Healthy Cafeteria Alternatives to Consider Regardless of whether you are a doctor, nurse, or student, eating in the cafeteria is certainly preferable for a wide range of reasons. For one thing, its way cheaper and the majority of employees in the hospital get significant discounts. However, there are quite a lot of things that you might want to consider prior to ordering the occasional bite. Unhealthy foods and their alternatives The cafeteria is the place where you consume a large portion of your daily food, and you need to make sure it’s healthy. Even though it may not seem like it, if you aren’t paying attention to what you eat, you might end up with some potential complications down the line. We are going to provide you with a few options that you might want to consider when it comes to eating in the cafeteria. Related: What Can You Do with a Ph.D. in Nursing? ● Soup is always a great choice There is a common misconception that soup won’t supply you with the same amount of nutrients as an ordinary meal. This is far from the truth. Soup can be very nutritious and doesn't contain fat or other substances commonly found in fried foods. ● Fruit and vegetables You should most certainly avoid breakfast pastries. Some of these include Danish or coffee cakes, doughnuts, and sweets particularly high in fat, sugars and calories. Basically the tastiest things are want you need to avoid. Instead, opt for fresh fruit and juice. You are going to get the same nutritional value, while avoiding the negative substances which accompany the aforementioned foods.
● Grilled chicken and veggie burgers When it comes to your main dish, you might want to turn to veggie burgers and grilled chicken. Instead of consuming the harmful fried foods which contain the worst kind of Trans fats, that are most certainly going to raise your bad cholesterol, you can count on these alternatives. Furthermore, fried foods not only raise bad cholesterol levels, but
they also have adverse effects on good cholesterol in the blood. Pizzas, hamburgers as well as beef burritos should be avoided. Replace them with grilled chicken and veggie burgers instead. Related: Top 5 Reasons You Should Get to Know Your Preceptor � Avoid unhealthy additions There are quite a few dips such as ranch, for instance, which are rather high in calories and fats. You might want to stay away from these. Instead, you can use marinara sauce which is known to be way lower in fat and calories. Additional Concerns As you can see, there are dangerous foods which are most certainly going to bring about some negative effects down the line. Sure, you can’t always avoid eating certain foods, but you can cut down on how much of it you consume. Take advantage of the healthy alternatives available to you. Small step in eating healthy have a large impact in the long run. Hospital or clinic cafeterias may not have the most fun foods to eat, (and by that I mean unhealthy foods) but there are certainly healthy alternatives. Related: List of nursing organizations Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter