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O L Y M P I C J O U R N AL 2012

Olympics 2012

A Journal to the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

Olympics 2012

Olympics 2012

Olympics 2012

Inside This Guide Welcome to this guide to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is designed specifically to update you on the involvement of local organisations and business for the Games, and provide you behind the scenes content on the “greatest show on earth!”….. 26 sports….34 venues….7.6million tickets….10,500 athletes….70, 000 volunteers….205 countries represented….302 medal events….20,000 media and broadcasters….19 days of competition 2,900 technical officials….200+ National Olympic Committees….5,770 team officials Contents 2 History of Page the Games Page 3 Business Benefits Logo Page 12 Olympic Rings Page 12 Making Of The Velodome Page 13 Olympic Coil Page 17 Local Involvement Page 22 Olympic Park Run Page 26 Torch History Page 27 Olympic Cauldron Page 28 Olympic Torch Page 29 Torch Relay Page 32 Iconic Olympiads Page 38 The Paralympics Page 39 Omega Official Time-Keeper

Page 41 Islamic Olympiads Page 42 Women’s Volleyball Page 43 The Home Coming The Greatest Show on Earth Page 46 Bollywood At The Olympics Page 51 Page 52 Legacy Of The Stadium Page 58 Exclusive - Red Bull

You can find more information about local events, news & useful websites listed on this page: www.london2012.com www.bbc.co.uk/sport//olympics/2012 www.inacity.co.uk twitter:@inacity.com EDITOR| TQ.MEER

InAcity supporter & advertiser of world events are promoting The Olympics 2012 and will be providing local & regional businesses an opportunity to be involved with this once in a life time event that has been called “The biggest show on earth”… We will be presenting the The Epilogue containing rare behind the scenes footage in form of video/photos of the making of the Velodome….. This will be followed by The saga of exclusive interviews with people involved, the torch bearer & our own inAcity runner to participate in The Olympic Park run sponsored by the National Lottery….The Trilogy concludes the frenzy around this historic event, people’s views, business support, scenes in at Stratford park etc. Londoners contributed £625m to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. (London Councils 2012 Team)….…An global audience of 4bn people watched the opening ceremony on July 27, 2012. (London Councils 2012 Team)……Costs for the 80,000-seat Olympic stadium were revised from £280m to £496 because of inflation and VAT. (Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) Olympics 2012 The Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games were held on Friday, 27 July 2012.

History Of The Games According to legend, the ancient Olympic Games were founded by Heracles (the Roman Hercules), a son of Zeus. Yet the first Olympic Games for which we still have written records were held in 776 BCE (though it is generally believed that the Games had been going on for many years already). At this Olympic Games, a naked runner, Coroebus (a cook from Elis), won the sole event at the Olympics, the stade - a run of approximately 192 meters (210 yards). This made Coroebus the very first Olympic champion in history.

The Games and religion The Olympic Games were closely linked to the religious festivals of the cult of Zeus, but were not an integral part of a rite. Indeed, they had a secular character and aimed to show the physical qualities and evolution of the performances accomplished by young people, as well as encouraging good relations between the cities of Greece. According to specialists, the Olympic Games owed their purity and importance to religion. Victory Ceremonies The Olympic victor received his first awards immediately after the competition. Following the announcement of the winner’s name by the herald, a Hellanodikis (Greek judge) would place a palm branch in his hands, while the spectators cheered and threw flowers to him. Red ribbons were tied on his head and hands as a mark of victory. The official award ceremony would take place on the last day of the Games, at the elevated vestibule of the temple of Zeus. In a loud voice, the herald would announce the name of the Olympic winner, his father’s name, and his homeland. Then, the Hellanodikis placed the sacred olive tree wreath, or kotinos, on the winner’s head.

Ancient wrestling in 776 B.C

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Business Benefits We take a look at the money that the London 2012 Olympic Games Ever since it was announced the 2012 Olympic Games would be held in London there has been plenty of talk about money: From funding and sponsorship, to the cost of tickets and the effect on the UK economy.But how do the Olympic figures really stack up? Where does the money come from to build everything, and where does revenue from ticket sales, sponsorship, broadcasting rights and merchandise actually end up?

Spectators move through the ExCel venue during the London 2012 Olympic Games REUTERS/Damir Sagolj

The cost The £11.3billion needed for London 2012 came from £9.3billion of public sector funding and £2billion from the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games or “LOCOG” as it’s known.Public sector funding includes money from central Government (ie taxpayers), the National Lottery and local authorities in London. It was spent on building venues and infrastructure (£5.3billion), elite sport and Paralympic funding (£400million), security (£600million), regeneration of Lea Valley (£1.7billion), a contingency fund (£2.7billion) and VAT (£800million).

Where LOCOG’s cash comes from LOCOG is essentially privately funded. It received about £700million from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), £700million from local sponsorship and £600million from ticket sales and merchandise.

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Business Benefits From that money it doesn’t have to build venues (that comes from the public sector money) but it does have to organise and run the events. The opening ceremony alone cost £80million, with LOCOG contributing £40million and the Government £40million. LOGOC chief executive Paul Deighton told Reuters in March that he expects to break even on the Games. “One way I describe our project is trying to land about £2billion of revenues, with about £2billion of costs,” he said. So, the money people pay for tickets sales and merchandise at the Olympics basically goes back to LOCOG to help recoup its initial outlay.

London’s sponsors LOCOG receives money directly from tier one, two and three “local” sponsors which sponsor the London 2012 games as opposed to the Olympics worldwide. Among others, tier one sponsors includes Adidas, Lloyds, BA and BT; tier two has Cadbury, Thomas Cook and Cisco; and tier thr ee includes about 27 companies such as Ticketmaster, Eurostar and Thames Water.

McDonald’s flagship Olympic Park restaurant Image: Daniel Lynch/WENN.com

The IOC’s cash The IOC, which organises summer winter and youth Olympic Games, gets its funding through global sponsorship and broadcast deals.Olympic sponsors are assigned into one of four categories: worldwide and tiers one, two and three. Worldwide partners include McDonald’s, Proctor & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Acer, Dow, Visa and General Electric. Global sponsors get exclusive Olympic worldwide marketing rights for their money.

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Business Benefits It is estimated the IOC has generated about $1billion (£640million) in sponsorship revenue in the current four-year cycle which ends this year 2012. McDonald’s pays a reported $100m (£64million) for each two-games deal of one winter and one summer games.Sponsors get a special level of protection under the London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Act 2006 and the Olympic Symbol (Protection) Act of 1995. The laws introduce an additional layer of protection around the word “Olympics”, the Games’ mottoes and symbols, and also ban unauthorised “association”. This prohibits non-sponsors from employing images or wording that might suggest a link to the Games. Broadcast rights IOC gets another chunk of finding from broadcasting rights around the world, particularly the US. US network NBC paid a record $1.18billion (£754million) for the US broadcast rights to the 2012 London Games and $4.38billion (£2.8billion) for the four Olympics from 2014 to 2020.

