Impr Int The universiTy of WaTerloo’s official

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Impr int The university of Waterloo’s official student newspaper

Friday, November 14, 2008

Vol 31, No

The campus underbelly — Plant Ops explored pages 16-17


imprint . uwaterloo . ca

Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema page 18

From free ... to $18,000 Andrew Robert Abela head reporter


Retail Services demands annual payment for university’s booklist; so far Feds wins term-by-term instalments, little else, in negotiations

W Retail Services (UWRS) recently decided to charge the Federation of Students (Feds) $6,000 per term for a service that has been provided to them for free for years. Until recently, UWRS gave the Feds Used Bookstore a list of textbooks currently being used in UW courses completely free of charge. This list allowed the Feds Used Book- to run their business this way is so high that it clause, while Williams confirmed the funding will store to grant a unique service to UW students “was still more economically feasible to pay them “not come from student fees; it will come from profits from our businesses.” for a number of years, every term: namely, the money than to do anything else.” As a result, Williams requested a contract from However, this decision made by UWRS is the provision of current course textbooks May “so that this wasn’t one of those situations in undoubtedly a huge change for the way Feds used at prices lower than face value. In late August, the director of UWRS, May which we pay $18,000 one year, $20,000 next year, deals with the university in business matters Yan, notified Feds President Justin Williams that that kind of thing.” Essentially, Williams wanted a such as this. Williams expressed that “now the list would no longer be supplied without a plan outlining what Feds was going to pay UWRS we’re customers of a service, which I think is just an interesting, different dynamic where cost, and that she was ready to send them an for, which he has yet to be provided. “There was no real math given to me on hopefully the relationship between our staff invoice requiring immediate payment. Although the list of current textbooks had already been what that involved. I asked for it, but what it (especially John Jongerius, Used Bookstore given to Feds for the fall term, Yan requested came down to was what we were willing to pay manager) and the people that he works with at Retail Services will remain strong.” an annual payment of $18,000 from Feds for for this service,” he added. “It was ‘we want this much money,’ we need Williams recounted that Feds has worked the use of this previously free service. According to Williams, “May sent us to pay it, so we said okay.” Accordingly, Williams with the UW Bookstore on academic materials has agreed to pay $6,000 per term for the use of and patent rights in the past. “It’s one thing a list of what the university that I can happily say we’ve been wanted in their contract, it went to the board of directors of the Another alternative is for Feds to source able to maintain. Andres Fuentes has lobbied in that respect, where FEDS, and they had a number of concerns which we sent back to the data themselves, which [Feds Exec we and Retail Services have a lot of shared ideas,” said Williams. “But Yan after receiving approval from Del] Pereira describes as “great in terms Del and I are now in a business our lawyers.” He also added that up until this point “we had only of providing students with another job.” contract negotiation … so it’s the same two organizations, two very, talked about general principles very different relationships, right that would be in the contract.” Yan’s response to the requested revisions this service, but the fine print is still being worked beside each other. “We sometimes have conflicting business was far from encouraging. Essentially, Yan out on the contract. Specifically, a certain clause in the contract interests, but I think it’s fair to say that usually stated that this was the contract that they were comfortable signing, and that if Feds states that Feds must notify Retail Services 30 it’s obvious that both parties have the best didn’t like the contract, they could just use days in advance before they can terminate the interests of students at heart; we may disagree the BookLook website online and not have contract, while Retail Services doesn’t need to with what the best interests of students are, or provide Feds with any notice whatsoever if they sometimes it is just a dollar and cents issue,” the book list transferred to them directly. If the Used Bookstore were to take this choose to terminate the very same contract. Feds said Williams. If the Feds Used Bookstore was no longer route, “we’d have a lineup that went up the Vice-President of Administration and Finance stairs, out the SLC of people waiting to bring Del Savio Pereira said that he wants to “make it able to offer UW students the efficient, reliback their books because we’d have to look so that either we both need 30 days, or we both able service that it currently does, an increase in textbook sale posts on want ad-type web up each one on BookLook individually and can terminate it at any time.” Pereira is currently in talks with Yan to work media like Facebook Marketplace or Kijiji is figure it out that way” said Williams. Basically, the amount of time and effort required out the minor details of the contract termination likely to occur. This would effectively reduce

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the income Feds receives from the Used Bookstore, which could have dire consequences for the innumerable services the student government provides for students across campus. According to Jongerius, annual sales are about $2 million. Pereira depicted the main role of the Feds Used Bookstore as “giving students a quality product — because that is what we offer: current books — and we attribute that to Retail Services. That’s what sets apart our used bookstore from every other one, including Laurier and every other one in Canada. We stay current, and that is because we partner with the university on this.” Pereira noted that paying the $6,000 fee is a “short term” option. An alternative is to have Feds source the data themselves, which Pereira describes as “great in terms of providing students with another job, and we do have one of the best math faculties.” “There’s a 90 per cent chance that I’m going to go down that route within the next year. I think there’d be more of an upfront cost, in terms of paying the co-op person, using the resources in the office like the space, and actually ensuring the integrity of the program itself; but in the long-run, we’d save a lot of money,” said Pereira. Although some progress has been made towards finding an arrangement that both the Feds and UWRS agree with, no decision has been made official. Consequently, only time will tell if winter term students selling or purchasing used textbooks will be met with longer lineups, or if they will be provided with the same reliable, useful service the Feds Used Bookstore has offered UW students for years.

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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Big ticket meetings My serious worry is that the demographic most likely to choose to teach in the UAE is (straight) men. ... I’m really worried that the optics of this will further impede the recruitment and retention of women faculty members in Engineering. UW Senator Shannon Dea Philosophy

I am quite concerned that we might create two kinds of faculty — those who teach at the satellite campus and are (consciously or not) rewarded for that support, and those who don’t teach at the satellite campus (for whatever reason). The perception of someone being not a “team player” can creep into one’s thinking in many insidious ways. UW Senator Bruce Richter Combinatorics & Optimization

Is the university not at least morally obliged to refrain from engaging in initiatives that have the appearance of giving preferential treatment in violation of the [Ontario Human Rights] Code?” UW Senator Wayne Oldford Mathematics

tifa han

Above, 17 pages of questions and concerns from faculty and staff about the UAE satellite campus flood the agenda for the UW Senate meeting on Monday, November 17 at 4:30 p.m. This number does not include the student senators’ open letter to President David Johnston, printed in last week’s issue. The UAE satellite campus will be voted upon at this meeting. Information about the Campus Master Plan will also be discussed, while the Sunday, November 16 (12:30 p.m.) student council meeting tackles changes to its own format, ostensibly to improve transparency and involvement, and seeks the removal of absentee councillors.

UW Senate, Student council meetings promise noteworthy developments Maggie Clark editor-in-chief


ts main agenda runs at least a full half hour longer than the 6:45 p.m. meeting cut-off point voted upon on February 28, 2000. More mundane items include faculty appointments and reappointments, changes to high school application requirement literature, and a timeline for university program reviews (with the majority of math programs, along with most of the others reviewed this year, to be next targeted in 2015). But somewhere between discussion of the Campus Master Plan and voting on a new institute for material joining, the UW Senate will see a vote on the United Arab Emirates satellite campus, followed by a response to submitted questions and concerns from faculty and staff, at its Monday, November 17, 4:30 p.m. meeting. Set to start around 6 p.m., Item 8 of the agenda entails a senate executive report with the following motion: “That Senate endorses in principle the UAE campus initiative, as it has been described to senate to date.” Pursuant to this vote, President David Johnston will address questions sent in writing by “senators who have disquiet about this initiative,” as per an open invitation announced at the October meeting. These questions and comments, not including the

open letter to Johnston from student senators, published November 7 in Imprint, run 18 pages long in the 136 page document. The agenda is available at www.secretariat., where all questions can be read in their entirety. Notable, however, is the surfeit of comments forwarded on the condition of anonymity from faculty to faculty senators. Prof. Dave DeVidi, president of the Faculty Association of UW, comments to this end: “Some faculty members wrote to say things like: It is an unfortunate statement about the state of the university that people have felt worried about whether to speak their minds about this initiative. People are worried about being seen to oppose something that someone higher up the administrative food chain is backing, so worry about ‘having already spent on my political capital with the Dean,’ or ‘when the vote was taken in our department, it amounted to a vote of confidence in the Chair, rather than a decision about the merits of the proposal.’” In noting the lack of expressed support for this initiative, however, DeVidi added that “this is unsurprising ... because of the way the call for questions was worded; it asked for concerns, not votes.” With so much of the satellite campus already under development, it is uncertain whether or not the vote could feasibly be anything but a

rubber stamping procedure. Meanwhile, the Campus Master Plan is all discovery: A visit to masterplan.html presents students with the consultation workbook (replete with images) and full draft plan to be presented on Monday. Growth for UW in the coming years is framed around four “key moves:” 1) “Develop a north-south circulation spine through the South Campus as a wayfinding device, a focus for enlivening open spaces and public uses, and a common space for all people on campus. 2) “Develop a comprehensive network of landscapes and open spaces, and invest significantly and early on in key landscape initiatives on the South Campus. 3) “Direct some new growth to the periphery of the South Campus to improve connections to the city and preserve open space within the Ring Road. 4) “Create new campus gateways to the south, north and east, framed by prominent new buildings and enhanced open spaces, and with an improved sense of arrival for visitors travelling by car, transit, bicycle, or on foot.” The day prior — Sunday, November 16 at 12:30 p.m. in the Multi Purpose Room — student council holds its own monthly meeting, with two distinct and notable items on the agenda. On October 17, Imprint wrote about absenteeism as a critical factor in lapses of student representa-

tion (“Student Rep Check-Up: UW Senate); on Sunday, on a council level, student representatives will vote on the removal of three councillors for similar absenteeism. Arts councillor Lu Jiang (full disclosure: Imprint treasurer), School of Pharmacy councillor Heather Foley, and Independent Studies councillor Matt Heppler are up for possible removal; their absences will mean vacant seats for their respective faculties. Heppler was quick to follow the distribution of the council agenda with an appeal to maintain his seat, stating: “I will be able to be more involved for the remainder of the term and in future terms.” He further noted that current bylaws “make it impossible to take a leave,” and that “personal and academic responsibilities” made attendance impossible this term. He promised to be in attendance on Sunday. Student council will also be deliberating on changes to their council procedures: Council Procedure 9 will more clearly lay out the terms under which special or emergency meetings can be held (minimum five days and 24-hour notice respectively), with all requisite information for counsellors in regular meetings to be provided at least seven days’ in advance, direct to their inboxes. Whether these procedural changes and removal votes will raise awareness and council involvement remains to be seen.



Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

UW ranked best overall School of Business followed with a score of 74.8 and 72.5 respectively. Waterloo also placed first in the urban planning program category with a score t’s been a good year for UW, as of 80.2 (followed by York University the university was highly ranked at 70.6 and Dalhousie University at by Maclean’s annual Canadian 62.9) and in the architecture program University November 10 ranking category with a score of 45.9 (followed issue, placing it high, if not tops, in by University of Toronto at 38.25 most categories amongst education and Ryerson University at 34.60). It institutions across Canada. also placed third in the engineering 17 years and UW is still the “most program category; at a close score of innovative” university according to 73.37, it was preceded by the University Maclean’s. Based on the opinions of of Calgary at 77.54 and the University 12,000 individuals, including “univerof Toronto at 74.75. sity officials at each ranked institution, Among student and program high-school principals and guidance ranking UW counsellors from has placed top every province and territory, the heads “Maclean’s has not only ranked Waterloo first in research. As published in the of a wide variety of national and in the ‘most innovative category’, but also first National Post on November 7, this regional organizain the ‘leaders of tomorrow’ category” university ranked tions, plus CEOs first in the “comand recruiters at corporations large and small,” Maclean’s nual evaluation of university programs prehensive research university” category has not only ranked Waterloo first in aimed at “changing the world.” They with a score of 91.1 out of 100, and is the “most innovative” category, but gather data from the UK Beyond Grey followed by the University of Guelph also first in the “leaders of tomorrow” Pinstripes biennial survey (which ranks in second place with a score of 88.76, category and second in the “highest business schools) and evaluated pro- and the University of Victoria in third quality” category. This earned UW grams — giving it a score out of 100 with 74 points, in the annual Canada first place in the “best overall” category — based on three areas: institutional Top 50 Research Universities survey, followed by McGill in second and Uni- support (weighted at 30 per cent), stu- conducted annually by national consultversity of Alberta in third — giving UW dent-led initiatives (weighted at 25 per ing firm,Research Infosource Inc. Last cent) and course work (weighted at 45 year, Waterloo raked in a total of $121.6 the same rankings as last year. million in research income from govUW also scored first in reputation, per cent). According to the Knight School ernment and non-government sources, student awards, and scholarships and bursaries in the Maclean’s evaluation University Guide Report, the UW placing it in the elite $100 million club rankings. It also did well in faculty Centre for Environment and Business among Canadian universities. awards, coming in second in social sci- placed first out of 47 universities in — with files from Maclean’s, Corpoences and humanities grants, placing it the “business school” category with a third in the “comprehensive” category score of 78.3. University of Calgary’s rate Knights, Beyond Grey Pinstripes, — next came Victoria University, and Haskayne School of Business and and UW Communications and Public Concordia University’s John Molson Affairs. Dinh Nguyen

assistant editor-in-chief


University of Alberta was in first. However, UW did not do as well as compared to the experts’ evaluation, as UW did not place at all in the Medical Doctoral rankings (as it does not yet have a program aimed towards this), or in the “primarily undergraduate” rankings, “which takes measure of the undergraduate experience comparing three peer groups…focused on undergraduate education, with relatively few graduate programs.” UW placed relatively high in many categories presented by Corporate Knights’ Knight School, an an-

Yang Liu news editor

York strike carries on York’s 50, 000 undergraduate students are still out of class as the CUPE 3903 York strike pressed into its eighth day as of Imprint’s press deadline. The union, which is currently seeking an 11 per cent pay hike over two years, plus benefits and job security, voted down the university’s 9.25 per cent offer over three years and went on strike last week. CUPE 3903, which represents 3,400 contract faculty members, teaching assistants and graduate students, has rejected the latest offer of arbitration from the university with no plans to return to the negotiating table. On Monday November 10, student groups also joined the union on the picket lines; two weeks prior the York Federation of Students (YFS) passed a resolution to support the union strike. Not all students are supportive of the strike. “I feel like we are the middleman here for them to prove their point,” said fourth-year political science student Goli Khalili in an interview with The National Post. A group of York students formed an organization called York Not Hostage through Facebook that has gathered hundreds of members and is planning an rally next week to express their frustration with the strike. “We are holding the rally because we have lost our voice. We just want to go back to school and finish our education,” said Catherine

Divaris, a fourth-year kinesiology student. The group contends that the YFS did not adequately address or listen to the student body’s concerns before supporting the striking union. A similar strike that occurred in 2000 — 2001 lasted nearly 11 weeks, wiping out much of an academic term. In a interview with the Globe and Mail, Hamid Osman, president of the York Federation of Students, said criticism being levelled at his group for taking sides in the dispute is unfair. Mr. Osman said the federation supports the union’s efforts to get better wages and job security and, like all parties involved, would like to see an end to the strike. Chief CUPE negotiator Graham Potts said students need to express their anger to the university, not the union. Potts accused the university of “playing hardball” with negotiations. Meanwhile, the university adminstration has put up a press release on the York University website citing that the two sides are “far apart in negotiation, but students could return to class immediately if CUPE 3903 accepts binding arbitration.” Nadia Habib, who has taught on contract for a decade, said to the Globe and Mail that while wage demands have made headlines, what is not being discussed is the university’s efforts to take away full-time job opportunities for long-time employees such as herself. “That’s what’s missing from the conversation,” she said.

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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Making an impact


Annual entrepreneurship conference gathers ambitious business students from across Canada Susanne Roma staff reporter


hen he first heard of the Impact Entrepreneurship Group, Aditya Shah, currently completing his fifth year in Systems Design Engineering at UW, was drawn to the entrepreneurial vision Impact had and decided to join the group. Three years later, as conference chair and executive vice president of Programs for the Impact Entrepreneurship, he wants to share the opportunity for others to realize their own dreams. In an interview with Shah, he disclosed that upon graduation he plans to start his own personal entrepreneurship, a dream that he never would have fathomed prior to attending the Impact Leadership Conference in 2005. The Impact Entrepreneurship Group, Canada’s largest non-profit, student-run entrepreneurship organization, is dedicated to stimulating entrepreneurial spirit amongst the youth of Canada. They will be hosting its fifth annual Impact National Conference in Toronto on November 21 and 22 at the Weston Harbour Castle. Over 65 countries from around the world will be engaging in events celebrating youth entrepreneurship, from November 17 — 23, as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. Acting almost like the Grammys of Entrepreneurship Week Canada, the Impact conference will be bringing together over 500 of the top high school, college, and university youth leaders from all over Canada aiming to inspire young persons with ambition, passion, and determination to pursue their dreams using the wide array of resources in their environment that they may not have known existed before. This annual campaign brings together entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizations from across

Canada to host educational and inspirational programs as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. According to Shah, the conference will equip the youth with the skills necessary to become ambassadors for their own communities through networking, workshops, and hands-on activities aimed to practise key business skills such as teamwork, strategizing, taking imitative, decision making, and creative thinking. “There’s something there for everyone; we want our delegates to walk away feeling that they’re improved one of their weaknesses, perfected a strength or learned something new,” says Shah. Among these events, the conference will also consist of keynote speakers such as Rebecca MacDonald, co-founder and executive chair of Energy Savings Income Fund and a Toronto - based marketer of deregulated gas and electricity, and Bruce Poon Tip, founder and CEO of G.A.P. Adventures — a world leader in adventure travel expeditions. All 40 speakers scheduled to share their stories are Canadian. According to Shah, they want to let people know their stories, have young people learn and be motivated by their own struggles to reach the top, and feel the pride that one can accomplish when they have the three core components that Impact promotes: ambition, passion, and determination. Shah said that attending Impact’s national conference would be a great way to learn about the many organizations that provide support, mentorship and basic resources for entrepreneurs, meet new people, make a large number of network connections and acquire the valuable business and social skills that one doesn’t pick up in day to day life.

photo courtesy of Impact

UW President Johnston at the 2007 Impact conference addresses a crowd of students. Impact brings corporate CEOs, business entrepreneurs, and students together in a series of lectures and worksops.

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6 News North Korea’s nuclear negation, haiti’s

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

house of cards, and afghan acid attack Nokyoung Xayasane Assistant News Editor

North Korea halts nuclear sampling PYONGYANG, North Korea North Korea declared on November 12 that it would not allow international nuclear inspectors to remove soil and nuclear waste samples from its arms-grade plutonium plant. According to the Korea Central News Agency, American inspectors will be permitted to visit the main nuclear plant in Yongbyon, north of Pyongyang, to interivew engineers and review documents, but no samples are allowed to be taken. However, testing of samples is essential to verifying the claims that the country has made about its nuclear program. It also twharts Washington’s attempts to determine if North Korea is pursuing a uranium-rich program and exporting these technologies to Syria. The U.S. estimates that North Korea has produced 50 kg (110 lbs) of plutonium — equivalent to six to eight nuclear bombs. “The method of verification will be ... confined to field visit(s),”the N.K.’s KCNA news agency quoted the Foreign Minister of saying. Also, they feel that changing the agreement “is an act of infringing upon sovereignty little short of seeking a house-search to insist on adding even a word except the written agreement,” N.K. was removed from the U.S. terror sponsor’s list last month in a deal that allowed international nuclear experts to take samples and conduct forensic tests at all its declared nuclar facilities. Washington’s State Department spokes-

man Robert Wood said N.K. was required by “understandings” reached the previous month to permit sampling. He did not confirm if N.K. was restricting experts from removing samples from Yongbyon. In August, N.K. had started to disable its Yongbyon nuclear reactor, but more recently it becan to reassemble the plant after Washington refused to remove it from their blacklist. Tensions continue to heighten after N.K. expelled U.N. inspectors and test-fired shortrange missles.

have seen in Nerettes,” Eucher Luc Joseph, secretary of state for public safety, told Reuters. “It is construction with practically no cement, no iron. It has been built in total violation of regulations.” The owner of the College La Promesse was later arrested. The government declared that November 13 as a day of mourning and will be giving $3,000 to the family of each victim of the La Promesse collapse. Fortunately, no deaths have been reported from the Grace Divine disaster. However, nine students were injured with the most serious injury being a broken leg, said Jean Fetner

— With files from Reuters, BBC, and New York Times

forward to claim responsibility for the assault. However, Arab-language network Al-Jazeera said Taliban militants were the suspected culprits. “One guy squirted acid from a bottle on us,” 14-year-old Athifa Bibi said from her hospital bed, according to the CBC. “Nobody warned us. Nobody threatened us. We don’t have any enemies,” she said, adding that she is now afraid to go back to school. The Taliban’s Islamist regime had banned girls from schools during their 1996-2001 reign. Bibi’s family had not received any threats

“It is construction with practically no cement, no iron. It has been built in total violation of regulations.”

Haiti’s second school collapse PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti

Eucher Luc Joseph, Secretary of Public Safety

Haiti’s second school collapse injured nine people, and came five days after a similar collapse, which killed 95 people. Grace Divine school in the Canape Vert section of Port-au-Price partially came crashing down November 12. Word of the collapse spread quickly, and propagated crowds of anxious parents and emergency workers to the site. Most of the children were on a break from classes and were outside the school when the incident occurred. Less than a week earlier, the College La Promesse in nearby Petionville came crashing down with fatal results.Authorities attributed the November 7 La Promesse school collapse to faulty construction. The building had little structural steel or cement holding its concrete blocks together. Many speculate that the Grace Divine collapse was had the same cause. “It is the same kind of construction we

Freferic, administrator of the nearby Canape Vert Hospital the owner of the Petionville school has also been arrested. — With files from Reuters, BBC, and CBC Acid attack blinds three schoolgirls KABUL, Afghanistan Three Afghan schoolgirls were blinded in an acid attack after two men on motorcycles used water pistols to spray them. The two victims were walking to school with eight other students. Six out of the group of eight were taken to hospital, where the three were treated. The three who were injured in the attack were wearing full-length burkas. The attackers fleed the scene, and no one has come

about sending the girl to school, said Bibi Meryam, the child’s aunt. However, the family now considers keeping her home until security improvements have been implemented. “By such actions, they cannot prevent six million children going to school,” the Afghan government told the CBC. They added that the assault was “un-Islamic”, and that the assault was executed by the “country’s enemies,” a refrence to Taliban militants. Taliban spokesman Qari Yousef Ahmazi denied that the insurgents were involved. “We totally deny it. We didn’t do this thing,” Qari Yousaf Asmazi told the CBC. “I don’t like these incidents to occur with civilians.” — With files from CNN and CBC

Imprint is gettin’ us some integrity .

That is, if you can help us out! The annual Canadian University Press Conference (CUP) — this year in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan from January 7 to 11 — gathers student journalists from across Canada to share in speakers, workshops, group critiques, and other seminars to improve their journalistic skills. Interested in going? Want to help us out? Contact Dinh

Nguyen at Photos by: Mackenzie Keast. Top right photo by: Mohammad Jangda

Opinion Friday, November 14, 2008 Vol. 31, No. 18 Student Life Centre, Room 1116 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 P: 519.888.4048 F: 519.884.7800 Editor-in-chief, Maggie Clark Advertising & Production Manager, Laurie Tigert-Dumas General Manager, Catherine Bolger Ad Assistant, vacant Sales Assisstant, Lawrence Wang Systems Admin. vacant Distribution, Rob Blom, Ash Mukadda Interns, Matthew Lee, Brandon Rampelt, Holly Sage, Danielle Whittemore Board of Directors President, vacant Vice-president, Sherif Soliman Treasurer, Lu Jiang Secretary, Vanessa Pinelli Staff liaison, Peter Trinh Editorial Staff Assistant Editor, Dinh Nguyen Head Reporter, Vacant Lead Proofreader, Paul Collier Cover Editor, Kevin Shahbazi News Editor, Yang Liu News Assistant, Nokyoung Xayasane Opinion Editor, Travis Myers Opinion Assistant, Keith McManamen Features Editor, Duncan Ramsay Features Assistant, Caitlin McIntyre Arts & Entertainment Editor, Mark Kimmich Arts & Entertainment Assistant, Marco Baldasaro Science & Tech Editor, Anya Lomako Science & Tech Assistant, Eric Gassner Sports & Living Editor, Adrienne Raw Assistant Sports & Living, Tina Ironstone Photo Editor, Mackenzie Keast Photo Editor Assistant, Ethan Oblak Graphics Editor, Tifa Han Graphics Assistant, Jacqueline To Web Administrator, Sonia Lee Systems Administrator, vacant Production Staff Rajul Saleh, Susie Roma, Tim Clark, Alicia Boers, Tom Levesque, E. Aboyeji

Next staff meeting: Monday, November 17 12:30 p.m. Next board of directors meeting: Friday, November 21 10:30 a.m.

Conspire ... to take a different stance on helplessness


veryone has their limits of tolerance: mine arise in relation to 9/11 conspiracy theories. From personal experience, I know there are students on this campus who buy into one of the most extreme — the “Zionist plot,” arising mainly in the Middle East from a completely false claim that 4,000 Jewish employees in the twin towers stayed home on September 11, 2001 — and the thought of these horrific claims going unchallenged is deeply troubling. But so, too, are all 9/11 conspiracy theories, in the same way right-wing America’s assertion that Barack Obama is still an “enigma” drives me up the wall. What isn’t a mystery are the causes of these theories, as well as this general insistence that there must be an insidious underbelly to everything extreme in this world — acts of mass devastation and inspiration alike. When Holocaust denial emerges in countries at odds with Israel, for instance, the aim is simple: Dehumanization of the enemy. Is it possible to acknowledge your enemy’s tragic past, while at the same time vilify their present actions, up to and including their denial of possible genocides committed upon your own people? Absolutely. But hatred and desperation are louder tools of rhetoric; and sometimes people think “louder” — in the form of terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, arms races, and good old-fashioned racial prejudice — is the only way they’ll get their point across. The motivations behind mainstream 9/11 conspiracy theories are quieter, but no less dangerous. In “America the Resilient,” an essay in the March/April 2008 issue of Foreign Affairs, Stephen E. Flynn makes a strong case for the rise of individual helplessness in the wake of 9/11, with the government breeding insecurity and distrust in place of strength and togetherness. This mentality had to be crippling for an American public that watched its nation’s reputation plummet on the world stage, saw no resolution for its losses in retaliatory wars, and ultimately had to ask: Who is responsible for why the world is this way?

Graphics Team Tifa Han, Jacqueline To, Armel Chesnais, Sonia Lee Imprint is the official student newspaper of the University of Waterloo. It is an editorially independent newspaper published by Imprint Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. Imprint is a member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association (OCNA). Editorial submissions may be considered for publication in any edition of Imprint. Imprint may also reproduce the material commercially in any format or medium as part of the newspaper database, Web site or any other product derived from the newspaper. Those submitting editorial content, including articles, letters, photos and graphics, will grant Imprint first publication rights of their submitted material, and as such, agree not to submit the same work to any other publication or group until such time as the material has been distributed in an issue of Imprint, or Imprint declares their intent not to publish the material. The full text of this agreement is available upon request. Imprint does not guarantee to publish articles, photographs, letters or advertising. Material may not be published, at the discretion of Imprint, if that material is deemed to be libelous or in contravention with Imprint’s policies with reference to our code of ethics and journalistic standards. Imprint is published every Friday during fall and winter terms, and every second Friday during the spring term. Imprint reserves the right to screen, edit and refuse advertising. One copy per customer. Imprint ISSN 0706-7380. Imprint CDN Pub Mail Product Sales Agreement no. 40065122.

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008


once knew a missionary while working at a sketchy Pizza Pizza in my hometown. He stood on the corner across the street, handing out tracts and apparently convincing people that they needed to have Christian weddings. Needless to say, I was very intrigued. So one day I went out to talk to him — we’ll call him Jonah — and he told me how he ended up there. He was a psychology professor; he actually got his degree from good ol’ Waterloo when God called him. Jonah said that God came to him, the non-believer, and wanted him to help others find Him. Now, Jonah was terrified, because he was pretty much convinced there was something wrong with his brain, and initially ran away from this calling. But after much convincing, Jonah decided to listen to God — probably just happy God didn’t pull out the big guns and get him swallowed by a fish. Jonah starting writing poetry about God’s love, and moved to my small town which needed some ontological salvation: that is how he came into my path that afternoon. I told him my story: no contemporary version of Paul’s stroll to Damascus, but a day I realized I was supposed to go into Religious Studies, a path I had been carefully avoiding for 18 years. Why? Because it terrified me. Luckily no fish got sent after me either. There are people throughout history who feel God has called them to do something, even if we think we cannot handle it. Mother Theresa once said: “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.”

So it’s no surprise that powerlessness is one of the great motivators for conspiracy theories. But it’s also the wrong approach to this kind of despair. Yes, the U.S. government is very much to blame for 9/11 — if only because of its cavalier attitude toward global commitments, the poorly justified presence of its troops in Saudi Arabia long after the Gulf War, and the low executive priority given to key intelligence memos threatening al-Qaeda retaliation. But accusing the U.S. government (under that leadership, of all things) of having secretly conspired to blow up their own buildings and murder their own citizens, in order to scare the American people into quietly accepting a concentration of executive power, the seizure of citizen rights, and above all, two wars in the Middle East? Not only is this the stuff of B-grade movies: it’s also democratically reckless — as bad as legitimizing Creationism in the science class, or Holocaust denial theories, by structuring them through open debate as equivalent arguments. Hell, having seen their infiltration of contemporary society, I have to say: if I were an incompetent “leader of the free world,” I’d be more likely to spark the 9/11 conspiracy theories themselves than any mass attack on my own nation — if only so dissenters would be too distracted by shiny theories of evil intent to realize just how far up shit creek without a paddle my administration really was. I don’t use the term “democratically reckless” lightly, though, because 9/11 conspiracy theories cause more damage than simply shifting attention away from the real problems in government that need fixing: they also maintain the perception of a helpless citizenry. After 9/11, the implication goes, there was nothing U.S. citizens could do to stop their country from going to war — nothing they could do to resist government infiltration and polarization in the media, the loss of personal rights and freedoms, the suppression of minorities, breeches of the Geneva Convention both in DMZs and U.S. prisons, and war profiteering as it was committed on a massive corporate scale.

This is patently untrue; as Edmund Burke most famously noted: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Here the “evil” is not any one person, but a set of actions with horrific consequences, whose agents should have been held more immediately accountable. But how to do this, without also acknowledging how many other people were complicit in the perpetuation of two wars, so many egregious breeches of the public trust, and the blatant roll-back of civil liberties? There are no clear lines here: neither the public at large nor the media is wholly to blame — but all do, nonetheless, share in a collective blame. More could have been done. More should have been done. And since more wasn’t done, it’s crucial that we recognize all the mistakes made (by government, by media, and by average people) in these last seven years, and carry that insight forward to prevent against future disasters. To do any less is, as I said, democratically reckless. Yet the perpetuation of 9/11 conspiracy theories does just that. I didn’t mention Obama casually, either: citizens the world over see him as representing just that power of the people, to unite and effect change. But post election, some others look at his surprisingly straightforward past and insist there is still much the public needs to know about him; that there has to be a deep, dark undercurrent to his public persona. This, I strongly believe, perpetuates the same wrong-headed perceptions maintained all throughout Bush’s time in office (and in large part through 9/11 conspiracy theories): namely, that what matters most is proving the secret intentions of government officials — as if revealing such intentions will automatically improve the world. They will not. Where improvement lies — where it has always lain — is in the understanding that true power lies with the people. So long as we treat our leaders as dictators, as the perpetuation of 9/11 conspiracies would have us do, their actions will always perceived as dictating; but treat public servants as servants, and maybe, just maybe, they’ll have no choice but to serve.

It’s your own path to walk There are all kinds of things we wish we didn’t have to do, but know in our hearts is something we have to. Not just on a spiritual path; there are still prophets in our world, fulfilling a sociologi-

We need these prophets to say these things that are right, even if it’s something we wish we didn’t have to do. cal need for another perspective, even if society gives them flak for it. Farley Mowat, who has been preaching for decades about protecting the environment, jokes he’s going to be renamed “Jeremiah.” Though environmentalism is fashionable today, we’re still not doing all we can. We need these prophets to say these things that are right, even if it’s something we wish we didn’t have to do. We still have spiritual prophets today. My favourite is a Buddhist monk named Thich Nhat Hanh who has been praying, protesting, and meditating for peace since he was a young man during the Vietnam War. He has been exiled from his land and suffered, but he does what he believes he has been called to do, and has influenced countless lives. I hear him on his podcast weekly. In the Kevin Smith film Dogma there is a rather beautiful scene in which the main character Bethany

is being comforted by the angel Metatron (the ever-lovely Alan Rickman). She says the task she’s been given is far too great for her; she can’t handle it. He replies: “That’s what Jesus said… I had to tell this little boy that He was God’s only Son, and that it meant a life of persecution and eventual crucifixion at the hands of the very people He came to enlighten and redeem. He begged me to take it back, as if I could. He begged me to make it all not true. And I’ll let you in on something, Bethany, this is something I’ve never told anyone before... If I had the power, I would have.” I know Dogma is a blatant satire of the Catholic Church, but I’ve always found that scene rather touching. I think this portrayal of Jesus as a human, terrified of the fate he was given, is something that really touched me. We’re all scared of the things we’ve been given to do in life, even if it’s just the day-to-day. Sometimes I’m worried I’m not smart enough, that I won’t have enough money, or that I won’t be able to graduate. Maybe you feel like that sometimes, too. But I know that this degree is what I’ve been called to do, it’s what I feel is right. Just like my missionary friend, Jonah. We all have our dharma, our role to fulfill in life, and Jonah finds great joy in what he does. He’s an older man now, but there is always a gentle smile on his face. Religious or not, I think we can all find peace like that in fulfilling our purpose. At least, that’s what Kevin Smith taught me.



Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Resistance: futile?



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efore Parliament let out for this past summer, all the opposition’s parties banded together to pass a motion put forth by Olivia Chow of the NDP. Even the weak-willed Liberal party worked to pass this motion despite their recent leader’s opposition to the motion. Yes, only the Conservative party voted against the bill that would allow the American soldiers who had resisted the illegal war and occupation of Iraq to stay in Canada instead of being deported back to America where they face lengthy jail sentences for ‘desertion.’ However, the Liberals only supported the motion after it was made non-binding, meaning that even if it was passed, it would not challenge the power of the ruling party. The Liberals and Conservatives held the same position on the matter; Conservatives just had to show their ‘strength’ to their American overlords so “relationships” would remain on positive grounds. Since the motion was non-binding, the Conservatives could simply ignore it, and indeed they did. They ignored the will of the majority; they ignored the will of Canadians. During the Vietnam War, thousands of drafted Americans fled to Canada instead of fighting the “red threat” or dying themselves. Once arrived, they were welcomed into communities and established great friendships. After the war ended, they still faced prison if they returned to the States, so many worked toward citizenship. Across Canada, the volunteers in the War Resisters Support Campaign are working again to welcome American war objectors and work to see that they may remain in Canada. Unlike the Vietnam War, there has been no draft established in Operation Enduring

Freedom. The soldiers enlisted in the army under their own will, or because their socioeconomic situation had brought them to it. Some of the war resisters now in Canada had entered the army with the promise that they would not have to actively serve in a combat role and would receive (ultimately unattained) bonuses. Others had their contract extended against their will, and without their agreement under the “stop-loss” clause which the Bush administration enacted to avoid an all-out draft. Better to keep the underprivileged volunteers scared as shit and killing people than to make the greater American population murderers. The masses could merely remain complicit in the heinous act of war. Either by lies or by what amounts to continued forced service (effectively a draft), these soldiers were sent into an illegal war against their will or against their contract. Surely we can find the compassion in our society to let these brave souls stay. Indeed, the majority of those we voted into power have already expressed such clemency. Since the non-binding motion was passed, there have been numerous interesting developments. Two war resisters have been sent back to America. One of them, Robin Long, after being sent home in August was sentenced to 15 months in an American military jail. Meanwhile, Jeremy Hinzman and his family were on the brink of being deported back to America when the Supreme Court ruled that his application to remain in Canada be re-examined. Indeed all war resisters are to have a second chance on receiving status in Canada that would not see them jailed or sent to kill. In their ultimate moment of humanity, the Harper government did not prove entirely

heartless in their desire to remove Hinzman from Canada; they were willing to let their new-born baby, a legal Canadian citizen stay in the country. The two-month-old would probably prefer the love and attention of its parents, though. With the strengthening of Parliamentary numbers in the Harper minority government, we may see a continued assault against the will of the people in letting war resisters stay in Canada. Recently, three of the war resisters had their deportation orders issued after judicial review, and it may even be that the courts have set precedent to let all resisters stay in our “peaceful” nation. Time will tell, however, as to whether or not the courts will continue to uphold the will of Canadians from a despotic government as the new year will bring the deferred date of deportation. With the 90th anniversary of the end of the “War to end all Wars” on November 11, it seems a great time in Canada to put the lessons we were supposed to have learned to use. If war was the solution to the problems facing humanity, we would have achieved peace thousands of years ago. War breeds hate, and hate breeds war; this cycle is unavoidable if we remain ignorant of the past. The Iraq war resisters in Canada have come to the realization that war will not bring peace after being sent to the front lines of horror. The majority of Canadians want these people to be able to remain in Canada so they will not face severe punishment for refusing to murder. They have accepted the lessons of the past:when will our government?

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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008


Re: “Remembrance of the fallen” I am disappointed by the column “In Rememberance of the Fallen,” (Imprint, November 7). The authors are right in some respects: war memorials do tend to glorify our past wars. But one thing Mark and Marco have overlooked is it was those who had lost countless family and friends in the wars who raised these memorials. Our grandparents and great-grandparents were searching for a reason why so many men had to die on the battlefields of Europe, and the memorials were how they decided to cope with their losses. Can we really fault them for that? The other issue I have with the column is that Mark and Marco are not just attacking the memorials; they are going after Remembrance Day itself. They do have a valid point — on Remembrance Day we do spend an inordinate amount of time looking back at our nation’s past, but is that really so bad? There is no other time in the year that we do it, can we not give our ancestors the respect of 24 hours of our time? There are even some members of our generation who have stepped up and are becoming the next generation of veterans, but they are the exception not the rule. The courageous men and women serving in Afghanistan deserve just as much respect as those who fought in Europe whether or not you support the war itself. Therefore, Remembrance Day is no longer just about the past but about our current reality. I am all for a discussion of war memorials and the meaning they have in today’s society, but please don’t attack the memory of our veterans or the way our society has chosen to remember them. Stephanie Bigelow Year 3 History Re: Re: “Thinking forward — why leftism is a backward philosophy” This is a response to the author of the letter in Imprint Volume 31, Issue 15 (October 31). To start, the Westminster Parliamentary System is not an alternative to democracy but a form of organizing government. To say that Canada is not a democracy without providing a definition of what, exactly, a democracy entails is misleading. Defining democracy is no easy task, but most will agree Canada does, in fact, espouse the ideals of a democracy despite how you feel we

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should be represented in the national legislature. You criticize Harper’s cuts of government spending for taking the “social” out of government, and then claim to not want to answer the question of whether this is right or wrong. You can’t have it both ways. You also seem to misunderstand the key tenets of small-c conservative economic policy. It is the private interests that both a conservative and a Conservative government should hold dear. It is not the government’s role to babysit the population but to allow for the utmost economic liberty. This is quite the opposite of “keeping people oppressed” as you so partisanly put it. The basis for this financial policy is to give people as much freedom as possible and it is up to them to be successful or fail. This stimulates fair competition, which is key in any economic system. Also, what is this “right wing social agenda” that is so discriminatory? I urge you and all readers who believe that the Conservative Party exerts some sort of archaic social policy to actually review their stances and see that, in this area, they are just as moderate as the other major parties. The Conservative Party is not some ogre keening to please the corporations. They just believe in maintaining economic freedom – and yes, this does generally mean lowering taxes, for the rich as well as the poor. Derek Aiton 1A Arts and Business Re: Overcrowding on the GRT I take the bus a lot. This past summer was the first term I was able to enjoy the freedom that my new Watcard bus pass allowed. Needless to say I loved being able to jump from bus to bus free of flimsy transfers or fear of incorrect change. As this term began the buses on my route, understandably, became jammed with more students. Though some crowding is inevitable, over the past two months I have noticed some serious misuse of the public transportation system. Sure we all have these sweet Watcards and we all want to show them off to the GRT drivers at every chance we get, but people are getting on at Bridgeport and King and getting

off at King and University. Everyone understands the bus being full on a rainy day or when the cold is crippling but excessively short rides on the bus make everyone else unnecessarily uncomfortable. If your only going a few blocks please for me and the old lady I like to sit with just walk it. Yes, it’s “public” transit, and yes, you pay for the service just like me. But please, don’t use it unless you need it. Grant Hallas Year 4 History Re: PAC hours I know that the PAC hours have been cut since the beginning of school, but I along with many others thought this was only a temporary “experiment.” I do not understand how a building I fund with my own money can be shut off to me as well as the other 20,000 undergraduates who attend here for the benefit of the maximum of 500 students. I believe the gym should be for the greater good of all to use, not to try to fix our football team which entertaining does not justify the cost to the common student. CIF is an option, but it does not have the weights I need for my workouts leaving the only choice to be a private gym. This is fine with me except for the fact I already support a gym with my own money. I would love to speak to the person who instituted this failed policy. Scott Warrener 2A Accounting & Financial Management

Ha! You probably laughing right now, saying “badminton isn’t a real sport.” Well let me just say this: it is, and UW’s team has a very good record this season and in past years — one that is barely recognized at all. Why oh why wasn’t badminton listed in the “game recaps” portion this week? Small thing I know, but you cover regular season games for other teams — both when they win and lose — so where’s the recognition that a team who constantly wins during their season deserves? Where is the equal representation that a school paper deserves to show to every sport on campus? Where is the “pat-on-theback” that teams should receive? It’s missing — probably because you’re blind and partial and biased to certain sports. I’m not asking for much — I just want Imprint to recognize that they are still failing to provide fair treatment and coverage of events, and that this should be remedied soon! Amanda Lee Carruthers AHS / Recreation & Business

door so it doesn’t smack the person behind you is not difficult, nor is allowing those coming in from that early winter cold to enter before you leave. Answering when the dude at the librarian desk asks: “How is it going?” It seems so simple, yet so many don’t bother. Furthermore, the cigarette butts on the porch of DP are ridiculous this year. Ever wondered how they disappear? An actual human being goes and picks them up. How about treating those dedicated employees, who keep our campus running, like people. My point is that our school should be a community; we need to respect everyone that we come across and treat them that way. Recall what Obama said to the U.S. just last Tuesday we need to look after not only ourselves, but each other. This is only practice for the bigger world, which needs compassion and kindness all the more. Let’s not get left behind, Canada. It can start with you.

Re: We cannot be that busy Having spent the last four years roaming the campus, I have come to expect a certain something from my fellow students. No one is excluded in this expectation, people I have known well for years, and those whom I pass only once. I am talking about common courtesy. It seems that over my time here at Waterloo, this has slowly shrivelled up and died. Holding the

Have we got it wrong? Write us!


Re: Sports underrepresentation This is directed at the Sports & Living editor, Adrienne Raw. First of all, good job on representing all of the teams in this section. The amount of coverage that every team gets is so amazing. I love how all of the teams are represented in the game recaps section — all those home games and away games, I mean it’s just unbelievable, how do you manage to keep track of it all? Oh wait — you can’t. You’ve forgotten at least one team, maybe more, but I’m only a member of one that has constantly failed to be represented in Imprint — the badminton team.

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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

community editorial


Art Attack: Wrong on Memorials?

arco Baldasaro and Mark Kimmich, writers of the article “In Remembrance of the Fallen” (Imprint, Nov 7) should really stick to writing about something meaningless, like the weather of the day; by the time the paper is released, their article will be past due and nobody will need to think about it. Last week’s column was a disgrace and I sincerely hope it did not affect any impressionable people who do not know anything about November 11 — Remembrance Day. First, to Marco, the pomp and circumstance surrounding Remembrance Day is deeply rooted in something called tradition — very similar to the tradition we will all partake upon: convocation. As well, the “finishing touches” you witnessed on the “Canadian Veterans’ Memorial” (in front of Wilfrid Laurier on Veterans’ Green) were simply cleaning for Remembrance Day; the actual statue was unveiled years ago. You also wrote: “as far as we’re concerned Remembrance Day is far too backward-looking.” But... the definition of remembrance is to recall items from memory. You were correct on one issue: Remembrance Day was not always Remembrance Day, and therefore this wasn’t always the case. Remembrance Day was born following the Second World War. It used to be Armistice Day, itself born on the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh month, 1918. At this hour the guns that had been firing relentlessly for five years, resulting in nearly 40 million casualties and approximately 20 million military deaths, finally fell silent and marked the end of the worst war humanity has ever seen. Through this carnage it was dubbed “The War to End All Wars.” The world had truly changed. However, Marco’s comment about how “we” let them down not long afterwards, is ridiculously over-simplified. I don’t know if you have ever heard about a guy named Adolf Hitler, or a Nazi 40Crk_10.3125x7.5_Imprint_fin:Imprint Party that was sweeping across Europe in the late

1930s, which plunged the world into a forced war in that unimaginable war. in 1939, or something called “the Holocaust,” but Then there’s the Holocaust Memorial. Only the had our brave grandparents and great-grandparents uneducated would believe your comments about not heard the call of duty, you could very likely be this memorial, its full title being “the Memorial to goose-stepping down University Ave. all the while the Murdered Jews of Europe.” The memorial site speaking a lot more German in your day-to-day is in no way connected to war, and your evaluation routine. Yet you still felt it necessary to slam monu- that you wish other memorials could be similar is ments, asking if we’re still looking back or forward? offensive. You stated: “while seemingly benign, Seriously, it hurts to read your words: memorials are and perhaps not as easily understood [clearly as built to reflect on the sacrifices made in the past, so you yourself did not understand it] the abstraction the idea of looking into the future while engaging provides a filter on a perceptual level, as well as a in a memorial somewhat contradicts itself. catalyst to independent thought and reflection on Here we switch to Mark’s query: Do war memo- the horrors of war. It does not tell you what to rials not glorify war? Some memorials do; in Soviet think.” Put your thesaurus away and try picking up Russia, for instance, many war memorials do echo a real book, Mark: the monument also has nothing their victory over the invading Germans. But you to do with the Second World War. It does not tell have to remember that Soviet Russia lost more than you what to think on the outside, but if you have 23 million people alone in the Second World War; actually been there, you would know that there is they were somewhat pissed off, especially when a visitor centre that does tell you what the monuthey had a non-aggression pact the Nazis negated ment symbolizes so as to not confuse people in during Operation Barbarossa in 1941. As to the making a connection to war in any way. many monuments here in Canada that you hint at, Back to Marco: Every time you see a memorial have you ever actually looked at one? Few if any you are reminded of a failure? Maybe you should go glorify war. The memorial on Veterans’ Green, back to the memorial on Veterans’ Green. A man for one: a veteran (not a soldier) in a wheelchair in a wheelchair: you actually feel this glorifies war? being helped along by all facets of society – how You argue that contributing to education, medicine, can that glorify war? Each face clearly depicted shelter, and agriculture will produce healthy nations, on the monument is in fact an actual person who and since healthy people cannot get into conflict, fought from the KW area. You could not be more as I gather from your words this would ultimately wrong about other monuments as well. Coming lead to world peace. Moreover you claim that the back to that guy Hitler, as he was sweeping across absence of these factors is the precursor to war, Europe into France, he was destroying many of and that this cannot be debated. Well Marco, I will the monuments that glorified the allied victory in debate you. In 1939, when the world was thrust the First World War. The Vimy Ridge memorial into war, Germany had more Nobel Prize winners that you so carelessly use as your title picture was than any other nation in the 20th century to that inaugurated in 1936. When Hitler saw it, he let it point. They had more than enough schools. There be. On that entire statue not a single thing glorified were photos of the rural German farmer supplying war, it simply highlights the loss of humanity and the nation with food, and if you have ever seen civilization that the world plunged itself into, thus German cities, there is more than enough shelter. -showing 10.3125 x 7.5 4:01 PM Page respect for b&w all who9/2/08 were forced to fight Your1 conception of the causes of war is grossly

misconstrued. Since the end of World War I, the world has been in over 130 armed conflicts, each having as different a beginning as the next. The conflict in Vietnam could not have been helped simply by providing schools and education; the Vietnamese did not want “our” schools or “our” education at that time. Their citizens were going in a different direction. Yes, it is a grand idea and I applaud your efforts, but not all nations have the same values. Most times our values are simply thrust upon others even if their society is not ready for them — for example, Iraq (I’m sure some of Saddam’s monuments glorified war also). Maintaining the phrase “Never Again” is a wonderful idea — if only it were that simple. The idea that the both of you chose to do a critique script instead of writing about the idea of Remembrance Day is very sad. Over the course of 365 days each year, our veterans and soldiers ask for two minutes of our time to actually reflect on the horrors of our world and the fact that centuries people have been making the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live in the world we all know and love here in Canada — they simply ask that we wear a poppy for two weeks to show we know that they are doing what we all choose not to do. If you can’t think up something more respectful to our veterans for our day of remembrance, maybe you should both have thought of something current and “looking towards the future.” Have either of you heard about Darfur in southern Sudan — it’s happening right now, and there aren’t any memorials constructed for it yet. The bottom line is that yes, memorials are not inherently flawed; the naive, uneducated, individuals that view them are. Jeff Bentley Year 5 Honours History History Society President


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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Study Drugs: Paisley Cozzarin reporter


here’s an entire market of illegal pharmaceuticals, everything you could get from pharmacists... but instead you get it from someone like me,” says M, a dealer I’d met a few days earlier: “Adderall is pure gives you really good focus...but Ritalin is far more common... it’s really easy to get a prescription because everyone seems to have it if you want it.” The pressure that students face can be enormous: an urgent inner desire to push themselves to success. With parents leering over their shoulders and peers clawing to be the top dog, a floundering student may be forced to seek a small pill that will silence the static that blurs their thoughts — a pill that can put everything in sharp focus — if only for a few hours. According to Ruth Kroft, nurse manager of UW Health Services, Ritalin and Adderall are the two most common drugs used as study aids. Ritalin, a stimulant, is chemically known as methylphenidate. It is usually used for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), and is derived from amphetamine. Adderall, on the other hand, is an amphetamine that has the same effects as taking speed. Basically, amphetamine is artificial dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter and hormone involved in (among other things) the pleasure centre of the brain. Jonathon is a highly articulate third year pure-math student. He’s used Ritalin on and off during his first and second year: a smart kid who slacked off a lot. When he started taking Ritalin to improve his studying, he was delighted to find that “studies felt like part of my recreation, made it feel more intense and more interesting and rewarding. There’s a genuine feeling that you can figure everything out — it makes an artificial feeling of a permanent state of focus.” His roommate also abused study aids in the past. He and his friends managed to get the drugs by going to people or friends who had prescriptions, or by obtaining false prescriptions, after memorizing all the symptoms of ADD and going to a doctor for a prescription. Jonathon said there were a couple of reasons why they relied on study aids: “In high demand degrees, a lot of the time the degree is part of their identity, and when they find that they can’t keep up, they get sucked into it, and they have no fear. There is no influence besides their own ego; they’ll abuse their body [because they’ve] self-identified their goals.” I track down another user, a first-year student I call Ashley, who’s been involved with study aids since high school. Her drugs of choice: Ritalin and Concerta. “Ritalin is most popular with people because you can grind it up and snort it, and then the effects come faster and more intense because the pills don’t get mixed up with food and whatever,” she said. She added that the difference between Ritalin and Concerta is that Ritalin is more intense, but lasts a shorter amount of time than Concerta, which releases slowly, and so can potentially last the whole day, but with a softer effect. “It’s like the drug itself makes you feel kind of elated, really happy, enthusiastic, and you can block out distraction. Hours go by really fast. You don’t get hungry. You get kind of jittery.” And how does she go about getting it? “It’s really hard to find someone; they’re all people who actually have ADD, or who have faked having ADD, to get a prescription,” Ashley explained. M, the dealer, tells me something that is surprising: “I have other friends in the same field as me, so this doesn’t have anything to do with me; it destroys a lot of lives, but there is a lot of market at the university for methamphetamine; and I’ve been told that most of the customers are Asian.” I was taken aback. “It’s a performance enhancer: it can make you faster, better, a more rapid thinker; and there’s so much competition in the university markets.” Could it be true? Could university students really be risking so much and putting so much on the line for their marks? I ask him if any of his friends who deal meth would talk to me. “No. The point of everything is to keep it discreet. Talking to you could jeopardize their families; these people aren’t kids.” It’s a few days later, and M’s not answering my phone calls. I approach a friend, Bill, who was once addicted to meth and asked if what M was saying was plausible: could there really be a market for meth as a study drug? “Yes, there is most definitely a market for it, meth is a very strong stimulant similar to Adderall. It basically amplifies all of your abilities — oh, and it’s really cheap,” he said. He warned, however, that it was extremely addictive and doubts that many students can manage to maintain “responsible” use. “I doubt that very many successful students are doing meth regularly. I mean, yeah, at first you might use it to study or whatever but that stuff will turn on you real fast.” I asked another drug-involved friend, C., about meth, and he replied that using meth as a study aid is “freakishly common” among his university student friends. One ex-meth addict said that taking meth can keep you up for five days straight, and allows you to do repetitive tasks for hours as well as giving a soothing, “balanced” feeling. I speak with Donna Mancuso, the Detective Constable of the Drug Unit from the Waterloo Region. She tells me that Ritalin, Adderal and Concerta are all under Schedule III of the Canadian Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Possession without a prescription could find you in prison for a maximum of three years, while trafficking could get you a maximum of ten years. Methanphetamine has recently been bumped to Schedule I of the Act, where trafficking could get you a maximum of a life sentence. Have you ever encountered any of these drugs on campus? “I’ve been a cop for ten years, and I’ve never seen it; I guess we don’t hear about that.” But she is doubtful of meth’s study uses: “In my experience, it’s far more distracting than anything; it’s one of the most addictive substances out there. It messes people up.” So if the police haven’t seen any drug trends among university students, has anyone else? Anyone on campus perhaps? I found myself speaking with Dave Mackay of UW Councelling services, and he was at a loss for words. “This isn’t really an issue that we’ve ever come across. We’ve come across caffeine, but nothing like that.” I probed further, but Mackay could honestly not think of one case of study drug abuse or addiction. Ruth Kroft also denied any suspicious students with motives to acquire a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall when they didn’t need it. She also said that she also has never encountered a student struggling with methamphetamine issues. However, she does note that, “there’s denial of how prevalent misuse is in Canada, as more and more are diagnosed for ADHD.” And she has heard that exaggerating symptoms isn’t uncommon in other health facilities: for example, she’s read that in the United States there’s been talk of “parents jumping on board, asking for prescriptions for kids who don’t need it, [and] physicians are caving to over pushy parents” She concluded that students are seemingly “willing to risk everything. It’s like taking steroids: [if you want] to win the race you’re going to take them.” And is winning the race really worth it? Jonathon thinks the race is being run the wrong way. “Doing well at school, in the short term, there are easy ways to get around things. But what makes school hard is that it’s a marathon, so you can’t [afford to] burn out.” However, Ashley has no plans to stop using her study aids any time soon: “ I’ve seen how well I can do with it, so why would I risk doing worse when I can be better?...I believe in a best/not-the-best, dog-eat-dog world.”

The question of fairness is also an issue. Having students acquire advantages over others through artificial means cannot be seen as fair. Not to mention the fact that these study aids contribute to serious health affects, legal implications and social issues. But Bruce Mitchell, the Associate Provost of Academic and Student Affairs at the Office of Academic Integrity, is unphased. After telling him about my findings, and how there appears to be definite trend among many of the students at Waterloo to make use of study aids, I asked him if there are any measures in place to stop this from happening. Mitchell responded, “We can’t tell students the drugs they can and cannot take. It’s a personal descision on personal health, and it would be practically impossible [to regulate] because new drugs keep appearing. The practicalities of this are mind boggling.” Mitchell is concerned that if the student body knows of these shortcomings “there’s a real probability that you may encourage this kind of activity by writing this [article]; it’s like giving someone a blank cheque.” I responded that I wasn’t in any way trying to encourage the issue, but rather show that it is present, if at a disconnect from official campus support networks. However, Mitchell noted that, presently, there are “no policies or guidelines I’m aware of.” “Drugs are universal; people are ideally the same,” said M — M, the faceless, nameless dealer: a mild, well-spoken voice at the end of a receiver. “And I really don’t like watching people hurt themselves. I’m morally opposed to selling amphetamines and methamphetamines.” M sets a fine barrier between himself and his colleagues, a thin line that could easily be overstepped. Although I’d like to believe in him, M does the same thing as all those people he earnestly tries to separate himself from: He provides users with what they seek: one more high; one more step on the path. Mackenzie Keast



Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Completely tricked out

Holly Sage intern


s university students, it is common knowledge that we are not the healthiest individuals in the world. (I can attest to that.) With the holidays slowly approaching, it is inevitable that our stomachs will eventually be filled with deliciously fattening, sodium saturated holiday foods. It was in this spirit that I have been searching for a way to lessen the effect of “hip-enlarging” foods. In the past, I tried various forms of exercise, from yoga to endurance running, but could never fully commit myself to losing those few extra pounds or burning those unwanted calories. I wanted to achieve a fulfilling intense workout that actually made me feel like I lost some sort of caloric content in the process. Eventually I was introduced to martial arts. Have you ever considered the art way of the shinobi — the art of the ninja — to be a sport? Sure, I knew it existed but I was never fully

aware of it until a chance meeting introduced me to Team Raize, a “tricking” team consisting of three members: Aaron Cardoso, Adrian Bradley, Noam Brandt and Dylan Dombroski. For the reader who may be as new to the world of martial arts as I am, “tricking” is a combination of extreme martial arts and gymnastics to create visually appealing moves or “tricks.” It is a fairly recent development in martial sports that includes aspects from various other streams but most prominently from Capoiera. “In times when martial arts were forbidden, the martial artists of Brazil developed an underground movement that included the fusion of dance. This became known as Capoiera,” Cardoso tells me. “It was brilliant, really. If anyone ever accused another of breaching the law, it could simply be said in defence that they were only dancing.” Today, Trickers like Team Raize take this fusion along with other elements of mainstream martial

arts including Taekwondo and Wushu, to create modern “tricking” as we know it. Though tricking cannot be described as martial arts in the traditional sense, it has become a popular trend among underground martial sport variations. Team Raize was founded by Norm Brandt and was formed mainly out of common interest in the sport. The original three members, Brandt, Cardoso and Dombroski, quickly became friends, started their own extreme martial arts club at Conestoga College, and even started putting on tricking performances. Sadly, a few years later, Brandt had to leave the group behind for the opportunity to teach English overseas in Japan and the team fell apart. Fortunately, about a year ago, the remaining team members were approached by Adrian Bradley, who became a fast new addition to Team Raize. Now, with team morale once again boosted and new talent ready to be unleashed,

Tifa Han


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Photos by Holly Sage

Team Raize is anxious to witness the resurrection of their sport with new performances and a revamped attitude. Much like an elaborate dance, a lot of co-ordination is involved. What they do is not just your average, boring workout. Tricking is an art form, in and of itself. They directly challenge gravity with their tricks and while some moves may be considered dangerous, the physical fitness they achieve is certainly something. The mental discipline needed to train in this area of martial sport is nothing to scoff at either. “It’s all in here,” Cardoso says, pointng a finger at his forehead. Team Raize’s dedication to their sport and fitness, both mental and physical, has allowed me to see what I need to do to help myself. Perhaps martial arts are what I need to keep me focused, dedicated and able to shed that holiday bulge. Though I will likely never have the skill set to

do what the team does, I am now integrated into the world of this sport and would like to pursue this option for fitness further. My advice to students searching for a way to become healthier is to try everything. Different types of workouts appeal to different types of people and you’ll never know until you try. The best thing to do is to remain proactive, and — who knows? — Maybe one day, you’ll never fear calories again.

Correction In the Nov. 7 issue of Imprint, the Remembrance Day graphic on page 11 should have been credited to Jacqueline To. Imprint apologizes for this mistake.


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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008


Steam Whistle Blowin’


want to introduce a beer that is very dear to my heart this week — very dear indeed. If I am crass, I want to remind all you hard workin’ folks of Main Street Elora and the rest of real Canada that I am from British Columbia; we don’t have beer like this back home. All we have is recycled cardboard jugs of hippie sweat that have been brewed in ancient redwoods, mixed with old bong water and fermented fair-trade yeast-infections brewed by people who live in trees; some kind of weird ewok fetish, I think. After moving to Ontario, I’ve become more of a Toronto beer man, with its hints of acid rain and aromas of David Miller’s tears. British Columbians push their tree-hugging too hard in their sweatbeers, but Toronto has class. Enter Steam Whistle, the delightful pilsner that is brewed in downtown Toronto’s finest brewery and a national leader in environmentally-friendly brewing technology. Sound futuristic and cool? It is, and it tastes good, too.

Some said it could never be done, but the crafty craft brewers at Steam Whistle expropriated an old train repair roundhouse in Toronto just below the CN Tower. Think Thomas the Tank Engine; there was that roundhouse where Percy and Gordon partied. Now imagine that place brewing beer: that is essentially Steam Whistle Brewery, in a retro-flashback sort of way. Not that this old train repair building has just had tanks of fermenting beer thrown into it; the Steam Whistlers have taken a dilapidated old structure and refurbished it with high tech gadgetry and shiny brass fixtures, à la Ghostbusters with their old firehouse turned ghost-fighting headquarters. Oh snap, another retro-flashback! They use thick green bottles that can be reused 35 times, power their vehicles using old restaurant grease and soy, use cold water drawn from Lake Ontario to cool the building, draw electricity from wind and hydro generators, and use thermal heating. That’s like 3000 per cent more environmentally

Armel Chesnais

friendly than the Canadian Parliament. A beer protecting our environment better than our own government: is that a statement of Canadian’s values or is that just sad? This beer is Al Gore’s best friend; it’s the brightest

light in our grimy, pollution-infested world and probably humanity’s best hope for saving our planet. Drinking Steam Whistle will end global warming, restore the polar ice caps, stop deforestation of the rainforest, and end world poverty: fact. Does the world leader in the fight against everything taste good, though? Pssh, yeah! Tastes like the sweet flavours of the power of mankind to come together in a time of global uncertainty and environmental degradation, idiot! To get the full benefit of the Steam Whistle, I got it on tap from Jane Bond in Uptown Waterloo, which I believe is the only place in the city that has it out of the keg. I also think it is the only bar that doesn’t have Rickard’s Red — get over that shitty beer, people! Steam Whistle starts with a nutty corn flavour, slightly bready, with the perfect level of carbonation offering a creamy and soft mouthfeel. The beer, beautifully hopped and bitter, finishes sweet and citrusy, with a hint of pineapple and

nuttiness. Smell the beer after you take a few sips. The real aroma comes out after you taste that citrus; now it smells like the sweet fragrance of changing the world. After smelling the beer, re-pour it into a new glass; this time a coffee mug or other opaque beverage receptacle. See how it glows through the cup? Yeah, that’s the glow of feeding the hungry. Ok, now pour the beer all over your head, and let it drip down your clothes until it touches your feet. Notice that stickiness? That’s the stickiness of beating terrorists. It feels good to drink such an ecologically responsible beer, doesn’t it? Price for 6: $12.75 Taste: Value: Jack Bauer-factor: Overall:

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Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Through foreign eyes

the chickens of Key West Caitlin McIntyre assistant features editor


veryone knows the cool bikini-clad beaches, bars and babes that make up the popular image of the U.S. State of Florida. Looking beyond spring

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break hotspots like Miami, all that sticks out are the sleepy retirement communities and gator-infested golf clubs that decorate the coastline. But what most individuals do not know about Florida is that there is an entire subculture hidden within the sunshine state. Once you pass the twisting green border of the everglades, when the multilane highways and twisting freeways fade away, it is like you’ve entered into a whole new world. The Florida Keys are a string of islands off the coast of the United States, connected by the over water bridges: one way in and one way out. Though my travels didn’t take me to each of the small cultural subdivisions of the keys, it did take me to Florida’s southernmost point: Key West. The first thing I noticed in the Key Lime Capital of the U.S. was the incredible amount of poultry running free amongst the masses. There were roosters in the trees, chicks by the poolside and hens hiding under our car wheels anytime we tried to drive anywhere. No one seemed to notice, nor did anyone provide any explanation for the over excess of seemingly wild chickens. In fact, when we asked one of the locals about their feathered infestation he merely shrugged. This way, no one in Key West ever went hungry, he

explained; all you had to do was snag dinner from out the back door. The Island Aquarium was stock full of sharks, rays and brightly coloured fish, all drawn from just off of the coast. Watching them in tanks was nothing, however, compared to taking out a 50-foot catamaran into the world’s second largest natural coral reef and taking a dip with the sea creatures themselves. It was here, spluttering salt water through my snorkel in one of the reef ’s fingers, that I had my very first real encounter with a shark. I met a black-tipped Caribbean reef shark face to face, or as the case was, flipper to fin. I’ll admit that I panicked, but my boat guides assured me that no, it wasn’t going to eat me and no, I didn’t need to flee from the water and back to the safety of the boat’s deck. The rules of the dive were universal for all creatures, sharp toothed or otherwise: you leave them be and they’ll do the same. The locals remained their calm laid-back selves, even in the face of a seven-foot shark. The party life really seemed to be raging through out the nights, but unfortunately my sister and myself were both too young to enjoy the shows, pumping clubs and all night bars that littered the bustling Key West streets. Instead, while my parents indulged in the elaborate Florida

Photo courtesy Averette

evenings, my sister and I engaged some of the buskers on the pier, and explored small local beaches for pelicans, crabs and manatee. My parents had their initial reservations about letting us wander around an American city all on our lonesome, but again, the locals assured us that we would be fine. Since the city of Key West is two miles across in any direction and with only one road in and out, crime wasn’t really a concern for these south Floridian residents. When the island’s only an

hour’s walking distance across and all the drag races involved men in stilettos, we really had no qualms with wandering casually through, any hour of the evening. It spoke volumes for a culture where if you make it past the coast guard there is no such thing as being an illegal immigrant, where large carnivorous fish are passed by without so much as a blink and geckos can scurry freely along the boutique floors.

Getting the Flu shot Danielle Whittemore intern


he first snow has already fallen, but winter is not the only thing looming on the horizon. Flu season is about to strike with a vengeance, so make sure you’re prepared. Ontario, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories are the only provinces in Canada that offer the vaccination to everyone for free, so take advantage of this service. The SLC currently has stations set up where the flu shot is being administered to anyone who wants it. They will be there until today, November 14, but if you miss it and still want to protect yourself from the flu bug, you can just drop by the Health Services office any time next week. Keep in mind that the vaccination is most effective when you get it between October and mid-November. There are actually thousands of different strains of the flu, but many of these are rare. The current vaccine will protect you from the four influenza strains most likely to cause illness this year. Last year experts predicted the wrong strains to protect against, and as a result the flu outbreak was worse than in other years. This year, people are confident that the flu shot will be more effective. Statistics show that healthy people who get their flu shot are 70 to 90 per cent less likely to get the flu, and even if they do, it will be mild.

Side effects are minimal and uncommon. There may be some redness and tenderness where the needle went in, but “nothing to keep you from writing exams,” said Linda Grant, the nurse in charge of this year’s vaccinations. “Very rarely people think they’re getting the flu, but that’s not what happens,” Grant said, referring to the rumour that a flu shot will make you sick. Any flu-like symptoms are most often completely unrelated to the bug itself. Despite its advantages, there are some people who should not get a flu shot. If you are already sick, or feel like you might be getting sick, it’s encouraged to wait until you are completely healthy before getting the shot. It is also not given to any children younger than six months of age, or anyone with an allergy to eggs. The turnout for the vaccination so far has been on par with last year, but Grant says it usually gets busier as the week progresses. Unlike other vaccinations — tetanus or hepatitis, for example — the flu shot wears off after about six months, around the end of flu season. It must be administered every year to keep you healthy. Some other ways to keep yourself healthy through the long winter months include washing your hands regularly, getting a lot of sleep, and getting plenty of exercise and fresh air — even when that air is freezing.

Campus Bulletin CHURCH SERVICE St. Bede’s Chapel at Renison College offers worship on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. Come and walk the labyrinth the second Thursday of each month, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more info contact Megan at 519-884-4404, ext 28604 or Parkminster United is an affirming, liberal congregation open to all, regardless of race, sexual orientation, age, ability, economic or family status. 275 Erb Street, E., Waterloo. Sunday services at 10 a.m. For more info

UPCOMING November 1 to 21, 2008 “End of Season” exhibition at Homer Watson House and Gallery. Three artists include J.R. Ribee, Susan Zender and Paul Roorda. For info 519748-4377, ext 233. November 17 to 21, 2008 UW hosts its third International Education Week. Events and activities include exchange program info sessions, volunteer opportunities, film, music, theatre and more! Check the IEW website at Monday, November 17, 2008 Waterloo Tamil Students Association presents videos, slideshows and other media to inform the public about the struggle facing the Tamil people of Sri Lanka – Student Life Centre, Great Hall, 3 to 8 p.m. Signatures will be collected to forward to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Tuesday, November 18, 2008 David R. Cheriton School of C.S Distinguished Lecture Series with Dr. Anne Condon, UBC, DC room 1302 at 4:30 p.m. For info www.cs.uwaterloo. ca. Islamic information booth – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., SLC Grreat Hall, Vendor Ally. Wednesday, November 19, 2008 “Sacred Terror: Religion and Horror onthe Silver Screen” with author Dr. Douglas Cowan, Professor of Religious Studies discussing his book at 2 p.m. Renison College. A free event – all is welcome. WPIRG presents “Inside the Bottle: the Facts on the Bottled Water Industry” with Zoe Maggio from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Engineering 2, room 1303. UW Rec Committee presents “Tai Chi” session from 12:05 to 12:55 p.m., TC 2218A – be prepared to exercise. No charge – register Thursday, November 20, 2008 SASA presents “Rise Up” – experience SASA’s first ever talent show! There will be many talents including singing and dancing at Federation Hall. For more info call 519-221-8711. UW Rec Committee presents “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There! Mindfulness at Work” from 12:05 to 12:55 p.m., MC 5136B. No charge – register Friday, November 21, 2008 November Swing Dance at 315 Weber Street, N. Beginner lesson begins at 8:30 p.m., then dancing from 9:15 p.m. onwards. For info Fundraising for 100.3 CKMS Sound FM – your

station – at Elements Night Club, featuring “Hello Beautiful/Low Level Flight/The Joys. For tickets/info available at 100.3 CKMS Sound Station, or 2008 Impact National Conference at Westin Harbour Castle Hotel in Toronto. Canada’s largest youth entrepreneurship and leadership event. Conference includes an 800 person gala, workshops, speakers such as self-made billionaire Bob Young and much more. Register at Limited space. Sunday, November 30, 2008 Jan Guenther Braun, UW and Imprint alumni, will be doing a reading from her book “Somewhere Else” at Erb Street Mennonite Church library, Erb Street, Waterloo from 4 to 5 p.m. For more info or Tuesday, January 6, 2009 Delight the senses, touch the heart, move the soul – “Divine Performing Arts” will be at Centre In The Square January 6 and 7, beginning at 7:30 p.m. For tickets/info 519-578-1570. Wednesday, April 1, 2009 2009 Autonomous Racing Challenge – build autonomous robots – race for first prize of $500 to $1,000. Early registration deadline April 1, 2009. For details


City of Waterloo needs volunteers for summer 2009 events: Uptown Country Festival on Saturday, June 20 – entrance security/programs ; runners/site patrol ; information/volunteer/CD and t-shirt sales tent ; festival operations. Email for more info. Volunteers needed – the English tutor program is in constant need of volunteers to tutor international students. Volunteering is an essential part of student life at UW. Apply online at www.iso. June Volunteer with a child at their school and help improve their self-esteem and confidence. One to three hours a week commitment. Call Canadian Mental Health at 519-744-7645, ext 229. Best Buddies is a national charitable organization matching students with individuals with intellectual disabilities living in the community. Hours are very flexible – compatible with busy schedules. More information contact: bestbuddiesuw@ Resume builder! Volunteers needed to visit people with Alzheimer disease through Alzheimer Society Volunteer Companion Program. Two hours per week with training September 23/24 evening or October 27 day or November 30 day. Call Jill at 519-742-1422 or Drive. Deliver. Befriend – Community Support Connections needs volunteers to help drive seniors to appointments, deliver a lunch meal or befriend an isolated senior. Mileage is reimbursed. Contact 519-772-8787 or City of Waterloo, 519-888-6488 or volunteer@ has many volunteer opportunities. Check out the website today. Volunteer Action Centre, 519-742-8610 or www., has many opportunities available – visit the website or call today!

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

ONGOING THURSDAYS “in conjunction with FINE 290’?” – ECH 1220 at 6:30 p.m. Free - all are welcome! November 20 – “Shinjuku Boys” – 53 minutes. A docmentary, this film provides a glimpse into a transvestite bar in Tokyo.


The Grand House Student Co-operative is a non-profit housing co-op comprised of architecture students from UW, community members and professionals. Workshops are being organized on environmental techniques, solar power, non-toxic materials and more. For info/registration visit the website at www.grandhouse.wacsa. org. Your garbage can be very worthwhile! UW Community Garden (behind Columbia Lake on north side, behind a row of tall hedges) needs any compost items that you might regularly throw away, such as coffee grounds, egg shells, oatmeal, veg or fruit bits, or garden waste such as dead leaves, etc. Meetings on Wednesdays, 5:50 p.m. and Sundays 4 p.m. For further info/ questions, e-mail



Make sure to pick up all your funding – loans and grants – before the end of the term. November 19 – last day to sign Confirmation of Enrolment to ensure full OSAP funding for the fall term. Refer to our website for current loan/grant release procedures and for a full listing of scholarships and awards at

CAREER SERVICES WORKSHOPS Tuesday, November 18, 2008 Career Interest Assessment – once you have registered, you will be given informaiton on how to complete the Strong Interest Inventory online. Cost: $10 materials charge, payable to Career Services prior to the session. 2:30 to 4 p.m., TC 1112. Success on the Job – 3:30 to 5 p.m., TC 1208. Wednesday, November 19, 2008 Work Search Strategies – 2:30 to 4 p.m., TC 1208. Are you Thinking About an MBA? 5:30 to 7 p.m., TC 2218. Thursday, November 20, 2008 Writing Cvs and Cover Letters – registration at events ; 12 to 1:30 p.m., TC 2218. Getting a U.S. Work Permit – 4:30 to 6 p.m., TC 1208.



Weekend counsellors and relief staff to work in homes for individuals with developmental challenges. Minimum eight-month commitment. Paid positions. Send resume to Don Mader, K-W Habilitation Services, 108 Sydney Street, Kitchener, ON, N2G 3V2. Summer of your life! Camp Wayne for Girls – children’s sleep-away camp, Northeast Pennsylvania, June 20 to August 16, 2009. If you love children and want a caring, fun environment we need counselors and instructors for tennis, swimming, golf, gymnastics, cheerleading, drama, high and low ropes, camping/nature, team sports, waterskiing, sailing, painting/drawing, ceramics, silkscreen, printmaking, batik, jewellery, calligraphy, photography, sculpture, guitar, aerobics, selfdefense, video, piano. Other staff: administration, CDL Driver (21+), nurses (RN’s and nursing students), Bookkeeper, mothers’ helper. On campus interviews January 28. Select the camp that selects the best staff! Call 215-944-3069 or apply online at

Whomever found lost credit card and turned it in September 19 please email proudy1717@yahoo. ca to receive “thanks.” $100 REWARD – for lost gold ring, has three cubic zirconia stones, black, yellow and orange. If found please contact or 519-227-0795. Cash reward up front, no questions asked. CASH REWARD – iPod Touch lost since beginning of October. Engraved on back, “Trust in the Lord and He will make your paths straight.” E-mail or call 519-572-9680.


Attention Cambridge School of Architecture students! Live conveniently and comfortably right across the street from school in this beautifully renovated apartment. 4, 8 and 12-month leases available with excellent signing bonuses and rental incentives! Call Darlene or Joanne at 519-7461411 for more details.

Professional Go-For Service – don’t have time? Need a second pair of hands? Dog walking, picking up dry-cleaning, groceries, Senior Services, are just a few of the many helpful services that is offered. Call Sheila at 519-590-4103 or progo-forservice@

PERSONALS Are you pregnant – have you considered an open adoption? We are a loving family approved to adopt in Ontario. Please visit our website to learn more about us and the wonderful home we could offer your baby.


Get Involved! VACANT – Vice-President position for the Board of Directors The Vice-President shall, during the absence or inability to act of the President, his duties and powers may be exercised by the Vice-President. The Vice-President shall also perform other duties that are prescribed from time to time by the board or that are incidental to his office. The Vice-President shall also be responsible for ensuring the full-time staff of the Corporation are properly evaluated. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Vice-President, his duties and powers shall be exercised by the Secretary.

Interested? Send your Letter of Intent by November 21 to


Photo Feature

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Inside the Smokestack UW’s famous landmark exposed

Photo Feature

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008


Opposite left: The highly visible flue rises from UW’s district heating and cooling system. Opposite bottom-left: Small glass portholes in the boilers allows a peek at the flame inside.

Mackenzie Keast staff reporter


he monolithic flue towers over campus, an omnipresent landmark that can be seen from V1 and UW Place alike. It is so visible, so clearly defined yet so indefinable. Is it a coal power stack? Is it a garbage incinerator? After almost three full years on campus, I could not have told you what it really was early this week. It is the mystery of UW; our own little piece of folklore. I heard all the common myths and legends: it’s a generator for power-hungry science experiments, it’s a cold war-era ammunitions factory, it’s a soylent green manufacturer. That burning desire to learn its true meaning was finally quenched this week, although I feel as though I might have now lost something; maybe it was more exciting to never actually have known what the University of Waterloo’s smokestack is used for. Rick Zalagenas is the director of Maintenance and Utilities at UW’s Plant Operations department, and offered the blunt answer to all our questions: “It’s a district heating and cooling system.” Powered by natural gas, water is boiled in the building beneath the flue, creating steam. This steam is run through pipes that connect to every building inside Ring Road, offering heat during cold months. In the summer, chilled water is generated from the same source, and run throughout campus to provide air conditioning.

The boiler building below the flue, infamous for the November 5 ‘V’ that was spray painted on its roof several years ago, is a complex maze of pipes and wiring, outdated computer machinery, and modern environmental conservation equipment. Hundreds of Victorian-esque iron valves catch what faint light they can find in the dark crevices of the interior workings of the plant. Belt wheels operate pumps in the basement, with a steady bass hum that fills the air, dust quickly moving around and shimmering underneath flickering florescent lights. What really gets you here though is the heat. From the ground, you can peer into each of the two main boilers through a small glass peephole; inside, you can see the heat that is being created with brilliant explosions of flame that lick the glass every few seconds. The heat doesn’t hit you though until walking above the boilers on the service catwalks; steel grates 15 feet above the ground that allow some heat from the boilers to emanate up toward the ceiling and force me to roll up my sleeves. You can’t actually see anything going directly into the smokestack from inside, however; that has to be left up to the imagination still. Yet seeing the entire source of UW’s heating and cooling makes you really appreciate that stack. Its towering brick mass visible like the tip of an iceberg, immense and awesome, but the real source of its enormity is hidden below the surface.

Opposite bottom-right: Miles of piping wind throughout the structure with seemingly incoherent destinations. Right: Leo, a Session Engineer, is one of the 350 full-time staff employed by UW Plant Operations. Centre-left: The etheral feeling of the plant’s interior is occasionally broken by impromptu social gatherings. Centre-right: The dark basement is filled with pumps and other machinery that look stereotypically “steam” powered. Bottom-left: Rick Zalagenas, director of Maintenance and Utilities, has been working at Plant Operations for 20 years. Bottom-right: A control room with gauges monitoring the performance of the boilers has equipment dating back to the late ‘60s when the plant first became operational. Mackenzie Keast

Ethan Oblak

Mackenzie Keast

Ethan Oblak

Ethan Oblak

Mackenzie Keast

EThan Oblak

EThan Oblak

Arts & Entertainment

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Serious overtones expressed frame by frame Waterloo Festival For Animated Cinema destroys the stereotype of cartoons being only for kids Peter Trinh staff reporter


he eighth Annual Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema (WFAC) is scheduled to run from Thursday, November 13 to Sunday, November 16, and is hosted at the Gig Theatre in Downtown Kitchener, once known as the Odeon Hyland. The festival, an international, unincorporated, non-profit organization of executive members and volunteers, was founded in 2001. The purpose of the event is mostly two-fold: to promote animation as a valid and legitimate medium for those appreciative of a mature and cinematic story, and to screen the films featured in a high-quality theatre. The concept for the festival came from UW alumnus and former CTRL-A member Joseph Chen, the curator and founder of the event. “We were always trying to program a film or two in the beginning of every term,” Chen explained, describing his years in CTRLA. “I thought: ‘There’s just something missing about these films.’” After his experience with other film festivals, Chen thought that it would be a great idea to host an animated film festival in the Kitchener-Waterloo region, as it would benefit the audience by sharing a medium that would be difficult to not only find in Canada, but to experience in a large-format mode. “We really have no other chance in seeing these things,” said Chen. “If we’re lucky, [international films] get licensed by some company. If we’re not, then some people would’ve bought bootleg copies or you wouldn’t get to see them at all.” He described the film festival atmosphere as a way to “appreciate the films for what they are.” From what Chen

described as the “spark” of the festival, Chen decided to expand upon it, including to the event international animated cinema, as well as special presentations and discussions with guest speakers and scholars. One reason for the expansion came from Chen’s own perception of how the general public — not just the K-W region community — envisions anime. While some become devoted fans of anime, others tend to steer away from the phenomenon. “All of this was kind of weird to me,” said Chen. “A film is either watchable or’s not about where it was made. It’s about how good the film works.” For the past eight years, the festival has expanded greatly. Initially having a focus on Japanese anime, it has since grown to showcase animation from all over the world. The festival is showing 15 films with highlights such as the Canadian premiere of Rebuild of Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone (Anno, 2007) and Nocturna (Maldonado/Garcia, 2007), as well as a special Retrospectives screening of Studio Ghibli’s Grave of the Fireflies (Takahata, 1988), presented by a panel of three professional anime scholars: Frederik L. Schodt, John O’Donnell, and Brian Ruh. As well, this screening is on tour, with the festival being the only Canadian stop on its schedule. After the festival, the screening of Takahata’s film will be touring at the Smithsonian and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. See FESTIVAL, page 20

images courtesy waterloo festival for animated cinema

Arts & Entertainment

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

One ruler for all time


UW drama department presents Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar the idea of metonymy that is central to the play thematically. But then where do the plebes – or more pertinently for the contemporary discussion, where do we – come in? Does the leader represent the state, or do the people who elect the leader represent it? Marc Antony rhetorically hints at both options. “You are not wood, you are not stones, but men,” he says to the plebes of Rome as he incites them to his cause. Not a moment later, though, he suggests that it is possible to “move the stones of Rome to rise and mutiny” to which the plebes reply — you guessed it — with a mutinous uproar. Perhaps it is possible to both be served by the state as well as to be instruments of it, but that is too difficult an issue to tackle directly, and real-world experimentation into such questions often leads to civil

strife and, in extreme cases, death. So we must rely on the art of plays like Julius Caesar to show us ourselves and to help us to learn the lessons that we are too blind to see otherwise. Or as the honourable Brutus says in Act 1, “the eye sees not itself, but by reflection, by some other thing.” And Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is that other thing. Julius Caesar runs November 14-15 and November 20-22 at the Theatre of the Arts in Waterloo’s Modern Languages building beginning at 8:00 p.m. General admission is $12 and Student/Senior admission is $10. The UW box office phone number is 519-888-4908. Visit for more details.

Graphic by Mark Kimmich

Mark Kimmich arts editor


ith minor additions, subtractions, and adjustments being finalized, director/autocrat Jennifer RobertsSmith told her company that “from here on, everything has to be the same. There is no room for improvisation. Consistency is key.” The University of Waterloo Drama Department’s production of Julius Caesar began in earnest about three months ago, and pulling it all together has come down to the wire. “That’s the way I like to work,” said Roberts-Smith, immediately following the production’s dress rehearsal Tuesday night. “I like to keep pushing the actors right to the end.” It seems that all the world truly is a stage. While Roberts-Smith ironically commands her thespian brigade in a microcosmic militant autocracy, the work that they engage in serves the larger purpose that art often does — that of a filter through which we as viewers can attempt to understand our own world. With that in mind, the choice of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar as the subject matter for this UW

Drama production could not have been better timed. Issues of dictatorship and democracy — and the role of the plebes in the two — are echoed in our own political atmosphere. “When could they say till now, that talk’d of Rome,” Cassius asks Brutus in Act I, “that her wide walls encompass’d but one man?” Cassius is talking about Caesar, but there is a contemporary resonance to the question. This interpretation of Julius Caesar does not attempt to oversimplify the complexities involved in understanding the issues of leadership and government that Caesar’s life, and his subsequent assassination, evoke. What this interpretation does do is give a balanced – disregarding the haunting laughter of Octavius (a.k.a. Dr. Evil) – and nuanced treatment of a play that pushes those all important issues to the fore. Rock music accompanies Caesar’s ascent up the stage in his first appearance, a soothsayer warns him of his assassination, and the crowd demands that he is made king; remind you of anyone? The story of Julius Caesar is so successful in this context because it serves as a plug and play vehicle for

interpreting contemporary political situations. Simply input your desired analogous characters into the narrative framework and see how they play. By this point in a historical treatment of his life, Caesar had made many enemies, so the analogy is imperfect, but the analogy that sticks out for me is the one drawn between Caesar and Barack Obama. Regardless of who you choose to input in this interpretive vehicle, the implications are nevertheless varying and interesting. It is easy to see Caesar as a personification of Rome, though another ideology is held by Brutus, the play’s main conspirator – and arguably its main protagonist – who believes that Rome is better represented by its people. Roberts-Smith and the company refrain from throwing the stone of ideology at the audience. Instead, the set, staging, and costume design all have their parts to play in this metonymic discussion. The statue of Pompeii, for example, that presides over stage left prior to intermission is a collection of his body parts: a hand holding a broken sword, a knee, an upper torso, and finally, his covered head. Pompeii is contiguous with Rome and therefore he visually introduces

Arts section in need of writers

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The Waterloo Region Record wants to celebrate our area’s unheralded leaders and give them the recognition they deserve. Do you know of a leader making a difference who lives, works, studies or plays in Waterloo Region? Nominate them for 40 under 40.

The Waterloo Region Record will accept submissions until December 5, 2008. Selections will be made by the Waterloo Region Record’s editorial department. The final 40 will be profiled in a special publication distributed on February 25, 2009. Submission deadline: Friday, December 5, 2008 Visit for more details and online submission form.

Arts & Entertainment


Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Festival: giving meaning to medium after long disregard Continued from page 18

While the presentation of Grave of the Fireflies is free to the public, Chen expresses that the festival is accepting donations to help out with the community. “To be able to use [the presentation] as an exposure for some of the wonderful charities in this’s a

free program, but we’re asking people to bring something in support for ‘Out of the Cold.’” The choice for featuring Grave of the Fireflies was not very difficult for WFAC and Chen to decide. “In terms of films that can really show the power of animation, that was always one of the top selections.” The year 2008 also

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marks the film’s 20th anniversary, which helped lead WFAC to approach a great amount of writers and analysts of animated film. “We wanted to try some scholarship onto these films. To bring an enjoyment of a film in a serious way…with this, I think more people will take these films more seriously or maybe this genre, or this entire medium.” The reason for choosing the K-W area as the hosting region of WFAC is simple; being a member of the area, Chen wanted to contribute to the community’s entertainment. “I am tired of answering the question about what is there to do around here,” said Chen, jokingly, full-heartedly disagreeing with the concept that there is very little to do in the region. “Nobody seems to talk to each other for some reason.” However, Chen did state that he wanted to include his own approach to entertaining and educating his fellow citizens. “I was interested in bringing something into this town, and I’m interested personally in doing things that are a little bit out of the ordinary.”

The venue is airing this year’s features in 35mm and HD digital video on a large-format flat screen. While the festival has previously been hosted at the Galaxy Cinemas at Conestoga Mall and the Princess Cinema, the WFAC has shown a higher regard for the Gig Theatre. “It’s not because it’s the prettiest theatre,” said Chen, “but it is a single theatre, which is really rare these days. And it’s got a long throw [lens], a flat screen.” This allows the film to be at a higher quality of display, equalizing the brightness and contrast of the image displayed and having a clean focus of the image. As well, unlike multiplex theatres, the sound in the Gig Theatre is steady and does not need a change in volume depending on the number of people in the auditorium audience. Chen expressed the importance of higher quality saying, “From the very first time we did filming with [standard digital theatre projectors], it was already bugging us. The guys couldn’t get the picture focused, the picture would jitter.” He also added, “People actually believe that 35mm film is worse than a digital projector. It’s completely false.

