The Humorous Side of Nursing
All stories are told by Susan, a retired nurse. Have you ever had one of those days where you just have to sit back and laugh? As nurses we see a lot, the sad, the bad, the good, and of course the humorous. Here are some actual stories from a nurse that are worth sharing. Related: Confidence in Nuring - International Nurses Association Working in a nursing home was my goal when I became a nurse. I could not wait to work with geriatric patients. I felt they had so much to offer, and deserved to be cared for in the best possible way. What I did not anticipate was how many humorous situations I would see and observe. Carol was 92 years old, and a bit frail; however, her mind was sharp and she was very alert. Carol developed a urinary tract infection and had to be catheterized, so my student nurse and I were working away to ensure Carol was not uncomfortable during the procedure. Carol was a bit eccentric about some things, she loved her very strongly scented body powder, and covered all body parts heavily, which is most likely what created this urinary tract issue. As we were working to catheterize, Carol expelled gas, which is not uncommon during this type of procedure. What was uncommon was that all of that very strong scented body powder in that area blew all over our faces and into our hair. Carol excused herself and said, “I often have a case of the vapors, so I use a lot of powder to cover the after effects�. My student nurse looked horrified, standing there with white powder all over her face and in her hair. We later cleaned up and washed our faces, but that powder scent stayed in my hair until I could shower. The student nurse will undoubtedly remember that incident throughout her career. As for me, to this day I cannot stand that particular brand of powder. Tara was my 88 year old patient. She was the kindest lady one could ever hope to meet. She was an inspiration to the other residents of the nursing facility, and would often recite bible verses to provide comfort to her friends.