The Olympic Village built for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Image: REUTERS/Olivia Harris

Where the money goes With much of the money to host the 2012 Games coming from central and local Government,

questions have continually been raised about whether it will be of any benefit to the UK. The answer is yes, according to a report by Lloyds Banking Group. ‘The Economic Impact of the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games’, concludes that London 2012 will give the UK economy a £16.5billion boost by 2017 with the construction and tourism.

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Business Benefits The UK is likely to see a negative economic impact in the short term due to the amount of upfront spending needed for infrastructure and security. This will be partly offset by spending by visitors and spectators now the Games are underway. However, there are fears spending elsewhere in London could fall as locals avoid central London and normal tourists not interested in the Games stay away.

Buildings that last years - not two weeks

Benefits for the economy tend to come over the long term as London takes advantage of the improved transport system and new sports facilities and construction. According to Lloyds, most of the GDP effect linked to the Games (57%) stems from construction projects occurring before 2012 including the building of the Olympic Park and the development of other sites and venues across the UK as thousands were employed and billions spent.Games-related tourism across the UK during London 2012 and over the first five legacy years is expected to deliver 12% of the contribution. Staging the event itself is expected to contribute 6%. The remainder of the impact, 24%, is due to legacy construction activity.To put a human side to that – 130,000 people have been employed (plus another 70,000 volunteers who didn’t get paid) as part of delivering the Olympic Games. Updated transport links will help people move around, the Olympic village will be sold for housing in London, much of it affordable for local families. At a time of austerity, the money spent on London 2012 is providing not only a global celebration of sport, but a financial boost that could help thousands of Britons for years to come. FINANCIAL CORRESPONDANT | EMMA LUNN

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Olympic Rings Logo The Olympic games are considered to be one of the premiere sporting events in the world and the competition is held every 4 years. The most well known symbol of the Olympic Games is the 5 interlocking colored rings (blue, yellow, black, green and red) on a white background. This design is well recognized and is used on the Olympic flag and to promote the games. Continue reading if you want to know who designed this famous logo.

Who designed the Olympic rings? The simple design of the Olympic rings was developed in 1912 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of the modern Olympic Games. The five rings are said to symbolize the five continents involved in the games. These are Africa, America (North and South), Asia, Australia, Oceania and Europe. This means that there are actually 6 continents involved in the Olympics, but the Americas are counted as one continent. Antarctica isn’t included at all because Antarctica isn’t a country and doesn’t have an Olympic team! At the time that it was designed the colors of the logo could be used to make any national flag in the world. For example, blue and yellow for Sweden, and blue, white and red for France. However, this is no longer true as some nations use colors not seen in the Olympic rings, such as the orange in the Armenian flag.

Copyright & trademarks of LOCOG

The International Olympic Committee states that the Olympic Symbol reinforces the international component of the Olympic Movement as the meeting of athletes from around the world. According to the Olympic Charter, “The Olympic symbol expresses the activity of the Olympic Movement and represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games.”

Did you know? A popular myth states that de Coubertin’s design was inspired by an ancient Greek design. In the 1950′s a stone was found in Delphi, site of the first Olympics, with the Olympic symbol. However, the people who discovered the stone didn’t realize that it had been carved in 1936 during a promotion for the games later that year!

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Olympic Rings Logo London 2012 Olympics logo disaster

Copyright & trademarks of LOCOG

The jagged emblem, based on the date 2012, comes in a series of shades of pink, blue, green and orange and will evolve in the run-up to the Games. After the release of the much awaited logo designed by Wolff Olins there was a mixed response for the design as initially Tara Roskell, it’s amazing how bad the logo is. Given the huge reaction that you have already linked to it seems so strange that this ever got further than an initial doodle on paper. Fraser Edwards, this looks terrible, looks like a kids competition entry to me. Ian Stewart, this logo totally encompasses the punk rock spirit London has been feeling since The Clash and The Sex Pistols made their debut. I think the 1981 London Olympics will be a big success. Oh, wait, it’s the 2012 Olympics. Sorry, this logo sucks. Lauren Marie, however, to take this design seriously, do you think it’s possible for us to set aside our initial disgust with the logo and analyze it the way we would any other design? It creates a pretty intense emotional reaction, but is it really a poorly designed logo? Why? How did they meet/fail with their objectives? These are the goals that I found when I read about their reasons for this logo: 1. “everyone’s Games, everyone’s 2012” 2. “invitation to take part and be involved” 3. “reach out to young people” 4. “inspired to either take part in the many sports…or inspired to achieve personal goals” 5. “welcome the world” 6. “dynamic, modern and flexible” 7. “visual icon, instantly recognizable” 8. “reflecting London’s commitment to hosting a truly integrated Paralympic Games”

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Olympic Rings Logo My critiques of the logo and how it relates to the goals: 1. I think the marketing campaign will accomplish this goal more than the logo. 2. I don’t feel invited. The jaggy edges are prickly, the intense colors are alarming. 3. Does it reach out to young people? Perhaps they went to MySpace for inspiration? Oops. And it’s suppose to be everyone’s Games. Why are they specifically targeting young people? I don’t think the senior citizens will find this logo very attractive. 4. That’s a nice goal, but the logo doesn’t do it. I don’t think that second video (with the personal achievements) has anything to do with the logo. It could’ve been any logo. I do think it’s a really inspiring movie and goal, though, and it’s good they want to get people involved in this way, but we are critiquing the logo, not the campaign. 5. Again, not very welcoming/inviting. And did they take other cultures into consideration? Are there any people groups that might be offended by this logo? I’m not sure myself, but I wonder if they took the time to research the meaning of color, shape and such in other countries. They had plenty of time, after all. 6. Dynamic? Such a vague term. I hate it when people say “make it dynamic.” What does that mean?? Modern? We’ve already established it looks like it’s from the 80’s. Flexible? I suppose that is yet to be seen. 7. Instantly recognizable, yes, but in a more infamous sort of way. 8. I think it’s very noble and long awaited that they integrated the Paralympic games, but does this logo show that? The only thing I see is that they used the same logo for both games. ‘Creating a brand environment that ‘extends across every aspect of the Games, from spectator arrival into Heathrow all the way through to the colors and designs of the seats in the venues.’

Copyright & trademarks of LOCOG

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Making Of The Velodome

Courtesy od Studio68

In 2009, at the time work began on the construction of the velodrome, the estimated cost of that facility alone was £105 million. Work on the velodrome was completed in February 2011, and was the first Olympic Park venue to be completed. The roof is designe0lympics 2012 to reflect the geometry of cycling as well as being lightweight and efficient reflecting a bike. There is also a 360-degree concourse level with windows allowing people views of the Olympic Park. The velodrome is energy efficient—rooflights reduce the need for artificial lights, and natural ventilation reduces the need for air condition. Rain water is also collected, which reduces the amount of water used from the municipal water system. Designer Ron Webb, who designed the velodrome tracks for the Sydney and Athens Games, was in charge of the design and installation of the track. The 250-metre track was made with 56 km of Siberian Pine and Olympics 2012350,000 nails.

Olympic Coil

Orbit was designed by Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond of engineering Group Arup The ArcelorMittal Orbit is a 115-metre-high (377 ft) sculpture and observation tower in the Olympic Park in Stratford, London. It is Britain’s largest piece of public art, and is intended to be a permanent lasting legacy of London’s hosting of the 2012 summer. It combines both stability and instability in a work that visitors can engage with and experience via an incorporated spiral walkway. It has been both praised and criticised for its bold design. It has also been criticised as a vanity project, of questionable lasting use or merit as a public art

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Usain Bolt

27.07.12 Olympics 2012

INTERMISSION Olympics 2012

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Local Involvment Chris Lowe The Leeds gymnastics club, situated in Whinmoor, received a rare opportunity when the Vietnamese Gymnasts were invited to train at the club. Chris Lowe, Director was not hesitant in making the decision. Regardless of the short notice, Chris accepted the challenge and let the athletes use the facilities. The club had only been open for a mere two months, so despite the paint on the walls still being wet, the club was fortunate to witness Olympians training. This created an opportunity for the people up north to get involved with the Olympic frenzy. The athletes arrived with their own coaches and the equipment provided was adequate, apart from the spring board as the gymnasts required the same type which was being used at the Olympics. This was then rectified by a local network of clubs via facebook and Goole Gymnastics Club responded and provided Leeds with the equipment they requested Having the Vietnamese team training was a benefit to the younger gymnasts as they received the opportunity to witness professionals at work. This boosted their confidence, helped them set goals so that one day they could achieve to the standards set by these athletes.

Chris Lowe - Director at Leeds Gymnastics club

“Over the last week we’ve had a big increase in phone calls and emails saying, we’ve been watching the Olympics and my daughter/son really wants to get into gymnastics, and our summer camp programmes. In the last week numbers have increased as well” – Chris Lowe I feel involvement at local levels helps boost interest in fitness & health generally, but makes the community more aware of the games in London. SPORTS REPORTER | USMAN AMEEN

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Local Involvement Maurine Bennet The key to a successful Olympic team depends upon those who work closely along side them whatever the condition. A vital part of the tool kit is to have a good physician at hand for when things go wrong, or better still to advise best practice, as prevention is better than treatment Leeds had many Olympic athletes take part in London 2012, and made their mark. Maurine Bennet, from Leeds, who has competed in many tournaments around the world, one being the Commonwealth games in Auckland 1990, was also part of the British Judo team in Barcelona 96. Her work as a physiotherapist has led her to the Olympic Games with the British Diving Team in Sydney 2006, and in the Pre Camp in Athens 2004, and the commonwealth games 2006 in Melbourne. Maurine was found to have talent as she was big and strong for her age. Due to her interest for physio & sporting background since an early age, it was an easy choice to make as a career. Maureen was able to join a course as a mature student.

2005 Shanghai - World diving championships

The number of athletes she has treated is vast, one of them being Karina Brian, who recently won Bronze in Judo at London 2012 .Audley Harrison, Denise Lewis, and Steve Backley, are some of the athletes she has worked with for the wellbeing of their physical needs. Many athletes retire in their late 20s / early 30s, and they find it difficult to find another other profession. She portrayed how many athletes may not have had any previous work experience, Maurine considers herself as one of the lucky ones Her career was unfortunately short as she suffered a back injury just before the world championships. This forced her into retirement. Olympics 2012

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Local Involvement “I struggled with it, I struggled with it badly” were the words of an ex-Olympiad therapist when asked if it was difficult to find a career after retirement. Maureen currently works as a Professional Judo Expert and Physiotherapist. The Olympic games just improve with technology and sports science. Barcelona was not as exciting as Sydney, and now London. Performances keep getting better & the paralympics have more status.In terms of local involvement, the Olympics has given people a feel good factor & businesses have been able to use the Olympic theme to sell and promote their business.We had athletes from Canada, China & Netherlands training in Leeds prior to the games at the John Charles Centre, Leeds University & Leeds Gymnastics Club which effectively has raised Leeds profile and will have been inspiring to the local community. www.maureenbennett.co.uk

2000 Sydney – British diving team


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Local Involvement Khalil Hussain “Shape up, Fix up, Look smart and Bounce!” is the motto of Bradfordian Khalil Hussain or better known as ‘Jerry’ who was nominated by his colleague to carry the Olympic torch for his hometown Bradford. Jerry is an iconic figure in Bradford who has participated in many community works, who also runs many sports related activities, such as the Manningham football academy which has been running over 7 years, he is now aspiring to run an all girls team. Other examples include: running a community day centre at Valley Parade – where teams of locals play football with semi-pros, Police advisory boards – discussing how society could move forward, local youth clubs – to help people of the community to not go astray and stay on track are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to grassroots community work. Much of his work involves treating the children, e.g. to residential trips, theme parks, cinemas, ice skating… “All nice stuff” he added.

Torch bearer – National Film & Photography museum

It just so happens before Jerry was chosen to carry the torch through Manningham Park, he was part of a team responsible for deciding the activities and events that took place on the day. Little did he know that he would be the one selected to carry the torch, to then be received by the well wishes and organisers. It was like organizing your own surprise party! Jerry shared his experience with us and said that he wasn’t always told he would achieve in life. However, the highlight came from carrying the torch for his mother to see what her son had done, how remarkably far he has gone, the immense greatness he has now pursued. He said “it cannot get better than that can it? That will live with me, in my kid’s faith, forever”... I can only describe Jerry as a humble man sharing his experiences with us, a common hero from the Bronx who loves fish & chips and fast cars. Go on Jerry, you’re the man! SPORTS REPORTER | USMAN AMEEN

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Olympics 2012

The Olympic Park Run The National Lottery wanted to celebrate the contribution of it’s players to London 2012 and British Sport, and what better way could we have done it than today. 5,000 runners took part making history and were the first across the Olympic finish line. Participants of all ages and abilities from all over the UK, along with a host of celebrities and not to mention one Princess, experienced the thrill of Olympics and will now have a memory to last them a lifetime

The finish line of the National Lottery Olympic Park Run

The runners, who were picked at random from almost 43,000 entrants, took part in a five-mile run around the Olympic Park, taking in landmarks such as the Velodrome and Aquatics Centre, before finishing inside the iconic Stadium. Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice took part in the unique race alongside former Olympians and Paralympians. Several celebrities also took part. The first athlete to cross the line and make history was Stuart Bloor who stormed to victory in the men’s wheelchair race. A delighted Stuart recorded a time of 23:04 and cemented his place in the history of the 2012 Olympic games. Tommy Davies, 26-year-old from Loughborough, was the first runner across the Olympic finish line in a time of 25 minutes and 11 seconds, faster than the current Olympic record of 25.11.2 set by Emil Voigt at the 1908 Olympics in London which was the last time the distance of five miles was run at the Olympic Games. He said: “It was fantastic. I am so overwhelmed by all this attention. It’s such a great opportunity to have been able to take part. The Park looks fantastic and I’ll feel great watching the games knowing I’ve crossed that line first today.” Princess Beatrice, who started the landmark event at 2pm on Saturday before completing the five mile course, said: “I am thrilled to be able to play my part in such an historic occasion and it is fantastic to see the incredible transformation that the Olympic Park has undergone. “I, like so many others running on the day, know that the experience of being one of the first to cross the Olympic finish line is an extraordinary moment in what promises to be a memorable year for the nation”. Dianne Thompson, Group CEO of National Lottery operator Camelot, which organised the event, said: “The regeneration of the Olympic Park, the building of the iconic venues and the legacy they will leave long after the Games have only been made possible by the outstanding contribution of National Lottery players. Whether they’re coming to the Games or watching at home, they should feel proud that none of it would have been possible without them.” Olympics 2012

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The Olympic Park Run The Olympic Park is looking superb now and it really brings it home to you how close the Games are. This has been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the thousands of members of the public to run here, even before the elite athletes!”

inAcity supports the National Lottery Olympic Park Run

Former Paralympic champion Danny Crates added: “The National Lottery Olympic Park Run has been brilliant and I’m honoured and delighted to be a part of it. “Like so many other Olympic and Paralympic athletes, The National Lottery helped me reach my potential and I’m incredibly grateful for that. The 5000 members of the public in the run have been given a taste of just what it will be like for the athletes when it comes to Games time.” While the 5,000 runners tackled the Olympic Park course, around 12,000 family and friends got their first glimpse of the Olympic Stadium track as they were entertained by dance troupe Flawless and electronic string quartet Escala amongst others, which was hosted by TV presenter Holly Willoughby and GB sprinter Iwan Thomas.

Olympics 2012

“I made history by being one of the first across the Olympic line on behalf of inAcity”…

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Images courtesy of STUDIO68

inAcity Supported by

Olympics 2012

Olympics 2012

Torch History The Olympic flame is a symbol of the Olympic Games. Commemorating the theft of fire from the Greek god Zeus by Prometheus, its origins lie in ancient Greece, where a fire was kept burning throughout the celebration of the ancient Olympics. The fire was reintroduced at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam, and it has been part of the modern Olympic Games ever since. In contrast to the Olympic flame proper, the torch relay of modern times, which transports the flame from Greece to the various designated sites of the games, had no ancient precedent and was introduced by Carl Diem at the controversial 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin.

Ancient Olympics In the time of the original games within the boundaries of Olympia, the altar of the sanctuary dedicated to the goddess Hera maintained a continuous flame. For the ancient Greeks, fire had divine connotations—it was thought to have been stolen from the gods by Prometheus. Therefore, fire was also present at many of the sanctuaries in Olympia, Greece. During the Olympic Games, which honored Zeus, additional fires were lit at his temple and that of his wife, Hera. The modern Olympic flame is ignited at the site where the temple of Hera used to stand. Modern era The tradition was reintroduced during the 1928 Games. An employee of the Electric Utility of Amsterdam lit the first Olympic flame in the Marathon Tower of the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam. The modern convention of moving the Olympic flame via a relay system from Greece to the Olympic venue began in 1936. Carl Diem devised the idea of the torch relay for the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin that was organized by the Nazis under the guidance of Joseph Goebbels. The Krupp armaments company produced the torches in wood and metal, inspired by an olive leaf. The Olympic flame was lit by a concave mirror in Olympia, Greece and transported over 3,187 kilometres by 3,331 runners in twelve days and eleven nights from Greece to Berlin. Leni Riefenstahl later staged the torch relay for the 1938 film Olympia. The film was part of the Nazi propaganda machine’s attempt to add myth and mystique to Adolf Hitler’s regime. Hitler saw the link with the ancient Games as the perfect way to illustrate his belief that classical Greece was an Aryan forerunner of the modern German Reich. There were minor protests in Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia on the way, which were suppressed by the local security forces. Although most of the time the torch with the Olympic flame is still carried by runners, it has been transported in many different ways. The fire travelled by boat in 1948 and 2012 to cross the English Channel and was carried by rowers in Canberra as well as by dragon boat in Hong Kong in 2008, and it was first transported by airplane in 1952, when the fire travelled to Helsinki. In 1956, all carriers in the torch relay to Stockholm, where the equestrian events were held instead of in Melbourne, travelled on horseback. Remarkable means of transportation were used in 1976, when the flame was transformed to a radio signal. From Athens, this signal was transmitted by satellite to Canada, where it was received and used to trigger a laser beam to re-light the flame. SOURCE| WIKIPEDIA For further reading click: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_flame

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Olympic Cauldron The cauldron consists of 204 copper petals, each representing one of the competing nations. They were brought into the stadium by each team as part of the athletes’ procession then attached to long pipes in a ring at the centre of the arena. Seven young athletes chosen by British Olympic champions passed the flames from torches to seven of the petals then the flames spread from one petal to the next. Once all the petals were ablaze the pipes rose them upwards to combine as one. The Olympic Torch designed by Hackney studio Barber Osgerby was unveiled last year and has been touring the UK since 19 May as part of the Olympic relay but the design of Heatherwick’s cauldron was a closely guarded secret until the closing ceremony.

Cauldron designed by Thomas Heatherwick

SOURCE| DEZEEN WIRE For further information:


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Olympic Torch

Amitabh carries Olympic torch in London

Amitabh Bachchan an iconic Indian superstar, living legend and voted best actor of the Millennium has been promoting cross-cultural links between India and UK for over a decade. He had also been responsible bringing the IIFA Awards to West Yorkshire in 2007. Here he has been seen carrying the London Olympic torch, a day before the Opening Ceremony of the Games. Bachchan, 69, tweeted that he would be carrying the Torch in London at 10.30am. “OK!! HERE IT IS: Have been invited by London Olympic Organizing Committee to carry the torch in the relay tomorrow ...,” Bachchan tweeted. “Honoured to be asked to carry the Olympic Torch in London at Southwark around 10:30 AM!! A proud moment for me, my family and country,” he added. The actor was cheered by hundreds of fans as he completed his leg of the relay and their enthusiastic response was clearly something he cherished.

Torch Relay map: casa.oobrien.com/misc/flame/

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Torch Relay

Worldwide Olympic Partner Coca-Cola knows more than most about the Olympic and Paralympics Games. After all, its association with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) goes back more than 80 years, when it got involved in the Amsterdam 1928 Olympic Games. The American multinational beverage corporation has been involved in every Olympics Games since. But in all those 80 years, perhaps its greatest achievement came at London 2012, as it contributed significantly to making those Games the most sustainable in history.

Coca-Cola provided a full array of support through the provision of products to athletes, families, volunteers and guests and executed a multifaceted engagement strategy for the Games utilizing Coke’s 125th anniversary as its platform. Activation included advertising, commemorative packaging, retail displays, print and radio ads, an online awareness campaign through Facebook and a television commercial airing throughout Greece featuring Coke employees and a Special Olympics athlete sharing the message of Special Olympics.

Courtesy of Coca-cola

Coca Cola, Presenting Partner of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay, has unveiled a unique fleet of sustainable vehicles that will travel the route of the Olympic Torch Relay, kick-starting an unprecedented carnival atmosphere across the nation in the run up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games.The fleet of vehicles will encourage people to Move to the Beat™, as Coca Cola’s song for London 2012 plays for the crowds gathered to watch the Olympic Flame. The fleet of vehicles will encourage people to Move to the Beat™, as Coca Cola’s song for London 2012 plays for the crowds gathered to watch the Olympic Flame.

