InBody 970 Body Composition Analyzer

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Comprehensive Analysis 4338 Innes Rd, Suite 75 Ottawa, ON K4A 3W3

Key Features


Provides Leg Lean Mass, Phase Angle, Reactance, and TBW/LBM

Segmental Data

Provides Segmental Fat Analysis, ICW, ECW, and ECW/TBW values

Body Water

Divides Total Body Water into Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water

In Depth Analysis

70 Seconds

Quick and easy body composition and body water tests

Lean Mass

Provides Lean Mass values for each body segment in pounds


Tracks changes with the body composition history chart on the result sheet

Provides BMR, Waist Circumference, Obesity Degree, Waist-to-Hip Ratio, Body Adiposity Index, Conicity Index, SMI, and FMI


Multi-Industry Versatility

The InBody 970 supplies comprehensive data to health & wellness professionals, o ering separate Result Sheets for Evaluation, Comparison, and Research as well as Body Composition and Body Water. Designed for a wide range of uses, the InBody 970 provides customizable outputs for multiple industries.

Body Composit ion Result Sheet

Visceral Fat Area

Visceral Fat is in the abdominal region between the organs. The Visceral Fat Area graph depicts how many cm2 of Visceral Fat is measured at the cross-section of the abdominal region. Staying at a Visceral Fat Area value below 100cm2 may help decrease the risk for chronic diseases.

Segmental Lean Analysis

The top bar shows the amount of Lean Mass in each segment for that individual compared to the healthy average for others with the same height and gender. In contrast, the bottom bar represents the sufficiency of the segment’s Lean Mass for supporting the individual’s current weight.

Body Composition History

Track the history of body composition changes. Take the InBody test periodically to monitor your progress. Continuously measuring under the same ID allows the InBody to save each test for future comparison. The Body Composition History enables an individual to track changes in body composition over the last eight test results (if selecting ’Recent’). It also gives you the option of showing a cumulative graph for the total progress from the first to most recent test (if selecting ‘Total’).

(kg/m ) (%) IR-USA-C7-C-210521 Based on ideal weight Based on current weight 0.360 0.390 0.340 0.320 0.380 0.420 0.440 0.410 0.400 0.430 0.450 18.5 25.0 22.0 10.0 15.0 40.0 50.0 45.0 30.0 35.0 55.0 10.0 20.0 15.0 0.0 5.0 35.0 45.0 40.0 25.0 30.0 50.0 5 ft 06.3 in John Doe 31 04.01.2022 09:13 (lb) (lb) (lb) (%) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) (%) (lb) Total Recent Male 59.7 34.8 34.4 35.1 94.6 129.0 164.1 161.3 75.0 18.2 0.372 161.4 74.7 18.5 0.371 160.3 75.2 17.5 0.370 161.4 74.7 18.3 0.372 160.9 74.5 18.6 0.370 162.0 74.5 19.0 0.370 165.8 75.2 20.3 0.370 164.1 73.6 21.4 0.368 09.15.21 07:42 10.01.21 06:50 11.10.21 06:52 12.04.21 06:45 01.02.22 06:30 02.12.22 06:16 03.02.22 06:12 04.01.22 09:13 0.376 0.378 0.367 0.363 0.368 70 55 190 205 70 80 160 170 40 60 460 520 130 145 175 160 140 150 120 130 340 400 220 280 85 115 90 110 100 70 55 160 175 145 130 90 110 100 80 70 140 150 130 120 100 80 70 140 150 130 120 90 110 100 80 70 140 150 130 120 85 115 100 70 55 160 175 145 130 26.2 21.4 35.1 164.1 73.6 7.12 103.6 7.01 102.0 56.2 102.5 19.80 103.4 19.45 101.6 154.3% 161.3% 209.2% 148.2% 145.3% 0.368 Segmental Fat Analysis Research Parameters Right Arm Left Arm Trunk Right Leg Left Leg Intracellular Water Extracellular Water Basal Metabolic Rate Body Cell Mass Leg Lean Mass SMI Visceral Fat Area Age VFA (cm2) Impedance RA LA TR TR RL LL 59.7 34.8 1635 85.5 39.2 8.5 ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) 48.1 29.3 1600 68.6 58.6 35.9 1873 84.0 lb lb kcal lb lb kg/m2 200 150 100 50 20 40 60 80 109.9 Whole Body Phase Angle 50 ø( ) Segmental Phase Angle RA LA TR RL LL 2.3 5.9 5.6 5 50 250 2.1 5.5 5.0 3.5 8.7 9.5 3.0 7.4 5.5 2.7 7.0 5.5 ø( ) 1 5 50 250 500 1000 2000 3000 [000/000/000] ( 2.0 lb) ( 2.0 lb) ( 18.3 lb) ( 5.3 lb) ( 5.1 lb) Body Fat - Fat Free Mass Control Body Fat Mass Fat Free Mass -12.3 lb 0.0 lb (+)means to gain fat/lean (-)means to lose fat/lean (77.4~94.6) (105.2~128.5) (116.8~158.3) 85 90 80 115 110 160 100 100 100

Body Water Result Sheet

Body Water Composition

Explore individual values for Total Body Water (TBW), Intracellular Water (ICW), and Extracellular Water (ECW). Discover how these outputs compare to those of other individuals of the same height and gender as the test subject.

Segmental Body Water Analysis

Get an in-depth analysis of an individual’s body water composition. Review Total Body Water to determine if an individual has an adequate amount of water in each segment of the body (arms, legs, and trunk) and look for any imbalances between the limbs. Examining the fluid balance in each limb can also indicate any potential swelling or water retention that may have occurred as a result of injury or disease.

Body Water Composition History

Monitor fluctuations in body water composition over time. Taking a comprehensive look at oscillations in Weight, Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, and ECW/TBW, makes it possible to immediately pinpoint any changes that could impact long-term health and vitality.

Male 5ft 06.3in John Doe 31 04.01.2022 09:13 (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) Right Arm Left Arm Trunk Right Leg Left Leg 0.376 0.378 0.367 0.363 0.368 Total Recent Whole Body Phase Angle [000/000/000] 6.7 Obesity Analysis BMI PBF Weight Skeletal Muscle Mass Body Fat Mass 164.1 73.6 35.1 ( ( ( ) ) ) 116.8 58.4 16.5 158.3 71.7 33.1 lb lb lb Muscle-Fat Analysis Body Composition Analysis lntracellular Water Extracellular Water Dry Lean Mass Fat Free Mass Body Fat Mass 59.7 34.8 34.4 129.0 35.1 ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) 48.1 29.3 27.8 105.2 16.5 58.6 35.9 34.0 128.5 33.1 lb lb lb lb lb Segmental ECW Analysis Right Arm Left Arm Trunk Right Leg Left Leg 2.07 2.07 15.9 5.56 5.56 ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) 1.65 1.65 14.1 4.87 4.87 2.23 2.23 17.2 5.97 5.97 lb lb lb lb lb Segmental ICW Analysis Right Arm Left Arm Trunk Right Leg Left Leg 3.46 3.40 27.8 9.77 9.52 ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) 2.71 2.71 22.7 7.96 7.96 3.68 3.68 27.8 9.72 9.72 lb lb lb lb lb IR-USA-C7-C-210521 (lb) (lb) (lb) (lb) 60.8 59.7 61.1 60.8 61.1 60.8 60.6 60.6 35.9 34.8 35.7 35.7 35.9 35.9 35.5 35.5 96.8 94.6 96.6 97.0 96.8 96.1 96.1 96.8 94.6 59.7 34.8 0.368 5.53 5.47 43.7 15.32 15.08 09.15.21 07:42 10.01.21 06:50 11.10.21 06:52 12.04.21 06:45 01.02.22 06:30 02.12.22 06:16 03.02.22 06:12 04.01.22 09:13 26.2 21.4 ( ( ) ) 18.5 14.0 25.0 50.0 kg/m2 % Intracelluar Water Extracelluar Water Basal Metabolic Rate 59.7 34.8 1635 ( ( ( ) ) ) 48.1 29.3 1600 58.6 35.9 1873 lb lb lb Research Parameters 161.3 0.372 161.4 0.371 160.3 0.370 161.4 0.372 160.9 0.370 162.0 0.370 165.8 0.370 164.1 0.368

Product Specif ica t ions

Addit ional Result Sheets


100,000 results (if member ID is utilized)


