Bios oradores

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Speakers’ Bios Notas biográficas

Speakers : : Oradores Session 1 THE CRISIS :: A CRISE Hélder Oliveira é Presidente do CA da SPE-Sociedade Portuguesa de Empreendimentos, Administrador Executivo da Fundação Portugal-África e não executivo da AMSCO – African Management Services (Amsterdão) e membro da Mesa da AG da Ordem dos Economistas depois de ter sido membro da Direcção da mesma Ordem. Tem participado regularmente em diversos grupos de trabalho e feito intervenções públicas sobre políticas de internacionalização das empresas portuguesas. Exerceu vários cargos no sector financeiro: Presidente da Comissão Executiva da SOFID Sociedade para o Financiamento do Desenvolvimento – IFC, SA (EDFI -European Development Finance Institution); Director Central do Banco BPI (Gabinete para Angola); Director Coordenador do Banco de Fomento e Exterior – (Área Internacional) e Administrador da EURO-FINANCEIRA – Sociedade de Investimentos, SA. Foi ainda Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Companhia Carris de Ferro de Lisboa e administrador de várias empresas, designadamente, nos sectores do comércio externo e da comunicação social. Hélder Oliveira é Licenciado em Economia pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências Económicas e Financeiras da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Adebayo Olukoshi, from Nigeria, is the Director of the UN African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP)and Executive Director of the Africa Governance Institute (AGI),in Dakar. Before, he was the Executive Secretary of the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), Director of research at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs and Senior Research Fellow at the Nordic Africa Institute in Uppsala, Sweden. He served for one year as Professional Staff responsible for the development of the Africa programme at The South Centre, in Geneva, Switzerland, and holds a PhD on Politics from the University of Leeds. Damien Helly has joined the College of Europe to teach Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), as a visiting professor in Bruges. Between 2008 and 2012, he was senior research fellow at the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), an EU intergovernmental agency acting in the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), where he dealt with Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe-Africa relations, and CSDP. In 2013-2014, he will also be an independent expert of a consortium led by the Goethe Institute to research on the external dimensions of EU’s cultural policies. Damien was senior analyst and head of the International Crisis Group office in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (2006-2007). He also opened and managed Crisis Group’s first regional South Caucasus office in 2003-2004 as project director before working as a consultant on Moldova/Transdniestria for the same organisation. In 2005-2006, Damien opened and ran Saferworld’s EU and advocacy office in Brussels. He holds a PhD in political science from Sciences po, Paris. He is currently writing a book entitled Why Africa matters and how Europeans should act strategically.

Fernando Jorge Cardoso is the research coordinator of the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr Think Tank, IMVF, in Lisbon. He is also member of the Institute for International and Strategic Studies, IEEI, and a senior researcher at the Centre of African Studies at the Lisbon University Institute, ISCTE. Currently, on behalf of IEEI, he chairs the Steering Committee of the Europe-Africa Policy Research Network, EARN. His main fields of interest are development, regional integration and international relations with a major focus in Sub-Saharan Africa. He holds a PhD in Economics by the Technical University of Lisbon.

Session 2 DEMOGRAPHIC CHALLENGES :: DESAFIOS DEMOGRÁFICOS Mónica Ferro é Deputada à Assembleia da República e Membro efetivo da Comissão de Negócios Estrangeiros (coordenadora do Grupo Parlamentar do PSD) e Comissão de Defesa Nacional. É Membro suplente da Comissão de Assuntos Constitucionais, Direitos, Liberdades e Garantias, Membro da Subcomissão da Igualdade, e Coordenadora do Grupo Parlamentar Português sobre População e Desenvolvimento. É Membro do Comité Executivo do Fórum Europeu de Parlamentares para a População e Desenvolvimento. É também Docente do Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa e Docente Convidada do Instituto da Defesa Nacional, da Academia da Força Aérea, da Academia Militar. É Licenciada e Mestre em Relações Internacionais, pelo ISCSP, e Doutoranda em Relações Internacionais pelo ISCSP. Alcinda Honwana is a visiting professor at the Open University (OU) in the UK and at Columbia University in New York. She has been chair and director of the International Development Centre (IDC) at the OU; director of programs at the Social Science Research Council in New York; and research coordinator in the United Nations Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict. She lectured Anthropology at the Universities Eduardo Mondlane, University of Cape Town and the New School University in New York. Honwana has written extensively on the links between political conflict and culture, the impact of conflict on young people, and the role of young people and social change in Africa. Her publications include: Youth and Revolution in Tunisia (forthcoming July 2013) Zed Books, London; The Time of Youth: Work, Social Change and Politics in Africa, (2012) Kumarian Press USA, Child Soldiers in Africa, (2006), University of Pennsylvania Press, USA; Makers & Breakers: Children and Youth in Postcolonial Africa, (2005, co-edited), James Currey Publishers, UK; and Living Spirits, Modern Traditions: Spirit Possession and Post-War Healing in Southern Mozambique, (2003) Ela Por Ela, Lisbon; and (2002) Promedia, Maputo. Ana Pires de Carvalho é Demógrafa e tem trabalhado como consultora em Moçambique, Angola e Sudão, para a UNFPA, UNOCHA, UNICEF e Banco Mundial. Previamente leccionou e dirigiu Faculdades na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Moçambique. Licenciou-se em Matemática Aplicada e Informática pela UEM e concluiu o Mestrado de Investigação Operacional em Southampton, UK. Posteriormente especializou-se em demografia, tendo feito uma pós-graduação de um ano em Princeton, USA, e o doutoramento em Southampton, UK. Actualmente é investigadora sénior do Centro de Analise de Politicas (CAP) da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, em Maputo. Gregory De Paepe, a Belgian national, joined the Development Centre of OECD, in Paris, as a policy analyst in the Europe, Middle East and Africa desk in November 2008. He has contributed to the several thematic chapters of the Development Centre’s annual flagship publication, the African

Economic Outlook (AEO) and has been the AEO project coordinator since 2010. His main areas of work are development economics, macro-economics and public finances, with a regional specialisation on Africa. Prior to joining the Development Centre he has been working at the Spanish Delegation to the WTO and UNCTAD in Geneva, where he covered the DOHA round negotiations and the preparatory committee for UNCTAD’s XII Ministerial Conference. Gregory holds a Master degree in International Trade at the Centro de Estudios Comerciales y Economicos in Madrid and a Master degree in Business Economics with a major in Finance at the University of Ghent, Belgium. Victor Ângelo, a Portuguese national, is a Former Special Representative of the U.N. SecretaryGeneral (Peacekeeping Operations, 2004-10), at the level of Under Secretary-General. He retired from the UN in April 2010, as SRSG for MINURCAT (CAR and Chad), after 32 years of work with different departments of the organization. As part of his career, he represented the UN in many countries, as resident coordinator for development, as well as humanitarian coordinator and envoy for post-conflict situations. Prior to his UN work, he was a senior civil servant in the Portuguese government and a commissioner of National Electoral Commission which organised the Constitutional elections of 1975. He is currently a senior international advisor on governance, crisis management and security. He is also a recognised columnist on world affairs of Visão, the largest Portuguese weekly magazine, a board member of the PeaceNexus Foundation (Switzerland) as well as a member of the North-South Centre’s Think Tank in the Council of Europe and other research centres. He has written several academic papers and many weekly opinion columns.

Session 3 SECURITY :: SEGURANÇA Santiago Martínez-Caro de la Concha-Castañeda. Nació el 28 de enero de 1957 en Nueva York. Segunda Jefatura en la Embajada en Yaundé desde 18 de abril de 1984 y Cónsul de España en Lima desde 4 de julio de 1986. Secretario en la Representación Permanente de España en el Consejo de Europa, Estrasburgo, desde 9 de mayo de 1989. Consejero de Embajada en comisión el 8 de abril de 1992. Consejero Técnico Relaciones Exteriores Países no Preferentes desde 1 de agosto de 1992. Vocal Asesor de la Subdirección General de Coordinación Comunitaria para Asuntos Jurídicos desde 2 de agosto de 1993.-Subdirector General Adjunto de Coordinación Comunitaria para Asuntos Técnicos desde 1 de enero de 1994. Consejero Económico y Comercial, Jefe de la Oficina Comercial de la Embajada de España en Rabat, desde 1 de septiembre de 1994. Cónsul General de España en Caracas desde 14 de abril de 1998. Vocal Asesor en la Dirección General de Política Exterior para el Mediterráneo desde 31 de julio de 2001. Subdirector General de África Subsahariana desde 10 de enero de 2003. Embajador de España en la República de Zimbabwe desde 1 de octubre de 2004. Embajador de España en la República de Malawi, con residencia en Harare desde 26 de septiembre de 2005. Embajador de España en la República de Zambia, con residencia en Harare, desde 26 de septiembre de 2005. Segunda Jefatura en la Representación Permanente de España ante la ONU, Viena, desde 20 de abril de 2009.

