ˇ Dětské šátky jsme velikostně přizpůsobili a jejich design upravili podle dětských přání – jsou módní, drzé, pestré a naše děti chrání ve formě šátku na krk a pokrývky hlavy.
dop. MOC 419 Kč
HA120-0003 Sun
HA120-0004 Grass
HA120-0007 Apricot
HA300-0151 Kitten Sand
HA300-0151 Kitten Sand
Colours :
Colours :
sand Pantone1215 C
sand Pantone1215 C
olive Pantone 7532 C
olive Pantone 7532 C
blue Pantone 298C
blue Pantone 298C
HA120-0008 Aqua
HA1 Kitte Pan
dark pink Pantone 221 C rose Pantone 503 C Colours :
HA300-0152 Kitten Apricot
Colours :
HA120-0180 HA120-0181 HA120-0180 Kitten Kitten Sand Apricot Kitten Sand Pantone 2945 c
Pantone 709 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 08.06.2012
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 08.06.2012
Pantone 167 c
HA300-0152 Kitten Apricot
Pantone 2945 c
HA300-0154 Boe Tie Monster Pantone 7489 c
Colours :
lilac Pantone 7445C coral Pantone 709 C
HA120-0008 HA120-0180 HA120-0008 Aqua Kitten Sand Aqua
lilac Pantone 7445C
Pantone 7489 c
Colours : HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
coral Pantone 709 C
Colours :
HA300-0153 Bunny Monster
rose Pantone 503 C
HA300-0153 Bunny Monster
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
dark pink Pantone 221 C
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
Pantone 167 c
Pantone 503 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c Pantone 5195 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HAD Kolle 29.05.201 HA30
HADHA300-0154 Kollektion S/S 2013 08.06.2012 Boe Tie Colours : Monster
Monsters Family Mint HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 HA300-0157 08.06.2012 Colours : Gang Apricot Spider
HA300Spider G Colour
HA300-0155 Colours : 114 c Pantone Monster Family Lilac HA120-0181
HA300-0155 Colours Pantone: 114 c Monster Family Lilac HA120-0182
Monsters Family Mint
HA120-0181 Kitten Apricot Apricot ColoursKitten :
Colours m :
Pa HA1 Panton Bow bl
Pantone 7489 c Pantone 114 c
Pantone 503 c
whitegrey Pantone 7445 c Pantone 7489 c Pantone Cool Grey2 C
Pantone 7445 c whitegrey Pantone Cool Grey2 C
co Pa
Pantone 2945 c yellow Pantone 709 c Pantone 114 C
yellow Pantone 114 Pantone 221Cc Pantone 709 c
Pantone 485 c
HA120-0182 Bunny Monster ColoursBunny : Monster
Pantone 709c c Pantone 7489
Pantone 5195 c Pantone 2945 c
Pantone 221 c
HAD K 08.06.2
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012 HA300-0155
Bl Pa Panton
Pantone 709 c
rose Pantone 485 c Pantone 503 C
rose Pantone 3275 c Pantone 503 C
green Pantone 7489 C Pantone Cool Gray 10 c
greenPantone 221 c Pantone 7489 C
redbrown Pantone 5195 167 c C Pantone
redbrown Pantone 5195 Pantone 167 c C
mint Pantone 7532 c Pantone 564 C
mint Pantone 7532 c Pantone 564 C
Pantone 298 c
ye Pa
Pantone 298 c
Pantone Cool Gray 10 c
re Pa
Pantone 564 c
Pantone 503 c
Pantone 503 c orange Pantone S P R167 I NCG / S U M M E R
Pantone 315 c
Pantone 315 c olive Pantone 7532 C
orange Pantone 167 C olive Pantone 7532 C Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone 5195 c
Pantone 5195 c
dark pink Pantone 221 C
dark pink Pantone Pantone 221 3275 cC
Pantone 3275 c
coral Pantone 221 c Pantone 709 C blue Pantone 564 c 2945 HADPantone Kollektion S/SC2013 29.05.2012 lilac Pantone 485 c Pantone 7445C
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 08.06.2012
HA300-0157 Spider Gang Apricot
Pantone 114 c
HA120-0185 HA120-0184 HA120-0186 black HA120-0185 Monster Family Lilac Mint Spider Gang Apricot Monster Family
HA120-0183 HA120-0184 HA120-0185 HA120-0184 blueTie Monster Bow Monster Family Lilac Mint Monster Family Monster Pantone 298C Family Mint
Pantone 2945 c white
Colours : Pant
“Scratc HA300-01 Colours : Scratchin
Pantone 11 Pant
HA120-0186 HA120-0187 HA120-0186 Pantone 503 c Spider Apricot Spider Gang Gang MintApricot Spider Gang
