you’ve done lately is handing in your stats assignment seven minutes late without getting caught, you rebel. Quite frankly, I’m more than a little disappointed. As a student, it’s your right, nay, your duty to fuck shit up — and you’ve failed. Back in the ’60s, students used to stick it to The Man like it was their job. They would protest at the drop of a hat — literally in some cases. Nobody likes a dirty hat, after all. So where did that fighting spirit go? Some claim that the workload of the average Waterloo student leaves no time for rebellious activity and spontaneous outbursts of counter-culturism. Those people are wusses. There’s always time to make a statement. Sure, organizing a million person rally might be a bit beyond your means for now, but there are at least a few simple things you can do to start yourself down the path to protestational prestige. The first thing you can do is start a rock ‘n’ roll band. I defy you to name one historical revolutionary figure who wasn’t in a band. Did someone say Vladimir Lenin? Because I’m pretty sure he was in The Beatles. You know, on second thought, rock ’n’ roll isn’t quite as revolutionary as it used

to be. Maybe you should try a punk band instead. The Man’s hatred of punk music is legendary. Either way, you’ll be able to tell your band is doing something right if people start telling you that you suck. If you’re really doing something right, the people slandering you will be your parents, teachers and politicians. Once you’ve started your band, you’re ready for the next step on your road to revolutionary renown. Yes, that’s right — it’s time to prank the dean. Just so we’re clear, I don’t mean Dean Caine, the guy who played Superman in the TV show Lois & Clark (even though he deserves it). I’m talking about the dean of your faculty or school. Now, I’m sure your dean is a great guy and all, but this is how it goes down in the movies, so he’s just shit out of luck. If you’ve already mastered pranking the dean and are routinely rocking The Man’s face off with rebellious punk music, then you’re ready to get serious about your revolutionary craft. In that vein you need to find yourself a cause. Every true visionary has a good cause. The key here is to find something that you believe in strongly. This strong belief will be important to get you through the prison time you’ll surely be facing when you take your cause a little too far and, let’s face it, if you don’t take it too far then it’s probably because your cause is lame. This should be sufficient to get you started down your highway to hell-raising um... crap. Apparently there are no synonyms for ‘prestige’ that start with an “h.” Regardless, keep in mind that rebellious acts will make great stories to tell your kids one day. So do it for the kids; do it for a better world; but most importantly, do it for yourself. Good luck and happy rebellionizing.

Transportation plan convenient for students

To the editor,

Ashley Csanady’s article about men’s aggressiveness is unbelievably shallow. Has Imprint ceased to check their content for presence of intelligence in their columnists? For weeks Ashley has failed to entertain the public with her typically narrowminded approaches to complex subjects — male and female psychology, maternity, the role of media in society. Her arguments lack an insider’s approach. She needs to consider approaching her subject matter from a researched, multi-level base instead of a personal, social one. Being the only female opinion columnist, Ashley is representing the female half of the population. I am embarrassed to be reading her observations. Technically, her writing appears needy, lacking coherence and most of all lacking an open-minded perspective. Her last issue’s topic of motherhood, for example. Ashley is not yet in the kind of position to make assumptions about her maternal abilities and desires — she is not married and not even in a relationship. Therefore, at the core of that column was only a theory about her yet undeveloped psychology on a mature subject that she is not yet able to comprehend. The editor seriously needs to reconsider his columnist selection. Even Brendan Pinto is in theory a better columist — he engages the audience by using a shock factor through both content and sarcasm. Ashley, on the other hand, has a more monotonous, dull approach.

This is regarding the recent article about the plans that the region of Waterloo has to move to the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) or the Light Rail Transit (LRT) in order to connect the tri-city area. As a first year environment and business student planning to live off-campus next year, a system like the LRT would make more sense both economically and environmentally. It would allow students to look for housing further away from the campus, which in turn would save money for students as real-estate further away from campus is much cheaper. In addition, if you look at the life span of a bus compared to a streetcar, the streetcar’s long run cost works out to be more cost effective for the money that must be used to employ such a system. Environmentally, it is also a very clean method of travel as these trains are powered by electricity and have become extremely efficient in the consumption of energy. Also, the energy that is needed to be generated can be taken from many green sources of energy, which the City of Waterloo is strongly working towards for public transportation. Many European cities like Dresden have an advanced electric streetcar system to connect the entire city; they do not even use a bus system as these streetcars have been extremely well-received by the public and are able to fit in places that buses could never maneuver. It has evolved such that people and these streetcars share the same area to walk and operate on. Granted it will take much more time and debate to finalize the situation, but every step we take is another in the right direction.

— Melinda Jem 2A honours arts

— Andrew Ebrahim 1B environment & business

Arguments lacking depth

To the editor,


Friday, February 9, 2007


What pick-up line has proven most successful for you? By Dinh Nguyen

“Your super-ego’s made by your father, your id’s laid by me.”

“Those pants look tight, how do you get in them?”

Katherine Oliver & Alisha Kocher

Lindsay Brennan & Tiffany Nogueira

4A arts and 2B English and drama

4B kinesiology and 2B recreation & leisure

“Nice belt, bet it looks good on the floor.”

“I’m not feeling myself tonight, can I feel you?”

1B polictical sciences

3B liberal arts

Neal Armstrong

“I lost my virginity... can I have yours?” Jenn Henderson and Martha Fallis 3B arts and environmental studies

“Was your dad a baker? Because you have nice buns.” Caitlin Everett

2B french teaching specialization

Katie Beatty

“If I were a fly I’d be all over you, because you’re the shit.” Luis Najera & Amy Howey

1B recreation & leisure and kinesiology

“I wish I were a derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves.” Brittany Harris & Benita Ong 2B arts and 3B Economics

1. Do it at Feb 13 through 15 5. Indian state 10. Tablespoon shorthand 14. Australian flightless birds 15. End of a sonata 16. Smidgeon 17. Dye with a colour 18. Main court proceedings 19. Rugged cliff 20. Gun range sport (2 wds) 23. Not yours 24. Casual pants 25. Closely fitting 28. Simple programming language 30. Lodging house 31. Slumber 32. U.S. Federal Police Agency 35. Russian nickname 36. Bedlam 37. Not yet twenty 38. Open wide! 39. Pinky’s cerebral partner 40. Jell-o container 41. King’s cap 42. Having arrogant superiority 43. Exotic flower genus 46. Italian car company 47. Brain expert 52. South American monkey 53.Disney’s Beauty and the Beast lead female 54. Russian communist Trotzky 56. Prolific British novelist 57. The hunter constellation 58. Danish tinker-toy 59. Wanna hear a secret? 60. Stops from nursing 61. Traditionally the first man


1. Animal doc 2. Leave out 3. Big fish 4. Female hormone 5. Blood vessel 6. Put into groups 7. Quick cut 8. Twelfth month of the Jewish year 9. Dark syrup 10. Tiny candy 11. Acid from boron 12. Organized pile 13. Parliamentary note-passers 21. Maritime bird 22. Trim your nails 25. Islam branch 26. Material ejecting star 27. 2002 Winter Olympics host 28. Inflamed sore 29.Archaic geological time division

31. The origin of the spirit of “why not” 32. Bitter quarrel 33. Telephone man 34. Nascar course 36. Powerful medieval weapon 37. Mexican staple 39. Spirited Italian soft drink 40. Castle ditch 41. The Pope’s prophet 42. Flax fabrics 43. Only the best beer is draft 44. NE French coronation city 45. Latin skin 46. Jailbird 48. Shroud 49. Upper hip bones 50. Plant ovule 51. Frat party costume 55. French name

Februrary 2nd Solutions


Features Imprint

An ama-‘zine feat

Brendan Pinto staff reporter

I walked into the kitchen of 267 Lester Street to find a table covered in boxes from Kinkos, unfolded pages and staplers, but most notably dozens of empty bottles of Lakeport Lager. I had just entered the Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) “getting-drunk-and-stapling party” with excited curiosity to find something I was not expecting. I first encountered JHR on the first of UW’s club days earlier in January. The Imprint booth was placed near theirs. Between my shameless efforts recruiting students for the publication I call home, I was compelled to strike up a dialogue with them. A brief conversation and a few laughs into our first meeting, they had convinced me to sign up for their mailing list. Following this, the various activities that keep students busy throughout the term unfortunately pushed the organization out of my mind, but only for a while. President Philippa Croome started the Waterloo chapter of JHR after travelling to Toronto for the Framework Foundation art auction, the mandate of which is to engage Canadians in their 20s and 30s to pick up a cause and support community development through volunteerism. Among the 40 different groups represented in the CBC building downtown, JHR was the organization that caught Croome’s eye. She and her friends have always been very passionate about human rights, but like many people her age, they had difficulty finding an outlet to express their concern for the state of the world. She is certainly not alone in her desire to help those in need. At their production night, I sat down to help fold papers and staple their inaugural issue. To say it was a quiet night would be a gross mischaracterization. As soon as I had walked through the door I was handed a beer and regaled with the story of the group’s trip to Kinkos. Apparently, editor-in-chief Ryan Johnson had “sweet-talked the dragon lady into giving them a 10 per cent discount” — the dragon


ad Jang


None are journalists first and foremost, but all are united in their dedication to human rights. lady named for the tales of dragon adventures she relayed to the group without prompting. Folding and stapling proceeded at a reasonable clip, even after the megaphone made an appearance and things degraded into using the squealing feedback to wake sleeping roommates. The megaphone-wielding Johnson, like Croome, is a political science major. Following Croome’s discovery of the organization last summer, the two of them, along with a couple other friends attended the Canadian JHR summit in Toronto. Four or five people from each of the over 20 chapters across North America assembled to learn how to run their organizations effectively and raise funds. A manual on how to start a management team and some ideas for moving forward helped to kick-start the group. The national organization (www. receives some federal funding for their work. Since its inception in May of 2002, JHR has run projects in 10 African countries and throughout North America. Within Africa, JHR works with local media organizations to reach 20 million people with human rights-related stories on a weekly basis. From the summit, members received T-shirts, buttons and some other materials to start their chapter. By the end of the summer of 2006, the inspired students were ready to begin their quest. In September they planned their first fundraiser, the “Speak Silence” campaign that ran in October. With the focus of raising AIDS awareness, they highlighted the 25 million people worldwide that have died of AIDS to date with four of the members taking a 25-hour vow of silence. The group was “amazed at the generosity the campus showed them,” raising over $800 with the campaign.

Half of this money was donated to the Steven Lewis Foundation with the remaining $400 used towards the production costs of their first ‘zine, Write the Wrong. Copies of this first volume can be found at the Turnkey desk, at the Orange Monkey and in Jane Bond. Croome and her friends form the core of the group. Coming from a range of backgrounds including political science, psychology, recreation and leisure along with various other disciplines, none are journalists first and foremost, but all are united in their dedication to human rights. Issues discussed in their articles range from Darfur to Guantanamo, both a movie and book review rounding off the ‘zine with “drunken rants from the basement.” Standing out for me the fateful night of my first encounter with the chapter, I remember corporate liaison and event co-ordinator Jeff Dineley donning a ‘Free Tibet’ T-shirt. The informal tone of my meeting with them was spirited. A theme of the night was ending their sentences with “… for human rights.” My favourite of them being Dineley’s “I’d screw Neve Campbell… for human rights.” Working through the stresses of December exams and writing throughout the month of January, JHR members laboured extensively on Write the Wrong. Initially they submitted their articles to Imprint but found this paper’s focus on local news and events kept the member’s submissions from being printed. Undaunted, the group gave birth to their own ‘zine, which has allowed them freer reign over the content they publish. See WORD UP, page 12

Friday, February 9, 2007 Features Editor: Ellen Ewart Features Assistant: Christina Ironstone

Interdisciplinary learning’s essential A few years ago, York University launched an aggressive ad campaign in the subways of Toronto. “Question every angle” was the theme of these ads, which presented a variety of common objects — a subway token, a chicken, a bottle of pills — through the diverse perspectives different professions might bring to the table. For the bottle of pills, for instance, one ad proclaimed: “A lawyer sees patent infringement. An economist sees a bullish market. A psychologist sees addiction.” The campaign was promoting York’s concurrent education program as well as its general commitment to interdisciplinary studies. Concurrent education is a term thrown around by a lot of universities these days, referring to any number of program plans that may require two specializations (with both carried either to degree or diploma), integrate teaching and learning environments for education students, or encourage diverse course selection as mandatory for the completion of any one degree. By these models the University of Waterloo might itself be seen as offering a brand of concurrent education through its co-op program, wherein students ideally apply what they’ve learned in classroom settings to real workplace environments. (In many cases, of course, co-op terms are instead spent doing menial desk jobs — a “real world” lesson unto itself.) But the difference between co-op and concurrent education is telling, especially when student attitudes to differing campus faculties are considered. Why does the image of a computer lab call up programmers first and foremost — why not an artist’s workstation, an environmentalist’s megaphone or a history student’s living archive of unfolding current events? As students, we use computer technology in a variety of

ways; why then do we allow archetypes more fitting for the 1970s, when computers were truly only the playgrounds of programmers and accountants, to persist in the 21st century? Moreover, the problem with coop, as a mentality, is that it places the interdisciplinary line between work and school terms, instead of within either. Engineering and computer science students are frequently so focused on gaining the skills that will allow them to answer technical questions in coop interviews, they don’t have time to explore different perspectives for their fields. And the real-world ramifications are often startling: engineering students often graduate with technological solutions for a world more and more desperate for socio-technological answers. The ethics of introducing machines to maximize production efficiency or to improve local access to basic resources, like clean water, must always consider the potential cost to community life. Meanwhile, the technological community as a whole recognizes new questions for scientific development. A 1998 article entitled “Engineering and the Crossroads of our Species,” from The Bridge, a journal of engineering and research thought, lists three questions in particular for scientists to take into consideration for the application of any technological solutions: the question of (maintaining) work, the question of uniform versus diverse community growth and the question of basic human compassion. Predicting the consequences of human advancement is never easy. There is no one course or internship opportunity that will ensure students of all specialties come away from university with a world-view diverse enough to tackle all the changing issues of our time. What’s needed, therefore, is more a shift in mentality: the University of Waterloo doesn’t need a formal interdisciplinary mandate in order to “question every angle” — our best and brightest should be doing that anyway.

When in Rome, drink up Russell Cole reporter

What better way to relax than at home or out with friends enjoying your favourite drink? In many students’ busy lives, a relaxing experience like this could make a person’s week! My favourite drink is a caesar. I fell in love with the celery-salted rim and the special mix of spice Creative and tang within the full body of clamato and ice. variations: Shooters Yes, it may seem extreme, but I’m sure many feel broth bouillabaisse the same way about their favourite drink. It’s a Quick (cold) shots With oysters matter between you and your taste buds. In a mussel base Caesars come in several styles and fashions in order to best suit the connoisseur. From the classic stick of celery, lime garnish, tabasco, worcestershire and vodka to a crunchy pickled bean and potent wasabi punch — caesars were truly created to enjoy. Christine Ogley

For full enjoyment see CAESAR, page 13


Friday, February 9, 2007


Chocolate love Baking your way to endless love

Did you ever wonder why chocolate is so popular, especially around Valentine’s Day? Chocolate is the traditional gift for a sweetie around February 14. Stores are packed with red and pink displays of chocolates varying in price and quality. Men and women alike celebrate by indulging in rich chocolaty desserts, making models of their genitals in chocolate, and by pouring chocolate sauce all over themselves for a lover to lick off — there must be something more to this holiday’s obsession with chocolate than just a candy industry scam to garner more business. Besides making us feel wonderful with all that sugar and caffeine (and fat), and the warm tinglies from receiving it as a Valentine’s gift — chocolate is chock full of other natural chemicals that promote even more lovely feelings and emotions. One of these chemicals is tryptophan (also found in red wine). The brain uses this nifty chemical to make a neurotransmitter called serotonin which does many things, including producing feelings of bliss and euphoria. Translation: Chocolate makes you feel good. If you’re single and feeling down about the holiday, this could be a very good reason to indulge on the 14th! Chocolate also increases our internal levels of another chemical, phenylethylamine (a.k.a “chocolate amphetamine”). Phenylethylamine stimulates the pleasure centres of the brain — it reaches peak levels in your body when you reach orgasm. It promotes feelings of attraction, excitement and giddiness. Translation: chocolate makes you physically excited. So if you’re looking to strengthen a physical bond with your honey this February, it might be a

better idea to say it with chocolate than with flowers. Chocolate also contains traces of the psychoactive chemical anandamide. This chemical targets the same receptors as tetrahydrocannabinol (the active ingredient in weed). Although normal serving sizes of chocolate don’t contain enough of this neurotransmitter to make people high, some neuroscientists, like Dr. Daniel Piomelli, suggest that people may still get a “high” from eating chocolate because it also contains two other chemicals that slow the breakdown of anandamide — prolonging its effect in the brain. Translation: chocolate makes you a little bit high. This could be why some people really hanker after chocolate sometimes. Or maybe it’s the sex that makes us crave a little chocolaty goodness. Dr. Andrea Salonia, an Italian researcher, found that women who eat chocolate regularly have higher levels of desire for sex, sexual arousal and sexual satisfaction. Dr. Salonia’s results also suggest that women who suffer from lower libidos and premenstrual tension may also enjoy a sexual benefit from eating chocolate. Translation: Chocolate might make you horny! Not only does chocolate potentially do all those nice and sexy things to your brain, but eating it can also affect your health. Studies done at Harvard University suggest that eating chocolate three times a month can prolong your life by almost a year. However, people who eat too much chocolate have a shorter life expectancy — because of the high fat content. But chocolate, especially dark chocolate, contains flavonoids (red wine does too), which prevent blood clotting and decrease the risk of heart disease. Translation: Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is kind of good for you, but don’t eat too much! Have a great Valentine’s Day — whether you are single or in a relationship, make sure you eat a piece of chocolate next week and everything will be alright.

Chocolate might make you horny!

Tiffany Li

Almond macaroons

sandwiched with strawberries With a crisp exterior and chewy centre, such warm tenderness will make you sigh with pleasure alongside your loved one as you savour each bite together. 1 1/4 cups confectioners’ sugar 1 1/2 cups (4 oz) sliced almonds finely ground, or almond flour 3 egg whites Pinch of salt 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract 2 pints of large strawberries, washed, stems hulled, and dried Confectioners’ sugar (for dusting)

1. Lovingly preheat the oven to 300°. Sift confectioner’s sugar into a bowl and whisk in almonds. Set aside. 2. Devotedly line two baking sheets with parchment paper or grease sheets well with oil or butter. 3. Gently put egg whites in a large bowl and beat with a whisk until foamy, then beat in salt then granulated sugar 1 tsp at a time, until medium soft peaks form. 4. Tenderly fold half of the almond mixture into the egg white mix until just incorporated. Fold in vanilla and remaining almond mixture until just incorporated. Tap the bottom of the bowl on the counter to eliminate any air pockets. 5. Sweetly transfer the mixture to a zip lock bag (this will be your pastry bag) and seal. Snip one end of the bag, and pipe large circles out, about 8-9 cm in diameter, ensuring that you have an even number of cookies for the sandwiching bit. 6. Affectionately bake, rotating sheets halfway through, until macaroons are slightly firm and can be gently lifted off (20-25 min). 7. Passionately transfer cookies to a wire rack to cool completely. 8. Fondly assemble and make the sandwiches. Place one cookie and line the edge with strawberries, and sandwich with another cookie. Dust tops with confectioners’ sugar.



Pick up lines: will they work or won’t they? Rather than risk statements that may be cringe-worthy, cooking or baking is a sure-fire way to win your (potential) sweetie over. My offering for this love-affair of a celebration is almond macaroons sandwiched between juicy, ruby-red strawberries. I know that these luscious fruits are out of season (peak freshness is usually from April through to July) and are a bit pricy, but I believe they are well worth the splurge for this amourous occasion. All 600 varieties of strawberries are marked by their characteristic leafy green tops, red flesh and canary yellow seeds. This heart shaped beauty is full of antioxidants, which serve to protect cell structures, as well as an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, a very good source of dietary fibre and a good source of potassium, folate. Strawberries have had a long love affair with many notables, including the ancient Romans and the Europeans in the middle-ages. At that time, cultivation techniques resulted in strawberries with a smaller size and neutral taste. It wasn’t until the 18th century that a French engineer came back from Peru and Chile with a larger-sized variation than those grown in Europe. He planted these foreigners in a field alongside the North American variety. By sheer chance, the two types naturally crossbred to create the sweet and plump strawberries we are familiar with today. Since then, its popularity flourished, as a treat for the wealthy. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century, with advancements in transportation, that strawberries could be shipped further distances and enjoyed by the masses. Today it is the most popular berry in the world.

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Friday, February 9, 2007

A cultural experience through food

NOTICE OF MEETING Imprint Publications, Waterloo is holding its

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING on Tuesday, Feburary 13, 2006 at 1:30 p.m. in room 2134 of the Student Life Centre 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1 THE PROPOSED AGENDA FOR THE MEETING IS AS FOLLOWS: 1. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS 2. PRESENTATION OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, 2005/2006 3. APPOINTING THE 2007/2008 AUDITOR 4. PRESENTATION OF THE 2007/2008 BUDGET 5. POLICY AMENDMENT RATIFICATION** 7. ELECTION OF THE 2007/2008 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 8. ADJOURNMENT ** Proposed policy amendments are available in the Imprint office, SLC room1116 Proxy forms are available in the Imprint office and are due by Monday, Feburary 12 at 3:00 p.m Letters of intent to run for Imprint’s Board of Directors should be submitted to Imprint’s president by Friday, Feburary 9 at 2:00 p.m.

Questions? Contact president Jeff Anstett by e-mail at, or by phone at (519) 888-4048

A selection of 100 is overdoing it. When I see such an ad I assume it’s a lie, there’s a lot of waste or food is getting reused. Fortunately for this restaurant, I didn’t get the impression that I was being fed last night’s entrées, but they should really change their ad as it only makes their decent selection seem miniscule. The dishes I recommend are the little spring rolls, the sweet and sour pork, the fried rice and, most importantly, the wonton soup. The soup was my favourite course because I was able to take as many wontons as I wanted and went back for seconds (and thirds). In this case, the “Canadian” portion of the buffet was limited and less developed. The stale and soggy French fries were the beginning and end of my sampling of food on that end of the buffet. I will chalk that up to our being the last ones served. One word of warning for those of you deep in student debt: the meal (depending on drinks and what you order) will be more than $10 and

when you order a root beer, it is a non-refillable can. Fortune cookies are free, however. It might be fun to grab a whole bunch and find some that contradict each other! I see this venue as a fun place for big groups (sports teams and pre-parties) and the evenings when you and your closest friend want to pig out and watch movies. Do not use it for a first date, however. If it got crowded, you wouldn’t be able to hear yourself speak and might get embarrassed when making your third trip up to the buffet. It is also one of the least romantic places I have ever been. That may be why they played the classical music. I will definitely go back (if only for the wonton soup). I recommend that you all make the journey. This restaurant has opened my eyes to the hidden gem that is Chinese-Canadian buffets. They are not flashy, they are not trashy. They are an experience all on their own that only a true Canadian could understand.

Word up: the great power of writing

Inspired by a variety of particular human rights causes, JHR’s Waterloo chapter has launched a new ship of activism into the waters of the UW community.

Continued from page 10

Interested writers are encouraged to e-mail the group for more information or submissions at Although there were hardships in getting articles done and having writers meet their deadlines, the work was eventually completed. Some members were worried about their writing ability but still found the confidence to put out the publication they had worked so hard on. All had found their own leads and covered what they could on international and local levels. In this first issue they were even given a submission from another campus group, the University of Waterloo International Health Development Association (UWIHDA), who wrote about their work with a Native Canadian

During a heated argument over the quality of a specific “Chinese” restaurant, my roommate made the claim that deep fried chicken balls are not a staple of any authentic Chinese cuisine — that they were invented by Chinese takeout restaurants in North America. I grudgingly admitted my ignorance and offered my whitewashed, cultureless heritage as a defence. For many, the term “Chinese-Canadian buffet” conjures images of unauthentic, greasy and heat lamped food. If you offer the explanation that “you can’t expect to combine such different forms and get away with it!” I ask you to define “Canadian food” as a distinct form, and refer to any encyclopedia for “fusion cuisine.” It can and has been done. Using the analogy that you cannot compare a McFlurry to crème brûlée, my lack of skills at separating authentic Chinese food and CanadianChinese food make me a fairly good judge. The experience will not be rated on its authenticity but rather on its own merits. Fascinated by the idea of a Chinese-Canadian buffet — it was my first time — I searched through the phone book for one that looked appetizing. I picked up my friend from work and we were off for a late evening dinner. I had done no prior research and had chosen a friend who shares my belief that a terrible experience is still worth having. Located at 1382 Weber Street East, Yeun Woo was a great experience

and I give it 3.5 out of 5 beers due to its stellar service and unique atmosphere. As it was fairly late at night, we were the only ones in the restaurant. On a regular night the décor would have been different but on that particular evening, the dining room had been decorated for a wedding. The East Asian-inspired décor was tackily emphasized by white sheer ribbons, pink ornaments and table centre pieces directly from a bridal magazine. Keeping in mind that I should not be evaluating authenticity, the décor provided interesting conversation and the same pseudointellectual questions about “Canadian culture” that we are all guilty of from time to time. The regular décor was overdone. Statues, pictures and fabric wall treatments looked strange interlaced between liquor bottles and did not belong when you are not even offered chopsticks. The dining room seats a large amount of people with lots of room but, in this case, I think more tables would make the room less vast and a better layout might make the experience more homey. There was music playing through the entire meal but I don’t think it matched anything about the evening. My untrained ear distinguished Bach and Beethoven. The music didn’t relax me or make me feel sophisticated. Above any other effect that it had, the music made the restaurant look as if it was trying (and failing) to be something that it wasn’t. The service was exquisite. Our waitress was fast, fun, friendly and informative. The menu looked decent but as I had heard so much about the buffet phenomenon, I chose to take a gander. The food was delicious but unfortunately the ad in the yellow pages made it seem to have more variety than it did. The ad stated that there were hundreds of dishes to choose from, but unless that included all of the dishes on the menu, I don’t know that they even made 100.

community. Future ambitions include coverage of this year’s Human Rights Conference. With a very loosely defined “management team” and a variety of students inspired by a variety of particular human rights causes, JHR’s Waterloo chapter has launched a new ship of activism into the waters of the UW community. In the tradition of what is essentially the definition of “grass roots,” this new publication strives to be a voice for the voiceless, to spark awareness and concern for the issues that can go overlooked. The tone of Write the Wrong is very personal and sometimes quite funny. More important than anything else, it’s a new voice in the chorus of campus publications, and will speak to UW students in a style all its own.


Friday, February 9, 2007

Caesars: a life-long love affair

Photo by Michael L. Davenport, Graphic by Mohammad Jangda

Continued from page 10

If you are just getting into the game, have no fear in finding the right caesar. Start simple. Find a bar that can provide you with a “classic caesar”. If they don’t know what this means, I recommend leaving the venue completely, as this lack of basic knowledge will most definitely be reflected throughout the rest of your dining or bar lounging experience. This begs the question for K-W residents: Where should we go to get the greatest selection and most reliable caesar? Where can we find the greatest selection? And is there any one particular person in this university town who can make them better than the rest? After much exploration involving two long days of caesar drinking and after trying as many caesars at hot spots in this city, I have come to a few conclusions: If you want the most classic of classic caesars in town that will never do you wrong, you must go to Failte Irish Pub. This true caesar is made by seasoned veterans and they are proudly able to answer several questions behind what makes their’s so special. As well, if you are looking for the best bang for your buck, you should check this venue out on Sunday nights, where you can find $2 caesars between 11 a.m. and 9 p.m. They are miniature versions of

their pre-designed masterpieces, but you can’t go wrong, as they have exactly what a true caesar-lover needs. As far as variety goes, you will be amazed with the selection of Caesar Martini’s as well as the Rude Native. Caesar Martini’s has a very good grasp on the different degrees of caesars and recognize that there are several people out there who may not necessarily want just the classic caesar. Caesar Martini’s offers tequila-infused caesars inspired from Mexico as well as a blistering hot and spicy drink to challenge those with the jalapeno mouth. The Rude Native is similar in its originality and takes it one step further. The only Wasabi-infused bean-garnished caesar I have ever found comes from the Rude Native. It’s not strong enough to make you cry and it still has the exquisite qualities of the traditional caesar while providing its magnificent array of flavour and satisfaction from the moment it hits your lips. And now the most intriguing question to answer. Who makes the best caesar? You do! You may not know it yet, but all you need are the ingredients and openness to explore, create and drink. We are all different. No one can know what our taste buds enjoy better than ourselves. Give it a shot — or make it a double. What’s the worst that could happen?


Sparking meaningful dialogue

We currently live in what I would like to term an age of encounter. I choose these words because it encompasses both the positive and the negative types of meetings between different cultures, religious traditions and political viewpoints. Our interactions with other people are no longer limited by geographic proximity, and the encounters between individuals and groups of different traditions will only become more numerous, more frequent and more engaging. Within each encounter lies an opportunity for discovery, but there is equal, if not greater, opportunity for misunderstanding. When these encounters turn sour, we end up with what used to be termed a “clash of cultures,”or what I have more recently heard called a “clash of ignorance.” In order to avoid the continuation of this “clash of ignorance” we must individually ensure that these situations of encounter are made into situations of dialogue. We must ensure that education prevails over misunderstanding. Inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue consists not only of ecumenical discussions between leaders of different traditions. It consists also of the daily interaction between peoples of different traditions: between roommates, between co-workers, between

friends, between lovers. My own household is one of my favourite examples of everyday dialogue. In our house, a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Pagan all add up to five awesome roommates, or to the perfect set up for a bad joke. What distinguishes these situations of dialogue from mere encounter is the conscious effort towards the discovery of similarities and towards the appreciation of differences. In our house, we plan to learn about and celebrate at least one holiday from each of our backgrounds. I admit that it is a small step in educating each other about our traditions, but at the risk of sounding trite, even the greatest journey begins with a small step. Small as the steps themselves are, the effect of the paradigm shift that accompanies these baby steps is immeasurable. Lately, it seems that defining ourselves is synonymous with highlighting the differences between ourselves and others. It is a pity that we crave the need for the distinction between “us” and “them,” as the primary basis for our own identity. Diversity is to be sought so that we may celebrate it, not so that we may divide over it. When we shift our thinking towards making that effort to inform ourselves about and appreciate the “other,” we make an effort towards establishing a common ground. This highlighting of the similarities between two groups of people makes for a strong foundation for dialogue. Admittedly, these are lofty ambitions, and at this point you are likely questioning the practical impact of this change in ideals. I answer you

Until there is an appreciation for the fact that we are all united by the experience of humanity, we will be unable to see that the goals of others have value. with this: conflict cannot help but exist when two groups of people have no appreciation for each others’ goals, for each others’ rights. Such a situation is one of ignorance. Until there is an appreciation for the fact that we are all united by the experience of humanity, we will be unable to see that the goals of others have value. I think Queen Rania of Jordan best summarized the point while on the Oprah Winfrey show last year, when she said: “Once you realize that others are like you, you want for them that which you want for yourself.” So I challenge our generation to seek the common ground between ourselves and our metaphorical neighbours, to engage each other in dialogue. It is through this dialogue that we may educate ourselves, so that encounter results in discovery, so that discovery results in appreciation, so that appreciation prevails over ignorance. — Rehana Rajabali

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Friday, February 9, 2007

Neal Moogk-Soulis staff reporter

Photos featured in Imprint on January 26, page 11, the Campus History Challenge featured a photo of the tunnel running between the Arts Lecture Hall (AL) and South Campus Hall (SCH). This psychedelic corridor was cut into when the Tatham Centre was built in 2001. The origins of the spiral are unknown, but perhaps a reflection of the 1962 to 1967 construction period for Modern Languages Building, AL, Environmental Studies 1 and SCH, all members of the network. The last pedestrian tunnels were constructed in 1971, connecting Chemistry 2 to Math and Computers Building. Subsequent construction favoured pedestrian overpasses. Most of the main campus buildings within the Ring UW Graphics, Maurice Green, 19700407 Road are connected by some means of passageway or tunnel. Generally, the science and engineering buildings are not connected to the arts buildings. For some, this can be frustrating. For others, this is merely a challenge. Connections were made if the budget allowed and if the connection made sense. This explains why Needles Hall and the Dana Porter Library are not connected to any other buildings. These buildings, when they were built, were primarily administrative buildings rather than academic buildings. An obvious connection between SCH and Douglas Wright Engineering was likely omitted due to the administrative nature of the SCH basement. There are some orphans on campus. For instance, the Applied Health Sciences buildings were too far away from other academic buildings, and East Campus Hall was inherited after it was built. As the campus fills in, future connections Mohammad Jangda will likely be made. The impending nanotech

UW Graphics, Maurice Green, 19770323

building grafts onto each of the neighbouring buildings. Even though the general public can’t get between all the buildings, every building on the main campus is connected through an underground tunnel to the General Services Complex (GSC). The boilers within the GSC provide steam heating and serves as an utilities hub. In the winter you can see the tunnels leading to the villages because the snow always melts there first. More than 15 years ago an enterprising student mapped these secret tunnels. In the early 1990s students surreptitiously exploring the tunnels was a minor trend for students stuck at UW late at night. Exploring the service tunnels is no longer possible. A combination of gates, security cameras and improved locks makes midnight sojourns impossible.

Do you recognize this area of campus? If you can describe this location, its purpose and take a picture of what it looks like today, e-mail features@imprint. Selected responses will be printed in upcoming issues.

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ELECTION 2007 What’s Inside

Candidate interviews

Political analysis

Senator comments



Friday, February 9, 2007

Why you should give a damn about the Federation of Students’ election “ “

Judging from the last two people to hold the office, you might think it’s the job of the VPI to anger the Women’s Centre, but that’s not actually in the position’s mandate.

It’s no secret that a good number of students on this campus believe that the Federation of Students is irrelevant. However, Feds does affect you. Read on, and I’ll tell you how former President John Andersen saved you $10. One of the most important functions of Feds is to act basically as the sugar-daddy for all of the student societies. Science society, math society, applied health sciences undergraduate members — even though they all have their own student fees, their money passes through Feds first. One of the side effects is that if the vice-president administration and finance in a particular year happens to suck, it’ll take forever for those student societies to get their money. But then keep in mind that those people have to turn around and give that same money to other people! Under the science society you have groups like the physics undergraduate club and the biology undergraduate society. Under the arts student union you have such groups as the psychology society and sociology society. If money takes forever to move through the top levels, then these other societies, the ones

closest to you, won’t get their money for a long time. If there’s no money, it’s difficult to hold events. For instance, in fall of 2005 noted Imprint columnist Brendan Pinto had a $900 charge on his credit card simply because the physics undergraduate club had no money to run its traditional student-prof night. That term, under VPAF Carmen Lam, that particular society did not receive its funds until November. That wasn’t money trickling down to us: that was just us getting pissed on. So it’s important to elect a good VPAF. Judging from the last two people to hold the office, you might think it’s the job of the VPI to anger the Women’s Centre, but that’s not actually in the position’s mandate. It is supposed to be their job to “work towards assuring that the University of Waterloo provides an environment wherein its members can pursue personal and social growth as well as academic excellence.” But I’m sure you’ve heard enough about that this week. The vice-president education, among other things, acts as our liaison to the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations. Those are both lobby groups, for the provincial government and federal government, respectively. While not as powerful as say, the tobacco lobby, they’re still pretty good. For instance, in 1995 they lobbied the Ontario government to create an Ancillary Fee Protocol. Basically, it was a move to prevent universities from circumventing tuition caps

by imposing arbitrary fees. Which brings me to how Andersen saved you $10... It’s up to Feds to hold the university accountable whenever they try to pull a fast one on the students. In the summer of 2005, the Registrar’s Office, represented by Kenneth Lavigne, tried to impose a $10 “non-tuition related ancillary fee” for every full-time undergrad student. The $10 would replace currently incidental fees for things like official transcripts, and “To Whom it May Concern” letters. However, this fee, by Lavigne’s own admission, “would go to general revenue line of the university. This might be used to offset other costs that the university might have had that they lost money on.” Also, it was felt by council at that time that the university was trying to circumvent the student body’s right to consultation on new fees. Remember the Ancillary Fee Protocol? Yes, lobbying is sometimes good for something. A weak president could have rolled over, played dead, kowtowed to the university’s whims. But Andersen didn’t — he questioned the very legality of arbitrarily imposing this fee. In the end, his council brought the issue to referendum, where it was defeated in roughly a 2:1 ratio by the students. The university certainly didn’t have a case for the fee after that. So even if you aren’t involved in clubs or societies, you still pay tuition. Every time you think Feds doesn’t affect you at all, please try to recall that Feds saved you $10 a term.

Peter Trinh

Senate candidates vie for your votes Senate — Math

The University of Waterloo Senate is responsible for establishing educational policies for the university including admission standards, policies concerning the qualifications of faculty members, curricula of all courses of instruction and co-ordination of long-range academic planning. Student senators represent the students by lobbying the university administration for change.

Representing the math faculty and its students as the university undergoes the implementation of the ambitious Sixth Decade Plan calls for a candidate who is similarly daring and decisive. I urge the student body to come out and vote on February 13 for the right candidate.

— Eric Diep

I feel I’m well qualified to represent you because of my experience as director of the mathematics endowment fund and the computer science curriculum committee, as well as numerous other clubs and activities. I am knowledgeable about the workings of the university, and hope to actively represent your interests.

— Morgan Grainger

My name is Aly Sivji and I’m running for math senator. If elected, I will make sure the views of math students are well represented in the senate. I will also create a blog, which will be updated after each senate meeting, to keep students informed on senate issues. — Aly Sivji

Senate — Applied Health Sciences “As the highest academic body at the university, I think the senate should be comprised of dedicated and responsible student representatives. If elected, I will make sure the actions I take as

e d i t o r i a l

s t a f f

senator are a direct reflection of the opinions of AHS students, not my own.”

— Jenna van Draanen

Senate — Arts “Arts undergraduates need strong and experienced student representation on Senate if they want to have a positive influence on the management of their academics. Experience is what I believe makes me the best candidate for arts senator; two years as arts councillor, Feds director, student ambassador, student life 101 co-ordinator, SLC management board member, one year as Arts Student Union VP Communications, and volunteer co-ordinator for UW Day and Campus Day.” — Steven Hayle

“Do you know what Senate is? Do you know what an arts senator does? How do senate decisions affect you? If elected, I will open up the lines of communication and listen to your input. Let me speak for you. Let me be your voice.”

— Lu Jiang

The policies and impact of the senate are farreaching, for both students and the community at large. My primary obligations, as your representative, would be to communicate effectively your wishes, advocate passionately for your dreams, and to emphasize strongly that your investment in education should never depreciate.

— Steve Ryder

e l e c t i o n

Senate — At Large “I am the current Feds vice-president administration and finance and with my extensive experience in student government, familiarity with issues important to students and the working relationships already established with many members of senior administration, I believe that I am the best candidate for senator-at-large.” — Renjie Butalid

Senate needs to have a representative that listens to students’ concerns, and speaks for them. UWaterloo should shape its educational policies around what students actually want, and pay attention to US, tuition-paying undergraduate students before the great and bold “Sixth Decade Plan”. Vote for Keith Chan because he cares.

— Keith Chan

If elected I plan to represent you, and try to implement your ideas. I also believe that we are ill-prepared for the challenges of the 21st century, so I will push for the reform of undergraduate curricula. I would love to hear your feedback, and for more information on my platform visit

— Mohamed Farid

Shahnawaz Ali (applied health sciences senate candidate), Jeffrey Aho and Spencer McEwan (both engineering senate candidates) did not reply before press time.

2 0 0 7

Lovingly assembled by Suzanne Gardner, Michael L. Davenport, Mohammad Jangda, Shawn Bell, Neal Moogk-Soulis, Darren Hutz, Peter Trinh, Ellen Ewart, Duncan Ramsay, Kirill Levin and Margaret Clark. Cover by Angelo Florendo All candidate photos by Michael L. Davenport


Friday, February 9, 2007

Candidates for president


At the best of times, your Federation of Students’ president strives to be the most well-known and easily recognizable person on campus — attending graduation ceremonies, faculty balls, student campaigns and even the reopening of local pubs. This level of visibility is not achieved for its own sake; the Feds president must necessarily be a very public figure, because the president’s very presence stands for more than the individual: it also stands for a united student voice. This is voice is especially important because the Feds president is the student body’s collective spokesperson in all dealings with the University of Waterloo administration, senate and board of directors. The student president is the loudest, strongest student advocate within the university system.

Michelle Zakrison

Kevin Royal

Tim Alamenciak editor-in-chief

Michael L. Davenport

Presidential incumbent Michelle Zakrison wants to use her experience to further alreadyestablished relationships and see the U-Pass issue through to the end. When asked to sum up her platform in one sentence, Zakrison replied: “I think our team has the experience to know which ideas will work, and which won’t, and by focusing on the ones that will work we can accomplish practical change that will improve UW.” Feds communication — particularly their website — plays a significant role in Zakrison’s campaign. The current website, as well as other marketing and promotions material, drew Zakrison’s ire. “The old website was better,” she said. “Information was easier to find.” Zakrison emphasized the need for interactive modes of communication, particularly the website and Facebook, rather than relying on posters. Zakrison hopes to upgrade the Feds website again — the third upgrade in two years. She noted that the current executive has already met with one company and plans to meet with another in order to find the best option for the Feds website. “We’re going to check out a few web development companies and see which one would work best for us,” she said. She called the marketing department “fragmented,” citing a termly turnaround of volunteers as the cause. Zakrison plans to reach out to Cambridge through the current Architecture students’ society, engaging them in a dialogue on the services provided. “Senior admin are often making decisions on satellite campuses without considering the implications to the satellite campus,” said Zakrison. When asked why she should be voted in for another round, Zakrison cited her experience as the number one thing driving her. “A new person can learn a committee — the learning curve is huge — but they can’t develop the relationships I’ve already established being a councillor and Feds president,” she said.

Kevin Royal’s biggest campaign promise is one of the oldest of all: updating the Feds website. However, he wants to do more than just update the website. He wants to renovate it to create “FedsPulse,” a site through which Feds could podcast, post videos and host a student forum. He has made this his top priority. “The biggest thing is having regular content. That’s what’s wrong with the Feds website now. The students who visited it today are seeing the same content as students who visit it last week[…] It’s just building a new mentality about the website where we’re going to have new content for you, and you’re going to be excited about Feds,” explained Royal. When asked what he would do to get students to actually use FedsPulse he said, “To promote FedsPulse, there would be a very exciting launch, in the manner which The Crew [a marketing initiative founded and funded by Feds in the fall of 2004] operated and there’ll be excitement.” Royal noted that his large emphasis on updating the Feds website and implementing FedsPulse does not mean he wishes to eschew in-person communication. Royal’s other big platform planks are centred around branching Feds away from the SLC and strengthening presence in arts and engineering, as well as increasing presence on the architecture campus, located in Cambridge. He’s also big on increasing presence in residences and getting first-year students involved. “The bottom line,” said Royal, “will be that students in first year will know about Feds, and be excited about Feds. And that will change the culture, the way that people look at the Federation of Students.” When asked about his specific plans for architecture, Royal responded: “One thing I would like to do would be to have sort of rotating services so that they’re able to make use of all the resources that GLOW and the Women’s Centre and CRT are able to provide. Also building a closer relationship with their student society.” Royal said that he would differ from his predecessor: “I’m not scared of the battles

staff reporter

Zakrison also plans to continue her town hall meetings, a monthly affair that features the Feds executives chilling in the SLC and answering questions from students. She plans to add society executives to the list of movers and shakers ready to answer all students’ questions. “I think it was really useful when councillor [Kate] Daley came out. She was answering all the questions students had like, ‘Why are you voting the way you’re voting?’ It helped them reach out to their decision-makers,” she said. Zakrison’s efforts on the U-Pass will continue. While she claims objectivity, a source close to Zakrison reported to Imprint that she promised environment and resource studies frosh, “I will get you a universal bus pass.” “Last year, I campaigned on having a referendum every three or four years for ancillary fees. It depends on what students want — it could include Imprint, CKMS, WPIRG but also societies,” she explained. The impetus behind a system like this is to allow the Yes and No sides to effectively voice their opinions on the issue. Zakrison intends to establish 10 longterm goals to be accomplished by 2010. She would present the plan to council to have it adopted and maintained throughout the duration. “Year-to-year, only so much change can be made.”

Adam Schubert Tim Alamenciak editor-in-chief

Presidential candidate Adam Schubert wants to leave his mark with the whole student body — but with first year students in particular. He wants to establish a good reputation for Feds, saying that “Feds doesn’t have a bad reputation; they have no reputation.” In order to accomplish this, Schubert intends to open up Feds to students, offering more positions. He lauded the FedsPulse idea and other ambitions to improve the website, but expressed a desire to focus on in-house development. “We have a very technological campus. I’m sure we could find one or two experienced people to work on the website,” he said. Schubert was unclear as to whether this position would be paid or volunteer. Schubert intends to make the web developer position a permanent one, allowing for continual improvements to Feds’ online presence.

When asked how he would improve on the work of his predecessor Schubert simply replied, “To improve on her work is impossible. Michelle [Zakrison] was disappointing.” He said she campaigned for a great deal of change, but lacked follow-through. When asked to explain his platform in one sentence, Schubert replied, “Bringing an action-oriented mindset and accountability to the student body government.” Schubert talked about the importance of interaction with societies: “Societies have e-mail lists of their members. Why doesn’t Feds use those e-mail lists to reach out to students?” In the department of team building and management, Schubert pulls no punches. When asked what actions he would take if a fellow executive were under-performing, Schubert replied, “I would demand accountability.” He also said he would plan in advance and have a serious conversation with the executive, noting that there are provisions for a by-election. He said, “I would push my points.” As for the U-Pass, Schubert called it a “service to some and a disservice for others.”

that we lose, I’m scared of the battles that we’re not fighting.” Those battles include the tuition problem: engineering students paying engineering tuition for arts courses. Where an arts student pays $450 to take a class like Psych 101, an engineer would pay the engineering tuition rate for the same class: $750. Royal stated that he updated his platform from his presidential run last year based on feedback from students, “We’ve built our platform in the same manner in which we would govern. Prior to running I contacted over 200 students on this campus, and solicited feedback on what’s important to them.” Royal, currently being a don, is big on getting first year students involved in Feds and “identifying young student leaders.” He’s talked to other dons and residence council (the body primarily made up of first year students in residence) about his idea, but whenever asked whether he approached anyone on the UW administration side of residence, he said, “You pick your battles. And when you pick those battles, you build a relationship where there’s a give and take. We can’t be giving in on absolutely everything […] You build a relationship where there’s open communication. […] Everyone wants Waterloo to rank well, everyone wants to have a positive experience here.”

“It has been bumbled for a long time,” he said. “I would take my mandate from the referendum and do the legwork for what the students want.” With the U-Pass potentially adding another ancillary fee to tuition statements, some students are already brewing up solutions. Schubert noted one student who is investigating making ancillary fees optional at the outset of payment. “If students want this,” he said, “You can count on me to lobby for it.” Such a system would require the co-operation of Feds, administration and PeopleSoft — the contracted company responsible for Quest. Schubert’s desire to establish a reputation for Feds extends beyond the main campus. “The lines of communication [with Cambridge] have been severed. [Fixing them] comes down to communication.” Schubert mentioned the need for a student society at the upcoming School of Pharmacy and stressed increased communication with the Waterloo Architecture Students Association (WASA).



Friday, February 9, 2007

Let’s have some fun with this election thing! 1



Throughout the campaign, Imprint caught candidates in some remarkably candid moments — now it’s your turn to caption them. Visit to submit your thoughts on what’s really going on in these shots.



The real presidential debate

Friday, February 9, 2007





Friday, February 9, 2007

Candidates for VPED An executive position on the Federation of Students, the vice-president education is an amalgamation of two former positions: vice-president external affairs and vice-president academic. The VP external represented Feds on two government lobby groups, the Ontario University Students Association (OUSA) and the Canadian Academic Students Association (CASA), while the VP academic position represented the academic interests of the students of UW. The existing VPED position also strongly supports the interests of UW students in co-op. In this role the VPED advocates for students undergoing academic offence appeals in the co-op process. The VPED also continues the duties of the old VP external in lobbying the government to keep tuition rates down and offer further financial aid for students in need.

Jonah Levine Shawn Bell staff reporter

Jonah Levine spent two years as UW’s Canadian Academic Students Association (CASA) ambassador. As that position falls under the leadership of the vice-president education (VPED) Levine knows what to expect if he gets elected. “When I’m in office,” Levine said, “I don’t have any grand dreams of being able to do the whole job 100 per cent. [But] the legacy I want to leave is that, because students are engaged in the job, all things can be done 100 per cent.” When asked to define his platform in one sentence, Levine summed up this idea: “I want to get students engaged in the job of VP education,” he said, “so that the VPED does their job better.” Team Yellow is running on a “Student Engagement Program.” Levine has his own, two-part version to fit into the VPED portfolio. The first part plans to get more volunteers to help the VPED do his job. “That’s reaching out to people to sit on the committees that VPED works with,” Levine said, “and getting them to be a cohesive group of people.” The second part is using those people to collect student feedback on the issues, that are, Levine says, tuition, academic quality and co-op. Levine’s well aware of the overwhelming amount of tasks awaiting the VPED. But, for

him, the focus rests on-campus: “I want to slice off a little of the time I would be denoting to external affairs and use it to work with students on their issues. I want to prioritize phone calls and e-mails from students, and I want to be there, in the office, for them.” “External has been such a huge part of the job; I want to make it more even,” Levine said. “To give you a concrete example, past execs have played a large role in either OUSA or CASA; they’ve run for the board of directors. I want to be a strong voice for UW student interests at the tables of OUSA and CASA, but I don’t think taking that extra leadership role helps Waterloo students.” To reach his vision of student engagement, Levine plans to change the positions around the VPED. “When I was CASA ambassador,” he said, “there was too much of me telling students what’s going on and not enough of me asking students what should be happening. I want to change that.” “The idea,” Levine concluded, “is that over the course of a term I’ll build a trusting relationship with key people. I’ll have them learn more about my job, have them sit on committees with me and start doing lower-level tasks. I’m the executive that you’re electing; I have to lead and have the vision. The buck stops here. But for the lower level tasks, I want to pass it on to people I trust.”

Stuart Hastings Shawn Bell staff reporter

Stuart Hastings is currently the co-ordinator of the Government Affairs Commisions (GAC). That position is under the leadership of the vice-president education (VPED), so Hastings knows what to expect if he is elected. “I’ve talked to a lot of Feds execs over the four years,” Hastings said. “I’ve been thinking of running since day one. They always tell me, 90 per cent of your time is doing the job and keeping your head above water.” When asked to define his platform in one sentence, Hastings said, “I want the issues that are most important to students here at UW fought for, rigorously, in the provincial and federal lobby organizations, OUSA [Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance] and CASA [Canadian Alliance of Student Associations].” Those issues, he said, are lower tuition and getting tax rebates for common student expenses. “The government, in the last budget, introduced tax breaks for textbooks, which affects all of us,” he said. “The upcoming federal and provincial elections are absolutely pivotal. I think that we can do something about tuition costs. And if we can get students engaged in both those elections, it will go a long way towards exercising civic duties on campus.” Though he understands that priorities must be made, Hastings said he would go into the job splitting time equally between the three sections of VPED.

“I’d like to spend a lot of time in academics and with CASA and OUSA. However, I think co-op is rising as an issue; I think people are becoming more disenfranchised with the co-op process.” “I see the academic job,” he said, “as one of talking to students about their concerns. The VPED is the primary role — if you have an issue, you need somebody who will fight for you. I see a lot of meetings, a lot of organizing and working to represent this huge group of students with such a diverse interest, for provincial and national lobby organizations.” A VPED has the option to run for the board of directors of either OUSA or CASA. When asked if this was a goal, Hastings said, “I do not plan on [running for either board], but if the opportunity arose, I would not rule it out.” Hastings lost in the Feds presidential race last year; he claims to have learned from that campaign. “This time,” he said, “I’m running as an independent. We’re getting animosity in Feds, because we have these people who spend a month of heated running against each other. Then we throw them into office together and expect them to reach consensus on these priorities. So I thought, I’m going to run as an independent, and I’ll have no animosity towards whoever gets into office. We’ll have no negative energy from the election and we can hit the ground running to try and build a consensus and start working on the priorities of students.”

Friday, February 9, 2007



Candidates for VPAF

The Federation of Students vice-president of administration and finance is perhaps as visible a position as that of the Feds’ president. This is because, as the very title suggests, VPAF deals with the financial details of the Feds organization — details that must be open and transparent for students to trust their elected body. To this end, the VPAF manages the Feds annual budget and arranges human resources training and assistance for Feds employees. The VPAF is also charged with ensuring that said employees are recognized and respected for the work that they do. In this way, the VPAF ensures smooth working relationships between Feds employees, which goes a long way to ensuring that Feds is operating as a smooth and unified whole to serve student interests. The VPAF’s tasks are not just internal matters, however: the VPAF is also expected to help student clubs and campaigns with their budgeting, so students need to elect someone they feel would be a good aid to any and all student groups on campus.

Del Pereira Tim Alamenciak editor-in-chief

Del Pereira, long-time Federation of Students employee, brings years of experience to the table. His platform is geared towards enhancing current Feds businesses. “I want to turn Fed Hall into a premiere venue,” he said. Pereira is focused on operating Fed Hall as a banquet hall more than anything else. He briefly mentioned constructing a two-tiered catering menu: lower prices for on-campus bookings and regular prices for everyone else. In addition to focusing on the venue’s catering ability, Pereira hopes to begin amortizing renovations. “Federation Hall is projected to lose $100,000 this year due to a multitude of events we’ve run. However, food operations and catering in 2005/06 lost $35,000 but this year we are breaking even.” The Bombshelter Pub also gets the hey-ho from Pereira. He hopes to increase the capacity on Wednesday and Saturday by 60 to 80 people. “There are about 200 to 300 people waiting in line on a Bomber night. It would be great if we could get those people inside,” said Pereira. The current capacity of Bomber is 380 people. According to Pereira, the university administration is trying to decrease the number of people in Bomber on Wednesday and Saturday, regardless of liquor license laws. Pereira intends to fight this, if elected. Additionally, Pereira’s plans for the freshlyrenovated Bombshelter Pub include spreading Bomber fare throughout the campus by supplying food to the society C&Ds.

As for the Bomber service, which can objectively and safely be compared to pouring frozen molasses, Pereira wants to improve it. With two years of experience in the role of kitchen supervisor at Bomber, he plans to use his experience to implement these changes while ensuring speedy service. If elected, Pereira’s term would see the renovations to Aussies come to fruition. Current vice-president administration and finance Renjie Butalid initiated the plan to move Aussies up from down-under. Pereira proposes to turn Aussies into a onestop location for the hungry student. He would have the inventory of Aussies expanded to sell eggs, bread, produce, meat, coffee, soup, salads and sandwiches. “I think there’s a need for them due to the fact that we have so much housing around campus, such as WCRI, UW Place and Mackenzie King Village where students have their own kitchens,” said Pereira. While Pereira is focused on expanding the healthy aspects of Aussie’s inventory, he intends to alter the way Aussie’s sells cigarettes. “Aussies would still sell cigarettes, but they would be kept under the counter,” he said. Aussies contract with cigarette suppliers will expire in one year, just in time for Pereira to take the reigns on renewal. He intends to put it to referendum and find out what the students want. VPAF candidate Del Pereira boiled his platform down to one sentence: “My platform comes from internal experiences — seeing the business from the inside.”

Arthur Chan Darren Hutz staff reporter

“I think that the Federation of Students is doing amazing things now, just not enough people feel the attachment to it,” vice-president administration and finance hopeful Arthur Chan said. He arrived for his interview garbed all in black but for the signature scarf of this year’s Team Yellow and expounded his ideas for the next Feds executive: “I want to tear down those barriers in the culture of Feds right now and turn it into something more exciting.” Part of Team Yellow’s platform includes the creation of FedsPulse. Chan clarified, “we want to revamp and what it does […] We want to use the same principles as Facebook: any time you go on, there’s always something new going on — new content at least on a daily basis.” Among other potential content for FedsPulse, Chan mentioned a Feds Census to be filled out each term that would help to detect trends in opinion on issues like the bus pass. “Say hip hop is going down, and rock’s going up, so let’s bring in more rock [at Bomber]. Or say rock is going down and hip hop is going up, let’s bring in more hip hop. Maybe students want to see so-and-so […] Through FedsPulse we can obtain student input right away.” But what would changes to mean to admin and finance? Chan explained, “as the VPAF you are in charge of entertainment on campus, among other things. The marketing ability of FedsPulse could potentially reach all 20,000 students.” Chan thinks

that the website would increase student interest in its government particularly for first years, “as a don, I see firsthand the lack of interest from my first years [...] We need to work on some way to include this ginormous population of first-year students. If you can touch that 2,500 or so, you can make any event successful.” He believes that once you get the interest of one generation of first-years, that interest will be contagious. “It will become this overlapping excitement generation machine.” Ticket, drink and used book sales are bread and butter for any VPAF — although Chan wants Feds to sell more of the tickets and drinks and be less dependent on used books. “Used bookstore is making about 10 per cent profit. I’m looking at a plan to reduce that profit from 10 per cent to between 5-10 per cent. I want to bring all of the businesses closer to breaking even.” But he doesn’t intend to take any drastic risks: “You need to make sure that Fed Hall is sustainable.” What would a VPAF candidate be without a plan for Fed Hall? Chan thinks that if we make it easier for student groups to use it, income will follow. “Societies are allowed one booking of Fed Hall a term […] but Fed Hall isn’t always being used. [Groups like] FASA and CASA throw enormous events — successful events. Why can’t we let them use it when they want to?” Chan also intends to implement a 15-minuteor-free Bombshelter lunch.



Friday, February 9, 2007

Candidates for VPI

The vice-president internal might be the most familiar Feds face for many student clubs. Supervising the clubs director, the VPI approves new clubs, club event venues and funding for special events or student campaigns. Managing the Student Life Endowment Fund, the VPI also serves as the student liaison to all of the university colleges, faculty societies and councils for other student residences — both on and off campus. It is also in the VPI’s job description to initiate non-academic campaigns — namely, those campaigns that respond to student concerns, reflect student interest in timely events or otherwise pertain to bettering student community life. The VPI also manages and co-ordinates Feds volunteers, while creating or maintaining good working relationships with community services on campus.

Darcy Higgins

Faraz Warsi

Tim Alamenciak editor-in-chief

Michael L. Davenport

Darcy Higgins wants to bring a stronger sense of community to the University of Waterloo. Running on the Team eX ticket, Higgins’ experience plays a big role in his platform for the position of vice-president internal. Higgins leaves a trail of clubs and initiatives in his wake. He founded the UW Farm Market, UW Campus Greens and was a co-ordinator for UWSP, among other things. With an intimate understanding of club operations, Higgins brought forth one curious idea: turning the MSA, or perhaps other religious clubs, into a service. “Services are a stronger place than a club and the MSA provides many things in a similar fashion to a service,” Higgins said. “We would need to find a balance, but at least this starts a discussion.” Higgins said that “services are a stronger place than a club.” Furthermore, Higgins hopes to increase effective communication with services by maintaining constant contact and working with service co-ordinators. When asked what he would have done with the Women’s Centre name-change scenario, Higgins said he would have sat down with them earlier and acted as a bridge to Feds. The repercussions of the name change include finding the resources to redesign a logo and the money to execute a full-on logo change. When asked to sum up his platform in one sentence, Higgins replied, “Students should be represented strongly by myself to Feds and the administration.” The notion of doing a services review has popped up in past platforms and is the perogative of the VPI. Higgins noted that former VPIs Lawrence Lam and Sai Kit Lo both took different approaches to the services review. Higgins intends to focus on how services could best support students and how Feds can best support services, mentioning that there is a degree of flexibility in its execution.

Faraz Warsi is all about clubs increasing their exposure and trading ideas through his ticket’s proposed FedsPulse, which he implied was his number one priority. “My team goal, and my personal goal, is about reaching to students, connecting with students, and therefore, improving relationships with students.” He also parroted Kevin Royal’s thought that the Federation of Students is too centralized in the SLC. “Instead of people coming to the SLC, to the Federation of Students, why doesn’t the Federation of Students go to the people?” He mentioned the possibility of having clubs day in engineering or residence in addition to hosting a clubs day in the SLC. He states that this idea is backed by talking to friends, members of clubs, and first year students. Warsi wants badly to engage the first year students. “From my experience, in my first year, I got into the Feds in second year. I’m thinking it’s a waste of a year. By the time [students] realize what the Federation of Students has to offer, it might be too late. They might be just graduating or finishing up courses.” One of the things Warsi wants to accomplish while in office is to bring in a part-time services co-ordinator, to complement the already-existing clubs co-ordinator. “I’ve talked to a couple of the services, and they say communication between the VPI and the services is just brutal. … From what I understand from the current VP Internal, it’s a heavy day.” He went on to explain that a potential services coordinator could report to him on a daily or weekly basis, thus lightening his load and allowing him to do more. When asked how he’d pay for the extra staff, he replied, “We want to be known as a fiscally responsible team, where...cutting down expenses like professional development.” Warsi went on to state that he believes that the exec spends too much time in personal development, considering they’re only elected for a year-long term. Warsi has repeatedly promised that he will be at every single society meeting to help keep

staff reporter

Higgins’ desires for extensive communication between Feds and students are backed by a plan. “I would activate the Campus Communication Committee as a task force to go talk to students and plan for better change in Feds,” he said. Higgins also mentioned the Yellow ticket’s FedsPulse idea as a potentially good idea to improve communication. Higgins emphasized that he would talk to students to find out how to best get their attention. In the realm of funding, Higgins would seek to improve accessibility. Feds currently periodically advertises the various sources of student funding available through ads in Imprint and poster campaigns. Higgins would set firm deadlines for applications and make the process more transparent. His number one ambition for his term in office would be to encourage a more artistic and creative campus. Higgins hopes to accomplish this by using the arts council to get input from students and tapping the fine arts department for talent. Given Higgins’ past experience with UWSP and other sustainable ventures, voters can be sure that his time in office will place some focus on the sustainability of UW. “I will work for a sustainable campus,” he said.

Nhu Nhat Nguyen Neal Moogk-Soulis staff reporter

Nhu Nhat Nguyen would consider his tenure as vice-president internal a success if there were no major issues or controversies: “I would have done my job.” He isn’t looking for glory or fame. “I don’t need credit, I just want to get the job done. If people don’t complain, I’ve done my job.” If he could describe his campaign in one sentence, it would be this: “I’m committed to doing whatever it takes to make the majority of the students happy on campus.” Nguyen concurs that there were problems with his predecessor. “The leadership and the commitment was not there. There were some things that were not done properly, for instance there was no Societies Day earlier this term.” Nguyen’s goal is to split his time evenly between the societies, clubs and services to make sure that everyone gets equal time. He said, “A big part of the VPI job is doing the

little things that people don’t see but that make all the difference.” Nguyen doesn’t have any experience working with previous VPI Sai Kit Lo, but did speak with him before the campaign period started to share with him his priorities. “Sai Kit’s biggest tip was to make sure that my platform was more concrete, which I didn’t agree with. I want to run on my own terms.” Lo also had some ideas for continuing initiatives that he had campaigned on last year. Nguyen thinks that apathy is the biggest thing that Feds has to deal with on campus. At the same time, it is difficult to address. Nguyen explained, “We can work with athletics, we can work with the alumni, we can work with UW, we can work within Feds, but there is only so much you can do. You can’t force school spirit on people.” On the issue of the number of clubs on the campus, he thinks that that’s a good thing: “To have this diversity shows people that the university cares about their individuality, which is nice.” Nguyen sees the VPI role as that of a coordinator than anything else. For that reason, he doesn’t believe that the VPI needs to have

him informed of the goings-on on campus. Of Tim Alamenciak’s February 2 Imprint column on Sai Kit Lo, published on page 8, Warsi said, “I think some of those criticisms were exaggerated … but I see a lot of issues people have with Sai Kit, therefore I am going to do things differently. But there are things a lot of people do appreciate about Sai Kit: for example, I’ve heard he’s a really good listener.” When asked of his opinion regarding Lo making the IFC and IAC mailing lists private, Warsi replied, “I can understand why he did that, but personally I think it should be more public, because students need to know what the IFC, IAC are doing, so questions don’t arise later and cause problems in the future. But, as a personal opinion, I’ll definitely want those mailing lists open.” Warsi frequently cites The UW Crew as one of his sources of experience, so Imprint asked him about their now-reduced presence on campus. “It’s really hard to find the special people. I believe that when The Crew started, they should have started recruiting. That was one of our weak points, I admit to it.” In closing, Warsi said, “I hope everyone does their research because I strongly believe that each person on our team is the most qualified person for the job. And I agree with Tim [Alamenciak]’s article: If you’re an idiot, don’t vote.”

specific platform points. “The president, and VPAF, they deal with money and administrative issues, so they need a platform. The role of the VPI is more common sense and rubber-stamping.” When asked about Imprint editor-in-chief Tim Alamenciak’s February 2, page 8 column about Lo’s term in office, Nguyen replied that it was “a very opinionated column [that] went too far bashing Sai Kit. He didn’t do a terrible, but he didn’t do a great, great job either. [...] Bottom line is that Feds is there for the sutdents, even those who oppose you.” Nguyen is not attached to any ticket. He says, “There is no point in being attached to a ticket. It’s not like there are political parties here. Running on a ticket can help campaigning and making class visits.” Nguyen wasn’t approached by any tickets nor did he approach anyone to be on a ticket. If there is one impression that he wants to leave with voters, it’s this: “I’m a realist. I only to do what’s feasible. I don’t promise what can’t be done.”

Arts Imprint

Friday, February 9, 2007 Arts Editor: Ashley Csanady Arts Assistant: Andrew Abela


Prize Fighter rocks sold out Bomber First come the girls, then comes the fame Shawn Bell staff reporter

Who says that live music on campus is dead? No one told Prize Fighter. Perhaps the Polar Jam people would be wise to look to these guys for direction. If you bring out the girls, the boys will come too. Early February 2, as DJ Intelligentsia and the Bomber’s $6.99 pitchers got the crowd warmed up, the bar reached capacity and in the SLC the line stretched out down the stairs past Tim Horton’s. It was then I knew something was up. “We never could have expected this,” guitarist and backup-vocalist George Carothers said of the crowd, as two members of Knock Knock Ginger, with acoustic guitars, took to the stage under those nice blue lights to take over from the DJ. “There’s something about a live performance that cannot be replicated in the studio. There’s an energy and a difference that comes with a live show. It’s just you and the crowd; you connect and everyone has a good time.” “I think,” he added, “tonight is going to be a mind-blowing, crowdblowing show.” This was the CD release party, and a party it was indeed. The only person not there was the Warner rep, who was snowed-in in Toronto. The disc, Come Hell or High Water, is an independent creation that took eight months to produce and looks, and sounds, very polished. “While we recorded we put away our indy records, and listened only to the radio.” Singer-songwriter-guitarist Zubin Thakar said, “We’ve got our

sights set on getting on the radio.” Knock Knock Ginger finished, the lights fell low and a buzz started through the crowd. When I looked back, the five guys of Prize Fighter were silhouetted on stage, instruments in hand. Thakkar, with his Fender Telecaster, front and centre; Carothers to his left, beside a rack of guitars and behind the second microphone. Justin Currie on bass, in the middle of the stage; Darren Thomas, on keyboards and tambourine, over on the far right; and Mike Snyder in back on drums. “When we first got to stage,” Thakkar said, “it was like, holy shit. We thought it would be a typical Bomber show, with people 12 feet from the stage. Totally not. So we got up there, and said ok, we’ve got to turn it on. We brought it, because they brought it too.” The lights flashed on, the guitars took off, the drums crashed and the crowd surged forward. The band, wearing black suits with white belts and white ties, ripped through their opener, sweat rolling down faces. The crowd, dancing and sweating right along with them, was drunker by the end of the song and everyone was smiling. Girls, girls, girls. They pushed towards the stage, shaking their hips with eyes rapt on the band. Thakkar had them all in hand, soaking in his every word. When they finished the introduction and the band took a breath, Thakkar turned to thank the crowd for coming. A wonderful aspect of this Bomber show — the band and the audience were right there, two feet apart. Cheers and applause and

shawn bell

Zubin Thakkar, guitarist for Prize Fighter, earns the crowd’s adoring stares at Bomber. whistling from the girls greeted his words. Without further adieu the band jumped back in, rocked through a handful of songs, and then slowed the pace with Scott McKnight on cello, Carother’s on acoustic, and beautiful piano solos. I can’t imagine an easier scene to pick up in. Soon enough they turned the volume up, seamlessly moving between songs, for the remainder of the set. When it was done and the lights went down, Prize Fighter didn’t have time to get off the stage before the crowd demanded an encore. So they played one more and the crowd went off; when it was all said and done, the band

February 9 Behind the milk with D.J. Charless — Starlight $3 at the door, doors at 10 p.m.

