1st sem assignments - Jan-Jun 2010

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(1st SEMESTER) ASSIGNMENTS JANUARY 2010 & JULY 2010 (MCS-011, MCS-012, MCS-013, MCS-014, MCS-015, MCSL-016, MCSL-017)




CONTENTS Course Code


Assignment No.

Maximum Marks



Last Date of Submission 15th April, 2010 (For January Session)

Page No. 3

15th October, 2010 (For July Session) MCS-012



15th April, 2010 (For January Session)


15th October, 2010 (For July Session) MCS-013



15th April, 2010 (For January Session)


15th October, 2010 (For July Session) MCS-014



15th April, 2010 (For January Session)


15th October, 2010 (For July Session) MCS-015



15th April, 2010 (For January Session)


15th October, 2010 (For July Session) MCSL-016



30th April, 2010 (For January Session)


31st October, 2010 (For July Session) MCSL-017



30th April, 2010 (For January Session) 31st October, 2010 (For July Session)



Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Dates for Submission

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MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming MCA(1)/011/Assign/2010 100 25% 15th April, 2010 (For January Session) 15th October, 2010 (For July Session)

There are five questions in this assignment, which carries 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Q1: (a) (b) (c)

Write a simple program to find the size of different basic data types in C. Write a program in C for arithmetic operations between two integers. Your program should guide users with proper message/menu on the console. Write a function Pali(Sting S) to find whether S is palindrome or not. (5 X 3 =15 Marks)

Q2: (a)

Write a C program to print this triangle:

* *** ***** ******* ********* ************ (b) Write a C program to compute the average marks in a subject of all the students in a class. (2 X 5 = 10 Marks) Q3: Write a program to get the value of sin (x) using a library function , when x is given in degrees. (5 Marks) (a) There are 20 integer values stored in an array. Write a programme to find larges and smallest value store. (5 Marks) (c) Write a c program for binary addition of two 8 bit numbers. (5 Marks) Q4: (a)

(b) Q5: (a) (b)

Using Pointers, i) Write the character-counting function ii) Write the string-concatenation program (2X5 =10 Marks) Explain pointer arithmetic with example. Also explain advantages of malloc and calloc. (10 Marks) Write a C program for Tower of Hanoi problem with a example of 4 disks . Write a C program to store students records in a file.


(10 Marks) (10 Marks)

Course Code Course Title

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MCS-012 Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming

Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Dates for Submission

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100 25% 15th April, 2010 (For January Session) 15th October, 2010 (For July Session)

There are four questions in this assignment, which carries 80 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Answer to each part of the question should be confined to about 300 words. Question 1 (a) Perform the following arithmetic operations using 8-bit binary signed 1’s and signed 2’s complement notation for integers. (Please note that the numbers given here are in decimal notation) (3 Marks) i) Add – 52 and 68 ii) Subtract 66 from – 62 ii) Add 28 and 100 Please indicate the overflow if it is occurs. (b) Convert the hexadecimal number 221122 into binary, octal and decimal.

(1 Mark)

(c) Convert the following string into equivalent ASCII code – “Delay - 4 hrs.”. Include ASCII code of spaces between words in the resultant ASCII. (2 Marks) (d) Design a logic circuit that converts a four digit binary input (from equivalent decimal value 0 to value 9 only) to equivalent digital display. The display is shown in the diagram given below:

You may please note that the display consists of 7 segments (all of them are visible true in display of digit 8). Thus, task for you may be to name the 7 output segments (may be s0, s1, …s6) and create the truth table for the suitable input for these segments. You need to put a value 1 (True) only for those segments that from the decimal digit. For example, to display 1 only the right most two segments should be made true. Please also note that while creating the truth table you need to use the do not care condition for input values from 1010 to 1111. After creating the truth table design the Boolean expressions for each of the seven output segments. Draw the resulting circuit diagram using AND – OR – NOT gates. (5 Marks)


(e ) A sequential circuit has two D flip flops A and B, two inputs x and y and one output z. Flip flops input equations and the circuit output are as follows: DA = x’y’ + y’A DB = y’ B + xA’ z = B’ (i) Draw the logic diagram of the table. (ii) Tabulate the state table.