40 impedance measurements

8 frequencies at each of the 5 segments (Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg)


Body Composition Result Sheet, Body Water Result Sheet (Optional), InBody Tissues, USB Thumb Drive, Laser Printer, Poster


Body Composition, Body Water, Research, Comparison, Age-Specific Evaluation, Children, Visceral Fat


Body Composition and Body Water



Barcode Scanner Integration, Lookin’Body 120 and Lookin’Body Web Compatible, Touchscreen, Voice Guidance System, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Connectivity, Security Access Code, BAND2 Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition


Age-Specif ic Evaluation

Body Composition Analysis (Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass, Weight), Muscle-Fat Analysis (Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Body Fat Mass), Obesity Analysis (Body Mass Index, Percent Body Fat), Segmental Lean Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental Body Fat Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental ICW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental ECW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental Body Water Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental ECW/TBW Ratio Analysis (ECW Ratio), Body Composition History (Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Percent Body Fat, ECW Ratio), InBody Score, Body Water Composition (Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water), Body Water Composition History (Weight, Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water), Visceral Fat Area (Graph), Body Fat-Fat Free Mass Control (Body Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass), Nutrition Evaluation (Protein, Minerals, Body Fat), Obesity Evaluation (BMI, Percent Body Fat), Body Balance Evaluation (Upper, Lower, Upper-Lower), Visceral Fat Level (Graph), Research Parameters (Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Fat Free Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, Waist Circumference, Visceral Fat Level, Visceral Fat Area, Bone Mineral Content, Body Cell Mass, Arm Circumference, FFMI, FMI, SMI, Recommended Calorie per Day, Calorie Expenditure of Exercise, InBody Score, Protein, Minerals, Body Fat Mass, Leg Lean Mass, TBW/FFM, ICW/FFM, SMM/WT, ECM/BCM, TBW/WT), Results Interpretation QR Code, QR Code, Segmental Phase Angle (5 kHz, 50 kHz, 250 kHz, Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Whole Body Phase Angle (50 kHz: the right side of the body), Whole Body Phase Angle History, SMI History, Impedance Graph (Each segment and each frequency), Blood Pressure† (Systolic, Diastolic, Mean Artery Pressure, Pulse Rate, Pulse Pressure, Rate Pressure Product), BIVA (Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis) Graph



Body Composition Summary (So Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Total Body Water, Extracellular Water Ratio, Weight), Body Composition Analysis (Fat Free Mass, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Body Fat Mass, Extracellular Water Ratio) : Evaluate 'Whole body, Right arm, Le arm, Trunk, Right leg, Le leg' respectively, Research Parameters (BMI, PBF), Waist-Hip Ratio, Visceral Fat Area, Obesity Degree, Waist Circumference, FMI, SMM, So Lean Mass, FFMI, SMI, Protein, Body Cell Mass, Mineral, Bone Mineral Content, BMR, Arm Circumference, Arm Muscle Circumference, TBW/FFM, Segmental Body Phase Angle (5kHz, 50kHz, 250kHz: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Whole Body Phase Angle (50kHz: the right side of the body), Impedance (Each segment and each frequency) Graph

Age-Specific Evaluation

BIVA (50 kHz), Whole Body Phase Angle (T-score, Z-score), Whole Body ECW Ratio (ECW/TBW, T-score, Z-score), ECW Ratio Balance (Segmental), TBW/WT (TBW/WT, T-score, Z-score), PBF (T-score, Z-score), SMM/ECW Ratio (SMM, ECW/TBW), SMI/ECW Ratio (SMI, ECW/TBW), SMI (SMI, T-score, Z-score), FFMI (FFMI, T-score, Z-score), Lean Mass Balance, FMI (FMI, T-score, Z-score), SMM/WT (SMM/WT, T-score, Z-score), Visceral Fat Area (T-score, Z-score), Weight (T-score, Z-score), Body Mass Index (T-score, Z-score), Body Cell Mass (T-score, Z-score), ECM/BCM (ECM/BCM, T-score, Z-score)


Weight, SMM, BFM, ECW Ratio, Phase Angle: Whole Body and Segmental (Today's Results, Recent Results, Di erences), Segmental Lean Mass, Segmental ECW Ratio, Fat Free Mass, Extracellular Water Ratio, Phase Angle: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg (Today's Results, Recent Results, Di erences), Whole Body and Segmental Body Cole-Cole Plot (Today's Results, Recent Results)