Alexandra Magnólia Dias é licenciada em Relações Internacionais-Ramo Culturais e Políticas pela Universidade do Minho. É mestre em Desenvolvimento Económico e Social em África : Análise e Gestão pelo Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa- ISCTE com uma tese intitulada «Ensaio sobre os Alinhamentos Partidários no Botswana». É Doutorada em Relações Internacionais pela London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) com uma tese intitulada "Uma Guerra Inter-Estatal no Pós-Guerra Fria: Eritreia-Etiópia 1998-2000", a qual recebeu menção honrosa do júri da 2.ª edição do Prémio da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política (APCP). É actualmente Investigadora auxiliar do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) no Centro de Estudos Africanos onde coordena o projecto «Monitorização de Conflitos no Corno de África». É Professora Auxiliar Convidada no Departamento de História na mesma instituição. João Bernardo Honwana (colonel, retired, Mozambique) is the director of the Africa II Division in the UN Department of Political Affairs since May 2012. He has served the UN as director of the Africa I Division, chief of staff of the UN Mission in Sudan, representative of the secretary-general and head of the UN Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNGBIS), and chief of the Conventional Arms Branch in the Department for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA). Prior to joining the UN, Honwana was a senior researcher and project coordinator at the Centre for Conflict Resolution, University of Cape Town, South Africa, from June 1993 to January 2000. He participated in Mozambique’s national liberation struggle and, after independence, served in various capacities in the armed forces, including as commander of the Mozambican Air Force and Air Defence from 1986 to 1993. Honwana trained as a fighter pilot and military aviation tactical commander in the former Soviet Union (1977– 80, 1982–83), graduated from the UK Royal College of Defence Studies (1990), and holds an MA in war studies (1992) from Kings College London. Maurice Engueleguele is Professor of Political Science (PhD) and has taught for twenty years in French universities (Amiens, Bordeaux) and Cameroon (International Relations Institute). He also served as Head of Project in Governance Mission of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Maurice Engueleguele is the Programme Coordinator of the Africa Governance Institute, in Dakar, since May 2008. He has published several works on political behavior, political development and political participation issues. Morten Bøås, PhD is a senior researcher at Fafo’s Institute for Applied International Studies. He has written extensively on African politics and development. His work has appeared in a number of leading international journals, including among others Journal of Modern African Studies, Politique Africaine, Third World Quarterly, Global Governance, European Journal of Development Research, Globalizations and Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. He has also published a number of books, including the much-cited African Guerrillas: Raging against the Machine (Lynne Rienner, 2007), co-edited with Kevin Dunn, International Development Vol. I.IV (Sage, 2010), co-edited with Benedicte Bull and The Politics of Origin in Africa (Zed Books, forthcoming 2013), co-authored with Kevin Dunn.

Session 4 DEVELOPMENT FLOWS AND ACTORS :: FLUXOS E ATORES DO DESENVOLVIMENTO Any Freitas holds a M.A. in International Relations (PUC -Rio de Janeiro Catholic University) and a PhD in Social and Political Sciences (European University Institute, Florence). She was visiting researcher at Instituto Juan March (2006), and the Centre March Bloch (2007), and worked in different organizations such as UNESCO (2008-2009), the Council of the European Union (2009), the Free University of Brussels (2009-2010). Since 2011, Any works at the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EU-ISS), in Paris, currently as Senior Programme Manager of the “Observatoire de l’Afrique”. Ana Paula Fernandes é Licenciada em Relações Internacionais pela Universidade do Minho, Mestre em Cooperação Internacional pelo ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, e Doutoranda em Assuntos Africanos no mesmo Instituto. Foi voluntária dos Leigos para o Desenvolvimento em Moçambique (1994-1995) ; Assessora do Conselho Administração QBO Trading (1996-1997); Investigadora do Instituto de Estudos Estratégicos Internacionais (1997-1999); Responsável de Projectos de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento no Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (1999-2005); Professora Universitária convidada (até 2009); e Assessora do Secretário de Estado dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Cooperação (2005-2009). Atualmente é Conselheira Técnica na Delegação Permanente de Portugal junto da Organização de Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico, desde 2009, tendo assumido a vice-presidência do Comité de Ajuda ao Desenvolvimento (CAD) desde Janeiro de 2010. É também co-presidente do Grupo de Trabalho sobre Investimento e Desenvolvimento da OCDE – AGID, desde 2012. Diogo Gomes de Araújo is the CEO of SOFID, the Portuguese Development Financial Institution since May 2010. Before that, Diogo was an Adviser to the Supervisory Board of EDP, the Portuguese electricity utility, Head of the Portuguese Business Development Agency responsible for promoting investment and trade in Tunisia and Libya, Portuguese Representative at the African Development Bank and Adviser to the Board of Directors the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Diogo has degrees in Economics and International Affairs by the University of Minho, Portugal, a Master in International Banking and Finance by the London Metropolitan University and has also studied International Trade in Vigo, Spain. Erik Lundsgaarde is a Senior Researcher at the German Development Institute (DIE), Bonn, where his work focuses on the diversification of the actor landscape in development cooperation. He is the editor of the book Africa toward 2030: Challenges for Development Policy (Palgrave Macmillan) and the author of The Domestic Politics of Foreign Aid (Routledge). He received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Political Science from the University of Washington, USA. Tetteh Hormeku-Ajei is Head of Programmes at Third World Network-Africa based in Ghana.Tetteh has a Master of Laws degree in International Economic Law and for two decades has been involved in research and advocacy on key policy issues relating to international trade, finance, investment and the challenges facing African economies.