Imprint is reading

February 11 ESPANA Musically Speaking — Centre in the Square $25+, starts at 2:30 p.m.

The Good German Joseph Kanon

February 14 The Manchester Letherium Project by Rebecca Duclos and David Ross — UW Cambridge lecture hall Free, starts at 7 p.m.

Prize Fighter all graduate from UW this April. Then they’ll be fulltime musicians, busy pushing the disc. “The plan right now,” Thakkar said, “is to work over the summer, and then everyone quit their jobs as of September. Then we’ll go on tour, at least in Canada. The idea is that I have to do it. Try it out. Or else I’ll die a bitter old man.” If the Bomber show was any indication, the girls will love them. As all sharp record label executives know, the crowds, and the money, follow the girls.

February 14 to 15 She Bops! Ladies of the ‘80s — Centre In the Square $29+, starts at 8 p.m.

February 10 “Friends of Bellwoods” CD release party — Jane Bond $7 at the door, doors at 8 p.m.

February 11 Joey Wright CD release party — Jane Bond $7 at the door, doors at 8 p.m.

wandered through the crowd, slapping hands and kissing cheeks, while the girls looked up at them dreamily, saying “You guys are awesome.” “It was an incredible evening,” Thakkar said. “You couldn’t ask for anything better. “It is great for band morale, to have that confirmation — yeah we’re on to something good. It gives us more confidence; this was our fourth show and it’s really nice to have that response early on. It gives you enough energy to keep going forward to the next level. It pushes the people in the band, pushes yourself, and pushes other people in the industry to get you good shows and help you out.”

Wuthering Heights Emily Bronte

Made In America Bill Bryson A Perfect Night To Go To China David Gilmour Dune Frank Herbert

February 14 to 16 The Vagina Monologues — Wed at the Theatre of the Arts, Thur at Bombshelter and Fri at Hagey Hall $8 for students, $10 for others, starts at 8 p.m. February 15 Salvador Dali film festival — Original Princess $6 from Turnkey, starts at 7 p.m. February 15 Sex and violence cartoon film festival — Original Princess $6 from Turnkey, starts at 9:15 p.m. February 17 Violet Archers with Great Aunt — Jane Bond $11 in advance, doors at 8 p.m.


Friday, February 9, 2007

Seeing KW through Anya Lomako staff reporter

Historically revealing and culturally challenging, the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery’s current art exhibitions provide a taste of numerous genres and themes — and they’re eager to please the public with its variety. The Grand River Chronicles series, organized by KWAG, focuses on projects “with a strong connection to the Grand River and the regions it winds through.” These pieces of varied art embody different perspectives, and the history of the Grand River region is explored through a selection of artforms. Inspired by local constructions such as Seagram’s distillery, the Consolidated Rubber factory and the Berlin Woodenware Ladder factory, Alison Norlen’s Edifice displays artificial structures in a detailed yet isolated illustration. This piece dominates the viewer with its density of composition — a work where no spot on the canvas is mute. Hellish hues of reds, oranges, browns and black dictate the absence of organic presence, completely lacking flora and fauna. Edifice’s implied product of overproduction and straying away from nature is hinted at by the absence of people in the content of the work. The artist either suggests the final apocalypse for humanity, or represents their abandonment of technology and return to the environment. Monica Tap’s charming smudged style of work in her Séance collection brings back melancholy thoughts of spinning in circles as a child, and the blurred view of the world it

Monica Tap’s charming smudged style of work in her Séance collection brings back melancholy thoughts of spinning in circles as a child

causes. Portraying moments otherwise ignored in everyday rush, the artist aims to use the collection as a “metaphor for things unseen and an experience of malleable time.” Sara Graham’s The West Montrose (Un)covered Bridge Project is an amusing exploration of the bridge’s unlived potential. Also referred to as the “Kissing Bridge,” this romantic love spot is transformed to include a metropolis subway system in Graham’s vision. The project uses existing maps, plans and public archives to show effects on the region had the bridge been taken full advantage of. The exhibitions also include Kim Adam’s Roadside Attractions from KWAG’s permanent collection. Consisting of miniscule architectural creations with an immense amount of detail, these figures are said to be among the most recognizable in contemporary Canadian art. The gallery also features Adam’s architectural sketches, stunning in their clash of childish imagination with the magnitude of adult knowledge of physics and form. Shannon Reynold’s faceLIFT is the last of the exhibition and, in my opinion, the most passive of the five. It consists of a canvas with a built-in motion sensor and aims to explore contemporary approaches to portraiture. It is a creative, yet bland piece of work. A curious selection, varying from miniature architecture to fictional accounts of the West Montrose Bridge, a trip to the gallery wonderfully fills a few hours of afternoon monotony. All exhibitions will be on display until March 25, 2007. The gallery offers free guided tours of the collection Sundays at 2 p.m. on February and March 25. The Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery is open to the public Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m to 9 p.m., Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Admission is free.

arts art Wario works his five second magic

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves Nintendo Wii $53.99

If Attention Deficit Disoder is a transmittable disease, then Wario Ware: Smooth Moves for the Nintendo Wii would be the biggest carrier. The Wario Ware series is known for its addictive gameplay, lightning fast action and bizarre scenarios. A typical play session with any Wario Ware game takes players through dozens of microgames, each lasting no longer than five seconds. This new addition to the series adds a whole new level of interactive control with the aid of Wii’s motion-sensing controller. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves follows the tradition set forth by its predecessor: a paper-thin storyline. Wario is once again off finding treasures in Diamond City, where he stumbles up on the “Form Baton,” a stone that looks eerily similar to the Wii-mote. The core of Wario Ware’s gameplay lies in its structure. Every microgame is tied to one of the 19 different positions to hold the Wii-mote, and players will be constantly switching between positions to complete each microgame. In one microgame, players hold the Wii-mote sideways like a handlebar to pump a balloon; in another, players hold the remote next to their hips (a form known as “The Big Cheese”) to spin a hula-hoop; another game has players leaving the Wii remote face down on a table, requiring players to pick up the “telephone” when it rings. None of the microgames really make any sense, but they don’t really have to, as players will quickly move on to the next microgame — too busy and having too much fun to make sense of the frantic action. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves’ multi-player mode is a disappointment when compared to the single player mode. While Nintendo included a 12 player “pass the remote” mode, the game does not support more than one Wii-mote. The

Courtesy Gamespress

game is less frantic and interesting as a result. However, players must check out “Bungie Buddies,” one of the hidden two player minigames. “Bungie Buddies” requires one player to hold the Wii-mote and the other to hold the nunchuck attachment. They work together to avoid obstacles on the road by jumping with the remote or nun chuck in hand. It looks deceptively simple, but it’s so addictive that players will be coming back for more. After playing Wario Ware for a few consecutive hours, it becomes a challenge to focus on any task for a lengthy period of time. It’s not a game for people looking for an epic story and experiences, but for those who are willing to try something different. Wario Ware is excellent for the Wii. — Harold Li


Friday, February 9, 2007


Not just a feel good flick Peeler Evils of the Modern Pleasure Dance SOCAN

courtesy sony pictures

Will Smith’s son, Jayden, co-stars in The Pursuit of Happyness The Pursuit of Happyness Gabriele Muccino Sony Pictures

The Pursuit of Happyness was released mid-December, but the Academy nominated Will Smith for best actor, extending its box office shelf life. Despite what you might have heard, The Pursuit of Happyness is not a rags to riches story, or a feel good fatherson drama. It’s much better. In 1981, Chris Gardner (Will Smith) is broke. A bad investment selling bone density scanners provides the literal and metaphorical financial weight that he carries with him. When his wife (Thandie Newton) leaves, as the family’s sole breadwinner her timing couldn’t be worse. Hope glimmers when Chris is offered an internship with a prestigious brokerage firm, but it is quickly snuffed by the revelation that the internship is six months of unpaid work — after which, only one of the 20 interns is offered a job. The film chronicles Gardner’s struggles to look after his son and win the job while bad luck and circumstance combine to make the journey so arduous, it’s difficult to watch. The amiable businessmen in the film (Kurt Fuller, Brian Howe) provide the perfect backdrop for Gardner’s double life, as they remain blithely unaware of how destitute their star intern is. The film tells the story of poverty without being heavy-handed or

trite. Smith plays Chris with just the right amount of determined panic and charm, but lets his real-life son, Jayden Smith as Christopher, steal scenes out from under him. Smith’s Oscar nomination is earned in the final moments of the film. Those who have criticize the film as too focussed on money, or a vehicle for conservative politics, miss the point entirely. Chris Gardner’s story was made into a major motion picture because he accomplished something extraordinary, not because he was determined enough to “pull himself up by his own bootstraps.� Muccino hired real homeless people for extras in the film, making sure they were paid and fed for the duration of the shoot — if you want to get political. And as much as the studio tried to sell it as one, Pursuit of Happyness isn’t a feel good flick. Muccino is more interested in making you grateful for what you have than in giving you warm fuzzies.

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— Darren Hutz

The Shins Wincing the Night Away Sup Pop

It’s been just over three years since The Shins’ last album and in that time they’ve literally exploded in popularity. Their indie-cred may be lost, but their sound is better than ever. A more musically

diverse and lyrically innovative CD, Wincing the Night Away is testament to the fact that bands can make it big and maintain their musical ingenuity. More melancholic than previous efforts, the music is daydreamy but not light-hearted. Each song stands alone in it’s narrative form, but as the a whole, the album is disjointed like a Vonnegut novel: awkward but somehow it works. From pensive slower pieces to more upbeat funky ones, this album has Shins written all over it. If you like their other stuff, you won’t be disappointed. You could exclusively listen to this in your car for two weeks — the tracks are almost addictive. My current addiction is “A Comet Appears� and “Black Wave� feels like a chilly night drive home: haunting yet soothing. With longer instrumental breaks than Chutes too Narrow, Wincing the Night Away is a well developed album that was definitely worth the wait. — Ashley Csanady

— Annalisa Haessler



ďż˝ Top 10

There are few examples of rock music in which the absence of smart EQ and track levels can be so perfectly heard as on the latest release by Brantford rockers Peeler, Evils of the Modern Pleasure Dance. Never so obviously has a mix been so unequivocally bad. It makes you appreciate the talent requisite of a professional sounding mix. It will make 90 per cent of the music you listen to sound better from now on — buy it. You’ll thank me later. Peeler shouldn’t have to suffer for being mixed so unfortunately; they did their job very well. Their lead singer has an incredible voice — somewhere between Ian Thornley and Edwin — although, it was probably that fact that made this album’s producers turn down the backup band and crank up

Craig Peeling on the vox, which would work if he was a Canadian Idol dropout, but doesn’t quite pan out with Peeler’s tight guitar-driven rock. Peeling’s voice is powerful, but it must be matched with powerful accompaniment. There are some musical frontiers to which rock often ventures that simply cannot be trespassed upon without a beefy low end. The mix is the only difference between Peeler and greats like I Mother Earth and Big Wreck. Fire Randy Solski, Craig. Fire him now.





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Friday, February 9, 2007

Indulge in a literary experiment

Youthful company does it again

In the 1950s, Leonard Stern and Roger Price created “Mad Libs,” a word game that requires players to fill in the blanks of a short story with an example of the specified (ie. a noun or an adjective). The result was a humourous, absurd and often nonsensical short story that broke every rule of the English language. Twenty years later, Thomas Pynchon released his epic Gravity’s Rainbow, a dense work of post-modernism renowned for its abstract construction, digressive plot, and general genius. Coincidence? I think not.

courtesy theatre athena

Left to right, Stephen Sparks as Lenck and Frank Cox-O’Connell as Steindorf duel. Bach at Leipzig Athena’s Bach

The Canadian premiere of Itamar Moses’ latest play, a Theatre Athena production of Bach at Leipzig is at once incredibly intricate, thoughtprovoking and deeply funny. The play itself deals with a competition to fill the position of organist at the prestigious Thomaskirche after the death of the previous musician. Six musicians resort to blackmail, deceit and other forms of skullduggery in what turns out to be a complex, rewarding production full of some of the finest highbrow humour available. The first thing to do if you’re going to consider Bach at Leipzig is banish from your mind the image of a stuffy, hidebound society, rife with wigs and courtly manners. It is true that the play is set in the 18th century, but the setting here is just a façade over a thoroughly contemporary dialogue. The issues, humour and characters involved are all relevant and modern; despite its setting, Bach at Leipzig is not a period piece — it’s something much better. Beyond anything else, the highlight of Bach at Leipzig is the writing itself. This is by far the most intricate piece of writing I’ve come across in the theatre — every element of the play weaves together repeatedly, spinning out new variations and plot twists with every scene. Each joke becomes fresh and funny with each new mutation. The jokes here range from slapstick to the intellectual but are unchanging in their incredible effectiveness. The plot is formed out of a web of connections and histories between the various characters and each encounter complicates things further, althoughthe writer keeps the audience informed about the play’s direction. Yet there is more to this play than just comedy. Even as the characters wend their way through the complexity of the plot and jokes, there is deeper thought going on beneath the

plays surface. Within the fabric of the play is a fascinating meditation on structure itself — form versus content, structure versus creativity and predestination against free will. The play is full of a number of blatant instances of deus ex machina, but Moses still succeeds here by using these devices to poke fun at contrivance itself. The largest downside to this wonderful complexity is that although Bach at Leipzig is filled with a strong cast, the individual performances tend to get lost beneath the writing. As previously mentioned, the spotlight of this show is taken by the script itself; therefore the delivery of the lines loses out to the content. It’s a shame, as there are some really engaging performances here. Patrick Brown in particular is excellent as Fasch, the production’s protagonist and a man capable of propagating the most bizarre and hilarious endearments to his wife. Kaufmann (Paul Brown) renders the only sour note in this composition, not so much because he isn’t funny — he is — but because his performance as the bumbling fool is so uniform in tone and delivery that it becomes predictable. His character takes on an “Oh, you again” quality as the play proceeds, as we know exactly what he will be doing whenever he takes the stage. The production takes place on a fairly minimal set; each scene in the play in the entrance hall to the Thomaskirche. On the whole, the design works fairly well, and features some excellent period costumes, but I was surprised to see a noticeably poor paint job on parts of the set — well below the standards of a professional company. Bach at Leipzig represents a strong theatrical success. Its intelligent, engaging plot will draw you in and its kaleidoscope of interconnected jokes and elements will keep you as entertained as anything you might see on stage this season. If you have any interest in the theatre, you shouldn’t miss this production.

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— Duncan Ramsay

In a continuing effort to refine the UW student body into culturally aware and artistically productive citizens of the world, the Arts Snob presents “The Pynchonian Mad Lib,” an adventure in post-modern indulgence, hysterical realism, and neo-surrealism. Just fill in the table with your response to the italicised suggestions, plug them into the short piece that follows, and find yourself proclaimed the greatest literary provocateur of the 21st Century. Enjoy!

1. A dinosaur from the Triassic period 2. Your favourite insect from the 1987 Royal Entomological Association Journal, plural 3. Any demon from eastern European folklore 4. An adverb related to chewing broken glass 5. An adjective to describe the later incarnations of Basil Hallward’s painting of Dorian Gray 6. An object from your favourite René Magritte piece, preferably pre-WWII 7. The name of a British officer in the civil service during the Colonial Era 8. Derogatory term for an Anatolian as cited by Thucydides in his history of the Peloponnesian War 9. A curse word likely uttered in Civil War-era America 10. A household object that can be used alternately as an insulting term for a human being 11. A noun, plural, preferably drawn from Victorian slang 12. A word to describe your emotional state at this very moment 13. Third world liberation movement leader 14. Your least favourite pan-Arabist 15. Verb, past tense, indicating movement 16. One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, or, your favourite restaurant 17. Name the home stadium of a second-rate soccer team in the German Bundesliga 18. Class of warship from the U.S. Navy 19. Something ancient, something sacred 20. One of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse DO NOT CONTINUE UNTIL FINISHED In another day and age, I was a ____________ (1). Every day I would wake to feed the ______________ (2), only to find myself being bothered incessantly by the neighbourhood ___________ (3). _____________ (4), I chased the __________ (5) creature around the _____________ (6) until I was rudely interrupted by ____________(7), who thought it inappropriate that I harm the poor ____________ (8). “__________” (9), I exclaimed, pushing the ____________ (10) into a conveniently located pile of _____________ (11). Now that I was feeling right ___________ (12), I set off on my chase with great speed, imagining myself a modern-day ____________ (13) pursuing the elusive ____________ (14). The object of my pursuit ___________ (15) effortlessly, and I began to worry it would lose me past the ________________ (16). Passing ___________ (17), I grabbed my trusty _______________ (18) and hurled it forward. My aim was off, and, missing the target, the projectile collided forcefully with the ___________ (19). At that moment, _____________ (20) appeared on the road and I knew my chase was over. “_________” (9), I repeated, and turned to head back home.

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Friday, February 9, 2007


Quizzing Cradle of Filth

courtesy of cradle of filth

Sascha Campbell imprint intern

British extreme metal band, Cradle of Filth, just finished playing their second Canadian show of their Thornography tour, giving the audience hell in corpsepaint at Toronto’s The Phoenix. I spoke with guitarist Paul Allender about the tour, the band’s future plans, and the state of metal today. Cradle of Filth has just kicked off the tour for their new album Thornography, playing shows in Mexico, the U.S. and Canada as well as Europe. “[Being on the road] is brilliant. I love it,” said Paul. “I’ve done it so much that being on tour is like second nature. It’s like a completely different world — I’ve had friends come out to help us and at the end they say, ‘I never want to do that again!’ You have to be in a certain frame of mind to do it. It’s a pretty crazy environment. It’s pretty mad.’” Being on the road so much, of course, leads to no shortage of interesting stories, especially with fans such as theirs. When asked what the craziest experience he ever had while touring, Paul responded, “We did a signing session at Ozzfest when someone put a baby with a white T-shirt on the table. The baby moved from person to person, everybody signing the T-shirt. Also, someone took their wooden leg off and got us to sign it as well.” Before he ever picked up a guitar, Paul’s first love was martial arts, a passion he maintains to this day. He was introduced to martial arts at age six by his father and describes his experience with the sport as “a total way of life.” Apart from the band, Paul teaches martial arts as a hobby, bringing his unique perspective to the training. “There’s a lot that was in [martial arts] when I was learning that isn’t there anymore. It’s become really commercialized. There’s a traditional side I have to show for grading and stuff, but when there’s only a handful people in the class I teach it on a streetfighting level, putting back the nasty stuff people don’t see anymore. A lot of people get really grossed out, but I tell them, ‘if you want to learn it properly, this is the way it is.’ I’ve got some really great kids I’m teaching now, some of them are absolute shit hot.” “My favorite non-Cradle song?” Paul ruminates on the question a bit before responding. “I really like ‘Some Heads are Going to Roll’ by Judas Priest. I’m a huge Priest fan — as far as I’m concerned, Defenders of the Faith is the best album ever!” As curious as I was to delve into his musical tastes beyond his own band, I was even more interested in finding out which songs he thought were the best from among his own repertoire. “I’ve got quite a few favourite Cradle songs, actually. ‘Dusk and Her Embrace’ is pretty cool, great to play live. I love the new album, it rocks like fuck! I love playing anything with a really cool groove to it.” One of the most distinctive aspects of Cradle of Filth is their makeup. Dressing up in stark white corpsepaint with creative, gothic black accents around the eyes and red or black on the lips, their stage show is impressively dark and their video shoots even more theatrical. “We

do our own makeup,” says Paul with a laugh. “For live shows we do it all ourselves, but for videos and photo shoots, there’s a makeup artist that comes in. We sit there [with the artist] and sketch and make it up as we go along. We look through magazines, all that fantasy artwork and stuff, and by the time we’re finished it usually looks pretty fucking kickass.” From makeup and art we moved on to a topic more befitting to a musician: the state of the metal scene today. “Personally I’m more of an oldschool fan,” he says. “Priest, Maiden, old thrash and stuff. To be honest I don’t like anything that’s out there at the moment. The magic’s not there for me; I look for that music that actually makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck, and that feeling is gone now.” “Maiden and Priest are probably the most important influences on my guitar playing,” Paul declares. “The thrash bands I was listening to as a kid… I still listen to them now. I’ve never really had guitar heroes as such – I started playing guitar at 14 and I could never really work out playing stuff [by ear] from records, so when I first started playing I used to make up my own stuff because I couldn’t play anything else. [Laughs] I’d write in the vein of bands I was into and that’s basically what I’ve done since, how I learned to play and write my own stuff. “I don’t write lyrics, just music,” he responds when asked about the specifics of his contributions to Cradle’s music. “It’s just Dani [Dani Filth, lead singer], because the rest of us can’t be arsed to do it! The lyrics and the music correspond because all the music is written first. When we’re finished a track, we give it to Dani and he writes the vocal lines to fit the music. With some songs he’ll come back and say ‘oh, can you change this riff, make it a little bit longer or shorter’ or want us to move stuff around to fit in with the lyrics, swap bits around to suit the vocals.” As previously mentioned, Paul left Cradle of Filth from 1996 to 1999. During this time he explored his own creative interests, playing in two new bands. “I’m glad I did take the break. A bit of a gamble, but I always had this weird, funny feeling I was going to come back to the band again.” “We’ve got some ideas for some new stuff,” Paul says when asked about the band’s future. “After this tour we’re touring England again, then Japan, Malaysia, South Africa and Australia, then revisiting the States two more times this year. We’re pretty much touring for the whole year! Towards the end of next year we’re going to lock ourselves away and start coming up with a new album.” Finally I ask him the interview’s most important question: would he rather be a vampire or a zombie? “Hmm, good question,” he says, pondering his answer with all the seriousness of a true horror fan. “A vampire, really. I know it sounds really cheesy, but zombies are all falling apart and shit, I wouldn’t want to look in the mirror and see, oh my god my face is falling off! If I were a vampire at least I would look pretty pristine and clean.”


Perverted recognition: lest we forget that means nothing to the selfish and stuck up prima donnas and smug little femimen. Immediately they forget what troubles other people surpassed in their situation — perhaps even the most significant of all: Hattie McDaniel. Although most well known for her role as the master of common sense maid Mammy in Gone With the Wind, she also played about three hundred other maid roles as well. Sadly though, she was not even recognized for 73 per cent of these. Although the NAACP and other coloured people criticized her for reinforcing negative stereotypes she responded to them by quipping “I’d rather play a maid for $700 a week than be one for $7.” Much like the style at the time, she was horribly marginalized despite much success with acting. When receiving the first academy award to ever be received by an African American for her supporting role as Mammy she was forced to sit at the back, at a table quite literally separated from everyone else, with her husband at the time. She was even convinced to miss the premiere of the film due to the pervasive racism at the time — even though her darling colleague Clark Gable threatened to boycott it. Writers, musicians and actors alike complain about a lack of recognition. Little do they know what kind of perverted ideas of acknowledgment others were gifted in the past. The fact that I’m talking about one of the biggest insults to ever dirty the face of film during black history month is merely a coincidence. This is something we should constantly be reminded of. Either after you hear your demo tape hit the bottom of a garbage can as you exit an office or get your ninety seventh submission sent back to you with a big red stamp that reads denied. Remember, receiving some kinds of recognition are far worse than getting any recognition at all.

I can’t begin to count the times people have asked me, “Why don’t you like to watch awards shows Andrew?” You like movies, so why aren’t you excited for the academy awards? I hate awards shows. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t stand watching the superficiality that is so perfectly yet dreadfully portrayed by the academy awards and related affairs. People put far too much emphasis on recognition. If it doesn’t get nominated, the academy didn’t find it worthy of interest. Fuck the academy. I have no reason to care what they think or what movies they approve or disapprove of. What’s even worse, though, is that mass consumption and red carpet flaunting go hand in hand with the film fiasco. Celebrities with their freshly butchered face jobs are free to prance across a red carpet faux catwalk with their latest fabrics. We get to learn about which designers we will never own or care to know about, who is dating who and various other arcane facts we wish we hadn’t learned. I haven’t even mentioned what I hate most about the horrible awards are the fake smiles each win is accompanied by, flashed at us as the camera quickly pans over all the losers’ faces — followed by the most imaginable pretentious load of crap acceptance speech. I hate this because I know what is really flowing through the rivers of the defeated candidates’ minds: death to the winner and other extreme thoughts of jealousy and envy. Even though they imprint-shebops 1/29/07 2:58 PM Page were lucky enough to be nominated, suddenly


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Campus Bulletin UPCOMING

Saturday, February 10, 2007 rare presents “Bald Eagle Monitoring Workshop” with Bill Wilson from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at rare Administrative Centre, 1679 Blair Road, Cambridge. Call 519-650-9336, ext 122 to register. Sunday, February 11, 2007 rare presents “Winter Wonderland Hike” presented by Greg Vincent and Jeanette MacDermott from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. For info/registration call 519-650-9336, ext 122. Tuesday, February 13, 2007 “U-First” – presentation for family caregivers who support a person with dementia. Holiday Inn, 30 Fairway Road, Kitchener from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Refreshments and lunch included. Call Tiffany at 519-742-1422 by February 7 to register. rare presents “Great Asian Tsunami” with speaker Dr. Alan Morgan from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the rare Administrative Centre, 1679 Blair Road, Cambridge. Call 519-650-9336, ext 122 for info/registration. Tuesday, February 27, 2007 The annual TD Canada Trust/Walter Bean Lecture will be hosting the Honourable Michael Harcourt talk entitled “Canada’s Cities: Competitive and Sustainable?” from 3:30 to 4:30 at Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall. Free admission with light refreshments to follow lecture.

VOLUNTEER Distress Line volunteers wanted – Canadian Mental Health Association is seeking caring volunteers to provide supportive listening and crisis deescalation to callers living in Waterloo Region. Please call 519744-7645, ext 300. Summer volunteer opportunities with Grand River Hospital/Cancer Centre. Information sesions will be in March, April and early May. Please

call 519-749-4300, ext 2613 or e-mail for details. Volunteers needed – volunteer with a child at their school and help improve their self-esteem and confidence. One to three hours a week commitment. Call Canadian Mental Health at 519-744-7645, ext 229. Volunteer Action Centre – connecting talent and community – “B-I-NG-O” A.R. Goudie Eventide Home is looking for volunteers. For more info call Karen at 519-744-5182, ext 207 or e-mail kliphard@argoudieeventide. ca. “Do you like to play cards/games” K-W Seniors Day Program is looking for volunteers to make a senior’s day special. Call Deanne at 519-893-1609 or email “Accounting expertise needed” at K-W Right to Life Board of Directors. Call Jane at 519-746-5433 or “Do you have a heart for those with developmental disabilities” if so, Christian Horizons needs you. Call 519-650-3241, ext 511 or “Help street youth” by volunteering at R.O.O.F. For info call 519-742-2788, ext 224 or Volunteer Marketing Intern needed at RBC Dominion Securities Inc. starting in February, 10-15 hr/week. This internship will involve assisting an Investment Advisor with various marketing projects throughout the term in question. The intern will be required to pursue various tasks requiring strong communication, organizational and computer literacy skills. Qualified individuals are students with a strong initiative, direction and desire to succeed. E-mail cover letter and resume to jeff.gates@, attention Jeff Gates. Volunteer Services – City of Waterloo – 519-888-6488 or 519-888-0409 or volunteer – “One Book, One Community”, seeks avid program ambassador. “Graphic designer” required for Waterloo special events.


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each room is $350-$375/month plus utilities. Free parking, laundry facilities included, two common rooms with TV, two kitchens, wireless capability throughout house and internet jacks in every room, 15 minutes from campus. Call Andrew at 416-5270369 or e-mail andrew.chalabardo@

COURSES SP-100 Forest Firefighting course, London, March 7-11 or Waterloo, March 14-18, 2007. To register, please call Wildfire Specialists Inc., 2233 Radar Road, Suite 5, Hanmer, Ontario, P3P 1R2. Toll free: 1-877-3815849. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources accredited. No guarantee of employment.

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AWARDS Win up to $1,000 for your writing! Students in third/fourth years qualify for STC’s Heidi Thiessen Memorial Award for Student Technical Writing. Visit for details and an application.

Campus Bulletin CHURCH SERVICE


St. Bede’s chapel at Renison College offers worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. or take a break mid-week with a brief silence followed by Celtic noon prayers on Wednesdays. Beginning Janaury 21 there will also be a 4 p.m. worship. For more info call 519-8844404, ext 28604 or

Monday February 5 – Starting Your Own Business: The Basics, TC2218A, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, February 7 – Work Search Strategies, TC1208, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Career Interest Assessment, TC1112, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Alumni Career Planning Workshop, TC1208 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Job Fair at RIM Park, 2001 University Ave., E., Waterloo from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 8 – Exploring Your Personality Type (Part 1), TC1112, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Successfully Negotiating Job Offers, TC1208, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, February 12 – Work Search Strategies: Special Session for International Students, TC2218B, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Starting Your Own Business: Next Steps, TC2218A, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Interview Skills: Selling Your Skills, TC1208, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 13 – Networking 101, TC2218A, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, February 14 – Business Etiquette and Professionalism, TC1208, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Alumni Career Planning Workshop, TC1208, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, February 15 – Exploring Your Personality Type (Part 2), TC1112, 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Interview Skills: Preparing for Questions, TC1208, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, February 26 – Writing CVs and Cover Letters, TC2218, 12 to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 27 – Work Search Strategies: Special Session for International Students, TC 2218B, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Career Interest Assessment, TC 1112, 2 to 4 p.m.

ANNOUNCEMENTS The GO! Music Festival takes place on March 9 and 10 in Uptown Waterloo. Over 30 live acts; five licensed venues. Details: or Engineers Without Borders presents “International Development Week” from February 4 to 10. E-mail Nina at fhli@engmail.uwaterloo for event information. Hey students! Tune in weekly to “Morning Drive” with DJ Cool at CKMS 100.3FM for important info on what is happening locally, on campus and in your area. Music, fun and more – Exchange opportunities to RhoneAlpes, France and Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany for the 2007-2008 academic year – to undergraduates and graduates. For additional informatiton and application form/deadlines contact Maria Lango, IPO, Needles Hall, room 1043, ext 33999 or by email: Cigarette study – smokers needed. $70 cash paid. Please state your name, age and brand of cigarettes smoked most often. Call Sandy at 519-578-0873 or e-mail this info to Turnkey Desk Recycles Batteries. Drop your old batteries to the blue bin at Turnkey.

Friday, February 9, 2007 Science Editor: Rob Blom Science Assistant: Yolani Heltiarachchi

Science Imprint


Planet U author touts sustainability Prof. M’Gonigle reinforces importance of a sustainable campus at UW, remains positive

Eat beans, not beings

Rebecca McNeil staff reporter

“The emergence of the movement for Planet U is as important for tomorrow’s world as was the creation of the environmental movement in the decades of yesterday. Its unique capability is to foster macro change from micro is time to rediscover that institution that, in our own backyards, we have for so long taken for granted. In the process, we might just sustain the world by re-inventing the University.” — M’Gonigle, Planet U At a time when student elections force us to examine our issues and priorities, the University of Waterloo’s North Campus is being developed as sports fields instead of a naturalized area and climate change constantly makes the front page of newspapers. UW students concerned about the state of both the campus and global environment welcomed a Canadian environmental champion for his advice, sympathy and words of wisdom. Dr. Michael M’Gonigle, professor and Eco-Research Chair of Environmental Law and Policy at the University of Victoria and co-founder of Greenpeace International joined faculty and students for a lecture promoting his new book “Planet U: Sustaining the World, Re-inventing the University,” as well as at a student symposium held earlier in the day. For

Trish Garland staff reporter

naema Nayyar

Dr. M’Gonigle of the University of Victoria addresses both student activists and the community at large during a symposium; addressing sustainbility and the challenges we now face. many students, it was an opportunity to air their concerns about their own campus to a man who has international accomplishments preserving environmental integrity. For those at UW who make an effort to champion sustainability,

there were several concerns. High on the list were student apathy, speaking the language of this technicalbased institute and convincing the administration of a “corporatist university” that a sustainability office is in the best interest of the school.

In response to this, M’Gonigle offered tailored advice and expertise based on his experiences at the University of Victoria, Greenpeace and elsewhere. See CHANGE, page 30

Non-invasive prenatal care causes ethical dilemma Basma Anabtawi staff reporter

Parents-to-be all around the globe hope and dream to have a healthy and happy baby. However, every pregnancy has moments of concerns and uncertainties. Parents living in the 21st Century now have the opportunity to become informed and aware of the baby’s health throughout all phases of the pregnancy. A recent study lead by an American firm, Ravgen Inc. has been focusing on examining non-invasive methods of testing the genetics of fetuses to detect any abnormalities and life-threatening diseases. The newest discovery uses samples of fetal DNA found in the mother’s blood stream. The fetal DNA escapes the placenta surrounding the fetus and spreads throughout the mother’s system. The problem is the almost insignificant and small amount of fetal genetic material that remains. The method was discovered when a small amount of variant genetic DNA was found in the blood stream, different from the mother’s genetic material. The efficiency of the method is highly limited by the amount of DNA that leaks out into the mother’s blood. The research group, led by Ravinder Dhallan, has been able to use chemical substances such as formaldehyde to increase the amount of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) segments collected from the bloodstream allowing for the method to be highly safe and effective. A clinical trial used samples from 60 pregnant women. After the extensive collections of DNA were sorted, the

physicians were able to distinguish the fetus allowing for the success of which babies were healthy and which the technique. The limitation to this had obvious chromosomal disorders. method however, is in the one per The results of the trial showed that cent risk increase in miscarriage due for 58 of the 60 babies, predictions to any complications leading to early were correct. childbirth or death. Other common The ability to identify any abnor- methods are percutaneous umbilical malities and diseases at the early stages blood sampling (PUBS) and chorionic of a pregnancy allows parents to make villus sampling (CVS). the choice to keep the unborn baby, Some of the most common diseases and also prepares those who decide discovered using prenatal genetic testto continue with the pregnancy with ing are Down’s and Turner’s syndromes. the adjustments after birth. The non- Quite often physicians are also able to invasive aspect of this method allows discover Huntington’s disease, cystic this with minimal risk to the mother fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, and achonand fetus. droplasia. Early detection of these nonThe ultrasound treatable genetic is the most comdiseases gives monly used non-in- “Prenatal diagnosis is physicians the vasive prenatal test. chance to remain It is a sound wave- an exciting new field alert and aware based method used of the difficulties to create an image but one full of moral throughout the of the baby’s shape pregnancy. dilemma.” and position. This The age of technique is very the female at the limited at discover— Dr. Neil Arya, University of time of pregnaning any dominant Waterloo physician cy correlates to a genetic disorders high risk factor affecting internal for genetic disorand mentality disorders as opposed to ders. According to the Canadian Down external bodily features. Syndrome Society (CDSS), one in 800 Other methods of prenatal testing children born in Canada has Down have always involved the invasive path, syndrome. This number, however, is increasing the risk of the procedure. found to be one in 106 for women The most current invasive technique above 40 years of age. Genetic disorders used is amniocentesis, which involves also increase with the exposure to many the insertion of a long needle into environmental factors, such as high exthe placenta surrounding the fetus to posures to toxins (such as nicotine) and obtain a small amount of amniotic alcohol. During pregnancy, these inflict fluid. The fluid found in the placenta a high correlation with birth deformaoften contains floating cells from tions and life threatening diseases.

Scientists are hopeful with this new discovery. Allowing for prenatal genetic testing while having no virtual risk on the health of the mother or fetus is a huge step forward in embryological and healthcare fields. The study still requires more research before it can be available for public health care. The ethical issue — which arises with the publication of such a technique — is the difficulty in determining which information should be disclosed to parents-to-be when using such a method. Dr. Neil Arya, a physician at the UW Health Centre, draws excellent points on some of the moral issues which accompany such a discovery. He remarked, “Prenatal diagnosis is an exciting new field but one full of moral dilemma. It is nice to have tests to detect problems early to allow early treatment, particularly a test which does not have the risks of amniocentesis, such as miscarriage of a perfectly “normal” child. But what is normal and what is not? Who is the patient we are treating with our intervention? What criteria do we use to practise eugenics to decide who lives and who dies? We have now defined conditions such as Down’s as characteristics that may not be as worthy of survival, in some cultures it may be female gender and may soon extend to eye colour or lack of athletic ability.” The struggle between scientific iscoveries and capabilities, and questions of ethics is ongoing.. For example, will knowing the genetic diseases of fetuses cause a rise in abortion rates?

Until recently I didn’t think that eating meat on a regular basis was such a bad thing. I always thought meat was something I needed in my diet in order to be healthy and energized. However, as I strive to lead a simpler life — one with a smaller impact on the environment — I have made the decision to actively reduce my meat consumption. There are many reasons why people decide to completely remove meat from their diet and become vegetarians. For some, it can be for religious or health purposes. I know people who just don’t like the taste of meat. For others, it’s the fact that animals are factory-raised in inhumane conditions so farmers can meet the needs of our hungry meat-eating appetites. I can personally vouch for the amazingly high level of disregard we have for animals under these conditions. I spent one summer working for Canada’s largest hatchery in New Hamburg, Ontario. In one week, the hatchery would pump out one million steroid-filled chicks, most of them living for only four weeks before they were slaughtered for your enjoyment at KFC or Swiss Chalet.

I can personally vouch for the amazingly high level of disregard we have for animals under these conditions. I did a quick Google search and found a video produced by PETA called Meet Your Meat. In the video they show chickens that are unable to stand as they grow four times faster than Mother Nature intended and their little legs can’t keep up with the rest of their monstrous bodies. I got about halfway through before I decided not to vomit, and shut it off due to the graphic nature of the cruel images on the film. I couldn’t stop picturing my dog Lilo in the place of all those pigs dangling from their hind legs, with their throats sliced open. If you have the tummy strength and want to see it for yourself, head on over to But for me, I decided to cut down on eating meat for the environmental reasons. Before I get into those, I would like to explain why I am not labelling myself as a vegetarian. After 22 years of eating meat, I am simply having a hard time not eating it. So, I am going with the dietary title of being a “passive meat eater.” See PASSIVE, page 30



Microraptor causes big controversy David Judah staff reporter

Since Da Vinci drew up sketches of his ornithopter, people have sought to emulate nature in order to solve the challenge of heavier-than-air flight. Sometimes, however, people end up copying nature by accident. For instance, the Wright brothers would have never been able to know that they were, in fact, simply playing on a 125 million year old theme when they first flew at Kitty Hawk. The non-avian dinosaur, microraptor gui, was first described in 2003 by Xing Xu of the Chinese Academy. The one-kilogram dromaeosaurid is very much like others of its kind, featuring the characteristic claws, legs and teeth of therapod dinosaurs but strangely featuring long flying feathers along its arms and also legs. When first described, the microraptor was said to use these long leg feathers to form a second set of wings, held outwards behind its main arm wings, much in the way a dragonfly holds its second set of wings. It was thought that it used all four of these wings to glide between trees as part of its arboreal lifestyle, much in the way flying squirrels live today.­ However, a new assessment of the gliding dinosaur has recently been formulated by Sankar Chatterjee, PhD — a professor of museum sciences — and Canadian aeronautical engineer R. Jack Templin. Their findings presented in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science showed that by looking at the skeletal structure of the microraptor it can be concluded that if the dragon fly model for its wing positions is correct, the small dinosaur would have had trouble standing and perching.

Furthermore, if the wings were held back and used like those of modern birds then they would have hindered flight more than anything. The research team instead proposed that the hind limb wings were held under the body, like a biplane. “The question focuses on what the legs can do, and it’s a difficult problem because the fossils are flat and require interpretation as to what they would have looked like in three dimensions,” said Matthew Carrano, curator of dinosaurs at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History to Associated Press. The fact that the biplane flight design is not present in modern day birds suggests a few things about biplane morphology. One possibility is that the design is part of a link in a chain leading to modern day birds. A more likely explanation, however, is that the biplane design is a side story in evolutionary history, one that simply didn't go anywhere. A “failed experiment of nature,” said Carrano. For many scientists, a clear conclusion about this research is still pending. The lack of analogy of the biplane design elsewhere in nature and the recent rapid shifts in how microraptor is viewed all breed dissent and insecurity towards recent findings. “We really need to work painstakingly to check all details and have an accurate reconstruction, and then we can compare different models in computer or even in wind tunnel, which we are planning to do,” said the original researcher of Microraptor, Xu, in an article for the Money Times.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Change: building momentum to a sustainable future Continued from page 29

“We’re trapped in a systemic trajector y,” commented M’Gonigle, referring to society’s reliance on technologies and attitudes that contribute to our environmental problems (e.g. automobile reliance in the age of global warming). Instead, he says, we should learn from the “lesson of the ozone layer,” a major concern of the mid-’90s which has since fallen off the radar and been replaced with other problems. What is required is a shift from a specifics approach to something more comprehensive. “There are specific things the university can and is doing, but what if they decide to do the ‘whole’ thing?” Unfortunately, as communicated during the symposium earlier in the day, many students feel they have little effect on administrative decisions. This, says M’Gonigle, is irrelevant in our day. “In the Google

M’Gonigle later described in his lecture how a camping trip to an area reserved for logging — inspired him to use his law degree to protect that space from logging, instead turning it into a national park. Creative tension, M’Gonigle insisted, is a method for creating more dynamic solutions, and requires students and administration to work together to make a more socially and environmentally responsible campus. “I think it can happen here,” said the University of Victoria professor of a campus sustainability office. “UW has one side of the coin — technology — but imagine if it had the other side: sustainability. The system needs to realize its possibilities.” And despite the frustrations, grievances and doubtfulness of many at the symposium and lecture, M’Gonigle Valerie leigh broadbent remains positive: “It’s a lot and Wikipedia age, change doesn’t of fun; let’s have some fun making quite take place like it used to; it these changes.” can grow like a crystal from the bottom up.” And he should know.

Passive: A casual approach to vegetarianism Continued from page 29

I don’t know if it’s an official term, but to me it means I will eat meat that is given or fed to me. Or meat that would otherwise be thrown out; I consider that to be bad karma. I will also eat organic or free range meat, but not very often at all. But overall I strive to eat lower on the food chain and the majority of my meals throughout the week are indeed vegetarian. So, why did I choose to become a passive meat eater? Firstly, after

researching ways to reduce my water consumption, I realized that the most effective way is to stop eating meat. According to the folks at, “a totally vegetarian diet requires 300 gallons of water per day, while a meateating diet requires more than 4,000 gallons of water per day.” Secondly, the amount of pollution created from factory farming makes me just as angry as seeing Hummers in Waterloo. If you think one cow’s fart stinks, imagine how bad a whole industrial sized barn must smell. Besides the terrible odour, the methane released is a major contributing factor of global warming. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that animal agriculture is the single largest cause of methane emissions in the U.S. and that methane is more than 20 times as effective as carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere. While we’re on this shitty subject, the Natural Resource Defence Council put out a report in 2001 stating that the heavy metals added to animal feed leaches from manure lagoons and runs off the fields and contaminates the soil with arsenic,

copper and zinc (just to name a few). This causes major damage to surrounding groundwater, lakes and rivers and poisons wildlife. Thirdly, according to the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), there are about 840 million people in the world who are underfed. If it takes 16 pounds of grain to produce just one pound of beef, doesn’t it seem like we can reduce this massive global starvation problem if we stop eating meat? The answer is yes. There is so much information on the internet relating meat consumption to global hunger, pollution and wasted resources. If this short little article didn’t convince you to cut down or stop eating meat, I encourage you to do some research yourself. And just a final quick rant about the men who think they have to eat meat in order to be macho: Believe me, by going vegetarian you won’t turn into one giant pussy. Instead, you will be taking one of the biggest steps possible towards reducing your personal contribution to global warming.



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Friday, February 9, 2007


Bird flu on the fly Faisal Naqib Yolanie Hettiarachchi assistant science editor

Superbugs’ chatter causes their downfall

Scientists believe that it is now possible to fight disease-causing bacteria by interrupting their conversations with each other. Evidence of bacterial communication has been seen increasingly in the past decade — bacteria are able to communicate with each other by sending out chemical signals that are picked up by special receptors. It is thought that if this communication can be interrupted, microbes will not be able to cause damage, and since the bacteria are not being killed, they will not be able to evolve into resistant strains. Dr. Paul Williams, a professor of molecular biology at Nottingham University, puts it this way: “Bacteria are a bit like an army going into battle. Only when they’ve got strength in numbers do they tell their troops to start firing.” Since there are only a couple of antibiotics that are effective against a major pathogen, it is imperative that a new antibiotic is produced in order to prevent this “firing” from occurring. However, the more the bacteria congregate, the higher their resistance to antibiotics. Although it may be years before a commercially available drug is developed, the method may still open doors for new weapons against superbugs.

staff reporter

that the museum should banish the fossils to a back room. Richard Leakey, one of the world’s renowned fossil hunters, led his team to Nariokotome in West Turkana, Kenya, where they unearthed the fossils in 1984. Leakey claims that Turkana Boy , who died at age 12, is a distant relative of the bishop: “The bishop is descended from the apes and these fossils tell how he evolved.” Among the 160,000 fossils (dating back 200 million years) to be displayed are an imprint of a lizard, dinosaur fossils and bones of short-necked giraffes. The exhibit will be financed by the European Union and will launch in July.

According to a BBC report on February 7, an outbreak of the flu virus H5N1 on a large turkey farm in eastern England might have infected one person. This has sent England’s Health Protection Agency (HPA) into full swing to ensure the incident is isolated. So far this year only two people have been tested for avian bird flu, the first being a veterinarian who showed symptoms of the flu, but testing revealed that he had neither bird flu nor seasonal flu. The man currently being tested is a farm worker who developed a cough and fever; HPA officials will know whether the farmer has bird flu by Thursday, February 8  after Imprint goes to press. The HPA has released reports that it is confident this will not be a case of H5N1, and that this disease

— With files from The Boston Globe, National Geographic, and the Examiner

Christine Ogley

is predominantly a disease affecting birds and is not easily transmitted to humans. To date, 270 people have been infected with the H5N1 virus strain, and approximately 160 have died as a result. Health professionals are concerned that the virus could mutate and trigger a flu pandemic, which could put millions of human lives at risk. These outbreaks are following a similar pattern observed over the last couple years; a highly pathogenic virus evolves in East Asia and crosses Eurasia, then makes its way into Western Europe. The virus is spread by wild birds — most likely ducks, which

surprisingly don’t get sick when they are infected by H5N1. Last year’s first case was reported in February 2006, similar to this year’s first case reported in Hungary (January 24) and the case being inspected currently (February 3). Unfortunately, Europe does not have the capability to predict an outbreak because of its lack of surveillance for flu in wild birds. Scientists will be meeting later this month to share methods and collaborate into a standard surveillance technique to be employed across Europe.

Diamonds arrive from space

A team of researchers from Florida International University claims that carbonado diamonds originated from an asteroid billions of years ago. The charcoal-coloured, froth-filled stones — obtained from Brazil and the Central African Republic — can weigh more than 3,600 carats but, because of their odd appearance, are unsuitable as gemstones. Consequently, they are used in industrial applications and make up the drill bits that helped dig the Panama Canal. The team, led by Stephen Haggerty, reveals that these diamonds may have been formed in an environment rich in hydrogen — such as that found in space — as evident from the hydrogen-carbon bond present within the stones. The bubbles are theorized to be caused by fizzing gases during the formation of the diamonds. Haggerty suggests that the deposits probably came from the impact of a diamond-rich asteroid at a time when Africa and South America were joined. The study was published online in last December’s Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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Turkana Boy unveiled

The most complete skeleton of a prehistoric human ever found, Turkana Boy, is to emerge from his confinement in a cabinet in Kenya’s national museum and be displayed publicly. The display is creating a storm of debate — that of evolution vs. creation. Scientists are at odds with Kenya’s powerful evangelical Christian movement. The head of Kenya’s 35 evangelical denominations, Bishop Boniface Adoyo, denied his evolution from the 5’3” Turkana Boy stating that, “These sorts of silly views are killing our faith.” Bishop Adoyo wants the exhibition to be boycotted and has also stated

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Sports Imprint

Friday, February 9, 2007 Sports Editor: Shawn Bell Sports Assistant: Doug Copping

Warriors fall just short, lose 4-3 at Laurier UW still up two points for first in OUA.WLU’s number 4 in CIS, UW number 6

Simona Cherler

Waterloo took a 3-2 lead into the final minute but couldn’t hang on; Hawks won 4-3 in OT. James Rowe staff reporter

The Waterloo Warriors men’s hockey team travelled down the road to face their cross-town rivals the Wilfrid Laurier Golden Hawks on Saturday, February 3 and wound up with a heartbreaking 4-3 overtime loss.

The game was played in front of a crowd of 1,400 people at the Waterloo Recreation Complex. Coming into the game, Waterloo was looking to avenge an 8-6 loss to the Golden Hawks on home ice back on October 27. The Warriors had a chance to lock up home ice advantage

throughout the OUA playoffs with a win, but it will now come down to the final weekend of the season to decide if that will go to them or Laurier. The large crowd on hand was treated to a tight game from start to finish. Laurier’s Tyler Grover gave the home crowd something to cheer about

just 27 seconds into the game as he beat UW goaltender Curtis Darling. Coming into the game, the Warriors had hoped to avoid the penalty trouble that had cost them so dearly in the two teams’ first meeting. This time around, it would be the Golden Hawks who couldn’t stay out of the penalty box. Waterloo had eight power plays in the 15 minutes following Grover’s opening marker and they took advantage of two of them. Midway through the period, defenseman Brandon Mulholland beat Laurier goaltender Jeff MacDougald to tie the score. Captain Kevin Hurley assisted. Just over six minutes later the Waterloo power play struck again. This time it was Sean Roche giving the Warriors the lead, assisted by Matt Levicki, and the first period ended with Waterloo up 2-1. The second period saw both netminders play well, but just past the 13 minute mark of the period Laurier’s Chad Kennedy was able to put the puck past Darling to tie the game at two. In the third, Laurier took control of the game, throwing everything they had at the Warriors. They peppered Darling with 12 shots on goal compared to the three that Waterloo was able to muster against MacDougald. Despite the shot advantage, Hurley was able to give the Warriors the lead when he scored an unassisted,

shorthanded goal with 8:41 remaining. It was Hurley’s third shorthanded tally of the season. The Golden Hawks’ offensive pressure finally paid off with just 18 seconds remaining. With MacDougald on the bench for an extra skater, Nathan Peacock tied the game at 3-3, sending it into overtime. Peacock struck again in the extra session, scoring the game winning goal just over three minutes in to give Laurier a dramatic 4-3 win. The loss was the first overtime loss of the season for the Warriors, who were outshot 39-26 by the Golden Hawks. The win moved Laurier up three spots to number 4 in the CIS rankings while Waterloo dropped one spot to number 6. Waterloo remains in first place overall in the OUA standings heading into the final weekend of the season, but Laurier is only two points behind. To round out the regular season the Warriors will host the Windsor Lancers on Friday, February 9 at the Columbia Ice Fields Arena. Game time is 7:30. The following night the two teams will meet in Windsor. Waterloo will need to claim three out of a possible four points to clinch first overall or else get some help in the form of Laurier losses to Guelph or York.

