Top 5 reasons to have a blog

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Top 5 Reasons to Have a Blog Blogging is fun, rewarding, and helps you get your message out into the world. Not only does it do that, but it can bring visibility to the things you really care about. Blogging can help you connect with people all over the world who share the same values, aspirations, and hobbies with you. Plus, blogging is a great way to get things off your chest, and express yourself. Running a blog can help you to improve your writing skills while allowing you to help others who may be experiencing the same things you encounter on a daily basis. By inspiring those who need it, you will be getting your specialty more attention and it will promote understanding and acceptance. Visibility

If you have a specialty, you may have a better chance at having a unique blog for people to be interested in. Having your own voice and presence is important, but the exposure that you and your job will receive is even more so. Plus, who wouldn't want to hear about a day in the life of a nurse?

By spreading the word about your work, you are allowing others to be moved to take action. Whether it be a donation or becoming a nurse themselves, they are going to be moved by what you have to say.


You will find a tight knit community in the blogging world of nursing. Other nurses will be there to let you know that you are not alone when experiencing the crazy things you encounter dayto-day. The connections that you make can be extremely beneficial to your blog and your career, as it can give you open opportunity to move forward with your career in the long-run.

Write Better

Running a blog will help you to improve your writing skills. By constantly writing, you are stimulating your brain, and you'll be able to use vocabulary that you've never used before.

This can be beneficial to many aspects of your life, as it can prepare you for future resumes, papers, and journals.

Help People

The information you have on your blog can very well help someone in need. You could give future nurses advice on how to move forward with their education, or you could even give current nurses advice on how to handle current situations that they are not familiar with. You can also inspire those who want to be nurses, and give them a real look at what your job is like.

Since helping people is your job, you are qualified to give advice so do not be afraid of doing so. If it is just not your style, do not worry about it. Just do your thing and be great at it.


Writing regularly and keeping to a schedule can make you more disciplined about daily tasks. Blogging has an incentive that you can find for yourself easily. This discipline can spill over into your work life, and be highly beneficial to your career.

These five benefits have similarities that you cannot ignore. Everything ties in with each other, and it is a sign that blogging is really up and coming. What else could you want? As a nurse, you are going to have plenty of stories to tell and advice to give. Tell people who care enough to be

reading your blog, and get paid for it! Regardless of what you decide to make your blog about, it will always have its benefits. Do you have your own blog? Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter

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