Reducing Stress as a Nurse

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Reducing Stress as a Nurse Nurses are under a tremendous amount of pressure. There are a million things to do in a day, and the goal is to get it all done without making a mistake. Then there is the emotional side of nursing. Regardless of how long you have been a nurse, there are days that it takes a toll. There really is no way to prevent the stress factor at work. A nurse’s job is too critical to expect otherwise. So, what are the options? Reducing stress when away from work is the answer, although often not easy for sure. Experts will say, when you leave work, really leave work. In other words, leave the day behind. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! A difficult day does not stop the minutes you exit hospital doors. Related:

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Relieving Stress One thing that experts now agree is that it’s important is to not avoid the day. Go ahead, and allow some processing time of your day. Many times, the more you try to not think about it, the more you actually do end up thinking about it. Keep a journal, and write down your thoughts. It is a fact that writing down thoughts can allow for closure, and this could include an especially difficult work shift. It may sound strange, but exercise is also a great stress reducer. This seems a little ironic since nurses spend all day on their feet, running from room to room and patient to patient. Controlled exercise is different. It targets parts of the body that may not have been stretched and exercised. Just a 20 minute workout can relax the body and prepare you for wind down time. Avoid exercise close to bedtime, make it at least 2-3 hours prior to resting. Take a warm bath or shower. Warm water is great to relax muscles and joints. A massage may be nice on occasion, take a day for yourself have a professional massage. Many studios offer discounts to people working in the health field industry. Another important fact about relaxation is avoiding caffeine in the late afternoon and early evening. Chamomile tea is a great beverage to try before bed, it has natural properties to help relax the body. Meditation is something many people use to unwind and relax. There are videos online that you can follow along with to meditate, or just try it on your own, with relaxing music, and lavender candles. Relaxing is essential to maintaining a healthy body. In many ways, it is an art form, it has to be

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