HA1 Spid
Pantone 74 Pant
Pantone 503 c
Pantone 16
Pantone 2945 c white
Pantone 221 c
Pantone 50
coral Pantone 709 C
Pantone 709 c
blue Pantone 298C 114 c Colours : Pantone
HAD Kol 29.05.20
Pantone 503 c
Pantone 7489 c
HAD Kollekti HA300 29.05.2012
red Pantone 485C PantonePantone 7445 c Cool Gray 10 c
red Pantone 485C Pantone 7445 c
mint Pantone 564 C
coral HAD Kollektion Pantone 709c C S/S 2013 Pantone 221 29.05.2012 blue Pantone 564 cS/SC2013 2945 HADPantone Kollektion HA300-0160 29.05.2012 “Scratching Cat“ lilac Pantone 485 c Pantone 7445C HA300-0159 Colours :
Scratching Cat Sky
blue Pantone 298C Colours :
Colours :
Colours :
HA120-0182 HA120-0183 HA120-0183 Bunny Bow Tie Monster Monster Bow Tie Monster
HA300-0159 Scratching Cat Sky
HA300-0158 Spider Family Mint
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone Process Magenta c
Pantone 48
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
Pantone 3275 c
Pantone Process Cyan c
Pantone Process Cyan c
yellow Pantone 114 C
Pantone 221 c
red Pantone 485C
Pantone 564 c
Pantone 485 c
Pantone 485 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HA300-0160 “Scratching Cat“ Colours : Pantone 114 c
Pantone Cool Gray 10 c
HA120-0187 HA120-0187 Spider Gang Mint Spider Gang Mint Pantone 503 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HA300-0161 Scratching Cat Grass Colours :
Pantone 114 c
HA120-0188 HA120-0188 Scratching Cat Cat Sky Scratching Pantone 7489 c
Pantone 167 c
HA120-0188 HA120-0189 HA120-0189 Scratching Cat Sky Scratching Cat Cat BerryBerry Scratching
HA120-0189 HA120-0190 HA120-0190 Scratching Berry Scratching Cat Cat Cat GrassGrass Scratching
HA1 Scra
Pantone 221 c Pantone 503 c
Pantone Process Magenta c Pantone 485 c
Colours :
HA 300-0163 7445 c TrunkPantone to Trunk
Pantone 7445 c
Pantone 7445 c
Colours :
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone 7445 c
Colours :
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone 221 c
Pantone 564 c
HAD Kol 29.05.20
Colours :
HA 300-0163 Trunk to Trunk
Pantone 221 c
HA120-0191 Filou
HA12 Trunk Pant
Pantone Cool Gray Pantone 564 c 10 c
Pantone Cool Gray 10 c
Pantone 315 c
Pantone 315 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone 485 c
Pantone 485 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
Colours : HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 mint 08.06.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013
“Happy Owl“
“Happy Owl“ HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 08.06.2012
Colours :
HA300-0166 Colours : Berry Bear
Pantone 564 C HA300-0167 yellow Blue Bear HA300-0166 Pantone : 114 C BerryColours Bear
Colours :
Colours :
HA120-0191 HA120-0192 HA120-0191 Trunk Filou to Trunk Filou Pantone 114 c
Pantone 7489 c
Pantone Cool Gray 10 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Pantone Cool Gray 2 c
Colours :
HA300-0169 Flip Flop out
HA120-0194 HA120-0194 Happy Owl Happy Owl
Pantone 642C
Pantone 485 c
Colours : yellow
Pantone Colours : 114 C mint Pantone 564 C orange whitegrey Pantone 167 C Grey2 C Pantone Cool yellow Pantone 114 C blue Bluegreen Pantone 2945 Pantone 315 C C orange Pantone blue 167 C Pantone 298C blue Bluegreen Pantone315 642C Pantone C
blue Bluegreen rose Pantone 2945 C Pantone Pantone 503315 C C blue Pantone 298C blue
rose Pantone 7489 c Pantone 503 C
HAD Kollektion 24.05.2012
Blue Bear
HA120-0193 HA120-0193 orange whitegrey Dog Happy darkPantone pink 167Cool C Grey2 Happy Dog Pantone C Pantone 221 C
Pantone 114 c
Colours : HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 mint 08.06.2012
HA300-0169 Pantone 564 C FlipHA300-0167 Flop out
HA120-0192 HA120-0192 HA120-0193 Trunk HappytoDog Trunk dark Trunk pink to Trunk Pantone 221 C
