Best States for Nurses Odds are, wherever you practice nursing, it seems very comfortable to you, and perhaps you think you are in the best hospital in the best state. But are you really? If you happen to live in the dairy state, Wisconsin, you are indeed in the number one state for nurses to be employed in. Much of this is based on the economy, which is good right now in most of Wisconsin. The demand for nurses makes for a higher pay rate, and all around more accommodations made available to hire and retain good nurses. Colorado, Delaware, and Utah are ranked 6, 7, and 8 for nurses, they are fairly need the top as well. These states also have a fairly healthy economy, and health insurance is affordable and easy to obtain in these areas. Have you always had a dream of living in beautiful Hawaii? It may have beautiful scenery, however it in ranked at the bottom of the list for ideal hospitals to be employed with. Louisiana was at one time, at the top of preferred states to be a nurse in, yet now, it is 4th from the bottom. This is most likely due to changes in hospitals within Louisiana, following hurricane Katrina numerous new construction guidelines, and rules for patient safety in the event of a natural disaster. Louisiana hospitals may elevate back to a higher status in years to come, however now this is far from the ideal state, being ranked 5th from the bottom. Related: Expert Geriatrics Nurse Marie A. Bissell, APRN, GNP-BC, will be Spotlighted in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare How Ratings Are Determined - Is the hospital accessible, by car, helicopter, and public transportation? If nurses from every surrounding area don’t have access to the hospital, it lowers the score significantly. - Hospitals must pass rigorous inspections that involve cleanliness, patient care, and ability to handle an emergency. - Patient satisfaction surveys must be completed and must demonstrate that overall patients are satisfied with the care they receive, which reflects back on the nurses.
Other factors can include an award of excellence in nurse’s satisfaction, and scientific research, both can raise the score of a hospitals rating system, and make it more appealing to be employed with. So, which hospitals are considered the worse for nurses? Keep in mind, this particular rating survey covers for nurses only, and not patient care or satisfaction, strictly nurses. If you happen to live in our nation’s capital, and you are a nurse, well, sorry to say you live in the worse area for nurses, Washington, DC ranks number one for the least nurse friendly hospitals. However, if you happen to live in DC, don’t give up your job just yet, why not work to implement changes to make the area more nurse friendly for everyone? Programs that benefit nurses can improve ratings, and make for a better work environment can include: support groups for nurses, continuing education incentives, flexible working shifts, and on-site day care. Be a part of the change needed to make your facility more nurse friendly. It is very possible to have ratings improve, 10 years ago Missouri was rated as a very undesirable state to work in, and however today it’s near the top. Networking online with nurses in other states is a great way to get tips and ideas that can be introduced to your facility. Meet with human resources and offer ideas and suggestions, in most cases they welcome positive changes. Keep in mind that traffic, parking, and access can all play a part in the ranking system. This rating system does not base the ratings on actual medical care itself. It is strictly geared toward nurses and not patients. Related: International Nurses Association Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter