How to handle working with a problem coworker

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How to Handle Working with a Problem Coworker If the world was full of reasonable, kind, and understanding people, it might be a little boring; however, it would ensure you would never have to worry about an irritating coworker. Recognizing a Difficult Coworker It is important to make up your own mind regarding people. Never go by what someone else says, that may be their opinion, however it does not ensure its true. When you meet a coworker for the first time, it’s natural to get to know them, and form an opinion. Is this someone you would like to be good friends with? Do they have a good sense of humor, or are they always serious? Some people prefer working with more serious-minded coworkers, while others prefer light-hearted and a great sense of humor. There is no right or wrong when it comes to personalities and styles, to each their own. There is however the occasional person at work that is trouble with a capital T. You can’t avoid them, if you work with them, you must learn to deal with them, it’s just part of life, and you will actually be well respected if you can figure out your own way of working with them. First of all, you must establish a person as someone that you need to be cautious around. -

Do others avoid them? Is there a distinct tone in the voice of others when speaking to this person? Are they constantly complaining about something or someone? Do they continuously talk about others while not in their presence? Related:

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You can’t actually avoid a coworker, so make the best of what you have. If others avoid them maybe they have started to learn a lesson in personality 101, give them a chance. Be an example to others and show that you can establish a good working relationship despite personality differences. If the coworker in question begins to complain about something, stop them, and remind them to take the complaint to someone that can address it, you cannot help them with it. Should they begin to complain about another person, offer the suggestion that they sit down with that person and discuss it. Again, remind them you have no say over another person, so you would rather not hear it.

It’s always nice when you can resolve problems without involving supervisors, however it can’t always happen. If a coworker simply annoys you with their personality, you don’t have a lot of options. Learn to ignore them if you cannot tolerate them, odds are they are not going anywhere, people generally don’t lose jobs over personalities. You may also attempt to understand them a little more, sometimes getting to know someone allows you to understand why they act a certain way. If this is unsuccessful, your best bet is to try to be professional, converse with them as needed for work purposes, and nothing more. Knowing When to Speak Up An annoying coworker is a bother, a coworker that continuously causes trouble is a distraction to other nurses, and ultimately can affect patient care. A coworker that gossips and attempts to stir the pot and pair workers against one another needs to be reported. Related: Working Relationships with Physicians Management is responsible to see that the work environment is not hostile due to a disruptive employee, and if it is, they are expected to put a stop to it. There is one saying, “there are no bad employees, only bad managers”. The theory is that the manager terminates the bad employees, and there was a time that worked. Today things are different, and it often takes mounds of documentation in order to legally terminate. Working with some people you don’t care for is part of life. Working with someone that is disrupting, and creating turmoil within the staff should be reported. Related: International Nurses Association Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter

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