Patient Nutrition Patients need proper nutrition in order to heal. Nutrition can often be difficult to achieve when a person is ill and has little or no appetite. It often falls to the attending nurse to attempt to get the person to consume more calories and nutrition. Poor Nutrition In a major city, where there is a large population of homeless, the emergency room began to see an increase in scurvy’s. This disease is very rare today, as it originates from very poor nutrition, mainly vitamin C. With so many products containing vitamin C, either naturally or through an additive, this condition is almost unheard of. Regardless, the homeless population does not have the luxury of fresh oranges, or other sources of vitamin C. With an increase in the patients admitted with Scurvy, the medical community decided to set up a center for meals, so that anyone without means could come to eat twice daily. The cases of Scurvy went down 98% within two months. Proof positive that the homeless population desperately need a form of vitamin C in their bodies. Improving Nutrition The absolute best way to improve nutrition is through natural food consumption. When a patient is able to eat a balanced diet, even if it’s minimal, they are more likely to heal naturally. Try to encourage proper nutrition, in most cases a hospital provides meal choices so options are available. If the patient is unable or unwilling to eat regular foods, try supplementing nutrition drinks, which can provide vitamins and minerals. For some patients, drinking a supplement to provide adequate nutrition is a way to help regain a regular appetite, and return to health. Related: How to Express a Complaint or Concern Important Nutrients There are certain nutrients that are essential for the body to survive, and vitamin C is one of them. Older patients are often the group that has the most difficulty obtaining proper nutrition. Sometimes older patients have such small amounts of activity, that they have zero appetite. Meals on wheels are a good option to at least ensure one nutritious meal per day. Meals on wheels is the largest food program available to seniors and disabled that live at home, and have difficulty getting proper nutrition. There are however other meal delivery programs, encourage the patient or
family members to explore meal options for at least one meal per day. A well balanced daily diet should consist of vegetables, fruit, protein, dairy, and carbohydrates. Many seniors opt for simple over nutritious, which is why meal programs can be a very good alternative. Involve Family Members For hospitalized patients that are not eating well, it often helps to consult family members. The family knows the patient better, and can make suggestions of their likes and dislikes. If family can bring a patient’s favorite food or snack in, and it is nutritious, encourage them to do so. Even small amounts will provide needed nutrition, a glass of V8, or a nutritional supplement shake can provide a boost to the overall diet when there are difficulty consuming nutrients. Related: The Past Discrimination in Medicine It’s not always easy to be successful in getting a patient to eat when they simply are not hungry. It is often one of the more challenging areas when nursing patients over the age of 55. Enlist the help of a dietician to devise a meal plan for patients, and make sure family is in agreement with following the meal plans once the patient is released. Calcium of often neglected with seniors, which can lead to bone loss, fractures and breaks. Yogurt is a great source of calcium and protein, and mixed with fruit and milk this can be very nutrition and provide a day’s worth of calcium and minerals. Nutrition supplement shakes can also serve to supplement diet and to simply add some extra vitamins with healthy calories. Nutrition is important, and in some cases the patient may not be aware of the importance, or they may not know where to turn for proper nutrition. Providing guidance or recommending a dietician to work with the patient can get them onto the right track of health, and ultimately aid in the healing process. Related: Exceptional Registered Nurse, Gary Herrington, RN, will be Spotlighted in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter