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Figure 13: Gender Inequality and Income Distribution as estimated by Gonzales et al. (2015

The coefficients for the GII show that, if all other factors remained unchanged, and a country moved from perfect gender equality (a GII of 0) to perfect gender inequality (a GII of 1), the country’s net Gini Coefficient would increase by 9.761 (column 1), the income share of the top 10% and 60% of earners would increase by 16.81% and 10.09% respectively (column 2 and 3), and the income share of the bottom 40% and 20% would decline by 9.367% and 5.34% respectively (column 4 and 5). Source: Gonzales et al. 2015. Catalyst for Change: Empowering Women and Tackling Income Inequality.


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