(5 Marks)

(f) Represent the number (89.125) 10 using a 64 bit floating point representation format. You may assume that the mantissa is normalised form; the exponent is of 11 bits having a bias of 1023; and one bit is used for the sign bit. (4 Marks) Question 2 (a) A RAM has a capacity of 128 K × 32. (i) How many data input and data output lines does this RAM need to have? (ii) How many address lines will be needed for this RAM? (ii) What is the capacity of RAM in bytes?

(2 Marks)

(b) Consider a RAM of 128 words with a word size of 8 bits. Assume that this memory have a cache memory of 4 Blocks with block size of 32 bits. Draw a diagram to show the address mapping of RAM and Cache, if 2-way set associative memory scheme is used. (4 Marks) (c) You want to input a string of about 20 characters. Explain how the I/O will be performed if (i) Programmed Input/Output is used; and (ii) Interrupt Driven Input/ Output Scheme is used. Explain the need of Direct Memory Access using an example. (4 Marks) (d) Assume that the average seek time for a disk is 100 ms; the disk rotates at 12000 rpm; and each track of the disk have 200 sectors. Find the access time for the disk. Also explain why the interrupt by a disk is given high priority using such calculations. (2 Marks) (e) Explain the use of Inode in Unix with the help of an example. Also explain the advantages of using Inode. (2 Marks) (Word limit for the answer is 200 words ONLY) (f) Define each of the following term. Explain the main purpose / use / advantage of the term. (Word Limit for answer of each part is 50 words ONLY) (6 Marks) (i) Refresh rate of a monitor (ii) Video Memory (iii) Dual core processor (iv) SCSI (v) RAID level 3 (vi) Constant Angular velocity disks


Question 3 (a) Consider that you are the part of team that is designing a new embedded handheld device for interaction with Internet. This device is expected to have its own instruction set and addressing modes. This device I expected to be programmed using an Object Oriented Programming Language, therefore, the embedded machine was expected to provide such support. Some of the requirements that were considered for the machine were – it should provide a strong mechanism for parameter/message passing, it should support faster addressing preferably through registers. Suggest four best addressing modes for this machine. Give justification of the selection of each of the addressing modes. (4 Marks) (b) Assume a hypothetical machine that has a simple conditional branch instruction - JMP0 X. This instruction makes a branch to location X (that is next instruction to be executed is the one that is stored on location X) provided the content of AC register is zero. Assume that this machine has only PC, AC, MAR, IR, DR and Flag registers. Show the steps for fetch and execute operations of the instructions using suitable micro-operations. Make and state suitable assumptions, if any. (5 Marks) (c) Assume that you have a machine as shown in section 3.2.2 of Block 3 having the micro-operations as given in Figure 10 on page 62 of Block 3. Consider that R1 and R2 both are 4 bit registers and contains 0101 and 1010 respectively. What will be the values of select inputs, carry-in input and result of operation if the following micro-operations are performed? (For each micro-operation you may assume the initial value of R1 and R2 as defined above) (2 Marks) 1) Subtract R2 from R1 2) Decrement R1 3) Shift Right R1 4) Add R1, R2 and a carry bit as 1 (d) Explain the functioning of the Micro-Programmed control unit with the help of a suitable diagram. (3 Marks) (Word limit except diagram is 150 words) (e) Explain the pipeline concept in RISC machine with the help of suitable diagram.

(3 Marks)

(Word limit except diagram is 150 words) (f) An overlapped register window in a RISC machine has 64 registers. Assume that this machine is to support an environment having about 16 global variables, about 8 local variables (including parameter that are being passed in and out. You may assume that a maximum of 2 input and 2 output parameters will be required.). How will you allocate these registers for global variables, input arguments, local variables and output parameters? What are the maximum nesting of function call that can be supported by the organisation proposed by you? Give justification of your design. (3 Marks) Question 4 (a) Write an 8086 assembly Language Program to find the length of a string that is available in the memory. The program output this value on the monitor. Assume that the end of a string is the character


‘#’. For example, if a string IGNOU# is available in program memory, then program will output string length 5 as the output. Make suitable assumptions, if any. (8 Marks) (b) Write a program in 8086 assembly language that accepts an input of two digit number as ASCII and coverts this to equivalent hexadecimal number in AX register. For example, a number 16 will be input as two digit ASCII and will be converted to 0010H. (6 Marks) (c) Write a simple subroutine named BIG that accepts two integer values as parameters and returns the bigger number. (6 Marks)

Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Dates for Submission

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MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics MCA(1)/011/Assign/2010

100 25% 15th April, 2010 (For January Session) 15th October, 2010 (For July Session)

The assignment has eight questions. Total marks for this assignment questions are 80 . Rest 20 marks are for viva-voce. Answer all the questions. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Q 1. a) Make truth table for

∧ ~p ∧ q ∨ q ∧ ~p ∨ r





~ r)

b) What are conditional connectives? Explain use of conditional connectives with an example. c)

Write down suitable mathematical statement that can be represented by the following symbolic properties. i) ii)

( ∃x) ( ∀y) P ∀(x) ( ∀y) ( ∃z) P

(Marks 3 + 3 + 4)

Q 2. a) What is proof? Explain method of indirect proof with the help of one example . b) Show whether 15 is rational or irrational. (Marks 6 + 4) Q 3. a) What is Boolean algebra? Explain how Boolean algebra methods are used in logic circuit design. b)If p an q are statements, show whether the statement [(~p→q) is a tautology or not.

(q)] → (p

~q) (Marks 5 + 5)

Q 4.


a) Make logic circuit for the following Boolean expressions: i) (x′.y + z) + (x+y+z)′ ii) ( x'+y).(y′+ z).(y+z′+x′) b) What is dual of a Boolean expression? Find dual of Boolean expression for the output of the following logic circuit:

c). Set A,B and C are: A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 9,19,15,99}, B = { 1,22,33,99 } and C { 2, 5,11,19,15}, Find A ∩ B ∪ C and A ∪ B ∩ C (Marks 4 + 4 +2) Q. 5 a) Draw a Venn diagram to represent followings:

∩ (C~A) (A ∩ B) ∪ (B ∆C)

(i) (A (ii)

∆ B)

b) Give geometric representation for following i) { 2} x R ii) {1, -2) x ( 3, -3) c) What is counterexample? Explain the use of counterexample. (Marks 3+4 +3) Q 6. a) What is inclusion-exclusion principle? Also explain one application of inclusion-exclusion principle. b) Find inverse of the following functions



f(x) =

ii) f(x) =

x3 +5 x≠3 x −3

x 3 −8 x2 −4

x ≠ ±2 (Marks 6+4)

Q 7. a) Find how many 3 digit numbers are even? Also find how many 4 digit numbers are composed of odd digits? b) How many different 15 persons committees can be formed each containing at least 5 Engineers and at least one Professor from a set of 10 Engineers and 12 Professors. c) What is a function? Explain Bijective mapping with an example. (Marks 4 + 3 + 3) Q 8. a) What are Demorgan’s Law? Also explain the use of Demorgen’s law with example? b) How many ways are there to distribute 20 district object into 10 distinct boxes with i) At least two empty box. ii) No empty box. c) Explain principle of multiplication with an example. (Marks 4 +4 +2)


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Dates for Submission

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MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design MCA(1)/014/Assign/2010

100 25% 15th April, 2010 (For January Session) 15th October, 2010 (For July Session)