Pantone Cool Gray 10 c
ha 300-0168 Flip Flop In
ha 300-0168 Flip Flop In
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HA12 Berry
mint Pantone 56
yellow Pantone 11
orange Pantone 16
Bluegreen Pantone 31
blue Pantone 295 C
blue Pantone642C 295 C Pantone
blue Pantone 64
blue Pantone 295 C
blue Pantone 29
blue Pantone 298C
blue Pantone 29
Pantone 485 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HA300-0169 Flip Flop out
HA120-0195 HA120-0194 HA120-0195 Berry HappyBear Owl Berry Bear yellow mint Pantone 564 C
HA120-0197 HA120-0196 HA120-0195 HA120-0196 Flip Flop In Blue Berry Bear Bear
HA120-0197 Flip Flop In
In Flip Flop Blue BearOut mint
Blue Bear
Pantone 564 C
orange Pantone 167 C
rose Pantone 503 C
blue Pantone 295 C blue Pantone 298C
blue Flip F Pantone 2
lilac Pantone 7
olive Pantone 7
rose Pantone 5
rose red Pantone 503 C Pantone 485C red Pantone black 485C
green Pantone 7489 C
black green Pantone 7489 C
red Pantone 485C
blue Pantone 642C
dark pink Pantone HA122
Pantone 7532 C black
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
Colours :
HA120-0198 Flip Flop Out
blue HA120-0197 HA120-0198 HA120-0196 Pantone 298C
Pantone 114 C
HA300-017 Turtle Trip
Colours : blue Colours : Pantone 2945 C dark pink blue Pantone 221 C HA120-0198 HA120-0199 Pantone 298C blue Out Flip Flop On Pantone mint 298C Pantone 564 C lilac Pantone rose 7445C Pantone 503 C olive
Colours : blue Pantone 2945 C
Colours :
HAD Kollektion 24.05.2012
HA300-0171 Turtle Trip Sky HA300-0172 Turtle Trip Berry
HA300-0171 Turtle Trip Sky
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
red Pantone 4
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HA300-0172 Turtle Trip Berry Colours : dark pink Pantone 221 C HA120-0199
HA120-0199 OnOn Flip Flop
blue Flip Flop Pantone 298C
HA120-0200 HA120-0200 Turtle Trip SkySky Turtle Trip
HA120-0200 HA120-0201 HA120-0201 Turtle Trip Sky Berry Turtle Trip Berry
HA120-0201 HA120-0202 HA120-0202 Turtle Trip Berry Giraffe Giraffe
HA12 Giraf
lilac Pantone 7445C olive Pantone 7532 C rose Pantone 503 C red Pantone 485C black
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HA300-0175 Fox Pattern
HA300-0175 Fox Pattern
Colours :
Colours :
Pantone 114 c
Pantone 114 c
Pantone 167 c
Pantone 167 c
Pantone 7532 c
Pantone 7532 c
Pantone 221 c
Pantone 221 c
HA1 Fox
Pantone 3275 c
Pantone 3275 c
Pantone 7532 c
Pantone 2945 c
HA120-0204 HA120-0205 HA120-0204 Fox Fox Pattern Flower Topic Fox Pattern
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
Pantone 114 c
HA300-0176 Fox Flower Tropic
Colours :
Colours :
HA200-0148 Confetti Sun
Pantone 114 c
Pantone 7532 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
Pantone 167 c
Pantone 167 c Pantone 114 c
Colours :
HA300-0176 Fox Flower Tropic HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 29.05.2012
HA120-0204 HA120-0203 HA120-0203 Fox Kroko Pattern Kroko
HA120-0203 Kroko
Pantone 221 c
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 06.06.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 06.06.2012 HA200-0155
Kollektion S/S 2013 HADHAD Kollektion S/S 2013 06.06.2012 29.05.2012 HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 06.06.2012 HA200-0155
HA200-0148 Crazy Flowers Cloud Confetti Sun HA200-0154
Crazy Flowers Cloud
Crazy Berry Colours : Colours : Flowers
Crazy Flowers Berry Colours : Whitegrey
Whitegrey Colours : Pantone Pantone c Cool Grey 2 C dark114 pink
HAD Kollek 24.05.2012
Colours : HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 Pantone Cool Grey 2 C 24.05.2012 dark pink
dark pink221 C Pantone Pantone 221 C Pantone 2945 c blue HA120-0205 blue Pantone 298C Pantone Pantone red 221 c 298C
HA120-0205 Fox Flower Topic Fox Topic red PantoneFlower 485C
dark pink221 C Pantone NAME Pantone 221 C
