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FIRSTGRADUANDS TORECEIVE CHELOR’S DEGREES Saturday, May 27, 1961, will surely be a day to remember in the history of the University of Waterloo. On that day, our first undergraduates will receive the Bachelor’s Degree -the first time this degree has been awarded by this Univeristy. There will be graduands in Arts from St. Jerome’s and the University, and graduands from our Science courses. There will be no Engineering graduates this year. The Graduate School will also confer a number of Master’s degrees. Three honourary degrees shall also be conferred on this historic occasion. Professor Barker Fairley, Professor Emeritus of German at the University of Toronto, will receive the degree of Doctor of Letters. Professor William J. Webber, secretary of the Graduate division of the Mathematics Department at the University of Toronto, will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Science. The degree of Doctor of Laws will be conferred upon Samuel Bronfman, President, Distillers Corporation-Seagrams Limited. Professor Fairley and Mr. Bronfman will address Convocation. Professor Fairley, who taught at the University of Toronto for many years before his retirement in 1956, is one of the outstanding German scholars of this generation. He has attained an international reputation as a specialist on Goethe, and is the author of numerous books and papers. His distinctions include the award of the Goethe Cross by the present German government. He was born in England and educated in Leeds and Jena. Professor Webber, also born and educated in England, has been a member of the University of Toronto Faculty since 1925. A pro-

found scholar in the field of Mathematics, he has played a leading role in the development of graduate work in Mathematics at Toronto, and in the development of the curriculum to incorporate contemporary work in Mathematics. He is held in high esteem by his colleagues in the field of mathematics for the contributions which he has made to advanced mathematics in Canada. Mr. Bronfman, who is also a member of the Canada Council, has made many significant contributions to education in both Canada and the United States, during his career as a business leader. He has given teaching chairs to Columbia University, the University of Manitoba, and the Montreal Neirological Institute. He has helped to establish the School of Commerce at McGill, and has also been closely associated with the School of Social Work at McGill. Mr. Bronfman was the first benefactor of the University of Waterloo, and his gift of the University’s Seagram Stadium and Gymnasium was instrumental in launching this new University during its first years. Students are always welcome at Convocation, and should accept this invitation to attend this historic occasion, one which will be remembered for a long time. There is much pomp and ceremony in the academic procession. The two addresses should prove especially interesting to undergraduates, as well as to the graduating class. Last year, only a handful of students witnessed the proceedings in Seagram Gymnasium. Let’s make this Convocation one we can be justly proud of, by being present to honour our first graduates in Seagram Gymnasium on Saturday, May 27.

ON CAMPUS THIS WEEK Thursday, May 11, 1961 2.10 p.m. P352 Meeting-Senate Executive Committee 7.30 p.m. PI43 Concrete Course---Adult; Edwation. Friday, May 12, 1901 1.0.00 a.m. Examination--Electrical Engineering Graduate Students P20G 1.00 p.m.--2.00 p.m. Information Transmission Seminar r“Combination of AM & PM in Digital Systems” -- Peggy Rogers, Physics DepartP206 ment, University of Waterloo _._ 1.00 p.m. Seagram Track Meet ._ Waterloo Collegiate Institute.. . . . .. ,, _, Stadium 9.00 p.m. Formal Dance __ Engineering Society Grey Seagram and Gold presents-Stardust Ball.. Gym COMING EVENTS Meeting of the Senate will be held Saturday, May 27, 1961, at 10.10 a.m. University of Waterloo’s Second Convocation will be held at 2.30 p.m., Saturday, May’27, l-961, in Seagram Gymnasium.

