สารสนเทศ ประจำปี 2546

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ISBN 974-13-2628-9 ®”π«πæ‘¡æå 1,000 ‡≈à¡ æ.». 2546

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Acknowledgment Fact Book 2003 Academic Year comprises of general information of MFLU covering Philosophy, Emblem University, Vision, Colors, Flower, Administrative Officers, University Organization, Curriculums, Budget, students, Personnel, Building and Facilities. The Institutional Research and Information Section, Division of Policy and Planning would like to express sincere gratitude to relevant agencies for their cooperative contribution on data and information. We hope the Fact Book 2003 Academic Year will be in some of use for further planing and management in the future.

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1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11

Content University Philosophy and Emblem University Vision Colors and Flower Administrative Officers Organization University Curriculums Students Personnel Budget Buildings and Facilities

13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 23

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Mae fah luang University Mae Fah Luang University (MFLU) was established by the Royal Charter on 25 September 1998 as an autonomous public university with the financial supports from the Royal Thai government. The first enrollment was undertaken in the academic year 1999. H.R.H Princess Chulabhorn graciously presided over the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the University Building

P hilosophy Mae Fah Luang University is the institution where the Kingûs mother commitment on çForestation and Human Resources Developmenté will be pursued with the focuses on conservation and rehabilitation of nature and environment, human resources development, search for new knowledge for the nation prosperity, promotion of culture and traditions of the North and the Greater Mekong Subregion.

E mblem By the royal permission, the coal of arm of the Kingûs mother has been granted for the university emblem representative royalty and fortunateness. The Thai numeric 8 and 9 refers to the Princess motherhood of the King Rama VIII and the King Rama IX, His Majesty the King Bhumibhol. Flowers and leaves consign the university commitment on sustainable development and promotion of the quality of environment and human living.


V ision Mae Fah University is a higher education of high quality with international standards. It will excel in various academic areas, enabling qualified graduates and human resources for the country and the region. It will be a source of knowledge enrichment and creation with capability of applying the knowledge to benefit the society and industrial/business sector under synergy cooperation with related agencies. In the meantime, it will retain the national identity through education and development of the national arts and culture.

University Colors Red and Gold Red refers to the HRH KingĂťs Mother Gold refers to unlimited prosperity

University Flower Thai popular name: çHomnurnÊ Scientific name: Melodorum fruticosum Lour.


Administrative Officer President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vanchai Sirichana President Advisor Prof. Dr. Sujin Jinahyon Vice Presidens/Assistant to the President Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ted Asst. Prof. Pritana Asst. Prof. Dr. Sunanta

Tesprateep Research Affairs Pradipasen Fabre

Vice President for Academic and Vice President for Operational Affairs Assistant to the President for Academic and Research Affairs

Deans/directors Asst. Prof. Dr. Nattaphan Kecharananta Gp. Capt. Dr. Thongchai Yooyativong Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chalor Wongwattanapikul Prof. Dr. Sujin Jinahyon Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chakrapand Wongburanavart Asst. Prof. Lakkana Rujanakraikarn Assoc. Prof. Gannaga Satittada Miss. Songsan


Assoc. Prof.Gp.Capt. Yuthana Tra-Ngarn Assoc. Prof. Dr. Preecha Upayokin

Dean, School of Management Dean, School of Information Technology Acting Dean, School of Laws Acting Dean, School of Sciences Acting Dean, School of Liberal Arts Acting Dean, School of Agro-Industry Acting Director, Center of Scienctific and Technological Equipments Acting Director, Center of Learning Resources and Educational Media Director, Center of Information Technology Services Director, Sirindhorn Chinese Language and Cultural Center Director, Academic Service Center Project


University Organization

Schools School of Management School of Information Technology School of Law School of Sciences School of Liberal Arts School of Agro-Industry

Office of Administration

Centers Scientific and Technological Equipments Center Learning Resources and Educational Media Center Information Technology Services Center Sirindhorn Chinese Language and Cultural Center Academic Service Center Project Office of Academic Affairs

Division of Finance and Accounting Division of Educational Services Division of Personnel Division of Academic Services Division of Policy and Planning and Research Division of Public Relations Division of Quality Assurance Division of Procurement and Supplies and Curriculum Development Division of Correspondence Division of International Affairs Document and Legal Affairs Division of Students Development Division of Buildings and Campus MFLU Co-ordination Office (Bangkok)

Division of Internal Auditing


Curriculums School of Liberal Arts ●

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) English

School of Sciences Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Biotechnology ● Master of Science (M.Sc.) Ceramic Industrial Technology ● Master of Science (M.Sc.) Biotechnology ● Master of Science (M.Sc.) Materials Sciences ●

School of Management Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Tourism Management ● Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) Business Administration ● Bachelor of Economics (B.Econ) Economics ● Bachelor of Accounting (B.Acc.) Accounting ● Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) Business Administration ●

School of Information Technology Bachelor of Science (B.S.)Information Technology ● Bachelor of Science (B.S.)Computer Sciences ● Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)Computer Engineering ● Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng)Information and Communication Technology ●

School of Agro-Industry Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Food Technology ● Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Postharvest Technology and Package ●

School of Laws ●

Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) Law


Students Number of new students enrolled in the 2003 academic year Unit : Person

Total Numbers of students enrolled in the 2003 academic year Unit : Person


Students Number of new students in bachelor degree enrolled in the 2003 academic year (Divided by geographical birthplace)

Number of new students in bachelor degree enrolled in the 2003 academic year (Divided by admission system) Unit : Person


Students Personnel Number of personnel in 2003 Total: 197 Persons

Unit : Person

Academic Insructor Operational Staff Executives Data : 6 July 2003

Personnel education qualification in the 2003 academic year Unit : Person

Data : 6 July 2003


Students Budget Sources of budget in the fiscal year 2003 Unit : Million Bath

Total: 720.94 Million Bath

Expense categories in the fiscal year 2003 Total: 720.94 Million Bath

Unit : Million Bath


Students Budget Budget plan in the fiscal year 2003 Total: 720.94 Million Bath

Unit : Million Bath

Expenditures of the university fund in the fiscal year 2003 Total: 48.35 Million Bath


Unit : Million Bath

Buildings and Facilities MFLU is located at 333 Moo 1, Tasud Muang, Chiang Rai 57100 Thailand in the total area of 1,998 acres. Presently, the university is equipped with the following buildings: 1.


Front Buildings temporary used for the inception period, comprise of 12 onestory buildings, of total 300 sq. meters. The buildings are divided into 3 office buildings, 1 lecture office, 6 classrooms and laboratory buildings and 1cafeteria. Campus Buildings has been constructed since 1999 and to be completed in 2004

Completed Buildings Opened in 2003 1. Office of the President 2. 4 Classroom Buildings 3. 2 Academic Offices 4. 1 Library and Educational Media Center 5. 6 Scientific and Technological Equipments Buildings 6. 1 Cafeteria 7. 1 Residence Cafeteria 8. 3 Men Dormitories 9. 3 Women Dormitories 10. 4 Staff Residence Units (Family) 11. 4 Staff Residence Units (Single) Buildings Expected to be completed in late 2003 1. 1 Education Services and Research Center 2. 1 Guest Residence Unit 3. 49 Staff Residence Units â—? The Sirindhorn Chinese Language and Cultural Center

The Sirindthorn Chinese Language and Cultural Center was established through the joint efforts of Mae Fah Luang University and the Chinese government to serve as a Chinese language education center for Thailand and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). Construction was completed after 7 months in August 2002. The center with Chinese architecture covers total area of 3,600 sq. metres surrounded by Chinese-styled wall. The building itself affords approximately 1,100 sq. metres of floor space, The entire project was designed by Chinese architect team from the PeopleĂťs Republic of China and all construction and decoration materials were imported from China as well. The inauguration and official opening was held on 20 August 2003. The first class was launched in the beginning of 2003.


Construction Project 13 12 3 15


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5 2 76 4


17 16

1. Classroom Buildings 2. Multi-purposes Square 3. Office of the President 4. Academic Office 5. Scientific and Technological Equipments Center 6. Education Services and Research Center 7. Library and Education Media Center 8. Cafeteria 9. Men Dormitories


10. Women Dormitories 11. Residence Cafeteria 12. Guest Residence 13. Staff Residence 14. Staff Residence A1, A2 15. Sports Complex 16. Front Buildings 17. Sirindhorn Chinese Language and Cultural Center

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