1 minute read

Figure 11: Health consumption by race, 2015

Source: Oosthuizen, 2019

Figure 12 illustrates private transfers, which are financial transfers financed by either income or assets, and are measured in thousands of Rands (R‘000).9 Private transfer inflows and outflows can be between (inter) or within (intra) household and may take the form of remittances, maintenance payments, and gifts.49 Inter (between) household transfers do not make up much of the net transfers, with inflows making up less than 3% of peak lifecycle earnings and outflows making up less than 2%. Private transfers are dominated by intra (within) household flows.


Public net transfers have not been included in this discussion, but they consist of inflows and outflows as well. Public transfer inflows refer to government funded programs and services such as education, health, and social grants. Public transfer outflows refer to taxes paid to the government.49

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