For further information: http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/olympic-games/coca-cola-beat-fleet.html

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Brixton goes wild for the Olympic Torch Relay

Coca –cola Promo Bus

A touch of Caribbean came to Brixton as the cutting edge fleet of Coca Cola passed amidst an ecstatic crowd. Multitudes of people ran up in excitement to take pictures of the bus and the torch. It was like bus was a celebrity. “This is Brixton’s greatest day ever, I haven’t seen anything like this in Brixton before. It was like everyone was one throbbing pulse.” This was followed by people on roller skates giving out free gifts from the sponsors like Coke, Lloyd’s TSB, Samsung. giving away free coke zero, tambourine like disc things, small flags, sticks with green ribbon to shake. For further information: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ANQOjAz0Vg&feature=g-upl

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Olympics 2012

Iconic Olympiads John Wesley Carlos John Wesley Carlos (born June 5, 1945 in Harlem, New York) is a former track and field athlete and professional football player. He was the bronze-medal winner in the 200 meters at the 1968 Summer Olympics and his Black Power salute on the podium with Tommie Smith caused much political controversy. He went on to tie the world record in the 100 yard dash and beat the 200 meters world record (although the latter achievement was never ratified). After his track career, he enjoyed brief stints in the National Football League and Canadian Football League but retired due to injury. He became involved with the United States Olympic Committee and helped to organize the 1984 Summer Olympics. Following this he became a track coach at Palm Springs High School. He was inducted into the USA Track & Field Hall of Fame in 2003. Their show of defiance remains one of the most iconic images of the 20th Century.

Black Power salute in the 1968

The Sports Moment That Changed the World The Human Rights salute at the 1968 Olympics was a protest made by the African American athletes Tommie Smith and John Carlos; the athletes made the raised fist gesture at the Olympic Stadium in Mexico City. The Australian competitor, Peter Norman, who was neither black nor American, also wore a human rights badge on his shirt during the ceremony to show his support to the two Americans. The event was one of the most overtly political statements in the history of the modern Olympic Games. Tommie Smith stated in his autobiography, Silent Gesture, that the gesture was not a “Black Power” salute, but in fact a “human rights salute”. Dr John Carlos visits Bradford inAcity & STUDIO68 had a unique opportunity to meet and photograph John Carlos as we had been waiting for 44 years for this auspicious opportunity. In Conversation with John Carlos people across the UK discovered the reasons behind his decision to raise his clenched gloved fist, and to learn how his gesture of defiance radically altered the course of his life. Olympics 2012 Page 32

Iconic Olympiads

He was invited by MP George Galloway for Bradford West, who is also an advocate for racial harmony and a strong voice against oppression. His speech was for around 2 hours long and he explained how he was against segregation at the time when the blacks were victimised in America. The lecture Hall in Bradford attracted different people from various backgrounds, which highlighted this fascinating story.

Carlos & Galloway

Exclusive photo-session

He was on a UK tour in relation to racial segregation and inequality. 16 May 2012 University of Brighton, Hillbrow Lecture Theatre 18 May 2012 Ritzy Picture House, Brixton London 21 May 2012 Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London 22 May 2012 Cinema City, Norwich 25 May 2012 Picturehouse at FACT, Liverpool 26 May 2012 Chambers, Bradford - with George Galloway MP 29 May 2012 Stratford Picturehouse, East London 30 May 2012 Gate Picturehouse, Notting Hill.

John Carlos said “Coming to the UK on the eve of the Olympics is a very exciting opportunity for me to talk with the new generation about why we did what we did back in 1968. When Tommie Smith and I raised our fists on that medal platform at the Olympics, we knew that we would catch hell but we didn’t care. We didn’t care because we wanted the coming generations to live and breathe as full citizens with equal rights. I was just concerned with right and wrong. We went out there for humanity. We are here 43 years later because the fight is still to be won.” Joining Carlos on his speaking tour will be the award winning writer Dave Zirin, who recently co-authored a biography of John Carlos The John Carlos Story (Haymarket Books). CURRENT AFFAIRS REPORTER| RIAZ AHMED

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Iconic Olympiads Sebastian Coe Sebastian Newbold Coe, Baron Coe, KBE (born 29 September 1956), often known as Seb Coe, and formally styled Lord Coe, is an English former athlete and politician. As a middle-distance runner, Coe won four Olympic medals, including the 1500 metres gold medal at the Olympic Games in 1980 and 1984. He set eight outdoor and three indoor world records in middle-distance track events – including, in 1979, setting three world records in the space of 41 days – and the world record he set in the 800 metres in 1981 remained unbroken until 1997. Coe’s rivalries with fellow Britons Steve Ovett and Steve Cram dominated middle-distance racing for much of the 1980s. Following Coe’s retirement from athletics, he served as a Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party from 1992–97, and was made a Life Peer in 2000. He was the head of the London bid to host the 2012 Summer Olympics and, after the International Olympic Committee awarded the games to London, became the chairman of the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games. In 2007, he was also elected a vice-president of the International Association of Athletics Federations. On 25 August 2011, he was re-elected for another fouryear term. In 2012, he was made a Pro-Chancellor at Loughborough University, where he had been an undergraduate; he is also a member of the university’s governing body.

The 1500m gold medal in 1980 and 1984 Olympic Games

When London announced its bid to hold the 2012 Olympics, Coe became an ambassador for the effort and a member of the board of the bid company. With the May 2004 resignation of Chairman Barbara Cassani, Coe became the chairman for the latter phase of the bid. As Coe was a well-known personality in Olympic sport, it was felt he was better suited to the political schmoozing needed to secure the IOC’s backing. Coe’s presentation at the critical IOC meeting in July 2005 was viewed by commentators as being particularly effective, and the bid won the IOC’s blessing on 6 July. Olympics 2012

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Iconic Olympiads Usain Bolt Arguably the most naturally gifted athlete the world has ever seen, Usain St Leo Bolt, confirmed his tremendous talents when he realized his dreams by winning a phenomenal three gold medals and breaking three world records at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. Bolt became the first man in Olympic history to win both the 100m and 200m races in world record times and then as part of the 4x100m team that also smashed the world record later in the meet. He created history again and became a legend at the 2012 Olympic Games in London by defending all three Olympic titles with 100m, 200m and 4x100m victories, the latter in a new world record time of 36.84 secs.

BIO Height: 6’5″ (1.95 metres) Weight: 207 pounds (94 kg) Place of Birth: Trelawny, Jamaica Nationality: Jamaican Date of Birth: 21 August 1986 Place of Residence: Kingston, Jamaica

WORLD RECORDS 100m – 9.58 seconds: Berlin, 2009

200m – 19.19 seconds: Berlin 4x100m – 36.84 seconds Berlin, 2009 London, 2012

OLYMPIC GOLD MEDALS 100m – 9.69 seconds Beijing, 2008

100m – 9.63 seconds London, 2012

200m – 19.30 seconds Beijing, 2008

200m – 19.32 seconds London, 2012

4x100m – 37.10 seconds 4x100m – 36.84 seconds Beijing, 2008 London, 2012

WORLD CHAMPION- SHIP GOLD MEDALS 100m – 9.58 seconds Berlin, 2009

200m – 19.19 seconds Berlin, 2009

200m – 19.40 seconds Daegu, 2011

4x100m – 37.31 seconds 4x100m – 37.04 seconds Berlin, 2009 Daegu, 2011

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Sports illustrator Peter Trevillion Daily Mail exerpt

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The Paralympics The revolutionary design of the woven carbon-fiber Cheetah Leg, nicknamed for its design inspiration, has been in existence for nearly 15 years—But came into limelight for the Para-Olympics which made it possible for limbless athletes to participate in the games. Oscar Pistorius made history in the Olympic Stadium on Saturday when he became the first amputee to run in the Games. Just to have got there was extraordinary, after a five-year fight for the right to compete on equal terms at the highest level. The Blade Runner, as he is known, was also becoming the first double amputee to compete at all. As he raised his arm to salute the crowd, the tattoo on his left shoulder blade was visible. A quote from the book of Corinthians in the Bible, it says: “I do not run like a man who is running aimlessly.

