Folleto Museo Montañas Andinas

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SUBJECTS  Mountain formation modeling  Hydrological Resources  Mineral Resources  Geologic Hazards



 Climate change and its effects  Glacier recession  Biodiversity  Andean Mountaineering  Prehistoric and historical social and cultural developments

CALLEJÓN DE HUAYLAS ROOM This room will introduce the visitor to the development of the Ancash region, from prehistoric times up the 20th century, focusing in the interfaces between the dynamics of human systems with the mountain ecosystems and the surrounding glaciers. Even locals tend to ignore these aspects, which can be historically linked to some vivid memories: those of the natural disasters during the 20th century. The first took place on December 13 th, 1941 which destroyed a third of the city of Huaraz after an earthquake caused the overflow of the Palcacocha Lake. The second occurred on May 31st 1970: an avalanche that began at the top of the Nevado Huascarán vanished the entirety of the city of Yungay.


The Peruvian Andes and particularly the Huascarán National Park, with its high levels of richness and diversity, is an ideal location for the Museum of the Andean Mountains, where the Andes are the protagonists due to the high degree of the natural resources, e.g. water resources, the flora and fauna, and breathtaking landscapes.

This is a specialized Museum that covers the functions of information and research center, not only in at the national but also at the international level. It is dedicated to geosciences, glaciology, climate change and mountain ecosystems, and whose goal is the preservation of the environment, glaciers, water bodies and mountain ecosystems.

LOCATION After the preliminary visual inspection it was acknowledged that the Marian Hill (Colina Marián) because it is located only 15 minutes away from the Main Square of Huaraz, and from there it is possible to observe not only the city but also both the Cordillera Negra and the Cordillera Blanca

CURRENT STATUS The Municipality of Independencia – Huaraz made the important donation of 3 hectares for the buildings of the Museum of the Andean Mountains and the National Research Institute for Glaciers.


THE PROBLEM An assessment was carried out about all the factors that, one way or another, determine the need for a museum of this sort. The main one is the lack of this kind of institution either at the national or international levels that put the emphasis on the current dynamics in mountain ecosystems such as their extreme sensitivity to changes in climate and temperature. It is deeply worrisome that

The project for the Museum of the Andean Mountains is currently open to cooperating agencies and individuals who might support it either with donations or their expertise in order to make this dream come true.

nowadays there is an underfunding for the research and spread of information about these issues, especially when they imply the prevention of natural disasters. This initiative will not only increase the touristic influx to the region but will also increase the attention of the international scientific community to the region interested in tropical mountain ranges.

 To create a museum of international standards, which works as information and research center and becomes the only one in the tropical region, to this date, dedicated to geosciences, glaciology, mountain ecosystems and climate change, focusing on its natural and antropogenic change factors  To show the recession of glaciers, risk of avalanches and mudslides, natural resources, biodiversity and effects of climate change, and pollution  To raise the awareness of humanity about the responsibility for the preservation of our planet  To booster the socioeconomic development of Huaraz and the Callejón de Huaylas by increasing and diversifying the tourism and advertising natural geographic environment in the region

The Peruvian Andes and particularly the Huascarán National Park, with its high levels of richness and diversity, is an ideal location for the Museum of the Andean Mountains, where the Andes are the protagonists due to the high degree of the natural resources, e.g. water resources, the flora and fauna, and breathtaking landscapes.

This is a specialized Museum that covers the functions of information and research center, not only in at the national but also at the international level. It is dedicated to geosciences, glaciology, climate change and mountain ecosystems, and whose goal is the preservation of the environment, glaciers, water bodies and mountain ecosystems.

LOCATION After the preliminary visual inspection it was acknowledged that the Marian Hill (Colina Marián) because it is located only 15 minutes away from the Main Square of Huaraz, and from there it is possible to observe not only the city but also both the Cordillera Negra and the Cordillera Blanca

CURRENT STATUS The Municipality of Independencia – Huaraz made the important donation of 3 hectares for the buildings of the Museum of the Andean Mountains and the National Research Institute for Glaciers.


THE PROBLEM An assessment was carried out about all the factors that, one way or another, determine the need for a museum of this sort. The main one is the lack of this kind of institution either at the national or international levels that put the emphasis on the current dynamics in mountain ecosystems such as their extreme sensitivity to changes in climate and temperature. It is deeply worrisome that

The project for the Museum of the Andean Mountains is currently open to cooperating agencies and individuals who might support it either with donations or their expertise in order to make this dream come true.

nowadays there is an underfunding for the research and spread of information about these issues, especially when they imply the prevention of natural disasters. This initiative will not only increase the touristic influx to the region but will also increase the attention of the international scientific community to the region interested in tropical mountain ranges.

 To create a museum of international standards, which works as information and research center and becomes the only one in the tropical region, to this date, dedicated to geosciences, glaciology, mountain ecosystems and climate change, focusing on its natural and antropogenic change factors  To show the recession of glaciers, risk of avalanches and mudslides, natural resources, biodiversity and effects of climate change, and pollution  To raise the awareness of humanity about the responsibility for the preservation of our planet  To booster the socioeconomic development of Huaraz and the Callejón de Huaylas by increasing and diversifying the tourism and advertising natural geographic environment in the region

SUBJECTS  Mountain formation modeling  Hydrological Resources  Mineral Resources  Geologic Hazards



 Climate change and its effects  Glacier recession  Biodiversity  Andean Mountaineering  Prehistoric and historical social and cultural developments

CALLEJÓN DE HUAYLAS ROOM This room will introduce the visitor to the development of the Ancash region, from prehistoric times up the 20th century, focusing in the interfaces between the dynamics of human systems with the mountain ecosystems and the surrounding glaciers. Even locals tend to ignore these aspects, which can be historically linked to some vivid memories: those of the natural disasters during the 20th century. The first took place on December 13 th, 1941 which destroyed a third of the city of Huaraz after an earthquake caused the overflow of the Palcacocha Lake. The second occurred on May 31st 1970: an avalanche that began at the top of the Nevado Huascarán vanished the entirety of the city of Yungay.


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