5 Things to Expect on a New Year's Eve Shift New Year's Eve is a time of celebration and new beginnings. However, you are scheduled for a shift, and it’s not just any shift. It’s the night shift. It’s hard to prepare for a night like New Year’s Eve, as anything can enter through those emergency room doors. Whether it’s due to alcohol, drugs, bizarre ailments, or injuries, it’s difficult to plan for what’s to come. The following are five things that you may encounter while working your New Year's Eve shift. A Lack of Staff New Year’s Eve is notorious for people calling out sick or taking off. Although you won’t be the only one working on New Year’s Eve, it will surely feel like it. You won’t be completely alone, but there will be a lack in number compared to other workdays. Just stay positive and remain calm; you can conquer anything with or without a large staff.
A Few Drunks Don’t be surprised if you encounter a few drunks or accidents caused by alcohol. Although everyone is advised not to drink and drive, some people feel that they are an exception to this rule. Be prepared for alcohol related incidences and accidents, as these circumstances can transpire on New Year’s Eve.
An Ordinary Shift Although you may be inclined to expect the worst, you may not even encounter anything at all. It is extremely possible that your New Year’s Eve shift will be just like any other shift. This is the case more often than not, but working in medicine can always be crazy and unexpected.
An Extremely Busy Shift It is possible for your night shift to be extremely jam-packed. Moreover, since there might be a lack of staff, your shift may be busier than usual because you are one of the few who are working. However, apart from being short staffed, New Year’s Eve may be the reason for car
accidents, alcohol related issues, or random injuries as the night goes on. The later it gets, the more possibility of people being admitted to the ER.
Unusual Behavior There is always going to be that one moment where you question someone's actions. New Year’s Eve can bring the crazy out in a lot of people, especially with the addition of alcohol. Drugs and alcohol make people do strange things, and it is possible to see more of this on New Year's Eve.
While some things can happen on a New Year's Eve shift, it is likely that it will be like any other day. With more callouts and more work to do, it can be frustrating. However, whatever the case may be, you are still getting paid to do what you love, so enjoy this random change of scenery and enjoy the unexpected.
What stories can you tell about your New Year’s Eve Shift?
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