Tips to Avoid Mistakes When You’re Busy at Work Nursing is a demanding job, and it requires quick thinking and fast acting on a regular basis. At times it becomes a balancing act to be able to react quickly and to be sure of accuracy. Mistakes happen regardless of what profession you are in; however, in nursing, mistakes can have catastrophic results. The Most Common Mistakes Made by New Nurses Medication errors - Medication errors are not just a nursing graduate mistake; they have also been attributed to nursing fatigue. Medication errors can be deadly, so prevent them by double, triple and quadruple-checking meds before administering them. Do not rush when administering meds. If you have questions, check the chart and ask the doctor. Treatment errors - Imagine your patient has just been released from surgery with a bevy of unlabeled tubes, some of which require draining. If you don't know which tube is which, you won't know which ones to drain. Make certain you understand what's expected of you. Don't be shy. Consult the charts and talk to the doctor to ensure you have a handle on all treatments for which you will be responsible. Incomplete information - This one will cause you some grief. If you are consulting a doctor to avoid the two mistakes I've just discussed, for example, make sure you have all patient information in front of you. Have the chart, a list of any questions you have, and any suggestions regarding patient care. Doctors do not have the time for a long discussion, so be prepared and be concise. Related: What Does a Doctorate Degree in Nursing Entail? Incomplete reports - You learned how to give reports in nursing school, but guess what? It's not the same as reporting once you're on the floor. A complete -- and good -- nursing report is one that you have thought out and communicated effectively with your patient's doctors and other team members. You will get the hang of it through experience, so watch and learn from veteran nurses as they give their reports. Not handling stress well - Nursing is one of the most stressful jobs in the world, and you must learn to handle that stress so that you are prepared to face emergencies, and even death, on a daily basis. Find a healthy way to manage your stress immediately; otherwise, you will burn out long before
you should. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and meditation are healthy ways to manage your nursing stress. Mismanaging time - Part of the stress in nursing is the lack of time you'll find you have to care properly for your patients. One way to combat additional stress on the job is to learn -- very quickly -- how to manage your time effectively. This skill is learned on the job, and it is okay to observe veteran nurses and ask for time-management tips, especially when it comes to keeping up with your patient charts and paperwork. Inability to multitask - This is another rookie mistake that you must work out on the job. In your clinical rotations, you most likely only had two patients. Now, you're faced with upwards of six. You need to learn quickly how to prioritize each patient's care and multitask efficiently so you are meeting each patient's needs adequately. Seek some advice from your veteran colleagues and observe. Related: How can a Nurse Manager Decrease Staff Levels? Embarrassment - You do something wrong, but not anything that has to do with a patient, perhaps you trip, or forget to do something and have to walk a distance to do it. Careful what you say. There are a number of people within earshot that may be very offended by your words, so keep those harsh words and thoughts to yourself. Referring to a patient by the wrong name - This is one way you might embarrass yourself, and new nurses who are feeling a bit overwhelmed might find them at a loss for a patient’s name frequently. I am great with faces, but not so good with names. Keep a steady eye on the patient/bed assignment board and charts to remember all of your patients' names. If you do call "Bob" "Bill," apologize and move on. Inappropriate response to a patient's death - This is a tough one. You cannot break down in front of your colleagues or a patient's family. No nurse, especially a new one, is ever adequately prepared to deal with death, yet it is part of the job. Ask your veteran nurses how they deal with death and enlist some professional help if you are finding yourself particularly derailed by patient death. When you do make a mistake, own up to it. Everyone makes mistakes and a nurse is no different. Pay very close attention when working with your patients, and slow down. It may be necessary to take a deep breath and start over. It's always better to run behind than to rush through a procedure or medication administration, time can be made up, a patient's
life and well being cannot. Make sure you have adequate training in your new position. If you do not feel that you had enough floor supervision time, speak up. If you are uncomfortable doing a procedure that you have not done before, or not done often enough, ask for assistance. A great nurse is one that knows their own limitations. Related: Nurse Evelyn Hoover, PhD, RN, to be Published in The Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare as a New Member of the International Nurses Association
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