Top 5 Studying Mistakes Nursing Students Commit

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Top 5 Studying Mistakes Nursing Students Commit Studying for an exam can be the last thing on a student’s mind, and last minute preparations are not uncommon. Many nursing students indulge in various activities throughout the semester, only to search for shortcuts upon the realization their grades are suffering. According to researchers, the inability to set up proper learning strategies is the primary factor nursing students make mistakes while studying. Relying on the teachers Students assume they can get good grades by attending every lecture, attending extra classes, and studying the material given by teachers. However, they do not realize the material offered does not necessarily cover everything that needs to be learned. Material prepared by teachers is not enough to do well on exams. If you really want to excel in your nursing exams, make sure to utilize this information in conjunction with any additional material found on the syllabus. The last minute rush Students are often guilty of leaving their studies to the last minute. If you wish to excel in your exams, stop falling into this trap. Start by creating a timetable two weeks prior to the actual date of the examination. No two individuals are the same, so make sure you are not competing with someone else, and that you remain focused on your own performance. When preparing a timetable, fill in leisurely activities and leave time for buying food, shopping, or other endeavors. Setting time to relax and ensuring productive study sessions are the most important aspects of this table. Cramming information One of the biggest mistakes nursing students make is cramming a tremendous amount of studying into a small amount of time. Students also tend to memorize things that have been taught in the classroom, rather than understanding the actual concepts that drive them. While memorizing or cramming may work in favor of the student in certain situations, it often backfires the most of the time. For instance, If you have memorized something instead of understanding what its significance in principle is, chances are that when the information is presented in a slightly

different format, you will not be able to answer the question. Instead of cramming, make sure you have a complete understanding of the subject. Procrastination You must have seen this coming. Chatting with your parents, calling a friend, checking your Facebook profile, uploading a tweet or watching TV becomes problematic for study sessions. Things you have shown zero interest in suddenly become fascinating, procrastinating the inevitable coming of an exam. As a student, you need to cut down distractions and susceptibility to procrastination: ● Put your phone on airplane mode to avoid distractions ● Have a break schedule and be strict with time limits ● Set a timer if required, and stay focused while studying ● Stay away from social networking websites Studying Passively without Prioritizing Another mistake is to study passively without prioritizing. Students read class notes over and over, often leaving out important information not covered during class. This puts you at risk during examinations. Instead of studying randomly, try prioritizing your tasks and know what information is most important to be retained first. These mistakes are not incurable, or unchangeable. Following the aforementioned steps will aid you in prioritizing your study sessions, and will optimize your college experience.

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