Everything You Need to Know About an Online Nursing Degree Attending traditional nursing schools may not be accessible or economical for some. Online nursing schools offer a great alternative to your needs. Online education can be particularly useful if you live in a remote location or are working while studying. So if you are thinking whether online nursing school is the right choice for you or not, read on! Is it possible to become a registered nurse online? Yes, it is possible. With a large number of nursing schools available online, learning has become easier. There are different online nursing schools that allow a student to earn an associate degree and qualify for the initial RN license through hybrid programs. How do these programs work? When you opt for an online nursing program, you are required to complete the non-clinical portion online while the clinical requirements are arranged at the nearest medical facility that meets program requirements. How does online learning work? If you are new to online learning, here’s a brief startup: Online classes are generally hosted on their own website. The lecturer or the instructor posts lecture material and all important assignments to the website for the students to access it with ease. The website should also have a discussion forum or bulletin board where students can post question or comments. The instructor may allot a specific time for online chat sessions where students can ask their questions. In certain cases, students may be required to take up online examinations instead of traditional examination at suitable locations. Can online nursing school be completed at one’s own pace? This depends on the online nursing school you are enrolling in. While some online schools give students freedom to work at their own pace, there are other nursing schools that require students to maintain the same routine as on-campus students. Online degree courses are usually structured in such a manner that they can be completed in six to eight weeks.
What is the right time to start the program? If you have picked up a self-paced online program, you can start at any time. On the contrary, if you have enrolled in online degree programs structured like offline or traditional programs, you need to start at the designated date. What’re the benefits? Some of the benefits of online learning include: ● Simple and flexible access to online learning material, 24/7 ● Visuals and user interface provide an effective learning experience ● Constant access to fellow students and professors, making networking easy ● Access to up-to-date content and material at a considerably lower cost Which nursing degree is commonly offered online? The most commonly offered online nursing degree vary from RN to BSN and MSN degrees. The fee for these programs also varies, and a student should expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $300 per credit. One advantage of opting for online programs is that the student may not be charged an out-of-state fee. Prerequisites for an online nursing degree To know about the online nursing degree requirements, you should check with the school you are applying to. In general, if you are applying for BSN programs, it will have the following requirements (keep in mind that these all vary by institutional requirements): ● A 2.0 to 3.25 GPA ● SAT or ACT exam ● 2 years of high school foreign language ● 4 years of high school English ● 3 years of high school math ● 3 years of high school science So if you have a computer, a working internet connection, and an email account, you can easily take up a online nursing school course. What is your experience in online nursing courses? Have you ever taken a combination of online and real-time courses? Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter