Respect in Nursing Respect is not something that you earn with a diploma, it is something that you earn by your abilities, morals, and essentially being the person that you are. When you start your career, you will have no real experience in nursing; however as time progress you will gain valuableexperience, and an abundance of information to share with others. Reasons to Respect Reasons to respect someone depends on the person earning respect and the person that is affording the respect. If you admire a doctor that has developed a surgical technique that will save lives, that is a form of respect. Another person may respect someone for being a good parent. Respect comes in many forms, and it often depends on the parties involved. Respect at Work As a nurse, you will be expected to offer your thoughts and opinions on a daily basis. Doctors and family members will ask you questions and inquire about your opinion on a daily basis, and you are expected to have answers. If you are questioned regarding a patient's condition, you will be expected to provide a direct answer, and if you don't, you may lose the respect of the person asking the question. Related: Where do Registered Nurses Work? Earning Respect - Speaking up when appropriate- there is a time and place that you should use your voice. If a patient's treatment is being discussed, and you are very familiar with the patient, you know them better than others in the discussion. You hear something that you know will not work with this particular patient, what do you do? You may feel slightly intimidated with doctors and other nurses; however this is a time you can show your confidence and earn respect. Approach the group by stating your opinion. You can feel confident expressing your opinion based on your experience with the patient. Even if the group does not agree with you, there is no doubt you will earn some respect by speaking up. - Speaking your mind during a meeting- you are having a work meeting and a solution for two open shifts a week is being discussed. You have already spent time thinking of this issue, and you are pretty confident you know if a much better solution.It's important that you
speak up, and share your thoughts, coworkers and supervisors would be grateful if in fact you have solution in mind that worksfor everyone. There are many ways to earn respect and certainly speaking up and offering your opinion is one way. Where patients are concerned, it is especially important to speak up on their behalf, you are an advocate for your patients and it's up to you to speak on their behalf. Speaking up, either for you, coworkers, patients, or anyone is one way to gain respect, however it is far from the only method. Respect can be earned through your work ethics, your dedication to your friends, family, or anything you are passionate about. Standing up for your beliefs and convictions will earn you the respect that you deserve. Related: Recognizing the signs of Burnout A person that is well respected is not necessarily s person that is well liked, look at some ofour political leaders over the years. A nurse that will speak on behalf of theirpatient, even if it means not going along with others is a person that deserves respect as an advocate for patients. A charge nurse of a hospital noticed that a patient she was familiar with, was being released. The first thought was that this was a mistake, she was familiar with the patient and was certain he was not ready to be released. She followed up and called an emergency meeting. The meeting consisted of doctors, nurses, social workers, and hospital administrators that were looking out for the hospital in terms of financial means. This nurse entered a room of 18 people that were not on her side, however she came out essentially winning for the patient, he was not released. This move by the charge nurse did not earn her friends, however it earned her respect, which later played a role in a new position. Don't go along with everyone if you feel differently, speak up for you, and when appropriate, speakup for your patients. Related: Exceptional Registered Nurse Jodi L. Kneisel, RN, BSN, MPA will be Displayed in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter