Top concerns of nurses

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Top Concerns of Nurses There are many things to worry about when you are in the health care profession, and nurses are at the top of the list. The long hours, short staffing at times, and feeling like you are being pulled in multiple directions: You barely have time to elaborate on concerns; however you do have a voice. And it should be heard. Top Concerns - The number one concern of most nurses is that they will make a mistake that could result in a fatality, or permanently injuring a patient. This is an obvious concern; it’s understandable considering you hold lives in your hand every day. While there is no guarantee that you won’t ever make a mistake that could result in a patient’s injury, it is very rare. There are many procedures in place now that cross check to ensure the right patient gets the right medications. - The second concern most nurses are concerned about is contracting a contagious and incurable illness. With many having families at home, including small children, it’s understandable an illness would be a major concern. The good news is that this is actually a very rare occurrence. Provided you take proper precautions, and wear protective clothing when working with a patient that has a contagious condition. The new version of needles has lessened the likelihood of an accidental stick; you are protected more in this area than ever before. Take your time, and use your training knowledge when working with contagious patients and odds are you will be fine. Related: Male Nurses -

Breaking down and losing control of emotions is a concern of many nurses. You are expected to maintain professionalism at all times. Sure, you are a nurse, and you see death at times, however sometimes we have patients that simply become very special to us. When you lose a patient, it can be difficult, and when family members are emotional, it’s a hard task to stay in nurse mode, and not enter the friendship zone. The best way to handle a situation such as this is accept that it is ok to show a little emotion, just maintain composure for the sake of the family. Take a break and take pride in the fact that you were able to help your patient, and did all that you could for them.


It is best to excuse yourself momentarily, and return when you feel more in control. Violence while on duty is a valid concern in today’s unstable world. You never know if a patient that has been involved in gang violence may have enemies that will pay a visit, and innocent people can get caught in the crossfire. In addition, some patients that are admitted, have been drinking, and may be combative no matter what you do to help. In a situation such as this, ask security to stay and assist until the patient is no longer a threat. Related: Depression during the Holidays


False accusations or being suspected at work for something you did not do can be difficult. When medications end up missing, or various other incidents, in most cases everyone is considered a suspect until the issue is resolved. Try not to take things personally, it actually has nothing to do with you, and has everything to do with procedure.

A nursing job is very difficult and stressful, and then when you factor in all of the concerns, well, you have to be pretty tough to be where you are. Always carry on as usual, and try not to worry about what could happen, because the odds are it won’t. There really is only so much you can be prepared for unexpected circumstances. The one sure thing in a hospital is you just never know what will happen next. Go on and enjoy your work, and take care of your patient and continue to be a great nurse. Related: Skilled Registered Nurse, Certified Hospice Nurse and Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Lucinda Perkins, RN, will be Spotlighted in the Worldwide Leaders in Healthcare Please follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest and Twitter

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