Weight, Body Fat Mass, Dry Lean Mass, Total Body Water, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Percent Body Fat, InBody Score, Body Fat-Fat Free Mass Control, Nutrition Evaluation, Obesity Evaluation, Body Balance Evaluation, Segmental Lean Analysis, Segmental Body Water Analysis, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Fat Free Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, Protein, Minerals, Bone Mineral Content, Body Cell Mass, Arm Circumference, FFMI, FMI, SMI, SMM/WT, ECM/BCM, TBW/WT, QR Code, Whole Body Phase Angle, Segmental Phase Angle, Whole Body Phase Angle History, SMI History, Blood Pressure† (Systolic, Diastolic, Mean Artery Pressure, Pulse Rate, Pulse Pressure, Rate Pressure Product), BIVA (Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis)

† Blood Pressure outputs available when used in conjunction with select InBody Blood Pressure devices.

Growth Graph 50 ~ 75% 10 ~ 25% Height (ft, in) Age 3/12 6/12 5 3/12 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Weight (lb) 20 60 80 120 140 180 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Age Male 5ft 06.3in John Doe 18 07.12.2022. 11:55 Impedance 1 5 50 250 500 1000 2000 3000 RA LA TR TR RL LL [000/000/000] IR-USA-00-C-190318 24.2” 48.8” 37.9”
WEIGHT RANGE 11-661.4 lb AGE RANGE 3-150 years
PRINTERS Laser/Inkjet
Year Manufacturer’s Warranty HEIGHT RANGE 3 1.40 in-7 2.61 in
TEST DURATION 70 seconds DIMENSIONS 24.2 x 37.9 x 48.8 (W x L x H ): in EQUIPMENT WEIGHT 101.4 lb
50 kHz,
kHz, 500 kHz,
5 kHz,
3 MHz

Product Specif ica t ions

ACCESSORIES Body Composition Result Sheet, Body Water Result Sheet (Optional), InBody Tissues, USB Thumb Drive, Laser Printer, Poster


Body Composition, Body Water, Research, Comparison, Age-Specific Evaluation, Children, Visceral Fat


Body Composition and Body Water

ADDITIONAL FEATURES Barcode Scanner Integration, Lookin’Body 120 and Lookin’Body Web Compatible, Touchscreen, Voice Guidance System, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth Connectivity, Security Access Code, BAND2 Recognition, Fingerprint Recognition

Body Composition Analysis (Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Dry Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass, Weight), Muscle-Fat Analysis (Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Body Fat Mass), Obesity Analysis (Body Mass Index, Percent Body Fat), Segmental Lean Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental Body Fat Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental ICW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental ECW Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental Body Water Analysis (Based on ideal weight/Based on current weight: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Segmental ECW/TBW Ratio Analysis (ECW Ratio), Body Composition History (Weight, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Percent Body Fat, ECW Ratio), InBody Score, Body Water Composition (Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water), Body Water Composition History (Weight, Total Body Water, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water), Visceral Fat Area (Graph), Body Fat-Fat Free Mass Control (Body Fat Mass, Fat Free Mass), Nutrition Evaluation (Protein, Minerals, Body Fat), Obesity Evaluation (BMI, Percent Body Fat), Body Balance Evaluation (Upper, Lower, Upper-Lower), Visceral Fat Level (Graph), Research Parameters (Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Fat Free Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, Waist Circumference, Visceral Fat Level, Visceral Fat Area, Bone Mineral Content, Body Cell Mass, Arm Circumference, FFMI, FMI, SMI, Recommended Calorie per Day, Calorie Expenditure of Exercise, InBody Score, Protein, Minerals, Body Fat Mass, Leg Lean Mass, TBW/FFM, ICW/FFM, SMM/WT, ECM/BCM, TBW/WT), Results Interpretation QR Code, QR Code, Segmental Phase Angle (5 kHz, 50 kHz, 250 kHz, Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Whole Body Phase Angle (50 kHz: the right side of the body), Whole Body Phase Angle History, SMI History, Impedance Graph (Each segment and each frequency), Blood Pressure† (Systolic, Diastolic, Mean Artery Pressure, Pulse Rate, Pulse Pressure, Rate Pressure Product), BIVA (Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis) Graph

Research Body Composition Summary (So Lean Mass, Body Fat Mass, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Total Body Water, Extracellular Water Ratio, Weight), Body Composition Analysis (Fat Free Mass, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Body Fat Mass, Extracellular Water Ratio) : Evaluate 'Whole body, Right arm, Le arm, Trunk, Right leg, Le leg' respectively, Research Parameters (BMI, PBF), Waist-Hip Ratio, Visceral Fat Area, Obesity Degree, Waist Circumference, FMI, SMM, So Lean Mass, FFMI, SMI, Protein, Body Cell Mass, Mineral, Bone Mineral Content, BMR, Arm Circumference, Arm Muscle Circumference, TBW/FFM, Segmental Body Phase Angle (5kHz, 50kHz, 250kHz: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg), Whole Body Phase Angle (50kHz: the right side of the body), Impedance (Each segment and each frequency) Graph

Age-Specific Evaluation BIVA (50 kHz), Whole Body Phase Angle (T-score, Z-score), Whole Body ECW Ratio (ECW/TBW, T-score, Z-score), ECW Ratio Balance (Segmental), TBW/WT (TBW/WT, T-score, Z-score), PBF (T-score, Z-score), SMM/ECW Ratio (SMM, ECW/TBW), SMI/ECW Ratio (SMI, ECW/TBW), SMI (SMI, T-score, Z-score), FFMI (FFMI, T-score, Z-score), Lean Mass Balance, FMI (FMI, T-score, Z-score), SMM/WT (SMM/WT, T-score, Z-score), Visceral Fat Area (T-score, Z-score), Weight (T-score, Z-score), Body Mass Index (T-score, Z-score), Body Cell Mass (T-score, Z-score), ECM/BCM (ECM/BCM, T-score, Z-score)

Comparison Weight, SMM, BFM, ECW Ratio, Phase Angle: Whole Body and Segmental (Today's Results, Recent Results, Di erences), Segmental Lean Mass, Segmental ECW Ratio, Fat Free Mass, Extracellular Water Ratio, Phase Angle: Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg (Today's Results, Recent Results, Di erences), Whole Body and Segmental Body Cole-Cole Plot (Today's Results, Recent Results)


Weight, Body Fat Mass, Dry Lean Mass, Total Body Water, Skeletal Muscle Mass, Percent Body Fat, InBody Score, Body Fat-Fat Free Mass Control, Nutrition Evaluation, Obesity Evaluation, Body Balance Evaluation, Segmental Lean Analysis, Segmental Body Water Analysis, Intracellular Water, Extracellular Water, Fat Free Mass, Basal Metabolic Rate, Protein, Minerals, Bone Mineral Content, Body Cell Mass, Arm Circumference, FFMI, FMI, SMI, SMM/WT, ECM/BCM, TBW/WT, QR Code, Whole Body Phase Angle, Segmental Phase Angle, Whole Body Phase Angle History, SMI History, Blood Pressure† (Systolic, Diastolic, Mean Artery Pressure, Pulse Rate, Pulse Pressure, Rate Pressure Product), BIVA (Bioelectrical Impedance Vector Analysis)

† Blood Pressure outputs available when used in conjunction with select InBody Blood Pressure devices. 4338 Innes Rd, Suite 75 Ottawa, ON K4A 3W3

24.2” 48.8” 37.9”
WEIGHT RANGE 11-661.4 lb AGE RANGE 3-150 years COMPATIBLE PRINTERS Laser/Inkjet WARRANTY 1 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty HEIGHT RANGE 3 1.40 in-7 2.61 in
TEST DURATION 70 seconds DIMENSIONS 24.2 x 37.9 x 48.8 (W x L x H ): in EQUIPMENT WEIGHT 101.4 lb FREQUENCIES 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 50 kHz, 250 kHz, 500 kHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, 3 MHz MEASUREMENTS 40 impedance measurements 8 frequencies at each of the 5 segments (Right Arm, Le Arm, Trunk, Right Leg, Le Leg) DATABASE 100,000 results (if member ID is utilized)

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