Witney Shopping Map

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Lee David The Barber Shop

Gentlemen’s hairdresser No. 7 Wesley Walk Witney

T. 01993 700659 Retailer of:

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Witney Trophy Centre


Distan c



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Eating & drinking Things to do Services Accommodation Free parking

W. R. Harvey & Co. (Antiques) Ltd

The Crofts

Road Holloway Police

Toilets Shopmobility


Information Bus stop


Woodford Way



The L

CJ Clarke Limited



Corn Street


John Welch & Stammers Solicitors

Discover something delicious.

Post Office

Marriotts Walk Shopping Centre

Witney Trophy Centre www.witneytrophycentre.com w ww.witneytrophycentre.com





High Street

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Cafe Rouge


St Mary the Virgin

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The Royal Oak Market Square

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Wychwood Brewery

Church Green

Church Buttercross Green Cafe

Abdabs Youth & Community Theatre Langdale Court

Rees Russell

Bishops Palace

Cotswold Kids The Little Shop

Woolgate Centre

Trophy cups an d engraving onsite. and Possibly Oxfordshire’s larg est largest darts an d accessories supplier. and

Witney and District Museum

SOTA Gallery

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Jill Treloggen

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Wesley Walk


01993 773598

T4 Cameras Lee David Barber Great Experience Travel

Mill Walk

Witney Lake & Country Park


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Leisure Centre

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Distance to

Langel Common

River Windrush


Š Map copyright Witney & District Chamber of Commerce Map by jacknoel.co.uk

t PropertZ renovaUJPO t FVSOJTIJOHT t CurUBJOT t FMPPSJOH t KitDIFOT t BathrPPNT t PropertZ Maintenance

Witney Visitor Information Centre

Witney Chamber of Trade & Commerce www.otcn.co.uk/witney_chamber.htm 01993 779954

Who Who Are Are ReesRussell? ReesR eesRuss esRussell? ll? We firm Chartered Accountants offering W e are a e a local fir ar m of Char tered A ccountants off ering a complete service mplete ser vice tto o individuals and small and medium com sized We service siz zed e businesses. businesses. W e focus focus us on on a personal pe ersonall ser vic vi i e with ability quickly needs.. the abilit ability tto o respond respond es qui uicklyy tto o yyour our needs

Find out more information about the town at: Visitor Information Centre Welch Way or call 01993 775802

Witney Town Council www.witney-tc.gov.uk 01993 704379

21st Century Shopping In a traditional setting WHAT’S HAPPENING WHAT

Ne N ew w H& &M coming to Witney? Lets hope! 3 days ago

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Oxfordshire Cotswolds Visitor Information www.oxfordshirecotswolds.org 01993 775802

What’s On... Christmas Carols Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at turpis vel orci dapibus dignissim. Maecenas fermentum lacinia nisl, ac placerat lacus luctus eget... More 

Cinema Tron: Legacy

Stock Up for Christmas

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at turpis vel orci dapibus dignissim. Maecenas fermentum lacinia nisl, ac placerat lacus luctus eget... More Âť

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Where Wher he e are are ReesRussell? ReesRussell? We We are ar a e based ed in Witney, Witney, Oxfordshire Oxfor ord rd dshir shire but look after after clients clients both locally and nationally naatio ionally and a even even n a few few internationally. internaati t onally.

37 Market Market Square, Square, Witney, W itneyy, Oxon. Oxon. OX28 O X28 6RE

West Oxfordshire District Council www.westoxon.gov.uk 01993 861000

01993 707840 www.greatexperiencetravel.co.uk

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Witney Faces Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at turpis vel orci dapibus consectetur adipiscing More FacesÂť

treet Street Find us at: 81/83 Corn S itney OX28 6AS Witney W


ToXO $FOUSF 4IPQ t Welch WaZ t 8JUOFZ t OX28 6JH Tel: Email: witney.vic@westoxon.gov.uk Open .PO 'SJ BN QN 4BU BN QN Closed Sundays


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