blue Colours : Pantone 298C
Colours :
blue HA120-0206 HA120-0206 Pantone 298C Polycat red
red whitegrey Pantone 485C Pantone Cool485C Grey2 C Pantone
Pantone 485C deep red deep red222 C Pantone Pantone 222 C deep blue Pantone 2965C deep blue Pantone 2965C Black Black
whitegre Pantone C
deep red
deep red222 C yellow Pantone Pantone 114 C222 C Pantone
yellow Pantone 1
deep blue rose Pantone 2965C Pantone 503 C2965C Pantone
rose Pantone 5
deep blue
green Black Pantone 7489 C
green Pantone 7
redbrown Pantone 5195 C
redbrown Pantone 5
mint Pantone 564 C
mint Pantone 5
orange Pantone 167 C
orange Pantone 1
olive Pantone 7
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
Bluegree Pantone 3
dark pink Pantone 221 C
dark pink Pantone 2
coral Pantone 709 C
coral Pantone 7
green Pantone 7489 C
blue Pantone 2945 C
blue Pantone 2
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
lilac Pantone 7445C
lilac 24.05. Pantone 7
red Corp4 Pantone
Colour black
C /SUMMER 2013 SPantone P R I7532 NG Design: Fashion Collection 2011 DOT CHECK GREEN FT //13.06.2012 Colors
-------------------------------mint Pantone 564 C
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HA120-0206 HA120-0148 HA120-0148 Polycat RB Confetti Sun whitegrey RB Confetti Sun Pantone Cool Grey2 C
HAD Kollektion Pantone 485C S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HA300-0182 Lolly Pearl
HA300-0182 Lolly Pearl
HA120-0155 HA120-0154 yellow HA120-0158 HA120-0155 Pantone 114 C Crazy Flowers Crazy Flowers Berry Urban CamouflCloud age
Crazy Flowers Berry
yello Pant
whitegrey Pantone Cool Grey2 C
whitegrey Pantone Cool Grey2 C
HA120-0148 HA120-0154 HA120-0155 HA120-0154 RB Crazy Confetti Flowers Sun Berry Crazy Flowers Cloud
whit Pant
Colours :
Colours :
NAME Colours :
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
yellow HA120-0158 HA120-0207 HA120-0158 Pantone 114 C Urban Camouflage Dot Kids Urban Camoufl age green
Crazy Flowers Cloud green
HA1 rose Dot Pant
Pantone 7489 C
Pantone 7489 C
yellow Pantone 114 C
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
rose Pantone 503 C
mint Pantone 564 C
mint Pantone 564 C
mint Pant
green Pantone 7489 C
orange Pantone 167 C redbrown Pantone 5195 C
orange Pantone 167 C redbrown Pantone 5195 C
oran Pant
lilac Pantone 7445C
lilac Pantone 7445C
redbrown Pantone 5195 C mint Pantone 564 C
soft Pant
olive Pant
ston Pant
orange Pantone 167 C
swee Pant
red Pant
yellow Pantone 114 C
olive Pantone 7532 C
olive Pantone 7532 C
Colours :
Colours :
HA300-0183 Lolly Sepia HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
yellow Pantone 114 C
HA120-0208 HA120-0208 rose Pantone 503 C Lolli Pearl Lolli Pearl
green Pantone 7489 C
HA120-0207 HA120-0207 Dot Kids Dot Kids
cora Pant
yellow Pantone 114 C
whitegrey Pantone Cool Grey2 C
green Pantone 7489 C
Colours :
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C dark pink Pantone 221 C
coral Pantone 709 C
HA300-0186 Corporate Kids
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C dark pink Pantone 221 C
red Pantone 485C
redbrown Pantone 5195 C
lilac Pantone 7445C
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
coral Pantone 709 C
blue Pantone 2945 C
lilac Pantone 7445C
coral Pantone 709 C
redbrown Pantone 5195 C
dark pink Pantone 221 C
lilac Pantone 7445C
Bluegreen Pantone 315 C
dark Pant
HA120-0208 HA120-0209 HA120-0209 Lolli Lolli Pearl Sepia Lolli Sepia
HAD Kollektion S/S 2013 24.05.2012
HA300-0183 Lolly Sepia
olive Pantone 7532 C
HA120-0209 HA120-0210 HA120-0210 Lolli Sepia Kids Corporate Corporate Kids
HA1 Corp
soft orange Pantone 142C mint Pantone 564 C orange Pantone 167 C olive Pantone 7532 C stone Pantone 5555 C dark pink Pantone 221 C
coral Pantone 709 C sweet orange Pantone 1665 C red Pantone 485C