And digital will improve. It just can’t hold up the jock straps for a properly done film screen.” With eight years of experience, Chen recalled some of the WFAC’s experiences as an important part of KW society. “A milestone was the third festival, going from a three- or four-film slate out to…including some of our shorter films, about 21 to 22. And we were able to do [the festival] from all over the world.” He felt proud of the festival, saying, “This is what we were visualizing, and from here on, this is where we’re going.” However, his favourite moments are to be from this year’s event. Along with the special Retrospectives screening, the WFAC will be showing a live gala presentation of the silent film Die Abenteuer des Prinzen Achmed, complete with a live performance by Ranch Romance alumni Miles and Karina. “We’ve wanted for so long to be able to do some live music, along with our viewing of film, and we’re finally going to be able to do that this year,” said Chen.

movie Reviews Idiots and Angels Bill Plympton Plymptoons


have the greatest respect for independent cartoonists. While animators from Pixar and Dreamworks have a strong place in my heart, you will always find a distinct flavour from an animation made by an industry of less than 10 members. Bill Plympton is one of those cartoonists who impresses. Known mostly for his Dog animation shorts and his animated music videos such as Kanye West’s “Heard ‘Em Say” and Weird Al Yankovic’s “Don’t Download This Song,” his latest film Idiots and Angels (2008) is quite the anomaly. The noir-style film follows the life of an ill-mannered man who regularly goes to a single bar, usually inhabited by the bartender, his wife, and a large woman with a perverse mind. The man, while having no real redeeming qualities, has the uncanny feature of growing wings like an angel, which become more sentient as they grow, playing as a replacement for the man’s long lost conscience. What makes this film such a landmark for Plympton is that it is a 78-minute film Rebuild of Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone Hideaki Anno GAINAX


ne of the most influential anime to me would have to be Hideaki Anno’s 1995 series Neon Genesis Evangelion. Being a highly unique twist in the subgenre of mecha animation, it also played as an examination of the human condition, both psychologically and religiously. Over a decade has passed, but Anno has decided to recreate the landmark animation that made him an international name. However, unlike the recent trend of American remake films, Anno has chosen to stick to the entire narrative of the original series. To those unaware of the series plot, it takes place in an alternate future where large beings known as Angels have appeared to destroy the city of Tokyo-3 after a large destructive anomaly known as the Second Impact greatly changed the physical

courtesy waterloo festival for animated cinema

hand-drawn and animated solely by him, being the only animator to do so. As well, the film contains no dialogue save for the grunts and screams of people, heavily depending on the interaction between characters and the soundtrack to move the narrative along. As he is the sole animator of the film, the keen animation fanatic can tell that he used a fair share of animation shortcuts. Loops are frequent in the film, shortening the workload and extending the length of the film. As well, detail is drawn only when necessary, such as close-ups and clear still sets. The animation itself has a grey tone and grim look, with each character looking as if they have been corrupted over the years. Plympton doesn’t hold back

in subject matter, depicting images of nudity and violence that make the film both very surreal and slightly awkward. It is definitely an avant-garde approach to animation, as Plympton has stated on Zoom In Online ( that he is one of the few artists to promote animation as a medium for a mature audience. As a fan of Plympton, I find this to be one of his most pretentious works, while at the same time achieving the great task of a serious and dark narrative. An effective analysis of greed, morals, and the human condition, it is definitely the most impressive narrative I’ve seen in independent traditional animation.

structure of Earth, destroying the majority of Antarctica and half of the global human population. The series begins with Shinji Ikari, a teenage boy suffering from anxiety and depression, who is told from his father Gendo to join NERV, a secret organization which Gendo directs. Shinji has been chosen from the organization to fight the Angels using a large humanoid biomech called an Evangelion, or EVA, which is controlled via manual controls and psychological link inside the EVA Unit-01’s cockpit or entry plug. Rebuild of EVA: 1.0 (2007) is the first of four films depicting the story narrative of the first six original episodes within a two-hour timeframe. While some of the scenes have been compressed, the story flows smoothly, with added CG scenes to depict the moving fortress city of Tokyo-3 in a more fluid motion. As well, scenes have been inserted to add more depth to the storyline, improving the narrative structure from the original series so that even the most casual

of animation fans can understand the movie’s plot — a long awaited addition to the series. While the artwork has been redrawn and remastered, the scenes are shotfor-shot even with its previous form. Scenes such as the first battle between EVA-01 and the Angel Sachiel, and the talk between Shinji and fellow co-pilot Rei Ayanami while entering the NERV base, are perfect; to the Evangelion fan, it would be no surprise to see him or her jump up at the scene and say: “Holy crap, I remember that scene!” With the extra scenes added, it would also be no surprise to see said fan jump up again and say: “Wow. I finally get that scene!” To new and old Evangelion fans alike, you should find some time into seeing this film. To those who avoided the series because of its lengthy scenes, you now have a smaller and, I’ll argue, denser version to watch. This was the anime that began my long journey into the world of animation.

— Peter Trinh

— Peter Trinh

Arts & Entertainment

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008


The best supporting role


hroughout the history of film a lot has changed, from the introduction of speech to colourization, but one thing has remained the same: the soundtrack. Early films relied on music to tell the story as the technology to record voice had not yet been invented. In those days, composers would narrate the film by arranging appropriate music for the characters’ emotions and for the plot itself. If you think of Charlie Chaplin films and Buster Keaton films, you’ll get the idea. One of the best examples of early soundtrack work is Nosferatu. Throughout the film, tension builds through the music, climaxing in the final scene. Often, films are scored instrumentally. These films usually tend to be historic dramas, horror films, and science fiction movies. Today one of the most famous composers for these films is John Williams. Throughout his career, Williams has worked in every aspect of music production, from musician to composer to conductor. Most recently, Williams scored the soundtrack for Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull and

he will soon be continuing his work with the Harry Potter franchise. Williams has composed many of the most famous instrumental songs from the past 50 years. He composed Darth Vader’s theme in the Star Wars films and the theme from Superman. He has been composing since the 1950s and has been nominated with literally hundreds of awards, winning the Oscar five times. Directors and music supervisors rely on his skills to set the tone of their films. They choose him because they know that his works will create famous sounds – and sounds that audiences will later come to associate with the movie itself. Since the ‘60s, many films have used licensed soundtracks, these being made up primarily of the work of various artists. Recently, directors like Sophia Coppola and Wes Anderson have used this type of soundtrack most effectively. In Coppola’s adaptation of the Marie Antoinette biography, she chose to use new wave and punk songs from the ‘70s and ‘80s to create the mixed-up modern period piece that the film became. By using this music,

Coppola made her parallel between the Marie Antoinette teen queen to the young starlet teen queens of Hollywood much more obvious. Songs, like opener Gang of Four’s “Natural’s Not in It,” immediately set the tone for the film’s lux-life atmosphere. Wes Anderson has also been able to create many different worlds from the songs that he selects. In The Life Aquatic, he covered many of David Bowie’s songs in Portuguese. There is no real reason for this, but it does add to the film as audience are left wondering about this choice. In his most recent release, The Darjeeling Limited, Anderson again made some important choices with his songs. Throughout the film Jack L. Whitman (Jason Schwartzman) plays Peter Sarstedt’s “Where do you go to my lovely.” This song acts as a link between part one of the film, Hotel Chevalier, and also shows Schwartzman’s characters attachment to his ex-girlfriend. Throughout the rest of the film, songs by The Kinks and the Rolling Stones are interspersed with Indian inspired songs. The music of this

graphic courtesy of Wikipedia

film creates a whole as well as a narrative for the films. Film soundtracks rely on many people, from composers to musicians to conductors, to rock stars and music supervisors. For most directors, the soundtrack is the

finishing touch to their vision. They are able to express the emotion of the film, and they can mold a scene to say what they want it to say despite the script or actors.

The Sounds of Advertising


ith the winter holidays right around the bend, our great nation finds itself caught in an economic struggle that is as low and ugly as Chad Kruger of Nickelback. Today’s businesses are struggling to get by and are more desperate for consumer spending than Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty are for discounted blow. While many Fortune 500 companies have re-opened the floodgates of relentless advertising, more than ever we are seeing advertisements that are concentrated on winning over consumers through the use of properly placed and aptly suited music.

Before popping an unwarranted hemorrhoid, I will state for the record that while it may seem blatantly obvious that companies use music to sell their products, I argue that for many of today’s top retailers and retail chains, the use and placement of music in commercial advertisements has surpassed previous levels to

which our generation has ever seen. Looking back 10 to 30 years ago, the majority of television advertisements were catchy jingles. Once a staple in the world of commercial advertising, the jingle has become more archaic than the Old Testament. These days, catchy axioms have died and been replaced with pop music. History has shown that the pop music/advertising duo have been connected since the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. During those years, many jingles found their way on to the billboard charts including tracks created by Coca-a-cola and the Carpenters. However, in the 1980s both technology and consumer values had changed which resulted in advertisers ultimately licensing popular songs instead of creating, producing, and recording original tracks for commercials. To quote my father, “ Once Nike bought the rights to the Beatles’ ‘Revolution,’ the world’s musical catalog was up for grabs.” Tifa Han In a time with so many brands competing for the same images, consumers, and disposable incomes, marketing agencies are focusing their efforts toward a postlicensing strategy: to get the instant values communicated through a pop song but in a way unique to the commercial, or in plain English, to sell you their shit by playing catchy

songs in a “creative” commercial. From the agencies’ perspective, consumers are indecisive targets. By playing a catchy track during a 30 second commercial, a retailer can make its way into a potential niche market and wrap consumers with an army of tactically deliberate agendas. Moreover, certain songs can form both perceptions and images of lifestyles, generations, and social identities, which in return can lead to higher profits and a larger market share. Lately, it appears that that marketing and advertising agencies have been glorifying the genre of electro as if it were the second coming of Christ. In the past six months, Apple, Nike, Telus, Ginger Snaps, AT&T, and Gatorade have all used

songs from electro artists such as Cut Copy, Justice, and Simian Mobile Disco to promote and sell their products. Although it may be refreshing to hear great artists receive a vast amount of media

exposure, I can only hope these artists don’t become the Feists of this year and can avoid being labelled “One Commercial Wonders.”


6 Princess St. W., Waterloo 885-2950

General: $12 Students/Seniors: $10 Box Office: 519-888-4908


Arts & Entertainment

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Not just slimy benignity;

Art Attack endorses the graffiti application


his week, undeterred in our mission a movie! I really like to passively participate By comparison, while the Superpoke ap- following steadily continues to grow. Part of of widespread peace — begun as in artefact creation and celebration. plication claims roughly 4,000,000 monthly this growth must properly be attributed to the recently as last week — we’re gently It should be mentioned that this applica- users, and it has only obtained a measly way in which the application itself is able to tackling something harmless and seemingly tion is by no means a new phenomenon (at 3.7/5 user rating, no listed fans, and as a remain in constant flux, adapting and morinoffensive. While we considered the idea of least on Facebook), and currently boasts over consequence, is clearly inferior. phing according to the whims of its creators looking at the weather, we eventually decided two million monthly users, a 4.3/5 Facebook While not new (I think it’s been around and (more importantly) to the demands of its upon the graffiti application on Facebook, application rating, and over 100,000 fans; all since we were in high school, which was two fan base. In the Facebook world, adaptability and how wonderful it truly is. impressive statistics in their own right. years ago, obviously), the graffiti application’s is key. People won’t just settle for tradition; By doing something benign, you need to justify precisely why a we can hopefully take the opgiven application should be added, portunity granted us by dealing and package new additions or with subject matter that doesn’t modifications in a way that people require too much thought on will be unable to resist. A recent our part. That way, no feelings development and example of this get hurt, and no impressionable adaptability on Facebook is the adpeople are led astray. dition of graffiti contests, which, Let’s start another paragraph. believe it or not, are garnering some According to its creators, incredibly talented artists. the graffiti application allows Some love Facebook, some hate those in possession of it on it. We suggest you simply don’t think Facebook to “draw graffiti for about it, one way or the other; it [their] friends.” Sounds simple seems like it’s here to stay. As a tool enough. These doodles can be for information dissemination, howplaced on your Facebook wall, ever, it is at least temporarily unique, or better, the walls of your and arguably unparalleled in its niche friends (assuming, it seems, they (with the possible exception being add this application as well). I MySpace). The graffiti application is (Mark) have already drawn and just one of many examples of people distributed five fairly pathetic using the medium to disseminate graffiti doodles of my own, art in ways never before so easily if this is any indication of the possible. In short, the graffiti apapplication’s pervasiveness. plication is one example of a virtual What’s especially cool about medium taking art to a new level. It courtesy facebook the graffiti application is that may very well be the MS Paint of once the image is finished you Prepare to be impressed by our progress: Above, examples of submissions from a recent Facebook the 21st century. can view the process by which graffiti application graffiti contest. it was created, just like watching

Movie Review Changeling Clint Eastwood Universal Pictures


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ore than a few reviews condemn Changeling as “Oscar bait” — the extensive close-ups on Angelina Jolie regarded as “overwrought” and the plot supposedly running on too long. According to some mainstream film critics, including A. O. Scott of the New York Times, director Clint Eastwood tries too hard to tug at our heartstrings with this tale of a mother’s anguish and unrelenting hope. These reviewers miss the point. In Changeling, Jolie plays Christine Collins, the mother of a little boy who vanishes without a trace. After a drawn-out investigation, the police return a child who is not her son — but when she insists upon this the police refuse to acknowledge the error. The mistake is hers, they claim, as a woman, and thus as someone whose powers of reason cannot be trusted. The truth is that the L.A. Police Department of 1928 is horribly corrupt, and when they can’t silence Collins, they throw her into a mental institution. With the help of a Presbyterian minister (played by John Malkovich) who regularly calls out police corruption on his radio program and pulpit broadcasts, Collins takes on the city to see justice done, and ultimately to seek out answers in her son’s case. While this power struggle plays out, a disturbed man and his terrified young nephew are kidnapping and slaughtering little boys on a remote desert property. All the wild fantasy of writer J. Michael Straczynski, best known for his work on Babylon 5? Not a chance: Collins’ struggles, the extensive police corruption, and the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders were all very real. What Eastwood adds to this tale, the reality of it horrific enough, is his capacity to make choices for his films to fit their content.

While best known for very strong films that convey external, or “masculine,” conflicts — including Million Dollar Baby, his last with a female protagonist — the ultimate conflict in Changeling, the one that drives the plot long past trials and inquisitions, is Collins’ internal convictions in the midst of all these external situations; and the portrayal of this more “feminine”conflict required a distinct style that Eastwood nonetheless delivered. You can see it in the cinematography: the way lone characters are set against rooms comes to reflect and enhance the emotions of the people within them. You can see it in the close-ups, and especially their timing; Eastwood fixates less on the release of new information than on Collins’ immediate reaction to all that occurs around her. You can see it in the plot line itself, and the priorities far beyond those with public relevance that bring the movie to its ultimate close. Best of all, you can see this approach where it isn’t: an impressive hanging scene and intense preceding interrogation especially remind audiences that when Eastwood’s focus is on external conflicts, his directing style very clearly changes to provide the requisite mood. Changeling’s soundtrack is perhaps too simple for a 141-minute film, and some of the prominent characters are not quite as fleshed out as they could be, but for proof of Eastwood’s capability as a director — that distinct confidence and control even when working outside of usual parameters, to provide a film wherein form more than amply follows function — Changeling provides insight enough to merit a viewing. And yes, this film should be up for a few Oscars, including Best Actress, though I doubt it will win in any prominent categories. But again, with a story as staggering in its historical elements as this one is, “winning” really should not be the point. — Maggie Clark

Science & Technology

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Two days and 1,051 flu shots later UW professor of Earth & Environmental Science Tom Edwards receives a flu shot from UW Health Services Flu Clinic, administered by Tammy Hoffman, a Health Services nurse. Two days into the clinic, according to Linda Grant, Flu Clinic Co-ordinator, 1,051 UW students and staff have received the flu shot.

photo by Macenzie Keast

Hybrid busses continue green pattern Eric Gassner assistant science


& technology editor

s public transit becomes more common in Waterloo, environmental options become gradually more influential on future transit plans. The GRT’s response to the pressure for greener transit options is to integrate six new environmentally friendly hybrid busses into the current system. These busses are a part of Waterloo’s Corporate Environmental Sustainability Strategy, which aims to help achieve a harmonious balance between the financial capacity of the region and climate preservation by making the environment a factor in every decision. The busses, while certainly not cheap, could decrease costs on a longer scale — especially if fuel prices rise anew. Each hybrid bus costs $683,000, compared to about $400,000 for an ordinary diesel bus, but these six busses could lead to savings of around 50,000 litres of diesel annually. Hybrid busses work best on slower routes with frequent stops, because like any hybrid, when reaching a speed of relatively 40 km/h, they switch from using the battery to using the combustion engine. If the speed exceeds 40 km/h, only the diesel engine is used. However, when hybrids begin to accelerate, they are mostly using the battery and a beneficial feature of a hybrid bus is the ability to use the brakes to actually gain more energy. As the bus slows down it is able to convert energy from braking to recharge itself, instead of relying on the engine. The busses themselves look virtually identical to the current diesel busses, except for the giant “Hybrid” logo stamped near the back of the bus. Currently one of the busses is in Cambridge and the other five are serving Kitchener-Waterloo on popular routes like the 7. There are only six busses so far, but if the environmental benefits work out as planned, it likely won’t be long before there are more hybrid busses around town.

Just six busses could lead Hybrid busses can reduce to 50,000 litres of disel fuel saved annually. fuel consumption by up to 30 per cent.

Six busses could also lead to a 60 per cent decrease in greenhouse gas emissions.

Hybrid busses can reduce operating costs by putting less stress on the mechanical components.

graphics by tifa han Photo by Julia Hawthornthwaite


Science & Technology

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Fake plastic waste Wael Elsweisi staff writer


hile surveying the Bechtel Park wetland for a project, one of the more prominent forms of litter I saw was plastic bags. It made me realize that little message beside the cashier at Tim Hortons, the one asking you to help the environment by telling the cashier you don’t need a bag, seems to be ignored. I lost count of the number of bags I saw around campus. Waterloo Re-

So why do we still use them? Well, as an Iron Warrior article in 2007 mentioned, when asking whether they should be banned or not, they are useful for picking up after your dog, or for waterproofing food and clothing (I must admit they are a godsend when canoe tripping). They do have many uses, and are certainly convenient, so an entire ban wouldn’t be in the best interest.

people on the planet, and there will still be a lot of waste. Plastic bags can be recycled, although the plastic isn’t used for much. Another alternative is paper bags, if you don’t need plastic’s water-preventing capabilities and run out of room in your reusable bags. These are easier to recycle and can still be reused for storage. Stores can help too by making customers pay for plastic bags, giving incentive to cus-

The Waterloo Region alone uses 100 million plastic shopping bags a year. gion alone uses 100 million plastic shopping bags a year. Here’s some math for you: a single plastic bag, over time, breaks up into tiny pieces. These pieces can remain for up to 1000 years. Now compare that to the 100 million bags used annually in the Waterloo Region and then the 1.5 trillion used annually worldwide. Most of these end up as litter, even if you dispose of them (thanks to their easy mobility). They get into everything, killing hundreds of thousands of animals (mainly marine) and leaching toxins into the environment. Plastic bags can even clog drains; this caused a flood in Bangladesh in 1988. The bags aren’t just a problem in terms of litter either. In North America, about 12 million barrels of oil go into the production of plastic bags annually. In China, the number hits 37 million. In developing countries they can cause a lot of problems, too. For example, plastic bags hold water to provide breeding grounds for malaria.

