Two Part-Time Nursing Positions vs. One Full-Time: Which is Better for You? A nursing career is quite versatile and formative. That allows nurses the opportunity to work flexible hours. You can not only work a full-time schedule, but may also opt for two part-time positions. Everyone has different reasons to a work full or part-time schedule, and you should make such a decision only after evaluating every factor involved. Here are some things to consider that may help you decide: Career Opportunities Whatever you choose, make sure it helps you fulfill career goals. Two Part-time: Working two part-time positions may help you develop different skills. Although, it can also hinder your growth and development, as you are working long hours, at two facilities independent of each other. Making the decision between one or the other, could prove problematic at best. One Full-time: In this scenario, you have better chances of proving yourself. Because you are devoting your time and efforts to only one place, you can develop stronger relationships at work, which may ultimately help you achieve career growth. Time and Money Time and money are two important assets for a nurses. Effective utilization of both is necessary. Two Part-time: This requires more of your time, and more sacrifices are necessary for both you and your family to work this schedule. As a nurse, you already make compromises wherever you can, and working two seperate part-time shifts can be detrimental. Monetarily, it is possible depending upon how much each position pays. It is also important to consider distance between you and both jobs, and how long of a commute will be involved. One Full-time: Time optimization and utilization are not easily achieved at full-time jobs, but chances of earning more is greater at one full-time job , comparatively to two part-time positions. Other Job Benefits