Top 5 Pet Peeves of All Nurses

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Top 5 Pet Peeves of All Nurses Nursing is a rewarding career but like any other, the people you deal with on a daily basis are going to be different. Some are going to be easy and some are going to be hard. The situations you face on a daily basis will likely consist of both.. There is always going to be that one thing that really irks you, among others. Whether it be something that patients do or just something that happens, these pet peeves happen to nurses everywhere. 1. The Pain Scale The one to ten pain scales that is used is hardly ever used efficiently. Patients will say they are at ten out of ten with a smile on their face. If someone is at the top of that scale, they would definitely not be smiling. Most others who come in and claim a ten don’t understanding the system. Granted, the system itself is vague and easily misunderstood. Regardless, it is a common irritation that nurses have to deal with on a regular basis. Related: What’s the Difference Between a Nurse and a Medical Assistant? 2. It's Not a Hotel Some people think that they are in a hotel and that you are a maid of some sort. Your job is not to cater to their every desire, but to make them healthy. Asking for bathrobes and special treatment is common with certain patients. Unfortunately that’s not what you’re there for, so they will be gravely disappointed. 3. Pens Your favorite pen only lasts a few days, right? Then suddenly, it is gone. Someone borrowed it or you set it down for a one second too long. Losing pens is a huge peeve for most people in general. Healthcare has it worse than others, however. With so many things needing to be written down and so many people using writing instruments, it's only a matter of time until one disappears. In such a busy environment, it's almost expected. Tracking down the lost pen is about as fun as losing it.

Related: Family Nurse Practitioners 4. Walking Pharmacy Now that you are a nurse, people are going to be coming to you about medical issues of their own. Just because you have the access to medicine, they think that you can just give them away. This is not how it works, and you might have to be telling friends this for a long time, until they get the point. 5. Nurse vs. Doctor People think that nurses and doctors are one in the same. This could not be further from the truth. Your friends might start asking you to diagnose them and recommend medications. Even advice on diagnostic tests might be requested, and they should really be talking to a doctor. Regardless of where you work, you have probably gotten into at least one of these situations. They are pet peeves for a reason, and most of them are shared within the community. While there is not much to do about them, it is comforting to know that others have to deal with the same stuff that you do. Having things that bother you about the job are a part of life, and you would not be in the real world if everything went right all the time. Related: International Nurses Association Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter

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