NEWS UNIVERSITY of WATERLOO COMMENTS TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION Chem. Eng. Club Tours Hamilton Plants Sixteen members of t le Chemical Engineering Club, accompanied by two Chemical Engineering faculty members, travelled to Hamilton to t&r two chemical .industries there. The morning was spent in the plant of Proctor & Gamble Company of Canada Ltd., makers of such wellknown products as Crisco, Gleem, Ivory and Tide. After viewing coloured slides of the processes involved in making Proctor & Gamble products, the group was split into four sections, each under quality control personnel, to tour the Soaps and Edibles departments in the plant. After the tour, the students and faculty were treated to dinner in the Proctor & Gamble cafeteria. In the afternoon, the group crossed the highway to the Hamilton plant of Canadian Industries Limited. After a t the 3rief introduction operations in that particular plant, the group split up into smaller sections for a complete tour of the plant to view the manufacture of Ammonium, Chloride, Superphosphates,. Sulphuric Acid, Hydiogen Peroxide, and C.P. Acids. This was followed by a question-and-answer period with the plant engineer, during which refreshments were served. Second Dance Success Over two hundred persons attended the record dance last Friday evening, a decided increase over the previous one. With continued support from the students, the Grey and Gold hopes to hold these dances every other week.

living Standardsin North America and South-EastAsia The basic reason for the great difference between living standards of North America and South-East Asia must lie in the differences in the nature of agriculture and industry in the two regions. The following explanation will show how this great gap developed, and the conclusion will point out why it is likely to be maintained. The prime determinant of a country’s standard of living must be the agricultural situation. Productivity must not only be high, but the yield per labour or machine input must be great enough in the long run to support many non-farmers. Tn both areas

oFARTS BUILDING THIS FALL A $20 million campus at the University of Waterloo by 1965 was forecast today by University President J. G. Hagey. The University will continue its program of erecting new buildings a,s needed with emphasis placed upon winter-time construction to assist employment in the Kitchener-Waterloo mq he said. Building plans shore and Moffat Arts Building this 39,250 square foot and gallery. The 1962.

are now being prepared by the xchiteck, of Toronto. Work will begin on a $940,000 fall, he disclosed. Tentative plans for the arts centre include a 400~seat auditorium building is to be ready for occupancy in

A 33,000 square foot library building, with construction costs estimated at $775,000 will follow during the winter of 1962-63. This will complete the first phase of the arts section of the campus, said Dr. Hagey. A modern 6,000 square foot campus bookstore will be included in the library building. Other buildings planned are a science building to be built during the winter of 1963-64 and an administration building, maintenance building and additions to present buildings to be underway by the following winter. The University of Waterloo began its building program in 1958 and two science buildings have been erected since that time. A third structure, the $2,500,000 Engineering Building, is under construction now and will be completed this fall. In addition, least two of the which are planned The participating Renison (Anglican), (Mennonite). The girls’ residence in ment. Estimated $2,250,000.

construction will also begin this fall on at five residential church college buildings for the University of Waterloo campus. colleges are St. Jerome’s (Roman Catholic), St. Paul’s (United), and Conrad Grebel Sisters of Notre Dame will also build a conjunction with the St. Jerome’s developvalue of the church college projects is

It is expected that more than 2,500 students will enrolled at the TJniversity by 1965. Present enrolment about 1,000.

be is

The building plans were announced by President Hagey following a meeting of the university’s board of governors at which capital and operating budgets totalling $5,541,610 were approved for the 1961-62 fiscal year. The capital budget of $3,325,345 includes completion of the Engineering Building, financing of early construction on the Arts Building, laboratory equipment and books for the library. rapid year,

The $2,216,265 operating budget reflects the university’s growth in enrolment. Operating costs for the current which ends in June, are estimated at $1,485,000. , ,%‘. .

A recent

photograph being

taken of the new Engineering constructed on the campus.






Lettersto the Editor

Published by the undergraduate student body of the University of Waterloo, under the authorization of the acting Board of Publications. Publications Office, Annex 2, The University of Waterloo, Phone SH 5-0571 and SH 3-2681. The opinions expressed herein represent the freedom of expression of a responsible, autonomous society.

Editor-in-Cheif: Associate I~roduction





and Ci?*culation:

Advertising Managw Al. Marshall Engineering Wallace


Editor: :


Al Goar

Manager : Murray French


Editor: M. Krawczyk



Editor: Earlby



EDITORIAL It is our opinion that to regard the professions as either mere technical training for personal economic security or as a passport to a position of higher social and financial standing is both ridiculous and hypocritical. And Engineering is a profession. social

Someone has asked ‘What is engineering? and moral conditions does this imply?’

of the


Sir : If communism ever rules all the world but the U.S.A., Canada, England, and a few West European countries .. . it won’t be long before we will be lined up as next target for peaceful cold war take-over by U.S.S.R. . . . Thus if only as self preservative, we must guard other countries from communistic rule. This is enough reason to appreciate every shell the U.S.A. fires, and every action they take to ease the tension of communist oppression on their present day targets.

Photographer: Brian Reid News

Editor: John Stirrat Feature





From a moral also defend the not our greatest teach us that brother’s keeper. other countries what is good for we must take defend them from we consider evil

standpoint I U.S.A. Did humanist we are our If these don’t know them, then action and that which for them.

W. H. U.,

1B 6

I think engineering is that profession which seeks to build this modern world on strong foundations. An engineer should be interested in producing with the raw materials available a structure which will reflect man’s constant progress and advancement in civilization (or whatever you call it we are advancing in). To be interested in a profession because of the money it pays or the prestige it offers is like a student who is interested in education only for what is on an examination paper; a dragster who uses dual exhausts for the chrome appearance of the ‘Hollywood’ sound; or a middle-aged blonde who buys T-bone steaks for her poodle.

Dear Sir: Your staff deserve a great deal of praise . . . for . . . the task of producing a better University newspaper . . .

To be a professional man is to be a dedicated man. Just as the surgeon who operates while under the influence of drink; or the lawyer who spends his life in the pay of Al Capone; or the professor who cares more for his leisure that his studetns’ progress, strike a flat note and can madden with sickening frustration, so also the engineer who is not striving to give the best his skills and talents can create.

I think . . . the design (of the University’s proposed Coat of Arms) is striking and extremely good . . . It is a crest of which the College of Heralds might well be envious.

The secret of an Engineer’s social and moral conduct lies in this professional aspect of his career or his life. Not that an engineer should follow blandly all social and accepted conventionalities. But he should be an integral man.

For two reasons, I feel that a Latin inscription would be better than an English one. First . . . an English motto, no matter how appropriate and impressive it is today, may well sound archaic, and even comic, in future years Eighteenth and even i\Jineteenth century mottoes (have) the stilted, ostentatious, and antique phrasings and . . . the creators of these mottoes didn’t inten,d them to be ludricrous.

An integral man is one who has one, whole, life. He will not change his concepts or his principles because it is convenient or pleasant or advantageous to do so. He is a true gentleman with a respect and loyalty for his fellow man and a desire and skill in his professional capacity because it is his professional capacity and not for any ulterior motive. As potential engineers I feel we should look to the day when we stand in this ‘Terrible state of Chaos’ as educated and professional men and unless we can establish our integrity our life will be no more successful than the B.A.Sc. alter our name, for we will never be given the responsibility for which we have trained so hard. As John Henry Cardinal Newman says of a gentleman “It is well to be a gentlemen, in his ‘Idea of a University’; it is well to have a cultivated intellect, a delicate taste, a candid, equitable, dispassionate mind; a noble and courteous bearing in the conduct of life ‘_ these are the con-natural qualities of a large knowledge; they are the objects of a University.” Brendan W. O’Connor, Editor.



Forewarned is forearmed. For this purpose I will try to describe an experience I underwent during the course of a very vivid dream. I sincerely hope that neither you nor I will ever be placed in the horrifying position in which I found myse!f. Thus for the present I suggest that you read the account without embarassment, for as yet it is only a dream. The angry sound of airplanes on path of war is heard overhead. Their numbers are small and little attention is paid to them. Your family is engaged in work and play. Now suddenly you hear a swelling, thundering noise in the street. Through the open doorway you see large crowds of your countrymen filling

the street. They are shouting and singing a new strange song. Then you realize that they are hailing a tyrant, who has just tactfully and with little fighting overrun your country. While you are still at play you hear the voice of the tyrant ordering the masses to sing the new party song which they willingly do. Then the great man steps unto your threshold about to enter your house. With him are an elderly lady, and his wife. You come forward assured of your democratic strength and dignity. First you shake hands with the elderly lady. She fails to meet your glance. Her handshake is short and without having faced you she Cmtd 011 Ph!ge 3



The second reason is purely personal. All of my life I have seen and admired coats of arms of countries, schools and regiments with Latin mottoes . . . and, somehow, arms without Latin don’t seem quite complete. E. M.

QUOTES Of Universities “Ye can lade a man up to th’ university, but ye can’t make him think.” Finley Peter Dunne, Mr. Carnegies’ Gift. “A fool’s brain digests philosophy into folly, science into superstition and art into pedantry. Hence University education.” Bernard Shaw, Maxims for Revolutionists Of Confidence “Lack of confidence is not the result of difficulty; the difficulty comes from lack of confidence. ” Seneca, Epistuloe ad Lucilium, Epic. civ. . . . Sec. 26 Of Work “To youth I have but three words of counsel ‘Work, work, work.” Bismark, Sayings oJ Bismark.



Ii, 1961

?Question of the Week ? What proposed

do you school

think crest?

of the

The shield alone would make a striking symbol for the U. of W. as long as it wasn’t mistaken for some industrial symbol, highway sign, U.S. military insignia, etc. The symbolism of the shield is meaningful and is depicted in a modern rather than traditional manner. However, the coat of arms lacks some of the support usually found in a more traditional design. I do think that the design in question was well presented and that a better analysis could be made if there were more such presentations. George Ruddle, Eng. Phys. 3B

Ours is a unique school and so should have a unique crest ~ which it is! Peter Gamble 1Bl Robert



Our school was the product of modern education’s need to develop individuals of the high calibre required today and for the future. I believe this crest should and does symbolize our unique method of meeting this need. George Yaciuk, 2B Eng. Phys.

I like the design very much. It is modern and the futuristic look signifies the University’s forward thinking. I think the motto should be in Latin rather than English for, even though this is a modern crest, Latin maintains some of the ties with tradition and gives the motto an air linking the past with the future. Hugh Hamilton IB (s) It is a significant design. Quite striking, but lacks colour and, as is, is not something that I would like to see on my blazer. Glenn Hawley, 3B Electracal not

I think that it is a design, a crest. George Young, lB(s)6

The Shield intended to make up the main body of the School Crest.

living Standards in N. America and S-E Asia Cont’d. under consideration, natural features are such as to allow a high productitivy with appropriate methods. SouthEast Asia has obtained high yield per acre from the use of concentrated labour inputs; this has resulted, however, in a low yield per man as diminishing returns bring lower marginal yields with each additional labour input after a certain point. In North America the law of diminishing returns has not been repealed by machines: increasing the number of any type of input applied to a fixed factor eventually results in diminishing returns. The substitution of machine for labour inputs has produced a much greater yield per human worker, however. South-East Asia does not lack technology in agriculture, however ; irrigation and careful soil preparation are used to greatest advantage. The difficulty is that she is largely restricted to this form of technology, since machines are not adaptable to the majority of the tiny holdings. Finally, North America enjoys one more factor allowing higher yields. With great urban markets and cheap transportation for his produce, the farmer can specialize his crops, cultivating those best adapted to local climate and soils, and hence obtain a higher yield, Lacking a great market and cheap transportation, most South-East Asians cannot raise their yield by this specialization ; each small area must provide for its various needs. The core of South-East Asia’s problem seems to be the ratio of man to cultivable

land. Originally, many centuries ago, this region was being colonized and developed in the nature of the recent North American experience. Natural increase, and possibly immigration, over a long period brought the ratio to its present level. North America was nearly an empty continent about four centuries ago; Mathus would say that OUY encountering diminishing returns and a drop to the subsistence level is only a matter of time. He did admit, however, of the possibility of preventive cheeks operating on a population; in North America birth control, and possibly social attitudes on family size in an affluent society, have had significant effects. The importance of industrialization to the attainment of a high standard of living can be seen in the example of the one man economy of Robinson Crusoe Crusoe rei alizes that more fish can be caught with a net than by hand, but fish-catching time must be sacrificed to make this net. In other words, some present consumption must be sacrificed to create capital goods and boost further productivity. If an economy such as Crusoe’s or that of South-East Asia is near the subsistence level, however, it is difficult to provide time and resources for creation of capital goods because all the productivity is required to sustain life at present. In North America, food output per farmer was high enough to support non-farmers and allow the creation 01 capi ta1 ; and with it the take-off of the economy. The C’odd. 012 Pn,o-e 4




