How to Impress your Clinical Instructor

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How to Impress your Clinical Instructor A perfect nurse is one who steps out of his or her comfort zone to serve patients to the best of his or her ability. It is easy to understand that you do a good job and aspire to be the most perfect nurse you can be, but it is somewhat difficult to ensure that your Clinical Instructor feels the same way. Follow these tips to be a great nurse, and in turn, impress your Clinical Instructor. 1. Focus on what you are doing, not where you are doing Often, people focus more on convenience and efficiency rather than the quality of work. Your job as a clinical student is based on learning the most from your instructor, and fully being able to grasp your experience of treating patients in whichever particular setting you’re assigned to. Focus not on how quickly you can get the job done, but rather how well you can get the job done. Related: Top 10 Tips to Start Your Semester off Right 2. Look for the settings that challenge you the most It is suggested to tackle at least one task per day that you have never done before. This provides you with a rich learning experience that wouldn’t be taught in the classroom. The more daring you are, the more your clinical instructor will be impressed! Try asking your clinical instructor that you wish to shadow a surgery, wound care, and hand care therapy. Your eager nature will definitely impress your clinical instructor, as they expect extra efforts and initiation. A clinical setting is a place for you to develop and refine certain skills, while also being exposed to a new environment. Your instructor may assign you something unique yet challenging. That is the right time to give it a try and achieve your goal. 3. Be prepared Stay active and aware of what's going around you. Take note of the vision and mission on what your clinical environment strives to be. Learn what they specialize in, and any common situations your department faces. 4. Always strive to improve yourself, not to prove yourself Relax! Start every day with a good attitude, ask questions whenever doubt arises, and make your concepts crystal clear. As soon as you have time free for yourself, try looking for the answers to your questions.

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