However, do individuals really need to use that many? Surely it would be simple to purchase reusable shopping bags and throw in a plastic one if absolutely necessary. You can also just take a backpack with you — it’ll certainly take a load off your hands. When you are forced to throw in that extra plastic bag, keep it around; use it for all those miscellaneous purposes. For example, when I go on a backpacking trip, I usually use 10 to 20 plastic bags to start, with another 10 or so for backup. Another fun little sustainability activity I picked up happens when I buy beer, though this is more oriented toward the people who frequent the LCBO and keep it under three 24-packs for a single party. I like the taste of beer, and I like trying new kinds. Instead of getting a six-pack of a single type of beer, I get one of the LCBO’s reusable bags that have six bottle compartments. Each time I go for beer, I get six different kinds of beer to put into the reusable bag. While reductionism helps, there is still the fact that there are a lot of

tomers to buy reusable ones instead. Currently, the Ontario government also hopes to reduce plastic bag consumption by 50 per cent by 2012. Soon enough, we may be able to phase out plastic bags completely, without losing the convenience that they bring. For the plastic bags still being used, a Waterloo Collegiate Institute student found a good solution. Daniel Burd, 17, won a fair amount of money and scholarships last June when he discovered a way to decompose plastic bags. Burd discovered that combining the bacteria Sphingomonas and Pseudomonas with sodium acetate and incubating it at 37 degrees Celsius, the solution would break down plastic bags by 43 per cent in six weeks, and speculated that it would fully decompose the bags within a few months. This is a great improvement over 1,000 years. Although Burd admitted it needs more work before it’s ready for the market, it is hope for the future. Graphic by Sonia Lee

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Migraines are not so bad for breast cancer

Women who suffer from migraines should feel a little safer next time their episode of a throbbing headache comes to life. A recent study has linked women with a history of migraines to a reduced risk of developing breast cancer. This is the first study to analyze the hormonal relationship between breast cancer and migraines, which are not only associated with severe headaches but also with vomiting, nausea, and sensitivity to various senses. The study compared 1,938 postmenopausal women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer with 1,474 women who did not have the disease. The comparison was based on participants’ answer to whether or not they had a history of migraines. The study found that women who have experienced migraines had a 30 per cent lower risk of breast cancer than those who were migraine-free. Details of the study are published in this month’s issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention. The onset of migraines is often associated with low levels of the hormone estrogen, and so women prone to migraines “may have a chronically lower baseline estrogen. That difference could be what is protective against breast cancer,” said study author Christopher Li of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Having said that, , according to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, it is estimated that 22,400 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. Calcium-vitamin D supplements do not reduce risk of breast cancer

Previous observational studies have concluded that higher calcium intake, accompanied with vitamin D, was associated with a lower risk of breast cancer. But a recent, more rigorous study concludes otherwise.

The study involved 36, 282 postmenopausal women. On a daily basis for a period of over seven years, the women were randomly assigned either 1,000 milligrams of calcium along with 400 international units of vitamin D or a placebo. The eventual incidence of invasive breast cancer was similar in both supplement and placebo groups, with 528 and 546 cases, respectively. This contradiction between the observational and randomized trials is only a reflection of the complexity of cancer itself. The study was performed at the University of California Los Angeles Medical Center and is published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Frozen-embryo babies are healthier than non-frozen

It is surely counterintuitive, but that’s science. Three recent studies have each concluded that babies born from frozen embryos fare better than those born from nonfrozen or fresh embryos. One Finnish study found that babies born from fresh embryos were 35 per cent more likely to be premature and 64 per cent more likely to have low birthweight than those born from frozen embryos. Similarly, a second study from the University of Pennsylvania found that babies from fresh embryos were 51 per cent more likely to have low birthweight and 15 per cent more likely to die around the time of birth than babies from frozen embryos. A third study by the Royal Women’s Hospital in Australia found that 11 per cent of fresh-embryo babies had low birthweight compared to 6.5 per cent of frozen-embryo babies. There is a downside, however. “Frozen embryo transfers are not as successful as fresh ones in terms of getting a pregnancy,” noted one fertility expert in the Telegraph.

— With Files from BBC News, Telegraph and CBC News

On gender conventions


espite much historical progress, gender roles remain rigid across most cultures. Rigid gender roles, in combination with media fixation on portrayals of male and female as being polar opposites, produces a hostile social environment for gender deviation. Consequently, transsexuals find themselves lost in a system aimed at simplicity; whereas gays, lesbians and bi-sexuals have experienced comparatively substantial liberation, transsexuals, and transgendered individuals, remain on the sidelines of this arms race toward true equality and human rights. Until the late 19th century, transsexualism was addressed and treated as a purely psychological disorder. Even today, the queer community is still fighting to escape this cosmetic approach to a multi-faceted issue, armed with advances in scientific research methods and social liberation. Unfortunately, social

oppression endured by the LGBT community is often at the root of gender dysphoria in transgendered and transsexual individuals, which can begin as early as childhood. Gender dysphoria (GD) is a state of discomfort experienced by some transsexual and transgendered individuals in relation to their sex, which is in conflict with their gender identity. As described by Anne Vitale, PhD, in an essay discussing Gender Identity Disorder, some children that have GD “internalize their dilemma and make heroic efforts to display the gender behaviour expected of them, while … others may continue to struggle by insisting that they be allowed to openly express maleness or femaleness irrespective of their assigned sex.” In either case, Vitale capitalizes on the fact that the child in question is subsumed by his or her gender dilemma.

See DEVIATION, page 25

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008



DEVIATION: the biology of sex Continued from page 24

So, biologically, are sexual “deviants” radically different from straight individuals? Firstly, it is important to address normal fetal development to better understand any abnormalities. Here I use the term “abnormalities” purely because transgendered individuals and transsexuals form a minority of the population. It is a commonly known fact that gender is determined during fetal development, but few people know that all fetuses are biologically female because only the female X chromosome is active until the eighth week of gestation. At this point, the sex hormone inherited from the father becomes active, which can be an X chromosome, making the gender female, or a Y chromosome, making the gender male. In most cases, a female baby has XX chromosomes, and a male baby has XY chromosomes. One of the reasons an individual’s sex (the biological component) can conflict with an individual’s gender (the image of their sexual identity) is a fetal insensitivity to hormones, also known as androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS). Rare chromosomal variations may also contribute to GD. These disorders include Turner’s Syndrome, where an X chromosome is missing from the usual female XX pattern, and in Klinefelter’s syndrome, there is an extra X chromosome in the male XY pattern. GD is also applicable to intersex children, who are born with who sets of genatalia, and must are faced with the choice of selecting a male or female gender identity. Gender dysphoria is also closely related to depression with many GD sufferers, who long for acceptance and understanding from society. Gender dysphoria is a serious topic that will only carries chance of social acceptance or tolerance through exposure, which this article aims to do. Next week’s article will deal with methods of dealing with GD and Gender Identity Disorder, including sex change operations.

Fill this out and return it to the Imprint office (SLC 1116), during office hours (9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday) by November 28 to be eligible for a chance to win a $50 gift certificate*.

Sex Terms

*pending submissions by at least five individuals.

Drag Queen: Female-emulating male, often (not always) gay. Drag King: Male-emulating female. Transvestite: Person who enjoys wearing clothes identified with the opposite gender; often but not always straight. Crossdresser: Another term for transvestite. Transgenderist: Person who lives as gender different from anatomical sex, i.e. person with penis living as woman. Sexual orientation varies. Androgyne: Person appearing and identifying as neither man nor woman, presenting a gender either mixed or neutral. Transsexual: Person whose sexual identity is different from their assignment at birth. Not all TS folk undergo “sex reassignment surgery” (SRS), for various reasons, including personal preference. Sexual orientation varies. Genderqueer: 1) Person born with male, female or intersex physiology, choosing to identify as as genderqueer rather than male or female. 2) Person who breaks social or biological boundaries of gender identity and sexual orientation. — Terms provided by GenderTalk at

Taylor Helferty staff writer

Electricity on Saturn’s moon could spark life

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, has recently shown signs of a faint, natural electrical field in its atmosphere. This electrical field is similar to the energy that creates lightning on Earth — the same lightning that is believed to have sparked life on Earth. Although there have been no visuals of lightning on Titan, the electricity that creates it is there. However, Titan’s -180 degrees Celsius surface full of frozen water wouldn’t support life easily. If it were to melt into water, the lightning could help the formation of amino acids and proteins, which would start life. Life on Titan also has other barriers, such as the always-changing magnetic field, as it shares its field with Saturn. This allows strong the infiltration cosmic rays, preventing life, but if these were able to be safely blocked off, if the magnetic field became more stable, and if the temperature warmed enough to melt the ice into water, the possibility is not that far-fetched. However, it is unlikely to happen in the near future. Marine census turns up a sea of new species

The census, which is expected to be complete in 2010 and started in 2000, has so far uncovered over 200 new species. These include giant sea stars that can grow up to 60 cm across and evidence of the evolutionary origins of most deep-sea octopus species, the closest relative to the common ancestor being Megaleledone setebos. This includes evidence that the octopuses migrated into new basins from Antarctica 30 million years ago, to escape the growing ice sheets. The isolated habitats evolved into new species from there. Using DNA barcoding, researchers

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— With Files from NHS Direct Online

Imprint Reader Survey

Graphics Team

were also able to track sharks to evaluate their migrating and reproduction patterns. Another large find was a massive bacteria that could grow several centimeters long. These living fossils could have developed in the earliest oceans where there was little or no oxygen, leaving them to live off hydrogen sulphide. This would help find ways to use the bacteria for pollution and waste clean-up. The census isn’t complete yet — so who knows what else they’ll come up with by 2010. Latest source of renewable energy: children

No, they have not resorted to converting children into energy, but rather have harnessed the energy from children’s activities. Saber Technical is a New York based producer of new playground equipment that can generate electricity. Kids can play on a merry-go-round that can also power an alternator, which sends electricity to a pump to pump water. The electricity can also be stored for later use. Currently schools in the U.S. are taking to the new playgrounds, but plans are also set for other countries such as India, Haiti, Afghanistan, and Dominican Republic. One example was a school in Tanzania, where 600 kids had to travel two miles every day to get clean water and worked without electricity. This new playground will give them clean water on site, as well as give electricity to their classrooms, improving their education and health. The technology likely won’t be seen as main energy generators for large grids, but it is a very handy tool for small schools, especially in developing countries where they normally can’t get electricity or clean water.

— With Files from Natural Geographic, National Geographic and Russian Today

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$50. Easy money, Baby. (See instructions above for details)

Sports & Living

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Exercise the “feel good” drug

Jessica Kohlsmith reporter


e live in a society with an increasingly centralized focus on active lifestyles and looking good. Now this can be a great thing for the human condition, but what happens when exercise goes too far and becomes an addiction? The psychological and physical effects of exercise addiction and overtraining are not often understood, and you or someone you know could be at risk. It might seem strange to face an issue where people cannot stop exercising when so many of us feel as though we can’t even get started, but it’s out there. What was once considered a rare condition is growing through the adult and teen populations — often accompanied by an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. A subcategory of exercise addiction is actually “Exercise Bulimia,” a condition in which the individual will work out excessively to burn calories and fat beyond what is healthy. The root mentality of exercise addiction varies between individuals. There are those who want to work out because of the physical rush of “feel good” chemicals in the brain. These endorphins are actually proven to reduce cases of pain, depression,

and other mood disorders. However, in the case of an exercise addict the inability to exercise, or to exercise to a desired (over)intensity, results in a more depressed state. Most importantly, researchers at North Arizona University in the U.S. found that it only took 10 minutes of exercise to release endorphins and there was no increase thereafter. There are also those who desire the respect and admiration of others through attaining a supreme physique and feel like exercise is the only way to gain this attention. A friend of

have lost weight, and don’t feel muscular at all even though you may still look exactly the same in the eyes of another.” Some women also succumb to this outward pressure to look good and frequently pair the addiction with anorexia and other diet problems. Many of these girls will exercise nearly every day out of an unreasonable fear of becoming or remaining fat. Addicts also use exercise as a means of escape from their daily lives. Using exercise cope with life is just as bad as relying on an

Where an exercise addict would be thinking “I need to exercise to feel good and be somebody,” overtraining occurs when an athlete is training beyond necessity for their season. mine was telling me that his experiences in high school as an underweight and unsculpted guy left him lacking in the girl department, and that he didn’t have a lot of respect from other guys. This drove him into an intense workout regime in which he would stay in and exercise rather than go out with friends. He has continued his workouts for years, only now reducing intense exercise to four times a week. When talking about what it feels like to not exercise he says, “When I don’t work out the best way to describe it is feeling like you have not showered for a week. I feel that way when I miss one day, if I had a bad workout, or think I should have done better. You feel weak and as though you


assortment of mind-altering drugs. Over-training is very similar to exercise addiction. It is as bad for your body, but the mentality is different. Where an exercise addict would be thinking “I need to exercise to feel good and be somebody,” overtraining occurs when an athlete is training beyond necessity for their season. Several UW athletes experience periods of overtraining during their varsity seasons. I spoke with a member of the men’s varsity hockey team and he told me that in addition to his training program he was also doing multiple sets of intense cardio throughout the week, even after learning about the effects of over training as a kinesiology student. This could be considered a combination of over training and addiction. Austin White, a member of the varsity soccer team, also admitted to


If you may b answer yes e in yo ur bes to more tha 1. Is t intere n your n st to se three or fo e e u ek mo d t 2. D o exer re infor of these q o you s cise in u rmatio c p reasing “oppo end time n. estions it ? rtuniti p l a n ning/m es?” 3. A anipul re you ating to p r eoccup when increas involv ied wit e exerc e h 4. H d in ot ise aving e her act/do you fan tasize a ivities? of the xercised, b out ex next o d ercisin ccasio o you feel r 5. D g n? elief/e o you u p e xperie h from e o r ia and nc xercisi anticip ng? e depressio 6. C ation an exer n/anx iety/an exercis cise take p g er wh e-asso en pre ciated recedence ov 7. H vented leisure as you er soci r a a l life/f ctivitie need t 8. H a o s m ? p ily/rela rioritiz ave yo tionsh e exerc u ever 9. W ips/wo b i s e e e caused n dish hen yo rk /no onest/ a r u enco g nu m 10. Is s e u n r u t r n s e ? ter a p ptitiou exercis r s o about blem i e beco sion? s your time sp ming y first im ent exe our pr 11. D p i rcising m u o you lse to e e mea ? e n n x gage in s of c e need t r c i s e? oping o exer i n n e r c w — with “dialog ise? ith stre ues” ju files fro ss and m Add s t teni f ying/r ationa .uk lising y our


nikoo shahabi

doing the team’s intense training program as well as side exercise. When the soccer season is over finds himself restless and in need of strenuous physical activity. When overworking muscles both in overtraining and as an exercise addict, the muscles rip and then do not have time to repair themselves. The restoration process is actually what builds muscle mass, and this process requires a day of rest in between workouts. Even in cardiovascular training the body requires rest. Overworking one’s body puts stress on not only muscle but also organs, joints, and bones, which leads to arthritis and osteoporosis. If you find that you or anyone that you know is continually putting off other important activities to exercise or that a lack of exercise is accompanied by negative mood swings there may be a risk of exercise addiction, and in turn, a serious emotional and physical risk. Take the short questionnaire below to help clarify if you or someone you know should seek guidance or help in regards to this issue. For additional reading, see Peach Friedman’s newly-released Diary of an Excercise Addict.

Are students being served? Next week (November 21) Imprint investigates changes to services offered in the Physical Activities Complex (PAC), debunking rumours while following up on the recent schedule and access changes. Write to sports@imprint. with your own thoughts on how Athletics serves you.

Sports & Living

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Warrior Wrap-up

Game Recaps Women’s Soccer

Women’s Hockey

Wednesday, October 22 Laurier 3 Waterloo 1

Saturday, November 8 Waterloo 2 Queen’s 1

Men’s Soccer

Sunday, November 9 Waterloo 5 UOIT 0

Men’s Rugby

Tuesday, November 4 Waterloo 3 Brock 2

Wednesday, October 22 Brock 1 Waterloo 0

Saturday, October 25 McMaster 34 Waterloo 3


Sunday, October 19 to Tuesday, October 21 OUA Championships Women 2nd Men 2nd

Women’s Volleyball Saturday, November 8 Western 3 Waterloo 1 Sunday, November 9 Waterloo 3 Windsor 1

Women’s Basketball Friday, November 7 Waterloo 82 Queen’s 79 Saturday, November 8 Waterloo 71 RMC 63

Men’s Hockey

Saturday, November 8 Guelph 5 Waterloo 4


Saturday, November 8 Waterloo 13 Ryerson 0

Men’s Volleyball Saturday, November 8 Waterloo 3 Western 0 Sunday, November 9 Windsor 3 Waterloo 2

Men’s Basketball Friday, November 7 Queen’s 72 Waterloo 67 Saturday, November 8 Waterloo 96 RMC 50

Upcoming Games Women’s Basketball Friday, November 14 At Laurentian, 6:00 p.m. Saturday, November 15 At York, 6:00 p.m.

Men’s Basketball Friday, November 14 At Laurentian, 8:00 p.m. Saturday, November 15 At York, 8:00 p.m.

Women’s Volleyball Friday, November 14 vs. Ryerson, 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, November 15 vs. Toronto, 8:00 p.m.

Men’s Volleyball Friday, October 31 vs. McMaster, 8:00 p.m.

Women’s Hockey

Saturday, November 1 vs. Guelph, 8:00 p.m.

Friday, November 14 At Brock, 7:30 p.m.


Men’s Hockey

Saturday, November 15 vs. Laurier, 9:30 p.m.

Friday, November 14 vs. Brock, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, November 15 At Guelph, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 20 At York, 7:00 p.m.