BNTIPATHY and DELIGHT By Yimminy Well, it’s time to get out the golf clubs and dust them off in anticipation of another assault on the 80’s. One of the nicest things about golfing is the enjoyment of the outdoors. I can think of nothing nicer, at the moment, than to go for a brisk 3 or 4 mile walk while the dew is still on the ground. I suspect that the first drives of the season will be winding around corners with the greatest of ease. And how do you feel when you step up to the first tee with a couple of foursomes waiting behind you, only to swing away and miss the ball completely. Then when you do hit the ball it dribbles down off the tee area, travelling no farther than it would have had you been mad enough to kick it. Then there are the 200 yard drives, straight up the centre of the fairway, that come when no one of any consequence is around to appreciate them. And aren’t these the times when you figure that the ball is just over the next rise when actually you passed it some 50 yards back. How often have you teed up a brand new ball only to have your shot tail off into the densest bush imaginable? And what do you find in those woods? You guessed it; literally dozens of the most scarred, chewed up mutations, that could ever be called golf balls. I seriously think that these are purposely put in the woods by non-union caddies convinced that the golfer will be satisfied with the few bits of rubber that he has found, and depart minus one brand new ball. It never fails that, a few holes later, you will be approached by a very angelic, industrious, idung fellow trying to sell you the very ball that you are still cursing yourself about losing. Memories . . . Memories . . . But there is still nothing quite comparable to the sunshine and the odour of freshly cut grass that can be found on the local fairways.





When are the students in the Physics & Maths Bldg. (and that includes most of us), going to be allowed the use of coffee and goody dispensers? With but 10 minutes between lectures, we hardly have time to race to the Annex of Chemistry Cafeteria for a mid morning coffee. I understand that there is one coffee machine in the building, but one must be in possession of the key to the executive washrooms to use it. Maybe students don’t need mid morni ng coffee to perk them up after the night before, as is needed by many faculty members. Anyway, for what it’s worth, here’s one vote that will be east for a STUDENT coffee vending machine in the Ph. & M. Bldg.






And speaking of washrooms, one would think that the Ph. & M. Bldg. was built for faculty only. Is it that the receptacles are too high for students? One need only walk down the halls of the building to see the restrictive signs reading not only “Faculty Washroom” but Faculty Common Room and Faculty Lunch Room. Are they lepers or are we? Was the building designed for faculty or students . . . or both? * * * * * facilities are When is the Gym open to stu .dents? What availavailable and at what times? Are there tennis courts able, softball fields that can be used and is the track open for work-outs? Or maybe there is someone who would like to practice the pole vault, the high jump, or the broad jump. There may be a champion discus thrower in our midst, just aching to get in some practice, and be discovered. Wouldn’t it be nice to know just what athletic facilities are available this term. How many think it would be nice to know what athletic facilities are available this term?

* Our sugar Curtain Curtain around around





correspondent in Havana reports the raising of a cane curtain around Cuba. First came the Iron around Russia and its satellites, then the Bamboo around Red China, and now the Sugar Cane Curtain Cuba. What can we expect next? A linen curtain Ireland, or maybe a paper curtain around Canada.






This is the time of year when the University Hierarchy begins to think of final examinations. I hope that this term a little consideration will be given to senior students as regards allotment of examination time on the timetable. Last Christmas, first year students were out cavorting about town one day before some third year students and a full two days before second year students. Surely if any priority is to be given, it should be given to senior students.





While on the subject of examinations, would it not be reasonable to expect that one might receive one’s marked exam papers. After all, is there nothing to be learned from an examination but a mathematical classification. Who knows whether a question has been overlooked, or whether the marker is non-mathematically inclined when it comes to addition of marks. Is there something to be concealed, or is there something to be gained?

* I have been questioned egg and a golf ball. From gold balls, I think I would who wants to be cracked!




Page 3

11, 1961


as to the difference between an the look of some of my mangled rather be an egg. But then again, Contd.

on Page 4


LEAVING The moment comes; the thrill of parting quells The fore-planned things that we would fain have said; And stuttering dumbness struggles with the mind And wins; or anxious bustlings oust the thoughts That only surge into the throat when from The graceful curving of the speeding train A lonely figure and a fiuttering silk Sink in the quiet past, and we are left Protruding from the window, blowing kisses To the passing fields. And then we swallow, Blink a tear into the rushing wind, and turn With just awakening shame to seat ourselves Within the sheltered, gentlythrobbing warmth Of the silently watching compartment. Now we forget our grief and wrap ourselves Within the offerings of magazines, Until, by straying thought, the gazing eye Conceives a tear it hides by looking out The window at the fields and flying trees. The quiet of a lonely station brings Us thoughts we would indulge but for the eyes That wander from behind the leaves of books And half-knit cardigansAnd then with slow, Increasing slide the interrupted rhythm Of the train begins again , and one more Lonely spot is left in silence deeper Than before, the longer lulled anew to Wait the next disturbance, and the station Trees becoming audible with evening Breeze . . . And once again the fields are passing And we thi nk we are a t peace ; but frequent Sadness will return, and keep returning, Till the bustling fewer of the city Terminus, with gloom and smells and shouting, Wraps around us, and we leave the engine Hissing and triumphant and the long line Of gaping doors, to plunge into the roar Of busy traffic. Even then, though far, Away and dim, the vague remembrance comes Of that last parting, and the silence of The Summer evening, and the little breeze That lifted a silk hanky in the sun. C. IL Thomas

I ?ILE and Sicilian invasions. One weekend, in order to visit his brother he exchanged duties, with a friend for ten shillings. When he returned, his ship had sailed for Dieppe. Ironically though, he was wounded in the second day of the Sieilian campaign and this marked the end of his active overseas duty. After ten months in various hospitals he was assigned to Halifax and to Toronto on V-E day.

A relatively unknown man to students on campus is Allan K. Adlington. In his dual capacity as Secretary of the Board of Governors and Comptroller of the University there is little occasion for direct contact with the student body. In his positions he is concerned with the finances of the University and its existence as a corporate body. The diversity of the job is seen in examples taken at random: food services, buildings and grounds, salaries of personnel, etc: ; the Comptroller is responslble for the monetary policies of all these. Mr. Adlington was born in Newport, Monmouthshire in the west of England. His family emigrated to Canada in 1930 and settled in rural Elgin county where they farmed during the depression. In 1940, Mr. Adlington, then in Grade 11, left school and went to work in Galt. He left there and attended Westdale Collegiate in Hamilton under the Dominion Provincial Youth Training programme. While here he joined the Canadian Navy and upon completion of the course in October, 1941, was sent to the east coast for his seaman’s training. He volunteered for overseas duty and served in combined operations with the Royal Navy. This group was involved in landing craft assault and here he saw action in the North African

After the war, he and his wife - they were married in Scotland in 1942 - went to live in St. Thomas. He spent a month as a timekeeper for the C.N.R. and then returned to school to take Grades 12 and 13 in one year. In the autumn of 1946 he began a four year honours course in economics and political science at the University of Western Ontario. He graduated in 1950, ahead two children and a Bachelor of Arts degree. Upon graduation he and his family moved to Kitchener where he worked for Dominion Electrohome Industries Limited in industrial relations and later in internal auditing. In 1955 he be‘came business manager of Waterloo College and later business manager of Waterloo College Associate Faculties. Since July, 1958, he has been Comptroller and Secretary of the Board of the University of Waterloo only. Of his position here he feels that it has been expecially rewarding in that he has had the good fortune to have been associated since the beginning with the meti whose vision made this university possible. There is also the satisfaction of being part of an institution that is unique in Canada. Mr. Adlington, his wife and three children now live in Waterloo. He is a member of the Kiwanis Club and this together with his function here and tasks around home keep him an understandingly busy man.


BE WARNED Cc&d. Her motions turns away. show shame. Then you shake hands with the wife. The handshake is long and not unpleasant but her eyes are also downcast. Now you step up to the man himself. Your hands clasp in a firm grip; your eyes meet his; they are not You represent unfriendly. two people assured of their convictions and dignity. Then language “What You

he :




do you say to this.” reply:

“I do admire the way in which you conquered my country without fighting or bloodshed. However, you will not get away with it! You will never get away with it! Suddenly his eyes shoot flames, their pupils enlarge, and his face becomes uglier than any face you ever beheld. Towering over you as a beast he puts this question to you: ‘ ‘Are against

you me?”




There you stand, nailed to the floor, powerless as before a giant, unable to defend yourself. Without waiting-for a direct answer he leads you, hands still clasped, through the house. He repeats part of his question : “Are




You have not the nerve to say “No!” Thus driven by fear you have given into his will. You, who were so strong before; look now how he has humbled you with his overwhelming power. From now on you will be his tool; never his admirer, just his unwilling agent. Then he strides on, leaving you behind afraid and trapped. As a last resource to save your face you call after him that you want to be neutral, but he does not answer. He is no longer your guest. You are now in his house. He has taken from you all you ever eared for: your house, your pride, you1 honour, and your dignity. E. H. ‘CJbbink,

1 b 6


:Page 4





livings Standards in N. America and S-E Asia Cont’d.



of Last

1, 1961


Don Robertson read the minutes of the Engineering Society Meeting of April 17, 1961. Moved by Jim Oldham and seconded by Reno Zanussi. Grey




In Barry Ridgewell’s the meeting of the Dance Bill showing Otherwise

announced May 4th.

Fines reported that there had been a very of Engineers at the Record Dance on April the dance was quite successful.


poor 28th.


$651.91 133.00 --_$518.91 Moved Crest

absence, Nick Hathway Committee for Thursday,

initial bank expenditures final


balance balance.

by Bill Fines


and seconded



George Ru.ddle asked submitted by the students. large size. Reconsideration


that designs for the crest be These must be coloured and of




Revised revision read by Bill Gregory, seconded by Ken Jeanes. Application

by Roger






by Engineering




The club is called the University of Waterloo ing Physics Project Group. The club has received grant of $15.00. The application for $10.00 accepted. Moved by Gary Gregory, seconded Sterling. Committee


The committee and Reno Zanussi. by Cord Ramer.





Engineeran initial grant was by Gord


consists of Jim Oldham, Moved by George Ruddle

Roger Miller, and seconded

Miscellaneous Tom consisting Students Saturday

Burri called for a list of athletic representatives, of one for each year. The Annual Faculty versus Softball or Cricket Challenge was suggested for afternoon, May 13th.

Carl Hamacher announced that he wishes to inform the Class Representatives, within the next week of collections to be made for the paper used in the Drafting Room. The collections are to be completed by Friday, May 19th. Nick Hathway announced Ball as being roughly $750.00. The Wiener be at Kaufman




Motion for adjournment Dick Glushkoff. Hathway,

the Stardust

Roast of the Stardust Ball Weekend Flats at 9.00 p.m. on Saturday, May

The next Engineering Society 15, 1961, at 5.00 p.m. in C 136. by



by Gord Don





will 13th.

be on May and seconded



2igh productivity per mar *esulted from natural skill2 developed in a comfortable climate, the availability oi *aw materials, the divisior If labour, and the effects oj technology. Increasing divis .on of labour allowed mach. .nes to be substituted to dc Lhe work of man. Without 2 large market, however, thf Treat tendency to mechaniza. tion would not have beer possible. In South-East Asia 3ven if all the difficulties ir Eeeding a working force oj non-farmers could be over. come, the fact would stil remain that millions offer nc market if they are at tht subsistence level. The stimulus to inventior in increasing division of lab. our produced an even greatel degree of mechanization, ant higher yield per man. Ont may also cite the scarcity o: labour, in early industria development, as the stimulu: to mechanization. Today thg worker’s wage is high becaust his productivity is high, ant this productivity is the resull of mechanization. This reasfl oning also partially explain: great use of capital inputs ir North American agricultun at an early stage. Wages ir the cities were high, and tc: keep men on the farms, rura wages had to be raised. Tc offset these higher costs, tht farmer had a strong incentivt to substitute machine fol labour inputs, and hence ht increased his long-run profits Finally, it can be seen wh3 the discrepancy between liv, ing standards of these tw< regions is likely to be main’ tained. A surplus to supper ,a large non-farming popula tion in South-East Asia ii very small; a sufficient sur plus has only been obtainec in many cases by force. The man to land ratio must bc reduced and the greater par of the populations channelec into non-farming pursuits Meanwhile the population ir South-East Asia tends tc grow at an increasing rate as preventive checks arc difficult to implement, ant as medical advances steadil) lower the death rate. Gord.

ANTIPATHY and DELIGHT Cont’d. I understand that for the next few weeks there will be no on campus meals for the week-ends. This also refers to the closing of facilities at another local institution. For a think the keeping open of University of our size, I should some sort of student gathering place on week-ends would be beneficial to all concerned. It I didn’t own a ear, I certainly would not like the idea of having to walk uptown for three meals a day; and the thought of being a mile from a fresh pack of cigarettes on a Sunday afternoon is equally disgusting. * * * * * When are we likely to have some leadership in putting together an intramural softball league? Next week you say? Oh, next month at exam time. We have been on campus for six weeks now and I haven’t seen any indication of intramural athletics for this term. r)c







Queenh University Kingston, Ontario





1961 /

Sports WATERLOO SHADED by ANNARBOR 28-O A week ago last Saturday, The University of Waterloo Safaris, a young but very game team went up against the veteran University of Michigan rugger team in what was to turn out as a one sided but none the less exciting test for our boys. After holding their own for a surprisingly long time in the first half our weakening defence was finally disrupted by an overpowering Michigan backfield made up of a number of off-season football players plus many extremely polished rugger players which crashed through for a damaging first half lead of 17-O. In the seond half despite outstanding play by our forwards they managed to pile up another eleven points to take the game 28-O. As monstrous as the score seems, it must be remembered that this was the first game that the Safaris had played together as a university team and against an opposition that had just one week before downed one of Toronto’s best rugger teams the “Irish” by a score of 26-O. If you think that the loss was not taken seriously by the team members, rumour has it that one team member, in “Plante” fashion, walked home from Michigan in a fit of remorse.

My Fellow Canadians

In this view, I am not being anti-American, nor am I being a usurper in preaching nationalism in these troubled times. Rather I am pro-Canadian seeking action that will re-establish ow Canadian identity. Not only in the economic sphere but also in other fields we are becoming Americanized. Yet it is no wonder, considering that 92 out of 96 books and magazines sold here are American, as are most of the films and TV shows. If you think this process has not affected you personally, consider the following questions : (i) Do you know American history better than Canadian? (ii) How many Canadian planes, ships, discoveries or inventions do you know? How many of the same can you name that are American? (iii) How many. American statesmen, writers, or artists do you know as compared to Canadian? (iv) How many of you have toured the 1J.S. and not Canada? If we fail to publicize this threat, and if drastic action is not taken, in a matter of a few years, instead of “0 Canada, Glorious and Free”, we will most certainly be singing, “0 Canada, the 51st state are Thee.”


When a man says, “My Fellow Canadians,” is he addressing a people that owns and governs itself, or is he speaking to a shadow of the Dast? Take a moment to coniider just how Canadian Canada is. We are the only nation to have 60% of our industry owned by a foreign country. Although we owe our present high standard of living to past American investment in our country we should therefore be ever grateful, we are now in a position to control our own economic destiny and should no longer be subservient to the U.S. We should be grateful, yes, but not obedient.\ True, the Baby Budget was in part designed to Dromote more Canadian ownership of her industries, but this &ion has not halted the steadily increasing American control of our economy. We are now faced with two alternatives: either to reCanadianize our industries or lose our identity and become another state in the Union. Just how a change of this nature can be effected is a matter for the experienced diplomats and economists to work out, but what both you and I can do is to raise our voices in protest of this domination, thereby making public the threat that faces us, in the hope that Ottawa will take action I_ drastic action. I--




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How I hate complainers for these are the people who , are content to sound off but take no action. Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone did his job 1OO70 so that there would never be any cause for complaint. Me? I’m perfectly content with everything. It’s you readers who are now discontent with the world. * * * * * See you at the REALLY Just ask for Yimminy.







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