This assignment has four questions. Answer all questions. Each question is of 20 marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Q1: Every vendor estimates the cost of a Software Project and presents it to the Client for consideration. How is it possible to estimate the cost of a Software Project before completing the project? What are the issues that may arise due to estimation of cost of a Software Project before commencing the project? Explain any one Software cost estimation technique. (20 Marks) Q2: What are the rules that need to be followed for drawing Data Flow Diagrams? Draw DFD’s (atleast upto 3rd level) for a Student Information System. Make assumptions, wherever necessary. (20 Marks) Q3: Draw complete Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for a Student Information System. Make assumptions wherever necessary. (20 Marks)

Q4: Every piece of Software needs to be thoroughly tested before it is put to use. When is the process of testing of Software commences? Explain different testing techniques. (20 Marks)


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Dates for Submission

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MCS-015 Communication Skills MCA(1)/015/Assign/10 100 25% 15th April, 2010 (For January Session) 15th October, 2010 (For July Session)

This assignment has eight questions. Answer all questions. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Q1

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow: Is talking on phone as easy as most of us believe it to be? And specially the days when almost certainly, our first job interview is likely to be on the phone? And what if we get employed in fields like tele-marketing or in customer support sections as tele-executives? Face-to-face communication consists of three elements: words, tone of voice and body language. On the phone there is no way of reading the body language of a person. So what you say and the tone of your voice becomes much more important as does your ability to listen and respond. A good idea is to smile while talking on the phone. This will help in keeping your voice enthusiastic and cheerful! When you make a business call or a call to a stranger (or even a personal call, for that matter) you should always, first of all, identify yourself. Give your name, and if it is a business call, your company’s name and your position in the company to the person you are talking to. Speak slowly and clearly and say straightway why you are calling. It is best to state this immediately and clearly, though briefly. This way you can save a lot of time by not talking to the wrong person or at the wrong time. The most important thing about making a phone call is to make it, if you have to, even if it is about something unpleasant. Do not make a call very early or too late in the day. Even before you greet the caller you should be clear in your mind about what you want to talk about and how much you wish to say. In fact, it is a good idea to mentally rehearse your talk. It is still more helpful to keep important papers handy to which you can refer as you talk, so that facts and figures are correct, and you don’t have to hunt for them while the caller waits. It is also important to keep a clear and direct approach with a minimum of social chit-chat. Social chat is alright occasionally, when you are relaxed and on very friendly terms with the caller but it tends to waste time, both yours and the other person’s, who might be busy when your call comes through. Do not talk to anyone else while you are talking on the phone. If for some reason you have to, and then put the other person on hold. Give concise, to-the-point answers if the listener has any queries and say you don’t know, if you are asked about something you don’t have any knowledge of. Do not


pretend that you have all the answers if you don’t. Say that you will ring the person back as soon as you have the correct information and do call back as you promised. If it is an important call, make notes before you call so that you don’t miss anything. Also, take notes during the call so that you can accurately recollect the information later. Jot down the name of the person who has called and address him by name. This helps in building rapport and leaves a better impression. In business calls it is also a good idea to send a fax or a letter confirming the decisions taken or agreements arrived at, over the phone. Names and numbers should always be repeated and spelt out, if necessary, to avoid mistakes. An important fact about listening is that on an average a person listens in bits of 30 to 45 seconds at a time. Keep this in mind both when you make a call or receive one. Pause while speaking and your speech will be clear and will elicit a better response. Avoid using words such as ‘like’ ‘all that’ ‘you know’, etc., as well as nervous laughs. Eating and talking at the same time should also be avoided. Not only is it very rude, it also makes it very difficult for the other person to understand clearly what is being said. Remember also to reduce the volume of your TV or stereo when talking on the phone. Remember to greet your listener properly at the beginning of a call and bid them farewell before ending the call. Tell the other person that the call was important to you and that it was a pleasure talking to him/her. And keep the phone gently on the hook. It is bad manners to bang the phone down at the end of a call. If you keep these things in mind, making and receiving phone calls should be a pleasure, not a chore. i)

How is face-to-face communication different from talking on the phone?