Panel THE FUTURE :: O FUTURO Geert Laporte, a Belgian national, is Deputy Director at The European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), in Maastricht/Brussels. He has worked for ECDPM since 1990 in different roles and functions. Currently he is responsible for ECDPM’s relations with the EU institutions, EU Presidencies, EU member states, and with the African Union, the ACP institutions and with a large network of partners of the Centre in different parts of the world. His thematic areas of specialisation include: EU external action and development policy, the Cotonou Partnership Agreement and the Joint Africa-EU Strategy with a particular focus on governance, political cooperation and regional integration. Alex Vines is the Research Director at Chatham House (Royal Institute of International Affairs, London) since September 2008 and has run its Africa programme since 2002. He was Chair of the UN Group of Experts on Côte d’Ivoire from 2005 to 2007 and was a member of the UN Group of Experts on Liberia from 2001 to 2003. For nine years he was a senior researcher at the Arms and Africa Divisions of Human Rights Watch working on Angola until 2002. He sits on several academic editorial boards including the South Africa Journal of International Affairs and was awarded an OBE in the 2008 Queens Birthday Honours for his work on Africa. John Kayode Shinkaiye, a retired Nigerian career diplomat, who served his country for more than 35 years, has just left the service of the Commission of the African Union, where he was, for six years and nine months (February 2006 to October 2012), the Chief of Staff of the AU Commission Chairperson. Throughout that period he was the AUC Co-Chair of the AUC-EC Joint Task Force and played a key role in developing the partnership between Africa and the EU. Married to Mrs. Agnes Shinkaiye, and father of five children and two grandsons, Amb. Shinkaiye served his country in many capacities. He served in the Nigerian Missions in Lome, Togo, London (twice), Dakar, Senegal and was Nigerian Ambassador to Equitorial Guinea (1989 to 1993), Ethiopia and Djibouti and was the Nigerian Permanent Representative to the OAU/AU and UNECA (2000 to 2003). Amb. Shinkaiye has authored several articles and was honoured by Britain (LVO) in 1989; Equatorial Guinea (GCOI) in 1993 and his country (OFR) in 2001. He is a Member of the Nigerian National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies for which he was awarded the certificate, mni, in 1994. He is in the process of setting up a consulting firm to be based in Abuja, Nigeria. Thomas Lawo is the Executive Secretary of EADI (European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes) and Director of the international secretariat in Bonn/ Germany, since January 2000. From 1986 until November 1990 he was resident representative of the Konrad-AdenauerFoundation in Malaysia and Visiting Research Fellow at the Asian and Pacific Development Centre (APDC) in Kuala Lumpur and Associate Fellow at the Institute for Development Studies, (IDS) Sabah in Kota Kinabalu/ Malaysia. He has worked in development co-operation since 1978 as Project Officer for South Asia (1978-86), Head of Asia Department (1990-94) and Managing Director of MISEREOR, Central Agency for Development Assistance, Aachen/Germany (1995-99). He has concluded Studies of Law at Bochum University (1972-74), Agriculture and Nutrition Sciences at Bonn University 197478; additional studies of Philosophy and Education Sciences (1976-78) ; and post-graduate studies in Agricultural Sociology and Nutrition Sciences and doctoral Dissertation (PhD) in 1983 on Agriculture and Food Policy Issues in Banglad0.esh. He has participated in various publications on nutrition and food policy issues, poverty alleviation programmes, work of NGOs and Civil Society organizations, especially on participatory approaches and management issues in development cooperation programmes and planning; policies of European Development Co-operation.

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