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Ina Martinez
~ I try to surround myself with positive energy and love to see, feel, smell, eat and LIVE with BEAUTY. I am grateful that at this point, I'm able to enjoy all of that. (and as BIG as my sweet toof is, i'm big time grateful for my high metabolism)! lolz ~ ~ ~ The Interior and Architectural Design arts impress me greatly. .................... I LOVE MY BABY GRANDPRINCESS JULIANA FAITH. (she is 4, blue eyes, brown hair and super smart)~ and new baby Aubryana Grace.( black hair, brown eyes) i LOVE LOVE Kitty Cats. *BLACK CATS ARE BEAUTIFUL * ...kittens ALWAYS make me smile.. I LOVE ALL ANIMALS. I am PRO ANIMAL .. ~ i am all about CUPCAKES and desserts with LOTS of good frosting, no canned stuff, ha! OH, and my mom's cooking..~ i love the rain, cool days and storm clouds with some primo top quality CANDLES.. MY FAVE COLORS ARE shiny AND SPARKLY ~ lol ~ >>>>>>>>>>> MY EYES LOVE TO LOOK AT : Tom Cruise and Eric Roberts ..! ------------------------- I'm an ARMY brat and have b