Confidence in Nuring - International Nurses Association

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CONFI DENCE I NNURSI NG Confidenc ei si mpor t antnotonl yf ory ouandy our j obper f or manc e, butal s of ory ourpat i ent saswel l .



Ar et heyl i s t eni ngt omyc onc er ns ?

I am c onfidenti nmyr out i nes , r es our c es , andknowl edgeofmy s pec i al t y .

CanI t r us tt hei rmedi c al knowl edget ot ak ec ar eofme ?

I am c onfidenti nmyc owor k er s ’ andl eader s ’ s uppor t .

Am I i ngoodhandsundert hei r c ar e ?

I am c onfidentt hatI c anhel pmy pat i entf eel c omf or t abl e, anddo t hebes tt heyc anundermyc ar e.

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