Issue 001
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a celebration of work produced by friends, frenemies and people I respect. Compilation Number On e
Incite: verb to encourage or stir up (in a violent or unlawful way) the reason why incite reosnates with me as a title is because it feels like an interesting way to sum up what my firiends did last year. whether it be collectives and individuals, the work that was released has managed to stir up quite a frenzy, across various social media platforms. it’s been amazing to see the work my friends as well as people i respect, have done. the attention each piece recieved was well deserved. hopefully, the first compilation will give you a bit of insight into what 2016 was like from my perspective. enjoy the zine and rest in peace, harambe.
DISAPPOINT YOUR PARENTS Season 1 Episode 1. The first launch, that lowkey got the ball rolliing was DYP. The zine launch at Corner Store doubled up as a listening and viewing party, for Yeezy Season 3 and T.L.O.P. Everyone that attended, supported D.Y.P, made the events that followed really tight. Shouts out to Ra, for having the vision and all the contirbutors who do the damn thing with each and every episode.
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KAAS he a d w e a r
This collaboration with Anaka happened organically. Honestly, we were just chilling, drinking rooibos tea. Talking about random things that affect, the nature of our human experience. Also plotting, we stay plotting. Suddenly I thought we should do an impromptu shoot in my garden. I just gathered some household items that I could match with the look and feel of the headwear and that was it. The result was amazing,. Anaka has a very good eye and she was able to translate my ideas into beautiful images.
The Garden Compilation Number On e
The Garden
The Garden
Photographer: Anaka Instagram Handle: @anunaka Headwear: Kaas Instagram Handle: @Kaas_Headwear
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Menswear Week. The event a as whole was an interesting experience. It was three days of intense activity, for those who were intent on seeing how the menswear designs have progressed from the last season. It felt like anyone who attended the runway presentations, were ants that gravitated towards sugar. Sure enough the designers that I was able to see came through with that sugar. From Genevieve Lyons, Blanc to Rich Mnisi. Lukhanyo Mdingi and co ensured that their presentations themselves felt like some kind magic. Seeing a few of Russell Abrahams’ patterns, for example was like a magician waving his wand and making a marvellous object appear, from a hat. What added to the overall experience was being able to share it with the homies and collectively being lucky enough to feature in the show (s/o to big man!), which may have possibly drummed up the most excitement, amongst people our age, who share a mutual love for streetwear. Its pretty rare that you’d see streetwear on a runway out here but it is an indication of what direction the fashion industry in this country, is heading. The designers are clearly communicating a particular concept. As well as seeing some of the designers attempt to incorporate the idea of practicality, so that the garms could be worn on a daily basis and ensuring that it wouldn’t feel as if one was over dressing. The next time South African Menswear Week rolls around, its going to be quite interesting to see how the all of the designers have progressed over the last few months.
Photographer: Kent Andreasen Lookbook: Purgation Link:
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Tracklist : 1. Trill 2. Wha Gwan 3. Fire 4. What Yuu 5. Lambo 6. For Yuu
A sonic tale by Luca Williams
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An event organised and run by the Khoi team. This is a platform for artists to showcase their talent, as well as for budding entrepreneurs to sell their products, whether it be clothing, art, jewellery or food. The concept of phases is what really makes it unique. Gathering a group of different artists and allowing them to share the current phase they’re in.
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Series / Friends
c/o Rose Gelderbloem and AJ Williams. Location: World Art Gallery Address: 54 Church Street
SERIES/FRIENDS sees the galleryspace converted into a space for any and all artists to showcase their work. In the form of a barter/trade market emerging art collectors will be able to acquire work in accessible and exciting new ways. The aim of this is simple- To transfer the power from the hierarchy of the commercial gallery, back into the hands of the artists themselves. Through a trading/bartering process, SERIES/FRIENDS encourages a new generation of art buyers and collectors, to invest in work that would otherwise be inaccessible because of the nature of the commercial art market.
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Instagram Handle:@watchingseries.friends 16
Instagram Handle: @rxsxrxsxs Compilation Number On e
A Celebration of
S/S 17 Designed By: Anthony Zei
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Shot by: Helen Wells Styling: Roxy Caroline
Shot by: Helen Wells Styling: Roxy Caroline
Instagram Handle: @Helcatwells Instagram Handle: @bbbts_
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Shot by: Zenobia Morder Styling: Funky
Shot by: Zenobia Morder
Instagram Handle: @Helcatwells Instagram Handle: @bbbts_
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safety fecund club