Warriors upset McMaster, then lose to Guelph at home Waterloo holds fifth in West with 20 points Adnan Khan reporter

With basketball playoff time drawing near, Waterloo split their games this week, ranking them fifth in the OUA West. Waterloo upset number one ranked McMaster 61-55 January 31 and then fell to Guelph February 3 by a score of 56-65. Coming into Waterloo, McMaster ranked as the second best offence in the OUA, putting up 71.5 points per game. The Warriors had every reason to be intimidated, but backing down is not what this team is about. Just like old ways the Warriors showed nothing but gritty, intense play and team defense carried them past the top-ranked team in the OUA. Waterloo held McMaster to just 55 points, making them shoot an embarrassing 32.2 per cent from the field. Team defense has been something Coach Watsa has been stressing from the very beginning of the season and this game is a perfect example why. It doesn’t matter how tough of a shooting night your team is having; defense is something that is always in your control, and it’s hard to lose games when you hold the opposing team well below their season’s scoring average.

Since McMaster has the third leading scorer in the OUA, Lindsay De Groot, it was expected that she would drop points. However, the Warriors defensive game plan was simple: Don’t let De Groot take over the game and lockdown everyone else. As expected De Groot, was the leading Marauder scorer with 24 points but what matters is that the Warriors held the rest of the team to just 31 points. Leading the way for the Warriors were guards Kim Lee and Kate Poulin. Lee dropped 17 points while Poulin had a solid allaround game with eleven points, six assists and eight rebounds. Fifth-year forward Gillian Maxwell also had a strong game, grabbing 11 rebounds. The second game of the week saw Waterloo lose to Guelph 56-65. You have to wonder how much the Warriors had left in the tank after the tough win against McMaster. Uncharacteristic mental breakdowns allowed the Gryphons to pull away. The Warriors had 25 turnovers in the game. It doesn’t matter who you are, you’re not going to win when you turn over the ball that much. The defense was exceptional as usual for the Warriors, who only allowed Guelph to shoot 30.2 per cent from the field, but offensively, the Warriors had a real hard time getting anything going. Waterloo

Simona Cherler

Kimberly Lee blows by a Gryphon. Warriors (10-9) are on road for three games to end the season. needed someone to step up and take over the game but unfortunately it didn’t happen. The leading scorer for the Warriors was Kim Lee with 14 points. Gillian Maxwell had another strong day on the boards with 13 rebounds; however, she went zero for nine from the field, finishing

with only one point. It was just one of those nights. With the playoffs approaching, every game from here is as important. The Warriors season is in their own hands; when they play well they are virtually unbeatable, but inconsistency has been something

that has been plaguing the team all year. So with this week’s games coming up against Western and Brock, you have to wonder which Warrior team will show up. Will it be the strongwilled, gritty defensive team, or the lacklustre offensive team?


Friday, February 9, 2007


Men’s basketball losing streak stretches to six Playoffs slipping away after home losses to Mac and Guelph Brody Hohman reporter

The Warriors men’s basketball team continued their slide this past week, dropping home games to McMaster and Guelph. First the McMaster Marauders got by UW 75-56 on January 31, then the Guelph Gryphons did the same February 3, by a score of 76-53. The losses drop Waterloo’s home record to 3-8 and their overall conference record to 6-12, which puts them in seventh in the OUA West. They are four points behind both Laurier and Guelph, who each have 16 points along with the final two playoff spots. Consistent offensive production has been a problem during the recent slide as the Warriors often struggle to put 40 minutes of steady scoring together. Wednesday night against McMaster was no different, as the Warriors played

an exciting first half that had them down just 36-31 at the break. Dave Burnett was excellent in the first half, stepping up to score seven of the games first 12 points while getting under the skin of McMaster point guard Martin Ajayi. Burnett also scored six of the final eight first half points and fed Dan White with a beautiful inside pass for the other two. The second half remained close as the Warriors were taking good shots, but a three-point deficit, with 12:42 left in the game, was as close as Waterloo would get. As the Warrior offense went cold, Ajayi knocked down big shots while Adam Steiner continued going to work in the low post, helping the Mauraders to a 13-5 run and the victory. Burnett topped the career high in points he set the game before, with 17 points to go along with 10 assists and three steals. Dan White added 9 points and Matt Hayes continued his strong play with 8 points and 8 rebounds in 19 minutes. Ajayi managed 19 points and Steiner had an impressive 18 points and 14 rebounds.

As they usually do, the Warriors passed the ball respectably with 14 assists and were hawks on defense swiping 12 steals, but their 30 and 20 per cent averages from the field and three-line respectively were their demise. The game against Guelph started out back and forth for the first few minutes and was still in reach for the Warriors who were down 32-25 at the half. But the second half saw Guelph get off to a quick start, and a 12-0 run half-way through the period, along with UW shooting averages of 38 and 18 per cent, sealed the victory for the visitors. Matt Kieswetter improved on a 1 for 10 night against Mac to score 13 points on 46 per cent shooting Valerie Leigh Broadbent while Dave Burnett struggled with Oliver Quesnel sets for three off Luke Kieswetter’s pass in a loss to Mac. his own one for ten night, still managwho step up with solid efforts while the tially win out, and hope for a couple ing seven assists. favours from the teams above them, for Michael Davis and Alan Good- rest of the team struggles to score. Waterloo has been trying to get above a realistic shot at the post-season. hoofd also shot the ball well combining the 40 per cent shooting mark as a team That push began February 7 in for 19 points on 62 per cent. J.R. Bailey led Guelph with 17 for most of the year and they will need to London against the Western Musdo just that for a late playoff push. tangs (9-8). Saturday at 4 p.m. they points and 9 rebounds. With four games remaining on the head to Brock to face the very talented The losses are tough for the Warriors, as there are usually a couple of players schedule, the Warriors have to essen- Badgers (11-6).

Shawn Bell sports editor

Women’s volleyball The Warriors clinched a playoff berth with a home-stand split February 2 and 3. The first place Western Mustangs beat Waterloo 3-1 on Friday, but the Warriors responded by beating Windsor 3-1 the next night. “It’s some of the best volleyball I’ve seen them play this season,� said coach Gaby Jobst. Gaby Lesniak led the way with 31 points over the two games. Waterloo, with the final game of the season on February 9, 6:00 p.m. at PAC, has 22 points and a lock on third in the West.

Simona Cherler

Amanda Verhoeve and Gaby Lesniak await the serve in weekend win over Windsor. Warriors clinched a playoff berth with win.


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Track and Field The track team split in half to cover both the York and Ottawa tournaments on February 3. In Toronto, Laura Sardone broke the five-minute barrier in the 1500m and finished fifth. Rookie AimĂŠe Dubeau jumped 1.50m in high jump, good for fourth.


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For the men, Alex Magdanz broke four minutes in the 1500m, finishing third. Jason Goetz had a golden leap of 13.97m in the triple jump, moving him to CIS number 10. In Ottawa, rookie Kelly-Lynne Spettigue finished fourth in the 1500m and won gold in the 3000m. Captains Kate Bickle and Emeka Ukwuoma finished second and fifth respectively in the 300m, the women’s 4x200m team finished second and the women’s 4x400m team are ranked CIS number 7 after finishing second. The men’s 4x400m finished third and are now CIS number 5. Curling The men’s and women’s curling teams travelled to Kingston February 3 and 4 for the OUA Crossover tournament. On the line was a top four OUA rank and a berth in the OUA tournament at the Waterloo Curling Club, February 17 and 18. The men went 1-3 on the weekend, leaving them 3-4 on the season, tied for fourth, but out of the playoffs

as Windsor won the tiebreaker. The women, on the other hand, went 4-0 on the weekend and propelled themselves into third place and a berth in the OUA Championship.

Naema Nayyar

Men’s volleyball The men lost two more at home, 3-0 to Western and 3-0 to Windsor. That makes 12 straight losses. Final game of the season is Friday February 9, at PAC against Laurier.

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Friday, February 9, 2007

Team Johnston takes on Warriors Brody Hohman

Warriors ski to podium in Ottawa


NHL Tomas Holmstrom ­­— He’s on a roll lately with four points in three games, including goals in three straight games. He’s worth using while hot. Mark Giordano — Three points in last three and 14pts/+11/24PIM in 34 games on the year for the young Flames defenseman. Niklas Backstrom — Manny Fernandez’ knee is worse than thought and he should be out for three weeks. Backstrom has won three straight starts and is 7-5-3/1.94/.932 on the year including two shutouts and makes a nice fill-in.

courtesy Tiffany Duncan

A bronze earned at the Eastern Canadian XC Championships. Louis Swift

NBA Nene — 18.5/7/1/1/.61% in last four despite a painful knee.


Tim Thomas — He’s doing 17/7/8/1 in 32 mpg over his last three. He’s a good addition while he’s hot and seeing minutes. Darko Milicic — He’s heating up and starting to please owners who actually held on to him. 16/6/1/2/.53 per in his last three. Jason Kapono — If you need scoring and 3PT help Kapono is a good option right now. 17 ppg and 14 threes in 32mpg over his last four games. Averages of .52/91/.56 (leads NBA in three point percent) on the year. Morris Peterson — 17/4/1/.64/.100 and 12 threes over his last three. Despite coming off the bench he’s worked his way back to being a useful low-end option.

naema nayyar

On February 7, UW President and former hockey All-American at Harvard, David Johnston was the captain of Team Johnston. The team, made up of UW faculty and staff, challenged Team Heaney, a team of men’s and women’s varsity Warriors, coached by seven-time world champion Geraldine Heaney (who is also the Women’s Warrior coach), and won the exhibition match 5-3.

This past weekend, the Waterloo Nordic Ski Team travelled to the OttawaGatineau region of Eastern Ontario for the Ontario University qualifying races. In addition to being an OUA race, it was also the Eastern Canadian Cross-Country Ski Championships. With around 650 participants in total, it was a very large race. Held at MontBlue at the foot of the Gatineau Hills, site of the infamous Keskinada World Loppet, expectations were high for both the quality of the course and the amount of snow. As it turned out, Ottawa has less snow than Waterloo, and therefore, the course was run mostly along the Gatineau Parkway, the 401 of cross-country skiing. While being very wide and having some long, sloping uphills, the course also featured a large amount of very flat terrain. The team took this in stride however, and showed up Saturday morning ready to ski their respective distances. All members of the team showed great skill in navigating the not so technical course. On the men’s side, Harry Seaton was in top form as usual, finishing third place in a very strong field, skiing the 10 km course in a time of 29:22. On the women’s side, Nellie Dow scored a very impressive sixth place, in a time of 26:34. Other members of the team had varying degrees of success during the day as well. Sunday Feburary 4 contained a mass start skate race and, opposed to the individual start race of the day before, promised to be chaotic, with a large number of participants in each category. Mass starts almost always contain a large amount of broken equipment and falling. Luckily, most of the Waterloo ski team emerged from their mass starts unscathed and ended the day with successful results. The Open category skied a longer distance than the OUA category, and Seaton opted for the longer distance, finishing yet again in a strong third place. Nellie Dow also opted for the longer distance, finishing in tenth place. In the university categories, Kelly Skinner was the first woman from Waterloo, finishing 21st in a time of 36:52 followed closely by Tiffany Duncan. On the men’s side Neil de Laplante and Colin Rhodes skied a tight battle the entire race, which culminated in a sprint, resulting in de Laplante with 15th and Rhodes 16th place, just inches apart. All around the ski team had a successful weekend, and is now in preparation for next week’s major event, the OUA Championships, held again in the Ottawa region.


Friday, February 9, 2007


Athlete Profile: Martha Fallis Doug Copping assistant sports editor

Martha Fallis, a third year environmental studies student, connects her experience being a varsity cheerleader to themes that affect us all. GROWING UP Growing up, I was involved in competitive gymnastics and competitive dance. This is where my co-ordination comes from. My sister is a professional dancer and teacher. She is on the Canadian tap team and performs for the Toronto Rock. Varsity cheerleading is the closest venue to competitive dance and gymnastics. Natural flexibility and size are the main requirements. Developing in-air stability requires strength and practice. PREPARATION January to September, we’re building our skills for Nationals, exploring new territory and mastering new skills. From September to December we practice our routine for competition. We don’t have an off-season. Our coach designs the routine. He is like the choreographer. Usually by October, he maps out our routine on the floor. Sequence by sequence. We know the stunts and have developed the skills to perform them. He provides the order. When your six to eight feet in the air, you need to know your partner is going to catch you. And they need to trust you. Our partnership is based on trust.

MISCONCEPTION We are an athletic team. We compete. We don’t just cheerlead games. We work towards victory at national competition. As a team, we want to be top three in Canada. The main aspect of the sport is the competition‌ and it is very competitive. COMPETITION During the football and basketball games, when we perform, we’re showing what we’ve already mastered. We do stunts that are clean and safe. We want to make sure the audience is having fun, getting them engaged in the game. During Nationals, we’re competing to be the best in Canada. The competition pushes us. It provides a spark. We came third last year and now, we want first. We always want to improve, working towards the next thing, towards excellence. LIFE LESSONS This experience has taught me to work with, learn from and support other people Our team pushes each other to different levels. Our coach pushes us to be reliable and respectable. He is very strict with rules and safety. The commitment and regular practice has taught me to be more responsible. I’ve learned about dedication. I’m motivated to work towards my personal best. There are always places for you to improve. Always. The team motivates each other. That’s how we progress.

photos courtesy Martha Fallis

Guelph scores last minute to escape with 3-3 tie Matt Levicki reporter

With only six games left in the regular season, this year’s Warriors hockey team definitely have their eyes set on the playoffs. On Saturday Feburary 3rd, in an important battle versus the University of Guelph, the Warriors found themselves in a desperate fight with several other teams for the last couple of spots in the tight OUA playoff race. With so much on the line in this game, one could have expected a playoff-like atmosphere. Rather, it was a much more tentative start as both teams seemed worried about making the first mistake, resulting in a 0-0 first period. It was not until midway through the second period that the Warriors finally got on the board, establishing some control in the game. Forward Nadine VandenHeuvel opened the scoring with a goal set up by Jo-Ann Scott. Not long after, Laura Sturch would put the Warriors up by a 2-0 margin on an unassisted goal, going into the third period with a two goal lead. However, things would take a turn for the worse in the final period for the Warriors. In the early going, Guelph would respond with a goal of their own, cutting the lead in half. For the rest of the game, the playoff-like atmosphere that was lacking throughout showed up in full force.

The teams would trade a pair of goals halfway through the third, setting up for a dramatic finish. With the Guelph netminder finding her way to the bench, the Gryphons would tie the game with just over a minute remaining. The Warriors would not taste the sweetness of victory on this night, settling for a 3-3 tie. After the game, fourth-year anchor on defence and assistant captain, Miranda Humphrey, commented on the tie by saying, “We were happy we were playing them at home, and we had them against the wall; it was a heartbreaker to come so close and have them score with so little time left.� The tie moves the Warriors record to 6-8-31 and still battling for every point in what will likely be a photo finish in this playoff race. The next action for the Warriors is two home games versus Queens’ this weekend at the Columbia Ice Fields Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Humphrey also spoke about the upcoming games against the Golden Gaels, ranked number 6, saying, “Our team is frustrated after a few heartbreakers, but we’re feeling confident that we’re going to play our game and come out of the weekend with some positive results.� If the Warriors hope to continue talking about the playoffs after this weekend, some positive results would back up their words quite nicely.



simona cherler

Warriors fight for every point. Laura Sturch has her eyes on ther prize.


Friday, February 9 (M)Waterloo vs. Windsor 7:30 pm, CIF Arena Listen Live at


Friday, February 9 Waterloo vs. Laurier (W)@ 6 pm ; (M)@ 8 pm PAC GYM


Saturday February 10 (F)Waterloo vs. Queens 7:30 pm, CIF Arena

Sunday, February 11 (F) Waterloo vs. Queens 2 pm, CIF Arena Listen Live at

ATHLETES OF THE WEEK HARRY SEATON, NORDIC SKIING A second year Kinesiology student from Orillia, Ontario, has a fantastic showing this past weekend at the OUA qualifier in Ottawa. In Saturday’s 10km classic technique race, Harry finished 3rd amongst OUA skiers in a tie of 29 minutes, 22 seconds, only 15s out of first place. In Sundays 30km skate technique race, he finished 11th overall after 30km, third in the Junior Men’s category and ahead of all but one of the OUA skiers.

KIM LEE, BASKETBALL A third year Actuarial Science student from Markham, Ontario, led the Warriors to a stunning 61-55 win over the #1 CIS ranked McMaster Marauders last Wednesday evening here in Waterloo. Kim scored 17 points and added 5 rebounded to lead the Wariors to victory over previously unbeaten McMaster. It was the second week in a row that Waterloo has knocked off a top ten CIS team and Kim has been an integral part of the Warriors success.

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