
Page 1

Myaunt ie’ sfavourit e Engl ishporc el ain figurine. . .

How did

t hat

isl yingont hemarbl efl oor ofherfl at ,smashedint oa t ril l ionpiec es.


Si ng apor e

It riedt ot al kher outofitbec ause. . .

I nd one s i a

AUST R AL I A Mydadneededt ogot o SingaporeandIndonesia forwork,andMum want edust ogowit hhim.

It ' saboutadog wit hsuperpowers

…st arring…

Til l y!

Me l b ou r ne

( WeAr eHe r e )

CarolandLewis andIaremaking amovie.

Mymum' sbigsist erl ivesin Singapore-AuntXuiLi.

Shec ol l ec t sc heongsam and Engl ishporc el ain. . .

. . . t hatn ooneis al l owedt ot ouc h.

Wheneversheseesme,she sighs,

Mum promiseswe' l lst aywit hAunt XuiLifort wodaysonl ybeforewe t ravelwit hDadt oIndonesia,

qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq andsaysshewishesIwas moreChinese

butI' m notsokeenont hateit her. Mymum doesn' tl ikeheight ssowhenwe' re t hereshemost l ysit sint hekit c hen,

AuntXuiLil ivesont he fort y-firstfl oorinan apart mentmadeofwindows

butIl iket opressmysel fagainstt hegl assand pret endI' m fl yingac rosst hec it y. . .

! eel fSt Dogo

superdogTil l ybesideme.

. . . wit h

AuntXuiLihasgivenme ac heongsam:

‘ Aut hent ic , ’shesays,‘ from t he1 920s’ .

Theyset t l edownt owat c ht v.

WhenIputitonmymum andmy aunt iegetal lexc it ed,

butit ' st ightandsc rat c hyand itmakesmewantt orol lint hedirtwit hTil l y. It akeitoffassoonast heyaren' tl ooking.

Bradwant smet owrit e him anew st ory

Bradget sonhis skat eboardand t ravel st oIndonesia.


Isitont hesofawit hmy pl ayer.

soIt ryt ot hinkofone.

Andhisdadmisseshim al ot .

Hisdad' sfriend,Adhi, drownedint het sunami.

Hehasn' tbeent here sinc ehewasl it t l e.

Inst ead,Bradsayshe' sgoingt ot eac h al lt hekidsinAdhi' svil l agehow t o skat eboard,

Mum c al l smeandsaysIneedt oget readyt ogooutfordinner. . .

butbeforehec andot hat . . .

. . . andt hatIhavet owearmynew sc rat c hyit c hycheongsam.

So,beforeIputitbac kon. . .

Thel it t l eEngl ish porc el ainfigurine danc esoutont ot he runway. . .

It akeonel astfl ightaround t hefl atandac rosst hec it y.

andbeforeIc anst op–


How c anImakeitup t oAuntXuiLi?

at ril l ionbil l ionpiec es.

NotevenTil l yt he Superdogc anhel pme t hist ime.

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