Inclusion Europe
The European conference of self-advocates: Listen to what we have to say! ..........................................................................................................1
DISCIT: Towards active citizenship for Europeans with disabilities .....................................................................................................12
Getting older: Ageing and Intellectual Disability .............................................................................................4
A significant step towards the right to make decisions for people with intellectual disabilities ............................15
Working together towards accessible information and lifelong learning for all ......................................................................................................................6
Not letting a serious crisis go to waste ......................................................................16
TOPSIDE: Training opportunities for peer supporters with intellectual disabilities ....................................................................................................................8 The Right to Decide: Inclusion International’s Global Campaign on Decision-Making ....................................................................10
New Paths to InclUsion Network: Searching for keys to inclusion in the community
Hear our Voices: A perspective on children with intellectual disabilities ...............................................................................................................21 Europe in Action 2014: Growing up with an intellectual disability ........................................................23
Together we are stronger: the European conference of self-advocates brought together participants from 20 different countries.
The European conference of self-advocates: Listen to what we have to say!
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities guarantees all people with disabilities the right to take an active part in society on an equal basis with others. Yet, restrictions on legal capacity, discrimination and segregation in institutional care constantly undermine the status of persons with intellectual disabilities as equal citizens in European society.
Over 160 self-advocates and supporters from twenty different countries took part in the ‘Hear our voices’ conference held on 4-6 October 2013 in Zagreb. Marking the European Year of Citizens, the event brought together self-advocates from different corners of Europe to claim their rights as full and equal citizens.
The conference was organised by the European Platform of Self-Advocates (EPSA) in partnership with the Association for Self-Advocacy and Inclusion Europe. The choice of fourteen workshops provided European self-advocates with an outstanding opportunity to discuss their rights and exchange ideas and experiences in different aspects of life.