1 minute read
have I ever hannah rosales
have I ever
have I ever
warned you about falling in love with people you see on the bus temporary passengers you only meet once
if I could write us memories I would have us eating pad thai at McDonald’s or drinking orange juice atop of apple trees with pulp like we’re not fiction a concept that can’t live in a movie we move in between muffled laughs our Soundclouds
you reach your stop the daydream doesn’t but even when it does left unfinished saving the best for—
if I could write us memories you’d be my button-down shirt unbuttoned billowing like a cape but you’re not my hero don’t heroes leave when they’re done saving?
if I could write us memories you would call hey, remember that time when you when you something like I remember something about That was real, right?
If I could write us memories I would fall asleep to the sound of your voice and the way you’d whisper, “I love—”
have I ever told you we are unfinished cherry on top without the cake book pages without the cover x