Harassment in the workplace

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Harassment in the Workplace There was a time many years ago that a nurse would often put up with harassment at work, both from the patients and occasionally from the physicians. Times were very different in the 50s and 60s, and for the most part, any claim of harassment would cause you to be viewed as a trouble maker. Female nurses and sometimes male nurses as well literally put up with verbal harassment and the occasional pinch or slap in a very inappropriate area. Try that today and you would be out of a job in no time at all. Human Resource Departments Human Resource departments of medical facilities are very sensitive to harassment of any kind, and declare it won’t be tolerated under any circumstances. However, does it still happen? Yes,it does. You cannot control everyone, every minute of the day, and on occasion, someone puts up with more than their fair share of being humiliated. What is Workplace Harassment? Sure, there are people that take the whole harassment thing too far. They get a compliment, such as you look nice today, and all of a sudden, they are being harassed. On the other hand, there are many people that feel as though they are being harassed, and are concerned about speaking up. Acceptable-

That is a very pretty top Your hair looks nice today

Related: Organ Donations - Facts and Information These are compliments, and providing they are said on occasion, it probably is not a problem. On the other hand, if every day you walk in and the same person delivers the same compliments repeatedly, it’s a problem. The first step could be to simply ask the harasser to stop, that it is an annoyance to you. If it ceases, that’s great. If not, for sure it’s time to speak to human resources. In the interim, document any and all issues, and statements that made you feel uncomfortable. Once you bring it to the attention of human resources, it should be out of your hands, they will handle it from there. Unacceptable-

Statements such as complimenting body parts are completely out of line, and should be reported right away. By taking initiative and reporting the harasser, you may save others from being tormented in the future. Any statement or implication that you could lose your job unless you tolerate advances or harassment should be reported immediately as well. Be sure human resources has you document in writing exactly what occurred and what was said, things can get blurry afterwards and it’s important to document when you have a fresh mind. Human resources will advise you what to do while an investigation is conducted, always go with their advice, and be sure you follow hospital rules and regulations. Never tolerate this type of harassment. Other types of harassment Sexual harassment is not the only type of harassment that there is. Adult bullying can happen on occasion as well. It may be jealousy, or a personality conflict, but it does happen. This type of harassment is a little more difficult to act on, so it’s important to document anything said or done that is offensive. Social media is often a place that this type of harassment occurs, and if that is the case, be sure to print and save any and all harassment that is done on line. Human Resources will react on harassment; however, this type may take a little longer to stop. The best you can do is document, and keep any proof, and never react and try to argue back, just allow the harasser to go forth until a permanent stop is put to it, they will almost certainly lose their job based on their conduct. Related: Recognizing Health Secretaries - International Nurses Association Workplace harassment is not acceptable and no longer tolerated. If you experience any form of harassment, it is not only within your right to complain, it is your obligation. Related: International Nurses Association Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter

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