(2 Marks)

ii) What important facts about listening should we keep in mind while talking on the phone? How should we deal with this fact? (2 Marks) iii) How should we prepare for an important call?

(2 Marks)

iv) List two things we must not do when talking on the phone.

(2 Marks)

v) List two things we should do while talking on the phone.

(2 Marks)

vi) Why is it important to smile while talking on the phone, especially when it cannot be seen? (2 Marks) vii) What are some of the other ways in which you can create a good impression about yourself on the phone? (2 Marks)


viii) Make sentences with the following words/phrases. a) Body language b) Mentally rehearse c) Concise, d) Confirm

(4 Marks)

ix) Give opposites of the following words: a) Cheerful b) Rude

(2 Marks)

Write short notes on the following:

(10 Marks)

i) Participating in group discussion. ii) Characteristics and conventions of conversations.


Q 3 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: A person who works in the Human Resource Department is explaining how they select candidates in her company ‘If there’s a vacancy, we usually advertise it in-house first of all, and if we don’t find any suitable candidates, then we advertise the job in the papers or on the Internet. We ask applicants to send in their CVs, and we invite some of the candidates to an interview. After that, we draw up a shortlist and ask some of the applicants back for a second interview. We choose the best candidate, and then I check his or her references, and if everything’s OK, we offer the applicant the job’. Complete the sentences below to give a general description of the recruitment process. Use the passive in your answer. Make one relevant sentence (xi) of your own using the passive. The first one is done for you as an example. (10 Marks)



The vacancy ………….is advertised in-house………


If there is a suitable in-house candidate…__________________


The vacancy …__________________


Applicants ….______________


Some candidates……________________


A shortlist…_________________


Selected candidates…..________________


The best candidate….._________________


The references…..____________________


The successful candidate….___________________



This is part of a memo in which the linking words or connectives are missing. Fill in the blanks with appropriate connectives. (10 Marks) Himalaya Small Tools Memo from: General Manager Date: 25th May

To: Managing Director Ref.no. IGN/66/

(1) ……………..we have agreed in principle to try and cut down on staff, there are two serious problems in the Buying Department. (2) ……………the clerk in charge of ordering from the stores is also responsible for the filing of information. (3)………………at the end of the month, when most people want replacements from the stores, and (4)………………… require information from the files, he is unable to keep up with the demand. (5) …………………, he is practically unoccupied during the first week of every month, when he could be helping someone else, (6)……………………. I suggest we try to reorganize his job. (7)……………, the stores supervisor is getting rather old for the job, and (8) …………….., he is still suffering from the same old complaint, (9) ……………kleptomania. I (10) ……………..recommend that he be invited to retire early, otherwise we’ll have no stores left. a) In spite of a) Firstly

b) While b) At first


c) Because c) Namely

a) So that a) also a) Also a) so a) Consequently a) thirdly a) for example a) therefore


b) Consequently b) on the other hand b) In contrast b) although b) Secondly b) on the contrary b) also b) so

c) Because c) therefore c) Otherwise c) but c) After all c) furthermore c) i. e. c) also


It is recession time and your company is having an austerity drive. Write a memo to all the staff of your company, suggesting ways of economizing on the use of paper, electricity, etc. (10 Marks)


Your boss noticed that meetings have been dragging recently and that that have not been especially productive. You have been asked to prepare a brief talk for executives at all levels on the subject of how to run a productive and meaningful meeting. Research this topic and prepare a presentation. (10 Marks)


Here are some typical answers interviewers get. Say which of these are acceptable and which are unacceptable. Give reasons why they are acceptable/unacceptable. (10 Marks) i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x)

Hi folks! I’m Vipin … Vipin Parashar. Shoot! I’m at your service. ….very….sorry, Sir I…. do not understanding what you are saying. I come from poor family background…….. No. I don’t know it but I should be able to pick it up in a couple of days. It shouldn’t be difficult. Yes, Sir. Never even second position; always first! I enjoy being part of a team – two heads are better than one, as the saying goes. What? Only Rs. 15,000? No, no. that won’t do. I believe time management is crucial to success in any job. Multi-tasking has become the order of the day. And this is not possible without keeping to a good time schedule. I’ve noticed that I’m fairly good at problem solving. I tend not to lose my cool and can think divergently. For instance………. Finance has never been my strong point. I’d rather work with people. I like to ask for clear instructions and if needed, clarifications; I usually don’t get into a task without knowing what exactly has to be done.


You are about to complete your MCA and want to apply to several companies. Prepare a neat computer printout of your own curriculum vitae. Prepare it with great care. Edit it meticulously. Your CV should be error-free. (10 Marks)


Write a letter complaining about the inefficient bus service which you use every day to get to work. Explain the inconveniences that you and others have to put up with, and suggest ways of improving the service. (10 Marks)


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last Dates for Submission

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MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web Design MCA(1)/L016/Assign/2010 100 25% 30th April, 2010 (For January Session) 31st October, 2010 (For July Session)

This assignment has one question. Question carries 40 marks. Your Lab Record will carry 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the Programme Guide for the format of presentation. Submit the screenshots also along with the coding and documentation. Q 1: You are required to design an university web site which should include the following specifications: •

The name of the university on the top of the centre with a logo of the university to the left side of the screen (5 Marks)

Pull down menu box for the links about the university, mail service, location, search, and university authorities using VBScript/Java Script (8 Marks)

The text box for scrolling the important events to the right side of the screen below the pull down menu (8 Marks) Links for various schools and divisions to the left side below the pull down menu (3 Marks)

• •

It should display the current date and time.

(3 Marks)

On line submission of examination forms and assignments

(8 Marks)

Download facility for course materials and award list

(5 Marks)


Course Code Course Title Assignment Number Maximum Marks Weightage Last date of Submission

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MCSL-017 C and Assembly Language Programming MCA(1)/L017/Assign/2010 100 25% 30th April, 2010 (For January Session) 31st October, 2010 (For July Session)

This assignment has two sections. Answer all questions in each of the sections. Each Section is of 20 marks. Your Lab Records will carry 40 Marks. Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. You may use illustrations and diagrams to enhance the explanations. Please go through the guidelines regarding assignments given in the programme guide for the format of presentation. Section 1: C Programming Lab Question 1: Write an interactive program in C language to manage the working of a Construction Company. Implement and manage the records with suitable data structures using the file handling concepts that keeps track of various projects of the company and their states (proposal, installation, maintenance, yearly contract etc.), the business turnovers of the company, salaries of the employees, present assignments of the employees and details of the clients. The application should be designed user-friendly. (20 marks) Note: You must execute the program and submit the program logic, sample input and output along with the necessary documentation for this question. Assumptions can be made wherever necessary.

Section 2: Assembly Language Programming Lab Question 2: (a)

Write a program in 8086 assembly language that converts two four digit numbers into its equivalent packed BCD. Also, it compares the numbers and displays the larger number. In case both the numbers are same then zero can be displayed. (5 Marks)


Write a program in 8086 assembly language that accept a string from the keyboard and then reverses a string using stack. The string can be assumed to be available in the data segment. The results are also to be created in the data segment. (5 Marks)


(5 Marks) (c )


Write a program in 8086 assembly language program to divide a 16-bit number stored in memory locations 2501 and 2502 H with an 8-bit divisor stored in the memory location 2503 H. Store the quotient in 2504 H and remainder in 2505 H. (5 Marks)

(5 Marks) Write a program in 8086 assembly language to evaluates 6*(x^2) + 5x + 9 if flag = = 1 or 4*(x^2) + 7 if flag = = 0. Assume x is a 16-bit unsigned integer. (5 Marks)


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