You get a runner who has light-weight, spring-like legs that allow for more efficient movement, and a reduced requirement of force production. The question is therefore not whether he possesses an advantage but how much of an advantage is unfair. Regardless of the debate, Pistorius’ remarkable journey, and the heart and spirit he has demonstrated, embody what the Olympic Games stand for. The sight of a legless sprinter utilizing the technology of today to compete in the oldest athletic event this world knows captured the hearts and minds of people of all religions, cultures, and creeds.


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Omega official time-keeper Swiss company Omega has been the official Olympic timekeeper on 25 occasions since the 1932 Games in Los Angeles, where as the first such timekeeper they supplied 30 stopwatches.Previously, officials simply turned up with their own stopwatches. Omega was able to supply stopwatches that could time to a 1/10 of a second, which was twice as good as earlier watches. Technology has moved on since then in many ways to enable more accuracy and extra feature.

In 1961, OMEGA invented the Omegascope, which allowed the time of each competitor to be displayed on a TV screen. A year later, OMEGA introduced its “contact pads” for swimming competitions. This simple new technology reacted only to the touch of the swimmers and was not affected by water splashes. During the Mexico City Games in 1968, the brand’s electronic timekeeping was officially used for the first time to capture Jim Hines’ 100-metre winning time of 9.95 seconds, highlighting just one of the golden moments that help make OMEGA define sports timekeeping. At the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the high-speed video cameras used in the swimming events confirmed the perfect performance of the electronic timing system in the disputed men’s 100-metre butterfly. In Vancouver, an electronic starting gun was introduced to replace the familiar start pistol that had been part of timekeeping for decades. In the London 2012 Olympic Games, the new Quantum Timer offered higher resolution and precision than its predecessor while integrating main and backup units into a single device. The Open Water Gate made swimming events more accessible to media and spectators by using transponder technology and high-definition cameras to provide additional information. OMEGA introduced the first athletics starting block in London in 1948 and it was fitting for the latest generation to be introduced at the 2012 Games. With the new starting blocks, the runners’ reaction times are measured entirely by the measurement of force against the back block and not by movement. The on-going development of new timekeeping and data handling technologies have been an important part of OMEGA’s eighty-year partnership with the International Olympic Committee and the world’s finest athletes and is a defining part of the commitment to measuring, displaying and distributing the great performances at each edition of the Olympic Games OLYMPIC TIMELINE | OMEGA

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Islamic Olympiads The Muslim women who overcame the odds and the prejudice to make history today on the Olympic stage As the games coincided with the Islamic holy month, Muslim athletes were faced with a touch choice…To fast or not to fast? Muslims are required to abstain from food & drink from dawn to dusk during the 30-day holy month which overlapped with the Olympics. While the issue received greater attention the Olympic year, balancing faith & sports is not new for athletes. So the personal choice was do I starve my body to feed my soul? Or in this month do I starve my soul to feed my body, and my appetite for Olympic Gold? – A spiritual dilemma but of personal choice.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei have all entered women athletes into the 2012 Olympic Games for the first time . Judo entrant Wojdan Shaherkani, of Saudi Arabia, is aged just 16. She is one of two women representing Saudi Arabia, the other being Sarah Attar, 20, who has dual US citizenship. Qatar’s Noor Hussain Al-Malki, 17, is the first female athlete to compete for her country at the Olympics and is a 100m sprinter. 23-year-old Tahmina Kohistani, from Afghanistan is competing for the first time at the Olympics, also a 100m sprinter. Oman’s Shinoona Salah al-Habsi, 19, and Yemen’s Fatima Sulaiman Dahman, 19, are both debuting at the Games. REPORT BY | NPR

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Olympic Odyssey: Women’s Volleyball 1st Match: Russia versus Dominican Republic (Russia won 3 sets to 1) 2nd Match: USA versus Brazil (USA won 3 sets to 1)

My second Olympic journey brought me to Earl’s Court, London. For the first time in my life, I had visited the current Olympic-hosting city, and it was in London. It was not exactly in the Olympic Park itself, but still, I could immediately feel the atmosphere of the Olympic city, especially a city like London. After traveling for 4hrs & 20mins on the coach I caught the tube and checked into a hotel, then jumped onto another tube and finally arrived at Earl’s Court. It was a warm sunny day on Monday the 30th of July. The friendly volunteers guided the crowd of spectators to Earl’s Court. I had the entrance ticket and the Olympic tube ticket in my other hand which made me part of this historical event.

Before entering the venue, like all the spectators, I had to undergo a heavy security check and went through the latest X-ray machine. Soldiers, not G4S security guards manned the perimeter of all entrances. However, the soldiers were friendly and I engaged in banter whilst queuing up. To my surprise they had taken on this task without any extra pay. I proceeded to the large venue to enjoy the volleyball match. Earl’s Court was used as one of the venues in the 1948 Games, which was the last time when London hosted the games. They were called the “austerity games”, because Britain and the rest of the world were still recovering from the horrors and the deprivation of the war. The venue displayed some of the British athletes who took part in the 1948 games. It was unimaginable that the modern Olympians could live and train like what the 1948 Olympians. After nearly an hour of waiting, I finally entered the actual venue and watched my first Olympic Women’s Volleyball match live. I was surprised that the seats were full but suppose that LOCOG had reacted after the revelation of the empty seats scandal. First match was between Russia and Dominican Republic. The DJs were busy trying to fill the excitement and there were cheerleaders entertaining the spectators. The match started at 2:45pm. Almost all the spectators cheered for the Dominican Republic. Except the three Chinese who were cheering for the Russians. I cheered for the smaller country. It was a very close match. Every time the Dominican Republic scored a point, almost all the spectators cheered and clapped. It felt like the British public had more sympathy towards the underdogs. The Dominicans fought well, but it was the Russian ladies who were more advantageous. They won 3 sets to 1.

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The Home Coming

Courtesy of Getty Images

Second match was between USA and Brazil. There were equal numbers of American and Brazilian supporters. I was looking forward to this match because both countries had fantastic traditions in world volleyball. I assumed that both sides would put up an equal fight. However, to my surprise, the glorious football tradition of Brazil did not reflect on the volleyball court. The Americans had demonstrated their prowess of world sport superpower with changing positions and powerful scores. Brazilian ladies were a little bit passive in terms of positioning and tactics. At the end, USA won 3 sets to 1 against the Brazilian side. The two matches were entertaining & historical, proving that ladies in sports could demonstrate their hard work and determination to win the games. London had come a long way since 1948 to host the 2012 games. I even had a chance to hold the actual Olympic torch myself! This is another unforgettable Olympic experience for me. London is still an international, or even, a true global city. SPORTS REPORTER | SAM HUANG

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The Home Coming A home welcoming party to the Olympians in Leeds On Monday the 13th of August, there was a big gathering taking place at the Millennium Square, Leeds. During the Games, it was a fan zone for Olympics supporters to watch the games on the BBC Big screen. On that day, it was the stage for the people to welcome the Yorkshire Olympians who had represented Team GB, regardless of whether they have won medals or not. Out of 29 Team GB’s Gold Medal tallies, Yorkshire won 6 of them. They include Jessica Ennis (Sheffield), who won a Gold in Heptathlon, Nicola Adams (Leeds), who won the first ever Women’s Boxing in history, and Alastair Brownlee, who won a Gold in Triathlon. It was a glorious day for Leeds people and Yorkshire. Hundreds of people turned up with their Union Jacks to wave and cheer for the Olympians. The only medal winners who turned up in the party were Alastair Brownlee, and his younger brother, Jonathan, who won a Bronze in Triathlon.

The Brownlee Brothers

The event was co-hosted by Leeds City Council and the local radio stations. BBC’s Look North and ITV News’ Calendar and other national and local newspapers also turned up to cover this historical event. At first, the big screen was showing the endurance these athletes had to go through in order to compete in the games. Some succeeded in winning the medals, some did not. However, they were all honoured and praised. Then, the local cheerleading teams came on stage and raised everyone’s morale during the slightly dark and cloudy day, which was the typical reflection to the region’s recent frequent weather pattern. The presenter welcomed the Look North presenters on stage to ask questions to each Olympian on stage. Regrettably, Nicola Adams was not on stage due to the fact that she would not be returning to Leeds until later on during the day. However, the Brownlee brothers did come on stage, which became the main focus of the party. Everyone waved their flags with pride and marked the end of an era and my Olympic Odyssey, as we shall meet again in 4 years time. Olympics 2012

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Courtesy of Getty Images

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The Greatest Show on Earth A Symphony of British culture, history & music The Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games took place on the evening of Friday 27 July in the Olympic Stadium, London. As mandated by the Olympic Charter, the proceedings combined the formal and ceremonial opening of this international sporting event, including welcoming speeches, hoisting of the flags and the parade of athletes, with an artistic spectacle to showcase the host nation’s culture. For London 2012 the Games were formally opened by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The spectacle was entitled Isles of Wonder and directed by Academy Award-winning British film director Danny Boyle, with music specially written by electronic music group Underworld. It was watched by an estimated worldwide television audience of 900 million, becoming the most-viewed Olympic opening ceremony in both the UK and US. The content had largely been kept secret until the performance itself, despite involving thousands of volunteers and after two public rehearsals. The principal sections of the artistic display represented Britain’s Industrial Revolution, National Health Service, literary heritage, popular music and culture, and were noted for their vibrant storytelling and use of music. Two shorter sections drew particular comment, involving a filmed cameo appearance of the Queen, and a live performance by the London Symphony Orchestra joined by Rowan Atkinson. These were widely ascribed to Britain’s sense of humour. The ceremony featured children and young people in most of its segments, reflecting the ‘inspire a generation’ aspiration of London’s original bid for the Games.

On Her Majesty’s Service

The overwhelming majority of the music used in the ceremony was British. The opening ceremony team worked next door to the office of the musical director of the closing ceremony, David Arnold. Each team would hear the music the other team was hoping to use in their respective ceremonies and there would be a scramble to claim a song first. A.R. Rahman, who worked with Boyle on Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours, said he had composed a Punjabi song ‘Nimma Nimma’ for the ceremony, to showcase Indian influence in the UK, according to Boyle’s wishes. More Indian music, Ilaiyaraja’s song from Tamil-language film Ram Lakshman, had also been chosen for the medley. Paul McCartney was to be the ceremony’s closing act. Olympics 2012

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Highlights of a the Olympic Games 2012

Sebastian Coe was instrumental in asking the Queen to take part in the James Bond film sequence. The London Olympics gives me yet another reason to talk about James Bond this week and I could not be more delighted. The Queen and James Bond star Daniel Craig were part of the classic British opening ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games that cost an estimated $54 million. Director Danny Boyle first pitched the idea to Coe, who loved it so much he took it to his friend the Deputy Private Secretary to the Queen. Word soon came back that Her Majesty would love to take part. The filming of the Queen’s part took place in late March and “Happy and Glorious” was one of two films along with the opening sequence “Isles of Wonder” produced by the BBC. The opening sequence to the Isle of Wonder at the source of the Thames was taken on the third attempt. Closing ceremony The closing ceremony of the London 2012 Summer Olympics, also known as A Symphony of British Music, was held on 12 August in the Olympic Stadium. The event was created by Kim Gavin, Es Devlin, Stephen Daldry, David Arnold and Mark Fisher. The worldwide broadcast began at 21:00 BST (UTC+1) and finished at 00:11, lasting three hours and eleven minutes. For further information:

www.dezeen.com/2012/08/13/pixel-animations-at-london-2012-olympic-closing-ceremony-by-crystal-cg/ www.007.com

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Bollywood At The Olympics The legacy of the games is set to promote & intensify Indo-west relations and the access of the Olympic stadium to Indian athletes in future. Karan Johar, received a special invitation from the British Tourist Authority to attend the event. He has apparently halted filming for his next film ‘Student of the Year’ to attend the games in London. Another star, Anil Kapoor, was invited by Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle. Boyle is the director of the Olympics opening ceremony, and Anil was his personal guest! Deepika Padukone and Abhishek Bachchan also attended the Games. Deepika, who’s always said that her first love is sports, was spotted at the Badminton matches. AR.Rehman obviously provided the musical score for the ceremonies in accordance to the choreographed set pieces and was part of the whole process with Danny Boyle. But, of course, the biggest Bollywood news from the Olympics so far is that Amitabh Bachchan was given the honor of carrying the torch through London on the morning of June 26th, a day before the start of the games. He tweeted that it was “a proud moment for me and the country.” A proud moment, indeed! Amitabh Bachchan was not only the first ambassador of India, Movie legend and TV Mogul, but has also been an institution for the film industry. In 2007 Amitabh was solely responsible for bringing the IIFA awards to the UK and developing cross-culture media relations. The legacy that this brings is to promote & intensify Indo-west relations and the access of the Olympic stadium to Indian athletes in future.

