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Mydadkeepssaying ‘ Pusan’butt hisc it yis ac t ual l yc al l ed‘ Busan’ , soeveryt imehemakes t hatmist akeIc al lhim ‘ Pad’inst eadof‘ Dad’ , . .

WeareinSout hKorea t hisweek.


. . . andhec al l sme‘ Dal l as’ inst eadof‘ Al ic e’ , andwebot hgiggl e.

Mymum frownsatus. Shehasc ousinshere.

Oneoft hem worksatabigt ec h c ompanyand,whenwearrivedatour hot el ,t herewasaboxofbrand-new c oolst uffwait ingforus:

smart phones andt abl et s.

Forme,t herewasan ew pl ayer.

Busanisful lofverybigt hings:


A veryl ongbeac h

averybigshopping c ent re

averybigfish market

Iam goingt ovisitt heportbec auseont hist ripwearet rying somet hingnew:I’ m goingt oworkwit hmydadinsteadof st ayingbehindwit hmymum andherc ousins.

. . . andaginormous port .

Thatmorning,int hehot el ,mydad put sonhisgoodsuit .

Hedoesn’ tl ike suit sandhe espec ial l y disl ikesTIES,

Inc l uding t heoneI gavehim l ast Christ mas.

MydadandIaredrivenright t hrought heshipyard,

IputonmyCheongsam wit houtbeingt ol dt o,

despit et hatfac tt hatsinc eAunt ieXui Ligaveitt omeithasgotevent ight er andit c hiert hanbefore.


pastt hehuge hal f-buil tships,


pastt heinc redibl y t al lc ranes.

Wec l imbint oal it t l eboatandare t akenoutt oafl oat ingdoc k wheret heyarebuil ding. . .

. . . t heb iggestboatIhaveeverseen.

Thegiantroundst eelt anksal ongt het opdec kmakeitl ook l ikesomekindofweirdbubbl emac hinefort hebiggest soapbubbl ebirt hdaypart yinhistory.

Dadt al kst ot hebusinesspeopl eforages,butIdon’ tmind. Isitint hel it t l eboatandwat c ht hefreight ersmovingin andoutoft heharbour,t hel it t l epil ott ugsguidingt heirway.

Lat erwearet akent oagl assskysc raper int hec it ywhereDadbowspol it el yt o everyoneint heboardroom andt heybow pol it el yt ohim.

A womanI’ venevermetbeforegivesme sevengift swrappedinredandyel l ow paper.

Th eypresenteac hot h erwit ht h eir businessc ardsandexaminet h em c areful l y .

Iknow Ic an’ topent hem now bec auset hat ’ swhatMum t ol d measwewerel eavingt hismorning.

It akeoutmyne w pl ayerandturniton.

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