Swimming Saturday, November 15 to Sunday, November 16 At Campbell Divisionals

Men’s Basketball OUA Standings East Division GP W L PTS Team 3 3 0 6 Toronto 2 1 1 2 Carleton 2 1 1 2 Ottawa 2 1 1 2 Queen’s 3 1 2 2 Ryerson 3 1 2 2 York 2 0 2 0 RMC Laurentian 3 0 3 0 West Division GP W L PTS Team 2 2 0 4 Brock 2 2 0 4 Guelph 2 2 0 4 Laurier McMaster 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 Waterloo 2 1 1 2 Western 2 1 1 2 Windsor Lakehead 2 0 2 0

Men’s Hockey OUA Standings

East Division

GP W L PTS Team Laurentian 4 3 1 6 4 3 1 6 Toronto 3 2 1 4 Carleton 3 2 1 4 Ottawa 3 2 1 4 Queen’s 4 2 2 4 Ryerson 3 0 3 0 RMC 4 0 4 0 York West Division GP W L PTS Team 4 3 1 6 Waterloo 4 3 1 6 Windsor 4 2 2 4 Brock 4 2 2 4 Guelph Lakehead 4 2 2 4 McMaster 4 2 2 4 4 1 3 2 Laurier 4 1 3 2 Western

Men’s Volleyball OUA Standings

Far East Division GP W L T OTL UQTR 10 9 1 0 0 Concordia 9 5 3 0 1 Carleton 8 5 2 0 1 Ottawa 9 5 4 0 0 McGill 7 2 4 0 1

PTS 18 11 11 10 5

Far West Division GP W L T OTL Laurier 10 8 1 0 1 Lakehead 10 6 3 0 1 Waterloo 10 5 3 0 2 Western 10 5 4 0 1 Windsor 9 3 5 0 1

PTS 17 13 12 11 7

Mid East Division GP W L T OTL PTS 10 11 4 5 0 2 Queen’s 10 Toronto 9 5 4 0 0 6 10 3 7 0 0 RMC 3 Ryerson 8 1 6 0 1

GP W L PTS Team McMaster 6 6 0 12 5 4 1 Western 8 6 4 2 Queen’s 8 5 3 2 Toronto 6 5 3 2 Waterloo 6 6 3 3 6 Guelph 5 2 3 Ryerson 4 5 2 3 Windsor 4 4 1 3 Laurier 2 5 1 4 York 2 6 0 6 0 RMC

Women’s Volleyball OUA Standings

Mid West Division GP W L T OTL PTS 13 12 7 5 0 0 12 10 5 3 0 2 9 9 4 4 0 1 5 7 2 4 0 1

Women’s Basketball Guelph OUA Standings Brock York UOIT

Women’s Hockey OUA Standings Laurier Guelph Toronto Brock Waterloo Queen’s Western Windsor York UOIT

GP 10 9 9 10 10 9 10 11 10 10

W 10 7 6 5 5 4 3 4 3 2

L 0 0 3 3 4 4 5 7 7 8


T OTL PTS 20 0 0 16 0 2 12 0 0 12 0 2 11 0 1 9 0 1 8 0 2 8 0 0 6 0 0 4 0 0

East Division GP W L PTS Team 8 6 2 12 Ottawa 4 4 0 8 York 5 2 3 4 Queen’s 5 2 3 4 Toronto 5 1 4 2 Ryerson 5 0 5 0 RMC Lakehead 6 0 6 0 West Division GP W L PTS Team 4 3 1 6 Waterloo 4 3 1 6 Windsor 4 2 2 4 Brock 4 2 2 4 Guelph Lakehead 4 2 2 4 McMaster 4 2 2 4 4 1 3 2 Laurier 4 1 3 2 Western

Upcoming Highlight Come watch CURLING this weekend. This Saturday at 9:30 there are “tiebreaker games” for the men’s and women’s teams. The battle of Waterloo is free, so come watch and support the Warriors. Editor’s note: There was a complaint about missing badmintion coverage last week. Sports contacted all sports heads on the atheltics website a few weeks ago and badminton was one of the heads that did not respond. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

University of Waterloo Campus

Athletes of the Week

Kim Lee

November 14


vs Ryerson Rams [M] 6:00 pm, [W] 8:00 pm UW PAC Gym November 14

vs Toronto Varsity Blues [M] 6:00 pm, [W] 8:00 pm UW PAC Gym

4th year, Actuarial Science Ajax, ON

Warrior [M] Hockey November 14

vs Brock Badgers 7:30 PM UW CIF Arena

Steve Whitely Hockey

Registered trademarks of Boston Pizza Royalties Limited Partnership, used under license. © Boston Pizza International Inc. 2005


1st year, Kinesiology Petrolia, ON


Sports & Living

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Score one for gender equality?


ports are in many ways a microcosm of the society at large. Particularly in the world of sports, many traditional ideas about gender roles and norms are reaffirmed and exaggerated to polarizing degrees. Turn on any TV sports coverage and the coverage predominantly focused on “male” sports, reported on by male hosts and reporters. Sports culture has always been largely male dominated — most societies around the world associate sports with masculinity. Men that are not involved or talented at sports are often perceived as “effeminate” by other men and women alike. For many of those in the feminist community, challenging gender norms

and perceptions invariably leads them to confront the gender divide in sports. The challenge for women is to overcome perceptions that participation in sports makes them “unfeminine” and other such derogatory labels given to female athletes. According to Statistics Canada, female participation in sports is lower across the board compared to males. Although the gap has closed from 18 per cent in 1998 (43 to 25) to 15 per cent (36 to 21) in 2005, despite a participation drop in both sexes. However, women show high rates of volunteerism in sport nearly as high as men, especially among the popular sports in Canada such as hockey, soccer, baseball, and football.

The sports development centre (SDC) argues that women are regulated to bystanders in the world of sports and are pushed into “cheerleader roles.” Certainly if you look at the major sports leagues in North America (NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL), there are no female players, no coaches, and no executives and owners. In the world of sports journalism, female reporters are few and far between. The most visible females in sports reporting are blatant examples of pandering to male audiences, by having just a pretty face for the television cameras whose qualifications tend to be dubious, as opposed to a well-read and experienced journalist. Part of the blame

for this can be placed on male executives catering to a largely male audience and a lack of notable female sports icons in the mainstream sports markets. The benefits of pushing for higher participation among the sexes should be obvious; sport contributes to both physical and mental well being, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. In an era of decreased physical activity among both sexes, encouraging sports and physical activity should be a priority for educational officials, particularly for young girls who are on average more sedentary than young boys. The grassroots level is where levelling the sports gender gap begins. At the professional level, the gender gap is

far too entrenched to be leveled in the short term. A common sentiment exists among many sports fans, both male and female alike that female sports leagues are inferior to their male counterparts. The WNBA generates a paltry $85 million U.S. in revenue compared to the NBA which takes in a whopping $3.57 billion U.S. per year. There is a lack of a comparable professional female league of even the same prominence as the WNBA for baseball, soccer, football and hockey. That’s not to say female sports cannot establish their own niche; women’s tennis and volleyball tend to draw more attention than their male counterparts, due to the longer rallies, which are missing in the men’s games. Sports are often compartmentalized into “masculine” and “feminine” sports, boys are pushed into football, basketball, hockey, etc., which tend to have a hypermasculine sporting culture. Girls are often encouraged to try for figure-skating, gymnastics, tennis, badminton, and cheerleading — sports associated with feminine characteristics. It’s not surprising the reprisal of societal gender roles is also played out in sports — girls 9 to 14 participate in organized ice hockey, for example, at one-tenth the rate of boys in the same age range. This segues into the controversial issue of whether girls can compete and excel in the same sports with guys — even in traditionally “masculine” sports that require strength and agility. Gender equality advocates say it’s a matter of opportunity; girls simply don’t participate in anywhere near the same rates as guys. If they did, it would be possible, perhaps even inevitable that a female would reach the MLB, NBA, etc. Anika Sorenstem and Michelle Wie are female golfers that have competed on the PGA (top men’s tour) circuit. Billie Jean King defeated former Wimbeldon champion Bobby Riggs (albeit in his 50’s at the time) in the infamous battle of the sexes tennis match. Others will argue that genetic differences between the sexes restrict the potential for females. As it stands, while, WNBA stars will wipe the floor with your average YMCA Friday night pick-up game guys, it’s unlikely they will ever catch up to the male NBA stars. It’s a classic question of biology versus sociology, one that has yet to be fully resolved, and will generate a good deal of controversy in the process.

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Comics & Distractions

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Watch out, peers! The walls have ears. Your hopes and fears …Campus Creep hears.

When: Around three weeks ago at noon Where: Between B1 and Needles Hall : She’s ok. If she straightened her hair and put on some glasses, she’d be so hot. : I agree with the hair thing. Glasses?

nd a r B


When: Thurs., Nov. 6 at 5 p.m. Where: Charles St. Terminal : Dollhouse is fucking skanky, man. : I know. I once took home a stripper from there. : ...Yeah?

:Yeah man, some chicks just look better with glasses.

From, The girl you woke up with last sunday

A.A. I love you! I’m not going to try and be coy...I want you! I know you’re older thanme and I think that’s okay because you’re sexy and I would hit that...hard! I have a couple fantasies that we could play out together... you be Hawkeye, I’ll be HotLips... Lemme know when you’re available, because I’m always ready...A.B.

Dear M-word, FUCK YOU. I went to visit you last week, got drunk, let out my heart and soul only to hear a “oh well, I thought I was pretty clear I only wanted to be friends.” You broke my heart, and your incoherent thoughts only showed me how much you are hiding from yourself.Your hug and “sorry” the next day were nothing in comparison to the lack of compassion and understanding you

Dear Neighbour,You make me so frustrated. Could you please get blinds. Everybody in my house with a window facing yours is tired of watching you scratch you beard (which has been coming in nicely by the way). Thats not what hurts though. I’m sad that you never look over and say hi because I feel like we are so close, I even know that you like strawberry yogurt! Your lack of acknowledgement can be de-


Maggie Clark

When: Wed., Nov. 12 at 10:30 p.m. Where: SLC : When I was a kid I was a shitty fucking driver. Literally, on my first day I ran over a fire hydrant. My parents could have grounded me and taken away the car but instead, what they said was “Okay… so how do you feel.” Really shitty! So, don’t talk to me about bad driving, okay?

:Yeah, just make sure they give you your chili. Sometimes they don’t give it to you. It happened to me yesterday, and it happened to her today, so make sure they give you your chili.

Tifa Han

have for me. Limbo is over, bitch. I’m done bending over backwards for you. If you want me, you know where you can find me: leagues and leagues above yours. K.

: Hey. What are you getting?

:You gotta get chili.

: Okay… (weirded out)

You were in my room again today. I’m not sure if you even know my name…but you certainly know hers. I’m always here, but we never talk. It makes me nervous when we’re alone together, because we can’t even meet eyes. I really wish you’d take the time to get to know me, that way it wouldn’t be as awkward when you barge into our room and in a drunken stupor, accidentally crawl into bed with me.

: Hey!

: I don’t know.

: Glasses? What?


When: Wed., Nov. 12 at 9 p.m. Where: Tim Hortons, SLC

pressing at times. Signed,my curtians have flowers, yours are stained with my tears. “Radio Sweetheart, don’t be so H-H-Highschool, I hear your Hounds of Love. Our current relationship needs a Reconstruction Site. Play the right tapes ‘n tapes song, and maybe I’ll Say back Something. I’m trying to Break The Ice.” You walked by me playing your harmonica and it made me smile. Please keep playing. Hope to see you around campus again. Just to let you know, you are the single, solitary, sexiest person I have ever met. When you kiss me at parties in front of all the boys, you kill.Those heels of yours? Make me want to jump your bones. Your tops are too low cut, your jeans are too tight and for the love of god your tongue stud drives me nuts. Next time you hit on me, you better mean it. Because


I’m going to hit back. Hard. Sincerely, Your Frustrated Female Friend To the guy who edits the missed connections: You have always intrigued me. It began in my daydreams, which then developed into night dreams, and finally became an obsession. Hoping to one day identify you and affirm that you exist not only in my dreams, but in reality. I press my nose up against the window, peering into the Imprint office, squinting desperately at computers, hoping to catch a glimpse of you working on the missed connections page. With the heat of my breath fogging up the glass, I wonder whose skilful hand is the one that arranges my favourite section in the paper, and long to feel those same skilful hands caressing my body.

Legend female speaking male speaking

Imprint readers, I’ve fallen in love. A brownhair beauty strikes me almost dead. While she converses with her blonde-haired friend, I sit near, not able to pay attention to anything but this woman in black boots; short in height but grand in beauty.The last night I saw her was the UWP coffee house, as she drank gracefully from her cup of hot chocolate and chewed delicately on her cookie, holding a single flower. Please help! Signed, head over boots.

Stop holding it in. It’s not good for you. Send your shit to:

WOULD YOU RATHER: a) Read Campus Creep? (Hear what’s been overheard in Waterloo. In one ear and out the printer.) OR b) Be heard by Campus Creep? (Fudge! Did you think nobody was listening?)


November 7 sudoku solutions

YOU KNOW YOU’RE A CREEPER. ADMIT IT. You like reading about other peoples’ lives and you like the raw realness of their gossip. Maybe reading about their troubles makes you feel better. Regardless, if we are not all united in the pursuit of seeking higher education, we are all connected by our problems. To go through shit is human. To share it in a newspaper, divine. The distractions section of Imprint is getting more candid and, like technology nowadays, more integrated with your life. Stay tuned to the Comics and Distractions section, because now you have the option:



Comics & Distractions

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008











Comics & Distractions

Imprint, Friday, November 14, 2008

Double Trouble


By Kevin Shahbazi

What would you wear on a first date to guarantee best results?

by Maggie Clark

“A jumpsuit.” Stephanie Cherri

Easy Across

2A arts

1. Large branches 6. Trade punches

“A kilt.“ Stewart Dunbar

10. Not volunteer work

University Chaplain

14. Farewell 15. Maui dance

“A nice dress.” Deanna Livingstone

16. With the bow, in music

2A biomedical sceinces

17. Areas of high land with flat tops and steep sides 18. Big-ticket ___

“A nice dress.“

Brian Gashgarian

19. Bridle part

2A medieval studies

20. Motion, in some sports, with the back of the hand facing outwards “Jeans and a sweater.” Munjyot Jaswal

22. Beheaded Boleyn 23. “What’s gotten ___ you?”


24. Electrical resistance, as expressed in ohms

29. Mail recipients

26. Aquatic plant

34. Bowl over (two words)

30. Immediately

36. Many zeroes

31. Cacophony

37. Cut short

32. Deceased

38. Nestling hawk

33. Sty cry

40. Priests’ vestments

35. Parry

42. Exterior

39. Summer time

45. A ghost, for instance

41. Loudly

48. Lament

43. Growl

51. Ritual hand movement in Hindu dance

44. Biblical pronoun

52. Heavenly hunter

46. Pelvic bones

53. Full-length, as with hair

47. Diminish

55. Break off

49. Do something

58. Data

50. Egyptian snakes

59. Hokkaido natives

51. Puddinglike dessert

60. “Doggone it!”

54. Luau strings

61. Carve in stone

56. Vases

62. Tracks

57. Telepathist 63. Backgammon equipment


64. Savvy about


65. Connoisseurship

1. Toils

66. A libertine; literally, one who deserves to be broken upon a wheel for immorality (french)

6. News

67. Three or four 68. Make into law 69. Aardvark’s fare 70. Norse goddess of fate 71. Baseball’s Babe, for one Down 1. Souvlaki meat 2. Bright thought 3. Catchall category: Abbr.

10. Grey 14. To curve 15. Old World buffalo 16. Renegade Time Lord 17. Basic unit of Nigerian currency 18. Various fishes resembling the cod 19. Shade of black 20. Submerged 22. Competent 23. Pastrami purveyor 24. Television production awards

57. Extending or occurring throughout a country 63. Atlas section 64. Food regimen 66. Soften 67. Advantage 68. On drugs 69. Doing nothing 70. Cattail, e.g. 71. Sauce with basil Down 1. Maître d’s offering 2. Neighbor of Saudi Arabia 3. Footnote abbr. 4. Elders’ teachings 5. Lawn or meadow 6. Russian stringed instrument 7. Serving to unite 8. Court defense 9. Croatian capital 10. Fantasy land (2 wds.) 11. Jewish “teacher” 12. Lizard family 13. Twining stems 21. Rises to the surface 25. U.S. “Treasure State”, abbr. 26. Be in pain 27. Sticky substances 28. Sciences’ partner 29. Devote oneself anew 34. Given up 36. Henry of six wives 37. The best of something (from the Greek)

30. Washroom (abbr.)

38. Not barefoot

31. Submit

40. Your last hurdle before a course’s end

32. Reactor part

42. Brief, vigorous fight (hyphenated)

7. Insult (hyphenated)

33. In a willing manner

45. Funeral procession

8. Away from the wind

35. Observatory observations

48. Over there

9. Flintlocks require this to pack in the gunpowder

39. Hot rack, business style

51. The “fifth tasting sense,” proposed by a Japanese scientist to address the taste of glutamate proteins and similar (i.e. MSG)

5. Kind of bar 6. Practicioner of this Japanese-based religion

10. Distortion of memory confusing fact and fiction 11. Amphitheater 12. Cupcake topper 13. Beneficiary 21. Bother 25. Old 45 player (hyphenated) 26. Combines 27. Ponce de ___ 28. Bananas (two words)

41. This bird lays the largest eggs 43. Antique auto 44. Ranch unit 46. Car with a bar 47. Calendar square 49. Frequently, in verse 50. Conked out 51. Last month 54. Network of intersecting blood vessels 56. Cleopatra’s love

2A math CA

65. Of greater concern

26. Food thickener

4. Bird bill

“Something classy and professional: my birthday suit.” Jason Toporowski

52. Gave off coherent light (as with a laser) 53. Voice lesson topic 55. Eventually become (2 wds) 58. Assistant 59. Judicious 60. Flower with a bulb 61. Bad impression? 62. Hence

“What I normally wear. Something casual.” Jordan Keir-Sage 1A earth science

“We don’t date. We’re in the math faculty.” Lacy Spellen (left) & Yashaswi Guel (right) 1A math CA

Photos by Ethan oblak

November 7 Crossword solution

A watch that displays messages from your phone. Location-based content on your mobile device. A website that changes the way you shop for food. Just a few of the things VeloCity students have been developing. Come see what’s new and what’s next.

mobile + media incubator

project exhibition Monday November 24, 2008 I 10:30am – 2:30pm DC foyer (outside the fishbowl)

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