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Legacy Of The Stadium Plans to develop the London 2012 Olympic Park after the Games end in September were unveiled by mayor of London Boris Johnson yesterday, including the transformation of the press centre into a technology, design and research centre, and the creation of up to 8000 new homes in addition to the athletes’ village (+ movie). The area will be renamed Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park and the first phase, the North Park, is set to open on 27 July 2013, exactly one year after the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.The second phase, South Plaza, will open in spring 2014 and include the main stadium and Aquatics Centre, which will open for public swimming. Five new neighbourhoods are planned for the next 20 years, including schools, health centres, playgrounds and 102 hectares of open space. “A golden Games to be followed by an incredible legacy” says Mayor. After delivering what are expected to be the best Olympic Games ever London is now set to deliver an incredible legacy that will set the benchmark for future host cities to follow, the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson said today. Even before the world had witnessed London’s incredible opening ceremony, followed by impressive organisation of the competitions, it had hit all its milestones on the road to the 2012 Games on time and budget. It had also secured the future of six out of the eight venues on the Olympic Park - something that had never been achieved before, with serious and credible plans on the table for the Olympic Stadium and the Press and Broadcast Centre. Speaking at his London 2012 Legacy Press Conference he was joined by some of the major investors inspired by the opportunities the Games and the regeneration of east London are providing. This includes ICity who outlined their proposals for transforming the Park’s media centre into a technology, design and research centre with the potential to generate more than 4,000 jobs. This will build on the 10,000 jobs being delivered by Westfield Stratford City whose owners brought forward their investment plans for east London by at least 15 years after seeing the potential of the area from staging the 2012 Games.

Courtesy of Getty Images

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What was once an industrial wasteland is also seeing private money from around the world transforming it into a brand new district of thriving communities with 10,000 new homes planned over the next 20 years served by new schools and medical facilities. Developers Taylor Wimpey and London & Quadrant explained how it will be building nearly 8000 new homes mainly for families as well as the brand new educational academy at Chobham Manor. But the London 2012 legacy doesn’t end at the boundaries of the Olympic Park as the Mayor is continuing to promote the incredible investment opportunities across the capital including The Royal Docks, Silvertown Quays, Vauxhaull and Nine Elms as well as in riot-affected Tottenham and Croydon where the Mayor is investing £70 million from his regeneration fund. All these areas are benefitting directly and indirectly from the £6.5 billion upgrade of the capital’s transport network as it prepared to stage the Games and with the arrival of Crossrail in 2017 London will be the best connected city for business in the world. AUTHOR | ROSE ETHERINGTON

For further information: www.dezeen.com/2012/08/10/legacy/

SALUTE - The Movie

Olympics 2012

Legacy Of The Stadium Pele Brazilian football legend Pelé, the man widely regarded as the best football player of all time, made a surprise appearance here at the London 2012 Olympic Closing Ceremony as he helped Rio de Janeiro take on the mantle as the next host city of the Games.

Pele - Global Face of Brazil 2014 & RIO 2016

The artistic segment titled “Embrace” was the brainchild of creative directors Cao Hamburger and Daniela Thomas. The Brazilian National Anthem carnivalled to signal the transition as the Olympic Stadium was transformed into a sea of green and yellow, the colours of Brazil. Renato Sorriso performed as a street cleaner to the samba beats that ignited the crowd in the stadium. Brazilian dancers joined him in celebrating Rio’s Mix of cultures, music & dance which transformed the Olympic stadium into a Rio De Janeiro carnival. Pele, the most iconic, athelete of the centuary & greatest footballer player added to the atmosphere with his number 10 yellow T-shirt & created a significant moment in history. “Our aim is to create history for all Brazilians, see you all in Rio”.... Speaking at a news conference in Central London Pele, who has been hired as an embassador for The Games mentioned problems with the infrastrure and transport in Brazil, but believes that the country is working hard for hosting both the events. The topic in question is scrambled in translation, but its clear that Pele wants his country to use its own economic & agricultural strengths to help its poor and deprived, whilst capitalising on opening up investments from foreign brands. AUTHOR TOM DEGUN

For further reading visit: www.inside the games.biz/olympic

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Legacy Of The Stadium

The 2016 Summer Olympics (Portuguese: Jogos Olímpicos de Verão de 2016), officially known as the Games of the XXXI Olympiad (Jogos da XXXI Olimpíada), is a major international multi-sport event due to be celebrated in the tradition of the Olympic Games, as governed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The host city of the Games will be Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, announced at the 121st IOC Session held in Copenhagen, Denmark, on October 2, 2009. They are scheduled to be held from August 5 to 21, 2016, making these the second Summer Olympics to be held during the host city’s winter (the first was the Sydney 2000 Olympics, whose first week was held during the Southern Hemisphere’s winter). There will be 30 competition venues mainly in Barra da Tijuca, but also in three other zones: Copacabana, Deodoro, and Maracanã. It will mark the first time a South American city hosts the event, the second to host during the hemisphere’s winter, and also the first time a Portuguese speaking country hosts the event.

RIO 2016

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EXCLUSIVE Red Bull Stratos skydiver Felix Baumgartner’’S record-breaking jump Jumper; Felix Baumgartner Nickname: B.A.S.E. 502 Date of jump: 14.10. 12 Jump distance: 127,852 ft Speed: 843.6 mph Freefall duration: 4min: 19sec

The purpose of the Red Bull Stratos mission is to transcend human limits. Supported by a team of experts Felix Baumgartner ascended to 128,100 feet in a stratospheric balloon and made a freefall jump rushing toward earth at supersonic speeds before parachuting to the ground. His successful feat on Oct. 14, 2012 holds the potential to provide valuable medical and scientific research data for future pioneers. The Red Bull Stratos team brings together the world’s leading minds in aerospace medicine, engineering, pressure suit development, capsule creation and balloon fabrication. Retired United States Air Force Colonel Joseph Kittinger, previously held the record jump from 102,800 ft in 1960. This was during a time when no one knew if a human could survive a jump from the edge of space. Joe was a Captain in the U.S. Air Force and had already taken a balloon to 97,000 feet in Project ManHigh and survived a drogue mishap during a jump from 76,400 feet in Excelsior I. The Excelsior III mission was his 33rd parachute jump. Although researching extremes was part of the program’s goals, setting records wasn’t the mission’s purpose. Joe ascended in helium balloon launched from the back of a truck. He wore a pressurized suit on the way up in an open, unpressurized gondola. Scientific data captured from Joe’s jump was shared with U.S. research personnel for development of the space program. Today Felix and his specialized team want to take what was learned from Joe’s jumps more than 50 years ago, and combine that with data acquired during Felix’s supersonic freefall. Red Bull was ‘worth £5bn’ after Felix Baumgartner skydive. About 7.3 million people were watching Sunday. EDITOR | TAIB Q.MEER

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHtvDA0W34I http://www.redbullstratos.com


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MCR & Olympics 2012

MCR were proud to be chosen as a printing partner for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games. The reasons that MCR were awarded this position included our commitment to sustainable printing methods, our capability to turn around jobs quickly and deliver the goods which matched the required specification on time, every time. We provided many different jobs for LOCOG (the London Organising Commitee for the Olympic Games). These included Posters, Flyers, Manuals, Invites ..... in fact we produced practically everything that was asked of us. MCR provided Digital, Litho and Large Format print all colour matched to provided samples. The level of service we provided is not just reserved for prestigious clients such as LOCOG, it is a matter of course for all our customers. It was an honour to be involved with the Olympic Games and MCR would like to send all the members of the LOCOG team, all the Competitors and all the Volunteers our very best wishes For printing visit: www.mcrprint.co.uk

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Olympics 2012

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